Author Topic: A Couple of Interesting Trips  (Read 975 times)

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
A Couple of Interesting Trips
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:56:50 PM »
 The scene opens up on board of a flight of which SCW Heavyweight Champion Nick Jones is currently on board.  However, it is rather clear that Nick is less than happy as he has just been informed he's not headed to the destination where he is supposed to be, which we already know to be thanks to the meddling of a not-so-friendly acquaintance of his.  While Nick is currently oblivious to how this has happened, he is sure to make it very clear that it is not his fault, as he attempts to sort this out with some of the airline employees, as he is now in the midst of a conversation with two flight attendants and in the process, has managed to grab the attention of the majority of those passengers seated around him.


Attendant #1:  That is the scheduled destination for this flight, sir.

Nick:  Since freakin' when?!?

Attendant #1:  Since always, sir.  Where was your intended final destination?

Nick:  I was going to LA.  What the hell kind of stop-over is this crap?

Attendant #2:  That can't be right sir, you wouldn't have been able to get onto this plane if it wasn't part of your flight plan.

Nick:  Well I'm freakin' sitting here, and I'm pretty damn sure I'd know if I was scheduled to go to the damn Congo!

Attendant #2:  Can I see your boarding pass, sir?

Nick:  Fine.  Then you idiots can see how wrong you are.

Nick goes into his carry-on bag and quickly rips his boarding pass out from it, not even glancing at it before slapping it into the hand of the second flight attendant.  He looks at it a moment before leaning over and showing it to the other attendant, who looks at it, then to him before nodding.  The second attendant than turns back to Nick.

Attendant #2:  I'm sorry sir, but as you can see right here, this is your scheduled flight and destination as per your boarding pass.

The second flight attendant reaches the pass over to Nick to show him, as he points the part on the boarding pass that includes that information.  Nick tears it from his hand and glares at disbelieving for a moment before looking back at them.

Nick:  What is this crap?  Are you kidding me?

Attendant #1:  We're sorry sir if there was some sort of confusion of where the ticket you purchased was taking you, but this is clearly the flight you were intended to be on.

Nick:  What do you think I'm some sort of fuckin' idiot?!?  Like I don't know where the fuck I'm supposed to going?!?

Attendant #2:  Sir, we would really ask that you watch your language, please.

Nick:  Oh yeah, because I don't possibly have any reason to be upset with you idiots, right?

Nick then suddenly stops speaking as he thinks for a moment, coming to a realization.  He then looks to the flight attendants, seemingly even more annoyed now than before, as if that were even possible.

Nick:  Wait a damn second... this is NOT the flight I booked.  I had my boarding pass, I was all checked in and when I went to check my bag, that dumb bitch at the counter told me my flight got bumped, took my old boarding pass from me and gave me this piece of garbage.  You fuckin' morons bumped me from an LA flight to one the Congo!  So you want to tell me again how this isn't the fault of your stupid fuckin' airline?!

Attendant #2:  Sir, you really need to stop with that language immediately.

Nick glares at the two attendants, but stops himself from responding and instead takes a long, deep breath.  He then hesitates a few moments before responding in a much more subdued tone.

Nick:  My apologies to you both.  You just must understand the very stressful circumstances this puts me in given my important business that needs me attention back in Los Angeles.  While I know this is the fault of neither of you, and was clearly a mistake, it is important to me that this be worked out.  Given that there was a mix-up in the booking when my flight was switched by the airline, I feel it is only right that this issue be addressed.

With Nick's quieter and calmer tone accompanied with a very polite response, the two flight attendants seem to be hesitant at first in his response, before looking to each other happily and by the end, smiling in response.

Attendant #1:  We really do appreciate you being understanding in this situation.

Attendant #2:  Absolutely, and given the circumstances as soon as this flight lands, we'll be sure to talk to the airline employees at the airport to get you back to Los Angeles as quickly as possible, and free of charge.

Nick:  Well thank you so much for that, I really do appreciate you working to address this.

Attendant #1:  Not a problem sir, and let us get you a complimentary meal and beverage as a means of apology and to help make your flight more enjoyable.

Nick:  That would be great, thank you.

The two flight attendants, now clearly far happier with Nick's revised attitude, walk off smiling to go fetch Nick some food and a drink.  As they turn away and stop looking at him, Nick's face turns to one of disgust, more specifically disgust with himself.

Nick:  I can't believe I really just did that.

Nick shakes his head in disbelief as he ponders the situation for another moment.

Nick:  And I REALLY can't believe that freakin' worked.  That moron Billy really can't be right about that... can he?  I don't even want to think about that.

