Author Topic: I Am My Own Enemy  (Read 622 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
I Am My Own Enemy
« on: June 10, 2022, 01:20:09 PM »
Hollywood Hills, California
Zdunich Household
Crystal paced around within the Zdunich mansion. She definitely had a lot on her mind as it wouldn’t be long before she would step into the ring with Masque. However as scary as that might have been what terrified Crystal the most was the fact that she didn’t know how to deal with her wife challenging her to a wrestling match. Crystal had never been one to turn away from a challenge. It was out of character for her to run away from a fight. However Crystal really didn’t want to go down that dark path. She didn’t want to be in a position where she would become that old Crystal on her wife. She made that mistake years ago turning on her just to get a World Bombshell Championship match. People never really stopped talking about Crystal’s sin, and accepting that match would quickly bring all of those sins back up. Seleana stood in front of Crystal with her arms crossed as she looked into her eyes.
“Chickie are you going to keep ignoring me?!”
Crystal however didn’t say a word to her, and even if she wanted to reply to Seleana something else caught Crystal’s attention. Crystal’s phone started to ring which caused the Latina to gaze down at her phone. The name on the phone read “Kat Jones”. Crystal didn’t hesitate as she quickly answered the phone.
“Hey Kat I really wasn’t a phone call from you… Is everything okay, are you enjoying your Birthday gift?!”
Crystal tried her best to put on a façade but the voice of Kat really got to her as she spoke back.
“Crystal listen to me I just wanted to check on you. I know you have this big match with Masque coming up. I honestly just wanted to check on you… Do not give Masque an inch. Do not let her get into your head, and do not let her pry you for weaknesses…I know we just became friends but I don’t want anything to happen to you…”
Crystal just sighs shaking her head as she paces around while on the phone. Seleana is right there doing everything in her power to make sure that she listens to everything about the conversation as Crystal replies back to her.
“You don’t have to be worried about me! I know what I am doing… I know YOU didn’t have faith in me the last time I fought her…”
Kat quickly answers on the phone.
“No it has nothing to do with me believing in you or not. I just wanted to say that I am concerned… I just don’t want anything to happen to one of my friends. Be careful and take care of yourself…”
Crystal didn’t even bother to say anything back in return as she decided to just close the phone. She turned her attention over to Seleana who stands there with her arms folded. Crystal looks right into her eyes as she seems befuddled.
“Is there a reason why you keep following me around the house?! It’s bad enough you accepted my challenge but you don’t have to watch me. This is very annoying! Can’t you understand that I need space! You just don’t understand!”
Crystal tries to storm away and make her way towards the door but it is at that moment that Seleana actually grabs Crystal by the arm. She holds it tightly as Crystal actually seems shocked as the blonde woman speaks perfect English in order to reach out to her wife.
“No chickie! This time you aren’t going to walk away from me. I have been married to you for four years and I never complain or say anything bad to you. Even when you betray me I not leave you. I not trophy wife and I won’t sit by and constantly have conversations with Aurora on why you feel the need to always storm out to avoid confrontation. Real world doesn’t bend to you. For the first time in your life I need you to just listen…”
Crystal snatches her arm away as she instead turns around and looks right into the eyes of her wife. She sighs in return as she fires back with a very passionate response.
“Listen to what Seleana?! I still don’t understand why you even challenged me to a match in the first place. What is it that you WON’T FROM ME?!”
Seleana shrugs her shoulders as she sighs in return.
“What I want is for my wife to stop thinking that everybody is always against her. For three years you have been trying to find out a solution to what’s wrong with you, and you never can figure out the why. You went and got counseling and it didn’t help. You took a sabbatical from this family and it didn’t work. You tried to bring somebody else into this marriage and I am going to say that didn’t work. I love you so much but I am not going to stand around and watch you try to run around making the same mistake over and over again…You keep trying to fill in these voids but why can’t you understand..”
Crystal shakes her head as she looks right into Seleana’s eyes.
“UNDERSTAND WHAT SELEANA?! Ever since you came out and interrupted my open challenge all you have been saying over and over again is that I don’t UNDERSTAND… What am I not understanding?!”
