Author Topic: Time to shake things up.  (Read 423 times)

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    • "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin
Time to shake things up.
« on: April 14, 2017, 11:36:55 PM »
 Scene I

Location: Detroit Michigan.

We see Jeremiah and Dark Tiger at the arena after the show. Jeremiah is in the hallway and has his head lowered. Jeremiah is in his “Heart of a Tiger” t-shirt and blue jeans and a pair of Merrills. Dark Tiger is in his shirt, black jeans and boots. Dark Tiger’s long black hair is in a ponytail.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

I let it happen again unc. I let something else distract me and I do not know how I am going to get that image out of my head. I have seen torture but that is way past torture. So let me get this straight. This guy was willing to do anything to get with Damia? He would give up his life to have the love of Damia? She is a vampire. I mean don’t get me wrong Damia is a fine vampire but they feed off blood and shit and Michael was willing to be her blood doll or whatever they are called just to be close to her. I couldn’t do it.

I still want to help out in any way I can because he does remind me of a real good friend of mine that was in the same squad that I was in the battle that lost his life. He had a wife and two kids and I couldn’t do a thing for them. I let Brandi down and I let you and the others down.

[Dark Tiger]

No Jeremiah you didn’t. Yes you were distracted. Don’t worry about it though Jeremiah you have a bigger opportunity coming.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Then why do I feel like I did unc? I love participating in the Blast from the Past tournaments and I leave in the first round because I can’t get the image out of my head. I want to beat the hell out of whoever is torturing Michael. I want to rip their arms off and shove one of them so far up their ass they would be tickling their colon, and beat them to death with the other one.

You could see tears coming down Jeremiah’s face and Dark Tiger holds his nephews face

[Dark Tiger]

Like I said Jeremiah don’t worry about losing in the Blast from the Past tournament. There is always next year and I know you want to keep going with it. There are always opportunities with this tournament. You said it yourself you love when they honor the wrestlers that came before us. Now another reason I said not to worry about the loss is because you have a bigger opportunity. I just got a text from Mr. Ward and he said that you have the champ Rage this week.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Are you kidding me. Yeah he beat me at Blaze of Glory VI and that’s on me. What pissed me off is that he cashed in on a guy I have nothing but respect for in Drake Green. You know what though. I would give anything for this match to be for the title so I can knock that chip off his damn shoulder

[Dark Tiger]

It is for the World title Jeremiah.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

I don’t care how big he is. I beat him before and…

Jeremiah stops mid-sentence.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Wait did you say it is for the title unc?

[Dark Tiger]

Yes I did Jeremiah. This is what I want you to do Jeremiah. I know it might be hard for you to get the image of Michael out of your head but I want you to do what you can to get it out of your head. Number two. I want you to let Damia and Dmitri and the others deal with whoever is torturing Michael for right now. You have said that you are on a mission to make 2017 your year. This is what you have worked hard for Jeremiah. I do not want you to mess this up. That’s why you have me to help you get focused on this match. Can you do that for me. I don’t want you to lose focus here Jeremiah. I wan’t this match to be your breakthrough.

Concentrate on Rage. He is the man that you want to take out to become champion. If J2H tries to interfere he has a seven foot beast of Darkness to contend with. You let Damia, Dmitri and whoever else concentrate on whoever is torturing Michael. Concentrate on me helping you to become champion Jeremiah. You’re right Jeremiah it is time to knock that chip off his shoulder and make him choke on it. I want my nephew to become World champion.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Hell fucking yeah unc! I know I am going to need help concentrating on this match. I want to hold up my end of the bargain I set up for myself. I have beaten Rage before and I will do it again. I will make it count because I will not let distractions get to me this time. I said that I was on a mission to make this my year and I will be DAMNED if I am going to go back on my word. Yeah I have had a few minor setbacks and that’s all that they are, setbacks, but that has not stopped me from doing what I say that I am going to do and if I have to destroy the psyche of Rage to do it then I will.

[Dark Tiger]

That’s what I am talking about. Remember you will let Damia, Dmitri and the others deal with this. I am sure they would want you to concentrate on the match too. You want to do something for Michael? Win this match for him. Do what you must with Rage within the rules. Trust me I will deal with outside interference. You just deal with ripping Rage a new asshole and taking the title from him. Think you can do that?

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Yeah I can unc. I know if I can keep focused on the match with your help I can and I WILL beat Rage. I will beat Rage and take his title. I don’t care what I have to do to do it. I will do it within the rules because I don’t want to hear no excuses from Rage when I take his title.

Then Darknyss and Gothika comes to them. Gothika wheels Darknyss towards them and Darknyss smiles. Darknyss has on a tanktop and jeans and boots. Gothika has on a shirt and tight pants and heels.


Looks like someone has a title shot this week. How are you feeling Jeremiah. Do you think you are ready for this match? We know how Rage can be and so do you Jeremiah. You have beaten him before. I wouldn’t let that defeat by him at Blaze of Glory VI get to you.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Nah what got to me was that I had that image of Michael in my mind and I let it get to me and I let yall down and Brandi down and cost us the match. That is an image that I am going to try to get out of my head for this match. I am ready for this match but I want to be 100 percent ready for it. I don’t want anything to distract me anymore. I will take down Rage.


I know you want to help Jeremiah and you will but right now you need to concentrate on the match. Dmitri and I and the others will take care of this. Do you want to know how excited Emme was when she heard the news. Man she was doing backflips and cartwheels and hooping and hollering. Hell she almost knocked Zee off her wheelchair.

