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Climax Control Archives / Multiple Fronts
« on: October 23, 2020, 08:47:05 PM »

“Show me a gracious loser and I’ll show you a failure.” - Knute Rockne

Fighting battles on multiple fronts Part 1
Undisclosed suburb - Las Vegas, Nevada


The sun was shining, but the warmth it provided would be like...fuck I don’t know, like wrapping your hands in saran wrap in thirty below zero temperature and expecting to stay warm? Maybe it was just the conversation we’d just shared with Amber’s old friend from her carnie days. We’d been given another name but it didn’t make Amber happy.  The look on her face as she looked back at the house that Josie owned with her generic assed husband spoke volumes. It’s almost as if she just allowed something to die, something that she valued. We sat in the car for a moment. I had to ask…


Well what?...

Who are they?...

Someone I hoped I’d never have to speak to again.

I started the nondescript car that we’d bought, if it’s someone she hoped to never have to speak to again. That person must be a true scumbag. I let it go for the time being to focus on my driving as we left the suburb where Josie lived. It was all the same, brick house after brick house. No variation in style or architecture. I never could wrap my head around those who enjoyed living in these cookie cutter houses. I just made no sense. I knew what Josie had told her had upset her, maybe it was by design. Since we did kind of intimidate the woman into telling the truth. Amber though was not taking it well. It was obvious by the amount of cursing she was doing, she was beyond irritated.

God damnit! Fucking sticky!


I take it, you don’t like this person much?

I amuse myself with my sarcasm, but I could feel the heat from her glaring at me. I chuckled as she slugs me in the arm. I catch the wry smile she tries to hide.

one of the worst human beings I’ve ever known. He’s probably in jail, because that is just who he was and likely still is.

She grunts in frustration.

We called him sticky to shorten had sticky fingers.

I bark a laugh as we continue on towards our next destination….home. We still had a lot to do in order to get ready for the match against The Black Sheep. Nothing we couldn’t handle though, unlike a lot of so called teams, we were exactly that. We were in this thing for the long haul, with a real relationship that had meaning. That was what was important to me.



Back in the studio once again; other than cracking skulls, this is probably my favorite part of this job. The silence in this room, as usual, is almost deafening. I looked around at the acoustic tiles, black and grey in a checkerboard pattern. I think to myself, They do their job maybe a little too well? Knowing this week will be a much larger challenge than what I’ve faced so far, with just as much on the line, I begin...

It’s been said a million times, Las Vegas is a mean town for a loser. It may be the worst city for a loser on the face of this planet. Since I’ve been in Vegas, working for Sin City Wrestling, I’ve yet to experience that. It’s going to happen eventually and I suppose I could be like Augustino and be gracious about it.

I smile shaking my head, indicating that would not be the case.

No, I don’t think so. You see, when you see someone who can lose graciously, what you’re actually seeing is someone who’s become accustomed to failure. That is not something I will ever be accustomed to or comfortable with.

I adjust the zoom to bring it in closer via the remote and then set it back down again.

The last time I was in the ring, I showed the Sin City faithful why I was being placed in a number one contenders match. Now, they’ve placed myself and my better half in a match against the current mixed tag team champions.

I smile at the thought of us being able to show exactly why we are THEIT COUPLE in professional wrestling today.

It’s another chance for us to shine. She took care of business against Roxi and her partner in a tag match on this past Climax Control. I was there and watched as she did so and I watched with amusement as Kedron dismantled the Roulette Champion and sent his ass packing. He was kind enough to take his title, I’d hate to think that he wasn’t keeping it warm for me.

Still smiling I reset the angle and the zoom on the camera.

Mikah and Kris, according to what everyone has been saying, you guys are not only undefeated but have dominated the division.
My smile broadens.

News Flash kids, that’s because you’ve never faced us!

Fighting battles on multiple fronts Part 2
Las Vegas, Nevada - The Bane House


I did have this habit of spreading myself too thin, I thought to myself as I worked on my hog. It had started to misfire that morning and so I was meticulously going over everything. Working on my Harley was one of those things that brought me peace of mind. Amber was there helping me, she loved to work on not just bikes but really anything with an engine. She had a real knack for it and was probably a better mechanic than I was.

Where are you, you sneaky fuck….

I heard Amber laugh from the other side of the bike. She stands up partially and wrinkles her nose at me.

You can’t call it out like an enemy Mac.

That causes me to laugh as well, knowing she’s right, but I don’t have to admit I?

Oh yeah? Wanna bet?

I said it in a voice full of triumph as I had just found the culprit. A pinhole in my fuel line. I watch her reaction and she starts to say yes but then something about my tone makes her change her mind.

That’s a fool's bet and I’m no fool.

She follows that statement by sticking her tongue out at me.

What did you find smart ass?

I laugh at the levity and return the gesture sticking my tongue out.

pinhole in the fuel line. The same fuel line that we’ve checked half a dozen times.

She gives me an incredulous look.

What do you mean “we”? You got a frog in your pocket?

I’m trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

Fair, it’s the same fuel line that I’ve checked at least half a dozen times.

