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Character Building Roleplays / Post-CC comments, 4/8
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:02:45 PM »
 [We cut backstage for a moment.

Hangman Hawkins and "Big" Steve Scanlon arrive backstage, following their no-contest. When the mob-scene came up, and it looked like everyone and their dog was assaulting Kain, the Aristocrats decided to do what needed to be done.

What needed to be done, they decided, was to go somewhere else. This wasn't their fight, and they weren't getting paid for it.

The two of them look back a bit at the ring, as they walk back through the curtain.

Scanlon notices the camera.]

Scanlon: You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?

We're the Aristocrats, we're still undefeated in any match that matters and we play it like we say it!
We roll 'em like we tol' 'em!
Laying down that guar-an-tee of vic-to-ree!

And we came into this match saying we would NOT lose... and we HAVEN'T!
Bone SWAR, Paree!

[Steve waves dismissively at the camera, and moves on.  Hangman looks mildly amused at the spin doctoring, but says nothing. And they're gone.]

Climax Control Archives / Paris Match: Issues available.
« on: April 06, 2012, 10:50:07 PM »
 France is an amazing country, sometimes. One thing… something the NWA was only recently lucky enough to discover… is that there is a HUGE groundswell in wrestling fandom. “Le Catch” they call it. Local promoters have actually petitioned the government to not let American promotions ruin their standards by hogging the whole market.

This is before we even get to Gaetan LaValle. “Calling in LaValle to work” is an expression some die-hard fans who end up seeing US PPVs live at three AM have come up with. So, it’s not a country that’s ignorant of wrestling. News of SCW’s upcoming arrival in the City of Lights caused a minor sensation in the “Catch” community.

Of course, not everyone was familiar with the Vegas promotion. The rush for information on who these newcomers could be led to a surge of enthusiasm for everyone from Goth and Rage, right on through to the Fallen. People are even wondering how Convict Cage got past immigration, with a criminal record.

The mind of French fandom embraced the promotion with abandon. What it didn’t really wrap it’s head around was The Aristocrats. As we’re about to see.

[What we’re seeing in this part is footage from the amateur web-series Spectateurs de Catch. It’s an old-style talk-show setup, with a desk and two seats. The hosts, a guy and a girl- both barely out of their teens, are seated at the desk. The Aristocrats are in the seats.

Hangman looks bored as a legally-declared-sane man can. He has his hands folded over his chest, and is staring at the ceiling. Next to him, Steve Scanlon is raring to go. The French in this next part is rendered in English…]

Jocyline (to viewer): Bonjour, and welcome to Spectateurs de Catch. I’m Jocyline Duford, and this is Henri Montcalme…

Henri: Hi!

Jocyline: And we’re here with the SCW’s up-and-coming tag team, The Nobles.

Henri: I think it’s “The Aristocrats”.
[Over to the side, it’s obvious that whatever language Steve speaks besides English, it’s NOT French. He’d normally jump all over something like that. As it is, he simply takes a slug off his coffee, and waits.]

JocylineTo my immediate right is Steve Scanlon, the “Steampresser”, and to my far right-
Henri: Is Nicholas Sarkozy?
Jocyline (laughs)
[Hangman has the idea that this bit might be about him, and perks up. The laughter doesn’t make him any friendlier. Steve looks at him and puts a ‘okay, big guy’ hand up.]

Jocyline…Is the “Hangman”, Chet Hawkins. This is the tag team that will be facing Caen and “Prime Time” Matthew Kennedie at the upcoming show at the Stade Pierre de Coubertin.  Take it away, Henri.

Henri (who clearly speaks English better): “Big Steve! Yo!”
Scanlon (reluctantly): …Yo, kid.

Henri: First of all, you have wrestled, not just in Las Vegas, but in Chicago, Florida, Memphis, Texas, New York, Toronto…
[Steve’s perking up. This kid seems to have done some homework…]

Scanlon: Yeah, that’s right-
Henri: Even the maritimes, du Canada…
Scanlon: Yeah, and let me tell ya-
Henri: How well know Gaetan LaValle?
[Hearing the name in what was supposed to be THEIR interview, Hawkins starts up.]

Hawkins: Listen, punk- F~!
[Scanlon interrupts.]
Scanlon: I got this, Hawks. FUCK Gaetan LaValle!
You seriously didn’t bring us in here to talk about that scrawny nimrod, did you?!

[The two hosts are, frankly, aghast.]
Scanlon: Jesus! You’re looking at future World Tag Team champions, and you’re asking us about a guy who’s too short to get on the rides at EuroDisney?! Seriously?! I can’t believe this.

[The kid tries to get the interview back on track, but he’s been shook a bit. His partner tries her best.]

JocylineMonsieur Scanlon, perhaps you can tell us how you and… “Hangman”? How do you prepare for a match?

Scanlon (slightly mollified): Depends on the match. Listen, I could tell you more about it later… I saw this place...

[She really doesn’t seem to like this idea. At all]
Jocyline: … so, you would say you’re equipped to handle Kain and Kennedy?

[Hangman steps in.]
Hawkins: Look, Josie.
Henri: Jocyli-.
Scanlon (cutting him off): “Quiet, kid- grownups talkin’.”
Hawkins: If me and Steamroller, here… say we were gonna play the Bleus.
Scanlon: Who?
Hawkins (to Steve): French National Rugby team. Read about it on the in-flight.
(back to Jocyline): If we were gonna go up against them… do you like those odds? Would we win?
Jocyline: No.
Hawkins: Why?
Jocyline: There’s  more than two of them. And you don’t know the game.

Hawkins: Good call. That’s why we’re gonna win. NOT because my partner’s a loose cannon with a screw loose… which he IS… Not because I’m the baddest thing walking on two legs… which I AM…  but because this is a tag team match.
[He puts up a hand to stop the followup.]

Hawkins: Listen. You can have two tough guys in there, but if they’re not clicking, and the other team’s got their act together? That’s a perfect storm. A recipe for disaster.

[He can see she’s not getting it. And he’s lost patience. With an irritated hand-gesture, he hands the interview back over.]

Hawkins: You tell ‘em, Scanlon. Maybe they’ll get you.
Scanlon: Got it, Hawkman. LISTEN, Joyce-
Henri: …her name is-

Scanlon: Shut it, Hank.

Listen- you’ve got two singles wrestlers in against one tag team. Not two guys put together for the jollies of the promoter, but two guys who work day-in, day- out to Make The Magic Happen.

Now, you toss in that the two singles guys have no plan worked out, can’t stand eachother, and haven’t even met to hammer out who does what. Two guys who frankly, get nothin’ out of this if they DO win, and won’t be pairing off again, if they’ve got anything to say about it.

Now, over here…
[he points to Hawkins and himself.]

Scanlon: You’ve got Hangman Hawkins, who could beat Kain with one arm behind his back, and you’ve got Steve Scanlon, the Headlining, Streetfighting, Specimen of MANHOOD… who’s willing to go in there and HOLD Kain’s arm behind his bac-

Hawkins: That’s not what that expression means.
Scanlon: Oh.
Hawkins: Still gonna do it though?
Scanlon: Damn straight.

Because when that bell rings, we’re not “Scanlon” and “Hangman”… we’re The Aristocrats. You’re not fighting two men, you’re fighting a team. A team with one goal- and that goal is runnin’ roughshod all over anyone they put in front of us, and GETTING PAID.

Then, there’s Prime Cuts…

Jocyline: Matthew Kennedy? Prime Time?

Scanlon: “Cuts” I said. He’s dead meat, sure enough- He thinks it’s “unsafe” to fight against us. I have NO idea what the hell he’s on, because we’re as gentle as lambs. Hangman’s all business, and I never hurt a guy more than I've gotta- it’s not like we’re the Saints or something.

[The two hosts look at eachother in a “huh?” way.]
Scanlon: Don’t ask, I won’t explain it- the point is, he’s come up with all sorts of pre-set excuses why he lost, before he ever set foot in the ring. We’re too rough. He doesn’t like our names. He doesn’t like his partner. Well, you know what?  I like a man who plans. He’s going down like a poleaxed steer, and he knows it. He faced up to reality, and he’s ready for what’s gonna happen.

What's gonna happen? We’re gonna make roasbif out of Prime Cuts, and he can go whine to his governess Supernanny or whatever, about how unfair it was, later.

[The kids kind of sputter here- “roasbif” being a French slur for the British for one thing, but even moreso that Scanlon seems to have heard of it somehow.]

Scanlon: And then, there’s Kain.  For a guy who  says he’s unspeakable, he sure speaks about it a lot, doesn’t he? Look, I know you think you’re a king, and the whole “I’m dark, I’m evil” thing is a popular act now, but you’re looking at the King of Providence and the original Bad Seed, “Hangman” Hawkins.

Kain may think he’s tough enough for either one of us? Well, that’s a LIE, flat out, but we sure as Hell won’t find out at Climax Control, because he won’t be FACING one of us.

He’s facing the finest precision-tooled engine of destruction this sport has ever seen, and when he reaches out his hand….
[He reaches out to the side not near Hangman…]

Scanlon: There’s no partner. There’s a guy there, but he’s no partner. They have no plan. They have no past. They have no future. They have no CHANCE.

Because, if it was me OR Hawks? We’d just beat the tar out of both of you shmendricks, until we got tired. Thing is? It's not Scanlon or Hawkins.

It's Scanlon AND Hawkins.
The Aristocrats.
The Aristocrats are united. The Aristocrats are organized.
...the Aristocrats NEVER gettired....
And the hits just KEEP ON COMIN’!

