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Supercard Archives / Crystal Zdunich Vs Keira Fisher-Johnson
« on: August 17, 2019, 05:07:30 PM »
 Keira is seen in the training chamber, throwing fists and kicks, keeping it at 400 Times Earth's Normal Gravity. She goes Super Human and fires a huge blast at the flying droids, destroying it. Keira hears the chamber powering down as she lands, panting heavily, sweating like mad as she turns.
Keira: What the...
Roxi is there, having powered down the machine

Roxi: Relax, Ii just wanted to make sure training was going well

Keira: Yea. Got to keep in shape, just in case another world threatening stuff happens.

Roxi: I know, but I don't want you to overtrain and hurt yourself.

Keira: I was on light training....since I'm mad at you.

Roxi: Mad? What for?
Keira: Oh, I don't know. My wife went back to SCW and I keep thinking you want me to be a Stay at home MOM!

Keira goes Super over this, a bit angry as she looks at Roxi.

Keira: What if I want in on the fun!? HMM!?

Keira slowly powers down, trying to cool off.

Keira: Sorry. It's been too long since I had a good fight.

Roxi: I... I'm sorry I didn't discuss this with you. It wasn't something I just did out of the blue. I thought a long time before I did it. I just didn't know you had any interest in coming back.

Keira: I did. I still do. I just wanna see if I can still go.

Roxi: Well, I didn't know, you say fight like you know... a fight, not wrestling.

Keira: Wrestling, Fight. I'm still punching someone.

Roxi: Well, now you get your wish.

Keira: Yea, I get the scraps while you get handed a title.

Keira pauses it and corrects herself.

Keira: Sorry, I meant a title shot. You got on me for that crap.

Roxi: I didn't ask for any title shot. If I had my way, I'd be picking up where I left off.

Keira: No, you didn't. Yet you still got HANDED one. Roxi...I love you. But this is one of those times I want to punch you for it.

Keira sighs a bit.

Keira: Maybe I'm just still talking in anger.

Roxi: Look, I'm agreeing with you! It's not what I wanted, it's what SCW wanted, what Alicia wanted.

Keira sighs some more.

Keira: I'm sorry.
Roxi: And I wouldn't call Crystal scraps. She's been doing this a long time and she's all over the place. You haven't wrestled in almost a year. Are you sure you really want to do this? You don't have anything to prove.

Keira: I got more to prove than you think. The title you're going for? I still haven't won it. Yea, I won a World Title...but I still haven't won the one title YOU won before!

Keira begins to pace around a bit.

Keira: I want to be the SCW World Bombshell Champion...least ONCE in my life.

Roxi turns and places a hand on Keira's shoulder.

Roxi: Relax. No one is going to think any less of you if you don't. I want that for you more than anything in the world. I know you can do it, but it's not life and death if you don't. I don't want you to obsess over this. It'll make you sick.

Keira: I know. But I want to do this. I want to try one more time. To see if I still got it.
Keira turns and kisses Roxi on the lips

Roxi: But this match with Crystal doesn't guarantee anything. You may be working for a long time even if you win.

Keira: Never said it did. I just want in on the fun too....

Roxi: I'm just letting you know. But there's also a fine line between fun and obsession. I don't want you out there getting flustered and frustrated because of the road. I know you know how it all works, but seeing you having fun and smiling makes me happier than seeing you try too hard and get down on yourself.

Keira: I know. Don't worry, Rox. I'll be ok.

Keira grabs a towel and begins to towel herself off.

Keira: Speaking is our Son while I was training?

Roxi: His head is buried in his tablet that Christine got for him. He has all the fun in the world just looking at everything. I think though, he does need to get outside and play every now and again. I don't want him unhealthy.

Keira: You're right. Waiiiit. Let's go to the park!

Keira smiles a bit, hoping Roxi loved the idea.

Roxi nods.

Roxi: That sounds like an idea, now we just have to get the kid to go for it.

Keira: I could break his tablet.

Roxi: He's learning things! You can't break his tablet!

Keira: True. Maybe it's cause I'm old school.

Roxi: We just need to tell him, we're his parents after all.

Keira: Lead the way, Mom.

Keira smiles as she lets Roxi get out of the chamber first.

Roxi: Very funny

Keira: I know. Not only I am funny, but I'm so punny.

Keira smirks a bit

Roxi: Don't start that again.

Roxi walks up the stairs to find Nate sitting on the couch in the living room with his tablet

Keira: Nate? Sweetie?

Nate: Hi Mama.

Keira: Wanna go with me and Mommy to the park?

Nate: Uh... I don't know...

Roxi: It's the park with the slides.

Nate: Slides? I like slides!

Keira: Then go get ready, Nate.

Nate smiles as he puts his tablet down and runs to his room in a excited manner.

Roxi: Stubborn, but with even convincing it works. Just like his mother.

Keira: Excuse me?

Roxi: You know I'm right.

Keira: Says the woman who posted herself in Heels? That's very Heel of you.


Keira: Start what?

Roxi: The puns. Do not.

Keira: Considering I learned them from you

Roxi: It has become a great regret.

Nate runs in with his shoes in his hand.

Nate: Park slides!

Keira: Tell you what. Help Nate with his shoes and I'll stop the puns.

Keira smiles as she extends her hand

Keira: Deal?

Roxi: Gimme your shoes.

Nate hands Roxi his shoes and she puts them on him and ties them up.

Nate: I... I... wanna go down the big slide.

Roxi: Oh yeah?

Nate: Uh-huh.

Keira: You sure you're ready for that? You got to be a big boy for the big slide.

Nate: Uh... I am a little boy...

Keira: Mhmm. You got to be a big boy to be on the big slide. Brave as well.

Keira smiles as she picks Nate up

Keira: Still want to go on the Big Slide?

Nate: Uh-huh

Keira: Ok, you're going to be a big boy today.

Keira smiles as she begins to carry Nate to the car

Nate: Slides slides!

Roxi: Yes, Slides

Keira giggles a bit as they drive off. Moments later, they arrive at the park. Keira and Roxi are seen holding Nate's hands as they walk to the slides.

Nate: That's a big slide!

Keira: Yes it is. You sure you're ready?

Nate: Uh-huh.

Roxi: You need to be careful.

Keira: Ok, then. Go ahead. Mama and Mommy's watching.

Roxi and Keira slowly help Nate climb the ladder putting him at the top. Nate slowly slides down with a gleeful squeal as he comes down.

Keira: Yayyy!

Roxi: You did it!

Nate: I did it!

Keira: You're a big boy, now!

Nate: I am big!

Roxi: Are you sure?

Nate: Can I... be a little boy tomorrow?

Keira giggles as she lifts Nate up and smother his cheek with kisses

Keira: You're a goof, Nate.

Nate: No I not!

Keira: Yes you are! But I'm still proud of you.

Roxi: I think I said this before.... Stubborn, just like his mother.

Keira: Hey!

Roxi: Relax.

Keira: Yea, yea. I think once I wrestle Crystal again. I'll be back in my element.

Roxi: Just continue to train, and watch the videos and I know you'll be fine.

Roxi throws her arm around Keira.

Roxi: And most of all, have fun.

Keira: I plan on it, baby.

Nate: Ice Cream?

Keira: Ice Cream?

Roxi: Don't you wanna keep sliding?

Nate: Uh-huh, but I need ice cream.

Keira: Me too!

Roxi: *Sigh* Yeah yeah... I'll be back, you two have fun, and be careful, please.

Keira: Don't worry. We'll be careful.

Moments later, Roxi returns as Nate slides down the big slide again. He makes it down and Keira catches him as she lifts him up.

Keira: Yay!

Nate: Yay!

Keira turns to see Roxi and smiles.

Keira: Lookie, Nate. Mommy brought Ice Cream!

Nate: Ice Cream!

Roxi: Yeah yeah... How many times did you go down the slide?

Nate: Uh.... 5...3 times...

Roxi: Good enough.

Keira: He wasn't scared one bit.