That’s better

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

yes ma’am

Several moments pass by as we finish replacing the fuel line, then priming the line and test firing it to make sure that backfire is gone. Fist bump and then we begin cleaning up. There’s really nothing in this world like the feeling you get from fixing something that’s broken. Just like her mission to help an old man who was dieing to make peace with his estranged daughter. That was the thing that she wanted to fix for her old mentor. Since we had all this time working on my bike and she’d had time to calm down a little bit, I felt like I needed to ask her about this, “Sticky” again.

So, Sticky…

She frowns but only slightly. She sighs…

I really don’t know what to say about that piece of shit, Mac. He was one of those guys that preyed on younger girls in the carnival. He was a pick pocket, his skills in that area were pretty good but he was stupid.

Thinking about that statement coming from her, I can’t help but be amazed that she was impressed by the skills of a petty thief. He must have been a good one to get her respect.

Sounds like a real stud.

I say with the sarcasm dripping heavily as I say it. She laughs so hard she actually snorts.

Yeah….no. He was a weasely little bastard. Ugh...and now I have to find this prick in order to try and find Cass.




Opportunities like this one are priceless. I’ve already got a title opportunity against Kedron. Maybe we’ll have two matches to look forward to. Amber and I would love nothing more than to take those mixed tag team titles from you. I have zero problems with being double booked for a pay per view or supershow or CC. The one thing I’ve noticed about you both, the arrogance, it’s palpable. Amber and I have made a career out of torching assholes like you two. You asked the question not long ago, what would it take for people to believe that you’re every bit as good as you claim to be? Hell, Son, that’s the easy part. Beat someone that fucking matters. How’s that for starters? You haven’t beat us, so you can’t say that you’ve beaten everyone there is to beat. Granted, I’m still rather shiny to the average wrestling fan that follows Sin City. So, you haven’t learned yet….but you will.

I get it though, you’re a very accomplished guy here in Sin City. You and your girl have won just about everything there is to win here. You can’t move forward because the level of talent has been raised with every single new person that walks in here. You’re no longer the top dog in the company nor the face of it. That belongs to someone else. For now it’s Washington for however long that lasts. Doesn’t seem like anyone holds that title for long around here. It’s a talent level thing though isn’t it? When there’s so much talent in a place it makes retaining a title difficult, that is unless it’s the mixed tag division. I guess...or maybe you just have had quality opponents to defend against. Oh, I’m sure you’ll beat it into the ground that the two of you have faced them all and beaten them all. Typical promo, hot air, b.s.

With all your accolades, you’d think that you guys would move onto another company and test the waters to see if your talent holds up. Hell, that’s what Amber and I have done. We branch out to test our metal in other companies. We want to not only face the best, we want to be the best. We can only do that if we test our wills against the wills of others. The idea is that you leave your mark everywhere you go. That’s what true competitors do. I don’t pretend to know what your legacy looks like nor do I care. I deal with what’s in front of me, what’s been presented by you so far is a lot of hot air. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of shit to say folks but it won’t matter. I’ve been around this business for a hell of a long time and I’ve seen it all and done it all. There’s nothing as a team you can bring to that ring that will shock, surprise or amaze Amber and I.

I know the type of competitors you are and you really have no choice, when you’re never the biggest dog in the fight. High risk, high reward right? You had better be amazingly fast kids, fly as high as you think you can and when the surface to air missiles start tracking, you’ll crash back down to earth and learn what others already have. You can’t fuck with this kids. All your flash and spot monkey tactics won't save you in the ring against people who actually know how to wrestle. We’re the type of people that can pick you apart, or just straight up outfight you, doesn’t matter to us. Pick your poison kids, because that’s exactly what it is at the end of the day. Calling poison control won’t help you, there is no cure for what comes next. The legacy you think you’ll be leaving will die in that ring against me and Amber. Enjoy your celebrity status for now kids, your lack of consistency will be your undoing. If you should survive this encounter, then you really can call yourself “The Miracle”, it’d really be a miracle if you could figure out a better team name though….that whole, “Black Sheep” thing? Yeah, the nineteen nineties called and they want their material back.

Climax Control Archives / Sit, Ubu Sit
« on: October 09, 2020, 07:49:11 PM »
“He’s not a bad fellow, although an imbecile at his profession” - Arthur Conan Doyle

Sit Ubu, Sit
Las Vegas, Nevada - Bane House

/Scene Opens\


Fall had arrived in the desert, well, fall for Vegas anyway. It was still very warm, not to the point of being sweat inducing but pretty close. The nights were cool and becoming crisp, well crisp for a thin blooded Texas guy anyway. The sun still had not come up, but I was outside by the fire pit with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I had been trying to get some things sorted in my mind, things around my relationship with Amber mostly. I relight the cigarette, for probably the third time. It always seems that when my mind is overloaded or I feel overwhelmed, she appears out of thin air. This morning was no different, the hurricane painted red, Amber Ryan was everything I had wanted in a woman, lover and partner in this crazy shit we call life. I can count the number of people I would take a bullet for on one hand. Three of those were my children, my oldest friend, “Godly” Ken Davison and Amber Ryan. I had fallen so hard and so completely for this woman it truly boggles my mind at times. I continued to watch as she approached clad in one of my t-shirts that looked like a dress on her, and leggings. She folded her legs up under her as she sat near me by the fire pit.