Without another moments thought of it,  Nick quickly grabs his headphones for his iPod, closes his eyes and goes back to listening to music.  Knowing the long flight he will have to deal with ahead of him, Nick seems to try relax as much as possible as he waits for his food and drink while the flight continues on as the scene fades.

<hr width=50%>

Two days later...

The scene opens back up at Los Angeles International Airport, where a plane is seen just beginning to unload at one of the gates.  A few moments later, we cut into the jetway where amongst a variety of passengers, Nick Jones is seen exiting the plain as he is speaking on his cell phone.  We hear Nick as he seems to just be finishing telling the story of what occurred with his flight situation.

Nick:  So after all of that crap, now I'm finally back in LA.  So I'll be heading out to Vegas in the next couple of days once I take care of some stuff back home.

As Nick finishes, a familiar voice can actually be just barely picked up from the other end of the phone, and it quickly becomes clear Nick is talking to his good friend and SCW Co-Owner, "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward.

HS:  What a mess.  As long as you're back here in time to do some of the promotional work we've got you booked for the last few days before the show, we'll be fine.

Nick:  Good, because I'm exhausted and the last thing I feel like doing is getting the car and dragging my ass out there.

HS:  I hear you, yank.  Was the trip down to Miami at least worth it?

Nick:  Are you kidding me?  You know full well I could have cared less about going to that thing, but it was just a good way of getting out of seeing Diana's family.  Although I will see, I did have myself a very interesting encounter down there.  I ran into a familiar face.

HS:  Oh yeah?  What, an old friend?

Nick:  Not exactly, although I suppose he would qualify as an old friend of yours.

HS:  An old friend of mine?  That you know?  I have no idea who you're talking about.

Nick:  Oh come on Marky, you can figure this out.  I was in Miami after all.

With that, there's suddenly only silence coming from the other end of the phone, as it quickly becomes clear Mark has put all of the pieces together.  There's a few more moments of hesitation before Mark's response can be heard with a complete change in his tone.

HS:  You're kidding me.

Nick:  I wouldn't kid about something like this limey.  It was your old buddy Billy James in the flesh.  I honestly never would have even noticed him there if his smoking hot wife hadn't been trying to get in my pants until he came and broke it up.  I can't believe that she's still with him.

HS:  Trust me, I never got that one.  So what did he have to say?

Nick:  Well he of course said to tell you he said hi.  Although I have a feeling it wasn't meant overly sincerely.

HS:  I can't imagine why.

Nick:  He also gave me some very interesting advice.  It started with this crap match you put me in with those two dipshits being placed at referee and enforcer, but also for my career overall.

HS:  Advice from him?  How long has it been since that loser even been in the ring?

Nick:  My thoughts exactly, although I'll be damned I've given it a try or two since he gave me the advice, and as much as it disgusts me to say, that has-been may have had a point.

HS:  So what was the advice?

Nick:  Well he suggested if I wanted to keep guys like Rage and Bo from trying to screw me out of the title, and to keep Christian, the locker room and all the fans who have all been doing everything in their power to screw me out of my gold, that I needed to change my interaction with all of them.

HS:  Yeah, just kick all of their asses.

Nick:  Well that's been my plan so far, and while I'm still the champ, it hasn't really helped the situation.  If anything it's only made it worse thanks to these bitter, sour losers.

HS:  So then what?

Nick:  Well to put it simply he said I should be... nicer.

Not another word is heard in response from Mark, but rather nothing but hysterical laughter is heard coming from the other end of the phone.  As this is going on, Nick comes to the end of the jetway and walks out through the gate into the terminal, where he can see Diana and the entire entourage already there waiting for him.  He nods in their direction to acknowledge them, but first stops to finish his conversation with Mark.  As Mark can still be heard hysterically laughing, Nick now looks annoyed as he glares at the phone.  As Mark finally starts to quiet down, Nick quickly responds with a clear attitude.

Nick:  And what exactly is so damn funny about that?

HS:  Come on yank, who do you think you're kidding?  I've known you for a long time now, and we get along just fine now, but come on.  Don't get me wrong, it's actually not the worst advice considering the idiot who gave it to you, but it's not advice you can exactly be taking.

Nick:   And why not?

HS:  Because being nice is something well... you're not entirely capable of.

Nick:  Oh, like you're one to talk.

HS:  Hey, I was once the most popular man in this industry.

Nick:  Exactly, so if your arrogant, obnoxious ass can fool people into thinking you're a nice guy, why can't I do the same?

HS:  Because while you may be right about me, the one thing you're forgetting is that I'm a fantastic bullshit artist, where you can't even be bothered putting in the effort to do any lying or acting in order to make others happy.

