Author Topic: “I did what I had to do!”  (Read 249 times)

Offline Steve Ramone

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    • Steve Ramone
“I did what I had to do!”
« on: February 17, 2017, 10:13:14 PM »
 Well, Steve was true to his word because as soon as Ryan had his first title defense since Inception II Steve stuck his nose in and cost Ryan the title, this was bad enough but the man who took the title from Ryan was none other than Chris Shipman, yes, the Original Psycho was now the SCW Roulette Champion and we could all thank Steve Ramone for it, add in the fact that Travis Nathaniel Andrews had made it known earlier in the show that he intended to challenge for the Roulette Title and things where quickly becoming a convoluted mess.

But before he could address any of that Steve had his own problems, this week on Climax Control he was taking on another former SCW Roulette Champion in the form of Jeremiah Hardin, Jeremiah had recently returned to SCW minus his bigger brother Sebastian and he seemed set to make a name for himself in single’s competition once again, not if Steve had his way and given the fact that he had just ensured that the period of time where he couldn’t challenge for the Roulette Title was a very short one Steve was on high spirits but could he win?

Local café, Santa Barbara, California
Friday 17th of February 2017, 11:00am

All I want is some god damn peace and quiet!

But no, try to put an end to a stipulation that stagnates my current career path and suddenly I’m the bastard child of the devil and Hitler! And here I thought that the result of that unholy union for Donald Trump! But yeah, encase you missed Climax Control for whatever reason I ended Ryan’s title reign by having Kaylee and two other women interfere in the match leaving Ryan open to from Chris Shipman ultimately costing him the title.

And yet, the world wants to know why? I’d almost say that people can’t be that stupid but then I look at the Brexit and the fact that Donald fucking Trump is now the US President!

Why should I have to explain myself? The SCW brass made it clear that they were out to sabotage my career when they made it so that I couldn’t challenge for the Roulette Title as long as Ryan was champ if I lost the match at Inception II and believe me, if all my attempts had failed I would’ve sent my lawyers to SCW HQ faster than you can say “this is bullshit”!

What’s that? It’s unfair that Ryan didn’t enjoy a long title reign? BOO FUCKING HOO, neither did I but people aren’t out for Ryan’s blood, aren’t they? Then again if they were he left a lot on the arena floor so yeah, there’s that.

Anyway, as you know I usually come to local cafés to relax and plan things for the following week, not this week because of the issues and it’s gotten to the point where Andreas and Cyrus are here with me and Kaylee not so much as guests but more so actually doing their jobs and bodyguarding me! I know, crazy, right? Next thing you know is that we’ll show an uncensored version of Kaylee’s day job!

And that promo would be taken down quicker than you can say “she’s a porn star”.

“You know Steve.” Cyrus said as he and Andreas acted as a wall between us and the angry fans. “If you had just let Ryan’s reign end on his own we wouldn’t be here!”

“And let that idiot tarnish MY TITLE? Never!” I responded and the crowd booed. “You guys are even bigger idiots for thinking that he was even worthy of my title in the first place!”

“Never thought I’d be this airtight with three men with my clothes on.” Kaylee muttered under her breath as she continued to eat her food, once she swallowed her latest bite she turned to me. “I told you we should’ve laid low back in Vegas.”

“And I told you that we barely have enough fuel in the car for two back and forth trips from Vegas to Santa Barbara, let alone three!” I responded as I rolled my eyes. “And don’t even get me started on air travel costs.”

“Okay, maybe not Vegas but we could’ve stayed in the hotel for the whole week before we had to get to Climax Control!” Kaylee suggested before grinning. “And I definitely would’ve found ways to make that worth it!”

“As much as I like the thought of that, I’d still get bored.” I responded before shaking my head. “How did you get Rachel and Sarah backstage in the first place? Taylor, I could understand since she is a former porn star training to be a wrestler but they are porn stars who happen to be wrestling fans.”

“Remember what Kelly said back when I had sex with her on camera for that promo?” Kaylee asked and I nodded enthusiastically. “Same applied to the guards working last week’s show, though I think at this rate the bosses might start hiring either gay men or straight women as security guards.”

“As if the bosses didn’t have enough eye candy.” I muttered under my breath getting a laugh out of Kaylee, as we finished our meal the crowd finally seemed to disperse and I let out a sigh of relief. “Good, maybe now we can leave without being lynched.”

“You might still be jumped in the parking lot so let us go out there and make sure the coast is clear, besides you have a bill to pay.” Cyrus pointed out and we nodded in response before Cyrus and Andreas headed out and Kaylee stood up and got her purse out in the meantime.

“I’ll go cover the bill and give her a nice tip for putting up with a crowd of angry wrestling fans for so long.” Kaylee said as she motioned to the waitress who had been serving us and seemed just as relieved as we were that they had left. “Just saying, if you want to do your promo, do it now.”

“Good idea.” I nodded in response and Kaylee grinned before going over to the waitress, now that I was alone I got started on my promo.

“Why did I cost Ryan the title? I did what I had too, Ryan is an unworthy champion and whilst Chris is a lunatic I’ve faced him enough times to know that he’ll do the title justice but whilst I brace myself for the fallout from that match I have a match of my own to deal with and wouldn’t you fucking know it? My opponent is a former SCW Roulette Champion himself! Give it up for the “Dark Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin! Yes, seriously!”

I said as I shook my head.

“First the Fallen, then Ben Jones and now Jeremiah Hardin? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that SCW’s annual mixed Tag Team Blast from the Past Tournament was coming up and former SCW wrestlers were coming out of the woodwork to compete in it! And for the record, I refuse to participate because of how bad my partners in recent years have been! Well Jeremiah, if you are back for the tournament then you are already on a bad path with your recent loss to Despayre and I’m here to continue you down that path!”

You can probably guess where it leads.

“It won’t matter in the end, once the tournaments over you’ll fade back into obscurity alongside all the other washed up SCW stars back for the Tournament! And besides, the companies moved past you Hardin and I’ll prove it when I kick your ass! This Sunday will be the point where pretty much every former star will start to regret their decision to return after I kick your ass so hard that your steroid freak of a brother won’t recognize you.”

I could go on but I won’t.

“My point is Jeremiah is that you are washed up and I’m here to prove it once and for all, ROAR was a good tag team, you had a good run with the SCW Roulette Championship but that was several years ago and a lot can change in that time, this Sunday night I’ll show you that a lot can change in a single night as well after I kick you so hard that the upper half of your body will land in the goddamn cheap seats leaving me free to pin you with absolutely no fear of you getting the shoulder up!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Everyone wants an explanation for why I screwed Ryan out of a title, my answer is this: why do I have to explain myself to idiots who don’t understand what it takes to succeed in this business? I did what I had too and this Sunday I’ll do what I must to win the match against Jeremiah Hardin and send a message to all the pretenders to my title! This message has been paid for and delivered by “The Fearless Champion” Steve Ramone the true Roulette Champion!”

Once Cyrus gave the all clear we left as the scene fades.
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