Author Topic: FAFO  (Read 1527 times)

Offline Kat Jones

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« on: March 29, 2024, 05:25:59 PM »

(Been a hot minute! Mac Bane used with permission)

It has been a while hasn’t it SCW.. But life happens. And it did for Kat Jones. A lot has changed since she was last seen in SCW. An awful lot has changed.. But now she is back and the first thing she did was ask for a match.. Naturally the powers that be in SCW were more than welcoming to her return to the ring and found a nice little bit of prey for her to sharpen her claws on and show the wrestling world and the SCW bombshell roster that the bitch is back.. Like the intro said.. What did Miss Manners do to piss them off.. No idea but it would not matter to her anyway. She has become prey and the HellKat is out on the hunt.. She has a goal set in mind and she will not be taking a step back to accommodate family.. She will not stay in her little corner of the roster just so she can watch others make their way to the top of the mountain. She will fight her way back to the top and whoever has the big title belt wrapped around their waist at the end of the journey is going to find out just who in the hell she truly is.. The gloves have come off.. This is the start of the true HellKat’s return.. Not the watered down nice version she had been for a long time.. Nice girls finish last… Kat tried being nice.. Did not work for her.. She is not nice.. Never was and never will be again.. She entered the Blast from the past tournament for a reason.. She has unfinished business in SCW.. And the journey to right the wrongs starts right now.

Palisade Colorado.

Standing on the deck of her mountain home for many years she could not feel that same contentment for the mountain view that once soothed her fractured mind.. The mountain life had been perfect for her for a long time but recently she felt haunted by the house that held so many memories.. Good ones and bad.. To escape the bad memories she had gone to her mountain home away from home in Austria.. Getting her mind right.. And came to realize that as much as she loved the house she had lived in for 8 years.. It was no longer her home.. Too much had happened in that house.. She needed to let it be in her past.. She could not bare to sell it.. So while she was helping the crazy twins during the hospital stay of one of them she was ordering the sheets and materials needed to cover up the furniture.. And loaded up the truck she drove with everything that she needed and wanted to take with her.. She had already found a new place.. One without the bad memories to fracture her mind worse.. Plus side.. Only the people she wants to, will know where to find her..

That peace of mind is priceless to her.. She whistled and her dogs came running from the yard to her.. Only 2 were left of the 4 she has.. Seeing them reminded her of the two she lost.. Like so many other things and people along the way the past year.. The oldest two having gone peacefully across the rainbow bridge to the heavens.. She had them for 8 years but they were already grown when she rescued them.. She knew the time would come and she was happy that they were together for that time.. She left for Austria right after taking her 2 remaining dogs with her.. Gotta love private planes.. She realized that where she was staying was dragging her down in the worst way.. She was going down a road that she had seen destroy others before and left before it could do the same to her.. But she had to return.. And when she did she realized that it was no longer home.. So the search was on for her new home and she found it.. Nowhere near Colorado.. Palisade.. Grand Junction and all the memories attached to the places and the people living there.. She is leaving without a goodbye as she knew one day when the memories would stop hurting she would return because her end of the road lies in the mountains.. But that end is not yet near.. Tapping her hand on the wooden rail surrounding the deck she turned and walked to her car with Bane and Cashe following her.. The dogs jumped into the backseat of the truck and Kat soon drove down that path once more and for the last time in what probably will be a long time..

It was early morning still when she started her journey as she was never one for sleeping in as it was.. 5 am when she got on her way with several stops to make for both her, the car and the dogs along the way. It was nearly 5 pm when she arrived at the hotel in her new home town.. One that welcomed dogs, even ones as menacing looking as Bane.. There was a bit of work to do on her new home before she could move in. She had sent a picture of the house  in a private message to Carter with the message, I just did this thing… I bought this house.. Kat had been wanting to take Carter with her to go shopping for the house..  She might live to regret it.. Carter with a credit card is dangerous…. But.. A change of scenery is needed from her usual. The peace and quiet of being in a place that is only known to a rare few is something she is looking forward to.. Those that matter will know.. Those that won’t know no longer matter. Feeling more and more like herself and no longer haunted by the memories that plagued her in the old house she made the call.. Speaking to Christian and having a nice little chat about her return in the tournament she asked him if she could get a tune up match.. And he had the perfect victim in mind.. Poor Miss Manners..