So don’t worry about it Jeremiah we got the situation under control. You just go out there and beat the hell out of Rage and take his gold.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

What made him do that to himself to start off? I mean I read that even Dracula fell in love with a human woman but I mean being a blood doll just to be close to you. I couldn’t bring myself to do that.


That’s what I said to him. I didn’t want him to be like this but he didn’t listen to me but I can’t let him go out like this. I promised his sister that we would get him out of this situation. I owe it to her. Don’t worry yourself about it though you just do your thing. We will call you if we need your help.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Alright. Now unc I got to figure out what I got to do to get that image out of my head and I know I am going to need your help.

[Dark Tiger]

That’s what I am here for Jeremiah. C’mon let’s get you ready for the match.


Scene II

Location: Detroit, Michigan

It's the day after Climax Control, and things have been wild.  Even though he didn't advance in the Blast From The Past Tournament, he was given a chance of a lifetime.  He was made the Number One Contender for the Sin City Wrestling's World Championship and his title shot was this next Sunday against the Champion Rage, and he was, for lack of a better word, flabbergasted.  He had been barely able to contain his excitement.  But even though he is excited, he's a bit apprehensive.

In his gut, he knew he was prepared for what was coming, but part of him felt that there was still something that was unseen going on behind the scenes.  Everyone in the locker room is telling him that when he gets into the ring he's gonna have to watch his back. And with all of this craziness with Drake Green and J2H, he knew that something truly bad could happen.  But he was doing everything he could to make sure he was prepared for whatever was thrown his way.

He'd needed to clear his head and blow off some steam though, and being in Detroit was one of the best places to make that happen.  He'd decided to go for a run and left the Darkk Family house at about six in the morning.  He didn't want to run inside, so he took off for Palmer Park.  He didn't want to go alone though, and he decided to take the Darknyss' father's puppy along with him.  He had taken off for the run through the streets, holding the leash for a one hundred and fifty pound mixed breed dog that was tall enough to look him in the eye when he stood on his hind legs and wondered to himself how this monstrosity could be called a puppy.  But when he held out the beef jerky treat to the rottweiler, pit bull, german shepard mix and he flipped over onto his back with his paws in the air, begging, he knew how he could be called a puppy.  He squatted down beside the dog and gave his belly some scratches before giving him the treat and chuckled.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"Damn Tyson.  If you act like this when we're out on the run, you're not gonna be any protection at all.  I guess this is why Mr. Darkk said I should always carry a pair of nunchucks or something when I run around here.  Well, they're strapped to my back and ready to go at a moment's notice.  Now let's go."

[/i]He took off on his jog with the dog, and about an hour later, he comes back, practically dragging a tired Tyson along behind him.  He chuckles and picks up the tired dog, carrying him the last few hundred yards towards the house and through the gate and up the front walk to the house.  He placed Tyson down on the porch and the dog just collapsed on his side, whimpering softly.[/i]

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Damn Tyson!  Who'd have thought you were such a lazy ass pussy!  We barely ran once around the park before you started collapsing like you needed a nap!!"

His Uncle, Dark Tiger comes out of the house and chuckles as he looks at the whimpering dog.

[Dark Tiger]  

"I see you found out that Tyson only looks intimidating.  Deep down, he's all marshmallow.  Go on now Tyson.  Your paw paw put something special in your food bowl, and  your water dish is full."

The dog looks like he's trying to sit up, but he collapses back down on the porch with a whimper, looking up at them with pleading eyes.  Dark Tiger throws his head back and laughs.

[Dark Tiger]  

"Aww, hell naw.  There is no way I'm carrying you inside.  You can forget that dog."

Just then, Darknyss's father comes out and sees his 'puppy' looking exhausted, and he comes over making cooing noises.

Mr. Darkk:  

"Awww, is paw paw's little puppy tired from all of that running?  Oh, you were such a good puppy, keeping Jeremiah safe out there on the mean streets of the D.  Let's get you inside and get you something yummy for your tummy!"

He scoops the large dog up in his arms, holding him like a baby and carries him in the house as Jeremiah and Dark Tiger watch looking on in shock.  After he's gone into the house, they both burst out laughing for a moment before Dark Tiger hands Jeremiah a protein shake as he sips on his gatorade.  He takes a seat on the porch swing as Dark Tiger sits on the railing across from him and takes a deep breath.

[Dark Tiger]  

"You done good nephew.  This is your shot at the big time, and I know I don't have to say how important of a match this is about to be."

Jeremiah swallows his shake with a sigh and nods slowly.


"Look Unc.  I've heard it all before.  And not just from you, but from everyone in that house there.  This is my shot to rocket to the top of the latter like a bullet, and I'm not about to sit back and let it slip through my fingers again.  I've had the chance at titles, and while I know I put on a good showing, I know deep down in my heart that I was destined for more.  I'm destined for greatness, and this is my shot to having it!"

He sighs and wipes the sweat from his brow, then stands and starts to stretch his slowly cooling muscles as he talks to his uncle.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"Do you know that everyone thinks that this is gonna be a cake walk match for Rage?  I'm so much of an underdog in everyone else's eyes that they're all saying I should just save myself the pain and just lay down and let Rage pin me without a fight.  But do you know what I say to all of those folks that are saying that to me?  I'm telling them that they better not put their money on the big man.  Because this is one fight he's not about to be ready for.  I mean, do I know this guy is a beast?  Hell yes.  I've seen what he's done in the ring.  He gets mad respect from me.  But I hope he understands that respect does NOT equal fear.  Everyone says that I need to run screaming and just prepare myself for the pain.  But I say bring it on cause I'm planning on giving just as good as I get!  Yes Rage is big.  Yes Rage has skills.  But I'm no slouch in the ring myself.  And I think that this is my time to come out on top."

