Author Topic: Good Friday  (Read 1508 times)

Offline Goth

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    • Gerrit
Good Friday
« on: March 29, 2024, 05:43:58 PM »

Good Friday

It’s Friday, march the 29th. A few days before Easter as we see Goth and Melissa walk around the streets of Manhattan, New York. Heading for the Good Friday service as they hold each other’s arm s around each other while holding each other’s hands. Goth feels the wind blow through his hair as his thoughts are with the true purpose of this Christian Celebration before shaking his head as the thought of how many people would celebrate Easter while hunting for eggs.

“Are you alright sweetie??”

Asks Melissa as she leans her head against his shoulder, looking over at her with a smile as he sees her look up at him underneath her hat that she is sporting. Watching the curls sway with every step that she makes before stopping and planting a kiss upon her lips.

“The true meaning of Easter I will give Justin Smith on Climax Control.”

The two stare at each other for a few moments before a smile emerging upon their faces as they kiss each other one more time before Goth taking Melissa’s arm in his.

“But all kidding aside Mel, I just feel the need to give a preach to all of these people that think Good Friday is where we sit on your couches or stand outside while watching a rendition of The Passion. Where we all stand still for an hour or so, watching some B-rated artists sing a few songs and play a role, where we all tell each other that we should do something to make this world a better place. And yet, what truly happens???”

He cocks his head sideways, resting it upon that of Melissa for a few moments as they are standing in front of a red light while waiting for the signal to cross the street.

“We go hunting for Chocolate eggs on Sunday Morning and devour some stupid Easter Bunny.”

He says while rolling his eyes as Melissa playfully pokes him in the ribs.

“I saw you devour that chocolate Easter Bunny I gave you a few years ago…”

The two laugh as Goth nods his head, realizing that she had made a point. Only for the lights to turn to green as that prevents him to give her a smart ass remark back in return. The two continue their walk, watching the people pass them from either side. Goth softly squeezes her hand, unable to resist the frustration of how so many Celebrations have been altered to Commercial income for businesses instead of spreading the true message of his Saviour. But alas, he shakes his head and lets out a sigh. Realizing that he cannot force people to see things his way, only to express his views if people feel the need to listen.

“Easy with the fingers Gerrit, I can’t feel any blood flow running through them.”

Says Melissa with a soft giggle, causing Goth to snap out from his thoughts. Not realizing that his thoughts had caused him his hand to squeeze tightly as he softly apologizes with a blush upon his face. The two continue their walk until they reach the church, Goth stops for a moment as he closes his eyes and let an old prayer run through his head that his mother once taught him before entering the church where they start to listen to the church service.

*After the Service*

We see Goth and Melissa exit the church, only to stop and talk to some familiar faces that they have befriended with. We see a different look on Goth’s face as if he has been rejuvenated by the service. The two take a walk through Central Park as they always do after a church service to clear their thoughts and talk about anything in particular.

“Too bad that you have to travel to Phoenix for Climax Control, I had to tell Gerrit Jr. that we wouldn’t be at home this weekend.”

Goth nods his head after hearing his wife talk, he had been wanting to spend some time with his son. But he already told him that he would allow him to join them at the next Super Card Blaze of Glory, the night where he wants to undo what happened at the last Super Card.

“It is the one worrisome thing that I do not like about my profession dear, but then again. He knows that this won’t go on forever. I promised him that he can come live with us after he has finished his education as long with my other promise to him.”

Melissa looks up at him with a questionable look on her face.

“You mean??”

Goth runs his fingers through her hair smiling, thinking back to the conversation that he once had with his son and realizes that he knows that he does not have an eternal wrestling career.

“I wanted to return to the ring upon my own terms Mel, I have accomplished everything that I could accomplish in the past few years. But the final step has been eluding me so far and I have looked myself in the mirror and asked me the very question whether Father Time truly has kicked my ass or whether I can prolongate it for a bit longer.”

