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[ It comes out to 4961 words according to google docs. Best of luck everyone! ]


The chant was ringing out from down the stairs. Loud as could be. Calvin rolled over and looked at the alarm clock:

6:15 AM.

Why in the hell was there so much commotion going on that early? It was the summer hours. His kids weren’t up then. Or at least they shouldn’t have been. It was always a damn struggle to get them out of bed to begin with. If they were up this willingly, there was an issue.

He looked over to the right of him. Alessandra was out cold. Not even so much as the slightest movement from her despite that chant getting louder. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the blanket and tossed it off his body. Sliding his feet inside of his bedside slippers.

Before opening the bedroom door and peaking down the hall. Both doors to his kids rooms were shut. Yet the commotion from downstairs was still going on and getting louder. Something wasn’t right. Something was very much off. Calvin went ahead and journeyed down the stairs.

Finding himself rounding the living room corner once down the steps. As soon as he laid eyes on where the commotion was coming from. The most heavy annoyed sigh that he could muster up escaped his lips. In his living room pacing back and forth chanting to himself was the one they called GUY.

His chanting continued not for even a second realizing that Calvin was standing there.

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Guy.

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! I’m the King! Huzzah!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Guy!

[ G U Y ] --  I’m the King! Huzzah! I’m the King!

[ C A L V I N ] --  FUCKING GUY!

The shouting at the top of his lungs did the trick. It stopped Guy in mid stride and mid chant. Causing him to turn his attention over to the very annoyed looking Calvin. A major grin crossed his lips.

[ G U Y ] --  Hola amigo!

[ C A L V I N ] --  I have just one question. What the hell are you doing in my house at six in the goddamn morning?! I don’t want you here at all. But I damn sure don’t want you here this early.

[ G U Y ] --  Psht! You don’t mean that!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Oh but I do!

[ G U Y ] --  Nahhhhhhhhhh! You’re just joshing me. Your bestest friend in the whole wide world!

With that wide smirk. He took a couple of steps towards Calvin giving him a playful slap on his shoulder. Of course the glare in Calvin’s eyes said all it needed to. Right away Guy put his phone right in Calvin’s face in a display of proudness.

[ G U Y ] --  If you can’t tell. I’m very excited and couldn’t wait to share the news. After over a year long wait Christian and all of Sin City Wrestling decided to do what was right. They right their wrongs and announced me King for the Day.

[ C A L V I N ] --  What?

[ G U Y ] --  I know right?! Guy was very surprised at first. However he is very thrilled to see that they saw the errors of their ways! So many royal ideas are coming in. Guy is going to make SCW Great Again!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Let me see this shit.

Following his statement. Calvin yanked the phone from Guy’s hand and paid attention to the twitter post that shined on his phone. Once again a sigh overcame him. Shaking his head a bit before looking at Guy.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Hey dumbass! They didn’t name you King.

[ G U Y ] --  It’s fine to be a hater Calvin. Jealous people exist and I know you want to be King too, but this isn’t your time. I’ll make you my court jester though. You’ll be part of my royal family.

[ C A L V I N ] --  First of all. Fuck you. I’m no one’s court jester. Not going to make me sound like a clown. Second of all, you’re never going to be someone I’m jealous of... like ever. And finally, no. You were not named King. It says Christian is putting you in the King For A Day Ladder match. Much much different than actually naming you, King.

[ G U Y ] --  Oh... uh....

Taking a better look at his phone now. The concern and immediate regret started to shine through in his eyes. Finally bringing himself to look back up from the phone.

[ G U Y ] --  What is Guy going to do?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  I have no idea what you’re going to do. Way I see it. That’s not my problem or my ordeal to be dealing with. But at this moment. You need to get on down the road. Cause I’m going back to bed.

[ G U Y ] --  Bed?! How could you sleep during a time like this?! When you know Guy needs you the most?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  You clearly don’t understand english. I just said this has got nothing to do with me. You’re the one that got yourself into this mess. You need to be the one to get yourself out of this mess.

Calvin turned to walk away from the painted weirdo. Before he could go too far. He felt Guy literally attach himself on his leg. Both hands and trying to hold him in place.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Dude get off me!

[ G U Y ] --  Pleeeaaassseee! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee! You gotta help Guy! You gotta!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Help?! How in the hell am I going to help?! I’m not in the match and I’m retired. This is all on you. Figure it out!

[ G U Y ] --  Train Guy! Yeah train Guy! Show him those skills. He’ll be able to go into a ladder match and take the crown that’s rightfully his!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Train you?! I can’t train you or teach you how to fall off a ladder. That’s something that just happens. If you don’t have it in you. Pull out from the match. Tell Christian you misunderstood. It’s probably best. Sounds like you’d get your ass handed to you.