Seleana points right at Crystal as she seems uneasy.
Let me ask you this question… What is your biggest fear?! What is the one thing that you are most afraid of?!”
Crystal quickly fires back a response.
“That’s easy… You should know that answer. It’s being alone…It has always been being alone…”
Seleana shakes her head.
“No… I don’t think that’s even the truth. If it was being alone you wouldn’t have gotten married four times. You wouldn’t push away your kids or friends when they try to get near you. You have this pattern of uncertainty among a lack of confidence.  A woman wouldn’t walk away from her wife is she afraid of being ALONE… No Chickie what you are afraid is runs deeper. You want to know why I accepted your challenge?!”
Crystal nods her head.
“Yes I would definitely like some guidance on WHY you actually did… You know I don’t want to fight you…”
“Do you think I want to fight you either?! I don’t want to fight you but I know that within that ring is the only place that you will listen. It’s the ONLY place where you will understand. You know what your biggest fear is Christina?! It’s not being alone, or it’s not what others say about you. Even though you will try to sway it towards being something else, the truth is what you are afraid of the most is YOU. You are your biggest critic; you are your own worst enemy. You are afraid of you, and you don’t know how to move on from having a war with yourself.”
Crystal crosses her arms.
“Yes Chickie… You are the problem but you want to create all of these situations to make yourself feel better. The truth is I do love you, and I am proud of the wife that you have become. However I don’t need you going to the extreme of being a Christina Rose, or a Crystal Zdunich to prove that fact. When you shift in direction it has an impact on your wrestling and that’s not healthy. I want you to love me but I don’t want you to sacrifice your very identity to prove a certain point. I want you to learn how to distinguish the difference from being inside of the ring and being at home with me, Alex, and Aurora.”
Crystal shrugs her shoulders.
“And what are you asking for Seleana, because I don’t think I like where this conversation is going…”
Seleana nods her head.
“You really want to know what I want?! What I want is for you to embrace yourself. Accept who you really are and to not run away from it… What I want is to step into the ring with the woman known as the Reflection of Perfection, the Silver Screen Queen, the Rose Goddess! I want to wrestle Crystal FN Hilton because I know that is who you were always meant to be. I want to see that confidence and I want to stand toe to toe with that woman in the ring…”
Crystal walks away as she is afraid looking away from her wife.
“Absolutely not… You don’t know what you are talking about Seleana… That’s not what you want! You obviously forgot when you stood up to Christian and you rocked him the face for me! You showcased that you were an amazing wife and what did I do in return?! I didn’t show any thanks but I came across like a Judas. Except my betrayal wasn’t worth thirty pieces of silver but came in the form of a title shot. I vowed that I would NEVER and I mean NEVER ever let that part of me come to surface. I don’t want to every hurt you again. You don’t deserve it and I refuse to put you through hell…”
Crystal seems to have tears in her eyes but Seleana once again grabs Crystal. This time she forces the shorter woman to look up into her eyes.
“No… That’s where you are wrong. Stop viewing me as I am this damsel that needs to be saved. As much as the entire world shouted Free Seleana I never responded to any of that stuff. I am not held captive and if this marriage was truly bad I would have walked away. However marriages aren’t without conflict and what I want you to learn is that we don’t walk away from things we can’t handle but instead we work together as partners to deal with those issues. Now I know you probably have thoughts of not wanting to fight me and it may sound crazy that I actually want to fight Crystal Hilton…”
Seleana smirks.
“However in my eyes it’s not crazy because what makes me smile is seeing you at your best. It is seeing you pour out everything to accomplish something. I view you as being the best Christina and even if you choose not to see it sometimes the truth is you are the best, and I want to show to you that I am not in your shadow or even a trophy wife. I am standing BESIDE you and by facing you I get to test myself against who I feel is the best of the best. Are you really going to deny me a chance to test my own limits and at the same time experiencing my wife be the best that I know she can be?!”
Crystal shrugs her shoulders.
“Because if you say no to me Christina that is as bad as you breaking my heart because that would be your way of saying that you simply don’t believe in me… You do believe in me don’t you?!”