Miss prim and proper is going to find herself in a fight that she can not handle.. Try and make a lady out of Kat fucking Jones.. I think the entire roster would love to see you try that shit with her.. She might become popular just for facing Miss Manners..

Hotelroom 435 balcony.

Early morning phone calls could only mean one thing.. It is family calling.. And it is.. Her brother..

Kat : Hey.. Yeah we made it just fine..

Mac : Where are you.. What are you doing, did the trip go well ?

Kat : At the hotel.. Trip was fine when we arrived I checked in at the hotel and, I put the babies in the room and had dinner, got some decent sleep..

Mac : How does it feel to be away from the mountain..

Kat : Better.. I am all good truly..

Mac : Are you sure?

Kat : I got my babies and I got coffee…..

Mac : Do you need anything? Need me to come over now?

Kat : Mac! Chill there is no need to worry I got both of the dogs with me and you know Bane will not let anyone near me.. There is a reason why he was named after you and you are showing it right now big brother……

Mac : Yeah well after the past 6 months can you blame me..

Kat : Mac I am fine.. Truly….. 

Mac : Did you see the tournament sign ups..

Kat : Yeah I saw them.. It is gonna be fine as long as my luck does not fail me again I should be all good……

Mac : Tournament is looking pretty solid…

Kat :  You are right.. But yeah I guess we will see not a damn thing we can do about it right now anyway…….

Mac : True not until they pick your partner.. But what is next then..

Kat : They will be delivering the new furniture for the place tomorrow so that should keep me busy for a bit….

Mac : I have to go they are keeping me busy with PR stuff to do.. I wish I could hop on over and help you out..

Kat : No worries I got help and you go handle your business and I will talk to you soon..

Mac : Call me tonight.. Love you sis..

Kat : Love you… Bye..

Hanging up on her brother she looks down at the tattoo on her ankle.. It means even more now than it did when she got it.. Her finger automatically rubs over the small black wolf's paw tattoo she has on the inside of her ankle during the phone call and when she hangs up the call she smiles.. A gentle true smile.. Those smiles are rare for her but to have seen it.. That is even more rare.. He never fails to produce one.. The next thing she did was send out a text…

*Hey would you happen to know someone that would like to go decor shopping with me for my new place?*

It took about 5 seconds before the answer came from Carter..


Someone was wanting to go shopping… Well it doesn’t hurt him that it would be done with Kat’s credit card.. And knowing Carter he could do some serious damage with it.. But it would be worth it.  The very next second the phone rings and a very hyper and very excited Carter was on the phone. After calming down the super excitable Carter. They set up a time and date for Friday before the show to go shopping.. It was another added benefit.. The show is in Phoenix and Kat is just 2 hours away by car so no hotel.. Sleeping in her own bed and no hotel coffee.. New state and new house to live in for the win! She had done some shopping for the house and got the essentials stacked in the kitchen of her new house but sitting on the balcony of her hotel watching the sun rise, life was looking pretty good at the moment for the resident HellKat..


“SCW faithful.. Did you miss me?”

The familiar voice spoke from the darkness before hitting the light switch showing an empty house and Kat standing in the kitchen holding a mug of coffee….

“Miss Manners.. How ironic that name for such a rude and obnoxious Karen.. But allow me to show you some real manners and introduce myself… My name is Kat Jones..The resident SCW HellKat.. Former SCW Bombshell Roulette champion.. 10 year veteran to this game we play… And I am back.. Stronger and worse than ever.. Now I know that sounds like a contradiction but it isn’t.. I am stronger physically and mentally than I have been in a very long time and that makes me worse… Worse to deal with.. You see I was already a nasty opponent to step into the ring with before.. Now I may be just as bad as the monsters in my family.. You however are going to find that out the hard way.. I am sorry to say that you are nothing more than the prey they flung into my cage to sharpen my claws on.. You made some mistakes in your own special way and pissed off some people backstage that you shouldn’t have messed with… You seriously fucked up..”