Nick:  I've never had a good enough reason to.  You know what, I still don't.  This whole thing is a load of crap.  I don't need to be nice to anyone, I'm the champ damn it and whether or not anyone likes it, that's too damn bad because that's not changing.  Screw them and screw you!

With that, Nick angrily hangs up the phone as Mark can be heard laughing again before it is cut off.  Nick then storms off towards his entourage who are waiting off to the side for Nick.  As he approaches them, Nick gives a quick kiss to Diana before taking her by the hand and starting to lead them off to grab his baggage.  As they walk, the group then starts to talk about the scenario that's unfolded over the past few days.

Diana:  So how was the convention?

Nick:  It was alright, but I couldn't stop feeling guilty the entire time.

Diana:  What?  Why's that?

Nick:  Because I would have so much rather been with you and your family for your mother's birthday.

Diana:  Aw!  That's so sweet!

After that last comment, Nick smiles widely at Diana before turning his head and mumbling quietly to himself.

Nick:  And Mark thinks I can't bullshit.

Diana:  What was that?

Nick:  Um... nothing.  Just wondering what baggage carousel we have to go to.

Diana:  Oh ok.

The group of them hop onto an escalator to go down a level to where the baggage claim is.  After a quick check of the monitors, they then go after to the carousel where they will be retrieving their bags and begin to wait for them, at which point the conversation continues.

Big B:  So what happened with this flight thing anyway?

Tony:  Yeah, dat was a freakin' mess, boss.

Nick:  This airline is full of idiots.  I was told I had been bumped to a later flight and given a new boarding pass.  But these idiots ended up switching me from a flight to LA to one to the freakin' Congo!  When they checked the system they gave me some load of crap excuse about how it appeared somebody had hacked into their system and changed their flight info, but I don't buy it.  They're just trying to cover their asses and admit they're not an incompetent bunch of morons.

Big B:  Wow, that's so weird!  My buddy Despa...

Big B looks at Nick, and realizes his displeasure with the name he's about to say, so quickly stops himself.

Big B:  Um, this buddy of mine was just telling me how he was playing this game online the other day where he got to play with flights and stuff, and sent someone to the Congo.  What a coincidence, right?

Nick glares at Big B upon hearing this, as everything has finally come together.

Nick:  He did what?!?  You mean that little lunatic is the one who's to blame for this crap?  I swear I'm going to take that little stuffed bear of his and shove it...

Nick sees Big B starting to get upset and given their prior issues over Nick's disdain for Despayre, he decides it's for the best to stop right there.

Nick:  Anyway, so the point is that I had to hang around out there for a while until they could finally get me back onto a flight for LA.  So pretty much the past three days have been a complete waste for me.

Tony:  Man, dat really sucks, boss.

Big B:  Yeah, but it must have been really cool to see all of those apes!

With that comment made, everyone else in the group simply turns and stares at Big B blankly.  After a few moments of silence, Nick finally speaks up.

Nick:  What the hell are you talking about?

Big B:  Oh right, they were actually gorillas.  Sorry.

Nick:  Again I ask... what the hell are you talking about?

Big B:  Didn't you see them?  They must have been really scary, but at least they didn't hurt you.  Those things were killing people.

Jimmy:  B, baby... you need to explain, because we have no idea what you're going on about.

Big B:  Haven't you guys ever seen that movie?  The Congo is totally filled with killer gorillas.  It's crazy!

The only response heard can be sighs of disgust as Big B seems only to be confused and oblivious to what their issues all are.

Big B:  So you didn't see them?

Not wanting this conversation to go on any longer, Nick decides to take it a different route as opposed to actually explain the major issues with Big B's questions.

Nick:  No, don't you remember?  They were all killed volcano.

Big B:  Oh yeah, I forgot.  Never mind then.

Nick smiles as his answer accomplished what he was hoping for, and while everyone seems pleased by the end of that conversation, they all can't help but shake their heads in disappointment that it ever even happened to begin with.  However, the silence is quickly broken with another question from the champ's cousin.

Big B:  So what did you bring us back?

Nick:  From Miami?  Trust me, there's nothing there that you wanted.

Big B:  No silly, from the Congo.

The rest of the group looks at each other in shock once again and this time the silence is only broken by Tony smacking Big B upside the head.  B rubs his head before looking at Tony rather confused by what just happened.

Tony: You's seriously needs to shutup now, a'ight?

Big B:  I guess so.

Big B lowers his head in disappointment.  At this point, the baggage carousel starts moving as bags start dropping down onto it.  Nick turns back around towards it to watch out for his baggage, but as he turns back he sees he's getting nothing but cold stares coming from Diana.  Nick, seeming to be completely confused by this, immediately addresses it.

