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Messages - MiloKasey

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« on: September 10, 2021, 12:28:36 AM »
That Voice
The Office of PWS
New York, NY

Miles found himself wandering the halls of the office after a quick visit with the powers that be, he was just tying up some loose ends before boarding the jet and taking off for Anchorage. He wasn’t feeling really himself since losing that match to Caleb...and top it off, someone weighed heavy on his mind.

And suddenly there she was.

Gods help me.

Yo, Abs!

He saw her coming around the corner, he was just gonna duck down the hall and pray she didn’t get a look at him but ...That voice. The first time he met Becca Larkin, she was completely floored by his midsection. Now he’s never been accused of having an ego when it comes to his body...

Shut up.

...but since the day he met her, he has found himself in a fog.

This has happened twice before, once with Bella. At least with her they just agreed it was better for them to remain friends because of his fuck ups.

The other with Angel....Nessa....whatever the fuck she was calling herself nowadays. God, he was head over heels for her and instead, his heart was trampled on. He spent the last almost year doing anything to just forget her. And that fucking bitch just kept turning up like that STD you just can’t cure with antibiotics. But he’d pushed her to the farthest depths of his mind.

So...what the hell was it about Miss Larkin?

Hot. Tomboy. And about as sarcastic as the day is long. Every time she talked to him, he had to use google to get half the references she used.


That brought him to a dead stop in his hasty escape, feet and brain. He didn’t even have the brain power to even reach for the phone that was in his pants pocket, “What in the - Narwhal wha?

The redhead catches up to him with a smile on her face, “Do you not Reddit?

No I don’t. I don’t even understand what Reddit is. I guess that’s-

Going on the list,” she said to finish his sentence, “Where are you off to in such a hurry?

No where actually, was probably just gonna head back to my apartment and triple check my bag.

Oh that’s right, big trip to Alaska is coming up.

Yeah, as strange as it is, this is the first time I’ll ever be there. Thankfully it seems like the powers at SCW get the weather channel and planned this little jaunt NOW and not say the dead ass of winter.” he smirks, “Rain, chill in the air I can handle.

Don’t like the cold?

About as much as I don’t like shirts.” he smiles brightly at the joke on his behalf that almost brings a rush of blush to Becca’s cheeks, which surprises him, “You’re...blushing?” which garners him a slug in the shoulder. "My coffee was hot! You just remember its two for flinchin'!

Rubbing his shoulder he couldn’t help but light up, “Now that reference I get! Which is strangely why the nickname stuck...” he cringed just a bit, “I don’t know why that gets to me still.

" mean, Milo? OH MY GOD!!!! MILO AND OTIS!!??!" Becca shrills in delight.

No, Milo as in Atlantis. But isn’t that one about the cat and dog?" He questioned. "YAAAAAAAS!!!" Becca squeals with delight, which makes him laugh, “My sister loved that movie...maybe that’s where she got it from.

You got a sister?

Yeah, a twin sister actually.” he pulls his phone out and brings up one of the few family photos he has, before he came to the state, his mum, his sis and him, “That’s her and my mum. Both are ball busters, she’s only older because according to the doctor’s she stepped on my head to literally go first. Which would explain a lot with my head sometimes. I do miss it at times.

"THAT'S how you explain that head!? That makes SO MUCH SENSE NOW!" Becca taunts him, "Messin' with ya! So like what do they have you doing next?" Becca pondered.

Miles sighs, “Well I came up short against Caleb in the Internet Title Tourney, so I’m just doing a card filler against Agostino Romano....which legit I have faced so many times. It’s strange, I keep finding myself back in these weird situations where I’m back to square one."

"So why dont you like, leave the prick in a pool of blood and demand to be taken seriously or youre gonna fuck shit up while I document it!" Becca cries excitedly.

He shrugs, while leaning against the closest wall, “Well, it’s not like I have anything I’m really working towards though. It’s just a throw away, another bragging rights with no rhyme or reason."

Becca cocks an eyebrow, "Yeah, one day SOMEONE has to look at the win-loss records and I think...I think maybe I see it in you. Go kick a Little ass? For me? It'd be HOT."

For you, eh?” that caught his attention, and brings a little cocksure smile back to his face. “But if you are serious about documenting it, among other things since you seem to be so interested, there is plenty of room on the plane.

What are you asking, Abs?

What I’m asking, Ms. Larkin, do you wanna see the Last Frontier?” She gasps and dramatically flaps her hands. "OHMAGAWD! I mean uh...sure, I guess…"

Well then...” he raises his blue-green eyes shining bright, leans down to her, “How soon can you be ready?

Boldly Going Where We’ve Been Before
Anchorage, AK

It was a glorious site to behold, the mountains, the forest. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t get so damn cold in the winter months, he’d think about moving here but he really hated the cold.

He found himself doing the long distance run again, just something to clear his head for a moment. And instead he found himself at a stadium looking all over.

This could be perhaps that moment where I can finally turn it all around. Don’t get me wrong, I felt that I was so close to that with that Internet Tournament but sadly I just came up short. I have no excuses, Caleb was better than me and it hurts to say that. Cause it’s not the first time it’s happened.” he sits himself on the banister and crosses his arms and just shakes his head.

Someday, I’ll get there. I know I will. If that beautiful, sassy redhead believes I can then I guess anything is possible. And, God, I don’t know if it’s leading me down another path of where one day she’s there and the next she’s not but I don’t give a shit. It’s so unusual to actually feel like I have someone to believe in me for once. And I wasn’t even looking.

Reality slaps us up side our empty heads like the asshole it is, don’t it Agostino? Here we are, right back where we started, just you and me, mono y mono and you know what...I think I have gone and developed a bit of a chip on my shoulder.

Miles snorts in almost disgust from it all, “I am a nice guy, but mate, I’m pissed off. Not at anyone but myself, but I’m pissed off and I can’t seem to let it go. So since I can’t go and take it out on myself, I am simply going to take it out on you. I KNOW that I am capable of so much more than this. I know I could have easily been where Caleb is but just once again I’m not. So it’s not really a throw away match, considering that you, Agostino have been a two time Internet Champion. You’ll have to tell me someday how you did it but I feel like I have something to prove. And if that means taking a piss out of you to do it, then be it.

I am done digging my claws in, only to be knocked down. I’m done growling. The pirate wolf...the Don Carnage is out to make a point. This time, I’m not growling, this time....

I go in for the kill.

Climax Control Archives / Ramblings of a Mad Man
« on: August 27, 2021, 11:59:32 PM »
Tuesday Night
Philadelphia, PA

Miles made his way through the hallway with a huge smile on his face as he came across the surprise win on PWS: Apex Riot. A match that turned out to be a lot bigger than he originally thought.

He couldn’t believe it, Alexis had talked the “powers that be” into a contenders match....

And she slipped up and he capitalized.

He lost it, as soon as he powdered and made his way up the ramp. That bitch looked so dejected....

She brought it all on herself. His smile was as wide as possible. A real smile.

That was the boost he needed. A shot in the arm in the form of confidence. He was going to be able to walk into Seattle with his head held high. But he also knew what he faced.

Caleb Storms

“At least this time it will be a regular match,” he said to himself.

Not that he didn’t enjoy that Tuxedo match between himself and Alex last week, in fact he decided to have it framed because he wanted to remember it that much.

But Caleb.

He sat down on top of a box and slapped his head, “Get out of your head, Milo. You want a shot at that Internet Title? Then get out of the emptiness between your years. You’re better when you just don’t think and let it flow. You have put yourself through too much to let this get in your head. You are a fuckin’ WOLF and a PIRATE! You are the Don FUCKIN’ Carnage of the wrestling world. SO DON’T LET YOUR PAST BE YOUR FUCKING PRESENT!”

But yet, IT’S CALEB!

“Just can’t be normal for once can we? Just can’t show all your hard work, and how you bust your arse in the gym day in and day out. Can’t just shake your arse, do a little dance and move on. NO, you have to worry over and over and over about the dumb shit you do in the past. And yet here I am...talking to absolutely fucking no one but thin air, the wall, that lighting tech over there that I KNOW IS LISTENING TO MY PRIVATE CONVERSATION....I SEE YOU OVER THERE DOUG!”

The guy that he was pointing to gives a side eye look and scoots off camera.

“That’s what I thought. I mean, I guess the brick wall is as good as any....cause that’s how all my friends act towards me anyways. Ello wall, how are you doing today? Oh fine? Just holding everything up? ME TOO! But even my foundation is crumblin’ just a tad. I can’t seem to get past being completely fucked over, I can’t get past my friends in the own little world and not gonna lie but if the next person I come across just wants to screw least they can buy me dinner first!”

He turns around running his hand through his crazy hair and freezes when his blue green eyes meet a pair of big brown eyes. An awkward silence fills the air.

"Oh my! So sorry, I...WOW, abs. Mmkay, pull it together...hi! I'm uhhh...I think I'm lost. My name is Becca...s-sorry…"

“It’s quite alright, you just...ramblings of a crazy man. I’m Milo - er, Miles. Who were you lookin’ for?”

"Umm...technically? PWS:Apex...I was supposed to do some profiles on people that are in both companies...wait, aren't you?”

“That I am. How about I buy you a cuppa in catering?” 

Becca looks around nervously trying not to look at his abs as she shyly points "Sh-should you...shirt?"

Miles looks down and realizes he’s still drenched in sweat, “ about I meet you there.”

Climax Control Archives / Sharp Dressed Man
« on: August 20, 2021, 03:20:09 AM »
A teeny tiny favour
Wolfslair Gym
New York

His eyes were glued to the TV, watching Climax Control as he wound himself down from a huge workout. He knew Malachi would have zero issues with The Troll, despite that idiot’s best talk on social media. He watched Bella handle her opponent....and saw that all hell was more than likely gonna break loose eventually but that bridge would be crossed later in the week. MEANWHILE the next week matches were announced. His face popped up on the scream next to Alex Rush and the words “CANDY'S RULES - PRETTY IN PINK TUXEDO MATCH” in bright pink letter were under where it was the Internet Championship Round One match.

A pink...tux. And suddenly he had a flash of brilliance. His phone lit up with messages but he ignored them and went right into twitter and typed away.

Annnnnnd send!” he said typing with a bit of a laugh in his throat.

I just got one question: Can I get mine a little early? Not gonna do anything bad to it, just a few alterations. I will not screw with the color of it, I swear on my mum's life.

He couldn’t help himself. The minute he found out about the type of match he was in, he had a vision. An almost evil sadistic vision.

If they wanted to paint him as a sex symbol, who was he to deny a little fun in the process. After all, after his win 2 weeks ago over Shane Borderland, he found a new determination and surprisingly felt extremely upbeat lately.

Even if you motherfuckers forgot my birthday.

Instead he sets his phone aside, patiently waiting for the answer to his tweet from the ever delightful Candy. He never understood why people found her annoying. She was so sweet.

It finally came 20 minutes later, as he was on a stationary bike.

I think I can allow this :D

“Fuckin’ score!” he yelled, laughing and hopping off the bike, grabbing everything he had with him and making his way into the locker room of the Wolfslair gym. He didn’t even care about the questionable looks he was getting in the process of all of this because he was just excited. Really excited.

Internet Championship tournament that he didn’t even know he was going to be a part of until almost the 11th hour. This....this was going to be something different. He was inspired after having a chat with Alex, he was able to get a little push. He made it by Shane on pure luck....this tournament match against Alex Rush, he was taking it very seriously but at the same time, he had to have fun with it.

After toweling the sweat from his head, he turned back to his phone and pressed a few buttons and put it to his ear, after a little bit we hear a ‘Hello?’, “My darling Mattie, how are you on this fine Sunday evening?

A pause comes over the speaker and you can hear a clearly annoyed voice on the other end go “What do you want, Milo?

He can’t help but smirk, his mate Mack’s girl always had a wonderful way of getting directly to the point and seeing through all his smarmy bullshit. She was another wasted crush but she was never met for him. Rubbing the back of his neck, appreciating her getting to the point, “I know you got your hands full overlooking young and very pregnant Alanah, but was wondering if perhaps you could do me a tiny favour?

Gold watch, diamond ring
I ain't missin' not a single thing
Cufflinks, stick pin
When I step out I'm gonna do you in

They come runnin' just as fast as they can
'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man

Miles stands in front of a mirror, in the pink tux that he was given by Candy. It has since been to Mattie Cormier and back with the exact specification. Short notice but the woman is a goddamn magician when it comes to clothing.

It honestly doesn’t look...horrible.” he said, fixing the bright pink bowtie. He knows he looks completely ridiculous in it but the smile that lights up his whole face says he really does not care.

