Author Topic: Firing the first shot  (Read 840 times)

Offline ragdoll

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    • Becky "Ragdoll" Jones
Firing the first shot
« on: April 20, 2013, 05:52:22 PM »
 The midday sun burns down from a perfectly blue sky warming the skin of the melon which sits isolated on a pole, as the almost errie silence of the desert suddenly broken by a sharp whizzing sound before the watermelon suddenly explodes in a mixture of watermelon flesh and juice as those parts not shredded in the explosion now rain down on the surrounding desert. This sudden spontaneously exploding watermelon might have been more strange had any onlookers not looked 1000m downwind were they would see Becky behind the sights of the Barrett M82. Dressed in jeans and a misfits skull t-shirt, she shelters herself from the heat under a large sunshade, while a rolled up bandana helps with keeping the sweat out of her eyes. Looking up from the sights of the rifle she smiles to herself, while glancing over to the jet black SUV whose shade of black is in fact so dark it seems to absorb the light around it and it’s here were her partner in crime Andre sits across the back seat busying himself with the laptop which he has resting on his lap watching old TV shows , the door open to provide what ventilation he can get from the brutal desert heat, while the strains of “The Monkees” theme tune fills the air as it blasts from the speakers connected to the laptop.

Becky: Hey Melon boy, reload!

She shouts over to a teenage boy in overalls wearing a straw hat, as she ejects the cartridge from the rifle, picking up another from the mat and snapping it in to the place, while the boy upon hearing Becky’s command picks up a crate of watermellons from beside the truck, before setting off at a brick pace towards the posts which have been setup and were until recently the other watermelon had sat, as she now turns her attention over to Andre.

Becky: Well its nice to see your being useful as always.

Andre: Hey I’m catching up with my shows here.

Becky: Your shows?!? You do release that they axed “The Monkees” back in the 60’s, so not sure how you can catch up on a show which is no longer running.

Andre: Well I’ll be damn if I know why you’re doing this. I mean don’t you have a big PPV match coming up or something?

Becky: I do, but surely it is best that I’m also keeping my skills honed for our main source of income, let alone the fact that it is hell of a lot of fun. I mean if you’re bored I can always have you balance the watermelon on your head, get ourselves alittle William Tell action happening here….I mean I might not be the greatest shot, but luckily for me the Barrett here uses really big rounds!

She laughs as she picks up a loose shell resting next to one of the magazine on the mat, she currently rests on, while the rifle rests on its own tripod. The boy having now set up a new batch of melons, quickly makes his way back up the makeshift range to the relative safety of the truck.

Andre: Oh yeah just how I wanted to spend the afternoon….DEAD!

He says with a slight laugh as he continues to watch the show playing on the laptop.

Becky: Anyway what would you rather have me be doing? Packing myself into some gym and lifting large angular weights and putting them down again, or whatever bizarre image you have of what I should be doing to train.

Andre: Hey its your fight, train how you want to! I’m just being the concerned friend, while also one who is still trying to figure out why we are hanging out in the desert.

Becky: Well as I told you before we are waiting for the call from the suit, who is supposed to be meeting up with us at some point, but you know him, he just tells us were to go and when to go there. All I know right now is that he said for us to get out to Vegas and he would send further information.

Andre: Okay then, let me ask you this….why are we hanging out in the desert when we could have be hanging out poolside getting drunk, enjoying heavily discounted steak while perhaps having a couple of carefree bets.

Becky: Because as I said before it is a lot more fun to come out here and blast off a few rounds, instead of watching you drool over every scantily dressed bleached blonde bimbo who saunters past. Plus at least this way we are also helping to support small local buisnesses

She says as she retakes her position behind the rifle adjusting the sights, as she focuses on the new set of target melons

Andre: Ohh yeah by blowing the shit out of their stock. As for the bimbo….hell you know I ain’t too choosy, but I’d be damned if those bimbo’s don’t give it away easy.

Becky: Yeah not just the bimbos if I remember our last misadventure right, I think it was anything that moves

Andre: Hey what can I say, I’m not choosey

He says with a laugh, Becky only knowing how true this statement is as she moves behind the rifle again line up her sights, while knowing any number of men, women and a few which it was hard to say what they were. Still she had never felt any pang of jealousy, as her relationship with him was strictly plutonic and one bound in blood and the shared love of hunting down scumbags, pushers, junkies, jumpers and anyone else unlucky enough to find themselves on their hit list.

Andre: So do you have actually have a plan for your match or you just planning on winging it.

Becky: Ha! You should know that I always have a plan, even though I can’t say I’m too fazed by the prospect of facing off against someone like Laura Jackson! I mean do you think she would even be as far up the rankings had she not spent the best part of her career living off Amanda’s coattails.

Andre: So why are you yet to even launch your first offensive, hell by now I would have expected you to have trashed your opponent six ways from Sunday. Currently you seem to be happy to just let her stew in her own paranoia.

Becky lets out a loud sigh as she lowers the rifle and turns to look over at him again.

Becky: Hey do you want me to use you for target practice? Because that’s exactly were that kind of talk is going to get you. Ugh! I suppose your right I shouldn’t just let things lie, especially when it so much fun to kick the hornets’ nest, especially since she like so many of Eric’s followers that she has the backing of the rest of her misguided fools who choose to march under his banner, little knowing that each of them would more than happily switch sides for a chance to advance their own careers. Still who am I to point out the cracks in their so called alliance, especially when it will be all the more fun to watch them fall apart, as one by one they fall at the PPV.

Andre: and were exactly do you stand?

Becky: Right now I would have to say that I’m team SCW, seeing how there comes a time in every war, were even a hired gun like myself has to choose a side even though I generally walk the line, rather than forming some half arsed alliance with other wrestlers who’d crap on me from a dizzy height given half a chance. Like I said it’s just more amusing that those chumps in team Eric fail to realise this. Still you equally can’t win a war by yourself nor by focusing too much on the bigger picture, especially when this one will be won by its individual battles.

Getting up now she walks over the SUV, slapping Andre’s boots with the palm of her hand as she walks past him, her own boots creating small clouds of dust as she walks, opening the drivers door and reaching into the side compartment of the door to fish out her phone.

Becky: So with this in mind, maybe it is time I fired the first shot

She smiles as she presses the buttons on the phone setting the camera function to video.

Becky: So Laura we finally get to meet, after all these years of our careers running on such parallel lines and considering the number of feds we have fought in together it makes it all the more of a surprise that it has taken us until now to finally face off against each other, so I guess if anything good has come out of their clash of ideals I guess it would be this.

Equally I guess I should be thanking you for running your mouth week after week, complaining about the quality of your opponents, so guess it is only fitting that the company decided that they would give me the job of re-educating you on what happens when you let your ego get away from yourself, especially when your career has seen you spending the best part of it riding off the glories of Amanda. I mean do you think anyone would really know who you were if it wasn’t for her supporting your ass all this time, so it will be real interesting to see how you fare on your own, when you haven’t got her covering for your lack of talent in the ring.

So lets put all this team SCW and team Eric business to one side as trust me when I beat your ass infront of that frenzied mob we call the SCW fans, you will realise just how alone you are, no matter what propaganda bullshit Eric might be feeding you, you are not untouchable and come PPV time I will prove this to you and every other chump who wants to march under Eric’s banner, that no matter what banner you choose to march under, once you step in that ring, we all stand alone and it’s a lesson that
all too soon you will also learn.
Be seeing you soon

With these final words she smiles ending the video and quickly sending it off, egerly awaiting to see how Laura will respond.