“This is early, even for you Mac. Something bothering you?”, she asked calmly if not politely. I give her a knowing smile, “Not anything wrong, love, trying to figure some things out is all.”. She crinkles her nose at me, “I knew something was causing you some sleepless nights.”. She pauses to take a sip of her coffee. “The match with Barnhart?”, she asked. I chuckle a little, “No, I’m not worried about that semp in the least.”. “No, this is about us Amber, that’s what has been causing me sleepless nights Darlin.”. She looks at me with obvious concern, “Not quite sure I follow…”. I smile and lay a hand on hers, then lift it up and kiss her knuckles gently. “I’ve been thinking about us for a long time my love.”. “It’s not anything negative, as amazing as we are together, the future, that’s what I’ve been thinking about.”. I pause for a moment to judge her reaction, never play poker with Amber by the way.

“I love you, Red, and I can’t imagine my life without you. The real question is, what does that future look like?”, I sigh, then smile. “I know this is far too deep a conversation to have at five in the morning.”. She looks at me with a deer in the headlights type look, “Well, i did ask…”. I shoot her a wink, “That you did.”. She frowns, but only for a moment, she then grabs my hand with both of hers and returns the gesture, kissing my scarred up knuckles. “Same old man, I couldn’t imagine my life without you being in it.”. I chuckle, “hey now, watch that old stuff.”, and I shoot her a wink. That was one of the running jokes between us. “But you’re such a pretty old man.”, she winks at me. I point to my face, “This old thing?”. Thanks to timing, I almost get her, the coffee almost comes out of her nose as she struggles to swallow. “Ass!”, she exclaims almost angrily. “Yes ma’am.”, I smile knowing that in this case close was close enough. I smile with pride at the accomplishment. You’ve no idea how hard it is to surprise this woman much less catch her off guard.

Las Vegas, Nevada - Bane House

/Scene Opens\


Family dinners; they’ve been a thing for my family for a long time. One of the things in this life that brings me joy is watching all of them enjoy what I’ve prepared. This was one of the few times that I wouldn’t allow anyone to help with the dinner. My kids and most of my friends love Amber, but I wanted to be sure they could all co-exist. This was extremely important to me, regardless of what I do in the ring, things outside the ring hold just as important a place in my heart. The menu was made up of mostly Texas foods. Smoked brisket, smoked pork butt, collard greens, cornbread, black eyed peas, and peach cobbler for dessert. It was really my first time to cook for Amber in this kind of setting. Come to think of it, I didn’t know if she could cook. It didn’t matter really, this was one of the few times in months that we’d had time for anything like this. As we sat down to eat, I seriously thought that her eyes were going to bug right out of her face.

Amber, “I had no idea….”, she stammered to complete the sentence. Jimmy laughed, Jules glared at him. “That I could cook?”, I asked her. Then Jules turned her glare on me, “Duh”. Then the whole table erupted with laughter. “Ah, you probably don’t remember, but we were in a place called Boardwalk together and I used to do this for the talent there.”, I smiled as I completed the sentence. “That might have been before I got there.”, she shrugged. I return the smile, “Probably, that was a long time ago.”. Jules all throughout the dinner had remained in a state of discontent. I of course had felt the buzzing in my pocket as my daughter had likely tried to covertly tell me something. So, I dug my phone out, seven messages from Jules. “I’ll be right back, I need to go see about this.”, I say as I raise my phone up. I stepped onto the back porch and looked at the messages. They all said the same thing.

When are you going to ask her?

I smiled at the message, I knew that my daughter loved Amber, looked up to her even. That made me happy. Jules was a mess after Melissa died, and I probably didn’t help at all, because so was I. So, I reply to the message.

Soon kitten, very soon

I return to my position at the table and smile at everyone, “I apologize, but it was important.”. Amber smiles and nods, accepting my explanation. Jules is a much happier kid after I replied to her message and doesn’t say much still. Being a father, well, it will teach you patience. Being a single dad raising a teenage daughter will re-teach you what you believe patience is. I had set the phone on the table and it buzzed again. I see a brief preview of the message, “When?!”. I shake my head. “Nope, that can wait.”, I declare and grab the phone and fling it over the couch.

I laugh as I watch my childs expression, Jimmy knew what was going on and couldn't contain himself any longer. He continues to try and hide his amusement and begins to laugh. Amber of course had become suspicious and was watching the exchange. I hold up my hands to forestall the eruption, “I promise, I’ll explain later. It kind of goes along with the talk we had the other day.”. She nods and then begins laughing, “Oh!”. Again the table erupts with laughter. After a moment the laughter dies down and Jimmy has questions, Jimmy always has questions. “Pop, what about this Barnhart guy?” I level a steady gaze at my son, “James you know my rules, no work talk at the dinner table.”. He sighs in exasperation, then looking over at Amber he asks another question, “So, when do we get to start calling you mom?”. “Oh, for fucks sake.”, Amber says quietly.


In Studio

/Scene Opens\

Once again in my recording studio. I’ve found over the years that these are the types of things that pay for themselves quickly. An in-home studio is ideal for this type of work. With the camera showing online and my focusrite amplifier showing good levels, I start out standing, I want to show the audience that I’m very serious about this match. I begin…

”I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t know much of the history of Sin City Wrestling. What I do know is that like myself, Barnhart has never won anything here. Not anything that mattered anyway. You talked a lot of shit, Clownshoes.”