The bickering back and forth between the two continued for a second or two longer. Guy sounded desperate. Calvin sounded against the idea. It didn’t seem like it was going to go anywhere. Then all of the sudden a voice broke their bickering:

Dad? Uncle Guy?

As those words were spoken both turned their attention to where the voice had come from. Standing there in their PJs was Calvin’s son Oliver aka Ollie. He rubbed his eyes a little bit still looking rather sleepy as he stared back at them.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Oh hey buddy! Sorry we were too loud and woke you up. Go back to bed. Still plenty of time to sleep in.

[ OLLIE ] -- Dad. You have to help.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Huh?

[ OLLIE ] -- You have to help Uncle Guy. He asked nicely!

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! See the boy knows!

Right away Guy let go of Calvin’s leg and rushed over to the child. Picking him up with excitement. Holding him on his shoulders.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Ollie. It’s not so...

[ OLLIE ] -- Come on Dad. Please help him. Please!

[ G U Y ] --  Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassseee!

Ollie looked back at his dad with those innocent child features. Guy had this massive grin spread across his face. Of course this wasn’t going to end well for Calvin. He found himself rolling his eyes with another heavy sigh escaping his lips.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Ugh! Fine! I’ll help!

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah!

[ OLLIE ] -- Yaaaaaaayyyy!

Right away Guy held out his hand to the young boy. Ollie slammed his tiny hand against it for a high five. Their celebration continued all while Calvin stood there rubbing his temples. This was going to be the most frustrating and most confusing time. It wasn’t going to go smoothly. But here goes nothing...

In the middle of the ring stood Calvin. He was wearing his decked out in his traditional work out gear. It consisted of nothing more than a t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Along with the proper wrestling shoes to support his ankles inside the ring. He looked down at his smartwatch and huffed.

Ten! I told this motherfucker ten on the dot!

Clearly frustrated by the time and no sign of Guy. Especially considering how his day started and the fact that Guy used his son to sucker him into this whole situation. Then all of the sudden he could hear the massive sliding metal door being pulled up. Looking over to see Guy rolling in with a shopping cart.

Inside that cart were all types of ladders. From metal to wooden. Some with two sides to them to stand it up right. Others that were only to be used if it was leaned up properly. Calvin felt an instant amount of regret consuming him as he watched Guy walk closer with a smirk.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You know you’re late right?!

[ G U Y ] --  Time flies when you’re having fun!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Having fun with what? A buy one get six free at Home Depot?!

[ G U Y ] --  Something like that!

He pushed the cart right up to the ringside area before gripping the middle rope and pulling himself up onto the apron before climbing into the ring. Calvin took one look at him. Once again starting to shake his head. It was clear he was disappointed.

[ G U Y ] --  What now Mr. Grumpy?! Geez louise!

[ C A L V I N ] --  You’re not taking this seriously. I tell you I didn’t want to do this. I wanted no part of this. You rope my kid into roping me into this thing. I tell you to meet me here at ten am. I’ve got a class at noon. You’re late. Then you walk in here with ladders....

[ G U Y ] --  That is crucial to the training. Might Guy go ahead and add before you get too far ahead of yourself!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Not really. I already told your dumbass I can’t teach you how to fall off a ladder.

[ G U Y ] --  But you can teach Guy how to climb one!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Why would I need to teach you how to...

He found himself stopping himself. Taking a second to breathe in deep. Rubbing those temples of his for reduced stress. This was turning into everything he knew it would be. And even though that was the case he still couldn’t control the frustration it was causing him.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Then when you get here. You’re not even work out attire. Shirtless. A cape. And sandals. Are you ever going to take this even a little bit serious?!

[ G U Y ] --  Uh sir! Guy does take this serious. Super super serious! They say it’s better to wrestle in sandals than it is to be barefooted.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Or just get boots! Sneakers. Freaking anything that isn’t sandals. Oh my god dude. You’re going to cause me to have a brain aneurysm.

[ G U Y ] --  Guy totally calls dibs on your hot wife if you join the afterlife.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You son of...

[ G U Y ] --  I’m kidding! Gosh! Lighten up the buttercup!

He nudged the shoulder of Calvin. Although it wasn’t doing him any favors at all.

[ G U Y ] --  So what’s the first thing you’re going to show Guy?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Do you have any true wrestling knowledge at all? Do you know any basic fundamentals? From rolls. To bumps. Do you even know how to lock up?! I’ve got to know what the hell I’m working with here.

[ G U Y ] --  Of course Guy knows how to luck up! The most professional of professional wrestlers is who you are talking to right now.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Alright show me your best lock up.

Following those words, Calvin created a little bit of space between them. Taking a proper stance with his arms up. Guy on the other hand didn’t move. He just looked back at Calvin, the most confused look on his expression. That wasn’t a good sign.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Come on. Show me your best lock up.

[ G U Y ] -- How? Guy doesn’t have a lock on him right now.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Oh my god.