Roxi hands Nate an ice cream cone wrapped in a napkin

Roxi: Be careful and don't drop it. Let's sit down and eat this, okay?

Nate: Okay.

The three go to a bench and sit down. Keira sits Nate down beside her and Roxi as the three eat.

Roxi: So... what was with Crystal's hair?

Keira: Either she's trying to kill her roots or she's starting to legit see me as her Senpai.

Keira takes a lick out of her ice cream.

Keira: Which is getting very creepy.

Roxi: Yeah, it kinda was. But, that's Crystal... she's... something.

Keira: Yea, she's married to someone...yet I keep thinking she wants me.

Roxi: Well that's not going to happen.

Keira: Someone got jealous.

Roxi: I have nothing to be jealous of.

Keira: You went pretty defensive all of a sudden.

Roxi: Because nobody is taking my wife away from me.

Keira: pulled a me every time Pet runs her mouth.

Roxi: ... God you're right.

Keira: Well, you know how I feel now. Which reminds me. Next time Pet does something like that, tell her to back off? Yes, I get jealous. But still.

Keira smiles as she finishes her ice cream

Roxi: She's... different. She hasn't done anything in a while, so for now, we can relax.

Keira: I know. I'm saying next time she does.

Roxi: Let's not worry about that. Let's focus on Crystal for you.

Keira: Yes. Let's focus on the woman who calls me Senpai and wants to replace you as my wife.
Keira giggles at that

Roxi: You focus on that. I have different things to focus on.

Keira: But legit, dear. I'll show Crystal that Senpais will break your heart.

Roxi: You do that.

Nate: Mommy, what's a Senpai?

Roxi: ... I have no idea.

Keira: We'll tell you when you're older.

Roxi: Eat your ice cream buddy.

Nate smiles as finishes his Ice Cream

Keira: Well, Wanna slide one more time or you wanna go home?

Nate: Okay.

Keira: Ok what, sweetie?

Keira sits up and turns to Nate

Keira: So you wanna slide one more time or you tired?

Nate: Yes! yes! The big slide!

Nate does a goofy dance raising his hands and waving them around.

Keira: Ok, ok you goof. Let's go to the big slide.

Keira smiles as she picks up Nate as her, Nate and Roxi go to the big slide as the scene fades

Well, it's been a long time. What, over a year now since I stepped foot into a SCW Ring or let's be honest, ANY ring at all? I don't know if it will be a one time thing or a full run again. But to be honest, it's been a long time coming for me.

When Roxi stepped back into active duty, sure. I thought about stepping through those ropes again. I thought about it much earlier than I expected. But I didn't. One of the few regrets in my life to be quite honest.

But when Roxi made her intention known to return to SCW. I couldn't hold it anymore. The itch. The itch of a good fight. The battle between two people to see who will come out on top. When I couldn't ignore that itch anymore. I legit screamed...


Now I get my wish against Crystal Hilt--Zdunich. Sorry, I keep forgetting she got married. Hard to tell when she's on you, wanting me to notice her so badly. Especially when her body screams out...


This isn't the first time I fought Crystal. I remember a few years ago. But now, I get a chance to prove that I still got it.

See you soon, Crystal....

Climax Control Archives / The Future is the Present
« on: March 23, 2019, 12:14:07 AM »
 (I know. I know, it's past Deadline. Something came up. But I'm not gonna leave this not finished. Forgive me. I am so, so fucking sorry!)

*Keira and Roxi are seen transmitting into the city of Las Vegas, both dressed up as Lady Kat and Lady Bedlam respectfully. The two are near the sealed off building that was blown up as they look at it*

Keira: That has to be the building Kah was talking about

Keira and Roxi fly up a little and out of the way of the police. Keira gets close to sniff the air

Keira: No...there's no Gas Leak. Is there a way to get in without being detected, LB?

Roxi: We'd have to go in through the roof.

Keira nods as the two fly down, entering the hole from the roof. The two land as Keira and Roxi turn on a flashlight to see in the dark. The two walk towards the room where the explosion happened at.

Keira: This is it, right here.

Keira takes a look and does notice a huge gas tank, destroyed

Keira: Well, we didn't smell gas, but I know what caused the explosion. But how if there was no leak?

Keira takes a look slowly, to see if she could find any clues. As she gets closer, she notices something near the edge.

Keira: LB! Look at this!

Keira gets closer and notices a black liquid on the sharp edge of the ruptured gas tank

Keira: This is new. I've never seen anything like this before. This goo. Can you get a sample, LB?

Roxi: Yeah.

*Roxi goes into her belt, pulling out a small petri-dish and some clips to gather the sample*

Keira: Once we get this to GUILD. We c--

All of a sudden, a black goo comes and tackles Keira. The tackle was so sudden and so hard, it sends it and Keira falling down two floors below

Roxi: Kat!

Keira falls to the floor and groans a bit. She slowly stands as the good begins to form. It shows that it is now having claws and sharp teeth

Keira: Wh-what are you?

It roars out for a moment as it says

Monster: Siiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn..........

Keira's eyes widen. She quickly goes to her Super Human Blue form and gets ready to fight.

Keira: You know that name...HOW!? You don't leave here alive....

Roxi: No! Get out of there! We don't know what we're dealing with!

Keira rushes and attacks. The monster does the same. The speed from both are super fast, almost too fast for Roxi to keep up. After a minute, Keira is seen, a few tears from her costume, her breathing heavily.

Keira: Ugh...strong as fuck. But you won't get away.

Monster: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn......

The monster lifts his head a bit, like it could sense someone else. It turns to see Roxi and wickedly smiles

Monster: Luuuuuuuuusssssstttttttttttt

Roxi: Uh-oh...

Keira, hearing that name, rushes and blasts the monster with a few strong Ki Blasts, wanting to make sure it was gone.


Slowly, the monster resurfaces, a bit battle damaged, but it was like it was never killed.

Keira: Wh-what the fuck are you...

Roxi: We need to get out of here. We got what we needed! Come one!

As Keira tries to come, the monster rushes and stabs one of it's sharp claws into Keira's stomach. Keira screams in pain and blasts the monster in it's eyes.

Keira: F-Fuccck...L-LB...Help...

*Roxi quickly swoops in and goes under Keira's arm and holds her before disappearing, teleporting a safe distance away.*

Roxi: We need to get you to the medical bay.

Keira: IF it is. Then we've ran out of time.

Keira stands and walks a few steps, but stops in mid walk. She remembers what Nathaniel said as well about how Keira scarified herself and it failing. She turns back to Roxi.

Keira: No. We can't let Nathaniel's future repeat. I'm not gonna make the same mistake Future me did.

Keira thinks for a moment, trying to figure out a idea. She then remembers

Keira: LB, you got the sample from that goo that was left by that freak?

Roxi Johnson
Roxi: Yeah, that's not important right now. You need to get better.

Keira: We're going to the GUILD anyway. I'll heal while you take that to Vision and the lab. Kill two birds with one stone.

Keira turns and walks past Roxi to get the teleporter ready. Roxi was shocked by Keira's train of thought.

Roxi: What... that was incredibly thought through.. Are you sure you're Keira?

Keira: Last I checked, I am, sugar tits.

Keira smirks, reassuring Roxi. But she then says

Keira: LB, I don't want to see this world end up like Nathaniel's future ended up. If we can get one chance, even if it's a small one to change it for the better. Then we would need to take it.

Roxi: Then let's go.

The two teleport out as the scene fades

Been awhile since I did this. Blast from the Past. I got Jake Rabb as my partner. I hope I don't let you down...knowing my luck, I will, sadly.

But still, Amy. Been a long time since we last fought, hasn't it? Years, actually. Oh well. I can't wait to do this again.

While Jake takes care of Vinnie boy, you and I can do a little bit of catching up. How long will it take? No idea, but it'll be enough to take you down easily.

Amy, Vinnie, time for at least one member of Team Hero to go far. Time to B.A.B


See you then.