His uncle sits there, listening to what he's saying and nodding slowly. He takes a sip of his drink and leans forward.

[Dark Tiger]  

"You're right nephew.  You've put in a lot of hard work and I think you're ready for this.  But the question becomes, does fate believe it's your time to shine?  THAT is what remains to be seen.  You've got the skills, you've got the hunger and drive, now you just need to have destiny on your side."

Jeremiah nods slowly and sighs heavily as he sinks back into the swing slowly.  He takes another sip of his protein shake and looks at his uncle.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Is Aunt Lady enjoying being home again?"

[/i]His uncle sighs and nods, running his fingers through his hair slowly.[/i]

[Dark Tiger]  

"Yeah, they all are.  Sensei Mosely's wife has taken her to get some acupuncture to see if it helps with her walking.  So far, I'm thinking that the doctor was right.  She says she feels everything, but her legs just won't respond.  But I think she'll pop out of it when the need arises.  But the only one who's having problems is Raynin.  When she found out that Despayre was leaving, and taking Angel with him, she lost it.  She's been crying in the spare room since after the show."

Jeremiah shakes his head and sighs heavily.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Yeah, I know he was just a teddy bear, but the heart wants what it wants."

Dark Tiger nods and chuckles.

[Dark Tiger]  

"I remember how long it took me to get Zatanya to come around.  I followed her like a puppy for months.  Hell years really, but I finally convinced her that I was the one for her.  I'm sure she has her reasons why she wanted the teddy bear, but who knows what will happen.  Maybe one day a human will catch her eye, and she'll leave the fluff alone."

He shakes his head and shrugs.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"I don't know, but time will tell.  Speaking of the fairer sex...  Do you know where my jewel might be?"

Dark Tiger finishes his drink and points with his bottle towards the house.

[Dark Tiger]  

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen with the other women folk.  They've been plotting something which is why I vacated the premises as quickly as I could before they decided to drag me into whatever it is they're planning.  My suggestion is, go in, give her a kiss and run as fast as your legs can carry me.  Though with the fact of you just finishing a run and you smell worse than the dog, I'm sure you can escape with the excuse of a shower."

Jeremiah lifts an arm and takes a sniff and grimaces, shaking his head.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Jesus H. Christ!  Is that me?  Whoo, my Right Guard turned Left and my Secret told!!  I am DEFINITELY Un-Sure right now.  I should be able to escape unscathed with ease.  Alright, I'm going in.  Wish me luck."

As he makes his way through the home of Darknyss's parents, he stops by the trophy room and takes in the site of the various title belts that decorate the walls of the room.  Each wall is split into sections, and there's a picture on a shelf above the rows of cases.  He whistles as he sees all of the titles that Darknyss has won.  She's got a whole wall just to herself, and he puts his hand on one of the cases holding a pair of titles for the Alliance Wrestling Order.  They're the AWO and AWO World Titles.  He sighs heavily and pats the case gently when he hears someone clearing their throat behind him.  He spins to see Aunt Lady behind him in her wheelchair, and he smiles down at her.  She rolls over and reaches up to pat his bicep gently.


"I can read your mind right now.  You're hoping that after this Sunday, you'll be able to have a case like this in your own home, aren't you."

He sighs heavily and chuckles to himself.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Of course you know that's what I'm thinking.  I'm like an open book right now.  When it comes to this Championship shot I've got, I'm an open book.  I haven't wanted anything this much since I met Morganna.  And you remember how I was practically a stalker where she was concerned.  And I feel the exact same way about this title.  I mean think about it.  I could flip Rage, Drake Green AND J2H on their heads in one shot!  Cause if I beat Rage, Drake Green and J2H's shots go out of the window!  Their rematch clauses are between them and Rage, and the only thing I'd have to worry about is if Rage wants a rematch.  I mean, I could shock the world by taking out the man that literally frightens the majority of the men's locker room.  Though, I have to admit, Unc's old partner Doug is more frightening in the ring than Rage.  That is one HUGE man!"

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.


"Yeah, Giant Tiger was aptly named.  But when I see him with my sister, I know that he's only a monster in the ring and while training.  He's a softy,  especially where my sister is concerned.  In a way, they remind me of me and your Uncle, or hell, you and Morganna. I see you with her, and I know you're what's right for her."

Jeremiah nods and takes a deep breath.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"She's the best thing that ever happened to me.  So when I hear people running their mouth off that I can't do shit without her, it pisses me off!!  I mean, yes I'm with her constantly, but who wouldn’t want to be?  She's simply amazing!!  She's beautiful, she's strong, she's intelligent, she's full of magic, she's skilled in the ring and out of it...  Hell!  It's like she was made just for me!  She helps me train, she helps me focus and she makes me want to be a better man for her!  But she doesn't hold my hand during a match!  Not at all!  In fact, she doesn't even come down to the ring with me!  I always bring my uncle!  So how people can say that she's a crutch for me, I have no idea."

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.