[ G U Y ] --  What?! I don’t!

[ C A L V I N ] -- You’re fucked. You are so incredibly fucked it’s not even funny.

[ G U Y ] -- Nahhhh! That’s why you agreed to help Guy!

[ C A L V I N ] -- I can’t help you if you don’t know ANYTHING about WRESTLING you moron!

[ G U Y ] -- I know stuff!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Not anything useful to get you through a match!

The vein in the middle of Calvin’s forehead look like it was going to burst at any second with how annoyed he was by the situation at hand.

[ G U Y ] -- Honestly. Guy might have a solution after all. It came to me when I was collecting the ladders.

[ C A L V I N ] --  I hope the next words out of your mouth is you’re going to take my advice and pull from the match. Please tell me that’s why they are.

[ G U Y ] -- Psht Mama Guy didn’t raise no bitch.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Oh god. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

[ G U Y ] -- What if Guy waits till everyone is on a ladder right? All fighting for Guy’s crown. Then when they least expect it. I toss in a C4. Blow up all the ladders. They all fall down. THEN! Guy climbs his own ladder and takes the crown. No wrestling involved.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Did you... did you really just suggest using some type of bomb when you’re going to be competing on a Battleship in Hawaii where Pearl Harbor took place?!

[ G U Y ] -- What’s Pearl Harbor?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Okaaaaaaaaaaay! Just grab one of those stupid ladders!

Guy with that same stupid grin plastered across his lips. He slid right out of the ring and grabbed a ladder out of the cart he had walked in. Sliding it into the ring and climbing back inside it. Calvin grabbed the ladder and unfolded it. Setting it up right in the middle of the ring.

[ C A L V I N ] --  The only thing I can tell you. Because I don’t even think you’re going to get this far. But when you get a ladder in the ring. It has to be square in the middle of the ring before you can...

Before the man had a chance to finish his statement. There was a bunch of angry chatter coming from where the door was that Guy came in. Both men looked over to see seven. Yes SEVEN police officers stormed inside the building. Calvin’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Guy.

[ C A L V I N ] --  What the hell did you do?!

[ G U Y ] -- Guy was going to return them when we were done!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Return what?!

[ OFFICE DOE ] -- Gentlemen! Step away from the ladders and put your hands on your head!

[ G U Y ] -- Can’t go to jail. Guy has a crown to win!

As soon as those words escaped his mouth. Guy dove out of the ring and started to hightail it towards the back of the building.

[ OFFICE DOE ] -- Go get him!

Four out of the seven officers began to chase off in the direction Guy had ran. Once again leaving Calvin in a mess, just like he was doing some several months ago. Red in the face from frustration Calvin just put his hands up and dropped to his knees in the ring.

[ C A L V I N ] --  I’m going to fuck him up!

By that time two of the officers had climbed into the ring and had put Calvin’s hands behind his back. Before securing them into handcuffs. Guiding him back to his feet and then rolling him out of the ring. All he could think at this moment is why the hell would SCW ever give Guy a chance at anything!

Huzzah! My minions of the royal Guy Kingdom! Welcome aboard the SS Guyanic.


It is I. Your King Guy. I have come here today with a message. A message that is aimed at those who threaten my crown. Those that threaten my Kingdom and the people I serve as well as protect. To those that think they’re going to take over as my Kingdom’s King.

Peasants named: Miles Kasey Jr, Teddy the Warden, Bulldog Bill, Arthur, and ‘The Power Bottom’ Carter. It is mind boggling. It is disrespectful. It is out of line for any of you to try and threaten my crown.  To which he cannot blame you fully for this.

The Holy Christian clearly made a valuable mistake in putting my crown on the line in this shifty and shady ladder match. But you still think you can take it from me. That’s a no no. You see Guy is a man of honor, a man of dignity, a man of respect, and a man of combat. I will fight till no end to keep my crown!


Let’s start with you, Bulldog Bill. Guy is not quite sure how a house pet has made it into this match. Last time I checked in most states. There are leash laws. Meaning you can’t just run free. You need to be on a leash at all times. To keep you in check. To keep you from going rogue. To keep the public safe.

And seeing as Guy is the King. It’s my job to keep my minions inside the Guy Kingdom safe. Keep them safe from a rabid Bulldog roaming around. I am currently in the process of drawing up paperwork to make sure your owner Bea is served. She can pay Guy the monies for making such a mistake.

However, it doesn’t change the fact. You little puppy dog are still in this match. I personally don’t know how the Holy Christian even allowed that. You don’t have thumbs. You have paws. Doggos can’t grip things because they have paws. So how in da heck are you going to climb a ladder?!

Seems like you’re at an unfair advantage. However, that's not the bigger issue. Oh no, the bigger issue is that this is animal cruelty. This is a situation where Guy should call PETA on all of Sin City Wrestling. For years they have allowed you to compete in matches.

