Author Topic: Pilot  (Read 318 times)

Offline Kate Steele

  • Match Writers
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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
« on: September 04, 2015, 11:32:49 PM »
 Off Camera

Tampa Bay, Florida

We find ourselves at the Steele-Warren household in beautiful Tampa Bay, Florida. It is there where we are able to see Kate Steele in her home in her home and she is sitting down at her kitchen table. She has her pen out as she is reading over the contents of a document that is sitting down in front of her. She smiles as she takes the cap off of the pen and is about to jot something down and that is when he husband Todd Warren walks into the room his long hair wrapped into a ponytail. He cracks a smile as he looks down into the eyes of his wife.

Todd: So what are you doing babe?!

Kate just shrugs it off as she continues to stare at the document that is in front of her. Todd looks over at the paperwork as his eyes light up as Kate smiles back at him with the pen wrapped tightly in her hands.

Kate: You know the usual Todd just looking over some paperwork. A contract for SCW. Wondering if I should sign my name on the dotted line or not.

Todd: Oh that’s nice…

He thinks about it for a few moments before his eyes light right up. He stares daggers right into his wife as his hands instantly go on that of his waist. He walks right over to where Kate is sitting and inspects the document in his hands.

Todd: SCW CONTRACT?! What the fuck Kate!!! I don’t want to hate on anything you are doing because let’s face it. You know you could practically do anything and I would support you…

Kate nods her head in agreement.

Kate: Of course you would. After all people like Jenn Drew say you have your head far up my ass, and I am not even going to get started on what Camacho thinks of you…

Todd shakes his head in disgust.

Todd: SORRY ASS GABBY CAMACHO?! Who in their right mind would care about anything that C U Next Tuesday.

Kate: Seriously you just couldn’t say the word Cunt?! It’s honestly not that hard…

Todd: Hey I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt plus I am trying to be a little nicer. I really am trying to change Kate I just can’t go around antagonizing everyone like I used too. It makes you an easy target too much of the time and I can’t have your opponents finding easy ways to pick you apart verbally because your husband acts like a clown most of the time.

Kate: Good I am happy that you can actually man up and admit your shortcomings. No need to act like you don’t make mistakes or anything like that.

Todd: …

Kate smiles widely as her eyes are locked tightly on her husband.

Kate: I got you speechless?!

Todd: Why you always have to be so hard on me!

Kate: Because you deserve it… I mean come on… You made your wrestling name Teddy Steele… Teddy fucking Steele… Seriously and even until this day you are getting harassed by my father and my sister because they think you are disrespecting our family name…

Todd: ...Please… I am only using it because of you… I don’t understand why they can’t see that but enough talking about your selfish ass sister. I rather not talk about Samara as much as possible. Let’s bring the focus right back to you. What’s up with you and this whole SCW contract. Why exactly are you signing up for yet another wrestling company. Please enlighten me…

Kate keeps her eyes locked on the contract before she looks back at her husband with a wide grin on her face.

Kate: Because there’s a lot of unfinished business I have with some of the people on the bombshell roster, and there’s some new business I have with some of them.

Todd: Like who?

Kate: Well for starters there’s Mercedes Vargas for one… I still remember how she beat me in that other company and you know I am a woman that doesn’t like to leave things unfinished., I can’t walk away from the sight of her taking advantage of me when I was very young in my career. When I was a rookie and she had no qualm picking me apart beating me again and again. I know for a fact that I am at a point where I have surpassed her and I would like to have a chance to step into the ring and prove that to her. There’s also this whole Metal and Punk Connection tag team. What do they really know about metal and punk? That is our lives in a nutshell Todd. You and I are part of a rock band and entered into this whole wrestling business as being part of a band. When we decided to team up we kept with being a band through everything, and now I have these two knuckleheads to deal with. Might as well put myself to the test see how it will feel to be in the ring with two SCW mainstays…

Kate smiles passionately as Todd can’t help but roll his eyes back at her.

Todd: Come on there has to be more than that. You don’t really sign up for wrestling companies unless something has honestly caught your eyes. You can tell me what’s up.

Kate: Well there is the thought that I could potentially step into the ring with Roxi Johnson and that is something that has been on my todo list for a very long time but I guess what I am really after is restoring the name to the Warren family. Granted it’s my married name but still Cindy did a lot of damage to your name.

Todd rolls his eyes.

Todd: Cindy?

Kate: Yes Cindy. Our sister in law… She’s been in and out of SCW like a revolving door and yet receiving all of these opportunities receiving all of these chances she never really capitalized on anything.

Todd: Cindy?!

Kate nods her head in agreement.

Kate: Yeah what’s wrong with that?!

Todd: Nothing it’s just that Cindy wasn’t really focused on the wrestling business as she could be. No disrespect to her or her wrestling ability but she’s married to my brother. Anyone who goes through that amount of torment in life can’t be focused enough to actually do something in the ring. Being married to Jimmy is a struggle in itself.

Kate: And being married to you isn’t?!

Todd remains silent as he just stands there shaking his head in disgust.

