Author Topic: Sweet and Stupid No More (CORDELIA)  (Read 3633 times)

Offline Julianna DiMaria

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Sweet and Stupid No More (CORDELIA)
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:41:37 PM »
April 15

Cordelia Clark has returned home to Brooklyn following her brief cameo at Blaze of Glory. She’s angry as she’s looking at highlights (lowlights?) from Justin Smith’s SCW career up to this point. She turns off the monitor that she’s looking at and rolls her eyes.

“I got drawn with a fucking loser…”

Cordelia lets out an angry sigh and starts to ruminate about her time in Sin City Underground. She reflects on when she started out as an arrogant rookie before she turned over a new leaf and became one of the biggest sweethearts in the company even if she was struggling with confidence issues at first. Cordelia doesn’t know how to treat the SCU memories at this point.

“Of all the idiots in that tournament that I could’ve had as a partner, it had to be him…”

“Why do you have to behave like that, Cordy?”

Cordelia gets annoyed at the sudden presence of her older sister Morganna (who also wrestled in SCU as Morgan Clark for the most part).

“Wait, so the big sister that changed her wrestling name to Morganna as part of a temper tantrum over Amy Santino dissing her and forgetting who she was is suddenly asking me why I’m behaving a certain way?”

“It’s not all doom and gloom, Cordelia…” Morganna says with some anger in her voice. “Just because you drew someone that, on paper, might be one of the worst men on the roster and in the tournament doesn’t mean it can’t work out. The biggest loser can become a world champion at any point. After all, that’s what happened to Dani Weston, right?”

“Sis, I know my SCW history. When Dani’s Cinderella run as the SCW Bombshells World Champion ended, what did she become the rest of her SCW career?”

Morganna bites her lower lip with nervousness, knowing that the answer is far from a positive one whatsoever.

“Trying to compare my partner to Dani Weston is not a good idea….”

Morganna lets out a frustrated sigh.

“I know the drill, Morganna. I am not a miracle worker. I might be able to steal a win or two, but you’re kidding yourself if you actually think that Justin and I are going to win the tournament. I’m a realist. I’d have to pull a miracle to get through all four rounds especially when you consider that the tournament only gets tougher with every round.”

“So you’re giving up already?”

“More like tempering my expectations…” Cordelia says as she rolls her eyes.

“What happened to the baby sister that I had that would be a lot more optimistic in general? The Cordelia that I knew last year would be facing the odds and trying to make the most out of it. Maybe instead of running down your partner, you should try to teach him a thing or two… to uplift him? Maybe encourage him?”

“Oh shut UP…” Cordelia says with increasing anger in her voice. “The Cordelia that you’re describing is a pushover. If that Cordelia was in this tournament, there’s no way we’d even get past the first round. I mean, we might not anyway, but my new attitude is literally the one sliver of hope that I have of even getting by the first round. Period. When we lose in this tournament, it’ll be HIS fault. If SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY we win, it’ll be because of me and me alone. If I have to carry a sack of shit, then so be it. I mean for fuck’s sake, it’s not like I am used to carrying a sack of shit throughout my career anyway…”

“Cordy, I am not going to tolerate you calling me…”

“Not YOU, sis! By ‘sack of shit’, I’m talking about the burden of being the good girl that would see the bright light in everything and being naive, stupid and easy to take advantage of. I’ve had to make chicken salad out of chicken shit and after a while, it gets exhausting. I made chicken salad out of chicken shit in HYBRID when they didn’t care for me and were just satisfied to toss me aside for their ‘big names’ and I did the same thing with SCU in the end when it seemed like my run there was going to end with a whimper but I challenged Andrea Hernandez on their last show and kicked her ass! Maybe if YOU saw your wrestling career from a realistic standpoint, you wouldn’t be as mediocre as you’ve become ever since you lost the one world title you’ve had.”

“Cordelia, I don’t know how long you can continue this way. This is not the way to be…”

“Says the hypocrite that tore my gown off in front of the whole world in SCU and triggered Hayley Halsey having a sexual obsession with me…”

“How many times do I have to apologize for that?”

“Just leave me alone, Morgan. I know what I’m doing now. I’m not going to be that weakling anymore… not after everything I’ve had to suffer through. Being the sweetheart brought me nothing but tragedy, frustration and disappointment. The fact that I won three Vanguard titles in HYBRID and two Freedom titles in 5BW in spite of being such a pushover is a testament to what I DESERVE as my full potential. Get out of my face, sis! I’m done with this conversation.”