Crystal thinks about it as she slowly gazes back into her wife’s eyes and nods her head in agreement.
“Of course I believe in you… It would be foolish to think that I didn’t believe in you… If this is what you really want Seleana of course I will face you. I thought I was doing you a favor by trying to protect you but I am starting to see that was wrong. By constantly running to your aid I am actually handicapping you and for that I am sorry… If it’s me at your best you don’t have to worry about it… I will give you what you want….I will give you Crystal Hilton…”
“Good…That’s all I want… Even if I am no match for you as long as I can help you gain your confidence back that’s all that matters in the end…”
Crystal nods her head.
“Yeah…I can see your point… I love you Seleana, more than you could ever realize. I am just going to take some time to visit a friend just to get clarification on all of this. I want to make sure I am making the right decision…”
Seleana smiles.
“No problem… Take all of the time you need… I am always here…”
How is it going to all of my blossoming roses out there?! I am going to be completely honest with all of you. I know it won’t be long until I walk into perhaps the biggest challenge of my wrestling career. I am absolutely afraid, and the mere thought just frightens me. I have never been backed down from ANY challenge. I have always been the type to just go in guns blazing and give every single bit of myself in the ring. Before anybody jumps to any conclusion and assumes that I am talking about Masque that couldn’t be any farther from the truth.
Masque doesn’t scare me… She might be methodical and really got people talking or left speechless after what she did last weekend to Amber. However that doesn’t scare me. What scares me more than that is the fact that I laid out an open challenge for Summer XXXtreme, and my wife of all people accepted that match.
It’s an image that haunts me and it may be my biggest weakness yet. I am afraid because I am reminded of what happened the last time Seleana and I stepped into the ring with one another. I did some very evil things. I turned on her just to get a shot at a World Championship. Seleana feels that there is a piece of me missing and she is welcoming me to fully embrace Crystal Hilton so I could regain my confidence in the ring.
The problem is I don’t know if I really want to be that woman.
That is when everything finally dawned on me, and I finally figured out what I am afraid of the most. For the longest I thought it was a fear of being alone and that’s what caused this unhealthy need to be accepted.
However when you really look at everything and view that fact that I have been married like four times and slept around with just about anyone and everyone, it never seemed to fill in that missing need. It led me to trying to force many friendships, butt my way into conversations that really never concerned me, and even ask the few friends that I do have if they were my friends over and over again.
When Seleana stood face to face with me I finally understood what has been my biggest weakness. In a way she has always tried to tell me but I just didn’t want to listen.
What haunts me the most isn’t a need for acceptance, it isn’t even being alone, or trying to be remembered. It’s an issue that goes deeper than that and I can see it for what it is.
That weakness is none other than me…
I am afraid of me, and it leads me to being my own worst enemy. I know the entire world can try to cheer me up and state that I am this great wrestler but deep down I never believed in it. Sure I have the accolades to back it up and I accomplish so much but I just didn’t buy into it because I chose not to do so.
I constantly build up these walls of a lack confidence, and because of such it created identity issues. I was afraid of myself that I ran off to Hollywood so I could become somebody else. At least with acting I could always be somebody new. However no matter how costumes, makeup, or even hair changes I had gone through I still never dealt with dealing with me.
What’s the point if one never fixed those issues will always lie underneath the surface?!
I guess its equivalent to having a car with a transmission that went out. It doesn’t matter if you put new tires on that car or even give it a new paint job. The truth still remains that the looks will be deceiving because underneath it is still a piece of shit that needs to be fixed so it can run again.
The fact is I know a lot has been going on within me. I know there has been the constant question of what should people expect out of me. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore because I have found myself. It took a while but Crystal Hilton will return and that spells trouble for whoever is standing in front of me. It just so happens that Masque is going to be the next one up but so be it.
Seleana has been begging for Crystal Hilton to return and after deliberation who am I to disappoint her?! I know Seleana really doesn’t know what she is asking for. Crystal Hilton is my most competitive form. It has been the part of me that has been missing for about five years but if this is what is needed to put all of the pieces together again, I know it is something I must do.
