Author Topic: Hardcore Dose of Reality  (Read 1654 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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Hardcore Dose of Reality
« on: March 22, 2024, 11:42:22 PM »
Front and Center

A bright sounding video package begins our story with the abc13 News at 4pm with Tricia Kean as we see her sitting behind the desk of the KTNV News Studio.

“Good afternoon Las Vegas, this afternoon, we begin with a live report from the Clark County Court House. Our own Jaewon Jung is live to bring us this story. Jaewon?”

A Live shot, as we see Ms. Jung standing outside of that very courthouse with a pad in her hand.

“Good afternoon Tricia. So to set the scene, back towards the beginning of January at the Turnberry Towers, there was a report of an attack on an individual who lived at the residence. According to police reports, in the parking deck that the residents share, a male in his 20s was attacked by an unknown assailant but thankfully the would-be victim was able to thwart his attacker. Every bit of the attack was caught on the Tower’s security camera footage, the assailant was apprehended at the scene taken to a local hospital and then booked on charges of assault with intent along with a few other charges, especially once an investigation into what led into the attack.”

This is called B Roll - Where we see a man that can’t be any older than 20, but the size of a linebacker with the look on his face that his good looks and daddy being his high school football coach, is what got him to graduation is shown in an orange jumpsuit on the stand.

“Trenton Crawell, on February 22nd appeared in Clark County Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to multiple charges to the attack on Carter McKinney, better known as Sin City Wrestling Superstar, Helluva Bottom Carter. Carter and his now fiance and also Sin City Star, Miles Kasey have resided at the Turnberry Towers for a little over a year now. The Clark County Assistant Prosecutor offered a plea deal to Crawell, in exchange for his testimony on his accomplice in the attack. That accomplice who has been on trial for the last week is 42 year old Karen Chapman, who until the time of the attack was also a resident on the towers where she was living with her now ex-husband and their 3 children. With the investigation, not only was a relationship between Chapman and Crawell revealed, but that they allegedly conspired to attack McKinney. Reports indicate that Ms. Chapman on several occasions had verbal altercations with Mr. McKinney and Mr. Kasey due to their relationship with an almost consistent harassment with multiple witnesses to that fact.”

Another B Roll where we see Karen, who is looking haggard as she has been behind bars since the attack is led into the courtroom.

“Ms. Chapman is facing not only all the charges to go with hiring Mr. Crawell for the attack but also she is additionally facing up to 20 years in prison under the state of Nevada’s hate crime law because of the nature of her crimes. After beginning the trial last week, final deliberations began late last night and in less than 24 hours the jury returned back with the verdict earlier this afternoon.”

We now switch to a live shot inside the courtroom. It’s not that much of a media circus, but a few people have gathered in the room, mostly on the side of the prosecution including Karen’s own ex-husband and all three of her kids including Kevin. Miles and Carter are sitting right in front of them which is just behind the desk and Karen can’t help but stare from the side of the defense at everyone in shock. She is truly alone.

The judge sits behind the bench at the very front of the room, looking hard nosed and going over the papers she was handed as the jury is ushered in. As they all take their seats, the judge clears her throat and looks out onto the audience.

“Before we begin with the verdict, I would like to invite Ms. Chapman to stand on her own behalf and speak. Let it be known ma’am, that usually I would not allow this, but I feel as seeing that your family is here to give you an opportunity to make amends. Understand that no matter what, the jury has your future in hand right now. So Ms. Chapman, do you have anything to say?”

Karen stands up and looks around and it’s obvious that she is fully acting it up for the crowd, complete with crocodile tears.

“Well, your honor...I- I would like to say just like I said in my testimony when I took the stand in my own defense that I was completely taken advantage of...I- I can’t help but feel like I am a victim.”

From the audience and after months and months of torments Miles couldn’t help but let out a snort and that little sound was enough to have Karen turn on her heel and glare directly towards the whole side of the room.

“IT WAS YOUR FAULT! YOU TURNED THEM ALL AGAINST ME! Kevin, baby...please...please look at me.”

The judge slams her gavel down multiple times, “THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH MS. CHAPMAN!”