"They used to say the same thing about your uncle and I.  They're simply trying to drive a wedge between you and Morganna because they know that she makes you stronger.  She doesn't have to be at ringside to make you stronger, cause you know that back in the locker room, she's cheering you on, waiting for you to finish your match, and sending you all of the strength that she can.  Just put those nay sayers in your rear view and keep your mind set on this match.  I think you have a shot.  I really do.  I think it so much, I've gone and done something special for you."

She rolls over to the corner and picks up a large box, placing it on her lap and rolling back over to him and hands it to him.  He opens the box and inside is an acrylic display case with a special insert in the shape of the Sin City Wrestling's World Championship Title in dark blue satin.  He gasps and strokes the case reverently as he looks up at his uncle's fiancee.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Oh my goodness!!  Aunt Lady!! This is so epic!!  Thank you so much!!"

He moves as if to hug her, and she holds up her hand, shaking her head.


"Oh no, funky boy!!  Don't you even think about it!!  You march yourself upstairs right this minute, and let a lot of hot water and soap hit your ass!!  Whoo!!  You smell like the business end of a well roasted hunk of road kill that's baked in the August sun for a week!!"

He reaches up to scratch the back of his head, and she makes a retching noise, pulling his arm back down and he frowns.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Hey, I don't think I smell THAT bad!  Though I did have to carry Tyson home for the last ten minutes of our run."

She shakes her head and throws her hands up in the air.


"Then it's no WONDER you smell so bad!! That dog has to have a bath every day cause he's part skunk!  You better use the harsh stuff before you go over it with the good smelling stuff, cause that dog's stench doesn’t come off unless you used something industrial strength.  There's a bottle marked 'after puppy' in the hall closet.  Trust me.  You'll appreciate it after you're all washed up."

He chuckles and looks down at her with a grin.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"You're joking, right?"

Darknyss lifts her eyebrow at him with a face that's dead serious.


"You should know, I never joke about body odor.  It's why I tend to give some of the Superstars and Bombshells bath kits and perfumes for Christmas and birthday gifts.  Now march Mister!!  And no trying to keep the water cool or warm.  This is a hot water kinda stench!"

He chuckles and nods, holding his hands up in surrender, but  carefully so his arms stay close to his sides.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Ok, ok.  I know an order when I hear it.  I was gonna go and see my girl, but if I'm that funky, I think she'd appreciate me not gassing her while she's in the kitchen."

Darknyss nods and smirks.


"Good boy.  Now, off you go.  Put your gift in your room, and I'll make sure it's packaged and shipped back to Vegas."

He snaps his heels together and lifts his arm up in a salute and she starts to make retching noises again.


"Oh My GOD!  Just go!!  Go!!"

He smirks and heads off towards the guest room as the scene fades.


The Darkk Family is one who takes pride in their home.  Their bedrooms are impeccably decorated, and the bathrooms are of a spa like quality.  The bathrooms are always massive, decked out in marble and tile in a way that looks opulent, and makes you actually want to be in the bathroom for more than just using the toilet.  Even the guest baths were huge.  Each has not just a toilet but double sinks with double vanities, huge walk in showers with seats and multiple shower heads, and a huge soaker tub that's large enough to fit three people.  Some might say that they have an obsession with bathrooms, but with as many children as they have all being into sports, having extra places for people to soak away their pain is a good thing.  

The bathroom is full of steam from the shower, and it was so think that you couldn't see anything until you were close up on what you were looking at.  The glass was frosted in just the right places so that anything quote-unquote "private" could stay that way.  He was in the shower, just finishing shampooing his hair for the final time and happy that his Aunt Lady had let him know about the bottle marked 'after puppy', cause she was right.  As soon as his body had hit water, the stench from that dog had made things eye stingly difficult to breathe.  He had to ask her what was in the bottle, cause after the wash, his body had almost no scent whatsoever.  Even his own natural scent had been removed.  After he'd washed with his own scented body wash, he started to feel much better, and following up with the shampoo had him whistling to himself.  He'd just finished rinsing, and was leaning against the shower wall when he felt a soft sponge being swept across his back gently.  He heard her voice then, and he couldn’t help but smile to himself.


"Now that you know how important the 'after puppy' can be, I can do your back for you."

He felt her hands following the sponge, sliding along his flesh in the soapy suds, and he sighed happily.  She picked up the shower wand and let the water flow off of his back to rinse away the soap and started to kiss along his back gently.  The only pieces of her to touch his flesh were her lips and her hands, and he couldn't help but moan softly.  Once his back was clean to her liking, she leaned in close and pressed her flesh against his, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding him close.  She laid her cheek against his back and nuzzled him gently as he stroked his hands along her arms.


"Soon I won't be able to hold you like this because you're gonna have a title belt in the way.  I can't wait to be able to say that my man is the Sin City Wrestling's World Champion."

He nods and sighs softly.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Yes, not long before that will happen.  I'm glad you have faith in me my love."

She spins him around and looks up into his eyes as she pushes him back against the wall gently.


"You know I've always had faith in you.  Even when we were just friends I had faith in you."

She kisses him softly, and he wraps his arms around her, laying his head on the top of her head as he holds her close under the spray.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Thank you for believing in me, Morganna.  Having you in my life makes me already feel like a Champion."

They continue to hold each other under the spray as the bathroom fog thickens and blocks everything from view.  Through the fog, you hear them begin to kiss once more.  The last thing you hear before the scene fades is a single word floating on the air with a feminine moan...




