Author Topic: BOBBIE DAHL (c) v HARPER MASON- ROULETTE TITLE  (Read 3357 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: February 05, 2024, 09:29:37 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2024, 09:32:15 AM by Christian Underwood »

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Harper Mason

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“Rise of the Avenger Part XI: Respect Earned, Title Next.”
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2024, 08:55:45 PM »
(Josh was used with his handler’s permission)

Harper’s vlog, the medic’s office, backstage at Climax Control 385, Reno, Nevada
Sunday the 4th of February 2024, 21:00pm

(start vlog, on camera)

As Harper starts up her vlog we see the bruised and battered bombshell sitting up in a bad in the medic’s office.

”I’m sure there’s a few opinions going around related to my match against Tempest tonight, that I fought bravely and never gave up, that Tempest proved to be too much for me or even “Harper never should’ve made that challenge to begin with”, didn’t you hear me last week? I needed this match! Not wanted, NEEDED!” Harper states as she rests her free hand on her knee. ”And who else can say that they had the proverbial balls to challenge her? Only two other Bombshells have done what I did two weeks ago, one left the company recently and the other is my opponent at My Bloody Valentine!

Yeah, I know comparing myself to Zoey and Bobbie is like comparing fast food to fine dining in terms of experience but I at least did what I set out to do, challenge Tempest and give her the fight of her life! And I have the bruises to prove it!”
Harper adds as she looks at the numerous bruises on her body, helped by the fact that she is still in her wrestling gear. ”All to prepare me for my match against Bobbie, admittedly I could’ve challenged her to a Roulette Rules Match to really prepare myself but what’s done is done, and my next match is my first title match in SCW.” Harper lets out a deep breath. ”Hopefully I’ll be a lot less tender in a couple of weeks when I face Bobbie for the title but I gotta answer the question that I’m sure if on everyone’s minds.

Was the match the against Tempest worth it? You wanna know what my answer is? Absolutely!”

Harper lets out a deep breath.

”Even before I got into sports I was always a competitive girl, maybe growing up on army bases around the world had something to do with that, who knows? What I do know is that only increased after I started taking up sports and my competitive streak increased tenfold after I graduated from Hero Academy last year.” Harper added as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”I knew I had an uphill battle against me when I challenged Tempest two weeks ago and now that I’ve got that match out of the way? I can shift my focus to something that’s been a goal of mine since I signed that contract with SCW last year.

My first title match, and hopefully? My first title win in SCW.”

(end vlog)

Medic’s office, earlier that night, Climax Control 385
Sunday the 4th of February 2024, 18:00pm

It was a bit after Harper’s match against Tempest and she was getting checked out by the medic.

“Well Harper, I have some good news, you are cleared to compete against Bobbie.” The medic assured her and Harper grinned in response. “Any bumps and scrapes you suffered against Tempest will be healed by then.”

”Good, now I worry about how Bobbie’s going to throw me around.” Harper muttered under her breath as she leaned back in her bed. Then the door to the medic’s office opened and Harper looked up expecting to see either Jesie or Josh.

It was neither. “Ma’am you can’t be back here, and how did you get this far past security?” The medic asked Cassie who grinned before holding up a backstage pass.

”This is how, and besides, I’m also her tag team partner outside of SCW.” Cassie explained as she pocketed the pass. ”Wanted to see how my partner in crime is doing, that’s all.”

“Then go ahead, I’m about to discharge her anyway.” The medic responded and Cassie nodded before walking up to Harper.

”Missing a Bombshell Internet Title Match to see me? I’m touched.” Harper teased Cass and the Aussie grinned in response. ”He’s already cleared me for the match against Bobbie, that should go for any Young Justice matches too.”

”That’s good and all but I just wanted to see how my friend’s doing.” Cassie responded as she shook her head and I nodded. ”I mean, if she had tossed you any harder you’d be in orbit!”

”Yeah well, if I ever do wrestle Tempest again it’ll be because one of the bosses booked the match, not because I wanted it.” Harper responded as she shook her head and Cass nodded as she got the idea. ”I may have earned Tempest’s respect out there but trying to wrestle someone who’s that much bigger and taller than you? It was a bit of a culture shock, my strategy in the end was literally me throwing everything I could think off at her and hoping for the best.”

”Well if nothing else, this confirms that I won’t be challenging Tempest to a match if I ever sign with SCW, not only am I shorter and lighter than you but I’m a pure high flyer, I’d basically be carrying a neon sign to the ring that read “Tempest eats girls like me for breakfast, why did I agree to this?!”.” Cassie nodded with a sigh as Harper sat up. ”But more importantly, do you think you’re ready for Bobbie?”

”Yes and no, yes because I now know what not to do against someone in that weight class, no because there’s one other element at play, the namesake of the Roulette Divisions.” Harper stated simply and Cassie quickly nodded as she got the idea. ”I won’t know what match type I’ll get until the show starts, it could be anything from a Ladder Match, a Submission Match, some crazy match type that came to Christian in a dream, some crazy match type that came to Mark in a dream, or hell, just a regular match! That’s the reason why I’ve been anticipating and dreading my Roulette Division debut in equal measure.”

”And that’s assuming Georgie doesn’t decide to use her briefcase to make it a Triple Threat Match.” Cassie pointed out and Harper quickly nodded. ”Look, Becky and Zoey are waiting for me in the parking lot, but I just wanted to check on you before you headed back to Vegas, you doing anything between now and the big show?”

”Training, training, being told “I told you so” by Jessie and more training.” Harper responded with a shrug as she swung her legs over. ”Hey doc, am I good to go or what?”

“Not yet because I just want to get you some painkillers, but it should be okay once the Main Event finishes.” The medic responded as he shook his head and Harper nodded.

”What about you Cass?” Harper asked she turned her attention back to Cass. ”You attending My Bloody Valentine as well?”

”And miss a chance to see my partner in crime compete for her first title in SCW? Hell yeah I’m attending!” Cass responded with a grin as the two girls shared a fist bump. ”Don’t know if I can help out without getting permanently banned from SCW events going forward but I’ll still be cheering you on.”

”That’s fine, and to be honest? If you did interfere and it cost me the match? I’d be spending the post Supercard break finding new and interesting ways to bend your bad leg without breaking it!” Harper warned Cass who laughed nervously before she left the medic’s office.

Harper’s vlog, Harper’s loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 5th of January 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

It was the day after Climax Control and we join Harper in her loft, still banged up from her match against Tempest.

”One of the first things I learned when I was training at Hero Academy was that bumps and bruises come with the territory in this sport, and it was natural to feel sore after an average match, never mind one of the hardcore variety.” Haper commented as she fiddled with her hair, her two dogs Logan and Xavier were laying side by side behind her. ”Even that little nugget of wisdom didn’t prepare me for my match against Tempest and now I’m entering a match with a woman who’s a inch shorter than me and almost twice as big, Bobbie definitely as the strength to give me a run for my money for sure.

But it’s not exactly the first time I’ve dealt with those odds either.”

Harper commented as she leaned back in her computer chair.

