Author Topic: Jake Raab Vs Ty West  (Read 1785 times)

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Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:52:29 PM »
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Offline Culture Shock

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Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 09:26:03 PM »
 The West-Ward Blogicles
Season 4, Entry #7 -- “Just a Big Bully”

“Your first Mistake Raab, that was using my name to promote yourself.”

The video starts with Ty West, looking into the camera and speaking right away.

“No one has stabbed me in the back, not Mercer, not anyone. This is part of the world we live in. We find weaknesses in each other and exploit them. It is just as much psychological warfare as it is physical and you seem to have gotten all fired up about what?”

He offers a shrug to the camera.

“People talking about you on social media. You have given every single opponent you have faced everything they need to break you, easily.”

He sighs heavily as if this whole thing seems like a waste of time to him.

“You wanted screen time? Well, here you go. I'm waiting to hear your proof of my so-called bullying ways. You know what else is pretty funny, you claim to not use twitter and that none of your family use it either, so the only way for you to have even seen my tweets was in fact because you are the one who is the coward. No idea why Mark Ward is all huffy about it either, he's not exactly anyone's angel, now is he?”

He gives a bit of an awkward smile towards the camera.

“You, Jake, do not have the balls to actually admit that you can't handle anyone calling you out on your back and forth ways. "I'm a good guy..." you so emphatically exclaim in one breath while telling people they are deserving of being 'shit talked'. The thing you were so enraged about, right?”

“So yeah Mark, as much as you wanna call me what was it? Oh right, a frat boy? A bully for 'attacking' someone who supposedly is undeserving of mine or anyone's scrutiny... well, your precious Jake is not exactly a shining beacon of innocence. You know how many times people have called me names? How many times people I am not even facing have assumed I was someone I wasn't because my ex-manager insisted on adding the word "pretty" to my name? And did I get in my promo and whine? Call people cowards for not getting in my face? No. I stepped up my fucking game and rose above it. I spoke out yes. I added my two cents to an ongoing conversation. The world is not fair.”

His face remains serious.

“Mark, you even forced your own family to team with the shittiest guy on this roster, who bashes me and my family at every opportunity. Which is pretty funny when you get up to defend Raab. Do I complain about 'Hack' Asher? Cry foul? No. I ignore it because it means nothing. There is obviously something deeper going on here. No idea if Raab is lining your pockets to say all that shit, but cut it out. As much as I like you, Mark, you're a shitty actor.”

He is referring to the segment on the last climax control where Mark Ward used a similar phrase towards Ty.

“Raab has claimed to be this big guy with all the right skills, so why oh why does he need you defending him? And if you think this match is going to change anything you are wrong. I'm not even annoyed that I have to face him.I know this actually has nothing to do with twitter. This has to do with jealousy. Your name, Jake, wasn't linked to anything awesome. No one is taking you seriously so, let's pull in the names of the guys that have put blood, sweat, and tears into this company to get a little spotlight and well... I guess it worked but not in the way you hoped. See you tried to get me to join your Austin bashing crusade by saying that he backstabbed me. The thing is, Austin and I are not friends. We respect each other but to say we are friends is stretching it a little. Way to pay attention hun. So there is no backstabbing, besides, by your definition, he did it in a promo so it's fair. And besides, what did your so-called 'shit-talking' get you? I believe you had your ass handed to you in that match.”

He tries to hold back his smile but he can’t.

“Now, while you do have my attention none of it is good. Let's first call into play how you claim to be this great person who respects most people yet you will fly off the handle and rage at anyone that even utters your name negatively. Funny, I didn't take you for a stereotypical Millennial. I was under the impression that you were an athlete that had gotten enough of a taste of what being a wrestler is about that you wouldn't be so sensitive and yell 'Bully' at anyone that doesn't agree with your lack of a solid identity. I mean I am kinda taking a risk here by assuming you are in rage mode, this time. You switch more than a bipolar housewife on antidepressants and chocolate. What's next? Are you going to blame me for not getting enough positive attention too?”

He raises his hands with his eyebrows raised.

“Bully. Sheesh. Frat Boy? What the fuck?”

His face quickly changes to one of aggravation, anger even.

“Yeah you know maybe Fen has been a bit of an influence on me, or maybe I learned that it's not my job to appease everyone. Or just maybe, I am just tired of being called a boy scout. Being a boy scout hasn't done me any favors. If I want to be good enough to beat people like Vinnie and Austin, I have to be more like them. Not necessarily a copy, but more so not being afraid to call anyone out on their actions. I called you out. You weren't exactly coming up to me backstage either to confront me, now were you? You got behind a screen and complained about two people that until that moment, had nothing to do with you. Who, Ironically, used another form of media to complain about your antics. Hello Pot, meet Kettle.  If you have an issue I'm here. You want to defend yourself about what I said then by all means. If you have people checking social media, scouring it for any mention of your name so you can cry about it, then have the guts to admit you have people doing that. But you won't, because then it would ruin your argument. An argument you think makes you look like an innocent victim.”

“Do innocent victims call people trash and assholes? Because that's what you called Austin. A man who has earned what he has. A man that has taken every challenge presented and still stands up and shakes his opponent's hand at the end. That's integrity. Of course, he's going to be a little arrogant. He's the champion. He deserves to hold his head up high. And anything you say can be scrutinized. You think if I was scared of you I would mention you on twitter at all? Of course, things can get back to you. No one is stupid enough to believe a public tweet is somehow going to not get read. Please. Fact is, I wanted you to see it. I was hoping it would wake you up, but all it did was give Mark an idea for a match. And all I got was you calling me a coward and you cried to the boss who had to be your soccer mom and appease you with a match. A match by the way I am not letting you win. Just so we are clear on that. I don't give in to threats or crying Raabs.”

He shakes his head again, in disgust.

“You don't respect people who talk on twitter huh? Well, then you don't respect anyone in SCW since you seem to be the only one not on it. For a while, I too decided to avoid the tweet machine. At the time my bestie Effie was doing some shit-talking and you know what? I got called out for talking about it while not using twitter. So you know what I did? I decided to be a man and get on twitter myself. That's the way to avoid the shit. If you don't like twitter than don't be on it but don't get your feathers ruffled because other people talk on it. You can't have it both ways. And you can't control what free thinking people do either. We are not a dictatorship and you are certainly nowhere near qualified to be a leader. Which is why I will be putting all my effort into beating you. But I knew that long before you said it. You are completely oblivious to what's going on around you. And frankly, I don't respect a man who has no idea what's going on in his own head. Not that respect matters. Your respect is worthless to me. So you can go ahead and keep that.”

The camera moves a bit and you can see the dying sun in the background behind him, an indication that he was out on some kind of walk or run.

“I have worked my way up to this position too many times. Sometimes I have succeeded. Earlier this year I faced Austin twice for an opportunity at that belt and twice I was so close I could taste the gold. But there were times, like the match against Vinnie that I failed. And you cannot succeed if you don't recognize and respect your own failures. As much as I have an issue with Vinnie, I don't blame him for the loss, I blame myself for not being better. I will never make that mistake again. I didn't against Ace and I certainly didn't when facing Caleb. And you will be no different. I'm not saying you don't have skills hun, I'm saying that you lack all the mental stuff that is half of what it means to play in that six-sided ring. You keep talking about needing to get back on top. Needing that win. Maybe what you need is to lose against a guy that doesn't give a crap about you in a whole roster that agrees that you still have a lot to learn. “

He nods his head.