Masque to be quite honest I really didn’t expect to be in the ring with you so soon?! After losing to you at Into The Void I thought everything was going to come to an end right there. I thought I would have to work my way up through the ranks again and would have to focus on something else. I guess management felt like another encounter was in the works.
I am not going to complain or take this opportunity for granted.
The entire world is looking at you to be the scariest Bitch on the block. I know a lot of people are upset with what you did to Amber Ryan. So if you could take out a woman that was as dominant as she was, I know everyone will wait and see in anticipation what you could do to me.
Hell I know you are going to do everything in your power to take me out but I am not afraid. If anything I can confidently say that I will be waiting. So bring it Masque, give me the fight I have been waiting for.
Tampa Florida
Off Camera
With everything going on between Crystal and Seleana, Christina felt that she needed to receive some clarity of what was going on within her marriage. She knew that Seleana just kept wanting to push the two of them having them a wrestling match but she still had her doubts if going through it was the right decision. Crystal’s journey had taken her to the home of the Johnsons so she could have a heart to heart with Keira about the situation. Roxi was out and about with the kid which meant that Crystal would have alone time with Keira. An amazing dinner was on the table as today’s menu consisted of an ham, macaroni and cheese with mashed potatoes. Crystal’s plate seemed empty compared to the what Keira had made for herself. Keira immediately started to gulp down on the heavy food. To be honest it looked really disgusting and something that you would see Goku doing from Dragon Ball Z. Keira’s eyes turned to over to Crystal shrugging her shoulders at her.
“You should really eat Crystal…”
“I am not really hungry… I am on a strict diet and I love enjoying my slim waistline. I think I am going to pass…I rather focus on just talking.”
Keira looks at Crystal’s plate as she takes it moving it close to her as she begins to eat away at that plate as well.

“So what’s going on Crystal, how can Senpai help you. I know you wanted to talk…”
Crystal slowly nodded her head sighing in return.
“Yeah… I didn’t know where else to turn but I know you have gone through some similar stuff with Roxi so I was hoping that you could give me some good advice. Two weeks ago I issued an open challenge and I was waiting for anybody to answer that challenge. What I didn’t expect was to see my wife walking down to the ring and accept that challenge. The mere thought of facing Seleana scares me and I don’t know what to think or how to feel…”
“What do you mean you don’t know how to feel?! You shouldn’t even feel that type of emotion…”
Crystal just looks away as she speaks some more.
“It’s the fact that she keeps prying and prying to try to bring me back to being Crystal Hilton. She doesn’t have any idea that I don’t like the woman that I was. I don’t ever want to bring myself to a place where I openly want to be in the ring with my wife. I love her way too damn much to ever put her through what I did once before. I just want to show her how much I love her, I want to care for her, and I want to protect her…”
“You really haven’t learned anything have you Crystal?! What you are trying to accomplish for Seleana won’t ever work if anything it’s only going to make her weaker in the long run! I know you want to be that perfect place and you have done so much in order to try to showcase that. You won a Queen for a Day match a while ago and you GAVE her a title match. A match that she had gone on to win but it still doesn’t change the fact that you just gave it to her.”
Keira is passionate as she continues to share her heart.
“You might think you are trying to help her but it’s only going to harm her! It’s going to ruin her image. People are constantly going to perceive that she is forever in your shadow and she won’t have a chance to grow as a competitor. I know it must sound to hear me say this and it may not be what you want to hear but it is what you NEED to hear!”
Keira looks deeper into Crystal’s eyes as she continues to speak.
“The reason why I can get so passionate about what I am saying is because I was in Seleana’s shoes. I was that woman. Roxi and I did everything together. We shattered the record with the Bombshell Tag Team Championships. Nobody ever gave me an ounce of respect. Everybody just assumed that Roxi carried me to the success that I achieved. It fueled me and it definitely fired up Roxi. You remember when you won your first World Championship and they were trying to find contenders to place in that Chamber of Fate match against you at Summer XXXtreme?! We both wanted to be in that match but they made us fight each other to qualify for it…”
Keira just shrugs her shoulders as she continues to speak.
