Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Ben Jordan

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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2024, 11:25:47 AM »
The scene opens as usual for a Ben Jordan promo, the man himself sitting in a chair, waiting to do his introduction.

"It's been a couple of right lousy weeks as you can imagine people." Ben says with a soft tone. "As ya can tell, not my usually perky self as I sit here and have a chat with ya and show ya what I've been up to recently. We're sitting here on Tuesday and blimey, I've been a bear with a sore head since Climax Control."

He turns his head slightly, as the bitterness returns to his body.

"It's been a bit of a slump since then." Ben says honestly. "And I'll level with ya, I really dunno what I was doing or anything like that. I didn't know what to shoot for you lot, the whole match thing has me in knots so I filmed a bit of everything since Climax Control and threw it all together."

Ben puts his palms out in front of him.

"It does very much have a theme." Ben says. "Not a great one because no one likes to see the good guy hit the skids and end up on a downward turn and I hope to think at times I am the good guy, but even good guys struggle, even good guys have their moments of sliding."

He exhales sharply.

"I guess this was mine." Ben says. "Shouldn't known things might have gone bangers up when I had a cameraman appear right after the match. Then finding out what I'm doing next."

He slowly shakes his head.

"I figured that might be something you guys might wanna see, so let's roll it." He says with a wag of his finger...

It was minutes after the Mixed Tag Team Championship match and Ben was already sitting in his dressing room alone. Disappointment covered him from top to bottom as the all too familiar of failure covered him once more from top to bottom. His mind felt like it was racing although none of the thoughts made sense as he sat on the floor, sweat dripping from his body, his knees up high against his chest. A camera was pointed at him as he sat deep in empty thought.

"How are you feeling?" The cameraman asked him.

Ben put his head up slowly, noticing the camera for the first time from he preoccupied state. He sat silently for a few seconds.

"How am I feeling, Phil?" He said with an odd snap. "How am I feeling cameraman Phil?"

He paused as he breathed in, unsure on himself on how to continue before opting to speak from his heart.

"I'm annoyed Phil. Really annoyed!" Ben said back with a low tone. "I'm annoyed that I feel like I've been turned over out there, I'm annoyed that people are right about me, I'm annoyed I let this bloody happen, that I let this whole thing happen instead of putting the whole thing to bed but once again, I screwed the pooch and blew it. I should have known."

Ben put his hands behind his head, squeezing his interlocked fingers tightly.

"Knew what?" The cameraman asked.

"That Finn was going to use everything I said against me. It's what Finn does, I should have seen it coming." Ben said with bitterness.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean." The cameraman said confused.

"What I mean..." Ben instantly snapped back. "is Finn used what I said against me in a clever way. I'm not talking the good old traditional microphone battle, I mean in the sense not only did he hear my words, but he watched my body language and figured out when I believed in myself or when I was lacking confidence and all he had to do out there tonight was see my body language when I wasn't confident and keep me at bay, knew when to strike. This is why he's gonna be World Champion, because he's smart."

"Oh..." The cameraman said understanding.

"You know what else makes him smart?" Ben asked no one in particular. "That he's right about me, cause once again, I gotta sound like a broken record and admit I let Sam down again and I should have ended things earlier. I say that so much, I might as well repeat it in my sleep. If I ended it earlier, then I wouldn't have to feel disappointed, I wouldn't have to admit to letting Sammi down and I wouldn't be this broken record."

"If Alexander Raven didn't interfere, things might have been different." Phil tries to offer in a comforting tone.

"Like I said, I should have put it to bed earlier. Broken record Ben strikes again." Ben said with a disappointed tone. "But you know what? I have no bloody clue what the hell Alexander Raven was doing out there, it actually made sod all sense. None at all, I mean really? Geezer I don't really know appears and does that randomly when he's not exactly been here all the time. I'm baffled by it but right now, couldn't give a monkeys Phil. Here's what I wanna do. I wanna get up, shower, walk out of this place without saying a word, drop a message to use all those vacation days Despayre got in my contract and go and figure out what to do here, because I'm clearly not the Ben Jordan I used to be and I have no idea how to be him anymore."

He looked at the ground shaking his head slowly.

"Let's hope I'm not working this supercard because there's absolutely no point." He said to himself.

"Not even against Raven?" The cameraman asked.

"I do not give a damn about Raven." Ben fired back. "At this point, I don't really care why he did it, what he hopes to gain from it or how he thinks he's gonna use me to boost his career."

Ben looked directly down the camera.

"Hey Alexander." Ben said firmly. "If you're looking to use me to try and boost your career or whatever, you shoulda found someone better, someone that you might get credibility for beating up, well that's not me anymore. You don't get much for beating up the new whipping boy of SCW, shoulda gone after someone worthwhile."

Ben waved Phil off.

"If ya don't mind Phil." Ben said with a wave of his hand. "I gotta get ready, I have a plane to catch."

And it was on that flight Ben had learned about his upcoming match at My Bloody Valentine. He sat on his private plane stunned as the card came through to his phone. He knew he had to get some thoughts off his mind and a flight long game of Football Manager had been paused and the recording program had been set up. He centred his face on the camera and hit the red button.

"So I just saw the card." Ben said with a thoughtful tone. "And I'm baffled. I really am, it hasn't really sunk in yet but I don't get it."

His face matched his baffled tone as he took a few seconds to let things sink in.

"My first thoughts is to ask why." He said confused. "I mean the match doesn't make sense to me. I know what I am, I know who I am, I'm the guy who fills in for people, fills spots on the card when there's no one else, when people take a break but this just feels like I've been shoehorned in to this for absolutely no reason at all."

His face changed to pure confusion.

"I mean I didn't need to be on this show." He said seriously. "It feels like I've been stuck in this thing to make something up to me that I have zero interest in. It's bloody weird. This is seriously not me at all. I get I make up the numbers a lot and I'm ok with that but this feels pointless. I'm not a hardcore wrestler, never have been. Even when I was Roulette champion, I was ready for anything, even those poxy over sexualised matches that seemed to make their way on to the wheel when I was champion but I was never a blood and guts bloke. I'm a bloke who believes there is an art to wrestling and stories don't need to be told in random matches like this. Blow off matches I get, but this makes sod all sense. It's four random guys with no build up, no major heat towards each other, just chucked in to a situation that well, like I said, doesn't make a lick of sense."

He turned his head, trying to find the right words.

"I've tried to add logic to this whole thing." Ben said seriously. "But I really can't find any sorta logic at all to it. I dunno why name is in this whole thing. If it's to light a fire under me, it's not gonna work. I'm not gonna get it this and get the taste for blood, I'm not gonna get a love for blood and guts wrestling overnight. I am mentally and physically done at this point, this could be my last match because I'm not focused and if you're going in to matches like this without being focused, you could get seriously hurt and this could happen to me. My career could end being put in a match I ain't comfortable with, I'm not mentally ready for and that I'm not focused for. I've never been one to be frustrated at any SCW booking ever but this is bonkers."

He sighed deeply.

"I am not this type of guy." Ben said with a slight shake of his head. "Yet here I am with a potential career ending match. Yeah, I'm talking about retirement because I've made my cash after twelve plus years putting my body on the line and I would like to walk away from it while I can walk away from it but this is putting me at risk. I will be a good little solider and carry on while I can and do this thing even though it could put my long term health at risk, but as soon as it's done, Despayre might be getting a call to try and get me to buy my way out of this contract."

He never thought he would say that and his face matched it with disappointment.

"I never wanted it to end like this but I'm frustrated." He admitted. "I'm not the Ben Jordan people expect anymore. Last two matches, a draw and a count out loss and now thrown in to something that ain't me, never has been me, never will be me. I get a wrestlers careers has ups and downs, but so far this year for me has been shocking. Nothing's clicking anymore and I'm falling out of love with something I used to adore. I feel like my mental health is being abused here and I don't know why. I've always done what's asked of me and now I'm starting to feel that being the nice guy isn't getting me nowhere."

His face matched the sadness he felt just by saying those words.

"The reason I'm recording this is not for anyone else, although I'm sure somehow, someone will get hold of it, they always do and throw crap back in ya mush, but I'm recording this for me." He said to himself. "Because after your body is torn up in a pointless match, after you're struggling to walk or sit on a plane for hours, I want you to rewatch this and ask yourself if you still feel this way. I want you to ask yourself is it worth all the aggro because others want you around more then you want to be around. Is it worth continuing when things don't look better. You need to somehow focus on the job at hand and try and be able to get through this, but mate, it's that time you need to look out for yourself. No more Saint Ben doing it all for others, it's about you taking care of number one for a change."

He wiped his hand over his forehead.

