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Supercard Archives / God help the Queen!
« on: April 21, 2012, 04:14:40 PM »
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Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace, it's origin dates as far back to the year 1705 when it was conceived as a town house for the Duke of Buckingham. Over the years, other British monarchs took to this royal residence and in the nineteenth century, it was expanded to become what would be seen today by the eyes of the people. In 1837 upon the ascension of Queen Victoria, it became the official royal palace of the British monarchy.

Many of the peoples in other nations are unaware that there are special times throughout the year that the public is allowed access for very special tours to give people a glimpse of the grand estate of perhaps the world's most powerful family. Only a handful of rooms are on this tour, but it never the less allows those lucky enough to be on this tour a once in a lifetime glimpse into the world of the British aristocracy.

"And we're really going to go inside?"

Despayre was standing at the gates before the royal palace, his hands wrapped tightly around the bars to the point his knuckles were white. His face was firmly set between the bars and his gray eyes gazed at this grand sight before him with unabashed excitement. He turned his head and looked back to Synn who was standing stoically, as if the prospect of seeing such a thing was vastly unimportant to him. The same chilly breeze that whipped Despayre's long hair around, caused Synn's long jacket to waft faintly as he tucked his hands inside of the coat pockets.

"Yes, Joshua." Synn replied. "We won't get to see a lot, mind you, but what we will be allowed to see will be a privilege all to itself."

"That's fine!" Despayre turned back away from the rest and stared intensely at the Palace, his plush buddy Angel tucked snugly inside of his own jacket to be shielded from the winds. The weather forecast had called for a chance of rain and the chill air combined with that, made Despayre wary about the chances Angel might get sick.

(Teddy bears make the worst patients you know!)

The rest of the Seven Deadly Sins stable were also a part of this tour, standing at the forefront of the crowd gathered, a blend of the people of London, as well as tourists from across the globe. As Shane was emerged in a discussion with Gabriel and Rage, Fantasia stepped forward and tapped her forefinger along Synn's arm to draw his attention away from Despayre.

"He's pretty excited about this, isn't he?" She asked with a smile to her tones that matched the one on her lips.

"He is." Synn nodded, a look of pride in his eyes that anyone could see, but few might understand. "Ever since you showed him that movie 'The Queen', Joshua's been fascinated by the woman. A couple of years ago when we worked for the AWA, we were here in London."

Fantasia nodded, "I remember. He wanted so badly to come to the Palace and see the inside."

"Yes," Synn concurred. "It broke his heart when I had to tell him they weren't giving tours at the time. Took a lot of time to console him and promise him we'd try another time if we were ever in London again."

"So how'd you arrange it this time?" Fantasia smirked. "Call ahead and work with the Royal family to get us the tour scheduled?"

Synn cast a smarmy look over his shoulder at the petite fireball of a redhead and arched a single brow. "I'm good, Fantasia, but even I'm not that good." he turned back to watch as Despayre had pulled out a souvenir map of the Palace interior and held it before him so Angel could see it too. Synn continued, "I simply lucked out. I did a little web searching for the tours when this show was first announced. It just so happened one was set for today..."

"And that is why you insisted we arrive in London over a week early?" Fantasia finished with a smile, understanding. She shook her head and laughed gently. "You are spoiling this boy rotten, you know that?"

"Ah well, I wouldn't be Synn if I did otherwise." Was all Synn could say to answer her 'charge' against him.

This was when Despayre finally broke away from his claimed front spot at the head of the line at the gates and approached them with the map held out. He looked up at Synn and asked with enthusiasm, "Angel said we might meet the Queen! Is that true?"

"Oh Despy," Fantasia started to say. She knew all too well how important it was for tourists to get to at least see a glimpse of Queen Elizabeth, but to meet her? "I don't know."

Despayre's eyes fell to Synn who added, "She is a very busy woman, Joshua. I suppose anything is possible, but I have to admit it's doubtful. She has so much to keep her occupied. You understand, don't you?"

Despayre frowned as he attempted to contemplate the logic. A sigh escaped his lips gently as he shrugged his small shoulders, and he said, "I guess. Angel said it was a long shot anyway." He then turned to one of the palace guards and the others' heads turned to watch as Despayre hopped over to the one guard standing stoically at his post inside of the fence, and Despayre asked, "Do you think we'll get to meet the Queen?"

He stood and waited for a response, but none was forthcoming. the guard stood straight and stared ahead, his eyes unwavering and body not moving.

"Hel-LO!" Despayre called, waving a hand in front of the guard's face, drawing other stares and amused reactions from the small tour crowd. Despayre glanced back at his buddies in the Sins and quirked his head to the side. "Boy this guy is so rude!"

"He's not going to respond, Despy." Fantasia called gently. "He's not allowed."

Despayre turned to look at her and frowned, "How come?"

Synn answered, "It's tradition. They have to focus on their duties to the Royal Family, and nothing else. Nobody can make them act otherwise."

"Nobody, huh?" Despayre turned and looked at the guard inside of the gates. he then turned and started to approach.

Gabriel approached from behind and had a smile on his face that could only tell a person he knew something fun was about to happen. He whispered to Synn, "Oh this ought to be good."

Despayre stood just inches away from the guard inside of the gates and pulled Angel out of his jacket. He held the teddy bear up so that Angel's little black eyes were 'eye level' with that of the guards. He wiggled Angel in the air in front of the guard... "Hellloooooooooo! ... Beware the stare!"

Shane and Rage stepped closer to watch and enjoy the tourist spectacle as several others in the tour group started to watch with unabashed curiosity and amusement as Despayre continued to hold Angel up in front of the guard and he started moving his body left and right as he started to sing without shame at the top of his lungs...

"If you go down to the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic."

Despayre pulled Angel down and looked closely at the guard who did not respond at all to the display performed for him. He blinked at the guard, then held Angel back up and continued his little performance,

"Picnic time for teddy bears,
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares,
And see them picnic on their holiday.
See them gaily gad about.
They love to play and shout,
They never have any cares.
At six o'clock their mummies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears. "

By now some in the crowd started to clap their hands along to the performance which just seemed to egg Despayre on. Even Shane and Fantasia joined in as Synn, Gabriel and Rage just watched as Despayre started to dance around the front of the guard, singing with enthusiasm...

"Every teddy bear, that's been good
Is sure of a treat today
There's lots of wonderful things to eat
And wonderful games to play

Beneath the trees, where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
'Cause that's the way the teddy bears have their picnic"

Despayre called an end to his song and performance and the tourist crowd, including all of the Sins, applauded and this snapped Despayre out of his reverence and he realized what he just did in front of a very large crowd of strangers. His cheeks flushed a scarlet red of self-induced embarrassment and he quickly ducked behind Synn's much larger frame to shield himself from the eyes of the onlookers as the applause slowly died down.

Gabriel leaned over at the waist and asked, "Did it work?"

From behind Synn, a muffled voice responded, "No! This guy's good!"

"Oh Casey, what can be said that hasn't been said a multitude of times already? Would 'so we meet again' be too cliche' to befit this special occasion? Well, I can at least admit that I am not disappointed at this golden opportunity for Despayre and Gabriel to face you once again, because it is just that; a golden opportunity. The hallowed chance to dethrone the SCW Tag Team Champions in international territory could bring much heralded acclaim to the tag team division, and to Sinful Obsession in particular. And knowing me from our shared history from the AWA, clear to SCW, you know how much I enjoy those in my care to be renowned with such fame."

"You are, after all, the biggest man in this match. So you will understand when that makes you the logical target for attack. It's nothing personal, just business. or, if I must be honest... glory. I have never shied away from telling anyone whom might pay attention that I seek the renowned with all my heart, both for myself as well as the members of my family. Nothing would please me more, than to have Gabriel and Despayre realize their goal, and walk away once again as champions together as a pairing. No team in the SCW has the common denominator that they have shared between them. No team here has such a bond. They've become more than friends, more than reliable partners. They're now family, bonded as brothers. Neither you and Jordan, nor the Aristocrats can say the same. It's a bond that can't be defended against. What each wants, the other attains. And that gold you hold so dear is their innermost desires for this very night that swiftly approaches."

"I imagine this match could be viewed by you as a chance at the proverbial 'double your pleasure' entendre. Hm? Not only do you have the chance to retain your titles in London against two of the top tag teams in the business, but you see on the horizon the chance for you to get that first ever elusive win in the record books against a team you just have never been able to put down in defeat. A shame, really that it's come to this. You see Casey, back in the AWA when our history started, the flames between our sides were fanned by the intensity of the ill will harbored. I remember that first match when you did everything you could to hurt Despayre and you ended up disqualified in doing so. As they say, water under the bridge -- and yet here we are again. Different outlooks, yet the same goals. Victory. You crave it, and you have succeeded. Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champion, and you did so credibly. So to you I offer my congratulations, as well as my sympathies."

"After all, I know every champion wants to live on in the annals of history for as long as they can. But that one moment always arrives when the champion is a former champion, and in London, that moment has arrived for you. It is predestined, Casey. It's fate. You will return to Las Vegas as a former champion. Your attitude against us may have changed, who knows -- but the end result will always be the same. Defeat. I will accept nothing less."

There were different queues to get into from the very start of the tour to go on different aspects at different times. The members of the stable decided together that they would begin the tour with the Queen's Gallery, and end with the gardens. Being at the front of the line offered Synn and his 'family' the chance to see everything first, and no in-fighting would be permitted from the masses to push ahead from their place. Order was demanded at all times and even Synn knew better than to press his luck.

The Queen's Gallery itself was a prominent display of some of the many priceless items in the Royal Family Collection. This year there was even a heightened interest at this particular stop of the tour, as the wedding gown of the newest member of the Royal Family, Kate Middleton, would be on display.

"Woopty fucking doo." Rage murmured as they stepped through the ornate door frame and into the first step of their tour. "A wedding dress that probably shouldn't even have been white in the first place."

"Shh!" Fantasia scolded, despite the fact Rage's words rang true to her ears and amusing toward her sense of humor, as she tried very hard to keep a straight face as the tour guide spoke aloud toward those who would listen. Many in the large group listened attentively, but others (the Sins included), opted to go about the gallery and look to their leisure while listening only when it best suited them.

"Don't get any ideas." Synn whispered with an undertone of amusement as he approached Gabriel who was looking at a glass case with a dazzling diamond studded tiara adorned with rubies. "These people would skin you alive if you ever even thought about it."

Gabriel cast a glance over his shoulder and winked, "Would I do a thing like that?"

"Yes." Synn said simply. "And as amusing as the thought might be, I'd rather not have to bail you out of some European jail. Best we remove temptation." and he gripped Gabriel by the shoulder and steered him away from the display of the royal jewels.

Various paintings of grand design and detail lined the walls in their golden and ivory frames, each sculpted with enviable skill by masters of their craft. Among the great works was "Enoch, Philip and Annie In the Cave" ... "Pandora" ... "The Ride of the Valkyries" and "Titania" among many others.

Rage's attention fell to the collection of royal weaponry, among them being pistols and maces.

Despy was busy studying a display of a Man's Silver Flask, and piped up, "I bet Shane would like one of those for his birthday, huh Angel? Yeah I think so too! I dunno. The gift shop perhaps?"

Other valued treasures on display in cases were cheroot cases, meerschaum pipes and a classic English gift set, coin purses and chatelaines, a silver baby rattle fashioned in the shape of a joker, yads and torah pointers, a helmet clock and most promising, a beautiful collection of gold and cobalt demitasse cups.

Fantasia was looking on at Kate's bridal gown with obvious pleasure and she sighed in a relaxed state of mind as she said, "What I wouldn't give to try that on."

Shane slid up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered, "I don't know babe. I think your body might reject a white dress."

"Jordan Williams."

"This name means something. History. High esteem. Glory. I know of few others who have risen to the level of competition that this man has. One of the best, if not the best professional wrestlers in the game today. I personally was thrilled when you came out of your inactive status to help raise Sin City Wrestling to an all-new level. I admit I had you pegged as a future Heavyweight Champion, and who knows? You may still prove me right. But this time, for now, it's the tag team division, and as per usual, we find you at your usual spot. Right on top as the proven best."

"Until 'London Brawling' that is. You see, this will mark a bit of history as being the first time that either Gabriel or Despayre have set foot inside of the ring with you. It is a privilege for them both, and it will prove a learning experience, I am sure. For all parties involved. They will learn from your vast years of successful experiences, and from them you will learn a little lesson in humility. You see, I've watched you for a long time Jordan. from your time in the IWA through the EFWO and right where you are now. I was there, if you recall, in the EFWO at the exact same time that you were. I've watched you because I have a good many years of experience of my own inside of the ring. Perhaps a few short to match your own, but you'd be a fool to think I don't have enough to share with Sinful Obsession to make them a credible threat against your reign at the top of the hill."

"Study. Do your homework. Despayre and Gabriel are one of the few credible teams employed by Sin City Wrestling. They've been together for a few years now. That experience will be of great value, and it is experience you do not share with Casey Williams. You can not read your partner as they do with one another. You can't predict what the other needs or is going to do so you can react accordingly. Gabriel and Despayre, however, can. And they are not without their own merits, Jordan, as I'm sure you're well aware."

"Gabriel -- undefeated AWA World Television Champion. Despayre -- undefeated AWA International Champion. Sinful Obsession -- undefeated AWA World Tag Team Champions. Gabriel -- the first ever Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, and we all know the circumstances of that championship loss! Are you beginning to see a pattern here, Jordan? Are you starting to wonder just why they have the stellar records that they do? Well, just it back and wait my friend."

"When the time comes, all will be made clear."

"Oh now this is what I'm talking about!"

Rage said aloud with approval as the tour entered the Royal Mews and they laid eyes on the various vehicles and horse drawn carriages used for state purposes by the Royal Family. Shane looked at Rage with a quirked brow and shook his head.

He asked, "Since when are you interested in old cars?"

Rage replied, "Bitch, please! There's a shit load you don't know about me!"

"Yeah," Shane replied, "Like how you've made it to the end of the tour without getting a piece of ass."

Rage turned and glared daggers at Shane who walked on with Fantasia on his arm, oblivious to the seething cauldron threatening to boil over. He turned back and started browsing around the variety of pony carriages, a Glass Coach, a Gold Stage Coach, a 1902 State Landau, and the collections of Phaetons and Victorias.

There was so much to please the tourist eye when Despayre approached the tour guide and raised his hand as if asking for permission to speak, "Excuse me, but where are the horses? I see the carriages but where are the horses that pull `em?"

The tour guide smiled her best and said, "I'm afraid the horses are in the stables. We won't be seeing them today so we might..."

"Boring!" Despayre called out and spun around to rejoin his friends in the Sins as the tour guide blinked.

The tour had went through the state rooms where the Royal Family had entertained world figures over the years, and now was on it's last stop, the 42 acre gardens of the Queen's. It was a virtual oasis of flora and wildlife, where the tourists were able to walk along the path and enjoy everything to please not only the eyes but the scents as well. One might even see the large 19th-century lake which is graced by a flock of flamingoes, the Waterloo Vase, a helicopter pad, and a tennis court.

Shane came up behind Fantasia and reached around to present her with a freshly picked lilac. She looked at it and blinked back at her man with surprise, before hissing between her teeth, "Shane, you twat! Did you just pick that out of the Queen's personal gardens!?"

"C'mon, what's the big deal?" Shane shrugged, shaking the flower in front of her to coerce her into taking it. "When's the last time I bought flowers?"

Fantasia just looked around to see if anyone saw, then looked back up at him and leaned in to answer, "Whenever you think it's going to get you some, and it always works so..." She looked back at the flower and the understanding dawned upon her and she graciously accepted it, saying, "You won't be able to walk right tomorrow sweet cheeks for getting me a flower from this garden."

Shane turned and said, "I'm counting on it."

Synn looked up from inspecting the Napolean Vase and said, "Joshua, are you enjoying... Joshua?"

The questioning tone of the words called the attentions of Gabriel, Rage, Shane and Fantasia to look up and about, but Joshua, aka Despayre, was nowhere to be found.



Despayre walked down the long hallway of the ornately decorated wing of the Palace, his head leaned back and taking in every single richly decorated sight that was before him...

"Now I don't want the Aristocrats to think I went and forgot about them. Oh no, how could I? After all, since our first meeting in the ring, haven't we become the very best of friends? Hm? no? Yeah, somehow I'm not surprised. What does surprise me is it's not you who are opposite the ring from us and that third team, wearing the championship gold."

"As much as it galls me to admit it, if ever there was another team destined to be champions -- other than Sinful Obsession -- it would be the Aristocrats. Chett "Hangman" Hawkins and "Big" Steve Scanlon are a formidable combination of men and styles blended to be a threat to anyone they find themselves up against, and yes, that includes Gabriel and Despayre. When our two teams met, you gave my men a fight that I am reluctant to admit I did not see coming. You fought them to the bitter end, and for the Aristocrats, the end was indeed bitter. For you see, as hard as you fought, in the end, it just wasn't hard enough. After all, who was it that won that match? I do believe it was Sinful Obsession."

"And that was in a standard tag team match, with nothing on the line save for pride. Now try to imagine it gentlemen. If that was the end result with nothing up for grabs, just try to imagine what these two are capable of when championship gold is on the line. Gabriel is, after all, the Sin of Greed. he will settle for nothing short of adding more glory to his already swollen resume', and Despayre just wants to succeed when others believe he might fail. He demands to prove himself with his best friend at his side. Winning the SCW Tag Team title was written in the diaries of the Fates themselves from the moment they signed their contracts. All it would take was a bit of time."

"Despayre is patient. He waited while Gabriel took his rightful spit as King of the Mountain, knowing this time would eventually come. Despayre has become anxious ... hungry. He is a predator and come bell time, he will be unleashed."

"Gabriel and Despayre have waited long enough for their crowning moment gentlemen. The wait is now over."

"Excuse me." Despayre said timidly as he held Angel close to his body and approached an elderly gentleman in a suit and tie. "I think I'm lost. Is the Queen on this part of the tour?"

The man looked up from the table he was signing a paper on and blinked from behind his glasses. He looked toward his left, then right, then focused on Despayre.

"I'd say you were lost young man." The elderly man said in a thick British accent. "The main tour should be in the garden by now."

"I know, that's where I was." Despayre tried to explain. "I was with my friends when I thought I saw the Queen coming inside and I wanted to say hi and introduce us, but I think I took a wrong turn and... " He looked down sheepishly and whispered despite himself, "I'm sorry."

The older man looked at Despayre with a critical eye. He had served as a member of the staff of Buckingham palace for over thirty years and his was a well trained eye for any signs of trouble, and although he saw there was a unique nature to this young man before him, he could read nothing that should involve the calling of the palace security.

A door opened and a regally intoned voice spoke, "Is everything alright Harold?"

Despayre turned to see who had stepped out of the next room and spoken, and he froze. The lady was elderly with short, white hair, glasses on the demure nose and clad in a tasteful business dress. Despite her advanced years, her eyes shone with wisdom and her stature told she was one to be respected. Despayre was looking at Queen Elizabeth herself!

"No mum." Harold addressed the Queen with a respectful nod. "I was just chatting with this pleasant young lad. Seems he accidentally separated himself from the tour group and was trying to find his friends. I thought it best if I looked them up for him. Save a bit of time and headache."

"Yes, quite." Queen Elizabeth agreed and she turned and looked the young wrestler over who was by now doing everything to avoid eye contact with the world's most powerful woman, aside from standing behind the suit of armor he was next to. The Queen as well was a marvelous judge of character with her years of experience in her office, and she too could see the innocent nature of Despayre.

Just as her attendant of so many years was about to step up to Despayre to escort him away, she raised her hand to stall him. "It is almost tea time. Perhaps you would be so kind as to bring have Mary fetch it if our young man here would care to wait?"

"Certainly mum." He looked to Despayre and asked, "Might I ask what your friends look like so I will know them?"

Despayre paused, thinking. He said nothing at first and frowned for just the smallest of moments before he finally spoke up, "Tall. One is bald and looks really mean. One is a pretty redhead."

Harold smiled and gave a nod before he turned to carry out his duties. Two other men stood nearby in the Queen's private office, watching and aware. Innocent or not, their duty was the protection of the Royal Family and were keeping a close eye on Despayre.

The Queen held her hand out toward the open door where the men were and she inclined her head, "Would you join me?"

Despayre glanced up to see where she was indicating and he slowly took a single step forward and then followed her into the room, where one guard remained outside, the other retained his station behind the closed door.

"Please, have a seat." Queen Elizabeth said, motioning toward a small sofa in her study. Despayre looked at it, then at her. She shook her head slightly to ask, "Would you rather stand?"

"No." Despayre said meekly. "But it's ladies first."

This brought a genuine soft smile to the Queen's face as she nodded and walked around to the other side of the sofa and had a seat. As Despayre followed suit, taking a spot on the other side, she remarked, "I see somebody raised you properly."

Despayre looked down at the teddy bear held closely against him and shrugged.

"What is your name?"


"Despayre?" The Queen frowned. "Is that your real name?"

Despayre shook his head, "No. It's my wrestling name."

"I see." The monarch said in observance." "What is your real name?"

This time Despayre lifted his eyes to look at her and his face flushed a charming pink as he answered her, "Joshua."

"Joshua." The Queen repeated, leaning back against the sofa with her hands in her lap. "I do like that name. Very dignified."

This compliment from such a woman made Despayre sit up just a little bit straighter.

Synn is standing with the others, each one bearing a worried expression as Synn spoke to a man in a business suit. Synn held his hand at chest level, palm down, and said, "He's about this high, with really long, black hair. Half of his head is shaved... Don't look at me like that. He really looks like this."

Shane added, "And he'll be carrying a teddy bear."

Gabriel looked at Fantasia and asked, "Why does he keep looking at us like that?" to which Fantasia shrugged.

"A teddy bear you say?" The voice drew their attention behind them and they saw the older man wearing a smile approach them. "Would you be the friends of Joshua?"

Synn was the first to answer, quickly approaching Harold. "Yes! Is he alright? What happened? is he...?"

Harold held a hand up and said, "The young man is quite alright. He got a little lost, took a wrong turn or something such. He's quite fine and having a bit of tea while I searched for you. Come with me."

Harold turned and headed up the path and the Sins had little else options but to follow.

Queen Elizabeth was now seated next to Despayre, both with cups and saucers in hand as they carried on a conversation.

The Queen said, "Such a shame the state this world is in." She shook her head as she took a sip from her cup.

Despayre followed suit and agreed, "It is. it really is. You know what else is a shame?"

"What's that?"

"When you sit down and your thighs squish out to twice their normal size. That's a shame."

The Queen paused a moment, baffled by this as she took a moment to contemplate his statement. Then she nodded and sipped at her tea when there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" She called out and the security in the room reached over and opened the door. Harold leaned in and smiled,

"Ma'am," He said. "We've found Joshua's friends. Shall I show them in?"

"Yes, please." She answered, standing up. Watching for a second, Despayre did the same as the door opened wider and Harold stood inside and the Sins promptly walked in, with Synn at the helm.

"Joshua!" He scolded. "Why did you wander off like...?" And he froze immediately when he saw who else was in the room. All of them did so. Fantasia's eyes went wide and she gripped Shane's arm tightly. Rage muttered, "Holy sh..." before Shane wrapped an arm around his head an clamped a hand over his mouth. The two Brits in the group, Shane and Gabriel, held the most reverence of them all as they each found themselves long enough to place their hand on their heart and bowed humbly at the waist. Humbly being the operative term. Both Gabriel and Shane were indeed humbled by the sight of the Queen of England.

"Joshua..." Synn managed to say. "Are you actually having tea with the Queen of England???"

Despayre lowered his cup from his lips and blinked, looking at each in turn before asking, "Doesn't everybody?"

Shane looked at Gabriel and flopped his arms at his side, repeating, "Doesn't everybody!"

"Mother..." The door opened wider and the experience was compounded when in walked Prince Charles and Camilla. "I am told we have visitors?"

"Uh oh..." Despayre whispered. "It's the social climbing shrew!"

"Joshua!" Synn scolded at the same exact time Shane and Gabriel reprimanded, "Despy!"

Queen Elizabeth turned her head and said simply, "Joshua. We do not speak of the Duchess in such a manner."

Despayre looked back and forth between them before he said, "Why not? You did."

The Ashburn Hotel...

The door of the hotel lobby was opened by the doorman and the members of the Seven Deadly Sins walked in, their conversation excited and loud.

"I still can't believe it!" Shane said with a wide smile on his face. "I always thought Despy was capable of anything ... but dude!" he clapped Despayre on the back, almost sending the much smaller man tumbling forward. "You and the Queen herself!?"

"It's no big deal." Despayre reasoned with a smile, bringing the smiles to each of the others in turn.

"No big deal he says." Synn mimics. "The man has tea with the most powerful woman in the world, and he says no big deal."

A hotel clerk approached the group, and spoke specifically to Synn, "Pardon me, sir?"

"Yes?" Synn said, glancing over toward him and frowning at the disruption of their conversation.

"A woman in the waiting area." The clerk said. "Said she's waiting to see you? She says she knows you."

Rage asked, "Who the hell would that be?"

Synn shrugged as he turned to head for the waiting area of the lobby with the others in tow, "Most likely one of those comely lasses Ward or Underwood use to interview us. They told me they scheduled us something and..."

"MOM!" Despayre suddenly cried out from out of nowhere and he tore past the others.

The heads of Synn, Gabriel, Rage, Shane and Fantasia whipped around to spy Despayre jumping into the waiting arms of a woman across the lobby. Gabriel turned his head quickly to look at Synn whose color had drained completely from his features. Gabriel looked back to watch as Despayre embraced the woman with heartfelt enthusiasm and he could find only one thing to say to fit the situation...

"Oh fuck..."


Climax Control Archives / A whole lot about ... well, something
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:49:47 PM »
 The main guest quarters of the high end hotel was calm ... quiet, save for the subdued sounds emanating from the plasma television stationed against the far end wall. The decor was tasteful, with the furniture spaced across the light, creme colored walls and carpet, and the paintings along the wall minimal but with an elegance all unto their own.

The mood was kind of soured then when one realized that the program being shown on the screen was the Brendan Fraser movie, 'Looney Tunes - Back In Action'.

Synn and Rage sat on the stretch sofa against the wall, their attention on other things besides what was flickering on the screen; the charming blend of live action and classic animation. Synn had his laptop on his bended knee and was busy browsing the internet, looking up information on the NWA and it's championship combination of Weapon-X and Vixen. Rage had a magazine in hand, stealing glances over the folded pages and frowning as if the noise from the movie would not permit him to concentrate on what he was trying to read. As if a debate raging between Brendan Fraser and Daffy Duck could detract from a scientific study on the benefits of ingesting licorice underwear. (Go figure!) The proverbial 'Sin of Lust' sat on a chair beside the sofa, curled up and only paying slight attention to the movie as she had an ereader in hand, reading the classic 'Lord of the Rings' while the team killed a little time before they were set to go out for the evening to an autograph session scheduled by the SCW for the tour of California.

The only two who were paying close attention to the movie at hand was the combination of Kittie and Despayre, both seated on the floor just a foot away from the screen. Kittie sat with her legs curled up and she rested her side against a plush recliner, her one hand on her lap, the other subconsciously twirling her fingers in her blond locks. She was not as into the whole "Looney Tunes" craze like her childlike partner, Despayre, but she found the animation shorts somewhat amusing, and more importantly -- calming. Despayre was the fanatic of the group for these cartoons, and his eyes were riveted to the screen as he sat with his legs stretched out in front of him and his hands curled tightly in his lap. All of his attention on the important stuff.

Despayre's regular tag team partner, Gabriel, had not made the trip to California. He remained behind this one time under Synn's direction so he didn't aggravate his injured knee just as his return date to the ring was close at hand. This disappointed Despayre severely, but Synn and Gabriel both explained it was in Gabriel's best interests, health-wise. That was all Despayre needed to hear to accept it. Gabriel would make the trip with them for the next stop, after all.

The one last member to the group of the Seven Deadly Sins, Sxxxy Shane Boswell, opened the door from the hotel hall and stepped inside of the room. He surveyed the goings on around him, before shutting the door behind him and saying, "Whoa, party central."

"Just enjoying a rare respite, Shane." Synn said from his seat, clicking away at the keys of his computer. "It's a rarity these days it seems. We just have the Meet and Greet shortly and then we can go back to Vegas." He looked up at the 'Sin of Pride' and added, "And then of course the whole process starts anew."

"Whoopee." Shane said sarcastically as he popped his forefinger from his lips and twirled it in the air. He walked over to the side of the sofa and peeked over the screen. "Find anything on the champs?"

"Surprisingly little." Synn answered as he turned the computer to a bio page on the NWA World Tag Team Championship team of the Har-Kore Warriors. "But enough. Their career together is admittedly a storied one. They've won championships a plenty, and earned each one."

"Twenty, plus." Shane said and jetted out his bottom lip in contemplation. "Hm, that's pretty damn good. Gotta give `em credit. Only team I know of that tops that would be..."

"TSSA." Synn finished the thought and turned the laptop back around to continue his scouting. "I know. Chippendale and Thunder's title records run into the thirties, and that's just with each other. the rare times they teamed and won gold with other partners would push the number even further."

Shane dropped the bag he was carrying in Rage's lap with an audible "oof!" and growl from the big man as he maneuvered to the chair where fantasia stood up. Shane plopped down and she followed suit, taking her usual spot on his muscled lap as she didn't miss a beat in her reading. Shane's arm slid around her waist and he spoke up, "So you find any of their matches to help scout for these two chuckle heads here?" He motioned toward the combo watching the movie from the floor.

Synn nodded, "Enough." he glanced up and raised an eyebrow. "You realize they've only defended the World Tag Team title once?"

Having overheard, Fantasia lowered her Nook and frowned, "Once? They won the title at the end of January and only defended it once since?" She rolled her eyes and shook her head in the negative before going back to her reading.

Synn smiled, having read her thoughts without so much as glancing up. "The NWA titles for the most part are only defended once a month, so it's understandable."

"Doesn't exactly set the world on fire though, does it?" Shane asked, glancing over toward the screen. He looked down and saw something that was not there before he looked up. "Am I crazy or is something missing?"

"The bears?" Fantasia mused with a smile.

"Yeah." Shane conferred. "Where's Angel and..."

"Snowflake?" Fantasia finished. "They're in the bedroom, having a tea party as I understand it."

"Ah." Shane nodded sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "Why didn't I know that?" He exhaled gently through pursed lips and raised his eyebrows. He turned his head aside and looked down towards the hall before turning away again.

Fantasia lowered her Nook and gave him a wicked little grin. "You want to look, don't you?"


Synn closed the laptop with a snap and set it aside, saying, "Well whether you want to or not, here's your chance. It's time to get downstairs for the little fan meet. Can you go get the bears, Shane, while I try to pry these two away from this movie."

"Uhhhhgh!" Shane sighed annoyingly and he stood upright. "Why do I get the feeling you got the easier of the tasks?"

"More tea?"


"One lump, or two?"

"Ohhh no you don't! You're not going to get me with that old trick!"

"Why, whatever do you mean?"

"Hey don't play innocent with me! I watch enough Looney Tunes to know how it works. You ask me how many lumps I want and then you whack me with that spoon."

"Now I do believe you're being just a wee bit paranoid, don't you?"

"Hey! A little paranoia is a very healthy thing. It keeps the blood flowing."

"So does an ice pick to the carotid artery, where do you want to draw the line?"

"... Right before that whole ice pick thing!"

"So, where is everybody, anyhow?"

"I think they're all out in the hotel room, watching the boob tube."

"*snort* You said 'boob'!"

"I did, didn't I? Can I say that? I mean, I'm always being told this is a 'family program' and things are PG-13 and all."

"That's WWE, you silly. We're Sin City Wrestling. Anything goes!"


"Well, almost anything. You won't see anything like Synn bending Mark Ward over in the ring or anything like that."

"All the better for my innocent little eyes. I won't have to wash them out with Clorox!"

"Uh...yah! So why is everybody out there instead of in here, playing with us and having a spot of tea?"

"I think Synn is trying to keep everyone's mind on other stuff. Mommy Dearest struck again."

"Oh? What was it this time? A homemade sweater with wool so fresh it still goes BAAAAAAAAAAAA!...?"

"Um, well, no. Not quite. It was just a little greeting card, Hallmark I think."

"Do we get royalties now that you plugged the greeting card conglomerate in our promo?"

"I doubt it. The greeting card business just isn't what it used to be. And besides, it's tasteless to plug some company in a wrestling promo just in the hopes of a cheap reward."

"Oh I agree! ... Captain Morgan Rum!"


"Well it was worth a shot."

"Say, what are they doing out there anyway? Don't tell me they're watching that press conference again. I'm still trying to process it, myself."

"I know. I mean, who do those two think they are anyway? Coming in here and criticizing the way Mark and Christian are running things? Last time I checked, they came to SCW, not the other way around. Just who do they think they are!"

"They're the NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions."


"That's what Wolverine keeps saying."

"Who's Wolverine? I thought his name was Weapon-X."

"You say potato, I say vodka. Been reading too many X-Men comics lately."

"So... does the NWA have a World Cruiserweight Tag Team championship?"


"Then why does he keep calling their titles the Heavyweight Tag Team championship? Heck, they even called the SCW titles the SCW Heavyweight Tag Team Championship!"

"You know I looked at the official NWA website and they don't even call their titles Heavyweight tag team titles. I guess they have some weird hangup over that term."

"Does that mean since he calls their title for Heavyweights, he's calling his wife...?"

"I would say so, yes."

"Hunh. Not a very nice thing to say about your own beloved. It's no wonder he condones male on female violence. Tsk tsk tsk. He probably uses a tazer on the little missus when the smashed potatoes have lumps in them."

"Yeah I was talking to my little buddy after watching that snooze fest and he didn't understand how equality equaled right from wrong when it came to men fighting women."

"I'd say it was the Har-Kore Warriors who don't understand. A gentleman does not hit a woman, bottom line."

"I agree. Only a coward would hit a woman, unless maybe his life was at stake. But hitting a woman in a wrestling match? Oh they say that the woman can take care of herself and claim equal rights and all that, but what happens in a domestic dispute when the cops are called because a guy beat up his girlfriend or wife? Are the cops going to say, 'Oh she can handle it. It's the new millennium so equal rights and all that!'"

"No the cop will not! That guy is going to get arrested."

"Exactly! It doesn't matter if the woman started it or attacked him and he was defending himself. The man gets blamed and arrested. The man is shed in the bad light and is automatically in the wrong according to society and the law. The man is made out to be the bad guy."

"So, how is pro wrestling any different?"

"It's not. It's a sport, that's it. It's not even been realistic in the past when men have stepped into the ring against women."


