Author Topic: Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson  (Read 1525 times)

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Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:51:07 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week, per character, 10,000 word limit.

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Offline Keira Fisher

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Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 05:07:30 PM »
 Keira is seen in the training chamber, throwing fists and kicks, keeping it at 400 Times Earth's Normal Gravity. She goes Super Human and fires a huge blast at the flying droids, destroying it. Keira hears the chamber powering down as she lands, panting heavily, sweating like mad as she turns.
Keira: What the...
Roxi is there, having powered down the machine

Roxi: Relax, Ii just wanted to make sure training was going well

Keira: Yea. Got to keep in shape, just in case another world threatening stuff happens.

Roxi: I know, but I don't want you to overtrain and hurt yourself.

Keira: I was on light training....since I'm mad at you.

Roxi: Mad? What for?
Keira: Oh, I don't know. My wife went back to SCW and I keep thinking you want me to be a Stay at home MOM!

Keira goes Super over this, a bit angry as she looks at Roxi.

Keira: What if I want in on the fun!? HMM!?

Keira slowly powers down, trying to cool off.

Keira: Sorry. It's been too long since I had a good fight.

Roxi: I... I'm sorry I didn't discuss this with you. It wasn't something I just did out of the blue. I thought a long time before I did it. I just didn't know you had any interest in coming back.

Keira: I did. I still do. I just wanna see if I can still go.

Roxi: Well, I didn't know, you say fight like you know... a fight, not wrestling.

Keira: Wrestling, Fight. I'm still punching someone.

Roxi: Well, now you get your wish.

Keira: Yea, I get the scraps while you get handed a title.

Keira pauses it and corrects herself.

Keira: Sorry, I meant a title shot. You got on me for that crap.

Roxi: I didn't ask for any title shot. If I had my way, I'd be picking up where I left off.

Keira: No, you didn't. Yet you still got HANDED one. Roxi...I love you. But this is one of those times I want to punch you for it.

Keira sighs a bit.

Keira: Maybe I'm just still talking in anger.

Roxi: Look, I'm agreeing with you! It's not what I wanted, it's what SCW wanted, what Alicia wanted.

Keira sighs some more.

Keira: I'm sorry.
Roxi: And I wouldn't call Crystal scraps. She's been doing this a long time and she's all over the place. You haven't wrestled in almost a year. Are you sure you really want to do this? You don't have anything to prove.

Keira: I got more to prove than you think. The title you're going for? I still haven't won it. Yea, I won a World Title...but I still haven't won the one title YOU won before!

Keira begins to pace around a bit.

Keira: I want to be the SCW World Bombshell Champion...least ONCE in my life.

Roxi turns and places a hand on Keira's shoulder.

Roxi: Relax. No one is going to think any less of you if you don't. I want that for you more than anything in the world. I know you can do it, but it's not life and death if you don't. I don't want you to obsess over this. It'll make you sick.

Keira: I know. But I want to do this. I want to try one more time. To see if I still got it.
Keira turns and kisses Roxi on the lips

Roxi: But this match with Crystal doesn't guarantee anything. You may be working for a long time even if you win.

Keira: Never said it did. I just want in on the fun too....

Roxi: I'm just letting you know. But there's also a fine line between fun and obsession. I don't want you out there getting flustered and frustrated because of the road. I know you know how it all works, but seeing you having fun and smiling makes me happier than seeing you try too hard and get down on yourself.

Keira: I know. Don't worry, Rox. I'll be ok.

Keira grabs a towel and begins to towel herself off.

Keira: Speaking is our Son while I was training?

Roxi: His head is buried in his tablet that Christine got for him. He has all the fun in the world just looking at everything. I think though, he does need to get outside and play every now and again. I don't want him unhealthy.

Keira: You're right. Waiiiit. Let's go to the park!

Keira smiles a bit, hoping Roxi loved the idea.

Roxi nods.

Roxi: That sounds like an idea, now we just have to get the kid to go for it.

Keira: I could break his tablet.

Roxi: He's learning things! You can't break his tablet!

Keira: True. Maybe it's cause I'm old school.

Roxi: We just need to tell him, we're his parents after all.

Keira: Lead the way, Mom.

Keira smiles as she lets Roxi get out of the chamber first.