"This can't go on." He said firmly. "You can't have your head screwed with because people wanna see Ben the wrestler rather then the man behind Ben, Ben the person. It's just not on. So I'm hoping when you watch this back after that pointless match, you make the right call. If ya still feel the exact same way you do now, it's time to get the hell out of dodge. People can say what they want but when ya mental health is getting put on the line for silly things, just ain't worth the hassle. I hope that match didn't kill ya and ya still able to watch this."

He stopped recording and closed the laptop lid down, just staring in to space for a few seconds. He tried to shake the whole thing from his mind but just couldn't.

His mood didn't improve as Ben sat in his local bar, The Ferry House, just at a table with his eyes on his pint, taking no notice of the crowd that had filtered in through the hours he had sat in the same spot. Even if he had raised his head, he would have seen a lack of familiar faces, the pub's clientele changing dramatically over the last few weeks.

"Shoulda done better." His words were slurred, but not completely in a drunken stupor. "But Finn knew what was up. I should tweet some rubbish like that cause Finn knows. Hey Ben, you've done it again, come up with another hashtag."

He pulled out his phone, quickly tapping away at the screen.

"I don't need to tag him in it." He mutters to himself. "Cause Finn knows obviously!"

He finished up his typing and put his phone back down on the table in front of him and looked back at his pint, lifting it up and taking a big mouthful. He placed the pint glass back on the table, only for another to appear in front of him from a female hand. He squinted as he looked up towards her, spotting the hand belonging to the barmaid. He only had to raise an eyebrow for her to know what he was going to ask.

"It's from the guys over there." She told Ben. "They're fans of yours. They want to know if they can take a selfie with ya."

Ben sat mulling the request over in his slightly clouded mind.

"I'll come and take one with them in a bit." Ben tells her. "I should have thought about that before."

"Thought about what?" She asked with a genuinely curious tone.

"Should sell selfie's for pints." He said with a half hearted smile. "I guess in a way with what I do, I guess I've been doing it for years without even looking at things that way."

"Must be nice to be famous." She commented.

"Not as sunshine, rainbows and lollypops as most people think to be fair." Ben replied.

She smiled as she went back to work. Ben raised the glass to the group with one hand and holding up five fingers to indicate five minutes before he'll be over to take the selfie, unsure if he actually would. His mood was low and didn't mind disappointing people at this point, but a free beer sat in front of him.

"Guess being famous does have some perks, even if it is being famous for being a let down." Ben put the glass to his lips as soon as he finished speaking.

"Something wrong son?" Ben heard aimed in his direction.

Ben looked up, he didn't notice the old man with a walking from next to him looking down at him. Ben blinked with surprise.

"Nothing I can't handle." Ben muttered.

The old man looked at the bar waving at the barmaid.

"Can I have my usual and a pint for this young man?" He asked.

Ben put his hand up, pointing at his full glass in front of him.

"Cheer but I just got one." He told the old man.

The old man looked at him and put a hand on Ben's shoulder.

"I know that son." He told Ben. "But if I looked like you do right now, I'd want another drink too."

Ben couldn't help but smile at the man as he nodded his head.

"Can't argue with that logic." Ben said with his first genuine smile all day.

"Mind if I join ya?" He asked.

Ben didn't have time to respond as the old man was already taking the seat opposite him, his walking frame parked behind him. Ben put his hand out towards the chair as the old man sat before him.

"You've gone a face so long, if you went to a race course, they'll put you in the four forty." The old man said with a grin.

Ben couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Just things going wonky for me a bit." Ben told him. "Every time I swing, I miss."

Two drinks were placed in front of them from the same barmaid, before she rushed away once more.

"Work ain't all it's cracking up to be these days." Ben explained.

"What do you do?" The man asked Ben.

"Believe it or not, I'm a wrestler." Ben told him.

"Like those blokes on the tele?" He asked as he put his thumb towards the television.

Ben had been obvious to the fact that for a good hour, SCW Climax Control was being shown on a nearby television from the past Sunday. It had already made it's way to the main event.

"That's who I work for." Ben said. "I was on that show earlier but must have missed myself."

"So what's wrong with it?" He asked as he picked up his drink.

Ben sighed.

"I've been doing it for so long, it's not as fun as it used to be." Ben told him honestly. "It's a whole lot of stress."

"I'm eighty four years old." The man told Ben. "Work has never been fun, but we do it to keep going. There's a lot of people, especially round here that are having a tough time. People come in here because it's the cheapest pub on the Island, because it's either that or drinking at home on your own. Work is just something we have to do, but life ain't about that."

Ben raised an eyebrow as he looked at the man.

"So what is it about?" Ben asked.

"The people." He replied. "If you can spend your life around good people, it stops you being miserable. It means you add something to their lives and that will take away from work problems."

Ben nodded his head slowly.

"Wise words." Ben admitted. "I do have a lot of good people in my life that I seem to be letting down at the moment."

The man stared at Ben for just a few seconds.

"If they still keep in touch, you're not letting them down son." The man said with a comforting tone. "And I don't know if you've noticed but there's a lot of people around looking at you and smiling."

Ben hadn't noticed but it didn't take him long to lift his head and look around and people indeed looking at him and smiling. Ben looked back at the man.

"You're wise beyond your years." Ben said with a smile. "If you'd excuse me for a second, I think I owe those lads over there a selfie. I won't be a minute."

Ben stood up, a slight smile on his face as the man nodded his head. Ben headed off in the direction of the men to do exactly what he said he would do. The first of many selfie's through the night.

We return to Ben in his chair.

"Believe me people, it didn't get any better from there at all. That last scene, absolute highlight of my week." Ben says with a slow shake of his head. "But here we go, we got a match to sell regardless."

Ben leans back in his chair.

"So alright people." He says less enthusiastic then usual. "You're gonna have to excuse me if I'm not my usual self but honestly, I dunno what to say or what to do at this point because not gonna lie, I am not overly interested in this one at all. I mean come on, me in a cage with weapons? When have you ever known me to be that kinda bloke?"

He sadly sighs.

"It's not me." He says straight. "It never has been me, but what always has been me is I've gone on like a good little solider and followed orders. I got put in this chaos, I'm gonna have to find some way to deal with it, even if I dunno how. These kinda matches, not easy at all, not the kinda thing someone with a couple of brain cells wants to put themselves in and it seems I'm not alone in those thoughts either. I browsed social media after I found out about this and it turns out I'm not the only one feeling like this is short sighted booking and chucked together for the sake of it, because looks like Aiden Reynolds also has a couple of reservations about this one. Don't blame ya mate."

Ben rolls his eyes.

"We have that in common for sure because you don't seem like the type of fella who has anything to do with these matches." Ben says honestly. "I get why ya here though, SCW giving you a spot on the card, just like me, seemingly for the sake of it and save us from another Bulldog Vs Alexander match, but the difference is I've been here donkey's years, they should know that ain't my kinda thing but you, I dunno, they're maybe seeing if you can do it. I get the feeling you want to be in this one as much as I do, which is very, very little so happy to make ya a little deal. We'll do the wrestling side and let the other two prat around with weapons, how's that sound?"

Ben half smiles.

"I really do feel your pain." Ben says. "But my career is running out, especially after this, but this could make your career Aiden, beating three SCW veterans, would be a lovely feather in your cap, even if it means getting hit by chairs or whatever. I don't even know, you probably don't even know, I don't know why we're here but I do have a lot of pride, probably too much for my own good at times, so as much as we don't want to be here, probably should go put on a show for the people I guess."

Ben waits for a few seconds.

"Someone I do have more then enough experience in the ring with sadly." Ben says. "Bill Barnhart. Bill, it seems like the same old song and dance we do every three weeks it feels like. One form or another, we end up on opposite sides if the ring. It's like they're giving me a greatest hits tour when the hits wasn't really that good. That's how it feels when it comes to getting in the ring with you. It's like I step up, repeat what I've done countless times, get the crowd playing along, have them cheering my name and walking away with my name being chanted. In case that's gone over ya head while you plan your history lesson about what you've done, what I've done and going around in circles like you do most weeks, it means I pretty much beat you all the time, so you need to ask yourself this question."

Ben pauses for dramatic effect.

"Do you really believe a cage and some weapons is gonna make that much of a difference?" He asks. "Sure, this isn't my kind of match, and you probably like this crap more then I do, but do you think it will make a difference on making your chances get higher winning this one?"

Ben puts his hands out flat in front of him.

"In your nut, it probably does." Ben says thoughtfully. "But it mine, nah, doesn't help you much at all, cause I'll do what I always do and out wrestle you. I will stick to my strengths and that pretty much means I will out wrestle you. You might think you're technically sound with your moves right out of the eighties and that knowledge you possess, but one on one, you don't beat me because I'm a pretty decent wrestler. Adding in two more and some weapons doesn't change the fact that I can and will out fight you. Feel free to go for the chairs and swing. It will only prove you need a little extra to try and take me out when wrestling wise, you can't. We've done this wrestling thing before Bill and it might be because I'm on a downer, but I'm bored of facing you Bill. It's been singles, it's been tags, now this. Mate, I'm sick of it, I'm so damn tired of it, it's not even funny anymore, we know how this tends to go, some metal don't change that."