I think you look absolutely ridiculous and I cannot believe that you are going through with it!” states the familiar voice of his twin sister, Brianna. “I didn’t even know the made pink tuxedos anymore. I thought they were just something out of cheesy 80’s movies or Billy Joel videos.

Miles looks over at the laptop where his sister’s video shows on the screen as she just gives this look of her brother absolutely losing his ever loving mind, “Oh just wait. Actually, if you could do me a solid and keep mum away from the television on Sunday night, it’d make up for you stepping on my head on the way out of the womb.

HAR HAR! What are you up to?

Well if I’m going to make a complete arse out of myself, then I’m going full out. Mattie was kind enough to make some adjustments on top of making sure it was fitted properly and I could put my boots on under it,” he says standing back and letting his sister fully see it, “What do you think?

Lose the bowtie.” she says deadpan.

NO! It completes the look and besides, bowties are still cool.” he says adjusting it.

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at the same time, “You are such an idiot. OH, I saw that whole exchange between you and Carter. You think he’ll try and make it up to you for missing that it was your birthday 2 weeks ago?

Meh, I told him to not worry about it. Besides, my attention is elsewhere. This tourney is a huge opportunity and while yes, I do look absolutely just redonkulous...


I gotta say, if this is what I gotta do to move on and try for this Internet Championship, then so be it. If I know Alex Rush, he’s gonna do just about anything to be just as insane as me. So I need to make a point. And if that means give a little Chippendale revue audition, then so be it! Don’t worry though, I won’t completely sully the name of Kasey....well, no more than I already have.

Well good luck. But Milo...


Her eyebrow just raises and she leans it and practically whispers, “After our childhood, I don’t think we have anything to worry about to make the name Kasey any lower.

He laughs, “Noted sis...but can’t hurt to try, ya know?

True. Call me after the show?

Deal, provided I don’t end up in jail for something like indecent exposure.


He reaches over and closes the laptop before she can cuss him out, he turns and looks in the mirror again. “Yeah, this is gonna be a blast.

Climax Control Archives / Existential dread?
« on: August 06, 2021, 11:47:33 PM »
Keep working, Milo.

You’ll get there.

Then what’s with this existential dread?

Birthday Boy Blues
San Fran

A popular cafe, overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge and there we see Miles Kasey, leaning back in one of those rustic looking seats, all alone. Chugging on a bottle of water, drenched in sweat cause he was resting from a run. That seems to be a thing nowadays. Alone made it easy to be lost in his thoughts, where he could go over every dumbass thing he had ever done in his life, where he could go over the lessons he got from Alex and Austin in the last 3 weeks since he got his ass kicked by Austin at SummerXxxtreme.

That was wacky fun. Getting your head kicked

Sweet christ he needed a hobby and thotting his way around the states was not solving anything. But there was another problem. Let’s listen in on our hero’s tales.

3 days and then my birthday. It’s been the same shit every damn year. I have been attempting to look on the bright side of things since coming up short on the Sun Princess. Another title opportunity blown. I know it was my own fault cause I let the fact as to who was across the ring get inside my head.” a smirk crosses his face as he slicks his hair back, “Just like the times I faced Alex.

So when I put out a Q&A thing and Christian asked who I wanted to face in SCW or SCU, my answer was simple, “ANYONE BUT THOSE FROM WOLFSLAIR!”

He runs his hair through his hair, slicking it back with the sweat that built up there, “I run with that pack. I feel like I put my status in Wolfslair in danger every single time that it happens. So Mark Ward, if you are out there and you actually somehow hear this, until I can fully truly believe that I can do it, just....don’t.” he places his hand on his broad chest and gives an honest look, “Respect my wishes on this because I feel like I need to do something to bring myself to the level I believe I should be at to attempt that again.

Leaning forward, he kobes the now empty bottle into the nearest trash receptacle, “At least something good came out of my time aboard the Sun Princess. I became even more likable with what I did....whatever the hell that was. And hey, I got laid, so there’s that.” That line brings a smile to his face, cause he still doesn’t know who it was but it was wonderful, “But I’m still sitting here in awe. I know that management wants to see me succeed but I am still having issues in understanding that. I know a lot of that is in this damaged cabassa that sits three feet above my award winner arse. But it’s nice to know that my hard work isn’t going unnoticed.

Standing up he looks over the edge to see how far it leads down and shakes his head, “That leads me to this week, once again I seemingly hit that reset button once again. Where I’m going, I don’t know but I do know that my first step is through one of the newcomers to Sin City. So Shane Borderland, allow me to introduce myself...

He scruffs out his hair and makes a short bow, “Miles Kasey, and I’m pretty fucking amazing in the ring whether it’ll be 4 or 6 sided. While I have not seemed to have found my stride yet in SCW, I am content in the fact that I’m sitting in the curtain jerk with you. WHY? Well because, mate, we set the tone for the entire night. There is not gonna be a seat in Kezar Pavilion that will have an ass in it because no matter what, I plan on getting them ALL on their feet. I know you’re still fairly new here so allow me to be about as blunt as I possibly can be, I’m going to bring them to their feet and if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to get that done, then I have zero issue in carrying you all the way to the end.

His blue-grey eyes almost shimmer with a dare to his opponent, “I have a reputation to uphold after work ethic carries me to that next step, wherever and whatever that may be. And I think the greatest birthday present ever, would be gaining that checkmark in the Win column and moving on to the next thing. ....maybe this time I won’t trip when I get inches from that finish line.

And with that he turns around on his heels and begins his adventure back to the city, but not before looking back and shrugging, “Maybe, year 27 will be a hell of a lot better than 26.

You want me to do what?
Aboard the Sun Princess

“Teach a dance class.”

Miles just stares for a moment, blinking to reset his brain. He shakes his head and turns to look at one of the stage hands that has come over to talk to him during dinner, “....I’m sorry, I think I just had a stroke, one more time?

“Come on, Milo. Think about it! You can hypnotize people with that ass...” he said which caused others that were sitting at the table to damn near spit take whatever they were eating and drinking at the moment.

This caused Miles to lift his eyebrow at them for a moment, “Ok, despite me and Derek Hough having the same hair, I am not even remotely qualified to be teaching anything that remotely is close to resembling dancing.” Milo says with a laugh, “So thanks but...

The stage hand looks like he’s about to give up when he sees he’s being watched closely. He drops down next to Miles and almost with eyes that would rival Puss-n-Boots, says, “It’s a publicity stunt, if anything. Do it shirtless and we’ll be able to sell it on Pay Per View.”

Very funny. Look, as a member of Wolfslair I have a certain reputation to uphold.” Miles says as he stands up and tries to remove himself from the situation.

“Fenris did something similar a couple years ago. He taught a martial arts class that was just packed!”

That almost changes his mind for a moment before he looks behind him to see the kid, hot on his heels, as he makes his way to the bar, “Yeah and if you make the announcement of “Come meet Miles Kasey and have him teach you how to shake your ass like him.” I doubt it’ll have the same punch.

Miles motions to the bartender, the kid tries again with the big eyes, “So no?”

The bartender steps up, “Another 7 & 7?”

Miles nods, before turning his attention to the stage hand, he sighs and tilts his head just right to where the light catches perfectly on his blue green eyes, “I respectively decline, but thanks anyway.



Night has fallen aboard the cruise ship and needless to say the drinks have been flowing and the party is pretty much poppin’. As the sounds of the 1986 Charting Hit from the group of Michael "Mike D" Diamond, Adam "MCA" Yauch and Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz aka The Beastie Boys’ “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right To Party” blare through the sound system, and we see very inebriated, shirtless Milo on top of the bar that is closest to the pool. People surround him, cheering on the stupidity as Miles dances like a fool atop the bar, like he’s a member of the Chippendales group.

The dance eventually turns into a striptease as all his inhibitions are in the bottom of an empty bottle with little care of the consequences. In the blink of an eye his boardshorts drop, leaving him in his black and white Calvins and screaming, runs and jumps into the deep end of the pool which leads to a bunch of the same type of crazies to follow.

He surfaces in the middle of the mass who seem to enjoy being so close to the British star. “NEXT ROUND IS ON ME!

That brings a large round of cheers and more bodies jumping into the pool.

Pounding comes to the door of his cabin as a loud round of snores fills it. More thumping comes and this time it knocks whomever is snoring in the bed out of their deep sleep. A pillow gets thrown off as we see Miles, laying on his stomach, his hair completely disheveled. As the pounding at the door gets louder, “YEAH! ....Gimmie a damn mo!” his voice croaks out.

He shuffles down the bed and stops for a moment, lifting the sheets he realizes, “Well apparently it was a good night.” as another knock comes to the door. “YEAH YEAH!” Wrapping the sheet around him tight he answers the door and the same stage hand stands there, “Mate, do you have any idea what time it is?


Is it really that late? Shit, it must have been a really good night.

“That’s why I’m here.” he hands Miles a sheet of the daily itinerary. “I’ve been told to make up for last night that you really don’t have a choice.”

Miles rubs his eyes and looks down the paper, and sees:

Dance Party
Hosted by SCW Star Miles Kasey

Miles just stares at it for a moment and sighs, “Fine.

“I’ll pass the word. By the way, last night? That was perhaps one of the craziest parties ever!”

Glad you remember it. I’m sure blackmail will pop up that will stir the memory.

“Well it was amazing!”

Miles just nods, pulling the sheet tight around him, steps back and closes the door. He leans against it and sighs for a moment before something catches his eye. On the table in his room sits a piece of paper, folded in half. He picks it up and reads it outloud, “Thanks for an amazing night.” he looks it over again just to see if there was a name but nothing.

Well, Milo...ya did it again.” looking around the room, “I have a feeling I’m gonna need maid service today.

I Know Nothing About You, You Know Nothing About Me
Can’t We Just Agree to Disagree?

In the halls of the ship, Miles walks, hat on backwards, sunglasses on his face, in workout clothing, a large gym bag over his shoulder, and a gallon of water carried in his left hand, “Day 1 teams, no working together, not even a hello....that is something our teams have in common. DESPITE what my partner thinks, Tempest is not a member of Wolfslair and oy what a goose egg that was to hear.

Miles adjust the dark sunglasses and takes a large chug of his water from the gallon, “No, see Selena, as amazing as I think it would be to have a beast of a woman like her in Wolfslair, she is her own island. Even I was paying attention when Alicia decided to teach Austin a lesson. Remember that whole Queen for a Day thing? She thought that forcing Austin to team with someone outside of Wolfslair, would teach him some sort of lesson about playing nice with others.

He stops and groans for a moment, as if the motion of the ship is causing issues with him being in pain, “INSTEAD! We are in that same almost strange situation where I am forced to play nice with someone I don’t know, for titles that I’ve never held. It’s almost headache inducing....the kind you get with a hangover where if you don’t get enough water the next day, the kind where you rather have a railroad spike driven through your sinuses than deal with the amount of pain you brought on yourself.

And that’s sort of the amazing part of it, I brought this on myself. The pain, the headache, the unknown of what you did after a certain point in the night...the how exactly you got yourself into this situation AND thankfully having the good sense to have protection.

I could have easily been taking on Gabriel, but he’s been busy this week entertaining his mother....which, I do hope she is enjoying this time with her boy, she so deserves it. And I know that I deserve better than this. I’m going to pay my repentance for this because I know Austin is gonna be out to make a lesson out of me. This pirate wolf has zero issue in the fact that he’s gonna be getting his ass thrown all across the ring but at the end of the day, he knows that I gotta do what I have to do to win. Can Selena HONESTLY say the same?” he comes up to a door that says ‘Conference 1’ and leans against the door ledge, “And will she have my back? Knowing that across the ring stands a man that is practically family. He may see me as an annoying little brother, but at the end of the day we got each other's backs. Don’t know if I can say that about you, partner.

I digress, I don’t think Selena will be the type that will actually throw a knife in the back of her partner when she too wants the same thing, a victory and 10 pounds of gold in her bag coming off this ship.” he reaches for the handle but stops himself, looking back up with a boyish smirk, “But then again, does she want a partner that gets the kind of attention that I get?

And with that he pops the door as a load of people have piled into the room, waiting for his arrival, “Well hello! I take it you are all here for that dance class?

We hear cheers as the door closes and the music starts to blare on the other side.

“What -and I can’t stress the next part enough- THE FUCK?!?!?” Miles said watching the announcement being made. People were around and just gave him this look before he just rubbed his face and walked away into the locker room area. He knew that Pussy Willow would come searching for him to get his ‘feelings’ on the match announcement.

Nothing against Selena....Not one bit.

A tag match wasn’t exactly what he was hoping for. And standing across the ring was Tempest, which would be Selena’s problem....


Austin James Mercer.

The Black Sheep of Wolfslair.

Leaning back in his little corner of the locker room world, our hero rubs his face into the back of his neck. Like every match, there is a pre-match list to go through. Gear, laced up, pads set and stable and the tape job. Same pattern every show, every match. Even in the pot match.