I pause there and smile at the camera.

”I refuse to call you by your moniker, it’s an insult to the animal in question. By comparison Bill, a dog is a brain surgeon, you’re an idiot. Too many shots to the head with a chair?”

In contrast to Bill, who did nothing but talk about his past failures, and there was a list of failed title attempts to his credit.

“ I don’t dwell on past accolades or failures, there’s a ton I could talk about but since it didn’t happen here, why would anyone care?”

My smile slowly slides away, replaced now with a look of contempt for the slob I’ll have to share a ring with.
“You don’t seem to have any respect for someone you know exactly zero about. It’s really not hard to find information on me, I’m just a google search away. You do know how to use Google, right? Guess they didn’t teach you about that in Georgia, huh?”

My expression lightens but only slightly so that my level of disgust is obvious.

“So let me clue you in Billy boy. I have a great many advantages over you. We’ll start with relevance. I know that words with more than one syllable are problematic for you, so I’ll explain what that word means.”

I allow a small smile to return to my face.

“ It means I matter Bill.”

The smile remains as I continue.

“ I’m the only person in this match that has any relevance. I know that will be hard for you to digest and probably even understand. This is my second match in Sin City boyo. Think about that, just for a moment. My second match in this company will decide a new number one contender to face someone that you’ve never been able to beat. Not only that, you tapped out.”

My expression takes on a more serious note as I talk about my physical limitations.

“I do have a couple of disadvantages in this match as well Bill. Both knees have been scoped, and I’ll be turning forty-five soon.  So I’m definitely at a disadvantage when it comes to age and wheels. You already know this I’m assuming, not that the knowledge will do you any good.”

The stern, business as usual expression remains.

”The important thing to note here Bill is that you have to be smart enough to actually take advantage of that. You’re not exactly a road scholar sir. A dirt road scholar maybe….nah...not a chance.”

I approach the camera slowly to emphasize a few points.

“For some odd reason, people like you believe that you have the market cornered on violent matches. That makes me laugh, when they bring it up.”

I extend my index finger to count it off.

“See, I’m a technician in the ring Billy, I don’t need to use weapons to win a match.”

I extend my second finger.

“Gimmick matches to me are just for the crowd and do exactly nothing for the wrestler. Because, Billiam I can bust you open with my bare hands.”

Ring finger extended.

“All I need are the soup bones that I swing around, they’re called fists for those of you following along at home.”

Pinky extended now.

“Maybe the most important part in all of this and you’re going to find this out Bill. I’m a very old school kind of guy.”

Finally my thumb comes out, and then I close it into a fist.

“I value tradition, a dedication to an elevated standard that most wouldn’t understand. A lesser number of people would even appreciate what I’m doing and the goals I’ve set for myself.”

I lower my fist and lean into a close up of my face and the final words I need to impart.

“You’re not special triple B, you’re just next in line to serve as a speed bump on my way to bigger and better things. I don’t expect you or anyone else to believe what I’ve said here today, but your true advantage, and you can tell them all about it. You can tell them how your game was elevated by “The One Man Wrecking Crew’ Mac Bane and that you’re forever grateful. See? You don’t have to believe it, you’ll get to live it, and they’ll get to watch it unfold in that same old inevitable way. You don’t get to win this one Bill, but I’m sure there will be success in your future endeavors.”

Satisfied with the end results, I set down to package the recording to send off to Sin City Media Relations.

“For a loser Vegas is the meanest town on earth.” - HUNTER S. THOMPSON, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing - Act 1, Scene 1
Las Vegas, Nevada - 5:36 A.M.


I kept asking myself, Mac why are you splitting time between two companies?. The answer always came back the same, the reason at the age of forty-four I’m splitting my time between two companies? I was currently watching her sleep. Some people called her “The Hurricane Painted Red”, others called her, “The Distorted Angel”, and even a brave few called her “Bitch”. Not in my presence though, not unless they wanted to ingest their next meal through a tube. I simply called her “Amber” or “Red”. Even while she slept, I could tell she wasn’t at peace. The injuries and the drama were taking its toll on her, it was easy to see and hard to watch. When you love someone though, you do whatever you can to support them. She’s one of the few people on earth I would storm the gates of hell for.

The bedside clock showed in angry red numbers that it was five thirty-six in the morning. I slide out of bed as carefully as my frame will allow and head to the kitchen. I’m on auto-pilot right now making coffee. I then make my way outside to smoke a cigarette. The “snick” of the zippo lighter fills the night air, the flame showing my barely clothed body, the boxers and flip flops were enough. The smell of the fuel being used and then the acrid smell of cigarette smoke. Inhaling deeply and then exhaling, I watch the smoke drift up and away. I move my head to the left then the right with the satisfying popping sounds that accompany that motion. Walking over to the patio furniture, I pressed the button for the lamp on the table. Sitting down, I thump the cigarette and then take another drag off of it.

I had seen the assignment late last night, they had booked me against three other men in a roulette match. Stephen Calloway, Augustino Romano and Lachlan Kane. Unlike a lot of these folks, to me, it didn’t matter where I was on the card. It didn’t matter who I was fighting that night. The only thing that mattered to me was the fight itself. Violent Conduct was the name of the show and this was the sixth installment of this super show. I often wondered if people really understood what it was to be willing to win by any means necessary.

