Author Topic: Drake Green- a cancer to SCW  (Read 251 times)

Offline Jake Sullivan

  • TAFKAR-The Artist Formerly Known As Rage
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    • Jake Sullivan
Drake Green- a cancer to SCW
« on: March 03, 2017, 08:39:47 PM »
 OOC: Apologies for the crappy RP this week.  Major writer’s block as far as CD scenes goes, and also had very little motivation to get much written.  This doesn’t happen often, and I didn’t want to just no-show either.

No matter how hard some people try to paint themselves to be the good guys, or the man of the people bullshit, deep down, you just know who they really are. Drake Green is one of those people. Drake Green is like a fucking cancer to SCW. Just when we’re finally rid of that disease, it rears its ugly head again and we have to deal with it all over again. Yeah, I just likened Drake Green to cancer. Don’t like it? Fuck you, I don’t care.

Drake Green is hands down, the biggest attention seeking jackass I’ve ever come across. Maybe that’s why him and his whore wife make the perfect pair, because they both beg for attention any chance they can. He feeds off of the attention he gets from the fans and acts like he gives a shit, and the fans are blinded by the bullshit to see that he really doesn’t give a shit. He just likes being in the spotlight, yet how many times has he “retired”? How many times has he given up this career he claims he loves so much, only to come swooping back in eventually, attacking the current champ and trying to snake his way back into the title picture? Sounds familiar doesn’t it? It should because it’s exactly what he’s done right now.

Isn’t that right, Drakey boy? Just when the fans had forgotten you and stopped giving a shit about the name Drake Green, you came running back into the ring and attacked J2H from behind, and what was your reasoning for it? Oh, right, because he was supposedly running his mouth so you had to shut him up. You really think that anybody believes that shit? I sure as shit don’t, but if that is the excuse you want to go with, go right ahead. It doesn’t make you look any better.

I already know what you’re going to say about me, Drakey boy, if anything really. You’re probably going to run your mouth and say a few words, but saying you don’t want to waste words on someone as “boring” as me, because that’s the only shit you think you have against me. Face it, Drake, you’re “insults” are just as old and washed up as you, so maybe you shouldn’t try. Either way, it doesn’t change what I’m going to do to you in that ring come Sunday night.

We’ve faced off in the past, Drake. I know you remember, and I know you’re going to try and use that little ego boost of a victory you hold over me from before and try and hold it against me now. Go ahead and try, but you’re not going to get the same outcome as you did before, because I’m not the same Rage as I was back then, and even if you try to deny it, you know it’s true. I don’t have the Sins holding me back like I did back then, and I’ve got the ways of J2Hism in my corner. What do you have, Drake? I’ll give you some time to think about it, but we all know the answer.

Nothing, Drake. You don’t have a God damned thing anymore, except your boring marriage to that dumbass blonde wife of yours. Why don’t you just go knock her up already so you can be the family man that she wants you to be, because that’s all you’ll ever be good for anymore, Drake. You’re wrestling career is over, and you know it. As much as you THINK you’re going to take that title from J2H, there’s not a chance in hell that will happen, because he’s been defending that title for the past year while you’ve been off drinking away your boring life as you fade into obscurity. Funny how the tides have turned, eh Drake? You used to call me boring all the fucking time, but that’s what you’re life has turned into, hasn’t it.

If there’s one thing you should be thankful for, Drake, it’s that I’m not going to be able to do all the damage I really wish I could do to you on Sunday. I can’t, because if I were to do everything I wanted, there wouldn’t be anything left for J2H at Blaze of Glory. And he still has a lot more revenge to unleash on you, asshole. You’re gonna wish you hadn’t attacked J2H at Inception, because it’s going to come back at you a million times worse.

Two days, Drake.  You’ve got two days to shake off that ring rust before you step into the ring against me. You might think you’re going to pin my shoulders to the mat, or somehow make me tap out, but I guarantee you, that shit ain’t gonna happen. You’ve got a world of hurt coming for you, Drake. Once J2H and I are through with you, there will be nothing left of Drake Green.

The devil is out for your blood, Drake. And he won’t stop until he gets it…