"Well look at when two of the toughest women in the business, Jacqueline and Luna (God rest her soul) tried to wrestle Jeff Jarrett. He tore them apart. They accepted his challenge. They knew what they were getting into, and still Jarrett was made out to be the villain for hitting them in the matches. Trish Stratus tried to wrestle Chris Jericho but he laid her out with one clothesline. Test (God rest his soul) pretty much laid Lita out and pinned her after just one big boot."

"How about Chyna? She took on men all the time. Even in Japan. Every time someone who says women should be allowed to wrestle men, they always bring up Chyna as their main point of argument."

"Chyna. Hmph. Well for one, Chyna is -- or was -- twice the size of all these other women who say they should be able to wrestle with the guys.  But have they forgotten just how bad in the ring she was?  Plus, people forget that half of the time she fought men, she either used weapons to win (ala Jeff Jarrett) or she had help, like when Triple H used to accompany her to the ring for her matches against men. Billy Gunn, Val Venis, she wrestled and beat men of that caliber, but only because Triple H interfered and did most of the damage himself."

"True. I recall a match she had with Ken Shamrock. He wouldn't fight her but she kept pushing and slapping him until he snapped. He put her down with one belly-to-belly suplex and she was out! And ... after that one move Triple H jumped into the ring to get revenge for her.

"Revenge for what? She signed up for the match. Shamrock just happened to lay her out. Put her in a real match against some of the men she 'wrestled' and they'd take her apart. Like when she wrestled in Japan."

"Tried to, you mean."

"Right. She got in a move or two here and there, but those guys had her number from the start of the match to the end."

"What about Misty? She's one of our own and she was the only woman in the Cruiserweight Gauntlet and she walked away with the title."

"Let's just say she's the exception to the rule. But if you want to be technical, she was the last entrant so she had a heck of an advantage going in."[/color]

"True. Say, speaking of my home girl, can you believe that press conference where the Har-Kore Warriors actually had the nerve to bring her match up and criticize who Mister Ward signed to wrestle her? Tsk tsk."

"Well they seem to have a high value to their own opinion. I guess when you've been competing for as long as they have, you naturally have this affinity toward your own opinions of the business, whether you're working regularly for that company or not."

"Yeah but what business is it of theirs if Misty was signed to compete against Angelica? Personally I'm looking forward to that match. I mean, it has some history behind the two babes and so far we really haven't seen Misty and Angelica together in SCW."

"Oh I know. Even if the title isn't on the line, it'll be nice to see something new. And if Angelica wins, she will at least be put in line for a title match so all the better. Plus you'd think those two would be happier seeing a woman getting such an opportunity in a division centered around the boys."

"You'd think, but they're just complainers by nature. Look at how they whined about who they'd be facing here with their open challenge. They knew SCW's rules very well about men wrestling women before they ever showed up to issue their challenge."

"Yeah! Then they go and complain about not getting an all-male team to compete against. I mean, hel-LO!? Sinful Obsession couldn't wrestle them even if it was allowed. Gabriel is hurt, and if they'd bother to do their homework, they would have known that."

"Yeah, and the others were already signed to compete for the SCW Tag Team titles. Sorry kiddies, but in my opinion, the SCW titles have more prestige because they're defended more regularly and against a wider variety of teams."

"I think so too. I think so... oo! Cheese it! It's the man!"

The footsteps outside of the bedroom were heard to have stopped. Beneath the door that led out into the hallway, the shadowed forms of a pair of shoes came to a halt. The doorknob turned and with a soft click to the ears, it slid open against the plush carpeting and Shane set foot inside of the room and have a brief look around, until he spotted what he had first set his eyes for.

Two teddy bears were seated at the small end table on plastic chairs. One was the gift Despayre had given to Kittie for a wintery holiday gift late last year, aptly named Wynter. The female teddy bear was clad now in a 'ball gown' of crystal blue with a tiara on her scalp. The second was perhaps the most famous teddy bear known to man (and we mean that!), the little companion of Despayre himself, Angel. Angel was seated opposite of Wynter, dressed in a tuxedo with a top hat and a monocle over his right eye. The table was set for a tea party, complete with the small cups, teapot, and a little plate piled high with Oreo cookies.

Shane could not help but shake his head, the bemusement on his face at the play acting of his team companions. He walked over and as per Kittie and Despy's request, scoops the bears up into his arms and he turned about to leave, when he stopped short. He slowly turned his head back to glance at the table with a frown on his face. He leaned in toward the table and saw tiny little teeth marks, bites taken out of the cookies on the plates that were in front of each bear's place setting. He then saw the tea cups had actual tea in them, and the wisps of steam rising told him that it was still hot, still fresh.

"How...?" Shane started to wonder aloud when he clamped his mouth shut and shook his head. "Forget it. I don't think I want to know."

And he turned back swiftly and hurried from the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.



Mid-camera...a teddy bear's face fills the television set with thick rimmed glasses magnifying his little black eyes to three times their normal size with a white and powder blue polka dot tie...Mr. Self Help.

Mr. Self Help: Hewwo. Will you be my fwiend?

(Insert corny theme music here reminiscent of a TV game show)

The Hilton Garden Inn Hall was to be the location for the next installment of Sin City Wrestling's weekly two-hour long Climax Control, packed with wrestling action of the dramatic flare that has made this a staple for enthusiasts of the sport. The famed six-sided ring had already been put into place, but the floor was empty of the seats and chairs for the fans. That was because today, Saturday, was a special pre-Climax Control event. A special SCW Meet and Greet for the fans, filled with stars signing autographs and mingling with their supporters. A chance for lucky fans to step forward inside of the ring and take pictures with their friends and their favorite superstars and Bombshells.

It was the perfect way for those in charge of Sin City Wrestling to wet the appetites of the wrestling hungry men and women, young and old, who have come to support their creation since day one. On the far side of the hall was a stage complete with podium. many fans stationed there were laughing and talking, showing those closest to them of their purchases at the souvenir stands and the autographs and pictures taken and received from the men and women of the SCW.

A sudden, ear-splitting feedback screech from the sound system caused many to cringe and grab at their ears, when a booming voice carried across the hall...

"'Lifestyles of the Poor and Unknown' will not be seen at this time so we that we can present to you an even bigger loser of a show."

"Here he is, the bear with all the answers. The one who can look into you and see what ails you and make you feel all snuggly inside! The cuddly wuddly little guy who's advice is often asked for, but rarely adhered to. He talks to you whether you're listening or not because he cares -- and he likes the sound of his own voice! Please welcome...Mr. Self Help!"

The fans standing at the stage turn and start to clap their hands and cheer, whistle and holler out for the impending appearance of the famous little teddy bear. Seconds pass by and the stage light continues to flow over the red, velvety curtains while the cornball music continues to play. Shadowy silhouette are shown against the curtains from the backstage area, clearly in deep conversation and possibly unaware of their voices being heard.

(Darn those stage microphones!)

"I don't want to do this."

"Despy, you have to."


"Because it was your idea!"

"That is beside the point! Why do I have to go out there and do his seminar? It's his!"

"You know Angel gets stage fright."

"Well he needs to get over it! I don't like going out there either!"

"Well how about this? Here. Put his glasses on."

One shadow is seen slipping something off of a small figure being held by another and slipped onto the head of the one holding the figure.

"See? Problem solved. You won't even be able to tell anyone is watching."

"Wow! Have you ever thought about corrective surgery for your eyes, Angel? I don't know how you manage!"

"Despy, they're waiting."

"Alright! Alright! I'm going, but he owes me big!"

There was a rustling of the curtains as the opening was being targeted but not found, when an audible growl was heard and the bottom of the curtains were then flung up and Despayre struggles through to the general laughter and applause of the fans watching in the convention hall. Wearing the glasses with the magnifying lenses, Despayre's gray eyes were four times their normal size and he was clearly struggling to see as he held his hands out and carefully walked towards the podium. He found it, if you call bumping into it at a hard impact 'finding it' and looked around at the fans who each bore smiles and "Beware the Stare" Angel t-shirts.

"Hello." Despayre spoke into the microphone (after locating it too, with his hands). "I'm afraid Mister Self Help will be unable to attend his seminar. I am Joshua, or Despayre, his assistant. I will be substituting for him (he turned his head to look off-stage and bellowed) BECAUSE SOMEBODY IS NOT AWARE THAT HE'S A BIG BEAR NOW AND SHOULD BE OVER HIS STAGE FRIGHT!" He looked back to the crowd before his eyes widened and looked off-stage again. "Oh yeah!? Well you're another!" Despayre looked out to the fans and jetted a thumb to the backstage area. he turned to face the curtains again. "And I better be getting a cut of his tape sales if I have to be doing his speech!"

The fans, by now, were roaring in laughter at the comedic antics of Despayre, whether he intended for them to be comedic in nature or not. Despayre shook his forefinger at the curtains before he turned to the fans with a mocking frown on his youthful face and he cleared his throat.

"Anyway..." he said. "I am Mister Self Help's assistant and tonight we...*cough* **coughcough* *cough-HACK!" He thumped his chest with his hand an shook his head vigorously, making that funny noise with his lips. "Hm, pardon me. Hairball. One of the many risk factors of teddy bear cuddling."

The fans laughed and Despayre looked left, then right, then leaned closely into the microphone as if to share a secret. He said, "And that morning breath of theirs. Oh let me tell you some-ALRIGHT!" He glanced offstage again and exhaled his breath sharply before looking at the fans with an elbow propped on the podium. He tilted his head back, to indicate the people standing off the stage area. "Teddy bears can be so TESTY when you critique the slightest... FINE!"

He looked down and picked up a stack of papers and sorted them before glancing up, biting his lower lip. he turned his head and called out, "Hey if I have to do this, I need my lovely assistant! I can't be expected to read this to talk smack about my opponents AND click the projector too!"

The voices from backstage are overheard debating by the fans...

"You do it."

"Screw that. I did it last time."

"Yeah but you did it so well..."

"Flattery will get you nowhere. So you do it."

"He doesn't like me."

"Despy likes everybody!"

"I meant the bear."

"Oh .... of course you did. Hey I know! Kittie is his partner. She can do it."

"What!? I am not..."

The curtains were thrown open and Kittie was sent stumbling through. She was greeted with cheers and jeers alike from the fans as she turned back to glare at those unseen, her teammates obviously. She turned around to look out at the fans briefly before looking to Despayre who had a quizzical expression.

He said, "Gabriel, you've changed."

"I'm NOT Gabriel!" Kittie growled.

Despayre hefted his glasses up briefly and nodded, "Oh good. I was worried. For a moment there I thought Gabriel got a boob job and lost about a hundred pounds."

Kittie protested and said, "Try a hundred and twenty and then we're in business."

"Are you ready!?" Despayre shrieked happily.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Uh uh." Despayre shook his head.

Kittie sighed defeatedly and said, "Then I'm ready."

"Excellent!" Despayre passed the projector button to his tag team partner for Climax Control and turned back to the fans and spoke into the microphone, "Today, ladies, gentlemen, and undecided..."

Kittie mouthed 'undecided'?

Despayre continued, "WE are here to talk about the issue of violence between men and women, cleverly disguised as a wrestling promo because, you know, we have to do things like this. You see, in many professional wrestling organizations, they let men compete against women, for good or ill. Not here in Sin City Wrestling, however! And my lovely assistant Kittie and I have two opponents who don't agree with this. Weapon-X, and a lady by the name of Vixen."

Despayre scratched the back of his head and turned to look at Kittie.

"Say," he asked. "Can a lady go by the name of Vixen? Doesn't that mean a lady who's not a lady?"

From backstage, somebody shouted, "It means a quarrelsome or argumentive woman, Despy!"


Despayre turned back to the camera and smiled, "Well then that fits then! She and her man-man seem to enjoy dictating their views and opinions on SCW, and they haven't even officially competed there yet! Oh it's wrong to discriminate against women, they say, and not allow them to wrestle men. Well let me ask you something..."

Despayre leaned forward on the podium, and rested an elbow up atop of it.

He said, "Is it equality, or an inferiority complex, that they seek to indulge? Oh don't get me wrong, men and women should be equals, and be able to compete in the same businesses, the same professions, as one another. But should they be allowed to compete in the same physical contact sports, such as wrestling? Can you imagine a match like this?"

Kittie clicked the button on the projector remote.

\'user vs \'user

Despayre spoke, "Would it be considered equality for Laila Ali to engage in a boxing match with world boxing champion Vladimir Klitschko? If equality means they'd be scraping her off of the match after the first shot he landed, then sure! But they don't have intergender professional boxing matches. If Vixen and Weapon-X had their way, they probably would. Their stances, are a detriment to the safety and well being of women everywhere!"

Kittie held up a sign that clearly read "Cheer" and the fans obliged enthusiastically.

Despayre continued, "Of course, boxing is not wrestling. But yet you would not see these form of intergender fights in other contact sports such as MMA, UFC, and the like. Why? Because they wouldn't think to put women in such dangerous positions, so why professional wrestling?" He held his arms out to the side and looked baffled. "Professional wrestling can be as dangerous and as violent as any other. So why. Why do the Har-Kore Warriors seem so determined to have men wrestle women? Perhaps it's a domestic issue? Perhaps it's something from their childhood? Vixen, you can talk to me. You can talk to Mister Self-Help ... or his assistant I guess. Tell me..."

He looked closely into the camera.

"Does your husband lay a hand to you? Or, do you lay a hand to him? Domestic violence where women attack their men isn't unheard of, but it is not reported as often due to the embarrassing nature of the situation. Few men would report that their women beat them up. In our sport, few men would want to willingly wrestle a female because once they get pinned, IF they get pinned, that pretty much shoots their reputation up the... patooty."

He looked off-stage.

"Yeah I'm not going to say that other word. This is a family promo!"

He looked back out at the fans and gave a goofy smile.

"Now, more visual aids!"

Kittie clicked the remote...


"Annie, from 'Misery'! This is a babe who had no trouble at all at taking a hand to a man ... and an axe to his foot. Ewwww! She beat him and threatened him. She intimidated him, and all in the name of love. This, my dear Vixen, is you. You, are Annie. Of course I'm not saying you tie your husband to the bed and hobble him. Unless, of course, he's into that sort of thing."

Despayre looked to Kittie.

"Is he into that sort of thing?"

Kittie frowned, "How would I know!?"

The fans laughed.

Despayre frowned. "Boy! Some assistant you are! You're supposed to find these things out beforehand! Anyway..." He turned back and smiled. "Up next in our revolving Kaleidoscope of kooky basket cases of intergender inequality..."

Kittie clicked the remote.


"Ah! Good ol' Norman Bates! A man with classic psychological issues. Psychological .. psycho ... get it? HA! No? Hm, well I'd have laughed if you said it. Now, although Norman here did a man or two... in Did them in! I KNEW THAT! His primary targets just so happened to be women. Why? Because girls were icky and immoral according to his mother, and did this man ever have momma issues! He kept her dead body preserved in his basement for crying out loud!"

Despayre blinked, looked at Kittie briefly before he leaned in close to the microphone.

"Vixen, I implore you. When you get home -- CHECK THE BASEMENT! Oh and I'd lock the bathroom door when I went for a shower too, if I were you. That Weapon-X might have a few skeletons in his closet that you're not aware of. So, my point in all of this."

He looked down at the papers and then turned around.

"There was a point to this!?"

"Apparently." A voice called back. "The bear doesn't waste time."

"No, no he doesn't." Despayre turned back around and shrugged.

"Would Annie take Norman Bates in a brawl to settle it all between two basket cases? Who would win if they did? The point is, these types of situations happen in horror films all the time. Who are usually the antagonists? Men. Jason Vorhees. Mother issues. Freddy Krueger. He just hated women in general. It was children he had a liking toward. Michael Meyers? I think he had a thing for his sister, which is probably why he wore that mask. Naughty naughty naughty!"

Despayre picked up the stack of papers and rapped them on end on the podium.

"In closing, you two sick, twisted freaks. This is not a horror movie where men having their violent ways with women is an accepted par of the course. This is professional wrestling. More importantly, this is Sin City Wrestling."

The crowd cheered.

"You knew very well before you ever came here that men were not allowed to wrestle women, so you have no right -- none at all -- to complain that you did not get an all-male team, or an all-female team, to face in this showcase match. So kindly stop complaining, and play the hand that you've been dealt. You have Kittie and Despayre, a combination that equals your own. Champions, versus former champions. Men abusing women in a violent manner belongs in horror movies. Women abusing men belongs in the random S&M dungeon."

Despayre frowned at the paper and looked to Kittie.

"I don't get it."

"Don't look at me." She said, holding her hands up. "It was your teddy bear who wrote that speech."

"Yeah, I think I'll go ask him to explain it to me. Are we done?"

"God I hope so!"

Despayre pulled off the glasses and blinked rapidly. "Wow!" he said. "I really need to ask Synn to get Angel that laser corrective surgery."

"After we kick Vixen and Weapon-X's asses, okay?"

"Okay!" And Despayre dropped down to all fours and crawled back under the curtains. Kittie watched him with a smirk before she found the opening immediately and started through. But before she vanished behind, she turned back and looked out to everyone, "This has been a Mister Self-Help presentation"

And she vanished behind the curtains as the fans laughed and applauded.

Supercard Archives / Loyalty
« on: February 24, 2012, 06:10:32 PM »
 After Climax Control...

The evening had been blessedly quiet for a hospital's normal occurrences. There had been no emergencies today, a miracle of sorts given that Carson City was, in fact, the capitol of the state of Nevada.

The ambulance pulled up alongside the patient drop off entrance for the Carson City Memorial Hospital, one of the city's premiere medical care hospital facilities. The rear doors opened and the paramedic stepped out and turned to wait as the driver shut the engine off and stepped out himself. The driver walked around to the rear of the emergency vehicle and looked inside, "Sir, are you absolutely certain we can't wheel your friend into a room directly?" He asked this as a nurse walked out with a wheelchair being pushed before her. The hospital, of course, had been notified along the way about the circumstances of the patient and what would be desired and/or requested.

"No." Synn said as he took a step out of the ambulance and dropped down to the pavement. The back end of the ambulance had been decidedly crowded, with Synn's 6'8" bulk taking up most of what free space there was to be had, with the patient and the paramedic feeling rather cramped with what was left. "Trust me, it'll work out better if we just do it this way. We have friends on the way and it would be best if we wait by admissions for their arrival."

He paused and took a step back as the driver climbed into the back and the first paramedic stepped up into the back and with a team effort, they worked together to remove the gurney, and the patient being Gabriel, out from the vehicle.

"Are you certain?" The nurse asked, looking up at the tall form of Synn with wonder and a hint of apprehension in her voice. "If you're worried about your friends locating him, that'll be no problem. They can just ask at the admissions desk and be directed from there."

"Yeah man." Gabriel grunted as he was assisted by the two paramedics from the gurney and into the wheelchair. To keep him leg steady, one paramedic swung the foot rests around so Gabriel could securely rest his foot against it. "Why waste time? The sooner they see me, the sooner the doctor can give me some wicked pain killers and the sooner this will be over with." The one paramedic who rode with him in the back then scooped up the teddy bear from the gurney that Despayre had made sure also made the trip with his friend, and passed it to Gabriel whose cheeks suddenly flushed scarlet.

"Gabriel..." Synn placed his hand on the magician's shoulder and leaned down so that he could speak gently, if not privately, to the man. "Shane is bringing everyone here, Fantasia, Despayre, Kittie... they're going to walk in, expecting to see us. Do you want to experience the chaos of Joshua running rampant through the halls of this place, trying to find you?"

Gabriel paused momentarily, lost in thought, as he contemplated this very same scenario. Slowly he turned his head to look up at Synn and the most wicked of smiles crossed Gabriel's handsome face. He murmured, "Only if there's somebody recording it."

Gabriel's mirth was matched as he saw Synn's face remain stoically serious but the corners of his lips twitched, showing he was slightly losing the battle not to betray his amusement at the thought. He said carefully, "I know, I wouldn't mind seeing it myself." He choked back what would have had to have been a laugh but then continued, "But perhaps they're right. They should be here any moment." He stood upright and looked at the nurse and nodded, "If you take him, I'll wait for our friends."

The nurse nodded and moved behind Gabriel, and taking a grip on the handlebars of his wheelchair, she moved him forward toward the entrance where the automatic doors slid open to admit them and they disappeared inside with the two paramedics following to pass on to the nurse what they knew about the injury and the cause thereof. The last thing Synn heard was the nurse saying aloud, "Nice teddy bear."


Synn shook his head and turned around to wait for the next arrivals. It would turn out that he didn't have long to wait.

The way Shane drove he must have been cutting off every other car in the heavy Carson City traffic trying to tail the ambulance because it wasn't no more than five minutes later when Synn's own car pulled up around the drop off where Synn stood waiting for him. The vehicle swung around into one of the few parking spaces for visitors and the engine was cut off. The doors opened and Despayre practically climbed on top of and over Shane who shouted, "Oy! Watch it!" in his haste to escape the confines of the car and rush to Synn. He almost darted right past him and into the hospital straight away, had it not been for Synn's swift reflexes as he reached an arm out and ensnared the youth around the waist and reeled him back.

"Hold it, Joshua." Synn said as he pulled him around in front of him and turned him about to wait as the others, Shane, Fantasia and Kittie, joined them at the front.

Kittie frowned, "Why are you out here? I would have thought you'd be waiting inside, checking Gabriel in."

"They're taking him straight to a room to get checked in and examined." Synn explained. "I thought it perhaps prudent I wait here for you so a certain someone (pointed at Despayre from behind) didn't go running around the halls trying to find his best friend."

Kittie smirked but Shane grinned widely, "Damn, that would be hilarious."

"Can we go find Gabriel now and see how he is?" Despayre whined, looking upside down at Synn.

"Yeah." Synn nodded. "You three first." He said to Shane, Fantasia and Kittie who walked past the pair and entered as the glass doors slid in opposite directions to admit them inside of the facility. Before Despayre could hurry to follow, Synn turned him around and leaned over to look closely into his eyes.

"Are you certain you want to go in?"

Despayre's face turned to one that would have brought a barking laugh had it been anyone but the ice-veined Synn who remained staring at him. The look would almost bear the question of, "What are you, nuts?"

"Of course I want to go!" He answered back. "I told you Gabriel needs me!"

"Okay." Synn said with obvious reluctance, "But the first sign of your feeling badly and we leave." and he straightened up and placed a hand on Despayre's smaller shoulders and directed him toward the doors. They slid open and the pair set foot inside, but no sooner did they than did Despayre freeze up and stop moving. Synn turned to look at him with concern.


Despayre fidgeted with his arms, unused to not having Angel's security snuggled within them. He loosened his arms and let them fall to his sides, where his hands clenched and unclenched into fists. Shane, seeing this, took a step forward and looked at Synn.

"He okay?"

Synn hated to do this but he placed a hand on Despayre's arm to steer him around and take him back outside but surprisingly, Despayre pulled from his grip.

"I'm okay." Despayre whispered in a tone that told them that statement wasn't entirely accurate. "It's not the bad place. It's not."

Synn leaned down and inspected him closely and Despayre's head whipped up to return the gaze. Synn asked, "Are you sure?" to which Despayre just nodded. Despayre inhaled a shaky breath as Synn draped an arm around his diminutive shoulders and led him towards the admissions desk where the others stood.


The examination room was like any other in its sterile environment with the charts on the wall and instruments sealed away behind the glass cabinet doors. On the examination table, Gabriel sat with both legs stretched out, and the one leg from his black, leather pants had to be cut away by a swift hand and sharp scissors so the afflicted knee injury could be closely scrutinized. The injury was painfully obvious now to the naked eye as the knee that Goth had taken out and struck down with a steel chair was swollen to three times it's normal size and discolored a sickening array of blue, green, purple and yellow. Gabriel held an ice pack against the knee and breathed deeply as he attempted to dull the pain in his mind, at least until something a little more potent prescribed to him could do the job for him.

An older woman of Asian descent stood at the foot of the exam table with a clipboard in her hand when there was a soft rap on the door. She glanced up over her glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked to the door for a brief moment, before it opened and a young male intern peeked inside. He saw Gabriel where he sat, and a perplexed expression only briefly crossed his face when he spotted the teddy bear on the table at his waist. He then regained his composure and looked to the woman.

He said, "Oh, Doctor Ochi? Your patient's visitors are here."

"Finally." Gabriel grumbled as the intern opened the door wider. Synn was about to step inside but he was almost bumped into the door frame as Despayre barreled right past him and leapt, landing at the exam table's side and he leaned in close to look Gabriel in the eyes, almost nose-to-nose.

"Are you cured?" Despayre asked. "Did the doctor take your temperature in the normal way or the funny way?"

Doctor Ochi blinked and looked over to Synn who had stepped inside of the room and shut the door behind him. "You'll have to forgive him." Synn said to the doctor as he moved around her to stand on the other side of Gabriel and the table. "He was worried about his friend here." And he picked up Angel and leaned over to offer the teddy bear up to Despayre's waiting arms.

Despayre cuddled the bear closely against his chest and looked at Gabriel, "Did he take good care of you?"

"Yeah, he did Despy." Gabriel replied. "He tried to bite the nurse for coming at my pants leg with the scissors."

"Well nobody wants to see your legs."

Gabriel looked up and frowned, the pain dulling his sense of what to and what not to say. He growled, "I am getting a little bit tired..."

"Boy and you haven't given him the pain killers yet and he's already tired!" Despayre looked at the doctor in wonder. "He's going to totally zonk out!"

"Joshua..." Synn said in a soothing tone, holding a forefinger to his lips. Despayre turned to Gabriel and repeated the gesture. Synn then turned to the doctor who was looking at the clipboard in her hands.

She stated, "I have all the information on what happened Mister..."

"Just call me Gabriel."

Doctor Ochi looked up with her eyebrows knitted in wonder, before saying, "I'm afraid we're going to need your last name for our files."

"He doesn't have one." Despayre spoke up. "He's like Madonna." He looked at the bear he was holding and nodded. "Right. Or Cher."

Synn reached into his jacket and pulled out a fountain pen and handed it over to Gabriel, saying, "Just write it down for her if you prefer it kept a secret."

The doctor nodded and passed the clipboard to Gabriel. He started to write it down when he paused and looked at Despayre who was stretching on his toes to try and see. "Despy?" Gabriel said, and his 'little buddy' dropped back down to his feet and bit his bottom lip with a frown. Gabriel started writing again when a fuzzy face appeared over the back of his shoulder, 'looking' down at the writing. Unable to help himself, Gabriel smiled and poked Angel in the nose with the pen. Despayre pulled his bear back with a soft laugh and held him tight as the doctor took the clipboard back.

"So," She started to say. "Three repeated shots to the knee by a steel folding chair?" She looked at Gabriel and held her hands out in wonder. "Do you mind if I ask why the authorities haven't been summoned?"

"Fat lot of good it'll do." Gabriel grumbled as he turned his head away and watched as Despayre peered into the cabinets, inspecting the utensils. He looked back at the doctor and shook his head, "The guy who did this will get his, doc. But I don't want to send any more time focusing on this than I have to. Calling the cops will just keep me here even longer than I want to be, and I never was much of a fan of the police anyway."

The doctor shrugged, clearly not agreeing with his decision to not involve the police. She instead jotted down some notes before she looked up and said, "Well, I have all of the information I need. I'm going to send you down for some X-Rays."

Synn folded his arms and leaned back against the wall, "He's not going to need surgery, is he?"

"We won't know until the X-Ray results are back." Doctor Ochi answered. "But it is possible if enough damage was done to the knee or tendons around it, he might."

The news was neither good, nor welcome, but it had to be accepted. Synn looked at Gabriel who met his eyes, before they both glanced over to Despayre who had a fearful expression of concern on his own face, eyes wide and darting between the doctor and Gabriel.

The doctor opened the door and turned back to the men inside of the room, "I'll get started on the paper work and Jaymes will take you down for your knee to be X-Rayed. It'll be just a few moments."

"Thank you doctor." Synn said as the door closed with a soft latch.

Gabriel asked, "Where are the others?"

"In the waiting room."  Synn answered. "The nurse told us only two visitors and Joshua and I were the two most likely candidates. Soon as you get taken down to be X-Rayed, Joshua and I'll go fill them in on what's happening."

Gabriel nodded when a light snort brought his and Synn's attention to look at Despayre who was holding a hand over his mouth and nose, tittering gleefully.

"What's so funny?"Gabriel asked.

Despayre lowered his hand and tried to compose himself, without much success. He answered in between giggle fits and said, "Angel just told me your last name."

"Angel doesn't even know my last name."

"Does so!" Despayre protested. "He looked over your shoulder when you wrote it down, remember?"

"Oh really?" Gabriel arched a brow, looking his friend over. "What is it then?"

Despayre leaned up onto the exam table and whispered in Gabriel's ear. Gabriel's eyes opened wide and he looked at the bear, "How the hell did he...?"


Doctor Ochi stood in the exam room, alongside Synn who stood in the background against the wall, and Gabriel who was again seated with his legs outstretched following a series of X-Rays on his knee. Despayre, who had refused to remain in the waiting room with the others, stood close to the table's edge and at Gabriel's side. All eyes were on the bright box of light against the wall with the X-Ray film pinned against it.

Doctor Ochi lowered her hand from her lips and turned her head toward Gabriel and said, "Well, the good news is that you won't be needing surgery. Somehow, despite the fact you took three shots like you described, the damage, although bad, was minimal compared to what it could have been."

"And the bad news?" Gabriel prompted.

She turned to him and answered freely, "The bad news is that despite it not being as bad as it could have been, it is still bad." She turned slightly to point at an area on the film. "Right here indicates a slight, very slight, fracture of your kneecap. You also suffered some damage to the tendons surrounding the joint itself."

Synn held up a hand to emphasize a point, "But nothing, you said, that would require surgery."

"Correct." Doctor Ochi nodded and then returned to looking to Gabriel. "But you are going to have to wear a brace around your knee, and keep the pressure off of it for as much as possible while you recover."

"So, what? I can't walk at all for... however long?" Gabriel frowned.

Doctor Ochi stepped over and removed the X-Ray from the screen, all the while responding with professionalism, "No, certainly not. You can move around but I recommend it be at minimal intervals, at least initially. Also you'd do well to use a set of crutches to help elevate the pressure from the knee when you do so. Keep it straight for as much as you can and..."

Despayre interrupted, asking innocently, "Will he be allowed to wrestle again?"

The question had been on Synn and Gabriel's mind as well, but they had yet to ask. Once Despayre took the initiative, the doctor found all of their eyes on her.

She sighed and slowly removed her glasses, "I will be honest. I have never been a fan of these form of contact sports. Boxing, UFC, professional wrestling, so when I am able to offer this advice, I usually suggest it be in my patient's best health interests not to take part in them."

Gabriel shook his head. "Not an option."

"I understand." The doctor nodded. "So in knowing this, I would say that after four, perhaps five weeks, you would do well enough to be able to return to the ring. However at first I would also recommend you wear a brace for the first couple of weeks when you do so. Just to be sure."

"Not a problem." Synn said before Gabriel had the option of doing so himself.

Doctor Ochi then added, "Also, for the first few weeks at least, do you have anybody that might be able to help you get around, to take care of you?"

"I'm not an invalid." Gabriel spoke up suddenly, perhaps harsher in than intended. Before he could say anything else, Synn interrupted and said matter-of-factly.

"He'll be staying at my place for the duration."

Gabriel swerved his head around to stare daggers at Synn but there was no room for argument judging by the big man's face and tone.

"Don't argue." Synn said. "It's for your own health. It's not forever so it isn't like you have to give up your place or anything like that."

Gabriel turned away, shaking his head and grumbling, "Christ..."

"Hooray!" Despayre cried out. "Gabriel's staying with us!" He held his teddy bear at arm's length and cooed to it, "You hear that Angel? Gabriel's going to stay with us! Doctor Angel and Nurse Joshua taking care of Gabriel!"

Gabriel turned his head back to the man and bear pairing with his brow furrowed in a curious blend of frustration and curiosity. He could not help it though when the corner of his lips twitched in amusement. Synn shook his head but the doctor herself also seemed amused.

She said, "Now... if there are no further questions, I'll just write out..."

"I have a question." Despayre said timidly, raising his hand.

"Yes?" The doctor slid her glasses on, looking to him as he slowly lowered his hand and he leaned in, a curious look on his face.

Despayre asked, "When I  order at Panda Express, and say no MSG ... do they really put it in anyway?"

Doctor Ochi blinked, and Gabriel snorted back his laughter while Synn hid his face behind the back of his hand as he shook his head, but the quaking of his shoulders spoke volumes of his amusement. Despayre just looked around at them in his innocent nature toward his question.

She then regained her composure and said, "I'll go have Gabriel's prescriptions written out. He'll be put on a mild muscle relaxer and pain killer..."

Gabriel muttered, "Hot damn..."

She smiled and opened the door to take her leave...

Only minutes later, the intern from earlier, Jaymes, had made his way to the room and fit Gabriel's leg into a firm knee brace that would keep his leg straight. He also had a set of crutches and offered them over to the patient as he slid carefully from the exam table.

Synn stepped up and said, "Okay, we'll go get your prescriptions filled and..."

"Not yet." Despayre said and all eyes turned to him. "We can't leave yet."

"Why not?" Gabriel asked.

Despayre rolled his eyes and exhaled, his expression saying that the answer should be obvious. "Because they haven't given Gabriel his sucker yet. Everybody knows when you go to the doctor, you get a sucker."

"Joshua..." Synn started to say but Despayre shook his head vigorously.

"I am not leaving until Gabriel gets his sucker!"

Synn exhaled through his nose and turned and looked at Jaymes who got a deer caught in the headlights look.


Out in the waiting room, Shane glanced up and he gave Kittie a nudge with his hand. She too looked up and the three of them, Fantasia included, hurriedly stood up as Synn, Despayre, and Gabriel stepped into the waiting room area. Gabriel was carefully maneuvering himself on his crutches, trying to keep the weight off of his injured knee. Despayre was hovering all too close to him, just in case his best buddy were to have an accident.

"It's about damn time." Kittie said as they met the three. "It's been over an hour. What did they s..." She frowned and pointed at Gabriel. "Where did you get the Blow Pop?"

Gabriel pulled the purple sucker from between his lips and smiled, "Where do you think?" And tilted his head toward Despayre who puffed out his chest and smiled proudly.


Synn sat far off in the dining room of his spacious home, talking on the phone as he glanced up every few moments to look toward the kitchen and watched as Despayre practically hovered over their housekeeper, Teresa, as she went about her work in the kitchen, preparing their evening meal.