But something told him to sit, something told him to make his way into the catering and watch with everyone, chug a bunch of water and the minute he saw Selena win and Chris appear, an all too familiar feeling of existential dread washed over him. Last year it was piranhas.

Now that he’s gotten away and tucked himself into his corner and kicked back, first it was Alex....then it was Alex again....both were Ls for him. This was something different and he wasn’t sure how the fuck he was gonna approach it. Cause the last time he was in this particular situation, it was with someone he had barely said hello to.

He sat there, laughed as he scruffed up his own hair, “Here we go again. FUCK! I love this business.”

Blow Me Away
Thursday Night
Brooklyn, NY

“The National Weather Services has issued an aerial flood warning-” the drone of the weather radio blares.

“I’ll have to remember to thank Lach and Morgan for sharing the weather.” Miles says flatly as it downpours outside the window of his apartment, the thunder roars outside as he turns his attention towards a computer screen. On the other side, his twin sister Brianna, “I’ve managed to avoid hurricanes til now.”

“It’s not that bad is it?” she asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

“Nah, it’s like a heavy thunderstorm over and over again. It was barely bad down by them for a Cat 1.” he says as another flash of lightning pops behind him and the thunder practically shakes the building, causing him to look up.

“See, to me that just sounds like crazy talk.” Bri responds, shaking her head.

“What? Living through a hurricane?” laughing, he pushes a bucket over to catch water dripping.

“Not only that but actually STAYING there for like, ever? What the hell is wrong with them?”

“Well I mean, they do have Universal and Disneyworld it’s not all bad.”

“Which makes it a good place to visit and not live.”

“I’ll make sure to tell them you said that.”

“Psh, like I care. I can’t believe you get to wrestle on that giant ship again though! And here I am still stuck over here, with mum.”

“Yeah, well soon. My invitation has already been accounted for. Well worth it if you ask me.”

“You are evil Miles.”

“Yep! At least I know that if I die at the hands of Austin, that I get one last thrill out of seeing the panic on that bitch’s face when he realizes what I did.”

“So is trolling him really worth the potential of losing this match?”

“What do you mean? This is just the icing atop the cherry filled cake that will be an amazing weekend. Even if I’m teaming with someone I have never met...or said hello to.”

“You really are awkward as hell.” she said laughing, “Could be why it feels like you are holding something back.”

“What?!? You’re nuts.”

“And you’re deflecting, dear brother.”

“Not even.”

Lights begin flickering as the thunder rolls outside.

“What the hell was that?”

“You ever see the show Supernatural?”


“I’m gonna go grab the salt, if I die..”

“Bury you ass up, just the way you came into the world from what mum told me.”


And just before he hangs out the power completely cuts and Miles sits there illuminated by the screen.

“Great...just...just great.”

Avoiding people has been a thing. I feel weird that I am right back in this same strange predicament where I’m having to face someone that helped me recently. STRANGE I KNOW! But it actually happened. It wasn’t successful in anyway, but Bri had it right. I am an awkward freaking idiot.

I don’t know how I get myself into these situations, I seem to just walk right into them....head first. No helmet.

That would explain a lot though, wouldn’t it?

Hard to imagine if I legit could use the braincells that I was graced with to actually come up with a viable response to how I am going to approach this match. Instead, I’ve spent my days in the gym just hiding from them. It’s amazing as to how well I was able to do just that.

I cannot stress this enough: WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO NOW?!?!

“How ‘bout you stop hidin’ from your own mates, Don Carnage?”

Climax Control Archives / Call me Charlie
« on: July 02, 2021, 11:47:50 PM »
Coming to grips with who you are

“Meat Head”

That was what he heard as his music came to an end in his headphones. The person it came from was glaring because he camped himself out in one location inside the local gym.

There was no harm in any of it, he did it all the time. In fact, ever since the owner was allowed to reopen, he encouraged people to do just that to avoid cleaning everywhere they traveled. But apparently Karen decided today was a day to choose violence.

Sucks to be her. He woke up and chose to be a petty bitch. The next song started and he purposely did his next set about as slow as he could stand. It would help with the definition anyway.

And in return, Karen, her friends and the guy she came in with, all stood in awe as he completed his last slow burn reps. His arms were on fucking fire but it was worth it.

Once he was done, he reached into his pocket, took a few photos for social media cause well he’s the ‘Meat head’. Slowly and methodically he re-racked it all, damn near piece at a time. The last was the superband that was wrapped around the area of the rack. Grabbing his water bottle, he wrapped it around his neck, turned, winked at the crowd watching his every move.

The Karen rolled her eyes and scoffed but the guy, who we assume is her boyfriend, is like “Holy shit, Milo Kasey.”

“Who?” ‘Karen’ says with a bit of venom in her tone.

“Jesus, Marcie, could you be any thicker?” the boyfriend popped off. Before Miles could butt in to their conversation though, his phone goes off. He nods at the crew, before walking away. He can feel all eyes on him and even hear a few sighs.


Oh, he’s got gym voice.

Just finished actually. How’s America’s penis?” he laughs to the gasps of the passer-bys. He gives them a quick wink before continuing on.

EW! Really?

Look at a map and tell me I’m lyin’. But seriously, all settled in?

For the most part, classes start next week. I was already over, checked it out. Makes the New York one look super old.

I’ll make sure to tell Alex all about it.” Miles quips, “Glad you are ok though.

You miss me?

Yeah, the place hasn’t been dusted since you left.

Har har” Morgan says flatly, “I’ll let you go back to doing whatever, but I just...

The line goes silent for a moment, he almost wonders if the call dropped but something on the side catches his attention, which means she’s nervous, “Morgan, I can hear you chewing on your lip from here and I can’t even see you. Out with it.

I ran into Chrissy.

Miles pauses for a moment and swallows the breath he sucked in the minute he heard that name, “Oh.

I guess Chrissy is gonna be back in New York soon to help finish up Jack and Lanah’s house. I thought I should give you a heads up.

Miles drops his head and almost whispers out, I appreciate it, Morgs....

Milo, listen....” she follows up quickly but-

I gotta go, the plane is taking off in a few hours, still gotta go home and shower.” there he goes again. Run Milo run.

Quiet for a moment, before she sighs in defeat, “ safe.

You too.” he goes to hang up but before he does-

And Milo, be true to yourself. Bye

And with that she hangs up. Miles is taken back by the rudeness the call ending but even she knows

That sweet 19 year old girl has more sense than what is in his head, that is apparently full of fucking rocks.

Willy Wonka Got Nothing on Us

The Golden Ticket

Miles sits on the stairwell of the Vegas hotel that he gets to call home now and again. He fiddles with his phone in his hand.

That ticket can lead to just about anything you can possibly imagine. You know between myself, Agostino and Lincoln....we’ve all had interesting moments in SCW. Those two though, they got their gold before me. I have hit a lot of road blocks, a lot of trolls and a lot of naysayers....telling me what I can and can’t do or be.

He scoff for a moment, looking off to the side as if he’s waiting for someone to appear, “It’s rather weird, I actually thought for certain that I was going to go into SummerXxxtreme, on a very different path but instead here we are, lads. Potential for so much more. Who, at the end of this triple threat will stamp their ticket. It’s a big opportunity for one of us to prove that we are more than the sum of our parts.

We three, we know each other....I’m surprised at this point, that we’re not hitting the bar after the show. In fact, this round is on me, mostly because I gotta apologize somehow for the atrocities that I am about to commit.

That evil smirk that gets the swoon appears, as he brushes his hair from his face, “You see...I’m the kinda asshole that realizes what he has at the zero hour. I used to be the one that realized it when it was too late and I fucked a lot of things up. I’m trying to rectify that by showing that somehow Milo can indeed get his shit together. I need to prove it to my mum, my sister, Morgan...Bella...and a few others that know what I mean. I need to put the idea in my head, that my arse is far far better than I am giving myself credit for.

That’s the problem with all of us, innit? We sell ourselves short. We all have people that believe but we all have a deterers. Sometimes, it’s those that know we’re better than they want to give us credit for, that are indeed the loudest. I’m not here to tell you guys that I am better, because....well you got there first. But at the end of the day, the haire lost the race.” he stands up and leans against the railing, shoving his phone into his back pocket. “I’m going to be the one that stamps his ticket to the ship. Because even the idiot catches the break. Even the fool gets the luck. To the victor, goes the spoils. Or in this case, the Golden Ticket. what, who only knows. But only one of us can find out....and lads, I intend for me to be Charlie....

By the by....Grandpa Joe? ....what a lazy arsehole!

Climax Control Archives / Time to Make your Move
« on: June 18, 2021, 11:50:16 PM »
Time to Move
New York, NY

FUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGH, I’m just gonna call them and tell them never mind,” a female voice with that slight cockney accent pops up as we see Miles Kasey sitting there laughing a bit. He looks back towards the room where it came from and follows it with a roll of his eyes.

You are doing this...” he says, turning his attention back to the TV for a moment.

His soon to be former roommate, Morgan Baker comes stomping out of the room that she has claimed for the last 6 months, “But what about-?

You. Are. Doing. This.” he simply says, throwing popcorn into his mouth and flipping the TV channel.

Morgan storms around and stands in front of the TV with her tiny hands on her hips, “Who’s gonna be there to make sure you don’t shove your pants in the damn oven and set the whole damn building on fire!” she says in an almost scolding tone.

Miles tries to look around her but her tiny frame is like a big wall in front of his TV, “Morgs..

Milo! I’m serious! I can’t just up and leave New York for Orlando.” she motions broadly, “It doesn’t feel right.

Miles just stares at her, “You did it before when you left your family and moved all the way over here to go to PWS’ school and learn under Cameron!” he points behind him, “Morgan, if I have to go in there, throw all your clothes in a trash bag and take you down there myself, I’m going to. It’ll be a great workout and a lot of fun. Lord knows I have to be scrappy to deal with Agostino this week. MAKE IT EASY FOR ME!


NO!” Miles slams the remote down, stands up and grabs her shoulders, “Listen to me, have this amazing chance to be a part of something very special. Getting to move down to Florida, to be in the first inaugural class of Wolfslair Orlando is HUGE! I’m not going to let you fall into this habit of being a little mother and using me as an excuse to root here.

Morgan stands there with a slight pout on her face for a moment before she wraps her arms around Miles and hugs him, “You do need someone to watch over you. You’re a bloody mess even with me mothering you.

Miles smirks and hugs her small frame back, kissing the top of her head, “I’m a bloody mess, period, love. Don’t make me call the boss.

Morgan pulls away and shoves him back, “You just want to get rid of me so you can go back to god knows what, like before I got here.

I love how you think so little of me. I’m going to be busy myself, you know,” he says grabbing one of her bags and heading into her room, “Between training at the New York gym with Alex, I’m dealing with that fat ass Gabriel because he can’t buy a clue even if he was on one of those inept game shows that is on daytime TV.

His mum ever thank you for those flowers?

Oh his reaction ALONE was thanks enough. Just wait til you see my next move.” laughing he glances around, “So which one of these is your underwear drawer? I have been curious about that for a while.

Morgan gasps, snatching the bag from him and hitting him with it, “You are such a pig!

Can’t blame me for being genuinely curious can you?” he says laughing, moving towards the door.

OUT!” she says, slamming the door behind him. He turns and knocks lightly, she whips it open and glares at him “What?

Leaning against the door jam, he smiles genuinely, “I will miss you, you know that?

Will ya?

Course! You got to see my arse and not sell the photographic evidence to the media. My actual sister would have done it with a smile as she went and bought herself something nice.” he says with a sigh, running his hand through his hair, “I want you to go down there, own that shite, move back and show me up. A’right?” Morgan nods and before anything else can be said, he gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek, turns on his heels and heads out, leaving Morgan all by herself.

She looks at the door before she goes back into her room, she grabs a picture frame and places it on the table. “....I’ll miss you too.” she says to it before she heads back to finish her packing.

The picture is of the two of them the night he became her partner and effectively the other half of the tag champs.

Moving On To the Next
Las Vegas, NV

It’s a hot one, but Miles doesn’t care. He came out early cause in his 2 bedroom apartment it was suddenly very empty. He wasn’t going to keep Morgan from becoming her best, she had to go. But was Vegas any better?

No, not really.” he says, sitting at the hotel bar, dressed in a simple dress shirt and blue pants.

I’m not really all that alone, but suddenly going from someone that was there every day to not having that little mother there at all....was just....ODD. So here I am, hoping to find trouble. Trouble always finds me it seems.

