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Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
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« on: February 11, 2022, 10:59:55 PM »

Thursday, February10, 2022
Zdunich Zoological gardens
Los Angeles, California
10:01 AM  PST

Watching children at play was always a wonderful experience. Today was no exception though it was made even better by the fact that the children were family that had come to visit. Seleana Zdunich’s eleven-year-old daughter, Aurora, was enjoying her time with her ten-year-old cousin, Scarlett, Scarlett’s nine-year-old sister, Amber, and their nine-year-old cousin, Kaari. Scarlett and Amber’s trio of six-year-old brothers, Jesse, Elias and Eric, were seemingly off in their own little world playing separately from the girls.

Smiling as they look on were the trio of mothers, Seleana, her cousin, Alexi Zdunich-Priest and Alexi’s sister-in-law, Angelyka Levén-Valentine. Sitting next to them were also Seleana’s coworker at the Zoological Gardens, Dr. Michelle “Chavy” Chavez, and her sister, Melissa Chavez.

Melissa Chavez: Aurora looks so happy!

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: She needed this. After Christina got covid last month, she has been isolated from us. Aurora was not best pleased with this especially after Juliet’s parents…

Her head bows at the situation.

Seleana Zdunich: I knew Teddy was a bad man but…

Alexi and Angelyka both frown in confusion.

Angelyka Levén-Valentine: What happen?

Seleana looks back up.

Seleana Zdunich: They divorced last year, Teddy and Kate. Now Teddy is keen for full custody.

All four of the other women’s mouths fall open at the very idea.

Alexi Zdunich-Priest: What???

Angelyka Levén-Valentine: That is… för fan i helvete! 

Chavy shakes her head.

Dr. Michelle Chavez: What a dirty…

She stops herself short of cursing him out but her sister doesn’t bother doing the same.

Melissa Chavez: Fucking asshole!

Seleana nods her agreement with the sentiment.

Seleana Zdunich: Aurora talks to Juliet every day. They are inseparable even though they live two hours away from each other. Her father making this play is just…

Shaking her head, Seleana looks at her little girl happily running with her cousins.

Seleana Zdunich: It is not good for either child, ja?

Alexi and Angelyka almost immediately nod their agreement.

Alexi Zdunich-Priest: Ja!

Angelyka Levén-Valentine: Ja!

Chavy just shakes her head.

Dr. Michelle Chavez: Why would he do such a thing?

Melissa shrugs.

Melissa Chavez: He sounds like a grade A douche canoe.  Do those ever really need a reason other than it’ll piss somebody else off?

Angelyka nods quickly.

Angelyka Levén-Valentine: And divorce does things to people.  If they are already jävlar, it make worse.

Alexi sighs.

Alexi Zdunich-Priest: Ja, is true.

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: I once led coworkers to shut his mouth. He walk into shows asking, “Where the white women at?”

She pauses long enough to nod in acknowledgement.

Seleana Zdunich: Brittany’s father does the same, though Teddy seem to think it funny. He think we are all keen to hear him say that and will think he is enjoyable company for it.

Melissa cringes in disgust.

Melissa Chavez: Tell me you fucked him up for it?!!?

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: I just knock him out at the end. The others got to beat him up more. We all get fined for it, though another party paid them for us.

Melissa grins.

Melissa Chavez: At least someone got him!

Seleana nods slowly.

Seleana Zdunich: I got him elsewhere.  He and Kate once stole Christina’s company from her. I do not know how, I did not ask. I just assume he outmaneuvered her when she was not looking. But then I worked through the stock market and bought it back piece by piece. We got it back and I put Melissa on the Board to help vote him out.

Melissa’s smile turns broader and brighter.

Melissa Chavez: I did enjoy that!

Seleana smiles to her and nods happily.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, it was enjoyable see the look on his face.

Melissa Chavez: You basically got to Batman him with the whole, “Didn’t you get the memo?”

Alexi almost laughs in her seat.

Alexi Zdunich-Priest: You did not!

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: I… I might have said that, ja…

Alexi, Angelyka and Chavy all laugh as Melissa nods her agreement, backing up that Seleana had, indeed, done this.

Melissa Chavez: I mean, it was hilarious!  He never saw it coming and when she just kept hitting him with the paperwork that said he was done…

She gives a chef’s kiss.

Melissa Chavez: Priceless!

The women all laugh again together and then turn their attention back to the children.

Seleana Zdunich: I hope that resolves itself soon.

Alexi Zdunich-Priest: Ja.

Angelyka Levén-Valentine: Ja.

Chavy nods.

Dr. Michelle Chavez: I’m sure it will.

Melissa Chavez: Here’s hoping!


Friday, February 11, 2022
Dressing Room
Rebel Star Arena
Rome, Georgia
7:01 PM  EST

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing in the dressing room of the Savage Revolution show for SRW in Rome, Georgia. She nods and beckons it to enter as she appears to be alone and standing there in jeans and a “Gutter Ballet” t-shirt.