Ben grits his teeth.

"And now you Alexander." He says with slightly more venom to his tone. "What was you thinking? Seriously, I'm happy for you to answer that one back to me when you come out and speak, because I really don't get it."

Ben looks confused.

"Did I do something to offend you? Did I say something you didn't like?" Ben asks. "Because as far as I'm aware, I did nothing to get on your wick son, I did bugger all to cross your path. Was it cause I didn't invite ya for a pint? Hell, maybe I did when I was tanked up and dunno, but me and you ain't exactly crossed paths so why do you think you did what you did? Cause I can't work it out and wondering if anyone can. I mean this is an answers on a postcard sorta thing, not that you or many others will get that reference, but what is it that I did that you thought you could skip on down and take away my redemption? That's what you robbed me off a couple of weeks back was my redemption, my thank you to Sammi for putting up with me, for letting her down in the past and you took that from me but no one can work out why."

Ben sighs.

"Just a bit random, don't ya think?" Ben questions. "I get it if I had done a thing to you, even mentioned ya name in a weird way but the only thing I can think of is you had inside information that for some unknown reason, I was gonna be stuck in this match. That's the only thing I can think of is you knew I was gonna be there, I didn't have a Scooby but you knew and that you did what you did to try and get some kind of advantage on me."

Ben looks seriously down the camera.

"That failed miserably because you're not the reason I'm not with it." He says with a tone matching his face. "Not finishing that match early and being a champion is why I'm not with it, being put in this match is why I'm not with it. They could have replaced you with the Cookie Monster for all I care and this match type would have still thrown me. All you've done is given me a chance to get ya back for stopping me and Sammi from defending the Mixed Tag Team Championships on this show. That's all you've done."

Ben shrugs.

"Gotta ask yourself if it's really worth it." He says casually. "I don't think it was, really don't but that's the thing, I'm not in your head, I am as lost by this whole thing as everyone else. We'll call this a lovely casual chance at revenge for something I dunno what I did to start it. Probably doesn't make sense but well, does in my head. Not a lot makes sense in there though to be honest but through the rubble that does. My head is in the place I didn't even know you was still knocking around here Alexander until that show, but was is clear in my head is win, lose or with my luck lately, draw, you are gonna know ya messed up by costing me those titles. If anything was gonna drive me on, that was."

Ben looks at his watch.

"Well, my time is up here, so I will see you three at My Bloody Valentine." He says with a sad shake of his head. "Laters people."

With a less then enthusiastic wink, the camera fades.

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen

Offline Aiden Reynolds

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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2024, 10:25:47 PM »
The Date


The live entertainment capital of Japan. Bright lights, bars, karaoke, dance clubs. You name it, this city has it. A sprawling epicenter in the district of Minato in Tokyo. An amazing place that tourists of all countries like to visit. But it is also a place that locals love to go to to unwind and blow steam. And this is where we find Aidan Reynolds. An orange cab moves along the sidewalk, coming to a stop, the back door opens, and Aiden steps out, taking in a deep breath before slowly, handing over a few bills. He gives a small nod, thanking the driver before looking up and down the sidewalk.

He smiled, happy with being back on the strip. His mind flashback to the mini late nights that he had here, with the rest of the crew from various wrestling organizations that he had worked for in Japan. They spilled some drinks, had some laughs, sung, plenty of songs at late night karaoke.

Life was good. And now, it was going to be better. A few months ago as Aidan worked for one of the bigger wrestling companies in Japan he met a girl. A beautiful young girl who is backstage at one of the events. To his surprise, she spoke English very well. And as they hit it off, Aidan came to realise that it was The daughter of the CEO and owner. And even as he was warned, even as everyone told him, it would be a bad idea to pursue her. Aidan didn’t care. In his mind, they were too consenting adults, and they could make their own decisions. He moved down the sidewalk towards the small karaoke bar, that they had agreed to meet. he paid the cover charge, walked in and looked around.

They had agreed to journey their separately. Traveling together would end up causing suspicion and raising eyebrows, especially since there were eyes and ears everywhere. He moved toward the back of the club, to a small VIP room. Karaoke bars in Japan, were always very popular, and VIP rooms were booked out. Luckily for him, his date had a certain amount of pull.

Akari Kiriyu.

The daughter of a Japanese business legend. Man who owned one of the most professional and popular wrestling companies in all of Japan. Maybe even the world. She was 24 years old, a recent graduate of college. A bachelors of business under her belt as she looked at getting into the administrative side of the family business.

And there she was. Sitting on the edge of a leather couch that stretched around the wall and toward the door. Wearing a glittery pink dress with matching shoes, she smiled, and stood up, stepping toward Aidan before to herself. ”You made it” Aiden smiled and let her lead him over to the couch before sitting down. Akari smiled and grabbed a drink handing it to Aiden before sitting down next to him ”I’m surprised…”

”Surprised? Why?”

She shook her head and sighed clearly not having any of it. ”You know who my father is. Everyone does. And they avoid me like the plague.” she laughed again, but this time it was to hide the sadness in her voice. Then it hit him, she was lonely. And he understood why. This girl was basically a Japanese fucking princess. And because of that she has felt isolated and locked away.

Aidan shook his head and took a sip of his drink. ”Aye I get it. You can be very intimidating. Smart, beautiful, funny. And ya speak English better than me and it’s my natural language.” She chuckled, her mood brightening as she started to realise that Aidan was telling the truth. He was intimidated. But not by her father, but by her. It made him seem more endearing, and maybe even a little bit more attractive to her.

”I guess studying overseas for six years has it’s positives. You probably know Tokyo better than me….” She took a sip of her drink, smiling as she did. Aiden shrugged, maybe she was right, maybe she was wrong. But right now, Aiden would help her enjoy what time she had free. ”What brought you here anyway? I know many foreigners want to work in Japan but why did you?” Aiden swallowed and shook his head. It was a loaded question.

He sat forward and smiled. ”I grew up watchin wrestling. It was an escape ya know? But a friend of mine, he had some bootleg DVDs of old Japanese stuff…I was hooked…and this was my dream. To see it all, to work here..”

There was a small pause, Akari gave a surefire nod, as if understanding. Her voice was calm, sweet and reassuring. ”That is probably the purest answer I have ever heard. Some want to come here to chase fame and fortune or to use it as a stepping stone..” She took another drink, slowly getting to her feet and backing up toward the screen and microphones. ”But, you have thrown yourself into our culture…” Aiden stood up with her moving close and looking over at the screen. ”Nihongo mo wakaru ndesu ne”(You understand Japanese too)

He chuckled ”Hai, demo sorehodode wa arimasen”(Yes, but not so much) Aiden took a deep breath, thinking a little to try and come up with something else to say. ”Uta o utattari, midoriiro no toriniku o tabete mo īdesu ka?”(Can I eat a song or eat green chicken?) Akari stopped mid step and bit her bottom lip trying not to laugh. She moved around and picked up a microphone, tossing it to Aiden and selecting a song.

”Come on…you’ve escaped singing long enough…”

”More like you have escaped hearin me sing love”

Akari shook her head and went to kick on the machine and select a son, however as she stepped closer the door to the room swung open and a group of men stepped in. All of them Japanese and all of them wearing black suits with small badges with insignias on them. One of them, obviously the leader, stepped forward and completely ignored Aiden, stepping up to Akari and bowing. ”Kiryuu-chan. Chūdan o go yōsha kudasai. Shikashi, anata no chichioya wa anata no shusseki o yōkyū shimashita.”(Miss Kiriyu, Please excuse the interruption, but your father requests your presence)

”Keii o arawashimasuga, chichi no negai wa watashi to wa nani no kankei mo arimasen.”(With all due respect, my fathers wishes have nothing to do with me) She ground her teeth together. Aiden raised an eyebrow feeling the tension in the air.

He cleared his throat and slowly moved between them. ”Matte matte. Minasan ochitsuite kudasai. Kiryuu-san wa mōsukoshi jikan o kureru to omoimasu.”(Wait, Wait. I think Mr Kiriyu can give us a little more time)

The mood changed. The other men standing behind the leader shuffled and started to move around Aiden. Akari swallowed, moving quickly she put her hands up. ”Matte!.... She turned and looked at Aiden shaking her head. ”It’s ok. Aiden I’ll go with them. I know my father and he gets what he wants….but thank you…for making me…for one night….” The sadness returned in her voice. Aiden went to reach out but Akari shook her head, he stepped back as the men followed her out of the room, the door closing behind them.


”Ya only get one chance to make a first impression. And boy did I ever make a fuckin first impression..”

Aiden smirks and moves across the room, he folds his large arms over his chest as Kallie pops in, bouncing happily.

