Author Topic: Stranger In A Strange Land  (Read 3830 times)

Offline LittleMissVex

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Stranger In A Strange Land
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:26:09 PM »
Well, I guess this is the part where I introduce myself, isn’t it?

Hello SCW. My name is Kasey Vex.

And I’m here to win this whole damn thing.

Trite? Perhaps. Cliche? Almost certainly.

True? 100%.

But I think I’m getting a little ahead of myself, aren’t I? After all, I’m not exactly a known commodity in this company, as one of my upcoming opponents pointed out on social media. But what’s life without a little mystery to keep things interesting, am I right? You should be quite used to it, Bobbie. Isn’t that what the Roulette title is all about? A spin of the wheel, never knowing just what kind of havoc you’ll be forced to defend that title in?

Surprised that I know that? Well, just because you don’t seem to know anything about me doesn’t mean that I don’t know about you, or your company. I’m the kind of person who does my homework. Of course, it helps when you’ve got friends in high places, as well…

Oop, there I go rambling again. Here I was supposed to be formally introducing myself.

But I’d much rather introduce myself in the ring.


A tournament?

Kasey squinted skeptically at the phone screen, one eyebrow raised as her mouth curved into a frown. “A mixed tag tournament?

Seated behind a massive oak desk, Kasey’s half-brother Eddy smiled. “Just another opportunity for you to expand your reach in the wake of this Miracle Galaxy hiatus. Don’t worry, I’ve looked over your schedule and this won’t create too much interference with your other obligations. In fact, it all slots in quite nicely together with Valkyrie Pro and IWF. It’s just enough to keep you busy without becoming overwhelmed.

Well, I kinda know the place. Lach had a run there. He couldn’t say enough good things about it.” Kasey flicked her finger across the screen, her dark eyes flitting back and forth as she read over the information. “But a blind draw? I dunno…” She chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t really know a lot of the people here. I mean, I know of them but I don’t really know anyone personally…except Kallie. And Aiden, a bit.

Eddy stood up from the chair, his tall lanky frame unfolding as he ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair. “There are some pretty established names taking part. Even others from outside the company. Yes, there’s a chance at drawing a complete dud for a partner, but there’s also an equal chance at drawing a world-class competitor. Besides that, the winners of this tournament will get automatic World title shots down the line in their respective divisions.

Kasey still didn’t seem convinced. “A World title shot for a company I’m not even technically signed to? Seems a bit ass-backwards, doesn’t it?” She let out a sigh, running a hand through her long black hair. “Just…I don’t know if this is the right move, honestly.

Eddy sat down opposite Kasey and leaned forward, giving her an eager look. “Have I led you astray yet? I’m only trying to help. I know how much wrestling means to you, and you took the Miracle Galaxy hiatus a bit hard. I just want to make sure that you get new opportunities to show the world just how much of an incredible talent you are.

Her face softened slightly, and a slight pink flush rose in her cheeks as she stared down at her phone again. After a moment of quiet contemplation, she raised her shoulders in a shrug. “Eh, what the hell? Let’s do it.

Eddy clapped his hands together as a broad smile appeared on his face. “Excellent! I’ll get in touch with Misters Ward and Underwood and get things in motion! I have a great feeling about this, Kasey. I really think this is going to propel you into new levels of stardom. The companies will be breaking down the door to sign you now.

Kasey rose up from the couch, making her way towards the door. “Might as well get in some more gym time, then. Wanna make sure I’m in prime shape for this.” As she opened the door, a man and woman were standing on the opposite side, looking as if they were about to enter. Kasey gave them a passing glance as she rushed past them down the hallway, and the two of them stared after her as they strolled into the office.

Well, where is your sister dearest rushing off to in such a hurry?” the woman said, her black-painted lips curving up into a smirk as she sauntered up to the desk and raised herself up to sit on the edge of it, crossing her legs demurely in an exaggerated display of femininity that was at odds with the eccentric Gothic-style outfit she wore.

Eddy dropped back down into the chair behind his desk, tenting his fingers together under his chin. “Getting ready for this tournament I convinced her to join in Sin City Wrestling.” His lips curled up into a smirk that mirrored the womans’ as his hazel-green eyes flashed almost menacingly. “It’s almost criminal how easily this plan has been coming together. I’ve just had to feed into her ego, convince her that I’m trying to help further her career.” A dark chuckle rose from his throat. “And she’s lapped it all up like a starved little puppy. Desperate for any shred of validation she can get.

Aww, the wee little pathetic lamb,” the woman said, turning her dark lips down in an exaggerated pout before letting out a piercing cackle.

The other man raked a hand through his shoulder-length red hair, sliding a hand into the pocket of his tattered patchwork coat. “What exactly is the end game for all this, Eddy? You just want to build her up only to bring her crashing back down?

All in due time, V,” Eddy replied, turning his chair to gaze out across the London cityscape below his office window. “All in due time.


So, I drew the Raven. Matthew Knox. Somewhat of a legend around the scene. Never had any personal dealings with the man, but I know people that have.

Lachlan says hi, by the way.

I admit, I had some reservations coming into this tournament, but now knowing who my partner is, I can’t say I’m disappointed. You’re an extremely well-traveled and decorated competitor, so I know that you’re more than up to the challenge of this tournament no matter who gets placed in front of us. I don’t know how much you know about me, but all you really need to know is that I’m ready to hold my own and face every challenge that steps in our way.

And by the looks of things, that’s going to be quite the tall order for this first round.

Now, from what I’ve been able to gather, you and Peter Vaughn have…history. The details of that history elude me, but suffice it to say I’m confident that the two of you are far from friends. I just hope that your desire to win this tournament won’t be derailed by any visions of violence. I’m quite sure you’re a smart man, Mr. Knox, and that you’ll more than pull your weight in this partnership.

But let me turn my attention to the other half of the equation. Miss Bobbie Dahl. Current reigning SCW Roulette champion. And, from what I can see, quite a formidable opponent. Now, don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person to just needlessly tear someone else down to feed my own ego. I’d like to think I’m above such pedantic behaviour. I can recognize when I’m stepping up to true talent, and I see that in you Bobbie.

The problem is, I’m on a mission. And nothing short of pure divine intervention is going to stop me.

You see, I’ve been on one of the biggest career highs I’ve ever had. Every company I’ve been in as of late, I have made lasting impressions. Mostly with my boot across the necks of anyone who steps to me. And I’m planning on leaving the same kind of impressions here in SCW, even if it’s only for a brief visit.

But then again, who knows? I do currently find myself drifting a bit, searching for new places to ply my trade. Perhaps my stay in SCW won’t be quite so transitional. Maybe I’ll stick around, make myself comfortable for a little while longer. I have heard wonderful things about this company from members past and present.

But first, I’ll have to get by the welcoming committee. I suppose Matthew and I should feel flattered that the bosses thought so highly of us to put us up against two current champions. Maybe it’s a sign of things to come. A foreshadowing, if you will. I know this tournament is dubbed “Blast From The Past”, but once we arrive, you’ll be looking at a couple of future SCW World champions.

The Raven, Matthew Knox.

The Lost Girl, Kasey Vex.

The future winners of Blast From The Past.