He lifts his glass, looking at the brownish liquid inside, lighting swishing it around, “I wanna sort of already go off and raise hell but what I have in mind is sort of a redemption. Quite some time ago, I started on this path. A path I thought was going to lead me to my first gold in SCW and instead I’ve sort of cracked into this really strange timeline. I feel like it started with Agostino and losing to him. Yeah, he got one up on me and this is match 2 and so help me...if that fat fuck even thinks about poking his nose into this one, I’m going to send his head back in a box to his mum to put on her mantel like a trophy.

Raising an eyebrow, there is no smirk...just an ice cold glare, “I’m not screwing around anymore. After he cost me that match against Mac, I’m going to make him wish he could crawl back up inside his mother.

That brings a smirk to his face, he sips his beverage before placing it on the counter. Stretching his arms out, he simply cracks his neck and continues on, “As for Agostino, I get that you are sort of in this weird slump right now. It’ll be fine, we’re all there. But I’m not that same guy you faced months ago. I’ve grown, I’m stronger. I feel like I’m actually beginning to know the real Milo Kasey. He’s a guy that knows what he wants, when he wants it...and he’ll make sure that come hell or high water, he will get there.

I hate to say I’m going to make an example of exactly how I am going to do that, out of you Agostino....but I have no choice. I know that bastard is watching and waiting. I’m sorry. I genuinely am. I get that you are a former champ and I should respect that but this isn’t about 10 pounds of gold....this is something much deeper. Simple. Basic. NEED. to prove that I am as good as I say I am.

And no amount of TROLLING is going to keep me from proving that point.

And with that he throws some bills on the bar, before standing up and simply walking away.

Climax Control Archives / Chances Are Few and Far Between
« on: June 04, 2021, 11:53:51 PM »
No Drugs Were Done In The Making Of This Match
Wolfslair Gym

All hail the Queen. Alicia Lukas did what she was out to do. She became the Queen for a Day. Miles? WELL, not so much. He found himself on the business end of Alex’s Koji Clutch and he ended up tapping out, like a bitch.

That fucking Roulette Championship was like this unobtainable golden monkey. I’m not Indiana Jones, and I really don’t feel like pissing off the natives of this land. So I have reserved the fact that it’s just not in the cards for me to reach that particular mountain. The idea of me being a champion at this particular moment in my career is questionable at best too.

Why do I sound like Bella? Big words with deep meaning.’s been a weird couple of weeks.

That’s why when I got the word from her majesty...

Word was around, everyone knew what she was doing. It took him almost all afternoon before he talked himself into going over there. “Are....are you sure?

She just looked at him and with a smirk said, “Are you going to doubt me?

......”Well, no...but...” he said, the idiot forever doubting himself.

And Alicia’s eyes rolling in the back of her head, “Milo...don’t make me hit you.


I went to ask her again....and then...she punched me as hard as she could in the shoulder....


OW!” gripping my shoulder that was still healing

Then don’t question it! You deserve this chance. MAKE THE BEST OF IT! OR ELSE!” she pointed with a smile before walking off.

Yes, your highness.” he says, calling out and rubbing his shoulder out where she clobbered it, “Fucking hell. Got the spot where I got my second shot and everything.

Just before he has a chance to say anything else to get his dumbass in trouble, his phone goes off with a familiar ringtone. One from home that he rarely sees unless it’s his sister calling to yell or someone they know died.

Okay, who died?” he said, answering.

MILES ANTHONY KASEY! Is that anyway to greet your mother?” a strong female voice with the same accent as his, comes loudly through the speaker.

Mum?” he said looking at his phone for a moment before heading outside.

Expecting someone else?

A laugh came from Miles, matched by the brightest smile that we haven’t seen in a long while, “Bree, to call and scream at me again. But this is a pleasant surprise.

So was the delivery I just got. Flowers?

Leaning against the rail, he snickers, “I’m glad you got them. Dig a little deeper, there should have been something else to go with it.” he said smiling.

Silence fills the airwaves for a moment, “Now what in the...Oh...Oh my..Miles, I can’t just-.

Miles sensing that she is about to yell at him, “Now, mum listen. You had to put up with a lot of shite from me and Bree. You raised us, all on your own. Bree was easy but I know damn well I was no angel by any stretch of the imagination.” he stops for a moment, trying to gather up what he wanted to say next, “I had a memory, something that came back here a couple weeks ago, where I know damn well if I got caught, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I know I was responsible for taking a few years off your life.

To put it mildly. I know a lot of my gray has to do with you.” she said with a half laugh, half sob.

That sob almost caused Miles to break himself, “Someone said something to me recently that made me realize that I am luckier than most. You and Bree are two of the brightest things that I have in my life, even if she’s a brat.

I HEARD THAT!” his twin sister’s voice rang through loudly which causes him and his mom to laugh.

I knew she was listening.” he said with a smile.

Well, she just got home. Bree, look what Miles sent.

They are gorgeous. Where is mine?

Backordered.” Miles said, “Don’t worry, our birthday is about 2 months away. Hopefully by then, we’ll be back to traveling and I can deliver it in person.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. You’re a liar and a half Milo.

Prove it. Either way, I gotta get going but, mum, enjoy the flowers and the gift.” a doorbell rings from the other end, “Oh, and have Bree help you set up that and you can yell at me later via the internet.


Love you, mum. And you deserve this, and more.

... “I love you, too, my beautiful boy.

And with that the line went silent on the other end, followed by more notifications, another flower delivery.

And that is how you do it, Gabriel.” he said with a laugh, his phone continues to go off with notifications, mostly his mother telling him it is all too much. But he pockets his phone and heads back inside.

Lots of Little Things
Present Day

I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve such a cheering section.

But I am not going to complain for one moment, mostly because I don’t need the Queen punching me in my arm again. I was bruised for TWO DAYS after that and every time I go to say anything to her, she flinches like she’s ready to swing at me again. Next time may be the face.


That and this arse are my money makers.

So I was told that there are people out there that are legit cheering me on. This is NEW to me for some reason and I don’t know why in the hell it freaks me out. Yeah, I got my friends that supposedly do that sorta shit. But this right here? Being given a match for the Internet Championship against Mac Bane, when honestly I feel like I hadn’t done anything to really deserve it, has me on this weird edge. Maybe it’s just anxiety talking but it was almost weird when I got a boost of confidence from the man himself.

For those that aren’t on twitter, and I know there are a few of you...I got “trolled” by that idiot Gabriel Wank about how I was really undeserving and that it was a pity match. I was, surprisingly, ready to agree with him but instead Mac stepped up and felt that I did deserve this.

I sat there, in shock. It was a boost to my ego, one that has got me to the point of Mac just earning my respect even more. Him winning this championship at Into the Void over O’Malley was amazing. The dude is top notch and I can’t say a single thing horrible about him. He is the guy I have to beat if I plan on actually making this chance bestowed upon me about as legit as it gets.

Internet Champion.

Imagine me, standing at the end of that semi-main event match of Climax Control, holding that Internet Championship in the middle of that ring.

I haven’t done something like that in almost 2 years. I want to feel that again.

Appreciation for the chances, for the squad...through all the thirst trapping and arse shaking. My hard work eventually will pay off one way or another. All I need is just a shot.

One shot.

One opportunity.

And I won’t let it slip.

For the Queens, Kings and In-Betweens.

Chances are only given a few times.


United Kingdom
10 Years ago

“MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILO” female voice calls out as we see a group of teenagers split apart and a young 15 year old Miles Kasey standing there, rolling his bloodshot blue-green eyes.

“Don’t tell me your sister followed us?” one boy chimed in.

The other guys groan in frustration and a boy a little younger than the others speaks up, “Mate, she’s gonna blow this whole damn thing and then he’ll be pissed!”

“You guys go,” the supposed ‘head’ of the gang orders and turns and gets right in Miles’ face, “Get her the fuck out of ‘ere, man, or you are out. Then she won’t have a choice that you made for her about staying out of this life that your old man left the both of you. You think your mum would like to know that you BOTH took right over where he left?”

The older kid goes to walk away but Miles grabs him, “Leave them out of it.

“Then do as you are told.” pulling his arm away and making his way across the bridge to a building, where the others are waiting and watching. As Miles’ twin sister Bree comes running down the street.

“HEY! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Bree, go home.

“Not a chance! You’re doing a job for him right? Let’s go”

BREEAN!” Miles screams, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her close, “Listen, I can’t trust these guys. To them you are fresh meat and they will do horrible things to you. Go home.

“I can’t! I can’t let you do this by yourself. Da screwed us, but you putting yourself in danger is stupid! There are other ways!”

No, there’s not. Mum is barely making ends meet. You both are the only things that are remotely important in my meaningless little life and if that means doing some rather...illegal things for that snake charmer than so be it.

“If she knew...”

She won’t. Not if you just shut up and let me do this. Your future is far more important than mine and this will solve...

Suddenly, sirens fill the air as the gang across the canal scatter into the night. Bree goes to yell for them but Miles grabs her hand and they both run down the closest alleyway. He protects her as he leads her to a ladder to climb a fire escape and climb to the roof of the closest building. Catching their breath, they look below as the local police search the area.

Bullocks.” Miles says with a sigh.

Bree looks at her brother with an almost knowing look, “Someone snitch?”

Must’ve.” he knew that it wasn’t her. She would never.

Quiet fills the air for a moment, as they continue to watch the police search below.

“Your future matters too.” Bree says so quietly it sounds like a mumble for a moment.

Miles eyes squint to his sister. “What?

“Your future matters. Yours and that lummox of a mate of yours, Mack. You two are tied at the hip, I get that but your future, your matters. You are better than these petty crimes that that son of a bitch tells you to do. Da’s mistakes are not OURS to clean up, and they sure as hell aren’t yours. You are 15, and in a few years you can get the hell out of here and not worry. Mum and I will be fine.” Miles goes to interrupt, but she cuts him off with a punch in the shoulder, “I MEAN IT, MILO!”

SHHHHH, you want us to get caught up ‘ere?” he says grabbing her and pulling her back.

Ah, not like it’s hard. You two looking over the ledge like a couple of bloody superheroes.” a male voice pops up. They both turn to see Mack McKane, masked up, standing there. “You two, I swear if it weren’t for me, your poor mum would die from the heartbreak you are bound to give ‘er.

You called them?” Miles said almost pissed off at his friend.

No, but I did what I needed to make sure you didn’t get yourselves killed. And don’t worry, it won’t come back on ya.

Bree walks right over to Mack, without any fear and kisses him on the masked cheek, “Thank you, Mack.”

Mack holds up his hands to back away from Bree, “Don’t be thankin’ me. Just get your idiot brother home, right?

“Will do and for payment, dinner tomorrow, we’ll cook.”

‘Ppricate it, love. Alas...

“NO! No arguments. Be there or else.” Bree says before walking away to the exit on the roof.

Mack stands there for a moment, watching as she leaves, “Yer sister be scarier than him sometimes.

Miles laughs, slapping him on the shoulder, “You ain’t jokin’. See ya tomorrow.” instead of taking the stairs he heads for the fire escape, “Oh and Mack? Thanks for havin’ my back. Yer a true friend.

And with that Mack is left by his self on the roof overlookin the Manchester night life.

Angels Among Us
A Week Ago
New York, NY

Now I know what you're thinking. Oh no! Miles is in a cage. How did this happen?

Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody. It's a long story but basically I'm a bit of a hero.


OW!” Miles yells out shifting in his cage, behind him a familiar face. The woman he knew as Nessa. Her name apparently is Angel...Miles went and got himself captured by her and her was to trap someone else but that failed. Now she’s trying to release him...

Hold still.” she says adjusting herself.

He grimaces as he hears the saw start back up, “Sorry.



Will you just...” she tries to shift again to get him out but he just pulls himself to the other side of the cage and stands up.

Ok, that does it....” Miles shifts and pulls the cuffs apart, turning around and grabbing her by the back of her head, “Now that that is settled. Ello, love.

He lays a hard kiss right on her lips but she pulls away, “Don’t...

Don’t what? Show you what you walked away from? SYN, Angel...and now you know I will not be the reason that he gets to her. I gave that son of a bitch too much already. Losing you to him, fucking hurt, but you don’t care right?’s not like that.

I was an ends to a means, innit? Hope it was worth it.” and with that he lets her go and begins to leave.

I CARED ABOUT YOU!” Miles stops, “I couldn’t...I didn’t want him to use me anymore to get to you.

You got careless and let your feelings get in the way. I made that same mistake. No one is as heartless to take out the people they truly care about...well, he is. Get away from him while you can...for your own good.

It’s too late for me.

Funny...I used to feel the exact same way.” he smirks as he turns around, “Enjoy you burning your own life down. I got shit I need to do.

I will not be pulled into the petty games. I do have a future to actually truly care about. Coming so damn close so many times only shows me that I need to really put myself first and foremost.

A DICK MOVE. But I just do not fucking care anymore.