(Again. I am SO, SO SORRY! Things happened on my end and I lost track of time. I know it won't count. But I posted it anyway. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me someday)

Climax Control Archives / Time Ticks Away
« on: May 04, 2018, 09:09:54 PM »
 Keira is seen on the rooftops, searching around the city for any sign of trouble. She sighs a bit as she continues to watch

Keira: Of all the nights. I pick the one night to patrol and it's boring as Hell!

Keira sighs some more til she hears her comm open up

Keira: Talk to Me, V. Any crime happening? Any asses to kick?

Vision: I've got a little something here.

Keira: What is it?

Keira sighs

Keira: Come on, V. I need details! Bad enough I found out I got a Son from the Fu--

Keira quickly closes her mouth, not knowing if Roxi told Vision or not

Vision: It's made the rounds. Anyway, I've heard reports of 4 armed suspects all dressed similarly attacking a science lab downtown.

Keira: On it. Get LB on the line, just in case I need backup

Vision: I'll let her know.

Keira quickly flies off to the scene. She sees the lab already and sees the four suspects as she lands

Keira: So! Let me guess. Someone found the cure for Cancer and you a-holes wanna be greedy about it?

(There is only one person seen loading several vails into a box, he turns, and snarls at Keira)

Crazy Wolf: Oh, it's the kitty kat! I still owe you for putting me away last time!

Keira: ....Who are you again?

Keira begins to scratch her head

Keira: I mean, you look familiar. But then again, I've punched a lot of baddies lately.

Keira's head turns. She smiles a bit as she says

Keira: OH WAIT! Now I remember you! You were one of the six that tried to wear me and LB Down! Wolf, right?

Crazy Wolf: That's CRAZY Wolf to you, kitty! And since you don't have any backup, I'm goint to get my revenge AND take these supplies to sell for millions!

Keira: Awwww! You think you're going to beat me. Sweetie, I've got a lot stronger since I last fought you AND...get this! I'm 100 Percent! So go ahead, hot shot. First Shot's on me

Keira motions for Crazy Wolf to throw the first punch

Crazy Wolf: Well, since you're being so nice. I think WE will oblige!

Keira: Wait, we?

(Wolf splits himself into 4 different versions. All of them laughing like lunatics. Two race behind Keira and grab her arms, holding her in place. The third dives at her legs to ohold her, and the last balls up his fist.)

Crazy Wolf: Strength in numbers.

(Wolf hauls off and slugs Keira a few times, while she's being held in place.)

Keira groans, but laughs a little bit.

Keira: Was that your best? I said ONE you gotta pay

Keira quickly screams, going to her Second Super Form. She throws the Wolfs off and smirk

Crazy Wolf: What?! How?!

Keira: Like I said. I'm not as tired when we first fought. In fact....

Keira screams, the ground rumbles cause of it, making Keira go into her Third Super Form, shocking Wolf

Keira: What's wrong? Kat got your tongue?

Crazy Wolf: You... you are a monster!

(Wolf then doubles his split, 8 now are surrounding Keira.)

Keira: Awww! 8 now? For me? You sure that's enough?

Crazy Wolf: I've grown myself. Now 8 of me, is more than enough, since we're all at the same level of strength!

Keira: REALLY!? We'll see about that! COME ON, CRAZY CHICKEN!

(Wolf's 7 others slowly circle around Keira)

Keira: Come on...gonna hit me!?

Crazy Wolf: Get her!

(The Wolf's tackle Keira and attempts to hold her down.)

Keira does struggle a bit, but as the Wolfs get ontop of her to keep her down, she screams and a light flashes. The Wolfs fly around, hitting various pieces of the place as they land. Keira is now shown in her Blue Super Form

Keira: Oops. I think I overdid it.

Keira slowly turns to the original Wolf and slowly walks towards him

Crazy Wolf: Stay away from me! Stay away!

Keira: What's wrong? I'm not gonna hurt you...

Keira rushes before Wolf could notices. She appears behind him and gives him a slight chop to the neck, not killing him, but to knock him out

Keira: Just knock you out.

Keira turns and goes to her comm on her ear

Keira: Crazy Wolf Knocked out, tagged and ready for the Police

Vision: Gotcha. Police are on the way.

Keira: Good. This has been boring. Clocking out for the night, V.

Keira powers down and flies off. Moments later, she returns home to see Roxi in bed, reading

Keira: Waiting for me?

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Yea, surprisingly. Mostly boring night.

Roxi: The robbery?

Keira: Easy. Stopped Wolf. I thought he was tougher. Oh well

Roxi: I wouldn't get too confident. If everything Nathaniel says is true.

Keira: I'm not. That's why I told you to not use the Equalizer yet.

Keira begins to go to the other room to change

Keira: Speaking of, how is Nate?

Keira returns, wearing a tight shirt with short shorts as she enters the bed with Roxi

Roxi: He's fine. Asleep in his crib

Keira: And our Son in his Pod?

Roxi: He's fine, he has everything he needs. I don't know if we really need to keep him in there though.

Keira: It was your idea.

Keira does sigh a bit

Roxi: I know it was my idea, before we knew who he really was. But it's not like he's... a prisoner now... is it?

Keira: I know, but didn't he say that he didn't want to take a chance and see his past self?

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: I've been thinking about this for awhile. Besides the fact that I got into the Semi Finals ahead of me. I got to face some woman Mikah trained...Courtney Pierce I think it is?

Roxi: Yes. But, I don't know. I mean, you're farther along than I am, so... hey, you're doing just fine. I believe you can win this whole thing.

Keira: I know.

Keira gets closer to Roxi

Keira: But also thinking of this evil...this evil that kills us. I keep thinking, what if you did use the Equalizer? What if that caused the evil to basically win against the Guild?

Roxi I was thinking that maybe that could change everything, maybe the evil doesn't show up if we're not heroes. Maybe we can take Nate and leave when it comes, something like that. But... I mean, we can't just avoid the responsibility.

Keira: Not the way he talked.

Keira kisses Roxi's cheek as she lays her head on the pillow.

Keira: We need to find out more from Nathaniel. What steps we need to take to make sure it doesn't repeat itself

Keira bites her lip

Keira: I will not have a world where our Son has to fight to survive. I want him to grow up and become something he wants to be!

Roxi: I do too, but I don't know what else we can do at the moment.

Meanwhile, in a jail cell. Crazy Wolf is seen sitting there, panicked.

Crazy Wolf: She's a monster! A MONSTER!

All of a sudden, a dark blob was seen forming in front of him. Wolf turns to it and notices it.

Crazy Wolf: What the?

The blob screams and launches itself onto Wolf. It slowly covers him as he screams wildly. After a few minutes, the guards run to the cell to find it empty, Wolf was gone as well as the strange blob.

A few days later, Keira and Roxi were taking the stairs down to the pods to check up on Nathaniel.

Keira: Nate? You awake?

Nathaniel: Yes.

Keira: Good. We need to talk more about this Evil....and how I....

Keira bites her lip, not wanting to think about it

Nathaniel: All I really know is that it isn't human, but it is controlled by humans. Something, some strange creature. And it lays waste is a lot of the human race, and most superheroes.

Keira: You don't know how it started?

Nathaniel: Well, you both did your best to keep me away from the whole thing. I spent a lot of time with Aunt Christine.

Keira: What about Mom in the future. She couldn't tell you before you got here?

Nathaniel: Not much. It was like Mom was still keeping some stuff from me, despite knowing everything she told me. All she said was, "Mama Will Know"

Keira turns and slaps Roxi upside her head

Roxi: Ow! What was that for?!

Keira: That's for not telling Nathaniel everything before he came here!

Roxi: I didn't know! I'm not the one from the future!

Keira: You doomed us all! Mama will know!?

Keira groans in frustration as she sits down.

Roxi: Well I don't know what it means either.

Keira: All I know is I got to deal with Courtney Pierce come Climax Control and It feels like we're back to Square One with this!

As Keira was about to speak, the laptop turns on and Vision was seen on the screen

Keira: Huh? Weird. What's up, V?

Vision: Roxi, Keira. I don't know how to say this...but...Crazy Wolf escaped.

Keira: WHAT!? HOW!?