And for years people have had to watch wrestlers beat you down. Bloody you up. Put you in the worst possible positions involving Dog Collar matches. Clearly your owner Bea doesn’t love you. She doesn’t protect you like a dog owner should. All while this company is supporting animal cruelty.

This is a sad-sad situation. Even more so considering they have put you in a match for my crown. A crown you’d just treat like a dog toy. It would have no real purpose to you. So, in this situation Guy has to be a hero. Guy is going to contact the local pound here in Hawaii.

Have them meet us right here on Sunday before the event begins. Allow them to take you from your horrible owner so they can find you a new home. A new owner and maybe even a family to love on. You deserve happiness Bulldog Bill. It’s just not going to come at the expense of my crown!


Miles Kasey Jr! Little do you know that Guy has a personal vendetta against you. Well more so a personal vendetta against your father. You see my bestest friend in the entire world. An icon. A legend. A certified SCW Hall of Famer was having a comeback to the wrestling business.

A comeback that was going to be talked about for years and years to come. However, that comeback was cut short. Very very premature. All thanks to your father snapping his ankle. My best friend had to go away, he had to go have surgery, and ever since then has decided to retire.

It’s sad news because Guy knows that Calvin has so much to still offer to the wrestling business. Because your father has taken my friend’s smile away and his passiona way for this. When the two of us step into the ring on Sunday. Guy is going to have to take your smile away. May even have to break your ankle.

Normally, Guy is very peaceful. He’s a very loving man. He’s a man about giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, but this has to be personal. After all, how dare you get these opportunities you’ve been given?! Why do you get to compete in Blast From the Past?

Why do you get to compete in a Battle Royal for a shot at the most golden and most prestigious championship in all of Guy Kingdom?! Why do you get to compete for My Crown?! What makes you so special Miles Jr?! The way Guy sees it. This is all being handed to you.

All because of who your pawpaw is. A man that has been proven to be an unsafe wrestler after hurting my bestest friend! This is not something that can be unpunished and not something that Guy can allow. If that makes him an unruly King in the eyes of his minions then so be it.

Family is everything. Calvin is my family. Just like your father is your family Miles Jr. Maybe one day we can come together and put all of this behind us. But for now... for now that will not happen. The moment Guy sees you at Into The Void. It’s how the kids say... on sight, my dude!


Huzzah! A fellow King in the fan-fiction world. Arthur. Guy has read many books about you over the years. So many of those books have painted you to be just the most god awful human being. Certainly an unruly King. One that has no love. One that had no respect. One that thrived off fear.

But that’s the wonderful world of fan-fiction. People put all kinds of words to paper to tell a story. It doesn’t mean any of it is true. And from what Guy has personally seen these last few weeks. You are anything but these things that I’ve heard about you.

You’re not a strong man. You’re very scrawny. Very small. Very meek. To the surprise that Guy does not know how you lasted as long as you did in the Blast From The Past tournament. Kudos for doing so, it’s just very surprising is all.

You aren’t out spoken. You’re not over opinionated. You don’t state how you feel or stand on business as Guy has heard the kids say. You tend to barely say anything at all. Instead you let your very big boned wife speak for you. Now I respect a man that stands behind his woman.

If only Calvin would let me stand behind his wife Alessandra. Giggity! Nevertheless, I respect it. I respect what Bobbie has accomplished in her career in Guy Kingdom but... it sounds like she’s more of a King than you are. Maybe she’s the true royalty in that household.

Again there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with standing behind the more successful person. However, Arthur if you think you’re going to come into Guy Kingdom and if you think you’re going to rule my minions. You got another thing coming. My minions aren’t going to listen to you.

They damn sure aren’t going to respect you. I am their leader. I am the one that provides. I am the true King here. They know it and will never abandon me. But more than anything. If you can’t find your royal jewels and stand on your own two feet. Then you will never be what you inspire to be.

In fact Arthur. Guy has played this image in his head time and time again since I found out you were competing for my crown. It’s you and your tiny little self. Trying to climb that ladder. Finally getting to the top. Just for Guy to meet you there. Grab those fraile hands and toss you off. Poetically saying:

Long Live The King! Before your body crashes and burns to the mat below. Understand though Arthur. It isn’t meant to be personal. In your fake kingdom. In your fan-fiction world. You would do the same thing. You have a duty to protect your people. That’s what Guy is doing. My crown stays where it belongs!


Teddy the Warden. Aren’t you supposed to be overseeing all the bad people in Guy Kingdom? All the people that get locked up? All the people Guy deems inappropriate? All the degenerates deserve to be behind bars... which even includes my best friend for stealing ladders apparently.

Anywho. That is your job. Why da heck are you coming out of nowhere competing? Why da heck are you trying to win championships? Why da heck are you trying to have Guy’s crown? These are important questions that Guy must know the answer to.

