Author Topic: So It Didn't Go Your Way  (Read 840 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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So It Didn't Go Your Way
« on: February 17, 2023, 11:55:34 PM »
So It Didn’t Go Your Way
Sunday the 5th

He could seriously have ruffled a fair amount of feathers if it had happened. And oh how he wanted it to happen. To walk out of San Jose with that SCW Internet Championship would have been the plucked feather in his cap.

Alas, after a battle that had every fan that could, on their feet, Miles’ body just gave out.

As much as the spirit wanted to will on, Raven took him to the limit.

He would never deny that Alexander is a great competitor. Twice now that they have had a one on one encounter and each time they took each other to that limit. In those terms it’s now 1-1. Someday, they’ll do it again....and next time he’ll return the favor of being left unconscious on the mat.

He couldn’t even be mad about it. Disappointed? Yeah, of course but there was a different feeling about the whole situation. He was always lauded as this up-and-comer but even with the loss, there was a win. He couldn’t tell you what that was as he limped his way to the back as Climax Control went off the air, but the eyes weren't on Raven.

They were on him. They were on him as he woke up and sat on the ring apron, cursing at himself for falling into the trap of Raven's submission. They were on him when he made his way over  to his mother and sister who sat in the front row for the first time ever to watch him. They watched as he gave them both hugs, assuring both that he'll be okay. He was rather thankful that the cameras were off at that particular moment with his mom, Mora with tears in her eyes, not for him but for the fact that she would never forgive him looking like she did and being seen by everyone back home. She was used to seeing her boy coming to her after getting his ass kicked on multiple occasions, so that was nothing new.

He wasn’t ashamed of that match at all and he made it known but what floored him the most was to be called “The future of this sport” by Ben fuckin’ Jordan.

They would sit at dinner when Miles’ eyes went wide when the tweet came down the pipe, “What is up with your face bro?” Bri would ask, taking a sip of a wine that was picked out by Carter.

“Hmm?” Miles said looking up, “Oh um, just got a shocker of a tweet. Nothing bad, just surprising that’s all.”

“From who?” Carter said with concern in his voice but genuine curiosity.

Miles smiled, “Ben Jordan. I had no idea he was even watching tonight but...” he brings his phone up to show Carter the tweet and the response he sent back. “It’ll be good to see him but just sorta floored by it.”

“Why? You’re the hottest thing...” Carter simply said.

Miles cut in with a sly smirk, “In SCW or in general?”

Carter blushed and looked towards Miles’ mom and sister, “I-”

Mora and Bri got a quick giggle out of the exchange between Miles and Carter, enjoying how happy they both seem to be around each other, at least they could tell with Miles and that look that he was relaxed. Mora cleared her throat with a semi-stern look in her eyes, “Putting him on the spot like that in front of your mother like that? I taught you better than that, Miles.”

“But per typical of everything he listens but never learns.” Bri lets out with a laugh, “Then again, neither did I. Which is part of the reason I’m anxious to get home Tuesday. I’m missing my boys something awful.”

“You both deserved this trip though, and I’m glad you did.” Miles said with a raise of his glass, “Just wish I had a better outcome than I did.”

“Miles, I may never understand the whole thing but it is obvious that you were destined for this. Watching you tonight, even through all my worry...and hearing the reactions you have with those people.” Mora proudly stated, “I almost wish we could stay behind another weekend to see Carter in action. You said that your mum and grams have never watched you wrestle?”

“No, but it’s alright, they support me in their own way. I don’t think they would be able to withstand that type of anxiety, I put them through enough as is.”

“Well here is hoping that the next time I’m able to make it across or you guys come to our little piece of the world that I get to meet them.” Mora said with a genuine smile to Carter, “I would love to meet the women behind the man that brings that sort of look out of my son.”

“And what look is that?” Carter asked.

“Oh my boy, don’t you see it?” Mora asks and Carter just shakes his head, “The one of pure happiness.”

Carter shifts in his chair for a moment before he looks at Miles who is just looks at him with all the admiration and happiness. He looks down at Miles hand which is open towards him and even though he’s blushing, Carter reaches with his own hand.

Gotta Think On Your Feet
Valentines Day

“Son of a bitch!” Miles said that Tuesday morning. He sat at the island of the kitchen enjoying a bit of breakfast before he was to get the day started. On the TV sat the morning news and the weather person brought bad news.

Rain, Freezing Rain (In Vegas? WHAT?!?!) and a whole lot of wind.

You see, a day before Miles’ mom and sister flew back to England he had made a trip with them. While he had told Carter it was just to take them to a mall that had some fun things to take back with them, there were other plans afoot.

Though they have been to plenty of dinners together, had several movie nights crashing on the couch or in bed... Miles was determined to make Valentine's Day a day to remember, especially for the one person that deserved it.

Carter had been through enough, he deserved to truly feel adored and he was determined to make it special.

Apparently mother nature had other things in mind.

By the afternoon all the hopes of the weather stopping were gone and he felt a tad bit defeated and made it known. So alternate actions came into play. He reached out to Carter’s mom and practically begged for assistance. He didn’t want it to be cliche and nothing about Carter screamed traditional. Dinner was already handled, thankfully....once he was told about Carter’s favorite flowers he went into action. Had a huge bouquet of lilacs delivered to Carter with a cute message that was just for them.