“And I don't care. You don't own anything you say or do. You find every little excuse or reason not to give hard-working individuals their just due. And you name drop people you have no clue about and have no business using as part of this crusade you have. You get upset when they don't reciprocate in their promos. Like I said on twitter, why would I waste time in my promo, that isn't facing you, on you? And why do you care so much about what people think of you anyway? If you are as good as you claim and you get all fired up about kicking the shit out of people, why give anyone you claim to be nothing more than a bully, even one iota of your time? Aren't you supposed to be better than us common folk as you so claim? You act like because your family is well known it makes you some kind of wrestling royalty. Yet everyone can get under that very thin skin of yours.”

“My advice Jake, grow up. Not everyone in this world is going to say nice things about you. Not everyone is going to agree with you or appreciate you. Hey, I bet if I had praised you on twitter you would have been all happy about it. No mention of being "too cowardly" then now would there? Double standards are marvelous things, am I right?”

He offers yet another shrug.

“So if you ask me what this match is going to be like? Like every other match. I am going to give you everything I have and I am walking off that boat as the next challenger for the Heavyweight title. If I have to prove one more time that I deserve this then I will. Whether it was you, Alex Jones, Caleb Storms or even Fenris. Because that's what you are supposed to do. You have no idea how much I want this. How hard I have worked to get back here and not once did I complain about it. If I was a Frat boy as Mark wants to try to label me then I wouldn't be fighting for this. I would be whining about it.  I have been sidestepping ridiculous labels all my life. The only one that matters right now is; "The number one contender, Ty West." And that one, I will proudly wear.”

He nods his head, agreeing with his own words before shutting off the camera without saying goodbye, yet another indication that Ty was serious about putting his opponent in his place.



"Pleeeeease Uncle Ty! I have never been on a ship before...."

Ty zips up his suitcase and stares at the young girl in the doorway of his room. She pouts her bottom lip so far out that Ty has to stifle the joke in his head. She tries to make her eyes as big and unrelenting in their cuteness. He almost says yes.

"You have school, Evan. You know, the whole reason you are living here now?"

"Can't you get special permission? Auntie Lora can do homeschooling with me for the next couple weeks."

"Our worker from child services is not going to think too highly of you coming on a boat for a wrestling show Evan. Do you want to be sent back to Montreal? Or worse, be put in a foster home?"

"Just say I had a meltdown. ADHD kids have them all the time. It's like when girls just say "women's issues" to get sick days..."

Ty feels uncomfortable suddenly realizing that although Evan was only ten, those 'women's issues' could come at any opportunity. At this moment he was thankful for Lora being around.

"Why do you want to go?"

"You are facing that guy that thinks you're a coward. I wanna see you kick his butt. And Auntie Lora's wedding... not to mention it's a cruise ship with all these interesting people..."

Again it felt like Evan was wise beyond her years.
"Fine. I will talk to the worker. If I don't I might find myself a stowaway."

Evan squeals and hugs Ty so tight he wonders if she really is only ten and not actually a freakishly small adult with super strength. She then runs off down the hall, talking to herself about which outfits she was going to pack. She passes a bewildered-looking Lora who enters the room. Pointing over her shoulder she replies, "She won you over, huh?"

"Yup. I'm a big softie. Besides she had a good point. If she is going to possibly be your adoptive daughter she does have a right to be present at the wedding."

Lora's face goes serious. "About that, are you really still against this wedding Ty?"

Ty sighs heavily. He felt like the last few weeks had been non-stop talk about this wedding. He was tired of talking about it. In his mind, he felt like Vinnie was just going to keep disappointing his aunt and with a real possibility of her adopting Evan, it would be disappointing her as well. He couldn't handle that.

"I thought we agreed to drop this..."

"Ty..." she reaches out to put a hand on his arm. "You really think that I would jump into this if I thought Vin wasn't serious about what marriage entails? I am insulted that you think I am that stupid."

He feels guilty now. "I don't think you're a stupid auntie. I just... feel like maybe he has just figured out some way to hide those flaws I see."

"You think I don't see them? I do. I know what he is capable of. And if you could look beyond your big head, you might see his heart to. You and Jan. I know Jan is going to be a hard sell but it's your opinion that truly matters."

He hated how easily both her and his mom could guilt him into feeling bad about something.

"What if he wins at SummerXXXtreme? What if it's him and I facing the next climate control or the next Supercard? Who will be your hero then? And what if he cheats?"

"I don't know right now. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't going to be difficult to watch. Either way, I would be a winner and Vinnie knows better than to cheat against you. He promised me that."

"Promise. Pfft. Doesn't really hold much value for me."

"Just, please be there. I would like you to give me away.  You are my only male relative left alive. It would mean so much to me."

When he looks up there are genuine tears in Lora's eyes. He hated how much he was hurting her. But he loved her too much to just ignore the nagging bad feelings he had.

"I will think about it, okay? That is the best I can do right now."

She nods and leaves the room without another word. In all his life, he had never seen Valora cry, but he knew she was crying now. He hated that he was hurting her. His phone beeps and he looks down. As if the universe were listening, it's a text. Vinnie wanted to meet before boarding the ship.

He looks at the doorway his aunt had just exited and then back to his phone, biting his lower lip. If Lora wanted him to trust Vinnie, maybe he needed to tell the man why he couldn't be trusted.

Offline Jake Raab

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Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 11:59:20 PM »
 Learning how to surf with his girl. Los Angeles, California. Friday 16th August. (Off Camera)

As they woke up in a hotel room in the morning, a few days before they go on the boat to sail away from America, it wasn't something Jake was looking forward to, especially the bridges he broke with a lot of wrestlers in SCW, and he was very close to quitting the company to move onto Emerge, the place that gave him a lot of respect in his eyes, compared to SCW. Of course, he wouldn't say that anymore because he knew he'd get fired for doing so.

Jake shook his head as he hated the thought of being surrounded with other wrestlers not named Fenris or Ben Jordan being on the same boat as him. His girlfriend Olivia woke up with him, and she sees the frustration on Jake's face, and she asks Jake a question.

Olivia: "What's wrong?"

Jake Raab: "I'm sick of people talking shit about me behind my back on twitter. Also, it doesn't help I have to be on a fucking boat with people I don't get along with."

Olivia: "Fuck them, you got me to worry about. Besides, you need to have a day to have some fun. I know you want to do rock climbing, but I can't find anywhere that does that sort of thing. It was good to know more about you last night other than liking archery and arrow stuff."

Jake Raab: "Yeah, I know I need to do more, but I just haven't been interested in the past. I know I need to do something different now. I thought rock climbing was something I could do here, but I can't."

Olivia: "Well, I know I've done a lot of surfing when I was younger. It's one of my favourite hobbies to do."

Jake listens to his girlfriend as this date they were having was only their third date and they still haven't had any physical contact in bed, mainly because it was far too early for them to do that, while they are still getting to know each other. Jake did get out a soccer shirt of one of the teams playing in Bundesliga, Borussia Mönchengladbach as he puts it on and Olivia asks a question.

Olivia: "That's not an NFL shirt, is it, is it?"

Jake Raab: "No, I don't know anything about the NFL, to be honest. It's a football shirt or known as soccer in your country. It's my local team, besides Dussledorf. They are great, although they are playing tomorrow night, my cousins, they are FC Koln fans."

Olivia: "Anyway, getting back on point, Jake, I talked about surfing, have you done anything like that before?"

Jake Raab: "Not really because Germany isn't known for surfing. More for winter sports and soccer."

Olivia understood it was clear Jake hadn't done surfing before. The fact he had Olivia with him made things better, even agreeing to go on the ship with him as he needed someone around that weren't apart of SCW. Olivia smiles as she says this while Jake thinks things through.

Olivia: "What about we get you surfing lessons and have fun? You need to do something, apart from gym work and archery business. Take a break from doing all of that and do something new, a hobby you could very well take an interest in."

Jake Raab: "You got yourself a deal, only if you agree to play some basketball when we are on the ship at night as I want to avoid SCW wrestlers during the day."

Olivia: "That's the deal. You like basketball?"