Match by match, fight by fight, I’ll earn my way. They’ll learn to respect who and what I am, or…..

I heard the backdoor open, evidently Amber had woken up despite my best efforts. I could smell the coffee as she approached. I look up to see my beautiful woman, in my blue t-shirt that looked more like a dress on her, handing me my coffee cup. She continued to the seat next to mine, limping slightly and then sitting down heavily in the chair.

Thank you love

She smiles a sleepy smile and nods before saying…

You know the rules Bane, no talking before coffee

In response I raise my coffee cup in salute and then I lower it enough to take a deep drink, getting a silvery laugh from her.

{The Promotional - Introduction and Calloway}


The stillness of the television recording studio, the lack of anything really. The room is so very quiet, not even a hint of normal room noise. The walls are padded with sound absorbing foam, black and grey squares line the walls and ceiling. Only the flashing red eye of the camera for company. I lean back in the armless mesh office chair provided, not too quickly though, my frame tends to cause things to tip over if I’m a bit too aggressive with my movements.

”When people talk about Las Vegas”, pausing I allow a small smile to tug at the corners of my mouth. ”They always like to fantasize about the big winners, the people who became rich with the pull of a slot machine handle or the luck of a poker hand.” I pause again, allowing the smile to fade into a more serious expression.  ”They don’t want to talk about the people who risked it all and couldn’t even afford a bus ticket home.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my legs just above the knee. “They don’t talk about the losers that end up homeless because they have a gambling problem and can’t stay out of the casinos.” Bringing my hands up, arms still resting on my legs, I steeple my fingers just in front of my face. “No one likes to talk about things that are very real, about the people who don’t have a success story.” I move my hands away from my face returning them to the previous position. ”People no longer in our society want to root on the underdog, and hope that they’re able to turn it around. They’ve discarded their humanity and embraced the mob mentality and a lust for blood. I shake my head in dismay, and then stand before continuing. I’ve often asked myself, what has this world come to that we’ve reversed our evolution to this point. Then I realize that no one really cares about what we’ve become. They simply want more of it. Now I begin to move, pacing back and forth like some caged animal. Then I stop, and I glare at the camera.

”I come from a long line of professional wrestlers, this industry is one of the most important things in my life. Not the most important, but it runs a close second to my loved ones.” I don’t allow my glare to soften at all as I raise my voice slightly. “Some people talk about their faith and that it carries them through. They have their God but I feel it’s necessary to point out that this business is my religion.” I allow that statement to linger there for a moment, hoping that it sinks in for anyone watching this. With a balled up fist to accentuate each of the following points I slam my fist into the palm of my other hand. “I live, eat and breath wrestling.” With the third and final blow, I pause more for effect than anything. Then spreading my arms, ”Obviously with my track record, I’m not a purist when it comes to this business. I am however very much an old school, tradition matters, kind of guy.”[color] I continue after another short pause. “You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that with my size and demeanor that violent conduct is second nature to me.” I’m openly smirking now as I continue towards talking about one of my opponents. “Something that’s very foreign to me though is that attitude that Calloway has about his career and this business. Sure you’ve lost some matches, so what?”

Moving a little closer to the camera, ”It’s the nature of this business, we all accept that very early on. Losing matches doesn't make you a loser Stevo.” I shake my head no, ”Your attitude and your work ethic are what make you a loser sir.”. The smirk being replaced with a smile now. ”That’s what makes this town such a terrible fit for you. For a loser, Las Vegas can be the meanest town on earth my man. Don’t feel bad though, there’s a lot of people out there like you, they call Vegas home as well. You would think that going into a match like this that I would be the underdog. You’d also be wrong, so very wrong. Sure, it’s been a hot minute since I was in a six sided ring, that’s not something that slows a man like me down one bit. No matter how many sides a ring has, the middle of it and a three count are all that matters. You’re getting an opportunity, Stephen an opportunity to prove that a title shot for you makes sense to the people who make the decisions in SCW.”

I turn and start making my way back to the chair provided. “Yes, you’re a veteran of the sport, and I should show you more respect than that. I stop short of the chair and turn back around facing the camera. “That’s simply not going to happen. Being a veteran of this business and five bucks will get you a cup of coffee at starbucks but that’s about it.”. Still standing I slowly turn back around. “I don’t expect anyone in this match to respect anything I say or any of the things I’ve done in my career. What I do expect, is that your top tier talent begins to pay attention to me right from the beginning. After this match is done, they’ll know exactly who’s coming for their title. It doesn’t matter which one, I plan on holding them all at some point in my time in Sin City.”.


Fear and Loathing - Act 2, Scene 1
Las Vegas, Nevada


Knowing the desert is hot and experiencing it are two vastly different things. Being used to the heat of Texas summers, I hadn’t really thought about it much. It was dryer here, sure, but hot is hot. I looked up at the digital display from the bank for about the eleventh or twelfth time, it would show the time, three forty-four, and then the current temperature of one hundred four degrees fahrenheit.

I do believe I’ve discovered the gates of hell.