Roxi: Very funny

Keira: I know. Not only I am funny, but I'm so punny.

Keira smirks a bit

Roxi: Don't start that again.

Roxi walks up the stairs to find Nate sitting on the couch in the living room with his tablet

Keira: Nate? Sweetie?

Nate: Hi Mama.

Keira: Wanna go with me and Mommy to the park?

Nate: Uh... I don't know...

Roxi: It's the park with the slides.

Nate: Slides? I like slides!

Keira: Then go get ready, Nate.

Nate smiles as he puts his tablet down and runs to his room in a excited manner.

Roxi: Stubborn, but with even convincing it works. Just like his mother.

Keira: Excuse me?

Roxi: You know I'm right.

Keira: Says the woman who posted herself in Heels? That's very Heel of you.


Keira: Start what?

Roxi: The puns. Do not.

Keira: Considering I learned them from you

Roxi: It has become a great regret.

Nate runs in with his shoes in his hand.

Nate: Park slides!

Keira: Tell you what. Help Nate with his shoes and I'll stop the puns.

Keira smiles as she extends her hand

Keira: Deal?

Roxi: Gimme your shoes.

Nate hands Roxi his shoes and she puts them on him and ties them up.

Nate: I... I... wanna go down the big slide.

Roxi: Oh yeah?

Nate: Uh-huh.

Keira: You sure you're ready for that? You got to be a big boy for the big slide.

Nate: Uh... I am a little boy...

Keira: Mhmm. You got to be a big boy to be on the big slide. Brave as well.

Keira smiles as she picks Nate up

Keira: Still want to go on the Big Slide?

Nate: Uh-huh

Keira: Ok, you're going to be a big boy today.

Keira smiles as she begins to carry Nate to the car

Nate: Slides slides!

Roxi: Yes, Slides

Keira giggles a bit as they drive off. Moments later, they arrive at the park. Keira and Roxi are seen holding Nate's hands as they walk to the slides.

Nate: That's a big slide!

Keira: Yes it is. You sure you're ready?

Nate: Uh-huh.

Roxi: You need to be careful.

Keira: Ok, then. Go ahead. Mama and Mommy's watching.

Roxi and Keira slowly help Nate climb the ladder putting him at the top. Nate slowly slides down with a gleeful squeal as he comes down.

Keira: Yayyy!

Roxi: You did it!

Nate: I did it!

Keira: You're a big boy, now!

Nate: I am big!

Roxi: Are you sure?

Nate: Can I... be a little boy tomorrow?

Keira giggles as she lifts Nate up and smother his cheek with kisses

Keira: You're a goof, Nate.

Nate: No I not!

Keira: Yes you are! But I'm still proud of you.

Roxi: I think I said this before.... Stubborn, just like his mother.

Keira: Hey!

Roxi: Relax.

Keira: Yea, yea. I think once I wrestle Crystal again. I'll be back in my element.

Roxi: Just continue to train, and watch the videos and I know you'll be fine.

Roxi throws her arm around Keira.

Roxi: And most of all, have fun.

Keira: I plan on it, baby.

Nate: Ice Cream?

Keira: Ice Cream?

Roxi: Don't you wanna keep sliding?

Nate: Uh-huh, but I need ice cream.

Keira: Me too!

Roxi: *Sigh* Yeah yeah... I'll be back, you two have fun, and be careful, please.

Keira: Don't worry. We'll be careful.

Moments later, Roxi returns as Nate slides down the big slide again. He makes it down and Keira catches him as she lifts him up.

Keira: Yay!

Nate: Yay!

Keira turns to see Roxi and smiles.

Keira: Lookie, Nate. Mommy brought Ice Cream!

Nate: Ice Cream!

Roxi: Yeah yeah... How many times did you go down the slide?

Nate: Uh.... 5...3 times...

Roxi: Good enough.

Keira: He wasn't scared one bit.

Roxi hands Nate an ice cream cone wrapped in a napkin

Roxi: Be careful and don't drop it. Let's sit down and eat this, okay?

Nate: Okay.

The three go to a bench and sit down. Keira sits Nate down beside her and Roxi as the three eat.

Roxi: So... what was with Crystal's hair?

Keira: Either she's trying to kill her roots or she's starting to legit see me as her Senpai.

Keira takes a lick out of her ice cream.