”Yeah you went like..crash boom, bam…and kicked his butt.”

”Oh right…..I knew I forget to tell you something.”

”Forgot to tell me what?”

Aiden, who is only wearing a pair of gym shorts and running shoes, shuffles over and grabs a tie, putting it on…..yes…a tie with no shirt…

”Please…have a seat.”

Aiden motions to the chair near the kitchen table, Kallie raises an eyebrow and sits down.

”Shouldn’t we be…you know, doing the promo thing, you know, where you bounce ideas off me?”

Aiden clears his throat, sitting down across from her shaking his head.

”First off, I want to say that we have loved havin you at our organisation, you have been a shining light and leadership has nothin but lovely things to say about ya. However, corporate has decided to go in a different direction…”

”Corporate? don’t have a “corporate” Aiden.”

Aiden nods and gets to his feet moving toward the door.

”Please, if you need anything, a reference or paperwork let us know….”

Kallie blinks a few times, looking over at a book sitting to the side., reading over one of the habits of a successful people.

”Wait, are you standing up to get rid of me?...I AM NOT A TIME BANDIT AIDEN.”

”Aye I never said you were, but we need to maximize our dynamic growth and to do that we are going with a different tactic to reach our KPI’s. But hey…take a business card.”

Aiden hands a card to her, Kallie blinks a few times and shakes her head.

”This….is written in crayon……wait…what new tactic?”

The door opens, Finn Whelan steps inside, sunglasses on and a leather jacket over his shirt.

”Alright dingo dong, what did you want? I’m here?”

Kallies jaw drops, she looks at Finn then back to Aiden then to Finn again, she then stomps her foot and pouts before Aiden clears his throat. Finn looks over and realises Aiden is cutting a promo. He shakes his head and Aiden meekly smiles and shrugs. Finn then slowly nods and throws his hands in the air.

”Shit I’m bored…so fine…”

Aiden celebrates. Finally getting the promo started.

”So, after winnin my debut against Justin Smith I was wonderin where I was gonna go from there. Was it gonna be a match against a bigger name? Somethin to build myself up a little more and grab some attention? That would normally happen, but this time? Nah. This time I’m bein thrown head first into a fuckin bloodbath. And against a former world champion, a bloke who has been so close to being world champion….and Bill Barnhart…”

“Man what an uphill battle.”

“For starters, I ain’t into the whole deathmatch thing, in fact, I hate blood…”


Aiden scowls at Finn and shakes his head. ”You’re not helpin mate…”

“Now, as I was saying. This match is going to be absolutely brutal. After all, it’s called a bloodbath brawl. It doesn’t exactly sound like a walk in the park. In fact, it sounds rather for boating. And I’ll be entering into this match with Ben, Jordan, Alexander, Raven, and Billy bitch tits. . now, when it comes to Ben Jordan aside from the sharp jawline of a Hollywood movie star and the incredible physique. What does this guy really have going for him?”

”World title reigns and a great win loss record and amazing skillset?”

”Just whose fuckin side are you on anyway?”

Finn shrugs and nAiden rolls his eyes.

”Look, Benny boy, I know you’re real top shit in this company and you’re essentially a legend. But lately, goin up against people like    Finn, well it’s shown how complacent you’ve become. You turn up and try hard but loss or win, it doesn’t matter. You just drift along in the same mindset over and over again. But I gotta wonder, where are tya goin Ben? See I know what I want to do.”

“I want to win this and go on to climb that ladder toward championship glory and to become the biggest bloody name in this company. But what is it YOU want? Do you want to continue taggin with that anchor strapped to ya leg in Sam Marlowe? Or do you want to remind the world you’re Ben Goddamn Jordan?”

“Cause I can already tell what ya want in the immediate time. Revenge.”

“Revenge on Alexander Raven, the bloke who cost ya, allegedly, the mixed tag team championship. So the little war between you two is spillin over into this match. And I’ll be there to watch in a front row seat….”

”I hope he cracks Ravens skull open, he sticks his nose in other peoples business too often.”

”That’s the spirit.”

“But you’re right, Raven did get in your shit just to get at Benny Boy Handsome Jordan. And ya have to question, why? Why are those two gonna get in each others shit all the time and can they or will they focus on others? Cause I gotta say, if Raven and Jordan forget I exist in that match they’ll have a bad time.”

”They might forget about Barnhart too..”


Finn just stares ahead before pushing his fingers onto the bridge of his nose as if he has a headache.

”Oh right, bitch tits. Well, before I get to him, I have to ask. Alexander Raven. Mate, buddy, pal. Tell your brother James to call me, he and I used to be friends then he just kind of walked away and disappeared after he stuck his dick in crazy. And I…”

”Wait…wait…Aiden…Alexander Raven and James Raven are not related…”

Aiden makes a face and screws his nose up.

”You sure?”


”Oh..uh…my bad. “

”You know like…ninty percent of the people who watch this won’t get that reference right?”

”What? But James Raven is like, super popular and well known and relevant…”

”Pfft not anymore…”

Aiden tries not to laugh and clears his throat before continuing.

”So, kind of like ol Alex? Cause I have watched as this dude went from being hot shit, a guy who beat ol Austin and made the big fella his bitch. He was so close to being the world champion. Hell he even had people who used to hate his ass rooting for him. But now where are we Alex? What are we doin man? Here you are in a bloodbath brawl against a guy you hate, a guy you don’t know who just got here and then Bill Barnhart who is more of a running joke than a damn threat. Shit man you should be in the main event, you should be facing someone like this fucker” He points at Finn ”Or that weird Goth dude for the world title.”

“You have become a failure, you have watched as your career has fallen and failed. You have become everything you hated. You came into SCW with a bang, telling everyone here how there needed to be a changing of the guard and you wanted to break through instead of being like so many others and just existing. But shit, what has happened? Well?”

“Where did your balls go bird boy?”

“Cause from our point of view, attacking Ben Jordan during a mixed tag match makes you look a little desperate for attention. But hey, winnin a bloodbath? could get some attention on both you and Benji…”

Aiden laughs and shrugs before turning and grabbing a can of G fuel popping it open.

”Uh…Aiden…you’re forgetting someone…”



Aiden blinks a few times as if trying to remember weho it is that Finn is pointing out.

”Oh right! Yeah him. Man it’s hard to find things to say about Bill Barnhart. It’s usually the same old story. Everyone who faced Bill says the same things. He’s a fat old joke. He’s a fluke who stumbles into a few wins a year that keeps him employed. The best thing about him and his wife is their dog and everything else about him is boring, derivative and he has got an outdated borderline sexist and racist sense of humour.”

“But, hey enough about the positives. Lets talk about his negatives.”

“Bill, magte, buddy, pal, I have to ask. What exactly do you want out of professional wrestling? I mean I can see what Ben wants, he wants to keep proving he’s the best. I can see what Alexander wants, he wants to become a champion and validate all his claims from the last three years. And me? Hell I want to keep climbing that ladder.”

“But what is it you want Bill?”

“Do you want to prove everyone wrong? All the naysayers? Do you want to try and become a world champion in your aging career? Cause mate, while that might be some kind of noble pursuit that could help you in the long run and would definitely add to the small…tiny…miniscule legacy you have. But Bill, it just ain’t feasible. You’re not good enough….but ya know who is? Ya know who has a futute and who is going to be a star in this company?”

Aiden slowly points his thumbs at himself.

”Me, I will and the three of you….well…ya gotta stop me somehow…and oh boy…it’s gonna be a bloodbath.”

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 04:05:45 AM »
Scene One | Off-Camera

It was a strange feeling knowing exactly who was to blame for James’ death. In the end, there were only three people in the world that knew. Alexander Raven, Harrison Rines and the man who had pulled the trigger twice. Sullivan Pleasant. When he’d first been told by Harrison, all he could think about was punishing the man. Ruining the life of the man who had chosen to ruin theirs. Destroyed his decades long relationship with Harrison. Killed someone he had once called a best friend, and in turn ostracised himself permanently from the remaining two people who even gave a damn about Sullivan Pleasant.

The night they’d received that phone call, Alex had asked Luna what he should do. If he knew who was responsible for this final outcome, what should he do about it? She’d replied with a straight message, no sugar coating. The desires of a woman whose heart had been smashed to pieces. “Kill the cunt.” Even now, he could hear it in his head. She’d never asked how he knew, she’d never brought it up again. She’d just left him to stew on the idea. On what he should do.

Harrison had sent all the details, should he ever want to follow up. To ask questions, to beat the man bloody, to kill him. It was almost poetic that in the end, the two of them come to some sort of understanding. Came to connect over the only person that still mattered in their lives, Luna. Harrison left the decision in Alex’s hands. Staring at his phone, he read the address over and over. But death was too easy for a man like Sullivan Pleasant. Death didn’t scare him. Violence and brutality didn’t scare him. There wasn’t much in this world that could ruin a man like Sullivan Pleasant.