I say to no one in particular, Amber had gone into the shopping center based on a lead she’d gotten. I reluctantly agreed to staying in the car. She had this way of disappearing in crowds. It was the damndest thing, she somehow made herself small and went unnoticed. Being well over six feet tall and close to three hundred pounds, I couldn’t do what she does. So I kept the car running to keep it cooled off and she did the leg work. Well, as much as she could with that banged up ankle. Using the button on the drivers side panel, I lower the window a bit. I light a cigarette and inhale deeply. uConnect notifies me that I have a message….

Incoming call from Red

I press the corresponding button to answer the call.

I found Josie. Come on in the shop. Last door on the left in the main hall.

Okay, I’ll be there in a sec.

Josie or Josephine McDermit, She’d been a ride builder and ride jock. She’d gotten out when a section of roller coaster track had fallen and nearly hit her. She’d managed to put quite a lot of money back and left the carnival to go to college. The “shop” where amber found her was actually the office of a CPA in Las Vegas. She had gone to school to become an accountant. I scoffed at first, but the look on her face, well, that told me that she wasn’t kidding and was mildly insulted that I thought she made it up. I killed the engine, regrettably, I know by the time we got back in it would be hot as hell. I lock it up as I walk toward the center. I find the suite, “Murphy and Murphy CPA” is stenciled in white on the door, just below the suite number One hundred and seventy-five.

I followed Amber’s directions and found the office she indicated. I turn the knob and open the office door. I sweep the room with my eyes, finding Amber, she’s looking very tense. I’m assuming that it means that Josie really didn’t have much information for her.

Mac, I wanted you to meet my old friend Josie

Josephine McDermit had become Josephine Murphy based on the name tag she was wearing. I smiled and crossed the room. I shake her hand and she mine. I could feel her weight and measure me as I crossed the room. I’m sure that growing up in the carnie environment had likely taught her it was a wise thing to do.

Josie, a pleasure to meet you.

A strong handshake from a woman was not something new for me, even though my hand swallowed hers she seemed unphased. She smiled sweetly as she responded. I however can recognize a fake smile from a mile off.

And for me to meet you, Amber...he is a big one.

The smirk from Amber, gave me pause but only for a moment, then nonplussed I responded. I felt like there was a hidden joke there somewhere but I don’t press for information, I simply flash her my smile.

Yes ma’am.

I study her wall, seeing first an associates degree from a junior college in Florida, followed by her bachelors from Mississippi State. Her wall was spotless, no dust there, made me wonder if she dusted daily or if someone did it for her. Between that and the well organized desk, it really spoke to her OCD or professional nature, then tended to go hand in hand with these nine to five types.

You’ve done very well for yourself, Josie

She catches my stare at her wall of degrees and awards, some from the local business groups. She smiles a large smile before addressing my attention to her wall. Her wall of fame was impressive to say the least.

Thank you, a lot of hard work and it’s been very rewarding to say the least.

Amber decided the time for pleasantries was over, I had known it would be like this though. She was really wanting to find her childhood friend and get this mission over with. She leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

I do have a question for you Josie

Amber digs out an old picture and places it on the mahogany desk in front of her. Josie smiled at the old picture of her, Amber and Cassie together. She looks up at Amber, with the obvious question in her eyes.

I’ve been looking for her

Josie studies the picture for a moment, she smiles a sad smile and pushes it back to Amber. Shaking her head in dismay, as if some long forgotten memory had come back to haunt her.

I can safely say that I haven’t seen or heard from her since the day I left. I loved her dad, he’s a good man, he certainly never deserved the label of “Carnie Trash”.

Amber frowns, probably disappointed and frustrated by a dead end. I say nothing, giving her a chance to collect her thoughts.

Thanks Josie….he’s dying. That’s the reason I’m looking for her. If you hear from her, please call me or have her call me.

Without another word Amber stands up and I grab the keys from my pocket and I use the remote start, The engine is on, it won’t be cooled off by the time we get out there but it won’t matter to either of us much. Josie shoots me an apologetic look and I stand, tipping my hat to her, I move to follow Amber out the door. I felt like we would have a few of these before we would be able to find someone who knew who she was and had talked to her. It’s a process, Amber knows this having done this kind of thing before.

Fear and Loathing - Act 3, Scene 1 - Baltimore, MD.

They say that, the last thing that you think about at night and the first thing you think about in the morning are the most important things to you. On a personal level, that was Amber for me. This beautiful redhead had so completely captured my heart and be honest it was amazing to me. So, needless to say, I had been awake for a few minutes before she gently squeezed my hand and slid out of bed. I had actually woken when I heard the ding of the coffee maker begin it’s morning ritual. I simply laid there and pretended to still be sleeping. We were together more times than not these days, and to be honest I preferred it that way.

I slowly got up and got dressed myself, finding my jeans on the bedside table, with the white crew neck t-shirt laid on top of it. I slid the t-shirt on, plain white cotton, my blue jeans, simple wrangler’s. I pulled my boots on for good measure. It seemed that while we slept, according to the display on my phone, autumn had come to Maryland.

What’s a twenty degree difference...