[He looks to Hangman, and points to the exit, before leaving. Hangman pauses, and then delivers a spot-on parody of Steve’s “Shooting for the moon/and Hittin’ like Apollo” bit. His accent's not great, but he's doing it...]

Hangman :
Vous allez à la tablette
Nous fermons votre livre.
Nous sommes faciles à trouver,
Après mais difficile à suivre!

[And walks off. As they leave the set, we hear them bantering. “The HELL?” “Google Translate.” “Oh…]

[We cut out as the two hosts try to regain control of their show.]

Climax Control Archives / If Steve Scanlon were a gunslinger...
« on: March 24, 2012, 12:03:18 AM »
 [It's weird how we sometimes set out, in life, to do one thing, and then end up doing another. Some of the greatest inventions ever were made while their inventors were trying to do somethine else entirely.

And serendipity caught Steve Scanlon, too- landing on his head like a pomade. (Serendipity-Do, if you will). He and Hangman Hawkins may not have grabbed the gold ring at their last opportunity, but here we are... and Steve's minor acting career seems to be taking off.

A little.

He parlayed a small commercial role into what we see right now- he's doing a bit part as a gun-toting, sombrero-and-serape-wearing bandido in an indie film. It's not a BAD casting decision- you can easily picture him in the crowd of "Ah-ha-ha, gringo!" guys in a Spaghetti Western.

He's on break, obviously- success or no, this is Steve Scanlon we're talking about... and he speaks to us. Lucky us!]

Scanlon: Oh. Hey. Steve Scanlon here, and you know what? Me and Hangman... we're taking a vacation.

See, it's been stressful around here, with one thing and another. It's hard keeping up with all that's going on- someone else has our belts, I have to keep track of my acting, Hangman's got hearings to go to... there's a lot to think about.

So, we're taking a break from our title hunt. It's one of those Secrets of Highly Successful People, y'know? Take a break from your grind, do something you love to do.

[He looks around the set. Still nothing going on.]

Scanlon: Which is what we're gonna do next week in SCW. See, they have us scheduled against the Surfs. Again. It's become like a habit for us.

Some schmuck thinks it's a cute pun, I guess- Aristocrats versus Serfs, S-E-R-F-s, so they keep cramming it down our throats.

[He pauses a second and shakes his head, taking the hat off.]

Scanlon: It's got to be something like that- it CAN'T be because of anything the Surf Boys have ever DONE to deserve this.

[He spikes the hat. He's in the mood now.]

Scanlon: Seriously- either way!

Either they don't deserve another crack at wasting the time of a world-class tag team like the Aristocrats, after we beat  ten kinds of crap out of 'em the first time, and made human pinatas out of 'em last time...

[he paces to the opposite side of the frame.]

...or they don't deserve what's coming to 'em when we beat the tar out of 'em a THIRD time.

[He pauses, and glares a hole in the ground for a second,  before looking at us again.]

Scanlon: For the record, I never think of them as the e-r "Serf" Boys. I think of 'em as the Smurf Boys. Brainless Smurf And Dudette- too small to be trouble, and- I'm thinkin'- spending WAY too much time with mushrooms to be healthy.

And they're not blue, sure, but they're GONNA be "Blue" when the Hangman and the Streetfightin', Headlinin' Specimen of Manhood take them out in the middle of the ring and beat them like a Salvation Army tambourine for the THIRD TIME.

[He's really fuming now.]

Scanlon: And in all this, I don't blame the Surf Boys. From the heart of the Steamroller, I swear- I don't blame them.

They don't know any better.

It's like someone gave them a gold star and patted them on the heads and told them "you can be a wrestler!". And they believed it. I've seen no evidence they CAN wrestle, but they keep getting put out there, because someone took them and said "you CAN!".

Whoever did that- I blame you. You dropped the standards of our business, and left the likes of Yours Truly to clean up your mess. Don't have the nerve to be shocked at what happens now.

Whoever booked this- I blame them, too. I mean- people might have paid to see us do this the first time. They even paid to see this a second time, because there was another team in there, with the Surf Boys out there on the side as a garnish- like parsley. Limp, talentless parsley...

[He squints here. it IS almost Eastwood-y....]

Scanlon: But who is going to put up with this match, over. And over. AND OVER? Who wants it? Who benefits? Most importantly- who'd PAY for it?

I mean, at this point, it's like putting a kitten in a Veg-o-Matic- shock-value the first time, amazement that you'd do it twice- but three times? That's just the work of a sick mind, know what I mean?


Scanlon (explaining): The Veg-o-Matic is a blender.
Scanlon (ruining the joke): In this scenario, The Aristocrats are the blender.
Scanlon (who must REALLY think we're idiots): And the Surf Boy's'd be the kitten.

Scanlon: Just wanted to be clear there. The blender... that's what it DOES. It's what it's FOR.

Scanlon: I don't have any message for the Surf Boys themselves. I don't want to upset them. I mean, after we're through with them, they'll be plenty upset, but I don't want to ruin what little Happy-Time they've got left before The Doom That Came To Vegas and the one-and-only "Hangman" ruin their day.

And possibly more days after that. Many... many more days.

Besides. Promos like that are work.
And we're on vacation.

Just a day at the beach. Watching the Surf crash.

Over. And over. And over.

[With that, he turns back to his acting, and we fade out.]

Climax Control Archives / Four way, two Aristocrats, one winner.
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:09:11 AM »
 [We come in on Steve Scanlon doing what Steve Scanlon does best. (I bet you’re wondering what that is, since it’s not submissions wrestling or hardcore brawling… or fashion, or athletics, or… okay, back on topic…) MAKING MONEY.

Specifically, he’s on the set of his first endorsement since joining SCW. As we join him, he’s in a chain restaurant preparing for some kind of ad.

Okay, obviously, the man can eat too. Let’s be fair- it’s an endorsement about something he clearly knows…]

Scanlon (to a director, off camera): So, I'm doing this thing for a Four Way. It'll just take a minute.

Director: No problem. You just do... wait, "Four Way"?

Scanlon: Not like that. Though I get what it sounds like. So, I just read the cue cards?

Director: Yeah. We did a whole thing with a Bacon month- lots of bacon, real cheap- we thought we’d do a follow up. Are you ready, Mr. Scanlon?

Scanlon: Fine.
Seriously, though- "Four way". I get what it sounds like. Can you think of a dumber-sounding name for that thing?
[He sighs, and gets into ‘character’, reading the cards.]

Scanlon: “Hi. My name’s “Big” Steve Scanlon, and if there’s one thing I know from- it’s sausage. Ask anybody- they’ll tell you: ‘Big Steve loooves that sausage’. So come on down! It’s a Total Sausagefe-“ WAIT!

Director: “CUT”! What is it?
Scanlon : “Total Sausagefest”? That’s what it’s called?
Director: Yeah. What’s the problem, Mr "Four Way"?

Scanlon: The PROBLEM?!  Look… I’ve got these people here from my Main Job…

[waves at the promo camera.]
Scanlon: Then I’m calling Morty, my agent, and we’ll see about this. “Sausagefest”, my a- eye!

[Steve turns to the camera, and starts promoing. In the background, people are calling a break. Nobody is opting to eat at the restaurant during this break. This should tell you something.]

Scanlon: Right. So. What’ve we got in SCW these days?

Well, once again, it’s the Aristocrats against the World, except this time they put the whole world IN the ring AT THE SAME TIME! All we’ve GOT to do is wait for the other guys to wear themselves down, then pick off whatever’s left.
That is, if we couldn’t just slice through them like a hot knife through butter…

Look… this isn’t Phase Two, like I’ve been saying… but it’s not a bad night for the Aristocrats, either.

There’s four teams in there- that means four guys in the ring at any given time, right? So, there’s my and my foxhole-buddy Hangman against…

[he ticks off one finger]

Scanlon: The Surf Boys- who we’ve already beat like a Salvation Army tambourine… seriously, Hawkins had his foot so far off Dude or Gristly or whoever-the-hell it was’ ass that he could’ve got a proctology degree out of it.

What's the plan for the Serfs? No plan.
There doesn’t NEED to be a plan, there. We barely needed the plan we did have last time.

See, I thought we’d have to go in against them all Patton-like, with the full-frontal assault here, and the pincer maneuver there… truth is, all we had to do was show up and watch the Surf Boys drown in their own lameness.

If they put up any kind of fight- and the other two teams don’t make lunchmeat out of them- we’ve still got all the tricks up our sleeve that we didn’t get to use LAST time. Hell, we might just use ‘em cause we’ve GOT ‘em at this point…

[He ticks off a second finger]

Scanlon and then we’ve got Jordan and Casey Williams, the scariest Williams doubles-team since Venus and Serena, except I think I’d like those tennis chicks’ odds better.  

Hey, I’ll deal with Jordan in a second, but let me talk about Casey Williams. Big, bad Casey Williams, the Caboose of Vamoose or whatever the Hell he thinks he is, coming up like the original One-Trick Pony, except the pony’s lame. Sure he’s big, but that just means when we finish him off, we can use what’s left of his hide to make a coat that’ll fit Hawkins juuust fine.

Seriously- some people can’t walk it, some people can’t talk it. Casey Williams… Casey Williams is the rare breed that can’t walk it OR talk it.

See, the best stuff Casey’s got on the mic is some crap he heard in a song once. But when push comes to shove, that... THAT, my friends, is when the tragic happens.

Sure, he comes on like he’s this big burly, brawlin' biker dude out of Cow Hampshire, but he lumbers around the ring like a punch-drunk elephant, he telegraphs his moves like Samuel Morse, and he can’t polish off a 185-pound French éclair like Gaetan LaValle.