James had hurt Sullivan, and it had cost him his life. Payment made with two bullets, and a life. There wasn’t much he could do in the way of punishing him, but that didn’t change anything. Looking out the window of his car, Alex stared at the front door of Sullivan’s house. Nondescript, in a nothing neighbourhood, filled with people who went on walks with their families and worked nine to five jobs. It was a perfect cover for a career criminal like Sullivan Pleasant. It was a perfect cover for the man who now walked out of that door.

Some life had returned to him. He’d shaved, his suit was clean and pressed. Perfectly fitted to his skeleton-like body. Smiling that fake smile that lulled the world into a false sense of security. Alex pulled his door handle, hand in his pocket. Death might be too easy, but Sullivan Pleasant didn’t deserve life anymore. He gripped tightly to the cold object that sat comfortably in his pocket. Nothing suspicious about the heavy jacket. Sweat beaded his brow. The anxiety, the doubt.

Alexander Raven may have let his father burn, but he wasn’t a murderer. This wouldn’t just be letting someone die due to their own hubris. This was calculated, premeditated. He was going to place the barrel between Sullivan Pleasant’s eyes and pull the trigger. He was going to fucking kill that man who had taken the world from him.

“You motherfucker!” Alex yelled out, as he came to stand near Sullivan Pleasant. The man turned, that ever present smile still plastered on his face. Not a look of fear, not a twitch of anxiety. Nothing that indicated the man was even the slightest bit concerned.

“Hello dear Alexander. You’ve caught me at a most inopportune time, I’m afraid.” Sullivan said coolly, shaking his head somewhat in faux disappointment. Alex took another step, an arms length away from him now. The upside to such a nice and plain neighbourhood, was nobody was simply walking around the streets at two in the morning.

“I know what you did, you son of a bitch. You fucking killed him, and then you had the audacity to show up. To stand there and fucking watch as I cleaned up your crime scene. As I washed away the pool of blood that I found him in.” Alex spat his words, venom and bile in every syllable. Every part of his body was burning with an anger he’d never felt before.  His hand flexed and then he pulled the gun free.

He pressed it right in the centre of Sullivan’s forehead. A simple handgun, nothing fancy. But enough to do what he wanted. There wasn’t a line of concern. Not even a flicker of fear from Sullivan as the cold metal pressed right against his head. “Are you going to kill me, Alexander?” Sullivan asked, his voice calm and steady. A man who’d accepted the coming death.

“You’re a fucking piece of shit. How could you do that to James? All because you were too fucking weak to stand on your own two feet.” Alex said through gritted teeth. His face twisted in a visible rage. His eyes watering, the tears betraying the anger. He was torn even now. Even with the gun pressed to Sullivan’s head. His hand shook, tremors made the gun shaky in his grip.

“I’m not a good person, Alex. I make terrible decisions, and I intend to live by them. I cheated on Harrison, and James threatened to expose me. Call me a sociopath, but I do not like the control of my life taken from me. So I took it back.” Sullivan said, taking a half step forward. Pushing Alex back just a little. The tip of the gun is digging into the skin now.

“I regret my actions that night. I have no excuses for the choices that I made. I made a choice for myself, as always. I will always choose myself. I thank you for helping pull me from my rut all those years ago. I thank you for the food you put on our tables. I thank you for the work you did to provide for all of us that existed in your fictional little kingdom of delusion.” Sullivan’s words were icier now. The calmness seemed to be leaving with each additional word. He may not admit it, but there was definitely some part of Sullivan that expected he would die here.

“We were like a fucking family, Sul. I thought I was the fucking omen of death, but you. You destroy every good thing you touch. You corrupt and twist it, until it’s as empty and loathsome as you are.” Alex shouted, his voice carrying in the empty night air. Despite the echoes, nobody else in the world seemed to exist besides them right now.

“You put two bullets in him and you fucking killed him. You ruined everything because you couldn’t handle not being in control. Well what are you going to do now, Sullivan? Because you aren’t in fucking control here. I am. I get to decide whether you live or you fucking die.” Alex screamed the words now. His voice rasping with the visceral anger behind the words. His vision was blurred with tears. Tears of sadness at pointing a gun at a man he once called a friend. Tears of anger for what he took away from them all.

“You’re right. You do control this. Are you ready to be a killer too, Alex? I wouldn’t hold it against you, but the world doesn’t work on blood rights anymore. This street would be full of witnesses before you even had a chance to start the car.” Sullivan said, his voice wavering with the fear of death for the first time. For the first time he’d ever heard that slight bit of concern for his own life.

“I will live with regret for what I did for the rest of my life. Be it another ten years, or be it only another few seconds. I will regret my impulse. I didn’t come that night to mock you. I came because I expected to be there alone. I expected to be able to see what I had done. To validate the gnawing I felt in my gut. Believe it or not, Alexander, but I am human too. And despite the horrible, awful things I do, I too can feel regret. And I regret the pain I put you through.” Sullivan finally had some fire in his voice. His mask of faux calm slipped away, and the fear in his eyes shone through. He was afraid to die.

Alex’s forefinger wrapped around the trigger. His eyes locked with Sullivan Pleasant’s. He took a step backwards, still aiming it at Sullivan’s head. Then another step, and another. He was a good two or three steps away from Sullivan now. Gun still raised and aimed at him. “Good.”

And then he pulled the trigger.

Perceived Transgressions
Scene Two | On-Camera

A familiar dark space. A single spotlight lighting a central point in an endless stretch of black. The sound of footsteps echo in the space as a man slowly approaches from the left of the scene. Alexander Raven, looking deep in thought. A well-dressed Alexander Raven in this case. A maroon coloured suit, a white shirt and black tie. A vest buttoned up beneath the suit jacket. He walks into frame from the left, and then out of it to the far right.

Almost like it was stuck on a loop, he enters from the left of the frame again, and stops in the centre. To the right of the light, his face obscured in shadow. But his visible features speak of a man deep in thought.

“Why did I do it?”

He shakes his head a little and stares off into the distance. Another figure enters from the right of the frame. Another Alexander Raven, white suit, black shirt, maroon tie. A little different, but the same man in another outfit. A wolf in sheep’s clothing almost. White Suit Raven stops to the left of the light, his back to Maroon suit Raven.

“Simple question, complex answer.”

A third person now. Approaching from the darkness behind the spotlight. Stepping between the two other Raven’s. A third Alexander Raven now. No suit this time. Just a heavy jacket, a black t-shirt underneath, and ripped skinny jeans. Jet black in colour.  He stands between the other two, placing his hands on their shoulders. On his shoulders? On the shoulders of the suited Ravens’.

“There’s this perception. A perception that I don’t quite agree with. This perception that because I have had a stumble, I’m no longer the man. That I’m no longer the Napalm Kingslayer. That I’m no longer the guy who was handpicked as the would-be successor to our now defunct king, J2H. I have to admit, I am a bit lost. I’ve been lost for a while now, truth be told. I’ve been lost ever since I lost the Internet Championship. Now, that might strike as a strange thing. But if anyone had been listening, they’d know that I’ve spoken on this many times.”

“I lost my way, and I’ve struggled to come back to it. I was on the run of my life. The thing that was meant to perk me up, that was meant to return my confidence. That was the Mixed Tag Team Championships. See, last year was both a great and awful year all wrapped into one. The Kingdom of the Conspiracy, that being Luna and I. We had our ups, and we had our downs. Both of us have had and lost championship gold. See, we were one of the first to qualify for a chance at the Mixed Tag Team Championships. In the match that would decide the original champions, in a field where we were actually the favourites. Peter Vaughn and Kim Pain, Austin James Mercer and Tempest, the flavour of the week nobodies that were Oliver Zahn and Eiley. We should have fun, and then do a tango in the nude for all to celebrate.”

The centre Raven shakes his head a little, and walks straight forward. Disappearing behind the camera view. His footsteps echoing away into the distance, before silence falls once again. White Suit Raven turns a little, his face still swathed in shadows.

“We didn’t win. Another stumble, another worry. The workhorses of both the women’s and men’s division, and we… struggling. Luna would recover, she always does. A woman with a stubbornness only matched by goats who refuse to tumble down mountain faces. A hard-headed, foul-mouthed woman that I adore. That I’m glad I can call my wife. We failed, and that’s okay. It’s okay to stumble, as long as you get up again. What I can’t quite understand is the logic that followed. We were the favourites. We were one of the first to qualify. We were the team with all the eyes on us. So tell me why, we never got another sniff at it?”