Vision: The guards don't know. All that was left in his cell was some...substance. Dark, gooey.

Soon as he hears this, Nathaniel's eyebrows raise up as he stands and presses his hands to the glass.

Nathaniel: Dark, Gooey!?!?

Keira and Roxi turn to Nathaniel

Keira: Now? What do you mean now?

Nathaniel: I-it sounds like the evil from my time....

Keira: Shit...we got to suit up!

Keira goes to, but Roxi stops her

Roxi: Why don't we actually figure out what we're up against first?

Keira: Right...

Vision: I agree. Take it easy for a bit.

Keira: Keep us updated

Vision: I will

The laptop turns off as Keira sighs. She looks at Roxi

Keira: Roxi...You're right. We don't know what we're dealing with. But...I want to make sure. It's time you went beyond your limits

Roxi: Well... I will try.

Keira: We can and we will. We always fight and we always do things....Together

Roxi: Together.

Nathaniel: So that's where that came from.

Keira: It's the truth, Nate

Nathaniel: Mom used to say that to me all the time, that we were a team. Especially after... well..

Keira: Don't worry. We're ALL in this together, even you, Nate.

Keira smirks as she goes to the pod and unlocks it, letting Nathaniel free.

Keira: This is your fight too. Your future to prevent. You're part of Team Hero

Nathaniel: So... I'm not stuck here?

Roxi; No. It's not what I intended. It was for safety. But everything you've said up to this point has turned out to be true. So, It's not right to keep you locked in here. Though, you're still going to have to sleep in here.

Keira: Like you said. We don't want to risk seeing you and your past self at the same time

Nathaniel: Am I... He... being good at least?

Keira: Mhmm, he's always a good boy...mocking me a lot, though.

Roxi: He's a little boy, he doesn't know he's doing that.

(Roxi turns and thinks)

Roxi: But he's not stupid. He knows that we're not around right now and he knows something is going on. I can feel that.

Keira: Huh?

Roxi: Nate. I can just feel that he's trying to figure out why Mommy and Mama are not around right now and he's hanging with Aunt Christine so much.

Keira: We better go see to that. Nate...we're gonna You'll be ok down here?

Nathaniel: Are... you sure?

Keira: We're sure. Roxi?

Roxi: Yes. Just... try and not to get into anything. I'll bring you some food. Are you hungry?

Nathaniel: A little yes.

Keira: Steak ok? Ribeye? About...30 of them?

Nathaniel: Um... just one works for me.

Keira: Come on! You need more meat on those bones!

Nathaniel: I mean... I could just heat up the leftovers.

Keira: Nonsense! Roxi can cook the best steaks in all of Tampa!

Keira turns to Roxi

Keira: Isn't that right, Red?

Nathaniel: I don't wanna take any food away from you Mama

Roxi: It's fine, I will make you some food later.

Keira: Yea. Now, let's check up on Nate...younger Nate.

Roxi: Just... let us know if you need anything.

Nathaniel: Yes, Mom.

The two leave Nathaniel in the pods, but out. Minutes later, they head upstairs to see Nate playing with his toys

Keira: Hey, missed us?

Nate: Mama! Mama! Blocks!

Keira: Yes! I see those blocks!

Keira giggles at this as she goes to Nate

Roxi: How's he been?

Christine: His same little devil self.

Keira: Oh? You been bad to Aunt Christine?

Christine: Now, he's just silly. He played with his toys, and he ran around in a circle and made himself dizzy for no reason. He's a goofball.

Keira: Nate, you're a goof

Nate: I Nate.

Roxi: Yes, you're Nate.

Keira: And we'll always be here for you. We love you

Keira kisses Nate's cheek and smiles. She hands Nate to Roxi

Roxi: You're all wet. I can feel it. It's about time you started getting potty trained little boy.

Keira: Save on Diapers

Keira smiles, but she looks at the three. She sighs to herself

"I hope we can save the world from this thing. Nate, I promise you...I will make sure your future is bright"

The three go out to change Nate's diaper as the scene fades

Well! I made it! I made it to the Semi Finals of the Blast from the Past Tournament. I bet you a select few didn't know I could go that far! Well, I didn't. But I sure as Hell made sure I did. Now me and my partner are one step closer to the finals.

While he handles his opponent in this. I got someone named....Courtney Pierce.

Last I checked, she was trained by Mikah. Woo...pee, isn't that lovely already? Mikah, the one woman no one can half the time stand could actually TRAIN SOMEONE! I don't know if Hell Froze Over already or not. But it doesn't matter now.

So you beat Sam Marlowe. Good job, no, legit. I mean that. But you're facing someone that has the odds stacked against them, day after day, TIME AFTER TIME! You think I'll be a easy walk in the park? Just ask Jessie, just ask Brittany! If you're as good as they say you are. Then I'm going to ENJOY fighting you!

You should know, I'm always itching for a fight. Courtney, hopefully, you can take me to my limit. Cause if you don't, then I'll have no other choice to B.A.B


See you at Climax Control!

Climax Control Archives / Sign from the Future
« on: April 20, 2018, 08:16:06 PM »
 (Keira is seen joining Roxi and Nathaniel at GUILD HQ. She enters the DNA Room and looks at the two

Keira: Sorry I'm late. Christine had trouble getting there

Roxi: It's okay. We're just getting ready.

Nathaniel: This doesn't look like it does it my timeline.

Keira: What do you mean?

Nathaniel: The guild was a shell of what it looks like right now. It was mostly destroyed in my time.

Keira: Well, we'll see if you're telling the truth. If not...I'm going to kill you

Keira quickly turns to Roxi and says to her

Keira: Before you say it! He's saying he's our son! Knows who we are and all that. Not taking any chances!

(Keira sighs a bit as she looks at the two. She goes and sits down, waiting for this to start)

Nathaniel: I always remember that m- Keira was very hot tempered.

Roxi: Don't look at me for sympathy, you know way too much.

Nathaniel: Mom?

Roxi: No, Roxi. Until proven otherwise.

Keira: What are we waiting for!? Fire it up, Doc!

(One of the Guild doctors soon enters.)

Doctor: What seems to be the issue? Who is your guest?

Roxi: He claims to be from the future.

Doctor: I'm... not sure if there's anything I can do...

Roxi: If he is, who he says he is... he'll be related to us.

Doctor: Is there a reason you're even entertaining this?

Keira: Some sort of threat from the future

Doctor: And you... believe this?

Roxi: He knows who we are... things about us very few people know...

Keira: Can we get this over with? This is been one hell of a day

(Keira looks at the doc as she finally gets to sit, despite wanting to sooner.)

Doctor: Well, it seems that a simple blood test will solve this mystery.

(The Doctor prepares a couple of syringes, Roxi looks nervous.)

Roxi: Just... get this over with quickly.

Nathaniel: Oh right... you don't like needles.

Roxi: Keira... could you?

Keira: Could I what?

Roxi: You know...

(Keira nods as she covers Roxi's eyes
. The doctor just shakes his head before drawing some blood some Roxi, and getting a new syringe and drawing some blood from Nathaniel and putting them into different vials.)

Doctor: We should have some results in time, unless Ms. Kiera needs to be drawn as well?

Keira: I'm good

(Keira looks at the doctor.)

Doctor: Then, this will be analyzed and I'll let you know what the results say.

Keira: And once we know. We'll know if you'll live...or die, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: It's my wish to not exist anymore m.. Keira. That's why I came back in the first place.

Keira: OH! Why didn't you say so?

(Keira raises her hand to Nathaniel and a ball of energy is seen coming from her hand.)

Roxi: KEIRA!

Keira: WHAT!

Roxi: That's enough. He hasn't DONE anything.

Keira: Not yet....

Keira dissipates the ball of energy. As she lowers it, the doctor returns

Doctor: Is everything okay in here?

Roxi: It's fine. We're leaving. Let us know when you have results.

(Keira sighs as she walks out.)

(Moments later, Keira is at home, pacing around, still mad as she looks at Roxi and Nathaniel.)