Jake Raab: "More playing it than watching the games."

Olivia: "Anyway, I think we better go and get to the surf school since it's a nice day for that."

Jake nodded, if he weren't with Olivia right now, he would be bored and have nobody to talk to. It was as if Gary helped changed Jake's life around, even if at some point, Justin Mountain did text Jake overnight to have a word with his attitude in wrestling as of late, but that will be discussed on the ship. Olivia put her clothes on as much as Jake did with his tracksuit trousers he wore as jeans wouldn't work if they were doing a water-based activity.

Once they got their money, keys for the hotel and phones, they close the hotel room door and went downstairs to the hotel reception and left the hotel that had the necessary facilities they needed. Jake and Olivia held hands and walk towards the beach, and as soon as Jake saw fast cars around, he sighs.

Olivia: "What's wrong?"

Jake Raab: "If only I had enough money to give you a ride in one of those fancy cars, I would've done that today, but it was over five hundred dollars, and I don't have that kind of money."

Olivia: "Well, doing surfing will be better anyway for exercise before the match against Ty West."

Jake Raab: "I rather not think about him as of right now. Please don't mention that name."

Olivia saw Jake's frustration with Ty and his comments on twitter that he had to find out, not from Olivia or any of his cousins, it was, in fact, his archery buddies of Gary and Ian who are finding out about the tweets other SCW stars are making about him. Olivia made a zip signal across her lips to not mention Ty or anything SCW related. They walked along the beach for almost half an hour, until they saw signs for surfing school.

Olivia: "Ah, I knew it was around here somewhere."

Jake Raab: "You live here?"

Olivia: "My parents do yeah, while I live in the San Francisco area. Anyway, let's get you some lessons and get you in a wet suit."

Jake Raab: "A wet suit?"

Olivia: "Yeah, you have to wear one when you do surfing."

Olivia goes to the man and pays for herself before Jake pays as well, and he measures both Olivia and Jake as he goes in his hut and get the wet suits for them and he says this.

Surfing school salesman: "Change into these, and I will get you your surfboards. Have you both done surfing before?"

Olivia: "I have, but Jake hasn't."

Surfing school salesman: "Sadly, all of our teachers aren't available, but I'm sure you'll be willing to teach Jake how to, right?"

Olivia: "Of course, no problems at all."

Jake nodded, approving of Olivia teach him to surf as the salesman gave Jake and Olivia their keys for their own locker space. After they did that, Jake and Olivia go in their separate changing rooms to change into their wet suits. He takes his clothes off, except his pants as he brought spare one of those as he places all of his clothes and his personal belongings in a carrier bag, placing them in the locker Jake was assigned to and came out of the changing rooms in a wet suit as he puts his key around his wrist.

He waits for Olivia as she wasn't done changing yet, but she was after five extra minutes of changing and saw Jake in a wet suit for the first time, and she licks her lips.

Olivia: "You look hot with that wet suit on. Now come on, let's get our surfboards out and have some fun."

Jake Raab: "Alright."

Olivia was dragging Jake, but it shows how excited she was to teach him how to surf, even if Jake will mess up, it was about getting him out of the house that wasn't wrestling or archery and do surfing for fun. They went up to the surfing school salesman and gave them their boards. As Jake did this in his past, he looks at the board and says this.

Jake Raab: "It looks like a skateboard. I did skateboarding a lot when I was younger."

Olivia: "Surfing is almost similar to skateboarding, just the boards are bigger, and you use them in the sea. Maybe you should do some skateboarding again if that's what you did when you were younger."

Jake Raab: "I do want to buy a skateboard today, but for now, let's focus on this."

Olivia teaches him how to at least stand on a board on the sand. Of course, it wouldn't help him in the long run. However, telling Jake to sit around and watch her surf was. He sees Olivia being good at it, maintaining her balance. Olivia signalled for Jake to go in the water as he does and once they were close to a wave, she says this.

Olivia: "To surf, you must do a front stroke before going faster to a point you stand on the board and maintain your balance. You think you can do that?"

Jake Raab: "For sure."

Olivia: "Good because this next wave, we'll do together."

As the wave comes, Olivia does a front stroke and then Jake copies as they swim faster until they get on the board and use their feet to surf all over, but Jake on his first attempt fell off his board and the water hitting him everywhere as he gets his board. Jake punches the water, and Olivia says this.

Olivia: "Calm down; I was the same when I started. I got more practice, and I don't have that issue anymore."

Jake nodded as he watched for the wave before he swam like crazy before Jake was able to stand for a bit, only Jake fell off again because he didn't have the balance quite right and Jake kept falling over a lot because he wasn't used to surfing and Olivia says this.

Olivia: "Watch how I do it, alright?"

Jake stands there to watch Olivia. He notices what she was doing was what he did, until she got her arms out, which is the primary key to maintain her balance. She surfed to the end before going straight back to Jake, and he says this.

Jake Raab: "Oh, so it's not only just about timing, but you spread your arms out to maintain your balance?"

Olivia: "Exactly where you keep going wrong."

Jake Raab: "I try again until I get it to a point we'll surf together."

Jake saw a wave coming as he did a front stroke on his board before he does it faster to stand on the surfboard and maintains his balance as Olivia claps for Jake's first run without assistance from Olivia. He does surfing a few more times on his own before Olivia joins in and surfs with Jake. As the day goes on, Jake was getting better at his balance, although he did have a few falls due to bad luck with the waves, but maintains it the entire time.

Four hours later, they were told to come back from the surfing school salesman, which they did and gave their boards to him. After they got changed from their wet suits, they gave them to the salesman and walked towards a skateboarding shop.

Once they found a skateboarding shop, Jake brought a nice board with Arrow from the TV series on the back of it. He brought it along with the safety equipment for skateboarding and left the shop to head back to the hotel.

Olivia: "Why didn't you skate home?"

Jake Raab: "Because I want to skate on the ship. I had a great day out with you today with surfing. I enjoyed that."

Olivia: "It seems like you did."

Jake Raab: "If you excuse me, I got some training to do so I'll do just that right now."

Jake placed his things in the hotel room he's sharing with Olivia as he got his gym gear and head towards the gym, while Olivia watches TV for two hours with Jake busting his ass in the gym as he heads off to sleep. The next day, he takes his camera to the lobby as there was one on his floor and due to Olivia still being asleep, he decides to go on camera now.


Twitter bitch needing to be taken down. Jake's camera. (On camera)

"You know it makes me sick that people like Ty West sees nothing wrong with tweeting shit behind my back without having the guts to address things to me where I can see it, aka in his videos or even backstage. OK yes, I haven't addressed things to you backstage either, but at least I address and direct things to people publicly with my mouth on camera rather than a phone or computer screen to let the fingers do talking for me.

Do you know how I know about your shit on twitter, Ty? Thank my friends I do archery with who tell me what's going on. I didn't know all of this was going on until one of my friends pointed shit out to me and showed me on their phone on shit you've been saying about me.

Yes, I'm aware I went straight into things without giving you credit for your skill. Trust me; you do have skill and talent to be in SCW and going for the SCW World title, believe me, I know you have it factor, despite our hatred for each other. I'm not stupid enough to rule you out as a threat and a target in the ring against me because you are without question. There's no doubt in my mind you can wrestle, and I would never trash your abilities as a wrestler.

Of course, it would set me off if someone talks shit behind my back, just as much as it'll set you off too if I was on twitter and talked shit behind your back as well. I never acted like I'm perfect and I never will because unlike some people around here, I can admit to making mistakes and I have because I'm still new to this sport.

I knew I would face you at some point mainly because it was going to happen sooner than later, even before you started talking shit on twitter about me just because of things I said about Austin. Just because Austin is champion and beaten me, doesn't mean I have to respect him and I won't. That's enough said about that arrogant prick cos this match isn't about him; it's about you.