Keira: Which is getting very creepy.

Roxi: Yeah, it kinda was. But, that's Crystal... she's... something.

Keira: Yea, she's married to someone...yet I keep thinking she wants me.

Roxi: Well that's not going to happen.

Keira: Someone got jealous.

Roxi: I have nothing to be jealous of.

Keira: You went pretty defensive all of a sudden.

Roxi: Because nobody is taking my wife away from me.

Keira: pulled a me every time Pet runs her mouth.

Roxi: ... God you're right.

Keira: Well, you know how I feel now. Which reminds me. Next time Pet does something like that, tell her to back off? Yes, I get jealous. But still.

Keira smiles as she finishes her ice cream

Roxi: She's... different. She hasn't done anything in a while, so for now, we can relax.

Keira: I know. I'm saying next time she does.

Roxi: Let's not worry about that. Let's focus on Crystal for you.

Keira: Yes. Let's focus on the woman who calls me Senpai and wants to replace you as my wife.
Keira giggles at that

Roxi: You focus on that. I have different things to focus on.

Keira: But legit, dear. I'll show Crystal that Senpais will break your heart.

Roxi: You do that.

Nate: Mommy, what's a Senpai?

Roxi: ... I have no idea.

Keira: We'll tell you when you're older.

Roxi: Eat your ice cream buddy.

Nate smiles as finishes his Ice Cream

Keira: Well, Wanna slide one more time or you wanna go home?

Nate: Okay.

Keira: Ok what, sweetie?

Keira sits up and turns to Nate

Keira: So you wanna slide one more time or you tired?

Nate: Yes! yes! The big slide!

Nate does a goofy dance raising his hands and waving them around.

Keira: Ok, ok you goof. Let's go to the big slide.

Keira smiles as she picks up Nate as her, Nate and Roxi go to the big slide as the scene fades

Well, it's been a long time. What, over a year now since I stepped foot into a SCW Ring or let's be honest, ANY ring at all? I don't know if it will be a one time thing or a full run again. But to be honest, it's been a long time coming for me.

When Roxi stepped back into active duty, sure. I thought about stepping through those ropes again. I thought about it much earlier than I expected. But I didn't. One of the few regrets in my life to be quite honest.

But when Roxi made her intention known to return to SCW. I couldn't hold it anymore. The itch. The itch of a good fight. The battle between two people to see who will come out on top. When I couldn't ignore that itch anymore. I legit screamed...


Now I get my wish against Crystal Hilt--Zdunich. Sorry, I keep forgetting she got married. Hard to tell when she's on you, wanting me to notice her so badly. Especially when her body screams out...


This isn't the first time I fought Crystal. I remember a few years ago. But now, I get a chance to prove that I still got it.

See you soon, Crystal....

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2019, 06:49:15 PM »
 On Camera

The scene comes into focus and as it does we are treated to the sight of Crystal Zdunich and she is all grins as she runs her hands through her newly dyed blue hair. She cracks a very wide grin as she nods her head in agreement and glares directly into that of the camera.

“Hello to everyone who might be watching this wherever you might be, I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that I know everybody wants to know how I am feeling after failing to capture the championship from Alicia Lukas. I knew this would be the focus of just about everyone especially when it came to me. How would Crystal be feeling?! Would she throw a temper tantrum would she try to make everything about her or would she cry and moan about trying to get another shot and how one should be thrown before her. To be honest whatever you might be thinking I just want to say that I am in a really good place right now. I have no qualms in losing to Alicia Lukas and at the end of the day I gave her my very best and she brought it as well. You can say whatever you want but we went out there to that ring and we left it out there…”

Crystal just shakes her head with a grin.

“Titles are a sign of hard work and Alicia has been putting that work in. I have no problems in putting her over or anybody else over after the type of match that we had. It could have been anybody across that ring from me but the fact is she got past the Hall of Famer. She beat me fair and square and in my book she is the real deal. She has earned my respect and is among the best of the best, but she needs to understand she got me at my very best. That is what everybody would get from me. it doesn’t matter if my personal life is in absolute ruins. It doesn’t matter if you think I am by far one of the worst human beings on the face of the planet. At the end of the day as soon as I hear that bell ring and I step in through those ropes it’s not about what’s going on in my personal life. It’s all about what’s happening in that ring and I would do anything to live and die for that ring and feeling…”

Crystal continues to smile as she claps her hands.