”I’ve wrestled guys before, in fact my first ever title match was against a guy in FCW, I lost but I haven’t heard from him in months so who’s the real winner here?” Harper added as she brushed some hair behind her shoulder. ”But more to the point Bobbie? I can wear you down with my submission skills thanks to my background as a high school wrestling standout, I can dazzle you with my kicking abilities thanks to my black belt in taekwondo and if all else fails? I’ve shown myself to be one of the best high flyers around, guess being trained by Team Hero counts for something, doesn’t it? But there’s one other factor at play here, you have more experience with it because you’ve been in SCW longer but I know enough about the Roulette Division from watching it over the years to know that nothing is a guarantee in this division, either we’ll get a match that plays to my strengths and allows me to have a relatively easy road to the gold or you strike it big with the wheel.

Or we’ll both be faced with the prospect of being sent into a tank full of piranhas, either way, we won’t know anything for certain.”

Harper shakes her head.

”Miles, if you’re watching this, sorry if I brought back any bad memories, can’t help if that match was what got me into this crazy sport to begin with! And here I am, several years later competing in the very division that once gave my little sister nightmares, funny how things come about huh? I gotta admit, entering a match where I won’t even know what stipulation I’ll be stuck with until I get to the arena is a daunting task, one I’ll have to get used too if I want to win that title from you Bobbie because we both know how much Christian loves to occasionally book title matches on random Climax Controls, don’t we?

Hell, your first match of the year was a Triple Threat against Seleana and Mercedes, two tall women with years of experience on me, but what sets me apart from them? I know you watched my match against Tempest so you must’ve learned one important fact against me: as long as there’s fight left in my body? I won’t give up a fight, after being put through the announcers table, yeeted into the barricade and basically being treated like a chew toy in an Akita’s mouth, it took me missing the Fragile Wings and a Bulldog Choke for Tempest to finally put me down, which brings a big question to mind, doesn’t it Bobbie?

If that’s how Harper fights when there isn’t a title at stake, then what is she going to do to win one?”

Harper motions to her three titles.

”Ask them! No, seriously, ask Mark Storm about how I won the KCW TV Title from him which was my first ever title I might add, ask Melody Slayton about how I fought tooth and nail to get my hands on the Empire Pro Primetime Championship, ask Eden Sterling or anyone who was in FCW how long my journey was to become the FCW Great Lakes Champion, sure none of those titles will ever be defended in SCW and two of those titles are from defunct feds and my second title win got overshadowed by a little event called pissgate, don’t ask, and no I’m not bitter about any of that, why do you ask?

I bring those facts up to make a point Bobbie, yes, I’m only nineteen, yes, I’ve been wrestling for just under a year, yes,, there’s a football field’s length worth of experience difference between me and your last challengers, but I know what it takes to win a title, I have three times the proof right behind me, and yes, I will leavy My Bloody Valentine as the youngest Bombshell Roulette Champion since Royal Purple.

Why? Because I have the tenacity, stubbornness and never say die attitude that Jessie had in her younger years, but unlike her? I’m more than willing to go to the back of the line if this match ends in my defeat.”

(end vlog)

Josh’s gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 6th of January 2024, 21:00pm

Harper was back to some light training after her gruelling match with Tempest and wa currently working on her kicks with Josh.

“Good form on the kicks, but how much higher can you go?” Josh asked and Harper started aiming her kicks a bit higher. “I know Bobbie’s shorter than you but she still has reach and power.”

”And I’ve got speed and flexibility for days.” Harper responded before she did a spinning kick with enough force that it nearly flew out of Josh’s hands, he managed to keep it steady though. ”Combine that with my submission expertise and this should make for an interesting match.” Harper added before sighing sadly. ”There is one thing missing though.”

“Is it something to do with your game? Because we can work on that.” Josh responded and Harper shook her head as she sat down on a bench. “Harper, you know what I said about keeping things from me.”

”It’s my parents being alive to see me compete for a title in SCW okay?!” Harper snapped at him and Josh stopped dead in his tracks. ”Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my mind, the anniversary of their murders passed about three weeks ago, I didn’t make a post about it on Twitter because I wanted to deal with it on my own.” Harper shakes her head sadly. ”So much has changed since then and I still wonder if they’d be proud of me.”

“Harper, it’s fine, that was obviously a terrible day for you.” Josh assured Harper and she gave him an appreciate look. “How are your kid siblings doing?”

”My aunt told me that the first Christmas without them was rough but they managed to get through it.” Harper responded as she let out a deep breath. ”Last I checked the criminals who killed them are still serving their sentence but but it’s still gonna weigh on me, probably for the rest of my life.”

“Just remember Harp that you are among friends, here, the Go Gym, Hero Academy, wherever.” Josh assured Harper and she grinned in response. “Have you talked to Jessie about this?”

”Well, the last time I spoke to Jess was when she gave me an earful about my challenge to Tempest and that was right after I issued it.” Harper admitted as she shook her head and Josh nodded. ”Things have cooled down a bit since then so maybe it’s worth a shot?”

“She did bring you into SCW so I don’t see why not.” Josh responded and Harper nodded in appreciation. So, shall we get back to training? Get your mind off that at least?”

”Definitely not saying no to that!” Harper responded with a grin before she resumed training.

Harper’s vlog, Harper’s loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 6th of February 2024, 21:00pm

*on camera, start vlog*

We return to Harper’s loft as the teenager leans back in her chair at the start of the vlog.

”Am I excited about entering my first title in SCW? Absolutely, who wouldn’t, am I right? But I know I’ve got a tough task ahead of me, Bobbie’s unlike any other wrestler I’ve wrestled in SCW aside from Tempest and Tempest is in a league of her own.” Harper commented before shifting up her shirt to show some of the bruising from the Tempest match. ”And I’ve got the battle wounds to prove it! Even so, I’m giving this match my all.”


”I’ve got a lot on my mind heading into this match, some of it is personal and I’d rather keep it that way, but some of it relates to SCW, like how Jessie won her first title when she was in my exact same spot just under nine years ago.” Harper added as she let out a deep breath. ”Can I repeat that success a decade later? Can I win the Bombshell Roulette Title on my first try?”

It’s that simple.

”Personally? I’d like to think so, I’ve worked my ass off to get as good as I am and I’m not about to give up my first title match in SCW without a fight, and if I win? You bet I’ll be celebrating!” Harper commented with a grin as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”But there’s the other side of the coin as well, what if I don’t succeed? What if I fail to win the title? Will I fall into the same trap as Jessie did over and over?” Harper shakes her head. ”No.”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”Since I arrived in SCW I’ve made a point of stressing that the only things I have in common with Jessie are our taste in music and the fact that we’re wrestlers from Florida, what better way to demonstrate that than to show that I’m more than willing to rebuild if this title match doesn’t go my way?” Harper asked hypothetically before shaking her head. ”But on the other hand? The world needs a new hero and at Rise of the Avenger XI: Respect Earned, Title Next, I’ll show just how much I’ll do to get my hands on a title, sorry Bobbie but I happen to like the sound of “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason: the new Bombshell Roulette Champion and I’ll fight tooth and nail to earn it! See you two weeks!”