The scene comes back in showing the bathroom door in the spare room of the Darkk Family home, where Diamond and Jeremiah are staying while they're in Detroit.  The door opens slowly, and the pair come out of the bathroom, holding hands and kissing softly.  He's got a towel wrapped around his hips and his bare chest is still slightly damp.  Small droplets of water glisten on his skin in the low light.  Diamond is wrapped in a light blue silk kimono robe with silver peacocks and lotus blossoms  embroidered on it.  She's got her hair pulled back in a long french braid that is hanging down her back.  Once his attention is pulled away from the woman he loves, he looks around the room and smiles.

She's decorated the room with candles and there are rose and orchid petals strewn across the bed.  She'd placed a silver tray on the bed with a bowl of strawberries drizzled with honey, a bowl of greek yogurt with honey, blueberry and granola stirred in it, and a plate with a mushroom omelet.  She smiles as she pulls him towards the bed and lays upon it slowly, gazing up at him as he looks around the room.


"Surprise baby.  I just wanted to make sure I you know just how proud I am of you.  I know I don't get to say it very often, but I know how hard you work.  This is my way of taking care of you."

He looks around, grinning like a little kid on Christmas and when he looks back at her, he inhales deeply and lets it go slowly.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"I just don’t know what to say.  No, wait a minute.  I do know what to say.  You didn't have to do all of this.  I know how proud you are of me, cause you show it every day.  You support me when you wake up early to make sure that I'm off to training on time.  You support me when you keep me on my diet when I feel like I'm putting on too many pounds.  You support me when you send me little text messages during the day to say that you love me.  You support me when  you call me to make sure I'm doing okay.  You support me each and every moment of the day, and I thank you for doing so much for me."

He climbs onto the bed beside her and kisses her softly.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

[color]"I am the luckiest man in the world to have someone like you in my life."[/color]

She blushes and bites her bottom lip gently, then she strokes his arm as she smiles up at him.


"And I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you as my man."

He sighs and looks down at her, shaking his head and sits up, stroking his forehead.  She looks over at him concerned, then sits up and rubs his back gently.


"What's wrong baby?  I would have thought that you would be happy right now.  Everything is laid at your feet.  You have a shot at the World Championship, you've got your favorite breakfast, plus a little treat with the strawberries and honey, you're in the best physical state you've been in a long time, you're mentally prepared for this match coming up, PLUS you've got me beside you, in this bed, wearing almost your favorite thing in the world which is my birthday suit.  Please love.  Tell me what's going on in that mind of yours."

He chuckles and shakes his head, patting her thigh gently.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"It's nothing love.  It just hit me all at once how much I have going for me right now, and knowing I have you by my side as my girlfriend is one thing, but you know I've always wanted more with you."

She nuzzles her cheek against his shoulder and chuckles softly.


"Oh yeah.  I know you want something more.  But you also know that I'm not exactly the most sane person out there.  I know that you say you can handle me and all of my crazy, but this ain't all of it, baby.  You've only seen the tip of the iceberg.  You haven't seen even ten percent of the crazy I'm capable of.  I haven't even told you all of what's going on with my past."

He shakes his head and stands up, starting to pace back and forth.  He stops by the dresser and puts his hands on the top of it, his eyes stopping on a small box there.  He couldn't believe he left it there, and she didn’t notice it.  But she wasn't the type to snoop and that was another thing he loved about her.   He took a deep breath and turned around, shaking his head.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"Now you know I don't give a fuck about your past.  Your past may have had a part of you becoming the amazing woman that you are, but it doesn't define the person you are today.  You're strong because you've overcome everything that you've been through in your past.  You're sensitive because you've overcome adversity.  You're sweet and caring because that's the way you were raised to be.  And you're magical not just because of your gifts, but because of your heart.  And I want to share the rest of my life with you."

She looks up at him as he stands there, looking down into her eyes, and she shakes her head slowly as the tears start to spill over her cheeks.


"I don’t know if you'll be able to handle it.  Everyone who says that they could has left me, or being in my life has driven them crazy, or worse even!!  I know I tease Raynin about loving the Teddy Bear, but I can get why she would go for something like that.  At least loving him is safe.  She wouldn't have to worry about something happening to him.  Everytime I see you go into the ring, I'm excited for you, but I get scared.  I know I have no reason to truly fear, but when you've had everything that you care about get ripped away in the blink of an eye, you can't help but get scared."

He strokes her cheek gently and crouches before her, kissing her knees and she runs her fingers through his hair.  He nuzzles her knee with his cheek, then looks up at her as he strokes her calf gently.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"But that's when I'm supposed to step up and be there to alleviate your fears.  I promise you, I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.  But I want you by my side for the rest of my life.  Even if that's only a few hours, or a few years, I can't see my life without you in it."

He gets down on one knee, and she gasps in shock as the tears flow heavily from her eyes.  He smiles up at her with that boyish charm he has and shakes his head.  As he speaks, his voice is cracking from emotions he can barely keep contained.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"I definitely wasn't expecting to do it like this.  But I just couldn’t wait anymore.  Please say yes and make me the happiest man on earth by becoming my wife."

He opens the box and inside is a heart shaped blue diamond set in white gold.  There's nothing surrounding the stone because it's four karats are flawless, and it sparkles in the light.  She throws her arms around his neck, sobbing unintelligibly and he chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

"Well, I tried to make out what you just said, but I can't quite make it out.  I don’t want to assume, but if the answer is what I think it is, I'll accept nodding if you just can't speak."

She pulls back from him and with a huge smile on her face, she nods.


"Of course it's a yes silly!!  Yes yes yes!!"

She grabs his face in her hands and kisses him deeply, pulling back and talks emphasizing each word with another kiss.


