Author Topic: Candy Crush  (Read 613 times)

Offline Metal Maniacs

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Candy Crush
« on: July 22, 2022, 08:29:50 PM »

Fine 'n Dandy Like Broken Candy

Now! You all understand that the last time that you saw our dear little sweeties, otherwise known as the Metal Maniacs, you were being told a grand tale of two darling young women who walked into the door of the famed GO Gym with their best male pal and were introduced to the world of professional wrestling? Yeah well, that was all a load of baloney. Did any of you ACTUALLY believe that Iron Maiden, Twisted Sister OR Anthrax were trained by the same establishment known for such wrestling greats as Evie Jordan, Fenris and London Underground? No! No, wait. Not just no but HELL no!

So wait, just where were the Metal Maniacs trained for the sport, and how did they come to be introduced to the wild and wacky business that you tune in to watch, week in and week out? Well, we know bits and pieces of the hows, namely a certain mental physician by the name of Doctor Kraven Moorehead - seriously! That IS the man's name! He is the man that brought Iron Maiden and Twisted Sister into the business as a means of occupational therapy - if you will. But Anthrax? And the fact their in-ring training (what little the women of this psychotic stable possess) remains a mystery to this day?

Well, perhaps one day that mystery will be explained, but much like unsolved mysteries such as Jack the Ripper and the Loch Ness Monster? The fun is in the not knowing, and if one day the answers come to us? Much of the magic behind the mystery will be lost for good, never to return.


Which is why we're going to pretend that your curiosity has yet to kill the proverbial cat, and instead skip the line of questioning and get right to the business at hand. Who would have ever expected Sin City Wrestling to ever make the foray into India for a full-fledged tour, but that is exactly what the hierarchy has done for the now-coined "India Summer 2022" tour. But considering the following this sport has in this country, it can be believed and even appreciated. What has actually perplexed so many more was that somehow, for some unexplainable reason, they have brought along this violent trio for at least a small portion of the tour.

But they have also opted to make Twisted Sister the very first person that the returning Candy would set foot inside of the ring against.

Hunh! And they call the  Metal Maniacs nuts!

Near the Gateway of Mumbai, roughly ten minutes southwest of the famed historical landmark, is the Colaba Causeway Market. A famed bazaar that sells everything one might imagine, and more. And when your mind is in a perpetual state of psychosis such as the Metal Maniacs, that imagination can run quite deep. That is why we find the infamous Anthrax, walking through the Bazaar with a swagger and a ghastly smile, weaving through the many stalls and stands, offering up everything from colorful rugs and clothes, to food stuffs and hand-crafted toys and just about everything in between. Anthrax has been described by his doctors as being the most dangerous of the Metal maniacs simply because his mind is not as entirely gone as that of Twisted Sister nor Iron Maiden, but that doesn't make him any less diabolical. If anything, he's even more so.

And yes, indeed. Anthrax was in his full wrestling personae; that dry, tattered clown makeup etched on an otherwise quite handsome face while his street clothes of a sleeveless T shirt and jeans were tattered and stained with ominous copper tone spots and splashes. But oh, he was not alone. Because what good would this story be without the very one who would soon be making the life of Candy - 2021's Most Popular Wrestler of the Year - absolutely nightmarish? Yes, Twisted Sister followed Anthrax throughout the market, her discolored eyes never once looking toward where she was going nor were they on the back of the man escorting her throughout. No, they were instead glued on the tablet in her hands as she poked and swiped a forefinger on the screen of the tablet, attempting to match rows of candies, and growing more impatient and erratic as she does so.

Yes - Twisted Sister was actually playing Candy Crush!

But it would seem that Anthrax found what he was looking for as he, and his pal, arrived at a particular stall that was being run by six women, all members of the same family and in three separate generations. Funny thing; none of the women even so much as blinked as the two ghoulish characters stepped up to their street business, as Anthrax smiled his best, which was enough to send chills down the average spine.

Anthrax: You sell, candy?

At the mere mention of the word candy, Twisted Sister's attention was pulled from the game in her hand and her eyes wandered around Anthrax and to the bounty of homemade goodies that were on full display at the family's stall. She all but walked into Anthrax's back and gripped his shoulder tightly in her fingers with her free hand, staring over his shoulder at the offerings, amongst them taffys of a variety of flavors. Fudges. Cookies. Hand dipped chocolates. Sugar candies. Rock candy. Even the more traditional Indian candies like Laddu and Besan Ladoo.

Woman: Yes sir. We have quite the selection and... oh my.

Anthrax turned around to see what had caught the woman's attention and there was a small crowd of Mumbai citizens, men and women, adults and children, gathered close by and their eyes were on Twisted Sister. Little known fact: India was second only to the United States when it came to fandom for sports entertainment. One would think Japan would be ranked second, but nope! India had that distinction. And right now it would seem a large number of members of the SCW Universe had seen and recognized these two and were watching in awe as they went about their business.

Twisted Sister's attention had gone back to her game which was an ominous forbearance toward her future opponent, while Anthrax turned back to the stall's proprietor and flashed the local currency in hand.

Anthrax: I'd like a sample bag for my friend here. Let's say... ten of each candy you have to offer?