Also, it's for an opportunity for SCW World title which once again, I didn't ask or demand. I never asked or requested for any title opportunities since I've been here either so you can't play that argument with me. I'm going to earn my title shot against Austin without it being predictable and being all respectful because of being beaten by him. That won't happen when I face him. Anyway, I save more to talk about later on during the week as I have other important things to do."
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 12:30:41 AM by Jake Raab »

Offline Pretty Ty

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Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2019, 11:21:27 PM »
 The West-Ward Blogicles
Season 4, Entry #8 -- “Who's the Coward?”

You know what is funny? The fact that Jake is more concerned about twitter than anything else. His promo didn't come across as someone fighting and deserving of a shot at the Heavyweight title. It came across as someone that is more concerned about what people say about him then what the real concern should be.

He says, 'You would be upset too if people said things on twitter behind your back...' no. I wouldn't be. Do not assume anything about me Raab. You don't know me. It's so obvious that you weren't listening at all to my promo. You decided before even loading it up what you wanted me to say and responded to that assumption. You have already made up your mind about who I am without even following it up with research. You didn't prepare to listen to communicate, you listened merely to reply.

You know why I wouldn't care Raab? Because the opinion of people not part of my life do not matter. The fact that you didn't hear a word I fucking said only further proves my first point. You're not ready for this. You are not worthy of being a champion. Sure you got the moves and the skills, but mentally you are just a scared little boy. You don't have time to talk about me as an athlete? Really? That is the point of this entire thing Raab. Contrary to your beliefs, I do not hate you.  That would require me to actually care about you. And I don't. Maybe that's the problem. You are too concerned about how others see you that it gets inside your head. That's why you lose in these meaningful matches.

I am not going to be one of those guys that tells you to quit. That is not up to me. You are free to do whatever you like, and it's how I know that you're going to sit on this twitter thing like a mother hen. Letting it grow, waiting for it to crack. The problem is, it's not a baby chick, it's a parasite. It is going to continue to eat at you until it finally kills you.

I am still waiting for something you haven't already said. Some proof that you are more than a little boy wearing his cousin's pants. You seem to be living in the shadow of your famous relatives and not doing anything to prove otherwise. Unlike you, this match is important to me. Therefore I make time to talk about it. I make time to study you and be prepared for you. Regardless of my opinion of you, which I may add are based on your actions, you are still a wrestler that is going to be on the other side of that ring next week. You are still going to try to pin me and you are still going to fail. This title means more to me than you realize and if you bothered to 'make time' you would know that. This is finally going to be my opportunity. I am not letting anything interfere with my chance at the Heavyweight title. It is what I have been working for. I have gotten stronger, faster, all to get back here, to this moment. To be good enough to go up against either Mercer or Vinnie.

If you are waiting for some sort of apology for what I said, you won't get it. I am not sorry. I will never need your forgiveness for saying the truth. So it's better to just accept it and move on. Beating the dead horse of what you think is 'talking behind your back' is not going to bring the horse back to life.

Just like I am not going to beat this horse thinking you actually get any of it. You are so blinded by it, it has won this match for me already. That's not arrogance, that's truth. You let me get into your head long before we were even scheduled to face. I'm not sure what happened to you before to cause you to be so paranoid of people saying things about you, but I highly suggest that when we get back on land, you go and talk to a professional. We are in an extremely tough industry. There is always going to be someone saying something. It's unavoidable and if your loss to
Mercer or anyone else who has used the social media platform is an indicator, you are going to continue to lose and continue to have your buddies showing you tweets from other people. You cannot control the world's opinion of you. That's Just the way it is. All you can do is rise above it and prove people wrong.

Which is what I do, every time I step in that ring. I can't let what others say affect what I do. I have to put out thoughts into the universe of what I want for myself. I want to be a champion. So that is my focus. After this match Raab, you can relax. You will go back to being someone I pay no attention too. I can't tell you not to name drop me again like somehow that will make your case for you but I can tell you that I will go back to not caring, but don't expect any respect from me on a personal level. That disappeared the moment you uttered the words 'I don't have time for that..."

You have time to reply to my promo only focusing on the questions relating to some tweets but not the things that actually mattered. Like this match. About me as your opponent. You spent more time talking about the buddies who looked on twitter. Whom I don't follow or who follow me so again, stalking. thanks. People who have absolutely nothing to do with this match and did not need an introduction. You want to talk about having guts? Take time to actually talk about our match. Care about how important this is to your career.

You know what happens if I lose Raab? I have to start from scratch again. Prove myself and once again make my way up for another opportunity. I won't get in a promo and blame you for that. I won't get butthurt at the comments that say how I wasn't good enough to beat you. I will move on and fight harder. But I will not cry about it. I will not go to Mark & Christian demanding retribution for the naysayers.  

I admit that you did get to me. Then I realized what you were about and it was easy to see you for who you are. You don't just live in your relatives shadow, you ARE their shadow. You haven't done anything to stand out from them. You haven't stepped ahead, into the light. There is nothing uniquely defining about you which it is why it is so easy for others to call you, 'just another Raab'. You haven't grown since coming to SCW.  When people were talking about my relationship with Fenris, I didn't let that stop me. I knew I wasn't with him to get focus on me. I wasn't with him because he was champ. I didn't need validation for those things because I knew the truth.

If my words were not hitting you close to the chest than it wouldn't bother you so much. That is just basic psychology 101. You are obviously not good at controlling your emotions. Like I said, you were most definitely hurt by this sort of thing in the past. And no. Do not regale me with the story in what will be another reply promo. I honestly don't care that much about you to want to know. I don't want to help you. I don't want to be buddies. I have seen your character and it just doesn't mesh with the type of people I surround myself with. All I am saying is don't squander this golden opportunity by focusing on how butthurt you are. We get it. You cannot handle criticism. Doesn't mean anyone is going to take pity on you. No one is going to pat you on the back and soothe your ego.

We as people in general lack the ability to take ownership of the things we put out in the universe. Unable to take responsibility for our actions and deal with the consequences. I shit talked you on twitter. Am I sorry? No. Will I carry some sort of guilt over your hurt feelings? No. You need to accept that. I have never denied my words. Not sure why you keep thinking I'm somehow frightened of you. You mistake not giving a shit for fear and if that's the case, you really should not try to psychoanalyze anyone. You are bad at it.

I try to be a decent person but I am not perfect and I never claim to be. I was the only one called out by Mark. Not the others who were part of that conversation. I suppose because he saw me as this... goodie two shoes that went to bat for everyone. He mistook me for someone that is meek and sweet. I have had my share of garbage. My life is not a fairytale. But I do not live in Fen's shadow. I don't sit at home brooding about what could have been or what people think of my choices. If I lived my life only to appease the people around me I would go insane.

So, my strange little opponent, you can assume whatever you like. You can judge my entire character on a set of tweets if that's what gives you the balls to step in that ring with me. But don't think for one moment that you matter outside this match. I am not a bully. I don't want to destroy you. I don't want to kill you or make you quit. My advice is just that, advice. You can take it or leave it but that is where my scope of caring ends. I really hope you actually show you care enough to 'make time' to talk about this match. To show me and the fans the reason why you deserve to be in this match.  Proof you are a talented athlete, not just someone Mark took pity on and threw you a bone, because that is what it looks like right now.

But continuing to make the basis of this fight about your lack of a tough skin only proves what everyone says about you. The only coward, is you.


Ty instantly thinks of the movie Titanic as he enters the dining room of the Sun Princess. His companions are all seated at tables close to each other but the dining room was very posh. He felt underdressed, even though all his relatives, his family unit as it were, were all dressed casually. The grand design made him feel small, but as he walked toward the table, one set of eyes looked up and met his. Even now, months into their relationship, the look that Kristjan gave him when he walked in the room made butterflies take flight in his stomach. He knew from that one look how deeply the great white wolf, Fenris, cared about him.