“I poured everything I had into beating Roxi. I beat her in the middle of the ring but I still didn’t get my respect. People only took my win as Roxi letting me win… It made me upset and I vowed on that day that I would do everything in my power to prove that I wasn’t handed anything. I wasn’t carried and I was able to hold my own weight… I know I might have rubbed people the wrong way when I kept trying to push a match with Roxi over and over again. I felt like I needed that match so I could beat her just to show everyone that I belong….”
Keira nods her head as she smiles.
“Since that day… I have held the Roulette Championship! I have won the World Bombshell Championship, and I showed the world that I truly do belong here. You are trying to make a big deal out of this but the truth is you shouldn’t run away from this encounter. You should welcome it! You should give Seleana exactly what she wants. If that means bringing back Crystal Hilton by all means you do that. Maybe just maybe this is what you need. I am going to be honest with you and this goes back to when you beat me for the championship and Amber was lined up against you….”
Crystal just listens as Keira tries her best to reach out to her friend.
“I told you point blank that you weren’t ready to face Amber… I told you that she would get the best of you but you just didn’t listen. I said that because you are a shell of who you were always meant to be. You have grown weaker and instead of bringing that competitive side to yourself you are complacent with going day to day by your reputation instead of having that drive to really be the place. It honestly reminds me of what happened to Gohan in the time period after he beat Cell. He was at the top of his pea but then he got sloppy. Of course he could still go SSJ2 but he had way more power in the seven years prior. That shouldn’t have been the case. He should have gotten better but he didn’t because he slacked. Being any type of super hero isn’t easy. If you don’t apply yourself the right way and train you will get surpassed by others…”
Crystal shakes her head as she fires back with a response.
“No! That can’t be what’s happening to me! I am better than that! I am Crystal Z….”
“And there you go always trying to scream it but in reality you need to show it! Seleana might have many reasons why she wants to fight you but from what I can see this has nothing to do with her. This is all about you. She sees what you have become and she doesn’t like it. She wants you to get back to your top form and if that means that you have to be Crystal Hilton by all means that is who you need to be. Now you know that I told you that you weren’t ready for Amber, but now you have to face Masque. You saw what she did to Amber, so what does it look like for you to step into the ring with the woman that decimated the woman I said you weren’t ready to face?! It means this is going to be a burial, but it doesn’t have to be…”
Keira smiles as she looks deeper into her friend’s eyes.
“No… You can change the entire narrative. All you have to do is bring that part of you out. I know you pride yourself on thinking you are a Vegeta with your constant talks of pride, and how you are this and that…. What you don’t realize is that you aren’t Vegeta… You are Gohan and right now I see a woman who has her true potential hidden within her. You have so much power within you… You just have to find a way to bring it to surface. Whatever is plaguing your mind just let it go… Don’t be your own worst enemy. Don’t be afraid of yourself. Give Seleana what she wants but don’t do it for her…”
Keira points right at Crystal’s chest.
“Do it for you and as long as you do it for that reason nothing will stop you…”
Crystal just stands there before she slowly walks away from Keira. She makes her way towards the living room and it is there where Crystal is able to take a long glance into the mirror. She glares at her reflection for a while as Keira begins to stand next to her friend. Crystal keeps her eyes fixated on her reflection as a trance is unlocked within her eyes. She forms a confident grin as she looks at Keira. The blonde nods as she reaches out to Crystal.
“Now who you are?!”
Crystal takes it all in as she cracks yet another grin.
“I am… I am… I am Crystal Hilton and I am the best wrestler on the planet. If Seleana really wants to fight the best than that is what she is going to get. I am not here to hand out chocolates and roses. I am here to prove why nobody else belongs in that ring with me. So Seleana is going to get more than what she asked for and if she wants to prove that she doesn’t want me to protect her she will have to show that she can stand toe to toe with me. I will be competitive and I will not go easy on her!”
“Good and by doing so you both are going to be winners in the end, and as far as Masque goes?!”
Crystal runs her hands through her hair as she is confident.