(Keira turns and goes back to pacing.)

Keira: Wish that doctor would hurry up

Roxi: These things take time.

Nathaniel: Please calm down

(Keira quickly turns to Nathaniel in anger)

Keira: Look don't tell me to do crap! You're not my son!

Roxi: That's enough. Both of you. Keira, you're going to go and build your model kits or something.

(Roxi looks over at Nathaniel)

Roxi: As for you, you're coming with me.

Keira: I'm gonna check up on my son.

(Keira brushes pasts them and goes upstairs. She stops by the door and takes a deep breath. She opens it and sees Nate playing with his toys

Keira: Well, look who's up! Silly boy! Shouldn't you be napping?

Nate: Nap done.

Keira: Really? Nap done? Hehe. Must have lost track of time.

(Keira bends down and picks up Nate. She smiles as she goes over and sits at the rocking chair.)

Keira: You're about to be too big for Mama to rock you.

(Keira smiles.)

Keira: But you won't be big for a long time.

Nate: I big. I big.

Keira: Yes you are! I guess you're too big for Mama to hold you.

(Keira looks at Nate as she begins to shed a tear.)

Keira: Felt like almost yesterday when I held you in my arms for the first time. The world seemed to stop.

(Keira sighs.)

Keira: I'll never let you go. I will always be here to protect you. My special little boy

(Keira stands after a few minutes and sits Nate slowly back down on the floor.)

Keira: Now be good for Mama and play. I'll be back in a bit. Christine's right outside

Christine: Hey you.

Keira: Talking to me or him?

(Keira smiles at Christine.)

Christine: Both. hehe.

Keira: Hehe. Take care of him. I'll be back in a few and Christine...thanks again

Christine: You can always count on me. He might replace you as my new cuddlebuddy of the family. hehehe.

(Keira giggles as she kisses Christine on the cheek and Nate on the forehead. She walks out and heads back downstairs where she sees Roxi back with Nathaniel.)

Nathaniel: You don't trust me?

Roxi: No. I don't. You're coming with me downstairs.

Keira: Are the results back yet?

Roxi: Haven't heard anything.

(Roxi looks over at Nathaniel.)

Keira: JEEZ! How long does these things take?

Roxi: It takes time. You, get up and move.

Nathaniel: Yes.

(Keira goes over and sits on the chair and sighs. Roxi takes Nathaniel through a secret door hidden in the basement, inside are containment pods.)

Roxi: Get in.

Nathaniel: This isn't necessary.

Roxi: Until proven otherwise, it is. There's rations of food and water in there. Until the results come back, you're staying in here.

Nathaniel: Please, I've done you no harm.

Roxi: And what's to stop you from trying?

(Nathaniel has no rebuttal.)

Roxi: In. Now.

(Nathaniel walks in, sitting down on the cot provided. Roxi locks the containment pod and heads upstairs.)

Roxi: He's safely locked away for now.

Keira: Maybe I should have done a DNA Test

(Keira does another sigh.)

Keira: Got to worry about the to worry about everything else....

(Keira raises her head, seeing Roxi in front of her

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: Just a lot on my mind. With the tournament, this guy....

Roxi: Look, we'll know the results soon. He's locked away, and he can't do anything. You don't need to worry, you can go back to building the model kits and training. We'll know everything we need to know soon enough.

Keira: It's not soon enough

(Keira stands and walks off.)

(During the week, Keira went back to GUILD HQ and gives her blood for the same DNA Test. Days later, after the first round, Keira is seen coming out of the gravity room, drying herself off with a towel.)

Keira: Huh. Training went well. Thought I'd be sore.

(Keira sits the towel in the hamper as she sees Roxi come in.)

Keira: I'm not even gonna bother if it's here yet

Roxi: The results came back.

Keira: Ok....and?

Roxi: We're not related.

Keira: Ok....time to take care of him

(Keira goes to the secret door and opens it. She enters it and goes to the Pod.)

Keira: HEY! FAKER!

Nathaniel: What is this?

Keira: Your last day on Earth!

(Keira raises her hand, forming a ball of energy and aims it at Nathaniel.)

Roxi: Keira STOP!

Keira: Why? This guy has lied to us!

Roxi: You didn't let me finish. He's not related by blood, to me.

(The ball vanishes and quickly turns to Roxi.)

Keira: Wait, how!?

Roxi: Because I had nothing to do genetically with Nate. The blood work you delivered? It came back positive.

Keira: ....Oh....crap.

Roxi: It was your egg that was used, remember? So... he's... he's telling the truth.

(Keira slowly turns to Nathaniel and looks at him.)

Keira: Y-You are my Sunshine...m-my only sunshine....

Nathaniel: I remember that song ... Mama.

Keira: N...Nate....

Nathaniel: I didn't mean to frighten you and scare you in such a way. It was my best effort to try not to cause too much suspicion in public, given your personas. I understand your hesitance to believe me. But, my story needs to end, so that the world doesn't.

Roxi: So, if you're from the future, how did you even get back here?

Keira: I'm curious about it too.

(Keira goes and unlocks the pod as she lets Nathaniel explain.)

Nathaniel: In my time, about 35 years from now, science allows for time travel. It was expressly forbidden to simply use the technology to intervene in human history. Which is why most have never gone back and say, stopped an assassination or shooting. We didn't want to create multiple timelines and ruin history. Until... an evil came and no one was ready for it. The guild sent all the heroes to stop it, and most... died. Including you Mama.

Keira: What evil was it? Cause it almost sounds like Sin. But it would be impossible. Sin's gone for good.

Nathaniel: Sin is and before you ask Mama. I learned about Sin. No, this evil is worse than Sin. Hell, it was like a...origin. Not of all evil, but almost like a evil never seen before

Keira: ......Shit. I heard about it, I don't know the name, but I know what it is. I thought it didn't exist!

Nathaniel: Mama, I'm sorry. But, yes. It exists, otherwise, I wouldn't be here and you''d be well as Mo--

(Roxi's eyes widen, hearing Nathaniel cut himself off over what he was about to say.)

Keira: As well as...Nathaniel Robert Johnson! What happened to Roxi? What happened to your Mom!?

Nathaniel: Mom sent me back. It was quite obvious the heroes, the entire human race, was about be destroyed. She had to send me back, and... I saw them coming for her. I assume now... she's gone too.

Keira: ......and I thought I had to worry about my opponent for the Blast for the Past Tournament. I-I need to sit down....

(Keira tries to find a chair, but stumbles, hearing all of what Nathaniel has told them.)

Nathaniel: Mama! Easy, Easy!

Keira: Future, I'm de--Roxi's de--wha...Brittany...gotta kick her ass...I need scissors...61!

Nathaniel: Mama gonna be ok?

Roxi: It's a lot to process.

Keira: H-wha-Steaks, Gundam, Earthbound--

(Keira finally passes out from trying to process all of it.)

Nathaniel: MAMA!? MAMA, WAKE UP!

Roxi: Help me with her.

Nathaniel: Yes mom.

(Nathaniel and Roxi carry Keira up the stairs and place her on the couch.)

Roxi: Stay here.

(Roxi goes into the kitchen and grabs a cold cloth and wets it, before head back into the living room and handing the cloth
to Nathaniel.)

Roxi: Just dab her forehead a little. I need to go check on... also Nate.

Nathaniel: It would be best. Cause I don't know the full rules of Time Travel. I mean, I know what I need to know, but I don't know what will happen if I see my past self

(Nathaniel says as he does what Roxi told him to do.)

Nathaniel: Mama...wake up...Please tell me you're feeling better.

Keira: Yes...Mama's better....

(Keira says in a daze, thinking it was her son, but still a small child.)

Keira: Now, time to put you down for a nap....

(Keira finally opens her eyes and sees Nathaniel as she screams out.)

Keira: CREEP! WHAT ARE YO--Oh...wait...Nathaniel....Nate?

Nathaniel: Sorry Mama.

Keira: It's fine. Just never had that much to process before.

Nathaniel: I understand. I am just glad you are okay.

