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Climax Control Archives / Family Matters Part 2
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:43:15 PM »

“Our first Grandbaby!”

The words still hung in the air, despite the minutes that had passed and Tempest slowly moved away from her brother and she had resumed her seat beside her adopted daughter who she felt now more than ever needed a mother’s comfort. Granted, Tempest knew she had a lot to learn about being a mom herself, especially when compared to the experience of her own mother. But she knew how she felt, especially at this given moment in particular. She knew she was angry - more so at how Anela was seemingly hurt by the words that Tempest’s own mother had just exclaimed at the news of her oldest child and his wife expecting their first child together.

But more than anything else? She felt protective. She felt that ‘Momma Bear” syndrome women often speak of suddenly swelling up deep from within and if left unchecked, she knew some poor, unfortunate soul would end up bearing the brunt of it rather than who she should be speaking to.

Nahea: Alleyne…?

Her youngest brother was always able to read her like a book - annoyingly so, but such a trait was not so impressive now as it might be under normal circumstances. Tempest was practically radiating heat from her body that it was a wonder the A/C didn’t kick on. Her anger was self evident, to the point her Dad extended a hand to place on her shoulder. Whether a gesture of reassurance or an attempt to keep his daughter from saying or doing anything that she might regret, it was left unsaid and would remain a mystery through the night.

It mattered little as Tempest pulled her arm away, which stung her Dad more than a man such as he might care to admit. He was a strong man in body and soul, but this was his “little girl” and to have her pull away like this… well it would hurt any father. His and Nahea’s eyes remained on her, as her own eyes remained locked on her seemingly oblivious mother who continued to fawn over Konane and Iolana before she excused herself and headed for the kitchen.

That was when the immediate family knew something was amiss as Tempest turned to Anela, slowly standing up.

Tempest: Go grab your things. I’ll be right back.

Anela wasted no time, recognizing the command from her Momma and the tone behind it. The little girl pushed her chair back and hurried out of the room as Tempest stood upright.

Kaimana: Alleyne, don’t…

But his daughter all but ignored her father’s wish as she walked around the dining room table and headed for the kitchen, Konane finally realizing that something was wrong as he helped Iolana back into her chair and he looked around the table…

Konane: What’s going on…?

In the kitchen, the central part of the family homestead, Nalani had just taken a large pitcher of iced pineapple tea from the refrigerator and shut the door, before turning and almost starting in surprise to find her daughter standing there behind her.

Nalani: Oh! Alleyne! You startled me! What are you doing just standing…

Tempest: Do you mind explaining what that was all about out there?

Nalani seemed to be quite taken back, her mouth hanging partially open as her eyes strayed from her daughter who was obviously upset over something and past her toward the family dining room where she indicated. Nalani resumed her gaze toward her only daughter and shook her head, finding it difficult to decipher what had suddenly come over her.

Nalani: Alleyne, what are you…?

Tempest: Your ‘first grandchild’ Mom? Really? You actually said that at a dinner you threw specifically for her!?

Nalani: Alleyne, I think you’re overreacting…

Tempest set a hand on the counter, arm fully extended and her posture practically screamed; she thought anything but. Her stare was uncharacteristically harsh toward her Mother whom she practically revered.

Tempest: Overreacting? Is that what you think?

Nalani: Yes, I didn’t mean anything by it.

Tempest: Oh, you said exactly what you meant. My daughter isn’t a real grandchild to you because I adopted her rather than gave birth to her!

Nalani: That is not fair, Alleyne! You are taking what I said completely out of context!

Tempest: Oh really?

She drew her arms up against her upper body, crossing them so she could lean against the counter and further confront her mother.

Tempest: Then why don’t you explain it to me, then? Why don’t you tell me what you really meant out there!!?

Nalani: Don’t raise your voice to…

Tempest: I heard you, Mother! Papa heard you, too! Nahea heard it and understood! And worst of all…?

Tempest stood up straight and took that one long step closer to look down at her Mother and she shook her head, fighting like a titan to refrain from shedding a tear and further losing control of her emotions.

Tempest: That little girl, you know - my daughter? She heard it! She heard the woman she loved like a Grandma say it!

To describe Nalani as being rendered speechless would be a vast understatement because the truth was, she did not mean what she had said. Her excitement for her son and daughter-in-law’s announcement had been simply too much that she had lost herself in the moment. And because of that, a child had been hurt. Slowly, Nalani set the pitcher of tea onto the counter and she wiped her hands on her blouse.

Nalani: I-I’ll go apologize.

Tempest: Don’t bother.

Tempest held her hand up, stopping her Mom from moving past her and going toward the dining room.

Tempest: I told Anela to get her things. We’re leaving.

Nalani: Leaving!? But…!

But whatever else she might have wanted to say was lost to the winds, as they say. Her daughter effectively turned her back on her and walked to the dining room, but the matriarch of the family was as stubborn as her daughter and she quickly went after her.

Nalani: Alleyne, wait!

She followed Tempest out into the dining room and all heads turned toward the two women as the outburst had grown loud and all present had overheard. By this time, Anela had retrieved her bag and was at the side of her Uncle Nahea who had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and held her gently, offering her some semblance of comfort.

Nalani: Alleyne, please! I’m sorry! You don’t have to go!

But Tempest just gave her Mother an icy stare as she held her hand out for Anela who quickly took it and the two went straight for the front door.

Nalani: Alleyne!

But that was when her eldest brother spoke up, trying to diffuse the tense situation as best he could but you know what they say? Often the worst mistakes can be started with the best of intentions.

Konane: Alleyne, I thought you said that you were okay with us announcing this?

Tempest paused as the door was halfway open, allowing Anela to slip outside as the sky was darkening into one of those world-famous Hawaiian sunsets. She turned at the waist and her expression was a blend of sarcasm and “Are you kidding me?” all thrown into one.

Tempest: Whether I was okay with it or not doesn’t really matter, does it? You would have found a way to do it tonight, anyway.

Konane: What is that supposed to mean???

Tempest turned to look at her oldest brother directly and she held up a hand, as if to count off examples.

Tempest: Well, let’s see! You proposed to Iolana during our parents’ anniversary dinner! You used Nahea’s birthday to tell the family you purchased a house! And now tonight you took the dinner that was meant to be for your niece and announced your wife’s pregnancy!

The words hung there as the implications were clear, but nobody said anything in response. It was almost as if nobody dared to deny or confirm them. Tempest just stood there, staring at her loved ones, at her family, and shrugged her shoulders.

Tempest: So congratulations. You got what you wanted.

She pulled the door the rest of the way open and took one step outside.

Tempest: You made the night about you!

And that being said, she slammed the door behind her, rattling the framed photographs of much happier times. Still, nobody said anything as Konane comforted his wife but it was Nalani who clenched her eyes tight and the tears cascaded down her cheeks.

The setting was that of the six-sided ring, the traditionally used ring for competition within Sin City Wrestling. The setting surrounding the gym was not immediately evident as all lights were turned down low save for one lone spotlight that shone from high above the very center of the ring. And sitting there directly in the spotlight on a wooden stool was the former Bombshell Internet Champion, and soon-to-be World title contender - Tempest. Foregoing the typical wearing of her ring gear when the show itself was not scheduled for two days' time, she was instead dressed quite casually in a white tank top and tight denim jeans with knee-high boots.

She drew one leg up and wrapped her arms around it as she spoke;

“Okay, so I’m going to let all of you in on a little secret. When a student attends the GO Gym, it is all about the business and paying it it’s proper dues. It’s about treating the business and everyone in it with the reverence that it and they are due. That’s why, from almost the very start of your training under the Stevens, you are given your ring name. Unless of course you’re one of those unique few who prefer to throw caution to the wind and simply compete under your birth name with relatively little autonomy.”

She frowned and looked off camera.

“Are you sure that’s the right word? Because it doesn’t sound right!”

She gave a shrug to whomever she was talking to and continued on with her train of thought.

“Anyway, my point is once you were given your ring name, that was what you went by for as long as you were being trained behind those closed doors. Some came in with their own, like Fenris. But where I was concerned? I spent much of my training regime under the tutelage of Gabriel and Odette simply as … Alleyne. Reason being they were having a devil of a time trying to figure out a proper ring name for me.”

“I guess where I was concerned, I was something of a unique flavor in the Gym, as because of my size and strength, I was forced to train with the men more so than the women. The few exceptions being the chicks from London Underground and Evie Baang. Other than that, I was in there with Fenris and Daniel Morgan and yes… Gabriel himself. Fenris called me a ‘crazy bitch’ because of my training which I wore as a badge of pride but unfortunately … not a good ring name. Daniel Morgan referred to me as a ‘force of nature’ and you know who called out the name Tempest?”


“Despayre named me. Kid was playing somewhere in the Gym and it just came out of nowhere and from that point forward, I was Tempest.”

“Now, I haven’t been as active as I might have liked over the past five or six weeks but I won’t lie and say I didn’t welcome the break. I was pretty damn happy with how long my Internet reign lasted and while I would have been even happier had it lasted just a little longer, I won't lie and say Julianna didn’t earn that win. She did. And after that, I didn’t know what would be next or where I was going but imagine my surprise when my first match after Summer XXXTreme XII was against a certifiable legend in the Bombshell division, namely Alicia Lukas. A certifiable badass chick who accomplished everything a woman could want to aspire to in this business. My first thought when that match was announced was to ask myself whether or not I was ready for this. Then my second thought was – bring it! You can even forget about that little roadblock the powers that be threw into the equation as a funny roadblock towards both of us; namely Austin. My best friend and Alicia’s boyfriend as the special referee.”

She stared into the camera and shook her head.

“Well aren’t you boys in the head offices just funny? Funny, funny, funny! But I digress. Lukas and I both threw caution to the wind, demanded Mercer call the match straight down the center and she and I tore each other apart! Just the way it was meant to be! And yes, I came out ahead but Christ! Alicia Lukas showed to me and the world watching why she earned the reputation that she’s had in this business! She’s not some nepo baby that rode in here on a silver platter. She fought hard to earn her spot and god help any bitch who wants to take it from her.”

“That match though… that was almost a month ago, and it was the last time that I stepped inside of the ring. Why? Mark Ward pushed Christian Underwood out of the way and took over the reigns and things became fresher. New ideas came to fruition and while I had my own hopes, everything he had laid out ahead of time slowly fell into place and SCW is better for it.”

“Now, me? I had naturally assumed that I would be getting a rematch against Julianna DiMaria because, well former Internet Champion and all. I thought that was a given. A contractual obligation but as it stands, fate aka Mark Ward, had bigger plans for yours truly.”

She slipped her bent knee free from her arms and fully extended her long legs as her hands gripped the sides of the stool’s seat.

“A Fatal Fourway match, where the winner moves on to Violent Conduct to challenge Kayla Richards for the World Bombshell Championship! Now the so-called ‘Dreamkiller’ and I have met a handful of times in the tag team division but the one has never scored a decisive victory over the other. A one-on-one match, woman to woman? Especially where the World Championship is at stake? Now that is something to aspire to! And truth be told, it made me feel just a bit foolish because there I stood, bemoaning the fact I wasn’t being given a chance to regain the Internet Championship and now I have the opportunity to fight for the top prize. The first time I would have ever been granted that opportunity.”

“And I have to go through three other badass chicks to make it that far. Well…”

She looked upward in contemplation and offered a light shrug of the shoulders.

“Two badass chicks and one potential future one. No offense intended to Harper Mason but the jury is still out on you and just where you stand in the grand scheme of things. I mean, on one hand you’ve been trained by the absolute best of the best, but from the outside in you seem to be struggling to find your footing as a Bombshell. I mean, it’s going to come. So long as you don’t give up on yourself and realize the same damn things everyone else around you understands; that Mark and Christian wouldn’t have signed you if they didn’t have the confidence in you. Now let’s face facts, Harper. It’s tough love time. I’m not a woman who minces words and when I say you’ve been struggling to find a foothold, what I am trying to say is so far you’ve been unable to pick up that first big win - that one career defining moment to make everyone sit up and notice!”

“And that also leaves me wondering why exactly you’re in a match of this magnitude with a chance at the top championship at stake when you haven’t been able to secure that first big win? It’s almost as if the bosses are feeling for you and tossing you a bone to chew on, to keep you satisfied so that you don’t go running to social media like so many others and bitch and moan about what you’re not getting, even though you have yet to actually earn it. Or…!”

She held up a forefinger.

“Or… Mark Ward recognizes that something special in any young rookie and thinks a match with this much at stake might be just what you need to light a fire under your ass. And admittedly, that sounds great in theory, but I just don’t see it playing itself out that way, do you?”

“But here’s the good news, Harper. At least you’re not an entitled whiner like Cassie Wolfe because GOD! A part of me almost wishes she was in this match just so I could take her by the neck and twist it until her head popped clean off!”

“Now - Song. Mad respect. A woman who I have heard a lot about but to date have never been lucky enough to have the chance to face in any sort of match. I look back to the glory days of the separate tag team divisions known as the FoShan Bombshells, Song and Orchid were one of the most cohesive teams to have ever won the gold. IT was a sad damn day in SCW when Song’s contract expired and - at the time - she opted not to renew and instead went off to explore … whatever it was that she chose to explore away from the ring. But now here she is, once again signed to SCW but this time she’s on her own. … No…”

She waved off the statement.

“Scratch that, she still has a notable name like Master Lily around and that woman is someone even I have to acknowledge commands respect when she enters a room. But Master Lily isn’t inside of the ring with you, is she Song? You are in uncharted waters as they say, and so far you’ve done fairly well since returning. A scorecard of one win and one loss? Again, the higher ups see quality in you and I imagine that is one of the reasons you’ve been thrown to the wolves in this match. They want to see fresh talent, fresh blood, in the World title ranks and that  is why the four of us…”

She made a circular motion with her hand.

“Are in this match and not some random names that have had every other opportunity thrown into their laps like a used napkin at Pizza Hut. And … I see you, Song. I see you as a crisp and calculating striker in the ring. But I have also caught you once or twice looking toward the corner when you’re in trouble and the realization dawning on you that there’s noone to tag. There’s no way out.”

She leaned in closer toward the camera.

“You’re on your own.”

Tempest then sat back and an uncharacteristic smile crossed her lips and an even more so chuckle escaped her.

“Of course that leaves us with the one woman in this match I have been in the ring with, and the one that handed me my first loss. I’ve been lucky enough to have two women… two … who were able to step up and look right at me and fight me on my own terms. One was Zoey Lukas, and the other was you – Bobbie Dahl.”

Tempest bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

“I still remember that first confrontation between us, when you thought you’d play hero and save Bella Madison and some other chick from me. I remember feeling one part thrilled that there was some woman out there with a set who would actually get in my face the way that you did, Bobbie. The other part of me was annoyed that you were getting in my way when I was trying to get people to take notice I was going to keep laying these Barbies out until the bookers took me seriously. But you came out, you got in that ring and god love you - you threw the first punch! I thought I’d mow your ass down but I’m woman enough to admit that things didn’t go the way I hoped, but I got what I wanted when they signed us against each other!”

“I thought I had this fight in the bag but you were the fight I needed! And yeah… I still remember that delightful shriek you made when I picked you up for the Crucifix but in the end, you got me. You came out on top and did pretty damn well for yourself. You got the Roulette title to your credit, and now you’re getting the chance at something even bigger. The problem is… you have to go through me to do it.”

She smiled.

“Rematch, Bobbie. And this time? Things are going to go so much differently.”

Tempest stood up and stood there momentarily, hands on hips and staring into the camera.

“And I hope you’re watching … ‘Dreamkiller’. Because when the smoke clears and you see who you’re going to be up against in London? The Dreamkiller is going to be experiencing some serious nightmares!”

Climax Control Archives / Family Matters Part 1
« on: August 16, 2024, 08:39:53 PM »
Honolulu, Hawaii

The summer vacation for Anela had gone by much too quickly if you asked the young girl, and even more so if you were to ask her family in Hawaii. Her adoptive mother’s family and her dad’s had both wanted to see her more often, and while the offer for visits in Las Vegas still remained, it simply wasn’t enough. So Tempest had come up with the solution of bringing Anela home to Hawaii during summer vacation from school and just let both sides of the girl’s families spoil and indulge her to their collective heart’s content. And as summer vacation was quickly coming to an end and the school year in Las Vegas was starting again, it was time for Tempest to take her daughter back and bid farewell to her native Honolulu. But … if you knew anything about her immediate family, you would know that her mother Nalani would not allow her daughter nor adoptive granddaughter to simply leave without the benefit of one of her famous family feasts.

Of course, this afforded the father-daughter tandem of Kaimana and Alleyne aka Tempest to take an extensive walk around the neighborhood where the Mahoe family home was, a rare enough occurrence that they were not able to indulge in as often as they might prefer. As her mother Nalani had often pointed out, both in jest as well as her own brand of wisdom, the surroundings were more nature than neighborhood. True there were the given houses and neighbors both old that they had known since she and her brothers were children, and new - many whom she had laid eyes on during one of her visits but had yet to be introduced to by her parents. All around were palm trees, Tibouchina, Bird of paradise and Ohelo Kau La'au and many other plants and flowers native only to the state of Hawaii. To the common tourist, these were treasures denied them as they could not be brought from Hawaii back to any other state in the nation due to potential invasive pests or viruses, but here to the natives of this paradise, it was a simple indulgence to look at and appreciate.

Kaimana: You know, your mother would have much rather had you helping in the kitchen than taking this walk with your old man.

To which he was gifted with a side-eye from his daughter, one filled with not only bitter sarcasm but a touch of self-deprecating good humor.

Tempest: I’m sure Mom would rather her meal not be ruined by someone that barely knows a pot from a pan. And besides, she has Iolana helping her.

Kaimana: I’m sure you can appreciate the fact that while having your daughter-in-law help, there’s something just a little more special in having your only daughter help out with the family meal.

Tempest: Yeah, well… I stand by what I said. I’m just no good at being in the kitchen. I wasn’t when I was a kid, I wasn’t any better when I married Malulani - and I think I’ve only gotten worse since.

Kaimana: And since getting custody of Anela…?

Tempest: I try, but I think the kid is just too polite to tell me if my cooking sucks so she just eats whatever I put in front of her. To spare her mama’s feelings. It’s either that or a strict diet of McDonalds…

Kaimana hissed a breath in between his teeth, taking in the air at the sheer idea and this time it was his daughter’s turn to smile and nod.

Tempest: I know, I know! Mom would never forgive me for feeding a growing child that junk instead of a ‘good, home cooked meal’.

Her dad turned to her as they walked, an impish and somewhat knowing smile registered on his face.

Kaimana: You still do though, don’t you?

To which his daughter answered by holding up two extended fingers.

Tempest: Twice a week at most. Give the child a break from the disaster which is my kitchen.

The two continued their walk in a comfortable silence as neither father nor daughter were much for idle chit chat or small talk, even when it came to members of the family. Especially when it came to members of the family. After all, family should already know one another well enough than have to kill time by filling an otherwise embarrassed silence between them.

Kaimana: So you have to leave for Las Vegas in the morning…?

Tempest: Just long enough to get Anela settled at Gabriel’s before I hop on the plane to Japan.

Kaimana shook his head and pursed his lips, letting loose with a low, shrill whistle.

Kaimana: Cutting it pretty close.

Tempest: True, but it’s one of the perks I get for being both a mom and a career woman I suppose. Then I leave to get back to Vegas until I have to hop on the next plane for the next tour stop.

Kaimana: I guess that’s one way to rack up the air miles but aren’t you worried about exhausting yourself?

Tempest: I admit it’s not going to be easy but I wouldn’t say I’m worried. Anela is starting school this week and I have to get her back in time for that so I can’t take her with me on the tour. It’d be too much for a little girl to endure on a six week stretch. She went through that enough with her dad when he was touring. She’s not going to go through it with me.

To that, Kaimana could only nod with appreciation; respecting the fact that his daughter was more worried about the effects of her daughter being separated from her mom for an extended period of time as opposed to worrying about the effects such travel would have on her own mind and body.

Kaimana: Well, you know what a good solution for that would be…?

And the moment he said that, Tempest stopped walking and closed her eyes, head tilted back and she drew in a deep breath. She opened her eyes and she met the own unwavering stare of her dad in reciprocation.

Tempest: Please… do not tell me things would be much simpler if I were to just move back home. Because it’s like I told Mama, that would not help matters. If anything, it would cause me more issues that it would solve.

Her father frowned, not understanding. Clearly this was one of those times it would have been better had his wife and he had one of those rare chats.

Kaimana: How do you mean?

Tempest: These tours happen  only twice a year in SCW so that is simple enough to handle. I can outlast the stress. But if I had to fly back and forth between Hawaii and Nevada or wherever every week? That would do me in even quicker! Plus, it’s like I told Mama. I’m still being watched by the courts as far as Anela goes. My only source of income here is my bonds business and I already know that it would be seen as a detriment in their eyes for the time being.

Kaimana: Well… you can’t blame a dad for trying.

Tempest scoffed.

Tempest: Yes I can! You let Mama get you to try and do her dirty work for her! The woman doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.

Kaimana: Part of her charm.

But of course, as the afternoon moved on, it was time for the Mahoe family feast to commence and all so that they could say goodbye for now to not just Tempest, but the newest and youngest addition to their already extensive family; namely young Anela. And Nalani’s reputation for cooking and knowing how to lay out a feast was very well deserved as along with her daughter-in-law’s help, the dining room table was covered in various traditional Hawaiian dishes such as Poke, Lami Lami Salmon, Huli Huli Chicken and several others. And in the Mahoe family tradition, it was basically every person for themselves when it came to laying hands on the dishes - save for Tempest commandeering the offered plates and bowls for Anela’s benefit and her older brother Konane doing the same for his wife.

All in all a pleasant way for the family to celebrate their daughter and granddaughter when Konane stood up from his seat and picked up a glass. Her turned his head to his wife - Iolana - and she soon joined him in standing, her complexion taking on a slight blush behind her smile.

Konane: Alleyne, I know this meal is mom’s way to say goodbye for now to you and Anela, but I spoke with her and Dad and told them that Iolana and I had something we needed to say and I hope you don’t mind our stealing a bit of the spotlight?

Tempest just waved off his concern.

Tempest: Steal away.

Her brother smiled with gratitude and he draped an arm around Iolana’s shoulder and drew her in close. Their eyes roamed about the gathered room.

Konane: Well, there’s no other way to say it but Iolana and I have been trying to start a family for about a year now and … She’s pregnant.

Nalani gasped, dropping her silverware to the plate in front of her and she covered her mouth with her fingers.

Nalani: You-you’re…

Konane: We’re having a baby, Mama!

The room lit up with cheers and a collective symphony of good wishes and words of congratulations. Practically everyone was now on their feet and many made their way over to the happy couple to embrace them and give them their best wishes; chief among them - the Matriarch, Nalani herself. She bugged her oldest son tightly and kissed him on his cheek before moving over to her daughter-in-law and she cupped her face in her hands.

Nalani: I can’t tell you how happy I am! Oh I think I’m going to cry!

She drew Iolana into her arms for a big hug, the tears falling freely down Nalani’s face.

Nalani: Our first grandbaby!

Tempest simply froze from where she had just placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder and she turned and stared at her mother and what she had just said. Her youngest brother, Nohea, even frowned. Her father noticed and looked at his daughter, then at his wife who remained oblivious to the sudden swell of tension that quickly had filled the room. Tempest cast a quick look to where Anela still remained in her seat and her heart broke at her daughter’s pained expression, avoiding all eye contact…

To Be Continued…

Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden -
Tokyo, Japan

One of Tokyo’s largest and most popular parks, Shinjuku Gyoen is a paradise filled with spacious lawns, walking paths and some of the most delightful and tranquil scenery offered. It is a literal oasis away from the sprawling suburban life that surrounds it which is Tokyo itself. And within this natural botanical gardens there are no less than three gardens made famous; the oldest in the nation featuring a landscape of gardens, large ponds and bridges.

And it was on one of these very bridges that overlooked the largest pond dotted by manicured shrubs and majestic swans swimming along in the waters that had fallen blossom petals of many colors cascading from overlapping branches into the waters below - here stood none other than Tempest who sought a much needed respite from the surrounding public and her assigned duties for this the Royal Pain tour of 2024.

Ever since she stepped off of the plane at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, she had been besieged by fans who anxiously awaited a chance to meet her. They refrained from troubling her in the airport itself nor in the hotel lobby, simply because that was how such things were handled with celebrities in the Land of the Rising Sun. And when professional wrestling was involved, things could be even more hectic. All around the world, pro wrestling was popular. In Japan, it was considered art. And it’s wrestlers?


In Japan, more so than perhaps anywhere else in the world, professional wrestling and the men and women who made it their life’s craft - they were both respected and revered. Even those seen as ‘heels’ were widely revered and sought after and Tempest simply needed to get away. A woman of her own imposing physical stature was a natural phenom in Japan, and she could not step outside of the hotel without fans rushing her or taking snapshots from afar.

Here at the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden? She was offered a brief respite. Her forearms rested on the rail of the perfectly crafted wooden bridge and her amber eyes watched the swans at play as she spoke.

“So, Summer XXXTreme XII is over and so is my reign as the Internet Champion and the one constant that I’ve had to endure since is a simple question - but one that so far remains unanswered is … ‘Where do I go from here?’ And I have to be honest and tell everyone out there right now that’s watching and listening the very same thing I told the first reporter that cornered my onboard of that blasted ship. And that is simply…”

She shrugged.

“I don’t know. I have barely had time to think since I dropped the championship to Julianna in what had to be one of my hardest fought losses since I first came to SCW. Aside from dealing with personal issues and then traveling here to Japan for commitments to this tour, I have barely had time to breathe - let alone figure out where I stand in the grand scheme of things. I’ve been asked time and again if I intended to challenge Julianna DiMaria to a rematch to try and get the Internet Championship back, given I was guaranteed a rematch clause in my contract. Right now…”

Her hands on the railing, she fully extended her arms outstretched and she looked around.

“I think I’m fairly content to let Julianna have her time in the sun while I think about where I want to go next. This was, after all. My first singles run and I think I did so fairly impressively if I do say so myself - which I just did. But do I want to cut her reign short and take the title back…? Do I want to make a run at the Roulette or World title or do I just want to sit back and see where things fall into place on their own…?”

She shrugged her shoulders and lowered herself back down to her previous position.

“Personally I’d love to drag Austin’s ass back to sign a contract and go after the tag team titles again. Finn and Kayla have gotten way too comfortable with those titles and I would love to end that run but that’s neither here nor there. I think for the time being I am pretty content where I am right now. Take a breather and just wait and see what Mark Ward might have in store for me in the coming weeks. ”

“And right now… where I stand is apparently going to be across the ring from the ‘other’ Lukas sister - and probably one of the best SCW has ever signed to either division - namely Alicia Lukas. And the moment I got the text, telling me to be in Japan and who I was going to be up against in the first show back since Summer XXXTreme XII, all I could do was smile. Seriously … I smiled. Because when you go on a big tour like this, and when you go to Japan of all places where professional wrestling is one of the biggest forms of both sport and art, you want a show that is going to create a lasting impression for all of these Japanese fans. Mark Ward hit things just right when he signed a match between Alicia Lukas and myself! This… this is going to be the match that steals the show!”

“Sorry and all due respect to the Main Event and the men but I hope the lot of you don’t get your hopes up on this one. Oh I know every one of you is going to do your best and put on a show that is going to burn itself into the minds and memories of every person in attendance and watching from around the world but ladies? Gents?”

Tempest smirked and shook her head.

“Alicia and I have this one in the bag.”

Tempest stood upright on the bridge and turned and she started to walk to the other side.

“This isn’t even the first time that I’ve been in the ring with one of the Lukas sisters. Zoey gave me the fight of my life almost two years ago at High Stakes XII. And if I am going to be entirely honest? I would have to name Zoey right up there as one of my top five toughest opponents. The only two I would even bother to rank over her would be Bobbie Dahl – number one, and Julianna DiMaria, number two. Bobbie is the first chick that gave me as good as she got and … she beat me! Julianna for obvious reasons because the bitch is half my size and she was still woman enough to take my championship away!”

“I know you’re watching this right now Alicia, and you are probably asking why Zoey isn’t higher than Julianna or Bobbie. Family loyalty and all that, but the truth of the matter is pretty simple. After that match, Zoey went public and called me out for ending her unbeaten streak and not taking advantage of the momentum that the win gave me. Well, on the flip side, I have a question for you Alicia. Well, actually, it’s for your sister but if you could do me the favor and pass it along to her, I’d really appreciate it.”

She turned to face the camera directly.

“I didn’t take advantage of that win or the momentum behind it, I admit that. I was dealing with injuries and personal issues and I had to start over from practically the very beginning. But if I didn’t take advantage and I’m still here - now a former Internet Champion ready for god knows what … where is your sister? Where is Zoey? That chick had a couple of great opportunities placed at her feet and now she just vanished in the wind. She had all of the god damned potential to be the top thing in this business! She has the size! She had the look! She had the talent! And she just up and left, flushing all of that wasted potential down the toilet like a snotty ball of Kleenex! But then there’s you…”

Tempest arrived at the edge of the pond, kicking off her slip on shoes to allow her bare toes to enjoy the tickling sensation of the freshly manicured grass. The smile was self evident on her face, and it was genuine.

“Let’s face facts, the better of the Lukas sisters. That’s not my saying something to spark jealousy or dissent between the two of you. It’s just a simple fact. You are a three time World Bombshell Champion. You are the first woman to ever receive the Wrestler of the Year accolade in the year-end awards! Your reputation from before you ever signed to SCW, to your previous run right up to your current, has been hard fought and well-earned! To put it bluntly…”

“Everything that you earned and accomplished, your sister strived to match. She wanted that world championship. She wants the world to look at her the way they look at you. But for God's sake! Zoey needs nothing more than to be seen as her own woman! That's all she needs! Her own title reigns! Her own accomplishments! I'm more than anyone else, aside from possibly you, want to see that bad ass bitch BACK in SCW so she can show the world she is one person only! Herself!”

“But the here and Now is not about her. It's about you, Alicia. It's about you and me being backed into something of a corner given our personal situations with one person. And you know who I'm talking about. The man that captured your heart, it's the very same man prove to me that not all people suck someone who is the first person that I truly opened up to and became my best friend.”

“I can remember it clear as day, Alicia. When you were Queen and you booked that Mixed Tag Team Championship match. You didn't do it to give me or your teammate some opportunity. You did it as a joke at Austin's expense at the time. Will lo and behold, he and I took advantage of that opportunity and ran with it! And while we started off as tag team partners, thanks to you, I made one of the closest friends of my entire life. That I have to thank you for. That I owe you.”

“But you bringing Austin into my life is not in any way going to save your ass come Sunday. Don't get me wrong. I've talked big before and ended up falling flat on my face. It happened with Mercedes. It happened with Julianna. Hell! It even happened against Seleana once!”

“Before your hiatus, whether it be from lack of booking on the part of the powers that be or whatever, before you were a force of nature. And that's coming from a woman literally named after one! But since your return? You've changed. And not for the worst, but for the better. There's a difference in your style now that I've watched and oh my god! I have come to appreciate! I wondered at one point what it would be like to step in the ring against you, well let's just say Christmas has come early this year for the both of us.”

“And before you or anyone else out there bothers to ask…”

She shook her head in the negative.

“No. I am not at all concerned about the elephant in the room. I might have been caught by surprise with the jokester who named Austin as the guest referee to our match, but I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about him taking sides or calling things down the middle. Dividing his loyalties between his friend and his girlfriend. Not an issue in my mind. And why is that?”

“Because the man is smart enough to know that if he were to call it any other way other than down the middle, he would get the ever-loving crap kicked out of him by the both of us!”

Tempest nodded her head at the camera it acknowledgment, the corner of her lips turned upwards in a wry smile.

“So whatever happens, Alicia. Let's just kick the living shit out of one another and give these fans in Tokyo a reason to acknowledge the Bombshell division as the best that SCW has to offer!”

Supercard Archives / Once more for those in the back...
« on: August 02, 2024, 09:04:12 PM »
Previously in the Life of Tempest…

Honolulu, Hawaii

Gabriel: I understand.

Tempest had finally found herself to the point where she could divulge some of her past to the man who had taken her in under his proverbial wing and helped her to become the woman that she was right now in the sport of pro wrestling. For the longest of time, she had preferred to keep her private life just that … private. And she was not about to share such personal woes with what, at the time, amounted to more than just colleagues.

But slowly over time, the seemingly unthinkable had happened. Tempest had taken many of those within the gym close to her heart and bonded with them, whether she wanted to admit it openly or not. And the man that she was currently seated beside in the White sands of the Hawaiian beach, he had been right about what he had said earlier. If she could confide with a man such as Austin James Mercer, and she could confide in him.

And so she did. She confided everything. Or as close to everything as she was willing to expose herself with at this point. Doing such things was still somewhat alien to her, but it still was a weight lifted from her shoulders when she was able let someone in past those walls she had erected so many years ago.

Gabriel: I have to admit that if I had suffered a loss like that, I don't think I'd want to revisit the source. Whether it's the same ship or not.

Tempest: And obviously it's not, but the memories still linger.

Gabriel nodded in understanding.

Gabriel: Of course they do, and chances are likely they always will. I'm grateful to say that I've not suffered a loss like you have, I can't imagine that sort of pain. I can only say that you are a formidable woman. It will get easier.

Tempest sighed, watching as Hazel and her own stepdaughter had just about finished burying Gabriel and Odette's son in the sand.

Tempest: I wish I could believe that. I really do.

Gabriel: Well, at the very least you have a related memory that can help you heal.

He nodded his head forward, indicating the young girl that had befriended his own son.

Gabriel: Similar wounds cause similar scars Alleyne. But heals one set of wounds…

Tempest: … Heals the other.

Gabriel could only smile at her understanding of his logic. They remained silent, comfortable in one another's company as they watched the children at play until finally, the head trainer and patriarch of the GO Gym addressed her once more, but this time without taking his eyes off of his children or her own.

Gabriel: Are you taking her on the cruise?

But Tempest shook her head in the negative, whether he saw it or not she was unsure.

Tempest: I'm not sure it's the best idea, if I'm going to be honest. Not just because she'd end up seeing me in a match, but she's never been on a cruise before. And I worked hard to keep her from being exposed to the business.

Gabriel: She got exposed to the business the first time she met Austin. She got exposed to the business the first time you brought her to the gym and she and Lucas played together inside of the ring.

Gabriel turned his head to look at her with a smile on his face, knowing what buttons to push in the most light-hearted of manners.

Gabriel: Face facts. That there is a future Bombshell in the making!

Tempest: Over. My. Dead. Body!

Her reaction was enough to cause Odette to bark out in laughter and Gabriel to throw his head back and uproarious laughter. Tempest would give neither the satisfaction of reacting herself, but after a moment and when Gabriel had calmed himself enough, he spoke to her. Not in a jesting manner, but one of genuine concern and seriousness.

Gabriel: Take her on the cruise, Alleyne. It can be arranged. It just might end up being the best thing for the both of you.

She gave him a quick look from behind her own sunglasses, before turning back to her stepdaughter and the other two children.

Sun Princess Cruise -
Pacific Coast

Anela: Mom! Mom! Can we go swimming!? Please!

The 9-year-old stepdaughter to the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion Tempest, hold on her mother's wrist and pointed from the deck, directing the adult woman's attention toward the huge pool that was surprisingly not as full as would be expected.

It was an unfortunate thing that Anela had become attracted to the swimming pool because anyone who knew Tempest, knew she was anything but a fan of the idea of swimming in a public pool. In her own words, “I might as well have somebody just pee directly on me!”

This Outlook was a source of amusement from one of her few friends in the sport, her closest friend in life as a matter of fact - Austin James Mercer. He was successful once or twice in getting her into this very pool in previous years, but she made no bones about how much she disliked it. It had sparked at one point in time, a most amusing debate in which Austin rallied for the win.


Austin: Let me get this straight! You're willing to swim in the ocean but you hate the idea of a swimming pool?

Tempest: Give me one good reason why swimming in the ocean is worse than swimming in a pool!

Austin: Easy! Fish fuck in the ocean!

Tempest just stared at the man who had started off as just a tag team partner but had quickly evolved to being the closest friend she had ever had in life. The first man or person entirely whom she had divulged her past with. The smile on Austin's face spoke volumes at just how pleased he was to have rendered this volatile woman speechless.


Tempest cringed at the thought of jumping into that water but her stepdaughter's enthusiasm was unmistakable. Still, there was a proverbial light at the end of The tunnel, shining brighter than the sun off the water surface. Synn, a mainstay of the GO Gym and father to Despayre, was standing less than 15 ft away, leaning against the rails with his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark, wine colored shades.

A quick glance in the direction he was staring and she could see what had captured his interest. Despayre had taken the plunge in the swimming pool already and was splashing about, laughing in a childlike glee and just generally having the best time. A time that her own step daughter wanted to indulge in.

Tempest placed her hand on the Small of Anela's back and gently ushered her in the direction of the swimming pool.

Tempest: You go get started without me. I'll be right over here talking to that man.

Tempest could not have seen the flash of disappointed hurt that crossed Anela's face but the little girl did as she was told and made a beeline for the water, gently jumping off of the side of the pool and into the water with a loud splash. Keeping a close eye on her, and watching as Despayre swam over and her direction, only then did Tempest turn and approach Synn.

Tempest: I really appreciate you managing to pull these strings for me so I could bring Anela on the cruise with me.

Synn cast a sidelong glance toward the woman who only stood six inches shorter than his own impressive stature of 6’8” before he resumed watching his son. It was never a good idea to take his eyes off of Despayre for any length of time because history has indicated that anything can happen where that one was concerned. Hell! There was the time during a tour of Buckingham Palace when the Seven Deadly Sins went one way, and Despayre got lost and went another.

And he and Angel ended up having tea with the Queen of England. Seriously!