“No, your honor, you don’t understand. These homosexual deviants destroyed the very fabric of my family and I was left with no other-...I mean...”

“No other what, Ms. Chapman?” the judge asked like she was about to confess in open court of her crimes. But Karen clams up and looks down in shame, after a few beats the judge sighs. “So be it. Will the foreperson be so kind as to give us the verdict?”

Wait!” Miles speaks up and stands up, “Your honor, if I may?

“Mr. Kasey, I really don’t think...” the judge says but she just can’t seem to help herself, she wants to hear this. “It’s unusual but...go ahead.”

Miles stands straight and looks at Karen but she doesn’t even look at him.

You can’t even hide it anymore can you? You can’t simply live with the fact that your hatred has not only cost you your family but it’s about to cost you an actual life? Sure, you screwed around with a kid barely out of high school, he turned around and threw you to the proverbial wolves. And you still can’t let your hatred go.” Miles pauses to see if it would get through to her, “You want to know the worst part? Your disdain for myself and my fiance is completely one sided and completely just your battle. You lost everything and just can’t stop your whole life from turning upside down with a simple ‘I’m sorry and I was wrong.’?

Karen looks up to him, and the whole ‘I’m innocent’ act and Miles was right, she can’t let it go and simply states, “Go to hell.”

...have it your way. Your honor, I’m done. Sorry for wasting the court's time.

Miles took his seat next to Carter, taking his hand and wrapping his arm around Carter’s shoulder and taking a breath with Carter whispering, “You tried. I’m shocked you wanted to, but...

Miles was out of fucks to give at that moment for that woman, she tried to take away his happiness. He looks back at Hank, Kevin and the other two kids who are looking like they are absolutely embarrassed,  “For them, but after that...let her rot.

The judge bangs the gavel to bring things back to focus, “As I was saying, has the jury reached a verdict?”

“We have your honor.”

And with the note passed from jury to the judge, her fate was sealed.

Guilty, on all counts.

And she had absolutely no one to blame but herself, as much as she wanted to blame everyone else.

Hardcore Dose of Reality

You know, in this business, you come across all types. From the seasoned veterans to the up-and-comers hungry for success. But then there's Justin Smith. The so-called "hardcore legend" who's never managed to make much of an impact in SCW.

Now, don't get me wrong. I respect anyone who steps into that ring. It takes guts, it takes determination. But there's something about Justin that just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the way he struts around like he's God's gift to wrestling, despite never actually achieving anything of note. In fact, he couldn’t hit a stride like it was water and he was falling out of a fucking boat. Or maybe it's the way he talks about himself like he's some kind of legend, when in reality, he's nothing more than a footnote in SCW history.

But you know what? I'm not here to waste my time with inflated egos and empty boasts. I've got bigger things on my plate, real-life challenges that actually matter. My last few weeks between court cases and everything else, I am not exactly in the best of moods as hard as I have tried.

I’ve kept telling people that I’m the dangerous sort and when I am even remotely pissed off.

You see, Justin, I've been through hell and back in this business. I've faced opponents twice your size, twice your skill, and come out victorious. And do you know why? Because I don't just rely on brute strength, a growly voice or flashy moves. I rely on heart, determination, and a relentless drive to succeed.

So, Justin, if you think you're going to waltz into that ring and walk all over me with your delusions of grandeur, you've got another thing coming. Because tonight, I'm not just fighting for myself. I'm fighting for everyone who's ever been underestimated, for everyone who's ever been overlooked.

Sunday, I'm going to expose you for exactly what you are: a fraud. I'm going to show the world that you're not the hardcore legend you claim to be, but a mere shadow of the real competitors in this industry. Because when it comes down to it, Justin, talent speaks louder than words.

When the dust settles and the smoke clears, you'll know that you stepped into the ring with someone who's not just a wrestler, but a fighter. Someone who's faced adversity head-on and come out on top. Someone who's not afraid to stand up for what's right, no matter the odds. The NEXT level that you can only have wet dreams to reach.

So, Justin, bring your best, if that is even possible. Bring everything you've got. Because on Sunday, you're stepping into the ring with Miles Kasey. And trust me, you're going to remember it for a long, long time.