Keira: I am curious. If you don't mind me asking. How did you survive all this time without powers? Wait...unless you got powers now....

Nathaniel: You both protected me from everything. Even though I wanted to help, you and Mom just shielded me from getting involved until the very end.

Keira: We wanted you to have a normal life....I guess we failed that

Nathaniel: It wasn't for lack of trying Mama. I didn't understand then, but I do now. You did what you did for me to survive.

(Nathaniel dabs Keira's head more with the cloth.)

Nathaniel: You especially were protective.

Keira: You're my son. I will always protect you

Nathaniel: Thank you Mama. I know you always did.

Keira: But you got a lot of explaining to do soon, in more detail. But right now, with Roxi being...where is she?

Nathaniel: She's taking of... me.. .I guess.

Keira: Oh

Nathaniel: I'm just glad you are okay.

Keira: Thank you. Now I have to train

Nathaniel: Please take it easy.

Keira: For someone I don't know what she does. I can't afford to take it easy...some chick named Brittany.

Nathaniel: I um... I don't know about the wrestling you do. I was too young, as you... obviously know.

Keira: I know.

(Keira slowly stands as she goes to the gravity room, she sees the towel she laid in the hamper before and sighs.)

Keira: Wait...I already trained.

Nathaniel: It um... never hurts to be prepared Mama.

Keira: True. Wanna train with me?

Nathaniel: But I mean... I don't know what I'm doing. I wasn't trained to do anything but survive. You and Mom forbid me.

Keira: You're right. Look, stay here til Mom gets back.

Nathaniel: Yes, Mama.

(Keira heads into the gravity room as the scene fades.)

Well, I advanced. Look at that, I told Jessie that I would beat her. Anyway, that's the past now. Time to see how far I can go. MAYBE I CAN MAKE IT PAST THE QUARTER FINALS! Ha...

But yea. Me and my partner advanced and I can't wait to face off against the next opponent who's suppose to be Second Generation. Going to be honest, I haven't heard of this woman. Then again, I've been out of Wrestling full time for a year and a half, popping in and out whenever I can. So forgive me if I never heard of Brittany Williams before today.

I mean, she sounds like a complete fighter and all, but she's never faced off against someone like me. I welcome that challenge, though. Why do you ask? Cause I love fighting. Seeing who's the toughest and becoming better than my opponent.

But if Brittany thinks she'll beat me. Sorry, I'm not a pushover. Never have been, never will be. So Brittany, I welcome the challenge. I welcome to see how you'll try to beat me. Cause once you let your guard down's over!

Brittany, come Climax Control, I'm gonna B.A.B


Climax Control Archives / One Strange Day
« on: April 13, 2018, 08:55:25 PM »
 (The scene opens with Keira sitting on the floor, trying to put one of her Gundam model together. Nate is sitting beside her playing with his own building blocks and Legos. Keira is trying to cut the leg off, her tongue out as she's really focusing. Nate watches her, and sticks his own tongue out as he's play with Legos, as if he's concentrating as well. Roxi walks in from the kitchen and sees the two in the same sitting position and both with the same facial expression and she chuckles.)

Roxi: Just like his Mama.

Keira: Shush! Trying to cut the seam off of the runner....

(Keira does so, but as she does, she hears a different kind of snap. She goes to see if it wasn't the piece of the leg that broken, which she sighs in relief that it wasn't. But she notices the spring of her hobby nipper broke as Keira growls in anger)

Keira: ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Cheap, useless spring! I just got these a couple of months ago!

(Nate sees Keira is angry, and he just knocks over his Legos and imitates her.)

Nate: Kid me!

(Roxi can only laugh at Nate before shaking her head)

Roxi: You are a goof. I love you so much.

(Nate giggles before he hugs Keira)

Nate: Better Mama?

Keira: Awwww. Thanks, Nate

(Keira hugs Nate back as she hands Roxi the nippers.)

Roxi: Yup, they're broken, looks like you'll have to get some new ones. Oh well. It's not the end of the world.

Keira: I know. But I just got those 2 months ago!

Nate: 2 mons!

Keira: Mocking me, now? Heh, you are a goof, Nate.

Nate: No goof!

Roxi: You are a goof. But a loveable goof. yes yes yes.

(Roxi picks Nate up and kisses him repeatedly,causing Nate to giggle until he sees the nippers in Roxi's hand.)

Nate: Broke?

Roxi: Yeah, Mama broke them.

(Nate turns to Keira and points at her.)

Nate: Broke!

Keira: I didn't break them! The spring sucked!

Nate: Broke! Broke Broke!

Roxi: You are so silly.

Keira: Turned my own son against me, Roxi....

Roxi: Oh hush, he wants to be just like you. He follows you everywhere.

Keira: Yea, he does. Can't blame him

Roxi: Oh, now you wanna brag? Whatever, he wants to drum too, so deal with that! Two drummers in the house.

(Roxi puts Nate back down.)

Roxi: You go play silly boy.

(Nate scurries off yelling like a child as he goes back to his Legos.)

Keira: Looks like I'm going to the Hobby Shop. Wanna come with?

Roxi: We can, but, I still want to talk to you about the SCW thing. You sure you want to do this? I mean, I know you have the desire to wrestle again, but... you know, after such a long time and all...

Keira: I know, but it's only a short time. Like you, if I get bumped off of the tournament, I'm bowing out

Roxi: It's kind of hard to go back when that little boy is here...

Keira: I know. I can't do it full time anymore, like others. But if I got the need to fight, I'll take it

Roxi: Well, this year you did get Equinox, and he at least looks like a partner you can trust. So, with all the training we've done to keep you in shape and me at the top of my game... maybe O'Malley and I will see you in the finals.

(Roxi says with a smirk.)

Keira: Maybe we should have Equinox and O'Malley fight for us, especially for tricking you into this

(Keira giggles at that.)

Roxi: That wasn't okay, and he is totally getting pinched for guilting me into that. I can't have Owen cry, it'll make me cry and ... look, I'm not getting into it, this is about you. And you have to be ready for Jessie.

Keira: I'm ready for Jessie. I've owed her a ass whipping for ages.

Roxi: You do need to focus on that. Jessie isn't a pushover. You know I want you to be successful.

Keira: I know, as do you. I don't want them thinking we're past our prime, that we're old.

Roxi: It does feel like an old thing to be back there though. But I know you're ready. But you know it's about pulling your own weight. You and Jessie have a history, just ensure that you're ready for a fight.

Keira: I will be.

(Keira takes the nippers from Roxi as she kisses her lips.)

Keira: Now, will you call Christine? We do need a baby sitter

Roxi: Oh, Nate can come with us, It's just the hobby store. We'll be in and out.

Keira: True.

(Keira turns to Nate)

Keira: Ready to go? We're going to the Hobby Shop!

Nate: Me go?

Roxi: Yes, you go.

Nate: Okay. Okay.

(Nate pushes his Lego's back over and dusts his hands off, He grabs Keira's hand)

Nate: Me Go. Ready.

(Keira grabs Nate's hand and smiles.)

Keira: Lead the way, Roxi

(Moments later, Keira, Roxi and Nate are seen in the hobby shop. As Roxi and Nate look around, Keira goes to the counter with the broken nippers.)

Clerk: Can I help you?

Keira: Yea, what kind of cheap crap did you sell me?

(Keira sits the nippers down and points to the broken spring.)

Clerk: Okay Ma'am let me take a look.

Keira: Take your time

(Keira turns and looks at some Model Kits she doesn't have yet as well as some new and improved Nippers on sale.)

Keira: Maybe I should buy a new one with a stronger spring...

(As Keira looks, she notices a man, looking at her. As she looks, the man turns to the other side, looking at something else.)

Keira: ....Huh, weird. Roxi?

(Roxi and Nate are looking at Model trains go around the pre-set up track.)

Nate: Train! Train!

Roxi: Yes, it's a train.

Nate: Thomas?

Roxi: Yes, just like Thomas.

Keira: Rox!

Roxi: Yes?

(Keira quickly rushes over to Roxi and Nate.)