“I may not have come away with the title but I am smiling because Alicia said it. After everything she said she respects me and that is the Crystal Hilton she had been waiting to fight and that is exactly what she got. No more disrespecting my wife or my daughter. She got me and that’s all that should matter. It isn’t all lost though because it’s still back to business as usual. I am not going to go away feeling horribly because I will bounce back and I will keep fighting until I prove I am deserving of the chance again. I am going to be a four time champion and it’s not a matter of if it is simply a matter of when. It doesn’t matter if it is Roxi who I have never faced or Alicia again. It can be my wife Seleana or even Amy Marshall but you haven’t seen the last of me. It’s just time to prove that notion…”

Crystal chuckles.

“But I won’t have to wait that long or at least that isn’t important right now because I don’t need to hold the title to be considered among the best of the best because I will be facing the one and only Keira Johnson. This is a dream match for me because I love Keira. This is an opponent that I can honestly say from the bottom of my hear that I absolutely love. She is one of my best friends and we love to joke around with each other. Even when we found out that the winner of the title match would face Roxi I have lobbied for the loser to face you because a part of me knew that if I lost I wanted to be in the ring with you again. We have a friendship that goes far back but we also have a rivalry like none other. I will be the first to say that you are one of the best women to have ever stepped foot inside an SCW ring to not wi the World Championship. I remember when you lobbied just to get that one chance at that belt and it just so happen it was against me. I was happy to give you what you wanted and you came up a bit short…”

Crystal nods her head.

“It was a tough defense at the time and that was during my 200 plus days as a champion. You came right after me and I denied you. I remember seeing you at your very best and when this match was finally put into writing that is the Keira that I want to show up to this match. There is a part of me that is geeking out at this moment. After all we always joke around doing each other’s poses and despite what you might think… I DO IT BETER! I always did do it better I just don’t know why you can’t understand that. What you should realize though is there won’t be any joking around when it’s you and I facing one another. As much as I love you and you are close to me where I consider you a best friend. A best friend who was among the first to stand up when Pet was mistreating, among the first people to take a stand for me its only right that I give you my very best. That is what I want to see from you in this match Keira…”

Crystal continues to speak.

“I want the woman who set the standard as a member of team Hero. The woman who beat me on numerous occasions in LAW, the same woman who ended up being a successful Breakout Champion and World Champion from that company. That is who I want to be in the ring with. You have the ability to channel that part of yourself and I want you to bring it out because I still haven’t forgotten what you did to me Keira… You should remember it because it was among one of your very first singles championships when you used the golden contract to cash in on me after I put Candy Overton into a dumpster to retain my Roulette Championship. You defeated me and you ended the reign of my very first title held in this company with a surprise cash in. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t beat you and I damn sure couldn’t get that title back from Melanie Gabrielle. It humbled me and it was my first time feeling disappointment, but it also shaped me into the champion and wrestler I would become. I don’t think there would have been a Hall of Fame induction if it wasn’t for that. So on the cruise I will pay back the favor. I will beat you Keira and I hope in losing you will get the feeling to want to stay to shut me up because I love fighting you. No matter what happens in that ring you will always be one of my best friends but just let it be known at Summer XXXtreme I will beat you. I will showcase why I am the best woman in the company. I just pray you can make it to that match…”

Crystal waves her finger.

“Make it to that match in shape… Stay away from the buffet on the ship. I want you at your best Keira and I don’t want there to be any excuses when I beat you. Now let’s go out there and do this shall we?! Lights, camera, action… It’s showtime…. Let’s go make a movie shall we?!”

With that Crystal begins to grin as we fade out on that image.

Off Camera
Long Beach
After Climax Control

It was after the show as Crystal was in her dressing room. She was putting on her street clothes which consisted of a Sailor Moon t shirt and a pair of matching sneakers. Seleana came into the dressing room as she glanced at her wife with a huge grin on her face.

“Star… I just want to say I am so proud of you. If you are feeling down you don’t have to worry and…”

Crystal slowly turns her attention over to Seleana and smiles at her as she gives her a long passionate hug.