Under almost all circumstances, the older, Hispanic woman clearly intimidated Despayre into being on his absolute best behavior, and he was doing no wrong now, but he knew well enough when to keep a proper distance. in fact, in this case, she was allowing him to lend her a helping hand. And why not? She was making Gabriel's supper too. Despayre had initially wanted to make it all on his own but there was an established rule in the household; the kitchen was Teresa's domain.

"Hand me that Joshua." She said, pointing off to the counter at a bottle of virgin olive oil. Despayre hurriedly grabbed it and passed it to her, and watched in wonder as she expertly added a dash of it to the dish in the skillet and she gave it a slight stir before moving on to one of the other two pots and pans on her large stove.

Synn glanced back down and spoke into the phone in almost a conspiratorial tone, "So it's final then? The match isn't being canceled? ... Fine." He clicked the phone off without so much as a good-bye to whomever he was speaking to and whispered, "Son of a bitch..." Before he turned to look back into the kitchen and slowly stood up.

Teresa then leaned over at the waist and pulled open the oven door and peeked at the contents inside, and Despayre hurried around the edge of the counter so that he could do the same.

"Is it ready?" He asked.

"Yes." She said, straightening up and he followed suit. "Supper is ready. Will Gabriel be eating in his room or joining us at the table?"

Despayre frowned and thought, unsure, when Synn entered the kitchen. Having heard the question himself, the 'dark priest' said, "With us, as usual." He arrived at the counter and placed a hand on Despayre's shoulder and said, "If he were to stay in his room any longer, I worry he'll grow roots."

Despayre laughed as Teresa pulled a beautiful chicken and spinach casserole from the oven and set it on the marble counter atop a matting. She said, "Oh he gets out plenty. He only eats breakfast in the bedroom, and the rest of the time he's in the rest of the house or off somewhere with you two on one of your adventures. When he should be in bed, resting." She waved a spoon at Synn in reprimand. "It's just a good thing you put him in the guest room downstairs instead of making the poor man sleep upstairs. How he would have gotten down..."

Despayre spoke up, "I would have shown him how to slide down the banister, just like Angel showed me."

Teresa turned her spoon on Despayre and shook it at him, "I seem to recall you trying that and flying off the end and breaking one of Synn's good tables."

Despayre bit his bottom lip and hurriedly looked down, avoiding her eye contact, as well as that menacing spoon.

"Joshua," Teresa said, turning her tone from strict to soothing and he glanced 'up' from the top of his brows, his head still down. "Will you please set the table while I get things set up and moved into the...?"

Despayre turned and rushed off, not letting her finish her statement in his excitement at helping out. He watched for a moment as she started getting the dishes ready before he turned and walked out.

In the downstairs guest room, Gabriel leaned back on the bed with his arms folded. His body spoke of relaxation but his facial expression spoke of being bored. On the stand beside his bed were stacks of snacks of every kind, including cookies and pretzels and popcorn -- as well as the customary half-empty bottles of Cherry Coke which indicated who was sneaking him all of these goodies from Teresa's kitchen and into his room. A handful of books laid nearby, and two coloring books with spilled crayons over the hastily colored pages. And seated beside him, snuggled up against a pillow, was Angel, clad in a little doctor's outfit Synn purchased for Despayre at the Build-A-Bear store in the local mall.

His gaze fell on the television screen as he was watching a copy of Despayre's DVD movie "The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie". There was a soft rap on the door and he looked up.


The door opened and Synn stepped inside. He looked around at the mess of the room and smirked, "I see Joshua has been taking his responsibility of caring for you seriously."

Gabriel raised his eyebrows and eyes opened wide as he exhaled. He nodded silently before finding the words, "Oh yeah, that's putting it mildly. He won't ever let me get bored. He's always finding something to occupy the time. Most of it includes Coke and Looney Tunes but he's started to vary. Had me reading him 'Lord of the Rings' yesterday."

"He's not bothering you, is he?" Synn watched him for an honest answer and Gabriel shook his head.

"`Course not." Gabriel said. "But I wouldn't object to getting outside once in awhile. I think I can manage a trip with you guys in town you know. It won't kill me."

Synn nodded, "Funny you should mention that. I was thinking of taking Joshua and Teresa to a movie after supper tonight. Originally it was to get you a breather but if you'd rather go...?"

Gabriel looked thoughtful and nodded, "Sounds good."

Synn said, "Speaking of which, supper is ready. Joshua is helping Teresa set the table as we speak."

"Oh boy." Gabriel whistled. "That's asking for..."

They heard a crash from out of the bedroom...

"Oh Joshua...!"


Gabriel smiled widely and Synn slowly pulled the door shut. He turned to the man in the bed and had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked.

"I just got off the phone with Mark Ward." Synn answered. "It's just like what I told you. They're not going to cancel the match."


"It's moving forward as a singles match. They're making Joshua wrestle Goth one-on-one."

"You're kidding." Gabriel frowned, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "So Goth gets everything he wants, huh? Take me out of the equation and that leaves Despy to fend for himself?"

"Well, he won't be out there by himself, that's one thing." Synn admitted, glancing at the door before returning to watch as Gabriel moved to pull himself from the bed. "I'll be out there to make sure the bastard doesn't try to pull any funny tricks out of his hat. Joshua can handle himself against Goth."

"Of course he can." Gabriel agreed. "This is the same guy that attacked the teddy bear."

"Attacking Angel had a diverse affect on Joshua's mind frame, I'll give you that." Synn said as he moved over to reach and scoop up the aforementioned bear. He then moved back to the door and waited for Gabriel to join him. He continued, "But Goth did something far worse to him when he attacked you. Joshua knows this. I've overheard a few of his one-sided conversations with Angel about Goth when he thought nobody else was listening."

"And...?" Gabriel prodded.

"And... he's angry. He's not showing us that fact very much, but I have a feeling when that bell rings, Goth is going to find out just how big of a mistake he's made."

The bedroom door suddenly swung open, slamming into Synn and knocking him back against the bedroom wall.

"SUPPER IS SERVED!" He announced merrily. Then he looked around and leaned into the room, peeking behind the door where Synn was pressed, massaging his now tender nose. "Well now that was certainly a silly place to stand!"

Gabriel snorted back a laugh, looking away as Synn slid out from behind the door and offered the teddy bear to Despayre.

"Loyalty. It's an endearing quality in this day and age, and yet so very rare. It's small wonder why you weren't able to recognize it when it stared you straight in the face, Goth. You don't even know the meaning of it. I remember dealing with you back in the AWA. You were sadistic in the treatments of even those who claimed to be loyal to you. if they did not satisfy your needs and wishes against those you deemed an enemy or inferior, woe be to they who upset the big, angry boss man."

"Look at our very own friend, Kain. Was he not a man whom you took an initial shine to? Did he not work for you and fight against those you wanted to make an example out of? What happened to him, hm? You took him straight to the AWA World Championship, and thought what better beast to unleash against this group of athletes that have been defying me, in the Seven Deadly Sins? You had been looking for someone, anyone, to put the shoulders of Gabriel and Despayre to the mat for the first time in their careers, and yet failed each and every time. How many times did you force Gabriel and Despayre to go against the same men, in singles and tag team divisional contests, hoping for that elusive victory ... only to turn away in defeat each and every time? You were so certain that Kain would be the one, yet there was that lingering doubt in your head. Why else would you have refused to allow the World title to be on the line? It's not as if you could say Gabriel didn't deserve the title opportunity. The man was a champion and unbeaten! You just knew, however deep down in your own subconscious, of what might occur."

"And did occur. Gabriel did what you imagined to be impossible, when he pinned Kain in the middle of the ring -- cleanly -- one, two, three. You weren't a happy camper after that match, were you? Not only did you 'punish' Gabriel by stripping him of the Television championship, you and your little harem delivered a beating to Kain and sent him away for a very long time. That is why you do not know the meaning of the word loyalty. That is why when you attacked Gabriel, you started shoveling the dirt in your own grave. the same one you dug out when you attacked Angel."

"You see Goth, I have never had much use for tales from the Bible. I believe fairy tales have their time and place, and it's usually in childhood and at bedtime. You seem to have this fetish for Biblical references so let me give you an example that you just might be able to understand, from your own view point."

"Do you recall a man by the name of Job? oh come on now. think back into that deluded little walnut of a brain. The story goes, and I have to admit I wasn't paying very close attention in Church when it was passed down -- I just happened to notice the young Reverend had one serious ass on him that held my undivided attention."

"So many years ago, God and Satan were talking. See, this is why I have such a hard time buying into these little stories. I always thought the two were supposed to always be fighting, and in this one they're talking? Anyway, Satan makes a claim that God's loyal 'servant' Job, who had every blessing a man might want, would denounce  him to his face and curse him if his luck were not so blessed. It was Satan's claim that Job served God only because God protected the man and gave him much out of life."

"God accepted this challenge, and allowed Satan the leave to take everything from Job, save for his life. Satan went about and took away the lives of Job's wife, and his many children. Satan took away his home, the food from his table and the great wealth that Job had known. He could not take the man's life, but Satan did play Hell, pun intended, with his health. Through his initial losses, Job prayed but these curses continued to visit him. Job was angry, and cried out for why he had been abandoned, but never once did he cry directly against God. Unfortunately for Satan, this act itself cost him the bet, and God restored Job to a new glory, with wealth, a new wife and a new generation of children."

"It's a funny story, really. The Church tells us all that the Lord loves us and we are under his care, but here in the almighty Bible is a tale of God allowing a man devoted to him to suffer greatly at the hands of Satan, and for what? To win a silly bet with his former favorite and the now deposed of the angels. Some caring God, is it not? A loving Lord that allows his loyal follower to suffer, just because He wanted to emerge the winner of a meager wager. A loving God who allowed an innocent woman and children to die, all because of a wager."

"And this is the God that the Church wants you to put your faith into, and to love unconditionally."


"Think about it Goth. There is a reason why this tale was the one I chose to use as an example. Only every so often do you see an example of true, undying loyalty. And if you would have looked closely, you would see the perfect, modern example when you see the brotherhood bond that exists between Despayre, the man you wanted to victimize, and Gabriel, the man you attacked to get to him."

"Gabriel has never once avoided you, Goth. As I recall, you were the one who made yourself scarce back in the day, after Despayre returned the favor of your attack with one of his own. An attack, I might add, that bloodied you badly and put you out of commission. The Sins were still around after you took your leave, but where were you? Under strict medical care, as I am told, and realizing the bizarre truth that you, indeed, are but a mortal man. A mortal man that can bleed, that can be hurt, and that can be defeated."

"Your mind games are meaningless here, Goth. You are now dealing with a rabid mind that wants to hurt you much like you hurt him and those he loves. Despayre never avoided you. He has not avoided you here, in this new territory. He is simply waiting. Waiting for you to set foot inside of the ring, so the two dearest things he holds to his heart can be avenged. You unlocked this cage, Goth. You set loose an animal that this time, I have no intention of controlling. And this time, like the last...?"

"You will have only yourself to blame."

Supercard Archives / You asked for this...
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:06:39 PM »
 What brought this about?

Previously on Climax Control.....

"FUUUCK!!" The cry tore through him as he grabbed at his knee, his face covered in a sheen of sweat as he fought to retain his self control but the brutal nature of the attack and the targeted body part made this brave front next to impossible to maintain. "Son of a BITCH!"

Gabriel's scream of outrage and pain filled the backstage hallway of the Carson City High School and this, along with the screaming cries for help from Pussy Willow brought staff and star alike stampeding down the halls to find out what the outburst was all about.

"Get off me!" Gabriel thrashed as an SCW road agent loomed over him, taking a swing at the man. "get away!"

"What's going on!?" Co-Owner Christian Underwood shouted as his way through the fast growing horde of on-lookers. He arrived in time to find the young superstar curled up on the floor in a near fetal position with his one leg that was attacked, stretched out. Pussy Willow was right behind him, indicating it was she who ran to get help from the boss. He leaned over Gabriel but had no chance to start asking questions when a booming voice thundered through the mass of spectators.

"MOVE!" Synn bellowed as he shoved anyone in his path that was blocking him from getting to his man. "Get the fuck out of my way! NOW!"

The smart ones paid quick heed to the commanding voice of this rather large and intimidating individual. The ones who were slower on the take were shoved roughly aside without apology or excuse. Christian Underwood himself was grabbed by the collar of his short and tore away from his position and shoved roughly aside where he fell against a table and was just able to catch himself before toppling to the hallway floor.

"Hey!" Christian shouted indignantly. "There's no need..."

"Shut it!" Synn snarled, a finger aimed right at the boss's nose. Surprisingly, Christian, a man well known for his verbal banter and sharp wit, clammed up. He frowned as Synn turned his back on him and knelt down beside his charge. "What happened?"

"What the fuck does it look like happened!?" Gabriel cried out in frustration and stabbing pain that would not stop coursing through his leg. He was soft spoken in many cases, and under any other circumstance would not have spoken to this man in such a way -- but pain was a factor that could change the demeanor of anyone or how they react to others. Gabriel sucked in a deep breath and snarled, "That son of a bitch jumped me!"

"Who!" Synn shouted, but he turned aside and looked up. He saw Pussy Willow standing closely beside Christian and he stood up and stepped closer. His eyes were on the blonde beauty but his words were anything but gentle as his own green orbs held her gaze in his own. "What happened? Who did this?"

She was not shy about the fact this fierce stare from Synn was unnerving her. She wrung her hands within each other at the front of her waistline and looked down at Gabriel who glanced up at her.

"WHO!?" Synn shouted, his face starting to sharpen in a red hue from the growing anger and frustration. Pussy jumped and swung her head back around to look at the much larger man that was staring her down.

"Goth." She swallowed and said simply. "H-he came from out of nowhere. I was trying to interview..."

"Three times!" Gabriel interrupted, his voice strained. "Bastard hit my knee with a fucking chair three times!"

Synn looked down at Gabriel and if it were possible for a man's facial expression to betray the primal emotion of pure, unadulterated anger, you would be seeing it right now on the handsome face of the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins. He turned to look at Christian but before he could confront the owner, a shrill voice cried out from down the hallway.

"GABRIEL! Gaaabriel!!"

Bodies flew aside, some willingly, others not so much, as Gabriel's tag team partner and 'little brother' Despayre came charging through the crowd, his frantic cries for his best friend biting at everyone's eardrums. He was trailed closely by Shane, Fantasia, and the Sins' newest recruit, Bombshell Champion Kittie.

"Joshua!" Synn called out. "Go back to the..."

But for perhaps the very first time, Despayre paid no attention to the commanding presence of Synn and his orders. The unstable youth's only thoughts and concerns were for his best friend. He shouldered his way past one unfortunate staff member and stopped fast as he saw his 'hero' down on the floor, and clearly in excruciating agony.

"Gabriel!" He cried and he dashed to his friend's side but Synn moved swiftly and caught him by the arm. He pulled him aside to keep him from acting rashly or doing any further and unintentional damage to Gabriel. "Let me go! Gabriel..." He whined as he tried to pry his arm loose but without success.

Kittie, followed closely by Shane and Fantasia, came hurrying through the crowd and Synn called, "You couldn't have kept him in the dressing room!? Take him God damn it!"

Shane wasted no time in doing what was needed. They knew and understood Despayre's love and devotion for his best friend and tag team partner, but he had to be kept out of the way, at least until they could follow through and get Gabriel the help he needed. Shane grabbed the struggling Despayre and pulled him to the side where they could remain at hand but with enough space for the downed man to breathe.

Someone who had been working the back hallway came running up with a bag filled with ice from the cafeteria, wrapped in a hand towel. Synn snatched it away and knelt down at Gabriel's side and pressed the ice against the injured knee joint. Gabriel clenched his eyes tightly shut and his body tensed at the pain that seared through him but after a moment's pause, he started breathing again and opened his eyes.

"Hold that against your knee. Don't move it." Synn said and he stood up and turned to face Christian.

"Happy?" Synn asked, his eyes flashing a hint of their true intent while his face remained icey.

"Me?" Christian frowned and looked around. "What did I do?"

Synn lost all control and he raged, "I warned you and Ward about that son of a bitch back when he first showed up! I warned you what the hell that bastard was capable of and you didn't listen! You just sat on your fucking asses and did nothing! You played the 'wait and see' game until something finally happened and there's your end result!" He pointed down at Gabriel who seemed to be trying, for the first time in his life, to avoid the attention of the people around him.

"Wait, you're blaming me for what Goth did?" Christian looked stunned. "I wasn't even the one who hired the guy! I didn't..."

But Synn wasn't in any mood to listen to reason. True it had been "Hot Stuff" who had hired the boss of the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, and it had been "Hot Stuff" who Synn confronted directly that one day about doing so, but right now one of his own was hurt. The victim of an attack and Synn held his hand up in Christian's face to silence him. The affect was surprisingly immediate.

"And where the hell was the security?" Synn growled in a low tone. "You had it at every other show. I saw them here tonight, so where were they? Hm? They're supposed to stop shit like this from happening! Where were they? WHERE WERE YOU!?"

Christian's brow started to furrow in gross agitation. He was upset at what had happened, yes, but he was also upset that the sole blame was being shifted onto him. He had never been one to back down in all his years as an active competitor in the ring, and even though he was semi-retired, he was not about to begin now.

"Where was I?" Christian repeated. "Good question. Now let me ask another good question; where were you?"

Synn frowned.

Christian said, "Didn't you just have a match for your boys? Didn't you just arrive backstage with them? How was it that Goth got close enough to Gabriel to even do this with you around?"

Synn's eyes flashed under the lights in the hallway and he took a step towards the boss when Gabriel's voice cut in, "OH DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! I'LL BE FINE!"

Synn turned his head to look back to Gabriel who was clearly fuming at the distraction, and rightfully so. Synn glanced casually back to Underwood and aimed a finger at him. "We'll talk later." And he turned back to take care of the downed magician when a timid voice brought all of their attention around.

"Goth did this?"

Eyes and heads turned over toward Despayre who Shane had a firm hold of, his huge arm wrapped around the front of the young man's chest from behind. To any other eyes it would appear a tender embrace between friends, but those close to the group knew Despayre was chomping at the bit to get loose and Shane's grip was the only thing preventing him from doing so. His face was pale, paler than the norm for him. His face seemed almost frozen in the process of emotion but his eyes darted about. It was a sign Synn did not appear endeared toward.

"Despayre..." Synn started, using his stage name in the presence of these others rather than his given name of Joshua. "... calm down before..."

"Let me go!" Despayre suddenly cried and he started fighting Shane, struggling to get free from the superior grip of the much larger, stronger man. Despayre tried ducking down with his weight and twisting every direction, kicking his feet out but Shane held him firm, understanding about as well as Synn at the dangerous state of his unstable mind just now.

"Despayre...!" Synn stood up, not liking that the eyes around them were watching Despayre with cautious eyes now. His fragile mental status was known only too well, and this episode was not helping to further cement his treatments to remain stabilized. Despayre suddenly grabbed Shane around the forearm and sunk his teeth into his muscled flesh and Shane shouted out a curse and nearly let him go when Synn's thundering voice boomed, "JOSHUA!" prompting everyone in the vicinity to jump and Despayre's head whipped up to look at the man wide-eyed.

Synn cupped his face in his hands and made him look at him. He gave him no lee-way or leverage. Despayre stared right into his face and Synn said soothingly, "Stop this right now."

"But Goth ..." Despayre started to cry. "He hurt.... Gabriel needs..."

"I know." Synn said. "And we will get him help, but you need to stop fighting us like this. You can not go after Goth. Not like this."

Despayre voice lowered to a crackling growl, "I hate him." His eyes narrowed and he shook his head. "I hate him!"

"As do I." Synn nodded, then added, "But Gabriel comes first!"

He made the boy look at him until Despayre's breathing slowed to a calm. His face muscled twitched and slowly he nodded. Synn looked at Shane and nodded and the big man lowered his arm, releasing his grip. Despayre immediately bolted to Gabriel's side and looked desperately at his friend.

"Does it hurt?" Despayre asked innocently enough and Gabriel looked up at him as if he were... well you get the general idea. But Gabriel also knew the innocent nature of the question and the mind that spawned it so he bit back what he wanted to respond with and instead shook his head, "Not much Despy. Just a little bit."

Despayre nodded and stretched his hand out to touch the injured knee but Synn snatched his hand quickly before he could. Despayre looked up guiltily and bit at his lip but Synn silently shook his head. Synn then looked up at Christian and said, "Get an ambulance here."

Gabriel's head shot up and he shook his head, "No ambulance!"

Synn turned back to look at him and frowned. He said, "Are you daft? You need to have that checked out. X-Ray'd. I assume this Mayberry town has a hospital of some sort. How else do you expect to get there?"

"No. Ambulance." Gabriel stated firmly, shaking his head in the negative. "I won't give that bastard the satisfaction."

"Fuck him." Synn stated simply, making Despayre wince at the use of such strong language. "Don't worry about what that piece of..." He glanced sidelong at Despayre and sighed. "...that piece of garbage thinks." Despayre nodded at the correction. Synn went on, "And think for a moment. Your knee is hurt. We don't know to what extent, so it best we not move it. If I were to drive you, we'd have to move it more than what we should just getting you into the car."

"I could drive you!" Despayre piped up and almost every Sin member present shouted "NO!" to which Despayre frowned and pouted.

Gabriel fought to find a reason, a logical reason, as to why he should not ride in the back of an ambulance, aside from pride, that is. Sadly enough he couldn't think of any so he exhaled sharply through his nose and muttered, "Fuck!" Before Synn, satisfied, leaned back and looked toward Christian.

"Call the ambulance." He said.

Christian tilted his head and shrugged. "I already did. It's on its way."

Synn nodded and stood up. He turned to look at Kittie, Shane and Fantasia and said, "I'll ride with Gabriel. You three take Joshua back to the hotel and then..."


The voice was so soft and unyielding that they weren't certain that the word was even spoken aloud. Gabriel however saw the man's lips move so he knew otherwise. he watched as Despayre stood up and looked at Synn, his small hands clenching and unclenching into balled fists. Synn turned around and arched an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"I wanna go too." Despayre said simply.

Synn just shook his head, "No." and he turned to address Shane again but was interrupted before he could get one word in.

"I'm going."

Synn turned back around and wore a frown of surprised disbelief on his face. Despayre had never -- never -- disobeyed him so blatantly before. He always did what he was told and to be defied like this out in the open and in front of witnesses was not a situation Synn appreciated. He cocked his head and said, "Joshua..."

Despayre flinched at the strong tone and clutched Angel closer to his chest but he held firm. "I have to go. Gabriel needs me."

"Joshua..." Synn steps around Gabriel and Dspayre starts to back away but Synn quickly reaches forth and grabs the smaller man by the shoulder and brings him to a halt. Despayre starts to struggle but Synn pulls him aside, just far enough away from the others standing near to remain out of earshot. Synn backs him against a wall and leans down so that he can meet the young man who was unknowningly his own flesh and blood, and concern warred within Synn's eyes. Despayre looked up and his eyebrows rose in wonder and worry alike. Synn whispered, "Joshua, Gabriel is being taken to a hospital."

"I know." Despayre responded softly. "Why are we whispering?"

Synn closed his eyes only briefly as he shook his head. He said softly, "Never mind. But I don't want you going to a hospital needlessly..."

"It's not needlessly!" Despayre cried out. "I want to be there for Gabriel!"

"Calm down." Synn commanded, grasping him firmly by the shoulders and forcing him to look only at him. "A hospital Joshua. Think about it carefully. I promised you that you would never go back to any place like where you were made to stay."

"This is a different hospital." Despayre whispered, but his face spoke he now understood Synn's concern. Too often people thought just because Despayre had the fragile mental state of a toddler, it also meant that he was dumb. Nothing could be further from the truth. It might take him a little longer to work things out, but the point is, he could.

"I know it is." Synn nodded, pleased at Despayre's progress. "But they might look the same. Smell the same. It might make you feel something you forgotten. A smell or a nurse, anything could cause you to relive something you were akin to forget. It might seem real and make you want to act out...make you afraid..."

"I won't." Despayre vowed, holding his hand up. "I have Angel. He'll protect me from the badness like he does at night when I'm asleep. And... and I have you too. Please? Please let me go. I have to make sure Gabriel will be okay."

"Synn..." Shane's voice drew his attention aside where he could see the crowd starting to part to the sides of the hall. "The paramedics are here. Whatever we're going to do, we need to do it now."

Synn glanced over cautiously as the paramedics wheeled the gurney over to Gabriel and lowered it to the floor. Synn looked back to Despayre who had that pleading expression on his face, the one that spoke doom towards Synn's resolve.

"Fine." Synn nodded. "You can go. BUT..." He stopped Despayre from charging over. "I still ride with him. You come with Shane and the others. And ... if you start feeling badly..."

"I'll get him out." Shane said.

Synn nodded, then let Despayre's arm go from his grip and he ran over to join the paramedics at Gabriel's side. Synn watched as they slowly loaded the magician onto the gurney. Gabriel blanched at the pain that shot suddenly through his lower leg but he did not shout out. Despayre was watching him like a hawk and now Gabriel had a new reason to fight to remain calm.

Shane leaned over and whispered to Synn, "Why did that bloody fucker do it, do you think?"

"I don't 'think'." Synn answered, never once taking his eyes off of the brotherly pair. "I know. Goth never wanted a tag team match. He wanted Despayre all to himself. Unfortunately for Goth..." Synn looked at Shane. " he's going to get him."

Synn ended the discussion, walking up as the paramedics lifted the gurney up with Gabriel on it, and started to wheel it away when Despayre shoved Angel into the crook of Gabriel's arms.

"Well Goth, I imagine that you think your actions that evening were terribly clever. You know, if I have to be up front and honest, I would have to confess that back in your AWA, I had to almost respect how your level of intelligence in how you ran things. You might have made some bullshit calls, but the simple truth was you drew interest into the product. You made things happen that caused people to sit up and take notice. Unfortunately, you didn't know when to back off and allow things to evolve on their own. You didn't know when to flat out back off, and trouble arose."

"You never was able too control me, or any of the men that I cared for under my tutelage, and it just ate you alive. So instead of trying to use us for our talents and to the best of our abilities, you opted for the cheap and easy road and lashed out against us. you tried everything at your disposal to bury us when we wouldn't be cowed, and nothing worked, did it? Even you can't deny the fact we walked all over every single person you put in our paths. Every tag team, every individual ... they were just cattle to you, and you fed them to us with the likely knowledge they were mere sacrifices to a brazen cult. Well, I appreciated the flattery but we all know when things went too far, and you have only yourself to blame."

"Your ego will prove to be your own undoing. It was as today as it was those years ago. You can't admit when you've overstepped your own boundaries and made a grievous error in judgement. What you did at Climax Control was perhaps your biggest mistake to date. Oh don't get me wrong. Laying your hands on the teddy bear was foolish beyond imagining. But if anything, if anyone commands more love with Despayre than that bear, it would be the man you brought down with a steel chair. Your actions proved you might have a crafty mindset, but that does not equal a high level intelligence. It rather showed us all that above everything else, you do not understand a little thing called loyalty. You could not find a stronger bond than what Despayre shares with Gabriel, and your attack spoke about nothing short of stupidity."

"I know that you've been starving to get a shot in the ring at Despayre, ever since he put you in the hospital. **chuckles** Though even you would be hard pressed to deny that you had that one coming. Did that show you a side of him that you didn't expect, Goth? Did it burn, the embarrassment of the mighty dictator being beaten, brutalized and bloodied by my little man? To be so brazen for so many years in power, then to be hauled away in front of the wrestlers that you terrorized in business could not have stroked your ego very well. Perhaps it made them see you as you truly are; just a man. A man that can bleed. A man that can be broken. In short, a man that can be defeated."

"You asked for this Goth. Now, you have only yourself to blame."

Character Building Roleplays / Despy's Valentine's Day date
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:36:50 PM »
 The sun had already started its descent into the horizon, blanketing the landscape in colorful hues of reds, yellows, oranges and blues.  The household of Synn and Despayre was quiet on this the Valentine's Day of 2012. There was little planned that did not befit the holiday, so almost everyone would be busy (or getting busy), save for one;

Despayre, himself.

Shane and Fantasia had already taken their leave to go out for a romantic, candlelight dinner for two and a show afterwards. Gabriel and Synn had already made a bet with one another over whether or not Shane and Fantasia would make it to the show before finding a quiet place where they wouldn't be disturbed to enjoy ... one another's company? Synn himself had made plans to spend some time with Sean on this day, taking him to one of the better restaurants in the 'City of Sin'. That left Rage and Gabriel. Gabriel, who had been injured during the course of Climax Control (pun intended), had been coerced by the young man who was like a little brother to him, into staying at the house during his recovery. Despy, as he was affectionately known, was taking very good care of Gabriel, of course with a lot of helpful advice from Angel. It was nothing that lots of Cherry Coke and episodes of Looney Tunes couldn't cure, after all.

Still, Gabriel was getting a bit antsy. The brace on his knee kept him from being too mobile but he didn't want to be cooped up inside all night, whether it was Valentine's Day or not. He couldn't go out drinking because of the pain killers and muscle relaxers the doctor had him on, so Rage was just a phone call away and...

"C'mon Despy." Gabriel said as he stood at the door frame of the kitchen, watching the young man place a decorative glass dish of ice cream in the freezer. "Why don't you want to go to a movie with Rage and me?"

"I can't." Despayre answered as he shut the freezer door and turned and started making another sundae. "I have plans."

Gabriel said, "You don't know what you're missing. Me hyped up on drugs and a scary movie is comedy gold, bud."

Despayre smiled and giggled lightly. he had already been privy to what Gabriel could be like on these medications when they watched the sci-fi classic "Aliens" two nights ago and Gabriel had kept shouting advice to the characters on screen -- the aliens. Despayre had practically laughed himself hoarse that evening.

Rage stepped up into the door frame and said, "Yeah, c'mon. bring the bear and let's go."

"What are you guys going to see?" Despayre asked inquiringly, sprinkling a generous amount of Skittles on this sundae.

"Woman In Black." Rage answered. "Has that punk who played Harry Potter in it."

Gabriel nodded, "Yeah, and my meds are kicking in so by the time it starts I'll be good to go. C'mon."

"I can't."

"Why not?" Rage asked.

Despayre looked up and smiled brightly as he picked the sundae up to put it away. "I have a Valentine's Day date."

"A date?" Gabriel repeated and he raised a brow, looking at Rage who had the same puzzled expression.

Despayre nodded, "Mm hm."

"With who?" Gabriel asked.

"I can't say." Despayre shrugged as he turned and opened up a grocery bag and started pulling out candles.

"Why not?" Was asked and answered with a shrug.

Rage asked, "Do we know her?"

Despayre shrugged again. Gabriel frowned and looked to Rage who just shrugged himself, not knowing what to make of the situation.

Gabriel turned back to him as he slipped on his jacket. He asked, "Why can't you tell us?"

Despayre said, "Because it's a secret." He looked up as he started to put the candles in glass holders. "She doesn't even know."

"Ohhhh. I see." Gabriel nodded. He turned to Rage and shrugged. "Well that makes sense. Sure you won't change your mind?"

Despayre shook his head and continued on with his preparations. "Have fun!" He said. "Bring Angel back some popcorn with LOTS of butter!"

"You got it!" Rage called as he and Gabriel retreated from the kitchen.

Rage cast Gabriel a sidelong glance as they stepped out into the chilled, Las Vegas air. "Should we be leaving him in the house alone?" Rage asked.

"He's not alone." Gabriel answered. "Teresa's home."

They started towards Rage's car when they stopped suddenly at the same time and turned and looked at each other.

Valentine's Day had been an extremely difficult day for her, ever since her beloved husband passed away almost ten years ago. They had been married almost twenty-five years and not a day since has passed by without her thoughts in remembrance of this special, special man. they had been so happy, that neither of them could have foreseen him being struck down with Leukemia, from out of nowhere. When you love somebody, really love them, you would gladly give yourself up to save the life of the one whom you hold most dear.

Teresa sat by her husband's beside for so many days and nights and watched the man she loved more than life itself slowly die. He put on a brave front but she could tell he was in pain, and suffered. She did everything she could to make him comfortable. he fought this disease, but in the end it was not enough. He passed away in his sleep and she mourned him every day since.

It was a year after the funeral that she packed up her bags and moved to the United States in an attempt to start a new life. It was not long after that that she came into the employ of Synn as his housekeeper of an estate he held in New York. When he told her he had sold the house, she feared for her job and future, but the normally enigmatic and surly man assured her that her fears were unwarranted. He wanted her to move with him to his new home in Las Vegas and take up her responsibilities there. It was quite an offer, and showed her a side buried deep beneath his dark exterior that few would come to understand.

And in this new home she would be taking care of, there would be a new addition, Synn explained. A young man with a troubled mind and difficult past would be living there. And the boy of a mere nineteen years indeed wasa handful, him and that ever present teddy bear of his. Synn gave her a careful explanation of the boy's past and the barriers she was not to cross.

She had shared with Synn as well. She had told him about her personal loss, and the painful memories this day caused for her to feel. Synn said nothing in regards to this, but subtly he had made certain that each Valentine's Day since he had hired her, she would have off. It was an unspoken 'bond' between the two where words were not needed to express one another's appreciation.

Sitting on her bed in her room, Teresa gazed lovingly at the picture on her dresser, the one where she sat in the forefront in a garden with her husband standing behind her with an arm draped around her shoulder. It would be another difficult night to get through on her own and...


Joshua's frantic call came from downstairs. She looked up wide-eyed and knew that everyone else had went out for their own plans for the evening. She hadn't even known the boy was still at home. Why didn't Gabriel or Rage take him out to the movies with them?

She quickly got up from her bed and placed her robe on over her night gown. Lord, if something happened with Joshua while Synn was out....

She pulled her bedroom door open and looked out into the upstairs hallway.


"I'm downstairs!" His voice called. "Can you come downstairs? Pleeeeeease?"

She sighed. She knew that he probably wanted her to put a pizza in the oven for him or make him another Cherry Coke float. It was her night off but he was a sweet boy with simple needs. She wouldn't have been able to say no, even if she wished it.

"I'm coming." She called back and tying the belt around her robe to hold it closed, she started down the hall to the stairs.


Her foot met the soft carpeting at the base of the steps and she looked around. The sun had been down for an hour and the inside of the house was dark save for the few lights Synn always kept on for comfort and security purposes. But there was a strange glow coming from the direction of the kitchen which caught her attention. She started down the large foyer which led into the hallway.

"Joshua?" She said as she neared the frame of the door. "What are you...?"

She turned into the kitchen and was unable to finish her question.

In the kitchen stood Joshua in his plain clothes but with a hastily knotted tie of Synn's around his neck, and holding Angel who was clad in a darling little tuxedo outfit she herself had bought as a gift from Build-A-Bear. On the marble counter were a handful of lit candles in an array of reds, whites and pinks. And in front of the candles were two plates, each bearing a large cupcake with thick, white frosting on it and Valentine's sprinkles on the icing. Two forks draped across each plate and in two of Synn's best crystal goblets was ... yes, Cherry Coke.

