Author Topic: Final Sin Part 3/Finale: New Beginnings  (Read 627 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
Final Sin Part 3/Finale: New Beginnings
« on: December 09, 2020, 10:01:45 PM »
A few weeks ago, inside the home of Keira and Roxi. Keira is seen entering the trophy room. She had in her hands, a replica of her newly won SCW World Bombshell Championship. As she slowly walks towards the replicas of the championships they've held over the years, Keira continues to smile. She sits her title on the top that is right beside Roxi's replica, now looking like it was twins. She smiles again, saying

Keira: I still can't believe it. It's real. You're real. After all these years. I finally made it...

Keira lowers her head, shedding a tear

Keira: World Bombshell.... Champion...

Roxi slowly enters the room, still a little banged up from her match and places a hand on Keira's shoulder.

Roxi: I knew you could do it.

Keira: It took me forever to get there. But you're right. I did it

Roxi: I know, I'm proud of you for not giving up.

Keira: Thank you. After all the hell I went through in my life...all of the blood, sweat and tears. Everything we went through....

Roxi: It was all worth it. Wouldn't trade it in for anything.

Keira: You're right about that

Roxi: Well? You just won the Bombshell's championship... what are you going to do next?

Keira turns to Roxi and smiles. She pulls Roxi in close and deep kisses her like mad. She breaks the kiss, saying.

Keira: I'm gonna hold it. To show them I'm not in your shadow. Never been. But for tonight...

Keira kisses Roxi again

Keira: I've earned the right to celebrate

Roxi: You have.

Keira: So, you go heal up real quick. I'll let you choose what we do. If I choose, you know the answer I'll go for

Roxi: It's gonna take a while for me to heal...

Keira: Perfect. Gives me a chance to get ready

Roxi: Ready for what?

Keira: A night out. Anything you want to do.

Roxi: No Keira... I need to take it easy for a couple of days... That took a lot out of me.

Keira: Good point. But promise me. A night out.

Roxi: Okay.

Keira kisses Roxi on the lips, letting Roxi go and rest. As Keira was alone, she looks at her communicator and patches in

Keira: Talk to me, V. I know you're awake.

Vision: I am. If you're looking for any crime to stop, it's quiet tonight. Actually, been quiet ever since you and Roxi stopped Sin

Keira: I figured. But that's not what I'm calling for.

Keira takes a deep breath

Keira: How's Jenny?

Vision: She's... stable.

Keira: Thank you God...

Keira takes a deep breath

Keira: Stable enough for visitors?

Vision: I guess, but it's going to take a long time for her to get back to... somewhat normal. I mean, she did lose an eye.

Keira: I know. Hence why I wanna talk to her

Vision: I don't know if she's readily available to talk to, but you can try.

Keira: Right. On the way

Keira turns her communicator off and sighs. She then transmits to the GUILD hospital ward. She begins to walk towards the room that Jenny was in. She peeks inside and sees Jenny laying there, actually watching TV as she enters

Keira: Hey...

Jenny: Hey.

Keira: I'd ask how are you feeling. But I already know that answer tenfold

Jenny: No shit.

Keira: Sorry. Wrong choice of words.

Jenny: Just cut to the chase and tell me why you're here?

Keira: I can't come and see you? I can't check up on you? Considering it was my fault for you being in here?

Jenny: I... I guess... I don't know why you'd want to.

Keira gets closer to Jenny. She sees that Jenny's left eye was now covered in a eye patch

Keira: Fuck. I'm so sorry, Jenny. It's my fault. I told you that this wasn't your fight.

Keira presses her hand on Jenny's cheek.

Keira: I wouldn't blame you if you're mad at me

Jenny: I did what I had to do. Sin affected my life just as much as yours. I have no regrets and I'd do it again.

Keira's And then what? Lose your other eye!?

Keira closes her mouth quickly. But then says

Keira: Sorry.

Jenny: If it meant that monster was gone, yes. And now... she is, and so I am fine with this. I can pay for a glass eye or something.

Keira: No. I can get the too guys in GUILD to make you a synthetic eye. One where you can legit see out of if possible with a few other gadgets

Jenny: Really?

Keira: Yea. They were the ones who extracted Sin from me and gave me a sash to control my powers. Then I put Sin back in me. Horrible idea. But that's the past. You put money into helping the GUILD for years. Only fair they pay you back

Jenny: Fine... I... Thanks.