When he made it known about his frustrations with the weather ruining his plans and Carter spoke up that he would just be happy ordering chinese and playing the game ‘Netflix roulette’, Miles made it known that he had already had his favorite sushi that Ari told him about along with a few other varieties of dessert sushi made up as something fun to try for them both. After that he would run to Target to grab a few candles and before Carter even walked through the door of the condo, through his exhaustion, Miles changed into a simple black suit with a white shirt...trying to look as dapper as he could.

This was a special day afterall.

Technically this was supposed to be their first date. Fuck you very much mother nature.

Carter would look around in astonishment, candle lit, Netflix ready to rock on the main TV, 2 wine glasses, the red sweet marlot that they both enjoyed at the Italian restaurant they went to as Carter’s ‘Thank you’ shortly after he had moved in and the sushi that he almost lost in the parking lot when the wind tried to knock it out of his hands.

“I cannot believe this!” Carter said as he looked around, “How-”

“I have my secrets,” Miles said giving him a quick kiss before leading him over to the couch and handing him a wine glass, “Not exactly what I had in mind but figured I’d make it memorable somehow.”

Carter would watch as Miles grab the bottle and pour himself a glass before he turned to Carter, “Dressed up and everything? What was the original plan?”

Miles sat back and turned towards the young man that had since gone full platinum blond, “Something similar except I was gonna drive us out to this darling little farm that I found when I got routed in the wrong direction with mum and Bri the other day. I was going to rent a convertible and take you out there and they do this drive-in movie thing out there but when it decided to winter in Vegas...”

“Oh my- that...” Carter got out before he leaned in and kissed Miles with passion, after a bit they just sat in silence with their foreheads touching, “I think that would have been amazing...but this?”

“Well I mean it is Valentine’s....and technically our first date. I wanted to show you how amazing you are, you inspired me to do all this...” Miles laughed, “I’m exhausted but it’s all worth it, especially worth that look on your face when you walked in here.”

Carter just sighs contently, “You are amazing.”

“I’m trying to be, especially for you.” Miles says handing him the remote, Carter looks shocked for a moment as Miles grabs the first plate full of food, “Now, tell me all about this Netflix roulette.”

Well I’m “The Future”, What About You?

Why is it always the chair in the middle of the room? Because it’s simple, no flashy things needed here. Miles lets his actions speak in the ring but hell if he must indulge he’ll do it simple and he sits there. Looking like the handsome devil he is.

Peter know what’s funny when I first heard this name my brain immediately went to this whole ‘Wait did SCW start digging up dead actors?’ moment....he was so awesome in Game of Thrones...

Miles clears his throat.

ANYWAYS, I’m getting off track. First of all, mate, let me be the first to welcome you to SCW. I saw you sign up for that Blast From the Past tournament and good luck with that whole thing....I did it last year and needless to say I didn’t have a whole lot of success but that was me, not you. It’s a tough tournament filled with talents of all kinds and there is no telling what is going to happen but you just so happen to sign up at just the right time. You see, I kind’ve found myself in this interesting moment where I have no general path to any title and just enjoy the moments of being in our six-sided ring.” Miles sits back and crosses his arms in front of him, “So in doing my research on you, I feel like maybe I’m at a bit of a disadvantage. ...Which is absolutely nothing new on my part, I’m always in that underdog scenario and truth be told, it’s just how I like it. Now when I mean underdog I don’t mean in the terms of height and weight but in that you are a multi-time champ, coming in here with a trophy case full of achievements and well while I got a few under’s not nearly as impressive as your resume. And to be backed by a group as dangerous as the Saviors, well we all know right there that there is a large chance that you won’t give me an honest fight.

Miles scratches his head before rubbing his hands across his handsome face, “So now I have that whole need to look over my shoulder factor coming in red hot and just what is a poor kid like me gonna do about it? Simple. I’ll fight each and every one of you and your pals that you want to bring into this. But bruv, if you have even paid any remote attention you should know something about me....I love a good fight. I mean, you seem to have this whole blue collar look about you, you know how it feels to be looked down on. I’m not going to look down on you for what you are or what you have done. In fact, I applaud it.

But if you think for one iota of a millisecond that I’m not going to drop you like you stole my lunch money and I finally have had enough of being bullied by people like you? are going to have an extremely rough night, and even a rough go here in SCW. You see, there are a lot of people here that hate bullies, and I get that honest feeling that is exactly what you are.” He nods for a moment and lets his eyes do the talking for a moment, the emotion pouring through. Sniffing for a moment and smirking, “So bruv, leave the Saviors in the back and let me give you the welcome that you deserve...or don’t...and I’ll still give you the welcome that you truly deserve.

We’re all crazy here, mate. It just varies on the level of crazy you wanna play at. And I’m just that type of asshole that’s going to make it that much fun.” Miles takes a deep breath and slaps his legs and pushes himself up to his feet.

Welcome to SCW. I’ll see ya out there, mate.