Nick:  What's wrong honey?

Diana:  Oh, I don't know.  You spend all of this time talking about your stupid flight to the Congo and yet you never even asked me how my weekend went.

Nick:  I'm sorry honey, how was the trip home for your mom's birthday?

Diana:  It was great, thanks for asking.  The greatest was when we were actually having my mom's party, and the gift my sister got her, oh my god, you would not believe it...

At this point, Diana continues to ramble on at an unbelievable pace, going on about her mother's party, the gift that her sister gave and plenty more that clearly none of the men in the group are listening to.  As she goes on, not even paying attention to any of them, Nick starts to shoot looks of disbelief to all of B, Tony, Jimmy and Max, and mostly gets the same looks in return, while Diana continues to speak faster and faster.  After a few more moments, Nick is standing there simply shaking his head while some of the other guys have to work to contain their laughter at Nick's reaction.  As Diana's pace eventually starts to slow, it becomes clear that she is finally starting to wrap up her story at which point Nick and all of the other men quickly change their reaction in order to seem as though they have been listening all along.

Diana:  ... isn't that great?

Nick:  Oh yeah, great stuff.

Diana:  I know, right?  I don't even know what I would have done in that situation.  What about you?

Nick:  What I would have done?

Nick starts to stutter and stumble over his words as he clearly has no clue what Diana is even talking about.

Nick:  Well, um... uh...

Nick seems concerned for a moment, but then suddenly gets very happy as he finds a saving grace to quickly change the topic of conversation.

Nick:  Oh look, my bag!

Luckily enough, Nick's baggage was just going by on the carousel at that moment, and he quickly turns his back to Diana to grab it off.  He then pulls out the handle and quickly tosses his carry-on bag over his shoulder.

Nick:  Alright guys, let's go.

Nick quickly moves away from the group, avoiding any follow-up from Diana on the prior topic and the members of the entourage each start to follow him, with Diana and Tony the last two to follow.  At that point, Diana turns to Tony and asks him.

Diana:  What about you?  What would you have done?

Tony hesitates for a moment before rather nonchalantly responding.

Tony:  I dunno, I ain't even freakin' listen' to ya.

Diana looks rather shocked by Tony's response as Tony keeps on walking, leaving her a step behind before she eventually rushes to catch and goes right past him to get right next to Nick.  Nick looks nervous about the continued conversation but lucky for him, it moves on to a different topic.

Diana:  I have to be honest with you, this weekend was such a great time.

Nick:  Glad to hear it.

Diana:  And it got me thinking.

Nick:  About what?

Diana:  It's so great to see family and well...

Nick stops in his tracks, causing Diana and the rest of the entourage to immediately halt as well as he shoots a dirty look in her direction.

Nick:  Just stop right there.  I know what you're thinking, and I don't even want to discuss this with you.

Diana:  But...

Nick:  Don't even start, Diana!

Diana:  You've been putting this off for a long time and quite frankly, enough is enough.  You know I'm not going to give up on this until you finally concede, so you might as well get it over with.

Nick lets out a sigh, knowing she's clearly right about her last point.

Nick:  Fine... we'll do it.

Nick then turns and walks off without another word as Diana seems very excited as she follows off right after him.

Diana:  Yay!  I'm so excited!

Nick:  Oh yeah, I can't freakin' wait.

Nick rolls his eyes as the entire entourage follows along as he heads on his way out to the parking garage as the scene fades out.

<hr width=50%>

One day later...

The scene opens up outside of nice, moderate sized housed somewhere in a rural town just outside of Los Angeles.  Just a moment later, a car pulls up right in front of the house and as the car turns off and the doors open out step the familiar face of SCW Champion Nick Jones and his lovely lady Diana Roberts.  Diana waits as Nick walks around the car and then takes him by the arm as the two walk up the pathway to the front door.  As they step up to the door, Nick goes to ring the doorbell but stops himself just short and turns to Diana.

Nick:  I can't believe you are making me do this.

Diana:  Oh stop.  I don't know what your problem is sometimes.  This is going to be great.

Nick lets out a sigh, making it clear he doesn't quite agree with Diana's assessment.

Nick:  If you say so.

With that, Nick proceeds to raise his hand back up and ring the doorbell.  A couple of seconds later, shuffling around can be heard from inside of the home until the sound of door unlocking can be heard.  The door then opens up and standing inside of it is a small, older woman.  After a quick look at her two guests, the woman starts to glow with excitement as a smile comes across his face.

Woman:  My baby!!

The woman than runs out onto the front steps and wraps her arms tightly around Nick, who looks rather uncomfortable with the whole thing, as he mumbles to the woman hugging him with a rather displeased tone.