"What is this?" She said, holding her voice as steady as she could.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He ran up and gave her a fierce embrace, catching her completely off guard. "You're my Valentine's Day date!"

The boy had always seemed to be afraid of her and here he... she quickly wiped her eyes with her finger tips and looked up at his hopeful face with a smile.

He raised his brow and asked, "Do you like sundaes?"

"I love them." She asked and took his offered arm and Despayre and Angel escorted her to the counter.


They spoke quietly to each other as Angel sat on the counter, away from the candles. Spoons digging into the ice cream treats and the tattered remains of the cupcakes evident to the evening. Neither of them saw Rage and Gabriel peeking in the window and watching with smiles on their faces.

Character Building Roleplays / Sean...
« on: February 13, 2012, 09:09:10 AM »
 Well before Climax Control happened...

Hey Synn, I know I haven't been very talkative the last couple of days and I do want to apologize for that. I've been very busy dealing with this court and baby drama and I really didn't want to bring you into the mix, I really hate bringing my problems into your life which is why I don't come around as much as I do, or even tell you things that are going on because I feel embarrassed. [Pauses] I'm pretty sure you will be ringside for my match at Climax Control and that's fine, I just hope that after the match we can still be close, and not have any problems because I want you to know that this is my career, this is my life and I can't lay down for anyone. I know the relationship you have with Sinful Obsession and I hope that this match can go down the middle with no involvement from anyone. This match is important to me Synn and I won't hold back, I just don't want you to be mad at me.


Synn sat at the desk in his private office at his house in Las Vegas and listened to the voice mail for what had to have been the sixth time. He could hear the tension in Sean's voice. The worry. Sean always did seem to have a problem fully expressing himself face to face and on the phone ... well Synn himself disliked the use of the phone. He preferred speaking to a person, face to face. It was the easiest way to dictate what went on between you and the person you were with, and allowed you to read them better; to see their mannerisms and look into their eyes when they spoke.

Sean had a lot going on in his life, but then again, so did Synn. Things that were complicating not only his professional bearings, but his personal life as well. Things perhaps Sean should be let in on. Synn had always preferred to keep his problems and emotions to himself. Always. Displaying those emotions just became a portal for others to take advantage of. Gabriel himself would not know about these things had he not discovered them quite by accident. Now he knew, and was pressuring Synn to open up.

Whether he did or not this time was irrelevant. Sean was in trouble and perhaps in need of someone to talk to.

Synn picked up the phone. It was early and Sean was probably asleep or out for an early morning work out. He hit the automatic speed dial for Sean's number and paused while he waited. Sure enough, after four rings the voice mail picked up.

Synn spoke into his cordless, "I'll flatter myself and imagine that you know who this is without announcing it for prying ears. We need to have ourselves a chat, Sean, and soon. We both have a lot on our plates. Its what has been keeping things more distant between us than I would like. Plus we never have talked about that stunt you pulled with Rage. (pause) There is a restaurant in the city, Alize. I'd like you to have dinner with me there so we can talk things out. Finally. Get in touch. You know how I hate being kept waiting."

With a click, he sent the message and turned the phone off. He hung it up and leaned back in his desk chair when the door burst open.

"COOKIES!" Despayre gleefully announced, holding a hot baking pan with gloves... a pan that sported quite burnt cookies. But he seemed to have tried to make a treat for Synn, so how could he refuse?

Climax Control Archives / Secrets best kept hidden
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:28:53 PM »
 Fourteen years ago...


I can't believe it's taken me this long to manage to find you. There's something I need to tell you, but I don't have the time to do it the way I want. I'm taking enough of a risk getting this to you, so I have to break it to you the hard way.

There's a reason father packed us up to move back to Canada. it wasn't just because he wanted to get me away from you. Rowan, it was because he found out that I was pregnant. I am so sorry for breaking it to you like this. I didn't even know until the symptoms started to show. Father was furious, and tried to force me to get thew baby aborted but that was the first time in living memory mother stood up to him and put her foot down. She would not hear of it. So I kept the baby and I am happy that I did. I included his picture. His name is Joshua.


Synn remembered that letter only too easily from almost fifteen years in the past. He pulled the small school photograph out of the envelope and looked at it, and he could immediately see himself in the small, five-year old boy. He knew there was no point in trying to deny the link between them as father and son. The facial features, the same unkempt hair that could not be tamed... this boy was his son. Everything he knew and believed, was now in jeopardy. His stomach twisted into violent knots and Synn did something he had not done since he was a small child -- he lurched over and vomited up the contents of his stomach.

One year later....


This is Ellen, Margaret's mother. There was an accident. Margaret was driving down the road on her way home when she was in a bad car wreck. She's in the hospital in serious condition, but ... I'm sure you know the truth, Rowan. He is in far worse shape. The doctors said he suffered severe head trauma and he is undergoing surgery to remove fluid that is building up around his brain. I can't tell you where he is being treated. Margaret's father wouldn't let you anywhere near the boy, even if I did. I can promise you though that I'll keep you updated as soon as I know anything. I know you are not  a believer, but this is your son. Pray for him.


If Synn had felt his stomach hit his feet when he first learned of this boy, it was nothing compared to the helpless feeling he was experiencing, knowing that his own child, a son he had seen only in a photograph, was now fighting for his life in some hospital in Canada. He had never before felt as helpless as he did that day. He could try to find him. Search for him by name, but there were hundreds of hospitals throughout the country of Canada. He was not even certain he could, or should, send a reply for fear of bringing the wrath of Margaret's father down on her and her mother's heads. At this point, he didn't really care on that particular end result. But the boy could suffer the impending whiplash effect.

He hated this helpless feeling. It was foreign to him. Alien. God help the boy's bastard grandfather is he ever found him.

Three years ago.....

"The place is called Broodmoore Mental facilities and Treatment. Rowan, Synn, whatever you want to be called. Please! You have to get him out of there! I had no idea what sort of place it was when Russel convinced us that it was for the boy's best interests! Please, you have to believe me! Now that Russel is dead, I have tried everything to get him out of there but you know the connections he had. Even in death that man has influence I can't get past. But you can. I know you can. I've heard enough of some of the things that you've accomplished. Please. He's been in that hellish place for years now and I haven't been able to even visit him! The things I've heard they do to the patients there... it sickens me. Joshua was getting worse, not better, all the years he was growing up after the accident. Screaming, crying, violent outbursts. Doctors told us there was nothing they could do outside of constant sedation. That's when his grandfather sent him to Broodmoore. Progressive treatments he called it! They torture that poor boy! Rowan, please. If he means anything to you, help him!

And he did. Synn would wait no longer to take charge of this situation. His only wish was that the bastard still lived so he could see everything unravel before his very eyes. Now Synn was the one with contacts, more so than Joshua's grandfather had to intervene against his wishes to aid the boy ... his son. So many people expressed their disdain to him, saying that Synn was heartless. Without remorse or a care in the world. They were wrong. He was wrong. He had believed the very same thing about himself.

That is until that day when the doctor opened that door and Synn looked into the gray eyes of the seventeen year old boy who was his son.

Las Vegas, Nevada...
2:13 AM

Synn stood at the glass patio door of his homestead here in the City of Sin, looking out at the spacious backyard. The estate was one he bought for the sole reason of having a real home in which to raise Joshua aka Despayre. His son. His eyes were lost on the pool, the picnic area, the manicured lawn and the other houses in the distance. His mind wandered to a gift given to Despayre just this past Christmas. A hand crafted sweater with a teddy bear stitched on the front, and a note that told Despayre his mother was still out there somewhere.

Then, just a week ago, another present was delivered to the SCW offices. This time it was a small outfit purchased at the Build-A-Bear store, intended obviously for Despayre's teddy bear companion, Angel. It too, was signed by his mother.

Synn swore to himself a private vow that this bitch who stowed her child away as an inconvenience would never again have anything to do with him. He promised himself that the day Despayre finally gained his freedom from Broodmoore and came with him, a silent but tenuous relationship starting between the two. He did not want her contacting him, not even simply to look upon him. He believed with every fiber of his being that she lost all rights to him when she gave him up to a doctor's so-called care. Everything had been going so well.

Synn turned away from the glass door and allowed the shades to fall back into place, preventing any outside eyes from seeing within the house if they made the attempt. Silently he walked into the kitchen and pulled open a cabinet door, and removed a small glass. He then walked over to the freezer and opened it to remove a half-empty bottle of Scotch. Walking back to the small island counter, he sett the glass down and popped the cap off of the bottle and poured the contents into the glass. Setting the bottle down, he lifted the glass and swallowed nearly half its contents before setting it back down. He sighed, his glare aimed at nothing in particular.

Everything he had accomplished over the past three plus years now seemed to be slowly unraveling beyond his control. Despayre did not even seem to remember that his mother had put him away in the first place. It was almost like his mind was lost somewhere in time, still as much a child as he was in that photograph. It was as if, at least in Despayre's mind,time simply stopped from the moment he entered Broodmoore, and the moment he walked out.

Synn believed human emotion was for the weak, yet over the years that theory was sorely tested. he grew to care for the men and women he led into his stable of Sins. He met a man by the name of Sean Williams and never dared believe that the spark of love would actually threaten to grow into a roaring flame the way it had. But all of those emotions paled when compared to the feeling he had when he would look at Despayre and think to himself ... "That's my son." He yet held true to his core beliefs, but he knew that to deny change was futile.

Exhaling sharply, Synn looked down at pulled out a small drawer in the counter and removed a back of opened cigarettes and a lighter. Shaking one loose, he slipped the cigarette from the package and between his lips where he lit it. He took a light drag and exhaled a thin, plume of smoke when a voice emanated from behind him.

"I'm telling Teresa."

Synn almost choked from the surprise as he had not heard anyone approach him from behind. He was not one easily startled but he turned around and found a sleepy looking Despayre standing in the kitchen doorway, dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants, and of course, clutching Angel close to his chest. There were times Synn would wonder if that teddy bear was surgically grafted to the boy but it was not a miracle he would deny. That bear did more for Despayre than any doctor could hope to accomplish.

He took a step into the kitchen, watching the cigarette in Synn's hands with a frown and his nose wrinkled. He said, "You said you quit."

"What are you doing up?" Synn said, choosing to ignore the accusation, reaching over to a glass dish to flick the ash into before turning around to watch the boy fully approach the counter. "You were supposed to be in bed."

"So were you." Despayre responded, raising his eyes from the cigarette and into Synn's eyes.

Synn mumbled, "I couldn't sleep." Before he picked up his glass of Scotch and had another drink.

Despayre sighed as he set Angel down on the counter carefully. He said, "Me neither." As he turned around and went to the cabinet and pulled out a tall glass. He then walked to the fridge and pulled it open, fishing around before stepping back with a quart of chocolate milk. He brought it over to the counter and continued, "Had dreams."

Synn watched silently as Despayre set the glass down on the marble counter top and used both hands to carefully pour the contents. A smirk crossed Synn's lips as he remembered the light scolding his housekeeper gave Despayre for recklessly pouring a glass for himself a week ago and spilling it all over her clean kitchen. It was not a mistake the boy cared to repeat.

As Despayre pulled up a stool to join him, Synn finally said, "Your own fault. I warned you about watching the movie 'Predators' with Teresa before bed."

"Angel said he knew those things." Despayre answered simply as if that was all the answer needed. "Owed them money or something." Despayre glanced up and leaned over the counter to emphasise. "I couldn't let him watch alone!"

"No, no I suppose you couldn't." Synn went to take another puff and saw the frown again on Despayre's face, focusing intently on the cigarette in his fingers.

"Why are you smoking again?" Despayre asked as he brought his eyes up again, but this time only briefly and returning them to the 'cancer stick'.

Synn exhaled gently through his nose and set the cigarette in the glass dish without taking a drag and said, "I've had a lot on my mind."

Despayre pulls his chair closer to Synn's edge of the counter and draws Angel over, draping the teddy bear in his left arm. His eyes showed concern for the man and he asked, "Is it Sean?"

"Sean?" Synn looked up at the young man who had his hands clasped between his knees, watching him. "Sean ... Williams?"

Despayre nodded, "Yeah. You know, your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend." Synn smiled. He wasn't sure if that was exactly accurate in description. Sean didn't seem too open about what he felt or how he wanted things to progress between them, or even if he did at all. The two would have to have a long talk at the earliest possible convenience. Synn didn't notice that Despayre was now a hair's width away from his own face and he looked up and Despayre had the goofiest grin plastered on his mug that he could possibly manage.

"Do you LIKE him!?" Despayre teased and Synn had to choke back the laugh that came to his lips.

"Yes, Joshua." Synn nodded in conformation. "I like him very much."

"Me too." Despayre nodded. "Is he my new mommy?"

That made Synn look up sharply and Despayre was just leaning on the counter with his face in his hands, smiling. Before Synn could answer the quirky natured question, Despayre asked another. "Is it our match?"

"Your match?"

Despayre nodded, "Yeah. The fact we're wrestling Sean?"

"No." Synn answered, shaking his head in the negative. "Sean knows this is business, as well as you and Gabriel are aware. Although his actions against rage didn't endear him to the others."

Despayre asked, "Are you worried we'll lose?"

Synn smirked as he reached for his glass and he said, "Of course not." He took the last swallow of Scotch and set the glass down, but before he could reach for the bottle to refill it, Despayre nudged it away from his reach. Synn blinked back his surprise at the action and Despayre whispered, "Drinking is bad for you. You said so yourself."

"Bad for you, Joshua." Synn retorted. "You're on medications."

"Gabriel said you should be."

"Did he now?" Synn smirked, raising an eyebrow. "I appreciate you letting me know that."

Despayre just watched him for a few seconds and piped up once again, "Is it that weird gray hair on the back of your head?"

"What?" Synn frowned and turned his head around, "I don't have a weird gray-OW!"

Synn yelped and swerved back around, holding the back of his head and massaging it, watching as Despayre was closely inspecting the hair between his fingers.

"Joshua..." Synn started in a warning tone. "How would you like it if I did that to you?"

"Why would you?" Despayre answered matter-of-factly. "I don't have a gray hair."

Saying nothing to that logic, Synn reached for Despayre only to have him snap his teeth at Synn's fingers. Synn paused, watching him as Despayre raised an eyebrow in a silent dare. Synn tried again and a second time came close to getting his finger nipped. Discretionj being the better part of valor, Synn drew his hand back and Despayre watched in warily.

Despayre looked up and asked, "So what's keeping you awake? Hm?"

"I'm not sure you'd understand, Joshua." Synn answered in a light tone of voice, shaking his head. He was not prepared for the angry retort.

"I wish people would stop saying that to me!" Despayre spoke acidly. "Every time I want to know something that's going on, I get told I won't or can't understand and I'm tired of it!"


"I'm not dumb!"

"Joshua I never said..." Synn started but he frowned as he watched Despayre hang his head as if in shame. "Joshua, look at me. Come on, look at me."

Synn reached a hand over and cupped the boy's chin and brought his head up and was startled to see tears streaking down his face.

"I'm sorry!" Despayre stammered. "I-I'm sorry.  didn't mean to yell. Please ... don't."

"Don't?" Synn repeated. "Don't...what?"

Despayre shook his head as he clenched his eyes tightly shut. he ttried to look down but Synn's grip kept his head up.

"Look at me." Synn said in a voice that spoke of expected obedience. Despayre slowly opened his eyes and inhaled a quivering breath. He bit his bottom lip and Synn repeated. "Don't what?"

"Please don't send me back."

Synn jolted as if someone had just smacked him in the head with a baseball bat. Of all the things he had expected for an answer to Despayre's sudden behavioral change, this was not it. Despayre had been under his care and supervision for almost two straight years. He had been an extreme handful initially, and to this day still had his unexpected moments of angry outbursts and the like. But never before had this topic reared it's ugly head. Synn assumed Despayre was comforted in knowing Broodmoore was in his past, and would remain so. So what...?

"Joshua, is that what you think will happen if you misbehave?" Synn asked, sliding his hand from his jaw to his shoulder. "That I'll get rid of you?"

Synn couldn't help but feel Despayre shudder at his touch as his large hands rested on the smaller man's shoulders. Synn said nothing. He just looked at Despayre who fidgeted and avoided eye contact until he had little choice but to glance up and meet Synn's steady gaze.

Synn said in a soft but serious tone, "You listen to me, Joshua. You listen. okay?"

He waited until Despayre nodded and Synn gave his shoulders a light squeeze.

He said, "You are never going back there, do you hear me? Never! No. You look at me. I had my reasons for getting you out of that place.  I have my reasons for giving you as happy a life as I can. I have my reasons for keeping you as safe as possible. Reasons I can't explain right now, but someday you will understand everything. But I do not want you to ever believe that I would be capable of putting you back at Broodmoore."

Despayre flinched at the name of the place that was his home, or rather, prison, for so many years.

Synn continued, "I do not care if you upset me. I do not care if you flat out piss me off. You are never gong back. Never! I would die first before I allowed that."


"Don't... what?"

"Don't die."

Synn smiled and released his double handed grip on his shoulders and gave his shoulder a light pat. "I have no intention of leaving you."


Synn nodded, "Promise. So, are you okay?"

Despayre wiped the back of his hand across his eyes and shrugged. Synn exhaled. He never knew what to expect from Despayre's unstable mind and this came from out of nowhere. He knew Broodmoore was always going to be in Despayre's mind. He just had no idea how deeply rooted that fear really was.

"Angel's lucky."

The whisper was so soft, Synn wasn't certain he had heard it. He leaned in and frowned.

"Excuse me?"

Despayre wiped his eyes again and sniffled. He repeated, "Angel is lucky."

"How so?"

"He has so many responsibilities that people trust him with. When I'm asleep, he stays awake and guards me. I'd hate to be some nightmare beastie that tries to get past him to me."

Synn said nothing. He just smiled at Despayre's complimentary commentary towards his plush friend. True, he was nineteen years old physically, but mentally he was a toddler.

Despayre continued, "He grabs his sleep when he can, but that's the beauty of being a teddy bear. Awake or asleep, people trust you with everything. All their secrets. If he's laying down for a nap or sitting there, people confide their innermost secrets to him."

He looked up at Synn calmly and whispered, "He knows things."

"I'm certain of it." Synn patted his arm. "Go get some sleep. Tomorrow will be busy for you and Gabriel."

"`Kay." Despayre finished his milk and stood up, depositing the glass in the sink. He turned and started to walk out of the kitchen, but stopped and did a u-turn. He came up behind Synn and enveloped the bigger man in his arms and hugged him tightly. he murmured, "G'night."

Synn flushed briefly and blinked, caught completely unaware by this physical display of affection. He turned his head and watched as Despayre disappeared past the doorway.

"Good night Joshua..."

The next day...

The slam of the mat reverberated through the empty gym as Gabriel brought his sparring opponent over with a snapmare and delivered a kick to his back. The man winced and clenched his eyes and fists closed as he was pulled up by a handful of hair and Gabriel tagged Despayre in.

Synn watched with determined eyes as this, the third sparring match since the day begun, continued on. Gabriel scooped the man up and drove him down to the mat and held him there, allowing Despayre to springboard over the top rope and land across the head and neck of the prone opponent with a guillotine legdrop.

The bodies of all four men glistened with a sheen of perspiration, especially that of Gabriel and Despayre. Synn was working them harder than ever before in preparation for this non-title match against the tag team champions. Gabriel and Despayre had been in big matches before. From their time in the AWA when they found themselves engaging in serious grudge matches and vying for championship titles, they came up against the creme of the crop in tag team competition.

Despayre sent the man into the ropes and caught him with a slingblade clothesline that brought the heavier man down to the mat. Despayre scaled the corner like a spider, quick as could be, and jumped off with a frog splash, landing all of his weight on the prone opponent. Despayre hooked his leg and held him down as Shane counted one - two - three.

Gabriel climbed into the ring and helped Despayre up and Shane went to check on the defeated man and nodded to his partner, another indy wrestler brought in for this training session.


Synn spoke but the way Gabriel and Shane turned and looked at him, it was as if they weren't quite sure to believe he had spoken, or whether to believe what he had stated if he did.

"Dude...!" Gabriel protested, clearly tired but Synn arched a brow in all seriousness intended and repeated himself,

"Again." It was a tone they knew all too well. Gabriel muttered a curse and Despayre whined that he was tired but they went back to their designated corner for a brief breather while their opponents recuperated and got set to continue.

This was not to be the first time Gabriel and Despayre had been in the ring with champions. Once they had won the AWA World Tag Team Championship, targets were painted on their backs. Both young men did Synn proud as they fended off every combination put in their path until a backstage political move caused their tenure to come to an end and they walked away, unbeaten.

Synn knew silently that this combination they would be facing now would perhaps be one of their hardest challenges yet.

"You're pushing them too hard." Shane said as he climbed out of the ring during the break and approached the man he knew longer than anyone else did. he spoke gently, so the men inside of the ring would not overhear, but loud enough that he would not be ignored.

Synn turned his head slightly to glance at the Sin of pride and asked, "Am I?"

Shane did not respond as baited, but frowned. "Are you that concerned over this match?"

"I'm concerned about a lot of things lately, Shane." Synn said. "This match is but one of them." Synn turned around, putting his back against the ring apron and crossed his arms. "You've known Sean almost as long as I have, Shane. You know damn well what he's capable of."

"I thought I did at least." Shane muttered darkly. "Until he pulled that bullshit and attacked Rage the way he did."

"Yes, even I was caught by surprise when he did that." Synn admitted. "I don't know what he was thinking, unless he was just making a name for himself at a champion's expense."

"You're making excuses for your boy toy."

"No, I am not." Synn shook his head. "And in all honesty, we both know you and I would have done the same thing to push ourselves closer to the title picture. I would expect Gabriel and Despayre to do the same."

Shane shook his head, "Yes but this time it was someone doing it to one of our own. It was your mancake doing it to one of our own."

Synn sighed, "Yes, and I admit it puts me in an awkward position. But I stand by what I said. Sean will have to face Rage sooner or later to answer for that attack. I won't intervene either way. Hell, Sean may be facing retribution earlier than anticipated."

Shane frowned, "You think Rage will interfere in the match?"

"No." Synn shook his head. "I asked him not to. All actions must be accounted for but I was referring to him answering this time to Gabriel, and perhaps even Despayre. It's like you said. Sean attacked one of our own. Fond of him as I am, he had to have known Rage's friends would take exception to that."

"You'd think." Shane scoffed.

"But..." Synn spoke up and Shane turned his head back to look at him. "We can't deny the fact Sean is a gifted athlete in the ring. One of the best light heavyweights in the business."

"A threat."

Synn nodded. "Yes. I am not anxious for their unbeaten streak to end, no matter whose hands it might come by. So whether it be Sean or whomever, I want them prepared to beat whoever they must to keep that streak intact."

Shane sighed and folded his arms over his heaving chest. He looked into the ring where Gabriel and Despayre were whispering to one another in their corner. Shane turned back to find Synn also watching with interest and Shane spoke up, "What about Wyatt? Aren't you concerned about him? Dude's big as a house."

"Gabriel and Despayre have faced bigger." Synn turned back to face him. "But better trained, perhaps not. Only a fool would discredit Wyatt, given who his manager is. Dudely's one of the best this damn business has ever seen. Former world champion, so he's going to be coached as well as anyone. Better, even."

"Better than your guys?" Shane smirked.

Synn raised his eyebrows and smiled. "I wouldn't say that, but Wyatt is dangerous on Dudely's reputation alone. He wouldn't be a champion, otherwise. Our boys need to be ready."

Synn turned and looked into the ring.

"Break's over!"

All four men groaned as they made ready for another sparring match. Shane sighed and shook his head as he climbed back into the ring to officiate. Synn took his position and clanged the small ringside bell with a hammer, signaling the start of the match.

There would indeed be personal feelings going into this match. However what happened once the bell rang, that alone would be business.  

Climax Control Archives / Through the looking glass Act 2: Scene 1
« on: January 12, 2012, 06:50:34 PM »
 3:20 AM

It was of little wonder that he had such difficulty in sleeping these past few months. Up until the time that he had moved into this house in the wealthier suburb of North Las Vegas, he had shown a distinct preference for being closer to the cities' metropolis of the places he had once called home. The lights of the buildings and streets would mesmerize him as he looked out the upper story windows he would stay in when he traveled across the country or stay in one of the houses he had owned at one time. He could still see the lights of Vegas now when he looked out across the landscape.

He could see the stars as well, much easier out here than he could when he lived where the city would drown them out. It was something he had taken for granted for years until he had his team stay over at a ranch in Atlanta, Georgia and Despayre was positively enamored with the stars overhead too where they had to practically drag him inside to eat. Another testimony to the life he lived in the hell of that mental asylum. Cooped up in a virtual cage and rarely if ever seeing the night sky overhead. Damning, really, as Canada was known for having beautiful night skies. To be denied that simple pleasure, it should come as little surprise. Since Despayre's release into Synn's care, Synn had come to know many such luxuries he himself took for granted that Despayre simply wished to experience.

There was much missing out here besides the light and stars Synn was all too used to in the heart of the cities. The people themselves would always draw his wanton attentions while they walked or drove by while he himself sat comfortably in a random restaurant or cafe. And the noise? It was the very life of the city. His own personal mantra in the nature of sin. Ironically, it was also the same life that he had wanted to lead Despayre away from. It baffled his psyche that in any other case, he would reach for those closest to him to experience the same pleasures that he himself enjoyed. With Despayre, he wanted him to enjoy him life, but at the same time he also wanted to protect him from the very dangers that life could harbor.

Such was the nature of being a parent.

Now that Synn was away from the heart of the city, he found that he missed the subtle pleasures that it bestowed. Subconsciously at night he would lay there in wait for the comforts of the noises he had taken for granted; cars honking and speeding down the streets. The raised voices of pedestrians on the walk. The sirens of police cars or ambulances. None would come. So strange was this revelation that the silence would disturb his slumber more so than the noise would. Yet now something else ate away at his mental well being, keeping him alert.

The fear of potential loss.

Synn relaxed back in the large, plush recliner that was centered in his living room. His feet were crossed at the ankles, and his left elbow on the arm rest while the side of his head rested against his fingers. He extended the television remote in his right hand and clicked through another channel in a seemingly unending attempt to divert his attentions from the thoughts that continued to haunt him. He found no success. His thoughts would always end up reverting back to the problem at hand.

"What are you doing?"

The voice of Gabriel gave him an unexpected start. He turned and spotted the magician standing in the frame of the living room door. His hair was mussed and his sleeping clothes of a plain t-shirt and pajama pants were ruffled, indicating that he had just awoken. Gabriel did not call this house his home. he had a special suite atop the Luxor in the city, but he had come over for a late dinner and Despayre had managed to coax him into staying over. Despayre had done so successfully and with enough frequency, roughly twice a week, that Gabriel had taken the precaution of keeping a set of emergency sleepover clothes for just such an occasion.

In reality, Gabriel slept in absolutely nothing but wasn't about to do so in any house Synn resided at.

Synn asked absently, "What are you doing up?"

"I asked you first."

"So you did." Synn turned back to the giant screen LCD television mounted against the wall and clicked the remote again. He answered in a low murmur, "I'm just channel surfing."

"You don't channel surf."

"Yes, and I am starting to understand why." Frustrated, Synn switched off the television and gave the remote a nonchalant toss onto the oak table at his side. "Shit. Over two hundred channels, you'd think there would be something remotely worth watching."

"What about that Facts of Life marathon?" Gabriel smirked, leaning heavily against the frame of the door and folding his arms across his chest.

"I should slap you silly for even suggesting such a thing." Synn growled.

This only egged Gabriel on and he started singing off-key, "You take the good, You take the bad, You take them both and there you have...the Facts of Life..."

"Gabriel..." Synn whispered, flashing him a look of expressed annoyance. "What are you doing up?"

"Are you kidding?" Gabriel said as he uncrossed his arms and made his way into the living room, taking a seat on the arm rest of the sofa an arm-span to Synn's left side. "The guest room you gave me is right next to yours and I could hear you and Sean making those goddam barnyard noises through the wall all night."

"What are you talking about?" Synn turned his head to look at his charge and yes, friend. "Sean passed out three hours ago."

"Yes but the memory lingers on and causes dreams I wouldn't wish on, well, you."

Synn exhaled through his nose in what could be mistaken for a half asses attempt at a laugh, but pushed himself up off of his seat and turned and headed toward the kitchen and Gabriel opted to get up and follow the brooding man.

"So c'mon, fess up." Gabriel said as they entered the kitchen. He pulled up a stool and had a seat against the bar as Synn opened the fridge and started to dig around inside. "Talk to me. You haven't been sleeping right for a couple of weeks now."

"Do tell." Synn said as he emerged with two chilled bottles of beer and he slid one across the counter to Gabriel and popped the cap of the second for his own. "Right about when Joshua received that damn gift..." He muttered darkly.

Gabriel sighed as he took a drink from his own bottle. "I thought so." He set the bottle down and paused for a moment's thought, and then looked up at the man who seemed lost in his own thoughts. "He hasn't taken that shirt off since he got it. You speak to Underwood?"

Synn set his bottle down, untasted, and frowned as he stared at nothing in particular. "He said the package was delivered to his office. Went through security and when nothing was found wrong, it was passed along to me. I told him what was going on and it never should have been..." He shook his head. "But he told me it wasn't his fault or his job to monitor my personal life outside of the promotion."

"Oo." Gabriel muttered through pursed lips. "Cold. Accurate, but cold."

Synn rested his forearms on the counter top and he said, "Joshua acts as though she's going to walk through the door at any second. If someone knocks, or the door bell rings, he beats me and Teresa there every time. Then when he sees it's not her..."

"Looks like his heart breaks for the smallest second." Gabriel finished the thought.

Synn nodded, gripping the beer bottle again. "Exactly. Call it wishful thinking, but after everything I went through when I first found out about him, getting him out of that asylum, making him the home he deserved... for that bitch to just take it upon herself to waltz right back into his life..."

Gabriel said, "Well she hasn't exactly shown up on the door step yet."

"She will." He finally took a deep swallow from the bottle. "I just never thought she'd have the guts."

"You seriously never expected it?" Gabriel frowned in a slight state of disbelief. "I've known you for going on a couple of years now, and I can honestly say that I'm surprised you never believed the kid's mother would show up after you saved him."

"He's going to start asking questions." Synn muttered, rubbing his hand along his jaw.

"Like what?"

"Oh like why he's with me now, instead of her."

Gabriel raised a thoughtful brow, taking a drink. "And if he does?"

"I don't know." Was Synn's answer. He closed his eyes momentarily. "For the first time, I do not know what to do."

"You may have to face the obvious." Gabriel said in a serious tone that drew Synn's eyes back open and on him. "I told you before he should know the truth before it's too late. You may have to consider this a sign that it's time."

For the longest time, Synn said nothing. He seemed lost in thought as he took in and considered Gabriel's words. Of course, he was right. He had put it off, for fear of what harm it might do to Despayre's already fragile  psyche. It was a risk he did not want to take, but now that this woman had taken such a step, the risk had become even greater.

Finally Synn said, "I thought I was finally coming to grasp on the boy's mind ... at least to a small extent. We'll never know the full range of what his thought process is capable of but now..."

"But now...?" Gabriel repeated, inquiring.

Synn curled his fist against his lips and his eyes hardened. "But this is new. I'd swear if I didn't know any better, I'd say his thoughts are almost lost in time. Like he thinks it was only yesterday that Margaret left him in that place."

Synn calmly sat on the small chair in the hospital's recreation room and his eyes remained fixed on the young man who was seated as properly on the sofa as his excitement would allow. Joshua's eyes were firmly glued on the television screen as he watched Daffy Duck play at being a detective by the moniker of 'Duck Twacy' and attempt to solve a piggy bank crime wave. Joshua drew his feet up underneath him and laughed in delight at the antics of the screwball duck and Synn could not help but smile himself. He never gave any form of thought at what this would be like.

His thoughts were only of wanting the boy out of this place, yet even for him the process was painfully slow. It started off only once a week, and slowly grew to four times he would venture up into Canada to spend time with him. Joshua never received visitors according to the doctors, and Synn's visits were met at first with suspicion, and then hearty enthusiasm. This last visit Joshua ran up and embraced -- actually embraced -- Synn in greeting, much like a child would with a, well -- with a parent.

The cartoon ended and Joshua reached for his glass of apple juice and had a deep drink, spilling some down his chin. Synn reached over and the boy blinked in surprise as the bigger man brushed the juice off of his face with a napkin he had at hand.

"May I ask you a question?" Synn asked as he settled back and another cartoon was set to begin.

Joshua's eyes traveled toward the screen lazily, wanting to watch this next episode but he turned and looked bright-eyed at Synn and answered, "You do all the time. That was one right there."

Synn found himself smiling at the delightful wit of the teen and he crossed an ankle over his knee. Subconsciously perhaps, Joshua uncurled his legs and mimicked Synn's action. Synn said, "True, Joshua, but I was just wondering if your mom ever let you watch these wonderful cartoons."

Joshua's joyful expression went still, and he looked down into his lap and at his clasped fingers. is features were still, almost eerily so, and he turned his head to start watching the television again.

Synn said, "Joshua?"

"Sometimes." His voice came timid. "But not often. Grandfather didn't like them. I did. I love Looney Tunes. When grandfather wasn't at home, mom and grandmother would let me."

Figures. Synn thought silently. He knew the man that was Joshua's grandfather. A strict disciplinarian who wouldn't know a good time if it slapped him across the face. Quite honesty, he was shocked the man had enough wit to drop his pants and mount his wife, but the evidence was there with Joshua's own mother.

Synn asked, "Will you tell me about her?"


"Will you tell me about your mother?"

It was a pressing question, and a risky one. Given the fact the boy had such a devoted love for the woman that was his mother, he seemed generally unaware of the situation she had forced upon him. If even the smallest part of his mind knew what his mother had done, it could set him off down a dangerous path. Joshua seemed lost in a trace as his eyes watched the screen blankly as Porky Pig and Sylvester the cat seemed to be moving into what appeared to be a haunted house. He didn't press. That would be the catalyst so he simply waited for the boy to make his own decision.

"She was pretty." Joshua finally whispered after many long, tense moments. "Very pretty. She was the prettiest mom out of everyone."

Synn smiled as he just waited for the boy to make his own move, allowing him to talk at his own pace. It was ab breakthrough.

"She would take me to the movies all the time. I loved popcorn and she'd buy me big boxes of it. Candy too. Grandfather didn't like it but she did it anyway. I think she'll take me home soon. I hope she does soon. I don't really like it here."