For real- Gaetan LaValle! The kid I could use as a pipe-cleaner, the guy so thin he can hide from you by turning sideways! He went the distance with Casey, and beat his ass- in the ring AND on the mic! And Glass Joe’s all courtly and fair and stuff! It was a fair fight with a 300-pound weight advantage, and he lost!

If Casey can’t handle Cirque du So-Lame, how the Fruzen Gladje do you think he’s gonna handle walking into the twin-barrelled shotgun of pain that is The Aristocrats? We’re NOT fair, we’re NOT interested in your life story- we’re just gonna roll ya like we tol’ ya, and get back to something worth doing!

Oh, and I promised I’d talk about Jordan: Yeah, he’ll be there too.

More than he deserves to be honest.

He’s more “hacky” and “on the canvas” than Thomas Kincaid, Painter Of Light, and he’s got that lump of a partner to cheer up and chivvy along, and tell about the rabbit-farm they’re gonna buy someday when this Is all over. He’s more Kindergarten teacher than wrestler, and he’s as good as he should be. Which is to say: Not Very.

[He ticks off a third finger. Yes, its his middle one.]

Scanlon: NOW, we come to someone who at least has an active pulse around here: Peterson and Williams. Oh yeah.
[He makes the “Evil Eye” gesture]

Scanlon: “The Scanlon Curse be upon you.”

Oh yeah, I said it.

Solo, before the Aristocrats were even an idea- I shut down promotions… shut them right the hell down. It's what I was known for.

I drove the talent clear out of the joint, out of the sheer, brown-shorts fear of facing the Streetfightin’, Headlinin’, Specimen of MANHOOD. They call it “The Scanlon Curse”.

And I wasn’t gonna bring it up, on account o’ me liking this little pop-stand of a promotion enough to not WANT to sell it for scrap, but you guys… you two are the exception.

You see, Hangman likes to think he’s the Final Destination of this tag-team, but the fact is, I’ve retired more men than he has. He’s like a big cat- he likes to toy with his prey a little. I just put ‘em OUT.

And you got me mad.

You got me mad when you skated by, got that quick count, and now you call yourselves champions? Hell no, buddy-boys... you’re not the champs, you’re just placeholders until the Aristocrats take what’s rightfully theirs.

And now, you’re getting what’s coming to you.

See, now we know what kinda stuff you two pull, and we're ready for it. Oh yeah. You're gonna see some drama 'n' trauma NOW... only not at first. Our number doesn't come up until after the Also-Rans, the Williams Si- The Williamses and the Surf Boys take their chunks out of you.

Then, THEN, you'll get to see what a well-oiled Murder Machine like the Aristocrats looks like when it's driven by a total maniac.

Anyway. Enough of that. It's a done deal.

[He sighs, and looks aside for a second. Then he looks back.]
Scanlon: Hey. Listen!  D’you guys ever watch the Godfather movies?

I was just watching them, again, the other night. You know, for acting tips. See…

[He waves around the ‘set’]
I’m an actor, now. Gotta learn from the best, right? My favorite part’s when the Corleones- this bunch that everyone’s written off- hang back, look harmless, then set up all their biggest rivals at once, and then- pop!pop!pop!- all at the same time, take ‘em all out, and come out as the Top Dogs. Best part . Great bit.

Why am I telling you all about that?

[He grins. It’s a Terrible, Grinchy Idea kind of grin…]
Scanlon:  No reason. No reason at all.

[On any other promo, this would be ‘time to fade out’. But this one’s special.]

Director: I talked to your agent. You do the ad, or you refund us the money.

[Scanlon brightens, and turns to the other camera… and now, given the choice of doing it or paying, sells that ad like it’s the most awesome thing ever…]

[and NOW, we fade out…]

Character Building Roleplays / A Moment With the Maestro
« on: March 08, 2012, 09:22:48 PM »
 [We usually get to see elegant set-ups for promos- all sorts of buildup about where the man is speaking from, or what everything looks like. Who the interviewer is, all that.

This one, not so much. The light is too overexposed, there's some sort of whitewashed concrete-block wall... we might be in an alley. It's nowhere fancy, for sure. It's more like a paparazzi video than anything else.

What we are seeing is "Big" Steve Scanlon. Or, more accurately, we're seeing his hand, and through the gaps of his fingers, we see everything else.

The cameraman yanks back... and we can see Steve more fully. He looks off-camera... the mic doesn't pick up whoever's asking these questions.]

"What happened? What happened? Phase one's completed, now it's on to Phase Two. That's what."

"NO, I'm not gonna tell you 'what Phase Two' is. Just be glad I told you there IS a Phase Two for The Aristocrats, so you and whoever you're showing this to know to tune in!"


"It's none of your business where Hangman is. I can tell you what he's NOT doing. He's not out messing with Peterson an' Williams' brake lines. Nooo, sirr. That'd be illegal."

"They had Champion's Advantage. Takes a real moron to lose when you've got Champion's Advantage on your side. Everything tilted their way, okay? W-? No!I'm not talking about it, any more!"
"I don't 'owe' Hawkins anything. I didn't lose that match for us. It just sort of... happened."
"No comment."
(Pause. We can sort of hear someone asking if the "interview" is over.)

"YE- actually, no, wait."

"You know what... I'm gonna tell you a little story.

We used to have an NWA champion- back around '96, '97- his name was Randy Savage. They called him 'the Macho Man'...."


"...shut up, it does NOT sound like a porn-star name! Philistine. Only guy that measures up to him, these days? Yours truly. The guy was the MAN.  And one of the things that made him The Man was that he had this woman with him. Her name was Elizabeth. Miss Elizabeth."

[Steve gets a faraway look in his eyes, for a sec.]

"You shoulda seen her, you know? She was like the prom date that most of you shmos watching this on TwoYube or whatever, never had."

"She was, you know, his valet. Did everything for him- trailed around all over the place, doing the little bits of business outside the ring, coming out to cheer the Champ on, and then, stepping back when it was time to get to workin' or talkin'. Good stuff. GOOD stuff."


"Well, I bring this up, 'cause I always thought of them as the Perfect Wrestling Couple. 'Til recently of course, at the C-Cup in London."
"C-Cup, J-Cup, whatever. Cruiserweight tournament, right? Bunch of light guys flippin' around? Honest mistake."

"Anyway, my point- and I'll get to it if you stop interrupting- was that one was the soft sensitive side, one was the Business side... it worked. To me, and a lot of people- they were the Perfect Wrestling Couple."

"Now? I dunno. We've got Misty coming out of this Cup, with the Cruiserweight title."

"And you know- well, my first thought is 'crap, now I can't challenge for it', since I'm- you know, a MAN, and we can't go wrestling women around here..."

[The camera quick-passes over Scanlon. Seeing what we're seeing- let's be honest here- Steve probably hasn't seen Cruiserweight in years. Possibly sometime in High School.]

"Second thought is either "She's the only one of her crew to bring home the gold" or "Ann Mau's gonna make coldcuts out of her". But that wasn't the big thing!"

"The big thing? I'm thinking 'we have our own modern-day Macho and Liz'. It's true. Really! A new Perfect Wrestling Couple. Right here, in SCW! A modern-day Macho and Liz.'... Misty and Staggs.

[he pauses a beat. Then, rubbing his chin, he continues thoughtfully...]

"...of course, I'm thinking Staggs is "Liz" in this case."

"You know, trailing the Champ around, cheering her on, backing off when it's time for the "Man" to talk- that sort of thing."

"And, I wouldn't blame him if he did! Misty's more of a champ than he'd ever be. Nah, if he wants to just valet the Champ around, more power to him. Down with Gender Roles and all that!"

[He raises a fist for a moment, in a mock 'fight the power!' gesture.]

"Even if he wants to be a househusband- Good for him, I say!"

"Aside from that? I've got nothing. Phase Two, though! Watch out for "Phase Two!""

"Now, scram."
[Camera cuts off, as he walks off.]

Supercard Archives / Work out the Steve Scanlon Way!
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:01:58 AM »
 [We reach Steve Scanlon, in mid-preparation for his and Hangman Hawkins’ title bout. He’s actually… working out. This is a sight heretofore unseen by human eyes… he’s no kind of gym rat. He must be REALLY taking this one seriously.]

[Sweat is cascading down his brow- right into a headband reading “Steamrolla!” (Including the “a!”. It’s a one-of-a-kind, never-produced merchandise item. Apparently, nobody wanted Steve Scanlon workout gear. Who knew, right?]

[Steve sees the camera, and starts talking to us.]

Scanlon: This is it. This is where we sort the ones who win, from the excuses and spin. The real deal. The big one.

Me and Hangman? We’ve come a hell of a long way to get here. We’ve left a bunch of wreckage in our wake. We didn’t do all that just to come in second.
No- this Is where years of honing our craft comes to a point… and we use it to slice those belts clean off the waist of Peterson and Williams.

[He stops what he’s doing, and gives us a ‘I’m gonna level with you’ look.]
Scanlon: I’ve been wracking my head trying to think of one thing those two schmendricks have over me and the Hangman… and can’t think of one. Thing.

Either one of them got more on the ball than me? No.
Either of them got the killer instinct of the one-and-only Hangman Hawkins? Nope.
Either one of them got the experience of either of US? “No”, and “no”. Put them together? STILL “no”.
Do they even have a team name? No. The Aristocrats win, again!
[He makes that weird ‘snap cha-cha’ gesture that they do in the ring.]

Scanlon: I can't think of a single thing they have over us...

And even they can't seem to come up with a reason why, come to think of it! The way I hear it, it's all "it'll be a challenge", and "I can't wait to show what I can do". and all that happy horsecrap.