Morganna can only sigh with anger and disappointment before she makes her way out of Cordelia’s space.

“I will never let anyone bring me down or treat me like a piece of shit again…” Cordelia says with anger in her voice as she begins to remember the moment where the ‘sweetheart’ in her basically died…

Christmas 2023

Cordelia’s eyes are flooded with tears as she’s in a hospital room. Someone that means a hell of a lot to her in her then-boyfriend (now husband) Brian Everett is comatose on a hospital bed.

“How can this happen?” Cordelia asks herself. There is guilt flowing through her considering that the event where the love of her young life became comatose happened right in front of her in a wrestling ring to begin with.

Cordelia doesn’t even want to say anything or even have a thought cross her mind. She walks over to Brian and holds his hand hoping that some good vibes in any way will be enough for him to wake up. A few moments later, she leans into him, practically embracing him at this point.

“It should’ve never happened…” she thinks to herself. “He should’ve never been in harm’s way. I should’ve never let him come to the arena with me when I retained my Freedom title and got some revenge for him against the bastards that injured him in the first place. I should’ve told him to get out of the ring and propose to me backstage. I was going to say yes no matter what. But now, he’s in even WORSE condition…”

“You have some NERVE…” Cordelia hears the voice of an older woman say. She turns around with some reluctance and she spots her future mother in law. Mrs. Everett is completely angry as she gets closer to her. “Get away from him!”

Cordelia meekly moves away from her boyfriend without a fight.

“You realize that my son is in this condition because of YOU, right?”

Cordelia remains frozen, not even bothering to answer this.

“I’ve kept telling him repeatedly that he’s too good for you. You don’t have a spine. I’ve seen you in your career here and there being a constant pushover and letting everyone else run all over you. You should’ve never come into my son’s life at all!”

“Mrs. Everett… I didn’t…”

“Silence, child! I’m talking! I want my grandchildren to have a strong mother that will stand up for herself. God forbid you both get married and have children. You’re an absolutely worthless person, you understand that?”

Cordelia is conflicted between responding and staying quiet as tears roll down her face even more.

“Was it your idea for him to come out to the ring and try to propose to you before he got curb stomped and knocked unconscious? It was, wasn’t it?”

“Mrs. Everett, I had no idea that he was even thinking of that. How could it be my idea?”

“Was it you that suggested which jewelry store to go to when he got mugged and injured in the first place?”

“NO!” Cordelia says, with her anger growing. “Why are you blaming this on me? We should be on the same page! You and I have ONE thing in common and that’s the fact that NEITHER of us wanted this! If you want to think that I’m not good enough for your son, FINE! I don’t care what you think! You’ve never liked me. You’re never going to like me! For years, I’ve had to endure this kind of abuse from you just because you think I’m not good enough for him.”

“You’re NOT… and you NEVER will be! I want you to get out and I don’t want you ANYWHERE near my son again!”

“WHAT?” Cordelia shouts through her tears. “We’re both adults, you can’t cut me off from him!”

“Did I stutter, child? You’re coming NOWHERE near my son! You’re POISON to him and you always have been. My son deserves better than a no backbone bitch like you!”

Cordelia doesn’t respond, but she refuses to leave.

“Get out! Now! You’ve done enough damage! You’ve disgraced the Everett family enough. You’re just another example of how the Clarks are a menace to the Upper East Side. Pieces of elephant dung, all of you…”

“You could never understand the love that we…”

Mrs. Everett smacks Cordelia across the face.

“You have five seconds to get out of my life or I will call the police on you and have you thrown in jail fo being an insolent little BITCH! Five… four…”

Cordelia tearfully runs out of the room as fast as she can get out before she runs across the hall into an empty waiting room. She slams and locks the door, hides in a corner and just bawls, not knowing what to do or how to get out of the horrible situation she finds herself in. The “new Cordelia”, without question, isn’t taking this type of crap anymore.

April 15

Cordelia is in a calmer mood, but she’s still a bit upset regarding both Morganna’s incessant whining toward her from her own perspective as well as the pushover she just reflected on. She takes a deep breath and is so far into her mind that she doesn’t notice her husband sitting next to her. She looks at Brian and smiles, knowing that she finally has a face she wants to see.

“Welcome home…” he says to her as they kiss each other.

“That was a bit of a fight back from the SCW show…” Cordelia admits, still looking annoyed.