Synn blinked. Did he just hear right? Joshua firmly believed his mother was going to pick him up at any time? Take him home any day now? Upon Synn's first few visits, Joshua was timid, afraid. he believed Synn was another abusive doctor who was there simply to hurt and torment him. A number of times he even tried to attack Synn in a state of mentally induced self-defense. It took a week's worth of visits before he finally showed the first sign of trust, and even then he didn't start conversing until much later.

Joshua fidgeted, and turned to look at Synn briefly, his eyes darting back and forth between him and the TV.

"Can we talk later, please?" He asked. "I'd like to watch this."

Synn could not help but smile. He reached over and patted Joshua on the arm, despite for the briefest of moments, feeling the boy tense under his touch. "Sure." He said. "Enjoy." And he watched as Joshua eased up immediately and curled his legs under himself again.

"I'd like you to do me a favor tomorrow." Synn said as he dropped the empty beer bottles in the garbage.

Gabriel turned around and leaned back against the counter. "So long as it doesn't involve me removing my clothes, name it."

Synn sighed. Under most circumstances he would have found himself making some form of witty retort toward a statement like that, but this wasn't the time.

He said, "I have a feeling with as little sleep as I've had the past number of days, I won't bee of much use tomorrow. What time I will be up, I need to try and figure out what to do if she shows her face." He stepped up beside Gabriel and leaned heavily against the counter, his forearms pressed down on the marble counter top. "There is a winter carnival in town. Joshua has been wanting to go..."

"And you want me to take him to get his mind off of things?" Gabriel finished the thought.

"If you would be so kind..." Synn said. "I admit I had hoped he wouldn't find out about it, but perhaps it's for the best."

Gabriel nodded, "I can do that. But I don't do merry-go-rounds."

Synn smirked as he stood upright, "Somehow I believe you will if Joshua sets his mind to it." He turned around and exhaled, "I best go check on him, and try and get some form of sleep before I give up and get back up." He looked into Gabriel's eyes and the magician thought he felt his very soul was being pierced in examination. "Thank you."

"Are you excited?"

"Shh. We should be sleeping. Big day tomorrow."

"I know. Are you?"

"Am I what?"


"About what?"

"About what? Getting to team with Gabriel again! That's what!"

"Ohhh! Well, of course I'm excited! It's been forever since I got to team up with my best friend!"

"I thought I was your best friend."

"You're my bestest friend!"

"Oh ok, I gotcha! Boy, you haven't got to team with Gabriel since before he won the Heavyweight championship."

"I know. That was a very long time ago. I was really looking forward to getting to team up again. He promised me we would again and he was right. I just wish he hadn't lost his championship."

"I know, but that's the common factor in wrestling."

"What is?"

"Every champion will one day be a former champion."

"Well that doesn't sound very fair. Wait, does that mean one day you'll lose your title too?"

"No. I'm the exception that makes the rule stick."

"Oh! ... Er, okay?"

"So even though you had all this time off, you've still been training, right? I mean, you have to keep your skills sharp. This team you're going up against is very tough. They'll be very hard to beat."

"You've said that about every team Gabriel and I have wrestled since we first started teaming up. What makes this one so different?"

"I don't know. I was just trying to be diplomatic."

"Well you're just being silly. Everyone out there knows Gabriel and I are going to beat... we're going to beat... say who are we beating anyway?"

"The Aristocrats."

"You mean that funny family of cats in that Disney movie!?"

"No! No no no! That was the Aristocats! This is the Aristocrats! You know... Chett Hawkins and Steve Scanlon."

"That's even weirder. The guy's named after an onion?"

"No, that's a scallion. His last name is Scanlon."

"Oh! Okay now I gotcha! Now I know who you're talking about."


"I never heard of `em."

"Oh sure you have! They just wrestled last week and beat Reprobate and Jonathan Downs."

"Well anyone could beat Reprodowns and Jonathan Bate."

".....Yeah. Look, I watched their match when we broke from our investigation and they had very good teamwork. They play the referee..."

"So do me and Gabriel."

"They do sneaky moves and double teaming when they can get away with it."

"So do me and Gabriel."

"They like to use tables if they can and fight and bend rules."

"So do me and Gabriel."

"They like to kiss each other."

"So do me and... hey!"

"Ha ha!"

"So not funny! So, you think they'll be tough to beat?"

"Well, you can't underestimate them. They're bigger than you, but then again, Casey's the biggest guy around and you did beat him in tag matches. You and Gabriel have the experience advantage as a team. They might think they do, but you two have been teaming for a couple of years now."

"Yeah! And we're good too!"

"You're the best, but this match is going to be important and the Aristocrats are going to try and use that to their advantage and push themselves to a win."

"Why is this match so important?"

"Because now that there's Tag team Champions, whoever wins this match is surely going to go up further in the rankings and get a title shot."

"You mean Gabriel and I could get a championship match and be champions together again?"

"That's right!"

"Okay now I know there's no way Gabriel and I are gonna lose if it means being champs again!"

"Thatta boy!"

"Say, why do they call themselves Aristocrats? Isn't that like royalty? They look more like a couple Southern boys to me."

"I dunno. I think they were drunk when they picked the name. Ah, makes sense. Well,  good night. Tomorrow we're going to the carnival!"

"Night buddy."

The bedroom door opened with a soft latch and Synn peeked inside just far enough so that he could see the curled up form of Despayre under the covers of his bed, with his arm draped around the teddy bear Angel and snuggled up closely against him. There was a small flashlight attached to Angel's paw with a rubber band, and the soft light illuminated a small path in the room so the bear could better protect hiss dutiful friend from any unwanted beasties that might roam in the dark.

Synn focused on the sleeping youth, drawing in his gentle breathing as a sign of a mind in contentment. Slowly Synn closed the door, and the flashlight winked out.


Character Building Roleplays / A Sins Christmas
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:18:10 PM »
 For those that were lucky enough to have been invited to this particular house for the owner's big Halloween party, they would tell anyone new to the scene that it paled in comparison to the preparations for the happenings over the Christmas holiday. The lack of snow did not deter the owner of this grand abode from going all out with the decor on the exterior. The front yard looked to be an exact double for Santa's village, complete with eight plastic reindeer fashioned from creatively wound Christmas lights and an animatronic Santa in a charcoal black sleigh lined in golden lights. Over a dozen pre-lit fir trees lined the path to the front door where that frame was lined with pre-lit garland and a matching wreath.

Lights of all colors were being strung up everywhere; twisted around anything that could and would hold them up, from the bushes and trees in the yard to the house itself. As a matter of fact, the lights were still in the process of being hung with quite a bit of "expert" supervision.

"Is this where you want it?" Synn called from where he was on the edge of the first floor's roof, kneeling precariously over the porch fifteen feet below.

Despayre, who stood clad in his warmest winter jacket and Angel tucked snugly in his arms (also in a bite sized coat), looked up and scrutinized where Synn was holding a strand of lights. He leaned back and held out his hand in an artistic pose, squinting one eye shut and his tongue between his teeth.

"A little more higher!" He called to Synn. "And be careful! Don't fall!"

Synn started to fix the lights' cord to the roof and he glanced up, "While I appreciate your concern Joshua, I can assure you that I won't fall!"

"Angel says you will!"

"Angel is wrong."

The front door opens and Teresa paused from her assistance in the decorating to spot Despayre walking inside with an impish grin to his lips and a twinkle in his eye. Following behind him was Synn, who now had a slight limp and he seemed preoccupied with picking twigs from the bushes below the roof from his clothes and hair. The housekeeper noted the scratches on his cheek and hands and frowned.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"Never mind!" Synn grumbled as he stalked past her and headed upstairs to change. She turned to see Despayre watching after Synn. The little guy then looked at her.

"Angel's never wrong." And he headed into the front room with a smile on his face and his nose in the air.

How times had changed over the course of the past year.

There had been a time when Synn would have scoffed at the very idea of even putting up a tree, much less turning his entire house into a winter wonderland. That was until Despayre had entered his life, and the chance for a real Christmas outside of the asylum where he had spent the vast majority of his young life presented itself. Initially the idea remained ludicrous, until the unthinkable had happened. An outburst against the holiday had reduced Despayre to tears, and Gabriel unleashed a verbal ass kicking to Synn. Nobody had ever talked to the "Dark priest" in a manner such as that before, but Gabriel was more than just "somebody". He was Despayre's friend, and in his mind, a brother. It was the old adage of not having to be blood to be family, and Gabriel took it to heart when he verbally tore into Synn, and pointed out he doesn't have to believe in the holiday in order to celebrate it with Despayre and the rest of the team.

Synn did not believe in the Christian traditions of Christmas then, and that extends to this day. But Gabriel's words rang true; Synn despised the holiday itself, but the others in the Seven Sins noted a change in the big man when it came to celebrating the day itself. They knew that to Synn, Christmas was just another day -- except where Despayre was concerned. For this special young man, no expense would be spared. This house itself was the first real home Despayre had been blessed with for three quarters of his life. That alone made Synn determined to make it a memorable one.

That explained the outside's current decor, and the vast interior of this spacious and not-so-humble abode. While the outside had a jolly feel to it, the inside had a more warm, festive expressive tone, dominated with red velvet bows, silver accents and icicle light curtains everywhere.

"It looks great." Synn said softly, resting a hand on Teresa's shoulder. "You outdid yourself."

"Joshua helped." She said, looking now at the fifteen foot tall Christmas tree in the front room that Despayre was helping put the finishing touches on. (This means he was bobbing and weaving in a 'tinsel fight' with Angel on the other side of the tree.) She continued, "According to him, the teddy bear gave him all the ideas."

"Well, whoever did what, even I would be hard pressed not to admit the house looks spectacular." High praise indeed from the mouth of Synn. He turned and smiled at a sight just down the foyer.

Shane stood in the hall, just outside of the front room, and poured himself an eggnog and then one for Fantasia whom he passed it to. Synn leaned over to Teresa and whispered, "Have you made certain he's had plenty of those?"

"Yes, well spiked just like you wanted." She answered, then looked up at him with a quizical expression. "But why did you want him to get hammered before your party even begins?"

"All part of the plan." Synn answered in his typical cryptic manner and he turned and walked down toward where Shane had just downed the glass of brandy laced eggnog and started to pour another.

"Well," Synn said with a smirk. "I see you're loosening up for the evening's festivities."

"Absolu... absolu... hell yes." Shane answered with a slight slur to his words. "I can't believe that you're actually throwing a Christmas party. Hell must have frozen over."

"Please don't rub it in." Synn sighed as he rubbed his temple with his fingers. "I'm still finding the very thought unfathomable myself. But..."

"Whatever Despy wants...?" Fantasia smiled as she leaned against Shane and sipped at her own drink.

"So it would appear." Synn shook his head.

"So who's on the guest list?" Fantasia asked.

Synn poured an eggnog into a small glass and handed it to Teresa who approached. He went for one for himself and answered, "Just a select few this time around. You two. Gabriel. Mark Ward and Christian if they wish. Sean. Most everyone else has their own plans. Oh and of course, this lady here." He indicated to Teresa.

Fantasia smiled as she sipped the drink, "Well we certainly appreciate the invite."

Shane raised his glass in a toast to Synn before draining it. he hiccuped and said, "That we do big boy. Synn throwing a Christmas shindig. Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Synn exchanged a wry look with Fantasia before scratching his chin and saying, "Well, I do admit to having a bit of an ulterior motive for making certain you were here so early Shane."

"Besides taste testing the eggnog?" He smirked.

"Besides that." Synn nodded. "That was just because I needed you relaxed for a bit of a favor."

Shane raised an eyebrow and said, "Synn there isn't enough brandy in the world to get me to..."

"No." Synn chuckled, waving off his concerns. "No. No. That was on my list to Santa, but no. This is something more akin to your personal experience."

"Which is...?"

"Well, being a nice Christmas party, nice attire is a must."

"Of course!"

"Dress clothes? Maybe a tie for the men?"

"Can't argue with that."

"Well...." Synn nodded his head to direct Shane's attention to the front room where Despayre was standing with Angel. Clad in a red turtleneck sweater with Daffy Duck on the chest, Despayre was just 'looking' at Shane with an expression that just screamed 'Oh I dare you'.

Shane groaned and closed his eyes.

"Aw fuck!"

Character Building Roleplays / Black Friday
« on: November 25, 2011, 10:42:47 PM »
<marquee>MEGA EARLY FRIDAY MORNING...</marquee>

"You're kidding me." Synn echoed again as he accompanied Gabriel to the front door of his house, seeing him out. "You're actually going Black Friday shopping. You?"

Gabriel frowned but in good humor. "Why is that so surprising?" He asked as he took his jacket from the coat rack and started to slip it on. "I told you I wanted to get one of those PS3s for Despy fr Christmas. What's the big deal?"

Synn leaned back against the wall and watched Gabriel as he made rwady, saying, "The big deal is that you don't like dealing with a Wal-Mart crowd on a Tuesday afternoon for a pair of socks. That crowd will eat you alive today of all days, especially with a $200 Playstation up for grabs."

"Think so?" Gabriel smirked as he fished in his pocket and drew out his car keys. I have me a secret weapon."

That brought an eyebrow up from Synn.

"A secret weapon." he repeated. "And what might that be?"


The soft call came from the stairwell and Despayre came charging down at top speed, and jumped the last three steps, landing in front of the two men where Gabriel passed him his own thick jacket.

"Joshua?" Synn sounded genuinely surprised. "You're going with Gabriel?"

"Of course!" Despayre chirped as he handed Angel to Synn to hold while he got fitted into his jacket and zipped it up. Gabriel said that he needed help and only me an' Angel could give it!"

Synn turned to look at Gabriel who just smiled and offered a shrug as Despayre pulled the door open and took off outside.

He said, "I think his main motivation is that new ''Best Of' Looney Tunes DVD that also got released today. Told him I'd make sure he got a copy."

Synn shook his head. "He has no idea the PS3 is for him, does he?"

"Nope." Gabriel smiled as he turned for the door.

"He's not good with crowds you know." Synn added as he followed. "This could very easily spook him.

Gabriel looked back over his shoulder and this time his expression was indeed serious. "He'll be fine, Synn. I won't let anything happen to him."


"Despy? You okay?"

Gabriel looked at his little buddy in concern. The crowds gathered outside of the mega shopping plaza were astounding. More than Gabriel had thought possible and Despayre was flinching and practically hiding within himself every time a body pressed closer in the horde waiting to get inside.

Despayre whined, "I don't like this."

Gabriels hand found a spot on Despayre's shoulder. True he wanted to get this gift for Despayre, and he could have gotten it by himself. It was just the fact that he was reminded how down Despayre had been over not being able to team with him the past few shows so he wanted to spend a little "brotherly bonding" time with the little guy.

What better way then by causing a little shopping chaos?

"Despy..." Gabriel said soothingly. "If you want, we can go home. Right now."

"We can?"

"Absolutely." Gabriel. "Maybe even stop by McDs for breakfast if you want."

Despayre's fingers worked themselves in the plush fur of Angel's soft body. he took a deep breath and asked, "Can we still have breakfast at McDs if we get your game?"

Gabriel smiled and patted his back. "You know we can. But only if you promise you'll be alright."

"I promise." Despayre offered weakly.

It was a testament to how Despayre felt about Gabriel, how he looked up to him. The little guy was scared of crowds, and that was one fact neither Gabriel nor Synn had been able to extract from his psyche. It just simply... was. They'd try this, and if things got out of hand, Gabriel had no qualms about extracting Despayre from the store and taking him home.

"Okay then soldier, the mission is a simple one." Gabriel said and Despayre snapped comically to attention and saluted him. "Enter the premises. Get to the Electronics section and obtain the PS3 by any means necessary. Any questions?"

"Uh uh!" Still saluting, despayre shook his head. "What's a premises?"

"Oy." Gabriel murmured when he heard a click and looked to the front entrance where an employee was unlocking them from the inside. The crowd started pushing forward and Gabriel grabbed Despayre by the shoulders and steered him in front of him to protect him from the masses. "Ready?"


"By any means necessary?"

"Cool beans!"

The doors opened and Gabriel shouted, "Go!"

Despayre immediately charged forward with a whoop of glee, and the masses didn't know what hit them as the little guy sent them scattering everywhere! Gabriel shook his head with a smile and followed him in.

"That's my boy!"

Character Building Roleplays / Before and After Climax Control
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:38:47 PM »
Dear Synn,

I understand it has been some time since we last spoke or seen each other and I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you and I hope everything is well with you. I know the last time we saw each other, things didn't quite go the way we wanted them to, or at least how you wanted them to and I apologize for that. I'm sorry I've been M.I.A. these last couple of years but I really needed to take time out for myself, after the death of my family I kind of went into a dark space and I never wanted to come out. You know I have a history with drug abuse and at times alcohol abuse but I've really changed that in my life and I'm ready to become a better person. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive and forget, but the main reason why I am writing this letter is I got an invitiation to join Sin City and it was a shock to me because I didn't put my name out there or even make a effort to rejoin the wrestling world, I heard rumors that you threw my name out in a list to help me get this and if that's true I appreciate it, but I rather you had come to me first and we discussed it. I feel like you are taking care of me, when in reality I should take care of myself. I've been a horrible person to you at times and I just don't understand why you put up with me the way you do, anyway I hope we can meet soon, maybe talk, have dinner and kind of catch up on things. I really could use your help, especially in the ring since it's been ages since I've stepped in the squared circle, you can reach me by e-mail or contact me by phone. Just know I appreciate you and love you!

<img align=left src= "">Before Climax Control...

Synn leaned back on the plush chair in the spacious living room of the grand house he now owned in Las Vegas. His feet were propped up on the small cushioned foot rest in front of his chair and the laptop computer was rested against his bended knee. He stole glances up every now and again to watch in amusement at Despayre who was seated on the floor with Angel in his lap, and hat pray tell could keep them so preoccupied?

What else? The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie DVD that Teresa had discovered in a small DVD bin at the department store up town. It was endearing that she took it upon herself to purchase this for Despayre from her own money, without being asked or instructed.

It was later in the evening, after eight P.M., and thus Teresa was officially off duty so it came as little surprise to Synn that she was seated in a similar chair to his own, working on her crocheting while she too stole a glance every now and then at Despayre and the TV screen in front of them.

It was just as well that they both were so distracted because he was not sure how he would feel had they noticed how distracted he himself was over the email that he had just opened in his account.

It had been, well, several years if truth were to be told, since Synn had laid eyes directly on this man, a man who could lay claim to what no other could; his heart. Up until he had met Sean all those years ago, Synn wasn't even certain that he possessed one. Not in the sense where he displayed a more family oriented affection towards Despayre, and to a degree, Gabriel and the rest of the team. No, this was different, what he had felt for Sean Williams.

The trials the pair had went through in the span of their previous courtships (yes, plural) had worn on Synn. It had even reinforced a belief he had about romantic entanglements. Yet he had not been able to steer clear of Sean. He had not wanted to. When someone enamors you in spirit, that simply is a fact of life. He knew of Sean's personal demons and torments, and had kept watch over this time without him being aware. He had helped him anonymously when he had been able, and yes, much as Sean suspected, it was Synn who convinced Christian and Mark to give the young Mister Williams a chance again to work the spotlight. The SCW owners were unsure, given his shady past but Synn, he could be the persuasive sort.

If Sean was now signed to SCW, a meeting could no longer be avoided. He tapped the 'reply' option and started typing.</color>


It was wonderful to hear from you, and I admit you took me somewhat by surprise. You know me, perhaps better than most, and you should know how I am about being surprised as opposed to being surprised. I am glad that you are well, but there are things that have changed in my own personal life, which is perhaps best explained in person as opposed to an email. Let me assure you that it isn't what you think, and if you have paid attention to what's been on the TV screen, you might even have a faint inkling to what I refer.

I am glad that you are well, and I am glad that your strengths are finally being given a chance to shine through. You know how I feel about sinful ways and indulgences, but there is a vast difference between you controlling the sin, or it controlling you.

We can talk after the show. I would suggest before or during but as I said, things have changed and it would serve us little to no benefit discussing things between us when I have my men to take care of, and you will be preparing for your own return to the ring.

We can attend the after show party, or you can accompany me to my house afterwards where there will be more privacy. I leave it to you.


Supercard Archives / Eye of the tiger, er, teddy bear!
« on: November 04, 2011, 04:08:34 PM »
 “Ryan King, one half of the colossal connection known as Poisoned Power. I have to admit, sir, that I almost different recognize you. Something about you has changed, albeit I am hard pressed to figure out what exactly. New attitude? No, same old one. New hair style? Maybe. I never really paid attention to the old one. With a body like this guy has, I have to admit I never really made it as far as above the man’s neck. Still, all the pretty looks and condescending attitude won’t get you far against Sinful Obsession at High Stakes.”

“Let me be frank; I really don’t give a damn how long you may or may not have known Casey. I can practically guarantee that you two haven’t been together for nearly as long as Despayre and Gabriel have. Have you the same level of strength in trust? No. Have you teamed together to the point where you know the nuances of the other’s ring style as well? No. Can you honestly say you have the same level of trust between Casey and yourself that the members of Sinful Obsession have with one another? If you tell me yes, then you are either a liar or a fool. Look into Casey’s past. How many partners has the man had in his career? How many are now laid off to the side? What makes you believe that you will be any different?”

“Train as much as you like. Practice with Casey if you believe it will be of any help. In the end, it will make no difference. The experience, and the talent, both stand proudly in the corner of Sinful Obsession. They hold all the keys to unlock the paths to greatness. All you have, is an unreliable partner and a bottle of Jack. Bring the bottle, Ryan. You’ll need it to drown out the memories of your first true humiliation in Sin City Wrestling.”


"So tell me Joshua, are you ever going to tell me for whom this is for?"

Despayre just shook his head, silently answering Synn's question as the pair stood inside of the small Build-A-Bear workshop. The young one was obviously in one of his secretive moods. They made quite the sight in regard to the many adult women and pre-teen children who were also inside of this fun little establishment where "Best Friends Are Made". How could they not when Synn was rather an imposing figure alone with his 6'8" stature, and Despayre, pale sin and clad in his traditional black accoutrements? They'd most likely draw stares on the streets, let alone in a store that caters towards the marketability of kids.

The children almost paid them no heed, but the parents, mostly the mothers, stole the cautious glance, thinking themselves discreet. Synn cast a glance from the corner of his eye toward one woman who peered over toward them, as her small son stood at the station where he helped the young woman fill his bear up with the stuffing to 'bring it to life'. Synn finally tired of the idle curiosity and turned his head to the woman and stared back - hard. She quickly averted her gaze and focused her attentions on where it should have been.

In Despayre's right arm, he held, of course, the bear of the hour aka Angel. But now in the crook of his left arm, he had hold of a second teddy bear. This one was what was being marketed as a 'Winter Wonder' teddy bear, designed in varied shades of pleasant blues with snowflakes embroidered on it's plush fur. He had already finished bringing this new 'friend' to life, and was now in the process of figuring out just what sort of outfit he wanted to fit in it. Can't have a teddy bear walking around starkers, now can we? (Angel does that enough at home, so I hear!)

Synn continued to prod for information, a natural curiosity getting the better of his normally stoic demeanor, "It's not for one of us, is it? Remember we agreed that Angel shouldn't have his spot in our little family infringed upon."

"It's not for you." Came the simple answer as Despayre picked up a set of Hello Kitty rainbow PJs and scrutinized them like the teddy bear pro that he was, before setting them back. "Not for you or Shane or Gabriel or Fantasia."

"Teresa?" Synn smiled. Despayre just turned his head and gifted Synn with a look that was just short of reproachful. Synn knew all too well just how intimidated the little guy was of the feisty housekeeper and could not help but tease, just a little.

"No!" Despayre growled before he went back to his selections, looking over a blue ice skater outfit and smiled.

"This one?" He held the garment up to Angel and gave a nod, silently agreeing and he headed for the computer. He turned and looked at Synn, who just smirked and shook his head. Despayre was uncomfortable on computers at this point and Synn was now expected to fill out this new 'friend's' birth certificate information. The big man sighed as he sat down and looked up at Despayre who appeared deep in thought.

Synn asked, "So. What will be her name?"

What brought this pair to the Fashion Show Mall here in Las Vegas? Synn had been wondering the very same thing, and he had been reluctant to do so since he had a few business endeavors with the SCW to complete before the day was through. Despayre, however, had been insistent that this simply had to be done and done today. Synn had always prided himself on being a master of the manipulative arts, but now he seemed to have found himself a prodigy. That or he just simply couldn't find it in himself to turn away whatever desire Despayre would have at any given time. The puppy dog eyes the kid seemed to have mastered didn't help matters any.

(This would of course explain why despite his wanting to finish up, Synn spent twenty minutes in the Godiva chocolate store, allowing Despayre to pick out a sweet assortment as a gift to Teresa, which she would hopefully share with him and Angel later this evening. This came as a surprise to Synn, but he chalked it up to simply not ever really knowing what to expect.)


”Casey, can you understand where your problem in accordance with the Sins originates? You see, you seem to be on the train of thought, that in reference to our past together in the AWA, we were only referring to Despayre and Gabriel’s debut match against you in that tag team match. Untrue.”

“You see, there was indeed another match, one that perhaps you chose to forget. Where you and your partner named after a certain breed of canine, faced Sinful Obsession. You got your team disqualified, knowing beforehand my two men had your number. That is where our focus comes in to play. That is a match where the past will come back to haunt you. Despayre and Gabriel have not forgotten those times Casey, even if you have. Justice will be served, and this time it will be you who is left lying on the canvas, unconscious -- not Despayre. You bring up an intriguing fact when you shove the fact in everyone’s face that you are two and zero here in SCW, but… past or present, you are zero and two against the Seven Deadly Sins. A record that will remain intact, when you will soon fall a third time. What excuse will you use then, I wonder? What will you tell your friends, your loved ones? How will you explain defeat to your tag team partner you seem to value so highly?”

“Your excuse, much like your time, Casey, has run out.”


Before it was time to call it a day and head home, Synn decided to treat Despayre to lunch in the food court. There were choices galore from KFC to Greek t Mexican, but he need not even bothered in offering the choices because Despayre was set in his ways. Panda Express was the only place to eat when out and about. Angel said so.

What is it about teddy bears and Chinese food? Hunh.

With Angel in his booster seat and the blue and white Build-A-Bear carton tucked away on a fourth chair, Synn ate quietly as he coyly watched Despayre try to follow his lead with a set of chopsticks. He wrestled with a piece of chicken on his plate with the chopsticks but snapped them wrong, sending the morsel flying. After all this time he never could seem to get the hang of using them and he always resorted to his own logic; he simply stabbed a stick through his food and ate it that way as if it was the only logical way to do so when all else failed.

"So," Despayre started to say between bites. "What shall we do to fill the rest of our day?"

Synn took a drink of his bottled water and sat it down before answering, "Well, it's as I said before. I have a little business to conduct for Gabriel and yourself. That might take up a good chunk of my time until this evening. Do you think you can keep yourself occupied?"

Despayre popped another stick full of orange chicken into his mouth and chewed as he contemplated how best he might spend some idle time through the day. He frowned for a moment, lost in deep thought, before looking over to Angel who hadn't seemed to touch his own plate full of brown rice and cashew chicken.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked his best friend, much to the amusement of Synn who could never seem to tire of these little social interactions between man and bear. Despayre turned nonchalantly to Synn and explained, "He says he's in training, and I should be too."

"Well, Angel does make a fair point." Synn nodded, speaking of the bear as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. "You do have two big matches coming up on just the one show. He wants you to be ready, and so do I." But Synn stopped as Despayre just shook his head.



Despayre held up his forefinger for emphasis and said pointedly, "Just one big match. Teaming with Gabriel. That's all I wanna do."

"But there's also the match for the Championship and..."

Despayre shook his head a second time, interrupting. "No." He said. "No gauntlet match for me."

"Joshua." Synn started, having been over this multiple times and it looked like they would be multiple more. ""We've been through this already. Several times, actually. Everyone is booked for the gauntlet. You have to at least try..."

Despayre silently mouthed "no" and plopped his chin in his palm as he rested his elbow on the edge of the small table. "I can't focus on that when I have to focus on doing all the work in my match with Gabriel." He shook his head. "Nope. Can't do it."

Synn frowned. "What do you mean? Why do you have to do all the work in your tag team match?"

Despayre huffed and rolled his eyes, as if Synn had just asked the single most ludicrous question imaginable. "Because..." He sang in a singsong tone of voice. Synn would have almost thought the little guy was giving him guff. "The gauntlet match is for Gabriel. He's going to be the champ so we can't let him get all tired out or harmed before it's even held, now can we?"

There it was. Once again, Synn was witnessing the unorthodox bond between the two partners that transcended into something more familiar. A brotherhood if you would. When he had first introduced the pair, Synn had hoped they would click, if for only their partnership. He had never expected the two to become as close as they had. Gabriel was second only in Synn himself when it came to protecting and nurturing Despayre, and Despayre had stated more than once he loved Gabriel like a brother and best friend.

“No, no we cannot.” Synn agreed. “However, if that is the case, and you still don’t have an interest in the championship, you still have to be in the match.”

“Nope.” Despayre said simply, playing idly with the noodles on his plate. He paused a moment and then frowned. He asked aloud, “Why?”

Synn sat his fork down and leaned back in his chair against the large, glass paneling that allowed for a remarkable view outside at the mall’s courtyard fountain. He answered, “Well if you don’t go in there, who is going to watch Gabriel’s back and protect him?”

Despayre looked down and set his hands in his lap, trying to come up with an answer, any answer, that would be better than having to step inside of that gauntlet event. When he could find none, he just offered a light-hearted shrug of his lean shoulders.

Synn nodded, “You see? Gabriel is going to need you, and you might end up needing him as well. You watch each other’s backs and protect one another in your tag team matches. This match will be no different.”

“Except that we can’t both win.” Despayre observed with a keen eye of observation.

“Yes.” Synn agreed. “Except for that.”

Despayre fidgeted, not moving from his leaned posture. He was tense, unsure of himself, and Synn did not find this to be agreeable with the boy’s unorthodox and unpredictable nature. When his mind was at such a crossroad, he could very likely end up lashing out instead of settling on a mutually beneficial solution. Synn reached forward and placed his large hand on Despayre’s shoulder, prompting the boy to look up into his green eyes.

Synn said, “You know, even if you don’t want to win, it’s important that you at least try. I would be very proud of you if you were to do so, and so would Gabriel.”

Despayre bit at his lower lip in contemplation, and Synn knew that the battle had been won with that statement alone. Despayre wanted seemingly everyone to like him, and he wanted them to be proud of his accomplishments as well. Not just in the world of professional wrestling, but in every day life around them as well. Oh Synn realized and understood that Despayre did not need to succeed in the business in order to have people like him. It seemed the fans and staff alike wherever they worked took to him before he ever set foot inside of the ring. Yet he did succeed, at a success rate of 99% of the time. It caught many off guard just how successful he had been since his first time in the ring. Synn and Shane’s training regiment for him had been hard pressed to say the least. Yet just when it seemed none would have any hope for success in getting him to focus on, well … anything, Despayre would pull out one of many lofty surprises inside of the ring. How did this little guy, at such a delicate stature and unstable mental maturity, make for such a devastating grappler? Synn himself was unsure of that answer. He chalked it up to just another mystery to the enigmatic mind of his charge.

Only one match did he ever lose in his relatively short career. He had been forced to team with someone else other than Gabriel, and the chemistry, the dynamic, was simply not there. And point of order, it had not been Despayre himself who brought the loss to his team in that one match.

Surprisingly, this was not intended to be a manipulative tactic that he might have used against anyone else. Synn simply did not need to ‘trick’ Despayre, nor did he have the heart to despite his namesake and reputation. He used simple logic. The logic that Despayre’s closeness to him and Gabriel would alone be enough to at least get him to set foot inside of the six sided ring for the Heavyweight Championship event.

Synn bent slightly at the waist and looked deeply at Despayre, coercing the young one to look back up at him. He said, “So you’ll give it a try?”

Despayre looked down and sighed lightly. “Okay.” Was his simple answer.

“Good man.” Synn said with a hearty smile, patting him on his shoulder. He stood up and scooped up their tray in his hand, prompting Despayre to stand as well, ready to head home. Despayre grabbed Angel and the Build-A-Bear box and looked up to Synn with wide eyes.

He asked, “So, will you be helping me train then?”

“Of course.” Synn answered, dumping the tray’s contents into the garbage. “But first I have some business to tend to. Soon as I get home, I’ll work with you. Maybe we can get Gabriel over to help as well.”

“I’ll start when you’re gone then.” Despayre said as they exited the glass double doors into the parking lot.

“Oh? And how do you intend to do that?”


<div><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><TR VALIGN="MIDDLE"><TD style="background-image: url(;background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: bottom;"></td><TD style="background-image: url(;background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: middle;"> rocky soundtrack - Eye Of tiger .mp3</td><TD style="background-image: url(;background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;vertical-align: bottom;"></td></TR><TR VALIGN="MIDDLE"><TD WIDTH="16" style="width: 16px;background-image:url(;"/> </TD><TD style="background-image: url(;background-repeat: repeat;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;vertical-align: bottom;"><embed class="beeplayer" wmode="transparent" style="height:24px;width:290px;" src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="290" height="24" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="playerID=1&bg=0xCDDFF3&leftbg=0x357DCE&lefticon=0xF2F2F2&rightbg=0x64F051&rightbghover=0x1BAD07&righticon=0xF2F2F2&righticonhover=0xFFFFFF&text=0x357DCE&slider=0x357DCE&track=0xFFFFFF&border=0xFFFFFF&loader=0xAF2910&soundFile=http%3A//"> ></TR></table></div>


The themed music played as the camera picked up a close up shot of the steps inside of the Synn/Despayre household. The soft thud of feet pounded against those very steps, and as the camera pulled back in it’s wide angled shot, it was revealed that Despayre, dressed in a gray sweat suit and sneakers, was jogging all the way up those very steps toward the second floor, and right back down again…


There was a close up of Despayre’s hands palm down against the floor… The camera pulled back to find him doing push ups, with Angel seated on his back for added ‘weight’…


A ‘Dancing With the Stars’ aerobic workout video was playing on the large screen television. Pulling back, Angel was dressed in a miniature aerobics workout clothes; headband, powder blue tank top and matching leotards. Its back was to the screen and as the camera pulled further back, Despayre was in front of him, dressed in the exact same outfit and mimicking the workout examples he was watching on the screen…


A close up angle of Despayre’s feet jumping up and down, maneuvering as a rope whipped underneath them over and over at a modest rate of speed. Pulling back slowly, it was revealed he was jumping rope, but this time with assistance… One end of the jump rope was attached to Angel’s paw, who was seated on a small stool on his right hand side. Further on his left side, the other end of the rope was being held by their housekeeper Teresa who was directing the rope up and over for Despayre…


Angel was pressed up against a bean bag on a table, ‘holding it’ while Despayre bobbed and weaved around it and boxed his fists into the padding. He danced back a few steps and continued to box in place when Teresa walked past him, and she playfully doubled up her fists at him. Despayre let out a yelp and took off!…


Despayre stood five feet away from Angel, and he was holding a medicine ball against his upper body. He gave it a toss to his teddy bear, and held up his arms.