Harper turned off the camera as the scene fades.

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 09:27:21 PM »
January 15th, 2024
Loveland, Colorado
Being Roulette Champ Hurts

Bobbie has not been Bombshell Roulette Champion for very long, but she has found out rather quickly the price she has to pay to keep that championship in her possession. Everyone knows how unpredictable and random the Roulette Wheel can be, especially considering Mark Ward and Christian Underwood- Christian more so than Mark- can put some devious stipulations on the wheel anytime they feel like it. And sure, competitors can be lucky enough to get a good old fashioned regular match as the stipulation, but nine times out of ten, that just doesn’t happen.

Last night Bobbie had her first title defense, which always proves to be the most important. This one proved to be perhaps her most difficult as it was a triple threat match, and not only that, but the Roulette wheel landed on Falls Count Anywhere. And after what Bobbie went through to win the title, she was nervous about her chances going into this triple threat. Especially considering she didn’t have to be pinned or submitted to lose her championship.

When all was said and done, Bobbie had made it through her first defense, although just barely. And she had put not only Mercedes’ and Seleana’s bodies at risk, but her own as she had sent all three of them through two tables with a samoan drop. That was the final move that secured her win, but she would be feeling the effects of that move for days. And boy was she feeling it today.

She and Artie had a later flight back to Las Vegas, and Bobbie was thankful for that, because just waking up in their hotel room this morning was difficult enough. Even the smell of Artie making coffee wasn’t strong enough to boost her out of bed. But they needed breakfast, so after making some coffee in their room, Artie was going to head downstairs to grab a quick bite from breakfast bar. Bobbie is laying on her side, still curled up under the blanket in bed.

“Anything in particular you want to eat?” Artie asks, trying to get more of her attention. She opens her eyes and looks at her sweet and loving husband who has too much energy for her liking at the moment and lets out a pained, yet comical grunt. Artie follows that up with a laugh.

“Ehh…” Bobbie manages to get out. “I’m not super hungry right now, but you know what I like. Surprise me.” She offers him a loving smile.

With a quick shrug of his shoulders and a sigh he replies, “Alright then. Try and get up and take a shower before I get back. Might help you feel a little better.

He grabs his room key and then heads out of the room to go get them some food. After the door closes, Bobbie grunts again and pulls the blanket over her head wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. Everything was just so so sore. She was tempted to contact the airline and look into changing their flight to tomorrow, but she knew she couldn’t do that. Her parents were back in Las Vegas taking care of Loki and she needed to get back to her baby boy as soon as she could.

As if on cue, and almost like her mother had ESP or something, Bobbie’s phone starts buzzing on the nightstand and her mother’s picture lights up on the screen. Bobbie doesn’t see it right away because the blanket is still over her face, but with another grunt and a lot of reluctance, she shoves the blanket from over her face and reaches for her phone. Even though it’s her mother calling, she answers the call, putting it on speaker phone to make it easier.

“Hi Mom. How’s my baby boy Loki doing?” Not even trying to hide her exhaustion. Her mother must have her on speaker also, because Loki lets out an excited bark in the background after hearing Bobbie’s voice. This makes Bobbie smile.

“I think that was him saying he’s doing just fine.” Her mother responds with a slight laugh. Loki can be heard whimpering slightly in the background, obviously looking around for where Bobbie’s voice was coming from. “How are you feeling today, sweetie?”

Slowly, and reluctantly, Bobbie pushes herself up in the bed and winces slightly. “I’ve been better. I’ve been worse.” She says and leans her head back against the padded headboard. “I had barely started to feel normal again following my match against Alexandra Calaway and the Roulette Wheel decided to make it physically challenging again. I’m assuming you watched?”

“Of course we watched.” Her mother bites back, as if Bobbie needed to ask such a question. “And, again, we’re proud of you honey, but that was hard to watch. Is this how it is going to be every time you defend that title?” Bobbie again hears Loki making noise in the background and she tries not to laugh.

She lets out a sigh before she replies. “I can’t make any guarantees.” She says, running her hand through her messy hair. “This is part of the territory of the Roulette division. We never know what match type we’re going to get. It’s not supposed to be easy.”

She hears her mother take in a deep breath and pauses for a few seconds before she speaks again. “I just worry about you, honey. You know that.”

Bobbie nods even though her mother can’t see it. She takes in a deep breath also as she slowly starts to wake up more and more. “I know you do. But I’m a big girl. I can handle my own and get through whatever challenges are thrown at me.” She hears Loki again and laughs. “Relax, Loki, Momma and Daddy will be home later tonight.”

He barks out a response and both Bobbie and her mother laugh. “He just tilted his head at the phone screen.” Her mother says, eliciting another laugh. “I guess it’s a good thing you and Artie don’t have any kids yet. With you putting your body through hell and back possibly every match.”

Bobbie narrows her eyes, quietly processing that statement for a moment before she responds. She wasn’t sure how to take it, but she doesn’t let it go, either. “What exactly does that mean?” She asks after about a minute of silence.

“Oh come on, Bobbie.” Her mother replies quickly. “How would you be able to take care of any kids after matches like the ones you’ve had? Not only that, but what if they saw you going through that?”

Bobbie shakes her head and lets out an annoyed laugh. “There you go assuming that Artie and I will even have any kids.” While that response was true, Bobbie knew it was also painful for her mother to hear. “I told you that before, and I thought you wouldn’t bring it up again, but I guess I was wrong.”

Bobbie flips the blanket from off her now, and slowly swings her legs over the side of the bed. Her body was still sore, but she knew she had to get up and moving for the day and that Artie would be back any minute with their breakfast. Her mother sighs on the other end of the phone, and Bobbie knew the talk of kids was not over yet.

“You’re just saying that now because you’re so focused on this wrestling business.” She bites back, determined to not drop the subject. “You’re our only child and you know how much we’d like a grandbaby…or two or three.” Bobbie doesn’t share in her mother’s clear amusement at that possibility.

“And what if you’ll just have to deal with grandpuppies?” Bobbie asks, referring to Loki and any future canine companions she and Artie may have. “Is Loki and any future dogs not good enough for you?” Loki barks at hearing his name, and the sound of his identification and rabies tags rattling on his collar are heard, a tell tale sign her mother is petting him.

“You know how much I love Loki,” she says but Bobbie knows what she is about to say next. “But it’s different and you know that. Children are such a joy, Bobbie. I would just hate to see you and Artie–”

“Stop!” Bobbie shouts, quickly cutting her mother off and Bobbie can almost see the shocked look on her mother’s face. “Please. Just…stop.”

“Bobbie…” Her mother starts to plead.

“No, Ma.” Bobbie says. “We both get it. You want a grandbaby, but you need to just stop because it’s not going to happen. I’m sorry if that disappoints you, but it’s just how it is.” Bobbie’s voice almost shakes a little as she tells her mother she won’t be having any kids. “And I’m not about to put an expiration date on my wrestling career just yet just to try and have a baby.”