You are paid very handsomely as the Warden. Three kit-kats a day is amazing money for the quality of work that you possess. But clearly you don’t think so. You're on an ego trip and you want to come out of nowhere. Try to be a sneaky little thing and blindside people.

Nah-nah. That’s not happening on Guy’s watch. No sir. As the King of this place. I need to put you in your place. I need to check you. I need you to understand that there is no place for egos like you. You can’t be a wishy-washy person either. Come and go as you please.

Be here for one match. Disappear for months. Be here for another. All when it has something on the line. That’s pathetic and foolish. You might think that's how this works. You might think you're good. You might think you get to do what you want. You might think that being the Warden gives you extra perks.

It does not! And just like on Climax Control a few weeks back. You’re going to leave Into The Void empty handed. You won’t get your donut eating paws on my crown. You won’t ever get a chance to serve my people as a King. At this point you’re proving to be more of a Criminal than a Warden.

Maybe you need to be tossed behind the bars when this is all said and done. However, the one thing I do know is you will never be the King. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next week or next month. Not next year. Never. Never. Never. Understand those words!


And finally we come to you. We come to the ‘Power Bottom’ Carter. Some would say that you’re the biggest threat to my crown. Some would even say you’re guaranteed to win. Yes, indeed. Many would say that you’re better than Guy in many-many ways.

As foolish as people might think Guy is. He knows a thing or two. Sure, you’re a better wrestler than Guy. You’ve been around here longer than Guy. You’ve shown that you can be a good hand to rely on and put on matches that people are going to talk about for a long time.

Heck, you were even the second person and technically the last person to ever beat the so-called ‘Great’ Michael Harris. Big ol’ douchebag Michael. Good for you. Very good indeed. But allow Guy to ask you a question. Allow Guy to dig into that brain of yours ‘Power Bottom’ Carter.

What did the win mean? Did it propel you towards the World Championship? Did it make you a Main Event player in Guy Kingdom? Did it make everyone see you as what you desire to have them see you as a great wrestler and someone that can be at the top?

The answer is no to all of those things. It may have got you a shot at the World Title. You lost it. It may have put you in a few main events. But you’re expendable. People may see you as a great wrestler, but they don’t see you as someone that will ever be at the top.

For crying out loud. It’s in your name: Bottom. Bottom is where you will forever be because you aren’t focused. You care more about talking about your sexuality. It’s twenty two four. No one cares whether your gay, bisexual, or straight. Everyone is loved the same.

But you obsess over that instead of obsessing about capitalizing on the situations you are in. Instead of taking a big win and doing something with it. Instead of reaching out and grabbing the brass ring. You are the reason you’re not successful, Carter. You’ve always been the reason.

This isn’t meant to be a bash session. Guy respects you, Carter. He likes you. He thinks you're great, but it’s time someone tells you the truth. You have failed because you have allowed yourself to fail. And this time you have to fail one more time.

Guy cannot allow someone to be King of his kingdom when the crown will mean nothing to you. You’ll have it and do nothing with it. You won’t capitalize and most of all you won’t be the leader the minions need. Again this isn’t meant to bash or disrespect.

It isn’t meant to make you feel bad about yourself. It isn’t meant to make you feel any other way. All Guy is doing is speaking from the heart. Telling the truth. In hopes that it will make you open your eyes. Because right now Carter. You don’t have it in you to be a success!


This is where Guy belongs! This is my Crown. This is my Kingdom!
Chapter 40: Threats


That’s what this felt like. Walking through the door, putting away all of my clothes, putting all the extra things I had in storage. It felt like returning – returning to a happy place where I knew I was safe. A place where I knew I could smile and laugh. It didn’t even bother me that I was going to be living with people instead of being alone. As long as I was with him, everything was going to be fine.

The look of shock on Aiden‘s face was worth it. Kallie, of course, knew.

The biggest shock for Aiden was seeing me move all of my clothes into my old room. Because even though Finn and I had told each other that we loved each other, even though I had moved back in, and even though we were spending a lot of time together, we still hadn’t started dating though I was giving him a tremendous amount of shit about it.

And no, before any of you think it, Finn and I have not had sex.


It doesn’t mean that we weren’t going to, it doesn’t mean that we will any time soon, but I’m very happy with the way we are. I know how he feels about me and he knows how I feel about him. We have long conversations, talking about our past and where we have been. As well where we want to go. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, and for the first time in a long time I feel at ease with myself. And it’s all because of him.

I moved around the apartment, looking around and noticing that any of the changes that I had made before I left it stayed. He obviously cared about what I thought. Everyone was out, I didn’t know where Finn was, I didn’t know where Aiden or Kallie were.