He exclaimed … right until the ball was thrown back and clobbered him in the head, knocking him flat!


Despayre was swimming in their heated pool, from one side to the other, while Angel floated on an inflatable cushion with shades over his little eyes and a Mai Tai in a tall glass at his side…


Angel sat on a chair with a stop watch on his fuzzy lap. A breathless Despayre came running up, panting and gasping for oxygen.

“H-h-how’d I d-do?”

He gasped. He reached down and looked at the stop watch and his face brightened.

“Hey all right! My best time yet!”

He then scooped Angel up and set the teddy bear down on the ground.

“Your turn!”

He promptly clocked the start of the stop watch and looked off into the distance, shielding his eyes against the sun. He frowned and looked down, and at the bear at his feet. He clicked the stop watch to stop and looked at the time. He immediately grumbled and stalked away toward the house.

“Show off!”

Supercard Archives / House party
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:37:09 AM »
 Whoever said that Halloween is a holiday for children only?

After all, who says that only kids can have fun on this spooky holiday? Believe it or not, adults have as much fun on Halloween as children do, and perhaps even more so. This is a time like no other when the adults of the world can feely dress up in scary and outlandish costumes. With the possible exception of Christmas, has there ever been an annual holiday where everyone can participate, man, woman and child alike? Perhaps even more so than Christmas, adults can be on an even scale with children and have as much fun, and perhaps even more so, than those younger than they are.

Halloween is one of the most profitable of holidays, earning upwards of four billion dollars per year. And if you looked at the shared home of Synn and Despayre, you'd begin to think you knew who was responsible for a chief fraction of that cost.

The two-story luxury estate had been gloriously transformed into a ghoulish nightmare, both inside and out. On the outside, one could see the entire front yard now resembled an old graveyard, with multiple gravestone markers set up strategically all over the yard. Behind each one, a small bowl filled with dry ice and water sat so that the effect of fog would make the scene even more appreciative to the senses of those who happened by.

From the tree branches hung stretched spider webs that reached from one branch to another and clear down to the ground. Three of those same branches had nooses swaying in the wind, and plastic, fully articulated skeletons hanging in the ends.

Further up the walkway toward the house, right at the front porch, a zombie guard dog animatronic statue sat at the base of the porch steps. As the guests approached the doors, the "guard dog" turned its head toward that person and its eyes glowed red. It snarled and barked and lunged forward but never touched a living soul -- or anyone else.

The windows glowed an ominous red as all of the lights inside of the house had been changed to red prop light bulbs. This gave off an ominous glow to the outside and inside...

Gabriel stood at the doorstep and smiled, shaking his head. It would appear that Synn really went all out for Halloween, like many people did for Christmas. He felt it was painfully obvious that the big man was doing it all for Despayre's benefit. He reached forward and pushed the doorbell and was about to follow with an immediate rap on the door when the doorbell, a shrieking cry for help, cut across him. He chuckled.


He caught movement from out of the corner of his eye and only a split moment later did a skeleton pop up from the bushes toward him. It slithered back down, making a hissing noise as it descended. He rubbed his palm along his face and whispered to himself, "Wow" when the door opened with a loud creak. Standing before him was an elaborately dressed with, complete with the full-length black dress, pointed hat and shaggy, long hair.

"Oh, hello Gabriel. Joshua was worried you'd be late."

Her makeup was astounding and it was only by her accent when she greeted him that he finally recognized her. He frowned, looking closely.


"Si, it's me." The live in housekeeper to Synn and Despayre's home nodded and she held the door wide open for him to set foot inside of the house. Gabriel could not take his eyes off of her and he found himself laughing.

"You look great, madam!"

"Never mind your romantic talk." Teresa replied as she shut the door behind him. "You Frenchman are all alike."

Gabriel had to admit, he liked this older woman. She had sass, and she seemed a perfect foil for the pair of Synn and Despayre, whim he had come to know as his own family. Synn told him once that she was in charge of one of the homes he sold in Louisiana in order to purchase this one. That made it clear he had respect enough for her to want her to move along with, instead of becoming out of work as a result.

“Is everyone else here?” Gabriel asked and he turned around as Teresa set to lead him on to the party itself and he stopped short, his eyes wide.


If he thought the outside of the house bore testament to the holiday, it paled in comparison to the interior. The red lights were everywhere, as were tall, pillar candles set in candelabras and spaced throughout the house wherever he looked. This caused the candle’s light to dance against the red backgrounds of the interior. Spider webs were strewn about and pinned up in every corner and around the furnishings. Judging by the way the entire floor of the house was hidden by a thick mask of fog, there had to be even more dry ice hidden about strategically. It was a cool effect. He liked it.

He glanced up and there was what appeared to be a severed head caught in the webbing overhead and a giant spider feasting upon it.

“Oo, charming.” Gabriel observed. “I give you credit Teresa. I love what you did with the place.”

“It’s home.” Quipped the Hispanic woman. “But I can’t take credit. Joshua handled most of the designs.”

“Really?” Gabriel questioned in a surprised tone, looking around again. This was some seriously creative displays everywhere he looked. He didn’t think the kid had it in him. “Well, good on him.” And he followed Teresa inside where the music was blaring and he could hear several people talking.

“He did good work.” Teresa nodded, agreeing with his surprised assessment. “But I find it hard to be too enthusiastic when I know I’ll end up being the one to clean that peeing devil punch bowl.” She pointed to the side and Gabriel passed what appeared to be a statue of a fierce looking demon with wings spread wide, and standing before a punch bowl where the demon was relieving itself. Gabriel had to wonder if he’d ever be thirsty enough to want to drink from that particular display.

He passed several more displays on the way inside, and the one that caught his attention the most was what he initially thought was another window to the house. He glanced at it and stopped, and leaned in at what he now saw was an animated window prop. He stood there watching a zombie “outside” devouring a deceased victim. The undead figure then looked up and at “him”. The figure left its meal and it appeared as if it started lumbering right in Gabriel’s direction and as it reached the window when a ”shot” rang out and its skull exploded in a shower of gore.

Gabriel turned to Teresa with a smile and jetted a thumb at the picture. “That was sweet.”

Teresa just rolled her eyes when the voice cried out from inside;

“He’s here! Gabriel’s here!”

Gabriel knew immediately he could connect that voice to Despayre who came charging out of the main living room that was filled with people in costume and his friend and “brother” promptly tripped over a chair and was sent sprawling at his and Teresa’s feet.

“Despy!” Gabriel choked back a laugh as he grabbed him under the arms and hauled him to his feet. “You okay buddy?”

Despayre dusted off his costume, a Harlequin clown outfit. He seemed embarrassed mightily from his tumble, his pride hurt far worse than his body. He just nodded and held out his hands as Teresa handed him Angel, who also went flying but she had managed to catch the teddy bear.

“I’m okay.” He mumbled. “Tripped.”

“Happens to the best of us.” Gabriel replied as he wrapped an arm around Despayre’s shoulder in a placating gesture between them, and then noted something of interest. The bear was ‘dressed up’ as well, with a shaggy black wig, leather vest and matching mini pants. “Who’s Angel supposed to be?”

“Who?” Despayre blinked, looking down at the teddy bear then back up to Gabriel. He narrowed his eyes and asked, “You mean, you can’t tell?”

Gabriel could only bite his lower lip and shrug as he shook his head in the negative.

Despayre just rolled his eyes, “Uh, hello! He’s you!”

Gabriel looked back down at the plush figure and blinked back his surprise, unsure what to say, or how to feel. Should he be flattered that Despayre took such precious time to fashion a “Gabriel costume” for the bear, or should he be insulted that ‘he’ was relegated to being a scary costume?

Gabriel was about to respond as best he knew how when he found his friend’s embarrassed look had changed into bewilderment as he stared intensely at Gabriel, sizing him up.

“Something wrong?”

Despayre sighed, “Angel told me you’d wear something that showed off your legs.”

Gabriel looked down at his own costume, a Roman soldier outfit with full armor, sword and everything in between. He hefted the helmet under his arm and looked back up at Despayre who was watching him.

Gabriel said, “Lemme tell you something Despy, you know what my legs have that other men’s don’t?”

“Angel says Nair burns.” Came the quick-witted reply.

Gabriel stood there for a moment, caught off guard and then he set his hands on his hips, “You tell that bear of yours that I do NOT wax my legs!”

Of course the timing of the statement was grand as it was said as the current song playing came to an end and everyone within hearing range turned their heads and stared out into the hall, and thus at the three standing there. Gabriel closed his eyes and cleared his throat.

“Despy…” Gabriel started to say. “You are going to have to tell me what is all this about my legs.”

Despayre cuddled his bear closer against him and started to speak, and then promptly shut his mouth and shrugged before turning around and heading back to the party. Gabriel then turned to Teresa.

“Okay, is there something wrong with my legs that I should know about?”

Teresa smiled and replied in Spanish, “Solamente que usted está demostrando demasiado de ellos y no bastante de lo que conducen.” Smiling and she gifted him with a coy wink.

Teresa then went on into the kitchen, leaving a baffled Gabriel standing there for several seconds before he shrugged and he headed on into the party.

The party had more people than at first conceived. Gabriel knew that Synn had originally just intended for a small gathering of those they knew best. In other words, each other. But now there were many others present, namely the public staff members of the SCW, everyone from Mark Ward and Christian Underwood with his husband Scotty, to Justin Decent and Belinda Simone (and everyone in between). All were in costumes, and there was a suspicion amongst the friends that Synn had opted to invite the rest as a means to let Despayre get closer to people when the normally shy and introverted young man would prefer not.

He wasn’t doing too badly. As others tried chatting him up, Despayre was not overtly receptive towards the overtures and he found himself regularly gravitating back toward either Gabriel or Synn. For the moment, he had found himself separated from the both of them and was instead engrossed in another animatronic figure of a zombie fortune-teller. Despayre was seated opposite the figure with Angel on his lap, and the spectacle was greeted with curious glances from the various guests as they moved about socializing.

“So what’s he up to now?” Shane mused to Synn, both men holding drinks in hand as they stood against the far wall of the foyer. They watched in amused interest as Despayre was tossing playing cards at the mobile statue across from him and dropped some in front of himself.

Synn frowned and answered, “If I didn’t know any better, I would dare guess he was trying to teach that thing how to play poker.”

Shane choked back a laugh and coughed, as he had taken a drink of his beer before Synn had answered his question. He patted himself on the chest and looked to the man beside him and smiled. “That kid never fails to raise someone’s spirits, does he?”

“No, he certainly manages to accomplish that.” Synn agreed. “I sometimes wonder if he was truly meant to be one of us.”

“How do you mean?”

“When I first brought him into our fold, I saw him as the Cardinal Sin of Sloth, which you’re well aware.”

Shane nodded, but remained silent so as Synn would continue.

Synn said, “But it doesn’t fit, no matter what logistics of the word you might try to center around him. Then I try and think of all the other sins that are out there and I just wonder which suits him most.”

Shane turned away from Despayre who was now ‘arguing’ with the animatronic gypsy over how badly she played a hand and looked at Synn with a hard stare.

“After all this time, you’re wondering if his place is warranted with us?” He asked with an accusing tone. “What exactly are you…?”

“Nothing.” Synn interrupted. “Joshua is one of us. Even if he does not befit a sin in particular, he is a member of our little family never the less. My only point was, is that I have always felt each human soul is prey to at least one of the Cardinal Sins.”

Shane said, “And you find yourself struggling to find the sin in Despayre’s soul.”

Synn said nothing. He only nodded. Shane turned back to watch Despayre who now had positioned Angel’s one paw in the gypsy’s hand and the other in his own. Surprisingly, Teresa was now seated at the table and she was holding the zombie gypsy’s other hand and Despayre’s free one.

Shane looked at Synn who was betrayed of his emotions by the corner of his lip turned upward. Shane asked, “Séance?”

“So it would appear.” Synn smiled genuinely. “Tonight Teresa is not a house keeper. She is a guest as much as anyone else here. So I imagine she is just amusing the boy.”

“And herself from the looks of it.” Shane said as he and Synn could see the smile on the Latin woman’s face as she played along with whatever manner of play was going through Despayre’s child-like mind. Shane then scratched the side of his head and decided to bring something up that he felt necessary.

“Look, I had a chat with Gabriel earlier today.”


Shane nodded, “He expressed … concerns. About his position on the show.”

Synn tore his eyes away from the others and then looked at Shane. “Let me guess, Shane. He’s torn whether he should focus more on his pairing with Despayre, or fight his hardest to walk out as the SCW champion.”

Shane said, “Pretty much. That and he’s concerned what affect it will have on Despayre if the partnership will be put on the back burner if he does win the title.”

Synn could only shake his head. He finished off his drink and sat the glass down on the table at his side and leaned back against the wall. His eyes turned across the spacious room where Gabriel was showing Pussy Willow and Miss Rocky Mountains some form of card trick.

“I would have thought he’d understand Despayre far better than that.” Synn observed. “If Gabriel were to win the title, I strongly suspect the first person to congratulate him would be the very man he’s fretting over.”

“I agree.” Shane said.

“What’s more…” Synn continued. “I feel Joshua would be a lot more excited for Gabriel were he to win than Gabriel himself would be.”

“I tried to tell him that.” Shane said as he drained his beer and then looked around, seeking to replenish it. Finding no obvious source at the immediate time, he went on with his train of thought. “But it hasn’t stopped him from being concerned. Those two bonded more than I think either of us believed possible.”

Synn nodded his agreement. “Indeed.” He said. “I’ll talk to Gabriel if need be. As the Sin of Greed I would be sorely disappointed if the biggest championship were not in his sights. But for now I would rather let things proceed on their own. The chips will fall, where they must and Gabriel will come to understand. I talked with Joshua over lunch. I asked him if he were interested in that same title.”

“And?” Shane prodded.

“No.” Synn answered. “He gave me a simple, flat out ‘no’ for an answer. It’s the same as when they were together in the AWA. Despayre was unhappy when booked in singles matches. I’m sure you remember, he fought fiercely to better himself and make us proud of him, but that path was not what he desired. His only goal there is the same as it is here; the pinnacle of the tag team division.”

“That won’t be easy if Gabriel wins the title.”

“No it won’t, but their matches together as a team won’t be stopped entirely even then. Once they move past this tandem they’re up against, it’ll be only too obvious to Christian and Mark that as a team, they draw interest from those watching. Joshua will be happy for Gabriel so long as he gets to team with him once in awhile.”

Shane nodded, then folded his arms on his chest and sat back against the edge of the hard wood table. “It’s not going to be easy.” He said. “Casey and Ryan have over two hundred pounds on them.”

“Size is of little matter in this instance.” Synn interrupted, “Ryan King is an unproven commodity. He wrestled one match and emerged victorious, but against a team that had no chemistry and one member turned on the other. That one match showed me nothing really. He is strong but he can also be conquered. People talk about Joshua but Ryan’s mind will be his weak point. I can see the anger festering inside of him. Unlike Joshua, he does not know how to use that anger as a focal point, as a weapon. Ryan wants to be the best but so long as he is saddled with Casey, it will not happen.”

Shane smiled, “And here I thought I had the monopoly on confidence around here.” He stood upright from where he had been leaning and uncrossed his arms. “I have to admit, I’m looking forward to what’s going to happen when Casey gets caught in there with our boys.”

Synn said nothing at first. They heard a small outburst and looked over into the dining room where the aforementioned séance had been under way. The same playing cards were scattered and Despayre had jumped up from his seat and stalked away with Angel, leaving Teresa behind.

Shane chuckled, “I guess she beat him at Go Fish again.”

“Mm.” Synn murmured. “I’m fairly certain that Casey remembers what has happened when he stepped inside of the ring with Gabriel and Joshua in times past. The simple fact is, he was defeated. Big Bad Casey, giant of the ring, bested by men a third his size. I always said size matters but in this man’s case, it means little. He hurt Joshua once.”

Shane sighed, “I remember. Laid the little guy out.”

“But he was never able to actually defeat him.” Synn stressed. “I have little interest in what Casey believes. All that matters are the facts. Casey is not as dominant as he likes to believe himself to be. He is slow and plodding. Vicious, yes, but strength and power will only take you so far. Even the mightiest oaks can be brought down by things a fraction of their size. Casey is no different.”

“Does Despy remember him?” Shane asked, the question appearing in his mind out of nowhere.

Synn paused his line of thought for a moment or two before he answered, “I’m not certain. I’m sure he does but whether he acknowledges it or not is an entirely different matter altogether. As much as I flatter myself in being a wondrous judge of character, I never really know what is going through his mind. Though between us…” Synn leaned over with a smile that Shane knew too well. It was one of malice he had grown accustomed to over the number of years he had gotten to know this man. Synn went on, “I overheard him having a strategy session with Angel, and Casey’s name did pop up. I don’t think things will be going as well for Casey as he thinks it will.”

Before they could continue with the small talk, Gabriel approached, looking rather pleased with himself.

“What’s with you?” Shane asked. “You look like you just picked the Pope’s pocket with that smile.”

Gabriel sauntered up and shrugged with his arms held out proudly. “Maybe later. But damn! This outfit must be hotter than I thought! I been felt up fifteen times!”

Synn nodded, “Yes. Despayre’s been selling those ‘gropes’ for Snickers bars all night.”

Gabriel frowned and turned around to look for Despayre who was seated on the floor in the corner of the living room, digging through a large bag filled with Snickers.

“Well, shit.”

Climax Control Archives / Support between friends
« on: October 06, 2011, 06:58:23 PM »
The scary thing was, the bear had been right.

After Despayre’s ‘save’ of Gabriel and his claim that Angel was aware there was some sort of flaw in Gabriel’s stage trick, Gabriel and his crew did a thorough inspection of the equipment for the ‘Ice Fire’ grand finale. His men wanted to know why he thought there was something wrong and Gabriel replied with a simple, “I just have this feeling something’s not right.” Well, it’s not as if he could tell them that his friend’s teddy bear issued the warning.

But so far, Angel’s been right about everything else so, why not this time?

They found a small leak in the tank of liquid nitrogen. It was amazing that nothing had happened during the previous rehearsals when the gaseous element had been used, but one more chance, especially in front of a live audience, was too far a risk. The tank had been replaced and Angel’s record of being right was intact. Gabriel’s final performance had been a smash hit as all of its predecessors, and he had his own personal cheering section right there at the best table in the house where the slightest thing he did was met with a thunderous “Hooray!” from Despayre.

“That was your best show yet!” Despayre had said with a smile as he rushed around backstage at the show., and having made every single one of Gabriel’s performances and never tiring of it, he would be considered the resident expert.

Gabriel could only smile at his ‘biggest fan’s’ enthusiasm as he rubbed the towel over his neck backstage. Gabriel looked around at the backstage area as the men and women employed by the hotel and the production of the stage show that had been his pride and joy over the past six months went about their business. He turned back to Despayre who was peeking inside of one of his equipment trunks and shook his head.

“You say that about all of my shows Despy.” Gabriel stated matter-of-factly but with good humor.

Despayre stood up and turned around and nodded in a serious demeanor - or at least as serious as his innocent mind was capable of. He said, “Yeah but this time I really mean it.”

“Oh okay.” Gabriel nodded, then frowned, “Wait, what?”


So how could Gabriel do anything but accept the invitation afterwards to have a first hand tour of Despayre and Synn’s new house here in Vegas?

“Damn man, you all are living large!"

Gabriel had stated when he first set foot inside of the modern, luxury estate and gazed around at the decorative interior. It looked as if someone had taken his luxury suite at the Luxor and stretched it out into a mini palace. If he had to be honest, he didn't think it looked like Synn's style. He always thought Synn was the dark decor type of person and maybe not on so grand a scale, but then Gabriel knew damn well, it was not Synn whom Synn bought the house for.

He followed his friend and tag team partner around for a good hour, watching as Despayre showed him absolutely everything that his eyes fell upon. Whatever Despayre had found fascinating upon his own first inspection with Synn, he proceeded to show Gabriel as well – because Despayre just knew that meant Gabriel would be interested too. Of course had it not been for Gabriel’s swift reflexes, his little buddy would have taken his second fully clothed swim in that opulent swimming pool outside.

Despayre had even went through all the ‘trouble’ of making Gabriel and Synn a snack, all by his lonesome (heavily supervised), with the goodies he had discovered in the fridge earlier. So with a Cherry Coke in hand (beer for Gabriel and Synn), Despayre continued with the tour.

"Oo! Ooo! Look at this! Look!”

Gabriel followed diligently as Despayre ran into the spacious living room and grabbed a remote control and clicked a button, and he looked mesmerized as the curtain blinds slid open on their own accord. He then pointed the remote toward a wall-mounted fountain and with another click, the water started to flow down the wall into the miniature pool at their feet.

Despayre looked down quizzically at the gadget in his small hands and frowned, then looked up at Gabriel who had a smile plastered on his face at the innocent fascination his friend was reaction toward things he himself would take for granted.

“I wonder if this thing would start your car?” He asked in all seriousness.

“Somehow I doubt that Despy.”

Despayre studied the gadget and as he fiddled with the buttons on it with his thumb and fingers, he asked beneath his breath, “Will you stay here now too?”

“Hm? What was that?” Gabriel asked. He had been certain he heard him, and what he asked. Gabriel had a suspicion the topic would come up and the answer and reaction might be difficult, but that appeared to come with the territory of having a family such as this.

Despayre looked up but seemed as if his eyes fell everywhere but at his friend. “Well, your show was finished at the hotel. That means you’re moving in here, right?”

Gabriel sighed, “`Fraid not Despy.”


Gabriel took his shoulder in hand and coaxed him to stop wavering his gaze and instead, to look at him. “Because the Luxor is my home buddy, just like this is yours.”


Gabriel interrupted, hoping to stem the tide of Despayre’s emotional outburst before it started, “Despy, I’m still close by. You need to have a little time to yourself, and with Synn here too. Just because we’re not staying in the same places like we used to, doesn’t mean we won’t still see each other a lot. You understand, right?”

Despayre just frowned as his shoulders slumped down, indicating that he clearly was not ready to accept this just yet. He was trying to process what Gabriel wanted him to understand when a sharp shriek from off in the direction of the kitchen alerted the tour group and their heads swerved around past the living room and through the main foyer.

"Oh mi dios! Cuál es éste? Qué sucedió? De dónde este lío vino de de pronto!?" The sharp cry of outrage from a woman gave Gabriel cause to frown and look at his two hosts with a questioning quirk of the brow.

“You all have a woman stashed away for safe keeping or something?”

“Hardly.” Synn snickered. “That’s just Teresa, our housekeeper.” Synn looked down at Despayre who was staring in the direction of the kitchen and gripping Angel tightly against him. “I think she found that little mess we made in the kitchen.”

“We?” Gabriel remarked pointedly as he heard the sharp bang of what had to be a cupboard door and foot falls in the hallway. Sure enough, the plump Hispanic woman, clad in her robe and night gown, set foot past the hall and into the wall frame of the foyer where she laid eyes on all three of them. She had a glass of milk in her hand as she looked at all three of them before her eyes settled on Despayre. Surprisingly Gabriel heard a little whimper emit from the little guy and he hid behind him when Teresa beckoned him forward with her forefinger.

“Joshua.” Teresa said with fierce eyes but a soothing voice. “Come here.”

Despayre just held tightly to his bear with one hand and Gabriel’s shoulders with the other, and shook his head in the negative. She waved her finger again and Despayre practically buried his head in Gabriel’s back to hide. The amusement was evident on all of their faces, Teresa included, at how such a fierce little grappler in the ring who had such a ‘loose cannon’ nature, could be intimidated by this little woman. Of course, Gabriel wouldn’t admit this but he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to test this little firecracker’s temper personally either.

Synn placed a hand on Despayre’s shoulder and coaxed him out from behind Gabriel.

“Come now. We’re just going to go see what it is that Teresa wants. Okay?”

Despayre shook his head fiercely. Teresa shook her own head and took a step forward but Despayre whimpered and took a hasty step back.

“Hey now.” Synn said in a voice that Gabriel didn’t think was possible to come out of the enigmatic man. “Don’t be like that Joshua. Teresa just wants to show you something.” He looked up and over to the woman and shrugged, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was scared of you.”

The blink of surprise came almost instantly to the housekeeper but the smile changed to a mocking frown and she set her hands on her hips. She raised an eyebrow and said in a thick accent, “Let’s not be silly chico, okay? Now, I want an explanation. Come.”

She turned around and headed back into the kitchen, and Synn led the reluctant Despayre in after her with a curious and bemused Gabriel following close at hand. They arrived inside of the kitchen and Teresa stood at the large counter where on the smooth, marble top there were plastic wrappers and microwave pizza boxes littered about, with crumbs strewn everywhere for good measure. She waved her hand at the mess, which also included plates and utensils lying about, then set her hand back on her hip.

“Well?” She asked. “Would you know anything about this mess?”

Despayre looked down, as if embarrassed, and shrugged. “I wanted to make us a snack.”

“And what? You could not be bothered to clean up your mess?” Teresa pointed as she started to gather up the debris on the counter. “Were you raised in a barn?”

“No.” He answered innocently. “Were you?”

Teresa looked up sharply at the remark and Gabriel snorted hard into his hand to restrain the inevitable laughter. He knew Teresa’s question had been lost completely on Despayre but that didn’t stop the little guy’s curiosity from being peaked enough to ask the same thing.

She pointed first at Despayre, and then at the mess on the counter. “I do not see why you make the mess, and expect me to clean it up.”

“You’re the housekeeper!” Despayre answered hotly, raising his voice and startling Gabriel and Synn.

“Stop.” Synn said quietly, and Despayre immediately ceased, knowing his “father” figure’s tone. How ironic. Synn rested a hand on Despayre’s shoulder as the little man’s frown melted into confusion. “Teresa is our housekeeper, yes. She works for us, and we are lucky to have her. But she is not our servant Joshua.”

“Okay.” Despayre mumbled and of his own accord he took a step forward and set Angel on the counter and took a shredded pizza box and deposited it in the garbage. He looked up at Teresa pointedly who gifted him with a slight smile and she proceeded to start the clean up with Despayre helping.

Gabriel leaned over a hint and whispered to Synn, “You actually let her talk to him like that?”

Synn answered, “Trust me Gabriel, she knows the limits. I’ve told her all about Joshua, and his special needs. She knows well enough where not to go and the risks of getting too close. I think she’ll be good for him. He needs the discipline and…”

“Discipline?” Gabriel scoffed. “What about you? I mean, you are his…”

Before he could finish the statement, Synn grasped Gabriel by the arm and not so gently pulled him out of the kitchen and out into the dining room. Synn raised a finger and was about to speak but Gabriel interrupted him before he even had the chance.

“You still haven’t told him, have you?”

“Enough.” Synn stated simply. “Now is not the time. I have enough on my mind for now, settling Joshua into a real home and introducing Teresa slowly into his life. That is not a topic that can just be dropped at his door step.”

Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and glanced back into the kitchen to watch briefly as Teresa sprayed a cleaner onto the counter and allowed Despayre to pitch in and wipe it down. He looked back to Synn who was also paying close attention to the scene.

Gabriel said, “Are you sure about her? You know how volatile he is. The slightest thing could set him off. Even we don’t know when or where it’ll happen and who’ll get caught in the cross fire.”

“That was a worthy risk I was willing to take when I removed him from Broodmore.” Synn answered. “I know he’ll never be fully cured of his instability, but I can only hope to make him as comforted as possible. Teresa?” Synn sighed. “She’s actually been in my employ for several years. She took care of one of the houses that I sold to buy this one. Joshua needs a female influence in his life, and Fantasia’s so busy with Shane…”

Gabriel smiled, “Since when do you have to hire a woman to hang around you? Women … men, you’d nail `em all.”

“Be that as it may…” Synn smirked. “I need her to do what I cannot.”

Gabriel nodded with his own grin, “Such as tell him the meaning of the word ‘no’? You have got Despy spoiled rotten…”

Synn winked, “Not yet, but I’m getting there.”

“Back!” Despayre yelped as he leapt from the doorway to the kitchen to where the pair was standing. “Miss me?”

“Always.” Synn said, putting an arm around his shoulder, drawing him in. “And Gabriel and I have a little surprise for you.”

“Awww! You shouldn’t have but oughta done it! What is it? What what what?”

Gabriel took a step forward, tucking his hands into his pockets. “Well I talked to Synn here and seeing as how we haven’t seen each other for a while, how would you like to go pack your bag and stay the weekend at my…?”


Gabriel blinked as Despayre disappeared fast upstairs and he shrugged.

“I guess that was a ‘yes’?” He laughed.

Synn turned to him with a quirked brow but a smile to his lips. “Should I be insulted over how fast he accepted that?”


“So, are you excited?”

“Excited? Of course I’m excited! I always look forward to getting to hang out with my best friend Gabriel!”

“Best friend? I thought I was your best friend.”

“Nowwww! … Don’t give me that look. Gabriel is my best friend but you’re my bestest friend!”

“Okay then! But I knew you would be happy about spending the weekend with Gabe. I was actually wondering about Sunday. You haven’t wrestled for a while. This is the first time you’ve gotten to team up with Gabriel in some time.”

“I know! I can’t wait! Gabriel and I are the best tag team out there. We’re champions you know.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Well we never did lose the titles when we left the AWA, so as far as I’m concerned, we’re still the champions. Oo! Hey! Do you think the SCW bosses will let us be the first champions here because of that?”

“I doubt it. That wouldn’t be fair to all the other tag teams here.”

“What ‘all other’ tag teams? There’s me and Gabe, um…Sinful Poison, and who were we against again this weekend?”

“Team Viagra.”

“Uh… yeah. Them. Wait, are they really calling themselves that? Isn’t that…?”

“Yeah it’s one of those little blue pills that makes a guy’s tally whacker stand to attention and say ‘Hel-LO dere!’”

“What is it with you always saying weird things like that? It might corrupt the fragile little minds watching this!”

“What is it with you always thinking someone is out there watching everything we do?”

“It’s just a feeling I have. Anyway, Gabriel and I are ready for Team uh… Team uh…”


“I know! I just have such a block against that name! I don’t know if I like them or not.”

“How come?”

“Well didn’t you see the way Virgin was talking about me?”



“His name is Virgil, not Virgin.”

“Well you say potato. He just made me so mad. He thinks if that partner of his…”

“Who? Eddie G?”

“I guess so. He really hasn’t showed his face around here too much. I think Virg is getting annoyed with him. Eddie G hasn’t even seen fit to talk to us really. So if he’s not willing to give his partner a hand, then why be friends in the first place? Between you and me I don’t think Virgil should put much faith in him. Sure he’ll prolly show up again but so what? He can say whatever he wants but Gabriel and I know that there can only be one winner and that’s us! Well to make a long story short…”

“Too late.”

“Quiet you. Well it’s just that Virgil’s been saying the same things all the other guys have said that Gabe and I have wrestled.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well he thinks just because I’m a little smaller than the other guys around here, that I have to be the weak link between Gabe and me! I’m not you know!”

“I know, I know. And he’s going to know too when your match is over. Why, I bet when you’re done with him Virgil’ll be on his back so fast you’d think he was on a date with Synn!”

“Yeah! … What does that mean?”

“It means that he’s making a big mistake if he thinks he’ll make you give up and disappoint Gabriel in your first match back together!”

“Is that what he thinks!? Well I don’t care what he says! I’m not going to let me and Gabe lose this match! Virgil just makes no sense! He says Gabe and I are into the dark arts. I’m not artistic. I don’t even like to paint! Unless, you know… I can do it without the brushes. Makes it more fun.”

“I don’t think that’s what he meant by the dark arts, but I know what you mean. They’re going to need more than their A game if they hope to walk away as the winners of this match. And you know what it means that they made this a Texas Tornado match.”

“That they’ll blow worse than normal?”

“No, but that’s a good one! It means that you don’t have to tag in and out. It means all four of you guys will be allowed in the ring at the same time.”

“Really? That kind of defeats the purpose of the term ‘tag team’ doesn’t it?”

“Oh I know what you mean, but it also means you can turn their own strategy against them! Go after the fat guy first. Take him out, and that’ll leave the other one all by his lonesome against you and Gabriel.”

“Yeah! That’s a great idea! Or we could do it the other way around but I’d rather get rid of the fat one. They smell funny when they sweat. Boy! I can’t wait to make them eat their words! They think they can handle me just `cause I’m little! Well you know what they say about dynamite!”

“That they got short fuses?”

“I… guess so. Is that what they say?”

“Uh huh. And it fits you too buddy. You and Gabriel have this match won already. They might as well just forget the match introductions and announce you as the winners. Skip the middle man I say!”

“Yeah! Are you with me!?”

“I’m with ya buddy!”

A gleeful Despayre picked his overnight bag up and slung it over his shoulder and then grabbed Angel, tucking the teddy bear under his arm. He hurried over to the door of his bedroom (it’s all his!) and pulled it open to find a startled Teresa on the other side.

“Oh! Hi!” Despayre greeted her. “Bye!”

He hurried down the stairs, Teresa watching after him. She turned back around to his bedroom door, which was wide open and leaned inside to look around. She saw nobody else in there and then looked back down toward the stairs and shook her head.

She muttered, “If they ever ask the women of Las Vegas who has the craziest boss I think I’ll win hands down!”

Climax Control Archives / Fantasia RP #1
« on: September 30, 2011, 10:33:46 AM »
"The date, I'll never forget. It was August 11, 2000. Yes, quite some time ago. I fully admit that I've been in this business a good number of years more than my two more famous opponents but you know what they say about experience. And darlings, you won't find a girl with more experience than yours truly."

"The FMPW was at the time, the modern day answer to the old territory days of the National Wrestling Alliance. It was where the sport's very best male wrestlers were brought about from everywhere between North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia to compete the world over. It was only after a year or two of promoting across the world that there started to be a fan demand for the ladies to compete under their banner. Those in charge yielded and yours truly was one of the first signed to the FMPW's brand new womens' division. Unlike the men, the FMPW was looking toward signing only women from the indies across the globe. Not the main female stars the fans might know. I imagine their reasoning was they wanted to build their own divas to shine. Whatever."

"The date came when twelve women were booked into a single elimination tournament. Of course I forget the majority of those women. They weren't me, after all, and truth be told that was all that mattered. I just remember those were the days long before I had ever met Synn. It was before the man ever even entered the business as I recall. I was known by the ring name of Strawberry Wine (god I hated that name), and there wasn't one of the so-called experts who thought I could walk out of this with the gold."