Nick:  Yeah, um... hey mom.

Nick's mother than releases him and turns his attention over to Diana.

Nick's Mom:  Oh, Diana honey, you look so lovely!

Diana:  Oh thank you, so do you!  It's so great to see you, Betty!

Diana and Nick's mother, Betty, quickly embrace before she takes them both by the hand and leads them inside.  Betty closes the door behind Diana and Nick before calling into the living room, where the back of a man's head can be seen, as he sits on the couch watching television.

Betty:  Nicholas, get out here!  We have guests!

A loud grunt is heard out of the man, who can only assumed to be Nick's father pulls himself out from his seat on the couch.  He then comes around the couch and walks out into the entry foyer, where he says Nick and Diana waiting, at which point a big smile across his face.

Nicholas:  JUNIOR!!!

Nick:  I've told you a million times before, don't call me that.

Nicholas:  Why not?  It's your name.

Nick:  No it's not.  You and I do not have the same middle name, therefore I am not a "junior".  Got it?

Diana:  Well I would imagine you'd rather have his middle name rather than...

Nick shoots a dirty look at Diana and she stop talking and simply smiles in return.  After a moment, she turns back towards Nick's father, Nicholas, who has now turned to her.

Nicholas:  Diana honey, it's so great to see you.  Looking as good as ever.

Nicholas pats Nick on the back before walking past him and over to Diana, with who he embraces in a hug.

Diana:  Thanks, it's always great to see you too, Nicholas.

Nicholas:  Diana, honey, I've told you... call me dad.

Diana:  I appreciate that, but it just doesn't seem right.

Betty:  Well why not, sweetie?  Don't you see us like parents?

Diana:  Well sort of, but you're not exactly in-laws.  After all, me and your son aren't even engaged yet, never mind married.

Betty:  I understand your point.

Betty then immediately turns to Nick with her hands on her hips, giving him a stern look and speaking in a much more serious tone.

Betty:  And why exactly is that again?

Nick doesn't respond but instead turns his attention to Diana.

Nick:  You really had to go there?

Diana shrugs her shoulders as she seems to rather sincerely apologize.

Diana:  Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.

Nick then shakes his head at Diana before he turns back to his mother.

Nick:  Listen ma, it's complicated.  In this business, you have a hectic life and it's tough to settle down, but me and Dee here are happy, and isn't that what really matters.

Betty seems to relax as she puts her arms back down to her sides as she thinks that over for a moment until a smile finally crosses her face.

Betty:  Well I suppose you have a point there.  Although don't wait too long, I'd like to see a grandchild before I'm dead you know!

After that comment, Betty turns and walks off towards the kitchen, clearly expecting everyone else to follow along.  Before they do, Nick's father quickly leans in towards Diana and Nick.

Nicholas:  Don't listen to your mother.  Trust me, I understand.  If I could go back in time, I certainly wouldn't have gotten married and had a kid as young as I did.  You've got to live your life!

Nicholas turns and walks off behind his wife as Nick stands there nodding along in acknowledgment with his father's comments.  That is, until a moment later when he suddenly realizes the implications of what his father has said.

Nick:  Hey, wait one damn second!

Nick quickly chases after his father into the kitchen as Diana watches and laughs for a few seconds before following along.  As they all enter, Nicholas is the first to sit down at the kitchen table as Betty is seen getting together some food.  Nick quickly sits down right next to his father, glaring at him as he follows up on those last comments, while Diana goes to help his mother.

Nick:  What do you mean with that no wife and kid crap?!

Nicholas quickly puts his finger up to his lips, shushing his son before pointing over to Betty.  He then responds in an extra loud tone, clearly intended to make sure his wife hears.


Nicholas then shakes his head at his son and makes as if he's going to slap Nick upside the head, but stops before he does so, only making the point.  It's just a moment later that Diana joins them at the table, quickly followed by Betty who sits down with a basket filled with some various snack foods and pitcher of iced tea.  Nicholas starts to pour the iced tea in the glasses already placed on the table before them as the conversation takes a new start.

Betty:  So Nicky, why don't you tell us how things are going in that Cincinnati Wrestling thing you're doing?

Nick:  Ma, it's SIN CITY Wrestling.

Betty:  Oh right, what's the difference really though?

Nick doesn't even respond to that, just looking over at his father who is chuckling to himself.

Nick:  Well like I explained to you guys the last time I saw you, I'm the SCW Heavyweight Champion.

Betty:  Oh wow.  So you're the world champion?

Diana:  World champion?  Oh, no no no.

While Diana scoffs at the idea, she then turns and puts on a big fake smile towards Nick who just glares at her.