Todd: Well you know what I meant.

Kate: But in all seriousness there’s a lot that SCW has to offer besides I am getting very popular right now. The band is getting bigger. My career is skyrocketing and I might as well kick it up to the next level right. I might as well see if I have what it takes to step in the ring with the next tier of competition and see if I have what it takes to perhaps bring more gold around my waist. I know it’s a lot on my plate, and anyone can see that I live a very busy lifestyle where something is always going on but that has never stopped me before so why should it start too now.  I live and thrive for this business and I have no doubt in my mind that I will ascend to the top of the pecking order as quickly as I have everywhere else. It’s just business as usual for me.

Todd nods his head as he smiles back at his wife.

Todd: Fine… Go ahead and do it then but don’t ask me to tag along…

Kate: Actually you are going to be my manager, you didn’t think I was going to travel all the way across the world by myself did you? Don’t think of it as leaving home a lot… I know it must be honestly hard for you to constantly be on the move at the very early stages of the American football season…

Todd: Whoa, whoa, whoa… It’s just football you don’t have to be all politically correct with that whole American nonsense…

Kate: I am English & Scottish there’s only one sport that will ever be football to me…

Todd seems disgusted as he shakes his head.

Todd: Like anyone cares about sorry ass soccer.

Kate: Most entertaining sport in the world, which is why everyone becomes a “football” fan during the World Cup, but just look at the bright side of everything. We can tour new cities that we haven’t before. SCW is a company that practically goes everywhere. It could open the door for new cities for our band to tour, and it’s far better than just staying around in the Tampa area right?! Think of all the money that you could make. People wanting your autograph asking to take pictures with the famous Sexy Teddy… And there are probably tons of women that…

Todd’s eyes light up as he quickly begins to nod his head in agreement. Shaking his head passionately as he looks back at his wife.

Todd: You know what consider it done… You can take me on for the ride. The woman, the fame, the fortune….

Kate: And the name, don’t forget restoring strength to the name of Warren.

Todd: Yeah that too… But I believe in you. SCW here we go… LET’S GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate places her hands over her ears as she stares daggers right into her husband.


Todd: Right well do your thing girl and Let’s Get It…

Todd says with a smile as he walks away leaving Kate to finally sign her name on the dotted line. She offers a sigh as she looks in his direction.

Kate: Damn he can be annoying sometimes… Hello SCW…

She says with a grin on her lips.

On Camera


The cameras come into focus and as they do we are able to see Kate Steele sitting on a chair. She has her guitar slung over a shoulder. She has a microphone wedged right in front of her face. She is sitting down as the cameras zoom in on her face. She offers a wide grin on her lips as she begins to speak for the cameras to see her.

Kate: Hello S C Dub… Who is ready to wake up?! Who is ready to rock the hell out?! Who is ready to stand up in awe as the only true punk princess of wrestling invades your television screens and of course inside the wrestling ring and showcases why she is not only the best thing in all of wrestling today but that she is the best mixture of technical and high flying greatness in one. A woman who can ascend to the top rope and flip over anybody spiking their head right into the ground. Or a woman who has the strength to lift another woman up onto their shoulders and drop them right on their head, or perhaps my real favourite.

Kate smiles wide as she continues to speak.

Kate: Having the uncanny ability to truly be just like a Siren… Luring all those in who can’t resist her charm. Luring right in to think they got the better of me and when they hear they hear that sweet sound that victory might very well be within their hands that’s when I lock in my Siren’s Song I wrap my leg around their head until they either scream for me or pass out due to the circulation being cut off to their brains. It’s so wonderful the many different types of way my arsenal can pick you apart. I know there might be some of you who saw that Kate Steele signed up for SCW and was immediately expecting instant results, and for those who were expecting that. I am not going to be the one to let you down. I know that the moment I put my name on the dotted line of the contract. Everyone would be expecting a lot of me. I would be an instant target, and that perhaps my reputation might join me here in this company, and you are expecting a lot from me.

Kate smiles as she continues to speak.

Kate: Honestly that doesn’t even phase me because I have lived my entire life people expecting things from me. Some didn’t expect anything but for those that do I assure you that I won’t let any of you down because I am a woman that’s on a mission. I am a woman that is focused to deal with the task at hand, and that is to hold my own within the middle of the ring. To be honest I would rather for all of you to not know of me at all because when I do come in and do big things. You could say that it came outta nowhere, and it might be a bit more surprising. But at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter if I am known or not known because truthfully the result is in fact going to be the same. I am going to take this company by storm, and with each and every match. You are going to see that my bite is definitely stronger than that of my bark. I am not here as a bullshitter. Someone who loves to talk themselves up and show no action as a result. I am one that busts her ass to get what she wants, and I will be damn if anyone tries to tell me I can’t do something or that I won’t do something.

Kate begins to strum away at her guitar as she looks back at the camera and continues to smile some more.