Keira: Unless you go around looking like a pirate

Jenny: You don't get to joke, Fisher.

Keira: No. You're right.

Keira then goes over and pulls out the tablet that GUILD provided and goes to the SCW website. She then hands it to Jenny

Keira: For once in my life, I get to gloat.

Jenny: What's this?

Keira: Look. Why spoil it?

Jenny watches

Jenny: You?

Keira: Yep

Jenny: Wow... uh... congrats.

Keira: Thanks. I'll spare you the ego. No need for that

Jenny: Thank you.

Keira looks at Jenny and smiles a little

Keira: Jenny, thank you for helping us. I'll never forgive myself for what happened to you. But I know you'll tell me over and over again that it was your choice.

Keira sits on the edge of the bed

Keira: Even then. I got you hurt. Even with a new, basically cybernetic eye, I will be reminded of that

Jenny: It was worth it. I told you before. Sin almost ruined my life.

Keira: What if she had took your life? I can't see life with you...

Keira chokes up and tries not to cry. Jenny places her hand on Keira's shoulder

Jenny: Some things are worth dying for. That was one. Look, I know I give you a hard time and we may not be the best of friends all the time... But I care about you, and I'm happy that you won. And that you won the title.

Keira: Thanks...Jen.

Jenny: You're welcome

Keira and Jenny look at each other for a moment, but then

Jenny: Skank

Keira: Bitch!

Jenny: Whore!

Keira: Cunt!

Keira then smiles as she hugs Jenny

Keira: Jen...

Jenny: What?

Keira: Thank you for being there for me. If I could find the same serum me and Roxi had. I would have used it on you a long time ago

Jenny: I know. But I chose this, Fisher. The new eye will be enough

Keira: Ok, then.

Keira smiles as she stands and heads to the door

Jenny: Hey, wait!

Keira stops and turns, letting Jenny say

Jenny: Don't worry about me for a few days. I'll be fine. Well, as fine can be. Go home to your wife and celebrate. You earned it, champ.

Keira: I will. I love you, Jen. I'll come visit in a few days

Keira nods as she transmits home. Jenny gives a little smirk, saying.

Jenny: I know you will. I love you too...Ke.

The scene fades on that

A couple of days later, Keira is seen coming over to Angelica and Keri's place as she holds a briefcase in her hand. She goes to the door and knocks on it, waiting patiently.

Angelica: Who is it?

Keira: Take a wild guess, Sis in Law!

Angelica goes to the door and opens it. She sees Keira with the briefcase as Keira smiles

Keira: Hey, Angelica.

Angelica: What brings you around here? Please don't tell me it's another monster.

Keira: Really? I can't come by, say hi anymore? Now it's gonna be, "Oh, Hi Keira. What kind of death did you bring by our doorstep?"

Angelica: I had a monster sucked out of me, Keira! Keri told me all about it. You haven't visited since.

Keira sighs at this, knowing she was right.

Keira: I know. May I please come in? No monsters this time.

Angelica: Fine.

Keira finally enters, briefcase in hand as she goes and sits on the couch. She waits to see if Keri will come out

Angelica: So, what's this about?

Keira: Well, I thought I would show some good news. Something I finally achieved after so damn long. But considering you reminded me about...what happened.

Keira looks at Angelica

Keira: It's my fault that you and Keri got in harm's way. I know you two may never forgive me cause of it. But know this. I still love you both. No matter what.

Keira lowers her head

Keira: But it doesn't change the fact you two got hurt cause of Sin. It's my fault and even with her gone. I have to live with it for the rest of my life. Like how it's my fault Jenny's in a hospital bed with only one eye.

Angelica: Jesus....

Keira: So if you want me to leave. Tell me now. I'll go

Angelica: No... regardless of what happened, you're family. Keri would never let me hear in the end of it if we cut you off.

Keri: You're right about that.

The two turn to see Keri coming from the kitchen and kiss Angelica on the lips.

Keri: Causing trouble, babe?

Angelica: No, just... your sister showed up.

Keri: And? She's here. She's our guest. Despite all that's happened.

Keri grabs hold of Angelica's shoulders

Angelica: I know... Just the last time she showed up...

Keri: It's over. The monsters are gone.

Keri turns to look at Keira

Keri: Right, Keira?

Keira: Yes. You both are safe now. Sin and her Deadly Sins are gone for good

Keri: Good. I believe you, Sis.

Angelica: I'm sorry, it's just... after all that's happened, I don't know what to think anymore.