“Tell me why, the Barnharts got several opportunities? Tell me why the delinquents that were produced by Jet City were allowed to run free over everyone, whilst we struggled for our spots? Why are we good enough to be seen as champions on our own two feet, but never quite good enough to be considered for the championships that we rightfully deserved a shot at? I’m good enough to be thrown into the six pack challenge, to become World Champion. I’m good enough to be the man who was hand fucking picked by J2H to finish the year with him. Tell me how I’m good enough to hold wins over World Champions, and even be spreading my horizons to become the best that this company has to offer on a global scale. But I’m not good enough to be the challenger for Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards. In what world is Ben Jordan and Samantha Marlowe deserving of an opportunity ahead of us?”

White Suit Raven spits aggressively and shakes his head. Storming off to the left of the frame, disappearing from the beam of light completely. His footsteps echoing for a moment before silence once more. Maroon suit Raven pivots somewhat, his back to the camera. Staring off into the void beyond.

“Why did I do it? The better question here, is why did I need to fucking do it? Why do I have to explain every action I take like a scolded fucking child. I have had my freedom stolen from me. I’ve had my honeymoon ripped from what should have been my vacation. I’ve had my choices taken from me by the scum of this company. So why did I do it? Because if I’m going to be fucking stuck here. I’m going to make sure everyone is put in their fucking place. And that started with you Ben. A former world champion in his own right. On a pathway to ensuring people understand what I’m here for, I fail to see a better fucking option. Ben Jordan was handed our opportunity and I ensured that he was punished for it. But that’s not enough for me, Ben. That’s not even close to enough for me.”

“No, ruining your shot at the Mixed Tag Championships, that’s just the beginning. Two years ago, when I was finding my feet. Both of us were thrown into a match with some of the greats. King for a Day, possibly the toughest field we’ve ever had. Mark Cross, Austin James Mercer, Ken Davison, you Ben, and me. See I’m like a fucking elephant, I don’t forget. The thing about it is I’ve faced and beaten every single man in that match. Except for you. I walked into that match, never even having had a sniff at the World Championship here in Sin City. But I was good enough to cross paths with all of you. Opportunity given. The only man in that match, I’ve yet to get my own over, is you, Ben.”

“See I recently got my win over Mark Cross. I’ve had my share of battles with Austin James Mercer, but I’ve come out on top more times than not. Ken is one of the few men I ever respected around here, and look at that. He got his fucking freedom, Ben. So here’s my thinking. I don’t expect you to follow me here, it would be asking just a touch too fucking much. But here it is anyway. I’m going to continue my warpath, taking down former World Champions, one by one. Adding to my resume that I am one of the only men in this company that holds victories over said former champions. I already beat Finn, twice. I’ve beaten Fenris, Ken, Austin, and James Mercer. I’ve technically beaten Goth by outlasting his bipolar fucking ass in that Six Pack Challenge. Hell there’s very few people who’ve had that belt currently in the company that I haven’t beat. So you’re just another fucking step on that pathway, aren’t you Ben? Another would-be king, in fact.”

Maroon Suit Raven reaches into his pockets, and squeezes a little. A crunching sound emanating from them. Slowly he pulls out handfuls of what appears to be glass. Shards of glass, digging into his flesh. Cutting into his hands. Rivulets of blood begin to flow from the appearing wounds. Sprinkling the shards onto the ground around his feet.

“I’m going to break the glass ceiling with your pretty fucking face, Ben. People seem to forget, but Alexander Raven wasn’t born to be a technical wrestler. I wasn’t born to be a submission king, or a strongman. No, I broke into this business doing one thing better than almost anyone else. That was bleeding. That was breaking people and making them bleed with me. That was taking steel bats and cracking their skulls. That was taking barbwire wrapped chairs and opening people’s pretty little faces with it. That was taking glass, nails and thumbtacks and drilling my opponent with them. I’m a blood and guts guy, Ben. And I’m going to take all the blood you can give. And I’m going to try and see what your fucking insides look like.”

“I’m not trapped in that cage with you, Ben. I’m not trapped in that cage with you, Aiden and Bill. I’m not trapped in that cage at all. All of you are trapped in that fucking cage with me. Last time I was trapped in a cage? I nearly broke Austin James Mercer’s fucking spine. Think what I’ll fucking do to you when the world is at my fingertips.”

Maroon suit Raven finally turns around, and smiles. His lips always messed up, dribbles of blood leaking down from the edges of his lips. A crimson to match the maroon. It looks like his mouth is filled with glass and small cuttings of barbed wire. Tinier shards falling from his Cheshire like grin. And then he spits forward, a mist of blood, glass and barbed wire cuttings. Obscuring the maroon suit man behind it.

And then as quick as it was there, it was gone. And the casually dressed, heavy jacketed, skinny jeans Raven is in the spotlight again. Sitting on a steel chair. In his hand a metal pipe.

“Aiden Reynolds. My virtual unknown, but somebody. Somebody who decided to put my name in their fucking mouth. Alexander Pigeon, I believe it was. Bet you thought you could get that one past me, Aiden. Here’s the thing though. I’m always fucking listening, you absolute mongrel. Always listening, and I’m always ready to step to the fucking plate. But let’s dig deeper into that, shall we? The Aussie Wolf himself. From the over-hyped, let down of a fucking tourist trap, the Gold Coast. See, I may not be a born and bred Australian. But my time in Melbourne, my time living there. I learnt a lot. I’ve seen a lot. I did a lot.”

“I’ve visited Surfer’s, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Cairns. I’ve seen the vineyards of South Australia, and the midnight last calls of the far western city in Perth. I’ve experienced many things in your country, and I’ve learnt this. There’s a fucking reason that you all run away from those places to come here. There’s a reason that you all run away from your shitholes to ply your trade in places that actually fucking matter. Your shithole of a home town is rivalled only by the stupidity of the dribble that I’ve already heard from you, Aiden Reynolds. A quick look at your X feed tells me all I need to know. This ain’t your jam is it, Aiden? Violence, and danger. Toys of destruction and unforgiving steel to hold you tightly. In fact, I’d hazard that your cock-sure arrogance leads you to believe that in every scenario. The greater wrestler is the one who walks out the victor. I’m almost certain, your cock-sure arrogance is going to leave you lonely. Trapped here, like me. Trapped in a place you cannot escape, and forever being led down a path of failure. Insecurity. Nothingness.”

Raven shakes his head a little, smiling. He holds the metal pipe vertically, pressing the other end down on the shards of glass that sit on the ground around him. Crushing them up even smaller. Turning them into dust. Leaning forward he presses the pipe roughly into the ground and leans on it. Supporting his upper body with it.

“A man with everything to prove, who thinks that I am going to be part of that pathway. Beats down on me, but then says I’m in leagues with the best in the company. Delusional is what they call me, but delusion stares me in the face, and I have to pretend like it doesn’t fucking exist in you. No, I don’t think I’ll be that forgiving, Aiden. See you made a decision to put my fucking name in your mouth. Probably certain that I wouldn’t have heard it. Maybe hoping I wouldn’t hear it. Definitely feeling safe in the idea that you weren’t going to be put in a match at My Bloody Valentine, locked in a steel cage, surrounded by weapons of vitriolic violence. I can almost guarantee that your sun-bleached, himbo fucking walnut brain didn’t even comprehend that when you put my name in your fucking mouth.”

“And though I may have issues with Ben Jordan. And as much as I want to cave his fucking face in. I’ve learnt my lessons. I’ve learnt what putting the blinders on can do in a match like this. Danger lurks in the unknown, and you are dangerous as my unknown. But I’m not going to let you blindside me, Aiden. I’m not going to let you waltz up in here and fuck with what I’m planning. So just like I’m going to try and see what ol’ Ben Jordan’s fucking insides look like. I’ve got no problem taking this pole, cracking you straight in the ribs, and pressing down on your chest as your lungs deflate. Bust up those pretty little ribs so bad they start piercing and impaling whatever you got pumping away in you. I got nothing to lose, Aiden. And just like Ben?

I don’t fucking like you.”

Raven drops the pipe to the floor, and goes to stand up. Hands from either side of the light reach forward. Snapping a metal collar around his throat. A chain attached to the collar. The chain rattles and then is yanked violently as Raven is pulled up and off the chair. Onto his knees in the glass dust.

“Bulldog Bill Barnhart. It’s funny how no matter how far I try to get away from you, you’re always right there. Ready to be a thorn in my side once again. It’s almost poetic that you’re here with us Bill. Of all the men in the world to round this out, I think you are the most appropriate. See I remember quite clearly the stuff we’ve gone through. Thumbtacks, a fucking dog collar match. Violence begets violence and our history is filled with blood and guts, Bill. I actually respect you the most out of the members of this match, but I do find umbrage with you as well. Luna and I wiped the fucking floor with you and Bea. We beat you to qualify for our shot at the Mixed Tag Team Championships. And who was the first to be given an opportunity at the gold after Oliver Zahn and Eiley won them? The fucking Barnharts.”