I joined Wolfslair for a specific reason and that was to become the better version of myself. I am GOOD at what I do. What is that? Good fucking question. It’s an answer that I am still learning but it’s obvious that I have garnered the attention of the right people. I’m not stuck in a corner or in a cage anymore. I am FREE from ALL of that and I don’t give a shit if they are pissed off at me for lashing out. I have put my mind and my body on the line for so many and not for me for so long. Because I thought that’s what I had to do to make sure that their future was secure.

My sister had it right all those years ago, my future DOES matter. TO ME! It matters to me and it matters to Wolfslair. It’s why they extended that invitation and I grabbed that rope and they saved me from drowning in my own bullshit.

I will never be able to thank Alex enough for this opportunity and I promised him that I would never let him down. So what the fuck am I doing here? I gotta stand across the ring from my own mentor and show them that what I have learned in such little time is JUST ENOUGH to become the Roulette Champion. But it’s going to cost me a bit of my soul to show him that I do have what it takes to be the pirate I claim and pull the trigger. The wolf is always hungry for more...I want to take my place among the Alphas. I will because it has ALL lead up to this moment.

As for Caleb, you are going to do everything and anything to poke at me, ain’t ya? Noted my close calls including my scrape with death....yup and that shit is memorable. And my ass dove right back into this insanity. What does that say about me?

I’m fucking nuts, dude. Can you honestly say the same? I’m willing to have my ass hang over a fucking tank of man-eating fish to just name ONE THING that I’ve done so far. Short or not, O’Malley won but what’s remembered?

EXACTLY. Fuck you. I am that giant fucking question mark in this match. Just like the type of match. Insanity is there and here and I am not above telling you that I am just about crazy enough to go to whatever length I have to get my first ever SCW Championship.


I’m not going to feel sorry for my past, I am not gonna feel bad about my present and my future is going to find itself on fire if it’s not careful.

Bet me that I won’t. I’ll light the whole damn place on fire and not even piss on you as I become the new Roulette Champ.

Don Carnage has spoken.

Jealousy Rears its Ugly Head?

The Russow training center was buzzing. Miles Kasey found himself with a choice that someone tried to make him do. Instead he found himself with his bag slung over her shoulder, trying to get the hell out of the building. Instead he found himself face to face with Mack. Mack had made it clear he wasn’t thrilled that Miles aligned himself with Wolfslair for some reason. Now the 2 friends were face to face.


But you do? Or Bella does? I KNOW ANGEL DON’T! NO ONE NEEDS ME! I’M A FUCKING CONVIENCE TO HAVE AROUND TO HELP!” Miles screams running his hands through his hair, “God! I am so sick and tired of this constant state of bullshit whenever I step out on my own and I get pulled right back in.

Mack takes a step back, “...Mate.

Give me a reason. Just one fuckin-” Miles stops himself from going off, “...I have been trying like hell to make a name for myself. Something you didn’t need help with, you came here and the whole world was ripe for the picking for you. I haven’t been able to do shit for almost 2 fucking years.

So you joined up with the wolves?” Mack growls out. Miles just laughs at him and at himself.

I joined a place where a vet like Alex fuckin’ Jones can show an asshole like me that there is more to me than being an empty headed pretty fly boy that dresses up like a pirate and thirst traps on Twitter when he can. We do this thing because it’s the only thing we know how to do, right?

Mack just stares at him.

Look, you and I, we’re cut from the same cloth. Small family, small group of friends and had almost our whole lives fucked up by a deranged lunatic that fucked both of us up...but...” Miles looks around and sighs, “ got your moments, you are a former world champ when for the longest time no one told you you were worth a penny. You just got back from fucking BALI with Mattie. And here I am, a phone tha looks like a little black book, nothing steady since that BITCH did me dirty. It’s like every time I come close to happy, something happens or I fuck up. And do not misunderstand me, mate...I am happy for you, I am over the moon that you got your life. I still have a devil on my shoulder that is going to chase my arse until I finally shake it. I have to get better.

I suppose...

Miles sighs and touches Mack’s shoulder, “Look, Levi has thrown his support for it in. And I’m not going anywhere. I’m still gonna be in PWS, I just need to put myself first. This chance to train in that place, for myself AND for Lach and to perhaps become even better? Why would I say no?

And with that Miles pulls the strap to his bag and smirks, holding his fist out, “I’ll catch you when I get back from Vegas.

Mack just looks at his fist and gives it a bump before bumping his friend’s shoulder walking away from him. Miles just looks back with a smile and shakes his head.

Worrying about nothin’...

Why is it just so hard?

Can’t help but wonder.

Lights fade up. We see Miles sitting in a chair in the middle of a room, looking rather dapper in his suit.

Was this actually meant to be? Because I’m at the point right now where I am convinced that the world likes to poke and laugh at me. I’m about to hit fate in the back of the head because what is about to happen at Into the Void has got to be a sick, cruel JOKE! I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew after I beat Lincoln that this is what was going to happen. What the funny part is, I honestly did not believe that I was going to be here.

And by here I mean in Vegas, at Into the Void, in a Triple Threat match with Caleb Storms and the Roulette champ, the man that is supposed to be my leader, Alex f’n Jones.

First of all, I gotta give Caleb credit. The dude keeps himself relevant just by running his mouth. He’s damn good at it too. Do not fucking misunderstand me, I am actually impressed by this dude because he like me wasn’t expected to make it this damn far. We were supposed to be warming the benches of our respective gyms. But you did it, didn’t ya Caleb? What are you going to do to keep it? Anything, everything? Cause I’m at that point. The last time I was here, I was fucking FISH FOOD! I still love to give Christian shit over it. The son of a bitch has a sick and twisted sense of humor and I have to respect that. The fact that I was in that moment, only tells me that this division is just what I want. Right up my Main Street, with M. Night Shyamalan-ian twist and turns. I’ve been through this before and I’m ready for just about anything, including your cocky ass. offense meant. ....sorta

AS FOR ALEX....well...this feels fucking familiar, don’t it? See, shortly after it was announced that I had joined Wolfslair, along with Lachlan Kane, I found myself across the ring from the boss himself. Alex Jones, who was on a losing streak. Alex Jones, that had let every bit of the drama in Wolfslair detour him right into a whopper of a losing streak. Then he faced me. And he took me to the proverbial woodshed. And it proved that I had a lot to learn. Some would even credit me for the reason why he stands as the SCW Roulette Champion. Out of the two men that I face in that 6-sided ring, he knows me the best. He’s watched me grow over the last couple of months and he knows that I am thirsty for something so much more than what I have been. He knows I’m dangerous.

I am so much more than the thirst trap that everyone has come to know and love. I’m only just beginning to feel like what I should be. Not who I was by some woman that ghosted me, not by the friends I keep...I am the DON KARNAGE OF WOLFSLAIR! I am a Wolf, and I am a pirate. AND I WILL NOT LET THIS CHANCE PASS ME BY!

Climax Control Archives / Failed Thirst Trap
« on: April 09, 2021, 11:56:42 PM »
Keep the Momentum Going

Coming off of Blaze of Glory was spectacular. Spectacular to come out of the win but also the satisfaction of shutting up one of your detractors. Though I’m sure he’ll spout off at the mouth about how he supposedly won. AND WHILE I HAVE BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD A FEW DOZEN...hundred times but I remember specifically beating that idiot.

You lost dude. GET THE NET! LIVE IN THE NOW!

So here it’s been a couple of weeks. Went back home and things got, how can you say “FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL REPAIR!” but in that whole PG-13 way that everyone prefers in this cancel culture clusterfuck we live in now?

I can’t seem to outrun my past so now I have to face it. Just as I’m making strides, it all comes around to fuck me up again. I guess that’s going to have to be something I need to take care of soon. But for now....

Back in Vegas

“Miiiiiiles. Your phone is going off again.” a female voice pops up from under the covers of the hotel bed. She shifts and shoves her companion to wake him.

Miles eyes open slightly and looks over at it, he knows who it is...he should have just chucked it into the river back in New York before he left. “Just ignore it. It’ll turn off eventually”

And sure as hell it stops but only after a few moments it starts buzzing away again. “OH MY GOD! MILES!”

He reaches over and chucks it against the wall. “HAPPY NOW?” is all he says.

The woman’s eyes gets big before she jumps up wrapping the sheet around herself and runs into the bathroom. Miles just sighs heavily and flops back staring at the ceiling before the hotel phone starts going off. He reaches over and pulls it out of the wall with force.

“That’s enough of that.” The woman comes out of the bathroom full dressed. He glances over at her but doesn’t say a word before storming out. “Well I guess I can delete her number when I get a new phone.”

He sits there in silence for a moment.

“This was supposed to get easier....right? I’d win a few, come back from this big victory and it was cake from there. But instead my life does this weird ass thing where I find real life fucking with me. It’s like a horrible STD that keeps popping up. I should be hyper focused on the future. I should be prepared and ready for my match against Lincoln Daniels to qualify for a shot at the Roulette. AND INSTEAD, I am ducking and dodging and I may lose to the guy that lost to BILL FUCKING BARTHART!”

“For fuck sake, what the hell do I gotta do to get out of this angsty Spiderman shit ass storyline??? I know I can beat this bastard and yet here I am, stuck in fucking reverse all over again. I know I can do it, I know but there just isn’t enough time. I’m failing at this...I bet I can’t even make it as a professional thirst trap.”

“Sorry to disappoint ya’ll.”

“Maybe next time.”

Supercard Archives / Re: THE TROLL v MILES "MILO" KASEY
« on: March 26, 2021, 09:54:47 PM »
Following PWS: Riot from earlier this week:

The trainer’s room seems to be a popular location on this night, few have come and gone but what happened to Miles during his match with Lach...well no one is quite sure what happened. The lights went out, there was a horrific smack, lights came back on and Miles was KO’d on the mat with the chair sitting next to him like someone was sitting there but it was empty. The match had no finish. Lachlan helped Miles to the back once he regained consciousness and took him straight to the room.

MILES KASEY, YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” that loud female voice belonged to PWS General Manager, Laura Phoenix. She was already having a bad night before this. She was already talking about going home, and killing an entire bottle of whiskey once her son went to bed. Miles though, he’s pissed off. Someone took what was supposed to be an awesome match between two men that had been training their asses off and showed what they could really do not only in PWS BUT as members of Wolfslair....and it led to that.

He came storming out, junking the make-shift ice bag into the closest bin before grabbing a towel and running it through his hair and looking at it to make sure there was no blood, before flinging it over her shoulder, followed by a bottle of water and dumping it over his head for a moment before chugging the rest down.

Miles. Man, you really should get back in there.” Lach said sneaking out of the door away from the ranting bosslady.

I don’t give a rats fucking ass, mate.” he said, tossing him a bottle before grabbing another one, “I’ve been hit a hell of a lot harder in this big empty head of mine and no bitch is gonna stop me from making the trip to Vegas and punch a troll in his even emptier head.

Look, I get it, I really do.

Good then you’ll understand why I’m gonna do it.” he slightly smirks. “I have been a fuck up more than enough times in my life, I can’t let this curb me right into a brick wall. To that basement dweller, I’m a twitter joke. Someone that tries to keep himself on the level of guys like you and Fenris and apparently gets laughed at because of it. I’m a frat boy joke minus the actual college credits.

To be honest mate, I’m nothing to write home about either.

But you are a former champion in SCW. You and Si OWNED that Mixed Tag Division and came pretty damn close to other things. For you, it’s only a matter of time. For me I rose pretty damn quick in a place that needed a kick in the pants and then I crashed and burned. And I’m still getting these issues of people trying to make an example out of me.” Miles reaches back and rubs the sore spot that has formed on the back of his neck, “I’ve about had it with that. But I appreciate your concern and what you did in that match. You could have pinned my ass and honestly that would have been fine too. But for now, I’m gonna head home, take some painkillers, throw some ice on my head, wake up, hop on the plane and go send that mama’s boy back to his ‘Lair’.

And with that Miles gives his stablemate a salute before he can get another word out and walks away.

Stubborn idiot.” is all that Lach says before heading back into the room.

Save Yoru Jokes

Miles sitting atop of the hotel roof in Vegas overlooking the skyline. He looks up and waving the us in on closer, “Laugh it up now, assholes. Cause after the week I just had, I’m pretty much over it.

He sighs heavily, “That’s all I am to you, innit? A giant joke that looks great in tights and can flip around.”

I’m pretty damn good at being the goofy idiot, and I have no qualms about me being at the ass end of a really good joke. But I think we can all come to the agreement that The Troll has zero clue what the hell is ahead of him come Blaze of Glory.” Scoffing for a moment, he shakes his head, “If this idiot would spend more time actually training than he would on his computer browsing Facebook, Twitter and Redtube...I said what I said, he’d actually understand why I throw these things up on social media. Instead he’s a walking talking South Park meme. Instead he tries to make me feel bad about being in almost a fun little competition with Fenris and those glorious abs. Question for ya mate- when was the last time you actually were able to bend over and tie your own shoes? Or does your mum still do that for you?