Kate: Do you hear that?! It’s the sound of people overlooking me. It’s the same old tune that I am accustomed to hearing from people. Let’s just take a moment to look at the tale of the tape for a second. Look at me. It’s the sound of people saying I could pass for a teenage boy, that’s what my body looks like. Or the sound of people saying I am too short to do anything in the wrestling world because I stand at 5’2 and 110 pounds. With me signing with SCW I have officially become the smallest person on the entire roster. That’s insanity right?! I am a midget compared to everyone else, but yet that doesn’t scare me at all.. As a matter of fact it just makes me want to sprint right into the heart of competition, and go out there, and do what I can do best. Don’t you know that the biggest things tend to come in the most smallest of packages, and that’s exactly what I am. I am like a little firecracker that’s waiting to explode, and what a better time to do that than in this match that is in front of me?

Kate smiles wide as she strums some more chords on her guitar.

Kate: I mean I am walking into this match and there’s a lot on my plate. The first thing is I know I have a lot of repairing to do to the name of Warren. I know Cindy was in this company on and off on three different occasions and it was always her coming in here not taking advantage of the opportunities in front of her. Not really living up to her full potential and I don’t want to start my career in the same way. If anything I want to be much better than she ever was. I want to surpass her and showcase that a Warren can exceed in this company, and at Climax Control that’s exactly what I intend to do. I have been in the company for a month now and I know I was supposed to have my first match a while ago but because of family issues I wasn’t able to make my debut but this week is different because in my very first match in the company. I get to walk into a four way match in which I have the chance to potentially be the number one contender for a title. That feels so surreal to me. Everything that I want is being dangled in front of me like a carrot on a stick and I just need to reach out and grab it. If I can get through this match and find a way to win, then I will be the number one contender for the Bombshell Internet Championship and that’s everything I could ever want. In my first night I could position myself as a true top tier talent in this company, and as you know the first impressions are the most I have to start off with a bang.

Right in front of me to start are three women who epitomize wrestling and I know they have been doing this a lot longer than I have. For starters there’s Traci Patterson. I know a lot of people would say she is a woman who seems to have lost her way recently. She’s a woman who doesn’t win as much as she used too but I am not going to buy into any of that because at one point that woman was a two time SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champion. Being a former champion point blank is an accomplishment in itself so I know when push comes to shove she’s a woman who if determined could push herself into getting back on track. What a way to do so than by winning this match and cementing herself as the next contender for the Internet Championship.

Kate thinks about it for a few moments as she continues to speak.

Kate: Or many perhaps the music might flow in Jade’s direction. She is a long time veteran of this sport and although she hasn’t accomplished much in SCW this could be the spark she needs. This match right here could make her relevant again and I don’t say that to be mean… I am just being brutally honest. Everywhere she competed she seems to have been a champion but SCW seems to be the place where she has struggled. She can turn things around with one win… And she could showcase that she is still as good today as she was back in her prime.

Or perhaps maybe this might be Lucy’s time to shine. Lucy seems to be a major threat in this company. She has a record that is quite impressive and for the most part whenever someone is thrown in her direction she finds a way to overcome them. She finds a way to win and she has all the potential in the world to be the next big thing in this company. But as good as she might be I know for a fact that I can be better. I am used to people telling me that I can’t do something. That I will never amount to anything. I spent years as a cutter because I didn’t like what society had to offer for me. Years of my family putting me into psychiatric hospitals and psych wards because they didn’t think everything was right up there. But not once did I complain about what I had gone through. Not once did I complain about the way my own sister beat me down.

If anything it only toughened me up and prepared me for this moment of being a wrestler. Prepared me to take a stand and do something I love. Music has always been a serious love of mine but ever since I became a wrestler, wrestling is becoming what I enjoy the most. I know coming into this company people might see the name Kate Steele and assume that she has a lot on her plate. That she is everywhere or might be accustomed to seeing me change my hair and appearance often. But the fact is no one goes hand and hand with the Internet like I do. I am a trendsetter and it’s only fitting that I move in the direction of competing for that title. Not only for the simple fact of proving to Amy that I am the true punk princess of wrestling but because I only deserve it.

Kate smiles widely as she nods her head and keeps on speaking.

Kate: So with Climax Control. You can bet your bottom dollar I am gunning to walk away with the win. I am gunning to finish what Cindy tried to start. My sister in law who was in that very first match for the title but had to watch as Joanne C grabbed onto what she wanted. This first match not only marks me redeeming the name of Warren but establishing the name of Steele as well. When you saw that Kate Steele signed her name on that contract you are getting all of me. Me at my very best and all of my attention and I am not looking to disappoint. So you could expect me to strum that song. I can sing that sweet Sirens Song as I lure the competition in one by one until they eventually find themselves shipwrecked. Shipwrecked by SCW;s Siren. So watch out ladies because I am coming to mark my territory. This is my time and at Climax Control I start marching onward to what I really want. Amy I hope you are watching because it won’t be long before it’s you and I facing off for that belt. Good luck to the three of you. I am coming and it’s time to make a name for myself…. LET’S GET IT!!!!

Kate plays her guitar some more and it’s on her strumming that we fade out on.

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