I’d always preferred the summer, more work got done during that time of the year. Of course this was the mind of a rancher coming into play. I had to put that away for the time being and focus on my debut. The men I had hired to help me run my place, always had things well in hand. They were experienced and that allowed me to focus on wrestling. I was always thankful for the minimal interruptions for things going on at the “Crooked M”. Stamping my feet and feeling the last inch or so give in and allow my heel to settle into place in my right boot, a grin forms, tugging at the corners of my mouth. I hear the chime of the coffee maker having completed its cycle.

Ah, yeah...the song of my people.

I make my way to the kitchen and notice that my pack of smokes is gone. The lighter though had fallen on the floor and rested comfortably by the leg of the table. I crouch down and grab it, stuffing it in my pocket while I get the coffee made.

You won’t be smoking much without that Red.

I knew something had been bothering her, she had quit smoking...again, the other day. The storm behind her eyes revealed something very different than what she said. I knew that losing the world title...that was eating at her. She had a Roxi on her mind here in SCW. This next match was critical for her. Looking down at the coffee cups, now both steaming from the hot liquid inside of them. I’ve often wondered this as I went to pick them up...

Why are standard cups so small?

I make my way to the back door, setting one of the cups down, I turn the knob slowly to open the back door. I look out the open door and see her walking around with a cigarette and nothing to light it with. She hasn’t seen or heard me yet though, so I grin as I make my way out to where she was.

I thought you quit smoking...



{Promotional - Augustino}

I’ve returned to sitting in the provided chair, as I address the young man known as Augustino.

  While I’m new to Sin City, I’m certainly not new to the wrestling business.  Unlike Augustino, he’s still very green, wet behind the ears so to speak. Which I’m certain that he’s watching this right now and  just checked behind his ears to see if they were indeed wet. You sir are an interesting human being. Not a lot of people can make the transition from motor sports to wrestling. Big props to you for that my man. I know it must be frustrating because so many of the boys don’t take you as a serious threat. You’ve beaten a few people of note, but until you get that signature win, it’s never going to change. I’m not talking about a count out victory here man, I’m talking about a clean in the center of the ring dominant performance. I’ll be completely honest, I don’t know a lot about any of my competitors in this match. Watching tapes on you guys, sure, but that doesn’t tell the real story until you are in the ring with them.

The same goes for you Augustino, I hope you do your homework before this match. It won’t help you prepare for what’s waiting on the other side of that six sided ring. Like many of the people here, one thing I’ve noticed is how much you cling to past accomplishments. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t be proud of success, no matter how limited that might be. You’re past successes in motorcycle racing don’t amount to crap inside a wrestling ring little man. You’re a ten time champion, if your biography can be believed. Is it true though? Or did the front office help you construct this elaborate farce to make you appear to be something you’re not. Everyone has a desire to be a winner at some level. Las Vegas is full of those people, they’re all losers, they pretend to be otherwise but at the end of the day, they cry themselves to sleep at night.

Let’s be fair though, let’s talk about recent success. Take your recent win against Storm for example, while it’s important in your mind, not really so much to anyone else. Sure, he was a legit contender for a title, and you beat him. It’s very likely that he was looking past you to the title shot, a guaranteed title shot. What in the world makes you believe that he took his match  with you seriously? Maybe he took you lightly and you pulled out a significant win for yourself. Sadly though my friend, it’s only significant to you. It’s obviously not significant to the people in Sin City that make the decisions. If it were, you’d have a title match of your own instead of slumming with the new guy. Look at it from a more positive aspect for a moment. If you win this match, you will have beaten two former world champions. If you lose? Well, it’s just another minor setback for you right? I mean, if we’re being positive about it.


Fear and Loathing - Act 3, Scene 2


The desert was a funny place, during the day, the heat was in the triple digits and at night it would drop by thirty degrees. I guess the universe does have a sense of humor after all. Amber hadn’t made it home quite yet so I sat on the back deck. I know it may seem odd to have a firepit in the backyard of a home in Vegas but even during the summer, the nights have a chill to them. In addition to that, I love fire, or at least I enjoy starting them. That’s exactly what I had in mind for this debut in Sin City.

”To start a fire that cannot be extinguished.” I mused to myself as I watched the flames dance and lick the edges of the fire pit. I lean back into the chair and light a cigarette. I take a drag, inhaling, then exhaling forcefully. ”It’s been a long road.”, I say as I think about the past couple of years. About two years ago, I lost the mother of my children to cancer. That was a dark time for all of us, most especially for my kids. Jimmy and Aeric were both already adults, Jules though, she was sixteen at the time. That took a toll on us as a family. ”And now she’s off to college.” I smile as I say it. Rightly so, she’s accomplished so much. I feel that we accomplished a lot as a family.

”All the chicks have left the nest.”, I say that out loud and it makes me feel proud and kind of sad all at the same time. I take another drag, this time exhaling slowly, and enjoying it, so much that it brings a smile to my face. The one thing that bothers me and when I think about it, the smile disappears. ”What did doing the right thing in this business ever get you but stabbed in the back?”, I ask myself in earnest. Knowing full and well it’s a rhetorical question that many have asked themselves. ”Not a damn thing, Bane, not a damn thing.”, the musing continues as I take another drag from the cigarette. ”Then whatever shall we do about that, Mac?”, I’m now thoroughly amusing myself with this. ”Well Mac, maybe we should just burn it all down and make them rebuild it. Make them rebuild it using a higher standard.”.