"Oh... my... GOD!!  I can't... believe it!!  Yes!  Yes I'll marry you!!"

He pulls back and with hands trembling as much as hers, he finally slips the ring on her finger and she throws her arms around his neck again, holding him tightly.


"I love you so much Jeremiah!!"

He holds her tightly and sniffs as the tears of joy finally start to flow down his cheek.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"I love you too my beautiful jewel!!"

She leans back and kisses away his tears before kissing him soundly.  He growls playfully against her lips and she giggles as she pulls him up onto the bed beside her.  She pulls back and grins up at him.


"Oh, you know you're about to get so laid."

He grins wickedly and nods.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Oh yeah.  I know it."

He moves as if he's about to kiss her, but at the last minute, he pulls away and grabs the bowl of granola filled yogurt.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"But first, I need a healthy breakfast fortified with vitamins and minerals!!"

He takes a huge spoonful of yogurt, and she bursts out laughing, slapping him on the chest.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Oh my GOD!! This is so good!!  You have no idea how hungry I was!"

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at him and he grins.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"No, seriously!!  All I've had was a protein bar before my run and a protein shake afterwards!!  You know, YOU could be a part of my healthy nutritious breakfast too."

He wiggles his eyes suggestively and smirks as she starts to try to wiggle away.


"Oh no!!  NO you don't!!  I just took a shower and got clean with you!!  You're gonna make me have to take another one!!"

He shrugs and takes a big spoonful of yogurt, dangling it over the bowl.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  

"Well, we were gonna have to take one afterwards anyway.  Now come here momma.  This hungry tiger's gonna eat you all up."

She giggles and squirms and he nibbles on her shoulder and neck and her giggles turn to soft moans as the cameraman pulls back towards the door of the room.  The cameraman pulls the door shut, and from behind the door you hear Jeremiah roar.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]  


The scene fades out.


Scene III

Location: Philadelphia Pennsylvania

We see Jeremiah coming in the arena and he comes in with determination and the fire in his eyes. He is wearing a newer version of his “Heart of a Tiger” t-shirt and blue jeans and boots. He is also wearing circular framed sunglasses. He heads to the locker room and then he hangs his gear up. Then Ms. Rocki Mountains comes in. She is wearing a tight dress and heels and her hair is in a ponytail. Jeremiah looks at her.

[Rocki Mountains]

Hello Jeremiah. Last week you were beaten and eliminated out of the first round of the Blast from the Past tournament. Do you think that you let your people down.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Yeah, at first, because of distraction and what I saw earlier in the night. What I saw freaked me out and I couldn’t get it out of my head. That’s alright though because there is always next year and I am already putting my name in for it next year. You can count on that.

[Rocki Mountains]

Alright, duly noted. Now you have a huge opportunity this week when you take on world champ Rage for the World title. you have got to be feeling pretty excited for this match. He beat you at Blaze of Glory VI and went on to cash in and take the title from Drake Green. Do you think you are ready for Rage this week at Climax Control?

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Rocki Do you think I am going to let that loss to Rage get to me? I said it when I came back to SCW that I am a man on a mission to make this year my year. It’s taking longer than I would like to but I ain’t complaining. Yeah I saw when Rage cashed in his pot of gold to win the title. That didn’t set well with the awesome fans and I couldn’t blame him. He did have a shred of intelligence in not giving the title back to the Justin Bieber knock off with the mentality of a 5 year old brat. I actually applaud Rage for that but that is the only thing I applaud Rage for.

[Rocki Mountains]

That is admirable. I can see why Diamond loves you so much.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

I look at it like this. There are some video games that have big angry monsters that guard the gold or whatever treasures they guard. We have that very same big, angry, ugly monster here in SCW in Rage. He guards that title he won and it will do nothing but please me and the awesome fans in Philly to be that treasure hunter to beat the big, angry, ugly monster. To slay that monster and take that gold.

[Rocki Mountains]

So you are a gamer too huh?

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Only when I am not having fun with my Emme. Trust me she keeps me pretty busy and I couldn’t ask for anything more. That’s beside the point. The point I am making is that Rage will continue to get a fight out of me and I will stop at nothing to take that title from him. No distractions will be had. No excuses will be heard from me because I do not want to be a man of excuses anymore.

[Ricki Mountains]

Well there is the fact that J2H and Drake Green are owed their rematches as well.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Trust me Rocki I have seen what happened and I recognize that they are owed their rematches but let’s face facts Rock it is time to shake up the World title scene and I am the man that is going to do so. Rage can huff and puff and say what he wants to but the fact of the matter is I have beaten him before and I can and I WILL beat him again. Yeah I know it was a few years ago when I beat Rage but the fact of the matter is I will beat him.

J2H and Drake Green can sit there and watch as I bring down the monster of a man in Rage and win the world title. I know he is a big man but I have beaten big men before. The determination I have to take that title from Rage is more powerful than the strength that Rage possess.

[Rocki Mountains]

If you do indeed win the World title from Rage you would be one belt away from becoming a Grand Slam winner.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Which would be awesome but let’s take it one step at a time here Rock. We will get to that if and when that time comes. First I have to win the World title and that is the goal right now. I intend on slaying the monster that is Rage and I will take that gold from him. Let him say what he wants to say but he is delaying the inevitable if he is going to talk his big man talk. I will do everything in my power within the rules to break down the monster of a man and prove to the entire world that Rage can be beaten once again and I will be the man to do just that.