“Seleana thank you for being the best wife ever… Seriously I don’t deserve you at times. The truth is unlike the other times I really am not feeling down. I went out to that ring and I left it all out there. I have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to really say I sucked or I got screwed. I simply got beat and there is no shame in that… I know this might be weird to say but I am back…”

“Ja? You are back meaning?!”

“I am back meaning that I am back to understanding what’s important in my life and as much as I might be title crazed I don’t need a title to make myself feel amazing. I know I am a great wrestler. I wouldn’t have been inducted into all of these hall of fames…”

“Four Star… You are in four of them…”

“I know exactly! But I wouldn’t be in all of these Hall of Fames if I didn’t have the talent. I think most of the time I feel like I need a title to make myself feel better because that is the only way that I could get attention or have people focused on me. Or I need to bully people like you and Cat Riley to make myself better but truth be told I only act that way because deep down I have self-esteem issues. I feel like I am worthless so I do drastic cries for attention to get the feeling I am looking for. It goes back to me growing up in inner city Detroit and everybody calling me weird names making me feel like I am worthless because I am mixed and because I got pregnant at 13…”

Seleana shakes her head.

“Who cares about that Star? You don’t need to listen to that because you have made it. Just look at everything you have accomplished. You don’t need to feel that because you are a big multimedia star. How many people can say they had a successful album, movie career, and wrestling sensation?! That is unheard of but you did it, and if you do get judged who cares you have the people that love you. Brittany thinks the entire world of you and of course I think everything of you. No matter what happens it doesn’t change how I feel about you. There is a reason why I have this wedding ring on and it’s because I love you…”

“I love you too…”

Crystal smiles as she puts her back pack on as she grabs her wife and holds her hand as they walk side by side to the exit door as Seleana gives her a kiss on the cheek.

“I will always love you star. Even when you annoy me I will still love you. I know you might have daddy issues but I can’t ever turn my back on you. Not now and not ever. I really did miss you and it has been a while…”

Crystal’s eyes open wide up as she smirks back at her.

“Oh it definitely has been awhile just wait until tonight girl, I will have my way with you…”

Crystal and Seleana giggle at one another as they continue walking to their car. A crowd of people surround Crystal and Seleana as most of them run up to Crystal with purple hair wigs and Christina Rose glasses.

“Can you sign this for me?!”

“Can you sign these glasses!”

“I love mega man too… Three is my favorite!”

All of Crystal’s fans surround her as she takes a marker from them and begins signing stuff. Seleana smiles as she does the same as she leans into Crystal’s ear and whispers to her.

“And they love you as well… You can’t think of the bad things… Only the good and focus on those who support you no matter what. You will always have your critics but focus on those that treasure you because in their eyes you will be a hero to them…”

Crystal can only nod in agreement as she begins to sign away. Losing didn’t feel so bad especially when she had a strong woman by her side and she really felt like she could take on anything. We leave on this image of the Zdunich wives signing item after item as things fade to black.
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Offline Keira Fisher

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Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2019, 06:31:59 PM »
 Keira and Roxi are seen on the cruise with Nate. Keira smiles a bit as she holds Nate's hand as the three walk.

Keira: No matter how many times we go on this cruise, I can never stop being in awe of the beauty of the ocean.

Roxi: It is something else. Even living as close as we do, to be out here, on the open ocean is great.

Keira: Yes, it is.

Nate: Mama, that's... water.

Keira: Yes. Yes it is.

Nate: It's... big water.

Roxi: It's the ocean, baby. Lots of water.

Nate: Okay... Oseen.

Roxi: Close enough.

Keira: He's learning, Rox.

Roxi: I know that. He's already super smart.

Roxi looks down at Nate and picks him up, putting him on her shoulders.

Roxi: Despite only being two.

Keira: Yea. I'm proud of you, you little goofball.

Nate laughs.

Nate: I not goofball, I'm a big boy today!

Keira: Yes! Yes you are!

Keira smiles, smothering Nate's cheek with kisses

Nate giggles as Roxi takes him of his shoulders and hands him to Keira.

Roxi: So, you feeling okay? No nerves or anything?

Keira: I'd be lying. I am a bit nervous.

Roxi: I know you'll be fine.

Keira: I know. But I still got Ring rust. Sure, Crystal isn't a pushover. But even with ring rust, I'm still not a pushover either.

