Author Topic: In The Spotlight  (Read 416 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
In The Spotlight
« on: September 11, 2015, 11:33:28 PM »
You know there are a couple of things that I wish to get off of my chest. First and foremost it has to do with Candy Overton. It pains me to know that she is eventually going to get a chance at the Bombshell Roulette Championship. She does not deserve a shot at the title. Her career has been nothing short of mediocre. She hasn’t stuck out, she is a glorified loser yet because she can pin Jessie Salco in a match. She gets to eventually get a crack at the Bombshell Roulette Championship…

A Championship might I add that I have never lost… The history books can show that Keira Fisher came down to the ring and she cashed in on her contract. That she somehow found a way to take advantage of me after I demolished Candy, and found a way to beat me to get the title, but it’s something that should have never happened. Who uses their chance to compete at any title on just the Roulette Championship?!

Why not aim high?! Why not go after the chance to be the very best in the sport but I forgot who we are dealing with in this company and it’s really pathetic the way people go about doing things in this company. Had it been me I wouldn’t have hesitated to chase the big one. To break away from the rest of the pack, and showcase why I am the woman who you all came to see wrestle. Why I am the one that can damn near jump off of everything and anything in this company. You can call me delusional, call me arrogant, call me anything you want…

But everyone knows that the name of Crystal Hilton is something that will go down in the history of all women’s wrestling. It’s a name that is to be feared and respected. A name like none other, and it’s a name that far outshines Candy in every single way. It pisses me off to no end what Keira did with the title. Sure you can say she had a few title defenses under her belt but it was never her championship to defend.


Repeat that after me… CRYSTAL HILTON’S CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

And I was forced to fight Candy and Jessie to get a chance to earn something that should have rightfully been mine to begin with?! That in itself is a load of crap. Candy Overton can sit on the sidelines and she can commentate this match in whatever she sees fit but at the end of the day the only thing people want to see is for me to get past Melanie so that Candy and I could settle our differences once and for all… We need to settle them without having the interference from Keira the thought of some meaningless talentless blonde bimbo coming down to the ring after I handled my business. So Candy you got an up close and person seat this week. You might be the sweetest thing the world has come to know but I am the most heartless Bitch that will ever step in an SCW ring…

That alone means we will have problems with one another

I long for the day where I can show the world you just aren’t my level. How do I get to that point? How do I get to that match?

Well it’s simple I need to get through Melanie… If… No WHEN I beat Melanie it’s going to be you and I locking up for my title and once again you will be put in your place…

Just sit back and enjoy the show. I promise it will be one you won’t mind seeing… That is until you are co starring along side me, and that won’t be something you want… You can trust me on that….

Los Angeles, California
First National Bank

Crystal Hilton stood inside of a bank and she was acting like quite the diva as she walked around in her red bottom louboutins. Her heels clanked loudly across the floor as she was talking to one of the bank tellers.

Bank Teller: How can I help you ma’am?

Crystal: Actually you could do a lot for me… I would like for you to open my safety deposit box… I have something in there that is very valuable to me, and I need you to get it for me right now… Please don’t keep me waiting. I have things to do today such as shop on Rodeo Drive, and appointment with Jean Luc my stylist, a 4 o’clock with Enrique my massage therapist, and I am sure something else will come up. So please let’s speed this up. A busy woman such as me has things to do and time is money.

The teller nods her head as she looks back at Crystal shaking her head at her. She walks away and it’s at that point where a group of people begin to walk into the bank. They begin to tape the door shut and it appears that they are all wearing masks across their faces. The group of four people seem to be bank robbers, and one of them don’t hesitate to shut out the cameras before one of the others takes out a handgun and shoots upwards into the ceiling.

Robber #1: Ok we need everyone to sit down and shut the hell up. This is a bank robbery and if you cooperate you might find yourselves walking out of this situation unscathed… We don’t want to hurt anyone. All we want is what is in all of the locked boxes. Starting with yours… Take off your fur coat….

A security guard quickly tries to step into the mix but he ends up getting shot in the chest for his trouble as he instantly falls to the floor. Two of the robbers begin to play crowd control as they other keeps their eyes locked on Crystal who continues to stand at the teller’s window not really paying any of the guys any mind.

Robber #1: Bitch did you just hear what I said… That mink coat you are wearing… Take it off now, and give me….

Crystal can’t help but scoff as she shakes her head in disgust at the robber. She can’t help but chuckle as she stares deeply into her eyes.