Betty:  Well what does she mean Nicky?  I thought you were a world title winner.

Nick:  Well I was back in GXW, but technically SCW is a local promotion so there isn't any technical "world" champion.  But I'm still the top champion in our company.

Diana:  Although technically he COULD compete for a world title in the main promotion that SCW is a part of, but he hasn't been able to earn that shot.

Betty:  Oh, that's ok dear, you know you're still number one to me.

Betty pats Nick across the back as he looks simply disgusted with the situation now, when his father suddenly starts to burst into laughter.  Nick quickly shoots a look of displeasure across the table at his father.

Nick:  Laugh it up, pop.  Why don't you tell me about all of the big time awards you won all of your years working in sales?

Nicholas:  I'm retired now, what do I give a shit?  Plus I always knew how damn good I was, I didn't need to worry about proving it to anyone else.  Not my fault if those dumbasses were too stupid to see it.

Nick shrugs in an understanding manner, as Betty turns towards Diana.

Betty:  Now you know where little Nicky here gets it from.

Diana:  Oh trust me, I put that one together a long time ago.

Nicholas:  Damn right.  And let's be honest, if we weren't as good as we both think we are, neither of us would have landed a couple of hot pieces of ass like you two.  I am right or what?

Nicholas uses his elbow to nudge his son, as Nick has now just put his hands down into his face with no response given at all, while both Diana and Betty give slight giggles in response.

Betty:  Well you know, sometimes you have to settle a little bit when you look like this.

At that moment, Betty gets up and turns slightly so her back is to the rest of the table, before smacking herself on the butt.  At this point, all of Diana, Betty and Nicholas are laughing loudly as Nick has now sunk his face down into his arm, staring down at the table.

Nicholas:  Oh come on son, get over it already.  I figured you should be used to it by now after all those years when you were a kid of having the hot mom all of the little boys wanted to stare at.

Nick raises his head up just a bit and looks to his father.

Nick:  Will you stop already?

Nicholas:  What?  You don't really think the local kids liked you THAT much do you?

Nick:  You think I give a crap?  I just want you to stop talking about the supposed hotness of my mother, and you...

Nick turns and points to his mother.

Nick:  No showing off your ass, and you...

Nick points to Diana who looks back at him innocently.

Nick:  I don't know... just... stop instigating.

Everyone seems to calm down a bit and Nick sits up in his seat, and they all start to silently snack and drink their iced tea for a minute before the conversation kicks back up.

Nicholas:  So you were telling us about SCW?

Nick:  Right.  So like I said, I'm the SCW Champion and that of course means, there's been a lot of people coming after me.  Even one of the bosses have tried to screw me over, but you know what...

Nicholas:  You're a Jones, that's what!

Nick:  Damn right pops, so it hasn't made a difference.  I'm still the champ and that's not going to change any time soon.

Nicholas:  That's my boy... who's up next for you to beat?

Nick:  Some chump named Jordan Williams.

Nicholas seems to be kind of taken back by that response.

Nicholas:  No kidding?  I know that guy, he's not too shabby.  Isn't he an old friend of that limey friend of yours?

Nick:  Yeah, him and Mark used to tag up back in the days.

Betty:  Mark?  Who's that again?  Is he your little friend who brought you back to play in their little company?

Nick:  He's the co-owner of SCW.

Betty:  Right, that's what I said.  That's the same person as that "Handsome Fellah" wrestler, right?

Nick:  It's "Hot Stuff", ma.

Betty:  Same difference.

Even Nick can't help but chuckle at that one, before continuing on the conversation.

Nicholas:  Well I'm sure you'll be fine.

Nick:  No doubt, he's not going to have Mark to tag out to when things get rough for him this time.

Diana:  Tell them the other part.

Nicholas:  What other part?

Nick:  Well, there's some extra stipulations to our match.

Nicholas:  Oh yeah, what are they?

Nick:  Well there's been a special guest enforcer and special guest ring announcer for the match.

Nicholas:  So what's the big deal about that?

Diana:  Ask him who they are.

Nicholas:  Ok... who are they?

Nick:  Rage and Bo Dreamwolf.

Betty:  Who?

Nicholas:  I'm with your mother on this one, I have no idea who they are.

Nick:  Ok, have you two EVER watched the show.  You do know it's broadcast in LA now, right?

Nicholas:  Well we would, but we have uh, prior commitments on that night.

Nick:  Oh really?  And what night would that be again.

Nicholas:  Well um... the night of your shows of course.

Nick:  Yeah, that's what I thought.

Diana:  Well to answer your question, they are two bitter little man who have recently got their butts whooped by your son.