He already has a plate of food in front of him, piled high from a buffet setup especially for those on board to see the show or that were the talent on it. Ty remembers last year when his fan club had stalked him. That particular fan club had consisted of one very energetic girl, whom he had learned was now in college and not very interested in chasing a late twenties man who was in a serious relationship.

He was sort of disappointed by that but in the same breath, was relieved at not having to hide in broom closets, at least not as a means of escape anyway.

"Sit!" The Icelandic man barks. At the place setting was another plate and much to Ty's surprise, Fen had picked out some of his favourites and actually not done the plate as haphazardly as his own. Evan giggles at Kristjan as he shovels in the food like a starving man.  He gives Evan a playful stink eye as if to silently ask what her problem is.

"You're like Jughead."

Jan's brow furrows in confusion. He looks at Aron across the table and then at all the faces sitting around him.

"I'm no jughead..."

"No. Jan. Jughead is a comic book character. From Archie. He was the best friend that ate a lot of food. The comic relief so to speak." Ty tries to explain but knows as soon as the words leave his mouth that it was a bad choice of wording on his part.

Kristjan is still not happy about the comparison.

"I am not comic relief!"

He's serious and it makes Evan's smile fade from her face and she slinks back into her chair. Ty gives her a sympathetic smile. The silence is awkward for a few moments before talk of the upcoming wedding changes the mood. Lora is obviously excited for the event. Just as much as Vinnie seems to be. Ty is first to notice how different he is when the aforementioned absent cactus is not around which causes Ty to think about the deeper meaning. He is deep in thought when Evan suddenly blurts out her opinion.

"When will the adoption be final for me?"

The words cause Kristjan to stop eating. He looks up.

"Adoption? Whose adoption?"

"My adoption." She says and then Ty notices the young girls demeanor changes. Her eyes go darker, her face serious. Ty holds his breath, waiting to see what she says and how Jan reacts to the news he had been to scared to talk to Jan about before now.
"Auntie Lora is going to adopt me because uncle Ty can't. Because of you."

Her voice takes on the angry pre-temper tantrum voice of a girl that was younger than Evan's actual age. It was one of the bad parts about her learning difficulties. She had no filter and her self control was sometimes difficult to comprehend.

"I didn't do anything." He looks at Ty. "Did you tell her that?"

He looks hurt for a brief second before anger replaces that vulnerability in a heartbeat. Ty can't say he didn't say it, because he had. Even though Lora had told him why he was probably not ready to be a father, he had to admit that his main issue had been Jan saying he didn't want kids. The lack of a response and Ty suddenly looking down at his plate was enough of a response for the hot headed wolf. He stands, pushing his chair violently and walking out of the dining room. Ty gives one look at the table, including the young woman they had hired to be Evan's companion on this cruise before Lora gives him a wide eyed stare.

"Go after him."

Ty nods, excuses himself and runs after his lover. He's a fast walker even on a normal stroll but now his march was much quicker, anger seething off his body like a halo. Ty finally catches up to him and puts a hand to his shoulder. "Hey... let me expl..."

Quick as lightning, Jan has his lovers arm in a hold, pinning him face first into the wall beside them. The hot air from his mouth breathing, seething,into his ear as he talks. It's low, dangerous.

"How dare you blame me for that. You told her I am the reason. I had no idea. You haven't said shit to me about any sort of adoption."

The words come out in a hiss of fast icelandic that Ty can barely translate fast enough in his own head.

"I know. I was afraid." Ty says back in english.

Jan steps back, releasing Ty. Once again a look of hurt crosses his blue eyes.

"Afraid? Of me?"

Ty is trying to hold back tears now. Not something he ever did, but now, seeing how much he had fucked up by not talking to Jan about this only seemed to ignite that fear anew.

"Afraid of losing you..."

Jan seems to still be trying to comprehend the situation before it clicks for him.

"You gave up adopting your niece because you thought I would stop seeing you if you did?

Ty nods and Jan closes the distance, getting right in Ty's face.

"You were supposed to know me best. I guess I was wrong about that. I also guess I don't know you like I thought either."

He shakes his head, an inappropriate smile on his face. Not one of amusement or pleasure. One of almost grief stricken disbelief. Borderline insanity. He raises his fist as if he were going to hit Ty. But doesn't. Instead he shakes his head and walks away. Inserting his keycard into the lock and entering their suite without even looking back at Ty.

Ty slides down the wall, sinking down and pulling his knees into his chest. He places his forehead against his knees, searching internally for the answer. The way to make this right but all he can keep telling himself is 'way to go boy scout, way to fuck up a good thing.'

He doesn't even realize he's not alone until a warm hand pats his shoulder.

"Senor. I couldn't help but listen. I must admit, I do not know the language of the vikings but I could tell it was not good words..."

Ty doesn't look up. "Vinnie, it's not a good time, okay?"

"Oh I get that senor Ty but my beautiful fiance has beckoned me to come see to your well being. To offer you my well intended advice..."

Ty rolls his eyes behind his knees before looking up at the man who would be his uncle.

"See, easy. Now. I am a mariachi. I have sung of many a tale of fights between couples. Fights of far more consequence than this. You will make up. You are destined for each other like me and my beloved senorita."

There was one thing that Ty had missed about Vinnie and that was his dramatic flair and the ability to enhance many a conversation with it.

"This is about more than the adoption. This is about me not trusting him with this. Me assuming what he was going to say. Out of fear. And my fear only made this situation worse. I am so stupid."

Vinnie hits the younger man in the arm. Hard enough that Ty actually complains.

"You are not stupid senor. You just have a big heart that has been hurt before. I do not know senor Fenris well but maybe he has faced hurt before too. You are close amigo. You need to tell him the whole truth."

"What if he dumps me anyway?"

Vinnie shrugs. "Then he was not the great love we thought him to be for you..."

"But you just said we were destined..."

Vinnie puts a hand over Ty's mouth.

"Ah ah ah Senor Ty, you need to listen. If you do not tell him all that is in your heart, you will always wonder."

"I can't even handle our first fight, how would I handle a kid? I am making the right decision by letting Lora adopt her."

Vinnie shrugs. "You have never been a Dad before, nephew Ty.  You will not be perfect at it. That is something you learn. You have to listen to this..."

He taps Ty's chest

"And here..."

Vinnie taps Ty's head.

"And make the decision that is best. I think you did not give Senor Fenris the doubt of benefits."

"You mean the benefit of the doubt?"

He waves his hands. "Yes yes. You need to go into that room and talk and listen. Really listen. Don't go in there already on the defence."

He stands and offers a Hand, which Ty takes. Vinnie makes a great show of dusting off the bigger man and straightening the lapels of his hoodie like it was a suit jacket. He then licks his thumb and starts coming toward Ty's face like a mother with a dirty faced toddler. Ty pushes his hand.

"What are you doing?"

Vinnie steps back. "Please forgive me future nephew Ty. I got carried away. Please."

He bows to allow Ty to pass. He walks the short walk  to their shared cabin. He looks at Vinnie. Vin waves his hands, urging him to go inside. Ty turns the knob and is surprised to find it unlocked.

***Off Camera but visible to others on deck***

Ty remembered his first love vividly. It was a constant reminder. Constantly floating around. Making him doubt his relationship with Kristjan, or rather his ability to be a good partner.

The relationship with Rebecca had been his longest. Two years of his life had been spent with her. He had even proposed. The whole time he had no idea that anything was wrong. He had never lied to her, never fought. He'd also never been the type to speak up.