Keira: Some strange guy was looking at me, when I noticed, he quickly turned around like it was nothing.

Roxi: People look at you all the time, you are a celebrity you know.

Keira: Not in the way this guy did

(Keira points to the guy that is looking at the Model Kits.)

Roxi: I... don't see anybody.

(Sure enough the guy is either gone, or out of Roxi's line of sight. She makes her way over to the area where Keira is pointing, but indeed, there is no one there.)

Roxi: He's gone I guess.

Keira: But he was right there!

Roxi: Well, there's nobody here now...

(Roxi walks back over, seeing Keira is visibly shaken.)

Roxi: Keira let's... just get the new nippers and go. Okay?

Keira: Right.

(Keira goes to the counter and looks at the clerk.)

Keira: I got the receipt from last time. I'm good for one more month

Clerk: Very well, I'll get your refund. Will there be anything else today?

Keira: Yea. I want your strongest nippers with a better spring

(Keira ponders for a second.)

Keira: You got one for that...maybe with a warranty?

Clerk: I don't think there's a warranty, but those are the strongest we have.

Keira: The ones with the crappy spring!?

(Keira takes a deep breath.)

Clerk: I'm sorry, that's all we have.

Keira: What about those I saw beside the Model Kit? The spring alone looks stronger

(Keira points to the hobby nipper that was there, but it's gone.)

Clerk: I can check the back, but I think we put them all out.

Keira: ....Ok

(Keira turns and goes to the empty space where the hobby nipper was.)

Keira: It was right there! Am I going insane!?

Roxi: Keira, come on, let's just get the thing and go. I think it'll be best for everyone.

(Keira sighs. She just takes the refund and walks out. She goes to her phone and begins to search for another store.)

Roxi: I'm sorry about this.

(Roxi says to the clerk as she exits the store.)

Keira: Come place in all of Tampa....

Roxi: Keira, what's gotten into you? Was it that guy you saw?

Keira: Yes!

Roxi: Okay, relax, you don't have to snap at me.

Nate: Yes!

Keira: Sorry, but I wanted the ones I that guy creeped me out. Now I can't find the ones I wanted

(Keira sighs. As she looks, she notices the Hobby Nippers get in front of her vision. She gasps as she puts her phone up and grabs them.)


(As Keira looks to thank, she notices the man she saw in the store. She screams at it and backs away, almost getting into a fighting stance.)

Keira: YOU CREEP! You following me!?

(The man says nothing, looking at both Keira and Roxi, as Roxi instinctively puts Nate behind her as Keira stares at him. Then, as quickly as that, he turns and walks away.)

Keira: Hey! Get back here!

(Keira rushes to try to catch the man.)

Roxi: Keira don't! Please don't.

(Keira stops and looks at Roxi.)

Keira: Why not?

Roxi: We don't even know this guy. He's some creep. I cannot lose you to walking into something like this. Please... let's
just go home.

Keira: Ugh....fine.

(Keira sighs as she give Roxi the Hobby Nippers and picks up Nate.)

Keira: Come here, you. Mommy didn't mean to worry you

Nate: Better Mama?

Keira: Long as you and Mommy Roxi are ok. Then I'm better. Roxi, take us home

Roxi: Come on, let's go.

(The two return home after a few minutes. Keira puts Nate in his crib and smiles.)

Keira: Nap-Nap time

Nate: Nap

(Keira kisses Nate on the forehead as she turns and walks out. As she goes down the stairs, she hears a scream.)

Keira: ROXI!?

(Keira rushes quickly to the living room)

Roxi: Who are you?! What do you want?!

(It is the same man from before. He just stares at Roxi and then Keira when she enters the room.)

Keira enters and asks

Keira: What's wrong R--YOU!

(Keira notices the man from before and goes into a fighting stance.)

Keira: You got five seconds before your kidneys are removed from your body!

(The man stands there, taking a breath before he looks at them.)

Man: My name... is Nathaniel.

Roxi: Well Nathaniel, you should know stalking is a crime.

Keira: Especially around me and my family.

Nathaniel: I know, and I'm sorry.... Mama.

Roxi: Excuse me?

Keira: ..................................What?

(Keira looks at Nathaniel as she slowly eases on her stands.)

Keira: What...did you just say?

Nathaniel: You... you are my mother.

Roxi: Keira?

Nathaniel: As are you... Mom.

Keira: W-W-Wha...

Roxi: Okay dude.... I don't know how you know us, how you know our sons name, or how you found us... but this isn't funny.

(Keira is starting to get a bit angry at this as the two talk.)

Keira: All you're doing is making me even more upset. I don't know how you know my son's name. But you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life

Nathaniel: Please... I need both of you to help me. I am... I am your son.

Roxi: Um... Our son is a year and half old.

Keira: And I just put him down for a nap.'re a creep that's about to get injured

(Keira gets back into her fighting stance, not wanting to go Super just yet.)

Keira: Last chance...get out....before I make you

Nathaniel: I am your son, I am... from the future.

Keira: Roxi? Can I punch him now?

Roxi: Do you realize how insane that sounds?

Nathaniel: But... I am here because I am from the future, and I need to change things.

Keira: What things?

Nathaniel: The choices you're going to make, they will not save the world as you know it. Lady Bedlam, and Lady Kat... I know about them and... there is.. something evil. Something far more evil than anything you can imagine, and the Guild will try and stop it, but it needs BOTH of you alive to do it.

(Keira's jaw drops, even hearing their hero names come from this person.)

Keira: H-How do you kno....

Roxi: This sounds ridiculous. You do know that right? I don't know how you know those names, but this isn't funny and you should leave.

Nathaniel: I need you to listen to me. I'm just here to warn you, please, I don't want to lose Mom AND Mama.

(Keira finally screams and rushes towards Nathaniel.)


Nathaniel: Ma... Keira... please just listen and hear me out. I don't want to lose you again.

Roxi: Again? You mean...

(Keira pulls back a little and looks at him.)

Keira: W-What happened?

(Keira grabs Nathaniel by his shirt and shakes him.)


Nathaniel: You... died m.... Keira.

(Keira lets go of Nathaniel's shirt as she slowly backs away. She slowly sits down, trying to process this.)

Nathaniel: I'm sorry

(Nathaniel almost instinctively tries to console Keira, but Roxi stops him.)

Roxi: Look, this is all ... strange at best. You can't prove any of this. As far as I know, or anyone knows, you're a complete stranger.

Keira: I...I di--

Nathaniel: I don't want that to happen. That's why I came back.

Keira: Look, I agree with Roxi. Even if this all true. You have no proof.

Nathaniel: I know you will never believe me ... I don't have any real proof other than my word. I wouldn't have gone to all this trouble if it was for nothing. I promise.

Roxi: There's no reason to believe any of this.

Nathaniel: Mom... you were more rational than... Keira. If you need to be sure then... please do so.

Roxi: You... need to be tested.

Keira: Yea!

(Keira thinks at this and sighs.)

Keira: We got to go on Maury, don't we?

Roxi: No. We're going to guild, and they will determine whether or not you're lying.

Keira: Fine. But can I get something to eat before we do? I'M HUNGRY!

Nathaniel: Yes, I remember Ma... Keira's hunger.

Keira: Really? How much do I eat?

Nathaniel: Roughly 12 steaks in a sitting.

(Keira's eyes widen after hearing that.)

Keira: Really? must be getting sloppy

Roxi: Anyway... this is... all too strange.

Keira: Roxi's right. Let's go and find out if you're telling the truth

Nathaniel: Very well.

Roxi: I'll go with him, you stay here and get Nate a sitter, then catch up.

(Roxi gets close to Nathaniel, looking him dead in the face.)

Roxi: You try anything, and I will hurt you.

(Nathaniel sheepishly looks away.)

Nathaniel: Yes Mom.

Keira: On it, Rox.

(Keira goes to call up Christine to take care of Nate. She looks at Nathaniel and ponders.)

Keira: Having to deal with Jessie on this clown, saying he's my son...This is one strange day.