Nicholas:  So wait a damn second, do you mean to tell me your company is putting you in a match against a guy with two more guys in there who are your enemies?

Nick:  That's about the size of it.

Nicholas:  Well enough is enough.  Betty, where'd you put that damn phone?  I have a phone call to make.

Betty:  It's right over there on the counter, honey.

Nick:  Phone?  Who the hell are you calling?

Nicholas:  I'm calling that damn boss of yours.  I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

Nicholas gets up and heads for his phone, but upon hearing his response Nick quickly darts up to his seat and runs over, getting in his father's way before he can get to the phone.

Nick:  What?!?  You are NOT calling my job.

Nicholas:  And why not?

Nick:  Because I'm not a damn 12 year old who got in trouble in school.  I can fight my own damn battles.

Nicholas:  Well apparently you're not doing such a good job at it if you're getting put into situations like this.

Nick:  Well I'm doing a good enough job that no matter how hard they try, I'm still the champ.

Nicholas ponders that for a moment before nodding along.

Nicholas:  Fair enough.  Show those little bastards what you're made of and let them regret the day they ever decided to screw with you.

Nick:  You don't have to worry about that, pops.

Nicholas:  I don't doubt you there, son.

And with that said, both Nick and Nicholas return to their seats at the table.

Nicholas:  So was that it for that business with your wrestling stuff?

Nick:  I think that about covers it.

Diana:  Well there is one other thing.

Nick:  There is?

Diana:  Yeah.  Come on, you have to tell your folks about this.

Nick:  I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

Diana:  You know, the outcome from your little chat with Billy James last week.

Nick:  Oh come on, don't start with that.

Diana:  What?  They'll appreciate it more than anyone!

Nick:  Just stop.

Betty:  I don't understand.  What is going on?

Diana:  Nick has another thing he's currently doing, but he doesn't want me to tell you about it.

Diana then hesitates for just a second before continuing.

Diana:  But I'm going to tell you anyway.

Nicholas:  Good choice.

Nick's parents both smile at the thought of getting some dirt as Nick just lets out a sigh of disgust.

Diana:  Ok, so last week Nick was at this wrestling convention...

Nick:  Can we skip this part?  I was there and even I'm tired of hearing about it.

Diana:  Ok fine, so to cut to the chase, after running into this wrestler he used to know he was given some advice, and he totally made fun of it at first, but now he's starting to realize it works.

Nicholas:  Well what was it?

Diana quickly turns to Nick and directs her next comment to him.

Diana:  Do you want to tell them or should I?

Nick:  As far as I'm concerned this conversation isn't even taking place.

Diana:  Fine, be that way.

Diana then turns back to both of Nick's parents.

Diana:  The advice was if he wanted to do better in his matches, find himself with more future opportunities, have more fans, and most of all, keep himself out of matches like the one has on Sunday, he should... are you ready for this?

Both of Nick's parents excitedly nod in assurance before Diana continues.

Diana:  ... BE NICER!!

The reaction of Nick's parents couldn't be more different, as Nicholas bursts into hysterical laughter while Betty seems only confused.  Betty then turns and looks to Nick, who seems less than pleased at the moment and pinches his cheeks.

Betty:  Nicer?  But my Nicky is such a sweetheart!

With that said, Nicholas stops his laughter and all three of them turn and look to her as if she is insane, even including Nick.  Upon seeing that look from Nick, she gives a scowl in return.

Betty:  You know, maybe that other boy is right.  You could be a little nicer you know.

That comment quickly sparks the laughter in Nicholas back up as Nick just shakes his head and Diana smiles widely.  After a few moments it finally starts to quiet down a little bit.  After a moment of silence, Nick's mother is quick to pop back up with the conversation Nick dreads most.

Betty:  So if you're going to be nicer there's an easy way to start down that road.  Which brings us back to the question, when are you two love birds tying the knot, huh?

Nick doesn't say a word, but just slams his head down against the table and grunts as Diana nervously laughs in response as the scene fades.

<hr width=50%>

Earlier today...

The scene opens up in the backstage area of the Earl Wilson Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Standing by is GCW Report Ms. Rocky Mountains, with a microphone in her hand.

RM:  Hi everyone, I'm standing by backstage with one of the men who will be headlining this weekend's amazing supercard lineup for Into the Void, the SCW Heavyweight Champion himself, Nick Jones.

The camera then pans out to show Nick, dressed in his ring gear, with his heavyweight title laying over his shoulder.  Nick steps up to the microphone and begins to speak.

Nick:  Thanks so much for having me Madame Giant Knockers.

RM: It's Ms. Rocky Mountains.

Nick:  Ah, close enough.