I still have no idea how the hell you managed to pull off your first win, but ya did mate. But your streak ends right here at Blaze of Glory...the reason? Guys like you that sit behind your computer and have the set to judge me. You deserve a punch in the mouth and maybe breaking your fingers for the garbage you spew out.

Miles cracked his neck before cracking his fingers with a slightly evil smirk on his face, “I was gonna try and be the nice guy, I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt but when it comes down to’re nothing more than a keyboard warrior with delusions of grandeur about being able to play dress up, pull yourself from the moldy underbelly of Mrs. Wolowitz’s dungeon, and try to be on my level.

My arse is out there and I’m not shy about it one bit. I have no issues in wildin’ out, showin off and getting attention. It’s what I do and you are going to be just another highlight on Miles Kasey’s top 25 moments when I beat your poor pathetic arse. And then maybe the greatest ass in SCW, I’ll visit your mum” Miles looks up with a glimmer in his eye, a smartass smirk on his face and a heavy shrug before he turns away with a simple finish, ”..ya know, for research purposes.

Supercard Archives / Re: THE TROLL v MILES "MILO" KASEY
« on: March 20, 2021, 10:16:02 PM »
Wasted away again in Margaritaville.

OH MY GOD! MILES! WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!?” a shrill awoke our high flying drunken fool from his whiskey induced coma. The night before, he flew back first class with Lachlan Kane both just deciding to have fun instead of letting the weight of their losses get to them.

Once the plane landed and the men went their separate ways via an Uber for each, things tend to be a blur.

He belches as he arises from his slumber, ‘Hmm...tacos.’ pushing himself up just enough to see his roommate, the young and impressionable 20 year old Morgan Baker standing there, with a horrified look on her face and a crutch under her arm, “Mornin’ Morgs.

She just scoffs at him and throws a blanket over top of his backside that was until that moment, bare for the whole world to see. “You are as naked as the day you came out of your mum. Where the hell are your pants? Better yet...where the hell are your drawers?

My Underoos are still in my bag.” Miles groans trying to move just a little bit but to no avail so he just lays there, pushing his matted hair from his face.

And just where the hell is that?"  Morgan said looking around frantically.

When did you start cursin’ like a sailor?” Miles manages to push himself up ever so gently, looking all around slowly so he’s sure not to send himself into a spin and pull and Exorcist, he says ”I'm not a hundred percent sure it actually made it home with me. I remember it made it off the plane. Their things are a little sketchy....and blurry.

You are impossible. Just how drunk were you?”  Morgan said, still looking around for his bag.

Milo laughs, “Let's just say Levi's going to need to stock up before Mack and Mattie's trip.

Unreal, makes me wonder how pissed Lachlan got.” Morgan says. Finally she finds his bag hiding behind the couch. She flings it at him, “There, put some underwear on. I’ll make the coffee.

You are a saint, my dear. A gentle Angel sent to make sure I don't drown in my own vomit.”  Miles says, pulling his bag apart, finding a pair of boxers and sliding them on.

Flattery will get you absolutely nowhere, Kasey.” Morgan says rolling her eyes making her way into the kitchen. She pulls out a can of coffee beginning to make it, slamming it loudly just to make sure she knows she's not thrilled with how Miles is acting. Milo curses, “Oh I'm sorry was that too loud here let me help.”  she says as she slams the can down once again.

Miles wincecs, “OK I GET IT! YOUR PISSED OFF!

Laughing, but glaring at him as he staggers his way into the kitchen, “You're just lucky I have two brothers and I'm used to this." she glances down, seeing him standing there in his boxer briefs, “Now, what did you do with your pants?

I'm trying to remember. I came in here last night- looking for another drink- got into an argument." he says, turning around looking at the stove. “Oh no way." Laughing he opens the oven and pulls out a pair of jeans.

Now what in the hell are they doing in there?" Morgan says laughing hysterically.

Milo just shrugs, pulling the phone that was in the back pocket and tossing the pants over his shoulder, “I told you....I got into an argument...with them. Just glad I forgot how to turn the bleeding thing on before I passed out.

With no underwear ass up for the entire world to see. Take care of your own coffee. I'm going to go see if I can go scrub out my third eye now."  she says with a slight disgust but a smirk on her face, slugging him in the shoulder on her way into the bathroom.

I’m sorry Morgs. I’ll make sure to at least make my arse less noticeable the next time I come home pissed.

Please do. Or give me a heads up, I know plenty of people that would pay good money for the shot I just got.” Morgan says before closing the door.

His eyes go wide for a moment before a slight blush creeps across his cheeks and he shrugs, “Ya ain’t lyin’, lil bit. Ya ain’t lyin’.

This Ain’t Once Upon A Time

Miles finds himself in one of New York City’s tiny little bookstores that have packed, random books barely sorted by genre line the walls every which way but right. Professional isn’t the game, but character is. Miles walks through and pulls a book off the shelf, mumbling ‘Bella would love this place.’ to himself before he pulls his phone out and quickly types something out. Only moments later he receives a response followed with an ‘Of course she does.’ shaking his head and putting his phone back in his pocket.

He rounds the corner coming upon the Fantasy section and he pulls another book off the shelf with a tattered cover and smiles, “Just like every other kid, I was always read these fairytale stories. My mum would read to my sis and I everynight from this tattered book she had as a kid. The thing had seen better days, I’m sure it was missing random pages but she loved this book. Briana would always want stories of the prince rescuing the princess. That whole damsel in distress gimmick; which is funny considering she later learned that the prince most of the time is a random fool who can barely tie his own laces.

Miles has a seat next to a random pile, like I said, the place had character but was in no way tidy, “I wanted to learn about the other creatures. Why did the dwarfs whistle while they worked for slave wages in the mines every day? Why were the Fairy Godmothers having to butt into the  business of the ones that were just trying to get what was theirs and...most importantly....WHY THE HELL DO TROLLS LIVE UNDER BRIDGES???? Were they never taught how to build a hut? Or a tent? And what was with that complexion?? Usually they were ugly as sin, green or grey with pimples and hair growing out of random moles. Were their own mothers too afraid to even teach them basic hygiene?

Shaking his head he drops the well-worn book on the pile next to him. He inhales a bit, shifting his legs and leaning back, “Well I think we will have plenty of opportunity to find out answers to these questions come Blaze of Glory IX. Not for nothing to this Troll character, but I feel like I have led my entire life for this one particular moment of having all these unique questions of mine answered. What is it like to literally live under the bridge? Away from actual real sunlight.

It’s gotta be something worthy of a multi-million dollar blockbuster movie. I mean a movie about Facebook became a hit, something about a guy that lives in his mum’s basement and finally reaching and stretching just enough to be...” Miles slaps his hands together, “Smack back to their mother’s basements and their blogs.

He raises his hands for a moment, “But I mean, if shows like Big Bang Theory taught us anything, there is hope for the losers and the geeks and I wanna cheer for you, mate. I really really do.” pointing to himself, he laughs,  “I too am a Perennial loser so much so that if not for professional wrestling, I would probably still be back in Manchester in my mum's basement.

There is HOPE for guys like us. The problem is, by the looks of things, I got the head start. I have some of the FINEST teachers that this business brought us. I’m one of the newest members of the elite group known as Wolfslair, and you don’t get in on something like that by just logging in to a website and signing up. I am clawing my way, fighting through it all just so I hope one day, that the perennial losers look up to blokes like me.

And hopefully someday, Wolowitz’s long lost second cousin thrice removed, maybe, just maybe you will have that same chance. Just need to tell mum to leave dinner in the microwave, cause you gotta make something of yourself.

He stands, brushing his pants off for before reaching down and grabbing the books he set down, “Take advice from one troll to another.

Climax Control Archives / Always with the Flames!
« on: March 05, 2021, 11:54:53 PM »
“Well, that was unpleasant.” was the only thing that Miles could mutter when the scene before them unfolded between Austin James Mercer and Fenris, backstage. Miles wasn’t even going to be there for the show this week but something told him to pop in and make sure things were kosher.

Needless to say, they were far from it. Not even 2 weeks after being brought in to Wolfslair, he’s seeing it almost shake at the foundation.

Turning and looking at Bella, she gives him a sympathetic smirk before she heads off leaving him just standing there.

“Well, now what?” he says looking up and as if life has that way of slapping him on the ass and going ‘Time to Go Big Boy’, his phone goes off with a text that simply reads:

Next week: Miles Kasey vs. Alex Jones

His blue eyes just went wide and he almost tosses his phone but stops himself from slinging it against the closest wall, gripping it tight and screaming “FUCK!”

4 Hours Later

“Oi, you dere. Nother round!” the slurring words of Milo, the idiot. The one that drowns himself in whiskey.

The bartender walks over and snatches his glass from him, “I’ll get you another round...IF you order something to eat.”

Miles just glares at him, “Fine, I’ll order some chips...fries, whatever...cheese on em. Now, can you get me more?”

“One more,” the bartender states, “I’m cutting you off after that.” He pours the brown liquid into the glass sliding it to him, “I’ll go get those fries for you. Take your time on that.”

As they walk away, Miles just sticks his tongue out at them before reaching for the glass, but just as he gets close, a hand reaches across and pushes it away and it falls to the other side of the bar and crashes down. “Opps!” a small voice peeps up. Glancing over his shoulder, Bella standing there with a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip.

“Well! Your husband already tire of you and kick you out of your room?”

“Actually, he’s currently getting a shower and I snuck out to get some food and make sure his surprise is all set for tomorrow. Drowning your sorrows again?”

“It’s what I do best, love. You know that.” Miles says all hunched over and it’s pretty damn obvious.

“What’s got you in knots now? Still mournin’ whatever her name was?”

That causes him to scoff, “Nessa...and no. I’m actually quite over her, thank you very much.” Miles glances over at her, “You owe me a drink.”

She shrugs shyly and motions to the bartender who has come out from the kitchen area with his order, “Put it on my tab.” she says to him motioning about the glass before turning back to her friend, “I heard on my way out that you get to face Alex.”

“Yup. One of the newest members of Wolfslair and I get the boss.” Miles laughs for a moment, “I am amazed at myself sometimes. When I was approached to join Wolfslair, I thought to myself that this would be something absolutely amazing. Lach even said it, you cannot ever stop learning. And look at who is a part of it all...I would have been dumber than I look to turn it down.”


“But....I wasn’t really expecting a whole trial by fire situation. He tweeted earlier to just say good luck.” Miles hovers over the glass for a moment, instead he reaches and snatches a fry from the basket and shoves it in his mouth. Bella just looks at him with laughter in her eyes cause she knows he’s got himself worked up, “I gotta walk in next week and face a man that is basically the keystone of the group, looking to get his ass back on top as well and...AND! All in the same breath manage to somehow keep my momentum alive. I really don’t want to blow this opportunity.”

She smiles at him before smacking him upside his head, “You think way too much for someone who claims to have an empty head.”

Rubbing the back of his head, “OW! JEEZ! At least I’m thinking though.”

“Well okay then! You’re not thinking about running, are you?”

“NO! HELL NO!” Miles yells a little loud to the point where Bella shooshes him, “No, I’m not. Just right now, it’s nerves.” His phone chirps, he pulls it up and looks at it rolling his eyes.


He looks over at her, shoving his phone back in his pocket, “Yeah, that guy has a thing for me, I swear.”

Causing her to laugh a bit she reaches over and snatches a fry, “Look, you have a week, why don’t you head back to New York for a bit and go from there.”

“Yeah I was thinking about that. A little extra training in both places wouldn’t hurt. I’ve been away long enough.”

“Well the plane heads out soon. I suggest you get on it.” she finishes throwing the fry in her mouth and begins to walk away.

“What about you two?” he asks spinning around

“Don’t worry about Mal and I. I have a nice little adventure planned for him and I. Still finish here, get your shit and get on that plane.”

And with a simple salute all he can say before lifting his glass is, “Yes ma’am.”

Trials by Fire

“You know, I’m beginning to wonder if someone has it out for me. I’m sometimes wondering if his name is Christian Underwood. Maybe that’s only when he has to make my life flash before my eyes.”

“So YEAH, in case those that missed it, I am now a part of Wolfslair. It’s sorta cool actually, we get a secret decoder ring and our own special password. And the parties...OH! My goodness.” Miles laughs for a moment like he was gonna really spread the tail but he just shakes his head, “No not really, I’m just kidding but the fact that I am now labeled with one of the top premier teams in wrestling today that spans across, at least at the moment, 4 to 5 different promotions. Championships adorn the walls of their gym. To learn and grow under their banner is an honour. I looked at this as a terrific golden opportunity to really hone my skills.”

