Author Topic: Vixen's dreams of regaining the title on hold?  (Read 822 times)

Offline Vixen

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Vixen's dreams of regaining the title on hold?
« on: November 10, 2012, 11:57:42 PM »
 Medically she was cleared.  Vixen knew though that after the past few weeks, she wasn’t in the best of condition and her reaction to losing her title hadn’t helped any.   She had gone to the doctor’s office, concerned by some pains in her chest that couldn’t be explained.  He had ordered a stress test that morning and now, Vixen was back in his office to get the results.

“Ms Lefebvre, you really shouldn’t be wrestling, not with your blood pressure this low,” said the doctor as Vixen sat on the examination table in the office.  “Since you came in with the questions you had and your blood pressure in such bad condition, I have been worried.  The tests we did were negative but still, I wouldn’t…”

“Doctor, I can’t not wrestle, this is too important for me at High Stakes,” Vixen states softly.  “I get a chance to get my title back.”  Vixen crosses her legs as she leans back on her hands.  “You will clear me to wrestle right?”

“As much as I would like to say no, there is nothing keeping you from competing in the match,” the doctor claims before closing the file on the desk.  “But once again Ms Lefebvre, I strongly suggest that you take the time to recover completely.”

Vixen gets off the table with a shake of her head.  “Doctor, nothing is going to stop me,” she vows as she moves towards her clothes, reaching into the bag beside them to pull out a bottle of Advil and opens it.  Shaking two pills onto her hand, she pops them into her mouth, swallowing them before taking a deep breath.  Returning back to the table, Vixen slowly begins to rub over her heart.

The doctor watches her concerned for a moment.  “Are you okay,” he says as Vixen nods slowly.  “Okay Ms Lefebvre I…”

The doctor stops talking as Vixen grabs at the table to steady herself.  Moving to her side, he is just in time to catch her as she slumps against it.  “That is it, let’s get you lying down.”  The doctor helps her onto the couch nearby before shouting out the door.   “Nurse, I want you to call 911 and get me an ambulance here NOW!”

Vixen struggles to get up, one hand moving to her head quickly, the other to her mouth as she fights the gagging reflex brought on by the vertigo.   The fight is a losing battle as her stomach rebels and forces her to her knees on the floor, head bent over the trash can nearby.  Finally, the gagging stops as Vixen moves to sit with her back against the desk.  The doctor is checking her out, listening to her heart as the nurse is placing sticky leads on her chest and attaching wires to them.  A soft beep commences as Vixen starts to breathe shallowly.  The doctor begins to pump up the blood pressure cuff he fights onto Vixen’s arm.  Slowly taking her blood pressure, the doctor calls out to his nurse who has finished her prep of Vixen.    

“Her blood pressure is 198 over 112…this isn’t good,” he says while checking the monitor where Vixen’s heart rate is shown.  Vixen’s head slams against the floor as she collapses with the last thing she hears being the doctor’s voice calling her name as the paramedics arrive…