Author Topic: Just Another Payday  (Read 3042 times)

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Just Another Payday
« on: December 05, 2018, 12:11:54 AM »
 They’ve been going at it the whole flight.

The scene opens with a shot inside an airplane cockpit, Deiter is off course in the pilot’s seat, with Gail sitting in the co-pilot’s seat.

Dieter: Nothing new, Gail when we were in the service together that happened more than once.

Gail: So just that I understand this, you, Stewart, and Earl used to bang your commanding officer.

Dieter: Yeah why do you think she always chose us for all those covert missions.

Gail: I get you being part of covert missions, you can fly anything, but Stewart and Earl were artillery guys.

Dieter: True, but just like me they were chosen for skills other than artillery, You would be shocked to know what your boyfriend and Earl are really capable of.

Dieter begins to gear the plane down

Dieter: Fasten your seatbelts I’m about to land this bitch.

Gail: Are you sure about this.

Dieter: Nope.

Dieter brings the plane down on a grass runway in the middle of nowhere, as he brings the plane to a stop several pickup trucks pull up, Dieter and Gail exit the plane and walk over to the trucks.

Guy: Mr. Willis, I trust you had no problem with the shipment.

Dieter: No problems, my associate here. *Points to Gail*, has ways of persuading law enforcement to look the other way.

One of the other guys is ogling Gail who smiles and winks at him.

Guy: Okay then, let's make the exchange.

Dieter whistles and Stewart walks off the plane carrying a wooden crate, he places it on the hood of the truck, the guy opens it and picks up a large jug, pops the cork takes a whiff then takes a swig.

Guy: Who thought I would have to go to Canada to great shine this good.

Stewart finishes unloading the crates of Moonshine.

Dieter: Always a pleasure doing business with you fine southern folks, now about my payment.

The guy waves and three briefcases are placed on the hood of the truck and opened inside are various bills, are a quick count Dieter hands the cases to Stewart and Gail.

Dieter: Until next time.

Guy: Yeah, and have a safe flight back to Canada.

The trucks drive off, Dieter, Gail, and Stewart make their back to the plane.

Stewart: Just another payday.

They enter the plane, and Krista ( Dieter’s wife) grabs Stewart by the shirt

Krista: Now that your business is concluded, Stewart and I can conclude ours.

She pulls Stewart down on a wide bench and they begin to make out.

Dieter puts his hand on Gail’s lower back.

Dieter: Care to join me up front.

Gail: Yeah, maybe you can show me why they call it the cockpit.

Dieter and Gail enter the cockpit and start making out.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 02:43:34 PM by Devin Lockyer »
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