Keira: This is one of the reasons why Roxi isn't with me right now.

Keri: Would that explain the suitcase?

Keira: No, that's for later. But this is something we have to talk about. Sister to Sister and Sister in Law

Keri: Oh?

Keira takes a deep breath

Keira: You have questions still, Keri. So do you, Angelica. I want this to be a new beginning. Not just for me, but for all of us. So ask away.

Angelica: I don't even know where to begin

Keira: Just pick anywhere. I owe you answers

Angelica: I guess... what was all that? Why did those monsters show up? Why did it look like you?

Keira: You want the long or the short version?

Angelica: You said answers. Is there a long version? or a short version?

Keira: A novel is your long version. Basically, I was possessed by a demon called Sin 15 years ago, after mine and Keri's parents died by two robbers

Keri: I remember the robbers from what my foster parents told me. But I also heard those same robbers died in a fire.

Keira: They Sin's hands.

Angelica: Who? What? What is Sin? Sin is-- was you? That thing that looked like you?

Keira: Sin was me. I was Sin. A demon that controlled my body after I had lost it all.

Angelica: Wait, all this time? How... So all this time you were just Sin? Sin was trying to get in my head and my sister in-law was in trouble?

Keira: Yes, to a degree. Roxi had helped me come back many times. One of those times, it gave me powers.

Keri: That explains the Superhero thing!

Keira: Blame a guy named Cyrus for taking Roxi away, it unleashed Sin cause of that

Keira sighs a bit

Keira: For years after, she would try. But I would try to keep her dormant. This time however, cause of all that's happened this year, she grew stronger. I had no choice but to extract her. She got free, in her own body. You already know the rest.

Angelica: Holy crap

Keri: That actually explains alot

Keira: Now you know the truth about Sin and it's story. Anything else?

Angelica: I don't even know what else there could be. What the hell else could you be hiding from us?!

Keri: The Superhero one?

Keira: You know how I got my powers already. But Roxi has been one before I came it. After I got mine, I wanted to do good. So I became Lady Kat.

Angelica: Oh

Keira: But as I got stronger, so did Sin too. I know I said this year, she got stronger. I meant that. But over the years as well. This year was the peak.

Angelica: Wow...

Keira then stands up and looks outside. She had to make sure no one was watching or got suspicious of any noise. She then goes back and screams, transforming into her Super Human Blue form

Keira: This is for now the highest form I have achieved. There's another one above it. But even when I got it mastered, I can't tap into it anytime I wish.

Keira then powers down

Keira: Anything else you want to ask me? Cause I know you got a few questions for Roxi to ask when it's time

Angelica: Time? Time for what?

Keira: A small family dinner, if you want soon

Angelica: Oh... sure

Keira smiles as she sits back down. Angelica sees the briefcase and is reminded about it

Angelica: So... yeah, this briefcase

Keira: Oh yea! Open it

Angelica: Okay...

Angelica opens the briefcase and unveils the World Bombshell Championship inside of it

Keira: Surprise....

Angelica: Wow... that's... that's awesome.

Keira: It took me Five years. But I can finally call myself World Bombshell Champion.

Keri smiles as she places her hand on the plate of the Championship.

Keri: Wow...Good job, Sis!

Keira: Thank you. I keep saying this. I still can't believe this is real. Having this, feels like a new beginning for me

Angelica: We're proud of you.

Keri: Very proud of you, Sis. I mean it. Group Hug!

Angelica: Group hug!

Keira: ....Ok. Group Hug.

The three get close and get a big hug going

Angelica: Love you, Ke

Keira: I love you both. Never forget that. Let this be a new beginning for all of us

Keira looks at them

Keira: Ok?

Keri: Ok. You're right. A whole new beginning!

Angelica: A new beginning

Keira smiles as the scene fades

One Week later, Keira was seen dressing up in a fancy dress and getting ready for a special date night. This was going to be her last night of celebrating before she had to get back to work and find out what SCW had in store for her now that she is champion. As she turns, she sees Roxi dressed up as well

Keira: Well, nice to meet you, stranger. You look super hot. Don't tell my wife

Keira giggles a bit as she gets a playful slap to her shoulder by Roxi

Roxi: Very funny.

Keira: So, you ready to go? I'm surprised you're still letting me celebrate

Roxi: I want you to enjoy this, considering how hard you worked. You have a week off at least, to let it sink in, and then you've got to get right back to work

Keira: I know. I don't know what the bosses will throw at me now. But whoever it is. I'll be ready.