Synn: You’re giving me too much credit for that, Alleyne. Everyone on the roster was always welcome to bring guests along so long as the cabins were reserved. Up until now, you just never happened to bring anyone with you.

Tempest stood at the man’s side and mimicked him, resting her forearms on the rail and tried to watch Anela as inconspicuous as Synn did his own child.

Tempest: I never had a reason to. Hell … I never had anyone that I even wanted to bring on this godforsaken cruise.

Synn acknowledged her words with a slight nod. You never would have even noticed he did so unless you had been paying close enough attention.

Synn: I understand more than you realize.

Tempest: Yeah?

Synn: Mm. At least you knew your daughter from her earliest childhood. I  didn’t even know Joshua existed until the lad was just over fifteen.

Synn felt Tempest staring at him, her hard gaze not one of ill feelings but an intense interest behind what he was revealing to her.

Synn: By that point in time, he was a patient in a hospital for his mental issues. He had been trapped in those walls for years until I had managed to get him out and get protective custody.

Tempest turned her head just enough to lay eyes on the young man that she had met time and again inside of the GO Gym, mainly in the lobby as he spent hours playing on the computer – oh, excuse me. I mean, working as Gabriel and Odette’s administrative assistant. Or Angel did. Truth be told, there were times when Tempest couldn’t tell where Despayre began and the teddy bear ended. Or vice versa.

I said it was confusing!

Tempest: … Him? In a psychiatric hospital?

Synn sighed and stood upright from the rails that overlooked the Pacific Ocean churning in waves deep beneath them.

Synn: I don’t know if I would ever go so far as to classify Broodmoore as such. It was more like a Canadian torture chamber under the guise of a hospital but … yes. Believe me when I say that Joshua was not always as you see him now. He was worse.

Synn turned and looked straight into her eyes and as hardcore as she believed herself to be, she could understand why many within the Gym and the sport found it difficult to hold this man’s gaze for long.

Synn: Much worse. But a lot of time has passed, and a lot of work. It took so much work from so many people to help create an environment to allow Joshua to heal. And I am grateful for everyone.

Tempest could not help but joke - badly.

Tempest: Even Angel?

Synn: Especially Angel. Joke if you will but I dare say that my son would never have gotten as far as he has if it hadn’t been for that little friend of his. My point is … make the most of the time you have with your daughter. My son is thirty, and I still feel as if I’m catching up.

Tempest spent the next several moments taking in everything the man beside her had spoken. She herself had spent so many years, bitter and alone from the loss of her husband and - until recently - the loss of her stepdaughter. And while she found it quite difficult at times to be anything else other than Tempest, she was slowly coming to the realization that she was now something more.

She was a mom. She watched as Synn casually walked over to the pool side and effortlessly dropped into the water, his height allowing the deep water to come up only just above his waistline. His father joining him was reason enough for Despayre to whoop get up in the light, and that was the only catalyst Tempest needed. 9 years old or 30 years old, she could easily see the love of a child for their parent.

Tempest: … Oh what the hell…

And she too walked over to the pool, near her stepdaughter, Synn and Despy. Then, without warning, she jumped into the pool with a perfect cannonball splash! Water went everywhere, fans watching were amazed at seeing this ordinarily stoic and reserved Amazon figure just cut loose in such a simple way.

Tempest burst up from the water, and the sight of Anela cackling with childlike laughter so freely and openly at her mom's actions, it spoke volumes. Tempest then turned briefly to Synn whom Despayre had jumped onto his wide back, and he winked at her.

A mutual understanding.

It was well past when the sun had descended into the ocean waters, the bright, sunny sky replaced by the moon and countless stars overhead. And while there was still much partying to be done amongst many passengers and SCW stars alike, much of the fanfare had slowly dwindled down for the day, only set to resume when the next day would arise.

For the time being, Tempest stood at the patio door of the suite she had been lucky enough to be assigned, one of the many perks of being a champion for Sin City Wrestling. She turned her head and watched briefly the small form of her stepdaughter Anela sleeping beneath the comforter, her plush Stitch doll curled up against her for comfort and security. A gift from Build-A-Bear, courtesy of Despayre when she had first arrived in Las Vegas to live with her mom.

Tempest then slowly and as quietly as possible, slid the patio door open and set foot outside. It was amazing just how cool the night air was as it drifted across the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It often reminded her of the weather of her own native Hawaii.

She stood up against the rail, her hands wrapped tightly around the top rail, and her eyes looking out into the vastness of the star-filled night sky.

“Okay, Julianna. I get it. I think I understand where you’re coming from. You are openly frustrated because the women that you’ve been inside of the ring with don’t understand you - or they just don’t even try to. And this isn’t even necessarily about the women that you’ve already faced and in the vast majority of cases - defeated. Some of the women that have been standing on the sidelines watching you have been saying some pretty gnarly shit about you, about the things that you’ve accomplished. Really to the point that you could be forgiven for thinking you were back in high school or in the cast of Mean Girls as opposed to the locker room of professional wrestlers. Adult - professional wrestlers. So I can understand why at times Mark Ward or Christian Underwood might say that at times they feel like they’re running a daycare center as opposed to Sin City Wrestling. Because too damn many of us are acting like grade school children who are crying because the kid next to us took our favorite crayon!”

“And Julia… you and I? We ourselves are supposed to play the role of two adult women but there are two common misconceptions where not just us but all women are concerned. Number one? That women mature faster than men. Granted, I’ve seen my share of men around these parts acting like spoiled little brats - especially when there’s a woman involved, but women are really no different and sure as hell no better! We just manage to hide it a little better than the guys do. But everything we do and say indicates otherwise - especially when some chick is walking around with something that we want to have for ourselves. I don’t give a damn if it’s a man or a championship or just a higher spot on the show. If some bitch has it and we don’t, we let the world know just how unhappy we are. Even to the point of making up lies and talking trash just to justify our actions.”

“Which really, brings me to misconception number two. And that's how all women are expected to bring each other up rather than drag one another down along with us, straight into our own misery. I mean, why should anyone else have the right to be happy or successful if we think that we’re missing out? In the Bombshell division, there are plenty of championships to go around for everyone to have an equal chance at the spotlight, but that’s not nearly enough for us. Is it? That’s probably where men get the idea that women are never satisfied because we could be handed the most attractive and sweetest of all men on the face of the planet, win the Lottery and still we would find a reason why we deserve to have more.”
“Now Julianna, you said that you had people calling you into question, saying that you didn’t deserve to get the title shot that crowned you a champion. You even had people talk down about your reign itself, right up until the point you dropped it to Kayla. Well, sweetheart - welcome to the club!”

“Since I first showed up, I had people accusing me of being a one hit wonder. I was told by more than one opponent that the Mixed Tag Team titles would be the most that I could ever achieve and that was only because of Mercer! They said I used him, that I was riding Austin’s coattails and feeding off of his success and his reputation.”

Tempest turned at the waist and pointed a finger back inside of the suite, the nightlight reflecting off of the gold plate of the Internet Championship belt that rested up on her nightstand.

“Well…! Just look at me now.”

“But see, that is where you stepped in it, Julianna. Everything you said to me about everything I accomplished … you played your hand just a little too soon. You should have waited until Sunday before we are supposed to lock it up for the gold. When it would be too late to back out or look for that crack in your strategy that could be exploited until the proverbial walls might come crumbling down. This entire time, I was watching – waiting. I was left wondering whether or not you were the exception to the rules above being so flagrantly violated, or if you were being genuinely sincere in some of the things you’ve said both to me and about me. I man, up until now you seemed proud to be facing me as both a champion as well as a challenge to overcome. You were telling the world you didn't want me to lose to anyone lesser because you wanted to face me at my best. You wanted me to have no other blemishes on my record until I faced you because if I had lost to someone like - say, Eiley? That would have been as much a blemish against you as it would have been against me.”

Tempest smirked and shook her head.

“And I am ashamed to admit that I fell for it. Not just those things, but every line of crap that you’ve been feeding me and everyone else since our match was first announced and made official. Because since that point in time - and in your last chat up to the world especially - you’ve unraveled all of those pretty little words and showed me just what you really seem to think of me as both a competitor and as a champion. You … showed that you were really no different than those same women you were bitching about before. You went on and on about how the other women in the locker room call you names and disrespect you… But what the hell do you call what you were doing to me just this past week? I’ve had legit enemies inside of this ring who had better things to say to me than what you just did!”

“You want to talk shit to me because of the women that I’ve been up against until this point? Buttercup, talk to the people in charge of booking! Before I was a champion, after I was a champion, I didn’t give a DAMN about who they put me against just so long as they booked me! I was happy to fight anyone and everyone, and twice I even left it up to social media to decide who would get a shot at this championship, and both times I was given credible challengers and I won. Both times! If you think a defense against Crystal Zdunich is something easy to accomplish, well then let’s talk about your own debut inside of the ring against Dawn Warren! I mean, seriously!? Bea Barnhart? Who the hell HASN’T beaten the Bulldog’s better half!? So don’t come bitching to me about the level of competition that I’ve been matched up against because I’ve faced just as many top level women as you have, and I’ve scraped as low to the bottom of the barrel as you have. So… stones and glass houses, Julianna. Do you want to be the pot or the kettle?”

“Women like Mercedes Vargas you seem to enjoy taking a shot at my overcoming but let’s be honest between ourselves here, Julianna. Mercedes has accomplished more on her own than the both of us have put together.

“And yes, you’ve been to the very top of the mountain. You’ve been the World Champion and you held that gold for a respectable length of time – right up until you met Kayla Richards and lost back to back Supercard opportunities. Then you were like a lost little lamb, wandering the open field and wondering what would come next? Where would you go? The answer is right in front of you - literally! But the funny fact about your title reign is the fact that the woman you beat for the title, is the exact same woman I beat for mine. You know – the same woman that you implied was no big deal to beat inside of the ring. Funny how that works out, isn’t it? Funny how you beating Courtney Pierce is an accomplishment that is something to be heralded and proud of! But my beating the exact same woman…?”

Tempest shrugged her wide shoulders and scrunched up her face in as close to a comical way as she could manage.

“Meh. No big deal really. Quite the opposite, according to you. You beat the Courtney Pierce who up until that moment was a dominant Worlds Champion, whereas I was only able to defeat a woman who was tired and lost all interest in remaining the champion. Well…! Why don’t you just come out and say it, Julianna? Why don’t you just say she may as well have just laid down and taken a dive against me because that sure as hell seems to be what you’re implying! That my reign as Internet Champion has been worthless, and just because I hold some regard for women that you deem to be less than worthless!”

“Well, let me make one thing crystal clear to you! I know that my own career has had its ups and downs due to inactivity and injury! Hell, I’ve openly admitted to that very fact myself! Trust me when I tell you that you are not the first person to say those things to me! I beat Zoey Lukas in one of the best matches of my career and after that…? Nothing. I was given nothing. No title shots. No pushes against higher caliber opponents. I was just shuffled off to the sidelines to recover from one thing or another and Zoey herself asked what the fuck I was on about, beating her in a match like we had and just not riding out that momentum to a championship. But to flat out insult me to the point that you actually called me soft…”

She scoffed, shaking her head and the agitation was evident on her face, even beneath the starlight.

“That was the point where you crossed a line with me. Your last taste of championship gold was October of last year. And now you think that you’re just going to use me as a stepping stone to wash away that dry spell you’ve been experiencing?”

She scoffed, shaking her head in the negative.

“I am a lot of things, Julianna. I am a raging bitch! I am a loving mother! I am a best friend to those that have earned that right! I am loyal until you give me any reason not to be. I am a loving mother. But I am not a stepping stone for any woman inside of that ring! I am not someone that will be used as an example to anyone else! I am the Internet Champion! I am Tempest!”

Tempest stood straight up, knocking the chair over and sending it scattering over the waxed hardwood floor. She held up the Internet title belt and leaned over at the waist so she could gaze hard into the camera with one brow raised.

“And this, Julianna – is the calm before the freaking storm!”

Supercard Archives / Re: TEMPEST (c) v JULIANNA DIMARIA - INTERNET
« on: July 27, 2024, 11:20:31 PM »
There was a reason why Hawaii remained at the top of the list of the world’s most desired of travel destinations. It didn’t matter whether people came here for honeymoons or a dream vacation to be shared amidst their families, it was a place that was right at the top of the travel bucket lists of thousands. The stunningly beautiful beaches and hiking trails with the most breathtaking views. Whale watching. The culture and yes – the exotic foods. All reasons why a near record ten million visitors come to this paradise each and every year, spending upwards of twenty billion. Yet here is a fact that many who come to the islands are not aware of - or they are but simply don’t care;

Many native Hawaiians are sick and tired of common tourists treating their homes like something akin to an amusement park.

Hawaii has seen its economy grow by leaps and bounds over the years, and it was mostly thanks to tourism. Call it one of those “taking the bad with the good” things we always hear so much about. In years past, large corporations fell in love with the white sand beaches of Hawaii - or rather, they fell in love with the profits that could be benefited from “modernizing” these places and taking away the simple surfing, diving and canoes of the locals and turn it into high-rise resorts along the shores to bring in the tourists and rake in the big bucks. They did it in Oahu and other major capital islands along the Hawaiian coasts, failing only in the more relatively obscure island of Molokai but the locals had fought back against it and surprisingly won. Reason being they saw something that many others in Honolulu and other islands did not - until the fact was too late.

The simple fact that the high cost of tourism would eventually displace the native people. Many who had grew up in Hawaii or had lived in it for generations would seemingly become displaced from their own homelands because greedy corporations had made it too expensive for anyone to actually call home unless they were some of the lucky ones. There was too much money to be made to bring people in only a handful of times a year and spend millions, rather than live here and bring in steady incomes of thousands.

Now while the locals watch as people from around not only the United States but the world come to their homelands, they do so more with a faux sense of annoyance at how entitled these visitors have become over the years, acting as if the locals should be grateful for their very existence. There have been stories of tourists trespassing on locals’ properties for photo opportunities and growing offended when told to leave. Emergency responders are being put at risk when tourists trespass in dangerous places, and all for that thrill. And of course, the fact that Hawaii does not have the means to dispose of garbage as other states do and thus much ends up polluting the waters that these very tourists seem to thrive off of.

Gabriel: I admit I never knew the local people felt this way about people visiting Hawaii.

Gabriel Stevens, the patriarch of his family - husband to Odette and father to Hazel and Lucas - said as he could not help but find himself relaxing on those very same luxurious white sand beaches that he had always heard about and only a handful of times during his career - enjoyed up close and personal. Dressed only in a pair of colorful swim shorts, Gabriel sat back in the lounge on the sands, enjoying the full power of the sun but with none of those rising temperatures he had come to know in Las Vegas. In Nevada and many other parts of the country, they were seeing triple digits rise. Here in Hawaii during even the summer months, the average temperature was eighty-five degrees. It was perfect.

But Gabriel - like Odette - was so much more than just the family man and woman that they were in the here and now while they enjoyed their family vacation here in Honolulu by invitation. To the men and women of whom they trained for a life inside of the wrestling ring, they were both friends and family. People whom they could talk to and freely give advice - and not just on matters of the industry. Becoming as close as a relatively dysfunctional family could get, they could - and have - listened to the  personal problems their students were going through and often gave heartfelt advice for the betterment of their lives. Names such as Evie Baang to Carter McKinney and even Fenris have benefited at confiding in their trainers. Because to the Stevens, those men and women were not just investments. They were practically their kids in a sense.
Save for one person in particular.

Tempest: I’ll be honest; I’m a little surprised that you accepted my invitation.

Tempest had really never allowed herself to grow as close to the Stevens as many of the other students, nor had she allowed herself to benefit from their personal wisdom. Not that she didn’t want to and at times she had often come close, it was just that since she was a kid, Tempest had always been a very private person. Even amongst her brothers and her parents, she did not feel the need to come to them and brother them with her personal troubles. And that was just what she felt she would be doing if she went to anyone to, in her own words, “bitch and complain”. She would be bothering them. And it wasn’t until she had developed the close bonds of friendship with Austin James Mercer that she did not truly understand the value of having a friend to confide in and relieve some of the burdens of that proverbial weight from the shoulders.

And as far as being “one of the kids”? As much as Tempest appreciated the sentimental feel, she found it somewhat difficult to wrap her head around considering she was closer in age to the Stevens than any of their other “kids”.

Of course this wasn’t to say that Gabriel himself hadn’t managed to crack those self-imposed walls of isolation she had erected around herself. The simple fact she didn’t have much choice but to let one or two from the Gym inside of her personal shell; Gabriel being the chief amongst them as he was her personal advisor in all things business, but business could often stray to more personal topics and Gabriel had this expertise way about him in working his way inside when he thought someone close to him might need a shoulder to cry on. And of course, it didn’t hurt things any that Despayre often had the means to find things out when nobody else was able.

Gabriel: Well, there was really no reason not to. There was a break in between classes and everyone who graduated had either their own thing going for a while and didn’t need access or they were busy on the road themselves … like you…

Tempest nodded as she listened, her eyes remaining hidden behind the amber colored shades as she looked out over the vast sands of the beach and more specifically, as Anela gleefully played alongside her best friend Lucas and his little sister Hazel.

Gabriel: Plus, we did agree that we couldn’t keep those two away from each other for long. And the kids have never been to Hawaii so… win/win?

Tempest just silently nodded along with the observation, but saying nothing had something of an adverse effect because it drew Gabriel’s attention closer to her than she might have preferred. He turned his attention away from the kids, a safe gamble as right beside him was Odette who was soaking in the rays but knowing his wife, never taking her eyes off of her “little ones”.

Gabriel: Something on your mind?

Tempest: Hm?

She finally noticed that Gabriel’s eyes were on her just as fast and hardened as his attention. She turned to her trainer and shook her head.

Tempest: No? Why do you ask?

Gabriel chuckled, tilting his head ever so to the left with that charismatic smile on his face.

Gabriel: Come on, Alleyne.

Using her given name and not her ring name was often a sign that things were about to get uncomfortably personal. She shifted in her lounge chair, her one piece swimsuit once comfortable, now seemingly tighter than it should be and restricting.

Gabriel: I thought you and I were done with these little song and dance numbers between us. Now it’s pretty evident that something is on your mind so how about we skip the part where I have to successfully - and expertly mind you - pry it out of you and we just get to the part where you say what it is that you have to say…

But Tempest proved to be about as stubborn as anyone the Stevens had ever set foot inside of the GO Gym, including themselves and perhaps even more so than the infamous Fenris who would often take anyone down a peg or two who thought it within their rights to get up in his business.

Tempest: I don’t have anything to say, Gabriel. I just have some things running through this thick skull of mine and it’s been hard to settle them down.

Gabriel continued to watch her for some response - any response - but a squeal of laughter from the kids diverted their attention momentarily and they watched for a few seconds as a laughing Lucas was being held down in the sand by Anela and Hazel was hurrying as fast as she could to fill up her neon green pail with sand to do the traditional burying of someone in the sands. Lucas was just a willing victim, er, participants, for the girls. But the distraction didn’t prove to be long enough for Tempest’s liking as Gabriel turned back to her and inquired.

Gabriel: So…? Is it about your next defense against Julianna?

Tempest frowned. Yes, even from behind the shades that covered her eyes and served an even better purpose in hiding any betrayal of emotions, Gabriel could still read his student like a book. It most had to do with body language as her posture shifted, but Gabriel was just good when it came to people. Tempest scoffed, but that only served as a catalyst for Gabriel who felt genuine concern when one of “his kids” had something troubling them and he almost took it personally when he felt that they couldn’t confide in him. And knowing this, Tempest could only sigh with resignation as she knew Gabriel well too.

She knew that he would not ease up in his probing until she either blew her stack or he got what he wanted out of her. And she knew damn well as volatile a temper as she had, she didn’t have it within herself to lose her cool where this one man was concerned. And he knew it too.

She set her book down - yes she brought a book to the beach. While this was a tropical paradise to millions, it was a comfortable home to her. In fact, her actual home where she, Anela and the Stevens were staying was not actually that far away from where they were soaking up the sun and playing in the water. She resigned herself to the inevitable and she turned at the waist, her arm propped on the lounge chair’s armrest.

Tempest: Look, I might have some … concerns, about this defense against Julianna, but that’s really not what’s been going through my head. I’ll get past it…

Gabriel: What are the concerns?

His question and the obvious skipping past where she basically blew the concerns off was not at all lost upon her. She slowly reached up and removed her shades. It was obvious she was about to speak but Gabriel was an expert in battles of both wills as well as wits. A testament to his years-long bond with Despayre who had this way of keeping anyone around him on their proverbial toes. And Gabriel was second only to Synn himself when it came to being able to keep up with “his Despy”.

Gabriel: Look Alleyne, I know you don’t like to confide in people too much because it feels like you’re putting your burdens on someone else’s shoulders but I have news for you…

She raised her brow questioningly and Gabriel gave as good as he got in equal measure as he too leaned over to look her right in the eye.

Gabriel: That’s what friends are for. To help each other shoulder their burdens. Same with family.

Tempest: I don’t share that much with my family.

Gabriel: Bullshit.

The father of two quickly checked himself and glanced off to where the kids were, and was relieved that neither was near enough to overhear his proverbial slip of the tongue. He and Odette had an agreement to limit cursing in front of the kids as much as possible lest they inadvertently pick up the same habits. Gabriel turned back to her and shook his head.

Gabriel: I happen to know that you and your Mom are very close, and you told me once you were a ‘Daddy’s Girl’.

Tempest shrugged those wide shoulders of hers and cocked her head, acknowledging the fact.

Gabriel: And don’t even get me started on those brothers of yours… I know your family unit is a tight knit one. You’re seriously telling me that you don’t confide in them?

Tempest: Not as much as you might expect me to. My Dad is the only one who really sees me as the adult woman that I am. But my Mom and brothers? I’m still Mom’s baby girl and my brothers are still over protective even if I am bigger than two out of the three of them.

Gabriel snorts back a laugh as he nods, self-satisfied.

Tempest: But that’s personal. I never talk to them about my career. Either one of them.

Gabriel: Why not?

Tempest: Because despite my father and brothers being all military men, they still think being a bounty hunter is too dangerous a career – especially for a grown ass woman like myself. Misogynistic, but that’s family for you. And don’t even get me started on my Mom’s views… Her little girl carrying sand chasing down bail jumpers? She about cried a river when I first started and she still hasn’t gotten over it.

Gabriel: And the whole wrestling thing…?

Tempest scoffed back her own laugh and shook her head, turning back to rest back against the lounge chair.

Tempest: My nieces and nephews are more into the idea that their aunt is some bad ass wrestling star, but my Mom thinks it’s unladylike and she’s worried I’ll get hurt.

Gabriel had to concede on her mother’s behalf because Tempest had been plagued by a handful of minor injuries that caused her momentum to come to a screeching halt more than once. But the thing about his charge that Gabriel most admired is the fact as hard as it hit her personally to be taken out of action - albeit briefly - in a sport that took its stars vastly for granted, that she always managed to find a way back and to pick up right where she had left off.

Gabriel: And your brothers and Dad?

She casually shrugged, indifferent.

Tempest: They watch and support me, but I don’t think it’s their cup of tea. They’re more into the MMA scene. They were disappointed when Fenris retired.

Gabriel: So… changing the subject aside… nice segway by the way – Julianna? What’s the problem there?

Tempest: You mean besides the fact I’m starting more and more not to really trust her?

Gabriel: What brought that on? I thought the two of you had an understanding going into this match?

Tempest shook her head, finding it hard to put into words.

Tempest: Call it a gut instinct. I can’t really pinpoint any one thing but just going by some of the random things she’s posted on twitter makes me think she’s blowing smoke up my ass with this whole respect thing and just waiting to catch me off guard.

Gabriel: Funny that … Isn’t that one of the things that Odette and I drilled into you from Day One? Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see?

Odette: And always be on your guard and trust your instincts.

Both Gabriel and Odette turned to Odette who took her attention briefly away from the playing kids and looked between the pair.

Odette: Sorry. I couldn’t help but overhear since I was listening in but I thought it worth mentioning.

Gabriel chuckled as he turned back to Tempest with a smirk on his face.

Gabriel: She speaks the truth, that wife of mine. If something is telling you to be cautious about Julianna, then you probably should be. But it still doesn’t explain why you’re feeling apprehensive about…

Tempest: Gabriel…! How many times do I need to explain that I am not feeling apprehensive about the match – or about Julianna for that matter! The concerns that I have are more about me than they are about her. I don’t have any doubt that I can take her but it’s this nagging feeling that it’s going to take more than just my usual ‘ground and pound’ method.

Gabriel: Well, it’s worked out well for you against everyone else that you’ve been in the ring against. Win or lose, you send a message.

Tempest: Save for chicks like Zoey and Bobbie. Then I just have to get creative because it’s not easy to overwhelm a woman that’s basically you’re equal in size or strength.

Gabriel: Neither of which, Julianna happens to be.

Tempest shook her head, finding it hard to relay her point.

Tempest: No, but there’s just this nagging doubt I should not get too comfortable with her. Whether or not I can beat her into paste isn’t the issue here. I don’t want to just ‘send a message’ to her or anyone else watching and waiting to pick the bones clean. I want to beat her and leave no question about the fact.

Gabriel nodded, satisfied that he got this much out of her thus far.

Gabriel: I can appreciate that. I have to admit that I’d be disappointed if you were glossing over a former World Champion like her, like she was someone on the bottom tier of the roster. I would have thought I’d have taught you better.

Tempest: You have.

She found herself admitting with the slightest of nods, yielding to his train of logic.

Termpest: Which is why I think I need to expand things in the ol’ arsenal a bit. Just enough to throw her off.

Gabriel turned and looked out onto the watershed that surrounded the ocean and nodded.

Gabriel: I think that can be arranged.

Before he turned back to address one more concern. Crossing one more bridge that he knew she had yet to fully open up about.

Gabriel: Can I assume that you’re also not looking forward to the cruise itself?

Tempest: What makes you think so?

Gabriel: You told me. … The first time you were ever scheduled to compete on a Summer XXXTreme cruise. You said the cruise brought back bad memories.

Tempest sighed, feeling a fresh burden growing heavier on her shoulders. One that she doubted that she would ever be free from.

Tempest: They always do.

There was a brief moment of lingering silence that separated the pair until Gabriel finally broke it, asking the one question that he had been secretly confided in by someone else other than her.

Gabriel: Is it because of your husband?

And that certainly got a reaction as Tempest whipped her head around to stare at Gabriel, more so in surprise that he knew than by any harsh response she might have been wanting to bring up.

Tempest: How did you… Ugh! Despy!

She shook her head in faux annoyance at the little guy’s bad habit of simply knowing things about virtually anyone. And he was not shy in the methods in which he was able to do so!

Tempest: Has he been looking up my history again?

To which Gabriel chuckled, finding it strangely satisfying that rather than drawing her anger… Despayre’s habits seemed more to confound the amazon. Especially considering the fact that it was well known in the GO Gym that Despayre was deathly afraid of her.

Gabriel: Give my Despy a Cherry Coke and a pretzel covered in cheese and he can find out anything about anyone…

She gave him a look but he held up a hand to forestall any further protests.

Gabriel: And no I didn’t! Despy just grew curious when he noticed your wedding band but never spoke of your husband. And when something gets the little nutter curious, he tends to find things out.

Tempest: Christ….

He watched as she fidgeted, an effort in itself given her vast amounts of pride and confidence.

Gabriel: Alleyne? If you can share with Mercer, then I’ll be damned insulted if you can’t give me that same courtesy. … Talk to me.

Tempest exhaled, her breath as shaky as it had ever been as she removed the shades from her eyes and watched Anela for what felt like forever before she turned to Gabriel…

To Be Continued ….

“I make no promises in telling anyone out there that I am an easy person to get along with. Because I know for a fact that I am not. I am not a people person. I am not like my mother who my entire family would label as a social butterfly. That woman could walk into a building filled with strangers and she would just start striking up conversations with whomever was nearest to her and leave that building with a half dozen brand new friends. Me on the other hand? Not so much. I’m more like the one person that is seated in the corner, trying to avoid that very person so that they won’t bother me and I don’t have to talk to them. And aside from a few very random exceptions to the rule, such as Mercer or Gabriel, I have no problems at all keeping to myself and relying on myself and my own. I mean, it’s worked so far for me in this life of mine. So why bother to fix what isn’t broken?”

“And for the record, I might have even included Crystal Zdunich in the names listed before if she hadn’t just up and walked without so much as a goodbye or a reason why. So … to hell with the self serving witch.”

“But this isn’t really about her, or even me for that matter. It’s more about the one other person I am pretty confident is watching this as we speak and that’s the chick I’m getting on that godforsaken cruise for the sole purpose of putting my Internet Championship on the line against. You know I’m talking about you, Julianna. So do us both a favor; draw up a chair. Pour yourself a glass of wine or whatever else it is that you drink. Put a pillow behind your head and just get comfortable because I have a thing or two that I’d like to discuss with you.”

“First and foremost, I admit that I came into this first promo between us, somewhat at a loss. I know chicks such as yourself are never really at much of a loss for words. You’re great on the mic and always have something to say to draw attention to yourself and make the whole world think it’s all about Julianna. Me? Not so much. I think it’s been painfully clear to everyone - yourself included, that I have never been much on words. Why bother wasting time on talking when you can expend your energy just going to work inside of that ring and doing what needs to be done? Namely beating the holy hell out of the person standing across the ring from you? But… unfortunately, I understand that these damn promos are something of a necessary evil so just bear with me for a moment.”

“Its not even as if I don't have things that I could easily say to you, it's just a matter of whether or not I want to bother saying them. You see, I have a handful of pet peeves in this industry that you and I share between us. One of them being what I call repeat offenders. And I'm not talking about people who are consistently stabbing each other in the back backstage, either for the benefit of getting a better spot on the card or a championship opportunity. Or even speak attacking someone to give them an upper hand and a better advantage of the match that they've already been signed to. I'm talking about those people that step in front of a microphone and say the exact same thing, over and over again.”

“And that is where I'm finding myself right now, if that makes sense. Because whether or not it was in a promo or some spot backstage, you and I have talked. Maybe not personally between us but about one another. And I find it tiresome to say the same thing about the same person, over and over. Which makes being booked against the same person more than once difficult when people watching are expecting you to say something fresh and new. How granted you and I have never met inside the ring. This chance encounter on the cruise ship for the Internet Championship is going to be our first encounter. But that doesn't make things any easier when I've already told the world exactly how I feel about you.”

“Yeah, if I'm going to be brutally honest Julianna, I do somewhat fit you into the same mold of the average Barbie doll that I step inside of the ring with. You know the type; the sort of woman who makes sure her hair and makeup are just right and her boobs are perky for the camera. Not that is anything wrong with that I imagine. One of the main goals of being inside of that ring is to make sure the attention is on you, whether good or bad. But the difference between you and those other Barbie dolls? It's the simple fact that you don't make your appearance your entire personality. You want to look good. You want all eyes on you. But what it all comes down to is the simple fact that you can back up everything that your fake mouth talks about, week in and week out! And THAT is what I actually like about you! Not to draw a comparison to mainstream media but you look like Meghan but you fight like Chucky!”

“And I haven't had a whole lot of women that jumped out and made that kind of a connection for me. I've been excited in the past at getting into the ring with one person or another. Usually it's because they did something that really stuck in my craw and it made me just want to obliterate them, and bury them literally beneath the ring. Others? Women like Bobbie Dahl and Zoey Lukas were more than a match for me to get inside of the ring with..  THOSE are the type of opponents that I legit look forward to stepping inside the ring with. And women like you.”

“Mainly women who I know damn well are going to give me the type of match that I want. Women who are going to make me better than I see myself. Women who are going to bring the fight to me and are going to force me to fight even harder than I have previously! Because what in hell is the point of even being in this business in the first place, if the only ones you're comfortable getting inside of the ring with are people that you know you can put down easily within a matter of minutes?”

“I rank it right up there with Champions who either don't defend their titles on a regular basis or only do so against challengers who really have no business being inside of the ring with a champion! How can you call yourself a champion if you don't defend that championship? How can you call yourself the best if you only face the worst or if you avoid going against people that might give you an actual challenge?”

“Because that's what it's all about for me! The challenge! The thrill of finding myself in the ring against a woman that I know is going to give me a fight to be remembered! A woman that I know is going to make me the champion that I know I already am! That is why I'm looking forward to this title defense! And that is why I'm looking forward to defending against you, a former World Bombshell Champion!”

“Because I know what you're capable of inside of that ring. And I know what it's going to mean for me to be able to exit that ring with my head high, and the Internet Championship still in my possession! I'll let your expensive course, but in this business? Sometimes the ends justify the meetings.”

Climax Control Archives / Mikah 2.0
« on: July 12, 2024, 08:50:04 PM »

GO Gym - Las Vegas, Nevada
June 2024

Gabriel: So these are your finalized plans?

Gabriel Stevens, who - along with his wife Odette - was the proprietor of one of the world’s premiere training facilities for the sport of professional wrestling. People from all over the world, from Europe to Japan and beyond, have found their way within these walls in order to be taught by the best and hopefully get their ‘big break’ into the business that had captured hopes and dreams for so many. And this time, Gabriel was walking across the main threshold of the Gym itself, alongside one of his and Odette’s many success stories in the form of the 6’3” tempest who currently reigned over the SCW Bombshell division as the Internet Champion.

Tempest had just finished one of her rather infamous workouts that had garnered her a reputation, even amongst the hardcore graduates such as Fenris who referred to her as “one crazy bitch”. And now she was freshly showered and in her street clothes, just talking to her trainer about plans for the summer months outside of wrestling.

Tempest: I know this might make training difficult outside of touring dates, but I think it’s the responsible thing that I need to do where Anela is concerned.

Gabriel: Well it’s not like I can say that I disagree with that mindset. I told you and every other student who came through those doors that real life always came first. Especially when it comes to family.

Tempest paused in their walk as she set her gym bag down on the nearest surface, which where they stood just so happened to be the ring apron of one of the gym’s two wrestling rings.

Tempest: And Anela hasn’t had much time with my side of the family since I got custody. Hell…! She hasn’t even seen her father’s sisters much either. Knowing them, they probably think I’m keeping her away intentionally.

Gabriel chuckled at the idea.

Gabriel: But you’re not.

He then wrinkled a brow and gave her a curious yet knowing side-eye.

Gabriel: Are you?

Earning him a hard but understanding look from the amazon, her hand rested squarely on her hip in a pose that screamed “pure attitude”.

Tempest: I can be an extremely petty bitch Gabriel, but I draw the line at keeping my daughter away from her aunts. I may see them as vipers but I can’t deny that they love Anela… and she loves them.

Tempest sighed in resignation.

Tempest: So… spending the summer home in Hawaii seems like the best option. I miss my own family anyhow and this kills two birds with one stone. I just have one issue I have to work out. Which also, I dare say, involves you and your own.

Gabriel: Lucas?

Tempest sighed and sat back against the ring apron and crossed her arms over her breast.

Tempest: How the hell am I going to break it to Anela that she’s not going to see her buddy for a couple of months at most? Because if SCW brings me back here during the summer, it’s going to be just me. I’m going to want Anela to stay in Hawaii to visit her family.

Gabriel sighed and nodded. He turned to stand next to his charge and he too sat against the ring.

Gabriel: That is a thorny one. That son of mine is a little charmer but even I was surprised how fast those two kids took to each other. Now I overheard them talking on the phone about plans for the summer and we’re going to have to break the news to them.

Tempest closed her eyes and muttered…

Tempest: Dammit…

She too was surprised at the close bond that had been formed between their mutual children. Where family was concerned, Anela still felt like a stranger even though the young girl would be hard pressed to admit it. Oh she had cousins a plenty that she could play with and she was more familiar with her Dad’s side than her own, but there was a difference when friendships were concerned. Where she and Lucas were concerned, it was a bond that she herself had never got to enjoy while in school, but she could not have asked for a more loyal friend for her daughter than Gabriel’s son. When Anela faced the horrors of being the ‘new kid’ in school, Lucas was right there to offer her a comforting smile. Someone to sit with at lunch and introduce her to his friend circle which was impressive for such a young man. He also offered her someone to play with during recess rather than relegate to sitting on the swings and simply watching the other kids chase each other around the playground. It was thanks to that young man that Anela blossomed in school and the walls around her started to come down.

Separating kids who hold that close of a friendship could backfire horribly unless…

Tempest opened her eyes and turned to look at Gabriel with an inquisitive expression. Gabriel could sense the piercing gaze and he turned and did a double take.

Gabriel: What is it? What’s going through that head of yours?

Tempest: Has your family ever been to Hawaii?

There was little to no fanfare. No grand entrance nor special setup for this particular occurrence. While some wrestlers, both male and female alike, would take this opportunity to outshine their opponent simply because they could do so, not here and not now. In Tempest’s own words, “it simply wasn’t worth it” and “let's just get this over with”. The only thing she conceded to was that it took place properly, inside of the six-sided ring which had already been set up in the center floor of the Toyota Arena where in just two days, near ten thousand plus fans would crowd within to watch an exciting evening of SCW action.

One stool. That was it, and there seated on it was the Internet Champion herself, Tempest. She had not even designed to dress in her ring attire, considering it a waste of her time. She remained dressed in the very same street clothes, taking care to remain cool in the summer heat by wearing a vintage floral print tank top and denim shorts. She was staring just off-camera and shrugged her shoulders as she began to speak.

“Let's face facts. Life has its ups and downs where both our personal and professional lives are concerned. I mean, not to brag but I can honestly say that I know about as well as anyone just how hard fate can knock you on your ass when you least expect it, only to turn around and kick you in the teeth so long as you're down and out. I mean, why not get one more shot in while we’re at it? I’ve lost family members to Big Daddy Reaper. I’ve had loved ones taken from me not by death but by circumstance although I thank God every day when one has been returned to me. I’ve come close to losing my father and brothers simply because of the high risk careers they have taken. And I came damn close to losing the business I built from the ground up because of someone else’s fool choices. But… hard as life can kick you when you’re down, it’s not a matter of curling up into a ball and waiting for the abuse to stop. It’s all a point of fighting back. Getting up off the ground, dusting yourself off and doing the one thing that life expects you to do - live!”