“Is everything okay?”

“My sister was getting on my ass for what I was saying about my Blast from the Past tournament partner.”

“Jesus, can she let it go already?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her but she won’t understand that I can’t be the pushover that I was anymore. I know I won a bunch of singles titles in my career, but why do I have to accept when bad things happen to me, when things don’t go my way or I guess in this case, a draw that completely fucked me over?”

“You don’t have to take that shit, Cordelia. Morgan needs to let go of who you used to be.”

“If I wasn’t the pushover that I used to be, you would’ve never been in a coma to begin with, my career in HYBRID goes way better than it did, I wouldn’t have had to scramble for a match on SCU’s final show, I might have another world title or two to my name by now…”

“It’s a better time now…” Brian assures her as he wraps an arm around her. “...and I believe in you. You’re in an outright shit situation with who your partner is in that Blast from the Past tournament, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you found away to get to the semifinals. Though, I understand the odds but…”

“It’s going to take a miracle to even win one…” I reiterate.

“You’ve pulled miracles before…” Brian reminds her. “I never thought that my mother was ever going to come around and accept you into our family but you impressed her with your new attitude. If you can pull THAT off, then I don’t see why you can’t win at least one match in this tournament despite being anchored by a terrible partner.”

Finally, Cordelia can smile. She is thrilled on the inside that someone gets her and where she is coming from.

“Your mother coming around with me is the BEST comparison that you can make in this situation. This is why I love you so much! You GET ME! You’re not trying to push me back to that stupid pushover that I was. I was worried that when I turned that new leaf over that you were going to reject me and that you were going to want an annulment…”

“No, Cordy. That was never going to happen. On the contrary, I’ve actually grown to love you more now that you’ve gotten more of a backbone. I loved who you were before, but I married a hell of a woman two months ago. But… let’s be real…”

Brian scoffs as he delivers a ‘harsh truth’ that Cordelia will not hesitate to agree with.

“You have a better chance of winning that mixed tag tournament with ME as your partner and I’m not even a wrestler at all.”

Cordelia laughs at this, showing no signs of disagreement.

“That’s the damn truth… and I’m not going to step aside. I’m not going to let the bigger names get an accolade at my expense. I’m tired of being relegated to the sidelines just because I don’t have the right last name or because I don’t have seventy five million Twitter followers. I’m done with it! I am NOT going to fear THE BIG NAMES. If I happen to cross paths with any of them… those that are known in SCW… or elsewhere… I WILL make sure, even if that sack of shit costs me the match, that the BIG NAME does NOT beat me!

“You’ve stepped aside for the “popular kids” long enough, Cordy!”

“You’re fucking right I have… back when I was sweet and stupid…”

Cordelia scoffs at this notion.

“Well I’m NOT sweet and stupid anymore….”

Cordelia stands up and her husband stands along with her.

“Not anymore… not now… never again…”

Cordelia walks out of her home, clearly determined even if the situation to her is looking rather bleak. She knows the challenge ahead will be difficult, especially with a partner she would’ve never wanted, but she also knows she has all the talent and all the gusto in the world to break through and show the world she’s not going to stand for being pushed over again.

April 26

Cordelia’s got the camera right in front of her and the most notable thing is that she is standing in front of a trash can on an anonymous street. She’s holding two championships on her shoulders and she is even wearing an SCU shirt as a bit of a reminder of where she started in her career. She’s got an angry glare in her eye as she begins to speak.

“For those of you that remember me, my name is Cordelia Clark and I am one of the greatest prodigies that Sin City Underground has ever seen. Don’t give me the fucking lecture of how long that company has been dead. I am very much aware of that. Some of you idiots are going to be that fucking predictable, I know that for a fact. When it came to Sin City Underground, the sad, unfortunate truth is that the legacy of that company has been marred and ruined by the names that have since infested the Bombshell roster. When the “best Bombshells from SCU” are supposedly Krystal Wolfe and Ariana Angelos… two women that I made my BITCH over and over again, then you know you have a problem. BUT, let’s not talk about mediocrity. Let’s talk about ME! Let’s talk about how I broke out and became a world champion in SCU at just 22 years of age. Let’s talk about how I was a TV Champion. Let’s talk about how I beat some of the bigger names for those belts and was the constant owner of Angel Kash! Yeah, I did REALLY fucking good for myself. I’d like to think that when it comes to the history and the legacy of that company, I’m a big fucking deal.