Crystal: You better take that somewhere else… I paid $18,000 for this mink coat… Ain’t nobody taking it from me… Not you, not Jerome, Tyrone, Taquain or whoever you are… Always trying to make us look bad damn...Look I don’t have time to play. I just want to get my box and get out of here.

The bank teller nervously comes back and hands the box to Crystal. Crystal smiles as she looks at the box smiling as the robber looks back at her.

Robber #1: Open the box… I am not playing with you… Seriously open it now or else I will blast you and ruin your precious fur coat…

Crystal thinks about it as her eyes meet with the box. She opens it and grins as she looks right into the eyes of the robber.

Crystal: Well since you insist but nobody should ever threaten my Michael Kors coat…

With that Crystal opens the lock box and the moment she does she pulls out a beretta and begins to use it to blast the robber. The other robbers turn their attention over to Crystal and she can’t help but blast them as well. There only seems to be one left as Crystal quickly drops behind a wall and begins to fire back at the other one.

Crystal: LAPD!!!!!!!! DROP THAT WEAPON!!!!

The last robber begins to fire bullet after bullet at Crystal before they high tail it out of the bank and Crystal is on pursuit as she does a duke of hazard over a car. She leap frogs over another one, and before we can get in the thick and thin of the chase we can hear someone in the distance yelling as loud as he can.


And the moment that happens people quickly run up to Crystal and push a high chair in back of her. She sits down in a chair that has her name inside of a big star. She looks out at the rest of the people on the set as she shakes her head in absolute disgust.

Crystal: What kind of nonsense are we all trying to pull here?! That gun was the fakest thing I have ever shot before!

Set Designer: Well it’s supposed to be fake… It’s all part of the prop and the design… Besides you know as well as I do that this is just a low budget film. It’s not expected to be on the big screen that long and some are saying that it’s going to be a straight to DVD production.

Crystal crosses her legs as she grills everyone that is in front of her.

Crystal: What the hell am I paying you idiots for then… Undercover Hollywood Diva is supposed to be a BLOCKBUSTER… It’s supposed to be enticing the female equivalent of BEVERLY HILLS COP… The story of a young aspiring actress who was turned away from starring in a blockbuster to finding herself being accepted into the the LAPD as a detective… I am supposed to be funnier than Eddie Murphy, then the likes of Chris Tucker. Yet where is the comedy, where is the effort where is anything in this movie.

Personal Assistant: Miss Hilton… I know it isn’t my place to really say anything but have you considered maybe using some of the company’s funds… I know it really isn’t your style but…

Crystal: NOOOOOOOOOO… We are not using anymore money… What we laid out is more than enough… You all just need to make it work. We are supposed to be funny yet you are coming off like Sarah Silverman… Where’s the funny? Where’s any of that! What did Beverly Hills Cop and Rush Hour have that I don’t have?!

The Personal Assistant thinks about it for a few moments before he let’s a wide grin escape his lips.

Personal Assistant: Well Rush Hour actually had Jackie Chan who does his own stunts… It made it authentic. I know you don’t mind doing the minor stuff but perhaps maybe you should try to actually run and…

Crystal: This production isn’t made of money, I know you don’t expect ME of all people to run in my red bottom louboutins do you? And this mink coat, yeah I paid way too much to let it get ruined by portraying myself in shots that will only capture my backside anyway...So try again.

Personal Assistant: Well Beverly Hills Cop had a good theme song. Every time you saw Axel Rose appear it was BUM BA BUM BUM DA DA BUM BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH… You have nothing. You need to make yourself known and if insert your idea of playing Girlicious every time you appear on camera it’s just going to be a travesty. Forget straight to DVD… Straight to the bargain bin… I mean both of those movies had enough to produce a sequel and even make it a trilogy. You on the other hand don’t even have it in you to make it to Rush Hour 3… As a matter of fact if I can be honest your punchlines aren’t hitting and you might be better off having an off screen death at the end of the credits to bring in a more talented actress to carry on with the Franchise.

Crystal’s eyes open wide up as she stares back at the PA.

Crystal: OFF SCREEN DEATH?! I AM A STAR, AN ACTRESS… I AM NOT THE CANDY OVERTON OF MOVIES… I have a little more class than that.

Personal Assistant: Well if I can be honest one more time Miss…

Crystal looks at the man as she snaps her fingers smiling.

Crystal: Don’t even finish that sentence… You are fired… SECURITY!!!!!! SECURITY!!!!!!!

With that security rushes to the set as they pull the man off of it. Crystal shakes her head as she makes her way to her trailer and closes the door behind her. The moment she does that is when she sees her reflection in front of her.