Just as she says the word baby, the hotel room door opens and closes and Artie freezes in place, staring at Bobbie, holding their breakfast in both of his hands. He blinks, thinking he just walked into a possible surprise, but Bobbie shakes her head and he sets their food down on the dresser.

“Sweetie, please don’t be upset with me.” Her mother pleads again, but it’s a little too late for that and she knows it. “I just want you and Artie to be happy and not have any regrets by the time it’s too late.”

“Ma, I gotta go.” Bobbie bites back, ready to end the conversation. “We’ll see you guys tonight when we get back home. Love you.” She doesn’t even give her mother a chance to respond as she abruptly ends the call and sets her phone back on the nightstand. She closes her eyes and takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves as much as she can.

Artie stares at her curiously, and with concern. He had never known Bobbie to hang up on her mother before. “What was that all about?” He asks, though judging by the fact he heard the word baby, he could probably guess.

“She won’t give it up.” She replies, standing up a little too quickly which causes her to let out a pained wince. “Watching me wrestle in this brutal match stipulations obviously has her pushing the whole baby subject on me again.”

“Oh.” He says, scratching his head. “Did you tell her?”

“I told her we wouldn’t be having any kids.” She replies, walking towards him and checking out what he brought her to eat. “That is all she has to know.”

“Is it, though?” He follows up quickly, proving that there is more to the story than Bobbie has even admitted. She refuses to answer that question, however, and decides to go take a quick shower before eating the food he brought her.

“I’m gonna go take a shower. Think it will wake me up more.”

“Bobbie, if you tell her the truth, she’ll more than likely–”He tries to say something before she disappears into the bathroom, but she cuts him off, much like she did to her mother.

“I’m not ready, Artie,” is all she says before heading into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

He stands there for a few moments, scratching his head. He wasn’t upset or angry with Bobbie in any way. Just concerned as he has been for as long as he has known her. He also knew that despite whatever personal problems she was fighting, wrestling was helping her out tremendously and was giving her a distraction she needed. As well as an outlet to release any frustrations she may have, and all he could do was let Bobbie deal with things in her own way…and in her own time.

Friday February 10th
Harry Reid International Airport
The In-Laws First Trip!

Today was a day Bobbie and Artie have been waiting a long time for. Ever since they had relocated to Las Vegas so Bobbie could focus on her SCW wrestling career, the pair had been looking forward to the day that Artie’s parents made the trip across the country to visit. Plans had been made in previous months, but for one reason or another, the trips were always postponed, leaving the newlyweds slightly disappointed. It wasn’t because they hadn’t seen them in a while, because Bobbie and Artie had made a few trips back to Illinois to see them, but they wanted to show his parents their first official home together.

And today was finally the day. Their flight had landed about fifteen minutes ago, and Bobbie and Artie were waiting outside the terminal while they were retrieving their luggage. Artie seemed more excited than Bobbie for obvious reasons, but they both shared in their excitement regardless. Artie was fidgeting and Bobbie just glanced at him with a laugh as they looked out for his parents.

“You’re acting like you haven’t seen them in years, Artie.” She stares at him for a moment, smiling. “We visited them over the summer and we talk to them all the time.”

“I know.” Artie replies, darting his eyes around the crowd of tourists walking out of the airport for any sign of his parents. “But you know it’s hard living so far away from our parents and not getting to see them every day. That and I was worried when Dad was sick a couple months ago.” He was referring to around the holidays when their previous planned trip had to be postponed for that very reason.

“I know, honey.” She replies, rubbing his shoulder lovingly. The truth was they had both been worried about Artie’s father, but they had been reassured that his illness was nothing serious. “But he’s all better now and they finally made the trip here. Not to mention they will be here for my match against Harper next weekend.”

“Mom! Dad!” Artie suddenly shouts, spotting his parents walking out of the airport. He waves his arms and hands around to get their attention. His mother immediately releases her luggage to rush over to her son, and he rushes up to her at the same time. His father then handles their luggage, thankful that most luggage these days had wheels.

“Artie! My baby boy!” Mrs. Miller says, wrapping her arms around her only child in a happy embrace. Bobbie and Mr. Miller then walk up to the two of them as they are all reunited for the first time in several months.

“Hello, Bobbie.” Mr. Miller says, almost flatly and hardly with much excitement. Bobbie considered his greeting a little odd, but she was not about to cause any trouble by pointing it out.

“Hey Mr. Miller! We’re so glad you two finally made it out here. And that you are feeling better.” Bobbie replies. Even though she had known him all her life, and was now part of the family, she still couldn’t get herself to call him by his first name. Not that he had ever insisted on it. His response was a simple nod and quick smile towards Bobbie as he turned his attention to his wife and son.

Mrs. Miller slowly backed away, looking her son up and down, almost studying him. “You look healthy enough, I suppose. I wasn’t sure how you would look when we got here. Bobbie, dear, it’s nice to see you.” She was a tad more pleasant towards her daughter in-law and Bobbie smiled at her.

“We’ve been so excited all week. And we’re even more excited that you took us up on our offer to stay in the guest bedroom.” Bobbie says as she and Mrs. Miller give each other a quick hug.

Mr. Miller grunts a bit as he shakes his head. “Didn’t have much choice considering the price of hotels around here.”

Bobbie and Artie share a quick confused glance, both baffled at his father’s demeanor. Mrs. Miller just gently nudges her husband as if telling him to check his attitude. “Oh don’t you be such a grump.”

“Is everything okay, Dad?” Artie asks, genuinely concerned. He had never known his father to be anything less than a gentleman, especially towards Bobbie, whom he had long considered like his own daughter even before marrying Artie.

“Everything is fine, son.” He replies, though neither Bobbie nor Artie believe him. But again, neither would push the issue because this was supposed to be a happy reunion and not one filled with stress and fighting.

“I’m so excited to have you both here for this next week, and that you’ll be here to see me wrestle!” Bobbie says excitedly. Mr. Miller doesn’t even hide the fact he is rolling his eyes.

“You seem more excited about your match than about your birthday on Wednesday!” Mrs. Miller points out, to which Bobbie acts innocent.

“Well…that, too. But my birthday is just another day!”

Mrs. Miller smiles widely as she takes Bobbie’s hands in her own. “That it may be, but I have a very special gift for you, anyway.” Mr. Miller snorts out a laugh and Bobbie just stares at her mother in-law now even more excited. And despite his father’s grumpy attitude, Artie is all smiles, too.

“Awww! You didn’t have to get me anything, Mrs. Miller! Just having you here is all the gift I need!” Bobbie hugs her again. Artie then takes it upon himself to take at least his mother’s suitcase from his father’s grasp, helping in any way he can.

“Come on,” he says, starting to back away. “We better get to the car so we can get home and get you two settled in.”

“This week is going to be the best week ever!” Bobbie exclaims as she leads her mother-in-law away from the airport and Artie and his father follow behind them, quietly.

And although she was happy that they were here, a part of her couldn’t help but glance back to Mr. Miller, wondering just why his personality seemed to have changed the way it did. He almost seemed angry with her. But she would do whatever she could to get him to enjoy their visit and get back to the loving and cheerful father in law she knew him to be.