“There’s almost this inherent link between at least three of us here. You see Bill, the Mixed Tag Team Championships are what made me do what I did. Undeserving fucking worms like yourself, like Ben Jordan and Samantha Marlowe. Hell, like the fourth man down, Aiden Reynolds. Take opportunities from those of us who really deserve them. We wipe the floor with you, and you and Bea get a pity shot at the gold? In what universe Billy boy does that make any fucking sense? In what universe do you then lose that match, and we don’t get bumped to the front of the line? I understand there is a pretentiousness in what I’m saying. I understand there is a pretentious idea underlying the belief that we were being overlooked. When I was getting World Title opportunities and Luna was being given chances to redeem her own short-comings. To become Bombshell Internet Champion for the first time. I understand the backwards logic in complaining when we were given the world.”

“But fact remains fact, and the fact is, that we wanted those Mixed Tag Team Championships. To build our own confidence back up. To build our own desire back up. To build our kingdom back up. Because that’s what this all is. A game of what-ifs. A game of kings and queens wanting to be bigger and better than the previous and all those to come. The Cockney King, the One True King, King James, the would-be and the defunct kings. Delusions of grandeur, and you’re all standing in the way of mine.”

The chain is yanked again and Raven is pulled onto his side. Then violently dragged out of the spotlight. Smears of blood, the empty chair and crunched up glass is all that remains. The metal pipe laying in the midst of it all. And then the lights go out.

And silence.



And then a flash.

A man sitting inside a dog crate. A metal collar with a chain attached around his throat. The metal pipe sitting just outside the crate. The man in the crate wearing only a pair of wrestling tights and boots. Bare-chested and smeared with the crimson red.

“We’re all just animals locked inside cages. We’re all just blood bags waiting to be bled. I said it when I last fought Goth, that if I’m going to be trapped here. To be kept like a bird in a cage. Then I’m going to make every person with me suffer as a result. Aiden Reynolds, Bill Barnhart, and of course the Cockney fuckin’ King Ben Jordan. You’re all trapped with me, and I’m going to make this the bloodiest valentine’s gift you've ever received. Don’t ever bet against Alexander fucking Raven.”

“Were you listening?”

“I need you to listen.”

The man in the cage looks up once more. The smile spread across Raven’s face. Delusional, and driven mad by his own anger. A man truly trapped in a cage of his own making.

And then…




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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 12:04:37 PM »

Narrator:  I had a conversation with Bill Barnhart recently and even I am shocked at how excited he is to get into his Blood Bath Brawl match at MY BLOODY VALENTINE V. To be honest Bill is so excited and ready to get into this match that is scares me.


The image of Bill Barnhart comes on our screen when the camera person informs the Network and they go live broadcasting. We are not sure where Bill is broadcasting from but we are sure to find out soon. After a short time of the camera focusing on Bill the camera person backs off so that we get a wider shot and we see that both Bill and Bea Barnhart are in camera view. From the view we see around and behind them they are broadcasting from in front of the wrestling ring at the Michelob Ultra Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. We also notice that Bill and Bea have two chairs next to where they are standing so we assume if they desire to sit down while giving comments for Bill’s upcoming match they have the option to do so.

Bill stares intently into the camera and he has a huge grin in his face.

Bill:  A Blood Bath Brawl? Four of us are involved in this Blood Bath Brawl. The participants are Ben Jordan, Aiden Reynolds, Alexander Raven, and ME. A six-sided ring surrounded by a steel cage with a dome roof over the top of the ring. There are also lots of weapons for us to use on the others in the match. Nobody can leave the match and run away and nobody from the outside can get inside to attack the wrestles. It is a total beat-down match until only one wrestler remains standing. And, of course, that last standing wrestler will be ME!!!

Bea:  I will be at ringside as I am Bill’s official and legal Manager and my job during his Blood Bath Brawl is to ensure there is no cheating, or interference, or attacks on Bill before he enters the match. And if anyone doesn’t like me being at ringside they can *BLEEP* off! Also I will be wearing my new Black dress while serving as Bill’s Manager during this Blood Bath Brawl match. I figured since this type of match can be classified as EVIL then I will wear my Black dress which signifies that I am in an EVIL mood during the match.

Bill:  When Bea gets in an evil mood me and Iris leave the house and take long walks until she calms down...ha ha ha!!! Just kidding. Bea is the most wonderful and nice person you should have the pleasure to associate with. However Bea draws the line at people attacking me or Iris and she draws the line at others in Sin City Wrestling accusing her of doing things she never did.

Bea:  Thanks for the kind words Bill. And for anyone who thinks I am at ringside for any other purpose except to be your Manager they are morons. They cannot claim that I will attack wrestlers during the match when the ring is surrounded by a steel cage with a dome on the top. The wrestlers cannot get out and I cannot get in. So you all need to stop your false accusations against me.

Bill:  For the benefit of the fans I wish to present my history with my three opponents in the wrestling ring. I’ve faced Ben Jordan two times but both of those matches were Tag Team and not Singles. Although I’m 0-2 against Ben it honestly doesn’t play into our match as it is not a Tag Team match. . .it is an every man for himself, all hell breaks loose, and you beat the crap out of each other until only one of us. . .ME. . .is left standing.

Bea:  Ben Jordan is a great wrestler Bill.

Bill:  Your statement should have been stated as Ben Jordan WAS a great wrestler but he is not great any longer. Seems that recently Ben has been dwelling on his numerous recent losses than focusing on his overall successful wrestling career. As for Aiden Reynolds I have no match history against him. With Alexander Raven I am 2-4 against him in various match types.

Bill takes a seat on one of the chair and Bea sits in the chair next to him.


Bill:  Most of you know I was born in Oakland, California, and lived there until me and Bea moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia, in 2012. The house where I grew up was at 4263 Saint Andrews Road and it was located about a mile from the Sequoyah Country Club that had a great golf course. My father was a member of Sequoyah Country Club so I played lots of rounds of golf at that golf course. I continued to play golf there until me and Bea moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Bea:  The Country Club was nice and they have different venues where people could hold weddings, parties, or play a round of golf in the golf course.

Bill:  I am going to give you the details of a situation that took place at Sequoyah Country Club Golf course. The reason I’m relating this item to you is that it proves to you that even if there are three other people involved in an event with me I will overcome the odds and be the winner just as I am involved in the Blood Bath Brawl match at MY BLOODY VALENTINE V with three other wrestlers and I will be the winner there.

Bea:  Everyone will learn a valuable lesson from the story of this situation.

Bill:   Leading up to the day the four way incident that I will relate to you that happened at Sequoyah Country Club we heard that Tiger Woods was in the San Francisco Bay Area playing in a PGA Tournament. My group was only a threesome that day as our fourth person wasn’t able to play on that day. Me and my two friends preferred to play in a foursome but we had to accept that we will be one player short that day. Now just imagine the surprise of the three of us, who were going to play golf that day, that when we got to the clubhouse to confirm our Tee Time who was also standing there? Tiger Woods! Since the three of us preferred to play with four players, but today our fourth person wasn’t able to join us, we discussed if we should ask Tiger Woods if he wanted to join us to make it a foursome.

Bea:  Bill told me about this incident and he said he thought Tiger Woods would snub their group since they are not Professional Golfers like he is.

Bill:  My friends thought I was a fool to ask someone on the level of Tiger Woods if he wanted to join us as a foursome but I asked him anyway. Tiger Woods knew my name as he watched wrestling so he immediately accepted my invitation and we headed off to the First Tee.

Bea:  That was a pleasant surprise.

Bill:  Before I tell you what happened that day let me explain some basic information of the Golf Course at Sequoyah Country Club. From the Blue Tees, which is the Pro Tees, the course is 18 holes and the Par score for those 18 holes is 70. I asked Tiger Woods if he has played a round of golf at Sequoyah Country Club before and he told me this was his first time. Oh, man, the the gears in my brain were going wild since me and my friends played golf at Sequoyah Country Club all the time as it is was our home course. I knew that someone who is playing for their first time on our course would not know all the angles and distances needed so that they do not make mistakes so that they can get a Par score for the round instead of something higher.

Bea:  You always need to evaluate the entire situation to ensure you are the person who can be the winner.

Bill:  We started our round and at the turn to start playing the Back Nine holes we were all very close in score with my two friends a stroke behind me and with me and Tiger tied. After playing eight of the nine holes making up the back nine we came to the tee box on Hole 18, the final hole, and I knew I could get the win. There are three Par 5 holes at the course. They are as follows. Hole 6 is 530 yards. Hole 16 is 482 yards. Hole 18 is 447 yards. However Hole 18, even though it is the shortest Par 5 hole on the course, is extremely difficult with the layout it has so that it plays tougher than Hole 6 and Hole 16 which are longer. The layout of the 18th Hole is such that with the fairway having a left turn in it, and the fairway is heavily lined with trees and deep rough, if you are off to the left or the right, in the deep rough, or in the fairway but short on distance, you are in trouble.