Kat chuckled and shook her head slightly before she continued to speak.. Her tone is low and calm..

“I know the powers that be in SCW for quite a few years now and I am wondering what in the hell made you believe that you could tell Christian or anyone walking around SCW how to dress… I really want to know what kind of brain fart produced that idiotic idea.. Now I know we actually share some opinions but we go about it a little differently.. As is to be expected as you are a spoiled little entitled rich bitch.. And I was born and raised on the streets of the worst neighborhood in the Nasty Natti.. I agree that this business should not be overrun with bleached blond half naked bimbo’s.. But.. You are sorta late with that.. That whole schtick ended like a decade ago..”

Kat smirked and tilted her head slightly…

“Want to know why the powers that be thought it would be an awesome idea to put you in a match with me.. They did it to hurt you.. Punish you.. You see they know me… They have come to know you and they know that you are not even remotely close to being on my level.. You are a mouthy little bitch with a fat bank account which is your little trust fund from your rich folks.. You wouldn’t know a real struggle.. You wouldn’t know a true fight or any kind of hardship.. I bet you were one of those debutant little prissy bitches in high school and you are keeping them knees tightly pressed together.. You should get you some from a real man and maybe you would not be such an annoying little brat..”

She shrugged it off a little as she truly could not care any less about Miss Manners..

“I am going to give you a little spoiler for this match we are having.. Teaching me manners and morals and etiquette during our match will only result in at the very least a concussion and more than likely torn ligaments and for sure a pulled muscle or two… or twenty.. You see I am a very technically skilled wrestler who inside that ring thrives on making little mouthy bitches scream in agony.. There is no feeling quite like twisting someone like you into a pretzel until you have no choice but to tap out or pass out… I am someone who dresses how she damn well pleases.. Does what she wants and could not give a rats ass what you or anyone else has to say about it.. The rare few people and I truly mean the rare few I will listen to when it comes to what I do and how I go about it.. That does not include you.. If you try to verbally lecture me inside the ring I swear to Satan, God, The angels and the demons that I will twist you up  in the middle of the ring in the most painful possible hold. You might even get the win because I would not let go either…”

The devilish smirk on her face revealed the dangerous intentions Kat already has in mind for her..

“Are you starting to get an idea of who in the hell you are put into the ring with yet? I hope you are.. I hope against hope that you are prepared for it because if you are not I am going to make you regret it.. Better yet.. Do yourself a favor and do not travel to Phoenix.. Stay away from the entire show and keep yourself far away from me.. You want manners and prim and proper little ladies backstage and bitch I ain’t a damn lady.. You are also not facing a wet behind the ears little puppy either.. You are facing a former SCW Bombshell  Roulette champion.. You do not take your opponents seriously very often and it is costing you here in SCW because those matches did not end up quite as you thought they would huh.. Yeah I paid attention to your last couple of sleep inducing speeches.. Thanks for the amazing night of sleep I received from the stinking pile of horseshit that you spew out of your mouth.. You may be prim and proper but you are also boring as hell, judgemental.. Your promo work needs a lot of work and well.. You are pretty much the boil on the ass of the wrestling society..”

Kat took a sip of her coffee grimacing at it having gone cold..

“I am not claiming to be much better than you when it comes to being a bitch.. I am one and I know it.. But unlike you I never considered myself superior to others.. Better than them in status because of my bank account.. You are everything that gives white women a bad reputation.. But here is a little advice for you.. I would heed it as it will make the biggest difference in your immediate future.. Keep your mouth shut… And maybe you will survive.. But knowing you as little as I do but have seen more than enough of.. You’re not going to listen and yap away… Making this whole thing worse on yourself because I will find the need to do something about that blabbermouth you got.. Like choking you until your face turns red and your lips turn blue.. Stomping your head into the mat.. Or slamming it into the turnbuckle until you are cross eyed.. Maybe take a page out of the book from someone I know and kick you stupid or until you cough up blood… Either way works.. If you doubt that I am capable of doing that.. I suggest you go and do your research darling.. Because I can do all of that and much, much more.. As my brother used to say… Fuck around and find out..”

With that said Kat hits the light switch and the place is shrouded in darkness once more…