You see Rock when you are on a mission to accomplish something you do not let setbacks get to you. BoG VI was a setback. the first round elimination? Setback. All my other losses? Setbacks. A man on a mission does not worry about setbacks. A man on a mission does not look to the past. I will embarrass Rage. I will make the big monster of a man look like a little boy after I take his title. He can laugh and scoff and write me off just because he is the same height and size of my unc. I could care less about that.

I will not be written off by a big man who has been beaten before and will be beaten again. The opportunity has been given to me even though Brandi and I were outed in the first round and trust me I do apologize to Brandi for that but that was last week.

Jeremiah looks in the camera

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

I hope you are listening big man. There will be nothing stopping me from beating you down. This might be a traditional match for the title but you will find out real quick that I am stopping at nothing to bring you down and take that title. The world title scene will be shaken up by a man with the heart of a tiger and the tenacity and the determination of one.

Go ahead and laugh and write me off all you want but the fact of the matter is I am known as Big Tiger for a reason. Big meaning I do big things in this business and trust me I am no stranger to holding gold and I have proven that here twice and when the time for use to meet in that ring big boy I will do it again.

You remind me of the giant in that story Jack and the Beanstalk. You got all that gold over your shoulder and you are on cloud nine but we all know what happens at the end of Jack and the Beanstalk don’t we? The giant falls to his failure and Jack becomes the hero. At Climax Control the whole world will be calling me Jack as you will fall to your failure and I will take that gold. You know that old saying the bigger they are the harder they fall. It will apply here big man. You might have beaten me at Blaze of Glory but the glory days of Jeremiah Hardin will come this week when the Philly fans will see the fall of the giant known as the Sin of Wrath in Rage.

I will go from people saying that I am riding the Fallen’s coattails to the mountaintop because I will do what I said I am going to do and that is beat you down. You might have everyone else scared when they step in the ring with you but I know what you are all about. You do have a weakness Rage and I will find it, expose it, exploit it, beat you and the title will be mine. You think just because you are this big man that you cannot be beaten by me. Let me give you a little advice Rage. I am not afraid of you. I have seen scarier and I have seen worse than you in my time in the military and let’s face it Rage you do not intimidate me nor do you scare me. I have beaten you before and I will do it again.

Look in my eyes Rage. You will not find fear there. Fuck fear is what I say to that. When it comes to opportunities like this for me I say fuck fear Rage. I know I may be beating a dead horse here but I am a man on a mission in SCW and trust me when I say this Rage when I am on a mission to do something I don’t stop until I see it thru. My immediate mission right now is to beat you Rage and shake up the World title scene.

Rage I don’t want any excuses from you when I beat you and take the title. When I beat you Rage it will be no fluke because I am prepared for you. I have taken a look at the matches that I lost when you were in the match and I took mental notes and I am ready to do what others see as the impossible. I am ready to make you my bitch Rage. I am ready to just bitch slap you all around the ring. You have never had the fight like you have gotten from me but this time big man I am not just there to fight. I am there to break you down. I am there to beat the ever loving shit out of you. I am there to shove a military rifle against your title reign and pull the trigger and bring the title reign of terror to an end. I am there to put a boot up your ass Rage. The fact that you think you are this unstoppable beast makes me laugh. Yeah you look like a beast and you scare the shit out of others but let’s face facts here Rage you are not invincible nor are you an unbreakable brick wall. In fact big man at Climax Control I am going to take that brick wall façade you put up and I will break it down. I will not only break it down I will break it down to dust. Rage just because you are seven feet tall and over 300 lbs. doesn’t mean shit. All that means is that it’s just more for me to pick up and sometimes I don’t know my own strength.

Rage you are going to be facing a different tiger than you faced at Blaze of Glory VI. An opportunity to take down the world champ when the title is on the line when given to a man on a mission is just what that man on a mission needs to take it from the champ and you have no idea what kind of motivation it gives me to just show the whole world what kind of man Rage is when his brick wall bravado gets broken thru. I could give a shit what kind of beast you are Rage. That beast mentality you possess means nothing to me because I will beat you down and make damn sure that you wish that you had finished me at Blaze of Glory VI.

[Rocki Mountains]

What about J2H and Drake Green’s rematches for the title?

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Rocki we will get to that when it’s time to do so. If and when I do beat Rage for the title I have an idea that will make everyone happy but right now I am more concentrated on knocking down the big redwood that is Rage and even redwood trees can be knocked down Rocki remember that. Nothing is impossible for me. Rage will be in for a battle that he will not walk out of. I have been given an opportunity. It came knocking and I opened it. I am going to step in the door and take it. The time for talk is over Rocki. This interview is over.

[Rocki Mountains]

I thank you Jeremiah.

Jeremiah nods and then Rocki leaves the room as Trenches (Remix) by Pop Evil ft DMC plays to commercial.


Scene IV

Location: Philadelphia Pennsylvania

We see Jeremiah and Dark Tiger coming in Gold’s Gym and they have their bags with their workout clothes in it. Jeremiah is in a red version of his “Heart of a Tiger” t-shirt, blue jeans and Tims. Dark Tiger is in a t-shirt from his clothing line, black jeans and boots and his long black hair is in a ponytail. Some of the ladies at the gym swoon as they come in and the two of them look at them and they chuckle.

[Dark Tiger]

Sorry ladies he is off the market. He has been for years.

Jeremiah looks at his uncle and slaps his arm. Dark Tiger shakes his head as he reminds him that he has a title shot to get ready for and there is no time for the ladies swooning for him. Jeremiah nods and they head into the locker rooms and then Dark tiger starts to get in his workout outfit.