He says with a smile upon his face, realizing that he cannot resist the feeling of a tear coming down his right cheek as Melissa gently wipes it from his face.

“Besides, I think that it is time that the world will relive the woman they call Lady Goth.”

This brings a smile upon her face as she leans in and places a kiss upon his lips before whispering a soft thank you to the man that she loves so much. Their fingers intwine as they stand there for a moment until a cold wind blows in the face of Melissa, causing Goth’s hair to cover her face for a bit as the two share a passionate laugh.

“I want to be there at your side after I have retired Mel, but I need to prove something to the world and mostly to myself. I need to prove that I can hold that championship belt for a final time, to have a meaningful title reign, something that has not been a kind memory for me.”

He lowers his head, takes a few deep breaths as he feels the vein in his neck twitch a little before looking up at his wife as he feels her soft fingers brush against his cheek.

“I want to bring home that title to the Saviors, I want to have Mac Bane, Ken Davison, Peter Vaughn stand on that entrance ramp when I have won that damn belt. Hell, even SuMa and Chris Page, two names that have been a part of the Saviors.”

“And don’t forget our sisters Kat and Kim dear, they will kick your ass if you do not acknowledge them.”

“Kat would spear me in the swimming pool if she has her way with me.”

The two burst out in laughter at the running joke between Goth and Kat for the past two Summer XXXTreme Super Card shows on the cruise ship.

“But yes, I want them all be there. I want them to be at the high point of my career, because they were there at the lowest of my career. A moment in my life where nobody could have given two cents about me…. to everyone else I was dead, but the Saviors knew that I would get back from the dead. Because they knew and they believed in the prophecy.”

Melissa nods her head at his spoken words, tightening her grip in his hands before he lifts her hands towards his lips and kisses them tender before his expression turns into one of a determined one.

“But until that moment comes I still have a few things that I need to do, like showing Justin Smith the true meaning of Good Friday and Easter.”

The two continue to stare at each other as the shot slowly fades.

*Carrying the cross*

Th shot returns to where we see Goth and Melissa take a seat upon the private plane towards Phoenix, Arizona. The two are enjoying a moment of peace as Melissa is listening to some music while Goth is reading the Bible, only to close it as he has noticed the camera crew approaching him.

“On our way to Phoenix, on my way to put down Justin in such proportions that I wish to send a signal for the entire Sin City Wrestling universe a reminder who I truly am.”

He places the Bible upon his lap as he looks at his wife and smiles.

“See that?? The next in line to have a historical career like I have. She is chomping to return inside the ring and bash the heads in of every single Bombshell in this company, but you know why she has not returned yet Justin??”

“I tell you why, because she understands. She understands that the entire focus should be upon me, that I need to concentrate to achieve that final chapter in my career of holding that world champion for a final time. And trust me, it is not like it is a distraction for me to manage her career as well as wrestle for my own, but she respects me just as much as she loves me whereas she is giving up her moment to shine so that I can stand alone under that spotlight.”

He smirks as he raises his index finger and moves it from left to right

“But don’t think that I am saying these words as if I am the only one, because I have undying love for each and everyone out there including yours. Oh yeah Justin, I even notice the lowest of the low that normally would be wiped from underneath my boots as the dirt that you get walking in the desert. But I am so much different than any ordinary individual, because the Messiah of Pain is beyond ordinary!! I dare to what you want me to be, yet cannot accept me to be…. Does that make sense to you Justin???”

“Of course it doesn’t, because I am sure that you are just like each and every other newly arrival. Let me guess, you came from a training facility?? Still wet behind the ears?? Told that you were the head of the class? A prospect that would cause the fans to cheer as you want to do things the right way??”

He shakes his head and lets out a sigh while leaning his head against the head rest of the seat that he is sitting in.

“I am the way Justin, I am the way to everything that you have ever wished for. All you have to do is to give up everything that you have, forget everything that you have been taught and accept your faith!! Just like each and every pissant that wanted HIM on the cross…., something that he has done willingly because HIS Father wanted him to do so.”