Nick then stops and thinks for a moment, and then mumbles to himself.

Nick:  Damnit, I sounded like my mother there.

RM:  What was that?

Nick quickly snaps out of it and returns his attention to Ms. Rocky Mountains.

Nick:  Um, nothing... so what was your first question?

RM:  Well in just a couple of days, you will face arguably your toughest challenge yet, as you step into the ring one on one with a very accomplished wrestler, a former World champion in his own right, Jordan "PS" Williams.  What are your thoughts on that?

Nick:  My thoughts?  My thoughts are that it seems the PS appropriately stands for "post script", because that has beens career is long since over.  The only thing he's got going for him is despite you trying to sell it as such, this is in no way a one on one matchup.  You know that, Jordan knows that, and everyone watching at home knows that.  But you know what?  It's not going to make one bit of difference.

RM:  Well how do you feel your past relationships with Bo and Rage will affect this match?

Nick:  As much as Christian hopes it will, it won't at all.  Rage's all will be firmly planted outside, and I've got my boys around to make sure it stays that way.  As for Bo, well there's only so much he can really do.  When I go into that ring, and play by every rule in the book and beat Jordan fair and square in that ring, what is he going to do?  Even if he refuses to count to three, I'll just make Jordan tap out right in the center of that and there's not a whole Bo will be able to do about that.  Try as they might, this is just one more failed attempt to dethrone the champion.

RM:  What do you say to those who say that this match is not designed to stack the odds against you, but rather keep your entourage, most of all Big B and Tony, from getting involved and giving you an undeserved victory?

Nick:  I think it's a whole lot of nonsense.  How many times have we seen my boys and Diana get banned from ringside during my matches?  It's happened again and again.  It's funny, I don't see anyone else having their girlfriends, managers or bodyguards getting constantly tossed out of the arena, but it keeps happening to me.  Yet you know what?  I still keep on winning, don't I?

Nick waits for a moment silently until he starts to look annoyed.

Nick:  Well?  Don't I?!

Ms. Rocky Mountains is taken back, seemingly thinking it was a rhetorical quesiton and not playing to respond.

RM:  Oh um... yes.

Nick, upon seeing her reaction takes a deep breath and calms his speech.

Nick:  Thank you for that, I just wanted an outsidersp oint of view.

RM:  Oh... you're welcome.

Nick smiles at the thought of how things just worked out before continuing.

Nick:  So the point is, I've shown time and again I don't need their help to win, so it's been made pretty clear by Christian Underwood and his group of buddies, that making a fair match isn't enough.  I mean hell, if that's all they were really worried about, they would have just done more of the same and banned them from ringside.  But they didn't.  Instead they picked two guys who want to see me lose more than anything and since they already know damn well it will never happen to them, they'll do the next best thing and try to be a part of it.  Well too bad for them, it's just going to be another unofficial tick in that loss column they have in their tiny little brains that they have filled up ten times over.  Because I promise you Madame Knockers, when that night is over, this title belt will still be resting right here where it belongs.

Nick places his hand over the belt resting on his shoulder with a big smile on his face.

RM:  One last question for you Nick.  As we all know, you and SCW Co-Owner "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward are close friends, and Mark is also long time friends with your opponent, Jordan.  How do you feel about this situation and furthermore, how do you think Mark feels?

Nick:  I'm sure Mark couldn't care less.  He's not wrestling in this match, so all he has to do is sit back and watch.  He's not a stupid man, he already knows what the outcome will be just like me, so what's there to stress about?  Let's not forget, Mark is the one who had to carry Jordan's dead weight for years and years, so nobody knows better than him how this will all play out.  As far as me, for the most part it's no different than any other match.  I know I'm the better man and by the night's end I'll make sure I've proven the same to everyone else who thought otherwise.  The only thing that makes this one a little different is due to our common friendships with Mark, there's a lot of people who have felt the need to compare us over the years.  I'm sorry, but that does not work for me.  So finally, enough is enough.  All of the talking comes to an end, and there's no reason to compare and contrast.  All you need is to have two men step into the ring, and only one is walking out as the champ.  The truth is Jordan isn't too good for anything, and you'll all see that for yourselves soon enough.  I know I'm going to prove that, without any doubt, because I'm not cocky... I'm just the best.

Nick looks as though he's about to push the microphone away from him, but stops himself and instead waits, looking over to Ms. Rocky Mountains with a smile.

RM:  Thank you so much for you time, Nick.

Nick:  It was a pleasure.

RM:  Best of luck in your match on Sunday.

Nick:  Thank you.

And with that, Nick turns and walks out of the scene as Ms. Rocky Mountain is left behind smiling before the scene fades out to black.