And she hoped it didn’t take long, because she had a title defense coming up in just over a week and couldn’t afford to be worrying about any potential family issues.

Heyyyyyyya everyone! It’s that time again! Supercard time, and coming up in just over a week is My Bloody Valentine V. What a show name, am I right? A giveaway that this show will not be for the faint at heart, nor will it be a show to let your young kiddos watch, because I have no doubt that several of us competing on the show will walk away with more than just scrapes and bruises. More like gashes and possible broken bones, but what would a show like this be without a few injuries like that, right?!

Now, besides the fact that there are not one but TWO Blood Bath Brawls booked on this show, we also have the Roulette Championship matches, which could turn out to be just as bloody depending on what the Roulette wheel lands on. I’m not going to lie, I’m TERRIFIED of what Christian Underwood may have put on that wheel. Yes, Christian, just YOU because everyone knows that when it comes to that wheel, you come up with some of the craziest stuff! At least…I think it’s only you, but my point stays the same.

Before this week, I was all excited that not only would my parents be watching me wrestle again, but that now Artie’s parents will be, too! But…then it dawned on me. With every roulette match I’m in, my mother gets more and more worried about my well-being, and with a show like My Bloody Valentine? Maybe I should tell them it’s best they don’t watch! I mean…I don’t know, because there is a high probability that this could be perhaps my toughest match yet, even though my opponent is still fairly early on in her wrestling career.

But I knew what I signed up for when I set my sights on the Bombshell Roulette Championship. I knew I’d be potentially putting my body on the line in each and every match, and that my weight would put me at a disadvantage a good majority of that time, too. But I wasn’t afraid, and I’m still not! There is something about the not knowing what circumstances I will be defending this title in that excites me and makes me that more determined to overcome the odds and face each challenge as it comes.

And my next challenge is you, Harper Mason! Let me start by saying you got quite the set of lady balls on you for challenging Tempest to a match. Not exactly the smartest decision, because I’ve been in the ring with Tempest, myself, but I understand why you did it so I give you props for that. I just hope that you’re as close to one hundred percent as you can be by next week, because even though I plan on retaining this title, I don’t want to win because you decided to go up against someone like Tempest so close to our match!

You’re young, Harper, don’t forget that. You’re not even a year into your SCW wrestling career and look at you already getting a roulette title match. It’s an accomplishment, true, but if I’m being honest here…you’re not ready for it. You may be a graduate of Hero Academy, but just because you were trained by Roxi and Keira, doesn’t mean you’re ready to be a champion at such a young age. Much less the Bombshell Roulette Champion. One match against Tempest isn’t enough to prepare you, Harper. Trust me.

But, again, I get what you’re feeling, Harper. I’ve been there, and I was there for a long, long, long time before I finally won this Roulette Championship. I failed so many times that I didn’t think it would ever happen. And you will, too. Because that is the nature of the game, Harper. You can’t expect to actually win this title on your first opportunity. You might deserve this chance, because Mark and Christian wouldn’t have given it to you if you didn’t, but you need more experience under your belt and I am going to do everything I have to do to stay the Bombshell Roulette Champion.

I need you to remember two things, Harper. The first, and most obvious is that the Roulette wheel is the biggest obstacle in front of us. The various match types that we might get, lord only knows what brutality awaits us! Or…what hilarity awaits us. We just don’t know. Neither one of us can be overly confident, or consider ourselves at an advantage or disadvantage,  because even our size difference simply might not matter. You could get the advantage…or I could. That wheel is, quite simply, full of mind games!

And neither one of us should forget that a certain someone could be lurking around backstage, ready to strike on one or both of us if she so wishes. You know who I am talking about, right? Yeah…Georgie Robertson. I think I need to be more on edge than you, Harper, but hey, you know as well as I do that even IF you are lucky enough to beat me, Georgie could come cashing in and take it right from you. Or, she could be going a different route and going after one of the other champions. WHO KNOWS?!

Do you still think you’re ready for this, Harper? Have Roxi and Keira really prepared you for the many different “what if?” situations this match could present to you? Don’t get me wrong, I respect Roxi and Keira a lot. I’d be stupid not to. But even I know it takes a long time to truly prepare for the roulette division. Don’t worry, though. I’ll teach you a few things I’ve learned along the way myself.

My time as Bombshell Roulette Champion has barely gotten started, Harper. I’m not ready or willing to have it end so soon, especially not to a barely past puberty rookie like yourself. No offense, Harper, it’s just the way I see it.

One week, Harper.

Good luck, sweet cheeks!

Offline Harper Mason

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“Rise of the Avenger Part XII: Doing My Folks Proud!”
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2024, 06:15:21 AM »
(Josh was used with his handler’s permission)

Harpin’ On with Harper, Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 12th of February 2024, 11:00am

(on camera, start vlog)

As Harper starts her latest vlog we can see that the teenager has a lot on her mind.

”Well, we’re here, the week of my first title match in SCW and hopefully my last series of vlogs before I take the title SCW Bombshell Roulette Title from Bobbie.” Harper sighs as she leans back in her chair. ”At least SCW isn’t gonna close anytime soon, unlike the two feds were I won my first two titles, if nothing else, it means that I have the bragging rights of being the last ever champion for two different promotions and I’m not even twenty yet!

And they say that the wrestling prodigy is becoming a cliché in modern wrestling!”

Harper shakes her head.

”I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that I’m not a bundle of nerves heading into the match against Bobbie, especially since this will be my first Roulette Match since I signed with SCW last year, I want to think that I’m ready for whatever the wheel will throw at me and Bobbie but is anyone really ready? We’ve all seen the crazy stipulations that have spawned from the creative minds of our esteemed cow owners and in the case of Christian? He comes up with stuff that would probably get anyone else’s brain examined!

I wonder if he was ever called to the guidance councillor’s office because of something he drew in his textbook at school?

Anyway, now that my vlog series has an official name, Harpin’ On with Harper, I’ve got a couple of things in mind heading into my Roulette Title Match against Bobbie on Sunday, one is winning the title, the other is a lot more personal because I want to go out there and do my parents proud.

I mean, why wouldn’t I want that last part? The first year anniversary of their deaths was just a couple of weeks ago.”

(end vlog)

Josh’s gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 11th of February 2024, 11:00am

It was the final Sunday before My Bloody Valentine and Harper was hard at work training for her title match against Bobbie Dahl at Josh’s gym, this time around she was training with fellow Hero Academy student Zara.

”I’ll give you credit Zara you’ve improved since I last spared with you.” Harper commented as she leaned against the turnbuckle to catch her breath. ”Almost as quickly as I improved when I was a mere Hero Academy Trainee at that.”

“Don’t go that far, I still have a long way to go.” The taller girl responded as she used the ring ropes to catch her breath. “And we both know how good Team Hero are at training the students, just look at you and Cass.”

“Team Hero are excellent trainers, that much has been apparent since I took Harper under my wing.” Josh chimed in as he leaned on the apron and Harper and Zara turned to him. “But you shouldn’t let your guard down, especially not against a taller girl like Zara.”