Seleana Zdunich: Welcome to where my heart is tonight. My daughter-in-law, SCU wrestler Halo, is in the main event tonight for the world championship. I am here to support her in her endeavour.

She rubs her hands together as she looks into the camera directly.

Seleana Zdunich: Last week, I went out to the ring and I spoke about how keen I am to have the match I have coming at our next pay-per-view. Andrea Hernanez listened to me talk for what seemed like no time at all before she was not keen to hear me speak anymore.

Nodding to herself, Seleana glances at the door and then moves her gaze back to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: She came out and tried to laugh me off. To laugh me away. To dismiss me as nothing as if she could just wave her hand and I would no longer be there to challenge her.   

Her right hand rises to slow any response that might be brewing.

Seleana Zdunich: All of that I expected. I was waiting for all of that because it is standard…

She starts to turn, looking down almost sadly.

Seleana Zdunich: But then you mentioned my daughter and gave me the same tone of voice that Christian once did.

Her head lifts up slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: “What are you going to do about it?”

Turning to face the camera again, Seleana glares harshly.

Seleana Zdunich: I have been asked that by three people here now.

She raises her index finger.

Seleana Zdunich: Christian Underwood.

A second finger joins its brother.

Seleana Zdunich: Teddy Warren.

A third finger completes the set for the count.

Seleana Zdunich: And now, Andrea Hernandez.

The hand falls away out of the shot.

Seleana Zdunich: Christian got his face broken and a move named after him. Teddy got knocked out and now you….

She shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: You felt it as well, ja?

The glare turns angrier.

Seleana Zdunich: I am surprised you did not attempt to have me arrested and banned from the building for it. I am surprised that you did not threaten a few other things but…

She pauses to nod in acknowledgement.

Seleana Zdunich: That would mean you have to admit I am a threat in some way and that you are unwilling to do. So, perhaps…

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: I should not be surprised at all. 

The glare returns in full force.

Seleana Zdunich: Laugh at me all you want, Andrea, it will not stop me.

Now the glare softens.

Seleana Zdunich: That was last week and this is now, ja?  Johanna Krieger…

She nods knowingly to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: The Wolfslair's war machine.  The woman who was challenging Amber Ryan not long ago. The woman who has destroyed many an opponent and has come for me before.

She nods again, this time more firmly.

Seleana Zdunich: We have faced off before and I will admit, it did not go well for me. You showed me who you were and it was an impressive and fearsome sight. The ferocity reminded me of other things I work with. The Wolfslair is aptly named if you are an example of its tenants.

Nodding yet again, Seleana glances at the door.

Seleana Zdunich: You have shown again and again what it is to be a true competitor. You strike fear into the hearts of those who would stand against you. You have climbed mountains and shown you are willing to climb them again if the need is there.

She moves her gaze back to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You are not like the others. You do not seek to dismiss, you seek to destroy those that would dismiss you. You are the thing others warn about…

She points into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You are what goes bump in the night. You are why dark alleys are avoided. You are what parents warn their children about. You are the baba yaga.

She nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja?   

Nodding again, she continues to point.

Seleana Zdunich: I approach you the same way I would any other wolf or large predator. I give you the respect you deserve, I take care not to put myself in certain positions but I do not show you fear.

The hand falls away out of the shot again as Seleana nods determinedly.

Seleana Zdunich: I walk into the match on Sunday knowing full well what you are capable of, Johanna. I know the damage you can do. I know the devastation. I know Andrea will be watching and smirking every time you land so much as a punch, ja?

She nods knowingly, almost angrily.

Seleana Zdunich: She will stand watching, hoping that you will end me so she does not have to bother with me. She will want you to do things to me that you have always wanted to do. She will want you to treat me as a wolf would treat its prey when it is starving and desperate for a meal. She will want you to treat me as a competitor that has violated the sanctity of your territory. She will wish you to tear me apart and leave nothing behind.

She points into the camera, almost wagging the finger as she does so.

Seleana Zdunich: She will hope to use you as the tool to remove the nuisance that is me from her schedule and be able to move on to others.

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: But that will not happen.

She points to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: I will not allow that to happen.

The hand falls away out of the shot.

Seleana Zdunich: I have waited too long, worked too hard to gain this opportunity and I will not be denied the chance to step in the ring with Andrea Hernandez again! I will not allow you or anyone else to get in my way as I go down the road to the match I am so keen to take.

Seleana’s eyes harden.

Seleana Zdunich: I know you need this win, Johanna. I know you see me as you did before but you will not end me. I have dealt with beasts such as yourself all my adult life and this will not be the final act in this story!

She takes a step closer.

Seleana Zdunich: I am ready, Johanna. I am ready for the fight that will come from you. I am ready to survive. I am ready to show the world. I am ready to meet you in what will no doubt be fierce combat.

She points to herself again.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag är redo. Det finns inga höns gjorda av fjädrar här. Det är dags att gå ut i det djupa vattnet och se vem som tar vatten över huvudet.

She steps forward to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Välkommen till djungeln Johanna. Vi kämpar alla här.