She'd been the type to spend money easily. She was frivolous and looking back now, shallow. So it was a surprise when she appeared at the bar beside him. Her dark hair was pulled back in a french braid, designer sunglasses and a bikini covered in rhinestones.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes..." she leaned her hip against the bar, looking at him from the side. He looks up and offers her a fake smile.

"Hello Rebecca." He says politely and turns back to his drink, he'd asked Jack to give him something strong, straight up. His fight with Kristjan was ongoing but the heaviness in his heart was there. He had no idea how to fix it. He definitely did not need her in the mix, especially with his current relationship being rocky.

"Ouch. So cold, Ty-Ty."

She asks Jack for a 'Sex on the beach' to which Jack looks at Ty and rolls his eyes. Even though Ty held a lot of disdain for the rookie, this was one time when he appreciated his being a prick.

"Why shouldn't I be? You rejected my proposal and then left telling me I was too nice to be a good husband."

She waves her hand just as Jack places the drink on the bar. He waits for a minute.

"What are you looking at?" She says with a snarl.

Ty looks up at her, realizing she hadn't changed.

"A tip, Rebecca."

She looks insulted by the idea. "Uh no. This cruise is all inclusive. I don't have any cash on me."

Jack is biting his tongue and Ty actually finds amusement in the arrogant man being muzzled by the job he had taken. He had no idea why, rumour had it, he came from a family with a lot of money. Still, that didn't mean he didn't deserve to be tipped for his skills, surprisingly he was very good at it.

Ty, being a nice guy, pulls out his wallet and puts a five in Jack's tip jar. The two share a look and Ty swears there is a bit of hostility lost because of it. Jack nods and walks away.

"So you're a wrestler now huh?" She takes a sip of her drink. Ty had never been much of a drinker besides an occasional beer, but today was different.

"For the last year, yes."

She smiles at him. "You make a lot of money doing that, I hear?"

Ty shrugs. Truth was he made okay money. He still got a bit of royalties from his past movies and he had made some good investments that paid decent dividends.

"Are you seeing anyone now?"

Ty almost laughs. He realizes that she must have looked him up and maxed out her credit card to book this cruise. He wouldn't be surprised if she had her cabin close to his as well.

"Yes. Another wrestler."

He tried to keep his answers short. He wanted nothing to do with this woman. She had broken him. There was no forgiveness for that.

"Is it that red head? The sweet one? I wouldn't be surprised..."

"Blonde..." but Ty burps before he can finish. Seems he may be a little tipsy but the action apparently doesn't repulse the woman who was almost his fiancee.

"Oh that little english girl? She's young for you. Maybe I can show you what I have learned since the last time we saw each other..." she moves in when Jack slaps the counter with his bar towel and it not only startles the pair but sprays them both with liquid.

Rebecca gives him a nasty glare.

"Sorry, there was a fly..." he looks at Ty again. "Tiny pests, am I right?"

"The only pest is you..." Rebecca spits out while dabbing her face with the napkin from under her drink.

Jack smirks and Ty knows he is at the limit of being charitable. He may not know his colleague personally but he knew his anger was not something he kept a leash on.

"You only say that because you think I only make minimum wage as a bartender. I am Jack Asher and on the weekend me and my partner are going to win the tag titles. My partner is the little english girl you think so 'highly' of.  But Ty here, well he's not into girls, young or old..."

He looks her up and down and smirks again.  And her mouth drops open at the insinuation.

"He is seeing someone. His name is Fenris and he especially does not appreciate cougars trying to dig their claws in his boy toy's flesh. Seems you ruined him for girls, sweetheart."

Rebecca's mouth opens and closes rapidly several times as she tries to think of how to respond to that.

"Do you need a refill?"  He looks at Ty now. He nods and Jack fills his glass with more whisky. Ty pays for it immediately.

"Keep the change."

Ty mockingly salutes the would be #1 contender before leaving, brushing by another man who was starting his shift.

"You're gay?" Rebecca finally manages to get out. The new bartender looks uncomfortable and moves on to serve another guest.

"Technically, I'm bi but yes, I am in a relationship with another man and no, I do not miss being with a woman. My last two hetero relationships turned out pretty badly."

"You just didn't find the right woman..."

Ty has finally had enough. "You were one of them. I wasn't 'bad' enough for you last time so what makes you think that's at all changed?"

"I was wrong to turn down your proposal." She replies but there is a tone to her voice to say she didn't actually have any regrets.

"Why? Because you didn't realize I would stop being some B movie actor and become a wrestler that could be a future champion?"

Rebecca smiles. "So? I have expensive tastes and you couldn't support me then. But now, I see how you have changed all that. You did that to win me back and here I am."

Ty starts laughing. Rebecca looks uncomfortable. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you haven't changed at all. I found someone that accepts me no matter what I do, no matter who I am. I didn't have to change who I am for him to love me. If you think I would ever give that up to resume being abused by you, you are delusional."

He takes the rest of his drink like a shot and stands.

"Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you."

He starts walking away but it's awkward and he nearly falls into the lap of someone lounging in a deck chair.  From the other side of the pool, Aron sees this and is immediately there to help him.

"Let's get you back to your room."

"I fucked up A... I really did..."

Aron tried hard to keep his own annoyance at his brother's partner in check. He normally would stay out of it, but he needed to know why.

"Did you really tell Evan that you couldn't adopt her because of my brother?"

They get to the door. Ty tries to open it but after a few failed attempts Aron takes the key and opens it for him.

"I did but..."

He doesn't finish his words as he falls face first on the bed.

"What a dick move..."

He takes off Ty's sneakers but doesn't help him with anything else.

"I was trying to make it so I wouldn't lose him..." there is a sob in his voice. "I know he doesn't want kids... I didn't blame Kristjan, Evan didn't like that Jan didn't get his joke..."

Everything was coming out jumbled and just the right amount of coherence that a drunk could make.

"Now he's gone. I hurt him A...."

Aron still has mixed feelings. He loved them both but when it came to family and them being hurt, he chose the side that mattered most.

"Just let him deal. Hopefully, you guys can work it out."

He leaves Ty to sleep it off. He hadn't admitted to Ty that he had heard his speech to the mysterious brunette at the bar. He was pretty sure that the whole deck had heard. Ty was still a good person, just a good person struggling.

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Offline Jake Raab

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    • Jake Raab
Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2019, 11:57:55 PM »
 Having words about Jake's attitude. Unknown location. Monday, 19th August. (Off Camera)

Throughout the entire time, Jake had to deal with people speaking negatively, especially regarding Austin James Mercer, Justin Mountain, who was on the ship, continuously shook his head, being very disappointed with Jake. Of course, Jake was in the other room, spending more time in the room so far than coming out to interact with other wrestlers, more spending time with Olivia who was on the ship with him.

Which was good for Jake because he was all alone in some stages, although he deserved to be alone, it wasn't something Jake would be able to handle in his view, toxic environment and while Justin was in the other room, he gets up, shaking his head before leaving his cabin bedroom.

Jake opted for the cheapest cabin mainly because he didn't feel the need to fork out an expensive one just for him and his girlfriend. Justin knocks on Jake's cabin door as Jake holds his arm back to Olivia, in case someone tried to come in his room as he's very secure about anyone coming in. Because of this, Jake shouts from the other end of the door.

Jake Raab: "Who is it?"

Justin Mountain: "It's Justin Mountain. Do you mind if we go to my room to talk?"

Jake Raab: "Sure."

Olivia grabs hold of Jake, but he shakes his head and says this.

Jake Raab: "Don't answer the door to anyone. You stay here."

Olivia nodded as she passed Jake his cabin room key before Jake quickly opened and closed the door. He walks with Justin to his room which he has the key and allows Jake in as he closes the door behind him, knowing it's just him and two other wrestlers on the cabin floor with him. He took a seat on the table as Justin sits next to him as he speaks while shaking his head.