“Now I understand that to the common man it is something that cannot be understood, but that’s because you think about things in a rational way… or at least, that’s what you all claim to do. But he did something out of love for all of you, even you Justin…. And that’s exactly what I will be doing upon you on the second day of Easter… Or at least that’s what Dutch tradition allows us to celebrate Easter upon two different days…. Do you?? Or are you looking forward to play the humping bunny?? Drive a carrot down your throat and you can do your Bugs imitation to anger the little kids that need their extra amount of sugar rush… Yet, I am the only rush that you ever need.”

He closes his hand into a fist, squeezing it tightly as the skin colour turns pale white before he lets it go

“I intend to pummel you into oblivion Justin, not because I want to or hate you. Because that’s what drives humans to misunderstand each other… And for what? Because none of you understand what being a brother is all about!!! And I understand that the Sin City Wrestling wants to place their highest paid preacher inside the squared circle before the GREATEST PUT UP OR SHUT UP EXTRAVAGANZA!!!”

“If you haven’t noticed, it is my match against Finn Whelan. Where I have put it simple, I either win and reign supreme… or I will rise to the heavens on a cloud and leave my disciples all wised up with the teachings that I have given them. But in ordinary and plain English for you to understand, if I win I will be your Savior… If I lose… I will walk away and retire on the spot. And do you think Finn  can handle THAT pressure?? To have the entire universe look at him to believe that he can be where I want to be?? To lead by example?? Or to be the champion that I used to be… Unable to have a long reign as champion and drop it like a rock?? So far he has not convinced anyone has he?? And then I have you, I feel the need to ask the Lord to forgive you. Asking him to do not punish you as you do not know what you are getting yourself into Justin. You are getting into the ring with the man that I am sure you have heard about.. I bet you have seen matches and have always dreamed of ever getting in the ring with me and test your ability against me. Listen son, this isn’t wrestling 101 for dummies in three simple steps. This is a man that has learned to SURVIVE!! A man that has learned to get up every single time that people think that I am down… the man that demands… DEMANDS you hear me!! Demands the very best out of my opponents, or else I will drop you into the red sea just like the pharaoh and his armies that Moses caused to drown in the Old Testament.”

“I am The Messiah The Messiah of Pain Justin. I am the man that made dreams come true. Because for me it is no dream, it is reality. It is what is expected from me!!! And before you ask who is expecting it from me? That is the man that you are looking at.”

“You see Justin, I am going to carry my own cross all the way to Blaze Of Glory, there I will hang up Finn Whelan and tell everyone that I have accomplished what I needed to accomplish. I will hold up that championship belt as I forgive Finn Whelan like Jesus did to one of the two sinners that hung there beside him. And I will make Justin feel pride, I will make him feel that he has accomplished that what he could accomplish. And you? You are just one the final chapter of the book that is me rise to the occasion and make all the people love me. And that includes you as well Justin…. Because without me, there is no love.”

He taps his fingers upont he Bible as he motions towards the camera with his other hand to come closer.

“I will give you some final words of wisdom before I turn off the lights of that recording button. I will grace you with the very best that this legendary man has got to offer, I will clamp on submission holds that you may have never even heard about. Because these moves were never invented by a wrestling mind, it was created by the mind of a man. I will put you through pain so badly that you will learn to appreciate everything that I have gone through in my 20+ years in this business. No these words aren’t idle threats Justin, because ask Alexander Raven about what I say comes true. I speak the truth and before you know it is all over. So do me a favour son, be brave and fight me with your heart and soul willing to be educated. Because then and only then you will understand that I am Goth…, the Messiah of Pain and your pain is mine….. it is time for you to be cemented as one of the many. Don’t feel bad, you will probably achieve something eventually. But this is MY moment… this is MY prophecy and this is MY ascension to the top…. And you?? You are just another pawn in my quest.”

Goth smirks as he then palms the camera as the shot slowly fades to darkness.


<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>