{Promotional - Kane}

And here I am saving the best for last. Lachlan Kane….I wonder if you’re any relation to Michael “Spike” Kane? Nah, probably not. Spike was a special kind of athlete, work ethic was off the charts and he had a nasty streak that would put most marvel villains to shame. He was also a professional and didn’t sit around crying about missed opportunities. He went out and made himself another one. Never dependent on luck or chance, he just got shit done. Doesn’t appear you have that level of ambition or desire in you, and until you develop a killer instinct kid, you’ll always be where you are right now. Being nothing more than fodder for the next batch of real talent walking through the door.

Your bio on the website says your Irish. That true? If it is, then where is your fight? Got your ass handed to ya on that cruise ship in such a way that you slunk back to the mixed tag division so your wife could carry your dead weight. Must be a tough pill to swallow huh? I keep hearing  you call yourself “the scrapper”, I just don’t get it and I damn sure don’t see it. I’ll say it again, louder this time for the people in the back, where is your fight?! You damn sure better bring it to the ring when we face one another. If you don’t, I hope you at least make some mental notes about what a real fighter looks like. What I do in that’s criminal Kane. I take no prisoners in between the ropes. I ask for no quarter and I damn sure give none.

Augustino says he’ll do absolutely anything within the rules to win a match. That of course is a very honorable thing to say right? What about you Kane? Will you do anything,as long as it’s within the rule book? Probably, you’re one of the people that the fans adore. It’s people like me and Calloway that prosper though and do you know why? It’s because we’ll win by any means necessary. I don’t care about their collective adoration. I don’t care about your wanting to do the honorable thing. What I do care about is getting paid and winning titles. That’s what matters to me. For the time being, Alex Jones is your measuring stick for success. That’s cute and all, but what if I told you, that I hold myself to a higher standard.

Before long, you’ll all be held to a higher standard.


Alumni / Mac Bane - Singles Application
« on: August 26, 2020, 11:24:26 PM »

Handlers Name: Jim
Any Messengers: Facebook, Discord
Years Active: 16(off and on)


You will be booked at least 2-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since tag team matches take place in an inter-gender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out a Tag Team application***


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List): James Storm
Wrestlers Twitter: bane_mac
Wrestlers Name: Mac Bane
Nickname(s): The One Man Wrecking Crew, Cowboy, big nasty
Age: 44
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 280
Hometown: Port Arthur, Texas
Personality: Aggressive
Strengths: Experience, strength
Weaknesses: can be provoked to the point of rage, mind games do affect him. Physically, his legs, he's had surgery on both knees at one point in his career.
Gimmick If Any: I don't know it Texan is a gimmick but that's really who he is.
Alignment: Neutral(heel lean)


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): "Badass" by Saliva
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):  The opening chords of "Badass" by Saliva begin to echo throughout the arena as Mac Bane makes his way out onto the stage. The crowd gives him a mixed reaction, mostly cheers but a few jeers as well. He nods his head along with the music.

"I need you to hear this loud and clear
The line in the sand is drawn and I have no fear
When I see red all I need is a reason to set me off
To drop this bomb and pick yourself off the ground"

The chorus picks up as the volume increases and the pyro flares red to either side of the stage. Bane begins his walk towards the ring. Fans reaching out and he exchanges a few fist bumps here and there but the ring is his focus. That's where he conducts his business.

"'Cause I'm a badass
A badass
'Cause I'm a badass
A badass
A badass"

He moves to the ring steps and makes his way up on the apron. Wiping his feet there, he then ducks between the top and middle rope.

"Don't take this past the point of no return
You don't want this kind of lesson learned
When I see red all I need is a reason to throw it down
To take you out and you will have no doubt"

He stands in the center of the ring, bathed in the red light, he extends his arms straight in the air, momentarily he crosses them in an "X" before he lets fly the "Hook'em" sign with each hand. His music has faded, his duster has been removed along with his cowbowy hat. He now paces like a caged animal, while he awaits his opponent.


Everyone gets one finisher and 3 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-All-Arounder (Jack of all trades, master of none)

Signature Moves
1.) "The Ride" - Arn Anderson style spine buster.
2.) "Tornado Alley" - Roaring Elbow
3.) "Snake Bite" - Von Erich Iron Claw

Finishing Move
1.) "Texas Heat" - Clothesline from hell.


Weapon Of Choice: Sledge Hammer
Match Of Choice: Doomsday Massacre Match(Barbed Wire Wrapped tables that have to be set on fire and then put your opponent through them.)

Superstar Bio: Mac chose at an early age to serve his country. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a member of the construction battalion, based in Puerto Rico, he saw a lot of things he'd rather forget. He does suffer from PTSD but doesn't bitch about it like a lot of people seem to. From there he took on the family business, he was born into a wrestling family, and two of his sons have also decided to do the same.
Past Accomplishments:
Multiple World championships in now defunct companies. Inducted into 4 halls of fame. He's also currently on the Carnage Wrestling roster. His most recent accolade is that he was the longest reigning Baltimore City Champion in the history of the company. He's cashed in his "high road" opportunity to challenge the current Ultra Violent Champion.


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