Justin Mountain: "Well, haven't you got a lot of explaining to do, young man?"

Jake Raab: "I guess so."

Justin Mountain: "What do you mean, guess so? There's a lot to talk about, and quite frankly, I'm very disappointed in you, acting like a big child about things said online. That's not like you thought you learnt your lesson last time."

Jake Raab: "I would have if these fuckers didn't talk shit about me behind my back on social media and attempted to address shit to me On Camera or backstage. I'm sick of it."

Justin Mountain: "That's not the point, is it? You can easily ignore them and forget about their comments. You can be a man just doing your shit in the ring."

Jake Raab: "How many wrestlers ignore what I've been doing in the ring? I can't stand Austin, he demands respect and quite frankly, he doesn't deserve it."

It was clear as day, Justin saw Jake needed to rant to someone about his issues, someone who has a connection with some of the other SCW wrestlers and it's clear to this point, how much Jake wanted to leave SCW from the look of his eyes.

Justin Mountain: "Look, I understand you're upset about Austin taking the piss out of your family, he has no right in doing that, but the fact is he has deserved respect from his achievements."

Jake Raab: "I rather kiss a toilet seat. Austin is a disgrace to that title. Austin doesn't fucking show up half of the time when he's not wrestling, and he's champion. I don't give a flying fuck about him, nor should I when I forget he's champion at times. At least Fenris showed up and cared about being champion every week on Climax Control. Austin doesn't even put that effort in at all."

Justin Mountain: "I understand you don't want to lie to yourself and pretend to respect someone when you don't. However, you're attitude alone for the upcoming match, come on man, don't you care about the title?"

Jake Raab: "No, not when Austin has the belt."

Justin shook his head, not really caring for the opportunity because of his dislike for Austin, but the problem was he hasn't shown how much he cared for the title or rather his lack of passion for wanting to face Austin which there wasn't, especially Austin never wanted to face Jake in the first place.

Justin Mountain: "Nobody is saying you have to respect him, but you need to tone your shit down."

Jake Raab: "Funny when people tell me to respect him, though, isn't it?"

Justin Mountain: "I meant nobody is telling you to respect him as a person, but you have to realise the reason people respect him is because of his skills in the ring and how he earned his way to getting the belt because he did beat Fenris fairly for that title. He's the top wrestler right now, and if you hate him that much, you should want to take the belt away from him. You should care about him holding the title and prove it not just with your skills, but with words as well."

Jake Raab: "Hard to prove myself when every wrestler in SCW says I don't deserve title shots. How am I meant to counter that back?"

Justin saw Jake's point; it was clear that nearly every wrestler in SCW had called him out for not being deserving for a title shot and Jake was about to walk away from Justin as he holds Jake's arm and says this.

Justin Mountain: "You prove it in the ring and to be honest, you need to state how close you came to beating Austin and be more passionate about it."

Jake Raab: "Why, when I know what I did and when wrestlers can easily view the match against Austin on the SCW website?"

Justin Mountain: "Because as much as you want people to view you as a threat, bragging about things isn't a bad thing to do because it will make wrestlers and people pay attention and for them to go back and rewatch the tape."

Jake came back and sat down, dropping his head to the ground, hating the fact he was forced to brag about his achievements and clearly, he didn't have to, but while it relates to Austin, Justin hadn't forgotten about Ty West, and he says this.

Justin Mountain: "Ty West is a guy your facing, mustn't forget that. Mustn't forget his skills and what he's done."

Jake Raab: "The guy makes me laugh, the fact he finds it alright to talk shit about me on twitter when I don't even have an account is ridiculous. Of course, I find Ty a threat, I've said that already, but there's something about him I spotted during my study on him yesterday. I'll mention it on my video in the week."

Justin Mountain: "Keep yourself under control. Listen, I think you would be respected more if you got your head down and got to work. However, you defending for Ben Jordan was the only thing you've done in your entire time in SCW that's been a positive. I liked that, however, the negatives outweigh the positives. You need to change."

Jake Raab: "I know I do, and I promise, I will."

Justin Mountain: "Good because right now, I don't think Ty views you as a threat because he's right, you care more about people calling you out than the match and the opportunity. Now I've drilled your head in with facts, you'll change now, and I hope it does. No more twitter talk nonsense and most importantly, for now at least, no more talking about Austin and talk more about Ty."

Jake nods as he stands up and Justin unlocks the door as Jake goes out of Justin's room and Justin closes the door. He opens the door and sees Olivia watching some film on her tablet since there wasn't anything on TV. He wasn't sure what, but they eventually connected the tablet to the TV, so they watch the film which it seems to be a comedy film on-screen and spent the entire time in their room, even if they slept during the day and only waking up at the evenings.


A basketball game between himself and Olivia. Unknown location. Thursday 22nd August (Off Camera)

As a promise made earlier in the week, it was that day when it was halfway through their cruise, and it had been quite relaxing, getting up late in the evening and doing things when everyone else was asleep. Everything so far with Jake and Olivia doing that, things had been a lot better, especially when it was two in the morning with them being the only ones on their deck who are awake. They sat up in their bed, and since it was their half-day on the ship, Jake asks Olivia a question.

Jake Raab: "Seeing we're halfway through this trip; how about tonight, we'll play basketball."

Olivia: "I was waiting for you to say that of course, we'll play tonight, getting ourselves out of the cabin room to play."

Jake Raab: "Sounds like a good deal to me, although skating on the ship seemed kinda weird, it was a good way for me to relax, without anyone in the way. That's the good thing about this night schedule."

Olivia: "Oh yeah, like how quiet it is, apart from the entertainment they have here, but I can accept you being away from all of that due to everyone having beef with you."

Jake Raab: "Anyway, fuck them, this isn't about them; it's about us, having fun just the two of us."

Olivia nodded as Jake and Olivia grabbed their towels and flasks full of water with them before leaving their cabin room and go straight to the sports hall, where there was a swimming pool, something Jake had planned to use later on in the week. However, it was his time with Olivia now. He goes back in the boat and asks for a basketball which they granted him one before Jake goes back upstairs and into the sports hall as he bounces the ball. He smiles, and he says this.

Jake Raab: "The first person who places in the ball twenty times is the winner."

Olivia: "Deal."

They start to play as Jake had the Basketball and he bounces around with the ball before Olivia took the ball from him and she puts the ball in the net. Jake nods and smiles, being impressed with how good Olivia was as she speaks.

Olivia: "I used to play basketball with my brothers who loved to play."

That was clear where she got the experience of playing Basketball from. It had been enjoyable with the dates they've been on with surfing the other day and now playing Basketball. Of course, nothing sexual other than kissing and hugging had gone on with Jake and Olivia yet, was still way too early in a relationship to do anything.

It was clear during their playtime of Basketball, Olivia was ahead by five points to Jake's two points so far in the game. Jake and Olivia were having a ton of fun, playing by themselves without any distractions going on. They took a break and sat on the playing pitch, drinking their flasks of water. After they've had a break, Jake and Olivia get back on the playing pitch to continue where they left off with Basketball.

Jake manages to score two more shots in the net but knew he had a long way to catch up Olivia who at this point was destroying Jake by thirteen points to Jake's seven. Olivia smiles as she sees Jake's struggling to catch her up due to how good she was, and she says this.

Olivia: "Seems like you got a heck a lot to learn about America."

Jake Raab: "I do because Basketball, it's not very well known in Germany, despite having some German basketball players. No wonder why you're good at this game."

Olivia: "It's because as I said, I used to play with my brothers. Let's continue before I whip your ass in this game."

Jake Raab: "Then I'll do practice shots of my own if I need to which it's clear I do."