The only thing they have, that we don't, are those titles.

And that, friends and foes, is easily fixed.
Count of three, watch it be.

Courtesy of the Aristocrats-

Shootin' for the moon,
and hittin' like Apollo,
Easy to come after, but a HARD act to follow!

[And with that, he goes back to work. Seriously, it's like watching Bizarro Steve in action...]

Supercard Archives / Monsieur Tout-Le-Monde
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:34:31 PM »
 [We come up on Ms Rocky Mountains, dressed sharply in a slightly-too-small French coture outfit, sitting in a mood-lit lounge somewhere in Vegas, chatting with Gaetan LaValle. Somewhere in the background, a jazz band plays expertly. LaValle is, for his part, dressed in a sharp bespoke suit, and drinking a Kir cocktail from a stout highball glass. Ms. Mountains looks over her shoulder, at the camera…]

Rocky: Miss Rocky Mountains, here with NWA World Television Champion Gaetan LaValle.

[…before turning back to speak to him.]

Rocky: Well, Gaetan, we’ve just shown you Casey Williams’ video reply to your statement to SCW’s audience. He went down it point by point, adding that he’s unimpressed with your promo work, that he doesn’t care about anything to do with you, and that he’s going to destroy you, and take the TV Title home with him.

He also says you not directly trash-talking him shows a lack of manhood on your part.

[Gaetan smiles, then tilts his head in a way that says “And?”. He’s clearly not taking the bait, here.]
Rocky: … “Thoughts”?

[He shakes his head a little, clears his throat, then gently pushes his drink aside. He’s not grinning anymore.]

LaValle: “Casey Williams is a steroidal jackass who mistook a genteel ‘get to know me’ piece for the fans with something for him- and, along the way, got every single useful detail wrong.

The talk is for the fans, the match is for the title, the beating is for your opponent. It's a simple order, yet he seems to beat down the fans, talk to me, and... I don't know what he thinks the match is for.

He has drawn himself a detailed roadmap to his defeat. In crayon. And he really didn’t need to make us watch him shower.”

[He contentedly returns to what he was doing.]
Rocky: Is that all?

LaValle: No. I’m also enjoying a nice drink with a lovely woman…
[He pauses a moment, and sees Rocky's got another question loaded.]’re still going to ask me to go on, aren’t you?

I always hate this part, you know- this is where I show some confidence, and people call me 'arrogant'. It's the same thing that lets mooks like Williams think he can call me 'French coward', and get away with it. It's a moronic bigotry, pure and simple.

It's... never-mind. Please, go on...

Rocky: He says he’s going to make you hate him.
LaValle:Make me? What, exactly, can a Casey Williams make me do? He hasn’t made me scared, he wouldn’t make me worry, he isn’t making me impressed, he can’t make me lose, and he won’t make me an ex-champion.

[He tries to end the promo here, again. Rocky makes a ‘go on?’ hand gesture. He goes on.]

LaValle:Alright… assume he COULD make me hate him. Only two men in this sport have ever earned my hatred. I retired both. If he wants me to hate him, it’s his management, gang, and loved ones that should worry. Not me.

But even that’s unimportant- I don’t have to hate a man to beat a man. It’s called “Sangfroid”. Cold blood. That whole “Rar! RARR!” thing is for amateurs. And, as the marquee says, this is Professional wrestling.

Rocky: Backing up a moment. What exactly is he getting wrong about you?

[he starts to shake his head, then stops himself.]

LaValle:I was going to say “I wouldn’t help him”, but… who would it help?

Let’s be honest. The man is twice my weight and a foot-and-a-half taller, but never stopped to ask why I’m not worried. Maybe he thinks I’m overconfident. Or stupid. Or crazy. But humor me… How many times have I fought for this title?

Rocky: Four?

LaValle:Seven. Won twice, defended five times. Two former World Champions have come after this title, while I held it, and gone home empty handed.  

You could call it ‘luck’ or a ‘fluke’ once, but if it was luck seven times, then he should give up now because that would mean God’s made a personal project of keeping me Champ. We know that’s not the case.

And since Casey thinks the Fury feud’s all I’ve done, let me clear that up too- I wasn’t satisfied with just that, so I challenged the entire NWA for more action. I joined a hardcore promotion, just for the extra difficulty. This is all public record. Tell me, where do I fight out of?

Rocky: Sorry?

LaValle: My home promotion?
Rocky: BACW.

LaValle: Right. I like Sin City, and I would never knock SCW, but facts are facts- I fight out of the “Stomphouse”, where if they held a child’s birthday party, they’d give it Hardcore stipulations. I volunteered to go there. Why? Because I like the challenge.

Since New Year’s, I’ve fought two former and one current NWA World Champs there- just to see what would happen... on TOP of my duties as World Television Champion.

The fact is, where I work, three kids pretending to be “Xtreme” would simply be laughed at right before their faces got pushed in.

Speaking of his ‘team’- who’s MY backup?
Rocky: I didn’t think you had any.

LaValle: Brains and beauty! I’ve already stared down Sudden Impact- two World Champs- and made them blink. In Canada, I took on a five-man stable by myself- I’m here, they’re not, draw your own conclusions- and I’ve put my one-man “LaValleution” against the entire Uprising.

I’m coming to that ring by myself. Casey... twice my size... keeps reaching for his security-blanket gang for support. It’s his choice, I suppose…

[he shrugs]

LaValle: Who’s the biggest man I ever fought?

[Rocky shakes her head, and Gaetan, gentlemanly, finishes by answering.]

LaValle:Krush Karemesov. 425 pound Sombo machine, banned from Russia’s Rugby team for being too violent. He’s out of the sport, now. Compare Casey-on-the-Mat: a half-trained bar-fighting bushel of bear-turds- barely 370 soaking wet, strutting around like riding a motorcycle and a couple of friends makes him tough.

Me? I work, solo, in a country that resents mine, versus men twice my size, with a name that has “Gae” in it. THAT’s tough. What do I do for a living?
Rocky: You wrestle.

LaValle: Yes, I do. I pin. I can also put a man unconscious with Savate kicks, or use a submission to make him tap out “M’aidez!” in Morse Code. What don’t I do? “Fly”.

You’ll never see me jumping from tall things just for the hell of it. Casey’s already got a long night ahead of him, but if his plan is to hang around to take advantage of a 983 splash or something… he’s waiting forever. That’s not me, that’s not what I do.  

But even if I did… Williams- 370 pound, big-strong-tough Williams- has yet to set me aquiver with terror.

Not because I’m the longest-reigning Television Champion since the title was commissioned in 1998
Not because I’ve fended off every jackal coming for my throat, and this title.
Why then?

Because that’s not what this is about. This isn’t about fear, or who’s the best bully in the schoolyard, or who can recite the most lyrics.

This is about the moment where we stop being a bunch of promotions, and start being an Alliance. This is that time, this is that place. It's about skill, and passion, and pure endurance.  

And playing schoolyard games cheapens that. And Williams.
Me? It just sort of gives me that little frisson of joy, when I tell a man what I'm going to do, and they're still suprised that I can do it. Eight times.

This is about who’s better at the sport. … or, at least, it had better be.
If it isn’t? If it’s about who can bring the most pain? That’s me.
Who can take the most pain? Me again.

I got off medical leave to earn this title back. I took broken metal shards to the back, on the way- and that’s not even what put me out. If he thinks he's going to scare me, he's got the wrong Frenchman.

And if he's got some kind of trick up his sleeve? Right here and now, I'm giving him time to think of something else to try. Something that will work.

If his plan's anything but the straight-up match the fans demand and are owed, then-even if it works- I will get up and hunt him down. Men have left the sport rather than face that.

[He pauses, and cools down.]

LaValle: I have the skill, I have the style, and I have the cold-blooded will to hold onto this title. And I've come to like this town, enough to be DAMNED sure they will see the fight of a lifetime.

"Prepare to be Eurotrashed."

Au bientot, mon ami.

[With that, he returns to his cocktail, and this time Rocky takes the hint. We fade out as they enjoy themselves.]

Supercard Archives / The house always wins.
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:45:36 PM »
 [We come in on “Big” Steve Scanlon. He’s in a hotel lobby, somewhere in Vegas, sitting back in a chair, reading a magazine in front of a sky-high glass window that shows the city outside. Outside, gigantic columns of water geyser into the air, colored by concealed lighting beneath the water.  Between the camera and Scanlon, people are walking by.

     There’s a family- an older set of parents, somehow believing that whole “Vegas is for families now” thing that the Chamber of Commerce is selling, and all but towing their oldest, whose eyes are just about falling out of his head at the sight of a bevy of showgirls walking past. Steve reaches down and pulls up a takeout coffee, drinks a little and sets it down. Some people are starting to leave, having lost more than they could easily afford, and finding cheaper accomodations. He flips a page, and makes a ‘hm’ sound at something he read. Somewhere in what must be a huge atrium, someone went out and hired a mariachi band, who are tuning up.

Scanlon keeps reading. He hasn’t looked up.]
 (Sweet Jesus, he’s still not even starting the promo yet. It’s been about a minute already. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been narrating this schlub for a few months, and saying “he’s full of himself” is like saying ‘the Mojave’s kind of dry’… Okay, finally, he’s getting his act together. Here we go…) ]

  [Scanlon beckons the camera to come closer. THEN he sets his magazine down. When the microphone’s in range, he starts talking.]
Scanlon: WHAT, like you start working the second you get to your job?

 [He shakes his head.]
Scanlon: Okay, here’s the deal. Hangman ‘d talk to ya with all sorts of bible stuff and whatchacallem, “laconic one-liners”, or whatever. Hawk’s got this whole spiritual side, y’see- like, he asks me if I think people’s souls leave their bodies for a while once we knock ‘em out cold, that sorta thing.