Keira then kisses Roxi's lips

Roxi: I'm sure you will.

Keira: Now. Where are we going?

Roxi: Wherever you want.

Keira: I know. But I thought you choose the main place to eat and...I choose the place for fun

Roxi: I think it's the champ's choice, isn't it?

Keira: Since it's my choice. We get a hotel room, get some leather--

Roxi: Knock it off.

Keira: It was my choice dear. Next time, add detail to my choice. But, since it is my choice. How about the place we went to on our first date? The little pizzeria we loved so much

Roxi: Sure.

Keira smiles as she holds Roxi close

Keira: After everything that has happened. It would be good to have a fresh start

Keira looks at Roxi and smiles again. After all they went through in the last few months, Keira was actually able to smile for the first time in a few years without showing emotional pain

Roxi: I know. You earned it. I'm proud of you.

Keira smiles a bit. As she goes to kiss Roxi, both of them get a notification on their phones. Keira does a soft sigh as she says

Keira: Sounds like it's time to go back to work already

Keira goes to her phone and looks into it. As she noticed, it was a alert from SCW. As Keira and Roxi read from their phones, Keira notices that they announced her first challenger. As Keira sits her phone down, she notices Roxi doing the same. As Roxi does, Keira throws a hard right at Roxi, which Roxi already blocks. Keira smirks a bit, saying

Keira: Hello....Challenger.

Roxi: I figured it would come to this.

Keira: Yea. First defense coming soon and it's you

Keira lowers her fist as she continues

Keira: I have to address the SCW faithful this week.

Keira then looks at Roxi

Keira: While talk and me.

Roxi: That's fine.

Keira just looks at Roxi, the tension was building in the room. Keira then says

Keira: This got awkward... didn't it?

Roxi: It's only as awkward as you make it. It's not like we haven't wrestled before.

Keira: Never said that. But this time is different.

Keira turns and points at her own World Title laying on the bed

Keira: I'm the one you must beat to become Champion again. You know I'm not going to make it easy for you. Especially this time, it's Round 3

Keira then gets back to Roxi

Roxi: I would never have expected you to.

Keira: Too bad we can't go all out like we want to.

Keira smirks again as she says

Keira: But again, doesn't mean I'll hold back. I won't. No offense love. But I'm not ready to give it up

Roxi: I didn't think you were. You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to do what I have to do, and you will do what you have to do.

Keira: But that's in a week before I address them. Tonight, we date...Mrs. Johnson

Keira smiles again as she wraps a arm around Roxi

Roxi: Well then... let's eat

Keira: Lead the way, baby

Keira and Roxi exit out of the room to go out for Keira's last night of celebrating, knowing that the hard part was coming

The scene opens up the day after Climax Control as Keira is seen training hard. She is getting ready for her match with Roxi as she wanted to make sure she will keep her title. As she does a drop kick, she lands hard and then lays there. She breathes heavily, taking a break, not noticing someone coming in

Keira: Roxi, whatever it is. It can wait til I'm done training

Jenny: Wrong woman.

Keira sits up and sees Jenny Tuck, standing outside the ring, still bandaged up, but not by much, wearing her eye patch as Keira smiles

Keira: When did you get out?

Jenny: Yesterday.

Keira: Damn. I should have came by and got your stuff. I've been training for about a week now

Jenny: I know. I may only have one eye, but I can see perfectly

Keira: Surprised. I guess you heard

Jenny: Word travels fast around here.

Keira: Sorry. I worked too damn hard to let this slip through my fingers so easily. I love her, Jenny. But I'm on top of the mountain now. Not her.

Keira slowly stands up, using the ropes to help herself up

Jenny: I know what you're thinking, and I think you're going to try too hard

Keira: Like I always do?

Jenny: I know you, Keira. And I know how you think. Better than she does. And I know what that title means to you and so does she.

Jenny slowly moves forward

Jenny: You want to believe that if you don't beat her, that all your hard work goes away and you lose everything and you're right back at square one. You worked hard for that title, and you're going to go to the ends of the earth to win because you feel like you need it.

Keira: Back to being her shadow...

Jenny: And you spent all that time telling people that you weren't her shadow, and then you proved it, by winning the title. And now what? You're there. And if you lose, you'll be right where you are now. I know I can't convince you that anything else is fine, but I just wanted to make sure you understand that this match, while it's important, isn't the end.