“Masque who?! I know she is scary and she is feared by the roster but the truth is I am not afraid. If she wants to take out women that I respect so be it but her reign of terror ends with me. I will stand up to her and I will show her what happens when somebody actually fights back. It doesn’t matter if people believe in me or not. I know what I have to do…”
Crystal continues to have that confident look and Keira nods her head as she smiles at her friend.
“Good… This is exactly what has been missing from you. This is the side that I haven’t seen for quite some time. As long as this same woman shows up on Sunday there is no doubt in my mind that you will walk away as the Internet Champion…”
Crystal nods her head in agreement.
“That sounds good but I need to believe in myself, and right now I am tired of being my own enemy. Come Sunday the entire world will get a dose of Crystal Hilton and I refuse to hold back anymore. It’s time I start striving my way into being the best again…”
With that Crystal has a focused look as we leave on the two of them.
So it looks like we finally meet again Masque and to be honest I am really happy to be in this match. I have so many thoughts that are running through my mind right now but I am just going to be completely honest with you. I am not afraid of you… I don’t fear you, and I am thrilled to be in the ring with you. I know you are intimidating and are perhaps the biggest threat on the entire Bombshell roster. What you did to Amber Ryan last week was completely sadistic and it’s a known fact that Amber and I really didn’t get along with one another.
Hell we were bitter enemies and she is the one that took the World Bombshell Championship away from me. Despite everything that we put one another through at least on my end I gained a level of respect for her. All matters should be settled within the confines of the ring and you didn’t even give her that chance. So let me make it perfectly clear. I am not going to stand up to you to try to be some type of hero or martyr because I believe that everybody should be able to fight for themselves.
What I can definitely say is that I am passionate on beating you in the ring because I know for a fact that I am a better wrestler than you. The last time we fought I was too focused on what you did to Andrea and was too focused on the fact that I wasn’t going to get my Internet Championship match against the woman that constantly mocked my wife that I overlooked you. You just weren’t on my radar and I let that be my own undoing.
Make no mistake this time it’s not about what you did to Andrea, and it’s not about me trying to get wrapped up in trying to fight on behalf of Seleana which is why I was so focused on Andrea. No this time my attention is solely on you and I plan to get the better of you!
You want to know why I am going to beat you Masque?! I am going to make that answer extremely simple… It’s because this time I am not trying to cover anything up, I am not running away. I am here standing tall and ready to go toe to toe with you.
Who am I?! I am Crystal Hilton and I live for this moment. I live to do the unthinkable and to beat women like you. You love to stand around and try to talk in riddles. You want to live as if life is one huge masquerade but I am going to introduce you to something harsh called reality.
The reality of the situation is that you have only been in this company for a few months. Granted you have made some accomplishments and you just won the Internet Championship. You have ONLY had ONE defense with that title, and that was against me, but instead of trying to focus on defending that title and trying to continue to elevate it to a new level. You want to take out Red… You want to confront Roxi and place your fake hand on her World Championship because you want something else.
You are nothing more than a title hungry little Bitch and it fires me up because I am sick and tired of people holding that title, and immediately wishing to go for the World Champion. I am sick and tired of having to watch that Internet Championship get used as a bargaining chip in some grand scheme to make these title vs title matches because you want something else!
I refuse to go journey back down that road. It just happened a year ago with Myra Rivers, and now from the way things look it seems like it is going to happen again. I won’t let that happen and for the betterment of the entire company I won’t LET that happen because that title means the world to me!
I have always wanted that title… it has always appealed to me. When I won that title I had the sad misfortune of SCW going on a hiatus so I really didn’t have the pleasure of really being that fighting champion that I know I am. When the company reopened I was able to get one defense under me and it was revealed that I had to face Mikah in a title vs. title unification match.
I did beat her and I ended up winning the World Championship because of it but in doing so that meant the Internet Champion had to fade away and that really upset me. It’s not because I was the top champion but because it meant an essential part of SCW had just gone away. Now I see you and it’s like you aren’t happy. You took out Amber you only have ONE SINGLE FUCKING DEFENSE and already you want to try to claim something else?!