Anyways, he’s gone to go do whatever it is he does when we’re not workin’ . I don’t know, I don’t ask. Maybe he punches nuns or something, I don’t know. Not my business. But  I DO know he’s been thinkin’ hard about this title shot we’ve got coming, and he’s been workin’ out like a maniac. Hell, he does just about everything like a maniac, that’s what makes him a wreckin’ machine.

So, yeah, he’d pretty it up. But he’s not here.
I’m here.

 [He pauses a moment, and takes a drag off his coffee, raising an index finger to say ‘wait’.]
Scanlon: So we’ve got this title match coming up. SCW Tag straps. And people keep coming up to ask “What are you gonna do about Peterson and Williams?”

And I gotta tell ya- if you’re gonna ask us that…

  [He holds up a hand]
Scanlon:Stop. Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself, and you’re annoying us.

Have we got plans? Damn straight, we’ve got plans! But like the man says “the trick is told, when the trick is sold.” If we went blabbin’ what we’re gonna do to every guy named Mark that comes up to us, then someone might lend Sean and Wyatt a clue, and, you know? I don’t think they’d be able to handle it.

Buuut, I’ll tell you this much- we said it, we meant it.

When we first showed up here, we said “nice town, we’ll take it”, and so far it’s been a stroll. Hangman’s been mowing down sucker MC’s like he’s mowing the lawn, and me? I bring the savvy. Truth be told, I’m starting to feel like I don’t have to. It’s been like playing peekaboo with a blind guy.

I mean, it won’t hurt to tell you this- I’ve been pulling games that people haven’t even noticed yet. For cryin’ out loud, half the guys we’ve met are still wondering what “The Aristocrats” means, and the other half are thinkin’ we’re Deep South boys. And THEN, people wonder why we’re ready to walk off with the titles.

Well, I’ll tell you this much for free… maybe it’ll do you some good.
  [He sticks his thumb out]
Scanlon: They don’t call me “the Providence Steamroller” because I Provide. I’m from Rhode friggin’ Island.
  [He sticks an index finger out]
Scanlon: Hangman’s from Texas, kids, not the land of milk, honey and interfamily marriage.
  [He puts out his middle finger.]
Scanlon: “The Aristocrats” is somethin’ you’re probably too young to hear about, but what we MEAN to do is to walk off with those titles before any of you schmendricks can embarrass yourselves  with ‘em any more than you already have.
  [He waves off his ‘counting hand’, irritatedly.]

Scanlon: And people wonder why we’ve been doing these walkovers, like when we wrecked those fracacta Surfer Boys.  Guys step up, thinkin’ they’ve got a handle on us, and they can’t even get those tiny things right? I’d tell 'em to step your game up, but then someone might mistake it for “mentoring”.

 [He looks off to the left, as if he’s going to wrap it up. We should be so lucky.]
Scanlon: Now, about now, you’re probably saying “Big Steve’s tellin’ us a lot about what he’s not tellin’ us”.
 [He shakes his head sharply.]

Scanlon: First thing, I told you nothing. All you know is what happened- Aristocrats “A” enter ring “B”, cause devastation “C”.
Why’d we do it? That's our business.
How’d we do it? Make me an offer.

All I'm saying is that if anyone thinks they’ve got a prayer of stoppin’ what’s already rollin’? Pray harder.

Second thing, get used to hearing us tellin’ you how you failed.
 [He then jabs a finger toward the camera…]
Because nobody seems to be getting any sharper -
 […then at the ground in front of him.]

Scanlon: -and we’re staying RIGHT here. Reapin’ in those sweet, sweet greenbacks, and smacking around unhip goons ‘til the candy comes out.

We’re in our primes. Hangman’s been raised for this, lives for this, and you don’t have to get up early to pull one over on the Streetfightin’, Headlinin’, Specimen of Manhood- you’d have to stay up all night-every night. And now we're fixing to run the House. And this is Vegas, kids-  the House ALWAYS wins.

We’ve got our game down- we’re a machine out there, and there’s nobody gonna play us off each other with head-games- ‘cause it’s not ‘Amateur Hour’, and you don't try to lay no boogie-woogie on the King of Rock n Roll.

And third thing … I’m telling this to every tag team out there… but not here to scare you.  This isn’t a threat. It’s not a promise. It’s not even a forecast. Me and Hawkman? We’re giving you the greatest gift any man can bestow- freedom.

You’re free. Do whatever you want. If you want to stay, stay and lose. If you want to make a Crusade out of it? People eat that up. We'll make a mint. Bring it, 'til you can't. If you want to go… I think I’ve got some McDonalds applications around, I’ll even help you fill ‘em out, with the pencils on the bench.

It makes no difference, no difference at all. Fail, retry, quit… Doesn’t matter.  What’s NOT on this menu is “beat the Aristocrats”. The factories don’t make that, and even if they did, you haven’t got what it costs.

We’ve got the brainpower and the firepower- and come Blaze of Glory… we’ve got grabbing range of those tag belts.

They’re nice belts. We’ll take ‘em.

[He nods sagely, having said his piece, and leans back in his seat. After a moment, his mind is clearly wandering. Maybe the showgirls are back, just out of camera angle, or there’s something he just remembered from long ago and far away. He leans forward, picks up his coffee, and his newspaper. And then he focuses on the camera again.]

Scanlon: You’re still shooting? What do you want- oh, the tagline. Well, forget it, pal, I’m off the clock.

[And he walks off. Just like that
.(I should have listened to my mother and not gone to Narrator School…)]

Supercard Archives / Ceci n'est-pas une pipebombe.
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:14:43 PM »
 Casey was nice enough to post an introduction for his character here: , so NeWA as a whole can get into his character- I thought I'd return the favor for SCW. Go-go Gadget Alliance Unity! \'wink.gif\' .

[We often say "there's something you don't see, every day", in the NWA... but here's something you genuinely don't see every day. The NWA World TV champion, Gaetan LaValle, in his home.

     We never get to see the inside of where he lives when he's not visiting family, or on the road. It's a small apartment in a Brooklyn neighborhood called Carroll Gardens. He's shown us the block, but never taken us inside. Even now, we basically see a dining area- with an old, newspaper-protected wooden kitchen table, a (recently-painted) wall, and a window showing us the fire escape and city outside. It's not new, its not top-of-the-line, but looks comfortable and well cared for.

     And we see LaValle. He's wearing a white Oxford-style shirt, and he's taking care of his title.  Using a soft eyeglass-cleaning towel and what looks like car wax, he's shining the metal plates of the belt to a dazzling gleam.  This simple act tells a lot about LaValle- he clearly puts a lot of pride into his reign. After a moment, he looks up at us.]

LaValle: Allo, Vegas! My name is Gaetan LaValle....
[he grins.]
...but we've already met, right? I had a month's training camp there, I had my title match there... you saw the tremendous fight I had to put on to keep this...

[He gestures to the belt, before continuing his work.]

LaValle: And, if you saw, I praised your city’s SCW to the skies. Now, it seems, I have to...
[he pauses, and delivers the proverb as best he can]
..."Put my money where my mouth is"- against your Casey Williams.

[He nods, having nailed it, shakes his head at what he’s gotten himself into, and continues, working on the right-side panels. By now, the gleam is bright enough to make the camera adjust to it. He keeps going, occasionally looking up as he continues.]

LaValle: Now, I am not the man to charge in blind. There's this saying- "The train of failure runs on rails of ignorance". So, you can believe that I was aware of Mr. Williams, as soon as I heard his name announced.

[He puts a final buff on the left plates of the belt, before moving on to the right.]

LaValle: Still, I thank him for his last video. I did not know so much about him then, as I do now. So, I return the favor- to him, and to Vegas itself.

[He keeps working, but waves a little as he starts fresh.]

LaValle: Hi, ”Casey-at-the-Mat”! You know who this is... and you know what this is about.

Like you, I'm from a small town. Lots of French people, too- from what I understand? Only mine was much... much smaller. The people of my St Pierre- the whole island!- could fit in your Nashua fourteen times over.

[He continues working on the belt. At this point, you could use it to signal planes, and he’s not even on the main faceplate yet.]

LaValle: It is a small corner of France- just sixteen miles from Canada, but nearly three-thousand from Paris- but it nurtured huge aspirations. My mind made dreams, and demanded my body follow- first with parkour….then with wrestling. The amateur style.

[He stops working to deliver this next point.]
LaValle: And, like you, there were those who mocked my size. You ‘too big’, me ‘too small’. We taught them the same lesson, I’m sure, just in different languages, hm?

[He holds his work up for inspection, then returns to making the center-piece shine.]

LaValle: But I wanted more. St Pierre... had no way to grant those wishes. Some thought I was somewhat... touched. In the head, you know? They wished me well, but what I wanted was somewhere bigger.  First, I went to Halifax, Canada. There, in Acadia, I trained with the best- including your fellow New Hampshir...-an? -ite? -ese?

[he waves a hand here, dismissing the unfindable word for a moment.]
LaValle: Another man from New Hampshire, our former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Cameron Eustis- from Manchester, practically your neighbor, n’est pas? They trained me right, and they pushed me hard. By the time they were done, I could fight on the ground, on my feet, and in the air.  

[He spends an extra moment on the nameplate- which now, finally, reads “Gaetan LaValle”, again- before moving on…]

LaValle: But while it was "Home of the Champions"... I had to leave that home to be a Champion. My calling first took me to Switzerland, then to the Caribbean... and then to America.
It took nearly three years to catch the eyes of the Alliance. But I did. I became the NWA World Television Champion in Atlanta, defended it in Texas and New York... The NWA had discovered me. And while they discovered me, I discovered something about them.