They were giggling and laughing, even with the moon being out in the sky, being in the middle of nowhere on a cruise ship, it was still comforting away from home, and after the last twenty minutes of playing the game, Olivia did eventually win the game twenty to Jake's fourteen points. Before he does anything, Jake says this.

Jake Raab: "Today was a lot of fun; I'm glad I'm able to relax, playing this game with you."

Olivia: "I was having a lot of fun as well. Let's play again because you can only get better by playing Basketball."

Jake nods, knowing how right she was as she wanted to continue playing Basketball. It had been the first day Jake hadn't thought about Ty or the title contention match coming up. He was getting quite exhausted as so was Olivia. They stopped playing for a little while before drinking their flasks of water before they went to play again. It didn't matter for Jake if he was missing out on everything going on, but he didn't care as he wants to have fun, playing Basketball.

Eventually, Jake got better with the game, although Olivia showed him a few tips of how to get the ball into the net, accurately and how to handle the ball too. He continued to play, and he bounces the Basketball before he throws it into the net, and he says this.

Jake Raab: "Maybe Basketball isn't a bad sport, after all. I've never had this much fun the last two weeks for a very long time, especially when they don't involve archery, although nothing beats that."

Olivia: "Of course it doesn't, but it's all we can do with for now, along with you doing skateboarding on the ship too. It was clear you did need a girlfriend. Unlike some people, I see you as a great guy."

Jake Raab: "Yeah, Justin said the same the other day. He told me off for my actions. However, I want to continue playing again."

They do for a little while as Jake did a few hand tackles with the ball as Jake got the ball from Olivia's hand and he throws it in the net and Olivia giggles, and she says this.

Olivia: "Let me show you a slam, dunk."

Jake stops playing as he passes the ball to Olivia as she bounces it like mad and then she jumped up and dunked the ball through the net as Jake gave her a clap for showing her that move although Jake sees Olivia getting so worn out as she mentions this to him.

Olivia: "Before I go, I want to see you do a slam dunk."

Jake Raab: "Alright, but I'm taking you back to the cabin myself as I don't trust people around here."

Jake goes for it as he bounces the ball and runs with the ball before he turns and slams it backwards which Olivia claps and says this.

Olivia: "Most professionals wouldn't even get that right. Impressive dunk, Jake. However, despite having fun with you, I think it's time for me to call it a day."

Jake Raab: "I'll take you down."

Jake picks up Olivia's flask as Jake took Olivia out of the sports court and takes her back down to the bottom and into her cabin room. She thanks Jake and kisses him on his cheek before Jake closes the door and goes back up to the sports court and plays Basketball by himself until the sun rises at six in the morning.

It leads Jake playing for six hours, including the times with Olivia. When the sun was coming out, Jake leaves the sports court before he goes down to hand the Basketball back to the staff of the ship before he goes in his room to go off to sleep himself.

During their trip, they haven't seen or interacted with any wrestler from SCW as they preferred it that way with them playing Basketball, video games. They had their special movie night viewing on the ship with Jake going to the gym obviously for three days a week.


Title contention video. Unknown location. Saturday 24th August. (On Camera)

Before the video even starts recording, Jake sighs heavily, not wanting to speak on camera, but he had to, but luckily for him, he was able to relax this time around as the camera was set up near the poolside, but quite a bit away from it as Jake's wearing swim shorts as after he presses record on the camera, he gets in the pool and folds his arms on the edge of the pool and speaks while looking at the camera.

Jake Raab: “You are officially fucking stupid Ty. Honestly, show me where the fuck has the other two Raab's been giving you and everyone threats and crying about it? They haven't because they have their careers to focus on. I haven't spoken to them or seen them in months, nor have they seen me either cos they've been busy. Get your logic right. You state you got a twitter account because Effie called you out for noticing tweets on twitter? That's not being a man, saying shit directly in her face is, not typing behind a keyboard on a twitter machine.

I'll leave things on that part because honestly, I should be talking about you as an competitor, considering I got well lets say a disappointment telling off from someone who works for SCW and promised the person I'll forget twitter for now and I'm certainly not going to talk about the asshole Austin in terms of things on twitter throughout all of this either.”

Jake decides to forget about twitter because although it got him the match against Ty, he believes in what Justin said about focusing the competitive aspect of things and he continues to speak.

Jake Raab: “Yes, Ty, we know you were the Roulette champion, and you nearly defeated Austin. Guess what? In terms of nearly defeating Austin, so have I. I don't even know why I have to tell people I nearly made Austin choke, but that shows how much people watch what's happening in the ring doesn't it? Nobody ignores about your near-win against Austin for some reason, yet I nearly choked him out to win the title which everyone seems to ignore, despite it being on previous tapes.”

Jake hated to brag about his near wins because it wasn't his sort of thing, and he does a bit of swimming in the pool for a while, making sure he keeps his head straight, but there's something on his mind that Jake noticed while studying Ty on the day he got on the ship and spoke again.

Jake Raab: “To be honest Ty, you haven't been the most active wrestler these last few weeks. Last time you wrestled was against Ace Hart back in July, and that's over a month ago. That shows your lack of commitment to wrestling in SCW. Maybe the Austin loss you had might've affected you, but it didn't with me because I'm still willing to bust my ass every other week, wrestling my heart and pride on the line. What makes you think you're deserving of yet another opportunity for the SCW title when you've been sitting on the sidelines for a month, not doing anything to request for a match."

Jake knew he's right, considering he hadn't seen Ty wrestle since the match against Ace Hart or anybody for that matter, despite being active backstage and he speaks again.

Jake Raab: “I wouldn't sit on my ass for a month and wait to be booked, no, I'd go to the management and ask them to book me because I want to have a shot for the SCW title, unlike you just saying it with words. You're actions haven't proven that, despite how bad you talk about it. I haven't had a single break from stepping into the ring since April, and that's due to a family death. I've been wrestling consistently and getting better and better in the ring because I want the chance to go for the SCW title once again. My mentality needs work of course, but my skills have improved, and you'd be stupid to say it hasn't.”

Jake has a bit of a smirk on his face, feeling quite comfortable in the pool and he speaks again.

Jake Raab: “Of course, I've seen you improve as well with that Ace Hart match, but be honest, that guy was a prick, and I knew he'd leave the company sooner than later, didn't expect he'd go so quickly. Maybe I don't speak about people's achievements much, but it's because I don't need to, I prefer the hands-on approach to wrestling than talking about achievements.”

Once again, Jake went for a swim as it was late at night and it almost approached sunrise and Jake knew he had to wrap things up quickly and speaks once again.

Jake Raab: “I hope you're happy now I've viewed you as a threat and telling the world how badly I want to win the match and go for Austin's title, even though I use my fists and hands for that and prove it with my actions in the ring by beating the hell out of you just because I want to be aggressive and powerful in the ring by doing everything possible, using my anger to my advantage to either pin you or choke you out, depending what I feel like doing in the ring and win the match.”

Jake takes a deep breath for the last time before he swims a little bit more to refresh his mind and speaks for the last time.

Jake Raab: “I won't be sitting around and wait for opportunities, I'll do something about it, and if I lose, it's not a big deal because I can cope with losses, I've never bitched or made excuses for them, but if I win, boy I know Austin is going to hate the fact I'm able to prove him wrong by earning my shot for the title and beating you to do so because I believe in myself on doing so.

As I said previously, I view you as a threat which I always do with every opponent equally, unlike Austin and always have because you are a target, just as much as I'm a target for you. I'm also, of course, full of fire to beat you in the ring tomorrow night at Summer XXXTreme. See you in the ring tomorrow night, Ty.”

That was the end of the video as the camera shows Jake swimming for half an hour before the sun rises and gets out of the pool to press the recording button off and he takes the camera back into his cabin room and goes straight to sleep, while everyone else wakes up to the sun and go about their day.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 12:06:06 AM by Jake Raab »