Yeah, I know that I don’t have a history in SCW aside from retaining that Underground Championship at High Stakes 2021…”

Cordelia pauses as she rolls her eyes in exaggerated boredom.

“You lot are fucking predictable, let me put it that way. There was no way I wasn’t going to come back here at least once. After all, Sin City Underground for all of its faults is where I started my career and even though I have turned over a new leaf since the sad closure of the company, I will ALWAYS have an appreciation for where my wrestling journey began. Now, since SCU’s closure… I’ve put together a hell of a career! Three time HYBRID Vanguard Champion… and look, I have that title with me! Two time and CURRENT 5BW Freedom Champion and the most dominant holder of this title that the company has ever had! And hey, I have this title with me too! But, I’m not here just to show off some belts I’ve won in other places. I’m showcasing these belts to make a point…”

At this point, Cordelia pauses again as she suddenly tosses the HYBRID Vanguard Championship in the trash.

“...and that point is that unlike who I was in Sin City Underground, I am NO… FUCKING… PUSHOVER! What does the WORTHLESS belt I just tossed in the trash have anything to do with this? Well, let me bring you up to speed on that. Aside from a few idiots in the locker room, I don’t have a bad thing to say about 5BW as a whole. Of course, I’d never say anything bad about SCU. But HYBRID… oh gosh… these people saw my name and they thought “oh they’re not so and so, so therefore, they are not important.”. Sure, I won that belt I just tossed in the trash three times, but that was their ceiling for me. That title is the equivalent of the SCW Bombshells Roulette Championship… the supposed third-tier title. So, that company just anchored that belt on me thinking that my ceiling was being a THIRD TIER WRESTLER…


And FUCK THAT COMPANY! They expected me to be HAPPY with being a third tier wrestler that was just there to make the BIG NAMES look better! Toward the end, when I realized that they didn’t give a fuck about me enough because I wasn’t THAT BIG NAME, I decided that they weren’t worth my energy anymore and yet, I STILL won that third-tier title for the final time. If you expect me to just lie down and die in this tournament and bend the knee to a “BIG NAME” in SCW or in the business in this tournament just because of the fact that I drew probably the worst wrestler on the men’s side of the company aside from maybe THE TROLL, then… you know… go fuck yourself. Because that’s NOT going to happen and my first round match EPITOMIZES what I am talking about, people!

My first Bombshells opponent in this tournament is Serena Riot…”

Cordelia kicks the trash can down and shrugs.

“I guess I should just kick the bucket as far as my tournament hopes and dreams go and go home right? After all, Justin Smith SUCKS and he’s dealing with Eddie Lyons who clearly has his number and it’s SERENA RIOT! OH MY GOD, I AM FACING SERENA RIOT! BIG NAME IN THE BUSINESS MAKING HER SCW DEBUT! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! I’m SCREWED! I have no chance of beating her! Me and my 200 Twitter followers pale in comparison to someone SO NOTORIOUS that has wrestled all around the world and has over four times as many Twitter followers as I do! I’m FUCKED guys! I should just lie down and bend the knee to the BIG NAME because EVERYONE knows who Serena Riot is while NOBODY outside of the places I wrestle for know who Cordelia Clark is!


Serena, you’ve done what you’ve done all around the world and everything and I am not going to take away those accomplishments from you but that does not and will not make you better than me. I don’t give a fuck about your reputation. I don’t give a fuck if you strike fear into the hearts of the fickle masses. To me, you’re another obstacle and another opponent. I don’t need that sack of shit I am carrying to beat Eddie Lyons. All I need to do is beat YOU and that’s exactly what I will do. You’re treated as wrestling royalty all around the world in most places but as far as I know when it comes to SCW history, BIG NAMES like you come to this company and flop more often than not and this Sunday, that’s exactly what is going to happen. I WANT this match WAY more than you do! Don’t take what I said about my partner at Blaze of Glory as weakness, I am more than good enough to be able to beat you for the very reason that I just stated.

You’re too preoccupied with other things with your time.