[He stops, and looks dead-on at the camera, for this bit.]

There was a French Champion. NWA. Heavyweight. World.
Much like me, he was a patriot and a flyer. His name was Edouard Carpentier- and his name is struck from the books. He died in 2010. He never got his due respect. Ever.
Why? "Too French", goes one theory. “Wasn’t Lou Thesz" goes another... even though he beat Saint Lou for the title. Who can say? All I know is, he was robbed.

I had time to think about that, once this title was taken off my waist.
This is why I laugh at idiots who say I’m “in” with New York’s Batee. I only trust him enough to stab me in the front.

[He looks surprisingly calm about this part. He seems to accept it as ‘what normally happens’.]

LaValle: It was a sudden "Surprise! No DQ!" sort of bout, you know? Still, it took special rules and weapons to take this off me.

[He shrugs, hugely, in a “what are you gonna do? What’s done is done” way, then switches to polishing the leather bindings for the belt itself.]

LaValle: But it happened. And it gave me time to think. And prepare. When I returned, I swore that I would win justice- not just for me, but for him..  I swore it to the world.

And I did it.

It took almost a year just to get my rematch for the title. It took a half-hour battle to reclaim it. Then I fought Chris Fury- not once more, but three more times, to settle his claims once and for all.

[He holds the belt up for a moment, to show us…]

Now, I am here- Undisputed World Television Champion of the NWA. All it took was blood, sweat, thousands of miles, a million moments, and dozens of towns.
[…then, lays it out flat, to dry, as he continues.]

LaValle:Denver, Dallas, Houston...There were so many cities, so many to thank. Halifax taught me discipline. Nassau taught me panache. Brooklyn taught me to box. Paris taught me Savate.
[he points at the camera, and the viewer]

....but Las Vegas? Las Vegas, you taught me how to be a legend.  
And so, it's to you I return, as Champion- the only two-time World Television Champion in the last decade-plus.
[He offhandedly gestures at the belt, on the table.]

People call this a ‘secondary’ title. Some people call this belt 'the Kiss of Death'- too much work, not enough glory. I tell them to cram it.

Others say 'the Champion makes the Championship'- that, I agree with.
This isn’t “my” title. I can’t hide in a cave with it, announce myself ‘undefeated’. No- it’s only worth anything when I can lose it. When I fight.

I have fought, and I have bled, to lend as much honor as I can to this title. I dared the entire NWA to fight me, before the belt, and now take on all challengers TO the belt.

That is what brings me back to Las Vegas, again....

[Smiling, he makes a small ‘what the heck?’ gesture, and asides-]
Maybe even the same hotel-room, who knows?
[-before going on.]

...and that is what brings me to Casey Williams

He’s big, true, but I’ve fought “big” before. I have no fear for him, but he's earned no hatred from me, either. I simply say this:

[He folds his hands, serious as a lawyer reading a will, now.]
Now you know what I had to do get here.
What I had to do to get this title back.
What I am capable of doing, to keep it.
You know what it means, what I gladly sacrifice for it.
What it would mean, to take it from me.

If Casey Williams still thinks he’s the man to take it from me? The door’s open, and has been open. But he should know what he’s in for.

Some say I’m “Formula One in a NASCAR Sport.” Some call me “the Rabid French Bulldog”. Still others call me “The Little Citroen that Could”. But for now…

Casey Williams is the “Freight-Train of Pain”? Then, meet "the TGV Who’s Champ of TV"!
Smaller, faster.
Advanced. Precision.
Efficient and effective.
On target for my destination, and fast as lighting.

In my way is the first man not named “Chris Fury” to fight me for this title in over a year. If he has some things to prove, I have a mountain more.

Champion isn't my job. It's who I am. I have no illusions- no real champion holds his title forever, but I know this too- I've seen the hospital in Vegas before. The only way you're prying this title from me, is to send me back.

If anyone thinks he can do it, let him come prove it. If they think it will be anything like easy, it's them running on rails of ignorance- straight for a trainwreck.

[He pauses a moment, then nods. He’s said what he had to say, and goes back to work. Lifting the now better-than-new looking belt, he reaches under the table, pulling out a velvet sack that comes with this sort of thing.]

LaValle: Vegas? I’ll see you soon. It will be a pleasure.
Williams? Expect to see this…
[He holds the belt up single handed.]
…for a little while.
It’s coming home with me.

[…and it’s now, literally, in the bag.]

[Fade out.]

Climax Control Archives / It's gonna get hairy at the Henderson's.
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:36:31 PM »
 [Ms. Rocky Mountains is kicking this interview old-school: she and the Aristocrats are standing in front of an obvious green screen, of a rolling beach far, far away from Vegas.]

[For some reason, “Big” Steve Scanlon and Hangman Hawkins are doing this, wearing outrageously-loud Hawaiian shirts over their usual ring gear. Steve’s wearing Ray-Bans, Hangman’s wearing a scowl. He’s clearly taking his medicine (for getting pinned last time), but doesn’t have to like it.]

[Rocky, for her part, is playing along- apparently doing a “Baywatch” tribute, in shorts and a tanktop. Little smudge of that white zinc stuff across the bridge of her nose.]

Ms Mountains: Hello! This is Ms. Rocky Mountains for SCW- here, on location, with what some people are calling “the Hottest New Tag Team in SCW”-

[Rocky, looking at Steve, silently gives a ‘nah’ to the idea that Scanlon’s the hottest anything, but she continues. Steve jumps in, gives us the Shaka hand gesture, and starts in- speaking an incredibly air-headed sounding “ ’90s Kid”  surfer/valley accent.]

Scanlon: All-RIGHT! S’up, brahs and bradies- check it! Its me, Scanlon, Steve- the BIG Kahuna, and I’m here with my ginormous wingman, Hangman Hawkins! DUUUDE!

[He turns and puts up a hand for Hangman to ‘five’. Hangman,consistently enough… leaves him hanging.]

Hangman (deadpan): “DUDE.
[Steve turns back, undeterred, and talks to the camera, in fluent, bad surferese.]

Scanlon: And- oh, and we’re The Aristocrats, by the way? “Whatever”, right? Okay! We’re here to tell everyone how TOTALLY amped we are for this next C.C., you know? Me and my brosiah, here are totally jonesing to barnie with those gremmy Surf Boys- we're so totally gonna pull mad action! MAN, it's gonna be sweet! Narly! Radical! Don't you go stressin’ it though, waxboys! It's not gonna be a grind, it's gonna be a hella anklesnapper! Ya feel me?!”

[Steve makes dual ‘devil horns’ and grin, then turns again to Hangman, clearly enjoying this part..]

Scanlon: Hey, Hawkman! Whatcha think? You sweatin’ the speedbumps?
Hangman (close to the end of his fuse, but still game): "CHYAH. AS IF."

Scanlon: Too right, brosiah! Too right! And I have just one question for these heroes....

[Steve whips the Hawaiian shirt off, and spikes his specs. Hangman, not wanting to 'do whatever Scanlon does', is stuck wearing the shirt and glowering.]

Scanlon: What the Pluperfect, Technicolor HELL does any of this Gidget crap have to do with WRESTLING?!

[The camera pulls back, revealing that we’re not on a beach- not even in an SCW studio, but the inside ofMermaids Casino in downtown Vegas, possibly one of the most cheesy/awesome- things on Earth. Steve’s on a tear now. ]

Scanlon: What- in your entire lives -has prepared you for the caliber of disaster you've invited into your lives, by stepping through the ropes with the Providence Steamroller and the Hangman himself?

Ms Mountains: Well, they DO have a reputation for making things happen out there…

Scanlon: OH yeah- I’ve heard of that. The “Accident Thing”. Well, you what, Miz Janet-

Ms Mountains (correcting): “Rocky”.

Scanlon (not even slowing): “Doctor Scott!” Guess what? WE make accidents happen, too! We've got more tricks than the Bunny Ranch-we've done more moves than U-Haul! And I bet OUR brand of accident’s A BIT more drastic than theirs!

Do you EVEN know who you're dealing with? We're the Aristocrats! We END CAREERS without MEANING TO! We make men cry, women sigh, and doctor’s bills pile real high!

We've got the Hangman- a tombstone hand and a graveyard mind, and me- the one-and-only Streetfightin', Headlinin', Specimen of Manhood.  We're a double-barrel shotgun of pain and when we click on both barrels- BOOYAH-!

We've got you. One through three, quick as can be.

What’ve they got up their sleeve, 'sides goofy hair and glob of Doctor Zod's? Looks like ‘less-than-a-pair’ from where I’m standing!

Hangman: Be fair, Steve. They can take a wipeout.
[Steve nods- the pushed-out lower lip nod that says “fair enough…”]

Scanlon: Good point, Hangman- they can put their skills at crashing at inhuman speeds to good use, when we put a crimp in their day.

[He realizes something, and brightens.]  Hey, wait! if we beat 'em QUICK enough, they can go SURRRRF! Hang on, I'll ask! Whatcha think?

[Steve turns to Hawkins. Hangman ponders, then passes sentence.]
Hangman: "Hang ten?" "Hang loose?" I say they’ll just HANG.

[With an faux shrug, Steve turns back to the camera.]

Scanlon: Well guys, looks like it's just NOT gonna be your night. Sorry!

[With that, he and Hangman walk off-set, as a unit. Hangman, finally done with the shirt, spikes it to the floor disgustedly. For her part, Rocky looks off-put… then signals for a frozen drink.]