“Career-wise? I'd have to admit that I've been pretty damn lucky up until now. This isn't including the handful of injuries that I've had over the years that put everything into pause, but I was a lot luckier than most. Some in this business have had injuries that required surgery and ended careers before they ever really had a chance to get off the ground. Most of my injuries have been superficial at best, or forced time off for a month or two to recoup at worst. I’ve been lucky enough not to have a doctor tell me that my in-ring livelihood was over, but unlike many I am always preparing myself. Just in case.”

“And what makes that even sadder is that many who have had their careers cut short have nothing to fall back on. I do. I have a successful business in Hawaii that could easily support my lifestyle which, granted, is modest by comparison to some of these divas who strut around million dollar mansions and wiping their asses with diamonds. A business and people I trust alongside it that I don’t even need to be in Hawaii for it to run successfully. So if the worst should ever happen, I take comfort to know I have a backup plan. Not everyone who has called it quits by choice or circumstance can say the same. I’ve heard too many horror stories of kids who got hurt in or outside of the ring, forced to work some menial, dead end job just to barely scrape by. A job they hated that practically sucks the life out of them as opposed to that dream they were fulfilling. Snuffed out.”

She snapped her fingers.

“Just like that.”

“Now, what's to come? That's a question that is always running through the mind of someone in this sport. ‘What’s next?’ ‘Where do I go from here?’ Well as it so happens, I know exactly what's next. Or rather, what's next that actually matters. And that would be when I get on that god forsaken cruise to put this title of mine up for grabs against a former World Champion and I have to say; this is going to be EPIC! I've defended against some top women who gave me the best fight that they could manage and for that? Respect. But this… this one is going to go above and beyond anything that I've done in the past and that is what has me so damn excited! But.. “

She frowned and shook her head, almost in either disbelief or derision.

“Like I said, that is what's next that actually matters. But what I have coming up this weekend in California? Not so much. I know I'm in the minority in this but I have never understood what the point is with non-title matches. I've always been of the mindset that if a champion is scheduled to compete, then his or her championship should be at stake. Otherwise, what the hell is the point? I'm hazarding a guess that in some cases it's a matter of protecting the champion against a lesser competitor in case of an upset which isn't unheard of. Now, granted this time it's only Eiley and I am not a woman that needs protection but my point remains the same. To make a long story short…”

“Too late!”

The voice of Austin James Mercer emanated from off camera, interrupting Tempest. She stared straight ahead at the camera, and then held up a single finger to pause the promo. She calmly stepped off camera and there was a loud *THUMP!* followed by a..

“OW! Son of a…!”

And Tempest stepped back onto the scene and took a seat to resume her promo.

“Which brings us to the point of this whole charade - Eiley. Or as I’ve always preferred to call her - Mikah 2.0.”

She held up her hand and nodded, eyes closed.

“Yeah, I know. I get it. I’ve been told this nickname has all but fallen on deaf ears because Eiley takes a lot of pride in being compared to Mikah. But if she would clean out her ears and open her eyes, that isn’t exactly what I’ve been doing all this time she and I have faced one another. I am not - nor have I ever - compared her to Mikah. Reason being, there is no comparison between the two of them. One chick is a veritable living legend in the Bombshell division. Whether I like her or not, I’m not going to tell the world a lie and say she’s not something that she is! To this day since her retirement, Mikah’s name continues to be brought up when discussing the best women to ever set foot in an SCW ring! Two-time World Champion and she even held this very same championship that I’ve had a hold of!”

Tempest gripped the gold belt on her lap and showcased it for the camera.

“Mikah has won several Year End awards and even got inducted into the Hall of Fame. And Eiley seriously thinks that I’ve been comparing her to that success story…?”

Tempest used her fingertips to massage at her temples as she shook her head and her eyes cast heavenward.

“God help that delusional little girl!”

She slapped her hands onto her lap and leaned in closely toward the camera.

“Eiley? Let me make this divinely simple for you! The only way I’ve been comparing you is by your actions, not your accomplishments! Because you have done nothing even remotely close to what she has inside of this very ring! I call you Mikah 2.0 because of how you seem to copycat her appearance and her lifestyle outside of the ring! Then we have the fact that Mikah dates and later marries Kris Ryans. You - her graduate - take up dating Oliver Zahn, conveniently trained by Ryans’s facility. I’m honestly shocked you didn’t try to baby trap Oliver the same way that Mikah did Kris. All I can say is thank the good Lord that Oliver opened his eyes and that ended before it could go any further! Has anyone here seen the films ‘Hand That Rocks the Cradle’ or ‘Single White Female’? I ask because in those films, some crazy bitches are trying to force their way into another woman’s life and basically become that woman! You know, now that I think about it…”

Tempest turned and looked off camera in all directions.

“Has anyone actually seen anything of Mikah lately? No?”

She shrugged and resumed her stance.

“So Eiley, that is what I’ve been talking about when I call you that. Because it sure as hell isn’t because I've been comparing your track record to Mikah’s own! Okay, yes. You’ve had success in the mixed tag team division and yes, your team got a win or two over Austin and myself in the process, but honey? You never got that win over myself. And if I can be brutally honest? Once Oliver Zahn’s contract ran out and he left SCW, you might as well have never even existed because he was the reason behind your success. You were little more than an appendix to his overall story. In other words…”

She pinched her fingers together and leaned in.

“You were riding Ollie’s coattails from the moment you first formed that team between you because alone, you just can’t cut it. Or, am I wrong? Because we see you out there. We see you trying to get past that first hurdle and work your way into bigger and better things but when the chips are down, Eiley chokes. This is why I am upset over this match, Eiley! This is why I just want to put you away as quickly as possible and move on to an actual threat! Because between the two of you, at Summer XXXTreme XII I am against a woman I would rank up here…”

Tempest held her hand up at the level of her head.

“And I am being prepared for her by putting me against some Barbie doll that ranks about so…”

She dropped her hand down near the mat surface.

“So I have to ask you something, one woman to another. When we meet inside of the ring this Sunday, and I leave no doubt to anyone out there that I am ready for Julianna and Summer XXXTreme XII, are you also going to copy Mikah in how she handles defeat? Because I seem to recall when Mikah dropped this very same championship to Devona back in `17, what were her words again? Oh yes! ‘I never wanted the Internet title.’ and ‘I wanted to lose.’ yadda yadda yadda! When she did that, when she made excuses, some of that respect I held for her dropped. I mean, what is this? High school? Some blonde cheerleader falls flat on her face, she gets up and dusts herself off and prances off with her nose in the air, telling anyone who’ll listen that she meant to do that?”

“Is that what you’re going to do this weekend, Eiley? Are you going to tell everyone post-beat down that the match meant nothing to you and that you took a nosedive against me on purpose?”

Tempest scoffed.

“Because I can honestly say that it won’t really matter if you do. Because my respect toward you can’t possibly fall any lower than it already is. I mean, a win over me could get you a title shot. Who knows? It could even work you into the match at Summer XXXTreme XII if the higher ups were so inclined. But… it won’t, because you can't.”

Tempest stood up and gave the camera a sympathetic shrug of her shoulders before she simply walked off, ending the shoot.

Supercard Archives / Let's see if you're still Mercedes Vargas!
« on: June 07, 2024, 08:41:07 PM »

Las Vegas, Nevada

What is the one time of year that children most look forward to, whether they are five years of age or fifteen? Some might answer Christmas, others might say that the correct answer is their birthday. And while both answers are good ones and right up there at the very top of the list, the one day out of the year most kids, no matter their age, look forward to is the last day of school before summer break. I mean, come on! While birthdays and Christmas are great with their family atmosphere and those glorious presents, in the end when both are over, days later the children still must return to school. (Unless of course their birthdays fall within the confines of the summer months, and then all bets are off the table!)

The final day of school is one that fills each child’s heart and mind to the brink of overflowing with anticipation. The excitement of having anywhere between six weeks and three months off, depending on where you reside. Much like Christmas morning, you just can not sleep due to the unbridled nature of that one day. Then you watch the clock and count down the very last few seconds until that final bell rings and…

That was where we currently stood at just outside of the John S. Park Elementary School, as the cars were lined up along the city streets while parking at the school grounds were taken up mostly by the buses that transported the children to and fro. And while some parents who had nothing better to do and saw it as something of a position of prestige to get a parking spot on school grounds, such was not the case for Alleyne Mahoe, otherwise known as the reigning Internet Champion of the SCW Bombshell division - Tempest. Unlike those Karens and soccer moms that competed in the school’s version of Hunger Games just to park in the school parking lot, Tempest had better things to do with her time.

She had spent much of the day since Anela had gone to school at the GO Gym, preparing for her upcoming title defense against Mercedes Vargas at the final stop in the 2024 Battlegrounds Tour, culminating in Pearl Harbor. She had sparred against Mackenzie Page and Charlotte Elliot from London Underground, while tempering her workouts by continuing to hold records at the Gym in the weight lifting class. As was the norm between the pair, Tempest had tried to get the gargantuan enforcer of London Underground - Osbourne - to step inside of the ring with her for a sparring match but he wanted no part of it. Not that she intimidated him in any way, mind you. No, it was more to the point Osbourne, for all his size and fighting prowess, found the idea of facing a woman inside of the ring distasteful. Legit match or no.

Gabriel had to point out to Tempest the time was winding down before she was able to hurry up and grab a shower and change of clothes before she had to pick up both Anela, and as a favor to the Stevens, Lucas as well. And she arrived and found a halfway decent parking spot along the road just outside of the school when she, and the other parents like her, heard that final bell, heralding the end of her adoptive daughter’s first school year here in Las Vegas.

Minutes passed as children of all ages exited the elementary school in one huge swarm of bodies, separating from friends to go to either the waiting buses or searching for the car their parents would be picking them up in. As usual, it wasn’t that long of a wait when Tempest saw Anela and Lucas exiting the school side by side, chattering away to one another. Most likely about their upcoming plans for summer vacation and if she had to hazard a guess, most likely planning some ideas to hang out with one another at each others’ homes as well. When Anela first started school here, Lucas promised he would keep an eye on her and he did that and more. The two children had formed a strong bond of friendship between them. One in which Tempest herself was eternally grateful for the young boy being there for her daughter when she was concerned few others might be.

The two kids finally looked up from their conversation and glanced around, but it was Lucas who spotted Tempest first. A rather easy accomplishment considering she was a head above about ninety-five percent of the parents present - even the fathers! The two maneuvered their way around the campus until they arrived outside of the gates and walked down the pavement until they arrived at the passenger side of her Transverse where Anela hurried over and hugged her mom - you don’t have to use the ‘step’ part of that because Tempest is just that to Anela; her mom. And even after the hug was returned and the two separated, Lucas caught her by surprise by hugging her as well.

Far as he was concerned, she was Aunt Alleyne.

Once Lucas stepped back, Anela seemingly took on a downcast expression on her young face, giving Tempest cause for concern.

Tempest: What’s going on, baby girl? What’s wrong?

Lucas: We got our report cards before school let out.

Uh … oh! Report cards, and Anela looked defeated. Worried. Tempest looked back and away from Lucas to her own child and she held her hand out, beckoning for it to be handed over.

Tempest: Let’s see it.

And after a moment’s hesitation, Anela finally relented and held out the laminated printout of her final grades for the school year. Tempest snatched it, expecting the worst as her eyes roamed over the grades, and she lowered the report card and raised a brow.

Tempest: These are all As and Bs?

And that was when it all fell into place and the smiles brightened the faces of the two children and they broke out into a fit of hysterical giggles between them. They practically fell against one another and Tempest just sighed and shook her head in mock defeat.

Tempest: Okay, fine! Fine! You got me!

Still giggling, Anela pointed toward Lucas with an impish smile.

Anela: It was Lucas’s idea.

Tempest: Oh yeah?

Tempest leaned over at the waist and stared into the boy’s eyes, but he didn’t even flinch. This was the same young one who had charmed Fenris of all people - whether “the White Wolf” would admit the fact or not.

Tempest: Your idea?

But Lucas just struggled to hide his smile and contain his laughter but when Anela snorted from her own efforts, that just sent Lucas into overdrive and the two started laughing again. Tempest stood upright with that exasperated expression that every parent knows – and loves. She sighed and shook her head, reaching for the passenger door.

Tempest: Okay you two! Inside!

They did as instructed, Lucas scrambling into the backseat where he buckled himself in, setting his schoolbag on the floor of the vehicle. Likewise, Anela climbed in and buckled in, holding her own book bag on her lap, her arms wrapped around it protectively. Once inside herself, Tempest watched and waited for the traffic flow from the school to begin and she slowly pulled out onto the street, taking extra care between the people crossing the street and the cars and school buses.

As they proceeded along their way, Tempest glanced into the rearview mirror at Gabriel and Odette’s son as he watched the traffic through the window.

Tempest: Lucas, how did you do?

Lucas: Pretty good.

Anela: He got straight As.

Tempest looked from her daughter and back at Lucas through the mirror and nodded.

Tempest: You both did great.

Anela: Mom? Does this mean our deal is on?

They pulled up behind a Nissan Sentra at a red light and Tempest looked to Anela for clarification.

Anela: You said if I got good grades you’d take me to Hawaii with you for your show?

Tempest: Ahh! That deal…

She could feel her daughter watching her for any signs of an answer. Tempest scrunched her nose almost to a comical extent.

Tempest: Well….!


And the scene almost immediately transitions to Oahu, Hawaii, aboard the Battleship Missouri Memorial. Tempest was walking along with her hand being held by Anela for safety reasons, while they visited the final destination of the Battlegrounds Tour. Tempest allowed no pictures to be taken by Anela as she felt it was somehow disrespectful to the history of what happened here that helped to spark the involvement of the United States in World War Two. She ranked it right up there with those disrespectful little shits who took selfies at Concentration Camps. Only after the tour had concluded was Anela allowed to take some pictures, the young girl making sure that her camera shy mom was in as many as she could sneak in.

Flags were present everywhere and many soldiers greeted her as well as several other Superstars and Bombshells who had also taken the initiative to tour this memorial before Sunday’s event. And several soldiers, knowing that Tempest had ties to the United States military thanks in part to the service of her husband, flocked to her for autographs and pictures.

Anela even went into a fit of childish laughter when one soldier struck a bicep pose alongside her mom and Tempest matched his pose, and outshined him as well to a point.

Anela believed this to be a deal well made, even if she had no idea that being so close to Maui, Tempest had fully intended to bring her to Hawaii anyway to visit family.


Dusk was falling here in Oahu, Hawaii, coloring the sky in a blanket of vastly different hues of the spectrum. Pinks, oranges, yellows and blues all blended together as the sun was slowly descending into the waters in which the Battleship Missouri Memorial was anchored and had been positioned in for lo these many years. Flags were flown high, and the military presence was strong as soldiers - men and women alike, marched along the battleship and the docks while tourist and local alike prepared for the conclusion of the day’s tours.

One such person remaining was the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion, Tempest, who stood along the docks and simply gazed out at the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Her armed were crossed and where a satisfied and somewhat peaceful expression had been worn earlier in the day with her daughter and mingling with the soldiers and fans, now her face was stoic and serious. Her mind was on an all business setting.

“Four months. I am almost going on four months since I bested Courtney Pierce in Las Vegas for the Internet title and even I have to admit surprise by just how satisfying it is to fulfill all of your promises in what you intended to do as champion. To tell the world just how badly you intend to break these little Barbie dolls into teeny, tiny little pieces and do just that… walking away still the champion…”

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“There’s nothing quite like it. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve had some pretty grueling matches ever since I won the Internet gold. I’ve faced and defended against the likes of Crystal and Seleana Zdunich. The former champion Courtney Pierce herself… In fact, there was only a single blemish on my record since I got hold of this title of mine and that falls at the feet of the very same woman who I’m defending against in just a few days; Mercedes Vargas.”

Tempest scoffed, hands on her hips.

“To say that Vargas practically fell into this opportunity would be a vast understatement. She was like some animal hunting its prey. She stalked for just the right opportunity and when that chance presented itself, she struck. At least, that’s how the so-called wrestling experts are crediting her in how she accomplished becoming the top contender for this title. As for me and my own opinion? She got handed this opportunity because she’s gone from being one of the true greats in this division to a whiny little bitch with a dreaded case of the ‘Me, Me, Me’s’! The chick got so butt hurt because I stated one simple fact, that she simply wasn’t what she used to be. That she’s racked up losses faster than she ever has wins and time and again, squandered each and every championship opportunity handed to her! In short, I called her pathetic and that is an opinion that I stand by to this very day!”

“I mean, face facts Vargas! Before that non-title match of ours? When was your last win? How many title shots were you just handed based on your past reputation alone? You are not the same Mercedes Vargas that ruled the Bombshell division in years past! I can accept that fact, why can’t you?”

“But that’s where it all went downhill, isn’t it? You couldn’t accept it and you could accept my speaking the truth even less. So – you were stupid enough to attack me. But it got for you the chance you wanted and that was to face me inside of the ring.”

Tempest scoffed and held her hands up.

“But as stellar as your past record has been, wanting me in the ring is no burden of proof for your intelligence! You got battered. You got beaten. You got thrown around the ring like you didn’t even belong there any longer and against me? You didn’t! And you proved that when you had to break out the brass knucks to take me down and get your first win in how many months!? Now that I have to admit that it stung. Badly! For you to go week after week, month after month, being unable to get a win for yourself and lo and behold, your first win in all that time and it’s against me! Your use of brass knucks comes as small consolation because in the end, a loss is a loss and this chance at my championship you got for yourself?”

She shook her head.

“You proved that you don’t deserve it. Not really. Of course then you had to go and secure your standing by beating Crystal who thought she was going to take you down as a favor to me for one reason or another. And even I have to admit that it was a match for the ages, between two of the best bad ass bitches. And granted, you sent a message to the world that maybe, just maybe – deep down you still were Merces Vargas.”

“Well, now is your chance to prove it. Now is your chance to back up that bony ass of yours and prove to the world that you still have what it takes to be a champion in SCW! Just do yourself a favor this time around. Leave the brass knucks at home and come at me, woman to woman. Because trust me when I say if you think to cheap shot me again and steal this title away just to cement your ego?”

She shook her head.

“They will never find what’s left of you!”

Climax Control Archives / Dead woman walking
« on: May 03, 2024, 11:41:47 PM »

04/14/2024 - Flagstaff, Arizona - Walkup Skydome
Blaze of Glory XII

One of the more unique aspects of any SuperCard event hosted by Sin City Wrestling can be summed up by a single word: unpredictability. Literally anything is a possibility which continues after twelve years keeping fans on the edge of their collective seats. But nobody - literally NOBODY - was expecting anyone to step forward and attack the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion Tempest following her harrowing defense against Crystal Zdunich only moments earlier.

Yet that was exactly what had occurred only moments ago when Tempest had stepped foot through the gorilla position curtains and received a steel chair thrown at her skull like a missile, courtesy of Mercedes Vargas. And while Tempest had been known through previous years at shrugging off such attacks, she had always been prepared for them. This attack came from out of nowhere.

Mercedes had planned well.

And now a fuming amazonian Bombshell was currently undergoing a much needed (at least in the opinions of the bosses) medical evaluation backstage. And there was one thing you might come to learn about Tempest was the fact that she was a terrible patient.

Tempest: I told you I am FINE!

Her voice could be heard from clear down the hall, and from behind closed doors, which was had prompted the boss man Christian Underwood to roll his eyes as he took the initiative to open the door himself and set foot inside to get some medical feedback from the poor man who had drawn the short straw in regards to her brief medical examination.

Christian: You’re not fine.

Tempest lowered the ice pack from her head albeit temporarily because admittedly, her bells had been rung and the chimes continued like Church services on Christmas morning. She glared at the more … saucier of the two bosses before putting the ice pack back to her scalp.

Tempest: I think after everything that I’ve been through, I’m a better judge on whether or not I’m fine.

But Christian wasn’t the easiest of officials to intimidate, just ask Michael Harris who tried a minimum of two occasions to push his authority around on Christian without much success.

Christian: Grandstanding aside from your illustrious bounty hunting career, you’re still not as fine as you think?

Tempest: Oh really? Perhaps you’d care to explain to me why?

Christian just stared at her but said nothing to answer. At least, not verbally.  He just tilted his head and gave it a nod, directing her attention to the ice pack in hand.

Tempest: What, this?

She pulled it away from her head to look at it.

Tempest: What about…?

But whatever else she might have had a mind to say was lost to her temporarily as her eyes were fixated on the crimson stains on the ice pack, a testament that her scalp had been busted open from beneath the hairline. She reached up by instinct before either Christian or the paramedics could stop her, and touched her hair and thus her scalp and her fingers came back stained with her own blood. She glanced upward but was looking at nobody in particular although her words would have been directed toward Vargas herself.

Tempest: I’m going to kill that bitch….

She started to stand up but the medic placed a hand on her arm to keep her where she was, but Tempest grabbed him by the wrist and effectively removed his grip from her person.

Medic: You need to…

Tempest stood up and threw the ice pack clear across the first aid station, the wet slap of the fabric striking the wall and it fell to the tile floor with a pathetic thump.

Tempest: What I need to do is go find that bitch and twist her neck until her goddamn head pops off!

This was where Christian had to temporarily forgo the admitted unease he felt when in her presence and instead play the role of concerned boss. He stepped forward and held up a hand.

Christian: Despite your propensity for saying such glowing poetry, I’m going to have to insist on waiting until the end of your exam. You might need to go to the hospital for a more thorough…

Tempest: Hospital???

She brazenly scoffed and shook her head.

Tempest: I don’t think so!

Christian stared at her with a hand on his chest and as much sarcasm as he could muster, which for him would be an endless supply.

Christian: Ohhh, I see! You think this is a democracy? No, no. I wasn’t asking. I am telling you to wait until the nice medical examiner is finished…

Medic: Christ you make me sound like a forensic pathologist!

Christian just exchanged a glance with the man before finishing his thoughts directed at the gargantuan woman before him.

Christian: … And we are going to let him decide whether or not you’re fine enough to not make a trip to the hospital.

Tempest: Or what?

Christian: Orrr… I just suspend you right here, right now, until such time as you’re willing to make the decision like the calm, rational human being that we like to imagine you capable of being.

Tempest just stared at the boss man who tried his damndest to hide the hard swallow as they engaged in their battle of wills before slowly, reluctantly, Tempest had a seat and allowed the paramedic to continue.

“Dead. Woman. Walking.”

“Name three words best used to describe the soon to be deceased Mercedes Vargas!”

“I have been an active woman on this roster for a fair few years and during that time, one or two women have had the guts to literally get right up into my face. Bobbie Dahl and Zoey Lukas, chief amongst them. But those women had every reason and edge to try and get in my face because both were about as close to my size as anyone on the Bombshell roster was capable of being! Two bad ass chicks who had the stones to get in my face for one reason or another. For Zoey, it was just purely competitive. For Bobbie? She was looking to right a few wrongs and defend someone else. But Mercedes Vargas…the great historian of Sin City Wrestling…”

“A woman of your intellect I had expected better from, Vargas. I have to admit. I also have to admit that your great memory and intellect seems to have failed you in this case because you got so butt hurt over what I said about you - which was the stone cold truth, by the way! That you were so blinded by humiliation and denial that you thought you would rather take a cheap shot when I wasn’t looking! I expected you to fight with your words and head games rather than weapons and whatever cheap tricks you could conjure up from out of that cauldron of yours.”

“That was my mistake, I admit, and it isn’t one that I am going to allow myself to repeat. You see, this match that we’re having here tonight? You don’t have Mark Ward or Christian Underwood to thank. You have me. Just me, Mercedes. You see I didn’t go looking for you that night so I could put your head through a wall and straight into the parking garage for one reason; that I got my hands on you at the earliest possible convenience! And Normandy, France, is just that right time.”

“Sad to say though that the championship isn’t at stake because, well, to say that you don’t deserve it would be the understatement of the century! Beat me though, girlfriend, and you get a chance at the title when we hit the conclusion of this Battlegrounds tour Mark Ward has us taking part in. I mean, it won’t happen but it’s always nice to think positive, am I right?”

“So that being said, and speaking of Battlegrounds … Normandy, France. Normandy Beach. Known best for the Normandy Landings in 1944 during the Allied Invasion. And in just a matter of days, will be known for when and where we bid a sad farewell to the so-called Best of the Best. Mercedes Vargas.”

“The Argentinean Assassin is about to get assassinated!”

Supercard Archives / Circle of Friends
« on: April 12, 2024, 10:59:54 PM »
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
~ Muhammad Ali

John S. Park Elementary School

It was a day like most others for the parents of the students who attended John S. Park Elementary. The weather had grown blessedly warmer, the chilly winds of winter having given wayside to those warmer currents of spring. And while mornings and nights were still relatively chilly by comparison, the afternoons such as now had temperatures more befitting to spring, rising today to the mid-eighties with a clear blue sky and not a cloud to be seen. And here many of the hands on parents were,parked in the guest parking lot, ready to pick up their respective children while the yellow school buses lined the road in front of the school building, ready to bring the children home for parents who were unable to do as the others.

Resident SCW Bombshell and reigning Internet Champion Tempest was one of those lucky few whose schedule allowed her to personally pick up her stepdaughter Anela.Even were she unable, she would have found someone else - someone she trusted from the GO Gym, to do so for her as she preferred Anela not to ride the bus. Having gotten custody of her dear Malulani’s daughter so recently, she just wanted to handle everything herself. At least until the day arrived when Anela might tell her she wanted to ride the bus.

And even then.

Nevertheless, Tempest was waiting outside, leaning against the side of her Transverse while many other parents remained in their cars in the comforts of the air conditioning provided. Tempest’s reason for not doing the same was almost comical to anyone that knew her – or could see her. She didn’t want Anela to miss her, but considering that she stood taller than the vast majority of the rest of the adults present, even the men, the chances of that happening were slim. She scrolled idly on her phone, while stealing glances toward the school and waiting for the bell that would begin the weekend and send the children out. That was when she almost started when her phone started to vibrate.

Tempest frowned, as few ever called her save for her family in Hawaii. She checked the caller ID and as it turned out, it was none other than Gabriel Stevens on the other end. With a swipe of the thumb, she accepted the call and held it to her ear.

Tempest: Gabriel, what can I do for you?

Gabriel: Alleyne, I have a question for you, and maybe a favor if I may be so bold?

Tempest: A favor, hug? Boy you are bold! But go ahead, shoot.

Gabriel: You’re leaving for Flagstaff with us tomorrow afternoon, right?

Tempest: Yeah, last time I checked. Why?

Gabriel: Well, that’s where the favor comes in. Odette and I have to make a quick trip out of Vegas to Reno and we’ll be back first thing in the morning. Considering the kids will be with us for the flight tomorrow, we were hoping to keep them in Vegas for the night. Is there any chance you could watch Lucas and Hazel tonight?

Babysit? Her? Tempest pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it briefly to make certain that not only did she hear correctly, but she was talking to the person that she thought she was. Soon enough, she returned to the call and answered.

Tempest: Yes, of course. God knows you’ve watched Anela enough so it’s the least I can do. Synn and Despy not available I take it?

Gabriel: Well Synn and Despy are already in Flagstaff. Apparently Angel wanted to scope out the arena early to get a good spot for his and Mackenzie’s betting table.

Tempest frowned and just as she was about to ask…

Gabriel: And don’t ask. I’ve learned not to. And Aron has the flu and probably won’t be making it to Flagstaff so I didn’t want the kids staying with him and K and risk getting sick.

Tempest: Aww! And after them, you thought of me!

Gabriel: Well… you know.

Tempest: Sure, bring the kids over soon as you can. But you should know I’m going to have company tonight and I’m not sure if you want the kids around him or not.

There was a brief pause following this nugget of a revelation, until Gabriel finally broke the stiff silence while from her end, she heard the tell-tale sound of the school bell finally sound.

Gabriel: Mercer?

Tempest: Yes, Austin is bringing his kids over. Haven’t seen the big lug for awhile so thought we’d take the kids out. We can include Lucas and Hazel but if you…

But before she could finish her sentence, Gabriel had the foresight to interrupt her train of thought. Gabriel was above all else, a consummate businessman where the sport of professional wrestling was concerned. He knew most of the men and women of SCW inside and out, Austin included. While he did not understand the close bond that had formed between his student and a man that had made life a relative hell for two of his other students, but that was not for him to judge. He knew that Austin was probably Tempest’s closest friend in the business where she had so few and for that, he was more than grateful.

Gabriel: Look, I’ll be honest. I don’t like the man for everything that happened between him and Carter and Kristjan. But I also know that it’s in the past and if Carter and Kristjan can move past it, so can I. Besides, one thing I know about Mercer is he’s as full of bullshit as he is bravado. He’s a good dad and likes kids so I have no real objections.

Tempest: Alright, drop them off as soon as you can. I’m picking Anela up now.

Gabriel: Will do, and Alleyne? Thanks.

Tempest: Pleasure.

And that being said, she ended the call just as her nine year old stepdaughter approached the car, carrying her book bag with a smile on her face. The fact that it was Friday and the start of the weekend, no doubt. Tempest pushed herself away from the vehicle as Anela approached.

Tempest: Well, looks like we’re going to have two more guests this evening?

Opening the SUV door and shoving her bag into the back, Anela looked up to her ‘mom’ with a wide eyed wonder.

Anela: Who?

Tempest: That was Gabriel on the phone. Seems Lucas and Hazel will be spending the night tonight.

Anela: Really??

Her smile was bright enough to light a room were they not out of doors and standing in the Vegas sunshine. Tempest strongly suspected that Anela was sporting something of a crush on Lucas but that was neither here nor there. So she just nodded to which Anela then frowned.

Anela: Was Synn or Fenris busy?

Tempest just made a face and nudged a giggling Anela to the open door of the car as she rounded about to climb into the driver’s side. Once inside, Tempest looked to the young girl to her right and gave her a little nudge to the arm.

Tempest: Maybe you'd like to invite another friend or two to go out with us tonight?

But to that suggestion, all Anela could do was shyly shake her head in the negative.

Tempest: Are you sure?

Anela just nodded that she was, in fact, quite certain. Hanging out with Lucas and Hazel would be quite enough and add Austin’s own kids to the equation and all would be just fine for her. Tempest just turned away, somewhat deflated, and she turned the key to the ignition to begin the journey home.


Maile: Alleyne?

The face of her sister-in-law, sister to her deceased husband, filled the screen of her phone as Face-timed her.This would be a surprise to anyone that knew either woman as it was evident for years that they did not get along from the moment Malulani had brought her home. His family considered it a betrayal to his late wife who had died three years ago, as if they believed the widower should have remained alone - perhaps forever. Maile was one of Tempest’s primary antagonists even to this day in how she now cared for and raised her niece.

But right now, there was nobody else that Tempest believed she could turn to for the advice that she had sought after.

Tempest: Listen, I’m sorry for calling you. I know I’m probably the last person right now you were expecting a call from.

To which Maile just raised her brows and shrugged one shoulder in slight acknowledgement to the truth behind the assumption.

Tempest: But I wasn’t sure who else I could talk to.It’s about Anela.

Maile: Anela? Is she alright??

Tempest: Yes, she’s fine. At least, I think she is.

Maile: You think? You mean you don’t know?

Tempest: Give me a br- look. It’s not like that. I’m still new to this whole other thing, okay? It’s just… I have a question I need to ask you.

Maile: … Okay…?

Tempest took one last glance into her apartment living room and saw as the three children, her own Anela and Gabriel and Odette’s children, Lucas and Hazel, were busying themselves watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the television.The kids were thoroughly engrossed in the film so she took that opportunity to step into her bedroom and close the door behind her.Only then did she find it =within herself to ask her sister-in-law…

Tempest: You helped take care of Anela when she was living with your mom,right?

Maile: Yes, Keanu and I were living with her at the time. So?

Tempest: When she was in school there… Did Anela have many friends?

Maile: What do you mean?

Tempest: I mean, did she have a lot of friends?

Maile: She had a few I guess. Two or three kids she would visit at their house or bring them home to stay over. Why?

Tempest: It’s just … I was concerned. She has a couple friends here but hasn’t really gone to any great lengths to make any more. Her dad was always so outgoing, he could make friends anywhere so I was hoping…

Maile: That this trait would be passed down from father to daughter?

This time it was Tempest who did not answer vocally but with a slight shrug and a nod of admission.

Maile: Alleyne, listen to me. And I know you’re not going to like hearing this but all things considered, you should. Yeah it’s a fact that my brother was what you might call a social butterfly. … But Kaia wasn’t.

Kaia. Anela's mother and Malulani’s first wife. It was something of a sore subject when her name was brought up because it was normally used as a weapon against her by Malulani’s family but this time?Not so much. At the stiffening of her shoulders, Maile held up a hand.

Maile: Relax, would you? You asked me for advice, so here I am giving it to you. Anela is exactly like her mother was. An introvert. She had a couple of close friends and for her, that was enough. Just like Anela. Not every kid has this huge circle of friends surrounding them at every given moment. I didn’t.

The temptation to say something scathing and witty was overwhelming but for the betterment of their shared love for Anela, Tempest managed to resist it.

Maile: Anela may or may not ever grow out of that introverted shell. Either way, so long as she’s happy and healthy, that’s all that should matter, yes?

Tempest finally exhaled as she heard the doorbell ring from outside of the room. She nodded and found herself saying what she believed formerly to be impossible.

Tempest: Thanks … Maile.

Maile blinked and leaned back at the waist.

Maile: Could you say that again? I want to set this to record or else nobody will believe it!

Tempest: Bitch…

Maile: Do you want to be the pot or the kettle?

There was something left unspoken between the two women, but the slight smirk on Maile's face was enough to speak volumes at a possible burnt bridge being on the mend. Tempest nodded and ended the call before she turned to open the door to find Anela racing for the front door to answer it. She swiftly pulled it open without first asking who it was, a big no-no where tempest was concerned and it would be addressed later.

But that was the first time Anela was meeting Austin James Mercer and her head tilted all the way back to look up at him with wide eyes.

Anela: Wow…

Tempest smiled at her stepdaughter’s initial reaction to Austin, his mere presence on par with her own to draw such an overwhelming reaction. But that was where his intimidation factor seemed to end when in a personal setting as the 6’6” Superstar took the initiative to kneel down on one knee, bringing himself (almost) to eye level with the little girl before him.

Austin: And you must be Anela.

Indeed she reverted to being a shy little girl once more, merely nodding. Austin was intimidating but quite handsome in his own right. And more than anything else, he was a stranger to her. But he was her mom’s best friend from what she understood and that was enough to trust him and (slowly) warm up to him. Anela nodded as Austin extended a hand and wrapped his fingers around her own in a gentle greeting as Tempest arrived at their side. Austin stood up to his full height and turned at the waist to look down at the two children who had arrived alongside him. His five year old son Marcus and three year old daughter, Ellie.

Austin: You two remember Alleyne?

It might be a little more difficult for the three year old to recall when her dad took her brother and her to Hawaii to recover emotionally from their mom’s sudden and unexpected death. Tempest asked no questions when she opened her home to them and worked tirelessly to help the children and their dad recover from the loss. The two kids stepped further inside and spotting what was playing on the TV across the apartment, Marcus pointed excitedly.

Marcus: Harry Potter!

And before his dad could stop either of them, not that he would have, Marcus and Ellie raced inside to join Anela, Lucas and Hazel in watching the movie! That was when Austin saw who else was present and he cast a questioning look to his friend and she just beckoned him to follow her to the kitchen.

Austin: Those Gabriel’s kids?

He asked as they entered the kitchen and Austin turned to lean at the waist against the bar counter so he could both speak privately with Tempest whole keeping an eye on his own kids. Tempest backed against the bar at his side and nodded.

Tempest: Yeah, they’re staying with me for the night as a favor to Gabriel and Odette so they’ll be joining us.

Austin: Hunh. Five kids and two adults. I guess a regular restaurant is out. We’ll have to find some place more kid friendly.

Tempest: if you think I’m going anywhere near the inside of a Chuck E. Cheese…

Austin snorted back a laugh, knowing the very idea of this amazon being inside of any place with an animatronic rat was as foreign as mustard on French fries.

Austin: I was actually thinking more along the lines of Adventuredome.

Tempest frowned but Lucas, who must have perfect hearing to overhear the adults' conversation from across the apartment and while the movie was playing, sat upright with wide, hopeful eyes.

Lucas: Adventuredome!? We’re going to Adventuredome!?

Tempest looked back and forth between the excited Lucas who had practically ran up to them for confirmation and back to Austin.

Tempest: What exactly is Adventuredome?

Austin: Basically it’s an indoor amusement park. Has everything; rides, games … food?

Lucas: It’s the greatest thing EVER!

By now the excitement had grown contagious toward the other children even if they didn’t know exactly what they were being excited about. Austin’s son Marcus looked up at his dad.

Marcus: Can we go, dad?

Austin: Well you know, it's not up to me?

And one by one, everyones’ heads turned to Tempest.

Marcus: Can we go Auntie Tempy?

Which caused Tempest to do a comical double take at what she had just been called. And she wasn’t alone as then three year old Ellie joined in with the childlike pleas.

Ellie: Pleeease Auntie Tempy???

Before she knew what she was doing or saying, Tempest looked heavenward and exhaled sharply in an admittance of defeat.

Tempest: Fine! We’ll go to …Adventuredome!

A collective “hooray”erupted from all of the children before they turned and rushed to (hopefully) finish the movie before going on their grand adventure. Austin smirked quite brazenly as Tempest S-L-O-W-L-Y turned her head to look at him.

Tempest: Auntie Tempy? That was your doing,wasn’t it??

To which Austin only answered by raising a hand and pinching a thumb and forefinger closely together…


Marcus looked up from the film.

Marcus: What was that!?

Austin: Nothing!