It was silent. Serene. I took a deep breath and sat down, my coffee in my hands. I was finally able to breathe. As much as I loved the apartment that I bought, and as much as I wanted to make it home, it never had that feeling. That feeling of being able to just be free.

My serenity was shattered as there was a knock at the door. I got to my feet and moved thinking that maybe one of them had forgotten their key, but a chill ran down my spine as I looked over to the small monitor that connected to the camera above the door.

It was Jace.

I swallowed hard and shook my head, unlocking the deadbolt and opening the heavy security door. Jace smiled when he saw me, eyeing me up and down like he was a hunting predator and I was just a snack he could take. The truth is a few years ago that look would make me blush, but right now all it did was make me sick. ”Mmm, hello little one.”

My nostrils flared as he went to walk inside. I didn’t move, crossing my arms as I stood in the doorway.

”What do you want?” My voice was emotionless and dry, I was trying to prove a point. But I wasn’t afraid of him, that he didn’t intimidate me, in fact his existence was nothing but a mild annoyance to me.

He scoffed and growled before stepping forward and into the apartment looking around ”Nice place your boyfriend has…”

I took a deep breath, my eyes burning a hole right through Jace as he moved around my home. ”Yes…our home is beautiful.” Jace turned and looked at me, over his shoulder like I was an afterthought. My nostrils flared again as I tried to hold in the anger that I had building up inside. He came to stop at a pair of doors, my bedroom and Finn’s bedroom. ”What do you want Jace?”

He chuckled. The arrogant prick. ”Come on now. You should know by now that I’ve always been watching. But not just you. Your little boyfriend and his brother too. And I know what he did, I know what he’s been doing, and you should know that we won’t take it lightly.”

”Finn had nothing to do wi-“


The back of Jace’s hand flew up and hit me right across the cheek. The familiar sting rattled through my body, and for a moment I was transported back to years ago. When I was a part of his world. And this was a regular occurrence. I forgot myself for a moment, shaking as fear racked through my body. After a few seconds, I collected myself and slowly looked up at him, my green eyes burning right into his.

He smiled.

”There’s my girl. You’ve gotten stronger but you still haven’t changed that much. And I don’t care if your little boyfriend had anything to do with it.” He stepped forward, every single fibre of my being told me to step back and away from him. Instead, I stayed strong and folded my arms over my chest. ”The fact is, your boyfriend’s little shithead brother has sent shockwaves through MY business…..and since he has hidden away and refused to talk to anyone….I have to come to you…”

”What the fuck do you expect me to do about it?“

He laughed to himself and shook his head, stepping forward again, his six foot eight frame hovering over me. He was even bigger than he used to be when we were together. Obviously, he’d put on more muscle mass to become more intimidating. ”Oh Kayla. You just have to do what you do best.” He reached out, running a thumb over my cheek as the rest of his hand moved around to the back of my neck, holding me tightly. ”Be persuasive.”

I slapped his hand away, moving to the side and putting extra bass in my voice ”I have very little to do with Finn’s brother. Dimitri Watson is not someone I’ve ever given a shit about. In fact, the majority of the time, he annoys me to the point where I want to slap him halfway across the fucking room. So, how exactly am I going to influence him to do anything?”

”Because you’ll have no choice!” His voice raised. Not quite to yell, but enough that it startled me. He stepped forward again closing the distance that I created, his nostrils flaring as he bent down so he could get right into my face. Reminding me once again just how small I was compared to him. ”Let me put it this way, if your boyfriend doesn’t get his brother to talk to us, or if you don’t get his brother to talk to us, then your little boy toy is going to be the one who pays. Not you, not Dimitri, Finn. He will be the one who pays. Do you understand me?”

My arms moved from their position of crossing over my chest to being down my sides, my hands bawling to fists as my teeth ground together. I wasn’t scared or intimidated any more, now I was angry. Furious. It built up inside as I stepped forward now, Voluntarily closing the distance to try and make him see that I wasn’t afraid of him. ”You will not lay a fucking hand on him…”

Oh? And w-“


My right hand, balled into a fist, swung and hit him right across the side of the head. He blinked a few times, shocked and stunned that it hurt. ”You want to come after me? Then do it. After all, you told me all about how apparently I was a loose end that you needed to tie up. You want to go after Dimitri then go ahead and do it. He’s the one who is disrespecting all of you, he’s the one who is leading and in charge of this group of Yakuza. Finn has nothing to do with it. So you will not touch him do you understand?”

He took a few breaths, the bogs on his brain turning over as he wondered what he was going to say or do. But then the serious expression on his face turned, he smiled and shook his head with a sigh. ”You get that one for free. But I’m serious. Something needs to be done. Or someone is going to get hurt……do what you can.”

I swallowed hard, looking down before giving him a nod. Jace turned and walked away, opening the door and moving into the hallway as the door slammed shut behind him. I blew out a deep breath, relieved he was gone, my cheek red and sore from the hit. And now I was left alone to wonder.