“But it’s all with drama, isn’t it? Alex has his hands full of these strange things going on and it seems to be affecting him in the fact that he has to play dad rather than play the leader. I feel for him and I want to tell him that he has honestly nothing to worry about with me. Besides a few hiccups in what happened last year, I’m practically drama free and hungry as hell.”

“I want to prove that I know I have what it takes. I don’t want the world of distractions to get in the way of becoming better. Getting to that point where I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I can be one of the best that Wolfslair has ever produced. I’m honoured to be here, but I need to show them what I am truly capable of. Sorry boss. But it’s gotta be you. I sorta hate it but I know damn well if I’m going to really do this whole trials and tribulations, I rather it’d be through you.”

“And we have no choice it seems. So Sunday, I’ll stand across the ring, I’ll shake your hand, we will battle and I will prove that I am worthy. No matter what, I will make you all proud to call me brother, friend and mate.”

Climax Control Archives / Are you going to die or fight?
« on: February 19, 2021, 11:57:05 PM »
“You did well but it wasn’t meant to be”


Would have been better if she had just beat the piss out of me,” Miles says, tossing his phone into the abyss of his bag, while taking a swig of his beer. It’d been a week since she sent that, he hadn’t responded.

He was too embarrassed.

Yeah, the swagger, the pomp and circumstance led to him wallowing in self-pity. And he knows he is the sole reason that Maki didn’t get her revenge or walk away with the Mixed Tag Titles. Damn Lethal Lottery.

There was a feeling, he was willing to meet up with Maki and get his ass beat. In fact it probably would have made him feel something more than the numbness that he’s been dealing with. Amazon never questioned his rush order for the kendo stick. He got the call from the hotel in Vegas that he had a package awaiting his return. For now...he decided to stare out into absolute nothingness of the Pacific Ocean because well what better way to look into what you feel?



What the ever loving fuck ever!!!!

Ho-KAY, Milo is in a mood.

NO! No, don’t do that. Fuck this internal monologue shite you are trying to pull. I am a fuck up, alright? I know that, they know that and at this point I should just take a long walk off a short pier or find myself on the business end of a gun because my life is a Goddamn joke.

Miles looking up and talking to absolutely no one in particular, me, the person narrating this...cause he’s a prick. I get paid peanuts for this ya know, mate? How about a little thanks?

Blow me.

You know, I don’t have to put up with this! I could leave your arse high and dry too!

You and the entire world, pal. Don’t do me any favours.

How about we switch to whiskey?





I...I don’t recall...

Curiously, peaking into the cabinet he pulls out a bottle, completely full. ....some pirate.

OI! I was saving it for a special occasion.

Like on the occasion that they find your body?

Psh, as if anyone would come searching for me.

Drink the fucking rum, Milo.

No, don’t drink the rum.

That voice...“What the-


Through the haze, a pair of Chuck Taylors, that kicks him onto his back. He looks up at a hazy outline. “Are you an angel?

Something like that...night night Milo.

Oh look...stars....second one to the right...

Being dragged into a darkened room by two rather large goons, the concept of time has completely escaped him but the shine of the lights through the window tells him he’s back in Las Vegas.

“Pathetic boy. I cannot believe that he let her follow you to the desert and back. Did your balls somehow retract back into your body when he took her back? Get over yourself.”

BAR, please. I got it from here.

“Someday he’ll know.”

But for now...go. I won’t be long.” the door opens and closes as we see the familiar outline kneel down, Miles eyes slightly cracking open and squinting trying to make out who is next to him as he was dumped onto the bed, “We brought you back to Vegas. I don’t know if you’ll remember anything from the last week but it’s alright. You have a way back to the family that actually cares about you now.

Miles tries to talk but it just comes out as a gurgle.

Shhh, don’t try to talk, my love. I need you to know that I did what I did to protect you. He was ready to kill you and I wasn’t going to let that happen, especially when I found that ring you were going to give me.

Miles shuts his eyes tight for a moment and opens them wide, finally able to make out the figure. “Ness.

You are an idiot and a half Milo Kasey, and I love you....but it’s time for you to wake up, pull yourself together and quit feeling bad. Be the badass mother fucker that exists,” she leans forward and places a kiss on his head, “WAKE UP!

Miles' eyes burst open and he sits up, and looks around the room. He’s indeed back in Vegas, the package that was at the front desk is there, unwrapped with a big red bow on top of it with a note sitting on top of it. He glances around and the room is dimly lit and empty but he rubs his face and runs his hands through his messed up hair, not bothering to tame it. He rolls out of bed with a groan and stumbles over picking the note up, immediately recognizing the handwriting he almost smiles, “Quit beating yourself up and go beat someone up.

He picks up the stick, twirls around and purposely smacks himself in the head. “Ow” he laughs though, rubbing his head. He hears his phone go off, looks around and notices it on the charger. “Guess she thought of everything.

Picking it up he opens it up to a message, “Miles, hope this finds you well. I know you’ve had a tough go of it lately but we still believe you can be something special. This week...blah blah blah....Jack’d the Ripper.” he snickers for a moment before bursting out loud laughing, “So, let me get this proper, the powers that be want to see if I have a David vs. Goliath DEATHWISH as they put me in the ring with someone that I’m fairly certain is wanted in 6 countries on attempted murder charges.

Look, I get that it seems like I have this open invitation to Death himself, wanting to just send me to hell and leave it at that. But fact does remain that despite popular opinion I really do like remaining among the living.” he lifts up the gift that was to be for one but instead looks like it’s gonna remain with him for the time being, “I want to live. For the first time in months that that actually feels real for me to say. So pardon me Jack’d if I feel like perhaps I don’t give your rather massive frame a chance to breathe. And I know people are saying that maybe I do feel like I’m out to die, maybe I am having a rough go because I fucked up a lot of things. I’m waiting to hear how much of a loser I am. And once again, right in the ears and straight to the feelings. I feel like I’m actually ready to fight for something....

He flips the stick a few times, swings it and completely shatters a bottle. He swings it around and places it on his shoulder and dives back into the bed, “And fight I shall.


I’m not gonna look at these things where no matter what I do, how hard I actually try, I am and will forever be the preverbal loser.

After my railing at God, I was amazed I didn’t get struck by lightning. Chalk that W up for me I guess. Shocked it didn’t happen but who am I to question it?

Maybe it would stop me from letting people down like I have done over and over again. The way I’m fairly certain I’m gonna be letting Maki down. Lethal Lottery is going to be lethal only for one person.


And ok, FINE! FINE! If I’m going to die then I’m going out on my terms.

Pugsley Addams had it right, “I’m a turkey, please KILL ME!”

Too bad it’s not Thanksgiving.

5 years ago

“MILES AUGUSTUS KASEY!” coming from the outside of our flat.

My mother is the ONLY person allowed to use that and I’m saying that for future reference to anyone that wants to try and use it. When she sounds like this, you know I am in deep fucking shit.

“Someone is in trouble” my twin sister sing-songs without even looking up from her book as we both sit at the table in the morning getting a quick breakfast in. My mum worked the graveyard shift when Bea and I were old enough to take care of ourselves.

Looking up, “Shit...”

“What did you do?”

Just sighing heavily, I start trying to grab something without looking at her, “....went over to Murphy’s last night.”

She tries to get in my way and just gives me that look....that one that mothers have and sisters try to use against you but isn’t as powerful, “Oh didn’t.”

“I didn’t think his mom saw us! We thought we had til 2am, so we tried to just get in his makeshift in the back yard to screw around. Next thing we know, every light in the house goes on. She in her drunken stupor starts screaming and we go scattering. She must have recognized me...” I push her out of my way, finally finding the generic poptart box in the back, grabbing it and shoving it in my bag.

“You are a bloody idiot.”

Well that was frank but...

“You’re just now figuring it out?” I wave to her and make my way to the front door and open it to see...

“And just where the hell do you think you’re goin’?”

“MUM! Uhhh, morning! Work good? Good! Look I hate to run, but I promised Mack that I-”

“YOU SIT YER ARSE DOWN RIGHT NOW! Mrs. Kersley called me first thing this morning at work to tell me what happened last night.”

“Murphy having those ravers again? Bastard never called me...”

“Watch your mouth before I wash it out with soap.”

“We’re out. I’ll make sure to pick some up from Tesco before I come home tonight.”


“Mum, seriously.”

“You gotta stop with these backyard antics sweetie. One of these times you are going to fling yourself off of something and break your neck.”

“I won’t, I haven’t and I am old enough to make my choices. Besides, Murphy is the only idiot to break anything yet..”


“MOM! Look, I know, you are worried, I get it. You think I’m going to be like dad, piss away my life but considering that my life isn’t going anywhere as is and I work at a shit shoppe, making shit wages to help support you and Bea, going out now and again to blow off steam and do a little bit of wrestling with my mates isn’t going to hurt anything. It’s not like I’m going to find myself going to somewhere reputable anyway. I put out feelers to a bunch of places, hell I even put one out to an American wrestling school and I haven’t heard anything back. I’m going to live and die here being a pathetic piece of shit because my father couldn’t keep himself out of the bottle long enough to actually give a fuck about us. You deserve better, Bea deserves better. So let me have this one moment, alright?”

And with that I didn’t even let her retort....I know I made her cry that day but I just....I couldn’t.


Back out on my fire escape.

“I am not shy about being the family disappointment. I know that this is a thing and I’m the laughing stock of this match. But I’ll be damned if I’m not going to throw everything I got into it.”

Looking up, it’s cold in New York now...a far cry difference from what it was a week ago but honestly, maybe a little chill may freeze my soul.

“I’ve been lucky a few times. Everyone once in a while, the big man looks at me and goes ‘I’ll throw the dog a bone’. But it comes crashing down nonetheless. I rather not get my hopes up for it but I can’t help but wonder if maybe...just maybe he’ll give me another chance.”

“Ours is Not to Reason Why, Ours but to do or die”
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

Thank you A-L-T. I should have that quote tattooed on my arse in big bold letters. And I would, if I didn’t hate needles so damn much.

Ok, I crashed and burned hard in my last match. At least I wasn’t pulling splinters from my back but I went down in a blaze of glory in that match. My terms, my way and I managed not to kill myself. So that’s a win there for me.

That was until I got to the back and opened up my phone to a text message from a number I didn’t recognize but knew who it was from.


...that was all it said. I wish that was the end of the story but alas I am indeed a sadist, with a pinch of masochism and a big dash of raging arrogant asshole arranged in this body and I’m going to play this bitch’s silly little game until she gets bored of me.

Bringing the phone up I decide to not text her back but send her a nice clear voice message instead so she can hear exactly what I mean, “So the ghost assumes, but how would it know since they were too damn cowardly to find out. But I’ll tell you what sweetheart, I hope you enjoy the show, cause I’m not done yet. Either fuck around and find out or keep hiding.

And with that I sent it, turned my phone off, tossed it into my bag and left to get a shower. I’m not in the mood to play these mind games right now by just another bitch in my life.

And that’s ALL you fucking are....just another bitch.” deep breath and sigh,  “I need a drink.

Week Later
New York

I thought that was it for me for a little while. I fucked up, I went home, I was not expecting the news I got last week.

Lethal Lottery, Mixed Tag Title Match, Mikah and Coby Quick vs. You...and Maki.


Sitting out on the fire escape, drinking a beer in the 40 degree temps of the city and it’s getting dark. Looking up to the sky, “So uhh, we gonna talk about how you are giving me these chances? How many times are you gonna let me fuck up before you stop this shit?

And the thunder rolls across the sky. Ah yeah, there’s that ‘Don’t push it Milo’ vibe that the universe loves to kick me in the balls with over and over and over.

Ok, I get it.” holding up my hands and following that up with a quick swig of my drink, “But one of these days, you’re gonna realize you put your bet on the wrong steed here. I’m only good for getting my ass kicked and hacking my way through a briar patch of psycho bitches. Occasionally allowing a beautiful woman a night here and there. But I am not cut out for these matches!

I’m a royal fuck up and I know it. BUT don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the chances I get. There is that interesting fine line with getting these opportunities and going ‘Wow, someone up there really likes me’ to ‘Who’s got it bad enough for me to keep giving me these chances and expecting a pay off’ when by some strange miracle it eventually happens?” laughing, “This whole Lethal Lottery team up with Maki is completely mind blowing and completely confusing but I LOVE it because I KNOW she’s going to hold my dumbass accountable for my fuck ups. We’re both British! IT’S A THING! SHE’LL CALL MY ASS OUT BEFORE WE EVEN GO THROUGH THE CURTAIN!