The fans inside of the Philadelphia Arena clapped and stomped as the two surviving female stars stood on opposite sides of the ring; the masked enigma Madame X, and the underdog rookie, Strawberry Wine. Madame X was clad from head to toe in black, complete with mask, while her opponent wore a basic violet one-piece with white boots.

The introductions were made and the bell sounded, and the match to decide the first Woman's Champion of the FMPW was underway...

The match started out dead even with both females exchanging hold for hold on the mat. Madame X had full control of the match at the four minute mark where she pummeled Strawberry against the ropes with a series of forearm shots. The masked wrestler backed up across the ring and then charged but Strawberry ducked down and her opponent went sailing through the ropes and she crashed down onto the concrete floor. Strawberry mounted the top turnbuckle and waited as Madame X returned to her feet outside and then the flame haired diva soared from her perch and crashed into X with a flying body press!...

Strawberry went for an Irish whip into the far corner but Madame X reversed the maneuver and sent her opponent in instead. X then charged in but Strawberry dodged out of the way and X crashed chest first into the unforgiving turnbuckles. Strawberry then brought her down with a Hangman's neck breaker but was only able to secure a count of two. ...

Both women had taken the fight to the outside of the ring. Madame X wrapped her arms around Strawberry’s waist and the heavier woman bulled the smaller of the two back against the ring apron. Madame X then picked her up and slammed her onto the floor before rolling back inside of the ring. At the referee’s count of eight, Strawberry was pulling herself up to get back inside, and Madame X ignored the referee to reach out through the ropes and grab Strawberry by the hair. Madame X dragged her up onto the apron and went to lift her back into the ring with a scoop slam, but on the way down, Strawberry hooked her leg and rolled her into an inside cradle for the successful count of three. …

The fans applauded politely as the referee presented Strawberry Wine with the championship belt.

”Nobody thought I should have been able to walk out of Philadelphia with that win. You could tell by the fans’ lukewarm response to my win that they thought Madame X would have, or should have, won the title over me. A fluke they called it, and yet over the next six months, I fought to shut them up and prove just how wrong those microbes were about me. I put down challenges from the best the FMPW could find for me; rematches against X, matches against the likes of Raven Knyte, Arachne, Big Mama, Princess Cherokee. You name it. They booked the match, and I would win it.”

“That is until some genius decided to spice things up and bring in someone from Japan, and they chose this woman who looked like she swallowed an eighteen wheeler and had room for more! She called herself Commando Hasegawa, and the name fit. She had her face painted over (thank god) with this camouflage paint. Her clothes were military style and god help her, she had her head shaved into a Mohawk! She was a horrid sight to say the least, but she was an absolute monster in the ring.”

The Asian beast, Commando Hasegawa, trapped Strawberry Wine’s arms in a double under hook and practically threw her up into the air and drove her down with a jarring powerbomb! The fans were in awe as this behemoth went to the top turnbuckle and jumped off, crushing Strawberry beneath her dead weight and a brand new FMPW Woman’s Champion was crowned on February of 2001.

”I don’t mind telling you that I was hurt, both emotionally as well as physically. That fat cow had broken three of my ribs when she landed on me and I was forced to take three months off so that I could mend. I hated to do that because I thought if I were away that long, the fans and booking agents would pretty much forget that I ever existed! Yeah, as if that could ever happen. But I was younger, more naive then, so I had that deep rooted fear.”

“The bosses assured me, however, that as soon as the doctors cleared me, I’d get my rematch. Cut to almost four months later, and I found myself in Cairo, Egypt, facing that she-beast once again. Gods, I never thought it possible but she looked bigger! Maybe she swallowed the Sphinx before the match?”

June 2001

Strawberry had learned from their previous encounter. This time she found the need to hit and run. She would spend a large portion of the match striking fast and making her escape from the champion, before she could get the challenger in her grasp. …

Strawberry tried to fire her off into the ropes but Commando reversed the effort, and as Strawberry came off, the champion went for a clothesline but Strawberry ducked under and connected with a float over DDT, plating Hasegawa’s head into the mat! Strawberry covered her but it was still too soon to secure a win and Hasegawa got her shoulder up. …

Hasegawa rolled the challenger back inside of the ring and climbed up onto the apron. She slowly stepped through the ropes when Strawberry, back on her feet, performed a low dropkick right into Commando’s leg, buckling her weight and bringing her down to the mat! The champion’s knee suffered from the blow and Strawberry went right to work on it, dropping repeated elbows into the joint. …

Commando threw her into the corner of the ring and Strawberry sprung onto the middle turnbuckle and sailed back for a body press but the larger woman caught her easily and planted her with a front slam! Commando then wasted precious moments, taunting the jeering crowd, before she scraped the challenger up off of the canvas. She set her in position for a powerbomb, but the move’s momentum allowed Strawberry to roll through, and she slid down Hasegawa’s back and the champion fell off balance into a reverse cradle and Strawberry Wine was a two-time champion!

”I can remember having such a sense of self satisfaction after that match. There wasn’t anyone who was going to look me in the face and tell me that I did not deserve to hold that championship!”

“It was right around then that I started to understand that working so hard for cheers that don’t even really help you win matches was pointless. You get the same basic results in the ring whether the people outside of it decide that they love you or they hate you. So I continued doing what I was doing, I just didn’t go overboard trying to please everyone around me.”

“So after I had that little epiphany, what did I opt to do? The answer would be rather simple. I decided to defend that belt anywhere and everywhere that the promoters would be willing to book me, and I did every single thing in my power to make damn sure I kept it! I tried to fight clean the vast majority of the time, but I decided if the bitch who wanted to take my property was going to cheat to do it, then she’d get a taste of her own medicine and I was going to cheat to keep it! I had absolutely no qualms at all at pulling hair or gouging eyes. I’ve even used a chair or two in my time. The one thing I never had to rely on, however, was outside interference. I didn’t need nor did I want another female in my business and I certainly didn’t want anyone to think I had to have a man settle my problems for me. If I was ganged up on, then that was a different story. Otherwise, I insisted on fighting on my own, win or lose. I was not going to allow the division I represented to become little more than a Cheesecake Factory.”

“The FMPW remained active for the next two years, and during that time the woman’s belt remained around my waist. Yes, you heard me right. A two-year span as the champion and I never lost that belt. Actually it remains to this day in my trophy case at home. I defended it both inside of the FMPW, and their ‘sister promotion’, the FLPW, even called on me to defend my championship from time to time. I couldn’t really blame them. The vast majority of their roster was compromised of over the hill hags and debutantes that had no real business competing in major arenas, but we get that every week now when we watch WWE, don’t we?”

“Well after the FMPW finally closed its doors, I was happy to walk away as an unbeaten champion. It simple proved that I was the absolute best, bar none. I made enough money that I didn’t really need to go on further in the business so I retired from the business for a couple of years. That didn’t last very long. I always was a bit of a show off so I signed on with Generation Xtreme Wrestling (that’s GXW for you simple minded troglodytes) and decided to continue with my winning ways there. Now there were some name brand women who could test me to my full abilities! Dana Venom, Brandi Costantino, Vivian St. Claire, Mistress Payne, and even our dear friends, Kittie and Misty.”

“That was the exact time I met everyone’s favorite ‘dark priest’ in Synn, and it was he who convinced me to finally drop that ridiculous ring moniker I’d been saddled with and embrace my inner emotions. He christened me Fantasia, and many do not know this, but I was the first member of his Seven Deadly Sins stable. He was hurriedly trying to decide which Sin I was best suited for, when in walked his other protégé, Shane Boswell (that’s Sxxxy Shane to you). I had never before seen such a finely sculpted piece of as—art, and we hit it off … in more ways than one.”

“That, boys and girls, is my story in how I became this ravishing vixen that deems fit to entertain you.”

“Now Misty and Kittie are perhaps wondering why I chose to tell my tale, and they’re maybe even thinking it a bit pointless when I could be running my mouth about our little scheduled threesome. Trust me dears, there’s always a method behind the madness which is Sin.”

“The reasoning is simple; this is my town. It is my time. Do I admit that I’m perhaps older than either Kittie or Fantasia? Mmm, I suppose so, but when you still look this good, why deny it? Am I more experienced in the ring? That I am dears, and experience is usually the key to obtaining ultimate victory. Ask our dear magician Gabriel. Staggering beauty aside, I'm no air head when it comes to the nuances of this business, whether it be inside of the ring or the business side itself.”

“I want both of you to understand that I am not that same cheesey little girl that entered the FMPW, all starry eyed and wanting to please whoever was paying for a ticket. I am not simply a piece of eye candy fashioned onto the arm of Shane Boswell. No no no. I am the woman who walked away with gold around her waist, a feat you never really obtained Kittie, but I admit Misty did twice. And like myself, Misty never did lose her title. I’d dare say that puts her about dead even with my own remarkable level … but not quite. I may not have been actively competing these past few years, but ring rust is simply not an option. Trust me when I tell you that Shane has been giving me quite the workout, and if I can handle what he throws at me, then I’ll certainly be prepared for Las Vegas has coming my way. Hardcore rules be damned.”

“Because in case you missed it, Las Vegas is the City of Sin, and the one sin that is most hardcore, just happens to be Lust.”

Climax Control Archives / Thru the looking glass
« on: September 29, 2011, 01:55:33 PM »
A red Corvette Z06 sped down the Las Vegas road, blending in with the traffic at a steady pace so that none would look twice save for perhaps an admiring glance at the quality of the sports car. The occupants within were notable, but none paid them any heed as those inside of the other cars on the road focused more so on their own destinations, conversations, and yes – telephone calls.

The weather was only mildly humid, but overall pleasant with an airy breeze that sifted through the car’s open windows. The day was early, noon had not even arrived, but it was still easy to tell that autumn had arrived. The heat of summer was all but gone, save for the warmth of the sun and the clear, blue sky that brought about a sense of calm. The man driving had read once that the color blue was thought to release something in the brain that brought about a sense of calm in a person. It would explain why a person felt good about whenever the heavens over them were a bright blue with little to no clouds in the sky – much like now.

An ironic thought the driver silently contemplated, as he himself had always enjoyed stormy skies with gray clouds and the threat of rain and lightning. To each their own.

“Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?” Came a singsong whine from the young man crouched down in the passenger seat, his roaming eyes darting about everywhere they passed, the buildings and pedestrians walking about, with his long, wild hair whipping everywhere.

Synn glanced over at Despayre who was hunched down in his seat with his chin rested on his arm as he drank in the pleasant weather outside. It had been well over a year, close to two actually, since he had the young man released from a Canadian mental institution. That did not stop him though from gazing at him and wondering if he would ever begin to take for granted the things everyone else did not even think twice about in their every day lives. Despayre had lived off and on for so many years in isolation that it seemed the smallest things fascinated him and brought the boy such a feeling of euphoria.

Synn couldn’t help but feel the pangs of time lost and the resolution to regain them.

Despayre closed his eyes and rested his cheek along his forearm as the wind blew over his upper body and the sun cast down on his fair skin. Had Synn ever experienced such innocent perceptions at the world around him? No, not that he could ever recall. When he was Synn’s age, all he felt were traces of bitterness at the world around him. Not even when he was younger could he recall. He felt pity for all the years Despayre had lost to the cruelties of fate, and yet he at times realized their lives were so intertwined by similar chances. Synn, too, had been caged but it was of a prison he crafted himself within his own soul. Barriers and walls built to keep the affections of others out.

And yet here there was this young man not even twenty years of age that was threatening to cause those very walls to come crumbling down around him. Not an unpleasant thought Synn was forced to admit.

“Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?”

Keeping his eyes to the road ahead, with the occasional glance at the GPS on the dash, Synn answered, “Now Joshua, you know that I told you it was a surprise. If I were to let you know where I was taking you, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise now would it?”

Despayre grumbled beneath his breath and tried to push himself further back into his seat.

Noting the youth’s discomfort level, Synn added, “Don’t be such a fuss budget. You’re going to love it.”

Despayre glanced up from where his head rested on his arm. “Promise?”

“Promise. Just be patient.”

Despayre laid his head back down and sighed, “I’m not the patient type.”

Synn could not help but chuckle lightly and he said, “I never would have guessed.”

“Neither is Angel.” Despayre added in a soft whisper.

Synn looked up into the rearview mirror and at the object of Despayre’s wanton devotion; the cream colored teddy bear clad in a bite sized business suit, and fastened snugly into a child’s car seat. Synn never possessed one of those little bundles as a boy, so it remained a mystery to him just how such a thing could bring Despayre out of his shell as it has since ‘Angel’ was introduced into their lives. It shouldn’t, however. Teddy bears have long been a universal sign of protection, love and comfort, regardless of age or gender. He remembered reading a quote somewhere that stated, “Nothing brings a feeling of love like squeezing a teddy bear.”

Despayre seemed to be living proof of that fact.

Synn often wondered if he and Gabriel would have gotten anywhere this close to breaking Despayre’s emotional walls if it hadn’t been for Angel.

Synn broke himself from his inner contemplation and said, “Yes, well you don’t hear him grumbling, do you?”

Despayre’s brow furrowed, “Yeah well, he says he’s in on your little secret.”

Synn smiled and looked over at Despayre. “Has your little friend been listening in on my phone calls again?”

“Teddy bears are nosey too.” Was Despayre’s only answer. A few awkward seconds passed when Despayre picked his head up and looked into the back seat. “Well you are!” Despayre turned back around and flopped against his seat, exhaling sharply.

“He didn’t like appreciate that little assessment?”

“Their feelings are hurt pretty easy too.” Despayre turned back around to gaze at the bear and he murmured, “I’m sorry you’re nosey. I mean, I’m sorry I said that you’re nosey.”

Synn shook his head as Despayre turned back and made an attempt to relax. Synn had never kept a secret from Despayre from the moment they met, but this was special. At least, he hoped that it would be. He had went thru many months of planning for this deal to come through and once it had, it took an even harder level of work to bring it up to his own personal expectations. All of this served as a catalyst for Despayre’s unending string of questions for him.

”What are you doing?” “Where are we going?” “If you won’t tell me, will you tell Angel?” “Does Gabriel know anything?”

These were but just a few of the queries the young man fired off at him, and each one garnered neither an answer nor a clue. At first Despayre seemed to be worried and Synn reassured him that they were not returning to Canada. Synn had finally managed to make Despayre understand and accept that he would never be returned to Broodmoore, but he did not even want to set foot inside the Canadian border ever again – period. Canada was his hometown, but it represented a dark period of time in his life he could not face, and Synn would not force it upon him. Not even if a wrestling show or tour would make bookings in Canada would it happen.

This time, however, Gabriel was the key in his plans. The shared bond between them, and Gabriel’s having made his nest in Las Vegas had provided Synn with the key to what Despayre sorely needed most in his life.

A stable home.

“Well, we’re here.”

“Hm?” Despayre brought his head up and looked around and saw that they had maneuvered their way into a rather upscale part of Las Vegas where the houses were decorative in modern structure and spaced apart for the personal and private comforts of those housed within.

The car pulled into the white marble drive of a house that seemed to have jumped right out of a modern enthusiast’s dream home magazine.

<img src=>

The car pulled to a stop in front of this two-story house that seemed almost on the verge of being a ‘mini-mansion’ and Synn turned off the ignition. He looked over at Despayre who’s eyes were as wide as saucers drinking in the detailing of this structure, and he asked, “Well? Do you like it?”

Despayre silently nodded and leaned out of the window but got snagged on his seat belt and could go no firther. He reached in and unfastened himself and quickly scrambled from the car without the benefit of opening the door and collapsed to the pavement. He scrambled to his feet and reached into the backseat of the car to get Angel from ‘his’ car seat and held him tightly as Synn shut his own car door behind him. Synn walked around the car and stood at Despayre’s side.


“Wow.” Came the whisper that was nearly inaudible. “Who’s house is this?”


Despayre turned and looked at Synn and his eyebrows shot up. “Ours?”

Synn nodded and turned back to look at the fancy house. He said, “Most of the places we lived in over the past year or so were just rentals Joshua, save for the two houses in New York and Louisianna. A few months back I sold both of those, and bought this place.”


“Because I thought you needed a home, Joshua. A real home.” Synn looked down at the smaller man and found his gray eyes glistening with excitement and… and hope. Synn turned back and gave a nod toward the house. “This is it.”

”Nice.” Christian said as he slid the photograph of the house back across the table. “I always thought you were wealthy but I never knew you were quite that rich.”

Synn smirked, “I don’t know about rich but I am comfortable. I’ve never touched any of the money I’ve made over the years in wrestling. Most of my money has been made in stocks and real estate.”

“Well, that’s one piece of the Mystery of Synn revealed.”


Synn smiled at him, “You want to see the inside?”

Despayre needed to more prompting as he tore off for the front door and pulled it open before dashing inside, Synn quickly following in after him.

Despayre was like a child in entirely new surroundings, feeling the need to explore every single nook and cranny. The house was completely furnished in a blend of Greek and modern décor and Despayre was busy inspecting every thing he could lay his eyes and hands upon. Synn just stood and watched in silent pleasure at the ‘boy’s’ enthusiasm.

Despayre turned over cushions and moved chairs aside to inspect everything, then was followed into the large kitchen where he pulled open every cupboard and pantry door, searching for whatever elusive goodies there were to find – and there was plenty. Every single food Despayre had a fondness for, from cookies to pastas and mac and cheese, Synn had made certain to have stocked aplenty. The freezer had all his favorite pizzas inside and once the fridge door was pried open, Despayre let out  whoop of delight at the bounty of Cherry Cokes inside.

He quickly pulled a soda free from the plastic rings and took a giant swig when he spotted something even more amazing right outside through the patio door. He choked on his drink and croaked out through a hoarse tone, “No way!” And he dashed outside and stood in amazement at the sight of the sparkling pool set in the spacious outdoor patio.

Synn followed him with a beeming smile, taking intense pleasure at Despayre’s delight in his new surroundings. “Well, what do you think?”

Despayre’s head whipped around and his face was alight with joy. “A pool!” he exclaimed. “Is that ours too!?”

Synn nodded in the affirmative and Despayre held Angel up in front of him and cried out, “A pool! Look Angel!” He looked back to Synn and asked, “This means we can go swimming!?”

Synn nodded, “Yes, it means you…wait. Wait Joshua!”



Synn, smiling despite himself and shaking his head, led the dripping wet (and fully clothed) Despayre into a bedroom on the upstairs level of the house. Despayre looked up in amazement and then asked Synn, “Is this … ?”

Synn nodded, “Your room.”

“Mine?” Despayre looked around, “All mine?” Beside the King size bed, the first thing he saw was the large flat screen plasma TV and what appeared to be a complete collection of every Looney Tunes DVD ever released stored on a shelving unit. He made a cry of glee and went right for them but was caught by the arm.

Synn shook his head, “Not until you’ve dried off and had a change of clothes. We’re going to go see Gabriel at his show tonight.”

“All this and Gabriel too!?”

“Yes so start getting ready. I have to go make a few calls but I’ll get you some towels to dry off.”

Synn left the room and closed the door behind him and Despayre’s eyes went right back to the TV and video collection. He bit his bottom lip and contemplated playing maybe just one, but then looked at the equally wet teddy bear in his hands.

“I know, I know!” He said and he sat Angel down on the bedside and he started struggling to pull his soaked shirt off when he heard the door open behind him.

A plump, older Hispanic woman in a uniform stepped inside of the bedroom holding an armload of fresh towels in her hands and she smiled at the predicament Despayre found himself in, stuck in his wet shirt.

“Little help?” He called out and the woman set the towels down and walked over to him. She grabbed at the shirt and helped pull it over his head and he dropped it on the floor.

“Thanks!” He chirped. “I…AHHHHHH!!!!

Synn had made it halfway down the stairs when the sudden outburst and now the multitude of shouts from upstairs diverted him and he turned back around and ran upstairs. He swung the bedroom door open and foun himself gawking at the comical sight of the woman swinging a small pillow at Despayre as he swung the sopping wet Angel at her. He was shouting incoherently at her and she was shouting back at him in Spanish.

“Hey!” Synn shouted. “Hey hey! Stop it! Stop!” He darted in and inserted himself between the pair and held them both back at arm’s length. The woman glared at Despayre who was baring his own teeth at her. “What is going on!?” Synn demanded.

Despayre pointed at the woman and whined, “She snuck in here behind me! She’s an intruder in our happy home!”

The woman raised a finger at him and said, “You told me to bring him towels and I went to help him with his shirt and … ¡Él iba salvaje en mí y comenzó a hacer pivotar ese oso de peluche! ¡Este pequeño hombre el suyo está loco en la cabeza!”

Despayre stood rigid on his toes and snarled, “How DARE you say that to me!?”

Synn turned his head to him and smiled, “You know what she said?”

He looked at Synn. “No.” Then he looked at her and said, “But how DARE you!”

Synn closed his eyes and nodded. He then opened his eyes and looked at Despayre and said, “Joshua, she’s not an intruder. This is Teresa Aguilera. She’s our live in housekeeper.”

Despayre blinked and looked at Teresa. “Live in housekeeper?”

“Yes. She lives right across the hall. I have a couple others helping take care of the house but this lady here…” Synn rested a hand on her shoulder. “… She’s in charge of keeping the home in order.” Synn shrugged, “You don’t think I’d be able to cook and clean myself, do you?”

Teresa rolled her eyes at that and Despayre smiled. He leaned over and looked at the housekeeper, “Will you watch Looney Tunes with me?”

Teresa blinked and looked up at Synn and she could not help but smile.

Christian Underwood, the second half of the SCW ownership combination with ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward, picked up his pumpkin spiced latee’ and had a sip, then said, “So that explains how your lot arrived here in Vegas. But I don’t get why you decided to settle here when you had those other places all over the country.”

Seated across the café from Christian was Synn, no drink at his wn spot, but he leaned back in his chair, looking off. He said, “It’s like I said. Gabriel was the key factor. He told me ages ago about his dream of having a show in Las Vegas so I went about seeing what I could do. I mean, he’s made for it. He has the sexual appeal. The personality and the talent.”

Christian nodded as he set his cup down, “Well I’ll give you that. I’ve been to a couple of his shows with Scotty and we were both impressed. Amazed, actually. That guy does things on that stage I’ve only seen a few magicians do on TV specials.” Christian frowned and leaned in, “Is he going to get any specials?”

“We’ve yet to discuss anything of that nature.” Synn answered. “I think he’s happy with his stage act, and now that he’s going back into wrestling, his time will be hard pressed enough. Besides, I’m still trying to get him another episode or two of ‘Supernatural’ and that was his big thing.”

Christian nodded. “And how is Despayre feeling? Is he adjusting well?”

Synn looked over to the other side of the café where Despayre was staring into the glass case where all the pastries were, trying to pick one. He said, “It’s been a slow process but … yes. He was a little down about not touring. He loved getting to see all of those places but I promised him we’d go on a vacation now and again so he could see more places.”

“Whatever Despayre wants…?” Christian smiled, taking another drink.

Synn smiled and nodded, “Pretty much. I think I’ve told him ‘no’ maybe once, and the second I saw that bottom lip….” He shook his head. “I can’t believe after all these years, someone else is actually managing to manipulate me!”

Christian laughed. “Well, I’m just glad I managed to get you guys to agree to sign on. This was something Mark and I had been meaning to put together and it’ll really help having two big names on the active roster. Most of the guys we signed were active on the indy scene.”

Synn nodded. “I’ve watched some tapes of some of the guys you have. Some of them are actually older and have more ring time than Gabriel or Despayre. I just think my two boys got the bigger breaks.”

Christian smiled, “It happens. The wrestling business has about ten wrestlers in it that haven’t gotten a break for every name in the big feds. Personally I always preferred the independents. The workers always seem to put more effort into their matches.”

“I’m still trying to figure out that duo you and Mark signed my guys against.”

“How do you mean?”

Synn frowned, “I mean I’ve never seen someone like that Virgil character. I couldn’t believe how he was going on and whining about the things that Saint Patty character was talking about in that first promo of his. He barely mentioned Virgil and Virgil started going on like there was some kind of conspiracy against him and that partner of his.”

“He did seem the sensitive type.” Christian agreed. “I don’t know if Mark was deliberately avoiding him or not but I couldn’t really blame him if he was.”

Synn scoffed, “Well what the hell did he expect Ward was going to do? Fine and suspend him just because he mentioned his name? If you’re going to belly ache about trivial details like someone talking about you then get the hell out of the business and let an actual man take your place who won’t act the part of a cry baby.”

“You’re being a little harsh, aren’t you?”

“Harsh?” Synn sneered. “You’ve known me for how many years and you think that’s what I’d be saying if I was harsh? The guy is so full of shit…”

“We heard that!” Despayre’s voice called the café, drawing Synn and Christian’s (and everyone else’s attention over to the counter where Despayre was stuffing a Danish into his mouth. “Swear jar!”

Christian snorted back his laughter and smiled at Synn who shook his head. He turned his attention back to Christian. “So in answer to your question, no. I’m not being harsh. That sawed off little gnome is already going around telling people that if his team loses it’ll be all the fault of Patty and what Patty said about him, and not the fault of him or his partner. Not because my team is the better team, or that he and his partner just fat out choked against two undefeated world champions. It’ll all be because of Patty!”

Christian shook his head as he took a drink and cast a glance over at Despayre. The little guy had been approached by a small child who asked if she could pet Angel.

“Are your hands clean?” Despayre asked the child, holding Angel back away from her. Christian choked on his drink as the child held her hands out for Despayre to closely inspect.

Christian looked back at Synn. “At least he gave your guys props on what they were capable of.”

Synn frowned, “How could he not? Half the world saw what Gabriel and Despayre accomplished during their stint in the AWA. They both held singles gold and left the AWA without ever having been beaten for the tag team titles. Gabriel is a crafty one and Despayre is…well, Despayre. Of course all the cards are stacked in their favor. So better to acknowledge that and have an excuse handy for the inevitable loss in an effort to save face.”

“So you’re confident in your boys’ chances against Virgil and Eddie?”

“Team Viagra?” Synn shook his head with a look of disgust. “I have nothing but confidence that my guys will win. With a team name like that, they’re a walking joke. Did you notice how they gave Gabriel all the props that he’d give them trouble but insinuated they’d have an easier time with Despayre?”

Christian only nodded.

Synn shook his head and smiled, “Then they obviously don’t know this guy!” He jetted a thumb over in Despayre’s general direction.

Christian smiled and started to rise from his chair. “Well, be that as it may, I still wish your guys good luck. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a few more appointments with some of the others guys so, have a good one.”

Christian turned around and headed out, never minding the fact Synn’s eyes were firmly glued to Christian’s even firmer backside. Synn shook his head and growled, “I am so going to have to get a piece of that!”

Archived Roleplays / Sermon (also known as "The Search For Angel)
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:40:09 AM »
I Don't Want To Grow Up Part III

The screen was captivated by a vast portrait of a religious work of art. Known in times past as Rembrandt's 'Descent From the Cross'. It depicted the act of lowering Jesus, the Son of the Lord, from the Cross following the brutal act of his Crucifixion. Stationed up on a wall of a solid white background, the camera retracts back to see the painting was hanging over a religious altar set against the backdrop of a Church's pulpit.

His footsteps clicked in a resounding echo as if one were walking through the abandoned halls of a school or hospital. The heels of his dress shoes hard against the floor beneath his impressive weight of well over two hundred and eighty pounds.

The man's name was Synn. Known to this very day since he had went through the process of having it changed legally to never again be burdened with the Christian name he had become burdened with in a past long since buried. Dressed in a black dress jacket over a red emblazoned shirt, matching black slacks tailored to suit his six foot-eight inch frame, he had a tasteful appearance to match his handsome qualities. He took his place behind the altar and calmly paused, his eyes shielded from the camera and those that would be watching him. Moments passed until he cleared his throat and glanced up, his soul gazing into our very own.

"A Virgin Birth, is just one of the many stories that had led my beliefs away from the ever-controlling systems of the Christian church. Have you ever taken a step back, and listened, truly listened, to what they were attempting to tell us. The tales that they wanted us to believe? Have you ever done as they asked, and say back to read the Holy Bible, and understand it as they instruct you were meant to?"

Synn held up a large, ornately decorated copy of the Bible and sneered.

"Had you ever done so, you would have found so many discrepancies and contradictions, you never would believe a thing again that would come from the mouths of the Holy Order. Was Jesus equal to or lesser than his Father? The Bible gives answers that say both. Should children be punished for the sins of the Father? Again, answers are in the pages that give credence to both yes and no. Thou Shall Not Kill, but then there is Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch to Live."

He held his arms out, dropped the Bible to the ground.

"If God is perfect, why then is He named a jealous God, as jealousy is perceived as an emotion of weakness and without faith."

He chuckled and shook his head in mock disbelief.

"You might ask why am I speaking of this and not yet of the match that my disciple Despayre will find himself in, in just a mere matter of two days? Because..."

He smiled.

"I find it tedious to repeat myself over time, and it is time you understood who it is you deal with. The man whom you refer to as enjoying each of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

He tapped a forefinger into his chest.

"That would be me. Synn. I am the living embodiment of all seven of the Capitol Sins. Despayre? he is but one. As is Gabriel, and others you have yet to have the pleasure of meeting officially."

"I am the man behind the beliefs. I am the one whispering in your ear, telling you that it's okay to take another drink. Telling you that there is nothing wrong with adding a little excitement to an otherwise dull se life with your spouse."

He shrugged.

"Some call me the 'Dark priest', but I prefer to think of myself as the anti-conscience. You see, there has been some confusion as of late when the opponents of Despayre have been addressing him. He is not the one who has been talking to you directly. That would have been me. You see my friends, I'm afraid Despayre is not much of a public speaker, so as his manager and guide, it befalls to me the responsibility of being his mouth piece. I know him, and what he is capable of, better than any of the four of you."

Synn stepped down from the pulpit and to the floor of what is now seen as a large church and he stood between the two sides of pews.

"I believe it tiresome to continually address the same men, time after time. What else can be said that has not already been done so to better warn you for what is soon to be in store? 'I'm going to defeat you.' "You don't take me seriously and thus you will pay dearly.' It's been said many times over. What more can be stated to where it doesn't sound like a scratched record, repeating itself on a loop."

"Big Bad Casey. Dmitri. Sin. And yes, you, Kain. The man himself. The AWA World Television Champion."

He smiled and began to walk slowly down the aisle.

"Each of you have made one critical error in judgment when you look upon Despayre. What is that you might ask, and why would I give up an advantage in telling you?"

He paused and held out his hands.

"Because hey, I'm a nice guy, and it's not as if you're going to take heed to my word anyway. So I will have the ultimate satisfaction of having told you, and then watching your surprised reactions when you find my statements were indeed no bluff."

He shook a finger toward the camera before continuing up the aisle.

"You look at Despayre, and you have judged him prematurely. You saw one match, and perhaps a handful of appearances, and you think you know all there is to have discovered. Most of you see him as somewhat naive. You think him to be a man with the mind of a child. To a degree, you are right. Others, like the champion himself, don't trust e when I warn you about the animal that lurks within."

Synn shook his head with a sympathetic look on his face, one that would not be believed for those that knew this man.

"I acknowledge that as your call to make, but one that you will find no blame to fall on rather than your own when you have done that one random thing that would make him upset. Despayre is a creature of pure instinct. His mentality knows no bounds on which to draw the line, so go ahead. Take him for granted. believe him to be weak and uncaring about becoming a champion and doing himself proud."

"That will be the mistake that ends the night for the four of you, and begins an all new existence for his own."

Synn emerged from the open door of the church and stood atop the steps, looking down. A close-up of his face and he smiled and gave a nod to those watching.

"And now if you don't mind, we rejoin our previously scheduled broadcast already in progress."

"Angel....Angel, he's gone! HE'S GONE!!"

The fear was evident in Despayre's voice as his tone quaked at the thought of having lost something endearing. A friend having vanished. A child having wandered off, possibly never to be seen again. these were the random fears that every friend and parent would have at one time in their life, and one that was being experienced so suddenly by the unstable man who was fastly becoming despondent.

"Cam down..."

"No! He's gone!"

"I said calm down!"


Synn had tried to bring a soothing reassurance immediately to his charge but the situation was growing out of hand. It had caught even him out of the blue and unaware. One moment the two men were on speaking terms with one another over Synn rewarding Despayre for some work well done, and the next he had discovered Despayre's cherished possession had gone missing right out from under their noses.

Despayre turned around and grabbed at the toys in the basket and began to hurl them out in every direction in a vain, childish search attempt for the missing 'Angel'. Finding nothing inside, or at least not hat he had hoped, Despayre grew visibly angry and grasped the grating of the cart and flipped it over as effortlessly as a man might toss newspaper onto his kitchen table.

He looked left and right but saw nothing of familiarity and Synn knew that he had to act fast. Despayre's mind was indeed fragile, and a link that brought him a  sense of stability was the one thing that had just gone missing. Angel was not just an object to the man. The teddy bear was a security measure. It was his friend.

The crash of the cart against the store's tile floor had been brought to the attention of the store manager who turned around the corner of the aisle and approached cautiously.

"Sirs, is there a problem?"

"Angel is missing!!" Despayre shouted in answer and made a move on the manager as if in accusation that the man had taken it but Synn quickly grasped his arm and reeled him in. Despayre begun to struggle but Synn wrapped his other arm around him from behind to better restrain him and he whispered desperately to Despayre.

"Calm yourself! We will find him but if he's in trouble, you'll need to calm down to help him!"

Only this seemed to start to affect Despayre's frantic emotional response as he turned and stared wide-eyed at the manager who was vexed at this occurrence.

"Someone's missing? A child?"



Synn sighed and glared at the manager. "My friend here has a...problem, if you understand what I'm saying?" He arched his brow and the manager slowly nodded, taking his meaning. "A possession of his has come up missing from our cart and he would like it back, very much!"

The manager reached into his breast pocket of his shirt and took out a small notepad and pen. He asked, "What was the object?"

"It was Angel!" Despayre hollered.

"A teddy bear." Synn emphasized for the manager's benefit. "Dressed in a small business suit and with shades on I believe?" He looked to Despayre for confirmation so he would feel he was helping and Despayre nodded in confirmation.

"O...kay." The manager said in a hushed whisper of disbelief at the odd situation, keeping his face down so neither man could see his 'weirded out' expression. Synn did not need to  'see' it however, as the man's body language was enough. He was mocking them without words. he scribbled down on his notepad something before he looked back up. "I've got a few employees free. I'll round them up and see if we can't find the little guy. Check the security cameras in the area..."