He answered, rubbing the back of his head with a grimace of pain as Tempest dropped the skillet back onto the stove.

Sunset Crater Volcano -
Flagstaff, AZ

Friday was here, and with it - the weekend that the SCW Universe had been awaiting with much anticipation! Blaze of Glory XII was only two days away and with it, the Superstars and Bombshells of Sin City Wrestling would be putting on a fourteen match spectacular. Many fans had already made the trip to Flagstaff from as far away as Japan for this weekend in the Grand Canyon State. The majority of the SCW stars and staff alike had by now arrived in preparation for the coming event.Some to engage in last minute preparations, some to conduct interviews and meet n greets, while others took time to kill two birds with one stone by seeing one of the beautiful sights of this Golden State while speaking up on what was to come.

The Sunset Crater National Monument was a volcano landmark that last erupted in the year 1085. And while she was not exactly what you would calla science nerd, enough so to take much of an interest in volcanoes or when they last split the ground open to spew forth lava, Tempest was quietly an admirer of scenic beauty, and this one spot provided something that would forever be remembered.

She sat on a rock, one leg drawn up with her knee against her breast while overlooking the volcano itself, while the sky itself had slowly started its descent from day to dusk. The sky was not colored in many hues of reds, oranges,yellows and pinks while the scattered blues through the clouds overhead allowed for the twinkle of the coming stars this far from the city's lights. The calm was blissful, an apt ambience for what was to follow.

“I think we know by now how these things work. This is usually the part where the random person - in this case, myself - would speak up and talk about the match that I’m scheduled to compete in, and more importantly, the opponent. It’s the usual set up for people to put words to action and talk about all of the dreadful things you intend to do to the man or woman standing opposite of us while also usually throwing some shade and risking the ire of the censors and opposition both. You want to break down your opponent mentally with promos such as this before you set foot inside of the ring to destroy them physically. I should know.God knows I’ve done all of the above often enough but this time…”

She unwrapped her arms from around her bended leg and held up one hand, a single forefinger extended.

“Except for this time. Oh don’t get me wrong, we will eventually get to the obligatory threats and promises but in the meantime, we’re going to do something a little unusual. We are going to start this one by first and foremost, my speaking to Crystal Zdunich the woman before I address Crystal Zdunich, the wrestler - and in two days, the challenger to my Internet Championship. So…!”

Tempest clapped her palms together in readiness.

“You're going to have to look past the fact I am neither a psychiatrist nor am I the sort who wears her heart on her sleeve. I don't usually speak up in regards to feelings, whether it be someone else’s or especially my own! But here we are and I suppose there's a first time for everything. Now, I don’t know you Crystal, aside from our encounters that we’ve had in previous years. I know you by reputation and your own actions and for many, that would be enough to go by.So pardon me if what I’m about to say is too rough but girl…? You’re trying too hard.”

“At least in regards to trying to develop budding friendship with any one of the many who post randomly on social media, but lately it seems a person can’t spend a day just browsing or posting something without you jumping in, trying to either get noticed or get involved. Whichever works better in your own favor. If you’re trying to get noticed well then, congratulations! You’ve succeeded admirably! Except in this case, it might not be such a positive thing because while you might be getting noticed, that's not always a good thing .Especially for a woman with your history. The people you have been trying to get to notice you already know you from your past actions, both the good and the bad –but it’s always the bad things that we remember most. Isn’t it? So drawing attention to yourself by just randomly showing up and acting like nothing bad has happened between yourself and them might be doing you more harm than good. You’re basically painting a giant target right on your back without even realizing it.”
“If you’re doing this to try and get involved well then…”

She closed her eyes and grimaced, shaking her head.

“Girl, it’s not working. If anything, you’re alienating people more than you’re working in convincing them to let you join their little circle of friends. You have stabbed so many people in the back so many times that nobody with any wits about them is going to trust you enough to welcome you with open arms because there's the perpetual fear you have a knife in the same hand that could be embracing them!”

“Then there’s this habit of yours where you are always calling some random woman in SCW your best friend. First you do it with Kayla Richards. Then you move on and start calling Kat Jones your best friend.Now if the rumors are true, Alexandra Calaway is next on your bosom buddies radar. Now granted you can have more than one close friend and call them your best friends, but it’s pretty suspect that until you started popping up and addressing them from out of nowhere, when before you had never interacted with them. You just pop on and say ‘Hi bestie!’ and give a goofy wave and smile of excitement and more often than not, the intended target of your friendship seems just as surprised as the rest of us are. Which leaves me wondering if any of these women are or were even aware that they were your…”

Air quotes.

“Close and dear friend.”

Tempest held her arms out, hands up in wonder.

“Who the hell knows? I guess my point is what I said at the very start. You try too damn hard to get people to like you or to be your friend or even both! You worry too much about what people think of you and whether or not they even like you. WHO CARES!? Worrying about shit like that can slow down decision-making and decrease risk-taking, creativity, innovation …whatever!

“Look at what happened that time when you wheeled that cake out to celebrate yourself! Crystal, that just screamed narcissism and look how that turned out! You ended up being tossed out of the ring like a goddamn lawn dart by…”

Tempest suddenly cleared her throat and fiddled with her hair before resuming her thought process.

“Well it's not important who did it. The thing that people remember the most was not that you were sharing cake as a means of self gratification! They just remember the night you went and took a header in that cake in front of the world!If you continue on with being the ‘Pick me’ girl of SCW, the only thing you’re going to accomplish is you’re going to live your life on the terms of those people you surround yourself with rather than your own!”

“And now…”

Tempest then stretched her legs out to their full, impressive length and gripped the edges of the rock she had been perched upon.

“Now we are going to address Crystal Zdunich … the actual wrestler and challenger. And Crystal? I have to say that after everything has been said and done and you won that social media poll to overtake Alexandra Calaway and become my challenger in Flagstaff? You have done nothing – nothing – to bring this match to everyone’s attention other than wear that expression like you just stepped off a street curb and saw a bus barreling down in your path! And I guess… you are, but I guess I just expected more, you know? I don’t know what exactly. Just more. Oh sure, you sat at ringside and watched me bury your wife through the mat but anyone can sit at a relatively safe distance and watch a catastrophe taking place. You didn’t even stand on the table and try to distract me or talk trash for what I did to Seleana, really. Smart girl – just disappointing.”

“The Crystal Zdunich I remember was this vain, gold hungry shrew that would step on the back of a nun if it meant getting any closer to a title shot. Now I get it.You say you’re not that woman anymore and you’re working overtime to prove to everyone else around you that you're a changed woman and not the woman who sold her own wife out for a world title shot. So tell me…”

Tempest clasped her hands together and leaned in closely.

“How’s that working out for you? Since you were named my challenger for Blaze of Glory XII, and by the way there is no chance in hell that you will ever convince me you didn't lead some kind of campaign to get all of your fans and friends to vote for you and stuff the ballot box! Anyway...  you’ve pretty much become the punching bag for the Bombshell division. You lost to Harper Mason for god's sake! That fact alone coupled with how little enthusiasm you’ve shown for this opportunity, well let’s just say that I was surprised when the lineup was announced officially and you and I weren’t the opening act! So here is what you and I are going to do.”

“You are going to forget all about this ‘nice girl Crystal act that you’ve been shoving down everyone’s throats. Nobody is buying it anyway. You have turned back and forth between Good Crystal and Bad Crystal so many times that even Mercedes Vargas would be unable to come up with the correct number of times! If you know what’s best for you, you will not come to the ring and be the same Crystal Zdunich that has been crashing and burning for the past five weeks! No, you are going to come inside of that ring and stand opposite of me and be the woman I know damn well that you are capable of being!”

“You are going to be the Crystal Zdunich that has won literally every championship save for the Mixed Tag Team titles! You are going to be the Crystal that earned her way into the Hall of Fame! The one thing I want more than anything is a challenger that can help me improve on being a champion. The old Crystal was capable of doing just that. Because if you are anything but the absolute best that you can be… Trust me chicky.”

She stood up and glared down into the camera.

“It will not end well for you!”

That being said, she adjusted her jacket and calmly walked off-camera, having had her say. The last thing seen was the camera trailing upward and focusing on the stars above.

Climax Control Archives / Aftermath
« on: March 08, 2024, 09:26:38 PM »

Tempest: A what?

Tempest had been getting ready to start preparing dinner for Anela and herself just a few short minutes ago when she had overheard her phone ring from her bedroom and found the man who had brought her into the rough and tumble world of professional wrestling on the other end with some (unwelcome) news. That ever since she had won the Internet Championship in Las Vegas and declared she would bring the Internet back to the related title, the GO Gym had been getting requests for interviews with the most recent champion under his and Odette’s tutelage.

And the vast majority of them were requests from the hosts of random webcasts; some very well known, and others not so much. Not exactly what she had in mind with her promising statement.

Gabriel: A webcast interview. It’s usually hosted by a wrestling fan who doubles as an influencer of sorts. He or she gets sponsors and makes a pretty good living off of it…

Tempest: I know what an influencer does, Gabriel. I just can’t believe that there’s a wrestling related version of them out there!

Gabriel: Well, believe it champ. Your winning the Internet title garnered for you a lot of attention and these guys are clamoring to get you onto their shows. Especially considering it’s pretty well known how much you dislike interviews.

Tempest: Meaning … what? Getting me on one of their shows lets them ‘neener neener’ the other shows?

Gabriel chuckled.

Gabriel: In a manner of speaking, yes. It’s a pretty competitive field. I’ve been on a handful of these types of interviews and they’re not as bad as they sound.

Tempest: They couldn’t possibly be.

Tempest slowly sat back in her chair and massaged her temple with the fingers of her free hand.

Tempest: Christ, what the hell have I gotten myself into?

From her end of the call, she could hear the soft chuckle escape from Gabriel before her trainer could shield himself from allowing her to overhear his amusement at her own expense.

Gabriel: Well Alleyne, that’s what you get for winning your first singles championship. It comes with the territory, especially when you went on public record to say you were wanting to bring the ‘Internet’ back to the Internet Championship.

Tempest: I just wanted to bring back using those polls to decide challengers. I didn’t think it would mean I’d have to conduct interviews from home or in some studio the size of a pantry with some that smells like cheese!

Again, she could hear the laughter being held rather unsuccessfully at bay. She bit at her lower lip and gazed half heartedly into her cell.

Tempest: You’re enjoying this just a little too much!

Gabriel: I’m sorry Alleyne, but you're making it rather easy when you get so worked up over the most basic part of this business! It’s not like this would be the first time where you conducted interviews outside of the actual promotion.

Tempest: Those times were different.

Gabriel: Yeah, this time you don’t have Austin to shoulder the majority of the burden!

Tempest: Exactly!

A moment’s pause passed between trainer and student, and this time Tempest realized that the mirth that Gabriel had been enjoying during this conversation had been replaced with the more serious understanding that she had come to know and appreciate over the past few years where he was concerned. It was more evident when he broke the lingering silence between them.

Gabriel: Listen to me Alleyne. You're going to be fine. It’s only natural that you started garnering more attention with some of these folks wanting to get some ratings in for their programs. Especially considering who won the poll to get the title shot at Blaze of Glory XII.

Tempest: Yeah, well…

She leaned back in her office chair, turning her head to look outside of her apartment window and watched as the train gently pelted against the window of her bedroom.

Tempest: I still think she stuffed the proverbial ballot box with everyone she could contact to get that rub.

Gabriel: While I really wouldn’t be surprised, the simple fact that Crystal did win the poll, so people sat up and took notice that you’d be defending the title against her in Arizona. … Unless, of course, you just want to job out to Mercedes or Seleana so they could face Crystal instead?

A frown crossed her face and she did a double take toward the phone. But before she could even answer that suggestion with whatever scathing retort that might have crossed her mind, Gabriel took the initiative.

Gabriel: I could hear that thought without you having to even say it aloud. And you’re lucky I’ve heard worse. … And that Despy wasn't here today to overhear whatever it was that you didn’t just say out loud.

Tempest drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled through pursed lips before she finally responded.

Tempest: I don’t job - to anyone. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.!

Gabriel: That’s all I wanted to hear. You’ll be fine.

To this, Tempest just rolled her eyes even though Gabriel was unable to see the fact. But then she heard something coming from further in the apartment and a slight frown of confusion crossed her face as she glanced toward her closed bedroom door.

Tempest: I know I will be. But I have to go and take care of something.

Gabriel: Understood. I’ll see you tomorrow when you drop Anela off before your flight.

Tempest: Fine. And Gabriel?

Gabriel: Yeah?

Tempest: Thanks.

This time there was no laugh or subdued chuckle, but nevertheless, she could hear the smile behind his voice as the call was concluded.

Gabriel: It’s what I do.

That being said, the call ended silently between them and with a deft click of the thumb, her phone was shut off and dropped to the desktop. Pushing herself up from her seat, Tempest exited her bedroom and walked down the hall of her apartment and the sound she had heard from behind closed doors gradually grew louder, now realizing it to be the television in the living room.

Tempest entered the living space and walked up behind the plush recliner where she could see her stepdaughter, Anela, curled up and her attention fixated on the flickering image of the 32 inch smart TV that was stationed against the far wall, atop the multi-level TV stand. Standing behind the chair, opposite another chair and the sofa, Tempest rested her forearms on the back of the chair, leaning against it. She could sense the gaze upon her and looked down into the warm and loving eyes of her adopted, nine year old daughter before she shifted her attention back to the screen and the movie playing on it.

Tempest: What exactly are you watching?

Under most circumstances, Anela would be found watching something like Hilda, the Dragon Prince or Over the Garden Wall. But this wasn’t just not an animated series or movie, it was live action and it didn’t look like something one would assume a nine year old would be interested in watching. After watching a few moments further, Tempest would have likened it to a female version of Beverly Hills Cop or a film edition of Law and Order. But it was the face of whom crossed the screen, speaking to detectives at the scene of a crime that caught her completely off guard.

Crystal Zdunich.

Anela reached into a small fun-sized bag of Cheetos, answering without taking her eyes off of the screen.

Anela: Hollywood Hills Detective. The first one.

Tempest: Crystal Zdunich did a movie?

Anela: She did three.

The girl emphasized the number three, looking up at her mom ever so briefly as if she had just asked the silliest question imaginable. Tempest just stared at the screen with an arched brow.

Anela: This is just the first. There’s a marathon of all three tonight!

Tempest slowly walked around the chair to take a seat on the sofa, seemingly transfixed by the actual sight of a fellow SCW Bombshell on the screen and not in an actual wrestling match.

Anela: I’ve seen them a hundred times! Crystal is my favorite.

Tempest just turned her head slightly to look at Anela whose own eyes widened just a smidge at what she had just said and just as quickly corrected herself.

Anela: Second … favorite.

Tempest: Mm hm. Nice save.

Anela just smiled as she and her mom watched the happenings on the screen, and the adventures Crystal played in this film before the adult in the room shook her head.

Tempest: I think you could get more entertainment value out of an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Anela leaned up on her elbow and looked to her with hopeful eyes to which Tempest quickly corrected her.

Tempest: And no we are not watching the Kardashians!

Anela moaned audibly as children her age might but she turned back to the TV when after a moment’s pause, Tempest frowned having realized something.

Tempest: Hold up. Aren’t you supposed to be doing your homework?

Anela: I’m finished.

Tempest: You read that whole chapter?

Anela: …. Can we just say that I’m finished?

Tempest reached over and snatched the remote from Anela’s hand, prompting the little girl to cry out in protest as her momma shut the TV off.

Tempest: Back to work, kiddo!

Anela: Aww!

With incredible reluctance, Anela pushed herself to her feet and with a playful smile, tempest nudged her along. She knew all too well how the girl felt as she had been that girl a number of years ago, with a mom who sent her to finish her homework rather than watch TV just as she had done. Tempest then got up and walked into the kitchen where she opened the fridge and took out some ground beef to get dinner started, when there was a knock at the door.

Tempest frowned and set the ground beef into the kitchen sink, quickly rinsing her hands under the faucet before she started for the door. She was curious who would be calling on their home, especially in this weather. She herself rarely had visitors and she had trouble believing any of the parents of Anela’s friends would visit without calling first, let alone in this wet weather. But one quick look through the eye hole told the story as she opened the door, revealing somewhat friend and ally Hana Nguyen, from the PTA of Anela’s school. She had visited once or twice so her daughter could visit and play with Anela, and the two women had grown to be on friendly terms.

Tempest: Hana, what are you doing out in this weather?

Hana: I’m sorry for not calling first but I just left an emergency PTA meeting and I had to tell you the news. Can I come in real quick?

Tempest quickly stepped aside and was privately (and silently) grateful she had invested in the door mat so Hana’s soaked shoes didn’t dampen or ruin her floors.

Tempest: Can I get you anything…?

Hana: No, I can’t stay. Caishen is waiting in the car. I just had to let you know that we voted Monica out of the PTA.

Tempest: Out of… not just as President?

Hana: No, she’s out entirely after what she did to us and her history of doing it to anyone who got her proposals voted down. She put up quite a fight but even her hardest supporters had trouble justifying what she was doing. Eric carried a lot of influence when he flat out told the room he doesn’t trust her in the PTA where she’d have influence over his son and wanted her gone. So…

She shrugged and Tempest nodded, satisfied.

Tempest: We should take up a collection and get that man a muffin basket. And that bitch… I got notice from CPS I might need to make a statement in court for what she did. They’re charging her with a misdemeanor.

To which Hana nodded in understanding.

Hana: And me as well, and a few other parents she is suspected of doing that to. Now I am going to head out but before I do, Eric proposed something at the meeting that actually does involve you.

Tempest’s eyebrow arched and she shook her head.

Tempest: If you’re about to ask me to officially join the PTA, I’m really not interested.

Hana: Please Alleyne, just think it over. We voted Eric as the new president, but he had to be talked into it. You showed you carry a voice with influence already, so everybody was pretty much on board with the idea of you being a member.

Tempest closed her eyes, really having nothing to say because the actual thought of her as an actual participating member of the PTA was about as alien to her as the idea of putting ketchup on ice cream.

Hana: It’s only once a month. Maybe an additional meeting if something extra comes up. Will you at least consider it? Give it some thought before you refuse?

Tempest exhaled in a huff, opening her eyes and she shrugged. It wasn’t altogether that often when people actually wanted her to take part in something.

Tempest: Fine. I’ll think about it.

Smiling, Hana patted her on the arm and turned for the door. Tempest quickly opened it so her guest could take her leave, offering one last farewell before the door closed between them. Tempest just turned around and fell back against the closed door.

Tempest: Bollocks…!

The only thing seen with prominence in the immediate vicinity was a darkened wrestling ring, with no ring lights shining down from above but one single spotlight burning bright directly from behind. This basked the ring itself in brilliance but the surrounding area in shadow, much like when police shine a bright, single spotlight on a given target.

There were footsteps heard echoing off of the walls of the gym, and through the spotlights illuminance, the shadowy outline of a figure with an impressive stature appeared walking toward the ring. That figure turned out to be none other than the newly crowned Bombshell Internet Champion, Tempest.

Dressed for battle in her red and gold ring gear, Tempest stepped up onto the ring apron and climbed through the ropes, entering the ring. There in the center of the ring was a steel folding chair, in which Tempest removed the championship belt from around her waist before taking a seat. With the belt propped up on her lap and her arms resting on the brown leather of the prestigious title, Tempest started to speak.

“I’m about to be extremely honest with everyone out there who decided to grace me with their attention; as honest with them as I’ve ever been with anyone since I first entered this business. And that honest fact I am starting off with is that I was actually terribly disappointed with the outcome of the poll for this, my first defense of the Internet Championship. Not because of who was in the actual poll because both Seleana and Mercedes deserve their places, for reasons I’ll jump into here in a moment. But because of how the poll turned out. A tie.”

She held up a hand in a placating gesture.

“I had high hopes. I admit that my first defense would be a one on one match, against either one of these bad ass chicks, but things didn’t go my way. And I guess that was one of the risks of this public internet method Calvin Harris first cooked up to decide challengers, but something was off in this one, in my own not so humble opinion. Even more so than what I was thinking in regards to Crystal Zdunich coming from behind so quickly to overtake Alexandra Calaway to win the shot at Blaze of Glory XII.”

“You see, I was paying close attention to the poll and how the votes were going and here’s what I saw; ties. Almost every time I looked, the distance between Mercedes Vargas and Seleana Zdunich had closed and they were dead even in the poll. Then … I see a change and someone cast a vote for Seleana, allowing her to pull ahead and get a better chance at facing me one on one. Only to check back later to see that someone out there, one single individual, cast a vote for Mercedes to bring it back to a tie. As far as I could tell, not a single time did Vargas pull ahead, but every time Seleana did, some lone individual cast a vote that brought it back to an even tie. It was almost as if there was someone watching the poll as closely as I was, and had one of two things on their agenda. Either they were working from multiple accounts to prevent Seleana from getting a one on one shot against me, or they were going that extra mile to make sure both women got this shot in hopes it would take two to take me down and get this title off of me.”

Tempest smiled and scoffed.

“Well, lots of luck with the former, but as far as the latter? That is where my money is laying and it is the first reason why I am happy either one of these women were named by the head honchos to be a part of that poll, let alone the actual title match. And that is because Seleana Zdunich did the one thing that Mercedes has not - she beat me.”

“Almost two years ago. May of `22. Into the Void X. Remember that? I know a lot of people tend to gloss over some of the big wins Seleana has gotten for herself and would rather focus on losses, but the fact is Seleana is one of the few women in SCW who hold a pinfall win over me. And granted at times her record doesn’t look perfect on paper but here’s the thing; we don’t wrestle on paper. We compete inside of a ring and in there? Seleana is one of the single most underrated stars in the entire division. That is all the evidence I could want or need to appreciate why she was in that poll, and why she is getting this chance at the Internet title. I went into that match against her, thinking I was the shit! I had it over her in every way imaginable EXCEPT …”

She held up one finger.

“... For experience. Before I went into that match, I looked at her and all I saw was one of those typical Barbie dolls that I have hated so much! One of those pretty little girls that think they can get by on their looks alone.”

She scoffed and shook her head.

“And I am woman enough to admit that I couldn’t have been more wrong. She did one thing that I was not expecting. She watched as I pretty much decimated her stepdaughter and her wife, and while I was using those actions to pretty much hype myself, she used them to throw gas on a fire that was already out of control. She went in there fighting for her family and that was the action that gave her the advantage. Now… I can only imagine that she thinks she is going to be able to repeat history. She probably watched as her wife won that lottery a week ago and is getting this golden chance all on her own. Sel probably thinks that she is going to use the fact as a catalyst to take this away from me…”

She holds the title belt up briefly.

“And lead into a wife versus wife title match in Flagstaff, instead.”

Tempest shook her head.

“Sorry, not sorry, Sel. You see, just as you think you can repeat the past, I’ve learned from it. I made the mistake of looking past you once, thinking you were little more than a blip on my radar. I now know that your family is your strength - respect, but in this case, I am going to turn your so-called strength into your big weakness where you and I are concerned. You are going to be so focused on doing right by your wife that you are thinking more of her welfare and less of your own. You are going to want to keep me from doing to her again what I’ve already accomplished in the past, that you simply aren’t going to see the end coming. Just do your family a favor and ask them not to watch. Crystal I could care less about seeing what’s going to be in her own future, but even I’m not cruel enough to want your little girl to see what’s about to happen to her mama.”

Tempest then slipped the title belt over her shoulder and sat back in the chair, looking contemplative.

“Mercedes Vargas on the other hand… Now that is one bad ass chick I knew about from the day I signed to SCW. I mean, how the hell can any woman sign to this promotion and not know and understand who Mercedes is as both a woman and a competitor? And I have been pretty damn lucky to have gotten to face her a handful of times; most of which had been in mixed tag team matches as I recall. And granted, while I had my reservations on tag team matches of any form, Vargas was a veteran who might have been half my size but she taught me so damn much in those encounters!”

“When Mercer and I faced her and Goth the first time, Vargas surprised the hell out of me at the tenacity she came into that match with! I was used to the women across the ring from me looking at me with either fear or apprehension because of my size and strength but that crazy ass bitch ignored all that and just came tearing away at me! It was as if Vargas was all but ignoring the fact I was twice her size or she just refused to acknowledge and she just jumped me! She came at me swinging and even though Austin and I managed to win that first round between our teams, damn did I change my outlook on that woman! And the fact she played no small part in her and Goth taking the titles away from Austin and myself?”

Tempest shook her head.

“I don’t get how some of these little girls can stand there and say things like Mercedes needs to retire or she needs to just give it up. They accuse her of being ‘past it’ because it’s been so long since she’s won a championship but I am going to tell everyone out there one simple truth where they are concerned compared to her.”

“Every one of those jealous little bitches who talk all this trash and say these things about Vargas have not and will not accomplish half of what she has over the past decade in SCW! The woman has earned every merit that’s been handed to her! Every award, every Hall of Fame nod! The woman is one of, if not the first, Grand Slam Champions in Sin City Wrestling, and do you know what that means for me? It means that as far as I’m concerned, Mercedes Vargas does not have to wait in line for the title opportunities that get thrown her way that these jealous Barbies like to cry about. She does not have to wait in line because she MADE the damn line! And come Sunday, I fully expect her to cross that proverbial line that I’ve drawn in the sand – and she will enjoy just as much success at my personal expense as she’s enjoyed in the past.”

Tempest leaned forward into the camera.

“Meaning … None.”

Tempest stood up from the chair, towering over the camera that she looked down into.

“So yes, I would have much rather this be a one on one between either one of these women, for the sole reason I’d prefer to test myself against them alone as opposed to being put in an environment where I could lose the title and not even be the one to get beat! And I am pretty damn certain that both Vargas and Zdunich would love that very same thing.  But I am not going to give either one of them the satisfaction!”

“I am not going to lose this championship on my very first defense!”

“I am not going to wind up another notch in the belt that is Mercedes’s already established career!”

“And I won’t give Seleana the satisfaction of taking this away from me and holding two straight wins over me!”

The floodlight goes out, and all that is left in the gym is a foreboding darkness.

“This is my time, girls. And there is no chance in hell that I'm going to give it up to either one of you!”

The newly crowned Bombshell Internet Champion, Tempest, walks out onto the stage with the championship belt securely fastened around her waistline. She is met with scattered, albeit polite, applause as she draws out a chair as instructed by the boss man himself, "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward. Tempest removes the belt from around her waist and sets it front and center on the table, in front of the microphone before taking a seat. She then looks out at everyone and then turns her head to address not the reporters but Mark himself.

Tempest: I'm going out on a limb here and guessing it's too late to call this off?

Mark nods in the affirmative, but with a smile, as her words are met with laughter and chuckles - despite the fact she was dead serious. She rolls her eyes and turns to the reporters.

Tempest: Well then, let's get this over with. And be gentle. if you did your homework, you'd know this is not my area of expertise.

Reporter #1: First of all, congratulations of winning your first singles championship in SCW. How does it feel not only winning the Fatal Fourway, but pinning the champion herself in that match?

Tempest: First of all, there was a time where I actually felt some modicum of respect for Courtney Pierce. Back when she won the `18 Blast From the Past and when she was competing for the World Championship. Then she seemed to have fallen off the deep end and she started relying too much on her little missus Ruby Steele helping her to win matches. That was the only reason why she even beat Ariana for this very title...

She pointed to the Internet title belt before her.

Tempest: ... And why she kept it for as long as she did. That's when that respect for her was chucked out the window. I'm glad she was the one I pinned for the title because that leaves no shred of doubt who the champion is and why I deserve it!

Reporter #2: You said if you won the championship, you were going to bring the Internet back to the Internet Championship. Can you elaborate?

Tempest: It's simple, really. I already discussed this with Mark Ward...

The Boss Man nods in agreement from where he stands.

Tempest: And I got the blessing from Calvin Harris who broke ground with this concept in the first place. Starting on Sunday the 25th, I'm going to let the SCW Universe decide my challengers with a series of polls on social media. I have nothing to hide and I am far from afraid of who will be chosen. Let the people have some say in the matter of who gets a shot at me and the championship. It'll either be a matter of who they think deserves a title shot or who they just want to see put into the ground because... it IS me, after all.

Reporter #3: Did you pick the names that will go on the polls?

Tempest: Actually, those names were picked and divided up by this man, right here.

She motions towards Mark.

Tempest: It's just going to be a matter of who gets the big title shot at the next Supercard, and who gets a shot during Climax Control. Now, that being said...

She places her hands on the table and pushes herself to her feet, grabbing the title belt in the process.

Tempest: I've already talked more now than I have since my debut so sorry to cut this short but... I'm cutting this short.

Tempest takes her leave while ignoring further questions.

Supercard Archives / Tempest vs the PTA II
« on: February 16, 2024, 08:49:57 PM »

Woman: We’re with Child protective Services. May we come in?

Tempest heard every word that the woman who had just introduced herself as Jolene Ward and her male counterpart, an Anthony Papazian, had said but because of the surprise given the circumstances, what exactly she had asked following the introductions did not register. All she heard was “Child protective Services”. Everything else was just static.

Jolene: Missus Mahoe?

Causing Tempest to blink and she looked from the woman to the man, high level of uncertainty and mistrust evident on her face.

Tempest: yeah, sorry. But put yourself in my shoes. CPS agents just show up from out of the blue at my door? I think I earned the right to be caught off guard.

Jolene: Of course. We more than understand.

The woman said as the man took a step forward, when Tempest pulled her eyes from him and then toward the woman who was clearly in charge of whatever this operation was.

Tempest: Well then you have one up on me. You mind if I ask you to fill in the blanks for me? What is this about and why are you here?

Jolene: May we discuss this inside? I’m sure you’d rather your neighbors not overhear anything said between us?

Tempest: I’m not so much concerned about my neighbors as I am my daughter.

Tempest shrugged but then surprisingly yielded, stepping to the side to allow Jolene and Anthony to step through the doorway and inside of her home.

Tempest: Then again, had I refused I suspect it would only have been a matter of time before you showed back up with a warrant and a police officer for added affect so let’s just get this over with, hm?

She shut the door behind them, then watched as both CPS agents examined the immediate surroundings, looking over everything without moving. Anthony however turned to her with what he had would be a charming smile she suspected but it had fallen far short.

Anthony: Familiar with CPS protocols, I gather?

Tempest: No. I’m just familiar with some aspects of the law. It was something of a prerequisite given my former job.

Anthony then fished around in his briefcase and pulled out a clipboard with some paperwork and files attached. He set the briefcase down and flipped through a few pages until he arrived on what he had been searching for.

Anthony: Ah, yes. You were a bounty hunter?

Tempest: No, I opened a bail bonds business in Hawaii. I only had a bounty hunting license when someone skipped out on their court dates or parole.

Jolene then checked her own paperwork as if to confirm before she addressed Tempest.

Jolene: I see. And were you in this industry while you were a parent to your stepdaughter?

Tempest: No. After her father - my husband - died on active duty, her grandmother literally stole her out from under me. Her father had me named her legal guardian but his mother hid the fact. I didn’t find out until the bi

Tempest quickly corrected herself.

Tempest: Witch … died, a few months ago and I got Anela back.

Anthony: And now you work as a professional wrestler?

Tempest: Yes! Now don’t you think it’s time that you answered a few questions for me? What is going on and why have I been reported to CPS!?

Jolene: Missus Mahoe… the fact is that we were contacted with a report that Anela might not be in the best environment. That perhaps your professions might be a danger to her or she might be neglected while you’re on the road.

Tempest: By who!?

Anthony: Missus Mahoe, if you are anything familiar with the law, you should know that these reports are made in confidence. We can’t tell you who filed the report.

Tempest set her hands on her hips and threw her head back, her eyes staring up at the ceiling in stark exasperation.

Tempest: … Fine! Where my informer job is concerned, key word - former! I own the business but it is in the hands of a team in Hawaii! Not here! I only have a license in Honolulu, and not Las Vegas so that shouldn’t be any concern!

Jolene: And your current career?

Tempest turned to the woman and frowned.

Tempest: Are you familiar with the sport? At all?

Jolene: I’m afraid not.

She looked to Anthony but he shook his head in the negative, showing that he too was unfamiliar with the inner workings of professional wrestling.

Tempest: I am far from being the only wrestler who is also a parent! Nine times out of ten if I have to travel, it’s no further now than Colorado! I wrestle once a week at MOST and I am usually back the following day! And I rarely if ever take Anela with me on that one night because she has school the following day! So I have friends here in the city that she stays with!

Anthony: And their names?

Tempest: Gabriel and Odette Stevens.

Anthony: And would you mind if we got their contact information so we can follow up?

Tempest: Unless it is absolutely necessary, I’d prefer to keep this between us.

Jolene: We understand. What of the times you have to bring her with you?

Tempest: I’ve only had to do that once. There is a strong support network of wrestlers backstage who are also parents. They watch out for each other and their kids if they come to the shows.But it’s a universal truth in that field; kids are off limits.

To which, Jolene nodded with appreciation. Anthony then stepped up and had to ask the inevitable.

Anthony: Do you mind if we have a look around?

Tempest: Do I have a choice?

Anthony: We aren’t the enemy, Missus Mahoe. We only want what’s best for Anela, just like you.

Jolene: We’re just doing our job.

Tempest was not happy as she was trying to think on her feet, how this all came about and so suddenly and from out of nowhere. Until finally she relented with a wave of the hand and stood back and as calmly as possible, watched as the two CPS agents did their job. The sooner they did so, the sooner this could be finished. The first place that Anthony ventured was the kitchen and he started to open the cabinets and refrigerator to ensure that the household had enough to eat. Which wasn’t a problem at all because both were stuffed with everything a young girl (and her mama) could want - healthy and otherwise. And while he did this, Jolene turned to Tempest with an inquisitive question.

Jolene: Anela isn’t home?

Tempest: No. She finished school thirty minutes ago but is at her art club for another hour.

Satisfied, Jolene ventured down the hallway and entered carefully into the nine year old’s bedroom to make sure she had adequate sleeping arrangements. Again, not a problem considering the elaborate and decorative bed that Tempest had bought for her stepdaughter the moment Gabriel had helped arrange for the apartment. Jolene then opened the closet door and dresser drawers to find more than enough clothing, perhaps too much for a young girl. She also had toys everywhere, a dollhouse, stuffed animals and more than one BTS poster pinned up on her bedroom walls.

(Hey, she’s nine! There’s no accounting for taste!)

And while the agents did their job, Tempest stood and watched while the entire time, she was deep in thought, wondering how the hell this had come from out of nowhere? Her train of thought went back over several days to anything that stood out until finally she arrived at… and she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in a growing rage.

Tempest: That bitch….

She murmured below her breath as after a few more agonizing minutes, Jolene and Anthony returned to the front room, joining her and breaking her away from her private thoughts about Monica Moore, a brick wall and how best to introduce one to the other. Tempest crossed her arms over her upper body.

Tempest: So…?

Jolene: So…

She looked around one last time before she looked to her partner who nodded. She turned back to Tempest and finally smiled.

Jolene: I think that there is nothing to worry about here.

Tempest: Really?

Anthony: It would seem that Anela is being very well looked after. Both here and as far as your profession. We’ve inquired about her teachers and she is receiving very good grades. Overall, I’d say you were doing a fine job.

Tempest said little to nothing, just nodded in both appreciation as well as acknowledgement.

Tempest: Can I get that in writing?

Anthony: Of course.

Tempest: And you can’t tell me who it was that reported me?

Jolene: Correct.

Tempest: Tell me something, what are the general laws surrounding filing a false CPS report?\

Jolene: That’s a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Why?

Tempest bit at her bottom lip until she finally asked…

Tempest: And if I could prove to you that these accusations against me were done out of malice?

This time it was the CPS agents that were left with nothing to say. They looked first at each other and then at Tempest.

Anthony: What exactly are you implying?

John S. Park Elementary School

The familiar setting of the school where Anela Mahoe went to was in the forefront once again, and much as last time, there was a special PTA meeting taking place. The head of the PTA, the familiar figure of Monica Moore, was currently standing at the forefront of the classroom, along with several familiar faces in attendance; Chief amongst them Hana - Tempest’s somewhat friend-in-parenting and the formidable figure of Eric among others. Everything that had taken place the last time there was a meeting had been seemingly forgotten, as Monica was all smiles as the meeting progressed. Monica clapped her hands together.

Monica: So! We’re all agreed? A spaghetti dinner to raise funds for the class field trip to the Shark Reef Aquarium?

There were many murmurs of agreement, and several hands were raised just to be certain that the vote passed. A stark contrast to how Monica’s vote turned out the last time around.

Monica: Wonderful! Now, next on our agenda … we are going to need volunteers to spearhead the dinner. I’ve already got the superintendent to agree for the use of the cafeteria, so long as everything is cleaned afterwards. So we are going to need volunteers for cooking, cleaning…

But before she could say anything further, the classroom door swung open wide with a clatter, causing many present to jump in startlement while Tempest set foot inside.

Hana: Alleyne?

Tempest looked around for the one she was searching for, and it was not a hard find as Monica was standing right there for all to see at the head of the classroom. And from the moment this woman invaded yet another meeting, the annoyance Monica felt had been usurped by an overwhelming sense of both fear and self preservation. Tempest stepped further into the class but did not go so far as to approach Monica too directly and thus give Moore cause to believe she was a threat.

I mean, she was but Tempest didn’t want her to realize that.

Tempest: So, are you satisfied?

Monica: What is the meaning of…?

Tempest: I asked you if you were satisfied!

Monica: I don’t underst-

Tempest: You can cut the crap, Monica! I already know that it was you!

Eric: Monica, what is she talking about?

Monica feigned ignorance toward Eric’s question and Tempest’s accusation, shaking her head but Hana turned to Tempest.

Hana: Alleyne, what is going on?

Tempest: I just got a visit from CPS! They conveniently received a report about me neglecting my daughter not two days after I was in the last PTA meeting where you tried to get those books banned!

Hana: What…?

Monica: What does that have to do with me…?