Roxi: I know that . You just have to not worry about the ring rust, just worry about the big picture.

Keira: Yea. I have to beat Crystal. I have to show them I still got it.

Roxi: That's not what I meant.

Nate: Mommy?

Roxi: Yes baby?

Nate: Can we... uh.. have... ice cream?

Roxi: I don't know if they have ice cream baby. We'll go eat in a little while.

Roxi puts a hand on Keira's shoulder.

Roxi: No one here thinks you've lost anything. They know how good you are. They trust enough that you're here now, and you have a match. So obviously they know you're good. The big picture is just getting back in the ring and enjoying yourself.

Keira: True. You're right, Rox.

Roxi: And you're not in the ring with someone who will try to go out there and hurt you. Crystal may be... odd, but she's at least, a pro.

Keira: True. But I still have a score to settle with her in a way from years back.

Roxi: I wouldn't worry about that. I'd just soak it all in, and relax.

Keira: I know. It's the competitor in me. The strive for the next big fight. I crave that fight.

All of a sudden, Keira lifts her head and begins to sniff the area. She licks her lips and smiles.

Keira: Just like I crave the food on this ship. I'M HUNGRY!

Roxi: Oh no...

Nate: Mama's hungry!

Nate laughs.

Keira sits Nate down, turn and rushes towards the buffet

Roxi: Hey!

Roxi shakes her head and picks up Nate.

Roxi: Come on, we need to stop Mama from eating the whole buffet.

Moments later, Keira opens the double doors and drops her jaw. She sees the buffet being three times bigger than the last time she was on the ship.


Keira tries not to drool

Keira: Chicken, Pizza, Several kinds of steak, shrimp, Fish....

Roxi carries Nate into the restaurant.

Nate: This restaurant?

Roxi: Yes, baby. We need to find Mama.

Keira sees a plate and begins to fill it up with two of everything. She grabs another plate and does the same.

Keira: This will be a good lunch!

Roxi finally spots Keira gathering all the food she can and leans in close to her.

Roxi: You are making a scene!

Keira: Can't talk. Eating!

Keira begins to wolf down the food like a mad woman.

Roxi: Slow down!

Nate: Ha! Mama funny!

Keira doesn't listen, enjoying the food as she shoves 3 tacos into her mouth.

Roxi: Stop it!

Keira finally stops as she swallows the food.

Keira: What?

Keira turns to Roxi

Keira: What's wrong?

Roxi: You're eating like an animal!

Nate: Mama hungry

Roxi: This isn't our house. You're a guest here.

Keira: but I'm hungry....

Roxi: And you can eat like a normal person.

Keira: I am eating like a normal person.

Keira smiles a bit as she kisses Roxi's cheek.

Roxi: *Sigh * what am I going to do with you?

Keira: Help me raise a silly child?

Roxi: Just... one taco at a time please.

Keira: I'll try. But I'm hungry....

Keira leans in, kissing Roxi's cheek again

Roxi: Yeah yeah...

An hour later, Keira, Roxi and Nate are seen exiting the buffet room. Keira smiles as she pats her stomach

Keira: That....was good.

Roxi: There better be food left.

Keira: I make no promises. But I must admit. It did look like they were prepared for me this time.

Keira stops and lowers her head a bit

Keira: Like I need to prepared for Crystal...

Nate turns and sees Keira's head lowered.

Nate: Mama okay?

Roxi: Mama will be okay, baby.

Keira shakes her head

Keira: Yea. Mama had a bit of a memory playing in her head. I'm sorry to worry you, Nate.

Nate instinctively hugs Keira

Nate: Mama okay now?

Keira: Yea. Mama's okay.

Keira leans down and hugs Nate

Keira: Remember this, Nate. You're my world. No one will ever hurt you. Not as long as Mama's around.

Nate: Okay

Keira smiles as she picks up Nate and hands him to Roxi

Roxi: We need to get you a bath and ready for bed.

Nate: No bed

Roxi: Yes bed. It's late.

Keira smiles as she picks Nate up and carries him to the room

Keira: Time for Night-Night.
Been too long for this. I'm getting closer and closer to the huge fight. I can't wait for it. If I can show them I've gotten stronger, then I can be one step closer to destiny.