Synn tilted his head in acknowledgement and let the man tae his leave. He already wished he had let Despayre loose on the bastard but that was neither here nor there. Despayre again begun to struggle in his grasp and Synn spun him around and held him by the shoulders so that they faced each other.

"I am telling you again to calm yourself." He growled. "I know you're afraid for Angel. I am as well, but this will not help him!"

Despayre swallowed, his eyes wide with worry.

Synn continued, "We will go search for him now, leave no corner unturned. Perhaps ... perhaps he saw a toy he liked and wandered off to check it out?"

Despayre glanced away and paused in thought. He slowly nodded. "Maybe." he looked back again to Synn's eyes and Synn was relieved to see a faint trace of hope in the gray orbs.

"Good man." He said and wrapped a beefy arm around Despayre's shoulder and led him away, all but ignoring the mess of toys and an overturned cart they had left in the lane.


"I told you I need a price check for this!"

The irritated father held up a certain teddy bear that had coincidentally gone missing from a certain cart when a certain daughter and her family had passed by two certain men in a certain RP you might have read earlier. He had hold of 'Angel' by the arm and waved it in front of the cashier's face that took a step back and tried to reason with the man.

"But sir." The young man said. "I'm trying to tell you that we don't sell that bear here. I'm not sure where it came from."

The father's face flushed scarlet and he looked down at his daughter who watched with anxious eyes. he asked her, "You found this in one of their aisles you said?"

The child nodded vigorously and the man turned back to the cashier and held his hand out in mock salute. 'There, you see? She found it in your store so you have to sell it in your store! So I am telling you t either sell it to me or get me your manager!"

The cashier sighed, "One moment sir." and he reached over to the intercom.

"I need a manager to register three please, a manager to register three."


Despayre and Synn fund their way toward the front of the store where there were large displays of various stuffed animals, and after rifling through them, still they had found no Angel. Despayre began to suck in the oxygen, almost in a mild panic when Synn came up and placed his hands on his shoulders. Yet before he could say anything to stay off another possible hysterical fit, the loud words drowned them out...

"What the Hell are you accusing my daughter of!?"

I did not accuse your daughter of anything sir!" The manager stated forcefully, unwilling to back down to this consumer bully. "I am telling you that this item was reported missing from another customer! It belongs to them, not this store!"

The father, never minding the evidence or accusation, refused to entertain the notion that his daughter had relieved another child of their property like a common thief. He grabbed the bear from the counter and began waving it around in the air like a maddened lunatic...

Despayre turned his head around to the source of the commotion and his eyes widened considerably!



The thundering outburst stopped all ranting on the father's part and all heads present turned....

The father’s eyes were wide as saucers at what was speeding right towards him and...


Archived Roleplays / Rewards!
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:38:01 AM »
I Don't Want To Grow Up Part II

It roared down the city streets of Lexington, Kentucky, just outside of Louisville, the soon-to-be locale of the latest pay-per-view of the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, 'Bloodshed'. The distance between the two cities was roughly seventy-five miles, or an estimated hour and twenty minute drive, but judging by the roaring down the street of the ruby red, 2010 RX-8 Mazda, the distance would most probably be cut in a significant amount of time by comparison.

Stationed in the driver's seat was the enigmatic Synn, a man who had set foot inside of the squared circle for a number of years and had caused a fair amount of controversy in the time of his career. For the time being, however, he had deemed it worthy to take a step back and focus his attentions on the careers of others in the business he had so recently turned enough heads in.

Beside him, his full attention focused on the small, hand held video game he wielded in his hands, was just one of those young charges he had found in his 'care' so to speak, the man known simply as Despayre. Stealing glances ever-so-slightly from the corner of his eyes, Synn watched as Despayre narrowed his eyes, attempting to achieve a new level on this game he had gotten for him. It was increasingly difficult for him, but Synn believed it a valuable tool for Despayre to learn to focus his mindset for a particular task.

"Yes, I imagine that you're believing this, the four of you, that because Despayre does not think as you or I do, that it means he will be all the easier for you to subdue inside of the ring and achieve victory at his expense. Not so, but if it makes you feel better, believe it if you will. After all, I would hazard a guess that such beliefs are really all you have when it comes to this upcoming match that you've found yourself in."

"Oh don't get me wrong, there is a level of discomfort that Despayre will be experiencing in the match, but not for the reasons that you might believe. You see, for quite a bit of his life, this young man has experienced nothing but a feeling of isolation. Have you any idea what that must be like? To know few people outside of the doctors and nurses who see it as their duty to treat you to the best of their abilities when in all reasoning, they simply wish to be done with you and move on to their next 'subject'. It creates a feeling of loneliness. To be away from the companionship that you or I might take for granted, but it has also created an anxiety if you will, to be around those very same people."

"You see, it comes as little to no surprise that Despayre is uncomfortable around strangers, especially those in high number. Finding himself inside of the squared circle with not just one opponent, but four? Well, personally I don't understand the logic in this but to each their own. That anxiety will not work against him, but for him. You cannot argue that I simply know him better than any of the four of you might. The 'fear', the desire to be rid of you, it will drive him forward and make him want to fight to be rid of you. That will be the underlying key. That will be the factor that will see him bury you in there and walk away as the new AWA Television champion."

Despayre looked up as he felt the car swing around and saw that they were pulling into a parking lot. He forgot all about the game in his hand and it slid from his fingertips and dropped to the car floor at his feet.

"What are we doing here?" He could all but ask when he saw the storefront signs with their colorful logos and the image of Jeffrey the Giraffe above the main storefront entrance.

[align=center]I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toy's R US kid.
There's a million things at Toy's R US that I can play with.
From trains to planes and video games,
it's the biggest toy store there is.
I don't want to grow up, cause baby if I did
I wouldn't be a Toy's R US kid.

Synn turned to Despayre and smiled. He said, "There's something in here that I want to show you. Consider it a bit of an added reward for your hard work with Gabriel. Oh..." He glanced over the seat into the back of the car where a child's safety seat was attached and the familiar bear christened 'Angel' was tucked in safely. "...maybe a bit of a reward for Angel as well."

"For Angel?" Despayre mimicked with a look of hope and wonder as he looked back at his 'friend' and what he perceived to be his own manager. 'Did he do something special?"

"He inspired you to help your team win, didn't he?" Synn said without a trace of mockery to his tone. "You didn't want to disappoint him and so, you didn't. That’s something called inspiration so what best way to reward you, than to reward him?"

Despayre smiled broadly at this reasoning and he hurried from the car and proceeded to open the back door to retrieve his buddy. Synn unlatched his own safety belt and followed him outside. Once Angel was in Despayre's arms and the car locked against unwanted intrusion, the 'trio' made their way inside.

"Casey, you might be a large individual, that I grant you, but the common misconception in that regard is that it makes you believe it makes you nigh invulnerable. What you seem to forget in your time is that the biggest men also have the biggest weaknesses. Their physical strength is a plus. Only a fool would deny that statement as fact. Their mind? Well, some have the brains to go along with their physical prowess but so far I've yet to decide if you share the same. You see, the last time you appeared I saw you speak so much but say so very little."

"I mean, for all the things that you might focus on, Despayre's hair should be the very least of your worries. I can imagine a man with your slow wit got your jollies by using the old practice of insults and put downs, but what it all boils down to is the fact that you have yet to figure  my man here out, so you haven't the faintest clue as to how you're going to handle him in the TV title match. Really Casey. Calling Despayre ugly? If that is not the proverbial pot calling the kettle black."

"True, I grant you that with your size and weight advantage, he won't be able to lift you for his preferential moves he enjoys using to put people away, but he, unlike you, is not so limited. He does not have to rely on those one or two moves to end a match. So go ahead and continue on making these ridiculous threats and promises about what you'll accomplish in this match. You'll just look the bigger fool for when another's hand, Despayre's in particular, is risen in victory with that Television belt in their grasp."

Once inside of the toy store, Synn began to head closer into the vast interior, amidst the shelves and aisles of objects that make the dreams of young children come true. He stepped past the line of registers, when he heard Despayre call out to him;

"Wait! Wait up!"

Synn stopped in his steps and turned about face to see Despayre at the row of carts, pulling one free. He then proceeded to sit Angel into the child's seat and fasten the small belt around its waist before he started to join Synn. From the corner of his eye, Synn caught sight of a few stares emanating from those in line at the registers as well as the employees behind them themselves.

"What's the matter?" Synn spoke aloud. "Never seen a grown man pushing a teddy bear around before?"

"Welcoming Despayre to the world of the Asylum is a touch of irony, I must say. Especially given how he had spent most of his adult life in one, up until now. Dmitri, now here is a man that seems to command attention to him. For good or ill, you can not help but find yourself paying heed to whatever garbage he opts to spew forth like pea soup on a priest's face. Perhaps it's the makeup, or the continued references to blood and mayhem that he will reap as a harvest upon the soul. I only assume it's not his personal actions because despite what he says, a record of one win and four losses only leads me to wonder how exactly you managed to find yourself inside the ring for this match."

"I watch, and I can only feel the insatiable desire to ask whether or not you sparkle when you step out into the glaring rays of the sun. Perhaps you have a young woman that adores you but cannot help but feel her loyalty at times drift to the lycanthrope that dogs your every step? Pardon me, it had to be said. The common vampire shtick is rather cliché. Thanks to Anne Rice and the like, you can not pass a book or video store without being assaulted by Twihards and other such mindless drones."

"You rely on your dark image and distinguishing speech to intimidate your opponents, or try to at least, but I assure you that in this case you have grossly failed. If you had watched Despayre in his debut, with Gabriel at his side he handled quite easily an AWA Hall of Famers and former multiple time champions. Maybe you should put down your latest copy of 'Emos and me' and instead focus where your attentions should truly lie if you have any hopes of improving your local status. Underestimating your opponents as you seem to will only get you thrown into an open grave. Then again, somehow I get the impression you might find that to your liking."

Walking alongside his mentor, Despayre pushed the cart with his friend Angel strapped in safely like a small child might be by its own parent. Heads turned everywhere they went but Despayre seemed to not notice. His eyes seemed to be glued only to the many displays of countless toys and games that lined each and every wall where he turned his head.

Synn watched, and yes indeed, pitied him as he did so. He knew of the tragic past Despayre led in his time, and part of him seriously doubted he had ever set foot inside of a toy store, or at least, had not done so since before the accident so many years before.

A woman turned her head to gawk but a sharp glare from the much larger Synn made her look away hastily, but not before she had turned her cart into a display and sent the contents scattering to the floor around her. Despayre himself stopped and watched as the flustered woman regained her composure and tried to hurry off before any clerk or further witnesses could see her in such a moment. Despayre turned back to Synn with a slight smile on his face at the woman's embarrassment and Synn cocked his head to the right.

"Come on. Here's where I wanted to take you."

They turned down a certain aisle and found themselves where all the action figures that young males would be interested in were stored for purchase and display; most namely, the wrestling figures. Despayre's attention was now on these rows of card boarded figures sheathed in plastic and his eyes went from one to the other until he made a noise;


He grabbed at it and held it up for Synn to see. It was from the AWA line of figures and was one of his own opponents for the upcoming event...

"Now Sin, there is a man after my own heart, as well as name. He speaks lightly of committing the Seven Capital Sins, but he forgets that the consequences are only paid to those that hold them in such light contempt. Perhaps you forget your own history in that the Seven Sins are simply vices that the Christian Church had found to be the most objectionable and those to the imminent fall of humanity."

"I disagree."

"The fall of humanity has been initiated since the dawn of time when man dragged his knuckles on the ground and his women by the hair. Sin, if you trust in such a term, has been inside of  mankind's hearts and souls for always and shall remain so. You seem to forget, like so many others before you. A sin is only a sin, if your heart believes it to be. I have said it a great many times before, so indulge me if I repeat myself this once. What is one man's sin, is another man's salvation. You might hear those who are afraid to fly say that if God had meant man to fly, he would have given them wings. well, look at what he did give us, and then tell me whether or not we were meant to indulge. After all, there is little harm in bringing oneself pleasure, and it will truly be a pleasure watching your stunned reaction when your words fall on deaf ears, and the referee's hand falls on the mat a third time for Despayre."

"Those tales in the Bible of the consequences of sin? Two cities being destroyed in a sky storm of fire and brimstone. Simply tales, and I have had enough fairy tales read to me when I was a wee child. The tales in that book are so ludicrous and full of contradicting itself that one wonders how many brews the original author had before it became transcribed."

"You, Sin, are simply just another fairy tale. Something to be enjoyed for the time being, and discarded once the novelty has worn off."

Synn smiled at the toy being held up for him and he took it in hand and dropped it into the basket of the cart Despayre was wheeling. A few other adults wheeled past down the aisle with a small child beside them, looking up at the two adult males in wonderment.

Despayre's eyes however were on Synn and he asked, "What are you doing?"

Synn reached past him and grabbed another figure, this one being that of Casey and deposited it too into the cart beside the first. He then looked at Despayre and winked.

"That part of your reward that I told you about my friend. Something to both take your mind off of other unpleasant things and to help you work things out against some of your more unsavory opponents."

"With toys?" Despayre looked down into the basket and reached up with his free hand to scratch idly at his head.

"Why not?" Synn shrugged. "Just a little light hearted manner to help lift your spirits and show yourself how you want the match to go."

Despayre nodded d turned to the rows of figures and he begun to rifle through them. Synn watched as he dropped figure after figure into the cart, each one a different AWA star, and a few randomly grabbed ones from other lines and promotions.

"Don't forget a ring." Synn reminded him and with a nod, Despayre grabbed the large box and dropped it too in the cart. He then put a finger to his lips and began looking back at the displays. "What is it?"

Despayre's shoulders slumped and he sighed, "They don't have one of me."

"Not yet." Synn said and placed his hand reassuringly on Despayre's shoulder. He leaned over and whispered into his ear. "The time will come where you get one of your own."

"Which brings us to the current King of the Mountain, the champion himself. Kain. Now I won't take away from any of your credentials. They do in fact speak for themselves. The mere truth that you hold that title belt around your waist is truth enough of your level of skill and tenacity inside of the ring. You are indeed a dangerous opponent and I fully acknowledge and respect that. But...I do not respect you."

"For such a valued asset to the business, your mental scope of all things is microscopic at best. Not to take a man seriously because of how he might act outside of the arena is a foolish thing and not something that I would have expected from such a man. You think because Despayre has an issue or two mentally, that it makes him any less of a threat to you and your championship reign? That's all well and good, but you just keep that in mind when you step through the ropes and he proceeds to shred you like ground beef."

"There are times when Despayre fights as you do. Focused. Disciplined. Then there are the times where he feels he is wronged and you find yourself instead in there with a creature of wild ferocity. An animal that goes for the jugular and won't release it until it has tasted blood. How do you prepare for such a man? How do you see yourself handling such an animal? You will treat him, as well as the others in this match, with a lack f respect and disdain as only you can manage I'm sure, and it will cost you more than you might have reckoned to be prepared for."

"Take good, long look at that golden emblem around your waist. Hold it. Caress it and sleep with it if that brings you comfort. It ends in Louisville, and not in your favor. The only undeniable fact to all champions is that every champion, will one day become a former champion. That is your role in things to play. It is your destiny. Your title reign ended the moment the ink on the contracts dried with Despayre's name."

Despayre turned to Synn and raised his eyebrows. "You promised Angel a reward."

Synn nodded and agreed. "That I did. Which do you think he would like best?" He waved his hand at the lower shelf where there were many replicas of golden wrestling championship belts.

"He gets his own championship??" Despayre yelped.

Synn smiled. "Go on, pick him out one."

Despayre was by now all smiles as he turned around to the belts and it was a spoil for choice. World titles, tag tea titles, International, Universal, Tag Team...women’s? Hm. No. He looked up and sighed.

"I'll let Angel pick his own. It's his reward."

Despayre turned to the cart and to the seat and stopped fast, gasping in shock. The cart's seat was completely empty.

"Angel? ... ANGEL!"

Archived Roleplays / I don't want to grow up...
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:36:36 AM »
 So when a wrestler wins his debut match, his team scoring a victory over two renowned superstars and former champions, where do you go to celebrate?

Why, McDonalds of course!

"Really, man...McDonalds?"

"Sxxxy" Shane Boswell, the 'Crown Jewel' of the Seven Deadly Sins, sits opposite of his friend and mentor in Synn, at a booth in the lobby of the town's local McDonalds. Shane was an incredibly handsome young man with a sculpted physique that would drive many an artist to madness in an effort to recreate. And he knew it too. Hence why Synn felt he was the natural to wield the mantle of the Sin of Pride, the most dangerous of them all. Shane was a multiple champion in both the singles and tag team divisions, and thus easily the most successful of the entire stable.

He issued the coy question towards Synn who could only reply with a sigh and a shrug. Synn said, "Hey, don't blame me. I wanted to reward Despayre by winning by letting him pick where we ate." He held his hands outward in mock presentation. "This is where he chose."

"Uh huh." Shane leaned back in the cushioned booth and cast a glance to the side where he watched Despayre at his seat, fiddling around with the colorful box set before him. "Enjoying that Happy Meal there?"

Despayre glanced up at the speaker and shook his head in a silent negative. Synn frowned.

"Why not? This is where you wanted to come, isn't it?"

"Mm hm." Despayre confirmed, holding up a small, round puzzle globe. "But I can't figure this thing out." He complained in a singsong whine.

"Can I have a look at it?" Shane asked, holding his hand out and Despayre reluctantly placed the game puzzle in his palm. Shane brought it in for a closer look and realized it was like one of those old Rubik's Cubes from the eighties, only in a circle form. All these little colored squares were mixed up and the goal was to get the lines around the globe the same color.

Shane began to attempt to solve the puzzle with Despayre watching in a hopeful fascination, but after a few minutes, Shane uttered a curse that drew looks from the few tables that had occupants and he practically tossed it onto the table and Synn's own hand closed over it.

"Have a few problems with it did we?" Synn joked and Shane just rolled his eyes.

"I get paid to look good, not play with toys."

Synn chuckled as he too began an attempt to solve the globe puzzle with Despayre's eyes watching every move. While doing so, Shane turned to the disturbed young man whom he helped train and smiled.

"So, I saw you and Gabe kicked some ass out there."

Despayre bobbed his head in an excited nod of confirmation and Shane nodded as well. "Good man! And a title match to reward you. They don't give championship matches out to just anyone now."

Synn mumbled as he began to frown at the attempted working on the game. "I don't know. Have you seen some of the guys in this match?"

"Can't say I have." Shane answered with a shrug that bore testimony he could care less who else was in the ring other than their boy. "I've been catching a few bits here and there."

Synn paused just long enough to glance up at Shane and ask, "And did you catch what that fool giant was saying?"

"He's not a nice guy." Despayre offered in a hushed whisper, taking a huge bite out of his cheeseburger (without the cheese). "Made fun of me."

Shane waved off the words. "Don't let it bother you mate." He said. "Guys like that, who are that big? Brains are so damn small, all they can do is come up with insults, and lame ones at that, so they have something to say. Guy's a douche."

"What's a douche?" Despayre asked, eliciting a bewildered exchange of looks between Synn and Shane.

Synn gave him a pat on the shoulder and said, "I'll explain it to you later." Before growling and slamming the globe back onto the table in an admit ion of defeat. Shane looked about as smug as could be.

Shane said, "Now who's having problems with a toy for a kid?"

"One more word out of you and I cut off your supply of body oil!" Synn warned.

"Like hell you will." Shane boasted with that confidant array of arrogance only he seemed to be able to generate. "You like watching this all slicked up as much as anyone."

"More." Synn smirked. "But that's beside the point."

"You try." Despayre's voice drew their joking barbs away from one another and to the table's end where there was a set high chair for a child, but only instead of a little child, there was that little teddy bear known affectionately to Despayre as Angel. In front of the bear was, yes, a second Happy Meal and now the globe that none of the men present were able to solve. Shane looked up at Synn with an arched brow but Synn could only shrug.

Despayre glanced up at them watching him, and his eyes found Shane's own and from out of the blue, asked, "So you're his lover?"

"WHAT!?" Shane shrieked, drawing more looks as his face blanched at the idea. "No! Not just no but hell no! Where would you..."

"Desp," Synn began, trying to diffuse the situation. "I think you may have misunderstood me."

"No." Despayre shook his head, doe-eyed. "No, no. You said if you had your way you'd bend him over and ..."

"Here!" Synn called, shoving a handful of quarters into Despayre's hands, pushing him from his seat before he could finish his statement. "Go play Ms. PacMan over there!"

"But Angel..." He whined, pointing at the bear.

"We'll make sure he finishes his meal now go."

Despayre turned and headed off further into the lobby where a few arcade style games were stationed beside the play land area. Synn turned back from watching his charge to see Shane just staring at him with an expectant look.

"Oh don't give me that look!" Synn sneered. "He didn't say anything that I haven't told you a thousand times before!"

Shane shuddered, "I think I need to soak my head in alcohol just to clean the mental image out of my mind!"

A few moments pass by in silent amusement between the friends as they worked on their respective meals. Only then did Shane finally glance up and he said carefully, "So this TV title match ... what do you think his chances are?"

Synn set his burger down and looked off to where Despayre found his way into the inflatable play area filled with hundreds of colorful, rubber balls. Watching him for a moment, Synn leaned onto the table, offering an answer.

"I don't think it'll be hard if he can keep his focus, but that's the trick. He was uncomfortable enough in that tag team match but he managed to get a feel for it after a few moments and actually did pretty damn good for himself. I've been explaining to him that this time he doesn't have a partner and he's in there with four other guys who all want to win just as much as he does."

"How's that going?"

Synn chuckled beneath his breath. "I'm not so sure. Initially he had a fit, thinking he had to fight me because there’s another guy in there named Sin, but I managed to calm him down and explain that it won't actually be me in the ring against him. I'm not sure he really understands that but when the time comes and he sees me on the outside and not the inside, it'll sink in. So far the only one to show his face has been Big Bad Casey (flexing his forefingers) but that was like a ripple in an ocean listening to him. An act that befit an action, but in the overall scheme of things, won't amount to much."

Shane took a drink from his sweet tea and asked, "You think he'll be okay? That is a pretty hefty size disadvantage he has going."

Synn glanced back to Despayre who he watched briefly take his turn at the slide down into the pool of rubber balls before he answered, "Actually I think Casey will have more trouble with Despayre than the other way around. I mean, it stands to reason that he'll have the biggest target painted on him since he's the biggest guy in there. The other guys will be after him just to get him out of the way, and I explained to Desp that it'd be in his best interest to help them take the big guy down."

"That should be fun to see, watching Desp actually work with someone he has to beat."

"Oh it'll be a treat, there's no doubt on that." Synn agreed. "I told Despayre to do absolutely whatever it took to take the big man out of the match and leave him as crow food. Told him to focus on the knees and ankles and eventually he'd fall. Too many times you watch these matches on television where a small guy keeps hitting a big guy with dropkicks and clotheslines and you get nothing as a result. You don't chop down a goddamn tree by taking the axe to the tip! You strike at the base and eventually it falls."

Shane rubbed his chin and asked, "And you think these other guys in the match will actually think the same?"

Synn scoffed, "If they have half a brain to share between them, they will. Taking the bigger man out of the match will make the entire night easier on the rest of them. Common sense!"

"Yeah well...common sense doesn't seem to be a trait shared by that group of wankers he's in there with." Shane observed. "They may target our boy just because he's the rookie."

"Opening themselves up for Casey to take advantage of the smaller guys." Synn shook his head. "I'd like to think they're smarter than that, but if not, I'll be out there at ringside to make sure Despayre gets a fair shake."

"Where's Gabriel anyway?" Shane asked. "I'm surprised he's not booked!"

Synn answered, "Some kind of convention in Monte Carlo. He couldn't resist taking advantage of the rubes as he called them."

"Jeez," Shane laughed as he shook his head. From the corner of his eye he saw down on the table the globe and exclaimed, "Heyyy! Desp solved it!" Picking up the globe puzzle and admiring the solved structure with the matching colors.

"Shane." Synn said. "Despayre's been over in the play area. He hasn't touched it."

Shane turned around and looked over to see that indeed Despayre was still busying himself with the amusement area, having finally made his way to the arcade games and was currently engaged in a round of Ms PacMan. Puzzled, Shane turned around and said, "Well if we couldn't do it and he didn't touch it, then who...?"

He looked down at where he picked the globe up and saw just the teddy bear in its high chair. Shane looked at the globe, then the bear, and then the globe before finally shaking his head in disbelief.

"Christ I need a drink!"

Archived Roleplays / Thru the Looking Glass II
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:53:36 AM »

Take the lens cap off first. Yes.

A brief shaking of the camera is experienced and then the darkness is unfolded unto the seating area of the airport last seen recently in Canada. Right before the camera itself is seated a lone figure, tall and charming, dressed in a dark suit with his hands rested comfortably on the armrests.

Synn seemed distracted, as if memories played at his fancy. Indeed they were. Memories of two nights previous where he had allowed a low scale independent promotion to test the waters with his newest acquisition.

Mooretown, Ontario, Canada

Moore Sports Complex

The young man stood inside of the squared circle, dressed in black spandex shorts and matching boots. Hands on his hips, he waited patiently as the ring announcer made his introduction...

"Currently in the ring, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, weighing two hundred and three pounds, Jimi V!"

The crowd cheered enthusiastically as Jimi took a step out from the corner and raised a clenched fist to the air, acknowledging their hearty enthusiasm. He was a handsome lad with an olive tone to his skin and curly black  hair that was cut short. He stepped back and turned to the entry for the arrival of his scheduled opponent.

"His opponent is accompanied to the ring by Synn. From Vancouver, British Columbia, weighing two hundred and twenty seven pounds, Despayre!"

Heads turned all over the smaller sports complex to witness the debut of this new face in the ranks of professional wrestling. And they were not disappointed by the spectacle that quickly unfolded before their eyes as the well-known enigma of the business, Synn, was backing down the aisle with both hands on a chain, and the subject of the match itself was attached to the other end, struggling and clawing to get back away. Hands reached out to the man named Despayre and he jerked away from each one, but when he pulled away from the one, the other from the other side of the entrance would manage to touch him, inciting a reaction.

Synn got to the ringside area and managed to reel him in, like a fisherman with a prize catch. Putting an arm on his shoulder, Synn leaned in and whispered into his ear but Despayre shook his head in the negative and backed away from the ring as if hesitant to enter the squared circle. The deranged one's lack of focus was cut short when Synn reached inside of his leather trench coat and removed a teddy bear dressed in a suit and tie costume and set it under the bottom rope. Despayre's eyes became glued to the fuzzy object and with a gentle nudge on his back, the yet-to-debut rookie slid inside beneath the bottom rope and sat back in the corner with the bear held in his lap.

Jimi V looked at the unfolding scenario with arched eyebrows, disbelief etched on his face. Was this an act or legit? No one in power had informed him beforehand and he exhaled through pursed lips and shrugged it off. The referee stepped into the center of the ring and called for the opening bell, but as Jimi came out from his corner, Despayre had refused to.

The crowd started to grow restless as the newcomer seemed content to sit in the corner and 'play' with his so-called manager while Jimi complained to the official to make this guy get up and start things off. The referee stepped over to Despayre's corner and tried to speak to him but the man turned away from him and tried to keep his attentions on the bear he had ironically dubbed as 'Angel'. The referee then reached for the bear to remove it physically but Despayre reacted immediately and knocked the man's hand away and he started to grab at the official's shirt when Jimi ran in and met him with a sliding dropkick to the lower sternum area.

Synn quickly grasped the bear from the ring as Jimi pulled the stunned Despayre up and sent him into the ropes, meeting him with a second dropkick on the rebound. Despayre was quickly up and Jimi greeted him with three straight knife-edge chops to the chest, giving him what would fast become red welts on his pale skin. Despayre fell back into a neutral corner but Jimi was all over him and sent him into the opposite side and came in with a Stinger splash.

Despayre staggered outward and Jimi sprang up onto his shoulders and brought him over with a victory roll, hooking his legs for a count of one before Despayre struggled free early. Jimi pulled him up and sent him into the ropes again, but this time on the rebound, Despayre ducked a clothesline and as Jimi turned about, a roundhouse right-handed fist to the jaw floored him.

Jimi hit the mat hard and Despayre began to put the boots to him before dragging him up to his feet by the hair. he shoved the smaller cruiserweight into the ropes and began to choke him on the top rope, holding him there for the referee's mandatory count of four before catapulting him back to the mat. Despayre looked out to Synn who called out to cover him and doing as instructed, Despayre scrambled over to him and draped himself over V's upper body but received only a two count.

Despayre pulled him up and attempted a belly to back suplex but Jimi landed on his feet behind him. He grabbed him in a rear waistlock and ran him into the ropes but Despayre held on and Jimi rolled back. Jimi then sprang up and dropkicked Despayre in the middle of him back, sending him over the top rope and outside to the floor. The fans were cheering mightily for the young 'face' Jimi as he rolled out to follow up.

Despayre had made it to his feet at the timekeeper's table, but out of sight had grabbed hold of a glass water goblet. Jimi came up from behind and reached for his opponent when Despayre wheeled around and smashed the weapon into the youth's face, shattering it! Witnessing this infraction, the official immediately called for the bell, disqualifying Despayre.

The sound of the bell however meant nothing to Despayre, nor did the match result. Despayre bulled his body into Jimi's own, tackling him to the floor in front of the ring. Pinning the smaller man beneath his own body, Despayre began to hammer away at his face with lefts and rights. It was an inevitable result that Jimi's face was soon a mass of blood running from the open wounds via the broken glass.

The fans were on their feet, shouting at the referee and the participants. The official had jumped out of the ring and grabbed Despayre's arm, making a vain attempt to pry him off of his 'victim' but it was an unwise move as the unbalanced man came up and turned on the man, striking him down. The referee landed on his back and Despayre pounced, savagely biting him on the bridge of the nose. The referee kicked his legs and cried out but the harder he struggled, the harder Despayre held on!

Another referee ran out from the back and tried to intervene but Despayre let go of the first official and swung, decking the second and sending him back against the railing in a daze. The bell rang continuously, and the ring announcer was calling to the back for help, but was shoved aside by the demented grappler who then took his microphone. Despayre wrapped the cord around the second referee's neck and pulled, choking the life out of him! This was when the back emptied of wrestlers and security both and they began to struggle with the madman, trying to separate him from the three bodies that he'd left laying.

Even Synn himself, his mentor, knew that enough was enough and grabbed the bear and came up to him to call a halt to the rampage. Despayre kicked and screamed as five security finally pried him loose and picked him up, two by the legs and two by the arms and started for the back area with Synn in tow, the faint traces of a smile on his subdued face.

Well, I never did say things would be simple, now did I? I have heard a number of people talk behind my back and say what a mistake I've made in taking this man under my proverbial wing. They said that he was unstable and not to be controlled. I was all too aware of these facts, and I had no intention of even trying to control him. What I intended was far more productive. I wanted to unleash him instead. That will be the key to their success, and your own untimely demise.

You see Hank Henry III, you speak far too lightly and understand too little. I pity you really. Your own words will haunt your defeat. Look at how you spoke about my young Gabriel. You say you know his type, that you've seen it before. If you could read so intuitively by that one appearance then I applaud you your inherent people skills. Let me clue you in on a little fact about our dear friend Gabriel.

Synn wags a forefinger directed at the camera and it maneuvers closer to him on shaky ground.

You see, Gabriel is an artist of the senses. He can and will show you something that is not there. Make you believe it, then strip it away and leave you questioning yourself. Questioning your very sanity. It's a reason that I took to him so quickly. He is a deceiver. Deception, Hank, is a quality that not everyone is born with a gift towards. His is and has always been. He has nurtured it and made with it an artful way of life. You could stand to realize that when you set foot inside of the arena against him, but to quote your own words; I've seen your kind before.

This business? It is filled to the rim with men such as you who believe they can know no wrong. They believe that when they set foot inside of the ring, they stand within their land, their kingdom. How many would-be conquerors in our own history had believed such falsehoods about their own greatness, only to see it torn down in rivers of blood? That is the prophecy of your own fate. You think we see you as easy prey.

Synn shook his head and smiled before bringing his eyes back up into the lens.

Not so, but I do appreciate the regard. If anyone were making that mistake, I would say it's you and this partner of yours. Judging by your own words, you have already dismissed Gabriel and Despayre, and are in the process of planning your next conquest. Fate works it's darkest wonders against those who would dismiss it such as you have. If anyone should be fearful of the future, it would be you. Take a look at your own partner.

Man fears the unknown. It is an inevitable fact of life. This man who goes by the name Fang claims to know no fear.

Synn chuckled.

Liar, liar. Pants on fire. Show me a man that claims to hold no fear and I will show you a liar. No mortal is fearless. There is always a shadow that lurks in the deepest recesses of his soul. He had not overcome all fear, but merely suppressed them. Take the bravest of soldiers on the battlefields of the world. They know that deep down, this day could be their very last. They could die a violent and bloody way, and that is what forces them to fight all the harder. To keep that fear from coming to fruition. It is why the dark has always been our greatest source of fear throughout time. It is where shadows are at their deepest and anything could emit from them and strike us down.

He tapped his temple and nodded.

That is why I am here Fang. That is why I want you to understand that those very fears will be brought to light for your own benefit. You actually believe that greed will prevent Gabriel from doing what is required of him to win? Are you daft?? It is that very virtue that will force him to move ahead and strike down every obstacle in his path to walk away this eve with his and Despayre's arms raised in victory!

Settled back in his chair, Synn kicked a leg up over his bended knee and seemed to relax a bit. He paused for a moment's thought before bringing his foot back down and leaned forward, his elbows propped on his knees.

Perhaps that there is what you both need to think about before you decide to decide that the match is already done and decided. The two of you act as if my men will lose inevitably simply because they know not what you both are capable of.

Synn arched  eyebrow.

Pot, meet kettle? Perhaps you both should understand, that this is simply anything but the case. Try to remember. I know with all the head injuries you must have received in recent times might make thought a tad difficult, but bear with me.

Evidence exists of your exploits. Evidence exists of your matches. You can be scouted. Gabriel and Despayre, cannot. You have yet to see either man in action. You have yet to see either display what they are capable of. Gabriel, well...

Synn held his hands out for emphasis.

I'll allow his tricks and skills speak for themselves. As for Despayre, how does one prepare for meeting a rabid animal? After all, you can't prepare for what can't be expected. And if Despayre is capable of anything, it is indeed, anything. Try to remember that. You may just survive long enough to retire with some modem of what dignity you'll be left with.


Synn looked up and sighed, then looked back at the camera.

Well, I suppose that was inevitable. It was fun. Hank, Fang, please do give my regards to your next of kin. Come.

Synn stood up and walked off-camera.

The camera then "turned" about face and found Despayre's teddy bear's own face right in the lens.


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