Author Topic: Andrew Garcia  (Read 6507 times)

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Andrew Garcia
« on: November 13, 2020, 01:59:13 AM »

Wrestler Information

Name: Andrew Garcia
Real Name: Andrew David Garcia
Nicknames:  The Honorable Warrior, Orange Hulk
Birth Date: 3/12/85
Hometown: Oakland, California

Wrestling and Body Information

Height: 5‘9“
Weight: 245 lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Alignment: heel
Entrance Music: “This Means War!!” by Busta Rhymes and Ozzy Osbourne
Wrestling Style: brawler
Serious Injuries:  gunshot wound to left shoulder, stabbed in right abdomen
Poser: Taz from his ECW days

Clothing Information & Attire

In-Ring: orange singlet, sneakers

Out-of-Ring: tank top, jeans, sneakers

Entrance with no title

The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes’s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin’
This, means, WAR!!"

Andrew appears at the top of the ramp, with his manager, Casey Williams behind him, the duo looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.

"Take a look inside
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"

Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused.  The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly with Casey following in tow, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans as Casey climbs over the top rope. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder.
Entrance with Roulette title

The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes’s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin’
This, means, WAR!!"

Andrew appears at the top of the ramp with the Roulette Championship on his waist, with his manager, Casey Williams behind him, the duo looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.

"Take a look inside
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"

Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused.  The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly with Casey following in tow, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans as Casey climbs over the top rope. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder as he hands the title to Casey.

Basic Moves
*Select AT LEAST ten moves that your character does of a regular basis. Please try to be creative and keep in mind the size and gimmick of your character and also the wrestling style*

1. punches
2. DDT
3. Lou Thesz Press
4. Multiple suplex variations
5. Seated Senton
6. Senton
7. Clothesline
8. Powerbomb
9. Hammerlock
10. Spear

Signature Moves

1. European Uppercut
2. Single Leg Boston Crab
3. Diving Headbutt
4. Pendulum Backbreaker

Finishing Moves

1. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Bust a Cap
Description of the Move: Pedigree set up but one knee on back of head to drive head so they land like a reverse curb stomp.

2. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move):  Orange Hulk Smash (Smash for short)
Description of the Move: double knee face buster

3. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Trials and Tribulations
Description of the Move: Crossface Chickenwing

4. The Special Name for the Move of Your Character (Real name of the Move): Klingon Klutch Sleeper
Description of the Move: Dragon Sleeper

Career & Personal History
Andrew grew up in a normal home, and was a big Star Trek fan and idolized the Klingon race and Andrew decided to join a local gang at the age of 15. It was here where he first felt welcome, where he was picked on in school for liking Star Trek, and started to learn how to defend himself.   Mind you, Andrew never gave up his love for Star Trek, but wanted to feel like he belonged, and by the time he turned 22, he decided that it was time to separate himself from the gang, especially after his getting stabbed and shot by a member of his rival gang, who Andrew‘s fellow gang members killed. Andrew did not want to go down the path of his fellow gang members by ending up in jail, and decided to get into wrestling.  Andrew was a fan of wrestling as a kid, and enjoyed watching guys like Chris Benoit, Fit Finlay and William Regal, because they reminded him of the Klingons he liked on Star Trek, being warriors in the ring.  Andrew envisioned himself being a warrior in the ring one day, and joined former SCW Tag Team and Roulette Champion Casey William’s wrestling school as soon as he could and wanted to be the best he could.  It was there that Casey and the other trainers dubbed Andrew “The Honorable Warrior”, based on the way he cut promos, and how much of a tactician he was in the ring.

Championship Highlights
1x SCW Roulette Champion
1x SCW Tag Team Champion (w/Ivan Darrell as Dying Breed)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 05:58:34 PM by Underground »