[Dark Tiger]

So you finally decided to ask Emme to marry you. I’m proud of you Jeremiah and I think your father and mother would be proud of you too. They see that you love Emme with all of your heart. I heard what kind of ring you got too.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Yeah unc. Someone as special as Emme is to me you have to go all out and that’s what I did. I’m glad you told me at a young age to start saving my money in a bank for such an occasion. There is no one I want to be with for the rest of my life than Emme.

[Dark Tiger]

I know Jeremiah. I am glad you two took the time to build up to that as well. Lady and I took a long time because our career came first but we still love each other enough to wait till it was the right time to start a family and get married.

[‘Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Yeah I am glad Emme wanted to take the time as well. I love her so much that I stuck with her thru the insane times with her because there is no one else out there that could do it for me. She had my heart when I first saw her and she was that special kind of woman to take it slow with her and I am glad I did.

Dark Tiger pats his nephew on the back and then heads out of the locker room as Jeremiah changes into his work outfit as he didn’t want to go shirtless so he has a Gold’s Gym shirt he bought a few months back colored black and he puts it on. He puts his street clothes in his bag and puts the bag in the locker and locks it up. He comes out of the locker rooms and they head to the weight area. They start with the lats and Dark Tiger sets Jeremiah’s weight. Jeremiah starts pulling down on the lat bar.

[Dark Tiger]

We are going to make sure you are ready for Rage. I don’t want to hear no excuses. You will win that title Jeremiah. Keep going

Jeremiah keeps going until he starts slowing down on the lat bar

[Dark Tiger]

give me one more good one Jeremiah.

Jeremiah pulls on the lat bar one more time and then he sets it back up. They then head to the bench press and jeremiah sets the bar to 300 pounds and then he sits on the bench and lets his arms rest a bit.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Unc I said in my message to Rage that I was going to shake up the World title scene and I dam well mean that. I am not going back on my word. I have had too many distractions when it came to title matches and I will be damned if I am going to let it happen again. I am sick and tired of choking. I have been a choke artist in these matches for far too long. No more.

[Dark Tiger]

That first shot still gets to you doesn’t it? That was years ago Jeremiah.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Yeah I know unc and I could have won it too if I hadn’t let my mother’s death get in my head. I could have won the title back then.

Jeremiah then lays back on the bench press and presses the 300 lbs. Dark Tiger sits there in awe as he sees his nephew press the weight. He can sense the anger in Jeremiah as he watches. He also sees the determination that Jeremiah has to take the title from Rage. He nods as he senses that Jeremiah is ready for Rage.

[Dark Tiger]

Couple more Jeremiah. You got this.

Jeremiah gets a couple more reps with the bench press in and then Dark Tiger spots Jeremiah as Jeremiah sets the bar back on the stand. Jeremiah sits back up and then takes a deep breath. He knows he does not want to quit with this workout.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

Rage is going to find out that to me pain is only a four letter word. He will findo out that I have been thru worse than the pain he will inflict on me. I welcome the pain he will inflict on me because I will give it right back to him and more. Rage can say what he wants to say. I am no longer going to be written off by the critics and Rage. No one writes Jeremiah Hardin off and expect me to just lie down and take it.

I get that Rage is intimidating to most wrestlers here in SCW but I am not afraid of him or intimidated by him. I have seen scarier and been thru more intimidating and nothing scares me anymore. Let’s keep going unc. I am pumped up and ready for my time at the top.

Dark Tiger smiles and they then head for the squats. Jeremiah puts on 300 lbs and then starts to squat them like its nothing. The adrenaline is going thru Jeremiah fast and Dark Tiger can sense the rush of adrenaline that Jeremiah is experiencing.

[Dark Tiger]

Be careful though Jeremiah. We do not want you injured before the match even starts. Rage can pick up on that and he will exploit it.

Jeremiah nods and then set the weights back on the stand. They head to the juice bar for a break. Jeremiah gets a protein shake and Dark Tiger gets himself one too.

[“Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin]

I am well aware that he will do that unc and I will be ready for it. You taught me well. I just can’t believe the week I am having. The title shot. The engagement. Man I can’t wait to top it all off with beating Rage for the title. That is what will make this week that much better for me. I am ready for my time at the top and there will be nothing to stop me from doing so.

[Dark Tiger]

That’s right. You are ready for this and if anyone tries to interfere you know that I have your  back and that way Rage will have no excuses for losing the title to you.

they continue drinking their shakes and once they finish drinking the shakes they go back to working out as Trenches (Remix) by Pop Evil ft DMC plays to commercial

End RP.
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6' 6" 245 lbs.
Washington DC

Themes: Soldiers by Otherwise (CC)
Don't Tread on Me by Metallica (PPV)

Finishers: Tiger's Ambition (Double Underhook Whiplash)

Big Tiger Impact (see how the Double A Spinbuster is done, but replace the spinbuster with the Bulldog Powerslam)

Tiger Cross Suplex (Jeremiah puts the opponent in the cloverleaf, but instead of turning his opponent over, he picks his opponent up and does a bridging suplex for a pin)

Big Tiger Lock (Jeremiah underhooks his opponent's arms like he is going for a Tiger suplex but with one arm, and then takes the other arm and brings it around his opponent's neck for a guillotine choke while the opponent's arms are still underhooked.)

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Roulette Champion (1 time, Defeated Max Burke)

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