Keira: I know that.

Jenny: Do you? I know you Keira. I know why you're working so hard. It's not only to feel like a worthy champion, but it's because you don't believe your own words. I watched those promos while I was recovering. You tried to convince yourself about the shadow thing. And even though you are the champion, you still feel like you need to prove yourself to her.

Keira: Yea and I had a few people still talk as well. Sure, more have been silenced. But you don't think people still talk about it? I'm not Roxi. I'm never going to be her. I am not her shadow. I'm her equal! I have to work twice, no, three times as hard than her to prove it!

Keira sighs

Keira: Now that I got this title defense with her. The pressure has been added tenfold. I fought her twice in SCW. This time is way different

Jenny: And you are allowing those people into your head. This match may be a measuring stick for your championship, but... what happens if you lose, Keira? Are you going to shrivel up and think they won? You have that championship and that's in the record books. But you're going to try way too hard because you will feel like a failure if you do. Even though you won't be.

Keira lowers her head and sighs. She doesn't answer Jenny right away, instead, letting her words swim and plant themselves into Keira's head, letting Jenny talk

Jenny: You talked about new beginnings right? I think it's time you actually started over and don't fall back into old habits. You want the best from Roxi, right? She wants the best from you. And all the muscles or power in the world doesn't mean anything to her. You should know that by now. She just wants you to try. You have the ability to change everything now. You have the ability to actually start over, don't fall into old traps.

Keira smiles at this. She had forgotten about what she had said she was going to do. She then says

Keira: You're right, Jen. I did talk about a new beginning. I need to start living up to that

Jenny: I'm not telling you not to train hard, I'm just telling you that you shouldn't psyche yourself out by trying to live up to Roxi. She's really good. She might be the best. But you said it yourself. You're not Roxi, so don't try to be Roxi, just be Keira.

Keira: Yea. Like I have been since we beat Sin

Jenny: But, are you starting over, Keira?

Keira: I am. I can let the past continue to chain me up. If I don't let go and move forward. Then I'll be stuck where I am now. Finally winning the title was the first of those chains being destroyed.

Jenny: Good

Keira: Win or lose, you're right. I'm in the history books. No one will ever take that away from me.

Keira smirks as she says

Keira: But I'm sure as Hell not going to make this a short reign either. This is not only a new beginning for me. But it's one for SCW.

Jenny: Good... now... about my new eye

Keira: Yea. You need to swab the poop deck first, sailor.

Jenny growls

Jenny: What did I tell you about jokes

Keira: That was a couple of weeks ago. You're walking, you're talking and you can pass as a Bond Villain at this point

Jenny: Thanks. To. You!

Keira: Bitch!

Keira escapes from the ring and gets in Jenny's face

Keira: I didn't tell you to fly in a plane and fight Sin! That one is on you!

Keira then stops and quickly says

Keira: No. This isn't right. We just talked about new beginnings. We can't change the past. What's done is done. I was trying to lighten the mood, Jen. I'm sorry

Keira leans in and hugs Jenny

Keira: I will talk to them in a week or two about your new eye. But you need to write down what you need from it besides the basics. Just in case you decide to jump in and fight again

Jenny: I'm done fighting.

Jenny pauses

Jenny: Unless you have some other world shattering demon you haven't told me about

Keira: No. But considering how 2020 has been as well. I can't take anymore chances. You're not done fighting, Jen. You're still a fighter, even if it's not in the saving the world kind

Keira says, basically reminding Jenny of her wife, Kelly and her daughter, Ashley

Keira: You talk about new beginnings. Maybe it's time you had the same

Jenny: I'm not stopping if something threatens them. But other than that, I lost a god damn eye and I'm not going to every be the same again. I have to start over with what I have left.

Keira: I know. But you know if you need anything. I'm here...Jen.

Jenny: I will.

The two stare at each other for a few moments before Keira says

Keira: This doesn't feel right. Usually, our talks don't end this normal like

Jenny: New beginnings, right?

Keira: Right...Jen.

Keira leans in and hugs Jenny. They hear a clearing of the throat as the two quickly break it up, seeing Roxi there in front of them

Keira: ...Hi

Roxi: Hi.

Jenny: This is totally what it looks like. Want to join?

Keira: Damn it, Jenny!

Roxi: No thanks.

Keira: Jenny was just leaving. Mostly to check in on us

Roxi: I see.