Tempest: It seems a little coincidental, doesn’t it? That two days after I helped get your book banning shot down, I got accosted at my home by CPS agents who had a report that Anela was being neglected and that I was a danger to because of my job!?

Monica: I don’t think I appreciate what you’re trying to insinuate…

But Tempest was not even remotely finished as she set one hand on her hip and raised the other to stress out her point.

Tempest: When you were asking me about my job last time, weren’t your exact words that you thought my job made me something of a threat?

Monica seemed at a loss for words as the heads of the parents present turned toward her virtually as one.

Parent: Funny, this isn’t the first time that we heard of a parent getting reported to CPS when they helped get something you wanted to do shot down.

Tempest: Oh, so I’m not the only one?

Hana: Monica, what did you do?

Monica placed her hand on her heart as if that made her appear any more innocent as she protested.

Monica: Hana, I swear to god! I don’t know why she’s accusing me! I had nothing to do with you or her being reported to CPS! It was…

Hana: Monica…

Monica: This just is not fair! This is why I wanted our meetings to be at my place because it is obvious that some people have something against me!

Hana: Monica…

Monica: I am just tired of being made out to be some kind of villain when all I want is what’s best for our children!

Hana: Monica!

Monica: What!?

Hana shook her head, her normally calm demeanor now taking on a more thunderous quality.

Hana: I never told anyone that I was reported by CPS.

Monica looked like she had just been slapped in the face, as everyone - even her supporters - turned toward her with silent accusations in their eyes. Monica looked around at everyone staring at her, clearly at a loss for words. But the silence in the classroom did not last for long when Tempest leaned back at the waist, and called aloud to someone.

Tempest: Did you hear that?

And into the room walked CPS agents, Jolene Ward and Antony Papazian. Monica paled considerably as the heads of those in the classroom turned from the agents to Monica.

Anthony: Every word.

Jolene: Missus Moore. We would like to have a very serious word with you.

And the scene faded out, just as Monica Moore looked ready to faint where she stood.

The screen flickered to life, showing various moments of Tempest in action on the weekly SCW Climax Control webcast…

The scene changed to a young girl watching the Barbie movie on her laptop, all dimples and smiles when a certain 6’3” amazon walked onto the screen and started throwing the blonde Barbies in every direction, sending them scattering and screaming! The little girl herself shrieks in surprise, prompting Tempest to turn to face her from the screen itself.

“Trust me when I tell you I’m doing you a favor!”

The scene changed to a scene filled with LOL! Cat memes and images, with the bust of tempest right in the center of the screen, looking up and around in every direction with an annoyed and perplexed expression on her face.

The scene finally changed one last time, showing Tempest in her wrestling gear, perched atop the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones fame. Most appropriate given the circumstances she currently found herself in. She leaned back in the seat of the throne, stretching out her long legs and arms resting on the armrests.

“What does the Bombshell Internet Championship mean? Wow, that is a loaded question if I ever heard one! I can tell you exactly what that championship ‘used’ to mean, because there was a time where the title was thought to be the second most prominent championship in either division, right after the World titles. What does it mean now? Well, for the men it still ranks right up there with Miles Kasey as the champion. The guy has been making everyone proud, standing tall and keeping hold of that title since he won it way back at the start of October. But the women? The Bombshell’s?”

She made a face and scoffed at the very question.

“Let’s be honest, the honor and prestige of the Bombshell Internet title has fallen faster than Bobbie Dahl’s panties every time Miles Kasey or Fenris posts a thirst trap picture! And Bobbie – no offense by that. Just shows a girl has taste. But let’s face it; if I were in charge, I’d be booking the opening act of any Supercard with Courtney Pierce defending her title rather than either of the Roulette Champions because at LEAST Peter Vaughn and Bobbie have been proud and hard fought champions, deserving of being higher up on the show!”

“But that’s why we’re here now, isn’t it? To rectify the situation and see what can be done to get the Internet tit;le on a new owner and back where it belongs. What’s that you say? Easier said than done?”

She shrugged her shoulders.

“If you say so.”

“Now as our esteemed champion, why shouldn’t Courtney Pierce go first? I won’t lie and try and tell the world that Pierce hasn’t been able to hold onto the championship, ever since she beat Ariana Angelos for it last December. Then again, I also won’t lie and tell the world that Pierce has been a very deserving champion because she hasn’t been.”

“When Courtney first debuted in SCW, the bitch had the world at her fingertips, having won the 2018 Blast from the Past tournament in her freaking DEBUT year! Then what happens? She seemingly gets injured and proceeds to fall off of the face of the earth! Nothing is heard from her. No updates. Nothing until she just shows up out of the blue, acting like no time has passed by and other teams haven’t accomplished what she already did years before. She starts to play the role of victim, telling the world what SCW owes her as a whole and unfortunately for the world, the bosses listened and gave her what she wanted; a world title shot that yes, I have to admit she took full advantage of and won. But what happened after that? Do you remember Courtney?”

“Over time, you started to show the world just exactly what kind of woman you really were; and that is a self centered, self righteous witch who thinks the world owes her whatever her little heart desires, simply because she wants it. You pulled the wool over the eyes of the entire world, because where they looked and thought they saw someone who had every advantage and all of the potential needed to be a true bona fide success , what you really turned out to be was the Coattail Queen!”

“From the start, all you’ve done is ride the coattails of better athletes to get ahead! You had Fenris to thank for becoming a Blast From the Past Champion and securing for yourself a world title opportunity! When you returned, you rode the bosses’ asses to get for you a title shot that, in my opinion, had long since expired! And where you stand now as the Internet Champion, you have only your wife to thank for getting you to this point! If it hadn't been for her, you would have lost that gold a dozen times over! If it hadn’t been for her, you wouldn’t even have been able to win the title from Ariana in the first place! But in the end, all of that doesn’t matter. Because this time there are three of us in that ring, looking to put your bitch ass down for the count! And not even your little wifey is going to be able to save your bony ass this time around!”

“Now Luna, if ever there was a poster girl for Wrestling Tourettes, she would be the one. Girl, if you’re out there, you still have my heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your blood. Trust me when I say that I can relate, knowing all too well the pain of losing someone that you love. But from where we stand, between you and me? The sympathies between us is where things end between you and I, because we both want to accomplish the same goals and bad as I feel and as angry as you are, to me you are just another body standing in my way of winning my first singles title in Sin City Wrestling.”

“I admit I just don’t get you Luna. You turn it on and off like a light switch, this personality - or personalities - whichever it is. On one hand, you tell me that you love me, on the other hand, you say you don’t really like me and even compare me to Krystal, saying that I’m as irrelevant as she is. Now, under most circumstances, those would be considered fighting words and I would find that extremely insulting.”

Tempest turned to a close up shot and held up a hand.

“No offense, Krystal.”

She then turned back to her leisurely pose atop the throne.

“But if I am going to be perfectly honest, this time around I just found everything you said to be very, very amusing. You’re like our own little version of Harley Quinn, but nowhere near as dangerous. Because, despite all the false bravado that you threw my way and all the insults and insinuations, there is one universal truth between us that you have failed to acknowledge time and again. And that is the fact that I have beaten your ass inside of that ring. More than once I might add! So if whatever your outlook about me is like that makes me irrelevant, then pray tell sister; what the hell does that make you?”

Tempest then sat up straight on the Iron Throne, but leaned an elbow onto the armrest and rested her chin atop her fist as she stared into the camera.

“I guess that brings you to the last place once again, doesn’t it Krystal? Not that I saved you for last as a direct message like I did the last time. This time… I just wanted to save you for last so you had no other option but to sit and pay attention. Because everyone in the entire Bombshell division knows that you have this delusion inside of that head of yours that everything revolves around you. I don’t know where you got the idea from that you have a place in this match or deserve it given your recent track record, but I can promise you that you’re the only one that feels that way. I still maintain my belief that Ariana should have been in this match rather than you, but it is what it is, so let’s move on, hm?”

“I have no direct animosity against you other than the reckless way you treat the kids at the GO Gym, whether they asked for it or not. When you broke that girl’s nose, all that did was show the world that physically bullying a student - not a fully trained and experienced wrestler - a stu-dent, is your biggest claim to fame in years! You haven’t been able to pick up a title, let alone cause a lasting impression, other than hurting a student at a gym.”

Tempest clapped her hands together slowly and with much sarcasm.

“Bravo. Krystal. You sure showed her. Now, why don’t you step up and show me? Try the same thing with me! Because all the speed and agility in the world won’t save your ass once I get my hands on you! And to even infer that you have strength even remotely compared to me?”

She snorted back laugh.

“Now all of those blows to the head are really getting to you!”

She tapped a forefinger to her head.

“They’re making you senile before your time! Now as far as I’m concerned, I’m pretty much done with you Krystal until the bell rings and all bets are off. I have nothing personal against you, really. And as far as where the GO Gym is concerned? I believe there is something to be said for loyalty. But unfortunately for you, you’ve shown the world time and again that you have no idea what that word even means. Two days, Krystal.”

She held up two fingers.

“That’s all the time that you have left to think up your excuses as to why you’ll have yet another loss added to your records!”

Tempest then drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

“So much could come from the outcome of this match. The question is, will the eventual winner actually take the steps needed to bring this title back to the prominence that it once held? Courtney Pierce, quite honestly, hasn’t done anything to really elevate this championship. If anything, the actions of her and her wife have devalued the title more than anything else! Luna Pasilno? I have no idea what is going through that chick’s mind! The girl has more personality traits than Sybil, where one moment she acts like she could be the one to raise the Internet division back to where it deserves to be, the next she is overly preoccupied by the voices inside of her head. And then there’s Krystal Wolfe. Now I know that chick better than anyone else involved in this match, considering she and I were trained by the same academy. I have absolutely no doubts if she were to win, she would be a fighting champion. Krystal would all but demand to have a defense on the first show after My Bloody valentine V, right up to the next Supercard! Wolfe would defend on every show if they’d let her, of that there is no doubt. But would that be enough in the long run?”

Tempest shook her head.

“Here’s the thing. The Internet Championship - the women's or the men's, have more potential than either is given credit for. I mean, it ranks right up there with the World Championship! I mean, hel-LO!? What part of the Internet - or world-wide-web, does everyone not understand?”

“There was only one person to take the Internet Championship literally while champion, and that would be Alex Jones. That man actually used the Internet to hype the Internet title! He used the Internet to help determine who his challengers would be in each defense of the title! He gave power to those watching, to decide who was most deserving of trying to strip him of the championship! I have yet to see anyone do anything so innovative as what Alex did with the title when he was the champion. And that is why, after winning the championship, I want to ask that man’s blessing and do the exact same thing with the Bombshell title as he did with the men’s!”

“Hell, when I win, just to do the championship justification, I just might finally make an official account for Twitter or X or whatever the hell it’s called these days!”

Tempest then stood up from her seat upon the iron Throne and looked down into the camera.

“Because after all, what sort of representative would I be as the NEW Bombshell Internet Champion if I had no Internet presence?"

Supercard Archives / Tempest vs the PTA
« on: February 10, 2024, 08:14:33 PM »

“You're going to want to be there. Trust me on this.”

Those were the exact words that Alleyne Mahoe aka Tempest read from her phone. She had received a text from the mother of one of Anela’s little friends from school, who just so happened to be a charter member of the PTA - Parent Teacher Association. During the exchange, Tempest explains in no uncertain terms that she held little interest in being a member of the PTA. She had no difficulties in helping out when asked if she wasn’t scheduled to wrestle somewhere in another state. She had even agreed (after some duress and begging from both Anela and Lucas Stevens) into being a chaperone for a school field trip. But the PTA…?

That was when the mother went on to explain she did not have to be a member of the PTA to attend the meetings, and that she was going to want to attend this one after having gotten wind of what their president was going to attempt. The mother explained briefly what the PTA President, a Monica Moore, was going to bring up, and a handful of parents were greatly opposed - and needed as much support as they could muster. That was why she contacted Tempest, as she knew if she spoke up against what Monica was going to try, then chances were more would lean their way and Monica would lose support for her so-called cause.

Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

And that was where we were discovered to be now, at the familiar site of John Park Elementary where Tempest’s step daughter attended school. But it was now well past when school had let out and the sun had begun its descent into the far horizon. Inside the school, an otherwise empty classroom was being used for this latest meeting between members of the PTA, the school’s faculty and several parents who had been tipped off and sought to attend. The meeting had just started and the previously mentioned mother, a Missus Hana Nguyen, turned her head at the sound of the classroom door opening and she felt a wave of relief as the imposing suite of Tempest looked into the room. Heads turned and despite her stature and imposing presence, being stared at never made her feel anything more than whether or not she belonged. Sort of like the new kid first entering the school cafeteria.

Hana got up from the desk she was seated at and hurried over to the door to greet her.

Hana: You made it. I was beginning to worry.

Tempest: Yeah, sorry I’m late. I had trouble getting away from the gym and then I had to bring Anela back…

But Hana waved off her concerns and explanations.

Hana: It’s alright, we haven’t started yet. I’ll

“Excuse me?”

Both women turned their heads to face the front of the classroom where there was a rather haughty looking woman having taken her place at the front of the classroom to address everyone. Hana leaned over just slightly enough to whisper so that Tempest’s ears alpine could hear;

Hana: Monica Moore.

Tempest nodded in understanding, as if she needed to be told. The woman’s very countenance in just standing there and expecting all eyes to be on her and her alone practically screamed who she was. If Tempest hadn’t known any better, she would have thought her name to be Karen, given she was dressed head to toe in hot pink and she had ‘that’ hairdo.

Monica: Can we begin? We have a full docket tonight.

Hana: Have a seat.

And Hana resumed her place where she was seated before. Tempest took one look at the offered student desk and had a look on her face as if to say, “Are you kidding me?” Instead, she stepped toward the side of the room and sat on the edge of a sturdy table, her arms crossed and her eyes on Moore alone.

Monica: Thank you. I asked for us to have this meeting because I went to the school board about the concerns that I - and many other parents - have had for some time and they have simply refused to even so much as look into it.

Hana: Look into what, exactly?

Monica: Excuse me, Hana? Please raise your hand and wait if you want to be called on…

Tempest: Just answer the question!

The head of every person present turned to the one who had spoken up so abruptly, and for the first time Tempest did not feel those familiar pangs for being looked at. She disliked this woman from the moment Hana had told her what she wanted to do and even more so when she laid eyes on her. Her attitude alone…

Monica: Excuse me? Who are you?

Tempest: Alleyene Mahoe. I’m Anela’s mom.

Monica: Well it’s very nice to have you join us Alleyene but you’re a guest right now and we have a certain way of doing things…

“Just answer the question, Monica.”

A man in a business suit and graying hair at the temples, said from where he was seated at the front of the class. His own demeanor was a stark contrast to Monica’s own. Where Monica screamed entitlement, this man practically radiated respect.

Man: What is it that you want the school to do?

Monica cleared her throat, thrown off that this man had spoken up. And despite the fact she was the head of the PTA, she had little to no influence on this man. Quite the contrary. He commanded the respect of her peers that she herself craved. She picked up a clipboard and held it for everyone to see.

Monica: I have here a list of books that the school carries in its library. Books that many of us have agreed are potentially harmful to our children.

Tempest rolled her eyes and lightly scratched behind her ear as she listened to the woman read off from her high and mighty list.

Monica: The Color Purple. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Fahrenheit 451. Almost Perfect. The Handmaid’s Tale. Now these are just a sample of some of the books that this school carries, where any student can check out. I - we - think it would be best if the school were to remove these books and the others from the library…

Hana: Why?

Monica: Excuse me?

Hana: Why do you want them banned?

Monica: Hana, we’re talking about the safety and mental well being of our children.

Tempest: No, what you’re talking about is censorship!

Again all eyes turned to this imposing figure of a woman and she remained where she sat, but her former relaxed posture had taken on a more tense disposition. Tempest shook her head and bit at her lower lip.

Tempest: I can’t believe that I’m hearing this! I mean, I think we’ve all read the news stories about books being banned in schools but I thought Las Vegas would be the last city that would jump on this bandwagon!

Monica: Missus Mahoe, you can’t just come in here and interrupt…

Man: Let her talk!

This time those present looked to the man who had spoken up earlier from before.

Man: We invite guests to these meetings for a reason, and it is not just to hear your side of things.

Hana: And you did try - unsuccessfully - to try and make your house the new meeting spot to keep out anyone whom you didn’t approve of.

Monica: But nobody has heard ‘my’ side!

Tempest: What possible defense could you have for wanting to have these books pulled and banned from the school library!?

Monica: To protect the children!

Tempest: From WHAT, exactly!? I have read some of those books that you just named! There is nothing in them that can ‘harm’ any of our kids!

Monica: Times have changed since you and I were children. The children have changed.

Tempest scoffed.

Tempest: Oh you won’t get any argument from me on that point. Kids have changed and not for the better! They’re mouthier. More entitled. Disrespectful. Crying about anything that they feel ‘threatens’ them or wanting their ‘safe spaces’.

Monica: And what exactly is wrong with our children wanting to be safe?

Tempest: Nothing if what they wanted to be safe from was any more dangerous than a bad grade. But more often than not, that’s what they want to be protected from! From the mean teachers who want to give them a zero or a F for not turning in their homework or doing their share on some group project! And it’s parents like you that raised them to be entitled and want something for nothing!

Monica: I beg your pardon! There is nothing wrong with getting points for participating…

Tempest: But they don’t participate, that’s the point! If they don’t do the work, they don’t deserve any of the credit! And if they fail and get their feelings hurt, there’s only two people to blame, and it is not the teachers!

The few teachers present swell with a sense of pride that someone is finally sticking up for them and seeing things from their point of view.

Tempest: if they want to see who is to blame, they need to look into the mirrors and across the dinner table at who raised them to believe they deserve something for nothing.

Monica: Well…! You are certainly entitled to your opinions, but this isn’t about grades or participation trophies. This is about books that are harmful…

Hana: You have yet to explain how the books are harmful, Monica.

“That’s because she can’t.” Another voice rose from the classroom. “Not without just sounding like every other person out there banning the same books.”

Monica tried to regain control of the meeting and stood up at the front of the room, holding her hands over her chest in some symbolic gesture of care.

Monica: Look, everyone. I am not the enemy. Those who agree with me are not the enemy.

Man: And who here in this room agrees with you?

Hands slowly rose up to acknowledge that they did, in fact, agree with her assessment and what needed to be done about it. Not half of those in attendance, but more so than Tempest would have thought possible or likely.

Monica: There, you see? I am just trying to do what’s right. Some of these books have sexual situations or dialogue, including same-sex situations.

Tempest: Is that what this is all about? You don’t want your kids exposed to the gays?

Monica: No! This isn’t just about LGBTQ content! There are books that have violence in them. Racism. Some of these books are too depressing for young minds…

Tempest: And who exactly are you to decide what is or is not too depressing or potentially harmful for any child that is not your own?

Monica: I am the President of the PTA…

Tempest: Congratulations, but let me tell you what you are not.

Tempest pushed herself up from where she had been seated and she walked along the rows of desks, not to approach Monica or the front of the classroom, but just enough to make a point. And as she spoke, she pointed at different adults in attendance.

Tempest: You are not the parent of his child. Or her’s! Or anyone else here BUT your own!

Monica: I never said that I was!

Tempest: But you ARE acting like it! You are standing up there and telling everyone that you want their support in taking away their choices as a parent! Now if you want to tell your kid that you don’t want them to read those books on that list of yours, well that is certainly your right!

Monica nodded, satisfied that this point did indeed come across successfully. But unfortunately for her, Tempest was not yet finished.

Tempest: But what you don’t have the right to do, is take that choice away from any one of us in this room, or any other parent that couldn’t make it! Because I can tell you one thing; if you go through with this vote and somehow you get those books removed? The FIRST thing I am going to do is go to the first bookstore I see and buy every single one and give them to my daughter!

Man: As will I.

Hana: Me as well!

There were murmurs of agreement to this train of thought sounding out throughout the room, much to Monica's obvious dismay. Her face was flushed with either anger or annoyance, but it was clear that she was altogether not used to losing control or support in one of HER PTA meetings. Monica turned for a moment and stared at Tempest, studying her as if she were trying to remember something until…

Monica: You’re the wrestler, aren’t you?

Tempest frowned, unsure where this was going or what it had to do with anything.

Tempest: Excuse me?

Monica: My boys watch wrestling. They told my husband and me that one of their classmate’s mothers is a wrestler on TV. I thought I recognized you.

Tempest: And what exactly is your point? What does my profession have to do with anything…

Monica scoffed and looked toward one of her ‘supporters’ with the type of smile you just wanted to bitch slap off of her face.

Monica: I just find wrestling to be somewhat barbaric. My boys tell me that you’re quite violent…

Tempest: Football and hockey can be violent! What’s your point?

Monica: Well… someone in such a profession isn’t the most appropriate in my opinion to be speaking out in our meetings about such delicate matters.

Tempest reared back at the waist and stared hard at this woman. Oh she was damn lucky this was a PTA meeting and not in wrestling! The temptation to put this arrogant bitch’s head through the wall was growing harder to overcome by each passing minute! So instead she settled for resting her hand on her hip and staring right at Monica in front of everyone as she spoke out one more time.

Tempest: At least I have a job. And what exactly is it that you do for a living? Oh wait, let me guess. You're a homemaker as they like to say? You drive your kids around to their little activities like piano recitals and football games, while spending your husband's money and drinking enough wine at brunch with your book club friends to threaten the existence of grapes the world over!

Monica: Ex-CUSE me!?

Man: Ladies, please! Enough!

The man from earlier stood up from the desk where he was seated, hands raised to forestall any further outbursts or protests. He shifted a side eye toward Tempest and nodded, while noticing Hana who was attempting to smother the smile on her face behind the back of her hand.

Man: We are not here for this! We are here to decide whether or not the PTA will support Monica’s cause to remove the books from the school library. The school board has stated that they will only agree if the vote passes!

Monica nodded with a smug sense of satisfaction.

Monica: Thank you, Eric. So, a show of hands? All for removing the books from the school library and banning them from school grounds?

Monica was, of course, the first to raise her hand. One by one, her supporters from earlier raised their hands as well. The man - now known by his name of Eric Campbell - counted carefully and then the hands were lowered.

Monica: All opposed?

This time, Eric himself raised his own hand, and his influence was obvious immediately as many others followed his lead by raising their hands. Even Tempest, whether she was a member of the PTA or not and whether or not her vote even counted, raised hers. Eric counted as before, and he turned his head to Monica who looked like she was about to have a coronary for not getting her way.

Eric: Motion denied.

Monica: But…

Eric: Majority rules, Monica. You know that!

Monica and Eric engaged in an intense stare down but it was one she had no chance in overcoming. Her shoulders sagged…

Monica: Fine. Motion denied.

More hushed words were exchanged at this pronouncement, teachers and parents alike turning to their neighbor to exchange ideas and opinions on the matter. Having done her part, Tempest made to take her leave, walking past Hana who gripped her arm to give her pause.

Hana: Thank you!

Tempest just smiled and went on her way, but as she exited the classroom, one last look to the front of the class saw Monica staring at her with hard and unbridled anger!

The screen we see is nothing but black, an ongoing void of infinite darkness. A small dot appears in the center and suddenly the screen comes to life and where there was once darkness, now there is simply – white. We see no floor. No walls or ceilings. But we do hear the echoing sound of footsteps as if walking along a long and empty corridor, the echo of the steps vibrating off of surrounding walls that are not even there. You see what appears to be a figure in the center of the screen, growing larger as they approach closer and closer, until it is revealed to be none other than Tempest in our view.

Tempest, dressed for combat in her wrestling gear, looks around her and sees nothing but what we see. She takes a few steps forward until her head and upper torso fill the better part of the screen as she looks around, up and down and from left to right. She then takes a step even closer and taps a finger and we hear the sharp click of her nails against glass.

“Hunh, that’s different.”

Cautious now, she backs up a few steps until she stands in full view and shakes her head.

“And disturbing. And just when I need to focus on this Internet Championship match. Okay…”

She massages her temples with her fingertips.

“I don't know what the hell is going on and truth be told, I don't have the time to figure this shit out. There are bigger things to be concerned about. Better things to look forward to.”

She holds up her hands and shows eight fingers.

“Eight days ladies. That's all the time you have left to say your prayers and kiss your families goodbye. Eight days until our esteemed Internet Champion deigns to grace us with her presence. Where one woman is going to try and overcome three to hold onto a championship that she ‘claims’ to not even want to hold in the first place.”

She scoffs and shakes her head in a disbelieving manner.

“That being said, I suppose that's as good a place as any to start this whole damn thing; with our esteemed champion. Courtney Pierce herself.”

Suddenly the entirety of the white space is filled by an image of the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion, Courtney Pierce. Sensing the movement behind her, Tempest glances over her shoulder and does a double take before resuming.

“The champion that supposedly doesn't want to be the champion. And if anyone out there actually believes this bullshit, then they need to invest for themselves some nice, high boots because it's getting pretty damn deep!”

“You know who Courtney reminds me of when she starts up over this? Mikah. Hm? Remember that chick when she had the same title for a time? She lost the gold to Devona and how did she respond? By telling everyone the whole world over that Devona didn't really beat her. That she lost on purpose. I've always looked at the Internet Championship as the second tier championship, second only to the World title.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“Not so much anymore. And I admit I don't see much behind the current World title situation either, but as far as prestige goes? I'd rank the current Bombshell Internet division a distant third. Bobbie Dahl is still new to her Roulette Championship but even she's done more to raise her title up than Pierce has! Maybe that's why Courtney 'doesn't want ‘ to be the champion. Because deep down she realizes she is not the woman who can bring the title back to the prominence that it once held?”

Tempest tapped at her chin, deep in contemplative thought.

“The last time there was a legit Bombshell Internet Champion was Kayla Richards. And I am talking about all three of her reigns, not just one or the other. Every time she held that title, she made it more important than the last and she held it for an impressive length of time. You, Courtney? You get by every woman who has gotten in your way by the skin of your teeth and you don’t even have yourself to thank! You would not be the champion today if it wasn’t for your wife, Ruby Steele. You would have been beaten for that championship a number of times, were it not for Ruby running interference. I dare even say you never would have won the championship in the first place, if it hadn’t been for her. And you try to convince everyone that the Internet title isn’t good enough for you. That you don’t even want to be champion. Well if that’s the case, then let me ask you this; if you don’t want to be the champion, why then do you resort to every dirty trick in the book to keep from losing it? Hm?”

“Why do you sit back and let your wife keep interfering on your behalf so that you can walk away the winner time and again, but you also seem pretty damn content to see her answer for her actions! How many times has she been beaten to the ground? How far did she get tossed when I used her for a lawn dart in your defense against Ariana? If you don't really care about being the champion, you would think of your wife’s safety over your own selfish goals! You would tell Ruby to stay in the back where she would be safe! Well, sugar in this match, there may be no real rules in a fatal Fourway. No count outs or disqualifications – but that isn’t a good thing for you or your wife. Because if Ruby shows her face this time, there’s going to be three – count them - three, women who will bury her in the basement for even trying to cost us!”

“Yet time and again, it’s the same old story where you’re concerned. Well guess what, Pierce? It’s time for a new chapter in that story. It’s time for a new ending and I can promise that for you, it isn’t going to be anything resembling a happy ending!"

Now Tempest rubs her hands together.

“Now we come to the woman that I was legit thrilled to get a chance to face weeks ago. There is nothing I like better than to get the chance to face a woman who can actually throw down with myself and when Luna Pasilno answered my challenge, I got exactly that!”

The scene behind Tempest in the void flickered on and off and was quickly replaced by the visage of Luna Pasilno. Tempest turns to look at it and then around her before shaking her head and continuing.

“There is no other way to describe Luna than simply calling her a bad ass chick. She is far from being the biggest woman on the roster. She’s not my or Bobbie or Zoey Lukas in size, but damn! The girl more than makes up for the fact with having a lot of fight in her! I beat her down time and again in our match and every damn time until the very end, she stood right back up and asked for more! No…”

She held up a finger.

“She demanded it. And the best part about our match is, she gave as good as she got. Luna can hold her own against anyone and she proved that by becoming a champion more than once. She knows what it feels like to be the Roulette Champion. And if she were to win this match in Vegas (she won’t but bear with me), she would be a two-time champion. The only reason I didn’t include her with Kayla as far as being the last in the line of credible Internet Champions wasn’t because she didn't hold it or deserve it, but because of bad timing and rotten luck. Luna beat the great Crystal Zdunich for the Roulette title and Aleesha Jones for the Internet gold. Crystal’s a legend and Aleesha could have been one of the greats but this isn’t about them. It just describes the hurdles Luna jumped through to get her hands on some gold. And unfortunately, neither reign lasted as long as it should have. I suppose Luna sees this match as her chance to correct that little note in history and she might even have had a chance to succeed but for one simple truth. I’m in this match. And as much as I might respect this chick, it’s not going to do her a damn bit of good if she gets between me and winning my first singles title in SCW. I’ve got two wins over you, Luna. Don’t make me make it a third!”

And just like that, the screen scrambles one last time and replaces itself with the image of the fourth woman in the match - Krystal Wolfe. Tempest does not even bother to turn and look. She simply shakes her head.

“Under most circumstances we save the best for the last, which in this case would obviously have been the champ[ion, but no. That distinction was obviously saved for the woman who, in my own biased opinion, deserves the least to be in this Fatal Fourway!”

Tempest nodded.

“Yeah, Krystal. I said it. Out of the three of us, you have the least business being in this match! You did nothing - NOTHING - to earn your way into your spot other than by going on about how you were targeting this title or that! You put your name out there, and for some reason, that was good enough for the powers that be! If I had my way, Ariana would be in this match, not you. Ariana was the one that got screwed out of the title twice by Pierce and her wife! You did nothing recently to even warrant being named in this title picture. Even when Courtney and Ruby jumped me backstage, it wasn’t you - my sister GO Gym graduate - who came to my aid! It was Luna! As far as I know, you were pretty content to just stand back and watch them try and take me out. But I will give you credit for one thing…”

“When they stuck us together in that tag team match, I admit you did have my back for as long as you needed to. Not so much out of loyalty, I imagine, but more so because you wanted to win. Which I can’t fault you for. We gelled well enough as a team, but I think that comes more from our mutual training under the same guidance than any true sense of camaraderie. You and I? We’ve never seen eye to eye. Not from the moment you wanted to cost me against Bella Madison, right up to where you started acting like a stuck up, entitled little diva. And just when I thought you were mellowing out a bit and acting your age, you go and you deliberately break the nose of a student at the GO Gym! And by your own words, you did it because ‘she provoked you’.”

“Well boo hoo, Krystal! It might have escaped your notice but life isn’t fair, especially in this business! And if you want to try and break my nose, you are more than welcome to sister, because I fully intend to provoke you like you’ve never been provoked before!”

“Ladies, it’s been a pleasure. And until in two weeks…”

Just then, the surrounding background changed once again but this time it was a continuous loop of LOL! Cat videos! Tempest spun around and shouted!

“Alright, that’s ENOUGH!”

Jolting herself awake! Tempest was once again in her Las Vegas apartment, having fallen asleep on the sofa with the open laptop running and playing - ironically enough - America’s Funniest Cat videos. But there was also the knocking on the apartment door that had pulled Tempest from her slumber. She pushed herself up to her feet and walked toward the front door, trying to get the sleep from out of her system.

Tempest: That is the last time that girl talks me into Cajun for dinner...

She arrived at the door and after a cursory peek through the peephole to see who it was, she frowned and opened the door to find two people standing there; a man and a woman. Both were wearing business clothes and both had serious expressions on their faces.

Woman: Missus Mahoe?

Tempest: Yeah? Who are you?

Woman: I’m Jolene Ward and this is Antony Papazian. We’re with Child Protective Services.


Climax Control Archives / Fear not
« on: February 02, 2024, 05:56:29 PM »
GO Gym -
Las Vegas, Nevada

The famed training facility that helped to pave the way for the future of the sport was fast becoming a familiar site where the treacherous Bombshell known as Tempest was concerned. Since her recent return to a more active role inside of the six-sided rings of Sin City Wrestling, the amazon was taking a more active outlook to her career, preferring to not rely solely on her size and power to get by where her opposition was concerned, and instead to continue with her training to hone the skills taught her and learn what new skills she may.

Considering her size and the difference it held between herself and the majority of not just the other Bombshells on the active roster, but here at the Gym as well, Tempest often had to rely on training in the GO Gym’s rings with the male graduates and Gabriel himself, with the possible exceptions of Gabriel’s wife Odette and the always dangerous femme fatales of London Underground - Mackenzie Page and Charlotte Elliot. But none of the three aforementioned women were on hand this day and after what happened in her previous sparring match against two loud mouthed students, few of the other trainees were anxious to step inside of the ring against her for something as simple yet potentially damaging as a wrestling match.

So rather than push herself too much before her match this coming weekend against a fresh faced opponent, Tempest was instead working uncharacteristically on her cardio, running at pace on one of the state of the art treadmills lined up along the wall. This was a rarity for her but was something Gabriel had urged her to work on more because there would come a time when she went up against a woman that could run circles around her. If she didn’t work on and improve her stamina, the smaller women would succeed at the old ‘hit and run tactics’ and where that was concerned, such a tactic would play a detriment toward the larger of the two competitors. Or in this case - Tempest.

But as she continued to run, she extended her fingertips to press a few buttons on the treadmill’s monitor, causing it to not only pick up speed, but to also rise into an incline so as to push her even harder. Not something she would have wanted to do regularly in front of others, having had to get used to using one of these things rather than do it the old fashioned way; by running along the streets of Las Vegas like a normal human being. The first (few) times that she tried, she admittedly fell and was grateful that the Gym had been blessedly vacant and that there were no active cameras recording at the time. And now, the only others present in the Gym were a couple of male students being directed through the basics inside of the ring by Daniel Morgan of London Underground and his wrestling colleague, Fenris. Them - and those same two little divas that Tempest had a run in with a couple of weeks ago. They were insignificant enough that for the most part, she had even forgotten their names.

Kelly and Hayley? She thinks…

But those two were over at the free weights, ironically enough, Kelly spotting as Hayley was working on her bench press. Tempest stole a glance and thought she saw Kelly steal a glance her way but she quickly averted her gaze and that was when Tempest thought she overheard some hushed whispers between the two.

Kelly: I swear, I don’t know what Gabriel or anyone in SCW sees in her! She’s just … big! That’s all.

Hayley: Big enough that she threw us around the ring like kids?

Kelly: That’s only because neither one of us were really ready. I bet when we graduate and Gabriel gets us jobs in SCW, things will change. Everyone will see that she’s not as great as they think she is!

Hayley: And that we’re the future of the sport! I mean, we’re young and she’s… how old is she?

Kelly: Too old. She should have retired years ago.

Both young women cackle like a couple of hens about to lay a gigantic egg. It was almost like the two didn’t realize how well the walls of this facility carried sound. That, or they just were that dumb above the neck. Tempest again extended a hand to the controls and with a few rapid clicks of her fingertips, the treadmill slowed down to an eventual stop. Grabbing a towel from the rail, she dabbed at her forehead and neck and then calmly walked over to the two, neither being the wiser that not only were they overheard but now about to be confronted by the same woman they were discussing.

Tempest walked up and laid a hand down on Kelly’s shoulder, causing her to jump almost out of her own skin! Kelly cast a look back over her shoulder and blanched at the sight behind her. But Tempest did nothing and said nothing. She just tightened her grip on Kelly’s shoulder and steered her away from where she was spotting her buddy, then took her place.

Hayley: I know, right! Just… say, you don’t think she can hear us, do you? Kel…?

Hayley looked up and saw the upside down face of Tempest staring down at her. Hayley gasped hard, almost inhaling her own tongue as she dropped the barbells - which were snatched suddenly by Tempest before the young woman could get injured. Tempest set the weights back on the bench where they belonged as Hayley very slowly and very meekly pulled her legs around to sit up with Kelly joining her, wide eyed, at her side. Tempest then folded her arms over her chest and looked between the two.

Tempest: So girls, what’s new?

Gabriel: Tempest?

Tempest already knew who was addressing her. His voice had been one of the most familiar to her ears these last several years but nevertheless - she turned around to address the man who did the seemingly impossible. And that was to transform this violent, hot-headed “bounty hunter” into a credible threat in the world of professional wrestling. Gabriel Stevens.

Tempest: You called?

Eyes closed, Gabriel could not help but smile that this amazon of a woman was having a bit of sport at the expense of two young hopefuls that have been something of a handful in recent weeks. Often they’ve allowed their egos and mouths to overrun their better judgment and more often than not, it’s come back to bite them on their backsides. In short, Gabriel was almost grateful that a handful of his prized graduates like Krystal Wolfe and Tempest have taken these two to task. Almost.  All the better to drive some sense of humility into their being where before there didn’t seem to be none. Gabriel beckoned her to come over to where he was standing just outside of his open office door, all the better to be able to handle the business dealings while still keeping watch over the goings on between his and Odette’s students.

Gabriel: Well, I did have something to discuss with you but before I get to that, do you think you could possibly refrain from scaring the hell out of the students? I think they’ve been through enough, don’t you?

Tempest: You’d think so but I just caught them running their mouths, again. So I just thought I’d put a bit of a scare into them.

Gabriel: Really…

Gabriel leaned over slightly to look past her and toward the two young women who were huddled together and talking in quick, hushed whispers. Gabriel stood right and nodded.

Gabriel: Remind me to have Fenris take those two on a run tomorrow morning.

Tempest scrunched her facial features, pursing her lips. Knowing full well the magnitude of Fenris’s training tactics, especially when it came to his early morning runs.

Tempest: Ooh! That’s just cruel.

Gabriel: Flatterer. But I digress. We have to talk. I have something to tell you and I don’t think you’re going to like it.

Tempest leaned back against the door frame and crossed her arms.

Tempest: Oh this should be interesting.

Gabriel: It’s just that I just got some news from Odette. She had to take Lucas to the doctor and the poor kid has a flu bug. So we’re not going to be able to watch Anele while you’re in Reno.