Bea:  In trouble like Ben Jordan, Aiden Reynolds, and Alexander Raven are in trouble facing Bill in the Blood Bath Brawl match at My Bloody Valentine V.

Bill:  So with me and Tiger tied and my two friends were both one stroke behind us we started to tee off on the final, the 18th, hold, with my two regular friends going first. One of my regular friends hit a slice that went into the rough and trees on the right. My other friend tried to hit a draw to the left side of the fairway but he hit is with too much draw and he ended up in the rough and trees on the left side of the fairway. I then teed off and I hit the ball 275 yards, in the middle of the fairway, in perfect position for a shot to try to get my ball on the green in two shots. That shot gave me a perfect position with 172 yards to the center of the green. Seeing the look on Tiger Woods’ face upon seeing my drive I could tell he was trying to look confident but at the same time I noticed the look in his eyes and I knew he would try too hard and mess up his tee shot. It is the same in the sport of wrestling. You get to know how your opponent is doing, and how they feel, when you read the look in their eyes.

Bea:  I play Golf with Bill sometimes and I agree that trying too hard when you are tied, or behind by a stroke, whether you are playing in a Tournament or just a friendly skins game for a few Dollars, that you often try to go outside of your comfort zone and you screw up your shot.

Bill:  Tiger Woods teed up and when he hit his ball he did what my friend did and he tried to hit a draw shot to the left but with too much spin on it and he also ended up in the deep rough and trees on the left side of the fairway. Since the three of them were a longer distance from the pin than I was they hit their second shots before I would hit. All three of them hit short shots having to hit out of deep rough and heavy trees which left all of them still a long distance from the pin. I got to my ball, selected my club that I felt comfortable hitting around 170 yards, and let it fly. I thought I hit the shot a short and thought the ball would end up on the fairway short of the green but the ball hit the few feet short of the green and rolled up onto the green about ten feet from the pin. That gave me a putt to try to score an Eagle which is two shots under Par for the hole.

Bea:  I wish I had been there to witness this final hole.

Bill: My friends, and Tiger Woods, hit their third shots. My friends did not get their balls on the green but they landed close where they could chip on and then possibly putt for a Birdie or at the worst a Par. Tiger, on the other hand, managed to hit his third shot onto the green and he was about 15 feet from the pin so with his next shot he would be putting for a Birdie. The three of them all finished out with both my friends ending up with Pars and Tiger ended up with a Birdie. I got to my ball and putted it into the hole for an Eagle. I ended up winning our round that day by one stroke over Tiger Woods and by two strokes over my two friends.

Bill looks into the camera and flashes a huge grin into the camera.

Bill:  I’m sure you want to know why I related that story about the golf game. Simple. I proved that I was better than those three I was in competition with. I proved that if you know what you’re doing, and you don’t take unnecessary risks, and if you stay focused on the goal, you’re going to win. That’s exactly how I’m approaching my Blood Bath Brawl against Ben Jordan, Aiden Reynolds, and Alexander Raven. I’ll enter the match as one of four competitors in this Blood Bath Brawl and I’ll be the wrestler who exits the match as the winner. Deal with that shit, bitches, as you have no chance of defeating me!!! Take note that I am going to school you in Bill Barnhart’s School Of Hard Knocks!!!

Bill informs the camera person that he will take a short break. He also informs the camera person to meet him in the hotel room where he and Bea are staying.

After a short break the camera person is again live broadcasting but this time they are in the hotel room where Bill and Bea are staying while getting ready for Sin City Wrestling’s event MY BLOODY VALENTINE V. When told they are live broadcasting Bill jumps into his comments for this timeframe.


Bill:  I would like to play a little bit of a bizarre song I came across many years ago. The title of the song is STYROFOAM. To this day I have no clue who recorded it. I just know that the lyrics are strange and amusing and maybe you might get some twisted amusement from listening to some of it. You know right? Twisted amusement like watching me destroy Ben Jordan, Aiden Reynolds, and Alexander Raven in our Blood Bath Brawl match at My Bloody Valentine V event.

Bill inserts his USB drive into his laptop computer and he selects the song and begins to play it. We listen to figure out what Bill was talking about concerning this song.

I went to bed on my mattress made of Styrofoam
I went into a dream about Styrofoam
The dream was so strange it made me want to moan
Yes the dream I had was about Styrofoam

I saw Styrofoam people in Styrofoam cars
I saw Styrofoam drinks in Styrofoam bars
I saw Styrofoam houses and Styrofoam parks
I saw Styrofoam dogs with with Styrofoam barks

I saw Styrofoam water in Styrofoam pools
I saw Styrofoam morons who are Styrofoam fools
I saw Styrofoam buildings with Styrofoam doors
I saw Styrofoam brothels with Styrofoam whores

I saw Styrofoam shit with Styrofoam stink
It made me want to puke in a Styrofoam sink
Just some oddly strange stuff to make you groan
That’s why this song is titled. . .Styrofoam

The short song finishes playing and Bill stops the playback. He then removes the USB drive from his laptop computer and returns to focus into the camera.

Bill:  I wanted to share this odd song with you and you are probably wondering why. It is because the song presents items made of Styrofoam which is, in reality, not a sturdy item and easily falls apart under pressure. Hmmm...what a great comparison that makes eh? You three consist of sub-sturdy material and you three will quickly fall apart when I start beating you down. Me, on the other hand, am like kiln-fired steel that can take on anything and survive.

Bill informs the camera person that he is going to make closing comments and when he tells them he is done with his closing comments they can cut their camera feed and the camera person acknowledges what Bill said.


Bill:  To start my closing comments I want to state the type of wrestlers in the sport of Wrestling. There are wrestlers who talk a big game but they turn out to be either below-average wrestlers or they outright suck as a wrestler. They talk an average game and then perform at a below average level. Then you have the type of wrestlers who honestly have good wrestling abilities but they fail to use their abilities to their benefit to win matches. Then you have wrestlers who are over-confident smack-talking shit-eating assholes who come into matches so damn over-confident that they end up screwing up in the match and taking a loss. Do you want to know how what I have as opponents in the Blood Bath Brawl match? I have one of each of them in the match. I am not going to tell you which opponent is which type of wrestler as you will find out when you watch our match. I am the only wrestler in this match who is confident in my abilities in the ring because I have had an outstanding successful wrestling career. I am confident that I can take down opponents out and walk away with the win. Even when I am hurt, which is not often, I can inflict more pain in my opponent, or opponents, than they can inflict upon me. My power, strength, agility, wrestling abilities, and confidence, totally trumps the other wrestlers.

Bea: Nicely stated Bill.

Bill:  Okay guys I am ready to get deeper into my closing comments leading up to our match. My first comment refers to how durable I am. Timex made some of the best watches in the world. They had a tagline that went “Timex watches take a licking and keep on ticking” and that’s how I am when it comes to being in a wrestling match. Hmmm...maybe that tagline of  “takes a licking and keeps on ticking” could be your tagline Bea!

Bea:  Cute Bill but you are embarrassing me on national television. But it is okay as you are the love of my life.

Bill:  Just teasing you Bea. Anyway I am like a Timex watch that can take a licking and keep on ticking.

Bill points to his watch on his wrist.

Bill:  Next I want to comment that our wrestling match, the Blood Bath Brawl, is a lot like a Chess game. It is like a Chess game because it doesn’t matter how much you know, or think you know, but it does matter how well you use what knowledge you have for the advantage. I’ve probably been in the sport of Wrestling longer than the three of you combined. Yes I know what I am doing. Yes I’m a bad ass wrestler who can take the blows and dish them out ten times over what blows you three can put onto me. And, like a Chess game, the winner is the person who ends up putting their opponent in a position where their King is in danger of being captured but they cannot escape the capture as there are no further moves available to them. That’s when the winner. . .ME. . .shouts out CHECKMATE!!! And I win the match.

Bill:  My final comment concerns a character you have seen on The Muppet Show. There was this character named Professor Bunson Honeydew. His assistant was Beaker. Professor Honeydew always used Beaker as his test subject and Beaker ended up falling over, getting burned, and getting blown up, by Professor Bunson Honeydew. Although Beaker had a limited vocabulary of MEEP MEEP MEEP...I’m sure Beaker muttered other things under his breath every time one of Professor Honeydew’s experiments blew up and injured Beaker. Well, guys, I am the representation of Professor Bunson Honeydew and you three represent my three lab assistances in the form of Beaker. When I beat you down, both with my bare hands and the weapons provided for us to use in our match, and the three of you know you are going to lose the image of Beaker screaming out comes to my mind. I will leave you with a graphic that you will have stuck in your minds as this is what you are going to scream up when I’m beating you down and destroying you in our Blood Bath Brawl!

After the Network puts up the graphic of Beaker for Bill’s opponents to take into consideration the camera person waits for a long enough time for everyone to take in the graphic and then they cut their camera feed and our screen goes dark.