You signed up for this tournament, but I haven’t even seen a peep from you regarding this tournament. I mean, you’re such a ghost when it comes to the Blast from the Past tournament that I even question if you know who your partner is. I mean you probably do, but are you even IN THIS? Or are you just one of those wrestlers that decided to take part ONLY for the title shot and nothing else? You know the types. You’re too preoccupied with the company that you run and even wrestling in it yourself to care about this tournament, honestly. Hell, I bet if you’ve even seen the lineup for this Sunday’s show, you’ve seen my name and you’ve asked yourself ‘who the fuck is Cordelia Clark?’. If that’s the question that you are asking about me, then come Sunday I am going to introduce you to the fuck I am. On top of the fact that I KNOW I want this more than you do, a quick glance at your social media activity recently shows, for one, the promotion of your own company which is understandable. That’s your baby, basically. But hours ago, you’re talking about how you don’t even know what your future holds.

In fact… the first line in your Twitter bio even says “Retired Bitch”.

Wow, I bet Eddie is going to be REAL happy to know that, right? I don’t know if it’s a piece of information that you forgot to update, in which case that would be an indicator that you’ve retired from this business at least once, but still… the fact that you are openly mulling your own future basically says it all. You don’t want this tournament. You definitely don’t want this match. And aside from running your company, I don’t even know what you even want out of this business anymore. In fact, do YOU know what you want out of this? To me, Serena, while your accomplishments aren’t one to deny, what I see with you is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. I see a woman whose passion about the business fluctuates like the damn weather. You probably see someone like me and you probably think I’m not worth your time. Either way, all of the aggression that I STILL have boiling in me from ALL of the times I’ve been FUCKED OVER and made to STEP ASIDE for the ESTABLISHED BIG NAME is going to be unleashed on Sunday.

You are EXACTLY the “BIG NAME” that I need to beat in order to silence the critics and let the fucking idiots in this business know that they don’t have a right to look past me anymore just because I’m not all over the place with a fucking million Twitter followers. If PINNING YOU in the middle of the ring is what shocks the world, then FUCK IT because it’s about fucking time people know about the name Cordelia Clark in this business. I’ve stepped aside and eaten shit for the benefit of wrestlers like you LONG ENOUGH and being paired up with a piece of shit like Justin Smith and you being my first round opponent is where I draw the line. That passion, that anger, that hunger inside of me is what will be your undoing and hell, if you have a fragile ego, maybe I can be the one to send you to what would be at least a second retirement. You’re yapping on Twitter about how you don’t know what your future holds…

Well… how about on Sunday, I make that questioning a little clearer for you, huh?

So take your “216” bullshit back to Cleveland… a city of BOTTOM FEEDING LOSERS BY THE WAY… and focus on just running your company, okay? How about I relieve that burden for you, Serena?

Of course, your partner…. Eddie Lyons…

Look, let me be real here. I am not going to be in the ring with Eddie at any point during our match because of the mixed tag team rules in Sin City Wrestling. So, addressing him at ALL would be a waste of my time. Now, I know that he and Justin share a history recently and that may come into play as far as Sunday is concerned, but… honestly, I can give fuck all about that.

I’m sure you know how I feel about you Justin.

And if I could fathom a guess, you’re probably not happy with me because I spoke the truth at Blaze of Glory with my draft reaction.

I don’t give a fuck, Justin.

The truth is the truth. You’re ONE AND FUCKING ELEVEN in this company! You haven’t won a match this year and you’ve lost eight singles matches in a row. What the fuck do you expect? For me to say “Oh I’m going to make the most out of this and it’s going to be a great experience and I’m gonna motivate him to be better and I’m going to be his friend and puppies and rainbows and sunshine and…” UGGGGGGH!


Who has lost three straight times to Eddie Lyons…

Get your ‘thank yous’ ready, you piece of shit because I’m the reason why both the Lyons streak and your losing streak is about to end. When I ‘shock the world’ and PIN Serena Riot, your victory total in SCW is going to literally DOUBLE! You’re WELCOME, Justin…

Eddie, I’m sorry but your partner doesn’t give enough of a shit and I WILL exploit that to the best of my ability. I WILL beat Serena and I will show the world that Cordelia Clark…




She’s nothing but a worm just like anyone else that would be cursed enough to live in Cleveland… a place in the dying Rust Belt that won’t get with the times and will never regain the glory it began to lose 70 years ago.

In Cleveland, all they know is SADNESS…

In Brooklyn, all we know is being HEAD OF THE CLASS!

And somehow, someway, on Sunday, this Princeton graduate will be just that!"

Cordelia leaves the trash can that she kicked, and the HYBRID Vanguard Championship that she dumped in it, behind. She departs with just her 5BW Freedom Championship with her figurative nose in the air, showing no regrets about anything she just said about her opponents, or even her own partner, as the camera ultimately fades to black.