Tempest: Damn…

Gabriel: I know. Poor kid always ;looks forward to when his buddy is over but we can’t risk Anele catching the flu. You understand, right?

Tempest frowned.

Tempest: Of course I understand! I know I’m not the best mom in the world but I don’t want my kid to get sick! She just had the flu over Christmas. I don’t want her getting it again!

Tempest then tapped a finger to her lower lip, clearly in thought.

Tempest: Now what am I going to do?

Gabriel: You could always ask Fenris to watch her.

Gabriel snorted back a laugh as Tempest lowered her hand to just stare at him. Both knowing Fenris’s reputation for being as bad with children (in his own mind, Lucas would disagree) as he was for his infamous temper.

Tempest: Damn it! This is what I get for not moving back to Hawaii. I have no options!

Gabriel all but rolled his eyes.

Gabriel: Oh I think you have more options than you realize! The most obvious being just take her to Reno with you. It’s not even a forty minute flight. I get your little one is scared of flying but by the time she reacts to taking off, you’d have already landed. Or, you could drive there with her and just see the sights along the way. It’s not even eight hours.

Tempest: Gabriel, the flight or the drive doesn’t bother me! I can’t take her to the show!

Gabriel holds his arms out in wonder, his face a mask of bewilderment.

Gabriel: Why not? I can all but promise you the people backstage would make over her! Your girl is adorable!

Tempest had to smother a smile at that all but too true of a statement.

Tempest: She gets it from her Daddy. But that aside, what happens when it’s time for me to wrestle? What do I do then?

Gabriel: Are you kidding me? Austin is usually somewhere backstage and he could keep an eye out for her. And even if he weren’t, you have a locker room full of women, some of whom are mothers themselves! Chances are that any one of them would be too happy to watch her for you until the match is over! And you probably couldn’t find anyone better or safer to watch than one of those women. Bella? Laura Phoenix? Even Crystal. Nobody would try to mess with Anele with those women around to watch over her. Not that anyone would try anyway. There’s an unspoken truce backstage where each others’ kids are concerned. You don’t mess with someone’s children.

Moments later…

The doors that led from the Gym’s interior to the lobby itself opened and Tempest, having grabbed a quick shower and change of clothes, was being escorted out by Gabriel.

Gabriel: You have to trust me .. and your peers, Alleyne. Everything will be fine. Your daughter will get to see what goes on backstage and she’ll get to see her mom compete in person for the first time.

Clearly not taking everything to heart as much as Gabriel might have preferred, Tempest shook her head but still was trying to put as much faith into what she was hearing as Gabriel was in saying it.

Tempest: I hope you’re right!

They pass the desk where all guests - both students and visitors alike - must check in with Gabriel’s little brother Despayre sitting behind the desk, his nose buried in an upside down edition of the National Enquirer. Despayre glanced up over the rim of the paper, his eyes magnified ten times their usual size thanks in part to his Mister Self-Help glasses and focused (???) on the bigger of the two figures heading for the exit door.

Despayre: Don’t forget to cut your promo after this! Mark and Chris will dock you points if you don’t!

Tempest reached for the exit door but stopped short at hearing this little declaration. She turned to look at the little guy who had by now again buried his nose into his reading material. Gabriel too was looking toward his and Odette’s ‘little helper’ but he had a knowing smile on his face, all too used to his Despy’s way of thinking. Tempest and Gabriel shared a look and she held a hand up, stalling him from saying anything.

Tempest: I know, I know! Don’t question it!

Gabriel nodded, patting her on the shoulder as she turned to pull open the door.

Gabriel: You’re learning!

The Truckee River District is one of Reno, Nevada’s top ten destinations for both tourists and locals alike. It is viewed as an ideal place to go for a stroll, no matter the time of year. Offset by the city’s famed main road where there was a plethora of bars, museums, cafes and theaters to visit, one never had an excuse for being bored while paying the “Biggest Little City In the World” a visit.

And that would go for the stars of Sin City Wrestling as well, as the former World Mixed Tag Champion and contender for the Bombshell Internet Championship - Tempest - was out and about, casually walking along the famed Truckee River. She had just left the Automobile Museum and was not getting some fresh air, carefully avoiding all others along the path. She began to cross over the bridge and paused in the middle, arms resting on the rail as she looked to the running waters below.

“So here’s the thing. There is something about myself as a wrestler that you might not be aware of. I know, people tune in and see me and how little I talk on Climax Control or how I am when I step inside of the ring and these experts think they are already experts on everything there is to tell about me. They think that they know all that there is to know.”

She wagged a finger at the camera, shaking her head.

“Not true! You see, I am not - nor have I ever been - one of those wrestlers that have perfected the art of psychological warfare. You see certain wrestlers with vast reputations like Crystal Zdunich and J2H who have this way of expertly inserting themselves into the minds of whoever they’re set to face inside of the ring and more often than not, the battle is over already even before the opening bell sounds. And why? Those subtle little actions that they do and the things that they say, either in their promos or on social media that gets under someone’s skin and causes them to lose focus and before you know it, they’re left lying flat on their backs and staring up at the lights, wondering what the hell just happened!”

“I’ve often been told while in training and to this very day that getting into your opponent’s head is half the battle already won. But … it’s just not my bag, if you know what I’m saying? I guess you might say that I have never been one to play with my food. I don’t have social media as I always found it distracting and a complete waste of time. And as for promos, how often do you see me cut an interview before my match, saying time and again what I’ve already said is going to happen to whoever it is that’s unlucky enough to have to face me that given evening? I’m just not much of a talker. When you look like this…?”

With a wave of both hands, she showcased her imposing stature.

“You don’t have to be. And you don’t have to go out there on a microphone and talk a bunch of bullshit or hide behind some computer screen while playing the role of keyboard warrior on twitter or X or whatever the hell else it’s supposed to be called. I do not have to say or do anything but just stand there in order to get into the mind of one of my opponent’s. They take one look and see a woman that is twice their size! They see the only woman who was able to lift Bobbie Dahl into the air for a crucifix! They hear the (repeated) stories of how I hurt my back by lifting a car and they already know they are in way over their heads - and I don’t have to do or say anything in order to put them there! All I need to do is step into the ring and I see them putting on the bravest of faces but deep down I can see they are regretting ever putting their names on a contract opposite my own! Only three women by my recollection…”

She held up three fingers.

“... Ever took the initiative to challenge me rather than the other way around, or by being unlucky enough to simply draw the short end of the straw in however the matchmakers do things.”

As she recited each name, she lowered one finger.

“Bobbie Dahl. Zoey Lukas. And they are the exceptions to the rule because those two bad ass chicks are the closest to match me in size and strength. But the third?”

She shook her head.

“Not so much. And that would be the woman who decided that this weekend, she wanted to tempt fate by challenging me to a match for no other reason than saying she was brave enough - or dumb enough - to have done so. And that woman is Harper Mason.”

“Now Harper, you’ll have to give me some time here to process this whole scenario because I still don’t get what got it into your head to do this. For a little girl such as yourself to actually get it into her head to risk it all and two weeks away from My Bloody Valentine V where you and I both have dates with champions; you the Roulette and myself, the Internet title. Now I know that when you first showed up, people - mainly Christian Underwood - were teasing you with the idea of putting you into a match against me so soon after your debut but when you think about it, you have nobody to blame but yourself for having been backed into that particular corner. Because once again, social media came into play and you just started talking about being nervous or scared - or both - at the idea of eventually having to be put into a match against me. That was when our esteemed boss…”

Tempest rolled her eyes.

“... did what he does best and took the bait, and he started using you for target practice with my name as the proverbial ammo. I mean, you never know! Had you not opened your mouth, it was entirely possible that Christian may never had gotten it into his head to put us inside of the same ring together! But now we’ll never know because you made a ballsy decision … a regrettably dumb decision - but ballsy nonetheless. You decided that rather than wait and sweat it out over a possible time frame of weeks or months to see if the match would happen on its own, you were just going to tear that bandage right off and get it over with!”

She shrugged with an air of nonchalance.

“More power to you, I suppose, but you really couldn’t have waited? This match could have taken place after we both had our respective championship matches in Vegas, and while I’m secure in how I feel about dealing with the three other women that I’m up against, one would think you’d have more of a care considering you’re facing the first woman to ever beat me in a match; Bobbie Dahl. So Harper, I have to ask. What the hell got it into your noodle head that it was a smart idea to want to face me right before you have your first title match in SCW??? Why in hell would you risk it!? You have got to know that I have absolutely no intentions in taking it easy on you! Do you think I have it within myself to show mercy to you or any woman I’m up against?”

She looked confused as she placed both hands on her upper body.

“Me of all people! Sugar, I don’t care if you’re my size or pint size! I don’t give a damn if you’re some ten year veteran or a wet behind the ears rookie who is making her official debut! I treat every woman that stands across the ring from me in the exact same way; as an obstacle! A hurdle in my path. And I do not jump over roadblocks or move around them. I run right over them, no matter who the hell they are or fancy themselves to be! But this time, Harper, you really stepped into it because as of late, you’re making me feel almost as if you’re thinking of me as something akin to a stepping stone. Someone to use to serve yourself up to when you have to fight Bobbie Dahl for the Roulette gold.”

“I don’t like feeling like that. And before you even try to deny it, let’s not forget I have eyes where you might not think. I know you shoehorned your name into someone else’s tweet when it had absolutely nothing to do with you, in this little girl’s attempt to maintain being the center character to everyone’s story. You just reply to a tweet by Roxi Johnson to try and turn the subject around to what she thinks of you challenging me. You get what I’m saying here, Harper? That exchange you got yourself involved in, it had nothing to do with you. It had even less to do with myself! But you just had to go and try to make it all about you which really makes me start to see and recognize the influence that Jessie Salco has had on you because time and again, that chick made it her career goal to take any spotlight that was shone down on any other woman and turn the lights so it was on her instead. Well – good news and bad news, Harper.”

“The good news is you got what you wished for and then some! You got the match that you THOUGHT you wanted, and you did indeed turn the attention to what was about to happen between the two of us. The bad news is, is that it is just between the two of us! Jessie Salco can’t help you for obvious reasons. This has nothing to do with the two women who helped bring you into this sport - neither Roxi nor Keira can help you where it matters the most. This doesn’t involve them. It doesn’t even have anything to do with your little friend, Joshua Acquin. He can stand in your corner as much as he wants, but he’s not going to be able to do anything to prevent the end result of when I get my hands on you.”

Tempest stood up straight, arms extended and hands gripping the rain of the bridge.

“And that end result will be Mark and Christian looking for a new contender to challenge Bobbie in Vegas because there won’t be enough left of you to provide her with anything resembling a decent challenge!”

Tempest gave the camera one last, derisive look before turning her back and continuing on her way as the scene closed out.

Climax Control Archives / Unfamiiiar Territory
« on: January 19, 2024, 07:51:47 PM »
Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

Now that the holiday season was over more or less, school was back in full swing and until the much desired summer vacation was to begin. This, of course, meant that the parental figures were once again finding themselves juggling the responsibilities between their roles as parent and being a piece of the workforce tapestry that we all one day find ourselves to be a part of. And just outside of the John S. Park Elementary School, many a car was lined up along the neighborhood walks with the buses lined up ahead of them, along the school grounds. Some adults, affectionately coined as 'helicopter parents' couldn't see themselves not personally escorting their 'angels' from the school doors to their respective vehicles, and in many cases, accosting the teachers who stand outside to discuss their children's progress whether the teacher wants to or not. Other parents are a lot more loose stringed, still at work or at home and putting enough trust in their children to use the school buses or to walk the short distance between home and school and back again. Then again, there were parents like SCW's very own Tempest who found themselves caught somewhere in between.

Being so new to the role of mother to her stepdaughter Anela, Tempest felt herself torn somewhere between trusting and helicopter mode. Like a handful of parents like her, Tempest stood beside her car and patiently watched for her young one. She didn't want to embarrass her stepdaughter, but neither did she want to stray too far away on the off chance that Anela needed her for some reason. So, bundled up in her favorite wool-lined denim jacket, Tempest stood beside her tan 202 Chevrolet Transverse, watching the doors to the school remain open as one wave of children after another exited in a hurry, excited for the school day to be over and done with and to enjoy the rest of the afternoon for themselves. Every now and then, Tempest could feel the eyes of the random parent on her, which was to be somewhat expected as she towered over most of the fathers whose children attended this school, let alone the mothers. But even some of Anela's classmates and peers were stealing a look every now and then, either in wonder at her stature or perhaps they even recognized her if they were fans of Sin City Wrestling.

But then the one she had been watching for finally emerged from the school doors, flanked by Gabriel's son Lucas and two other children who Anela had grown close with ever since she first entered this school system. The kids were laughing about something but even not knowing the source of their bemusement did not stop Tempest from smiling as well, thrilled that her girl was growing into her own in this school and beginning to make friends. Especially after the sordid first few weeks when Anela had found herself the target of a particular bully. Until 'Momma Bear' had reared her head and put a stop to that nonsense. But as Tempest watched Anela separate herself from her friends, sharing a quick hug from Lucas (she'd have to have a chat with Gabriel about that later), Tempest also took note that one of the teachers had managed to separate themselves from a parent grilling them about their baby's daily progress with questions in order to accompany Anela toward her.

Ohhh, that wasn't good.

Anela rushed right up to her was her usual norm, wrapping her arms around her momma's body for a "I missed you" sort of embrace, a feeling Tem[pest herself would never grow tired of. But it was when Anela separated herself from her mom and practically dove inside of their vehicle that gave Tempest a real cause for concern. The teacher was a young man, younger than the rest of the faculty that she's seen by a fair few years, and one that she did not recognize. Once the teacher had approached her, the first thing he did was extend his hand and he wore a comfortable smile on his face.

Teacher: Missus Kahale?

Although wary, Tempest accepted the gesture and shook the man's hand, albeit with an inquisitive frown on her face.

Tempest: Can I at least hear what she did first before I answer that?

Teacher: Pardon me...? Oh, oh no.

The man chuckled, waving off any of her concerns.

Teacher: No, nothing like that. I'm Chad Weber, a student teacher in Anela's classroom. I just wanted to introduce myself and come out here to personally thank you.

A single brow rose on tempest's forehead.

Tempest: Thank me? What for, exactly?

Mr. Weber: Well we know how busy you parents are every day with your jobs, and you especially given your road schedule as a wrestler. I can't even begin to tell you how excited the children are.

Tempest unfolded her arms from across her chest and stood upright, no longer leaning against her vehicle as there was clearly more going on here than she could grasp at the moment.

Tempest: You have me at a disadvantage, Mister Weber. because I don't have the first clue as to what you're talking about.

The young teacher, or teacher's aide, blinked, his face a matching confusion to Tempest's own.

Mr. Weber: Oh? There must be a crossed wire or something. It's just that one of the parents had to cancel for Career Day this Friday and your stepdaughter...

Tempest: Daughter.

She forcefully emphasized the use of the word, thinking and loving Anela as if she were her own rather than just the daughter of her late husband and Anela's late father. The young man looked properly abashed and he cleared his throat.

Mr. Weber: I'm sorry ... daughter. She said you were only too happy to fill the vacancy for Career Day to talk to the students.

Tempest just stared as in ... S-T-A-R-E-D at the man, her head slightly reared back and she blinked.

Tempest: Excuse me?

She turned and leaned down and stared through the passenger door and at Anela who seemed to want to look in every direction BUT at her own mom.

Tempest: She did, did she...?

GO Gym

It's indeed a rarity when two students who have yet to graduate a wrestling academy take the forefront of the proverbial gossip factory that is in the locker rooms of any wrestling promotion. But such with the case with two particular young women who are currently being trained under the legendary watch of Gabriel Stevens, one of the proprietors of the famed GO Gym, a wrestling academy that had seen among its graduates names such as Fenris, London Underground, Devona and several others. But on social media, another graduate by the name of Krystal Wolfe had made mention of a particular student by the name of Kelly, a young woman who's owned sense of worth matched the potential that was seen in her. She thought for sale talented and tough enough to pick a fight with one of the more imposing and prominent of their graduates, the woman known as Tempest. When the two sparred, it could not even be seen as anything related to a sparring match as Tempest quickly put her down with a series of powerbombs and a clothesline that sent the poor young woman into a tailspin before she yielded.

But apparently Miss Kelly was not one to take such treatment lying down and she had talked to fellow student by the name of Hayley into joining her for something of a handicap sparring match against the very same Amazon. Kelly obviously felt that the numbers would be to their advantage but that is where we would be joining as we check into the GO Gym for the current happenings…

Inside of the single six-sided ring, Kelly and Hayley each had hold of one of Tempest's arms and attempted to Irish whip the larger woman into the ropes but Tempest easily put on the brakes and instead, used her overwhelming power to whip her arms together, causing both students to collide into one another and fall to the mat! Tempest dragged Kelly up to her feet and threw her into the ropes, so hard that Kelly almost spent entirely backward over the top rope and fell out the hard way! But nevertheless, the young student came ricocheting off of the ropes and Tempest threw her clear up into the air and allowed her to drop via a flapjack!

On the outside of the ring, there was a small gathering watching the proceedings. Of course Gabriel himself was the most prominent being the trainer of these young women. But on one side of him was one such fellow graduate, Fenris as he watched with much amusement at what was happening. On the other side of Gabriel, was his proverbial “little brother” Despayre who watched and cringed at every heavy impact against the mat, casually munching on a bag of popcorn with heavy butter. Nearby was the aforementioned Krystal Wolfe, who was watching what was going down in between continuous moments of face palming at what these two girls were putting themselves through.

Krystal: You'd think Kelly would have learned after the first time, huh guys?

She mused as she accepted a handful of buttered popcorn, offered over by Despy.

Back inside of the ring, Tempest now pulled Haley up to her feet and through her into the ropes. Haley screeched as she came flying off and Tempest scooped her up onto her shoulders in a fireman's carry. It looked as it Tempest was going to go for one of her trademark maneuvers, the Samoan drop, when she caught movement out of the side of her eye. Kelly, going back on the offensive, was scaling the corner nearby for a leaping attack. But Tempest marched over to a suddenly wide-eyed Kelly and piled her on top of Haley, bringing both women out of the corner on her shoulders in an awesome display of her brute strength!

Fenris: Shit…!

Gabriel: Bloody hell..

Both men mused together, and both men dropped a dollar into the immediate outstretched hand of Despayre.

And Tempest suddenly fell back, delivering the Samoan drop to both students at the same time! Kelly landing on the bottom, Haley on top of her and Tempest own weight adding to the pile up under the maneuver! Gabriel strolled over toward the ring apron and picked up the hammer which he used to strike the time keeper's bell, signifying an end to the match.

Gabriel: Alright you lot, that's enough! I think you put them through enough.

Those next words directed toward Tempest herself, who was now standing and leaning against the ring ropes on her forearms.

Tempest: They started it.

Gabriel: And you finished it, so let's have a chat while the girls get scraped up off of the mat.

With one final glance back over her shoulder at the pileup of limbs and bodies, Tempest stepped over the top rope and dropped to the floor as Krystal slid inside of the ring to lend a hand, staring over the student known as Hayley.

Krystal: So how did you get roped into this?

Hayley: Kelly wanted a sparring match. She left out the part about Tempest!

On the outside, Gabriel passed his graduate a bottled water and Despayre even offered over his bag of popcorn to which Tempest took a handful, allowing Despayre to skip back outside to the lobby to relieve Angel the teddy bear for his coffee break.

Gabriel: You were a little rough on them, don't you think?

Tempest: Consider it a learning curve. Their opponents would have went a lot harder on them if they were to run their mouths about them the way little Miss ran her's about me.

Gabriel: Fair. Plus I imagine you had to have been working off a bit of steam after what you found out.

Tempest cast a look back inside of the ring, watching as Krystal helped first Hayley and then Kelly to their collective feet and she scoffed.

Tempest: I'm not worried about teaming with Krystal. I'm not thrilled about it, but she and I already talked things out and I think we're on the same page for the time being.

Gabriel: Well, that's good to know but it wasn't what I was talking about.

Tempest shook her head as she took a drink of her offered water, indicating she didn't know what he was talking about.

Gabriel: Lucas tells me that Anela volunteered you for Career Day?

Tempest closed her eyes and sighed an audible exhale worthy of her suddenly dour mood. Quite the contrast to the smile on Gabriel's face, taking some small amount of pleasure at seeing one of his Gym's most volatile graduates brought down to earth by a simple child.

Tempest: I still can't believe that she did that. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do.

Gabriel: You're going to do it, that's what.

Tempest looked to the man who was in charge of bringing her into the world of professional wrestling but looked at him as if he had just said the single most ludicrous thing she had ever heard.

Tempest: Gabriel, have you met me? I hate interviews during shows which is why I avoid them like the plague! How in hell am I supposed to get through a bunch of little kids and their judgmental parents grilling me about what I do?

Gabriel: By recognizing it for what it's for.

He placed a reassuring hand on her arm.

Gabriel: Anela volunteered you to speak at her Career Day because she loves you, and is proud of what you do. Sure some kids might have parents who are doctors or lawyers but I can almost promise you that out of all the careers and demonstrations, yours will be the one that draws the most attention.

Tempest looked at him in brief silence, contemplating the truth to his words. Sure she absolutely hated being the center of attention in such an environment, but why else would Anela have volunteered her in the first place if what Gabriel said wasn't true?

Gabriel: Plus, and let's be honest about this. Having her mother who is something of a celebrity that appears on TV every week is going to earn that little girl a lot of brownie points amongst her peers.

Tempest: Speaking from experience, are we?

To which Gabriel chuckled and nodded his head.

Gabriel: Believe it or not, I am. Try to remember that Lucas has been going to that school longer than Anela by a fair few years. I got invited for his Career Day once, and if I can get through it, you certainly can.

He ended their talk by giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder before he went toward the ring to check on the two students who were still in an obvious daze. Tempest watched after him for a brief moment and closed her eyes, exhaling sharply through her nose.

John S. Park Elementary School

And as it turned out, Gabriel's words of encouragement proved quite true. Tempest was indeed the highlight of Anela’s classroom Career Day. Gabriel had even let a hand in the last minute edition, helping her to set up a small backdrop that resembled a wrestling ring before an audience. He also got hold of several videos and splice them together, highlighting some of her best matches against opponents such as Zoey Lukas and Seleana Zdunich. These aired in a looped replay, and it drew more attention to Tempest than the attention being given to some of the other adults who were chatting with students and teachers alike about their own respective careers.

And then when each parent took their turn in front of the class for questions, despite her discomfort at being “interviewed” by children and adult alike, she focused on Gabriel's words. That it was the pride of her little girl that brought her there, so she simply did her best and answered as honestly as she could.

Student 1: Who was your toughest opponents?

Tempest: Oh, no doubt about it. Bobbie Dahl and Zoey Lukas. Those two women gave me my toughest matches because there aren't very many on the roster who are about as big as I am. They are, and they both gave me a very tough match. This also might surprise you but I would also have to say Seleana Zdunich.

Student 1: Really??

Tempest: Oh yeah. She doesn't get enough respect in this business as I think she should.

Student 2: What what's your favorite match ever?

Tempest gazed up thoughtfully, taking a moment to think back over her career thus far and one moment in particular brought a smile to her face.

Tempest: I would have to say the match where I teamed with Austin James Mercer to win the Mixed Tag Team titles from the Barnharts.

Student 3: Who is your best friend in this business?

Tempest: Austin, definitely. We started as something of a tag team and over the course of time, got to know each other. We grew close and I can say that behind the scenes he is an entirely different man than what people see on the screen. I have no qualms at all at calling that man my best friend.

Student 4: Who do you like working with the most? I mean, as far as opponents?

Tempest: Any woman who can give me a proper fight. Women like Bobbie and Zoey. Mercedes Vargas. Alexandra Calaway.

But it wasn't just the students who were taking advantage of this situation. A couple of the adults, predominantly a doctor, took some umbrage at a mere professional wrestler hijacking the spotlight of Career Day. The moment she saw her opportunity, she raised her hand just as the students did so that she might ask a question to put this woman on the spot.

Doctor: Do you think that your profession is a suitable one for children like these to go into business?

There were a few hushed whispers heard in the background as Tempest stared at the woman. A couple of the teachers fidgeted, having not expected something like this to happen or any form of professional jealousy to take place. After all, this was supposed to be about the student's future welfare and enjoyment. Not the parents competing with one another for attention.

Tempest: Well I wouldn't exactly say that this career is meant for everybody. But there are some seriously wonderful opportunities that have been given to me that I wouldn't get anywhere else, whether I was practicing law or performing surgery. I've gotten to tour countries that I never thought I'd be able to set foot in. I've met a lot of people, young girls who said that they would look up to me as an inspiration because they're different and if I'm different and can make something of myself, so can they.

The doctor seemed almost embarrassed as a few hard stairs turned in her direction for having caused this, but Tempest was far from done.

Tempest: And I will go on record and say that careers like lawyers and doctors have a lot of benefits for the world and people around them. But I've been given some of those same benefits and more. Just last year, we toured Egypt. Austin and I were given an opportunity and he and I actually worked in one of the villages, helping some of the villagers rebuilding a hut that had been destroyed. Those are what some of the opportunities are that have been afforded to me. And I am grateful for every one of them!

Tempest stared hard at the doctor, as did some of the students and many of the adults present until she sat down, her neck and face burning under the embarrassment she had put herself under.

"When I first heard about this match, I wondered what I did to deserve this. It's no big secret backstage or in the SCW offices how I feel about tag team matches. When I first showed up, I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with tag team matches because I didn't want to have to learn to reply on anyone but myself for my successes or failures inside of the ring. I don't like the thought of having to stand on the outside looking in, watching but being unable to do anything until the person that I'm teamed with can be deigned to tag me in to take my turn at beating someone down. And for the most part, the powers that be have respected this outlook. For the most part."

"I'd be a lair if I didn't admit my best success stories have been in the mixed tag team division and having a man like Austin James Mercer to rely on. Still, in my own opinion mixed tag team matches are a whole lot different than regular tag team matches. In the mixed tag division, I try to look at the positive side of things and see it as singles matches -- but with a tag team partner of the opposite gender. Austin and I brought prominence to the division whereas a certain other team all but killed it at the time. But that's not the spot I find myself in this week, is it?"

"This week, the higher ups took my one boundary I set up for myself and kicked it down, sticking me in a regular tag team match with three other women who, as is told to me, is being hyped for a Fatal Fourway match at the next Supercard. A taste test of what's to come, I imagine. All things considered, I can't imagine how they ultimately ended up choosing who was teaming with who. Did they draw names out of a hat or did they recognize that Krystal and I were alumni from the same academy and thought that would make for an easier pairing? Who knows? All I know is it could have been a lot worse. I could have been teamed up with Courtney with that piss ant wife of her's in our corner, so I'll take what blessings I can get, where I can get them."

"Krystal and I have a history between ourselves, and most of it is not looked back on with much fond remembrance. Krystal was not only my first opponent after I went on that initial rampage to get the bookers to get the damn lead out and actually book me, but she also was my first in a long line of wins since I signed. Now I can't tell you if Wolfe ever looks back on that and if it gets under her skin, but that was only the first step in what I would call a long sand colorful story between she and I. Despite our being from the same Gym, she had also wanted to interfere and cost me a match against Bella Madison because it would have been in her own best interests at the time. Well, professionally it would have. But had the little girl followed through, I can tell you from what would have happened by me and toward her, it sure as hell would not have been in her best interests. Now I can imagine she has her own opinions about me, both good and bad and I can say much the same. I look back at the woman and I have thought of her as a liar and a prima donna. A diva with a bigger attitude than what she deserves and who goes on rampages when she loses or doesn't get what she wants from the match makers. She draws negative light towards herself through her own actions and then tries to play the victim card afterwards when she gets called out. But that was then, this is now. In the future - in a matter of weeks, she'll be one of three opponents for me, for my time to win the Internet title. But in the here and now? She's my tag team partner, and like it or not, she and I are going to have to co-exist if we want to wipe the smug smiles off of Courtney Pierce and that little Chihuahua, ankle biter wife of hers!"

"Now as far as Luna Pasilno goes, she and I have our own past of sorts. In fact, it was just a couple of weeks ago where that chick stepped up to the plate and gave me a pretty damn good fight. I made it pretty well known that I wanted to get back inside of the ring and while Christian Underwood spent his time teasing or threatening Harper Mason with me, it was Luna who stepped up and told the world that she'd be only too happy to give me what I wanted; an honest and legit fight inside of the ring. When most of these little girls who are half my size avoid me like the plague under the illusion that they're not scared or just don't care about facing me, Luna was the one who made the first move. I said I'd face anybody and she answered the call. The woman had no other reason to step up to the plate other than to prove herself and while she didn't go down ion the record books as the winner, she went down fighting! And that is all I ask of any woman who I get inside of the ring against. In some cases I've been less than impressed. But not with Luna. The chick is not the biggest woman by stature. I mean, I have almost a full foot on her and probably a hundred pounds. If you were to look at the two of us, you'd just assume I'd run over her like a Mack truck with the brake lines cut. Not so! No, she's not the size of myself or Bobbie Dahl or Zoey Lukas but the chick has heart! She brings that heart to the fight and THAT is what makes her dangerous! THAT is what makes me think the woman is going to become a champion again, sooner rather than later! But not at My Bloody Valentine V. And certainly she won't be walking out of Colorado as one of two winners this weekend. Especially not considering who she drew the short straw with for a partner!"

"I know. I know a lot of you are saying 'But her partner is the Internet Champion'! Her partner is a former World Champion and a Blast from the Past Champion!' Mm hm. Good for her. But let's face facts. As of late, Courtney Pierce's spotlight has dimmed. And that is because more people are paying attention to her wife on the outside of the ring than they are to Courtney herself on the inside! And why? Because lately, ninety nine percent of Pierce's wins against better opponents have been because of her wife's constant interfering in her matches! No matter what the big brass thinks of to stop Ruby Steele from, interfering in her wife's matches, it never works out and one way or another, she gets involved and Courtney's hand gets raised as a result! And do you know what the saddest part of this is? The two are actually quite proud of the fact! Pierce calls herself a champion but she freely admits she'll do anything to win a match and relies quite brazenly on Ruby interfering so she can keep her championship! And that is the woman who calls herself the Internet Champion, huh? Well, she can keep up that pretense as much as she wants but she's not fooling anybody save for herself. Pierce knows her title reign is on borrowed time, why else would she and her wife jumped me last week? She has seen me. She knows what I can and will do to someone like her, and she knows I am the one woman her wife can't save her from! She can try to throw her wife in my path but all that will serve is a quick way to put Little Ruby six feet under and let the world know how little regard she holds her wife! So Courtney, just this once ... if you truly care about your wife, tell her to stay in the back. Keep her out of harm's way because this is one storm you are not going to be able to weather no matter how much you try to prepare!"

"And no. Given her success rate inside of the ring, I don't think I could have asked for a better partner out of the three."

"When I first heard about this match, I wondered what I did to deserve this. Now I'm wondering, what Courtney and Luna did to deserve it."

Climax Control Archives / Not how I wanted it to go
« on: January 05, 2024, 08:15:30 PM »
December 23, 2023 -
Las Vegas, Nevada

The holiday season of 2023 has come and gone, but for those of us within the realm of Sin City Wrestling, the miracle of flashbacks is not something that is relegated to one instance or another. In fact, we can go back as far as we wish in order to reflect on times past so that we might better learn and experience from memories - be the beloved or hard to face and confront. And when it comes to the holidays, one can visit the good or the bad because there is absolutely no promise or guarantee that either will be the case. You can plan your Christmas or ule or Hanukkah down to the very minute detail and even the smallest thing will lay waste to the absolute best of plans.

Case in point…

Tempest: Hey Momma.

Tempest said from her end of the call she had been worried about placing since yesterday, but there was no mistaking the circumstances and no turning back. The woman who was looked at by the SCW Universe, fan and competitor alike, as the literal amazon of the six-sided ring, looked to be anything but given the circumstances.

Nalani: Alleyne! Dear, I wasn’t expecting you to call!

Tempest: I know, Momma, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.

And as quickly as her mother’s face lit up with the call from her ‘baby girl,’ it fell just as quickly with the words dreaded by any parent.

Nalani: Oh dear, what is it?

Tempest closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, exhaling through her pursed lips before she broke the news.

Tempest: Anela and I aren’t going to be able to make it for Christmas.

And what mother wanted to hear that the wouldn’t be seeing their child (even just one of several), that one most magical day of the year. Nalani looked absolutely devastated, her free hand placed over her heart and her eyes were closed for a brief time while her daughter continued from her end of the call.

Tempest: I know despite what we talked about on Thanksgiving that we’d come to you, but Anela isn’t feeling well. She started getting sick yesterday and I don’t know if it’s a cold or the flu or…

Nalani: Dear, if it’s just a little cold…

Tempest: Momma, whether it’s just a little cold or what… bringing a little girl onto a plane for a seven hour flight would just be irresponsible. The poor thing would be in misery.

Nalani: I know dear, I was just hoping so much to see you both with everyone…

Tempest: I know, and I was looking forward to that perfect little first Christmas with my daughter but sadly things don’t always work out the way that we want them. Plus, answer me this; and be honest! How would you react if someone tried to get you to bring one of your sick children onto a flight?

Nalani sighed, despite herself, and found herself unable but to admit the truth.

Nalani: I would probably forget that I was a lady and tell them where to go.

Tempest chuckled, never failing to take delight in her mother’s way of putting her thoughts into words.

Tempest: Well, I never claimed to be a lady but I would also never tell my own mother where to go.

Nalani murmured.

Nalani: Smart girl…

Tempest: And I wanted you to know this is not how I wanted my first Christmas having Anela back to go but…

Nalani: I know, I know. It’s alright Alleyne. Well, it’s not alright but I more than understand. So … it is just a cold? It’s not…?

Tempest: I don’t know yet but I pray to God not. That’s all this poor kid needs! I’ve kept us holed up in the apartment just in case but will give her the test first thing in the morning.

Nalani: Poor thing… Well dear, I still hate that you two won’t be home but I’ll let the family know. Now you just go take care of our little girl. Just make sure you keep me updated on how she is and call us come Christmas!

This was one of the many reasons why Alleyne - Tempest - loved her mother so much. Disappointed though she was, she always had her priorities in order and her heart remained in the right place.

Tempest: I will, Mama. Love you.

A sentiment that was as well spoken as it was sincere. Tempest was not a woman who regularly showed such emotion, preferring to allow the image of her being an angry Amazon to perpetuate in the minds of those around her. But where family was concerned, particularly her mother, there simply was no going back from being the loving woman that those closest to her knew her to be.

Nalani: Love you too.

And that being said, the call was ended. Tempest turned her phone off and set it on the counter of the kitchen in her new apartment in Las Vegas. She stood up from the bar counter and walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and taking out a single bottle of beer. She used to be more free when it came to having a beer every now and then, but with a child in the house, one of whom she had bought for so long to regain custody of, she felt almost a sense of guilt when it came to having a drink. And she was just about to pop the cap off the bottle, when she closed her eyes and exhaled.

Tempest: Damn it.

And she opened the refrigerator back up and set the bottle back inside, shutting the door behind it. This was going to take some getting used to.

Tempest then turned and walked out of the kitchen and down the hall where she arrived at the door that was slightly a jar so as to better afford her adopted step daughter some some months of privacy but also allow her to keep an eye on the young girl given she was under the weather. Tempest nudged the door open further and gazed into the darkness and she could see the huddled form under the blankets, hidden from head to toe. She knew Anele well enough that when she wasn't feeling well, she was curled into a fetal position just as she was now.

Tempest crossed over the carpeted floor of her step daughter's bedroom and sat as gently as was possible given her 6 ft 3, 200 plus pound frame. But no sooner did she do so than Anela snuggled up to her in her sleep. That was all the invitation this Beast of a woman needed, as she kicked off her shoes and Drew her legs up onto the small bed, resting back against the headboard. She draped an arm around the girl and just sat there for her daughter who needed her, simply being a mother.

The follow morning…

And thank God, Anela did not have COVID. Tempest had administered the at home test on her stepdaughter, and the girl put up an impressive struggle to having a swab stuck up her nose, but in the end the result came back negative which was a great relief. Tempest then did the unthinkable and asked her next door neighbor, a kindly older couple, to keep an eye on the apartment while she ran to the nearest drugstore and stocked up on every available child's cold and flu medicine she could get her hands on.

This was all foreign territory to her, and by her own admission Tempest did not know how her mother managed to do the same between herself and her three older brothers. She doused Anela with vitamins, medicine, and of course the obligatory orange juice and chicken soup simply because her own mother had insisted upon it. And when it comes to their children, or in this case, grandchild, a mother/grandmother knew best.

By the time night had fallen this evening on Christmas eve, Anela was feeling somewhat better but still not entirely under the radar of the bug that had caught up with her. Tempest had chosen to forego temporarily the chicken soup and orange juice and sent for takeout at her step daughter's behest, getting the Chinese food that the young girl wanted so badly. Not that Tempest minded, mind you. She could certainly do with some spicy shrimp while Anela hit at her own beef and broccoli but only ate it sparingly, still feeling the influence of both the flu as well as the medicine taken. Tempest even ignored her own rule about no eating in the living room and she sat on the sofa with her own plate while her stepdaughter stretched out with her head in her lap, the pair of them watching the traditional Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV.

The lights were turned down, the colorful and soft twinkling of the Christmas tree lights dancing off of the white walls that surrounded them. It was one of the things that brought a sense of magic to this one night. And it had nothing at all to do with the pile of elaborately wrapped Christmas presents that were under the tree.

Honest! It was not as if Tempest was in any hurry to spoil her stepdaughter on their first Christmas together. And if you believe that, I have some motion front property in Arizona that I would like to sell you!