Just what the fuck do I do now?

Two out of three ain’t bad

”Now I’m done with the “Kayla Richards Slums It tour 2024”. I can get back to doing what I do best. Defending championships and making them worth something.”

Kayla Richards, clearly annoyed, folds her arms over her chest with a sneer on her face. Her long black hair was tied back in a bun with a few strands of hair down her cheeks.

”Since I beat Juliana to take the championship, I have been facing people who shouldn’t be in the ring with me at all. Ariana Angelos, a woman who failed to take the Internet Championship from me so many times I lost count who also failed to take the Mixed Tag Team Championships off myself and Finn. I had to get in the ring with her and I had to face her and defend the world title against her, and the only question I had was why? Why did I have to get in the ring with her? There are so many others in this company who are more deserving of a championship match, but I had to face a woman who I’ve beaten so many times that it legitimately hurts my brain to think about her.”

“And while I have been sitting back and watching these things happen, I’ve been enjoying the Blast From the Past Tournament. Having a look at women who could be my next challenger if I beat Julianna while also looking at some of the makeshift teams that have been around. Remind any of you that Finn and I are still the Mixed Tag Team champions and we need real challengers?”

“Or have you all forgotten? I mean I get it, Finn and I are both the top champions in this company as well as the Mixed Tag Team Champions so maybe those championships are taking a backseat and everyone’s minds. But he and I made a promise to make sure those championships mean something. And I really wanted some of these teams in the Blast From the Past to stick together and maybe make a run at us. But instead half of them didn’t turn up, half of them just took their paycheck and fucked off, and the ones that stayed aren’t worth anything.”

“So, while waiting to defend those championships, I walked into a match with Harper Mason. Someone with boundless potential, who I actually gave a small amount of respect to. Which, let’s face it, if you know me is actually worth about double from anyone else. But Harper failed to do anything but annoy me.”

Kayla takes a few deep breaths, clearly trying to keep herself calm as she thinks about certain things to say and bring up. She looks down, the SCW World Bombshell Championship sitting next to her. A small smile comes across her face as she looks at it. Clearly full of pride that she is the champion.

”I have spent the last few weeks wanting to get my hands on Julianna. See, when she and I faced each other, I was fully prepared for a war. I did and said a lot of things to get under her skin so I could get that championship match. She wanted to main event a SuperCard and joining in, I was able to make that dream happen for her. And I want you to remember that. Julianna DiMaria could not main event a SuperCard if it wasn’t for Kayla Fucking Richards.”

“This isn’t just me being arrogant. Because, I am. This is the truth. The truth is that everyone needs an opponent that brings out the best in them. Everyone needs some kind of spark to make sure that a match that they go into matters. And I provide that. I made those matches against Ariana and Harper mean so much more because of the reaction I had to facing them. I could’ve just sat back and dismissed them completely, instead I made the match against Ariana a point to prove in the match against Mason, one where I wanted to test out her potential.”

“But Julianna? Well the first match aside from being about me wanting a championship opportunity that I had clearly earned, it was about making sure everyone knew the one simple fact that without me her championship reign was going to mean nothing. If she beat me, it would legitimise her, and if she lost to me, it means everything I said was true.”

“And I wondered how that was going to make her feel. I made a big deal last time about pointing out how I dealt with loss. And trust me on this, I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but loss is a huge part of this business. If you act like a loss doesn’t matter then you shouldn’t be here. Every loss should cut you deep. Every loss should make you want to rise up better. if it doesn’t? If you just take those losses time and time again and completely ignore that they’ve happened? Then you will never grow. Look at Ariana, look at someone like Mercedes Vargas, look at people who used to be here like Jessie Salco…”

“They acted like their losses didn’t matter. And they never grow.”

Kayla steps around the table, leaning down and picking up the championship and staring at it before placing it over her shoulder. Clutching onto it and wrapping her fingers around the main plate, the tightness that she holds it clearly showing she is afraid of losing it. But she isn’t going to show that.

”I have grown every single time I’ve lost a match, every time I had something taken from me I got up and right right back to take it and I wanted to see if you would do the same. I even said it before our title match. I said I wondered how you would react. If you would come back at me with everything you had. And for the most part, you did.”

“But you didn’t do it in a way that earns you any real respect.”

“I talked shit about you to get your attention. I plucked your strings and your ego.”

“I played you like a damn fiddle and you danced like a goddamn puppet for me.”

“You had a rematch due to being a former champion and defending it. You had it there. All you had to do was say the words. That’s it. And I don’t, for one second, believe the bullshit you spouted off about you considering walking away and not taking the rematch. You want this title back. But what is more telling is how you attacked me. Coming after me how you answered the other question I had burning…”

“If I took your pride.”