Ms Mountains: With Scanlon’s attitude, and Hangman’s anger issues- I’d say the Surf Boys could be in for a VERY bad day at the beach. For SCW, I’m Ms. Rocky Mountains.

[Her drink just arrived. She waves us off.]

Climax Control Archives / Double or Nothing
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:21:29 PM »
 [The camera comes up from the dark, hard.

It's night, as the scene opens on the day-bright, video-screened, vault-arched roof of the Fremont Experience in Vegas, then pans down between Binions’ shining blue lights and a blast of light from the Golden Nugget.

It’s not the high-end part of the Strip- in fact it’s at least as cheesy as it is glitzy (there’s a gigantic RV center not a mile from here), but the place is almost wall-to-wall lit-up signs, video displays, bright-open casinos and tourists packing the whole area.

Right now, we’re panning across a scene that looks, dollars-for-donuts, like where that Balrog guy fights in that one video game… and into the frame wanders “Big” Steve Scanlon, looking very pleased with everything he’s seeing- and himself. He's holding a coffee, as usual.

People who’ve seen Steve before won’t be too surprised, but people unfamiliar with him are introduced to new, undiscovered depths to the word “unkempt”.  He looks like a cross between Wolfman Jack, Lou Albano, Silent Bob, and a miniature Bluto, wearing 'get-a-new-pair-already' jeans, a plaid flannel shirt and a too-tight t-shirt with (for some reason), a ‘crossing sign’ style picture of a bull walking downhill on it. And wherever ‘big’ came from, it’s not height… he’s pretty short for a wrestler…

Steve  ‘notices’ the camera, turns to it and lets fly a high-energy intro- like a cross between a carnival barker and a wacky morning radio DJ.]

Scanlon: Hey! S’up, Sin City! Clean out your ears and listen up- you might learn something, ‘cause you’re rollin’ with Steamroller, hangin’ with the Hangman

[Scanlon jerks a thumb at Chett “Hangman” Hawkins, a man-mountain looming alongside Scanlon in his street clothes, and honestly the reason the crowd is parting to let them through- he’s easily head and shoulders over even the tall ones.]

[Hawkins silently favors the viewers with the slightest of nods. Both men keep walking and the camera along to handle it. Scanlon keeps going…]

Scanlon: …and LAST week, Lost Wages had the honor, pleasure and privilege of witnessing the World Debut of the undefeated tag team of me- the Providence Steamroller! The Streetfightin’, Headlinin’, Specimen of MANHOOD! “Big” Steeeeve Scanlon... and my partner, the Incarnation of Decimation, Master of the South Texas Deathride- “Hangman” Hawkins-

Separately, we rule. Together, we’re… the Aristocrats!

[Snap-hands “Cha-cha” gesture from Steve. Not from Hangman- he looks at Scanlon with a ‘yeah, I’m not doing that outside the ring’ expression. Steve barely noticed.]

Scanlon: Now we’ve got people talkin’- saying we’re gonna rock the house in the Tag Team Division. Oh no. Not true! We aren’t rocking the house in the Tag Team division… as of now, we ARE The House in the tag team division!

Hangman (deadpan): And in Vegas, in the end, the House always wins.

Scanlon (grinning): Damn straight, big guy! If we came here solo, these SCW boys might have had a chance in Hell. But we’re not. We’re a team, and so…
…I just don’t like their odds.

[Hangman nods in agreement. Scanlon turns to the camera and explains. They’re still walking.]

Scanlon: See, we’re not some scrubs teaming up ‘cause they can’t hack it solo. Oh, no- we’re an awesome twosome, badasses in stereo- we’ve been around the world, takin’ em all on and smacking ‘em ‘til the candy comes out, winning titles and stealing shows… and that was before we teamed up!

 With us together, you’re looking at a combined… what, twenty? Thirty? No, near-on forty years of experience!

[Steve stops, in front of Mermaids Casino- an ungodly-loud “tiki bar on steroids”- and works out the math.]

Scanlon: Let’s see…I’ve been up and down the road since I was eighteen, making men cry, the women sigh, and driving lame-ass schmos clean out of the business, and Hangman here’s not just tougher than a boiled owl… HIS career started when he was… what was it?

[The camera sweeps across to Hawkins. The neon ceiling’s given way to bare steel. In the background a smiling light-up cowboy outside the Pioneer Club  points a thumb at himself in a ‘check me out!’ way… a weird counterpoint to the real, cold, lethal Texan we see in front of us.]

Hangman (matter-of-factly): I was ten years old, when father put me in my first pay-fight. He said “fight”. I fought. I won. Haven’t stopped doing either, since.

Scanlon (back at the camera, as they keep walking): That’s a LOT of fights! And now, here we- teamed-up, hammer-down, rolling into in the Entertainment Capital of the World with a song in our hearts, a plan in mind, and the world in our hands.
Now, people have been coming up to us and asking-
[Steve cringes and adopts a timid, starstruck tone:]  “H-hey, Big Steve? Hangman? What are you doing here?”

Scanlon (normally): And there’s really only one answer-
Hawkins: ‘Whatever we damn-well please. ‘

[Scanlon swings an arm wide like a game show host announcing a prize.]
Scanlon: “Ten points for the murder machine to my left!”

…but seriously, if you’re SCW talent, you’re wondering the same thing…. ‘What’s our plan’? ‘What are we here to do’?

Bit of advice… don’t worry about how the chessmaster's playin’, when you’re about to get rolled. Facts are facts, and the fact is we’ve just landed in your back yard, lookin’ for some REAL competition.

Hangman (to camera): Got any?

Scanlon (to Hawkins): I honestly don’t know that they do, Hawkman. And that brings us to this week’s marks, Sinful Depression-
Hangman (correcting): It’s “Sinful Obsession”, Steve.

Scanlon: You sure? They got that “Despair” guy, and when you put on their tapes to study, it sure made me want jump off something tall…

Hangman: No. It’s ‘Obsession’, I’m sure. Despayre and Gabriel. Two boys playing at being sinners, thinking that makes Sin City their city… two dudes in for a rude awakening.

Scanlon (aside to camera): And when the Hangman calls you ‘dude’… it ain’t good.

[to Hawkins]: Come to think of it, I think I know this Gabriel guy…
[He holds his hand about 5’10” off the ground…]  …maybe six-foot-even in his heels…
[…then makes ‘oooh, magic!’ hands.]…has a Criss-Angel ‘man of mystery’ thing going on?

Hangman: That’s the one. Despayre’s his wacky sidekick. They used to be Deadly Sins.

Scanlon: Thanks, Hangtime, I remember now... I HATE those guys! Know why?

Hangman: The suspense kills me.
Scanlon: They’re working our side of the street!  

[The Aristocrats frame the shot now- they’re almost at the head of the street with the whole garish thing behind them. A flashing sign says “CASINO” behind Hawkins, as if we forgot we where we were and thought it was a monastery. Scanlon stops and taps the camera lens, as if to get SO’s attention.]

Scanlon: HEY! You guys out there!

Thinking you’ve got this covered? Got this town wired? Creeping everyone out with your headgames and goth crap and spooky nickames? Getting people thinking you’re this big smoky something, when you’re just nothing, painted blue?  That’s a really great racket you've got- good scam!

We’re shutting it down.

What have we got? Over here we got Despayre, trying to work his issues out in the ring like it’s Doctor Phil time, and over there we've got Gabriel doing his Sigfried and Roy shtick and making me wish he’d do a one-way Vanishing Act. And he thinks he does mindf**ks.

[To SO]: You think you know headgames, buddy? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! I'm tellin' ya right now- and it won't help ya- I’ll flip your mind like a damn cheese omelet- then Hangman’ll scramble your brains!

[To Hawkins.]: And it’s not just the crap clothes or even the emo act that bugs me- you know WHY they’re going down like steers in a slaughterhouse?

Hangman (dryly): Because they’re outsized, out-experienced, outgunned and outclassed?
Scanlon: No.
Hangman: Because I like high-flyers, for the way they bounce high when I slam them off the canvas?
Scanlon: No.
Hangman: Because magic tricks are for painted-up birthday clowns?
Scanlon: No.
Hangman (done playing): …Go on, tell me.

Hangman (‘wtf’?): Market inefficiency.

Scanlon: Damn straight- see, I’ve shut down promotions clean across this Alliance, and they all had one thing in common. They had surplus guys- just hanging around! And what do I see here? Two guys who used to run with FIVE guys being the Deadly Sins!

[To the camera, pointing between himself and Hawkins]: Look here- we do it in TWO!
Hangman: I call dibs on “Wrath”.
Scanlon: I got Ambition.
Hangman: I have my Pride.
Scanlon:  I’ve got The Gimmes, I admit…
Hangman (done playing): Hell, you cover all seven, all on your lonesome…

Scanlon (not arguing): See, that’s what I’m talking about! Five guys doing the job of two! Two guys doing the job of one! Waste of space, waste of flesh, waste of TIME! Sinful Confession-

Hangman: -Obsession-
Scanlon (On a roll): -get set for aggression, and spinal compression! You’re on my hitlist, schmendricks!

Hangman: Mine too. You’re not on notice because I hate you. You’re on notice because we’re better. You think you’re bad men? You haven’t MET any bad men. But you’re gonna. Briefly.

You know, Steve? It’s been far too long since my last necktie sociable. Let’s send these boys up the ladder to bed.

Scanlon (to camera): He don’t say much, but I LIKE the way his mind works!

People! Come see the damn-blasted worst beatdown you ever saw in your life, ‘cause we’re making roadkill out of those two posers!