“Well, isn't it amazing how things seem to take on a life of their own and work out for better or worse? I have to admit that the past couple of weeks or not what I had expected. I had hoped that my first Christmas with my stepdaughter would have been perfect but circumstances dictated otherwise. And even though it wasn't what I envisioned, I have to admit that it still turned out special.”

“Weeks ago when I thought all hope was lost for my new family, that was when Gabriel Stevens put something into my head that never truly took root until Christmas eve. He told me that the family I have in Hawaii was not my only family. Or I'm from, family always meant a great deal and took precedence above all else. But this year I wasn't able to be with my family for the holidays, and what did that man do? On Christmas Eve he showed up at my door, with his own family, to celebrate Christmas Eve with me and my daughter since they would be busy the following day. That was what he meant. And that was the moment I realized the truth that rang true behind his words.”

“I have family here, in Las Vegas, where I need it when I can't be home. Gabriel and his family. Carter, Ariana and their significant others. Despy and Synn. And perhaps most especially my closest friend, Austin James Mercer. Everybody. And even though my GO Gym family all said that they would be busy on Christmas day, they still stopped by once again to visit and wish us well, and make sure that my daughter had even more presents than I had already given her. The way her eyes lit up on that one morning, it made everything right. It made all the pain from the struggles of the past several years of wanting her home completely worth it in the end. And it made me value and cherish the people that helped me get here, where I am today, all the more.”

“Which is why this Sunday, things are not going to go well at all for my opponent, Luna. All due respect to Luna, I never once expected somebody simply to step up and volunteer to be my opponent because quite frankly, I can't remember the last time that ever happened if at all! But you said if I wanted someone to fight inside of that ring, you would step up. And step up you did! That I have to respect.”

“But it doesn't mean that things are going to go any easier for you simply because you chose to do so. If anything, quite the opposite. Because yes, I do want to have somebody to fight. And you volunteering was just your way of placing yourself in harms way. I am not the sentimental sort by any means of the word, but all of the love and support that I’ve and shown over the years by everyone from the gym and Austin's own support, has given me all the motivation I could need or want.”

“Some of my critics were right. For the last 4 years I was content. I could easily stand back and take my fights where I chose. No more, no less. My tag team with Austin is the peak of my career that I will cherish the most, but I think it's time that my sights were set on singles gold as well. Up until now, I couldn't have cared less. To me, those championship belts were just baubles. Trinkets to feed the egos of pretty little blonde girls who fancy themselves as more than they really are. I've sat back and watched people that I have been close to in this business lose themselves because of his desire to wear one of those belts around their waist and call themselves The best. I didn't want to all that far, I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole”

“And now? While I still feel that championship belts are just show and decoration, I think it's high damn time that I show these girls, time that I show all these armchair experts who don't think I have what it takes, that I in fact do! And it all starts this Sunday. It all starts with you, Luna.”

Climax Control Archives / Uncharted territory
« on: December 01, 2023, 09:57:46 PM »

Honolulu, Hawaii

There is a reason why Hawaii is considered a tropical paradise in the United States. Generally speaking, when October comes to a close and November arrives, it means the coming of the winter season. While it is still technically autumn, leaves change color and fall to the ground below, and warm temperatures become chilly. Bright blue skies are more often than not gray and overcast, with cold rains and soon - snow - falling from the heavens above. But here in Hawaii…? While November does indeed herald the winter season’s approach in the ‘Islands of Aloha,’ the temperatures remain comfortable year round in the averages of 79°F to 83°F and at night, it drops to around 68°F to 72°F. Even as the year comes to a chilling close in 49 of the other states, it remains comfortable enough in Hawaii to enjoy the islands’s black sand beaches, lush rain forests and those glorious waves.

And here we are, on Thanksgiving morning just outside of the Mahoe residence, a sprawling estate where Tempest and her brothers were raised by their parents. The house was two levels and had a rustic, somewhat old fashioned appeal to it. It was far enough away from the road that ran past that they were comfortably separated from traffic and the nearby neighbors so that their privacy could be maintained. The drive was filled with cars as family had come from each of the islands that had been spread about over the years, but it was one car, a rental in particular, that was to be the main focal point of this tale to tell.

Inside of the deep blue SUV was none other than the woman known to wrestling fans as Tempest, but to her family as Alleyne Mahoe-Kahale. The engine had remained shut off for many long moments as Tempest knew the little passenger to her right was nervous and needed time - and she was prepared to give her as much as she wanted or needed. The nine year old Anela Kahale sat frozen in the passenger seat, her eyes staring straight ahead at all of the cars lined up in the drive.

Tempest: Are you okay?

The little girl swallowed hard, trying to hide it from her step-mother’s attention but it did not go entirely unnoticed. Trying to put on a brave face as she felt her dad would have wanted, the little girl nodded.

Anela: There’s a lot of people here.

To which Tempest smiled and nodded, looking out at all of the cars.

Tempest: Mm. Family came in from all over Hawaii for today. My aunt - your grandaunt - was going to host but then the family changed plans and agreed to have Thanksgiving hosted here.

Anela: Why?

Tempest turned back to look at her little one once again.

Tempest: For you, sweetpea.

Anela looked up at the woman who had married her daddy and she looked to as a mom until that fateful day when her grandma tore her from her custody, an act which unbeknownst to any of them at the time had been highly illegal. The little girl was quite obviously confused and Tempest closed her eyes with a soft smile that seemed almost alien in nature to those that knew her in the sport of wrestling.

Tempest: It’s been a long time since any of them got to see you. My Mom and Dad - your Grandma and Grandpa - were so excited that you got to come home to me, they started demanding straight away for us to visit. And, well dare I say your uncles…

Tempest chuckled.

Tempest: They told me quite specifically that if I didn’t bring you for Thanksgiving so that they could see you again, they’d have flown to Nevada and gotten you themselves.

This time, Anela’s smile matched Tempest's own, to think and feel - to know - that she again had family. Family that cared about her and wanted to be with her. Of course when her Daddy and Tempest had first married, she had met them and until Malulani’s untimely passing, they spent quite a bit of time together. But that was years ago, and now she was almost ten years of age and about to be reunited with this family plus many more members she had never met.

Tempest: Are you ready? I’ll be right there.

Again, Anela nodded albeit silently and she reached for her seat belt to unbuckle and exit the vehicle.

Would things still be the same? Would they like her still?

From the very moment the front door was opened, the delighted cry of Tempest’s mother, Nalani, hands over her mouth and eyes wet with tears as she rushed to greet her granddaughter - well, it was answer enough…

To answer the questions of the curious, yes indeed. Thanksgiving is celebrated as much in Hawaii as anywhere else in the other states. With one key difference; rather than the traditional turkey, Thanksgiving was celebrated much like any luau. The large table in the Mahoe residence had been filled to the point of breaking, the legs of the table threatening to burst from the hefty weight of the feast upon its surface; Kalua pork, Hawaiian poi, chicken long rice, Huli Huli chicken, Laulau, Molokai sweet potatoes, Pipikaula, Poke, Shoyu chicken, sweet breads, Kulolo, Haupia, and so very much more. But it was now the late afternoon, and most of the food had been eaten. Now the house had fallen to a comfortable silence as many of the children were outside playing and the adults inside, talking amongst one another until it came time to draw this visit and the holiday behind it to a close.

However one child had simply had too much to eat and after a long trip, she had all but passed out on the sofa in the living room, her head draped on the lap of one of Tempest’s brothers - her uncle while he and others in the family watched a game on the television. And this loving and endearing would remain forever in Tempest’s memories as she sat at the kitchen counter with a Blue Hawaii drink in her hand, her eyes never leaving the sight she didn’t believe she would ever get to see.

Nalani: I don’t think I’ve seen you smile so much in such a long time.

Her mother broke the comfortable silence, taking a seat beside her daughter with a cup of coffee in her own hand. Tempest’s attention shifted back and forth between Anela and her mother until the truth came forth.

Tempest: I didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to smile like this again.

Nohea: Are you bringing her back for Christmas?

Tempest’s youngest brother had approached, taking time away from watching the game with the rest of the men and a few of the ladies, so that he could visit with his sister and converse a bit about his niece. He leaned against the counter from the opposite side, prompting Tempest and her mother to turn around on their stools so they could speak more easily so as not to be overheard.

Tempest: I’d love to but I have to admit it’s doubtful.

Nalani: Why not? It would be so wonderful! Her first Christmas with the family.

Tempest: I’m aware, Momma, but the flight was rough on her and I don’t want to put her through that again so soon after we go back to Vegas. I was actually hoping for maybe something of a compromise?

Nalani: Such as…?

Tempest: Such as you coming to Las Vegas to spend Christmas with us there.

Nohea: I’m not sure all of us would be able to get enough time from work to be able to make the trip.

Nalani: And that is such a long trip..

Causing Tempest to frown and shrug her shoulders, holding a hand out.

Tempest: You’re asking me and a nine year old child to make the same trip. And might I point out I have a guy I work with that flies his family in from Iceland every Christmas. Now if they can travel all that way…

Tempest leaned back in her seat, satisfied that she just scored the winning point of this little debate. Nohea and his mother shared a knowing look, to which their mother said…

Nalani: We’ll… think about it. I’ll have to talk to your father.

Nohea: You know what the obvious solution to this whole flying back and forth is, don’t you?

Tempest: If you say move back to Hawaii full-time then I am going to body slam you in the leftover poi!

Nalani: Why? Now that you have your daughter back, there’s no reason for you to be so far away from your family.

And Gabriel’s words from their private chat many moons ago returned to tingle her ears, where he had told her that she had family in Las Vegas as well.

Tempest: Momma, I’m not rich. I can’t just fly back and forth between Hawaii and wherever SCW needs me at any given time.

Nohea: Again, the obvious answer is that you don’t ‘have’ to keep wrestling. Your bonds business is a lot more secure than wrestling.

Tempest: It’s also a potential detriment for when I go through with the adoption process compared to wrestling.

Nalani frowned: What do you mean?

Tempest: Momma, if I returned to working at my bonds business, it could cause CPS to look at me as unfit.

Nohea: Bullshi-

Tempest: It is not! It’s a fact! Bonds … bounty hunting… both are highly dangerous and in the eyes of the CPS, too dangerous. They could easily declare my home as an unsafe environment for Anela and that is not a risk I am willing to take! Not now… not yet!

Nohea stood up straight and Nalani sighed.

Nalani: I suppose I can understand that. I do not like it one bit … but I understand it.

Tempest nodded with satisfaction at her mother’s understanding, and then she noted her baby brother had that mischievous glint in his eyes and that annoying smirk on his face he wore ever since he was a little boy. He turned to their mother with that impish grin.

Nohea: Speaking of Christmas, you know what I’d pay to see?

Nalani: Hm?

Nohea nodded his head in the direction of his older sister with a snort of laughter.

Nohea: This one Christmas shopping for Anela.

Nalani turned to Tempest with a smile of her own, causing Tempest to roll her eyes with a haughty exhale,

Tempest: I’ve handled dangerous criminals. I think I can handle a little thing like Christmas shopping!

You’d think so, wouldn’t you?

Las Vegas, Nevada -
Black Friday

Tempest: What the hell is WRONG with you people!?

Tempest was in the midst of the chaos of what was commonly known as Black Friday shopping at Target! And if you’d listen to her with any trust, she was going to make her baby brother pay dearly for misleading her! He had thoroughly convinced his sister that the tall tales of Black Friday were just that - and grossly exaggerated. She was currently in a massive mob of maddened holiday shoppers that spoke of anything BUT!

And all she was even here for was one particular thing that Anela had her heart set on for Santa to bring her on the most magical of mornings; a Pets Alive Smitten Kitten plush toy. Even when asked “what else” the girl wanted, this was all she asked for so Tempest was determined to get one, no matter what it took.

And luckily – or perhaps not - there was one left on the shelf in the toy department. The problem was that another woman saw it as well. A woman with that typical upswept blonde hairdo that just screamed “Karen” and the sort who even at this hour and indoors, was wearing shades over her eyes as if it was a chic look to be celebrated and admired. The moment their eyes locked and shifted to the toy, both women bolted from opposite ends of the aisle! And Tempest’s height and reach played the advantage as she reached the toy first and scooped it up in her hands successfully! But the Karen was not going down so easily as for people like her, she deserved to get what she wanted for simply no other reason than she desired it – and she desired that toy for her child back home! Karen actually grabbed at the plush toy and tried to dislodge it from Tempest’s grasp, resulting in a tug of war - one that Karen was GROSSLY outclassed in!

Tempest: Bitch! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?

Karen: Let go of that toy! I saw it first!

Tempest: I grabbed it first now let GO!

Karen: Give! Me! That! TOY!!!

Tempest pulled HARD, resulting in the Karen losing her grip and being flung around and into a display of toys, knocking them over but the antagonistic shopper maintaining her balance!

Karen: You BITCH! I’ll get the manager if I have to now give me that!

And that was when the Karen did the unthinkable and SLAPPED Tempest in a woefully mistaken attempt at asserting all her Karen authority! Tempest slowly turned her head back around to glare at the woman….

A loud, piercing shriek of terror is heard clear across the department store as “Karen” goes sailing THROUGH the air and she crash lands into a mob of frenzied shoppers, sending them scattering! Following that, a calm, cool and collected Tempest walks out of the aisle, carrying the desired toy toward the checkout…

“I am not so proud as to refuse to admit when I’m wrong about something or more in particular - someone. I’ve said this plenty of times but I’ve noticed that a lot of people that have taken this business into their hearts have a tendency to only pay attention to what the A-Listers have to say or what they do and to hell with what anyone else has to say or to offer. It’s almost as if time and again, some of us have to fight even harder to remind the fans and the powers that be, what exactly it is that we’re capable of accomplishing when we’re given the opportunity.”

“Case in point; me. I admit that I’m something of a harder case to speak for, given my level of activity inside of the ring - or the lack thereof. I admit I don't get the chance to compete as often as I might want to due to commitments that I have outside of the ring, and for that I truly have nobody to blame but myself. Certain walks of life, even at my age I am relatively new and inexperienced at juggling one with the other. How some of these men and women are capable of merging their personal and professional lives - one with the other - without causing one a detriment at the expense of the other. I admit that I have no idea, but it is admittedly a lesson I want desperately to learn because quite frankly? I am getting a little tired of simply sitting on the sidelines in catering, waiting for the bosses to tell me that they need me inside of the ring! The last time I went through this was at the very start of my wrestling career and look at what happened then. Some of the most beloved Barbie dolls in the Bombshell locker room were made to suffer the price of my neglect and really! Does Ward and Underwood really want to have a bunch of innocent women go through all of that again? Because it is coming this close to reaching that critical point! Or rather, it was.”

“You see, a few weeks ago I was going to get the chance of a lifetime in challenging my own GO Gym girl, Ariana Angelos, for the Internet Championship were it not for little Miss Courtney Pierce. Now after she cost me one of my first chances at a singles title, I thought I was going to have to have a word with the girl in private, but luckily for her, the bosses stepped in and offered me something of a consolation prize. A shot at the Roulette Championship, and the woman who has been a pretty damn impressive champion in her time as the champion. Alexandra Calaway. And see, Alexandra brings me back to my original point of being able to admit when I’m wrong about someone because if I’m going to be honest? When I first laid eyes on her in the locker room, I was not impressed. I mean, she looked like any of the other women who walk around with their boobs hanging out to draw attention away from the boys and the fans, but that right there was where my mistake in judgment was. And I am going to say this directly to Alexandra so girlfriend, I hope to god you’re watching so listen up!”

“When you first came to SCW, all I heard about you was how you were such a badass and all I could manage to do was roll my eyes and think, ‘Yeah, right!’ You didn’t look like anything special to me, like anything different than any other woman who walked through those doors. We heard you talk big about how you could go toe to toe with any woman in any extreme form but the first time you really got the chance to prove it – against Luna as I recall – well let’s just say that you left us wanting. That’s about the nicest way that I could phrase it. Then you got involved in the mixed tag team division with that boy Miles and all I could think was ‘dear god, she’s going to drag that boy right down to her level!’. You got your wins here and there but then again, so did Bea Barnhart so I wasn’t really seeing anything that really stood out about you.”

“Until you set your sights on the Roulette Championship that you currently hold for at least a couple more days at most. Until you stopped limiting yourself and decided to truly show these people what you were capable of doing with the chains shattered and the real Alexandra Calaway turned loose on the world!”

“I was mistaken.”

“Since you did the world a favor and beat the ass of Jessie Salco, you’ve been pretty much unstoppable with a scattered loss here or there. That was just over three months ago and you’ve beaten some of the baddest bitches on the roster, and a few Barbie dolls to match, to keep that belt around your waist and that is why I am so looking forward to this opportunity. That is why I admitted that I was wrong about you and I am DYING to fight you for that title, no matter what scatterbrained stipulation that wheel falls on! When I heard you tell people your age, I thought you were lying through your teeth because you look younger than most of the girls around here! You look younger than me, and to think we are roughly the same age but you still have so much more experience as a wrestler than I do brings things into perspective. I was wrong about you, Alexandra – but in two days I am going to prove myself right about someone else.”


“I’ve already held a championship title here in SCW - one with my closest friend at my side. Austin James Mercer. A championship I hope to hold again soon with that very same man at my side. But this is my first real chance at proving I can accomplish the same with nobody to depend on but my own person.”

“I have nothing but respect for the asses that you’ve kicked since becoming the champion, but respect will only carry you so far, and it does nothing to guarantee your own safety. I’ll even buy you a round afterwards so no hard feelings - but that title is coming home with me. And that is something that I am not mistaken about!”

Climax Control Archives / Momma Bear
« on: October 06, 2023, 10:16:04 PM »

Las Vegas, Nevada
The GO Gym

It was a familiar enough site for anyone familiar with the history of Sin City Wrestling. One of the top four wrestling academies in the sport of professional wrestling, alongside other hallowed grounds such as Wolfsair, Hero Academy and Jet City. Notable stars such as Evie Baang-Jordan, Fenris, London Underground and others have called this elite and upscale gym their ‘alma mater’ including one face who did not go to the same lengths as her ‘gym mates’ - that being Tempest. Tempest was a name that struck awe in the Bombshell division of SCW, even though to date the only championship she wore around her waist, she shared with one of the more hated and controversial men in the business, Austin James Mercer. That being the World Mixed Tag Team Championship.

Not that she had not had the opportunities granted to her now and then, but Tempest had personal setbacks that prevented her from making the same strides forward in the business that her peers had enjoyed. Not that she allowed that to be a setback for her. More so she lived her career in sports entertainment just as she did when she served as a bail bondswoman and a bounty hunter; she preferred to go slow and take her time, so that she had a better chance to succeed. And when things did not go her way in one instance, she did not lose her temper as she was prone to do in many other matters. She simply stood back, examined where she went wrong and came up with a solution that would help her to move forward and take that next step in the path to success.

And that proverbial ‘next step’ was to throw herself into her training, given that a golden opportunity had practically been dropped into her lap. Along with the laps of roughly eight other Bombshells. Nobody expected the news that Aleesha, who had dethroned Kayla Richards and been on a dominant tear ever since as the Bombshell Internet Champion, would ever have the ill luck of a serious training injury that caused her to relinquish her title without ever having technically lost it. Her loss would be another's gain, and the moment Gabriel had texted her the news, she knew without a doubt that this would end up being one of the most difficult and chaotic matches she had ever been involved in within her relatively sporadic career.

Every day, from the moment that she dropped her stepdaughter Anela off at school right up until it was time to go pick her up, Tempest was either at the weights, setting new records with her strength training, or she was inside of the ring, sparring with some poor unfortunate soul. If the sparring partner was unlucky, it was a promising new recruit to the gym. Gabriel considered it a way of weeding out the weak. But if Tempest were lucky, it was one of the Gym’s graduates she could get inside of the ring with to keep her skills sharp. More often than not it was either Charlotte Mackenzie or Mackenzie Page from London Underground as they were the only two women in the Gym (aside from Odette) that could stand toe to toe with Tempest in a heated sparring match. But Gabriel knew his student’s preferences, no matter whom they happened to be, and he knew that due to her size and strength advantage she held over most of the Bombshell roster, she much preferred to train alongside the men. Yet only two or three men in the Gym were willing to help her in that regard. Not Despayre - forget that! But Daniel Morgan and Osbourne of London Underground? And Gabriel Stevens himself. He was the one most willing to train with his student, as he held the staunch belief that he could not expect any of his and Odette’s students who lent a hand in training the Gym’s students to do anything that he himself was not willing to do.

As a matter of fact, that was where we had just come from, as Gabriel had put Tempest through quite the test inside of the six-sided ring where the two now sat on the ring apron, taking a much needed respite with a bottle of water each. To his credit, Gabriel took much satisfaction that Tempest had worked up quite the sweat inside of the ring against him. Against such a physical specimen, it told him that he still very much ‘had it’. On the flip side, he had been in the ring with men who were not capable of doing some of the feats of strength that this woman had just put him through.

Gabriel: So, have you found out what’s going on with your girl?

Of course, Tempest had softly confided her worry about her stepdaughter Anela and what she was going through in school. The first person she had spoken to was her closest friend in Austin James Mercer. The other being the man seated to her immediate left. The truth was, Gabriel himself knew something was amiss because his son Lucas had told him Anela was having some trouble at school. But when his dad pressed him for details, Lucas showed his loyalty to his friend by repeating her oath that he would not tell anyone. A frustrating spot to be in if you are a parent, but Lucas was as loyal to his friends as Gabriel himself was to his own. Gabriel’s eyes shifted to Tempest who took a drink from her bottled water and shook her head.

Tempest: Not a clue, and it’s driving me crazy. She used to love going to school from what my husband’s sister told me, but now? She just seems so morose after her first day and has even tried to convince me that she was sick a few times to keep from having to go. One time she even cried about going, and when I pick her up, she just shut down completely.  I don’t know what to do. All these years I wanted her back, to be her Momma, and now I’m failing her…

Tempest found Gabriel’s hand on her arm in a reassuring gesture. It was a testament that she did not shrug it off or remove it as she might most others.

Gabriel: Hey, listen to me Alleyne. You’re not failing her. You’re not going through anything that all other parents go through. Kids keep secrets, good and bad. It’s part of their nature. Is the school helping? At all?

Tempest scoffed.

Tempest: Those jackasses are about as useless as boobs on a man. They told me they don’t know anything – haven’t seen anything. I call bullshit. That school isn’t that big that at least one of the teachers wouldn’t have noticed something going on. I just don’t think they want to get involved and spoil their cushy image of the perfect institute of education.

Gabriel: You’ll figure it out. And I’m still trying to get Lucas to open up. He’s been Anela’s shadow since she started school. Whatever’s going on…

But whatever else Gabriel was going to say was interrupted as the door that led from the Gym to the lobby where students checked in opened up, and a sheepish looking Despayre stepped through with Angel cuddled against his upper body. Despayre casually walked across the Gym’s spacious floor plan, by-passing the equipment until he arrived at where his ‘big brother’ Gabriel and Tempest sat, chewing on his bottom lip.

Gabriel: Everything okay, Despy?

To which Despayre shrugged his slim shoulders.

Despayre: There’s a phone call for Tempest.

Tempest frowned.

Tempest: For me?

Despayre nodded, and she turned to Gabriel looking perplexed.

Tempest: Who the hell would be calling me here?

As Gabriel shrugged his own confusion, Despayre answered the question.

Despayre: It’s Anela’s school.

Tempest’s head whipped back around to stare hard at Despayre briefly, then she jumped to her feet and headed for the lobby door to take the call. Despayre watched her go and Gabriel cleared his throat behind him. ‘Despy’ turned his head back to his best buddy.

Gabriel: Despy? What’s going on?

Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

The tension in the principal’s office was high. The principal herself, a Missus Jennifer Benizio, sat behind her desk, her hands clasped on the edges surface. Eyes from behind her glasses looking back and forth at the gathered number before her. Seated to her immediate right, was a teacher in the school, Mark Cohen. Together the two school staff looked at the nine year old Anela, who sat on a chair to the right of the office with an empty seat beside her. Anela had dried tears that stained her cherubic cheeks, her eyes downcast and her fists jammed into her lap. Across from her, was a boy her own age, who was holding an ice pack to his swollen nose and was already sporting a beauty of a shiner. And beside him was obviously the boy’s father, a stern looking man.

Father: Look, can we hurry this up and get this over with!? I left work because you let my son get assaulted!

Principal: Mister Marek, we have to wait for Anela’s mother…

Father: Why!? It’s as obvious my son was attacked and I want this dealt with…

But that was when the buzzer of the intercom on the Principal’s desk sounded, distracting them all from the man’s tirade. The Principal pressed the button…

Principal: Yes?

Secretary: Anela’s mother is here.

Father: (muttering) Finally…

Principal: Thank you, Dinah. Send her in.

And a brief moment later and the office door opened and in walked Tempest, changed from her workout clothes and now in her street attire.

Teacher: Missus Mahoe, how nice of you to join us.

Tempest paused as she was in the process of shutting the office door to allow them the allotted privacy. She shot the teacher a sharp look as the sarcasm of his words was heard by all ears.

Tempest: Yeah, you’ll have to forgive me. There was a three car accident on the way here. Might have been casualties, but who knows? Next time you summon me I’ll make sure to stop and ask for details so I can give you a reason for my lateness. She finally closed the door and was quite satisfied to see the teacher appear thoroughly chastised. She walked around the office to take the empty chair beside her daughter.

Tempest looked right at Anela…

Tempest: What’s going on?

Teacher: It would seem your daughter has some anger issues, Missus Mahoe. You can see the end result of a little tirade she had earlier in my class.

Tempest looked to where the teacher was indicating and saw the swollen nose and heavily bruised eye of the boy, his father trading an embarrassed scowl with his son before staring daggers at Tempest herself. Tempest all but ignored the man as she looked at Anela instead.

Tempest: You did this?

It took a moment before Anela finally yielded with a nod.

Tempest: Why?

Teacher: Your daughter was trying to tell me…

Tempest: ExCUSE me!

Tempest’s outburst silenced the teacher who seemed as if his words were stuck in his throat. She had her hand up to forestall any further words from the man…

Tempest: That is the second time I have asked her a question and you took it upon yourself to answer for her! Do you mind? Because I was speaking to my daughter, not to you! Which tells me that you’re either rude or you don’t want her to answer me for some reason. So, which is it?

But the teacher sat back in his chair, his face flushed as the principal gave him a look, and then she turned back to the two gathered families. Tempest again looked to Anela and she asked…

Tempest: Well?

Anela: He’s seated behind me and kept pulling my hair.

And by ‘he’, she obviously meant the boy.

Anela: I told him to stop it but he kept doing it! Mister Cohen told me to quiet down and when I told him what Andy was doing, he told me to just ignore him! But Andy pulled my hair again after that so I turned and hit him!

The father sat back in his chair, obviously looking ‘vindicated’ at this admission of guilt as it were.

Father: There, you see? She even admitted it!

Tempest turned away from the father, all but rolling her eyes and she instead focused on the teacher himself.

Tempest: So why did you call me down here? To discuss my filing charges against this boy and the school? Mainly this sorry excuse for a teacher?

Teacher: Sorry excuse…!?

Father: Filing charges…!?

Principal: Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves….

Father: You can’t file charges when your daughter is the one who attacked my son!

Tempest: I can actually file charges because what your son was doing could easily be classified in any court as assault and what my daughter did was defend herself when her teacher couldn’t be bothered to do his job!

Teacher: Excuse me, but it is not my job to…

Tempest: To what? To stop bullying in the halls of this school?

She then looked straight at the principal.

Tempest: I was under the impression that this school had a strict No Tolerance policy on bullying? I mean, that is what’s advertised on your website and fliers! Or am I mistaken?

She then looked right back at the teacher, not even giving the Principal a chance to answer.

Tempest: So you’ll forgive me for telling a teacher how to do their job but I think it IS your job to put a stop to any bullying tactics inside of YOUR classroom! Or is there some reason why you couldn’t be bothered?

She looked to the Principal.

Tempest: Does this school have a junior football program?

Principal: It does but…

She then turned to look at the battered boy.

Tempest: And are you on that team?

There was an awkward silence in the room before the father himself nudged his son…

Father: Answer her!

And he did. Not with words but a sullen nod. That was all Tempest had to see, as she turned and shot the teacher a knowing look.

Tempest: That’s why, isn’t it? It might not be college level or even high school, but I know the school systems well enough to know just how much football is revered, even at the possible cost of the education system itself! And … just how protected the players are no matter their age! And you… the man in charge of their education and well being during school hours told my daughter to IGNORE a boy yawning her hair so hard he was bending her neck back and could have caused possible damage!? LOOK AT THEM!!!

Her loud outburst caused even the father to start.

Tempest: He is bigger than she is! Stronger! Heavier! How exactly is she supposed to ignore him pulling on her hair like that!? Would you be able to ignore it if I grabbed a handful of YOUR hair and pulled!? How hard would it have been for you to simply tell that boy to stop!? One word. That’s all you had to say and you just could not be bothered!

Teacher: I thought it was just a little bit of rough house play between children and boys will…

Tempest: I swear to God if you say ‘boys will be boys’ to me I will take you out back myself and show you just how wrong that is! Because ANYONE who says that is just enabling some spoiled, entitled boy to do whatever he wants to! Those are the exact words some fathers use for their sons to excuse them slipping some girl a drug or taking advantage of her while she’s passed out…!

Principal: Missus Mahoe, I think we’re getting away from the reason why we’re here…\

Tempest: Oh I couldn’t agree more, but if you think you’re just going to punish Anela here for defending herself and let this boy just walk, you got another thing coming! Because the moment we set foot outside of this building, I will be on the phone calling every damn lawyer in the phone book if I have to and what would that do to the sterling reputation of this school!? If you want to punish her, fine. I can’t stop you. But whatever you punish her with, you had BEST be looking to punish that boy the EXACT. SAME. WAY!

Her arm was completely extended across her daughter and pointing straight at the boy. Now even the dad appeared apprehensive but still troubled/embarrassed at his son having been ‘beaten up’ by this little girl.

Tempest: My opinion? He got exactly what he had coming to him because your system has him so spoiled and entitled he thinks he’s untouchable but my girl showed him that just wasn’t true! And if you can’t be bothered to take care of the children in your class, I am left wondering what the hell you’re even doing teaching!

Principal: Mister Cohen has always been one of our top…

Tempest: Bull! The best don’t play favorites, and this man is clearly playing favorites!

Tempest then turned to the principal.

Tempest: I am taking my daughter home now. If he doesn’t start doing his job, then I am going to insist Anela get removed from his class and transferred to a different one! You have my number. Call me if and when you decide on some punishment – but remember what I said about punishing that boy, too!

She looked at Anela and motioned toward her…

Tempest: C’mon, go get in the car. We’re going to Dairy Queen.

Anela grabbed her jacket and school bag and stood up along with her stepmother, leaving the father looking flabbergasted.

Father: Dairy Queen? You’re going to reward her for…?

Tempest: And you…!

She all but jammed a finger at the man, shutting him right back up.

Tempest: I hear so much as one word on how your boy is still picking on my daughter then you and I will go a few rounds! And I can promise you that what my daughter did to your son won’t even compare to what I will do to you!

She did not even wait for any of those present to respond. Tempest jerked the door wide open and stood back for Anela to walk through before she followed and slammed the door shut behind them so loud it caused the desk to rattle and those left inside of the office to jump!

“Someone once asked me to summarize this business into just one word. I’m not sure the hows or the whys, but I think they were just curious where I, a woman who would be seen still in her rookie years in this business, would go with such an innocent question. It took me quite a bit of thought. Some with their heads in the clouds will say ‘glamorous’. Me? I’m a realist. I always have been, and that is why I answered with a single word – chaos.”

“I mean, tell me I’m wrong. Tell me when, in all of the shows no matter if they are a regular weekly show or a pay-per-view, when did everything go absolutely according to plan? When were there no backstage altercations or outnumbered attacks inside of the ring? When did someone not go for a steel chair or some random ass weapon to try and steal a win because they didn’t have the physical or mental capability to do it on their own? When did chaos not reign supreme at least once in this sport that we have all dedicated ourselves to? I’ll tell you when – never. And the fact that we are here, in this given situation that I and eight other women find ourselves in, is proof enough that this sport, this business, is nothing if not chaotic! The Internet Champion, Aleesha Jones – has been shelved. Injured somehow while training – which admittedly I can relate to all too well. But this injury was severe enough that she would be out for the foreseeable future and had to be stripped of the Bombshell Internet Championship, and rather than fight for the opportunity to challenge her at High Stakes XIII, we’re now in a Battle Royal to decide a new champion! And … you tell me … what match in wrestling has more potential for sheer chaos than a Battle Royal??”

“Think about it! It was going to be wild enough fighting for the chance to fight the champion but now nine women – NINE – are going to be inside of that ring, fighting to BECOME the champion! I mean, personally it’s not the road I would have taken to decide a new champion but I imagine Mark and Christian were pressed for time and had to go with what worked. Throw someone over the top rope and BOOM! You’re the champion! Great! Terrific! But some of us in this match might have it a little easier in this type of match than others.”

“Zoey Lukas? She’s right up there at my level, because she is one seriously bad ass chick! I’d like to think I’m the stronger of the two of us, bigger too – but she has to come the closest out of any woman to ever step up to me! And she has – more than once. I beat her one on one last year but damn! That match we had weeks ago where she picked me up the way she did? No other woman - no one - was ever capable of doing that to me! This might be my first Battle Royal since entering this sport, but I’ve seen them enough to know that she and I have a target on our backs just because of who we are! Well, good luck girls because that ganging up strategy is easier said than done! And I am calling it right now that Lukas and I will be the last two women inside of that ring! Then she and I are going to give these people the rematch they deserve before she gets thrown out of the ring and we have ourselves a brand new champion – me!”

“But as much as I see Zoey and I as the top chicks in this match, I can’t ignore the fact that there are others involved. Like the little biplanes that got swatted out of the air by King Kong. Take Luna Vanity for example. That girl started off in SCW so fast and so strong that nobody thought she was going to be stopped! Nobody thought she would beat Alexandra Calaway in a Hardcore match but she DID! Nobody thought she would win singles gold so soon after her debut, but she DID! Then what happened? Nobody knows because she’s fallen flat as quickly as she rose up. She is not the dominant force she started off as, and this match is just going to be another example of just how far and fast she’s fallen.”

“And speaking of fallen, Sammi Marlowe! It’s GOOD to see the Girl Scout of SCW back in the thick of things! Now, for a late addition to this match, this is not bad. I haven’t been inside of the ring with you in a LONG time, and I am looking forward to getting reacquainted with you, girl. Where’ve you been? What have you been up to? And why, might I ask, were you not one of the original names listed in  this match? And how did you get added? Was this some backstage political pull on your part or did you have someone intervene on your behalf? Whatever, it doesn’t really matter. Can’t deny with your rep you deserve this chance as much as anyone else. But, sister – you are going to regret petitioning to get yourself involved because sooner or later, I am going to get my hands on you and them… over!”

“Now if there was a woman I wanted to face that I haven’t got the chance to yet, it’s Kat Jones. The girl came back after how much time away and the first thing she did was shut the mouth of Keira Fisher-Johnson! Now that might not seem like much to anyone on the outside looking in but to the rest of the women’s locker room? Girl I think we ought to chip in and buy you a fruit basket! I’m looking forward to this and after? First round is on me!”

“Now when I was talking about big names and people who deserved to be in this match… I might have mentioned Mercedes Vargas but really – when was the last time that woman has really earned much of anything? Oh sure, she has the past credentials to back up the hype she’s given or that she gives herself, but that’s just it – the past. When was the last time she won a championship? Hell! When was the last time she won a match of any importance? Yes. She won each and every title offered to a woman in SCW. But … the past. And you can’t live off of your past forever, Mercedes. Sooner or later, the present – me – is going to come crashing down on you. I did it once between just the two of us and it’ll be a pleasure to do it one more time.”

“Seleana Zdunich… now there’s a name I’ve been looking forward to finding some time alone with when we’re in this chaos. You see, I met her once before and I admit … She got the best of me. I blame myself really. I looked at her and didn’t see much substance. To me, she was all style. Flash and nothing else. But that cost me and chicky… I am SO looking forward to a little payback!”

“And of course, there’s my little sparring buddy, Ariana Angelos. Or as the world is calling her – Krystal 2.0. The girl who has proven just what exactly the phrase ‘fair weather friend’ really means. For years we looked at this girl and saw a Girl Scout … the girl next door. Happy and laughing and cooking some god awful shit, but deep down she was hiding this facade of a conceited, angry and entitled little girl. She proved that easily enough turning her back on her closest friend in this business but then when it looked like she couldn’t ride on Carter’s coattails anymore in the tag team division, she sure turned about face to make nice, didn’t she? Because she has had chance after chance to shine in the singles ranks just like her so-called BFF had done before, but her spotlight was always at his side … or behind home rather because every person watching knows he was the backbone of that tag team! But she started running her mouth and taking it out on everyone else when she couldn’t get her foot past that door to success. She cried foul and rather than step up and fix what went wrong, she just pointed fingers and blamed everyone else BUT herself! Well go on then Ari. Blame me. Run your mouth at me. I mean, you have everyone else so why not? And we’ll see just how far I can toss you like a freaking lawn dart!”

“Which brings us to last … and least. Krystal Wolfe. Now as bad as Ari has been acting, she’s really just become a pale imitation of this one. A girl who stabbed everyone in the back and  couldn’t even last a month in Hells Gate after she all but abandoned the Go Gym! She and I butted heads, yeah. And I whipped her ass in front of the entire world! She attacked her own flesh and blood and used rookies as a punching bag, breaking their limbs because she didn’t have what it takes to do the same to the women who actually mattered! And now look at her. After becoming POSSIBLY the single most hated person on the roster, she’s now putting on the ‘good girl’ act like nothing ever happened and everything is a thing of the past! She’s on this ‘redemption’ quest to become better loved in the eyes of the world – as if anyone with any common sense would ever trust her again! She has proven that the only thing that matters to her is winning. Well this is a good time to tell you that you are in for a very bad revelation, Krystal! Because you won’t be winning this weekend. You won’t win the match and you will not be winning the Internet title! You are in the ring with every single woman that you have done wrong! You were finished the moment this match was signed.”