Reflection: Are you really going to let those idiots talk to you like that?! You are Crystal Hilton and they are making a mockery out of you… Just everyone else seems to be doing.

Crystal: It’s whatever I don’t need them… Just like I never needed anyone.

Reflection: That’s exactly my point. Don’t worry stick with me and I will make a star out of you… It will take time though. No one will ever mock you again. Not in wrestling, not in acting, not in anything. You and I are unstoppable together.

Crystal can’t help but crack a wide grin in return as she smiles at her reflection and we fade out on this image.

So I guess now I have to actually talk about you Melanie… The woman who has practically been untouchable since being in SCW. You have only lost what… One match since being here to the likes of Cynthia Warren… Part of me wants to respect you Melanie honestly I do but the title that is around your waist is something that you shouldn’t even have in the first place.

Because you didn’t really beat anybody to get that title you beat Keira Fisher… Keira Fisher the woman that I should have beaten but when we meet at Climax Control it’s just so sad that you will happen to be a victim of circumstance. You are going to get your ass beaten for the simple sake of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What have you done to earn the title that is around your waist?! What have you really done to be considered a true champion? Honestly nothing of worth and the way I see it you stand in my way of getting to that one on one match with Candy. You are directly in my way of silencing her once and for all. Do you know how irritating it is to hear Candy run her mouth and act as if I Crystal Hilton is scared of her. Do you know what that even feels like?!

It’s embarrassing it’s an insult to someone such as my stature.

I should be selling out arenas!

I should be in the grand marquee!

Hell I should be in the main event but I have to settle wrestling someone like you?! Someone who is supposedly a big deal…

Bitch please… Let me say something a few weeks ago I heard what you had to say, that you would be a champion for a very long time and it didn’t matter who you had to face that the result will be the same. Do I care that you have competed in inferno matches, or hardcore matches before? Honestly I couldn’t give two craps about the history of Melanie Gabrielle.

The only thing that is on my mind is restoring the legacy to my name. It’s continuing to establish my name as the Prima Donna of this company. While many others would want to offer you a fair fight or things of that nature. I am here to flat out tell you that I plan to do whatever it takes to win and it doesn’t really matter what the stipulation is in our match. I only have one thing on my mind and that’s to emerge victorious with the title that belongs to me.

I am going to force you to move the hell out of my way as I march my way towards Candy. Forget me pushing you out of the way or asking you nicely to bow before me. I am the Bitch that will happily stomp all over you just to ensure her dominance within this company.

And just in case you follow me on Twitter, and even if you don’t my bio says it all. SCW Roulette Champion. You know why I haven’t changed it?! It’s because I AM THE RIGHTFUL CHAMP… I am the woman who deserves to have back what belongs to me and for you to actually beat me in the middle of the ring would be a travesty. I am not here to make friends, and I know in the past people like Vargas people like Delia. Wanted to see the good within me. They really had high hopes that I would help them ease their way into the locker room.

But why should I care about anyone else but myself?! It’s always been about having a me first attitude and everyone else I couldn’t really care about. You might be good… Hell you might even be great but you are facing an actual Goddess. You are facing a woman who thrives herself to be perfect in everything she does.

I am the Reflection of Perfection, and every time I look at myself in the mirror. The mirror reminds me consistently and constantly that I am the most dominant in the land of SCW. That everyone fails in comparison to me.

However there is one who might get in the way of that… There is one who looks to challenge me for my place, and that currently happens to be you by proxy that you have something that belongs to me.

This nightmare of being in the ring with talentless hacks like Alexis Edwards, Jessie Salco, and Candy Overton is about to come to an end. It’s about time I restore the legacy to the Roulette Championship and wipe away all of the filth that was brought onto it by the likes of you and Keira.

Mama wants her trinket back and she is willing to do anything to get it back, and I mean anything.

I know lately people wonder where is this attitude coming from. Why is there a change in demeanour but the truth is this is who I have always been, and it’s about time I bring myself back up, and I sit down on top of the throne that I should be on.

Melanie your little run with the championship is about to come to an end. It’s time for Crystal Hilton to get back to the basics and take back what belongs to her. So spin that wheel round and round. Wherever it stops nobody knows but honestly it doesn’t matter. Because on any given day I could beat you, and that’s strictly a fact.

The book of Crystal Hilton Chapter 2 verse 3 says all shall fall and bow before the mighty Rose Goddess… Bow bitch for this is the rose that refuses to wither away.

Get out of the way before I have to stomp you into the ground springing myself back into the limelight. It’s your choice. Don’t take this asswhopping personally you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time… See you at Climax Control…

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