Kayla chuckles and looks up with a huge and I mean HUGE shit eating grin

”See, you had this aura about you Julianna. One of your own making. You came into this company, you built an undefeated streak, you talked your way into a title shot against Courtney Pierce who mentally checked out faster than Oz and Eiley did when me and Finn took the Mixed Tag Titles. You won the title and developed this myth.”

“A myth that you played off. A myth that you spread like COVID at a public gathering. And as long as that myth held you up and made you a star you didn’t care if it was true.”

“Then I came along.”

“I came along and I reached out and took everything you had. I took your undefeated streak that you touted from rooftops, I took that main event you wanted so badly, cause as I said you wouldn’t have had it without me. I took your title, I took your relevancy and I took your pride. Just like I said I would. I had you beaten before you even looked at the ring that night Julianna….”

Kayla offered a simple shrug with an arrogant smirk, her upper lip curling as she went.

”And then, well then you attacked me and Christian came to me. He told me that I wasn’t going to be able to get my hands on you until the SuperCard. And at the time I was angry. I was annoyed. You see, I’ve always had this thing where I believe that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I know they sit there and they add the whole thing of an eye for an eye makes the whole world but here’s the thing. I don’t come for one eye. If I’m gonna be coming for you, I’m gonna take both of them. and Christian knew that.”

“He knew that if I was left unchecked I was going to go after you and I was going to ruin what could’ve been one of the biggest main events that this company has ever done.”

“So, I don’t blame him.”

“However, you should be thanking him. You should be going into Christian‘s office getting down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground that he walks on. Because he saved you. At least for a little while. He protected you from me because he knew what I was going to do when I got my hands on you and he wanted to make money off of that. So he made sure that you were going to make it Into the Void.”

“And yeah, that meant that I had to stay back and watch you run your mouth. And aside from a few times where I verbally went after you in promos or on the shows themselves I was going to buy my time and wait until this show. Is this was my chance to remind you just who the fuck you are dealing with. And in the end, Julianna I think you need to look at yourself in the mirror and realise just how bad you fucked up.”

She laughed to herself and shook her head, moving the Bombshell Championship from one shoulder to the other.

”Two out of three falls. Really is perfect isn’t it? I beat you once and I can beat you again. But this gives you a little glimmer of hope. You might be able to flick a win over me. But in the end this match is going to work against you. Because you might be able to fluke one win against Me. One. Two? Do you know how hard that is? Do you realise if you go back over my career, not just here, but everywhere else in the professional wrestling landscape that beating me more than once in a row is damn near impossible.”

“Hell, you of all people should know that. I brought up a past. I brought up the fact that while you were down in the developmental company I was ruling the parent company like a fucking queen.”

“You of all people should know how good I am. And instead of looking at that, instead of coming at me with a game plan that worked, instead of coming at me like everyone thought you were going to end simply saying that you wanted to rematch, you came after me physically. You pissed me off. And what did you think that was going to accomplish? Did you think that that was going to get my attention to the point where I would applaud you and think that this was some kind of chess game where you knocked me over? Was just going to help you?”

“That did not help you.”

“Instead, it made me wanna cave your head in. And it’s funny how the history of anybody tends to repeat itself. When we faced each other last time, as we had into Blaze of Glory, I told you that all you did was go on the shows week after week and repeat the same narrative time and time again. you had decided to make the same mistake again. The only difference is this time you’ve changed the narrative.”

“This time you have tried sympathy.”


“Your tune changed slightly, but it still goes to the same beat. And it’s horrible because with you? You keep repeating yourself as well as others. It’s like a cover song. But one where they’ve gone beat the beat, chorus for chorus, verse for verse. The pitch may have changed, the voice may have changed, but in the end, it is the same thing, the same song, the same dance. and that is what you’ve done and that is all you are. You’re not original, you’re a carbon copy of people who have come before and you like to think that you have some kind of hold over this company. But there’s a reason why everyone else in the Blast From the Past is talking about how if they win that tournament, they are going to face me…”

“Cause no one thinks you can beat me.”

“You know who does think that you can beat me? You do. And something that I’ve been trying to get into your head for the last two months is that you are the only one that matters in this. You are the only one who needs to think that you can beat me. There may have been a laundry list of people in this company who thought I could beat you or wanted me to beat you, but in the end the only person that mattered in that conversation was Me. And at Into the Void, you and I are going to get in that ring, we are going to main event again and I am going to give you a second gift. I’m going to keep you in the limelight again.”

“You’re welcome.”
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
Supercard Roleplays / GOTH v ENIGMA - INFERNO MATCH
« Last post by Christian Underwood on May 27, 2024, 04:07:44 PM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
« Last post by Christian Underwood on May 27, 2024, 04:07:25 PM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
« Last post by Christian Underwood on May 27, 2024, 04:06:28 PM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!
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