Jenny: Yea. We can discuss the details of the new eye later. You two have fun in your match.

Roxi: We will

As Jenny leaves and vanishes from sight, Roxi turns to Keira as the two stare.

Keira: She caught me in the middle of training

Roxi: That's okay. I'll wait until you're done

Keira: No, I'm done. Don't want to overtrain myself, like you said.

Keira smiles and kisses Roxi

Keira: Plus, I need to rest for a bit anyway. Room is all yours, my love

Roxi: Thanks.

As Roxi was about to go to the ring, Keira stops her by pulling on her shirt. She says to her.

Keira: No matter what happens. Win or lose. I will give you my best. I promise

Keira says to Roxi with a calm voice that shocks even Roxi

Roxi: I'm counting on it.

Keira smiles as she turns to go, but Roxi stops her, asking

Keira: Yes?

Roxi: Do you want to...spar?

Keira: Won't that give one of us a disadvantage?

Roxi: Well, if you think so, never mind.

Keira giggles as she goes in the ring and smirks

Keira: Well? You coming in or is the great Lady Bedlam afraid of a sexy, Lady named Kat?

Roxi sighs, and steps into the ring.

Keira: All jokes aside. You ready?

Roxi: Sure. Are you?

Keira: 100 Percent.

Roxi: Then give it to me!

Keira grins as the two rush towards each other. The scene fades on the two throwing the first punch

I did it...

After Five years in SCW.

After all the blood, sweat and tears I dropped in that mat. After five years of thinking I was never good enough, all the talks about Roxi's Shadow and only getting close, yet so damn far away.

I finally did it!

I became SCW World Bombshell Champion!

You guys don't know how happy I was when I won it. Celebrating with my wife, with my son and my friends. It was the happiest day of my life. Sure, I took a full week to celebrate, who wouldn't? I do apologize if I'm developing an ego cause of it. But I earned it. But even then, I know that for a fact that all celebrations don't last forever. There's a time to get back to work.

That time is now and what a time to get ready real quick!

I come to find out that I would have my first challenger for my World Bombshell Championship and like I said. It was a Bombshell to me, no pun intended.

I'm defending my World Bombshell Championship against Roxi Johnson, my own wife!

Life loves to give me the biggest of turns, doesn't it? Good or bad. Now, I do have a little bit of a problem with Roxi having a title shot like this. I am reminded of months ago when she and Christina, Crystal, whoever had that Queen for A Day thing. That tag match her and Christina had, basically gave her a World Bombshell Championship match whenever she wanted.

Now while I still have that problem with it overall cause I'm in the same path of my wife of wanting to earn it. There are those rare times that fate itself decides for you. Fate itself put us together once again. It was fate that put us together so many years ago. It's the same fate that is going to make us face off for the third time in SCW.

Yea, I have been putting a lot on that one detail, haven't I? Well, there's a good reason for me doing so. If you don't know mine and Roxi's history one on one in SCW.

Let me give you a huge reminder of that.

Keira vs Roxi 1: Climax Control 132, November 22nd 2015

It was a tournament to see who would become the Number One Contender to the SCW World Bombshell Championship. I had advanced and so did Roxi to the point where we faced off in the Semi Finals. I won't lie on this one. I was still the newbie in SCW and to be honest. I had a lot to prove during it and at the same time. I was legit nervous on this. I was afraid that it would tear a rift between us. But once we got settled in, we didn't hold back. We gave each other all we could give, but in the end. Roxi Won. My inexperience and ego came into play and it cost me a chance to go further in the tournament and I had to put my chances of going after the World Bombshell Championship on the backburner for the time being. That and during the time, me and Roxi were Bombshell Tag Team Champions too. That was a huge factor as well. So Roxi was the better woman that night and we kept going with our Tag Title Reign. It was a long reign for us at that time, I'm thinking that's when the Roxi's Shadow thing was starting to be said around. I don't know on that timeframe. But I know that once our Tag Title reign had ended, our paths crossed again.

Keira vs Roxi 2: Climax Control 151 June 26th, 2016

Or as Mark Ward called it at that time, Civil War. Me and Roxi had made it know that we were going after Singles Gold once again.