”If this us about my match against Bobbie, I’ll remind you that I’m actually taller than her, by one inch but still.” Harper countered as she turned her attention to Josh and Josh nodded at Zara. ”Bobbie’s only real size advantage over me is her weight and as long as I don’t repeat the mistakes I made against Tempest I’ll be good to………”

“Heads up.” Zara’s warning alerted Harper to the fact that she was charging in for a move whilst her back was turned and Harper countered it with an elbow to the face before running up the turnbuckle and backflipping over Zara and hitting the taller girl with an arm drag. “Doing the move that broke that Romanian girl’s leg, kinda surprised about that.”

”That was a freak accident caused by her landing awkwardly, besides, I had to think on my feet to get out of that situation.” Harper responded as she shook her head and helped Zara back up to her feet. ”And I’m guessing that was a lesson on not letting my guard down?”

“Yeah, only Bobbie has a lot more experience than Zara and won’t warn you, unless she’s screaming from adrenaline which could happen.” Josh responded with a nod before Harper let go off Zara’s arm. “Again, if I had the budget to train you for every possibility on the Roulette Wheel? I would, I’ve been in a few of those matches in my career and the trick is to be ready for anything.”

”Which is essentially what Jessie told me when I got confirmed as Bobbie’s challenger a few weeks ago.” Harper responded with a nod as she leaned against the turnbuckle. ”And hell, Jessie was one of the first Bombshell Roulette Champions, the sixth ever right?”

“Seventh, Alexis Morrison won it before her.” Josh corrected her and Harper nodded when she realized her mistake. “That was on her first try too, think you can repeat history?”

”That’s a great question, and I don’t want to totally repeat history because I don’t want my potential reign to end after one defence either.” Harper responded as she shook her head and Josh nodded. ”I set out to be my own wrestler rather than Jessie Salco 2.0 when I signed with SCW last year, but I gotta admit, if I do beat Bobbie on Sunday than the Jessie comparisons would be pretty apt, wouldn’t they?”

“True, but we can work on dispelling those comparisons.” Josh nodded in response to Harper’s statement before motioning between her and Zara. ”But we won’t make any progress unless you keep training.”

“Music to my ears.” Zara responded with a grin as she stepped forward. “Ready Harp?”

”Ready when you are.” Harper responded before the two young women resumed training.

Harpin’ on With Harp, Josh’s Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 11th of February 2024, 14:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

As Harper starts her vlog we see her in the changing room sitting on a bench having just gotten changed into her street clothes.

”Title matches are great and all but if there’s one thing they don’t tell you about in wrestling school as it relates to them, it’s how intense the training can be.” Harper comments as she uses a towel to wipe some sweat off her forehead. ”Doesn’t matter if it’s a defence or challenging for a title, and with my three title reigns under my belt? I definitely have the experience to back those words up.” Harper added as she set the towel aside. ”And given how many title matches you’ve been in over the years Bobbie? You must know a lot about that  fact myself, but as we approach the final week before the Supercard I have one thought on my mind.

I don’t want to become you.”

Harper says as she brushes some hair over her shoulder.

”I don’t mean that in a mean spirited way, like becoming as big as you for example, I mean it as affirmation that I don’t want to be the Bombshell who has to wait years before she finally wins her first title.” Harper added as she leaned back. ”We both know that’s a lot easier said than done, I’ve had firsthand experience over the past few months and you’ve had several years to back those words up, but words are meaningless until we put them into action.

And next Sunday night? My actions will not only be far louder than my words but they will echo across the arena, “Harper Mason, the new Bombshell Roulette Champ!”

(end vlog)

Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 14th of February 2024, 18:00pm

Harper had stopped off at Jessie’s home to get some extra reps in at her home gym and she was working out on the treadmill when Jessie approached her.

”If you’re here to say, “I Told You So” regarding the Tempest match, don’t.” Harper commented as she turned to her pregnant older cousin and Jessie shook her head. ”Had enough of that crap from my fellow Hero Academy and Go Gym students.”

”Come on, do you really think I’d do that?” Jessie asked as she shook her head before pausing. ”Don’t answer that, how goes the training for the Bobbie match?”

”It’s going, but there’s only so much you can do to prepare for a Roulette Rules Match.” Harper responded as she sat up from the weight machine bench and turned to Jessie. ”You know that better than anyone else I know, you’ve had that title five times.”

”And only one of those reigns lasted long enough to make a dent in SCW’s Record books but I digress.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and Harper nodded in response. ”All I’m going to say to that is that you never forget your first time.”

”You just had to use that phrase on Valentine’s Day, didn’t you?” Harper responded with a smirk and Jessie shook her head with a laugh. ”Then again I’m one of the few Bombshells who’s still single so what do I know about that subject?”

”You weren’t always single though, weren’t you dating a jock in high school?” Jessie asked with a curious look on her face and Harper shook her head. ”Until you found him in bed pounding a cheerleader?”

”It was three cheerleaders and that relationship didn’t really last beyond the first date.” Harper countered as she shook her head and Jessie frowned. ”Never even got to kiss that asshole.” Harper grunted before running a hand down her face. ”And I really should’ve worded that better.”

”I was about to say, I didn’t think a high school jock would be into that kind of thing.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and Harper grinned in response. ”Anyway, I wanted to chat with you about the match with Bobbie, more specifically what comes after.”

”If you mean those five title match rules you once brought up in a Roulette Title Match with Ari? I’m already familiar with then.” Harper responded as she shook her head. ”Unless this is about how to handle losing the match or losing the title after winning it.”

”Already talked to Josh about that, he’ll make sure that you don’t fall into the same traps that I did in my youth.” Jessie assured Harper who nodded in response. ”What I was talking about is that no matter what the outcome is, I’m proud of you for making it to your first SCW Title match, and hopefully the first of many.”

”Hopefully! And thanks.” Harper responded with a small smile before Jessie left her to do her workouts.

Harpin on With Harp, Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 14th of February 2024, 19:15pm

(promo time, on camera, start vlog)

We see Harper sitting on the ring apron as she starts her vlog.

”There’s definitely a lot of pressure on my shoulders heading into this title match.” Harper commented as she brushes some hair over her shoulder. ”Just look at what I have to live up to, if I win the title on Sunday I’ll basically be repeating what Jessie did a decade ago in winning the Bombshell Roulette Title on my first try! But I feel ready for this, more so now than ever thanks to the training I’ve gotten from Josh.” Harper added before letting out a deep breath. ”But will it be enough?”

Good question.

”Bobbie, I don’t think there’s any point in denying your abilities in the ring at this point, from being crazy athletic for a woman your size to having strength for days? You’re definitely going to be my toughest challenge to date.” Harper added as she leaned back. ”And what do I have to throw against you? My martial arts training and high school wrestling background? My training from Team Hero? All that could be for naught if the Roulette Wheel doesn’t go my way!”


”The same is also true for you Bobbie, the wheel can work against you too.” Harper added as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”I mean let’s face it, that’s the danger everyone in the Roulette Division faces, man or woman, it’s how we adapt that makes champions and I’m here to show just how adaptable I am!”