That’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s a slap in the face of the women who bled and sweat to hold that Internet title and I am not going to let you defy that belt by immediately trying to pursue something else. The fact of the matter is as many as you bullied you just didn’t get me!
You fought me at Into The Void, and you vowed to the world that I wasn’t worth rapturing… You had it all wrong though. It’s that I wasn’t worth it but it’s more so the fact that you just couldn’t get the job done! I wasn’t like everybody else… I wasn’t just another woman who you choked out with your fake hand.
I came at you… I brought the fight to you, and I tried to take the mask because I WASN’T SCARED. I was ready for a fight and was ready to take it to you. In order for you to put me down you had to hit me illegally with that fake hand in the throat followed by your suplex.
Guess what though, I truly am the hardest challenge you have ever been in the ring with because I am the woman that won’t stop until I beat you. It has always been who I am. It took me a few tries to finally get over Mikah, the same could be said with Sam Marlowe, and hell it even happened with Andrea and was hoping it would also happen with Amber Ryan.
So why should you be any different?! The fact is you aren’t… You might have the size, you might scare everybody else but in my eyes you are just like the rest and I am going to be the woman that will cut you down the size.
The way I see things this is like Rocky 2… Our first match you did get me but you really didn’t BEAT me or at least in the way you know you wanted too. I went the distance on you and showed the world I could stand toe to toe with you.
So here we are with our second encounter and just like the Duke told Apollo Creed. That he had seen Apollo beat on Rocky like he had never seen a man get beat on before, but the scary part was that Rocky just kept coming at him! So thus he didn’t know anybody like that in his life.
That’s me! That is why I know I am the biggest threat in this entire company to you, and that far outweighs what Amber might do when she is one hundred healthy.
The reason why you should be afraid is the simple fact that I actually love this! I won’t ever stop coming at you, and I will always find a way to come at you over and over again. Even if it means I get decimated in the process I have to find the will to keep on pushing on because I am better than you.
Behind the fake mask and the fake hand I see nothing more than a pretender, but me… I am an actually contender and I am ready to take that title to showcase that I can be a defender! I had my share of issues but my name is Crystal Hilton and if you want to know my identity it’s the woman who leaves every single bit of herself in that ring to be the best. Nothing less and nothing more…
Wrestling is my livelihood and I am not going to let you make a mockery out of it by thinking that you are untouchable. Other people might be afraid but I am standing tall…Maybe just maybe if this was a horror film you would be a Michael Myers. You can get beat down, shot, stabbed, and have anything done to you. None of those things will hurt you because you like to inflict pain but this is when I have to stand opposite of that and truly be that Laurie Strode…
I am the final girl of wrestling and even though it may not seem like it I will find a way to get the job done. I will not back down and people live to see the timeline where I get over the hump to show the entire world that you aren’t a machine or a monster. You are vulnerable and you can lose like the rest of them.
I get it… Sometimes I might be a hard act to follow and people might not get me but if there is one thing that people can always say about Crystal Hilton it’s the fact that she loves to hold championships. She loves to gain the accolades and will do anything to get that limelight. You are the sure way to get exactly what I want and I will win that championship!
I made a promise to my wife that she will get the return of Crystal Hilton, and she is going to get her in her most competitive form. However what would sweeten the entire deal is that the Zdunichs could stand face to face wrestling for the Internet Championship with all of the cards on the table. A married couple fighting for the right to be a champion…
That definitely would mean a lot and it is what I am pushing for. However to get to that point I need to get past you and I don’t plan to drop the ball now. I have to beat you no matter the cost.
When I beat you can go on to focus on Roxi Johnson and have your eyes locked solely on her but it is definitely going to be without the Internet Championship because that comes home with me.
On Sunday I will fight you for all of the right reasons but the main one is because I want to be the best and I won’t anymore come in the way of that.
It’s time to finally roll the credits of this masquerade of what you are trying to pull. Welcome to the curtain call… Take a bow because after Sunday your show is over and mine officially begins.
I am the Burning Rose and it’s time to set this world on fire!!!

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