Sinful Obsession! Get set to regret, ‘cause you’re staring down the double-barrel shotgun of pain that IS the Aristocrats!

[Looks, Points up]: Shooting for the moon
[throws a haymaker with the same hand]: And hitting like Apollo,
[Two-handed ‘Bring it!’ gesture]: Easy to come after
[“Check US out!” gesture]: But a HARD act to FOLLOW!

[Grinning, Scanlon walks off across the street, past the Golden Gate, the iconic Plaza Hotel. It’s like he’s come home… the camera follows him a bit, then pans back (past a sign reading “THE RAT PACK IS BACK!”… and we see Hangman, calm as a coma. He raises his hand in a chokeslam gesture, then whips it forward.]

Hangman: Short drop….
[…and mimes a horrific impact.]
Hangman: …sudden stop.

[And then he just walks off, as we fade out.]

Climax Control Archives / This One's A Killer
« on: December 28, 2011, 11:25:27 AM »
 [The SCW logo swooshes by in an elegant cut, into a shot of the very INelegant features of “Big” Steve Scanlon.
He’s in front of… something brown. Whatever it is, It’s filling up the entire screen- the only thing that’s visible onscreen, besides Scanlon himself.
Scanlon holds up an index finger, then makes us wait while he takes a gulp off of his Starbucks. This goes on for a second or two.
He then glares at the camera.]

Scanlon: What, like YOU get to work the second YOU get there? Whatever.

[He doesn't wave, but jerks his chin upwards in a 'hey' gesture.]
S’up, Sin City- this is “The Providence Steamroller”, the “Third Strike”, the Street Fightin’, Headlinin’, Specimen of MANHOOD- “BIG” Steve- speakin’ to ya from the Lethal Slopes of Mount Scanlon- and I’m here… to tell you a little story.

[He pauses a beat. Then starts.]
Scanlon:  …so this guy walks into a wrestling promoter’s office.
He tells the promoter  “I’ve got this tag team- an amazing tag team!”.
"The promoter says “Yeah… I dunno. Tag teams are passé. It’s two checks for one performance. Sorry, no can do.”  
The guy says 'Nocando? What's that, like Taekwondo?' Please! Hear me out! I’m sure if you hear about our act, you’re sure to want to book us."
The promoter says "Alright, alright- what do you do?”
And the guy says:

“OKAY! First, I return this old-timey wrestler’s dog, and he’s so grateful he trains me to wrestle.  It’s just amazing, this part- just me and a seventy year old man going at it. It’s really touching- Inspirational- It’s a whole intergenerational bonding thing!"
"Then this rumor goes around that I didn’t “return” the dog, so much as “give it back after I stole it”, and the old guy boots me out on my ass. So, the act starts with my ass, I guess-"  
"So THEN- I go show off what I can do. I do a Kosovar Thigh Press over here, I do the Devil’s Tritone into the Inverted Crab Nebula Hold over there- and by now, I’ve gotta take it on the road, ‘cause now I’m running out of sparring partners and 911 stopped coming ‘cause “they warned us all the last time.”

"…This act is SO great, by the way, that I took it to Memphis and they shut down because, once they saw it, they’d seen all the wrestling they wanted to see for a lifetime- and never did another show again. They didn't have to. how’s THAT for ‘givin’ ‘em what they want and sendin’ ’em home happy’? Same thing in Atlanta. “Big Peach” my ass! But I digress….
So, then my PARTNER comes in…”

[The camera pulls back. The thing filling the screen is the closed brown leather duster of “Hangman” Hawkins. He’s THAT big. Even zooming out, it takes a sec to get a face or hands into frame. Scanlon jerks a thumb at Hawkins and continues.]

Scanlon: "Big Man-Mountain of a guy, out of Texas. Second generation wrestler, not much of a childhood outside that. His dad’s this old-time guy. Raised him on the road- weird upbringin’ for anyone, so Hangman grew up to BE a wrestler, and not much of anything else. So he does what he does, and he’s a MACHINE. He does half this routine. We’re like Penn and Teller. Hangman’s Teller- well, Edward Teller- ‘cause he goes off like a frickin’ H-Bomb-"

Hangman: (interrupting): 'I am become DEATH, the destroyer of WORLDS.'

Scanlon: (turns and grins.) That’s right, big guy! (then, turns and confides to the camera): Dude’s a couple’a bunnies short of a hutch, but I LOVE it!
[and he’s back to the story]

“And so now, he’s just taking heads off guys' shoulders, then shoving their heads right into their own faces (It’s technical).
THEN, I  do something that gets me banned for life from wrestling in Tejas AND Okie-land…Long story."

Hangman: They say he threw a pro-wrestling match.

[Okay, so it wasn't a long story. Scanlon nods in agreement, but shakes his head like he got nailed on a minor technicality.]

Scanlon:  Dumbest crap you ever saw!

"... and I go off to Chicago run the Mafia clean out of the NWA- Great story,  I’ll tell you about it sometime. And while I’m doin’ THAT, Hangman here's beating the crap out of every guy that gets in a ten-yard radius. And he’s a craftsman, lemme tell ya!

Hangman (nodding): I’ve always enjoyed my work.
Scanlon: Damn straight!

"He goes right into this part of the act where he starts THROWING  luchiadores con mascara straight up in the air, just to see how high he can do it- then uppercuttin’ em on the way down. He calls it “Dance on Air”. And while he’s doin’ THAT, I'm cranking off move and counterholds the world has never seen, and- if you’re lucky- I got this hold that’s so god-damn awful I can’t SHOW it to you, til the time comes. Hell of a move."

"And we finish THAT part of the act by bringing the house down in 'Chicago'- then, he goes into 'New York', I go into  oh, Canada, and then- THEN, we get to the touching part of the act. We meet up again.

Awesome part. I hear through the grapevine that Hangman's down on his luck, I figure out where he's at, find him, and the music swells as I give him this."

[Scanlon holds up a flyer for a Sin City Wrestling show.]
Scanlon: “And Hangman says-" tell ‘em what you said, Big Guy!
Hangman (quoting himself): “What the Hell isSNOTY WRESTLING?’”
Scanlon: I know. right? And I tell him “It doesn’t say ‘Snoty’, man! It says “Sin City”!” Funny, huh?
...Guy’s a maniac I tell ya, he’ll  just knock ‘em dead. Well, not legally dead, thank God… just out cold

Hangman: still looks like ‘SNOTY’, to me
Scanlon: It’s just the font, Hawkman!

[He returns to the story, here...]

"...and we finish this act by teaming up, and beating down these schmos that come on, from all directions. So, we're beating ten flavors of crap out of everyone, and then we arrange the bodies in a pile that forms the letters 'SCW', we take as many belts as we can, and THEN- just as you can hear the sirens getting closer, we stand over the carnage and sing…" what was it, again, Hangman?

Hangman: “Nearer, My God, To Thee.”

Scanlon (aside): He’s got a real spiritual side too. He thinks real hard about where the souls of guys go when he’s  knocked ‘em out-
"-then, I show my track skills by taking the money and running!"
[Hangman stares a little, and Scanlon amends it]
Scanlon: Minus a cut.
[Hangman looks mollified.]

Scanlon: "… and, then the place collapses in on itself!"
[He makes a gesture with his hands, like a house imploding.]
"Done this act solo, seven times, and five times it just plain brought the place down. Now I’ve got a partner… Sky’s the limit!"

Hangman: And the Pit is infinite.
[And Steve wraps up the story.]

Scanlon: "So, the guy says: 'That's the act- it’s got him, me, family, kids, animals, travel, courtroom drama, even physics and emergency medicine, so it’s educational-  a little somethin’ for everyone!”

And the promoter's jaw is on the floor- finally, he says 'Sweet, muppety Jesus! What the pluperfect, Technicolor  HELL do you even CALL an act like that?'

[Scanlon pauses a beat.]

And the guy says: '…THE ARISTOCRATS!'"

[In unison, Hawkins and Scanlon do an elegant little hand-and-snap “Cha-cha” gesture. Hangman, a little more ‘because I’m supposed to’ than Scanlon, but he’s there nonetheless.]

Scanlon: There you go. Thought I’d tell a little joke to lighten the mood... because I have some bad news to deliver.

SCW's got a big problem...
[He jerks a thumb at himself.]
...And a GIANT problem...
[He points, swinging his arm behind him, at Hawkins]
...One of us would be bad enough. BOTH of us? At the same TIME? That's just... overkill!

Hangman: And there's NO kill like "Overkill"...

Scanlon: ...and I'm gonna level with ya- I've seen what you've got 'round here, and I just don't like your chances!

See, I kid around sometimes..., but when it comes to punchlines?

[Hangman slams his left fist into his open right hand.]
Hangman:  We’ve got a million of them.

Scanlon: Nice place you got here. We’ll take it.

[Scanlon leans into the camera to shut it off, with a wicked little grin on his face, then winks at us before turning it off.]


Character Building Roleplays / Season's Greetings from "Big" Steve Scanlon
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:00:16 PM »
 [We come in on a scene of a simple, roundtopped stool in front of a navy blue curtain.]


[Quite some time goes by. ]


[This just leaves us with our thoughts- perhaps you're thinking about your day, and how it went.]


[Mine was fine, thanks. Not a lot to complain about when you're a narrator. Oh wait, here he comes:]

["Big" Steve Scanlon enters, from stage left, carrying a cup of Starbucks, and what looks like a standup MP3 player-speaker dealie. He glares at the camera, silently, disgustedly, for a second before setting the player on the stool, pressing "Play", and walking off.]

The following plays:

[-and, after that... that's the whole video.

The dude's weird, I'm just sayin'.]


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