Ten - of each? That was quite the order but the matriarch of the family knew it was a good sale for her family's business and she and her daughters and granddaughter went right to work, filling the order. While he waited, Anthrax turned back to watch in bemused wonder when three preteens slowly approached Twisted Sister from behind with smiles on their faces and a camera in the hand of one. Obviously looking for a souvenir before Sunday's big show. One of the kids reached Twisted Sister's side and started to speak...

Kid: Excuse m-

And that was all it took for Twisted Sister to spin around and SCREAM like the wild, insane woman that she was!

Twisted Sister: EEEYYYAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Causing the three kids to turn and run back to their families, with other kids who started to approach following suit. But none of them were truly fearful or even upset. No, they were actually SMILING! Smiling and -- laughing? Twisted Sister watched them for a brief moment, her head tilted to the side with insane curiosity, before she turned back around to resume her game of Crushing Candy, er - Candy Crush!

Which was when the order was filled and an "Pardon me, sir?" had drawn Anthrax's attention back to the family stall, and the large box of candies being held out to him. Anthrax giggled like a lunatic, taking the box while passing the payment to the matriarch's waiting hand.

Anthrax: Thank you.

He said bashfully, like a great big kid, when a high pitched shriek and the sound of something being struck repeatedly drew his attention, and those around him. heads turned to see Twisted Sister smacking her palm into the screen of the tablet and she suddenly swung it in a downward spiral, slamming it against the street once, twice, three t8imes until there was little recognizable of the handheld device.

Anthrax walked over to where Twisted Sister stared down at the tablet's remains and he cocked his head to the left.

Anthrax: Did that mean ol' game win, again?

Twisted Sister growled a low, guttural sound as she looked at him, then down at the tablet. Anthrax jetted out his bottom lip in sympathy.

Anthrax: Aww!

OYO 10001 Hotel Blue Ocean

Deep down beneath the archaic accommodations of the Metal Maniacs, below even the lowest room was the boiler room where the hotel staff kept the hotel's water and heat running smoothly when needed. And it was also in the dark recesses of the boiler room where Anthrax was found deep in thought and contemplation.

Well, he was actually playing a rousing game of Candyland but for him? Same thing! With the game board spread out on the floor before him, and Anthrax laid out in front of his, chest down with his feet kicked up in the air, Anthrax's eyes remained on the game as he drew a colored card - red in this case, and moved his token the appropriate number of spaces.

Anthrax: Rock candy. Peanut brittle. Three Musketeers. Boogers. Laffy Taffy.

Anthrax giggled at the name 'Laughy Taffy'.

Anthrax: Candy corn! Gobstoppers! Black licorice! Tootsie rolls! These are the worst candies for little, itty bitty childrens. The worst for their teeth, but the best for the Tooth Fairy because we all know that selfish bitch is out for herself!

Anthrax gasped and put a hand over his mouth.

Anthrax: Oh my, did I utter a curse? Oh well, it's all for a good cause because this is what you might call a public service announcement. The worst candies. The stupidest candies. The most brittle of candies. But you know something? All of those candies in all three categories fail in comparison when it comes to the worst of the worst, and that worst is...

He twirled a forefinger and pointed it right in the camera.

Anthrax: Boop! You - Candy! You, silly girl! Oh Candy, so sweet. Always anxious for play dates and meeting new friends well that's good! Guess what? You have a new friend to make when you have your play date with Twisted Sister! And this is going to be a very special time between the two of you because you always see the very best in your friends, and the fun times ahead are going to really test that outlook on your life because Twisted Sister? She plays rough. And when she's not allowed to bring her favorite toys to play, she just finds new and innovative ways to make her games even MORE fun! But you, Candy? Candy crushed? Candy Caned? Oh you look like the type of Candy that breaks when you place the slightest amount of pressure to it. I hope that's not the case because it would be a terrible thing for your playtime to just end like that!

He snapped his fingers.

Anthrax: After all, what's the point in even scheduling this fun time to be had between the two of you if you're just going to fall apart? I mean, I can understand if you scream in pain or cry buckets of tears. That's half the FUN!

He clapped the palms of his hands together.

Anthrax: But where is the fun in a game when it's over too quickly? So I am going to do you a little favor. I am going to take Twisted Sister aside and I am going to ask her not to play TOO roughly, TOO fast. I'm going to ask her to draw it out. She likes fun as much as we all do, and I'm sure she'll be only too happy to stretch the game out and make it last. Last right up until the breaking point, where she is going to stop because we can't have too much fun, too fast, now can we? You know what they say about too much of a good thing! She'll let you catch your breath (maybe) and rest up a moment or two (not really) and then the fun will begin anew! Won't that be FUN!?

His face took on a snarl, and he shook his head.


And just as quickly as the shouting started, it suddenly stopped and Anthrax smiled slowly and started to laugh.

Anthrax: Hahaha! It's okay, Candy. There's no reason to be scared. After all, it's just a game. And Twisted Sister hasn't met a piece of Candy that she hasn't enjoyed sinking her teeth into.

And that being said, Anthrax turned his attention away from the camera to resume his game.


“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”</color>