I think I fear her more than I fear our opponents! I actually feel for Coby having to put up with Mikah, considering that until this moment she had Kris and he beat feet for greener pastures. And don’t try and tell me that’s not what happened because I know damn fucking well, you keep putting up with a bitch long enough, you try and find any way out.

Rumble Rumble.

Oh fuck off, she’s gorgeous but Mikah is a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH! I don’t know if Coby truly knows what he’s getting himself into. This Black Sheep 1.5 variant, maybe not as deadly but still can trick you into thinking it’s just as bad. This isn’t the same Black Sheep that took the titles from Bella and Malachi. I watched that happen, they were UNSTOPPABLE, Mikah and Kris were it...this is not the same. Coby has been given a gift from the Gods above, the question is can he handle something so pressurized.

I just shrug, “It’s a question I honestly have. Because I wanna make things clear, I am confused as to WHY I’m here, I am confused why it was me that was picked, I’m confused as to why Maki is my partner and I’m confused as to why we made this a title match. DO NOT MISTAKE THIS AS TO ME COMPLAINING! I’m just....confused. It’s a thing, I’ve been hit in the head so many times, I’m lucky I remember how to tie my damn shoes or put on pants. I’m not sure WHY I have been given this opportunity but I will be a DEAD MOTHER FUCKER if I’m just gonna sit here with my finger up my ass and not go....” standing tall, “I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE TO FUCK YOUR WHOLE WORLD UP!

My name is Miles Kasey, my asshole friends call me Milo because well they know it gets on my nerves. Miles and Milo are the same idiot, wrapped in a package of sadomasochist asshole that just does not give a FUCK anymore. I have loved and lost more than I care to admit and honestly if I keep losing, it’s just another notch. Maki, I will give you FULL PERMISSION TO KICK ME IN THE NADS if it’s my fault that we lose this match at Inception IV. BUT ONLY IF IT’S MY FAULT!

A glance, a wink and a smirk, “We good?

And by some grace of the Gods, God, BUDHA...whatever...



Deep breath

Get a helmet boys and girls cause from here on out, I just do not even remotely fucking care. Let come what may. DO OR DIE! FUCK OR BE FUCKED! Because the Lethal Lottery team is gonna make shit just WEIRD!

Climax Control Archives / After Party
« on: January 08, 2021, 11:59:21 PM »
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

He didn’t want to look up but for his friend he did when the words “You may kiss your bride.” were said. Watching Bella get her happy beginning, even with an asshole like Malachi, made the stabbing pain in his heart worth it. She made her choice a long time ago and it wasn’t him.

He fucked that one up too.

But here they all were there to see it. Her family, Mal’s family, all their friends. Malachi pulling off one of the best surprises ever for his new wife, giving her the wedding she and Alanah planned but could never quite figure out a day. The word went out, the location and time and a somewhat formal dress code, presents optional and to be there and ready to celebrate. To be honest, he was shocked he even got a message. Maybe it was by mistake, but he wasn’t going to disappoint, he was there...stag. Didn’t bug him any for the most part just another damn day where he’s reminded that he’s a jackass...and he brought it all on himself.

Flash Forward

The party has been in full force for a little bit now, alcohol flowing, food served, a quiet private affair and it still manages to be loud as hell.

From the farthest table Miles sits alone, draining the last of something dark brown in a small glass. He glances across the room settling on everyone but him living it up.


Him...not them. But if he was overheard right now, someone would have easily assumed the other.

“Refil, sir?”

“Oh no, thanks. I’m gonna call it a night I think. Do me a favor though...” he pulls his wallet out from his coat pocket and from that a 20 and hands it to the waiter. “Make sure this gets to the proper person. Thanks, love.”

“I will.” she says taking it from him and dropping it on her tray while cleaning up. She glances over at him and squints for a moment as she sees him staring off to nothingness, “Umm, are- are you ok?”

“I’ve had better years.”

“Come again?” she laughs.

Miles looks up at her for a moment, “Two years ago, the bride and I...well....but now she’s there after I fucked up royally and I’m here, her and one other woman later and honestly the whole relationship this seems to just not be in the cards for me.”


“I’m sorry to dump that all on you. This whole damn holiday...fuck, this whole year has just sucked for me and being here isn’t helping my mood at all.”

“Well, it’s understandable. It’s hard to see everyone be happy when you basically...aren’t.”

“Right. Exactly. So I probably should get out of here before I bring down the joyful mood. I’ll send my apologies to the bride later. Thanks for listening...” he says trying to get her name out from her.

“Oh, Jessica. And it was no problem Mr.-?”

“Kasey...Miles. Some of them call me Milo.”

“Well...Miles, it really was no problem. I actually like talking to people that seem to be dealing with problems. In fact so much so I’m going to school to do pretty much just that. This is my last job before I head back to school here next week.”

“Well, good luck to you and thanks for the open ear.” Miles nods and turns on his heels taking one last glance.

“Hey! I was wondering...” she speaks up, almost speaking too fast but still catches his attention. “If you are willing, maybe I could give you my number. I could always be that ear you need to bend.”

Miles stands speechless.

Son of a bitch....again? This is almost how it happened with Nessa. Except she’s leaving...maybe it’s just to talk. Snap the fuck out of it and fucking answer the woman!


Couple Days Later

Shave and a Hair Cut



“Who is it?”

“The boss, open up Milo!”

“Gimmie a mo, Levi.”

After a moment of silence we hear the locks come undone on the other side and a shirtless Miles. “Hey, what brings you by?”

“Wanted to check in, been trying to call you since you got spotted leaving the party without so much as a ‘See ya’. Everything good?”

“OH, yeah sorry just been...” a loud clatter from the other side catches both their attention, “Busy.”

“You get a cat?” Levi says with a little raise in his eyebrow cause he knows. He wasn’t born last night.

“No, far too busy for that. Look, I’d invite you in but the place is a mess...can I call you later? Maybe meet up at the centre for a spot of training?”

“Sure but...”

....”Excuse me...” from behind Miles a voice pops up and it’s the waitress. Jessica. Lookin’ a little disheveled. “I’m gonna get going. I still have some packing to do.”

“OH, of course...umm..thanks for- everything.”

“Sure! And you have my number. If you are out on the west coast, and just...well...use it ok?”

“Sure thing.”

She leans up and gives him a kiss on the cheek before turning and shyly waving to Levi and walking away. Leaving them standing there in awkward silence for a moment.

“....I can explain.”

“No,” Levi says, holding up his hand....”Trust me ya don’t have too. Good for you. Now...umm...may I?”

Miles sorta snaps to and opens his door wider to allow his guest in, “Once again, sorry bout the mess...”

Levi looks around and it’s your typical bachelor pad, shirts everywhere, dishes laying here and there. Could use a maid or a woman’s touch but it fits him, “Kid, don’t even worry. You should have seen me in my years before Jack and’ve seen my office.”

Miles smirks grabbing a shirt and throwing it on, “That I have. I really am fine. Ya know that right?” Levi looks at him knowingly, “After the year I had, hell after the last two that I had...watching them getting hitched wasn’t even what got to me. I spent the holiday talking to my mum and sis through a computer screen, hoping they got the gifts I sent over a month ago. Nessa has completely ghosted me except she’s sending me cryptic messages through twitter and text messages.”

“Never mind the fact that you and the kid you teamed up with lost the tag titles.”

“I don’t even care about that because as you know, she was lucky to get into that situation to begin with. Morgan has a lot of work ahead of her, so I’ve taken her under my wing a bit but...well I need to get myself back in a ring...any ring.”

Levi nods, “I get that. Well if you look, there’s a way to get you out of your current pity phase of ...what’s the word that Bella taught me...ennui?”

“Nailed it.”

“SCW put ya in a fatal fourway. You, Agostino...”


“Yeah...also Bill Barnhart and one other...uhhh” He pulls out his phone and pulls it up. “Lincoln Daniels. Winner gets a shot at the Roulette.”

“Ooof....ya know that whole damn name of that belt gives me flashbacks on the worst way. I don’t think I’m ever going to get over the whole almost getting eaten alive.”

“No one would. But you gotta realize what this is going to do for you kid, another chance, another shot....and after getting a piece of that hot little brunette that just walked out of here...”

Miles laughs for a moment while running his hand through his hair, “Well...couple days...but I’m not completely back to normal. Getting there though.”

“Well get out there early and make it a whole week...who knows, maybe you’ll finally loosen the fuck up for everyone to be able to stand again.”

“Have I been that bad?”

“I was waiting for Spinelli to punch you...”


Yeah....Spinelli doesn’t hit anyone unless it’s bad. YIKES

“....when can the jet be ready?”

Climax Control Archives / A Face Made for Radio
« on: December 04, 2020, 11:53:35 PM »
So the return to SCW didn’t go exactly according to plan, but I’ll be damned if after that time off- that it felt terrific to be back in the middle of that 6-sided ring. I lost, it is what it is and I’m not going to let it deter or detour me.

Win or lose, I still got to go home and hold up a promise and help a young lady get out of a horrible situation that she was forced to be a part of.

Without any bites in my bum.


Anywho, that young woman is just a friend, and no she will not be joining me in this particular adventure in SCW cause she’s still new, she’s still young and I tend to want to protect like she’s my own sister. Except she’s not, I have one of those...she’s my twin and she cheated to get out of the womb first. At least that’s what our ma always told us. Brianna has always been a freaking cheater.

BUT I DIGRESS! Morgan is like the little sister I never got, and she will be protected at all cost. do I say this as politely as possible? She’s not ready for the level of SCW but I decided to bring her along for the week. Looking at it as a teaching experience, I look at it as keeping an eye on this poor kid. She’s been doing this for a little while, no one took her under their wing at all after training her.

Poor thing gets stuck with me...but TRUST ME when I tell you this, she’s better off then the last wanker that she teamed with.

Getting to know you
On the flight from New York to Vegas

It’s an awkward silence, for the majority of the flight. Milo insisted that Ms. Baker joining him but she just didn’t know how to act around him. She watched how he was so outgoing with the staff but Morgan has herself wrapped up in a chair, as Miles cracks a joke with the flight attendant. Miles looks over at his new partner and sighs, “Alright, this is silly. You haven’t said 2 words since we took off. Am I scarin’ ya?

Morgan’s eyes go wide and she shakes her head, “I’m just...a little shy at first...

He smirks and plops down in a chair in front of her and leans forward, “Well Morgs...can I call ya that?

Uhhh....I guess. I’ve never had a nickname before.

Well, I’m Milo, you can be Morgs. So, Morgs, are you excited to visit Vegas again?

Yeah, I guess. I just don’t get why you are bringing me.

Simple, you and I are tag partners in PWS, but we barely know anything about one another. I figured it’d be nice to get you out of that environment and get to know who you really are. I know you’re from my side of the world and that you were trained by the PWS crew but after that...

I’m from London. You’re from Manchester, right?

Aye, any siblings? I have a twin sister.

2 Brothers, both older. I’m the baby. Both my brothers did until he got hurt, which was sorta my fault. He got really hurt in training when I distracted him, he blamed me...

Ah, that is such a BS excuse. It’s why we do the training before getting into these places. Well, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m used to doing the stupid shit already. But what I’m hoping here, is that you get to see something different and where you need to improve too. After Sunday, we’ll head back and work on it from there.

Sounds good!” she smiles brightly.

Good. And then we’ll start getting you out of that shell you seem to be in. Stick with me kid, we’re going places.

A Face Made For Radio

Ah, podcasts. I really do have a face made for radio. Too bad this one is also live streamed on YouTube.

“We are live on In Your Face podcast and we are joined by SCW and PWS Star Miles Kasey, who is back in Vegas this week taking on a newcomer to SCW, Lincoln Daniels. Miles man, it has been a wild 2020 for you.”

Miles snorts, laughing a bit, “Oh that’s putting it rather mildly there. Car accidents, ghosting girlfriends, getting bit in the arse by man-eating guppies, winning titles out of nowhere...but yeah, we’ll call it wild, mate.

“Well this week, you have your Climax Control return to take on this new guy. From what we gathered he’s pretty accomplished in other locations as a multi-time champ. Seems like the management is pretty high on him.”

Well hells, I would be too with that resume. Thankfully, I haven’t completely given them reason to lose faith in me yet. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been a royal fuck-up before in my past. But I’m not out to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Lincoln better not underestimate me in that ring because anyone that has watched me knows that I won’t let opportunities pass me by.

“Man, after the year you had you deserve a little break and a bit of success if not more than...”

Miles lets out a hearty laugh toward the host and shakes his head, “I was about to say. I’m out to really work my arse off this time, there’s going to be no shortcuts to success and Mr. Daniels is sadly in my way. I guess we’ll see come Climax Control if that’s going to be enough for the W.

“Here’s hopin!”

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