Author Topic: SCU House Show April 10 Results  (Read 7214 times)

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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SCU House Show April 10 Results
« on: April 10, 2021, 01:10:08 PM »
SCU House Show 2
The event took place at the Saxon Hotel

Dax vs Samuel McPherson
Samuel wins by pinfall as Dax is still hurting over the past few brawls with GRIME, allowing Samuel to take this match without much trouble from Dax. Masked Jade, Orchid, and Celeste would slide in the ring and attack Dax. The attack will have OTE arrive, but the three Masked members would run off before OTE can get to the ring.

Backstage we see Andrew Borg trying to sell fans on his, Yes You Can book and the Good Book of Father Gerald. Further down the hall, we can see Merlot getting ready for her cue to come out for her match that starts in the next two minutes. A few feet away, we have Gemma interviewing Underground Champion Valentina as she talks about ending Jenifer once and for all. Streak, and career. Merlot smirks at Valentina's comments. Valentina notices and ends her interview as she walks over to Merlot.

Val: You got something to say?

Merlot: Merlot always speaks when something to say. Not worried how Valentina feel about it.

Val: You need to humble yourself. I am the Underground Champion… Your champion, not the other way around.

Merlot, without missing a beat, tells Valentina.

Merlot: Champion of no one, but is a Transitional Champion. Wait till tomorrow; Merlot prove to be right.

Merlot's theme song starts to play as it's her cue to come out. Valentina tries to rebuttal, but Merlot goes about her way as she walks out the curtain.

Merlot Ayano vs Indigo
Merlot starts things off strong against Indigo. Indigo would gain an advantage after a poke in the eyes. After three minutes of Indigo laying it on Merlot, Merlot would come back and work things back her way but would end up on the mat to get pinned by Indigo after Light Blue had interfered as she took she placed a chair on the mat and dropped Merlot on the chair with a DDT while Indigo had the ref distracted…

In the locker room of TV Champion Cordelia Clark, we see her talking with Morgan. The two, going over what they just saw in the ring. Cameras cut over to the GRIME locker room as we went to Javi, Eric Weaver, Jerry Cann, Kittie, Masked Celeste, Masked Orchid, and Masked Jade.

Eric: OTE better get used to this. GRIME's take over is started. Getting rid of SCU's biggest crew puts a dent in that locker room.

Javi: Yea vato, GRIME commin through on our word homez!

Jade: The thing is, Eyesnsane's been in this business long enough to understand that it's not personal; this is strictly business.

Cameras cut away to the OTE locker room. The OTE members look on watching GRIME declare war with OTE.

Eyesnsane: Jade said I been in this business long enough… I have been around long enough that GRIME gonna need a whole lot more numbers to keep us down.

Dax: Eyes, you know what this means right, think Bad Boys from a few years back with a mix of the crazy shit your the original OTE members used to be.

Eyesnsane: No matter how long those masked chicks have been in the business, they ain't ready for such a combo.

We cut back to ringside as the bell rang to start the next match.

Cordelia Clark vs Light Blue
Indigo and Light Blue attack Cordelia before the match started. Morgan Clark would rush in to help Cordelia out. GM Lexa gave Indigo a choice, leaving the ringside or staying in the ring and turning the match into a tag team match. Indigo decided to stay.

Cordelia Clark and Morgan Clark vs Light Blue and Indigo

This would come to bite her in the ass, and Morgan and Cordelia would end up leaving Indigo in the ring with no option to ever tag in Light Blue. Morgan would end up making Indigo tap out for her troubles.

The laid-back Jenifer Lacroix is seen laughing it up non-stop, a rare thing; we then can see that she is with Linnera Lacroix as she tells an embarrassing story about Jenifer from the childhood days to Halo, Hollywood, Kelli, and Melissa Ruin.

Angel of Filth, Rainbow, Ruby, Helena Jeckel, Jack Jeckel, and Jake Jeckel spot them and run over and launch an attack at the SCU stars. The twelve wrestlers trade blows in close quarters. They spread out a bit as Ruby grabs Melissa by the back of her hair and drags her heads to the wall to face plant her. Rainbow and Jenifer tie-up as Linnera and Filth trade chops. Kelli and Hollywood take the fight to Jack and Jake as Helena and Halo are tied up trading elbows to each other's jaw. Cameras go to ringside as officials try to break up the brawl.

Celeste North vs Esther
The two started things slowly as neither wanted to slip up. After a slow few minutes, things would pick up with Esther getting on some offense, but Celeste would turn it around before picking up a clean pinfall in the middle of the ring on Esther.

We go to the GRIME GM office as Gianni sits back with his wife, Veronica. By the door, we see two armed security guards. The door flies off the hunches after Omasa kicks the door down. Two armed security men stop by the door. Omasa kicks one in the knee as the other tries to grab her. Omasa ducks underneath his arms and pushes him, using his momentum to push him to the couch. The other guard goes to pull his handgun, but Omasa smacks his wrist with one hand while grabs the gun with the other. Omasa pulls the clip off and throws it hitting Veronica in the face.

Gianni: Oh shit, I forgot to tell you, this crazy chick is like some trained killer from Japan. She's on that Jason Bourne type shit… I see you got my message. You ain't going to SCW show calling out any Bombshells if you do kiss your job goodbye.

Omasa: Watch me!

Omasa throws the gun at the security guard; she pushed him to the couch, hitting him in the chest. Omasa walks out of the office.

Veronica: You better handle her.

Gianni: I got it taken care of.

Veronica: Good.

Michi vs Masked Celeste
This match will end quickly as Masked Celeste would win by DQ as Michi would put her in a chokehold and refuse to let go. The actions of Michi had GRIME run out. Michi fights off three GRIME members as OTE rushes out to help. As the brawl takes place in the ring., the Referee tries to stop them but can't store order.

The ref leaves the ring for her safety; as this goes on, Alex Rush stands on the rampway with his 80's boombox. The boombox is seen with band-aids in the spot Max Burke kicked the day before during a house show. Safety Dance by Men Without Hats starts to play. Before Alex can get started, the GRIME wrestlers see Alex and just take off before the Rhinos could show up.

A Camera stands by the locker room door of GRIME as we can hear shouting between Esther and Angel of Filth. They get approached by the Monstimals; the cameraman slowly backs away to avoid getting attacked.

Main Event
No DQ Match
Veronica Taylor vs Ariana Angelos

Veronica started the match, provoking the Referee, trying to get DQ in this No DQ match. After that failure, Ariana had enough of Veronica stalling that Ari rushed Veronica to get the match going. After getting Veronica in the corner, the Referee breaks them up. Ariana would hit a clothesline that put Veronica going over the top ropes and landing on the floor. Ariana would jump the ropes to hit a crossbody to the outside. The fight would stay outside as the Referee would countout both women ending the matching a double count-out.