Moments later, after putting Nate to bed. Keira goes and joins Roxi in their bedroom

Roxi: You okay? Any troubles?

Keira: Nah. He went to bed like a good boy.

Roxi: Good. Good.

Keira: Feel like doing one last training session?

Roxi: There is a such thing as over training, you know? The cruise is really for us to relax.

Keira: I know. But I wanna make sure I get rid of Ring Rust.

Roxi: We really don't have the luxury of the training we normally do. Even at half speed.

Keira: True.

Roxi: Plus, there really is no substitute for being in the ring.

Keira: I know. I just wanna make sure I take down Crystal.

Keira quickly turns and says

Keira: I mean that in a wrestling way. Not in the way she wants it from her "Senpai"

Roxi: Uh-huh.

Keira: Hunny, stop being jealous.

Keira giggles as she kisses Roxi on the lips.

Keira: It'll make you get Grey Hair.

Roxi: Very funny.

Keira smiles as she holds Roxi up close

Keira: You're right, dear. I've done all I can do. I just hope it's going to be enough.

Roxi: Relax, it's all about the fun. Just remember to take it all in when that music hits.

Keira: I plan on it. Oh...

Keira turns and looks at Roxi.

Keira: When you win the Bombshell World Championship...I get first crack!

Roxi: I think you have to get in line behind Amy or Seleana.

Keira: Or if Mark Ward wants to see Roxi vs Keira 3. I mean...least here. For the rubber match.

Roxi: We'll get there, when we get there. For now, let's just enjoy the cruise.

Keira: Got any ideas?

Roxi glares at Keira.

Roxi: Behave yourself.

Keira: Not that!

Roxi: I know how you think.

Keira: I was actually thinking of a Date Night.

Roxi: We can't leave Nate in here all alone.

Keira: We don't know anyone who can babysit him for a few hours on this cruise?

Roxi: Would you trust Nate to them?

Keira: You're right....

Roxi: I mean, Amy, Crystal, they're great. But they have lives. We can totally have dinner with Nate, and still call it a date.

Keira: I know. I guess I wanted to slow time down before our matches. Before I punch Crystal in the face. Before I feel the warmth of the lights hitting my face as I walk out.

Roxi: We'll figure something out if you really want to have a date night.

Keira: Thank you. But I think for now. Let's get some rest. We've earned it.

Roxi: You got it

Keira giggles as she holds Roxi close as the scene fades

It's almost time. Each minute that passes gets me closer and closer to stepping between the ropes once again and giving out the best match I can give.

It's has been too long for me and I questioned myself for the last few weeks cause of it. "What am I trying to prove? Can I still keep up with all of them? Am I at a disadvantage?" I'll be answering those questions sooner rather than later.

Crystal, you know you're pretty much the key to the answers that I need to find out. Yea, we're friends. But even you know when we step into that ring, I go all out!

I don't hold back when it comes to matches like this, Crystal. I give it my all! I give it 110% every time. Yea, it still bugs me that I didn't become Bombshell World Champion all those years ago. But it's like I'm given a second chance to finally prove that I can be. Even if it's a very small step towards it!

Crystal, you will be the first obstacle in my way to finally getting the one thing I wanted all these years. I will be one step closer to becoming Bombshell World Champion.

I am a fighter! I will never stop fighting! Crystal, it's time to B.A.B....


See you soon!  

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2019, 11:58:49 PM »
 Off Camera
All You Can Eat Dessert Buffet

It was midnight on the Sun Princess and on this night the Zdunichs were going to have a special double date with that of the Johnsons. Crystal smiled as her and Seleana stood hand and hand in the massive dining room. Keira looked over at Roxi before her eyes lit up as the waiters were getting everything prepared. Keira’s mouth was instantly watering as she cracked a wide grin speaking to Roxi.

Keira: When can we eat the food?!

Crystal: Keira is that all you honestly think about… There’s more to everything then just eating at a buffet. All you kept talking about over and over again is this buffet, and now here we are at the biggest dessert buffet that this ship has to offer. Look at the time it took to craft all of these wonderful delicacies. I bet they taste just as delicious as well.

Keira: Well who cares about the appearance… I am going to be completely honest. I just want to eat all the food. I want ice cream, I want red velvet cake, I want apple pie, blueberry pie, but most of all I think I want a great big piece of lava chocolate cake…

Seleana’s eyes open wide up in amazement as she glances back at wife.