I haven't had Singles Gold in SCW since I had won the Bombshell Roulette Championship back in 2015. I was hungry and I had told them I would do ANYTHING to get that shot! The end result, mine and Roxi's second encounter in the SCW Ring for a shot at the World Bombshell Championship in the Chamber of Fate! Basically, the scenario mostly different. But the one goal was the same. A shot at the World Bombshell Championship. Between our first match and the second. I was ready to go. I was ready to show the world I was ready to go to the top of the mountain! I had to beat my wife to do it. Me and Roxi didn't hold back either on that night. We gave each other everything to show who should go on to face the champion. I had got better since that last encounter and studied where I needed to improve. Cause of it in the end. I won.

I had finally did it. I had beat my wife in the middle of the ring and went on to get a chance to become World Bombshell Champion. I had grown and was able to best my wife on that night. Sadly, I did not win the World Bombshell Championship that year. Basically, dubbing me as "Roxi's Shadow". Cause before I had got my moment, I was never as good or would be as good as Roxi. She had done it all and all I was at the time was just Keira, Roxi's Wife. So, at that point, me and Roxi were 1-1 in SCW. But family life took over and that was on the backburner. To be honest, I thought I was just going to stay retired. But that thrill of the fight brought me back. Mostly for two things. One: To finally get rid of my demons and step out of that shadow to become World Bombshell Champion, which I did.

And Two: Prove once and for all that I am the better fighter, the better wrestler in Team Hero by facing Roxi once more in a rubber match. Like I said before, Fate has brought us together once more.

Keira vs Roxi 3!

This time, it isn't a tournament. This isn't to go into the Chamber of Fate. This isn't a contender's match. This.... Is for the World Bombshell Championship. This for MY World Bombshell Championship! This is the championship I had to fight for five years to get! So, if you think for one moment. One exact moment I'm going to let you, my own wife take this away from me? I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. This match means more now than it ever has before. I have so much more to fight for now. I understand that having this champion is a dream, but in one swift motion, it can turn into a nightmare. And I’m done with nightmares. Really, Roxi, you are the nightmare that’s left. I have a lot to prove to not only you, not only to everyone else, but to myself more than anyone. Not only is it to see who is better in Team Hero. But at the same time, it's to see who rightfully deserves to hold the gold. I can’t fault you for this championship match, it’s a match I’ve wanted just as much as you. You held the World Bombshell Championship three times, Roxi. Three! So, you know how it is. You know how it is to be on the top of that mountain. But me? I just got started on that mountain. It's been held by legends and Hall of Famers of all kinds, like you, my love. But you know it's time for some fresh blood to take their place at that mountain.

Like I told everyone before. I was never in Roxi's Shadow. I am not Roxi. I am Keira Fisher-Johnson. I'm Roxi's Wife, but that's where it stops. In that ring, I have proven without a shadow of a doubt that I am the best. I proved it when I beat Alicia and I'll continue to prove it now! Roxi, baby. I love you with all of my heart. No matter what happens in that ring this time, nothing will change. The last two times we fought, we became even stronger for it. That will not change. But if you think that this third time, with the stakes as high as they are. You actually think that you'll beat me and become a Four Time World Bombshell Champion? No. That will not become a reality. I love you, but you will learn this. I am the World Bombshell Champion! I now get what you have been talking about all these years. I will carry this division and this championship with honor and pride! This is the final step to prove once and for all that I always had what it takes to get it done. I know, I Proved that. Everyone has told me that and you would be right. What I have done will forever be in the history books. But after? Put it this way, my love. Like I did and you as well. This is a new beginning. This is a whole new beginning for SCW and a chance to see a brand new, fresh face to hold this for a long, long time.

You're the first to step up, Roxi. I'm happy for it. But when that bell rings. You're going to see that even after winning the World Bombshell Championship, that I am STILL Hungry! I was very hungry when I chased after it in those five years. I'm going to show you that I'm even hungrier when I defend it to the fullest of my abilities, giving you 100 Percent of my energy and will not stop til I retain MY championship! So, the question is Roxi. Are you still hungry? Are you willing to try to be the one to end my reign as Champion? My answer is no. But please, baby. Prove me the fuck wrong.

But when you try and I know you will. When you try and it's not enough. When it's all over. I know there will be no hard feelings my love and I will always love you. But when it's over, when you're laying in the middle of the ring, looking at the lights after our rubber match. You will know once and for all that I am the better fighter and the better wrestler in Team Hero. But as you know that. As I raise the Championship high in the air, you will hear for the first time in SCW History...

"And STILL...World Bombshell Champion. Keira Fisher-Johnson" But no matter what. We WILL be stronger when this is over.

See you Sunday, my love. From the Champ