It’s that simple.

”And who knows? Maybe that adaptability will be my key to getting the win over you Bobbie! Either way, I know my parents will be proud as they watch on from on high, especially after I beat you.” Harper added as she leaned back against the ring ropes. ”If you saw my match against Mercedes at December 2 Dismember then you know what I can and will do in a hardcore environment, beyond that? Well Bobbie, at Rise of the Avenger part XII: Doing My Folks Proud I’ll give you the toughest match you’ve ever gotten from a nineteen year old!”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”Win, lose or draw I will make my mark in the Bombshell Roulette Division! And if I do win? Well, I haven’t thought that far ahead to be honest but if that does happen? I may not be old enough to drink yet but I’m still gonna celebrate!” Harper added as she flips some hair over her shoulder. ”Because the world needs a new hero and the Roulette Division needs new blood, what better way to cement my place in it than winning my first title? I can’t think of one but the idea of “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason, new Bombshell Roulette Champion sounds great to me! See you in the ring!”

Harper turns off her camera as the scene fades.

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 02:26:09 PM »
Wednesday February 14th
Gallagher’s Steakhouse- Las Vegas
Bobbie’s Birthday Breakdown

Today was a very special day. And not only because today was Valentine’s Day, and the very first Valentine’s Day for Bobbie and Artie as a married couple, but today also happened to be Bobbie’s birthday! She wasn’t the type of person to throw that information out there for everyone to know, despite some people thinking she loved getting the attention, so not many people are aware of the significance of today. But her family does, which makes having not only her parents here to celebrate with her, but Artie’s as well.

The last few days had been a bit of struggle to say the least. At least where Artie’s father was concerned. They were still having a hard time dealing with his changed attitude since they last saw him, so it has been a tense few days with them constantly walking on eggshells hoping not to set him off. Both Bobbie and Artie hoped that today he could set aside whatever was bothering him so much and have a good time, because they were all going out for a very special dinner. It was sort of a triple date to celebrate Valentine’s Day as well as Bobbie’s birthday dinner at one of her favorite steakhouses- Gallagher’s.

Set inside the New York New York Casino and Hotel, Gallagher’s is known for their delicious dry-aged steak offerings. Bobbie and Artie had been here once before, and once was all it took for her to fall in love with the service and the food, so she was all too happy to be back today. Bobbie’s mother was catching up with Artie’s mother, and her father was trying to have a conversation with Artie’s father, but a few glances in her direction indicated that he, too, was experiencing the difficulties they had been. Bobbie decided to try and change whatever it was they were talking about.

“So, Dad,” she starts, getting their attention rather easily. “How are you enjoying retirement? Keeping busy when you and Mom are back home?” Bobbie takes a sip of her water after asking this question.

“Oh! Honey, now is the perfect time to tell them the good news!” Her mother chimes in, responding before her father even had the chance. Everyone exchanges glances, even though Artie’s father seems like he couldn’t care less at the moment.

“Good news?” Bobbie asks, staring at her father. “What is she talking about?”

“Well, Barbie, would you like to do the honors? Since you were just so excited to bring it up.” Her father says looking directly at her mother. Artie glances to Bobbie and she shrugs, absolutely clueless for once, but they were all about to find out.

“We sold our house!” Her mother doesn’t beat around the bush as she spills their news. Everyone seems quite shocked, but she’s not done yet. “And, we found a nice place outside of Las Vegas. We’re relocating!” She could hardly contain her excitement at the prospect of once again being closer to Bobbie and Artie. Her father didn’t seem to mind either, but Artie’s mother seemed a bit disappointed.

“While it will be difficult to see you move, we’re happy for you both. Right, sweetheart?” Artie’s mother says, turning to her husband. He just shrugs and snorts out a “Yeah, sure” in response. Artie sighs and shakes his head, but Bobbie is not through with this conversation.

“You sold the house?” She asks, not quite sharing in her mother’s excitement. “And, you’re moving out here? Why didn’t either of you mention this to me sooner?” While she would be excited to have her parents closer again, right now she wasn’t. She had a weird feeling that there was some sort of ulterior motive to this move. Artie could tell this conversation wasn’t leading to any excitement right now, so he placed his hand on Bobbie’s.

“Bobbie, you’ve said a few times that you wished we could be closer to our parents again. Well, now it’s going to happen for you and your parents.” He says, trying to bring out the happiness he knew she would experience sooner or later. Sooner, he had hoped.

“And yet we’ll still be separated from our son.” His father suddenly chimes in, and all eyes move to him.

Bobbie was left temporarily speechless. They had lived in Las Vegas for quite some time and the last few times they had visited his parents back in Illinois, there was never any indication he had a problem. Artie’s mother says a few words quietly to her husband, and this gives Bobbie’s mother a chance to respond.

“We wanted it to be a surprise, Bobbie.” She says, and Bobbie leans back in her chair taking in a deep breath. Barbie looks to her husband and he just slowly shakes his head, letting her explain. “That house is simply too big for the two of us now, so we discussed it and decided it was time to downsize. Add to that the fact that Illinois just is not a great place to live anymore. We we decided to retire to a new city and state.”

“And you chose Las Vegas of all places?” Bobbie bites back, still confused and needing more answers. Artie squeezes her hand, but it had little effect on her.

“Why are you so upset with this?” Her mother asks. She had thought, and hoped, that Bobbie would share in their excitement. “We’ll be closer, sweetie! We’ll be right here if you ever need help with…anything.”

Bobbie sits up straight and raises an eyebrow. She noted the pause her mother had taken before finishing that statement, but before she could question it further, Artie’s mother decided to get involved, hoping to diffuse the building tension. Little did she know, what she was going to do was about  to make things even worse.

“How about we all take a little break, and before our food gets here, I have a birthday gift for Bobbie.” She says, reaching down next to her and grabbing the gift bag she had brought with. Artie smiles, hoping whatever they got Bobbie would cheer her up. His mother hands the gift to Bobbie, and Bobbie does her best to cheer up.

“You guys really didn’t have to get me anything.” She replies, slowly reaching into the gift bag. “Like I said before, I’m just happy you made the trip out here to stay with us.” She pulls out a few pieces of the tissue paper, eagerly reaching inside the gift bag. After a few moments, she pulls out the surprise for everyone to see, and while Artie’s mother has a big smile on her face, Bobbie and Artie look at the gift, confused. Bobbie was holding in her hands a tiny outfit fit simply for a newborn baby.

“Ummm…Mom, what is this about?” Artie asks her, knowing very well that they didn’t have a need for any baby clothes.

“That was the outfit you came home from the hospital in, honey.” She responds, still smiling. “I just thought Bobbie would love to have it for when the two of you–” She is quickly cut off by Bobbie throwing the outfit back into the gift bag and shoving it away from her.

“When the two of us have a baby?” She finishes the sentence for her, before looking back to her mother. “And let me guess, you offering to help with anything when you move here has a little something to do with you hoping we’ll have a baby that you could babysit or help take care of?!” Bobbie’s anger was quickly rising and Artie was trying to calm her down so as not to make a scene in the restaurant.