Seleana: Keira can sure eat a lot ja?!

Roxi: This is nothing compared to what she does at home…

Crystal smiles as she glances back at Keira.

Crystal: I just want to know how does Keira put all of it down?! Seriously all I ever hear you talk about is food and more food. Sometimes I have to question your metabolism but then I never see you get fat. You always seem to stay in shape and it is honestly amazing.

Keira doesn’t seem t be paying any attention as she keeps glaring at all of the food.

Roxi: It’s the yoga she does. She stays active a lot. Despite not really being around the ring Keira does do her best to stay in tip top shape. I guess because she works out so much she can afford to eat as many calories as she can/

Crystal nods her head as she holds Seleana’s hand as tightly as she can as they glance at a beautiful carved ice sculpture. Seleana smiles as she looks around.

Seleana: The fruit looks very delicious. I want to try some of that fresh pine apple, and maybe a slice of watermelon…

Crystal: Anything you want babe… We are on a cruise so you can get whatever you want. That is what this food is here for. It is here to eat all you can, and to keep on eating without worrying if you are wasting anything. Besides we deserved a night like this Seleana after what we went through this year. So let us just enjoy it together and with some friends.

Seleana: Ja Te Amo Estrella…

Crystal: Si… I love you too babe.

Seleana and Crystal begin to kiss one another and Roxi just glares at the both of them with a wide grin on her face. She takes a long deep breath as she begins to speak.

Roxi: You two look really adorable together. You should be feeling proud of yourselves. You made it one year and are kids on your mind?!

Crystal slowly turns her attention to Seleana.

Crystal: We honestly never thought about it but whatever happens will happen. This has been an amazing year of being with an amazing woman. Granted I wasn’t always nice to her and I don’t deserve it but I am glad of the strong woman that I have in my life. I don’t know where I would be if she wasn’t in it.

Seleana: Thank you and I am happy I have found you as well. This has all been amazing to me and I just want us to keep getting closer. I think what we both want more than anything is what you have with Keira. You both are really a strong power couple, and it doesn’t help that you were an amazing tag team as well. At the end of the day I think that is what Crystal and I are really trying to strive to be. Maybe one day we will get there…

Roxi smiles as she looks back at the both of them.

Roxi: Don’t worry about trying to have what Keira and I have. Just focus on continuing to build on what you two already have. Marriage isn’t easy and it is a learning experience. As long as you both are committed to it that is all that matters in the end.

Crystal: As my wife would say Ja!

Seleana: Si! We are committed to it and as long as we have each other we don’t really need anything else right?!

Roxi: That’s right…

Crystal looks at Roxi as she glares at her deeply in the eyes.

Crystal: Hey I just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for being such a great friend Roxi. Over these last couple of years whether its playing video games with one another or just experiencing life together it has been super fun and I am glad I have an amazing friend as you. The things you said to Alicia Lukas on my behalf is amazing and I don’t deserve you…

Roxi: Don’t worry about it. I just call it like I see it. Anyway why don’t we focus on…

Keira: OMG CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!

They all begin to laugh as Keira runs off and we leave on this image.

On Camera

The cameras come into focus as it shows us Crystal Zdunich sitting down on her bed in her interior room. She smiles as she looks into the camera.

“To be honest  I am excited about this match coming up with Keira… And you and I are going to leave everything in the middle of the ring…”

Crystal takes a deep breath as she continues to speak.

“For me this is about showcasing that I am still deserving to be a main attraction in this company for years ago. It’s to show that I am still the same Crystal Hilton who can sell out arenas and put on five star matches. That is what I do and you know that when the bell rings I am one of the biggest bitches in a wrestling ring… Ask my daughter or even ask my wife. They will tell you how much of a Bitch I can be…”

Crystal shakes her head as she speaks some more.

“That seems weird considering you are the woman who likes to break a bitch so what is going to happen when you step in the ring with me?! No matter what happens I plan to give you my best. You are one of my closest friends and I am happy to share a ring with you. Bring me everything you got Keira. Show me you still have what it takes to compete on a full time schedule. See you soon…. It’s time to roll the credits on you once and for all Keira!”

With that Crystal just nods her head with a smile as we fade out on this image.
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