“This is my time, ladies. My moment. And soon enough, my championship!”

Climax Control Archives / The More Things Change...
« on: September 15, 2023, 11:02:58 PM »

The more things change... For those more in the know, the familiarity of Tempest's old one bedroom apartment here in the famed "City of Sin" was now a thing of the past. And for this amazon of a woman, that was a rather difficult thing to grow accustomed to. You see, in her own words, Tempest would freely tell people that there are two things she hates above all else; change -- and things that remain the same. Yes indeed, she was quite the difficult person to truly get to know and more importantly, to understand. Although, let's be honest. She was not alone in at least a part of this small piece of personal philosophy. A lot of people find themselves growing comfortable with their respective lots in life, be it their job or relationships, or in this particular case - a home. Of course, like many of these unseen specters that just so happened to share her mindset and circumstances, they too might find fate itself intervening in one way or another, forcing that most dreaded of circumstances; change.

And what bigger change could one experience than by having a child enter your life that you were now solely responsible for?

Las Vegas, Nevada -
Country Club Towers

With a spectacular view of the Strip and the dazzling lights of the entertainment capitol of the world, this estate was a startling change from Tempest's former place of residence in a more suburb one bedroom apartment. It was close to the Turnberry Towers where current SCW stars Miles Kasey and HBCarter, as well as "former" Superstars Fenris and his brother Aron called home. Perhaps this was done by design on the part of Gabriel Stevens who had assisted his volatile charge in getting this set up. Just in case there was any emergency, there would be someone nearby that could lend her a helping hand in the event that he or Odette would be unable to, or unable to get there in due time. Gabriel knew her well enough to know that Tempest's tastes were simple where a home was concerned, in both set up as well as simple decor. She hated clutter and was not one of those women who bought silly decor that said "Eat, Pray, Love" to hang on their wall as some strange personal mantra. She lived life simply and felt favor in just the basics. But once again -- change.

Tempest: I still think all of this was completely unnecessary.

She said as she stood in the center of the spacious living room, the hardwood floors shining bright and new as she surveyed her surroundings. Gabriel sighed as he stepped out of the kitchen, having taken the initiative to get a cold drink for himself as well as for his "charming hostess." He let everything she said in regards to her home situation roll right off of his back, having heard it all over the past several weeks. If anything, the proprietor of the famed GO Gym was all too happy to help her get set up under these new circumstances. It meant that after these past few years, she was finally opening up to others around her and he was seeing a new side to her. A side he might not have come to expect.

As a mother.

Gabriel: I believe the words you're looking for are 'thank you'.

Gabriel passed the bottled raspberry tea over to her waiting hand while popping the cap off of his own beverage to have a drink. One thing he had come to learn about this woman was the fact that she rarely ran the air conditioning in her home, being all too used to the climates of her native Hawaii. Whereas Gabriel tended to run the AC in his home to the point he'd be freezing his ass off.

Tempest: I never said that I wasn't grateful. You helped me out a lot in getting this place so quickly.

Gabriel feigned indifference with a good natured smile at the appreciation his and Odette's student showed him in this instance. True, the main gist of their trainer/student relationship was always about the wrestling. But outside of that, neither he nor his wife were able to keep things one hundred percent professional between themselves and their students. They always showed concern for their lives outside of the Gym and their overall general well being.

Tempest: It's just that... well I guess over the last few weeks you've come to realize I have this habit of second guessing myself.

Gabriel: Which surprised me a lot because I always thought of you as the confident sort to the point of being more stubborn than Fenris. And THAT is saying something!

Tempest smirked, despite herself.

Tempest: Under normal circumstances, I'd tend to agree. But this...

tempest sighed, looking up and around at absolutely nothing at first. At a loss for words, not knowing how to even begin. But that is where Gabriel's words of reassurance from several weeks past would ring most true in the fact that she was not alone.

Gabriel: Hey...

He laid a reassuring hand on his student's shoulder, drawing her attention back toward him and away from whatever dark cloud that might have been forming in her own personal thoughts. The fact that she did not shrug his hand away or draw back from her preferences at not being touched, spoke highly on the given situation. Gabriel held her gaze for a mere moment before he smiled his best.

Gabriel: It's going to be alright, Alleyene. Kids have a habit of making even the most confident of us second guess ourselves.

Tempest: Yeah?

Gabriel nodded, all-too knowingly.

Gabriel: I speak from personal experience. As a wrestler, I thought I was the shit. Actually... I knew I was.

He smiled, despite himself and she just scrunched her nose with a sly smirk at his cocky display.

Gabriel: But when Lucas was born? Everything I thought I was, got thrown right out the window. And just when I started to think I had this whole Dad thing down, along came our little girl and once again...

He let loose a shrill whistle from  between his teeth while jetting a thumb back over his shoulder.

Tempest: You had to go and start all over.

To which he nodded.

Gabriel: To put it mildly. But every adult who becomes a parent goes through this change in their sense of self. Some can handle it and come out smelling like a rose. Others you read about on Reddit for raising holy little terrors that tear up restaurants or run amok in movie theaters. Of course, your circumstances are a little different.

Tempest: I have so much time to make up for.

Gabriel: And you will. You are going to spoil that little girl of yours rotten, but still keep her level headed so she grows up to be as strong willed and independent as her mom.

Tempest scoffed, not knowing quite how to take such high words of praise. So rather than say anything that might make her look foolish or cast doubt upon herself, she simply chose to remain silent and took a drink from the glass bottle in her hand. She then took a step forward and before Gabriel realized it, she was walking away from the living room as well as him personally. It was unlike her nature so he proceeded to follow her as she walked down the hall of the modest apartment to a door that was half-closed.

Tempest used the back of her hand to wedge the door open a little wider so that both she could see inside. Gabriel also peered inside and looked upon the very reason why this whole situation had arisen. The nine year old daughter of her husband who had been killed in action several years ago; Anela Kahale. Unlike the more modest upkeep of the rest of the apartment, this bedroom had been suited to the little girl's specific tastes as a bold surprise for her from the moment she set foot inside. Her favorite color was purple - and from the drapes over the windows to the bedspread and lacy pillows, there was purple abound. There was even a big, purple plush rug on the center of the hardwood floor. Anela loved unicorns and mermaids. Tempest had went through painstaking measures to find the largest and most colorful plush unicorn for Anela to sleep with in her bed and there were framed pictures of mermaids and mermen all along her bedroom walls. As a bit of a welcoming present, Gabriel and Odette had even gifted the little girl with a very rare Ken merman doll. The way that child's face lit up with such a gift... But most of all, she loved to read. And that was why Tempest had the biggest bookcase she could find to fit comfortably in the bedroom. She then took Anela to the closest bookstore and just let the little girl run wild.

In fact, that was what had the child so pre occupied that she didn't even realize she was being watched briefly. She was curled up on her bed, the stuffed unicorn under her head as a makeshift pillow and her nose buried in a fresh copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. That was when she found Gabriel's hand on her arm once more. He spoke in a quiet, reserved whisper so as not to disturb Anela.

Gabriel: And can I tell you one more little secret? Just between us?

Tempest: What's that?

Gabriel: I think you are going to make one hell of a mom to that little girl.

Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

It remained early enough in the morning where the crisp air had not yet heated up in the usual Las Vegas fashion, and a crowd of children were gathered outside of the school amidst a number of brightly colored yellow school buses. Wearing their favorite clothes and carrying bags over their shoulders, the children giggled and chatted between themselves before the start of the school day would commence.

The forest green Chevrolet Traverse pulled up outside of the school, located a short distance from the Las Vegas Strip and slowed to a stop where the kids were able to be let off. Once stopped, it was revealed Tempest in the driver's seat and a somewhat nervous looking Anela seated beside her. And really, who could blame the little girl for being nervous in the first place? A new life at a new school... all of these kids probably knew each other from previous school years and who wanted to be the new kid trying to make friends? Tempest looked to her and could easily see the hesitation in the little girl's eyes.

Tempest: Do you want me to go with you?

Anela shook her head in a quiet refusal, preferring to do her mom proud and handle this on her own. Just like she was sure Tempest would have. She turned from staring at all of the kids to her mom.

Anela: No... no. I'll be fine.

Tempest: Are you sure?

Anela nodded, then leaned over to wrap her arm around Tempest's neck for a quick hug. She gave Tempest a quick peck on the cheek before undoing her seatbelt and exiting the Transverse. Grabbing her Little Mermaid book bag from the foot rest, she shut the door and gave Tempest a quick wave goodbye. Tempest returned the gesture with a smile, despite the subdued nerves of watching her stepdaughter turn and make her way toward the school and the children. For perhaps the very first time, feeling the very same nerves in the pit of her stomach at wondering if she would be alright.

There arena was dark overall, save for a single spotlight that shown down from the rafters and onto the stool that was set up in the center of the six-sided ring. The sound of footsteps were heard reverberating across the bare walls of the empty arena, footsteps that seemingly stopped as if someone were entering the ring itself. And it was then that Tempest, one-half of the former World Mixed Tag Team Champions and challenging for those very same titles stepped into the shot.

Never one for dressing in anything but what she found comfort in, she wore her street clothes consisting of a black t-shirt with her favorite denim jacket worn over it, tight blue jeans and tanned, heel boots. Taking hold of the stool's seat, Tempest pulled it a touch closer to where she wanted it before taking a seat, facing the camera directly.

"I hate this. I admit it. I was never the type of person who was big on letting my words influence people when I always believed that actions accomplished the same and much better. But, I also understand that this is the nature of the business so let's commence the traditional bout of trash talking, shall we?"

She got comfortable and clasped her hands together on her bended knees.

"Okay, here's the thing. I don't use social media. Not Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or whatever the hell is taking over and rotting the minds of the average Neanderthal. I have no reason to. I have no use for it. I know too many people who have allowed their chosen form of social media to, for lack of a better term, take over their lives. I've seen people converse with friends and family over some chat messenger - while sitting in the same room at the same table! If I have to be perfectly honest - and I usually am - I find social media to be a colossal waste of time and the people who rely on it so heavily need to get a damn life!"

"But -- just because I don't take part in this mind numbing phenomenon doesn't mean that I am not aware of some of the things that go on with it. For example -- Eiley. The moment this match for the Mixed Tag Team titles was announced, I understand she made some sort of crack about how now she'd have to listen to me run my mouth about Mikah's baby or whatever she was going on about. And in a sense, I can see where she's coming from. Mikah's time at the top is a thing of the past and her memory in this day and age is totally and completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. So I'm speaking up right now for one-half of the champions, and hope she can pop out those ear buds and stop listening to her KPop or whatever else she addles her mind with and hear me out. Let's forget the past -- IE Mikah, and move on toward the future. As in, what's going to happen in a matter of days when Austin and I challenge for those titles that remain around your waists. Let's forget about what is irrelevant and keep your mind on what matters most -- survival. Because retaining those pretty titles are the least of your concerns, Eiley. It's not about being able to walk away from the ring with the gold still in your possession, it's about being able to walk away -- period."

Tempest then raised a hand to bring things to emphasize a point.

"But... and this is a big one, I am capable of admitting when I might have been wrong about someone. And whether or not I was wrong about you in general...?"

She gritted her teeth, swaying her shoulders from side to side as if in a personal bout of indecision.

"I suppose the jury is still out on that one. There are still SO MANY things that I don't like about you, Eiley. Being such a carbon copy of Mikah that you make me think I'm watching her rather than a promising new Bombshell. How you run off at the mouth from behind the safety of your keyboard, probably thinking I'd never find out that you at least made the attempt to throw shade in my general direction. I could probably go on, and I would, but we are on a bit of a tight schedule so let's just skip ahead a bit, hm?"

"Aside from these beliefs and others, I can't find fault in what you've managed to accomplish inside of the ring. I still think you're the quintessential poster child for Barbie Doll Bombshells, but I'm woman enough to admit that your in-ring accomplishments have been pretty damn impressive. Your win-loss record is almost completely spotless, whereas your tag team with Oliver is undefeated so far. You told the world that you were going to walk away from Summer XXXTreme as the champions and damned if you didn't take full advantage and do just that!"

She clapped her hands together.

"Bravo, Eiley. Bra-vo!"

The clapping then slowed down until it came to a complete stop.

"Of course, as impressive as your win was, you've managed to do the one thing that even your respective mentors of Mikah and Kris Ryans were unable to; make the championships relevant again. You see, when Kris and Mikah won the titles, people grew bored. Nobody gave a damn! They literally did jack to make those titles rise above the rest and actually mean something - anything! And THAT is why most teams gave up even wanting to get tied down to such a dim reputation, championship or not. That is why the roster for those titles dwindled to being virtually non-existent, and why they wound up on some shelf in SCW's office storage space and practically forgotten. Until now, that is. Until..."

She pointed a finger forward and swept it from side to side.

"Until, you two. You see some people think that the renewed interest in the tag team division stems mainly from how much people want to see you lose the titles and granted, it will be happening sooner than you think. But to anyone with a mind in their skulls, one can see that you simply took the titles, ran with them, and did the absolute best with what you were given. It was a daunting task to be sure, especially when you take into account how just over a year ago, nobody wanted a thing to do with the titles or the division overall! Now - you have teams ranging from the Saviors to Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan and..."

She nodded, her eyes boring into the camera.

"Yeah. Austin and myself. There are, of course, other teams in contention, but you're looking at the ones that matter most. The two challengers who physically, have it over you in every way that matters. Now I know when there is a size difference as considerable as what we have Eiley, the smaller woman has two basic strategies..."

She counted off of two fingers as she went on to explain.

"One, hit and run. Which can be pretty effective except every wrestler who talks about employing this stratagem forgets that sooner or later, the bigger wrestler will eventually get hold of you and then what? The damage commences and I can assure you, it is a far easier thing for a big wrestler to whittle away physically a smaller wrestler than the other way around! Or... getting the larger wrestler off of their feet. Of course, in order to do this you have to pretty much forget about employing that first strategy because you have to get up close and uncomfortable with your opponent in order to bring them down to the mat. And in every strategy there is a red flag, no matter how much thought you put into it. And the red flag from stratagem number two is even if you get the bigger wrestler down on the mat, how exactly do you plan on keeping them there? Because honey, sooner or later I would get back to my feet and that is when I would bounce that bony butt of yours back to wherever it is that you came from! Or... if you were able to get me on the mat and you tried to keep me there physically... well, that would pretty much bring you within arms reach and sister? If you were dumb enough to actually get close enough to let me get hold of you, then you'd deserve whatever fate I dropped at your doorstep!"

She then clapped her hands together.

"So, what do you say Eiley? You can keep running your mouth about me, which I fully expect and I would probably even lose a token of respect for you if you didn't. I mean, nature of the beast and all that, am I right? I like to think of women who make that mistake as adding fuel onto an already raging inferno. You're just going to get burned. And let's just hope that when it's just you and I, woman to woman, that things turn out better for you than what it did for your partner when he got to face Austin. Granted, he holds a win over Mercer but that was in equal parts dumb luck and Austin simply losing his temper and hurting him so bad the referee was afraid for Ollie's safety. We can only hope things go better for you when it's just us girls."

Tempest stood up and leaned closer toward the camera.

"It won't, but hope springs eternal."

That said, Tempest walked off camera and the spotlight that shone above the ring winked out, basking the scene in darkness.

Las Vegas, Nevada
John S. Park Elementary School

Despite whatever she might try and tell those closest to her - Gabriel or especially Austin, Tempest had waited with jangled nerves, her eyes constantly watching the clock in her home from the moment she dropped Anela off for her first day of school, to when it was now time to pick her up. And while she admitted to nerves on whether or not her stepdaughter would have an easy time in making friends, she was reminded by Gabriel of one saving grace; the fact that his own son Lucas went to this very same school and was in Anela's grade. If they were in the same class (which Tempest hoped for), then Anela would have the comfort of starting her school year off with one friendly face in her corner. Odette had told Tempest once that the chance to enroll their kids in a more prestigious private school had once arisen but she and Gabriel wanted their kids to grow up in a more wholesome learning environment.

Gabriel had been right in that regard. From the moment Lucas was introduced to Anela at the Gym, the two kids became fast friends, playing together as often as was allowed. And yes, just as promised, Lucas poured on that Stevens charm Gabriel had warned Tempest about.

Her vehicle parked as close as she was able to get to the front entrance without blocking the buses, Tempest stood at the front of the car and watched as the school had let out and a swarm of children of all ages emerged from inside, heading for either the buses that would take them home or for the familiar car of their moms or dads that would do the same. Finally, she saw the colorful purple book bag that she had purchased for Anela, and the little girl was walking quickly out the door, seemingly avoiding the other children, as if huddling her arms against herself. This brought a frown to Tempest's face, as she watched Anela look for her and once she saw her mom raise a hand to attract her attention, Anela hurried over toward her as quickly as her legs could carry her.

Tempest: What's wrong? What hap-?

But Anela, clearly having been crying, hurried past her mom's waiting arms and she practically jumped in the open door to the Transverse and all but slammed it closed behind her. Caught completely off guard by this sudden behavioral shift, Tempest found herself frozen temporarily before she finally shook herself back awake. She walked around the vehicle to climb into the driver's side. before closing the door, she looked on with a mother's concern toward her daughter.

Tempest: Anela -- what happened?

But the little girl did not answer. She practically buried herself in her car seat, hugging her book bag tightly against her body. Only when Tempest realized an answer was not coming immediately, did she shut the door. The engine turned on and the Transverse slowly pulled out so that she might take her daughter home.

To Be Continued

Supercard Archives / No Shame In Needing A Helping Hand
« on: August 19, 2023, 08:02:41 PM »
Las Vegas, Nevada

She would have been surprised had she not worn out a groove in the floorboards beneath her feet as she paced back and forth in the front room of her small, Las Vegas apartment. Hands clasped together with fingers steepled, she paced back and forth as she waited for her invited visitor to show, altogether uncertain of how she was going to proceed with what she now needed to do.

The issue here was the fact that Tempest did not confide certain things to this little makeshift family here in Las Vegas that was predominantly responsible for opening her doorway into the world of professional wrestling. Reason being, she was an intensely private person and she simply did not want people feeling bad or sorry for her. Some might welcome such sympathy, while others might heartily encourage it. But Tempest? She found it both belittling and insulting. But here’s the simple truth; that was when it just involved her. Now, she had something else to consider. Someone else. And that was why she was preparing herself to step out of her comfort zone.

She needed help.

Luckily, that was when the rap on the door reverberated in her home. Her amber eyes turned toward the door and she closed them, drawing in a deep breath. Exhaling through pursed lips, she walked over and promptly opened the door to be greeted by none other than…

Gabriel: Alleyene.

Gabriel Stevens, co-owner of one of the world’s most premiere wrestling schools - the famed GO Gym, and the man responsible for her in-ring training. Tempest stepped aside, allowing the man to enter her home. As she shut the door behind him, he turned around to face her with a curious expression on his face.

Gabriel: Is everything okay?

Tempest: Why wouldn’t it be?

Gabriel smirked a rather knowing smile. True this student of his had her secrets but he had been around her and people in general long enough to be able to read them deftly with a rather unique precision.

Gabriel: Because you aren’t exactly known for inviting people into your home. It’s your safe house, your sanctuary… or, am I wrong?

Tempest cast an exasperated look heavenward. This was a reason why she wasn’t more forthcoming. It seemed these people around her could read her anyway so why even try? She finally lowered her head and shrugged her shoulders, hands tucked in her jean pockets.

Tempest: I need help.

Gabriel blinked, rather taken back by this admission.

Wow. That must have stung a bit.

Tempest just tilted her head and looked at the boss man, prompting another smile from her trainer, but this time it was more soft … genuine.

Gabriel: Seriously, what’s going on? How can I help?

That being said, Tempest turned and walked away from the foyer of the apartment and through the door frame that led to the inner sanctum of the bedroom. Gabriel remained where he stood, figuring if she wanted him to follow then she would have stated so outright. He heard soft spoken voices from the other room, recognizing one as Tempest’s but the other one…? He knew that whatever was going on, it would be the unexpected but what he was not prepared for was seeing Tempest emerge from her inner apartment dwelling with a young child, a girl of only perhaps nine years of age. Tempest led her into the front room by the hand, the girl never once taking her eyes off of the stranger in the home - Gabriel himself.

Gabriel smiled. He couldn’t help it. He loved kids – he had two of his own in fact. He watched as the little girl was being led closer to him but the little one eventually put on the proverbial brakes, not wanting to come any closer just yet, and Tempest wisely did not force it. Gabriel looked from the little girl to Tempest herself.

Gabriel: Who’s this?

Tempest a hand on the little girl's shoulder, ushering her ahead a step or two. The girls eyes never leaving Gabriel's own.

Tempest: Gabriel, this is Anela. My stepdaughter.

Gabriel: How long?

It was an invasive question, he knew. A painful one. But the floodgate had been left wide open and now was the time for questions to be answered. Especially if he was going to be able to help in the way she asked. Gabriel cast a glance from where the pair of them were talking quietly between themselves in the dining room, to the front room where Anela was curled up on the sofa, her eyes fixated on the television and an episode of Bluey. Tempest briefly followed his gaze before she looked back to him.

Tempest: Just over five years ago. Malulani's mother hated me from the start and wasted no time in taking her away from me after he died.

Gabriel: But you were the stepmother. Didn't you legally have the…?

Tempest: I was in totally unfamiliar territory and my mind wasn't right after losing her Daddy like that. She made threats and I took them seriously and thought there was nothing I could do.

Gabriel: Until now.

Tempest nodded.

Tempest: As soon as the old witch died, Malulani's sisters found out the truth. That she never had legal custody. Malulani wanted her with me and if I didn't take her, she would have gone into the system. You know, I had hoped for years that this would happen and now that it’s here…?

Gabriel: You’re not sure where to go from here?

Tempest only nodded silently. Gabriel casually looked around at their surroundings and then back to her.

Gabriel: Well, I think you’re going to need a bigger place. This is barely big enough for you.

Tempest: I know, I was thinking about that actually. I have my house in Hawaii and I was thinking maybe it’s best to pay off my lease and bring Anela back to…

Gabriel: Well, you can’t go back to Hawaii right now. … How is your family, by the way.

Tempest: Safe.

Gabriel nodded, satisfied. He was above all else, a family man and he knew what mattered most. His thoughts strayed momentarily as Tempest watched her stepdaughter watching cartoons, curled up against a mountain of pillows. He could already tell what was going through her mind, knowing she felt cornered, perhaps with no options. He’d respect whatever she chose was best for the little girl, but he wanted her to know that she did, in fact, have options.

Gabriel: You don't have to retire, you know. You're just getting back on your feet again…

Tempest: I know, and I hate the idea of doing it but what else can I do? I have new priorities. And I don’t see how I can raise her while still wrestling…

Gabriel: Why not!? Alleyene, do you seriously think you’re the first parent – or even single parent – that would be in this business? You can do this, without having to leave Vegas permanently. You have options now.
Tempest: I also have family in Hawaii that are going to watch to get reacquainted with my daughter.

Gabriel: Of that I have no doubt! But you can have the best of both worlds. You can do this! And if things get overwhelming for you, there are people who can step in and help you!

Tempest: But they’re in Hawaii, remember?

Gabriel stared hard at the woman for several long moments before he cleared his throat and pointed a finger directly at himself.

Gabriel: I wasn’t just referring to them. You have all of us too, you know? Synn can help you get a bigger place. Odette and I would be happy to help you get Anela in the same school as our kids. Lucas is close to her age, they may even wind up in the same grade. Or, if I know my boy, he might just pour on that charm of his.

To that, Tempest just snorted back a laugh, shaking her head. Her eyes were downcast, but Gabriel’s voice drew her attention back up to his own gaze.

Gabriel: So what do you say? Give it a chance? Let us help?

Tempest just exhaled, rolling her eyes heavenward, which to Gabriel was all but an admission of defeat on her part. Gabriel sat back, relaxed and he smirked.

Gabriel: You know, Despy has been saying for months that you were hiding something.

Tempest: Yeah, well … Despy needs to keep his nose out of other people's business.

Gabriel scoffed.

Gabriel: Yeah. You’d have a better shot at landing a hurricanrana.

“Queen For A Day.”

“Not a bad distinction at all to have, to call what will be the first of many. Funny thing about this match. Not a whole lot of people expected me to get this far. I heard whispers that people ‘in the know’ expected Luna Vanity to beat me and join her man cake Alexander Raven, maybe make the effort for the ‘happy couple’ to reign over Sin City Wrestling as the King and Queen together? Well … surprise! All of Luna’s hopes and dreams to be Queen…”

Tempest sliced a finger across her throat, making the appropriate sound effect.

“Off with her head! And the moment – the moment – that I gained a spot in this match, one particular person looked right past me in the assumption that I was just a number. A spot filler. A roadblock that she was just going to run right over to climb that ladder and be Queen For A Day. And I can’t really fault them for their assumptions. I know that when it comes to singles competition, I’ve had a person or two take their shots at me and my relative lack of success where championship gold comes into play. And trust me when I say there is a very simple reason for this, but I’ll get to that later.  But for the moment? Yes, I am talking about that washed up geriatric Bombshell known to most as Mercedes Vargas.”

“Girl, ever since I earned my way into this match, you have been running your mouth non-stop. A feat you hold a particular talent for. And last week, when you and I finally met one on one to build this match the way it was meant to be? Well, if you had just slowed down that motor mouth of yours, maybe you wouldn't have got your foot wedged and made a damn fool of yourself! Oh trust me, I watched every minute of that little promo you shot at my expense, and even if I didn't go out of my way to show it, I really appreciated each and every word that you said. Because for every negative thing you said about me, about my career and where I stood in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't have been so inspired – so enthusiastic – to go out there and spay you like the old bitch that you are! Vargas, you could say everything about who I lost to in my time as a singles wrestler, but I noticed that at the same time, you never mentioned the women that I have beaten. Namely – Zoey Lukas. You remember her, don’t you? The third woman in our little court? And who else? Oh, I remember now!”

She snapped her fingers and pointed right at the camera.

“You, Mercedes. I. Beat. You! Do you know deep down the meaning behind that accomplishment? It means that without Kim Pain involved in this match, I am literally the only woman in this match that holds a victory over the other two participants. That means, logically speaking? The smart money would fall on…”

She tapped a finger to her chest.

“Me. And as for you and that broken record you tend to play every single time someone points a camera in your direction? The one where you take the time to remind everyone of your championship record in SCW? Of your Hall of Fame status? Your last tag team title run was in January OF LAST YEAR. And the last time you had a singles championship around your waist was in 2019 – FOUR YEARS AGO! So yes, dear. You certainly have had a stellar career inside of the ring – but has anyone else besides you fallen from grace so hard, and so fast? When was the last time you had a significant win – of ANY kind!? And what does it tell you Vargas – that people were paying more attention to Zoey Lukas last week as a referee than they were to you in the actual match that you were officiating?”

“How does it feel Mercedes, to be the third wheel inside of the ring? In your own match?”

Tempest shook her head and looked aside before giving the camera a sidelong glance.

“But don’t think for a moment that I’ve forgotten about you, Zoey. Sister, the moment that fist of yours came down across my face I lit up like a Christmas tree in the summer! You Zoey, you above anyone else reminded me of one of the reasons why I got so involved mentally into this sport! Not just for the leisure of breaking a Barbie doll or two, but to get the chance to face women like yourself. A REAL woman who doesn’t give a DAMN about what the world around her says or thinks! Chick, you are you – and for that…”

Tempest clapped her hands together.

“Respect! But…”

She then held a finger up.

“Respect will only get you so far when you get in my face the way that you did. The way that you got in my business! I don’t give a DAMN about you being the referee or whatever mistake Vargas made where you were concerned! I did not WANT your help against her, nor did I NEED it! Vargas does not get enough calcium, Zoey. Her bones are growing more brittle by the day and I had her one way or the other in that match, and you involving yourself like that? I might have walked away the winner but all you did was cause people to question me and whether or not I could have done it had you not gone rogue! Now here’s the thing…”

She motioned for the camera to come closer.

“I don’t like being questioned. I don’t like people having doubts about me and what I can do! I know myself. I know what I can and can not do and in the ring? There is very little that I can’t do! I mean, I beat you – after all. And no, you didn’t make it easy on me which is, believe it or not, the way I prefer it! But the fact remains! And if I can best you in your own environment, the one that you were groomed for by birthright? What the hell do you think I’m going to be able to accomplish when all I have to do is climb a damn ladder!?”

She sneered.

“Eight days away Zoey. Let’s beat the holy hell out of one another and make it something to remember before I get that crown. Then we can dump Vargas back at Shady Pines and grab a beer.”

Climax Control Archives / Reunited
« on: August 11, 2023, 08:14:17 PM »

Flashback - Child Protective Services - Maui, Hawaii
Many weeks ago

We figured it was time to show you a bit of the glue that brought the pieces of this puzzle together. You heard what happened, but hearing sometimes just is not enough. Sometimes we have to see with our own two eyes so that we can come to an understanding and appreciate what is shown before us.

Tempest sat alone in the office of a Missus Kalea Ogi, a well respected social worker for the CPS - Child Protective Services - of Maui. And while Tempest was not entirely surprised to find out that her former mother-in-law had absconded with Anela, her deceased husband's daughter from a previous marriage, and left Honolulu for Maui where Malulani had called home with his family for over thirty years. But inside? She was absolutely seething. The mother-in-law from hell had used her family and what connections she had not only to literally hide her former step daughter from her, but also to shield the fact that Malulani had named Tempest – Alleyene, as his daughter’s legal guardian. A fact that Tempest herself had not been enlightened to. Not until recent weeks and many talks with lawyers and CPS agents to better ensure the child would be well taken care of. The child’s welfare was key. The most important matter for all involved.

It was the sole reason why Tempest was fighting so hard to restrain her temper in recent weeks during what she thought were repeated invasive investigations into her life. Her profession as a professional wrestler had raised more than one eyebrow but in the end, it was deemed much safer than the business she owned and maintained to this very day – that of a bail bondsman and bounty hunter. That alone almost cost her this reunion that she had privately dreamed of for years – and worried would never happen. It was the final exchange between a judge and herself, a simple enough trading of words that made the children’s court confident that Tempest could take care of a child.

When the judge expressed his concern of such, all she had to say was, “Look at me, your honor. If a woman built like me can’t protect a kid, then something is wrong with this world!”

The judge laughed. He actually – laughed. And whole there were other concerns such as food and school, the court’s highest ranking official was well satisfied that not only could she tale care of and protect this little girl, but more importantly –

She wanted to.

And the wait? It was absolutely maddening. Why they could not be brought back together in a more formal or public setting was beyond her. Somewhere – neutral. But this, her mother theorized, was the agent’s way to better ensure a smoother transition for the child involved. Plus it put the CPS agents more in control for the very fact. Something that tempest could respect, if not outright appreciate. The court had, of course, asked little Anela if she wanted to go live with Tempest, her former stepmother, and all doubt was erased when the child started crying and asking “if they really meant it”. When Mrs. Ogi informed her of this fact, Tempest wept herself. She actually wept.

It had been a fear of the woman ever since this reunion was first proposed – that Anela would have forgotten all about her. Or held a childish grudge against her for allowing her grandmother to spirit her away like some witch in a children’s bedtime story. But to know that she not only remembered her after almost four years, but did so in a fond way, made her heart soar in a way that she had not experienced since Malulani was alive.

There was a soft rap at the door, to which she found strange since she was in the agent's office so for all intent and purpose, she could have just walked right in without saying a word. But before Tempest could even think forth on the subject or say something – like “come in” when it wasn’t even her place to do so – the office door opened.

Mrs. Ogi was a woman in her middle years, and there were streaks of white dabbled liberally in her otherwise dark, shoulder length hair. Lines in the corner of her eyes spoke of experience in her field, more than a few success stories as well as a number of heartbreaks. But Tempest had done her own digging up of some dirt and all roads pointed to one simple truth about this woman standing at the door – she was formidable, and a force to be reckoned with.

Mrs. Ogi: Alleyene?

She spoke, being given consent by Tempest herself to use her given name. This was it, this was the moment she both looked forward to and feared. Tempest stood upright and turned to face the door, as a young girl of near nine years of age stepped into view.

Time would seemingly stand still between the two as the little girl, who had understandably changed physically since the last time they saw one another, stared up at Tempest who had changed little, if at all.

Tempest: Anela…

She slowly lowered herself to a bended knee and Anela pulled her hand from Mrs. Ogi and rushed forward, crying out…

Anela: Mama!

And the little girl threw her small arms around Tempest’s neck, and Tempest lifted the child up into her arms as she stood.


The Miécimo da Silva Sports Complex was to be the location for the next edition of Sin City Wrestling’s weekly escapade of wrestling action known as Climax Control. Thus far, the 2023 World of Wonders tour has been wildly successful, even more so than the previous tour of some of the world’s most intriguing Unsolved Mysteries. Here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the famed ninety eight foot statue known as Christ the Redeemer was the focal point, but as it was a religious site and not enough room for a safe set up, the actual wrestling event was taking place here in the arena.

Apparently not even Mark Ward and Christian Underwood were bold enough to try and press their luck with the ring being at the base of the world’s most holy of statues.

But here at the Miécimo da Silva Sports Complex, the set up for Sunday was nearing  completion. The ring, the rows of chairs on the arena floor to go long with the stands. The lightning and sound system. The men and women whose sole responsibility was to ensure all was in place and ready for Sunday’s show to run smoothly remained busy, and watching them from afar at the very top of the stands was Tempest herself. She stared straight ahead, watching the workers as she spoke up…

“November 28, 2021.”

Tempest turned her head so that she  could look ‘down’ into the camera that was focused on her.

“Does that ring a bell there, Mercedes? That was the last time that you and I stepped inside of the ring against each other. The match where you and your tag team partner Goth beat Austin and myself for the Mixed Tag Team titles. Under most circumstances, most people would try to cheapen that win of yours and say you stole the titles somehow or that your win was just plain, dumb luck.”

Tempest closed her eyes and shook her head.

“Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a lot of things but I am unlike ‘most people’. The simple truth of the matter is that you and Goth fought us, and you just so happened to win. The only ‘luck’ involved was what prompted the bosses to give you and Goth another crack at our titles after Austin and I had handed your asses to you the first time around. Just a few weeks prior to the loss, at High Stakes XI. November, 2021. Austin pinned Goth. He and I were ready to move on to the next best thing when what happened? I don;t know if the powers that be were so impressed by the two of you or if it was some sort of pity party but we come to find out that our first post-Supercard defense was against … you and Goth.”

Tempest scoffed.

“Imagine our surprise. But, as disappointed as we were at finding out we weren’t moving on to new challengers, by the end of the night that paled in comparison to how we felt at the loss of those very same championships. That’s right. I am not lying. I fully acknowledge the fact that this time around, you two came out on top and that was the final time Mercer and I had at teaming with one another because we…”

She placed a hand on her chest.

“... Weren’t given a rematch. Now some think that the bosses, Ward and Underwood, thought that two matches between the same two teams back to back were enough and three would be burn out. I’d hope that was the case because I’d hate to think that the other theory were true – that you and Goth simply didn’t want to face us again and be put at risk of having one of the shortest mixed tag reigns in record history. Tell me differently, Mercedes. Don't make me think so low of you. Bottom line is, that was the final time we set foot inside of the ring against each other, and ever since Austin and I lost the titles? The mixed tag division…?”

She whistled and turned her upright thumb slowly downward.

“Slowly died out. Mercer and I carried the division on our backs and after our loss, nobody – not one, single team – did for it what we accomplished! Not then, and not now! But this time around, we’re not talking about the mixed tag team division, are we? We’re talking about the Queen For A Day, and we are talking about just you and I. Alone inside of the ring, woman to woman! And that makes things even more interesting – for myself at least, because here’s another little tidbit for SCW’s resident historian. About our previous encounters, and this one this time around. You see, the last two times we met, Mercedes? The outcome was not decided between you and I. It was decided between the men. Mercer pinned Goth. Goth pinned Mercer. While you and I were on the outside, looking in. Leaving the unspoken question of just who was the better woman between you and I. I suppose… this is our golden ticket to settling that unanswered question.”

She shrugged her hefty shoulders.

“I admit, I’m looking forward to it, even if it isn’t a straight up match but some jacked up stipulation where the chick on the outside actually is going to have the power to decide who wins and who loses. Either Kim or Zoey is going to decide when one of us has had enough and call the match when you and I really will have no say. All we get the opportunity to do is beat the hell out of each other and credit where it's due… that is where I come into play. That is where I am going to have the advantage until you have little other alternative but to roll over and play dead. And by the end of the night, that’s the only option that you’re going to be left with. There’ll be no fight left in you and even Kim is going to look at you with pity in her eyes and feel no other alternative but to throw in the towel and call the match. That is, if she has a heart. Because it would take a stone cold bitch to be able to watch what I’m going to do to you and just let it continue on without end. Although…”

Tempest glanced up wistfully in thought.

“That would be the smart thing to do, wouldn’t it? Considering two weeks later the four of us will be inside of the ring against each other, but this time in a Ladder match and the stakes being even higher. The opportunity to be Queen. The chance to shape my own destiny. To get what I deserve. To get what I have fought for since the very beginning. To shape Fate itself to how I see it!!!”

She jammed a finger into her upper torso, her voice rising.

“You have had your time in the sun, Mercedes! There was a point in time where you were not only one of the most respected women on the roster, but also one of the most feared! And while the respect for all that you’ve accomplished still lingers – and rightfully so – well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but nobody fears you. Not any more. That time has passed you by and even though you cling so desperately to it to remind yourself of what you once were, it’s as I said… fate. Fate always strikes when you least expect it, and fate deals a cold, cruel hand. And a little something for you to chew on?”

She leaned right into the camera so that her face filled it.

“So do I.”

The scene faded out.

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