“Barbie did say that you were hesitant on the whole baby topic,” Artie’s mother adds, and Bobbie keeps her attention locked on her mother. “I just thought that seeing Artie’s first outfit would maybe change your mind. I know you are busy with your wrestling career right now, and we are all very proud of you, Bobbie.”

“I…I can’t do this right now.” Bobbie pushes her chair away from the dinner table and stands up. She stares at her mother, near the verge of tears. “You just don’t know how to let this go, do you? Well I hope you are happy for ruining my night.”

Before Bobbie or Artie’s mothers have a chance to respond, Bobbie rushes out of the restaurant, several other guests watching as she leaves. It is at that moment that the waitress walks up to the table to serve their food. Artie is about to go after Bobbie, but her mother stands up and insists he sit back down.

“No, Artie,” she says, placing a hand on his shoulder and he slowly sits back down. “I know she is upset with me, but I will go after her. I think I just figured out what this is about.” One look between her and Artie says it all. Artie doesn’t protest as he lets his mother in-law go after her daughter.

It doesn’t take much for her to find Bobbie, either, as Bobbie had just walked out of the restaurant and into the casino area of New York New York. She was playing a nearby slot machine, having put in a twenty dollar bill in hopes of clearing her mind. As her mother walks up to her, she glances in her direction and shakes her head.

“Please, don’t.” Is all she says, turning her attention back to the slot machine. It wasn’t hitting anything big unfortunately, but she was winning and losing enough to keep playing longer.

“Bobbie, honey.” Her mother says, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention away from the slot machine. “Talk to me. There’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”

Bobbie reluctantly turns away from the slot machine to face her mother. She didn’t want to have this conversation, but the look on her mother’s face was a give away that she now knew. And it was at that moment that tears welled up in her eyes and she finally told her mother why the topic of babies was so hard for her. “I…I can’t have kids.”

And she broke down right there in the middle of the casino, her mother wrapping her arms around her, hugging her tight.

Well helllloooo everyone watching or reading or whatever it is you are doing to see this message brought to you by me…Bobbie Dahl-Miller! It’s that time again where I have to get down to business and focus on my match in just two days. Let me tell ya, these weeks just flew by and I can’t believe it’s already Supercard time in SCW, let alone my first title defense on a big show! Not my first title defense of course, but ya know what I mean.

Before I get down to it and address Harper, I’ve just gotta say that I’ve had one hell of a week. And not in a good way! I won’t get into details or anything, but this all just dropped on me at the most inopportune time, because I can’t afford to have my mind anywhere else but on this match against Harper. Now, I’m feeling a little bit better than I was a couple things that happened. Such is life, I guess, right?! Can’t expect every day to go smoothly, which is something I have learned a lot about over the last seven months or so.

Have you all ever wanted something so badly, and went so long trying to get it, that you thought it would simply never happen? And not only that, you had people telling you it wouldn’t happen, either? That was what it was like for me the entire time I was fighting to win the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Or any championship if I am honest. If I’m honest, it kind of felt similar to trying to have a baby or something. You can try and try and try for so long, only to fail with every attempt. And with each failure you start to think, maybe this just isn’t meant to happen. I know that may be a touchy subject for some out there, so I won’t go to deep into that, but it’s all I could think of.

But my fight to win the Bombshell Roulette Championship wasn’t something that I didn’t have full control over. Because, I did. It was a physical battle, yes, but ultimately I had some control over whether or not I won or lost the championship. And I finally achieved it. I finally have something some people, myself included, thought I would NEVER have. But it’s also something that I have to fight to keep. I have to protect it at all costs, sort of like how I would have to protect my own child. Aside from my baby boy, Loki, the Bombshell Roulette Championship is my baby, and I’m not about to lose it. Especially not to someone as young and inexperienced as you, Harper.

Look, I get it. You’ve been working your tushy off over the last year preparing for a moment like this. You’ve been working for your shot at an SCW title, and now all that work is paying off. You’ve been given a shot at my title, so kudos for that. But, this might not be what you think, Harper. This might not be them thinking you are ready to be a champion in SCW, but rather, your first lesson in what you need to prepare yourself for in being a champion. It took me a long long time to finally understand, Harper, and when I finally did…that’s when I won this baby.

For so long I was only focused on just winning a title, simply to have the title. I was one of those title hungry girls that I would do anything just to become a champion, that I didn’t see the bigger picture. I didn’t understand that when you are a champion, it’s a whole different ball game, Harper. Once you win that championship, you have to carry and defend the title and represent the company as a champion should. Do you REALLY think you are ready for that at such a young age? It’s a big task, honey, and I really hope for your sake that Roxi and Keira have made that quite clear.

So you’ve been won championships in other companies you are or were in before. Congratulations, quite an accomplishment. But you yourself said two of those companies are now closed, so…those titles mean nothing. And, just because you won those titles, Harper, doesn’t mean you are a true champion. It just makes you title hungry, wanting to win as many as you can, yet never fully satisfied. I mean, why else do wrestlers like you choose to work for multiple companies? It may just be my opinion, but it’s certainly not because of their love for this sport. It’s because they are greedy.

I’m not trying to be the bad guy here, so please don’t take it that way. I’m just calling it like I see it. I have no doubt in my mind that as a trainee of Hero Academy and a member of Jessie Salco’s family, you’ll win SCW gold at some point in your career. But, you’re going to have to wait a little longer, Harper. Because even if the size advantage wasn’t on my side, my determination to continue my title reign is an even bigger advantage. There is nothing more intimidating than going up against someone who has everything to lose in a match like this.

You’re the third opponent of what I am sure is many to come, Harper. Mercedes and Seleana found out first just what I would do to remain Bombshell Roulette Champion. Hell, I almost broke my body in half in order to secure my win against them. And that was just because the circumstances allowed it. Depending on whatever the Roulette Wheel throws at us? I’ll have to think of something in the moment and roll with the punches, because that is what a Roulette Champion does. It’s a lot like improv, because you just never know.

There’s another reason I’m determined, and confident, in beating you, Harper, and this comes as more of a confession than anything. It’s because, I’m not getting any younger, and no matter how good I treat my body, there is just situations with age that you can’t control. Am I saying that I have anything serious going on? Absolutely not, but anything can happen at any moment. When my body has had enough, it will give me a sign, so I have to do whatever I can for as long as I can. But you…you have all the time in the world. You did what I didn’t and started your career young. You did the smart thing.

Make no mistake about it, Harper, you’ve going to step into that ring on Sunday against a boulder wanting nothing more than to squash you and stop you from gaining any more momentum going forward. You’re going up against a Bobbie that up until recently, not many people have seen or even knew existed, because now that I am a champion? I’m more serious than I have ever been.

I know the possibilities of the roulette wheel are endless, Harper. I think about it week in and week out. But I am mentally prepared for what is to come. I’m not scared. I’m not worried. I’m not intimidated.

I’m ready, Harper. Are you?

My Bloody Valentine V…See you then!