Keira gets ahold of Christine as the scene fades

So, looks like I come out of retirement for the Blast from the Past Tournament to try to get a shot a the Bombshell World Title. If I win, I advance. If I lose, I go back to being a full time mom. A lot has changed since the last time I went for a shot at the title. Sure, I was acting like a prick, but things have changed. Motherhood changes everything. I know I'm not the odds on favorite, but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna back down.

Especially from one person who holds the biggest of grudges. One...that she doesn't even deserve!

Jessie, you like to bring up how I bitch and moan about this and that? Look at what you're doing! You're bringing up a two year old grudge that I beat you in the same tournament from two years ago. Yea, you beat me in the Chamber of Fate. Yet I had to earn another shot at that title. But...if I remember. I BEAT YOU FOR IT!

Two years and you WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT! If anyone is crying at this point. It's you, Salco. Let me take a wild guess. You're going to bitch and complain that you "Didn't get your win back?" when I beat you? I guess that would mean...

I'm better than you?

I'm sorry I made you so bitter. I'm sorry for all the bad things in my life. Least I can apologize for my actions...unlike a few people.

Jessie, you won't let this old grudge go? Even if you beat me, you'll find a way to bitch about it. Fans go around and call you "Jessie 'Bitch' Salco" for a reason. Not cause of what you do in the ring. Cause you NEVER, SHUT, UP!

Jessie, you and your partner, come Sunday, no. Forget my Catchphrase. I'm gonna retire your bitchy ass. The End!

Climax Control Archives / One More For The Road
« on: December 15, 2017, 10:03:58 PM »
 *Keira is seen in the training room, the level turned up to maximum as she fires some Ki Blasts at the Robots. She misses one and gets shot a bit as she falls. She groans as she tries to stand. Roxi had been watching and stepped forward to speak to Keira*

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Yea. that cheap shot got me.

*Keira finally stands as she leans on the wall. She sees the wounds beginning to heal as she sighs*

Keira: I need to get rid of the rust....

Roxi: Just be careful.

Keira: I'll try my best.*

*Keira slowly goes to the door and opens it. She takes a deep breath and looks at Roxi*

Keira: How are you? ....With Misty being....

*Roxi frowns*

Roxi: I... I'm slowly getting there.

*Roxi fights back some tears*

*Keira pulls Roxi close and hugs her tightly*

Roxi: It just makes you think... She was so young and she finally seemed happy. And now, she's gone.

Keira: She's here. She'll always be here, Roxi. In heaven and in your heart.

*Keira sighs a bit as she just comforts Roxi*

Keira: She wouldn't want us to be sad.

Roxi: I know that, but she, she was our friend. We watched her kids. She helped us prepare to take care of Nate.

Keira: I know. She was the best of friends.

*Keira breaks the hug and takes Roxi to the living room*

Roxi: It's just going to take a while to really get used to the fact she's not here anymore.

Keira: I know, but we will honor her memory. I promise

Roxi: I just... I don't want this to become a bigger deal than it is. I mean, we're going back to SCW and... Misty left there under some bad terms. It sucks, and I don't want our return tainted because of it.

Keira: Roxi....

Roxi: Sorry. You know how close Misty was to us and... I'm a mess right now, I don't know what I'm doing with myself rightn ow.

Keira: Roxi, when I lost Jean. How do you think I felt? Sure, she returned, but still. Misty was close to us, but she wants us to go on.

Roxi: It just hit me harder than I expected. But... let's... let's not talk about this anymore. We need to go on too...

*Keira frowns as she sits down. She sighs, feeling useless to Roxi at this point*

Roxi: I do appreciate what you're doing. I can't hold it in and all that. And you've always been my rock. You've always been there for me.

Keira: Like I always told you, Roxi. We'll get through all of this....

*Keira extends her hand*

Keira: Together

Roxi: Yes, together.

*Roxi takes Keira's hand, as Nate plays with cars on the floor*

Keira: Together, we can do anything

Roxi: I know.

*Nate crawls over with his car and rams it into Roxi's foot, not hard*

Roxi: Oops, sorry.

Nate: Car. Car.

Roxi: I know, I know.

Keira: Hehe. He's growing up so fast.

Roxi: I know.

*Nate bumps the car on Roxi over and over*

Nate: Car. Car!

Roxi: I know, that's your car.

*Keira giggles at this as she picks up Nate*

Keira: That your car?

Nate: Car.

*Keira giggles as she hands Nate to Roxi*

Roxi: I love you.

*Roxi kisses Nate who kisses her*

Roxi: Nice kisses. You're a good kisser.

Nate: Kiss.

*Keira smirks*

Keira: Ok, Nap-Nap time!

Nate: No.

Roxi: No. No. You always say no.

Keira: Well, he only knows 3 words so far, Rox.

Roxi: No, Car, and Okay.

Nate: Kiss.

Roxi: Nope, stop trying to butter me up, you.

Keira: And kiss. 4 Words, I apologize

Roxi: Are you going to be a good boy when you visit grandma and grandpa?

Nate: Okay.

Keira: If you be good. I'll get you another Car

Nate: Okay

*Keira smiles and hugs Nate*

Keira: My special little boy

Nate: Mama. Kiss

Keira kisses Nate on the cheek*

Roxi: Now he's buttering you up.

Keira: Yea. I know

*Keira stands, holding Nate as she takes him to his room so he can nap*

Nate: Mama. Nap.

Keira: Yep! Time for Nap-Nap!

*Nate takes his own bottle and drinks it while sitting in his crib.*

Keira: Night-Night

*Roxi joins Keira as they watch Nate drink*

Roxi: That's our boy.

*Keira kisses Nate's forehead as her and Roxi turn and walk out, turning out the light. Keira heads back to the living room and sits down*

Keira: Feel better, Roxi?

Roxi: A little. There's a lot we have to do in the coming days. First time in a long time we're teaming up and getting back in the ring.
Keira: Yea. Do you even know who our opponents are?

Roxi: Oddette, Amanda Cortez, Zuri and Alexis Morrison

Keira: Jeez. Alexis I think I fought her before. Amanda, I do owe a ass kicking to. I love her again, still, though. Zuri and Oddette? I don't think I fought them.

Roxi: It's why we need to start preparing. It won't be easy, and add to the fact that we have to team with Delia... I'm not sure how the teams were picked, but at least we're together.

Keira: Might as well harden my back. That knife's coming with Delia

Roxi: Well, at the very least, this is a one time deal.

Keira: Yea. It might be the last time

Roxi: Well, I mean, you accomplished quite a bit. And now you're a hall of famer. And I've never been prouder of you.
Keira: Thank you, Roxi. To be honest, there's really nothing left for me to prove. But, I just wanna do it one more time.

Roxi: I know. I know. But we can't afford to rest on our laurels. This needs to be a great showing. Not just going through the motions, even with SCW closing soon.

Keira: Yea, that came out of left field. "We got a lot of legends returning! OH, We're shutting SCW down"

Roxi: Things work weird in running a wrestling company. Even still.

Keira: Yea. But it's gonna be a pain in the ass for me. I haven't wrestled in over a year!

Roxi: That's why we're going to whip you into shape.
Keira: Please tell me one of them is a Joint Patrol again.

Roxi: We're going to hit everything.

Keira: As long as one of them is a Joint Patrol, I'm good

Roxi: We will, I promise.

*Keira smiles as she kisses Roxi's lips softly*

Roxi: We'll make this work. Team Hero, one more time.

Keira: Once more into the breach, dear friend.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: Too much?

Roxi: No. Not at all.

Keira: So! Can we go out on patrol together? Been too long since LB and LK kicked ass together

*Keira leans in and pokes Roxi's arm*

Keira: Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we?

Roxi: Okay, okay, relax.

*Keira begins to giggle*
Keira: I haven't been this excited since I found out Duke Nukem and the RX-78-2 Gundam are gonna be in one badass movie! That reminds me. Need to get advanced tickets to Ready Player One

Roxi: Aright, relax.

Keira: Says the woman who freaked out seeing Freddy in that trailer.

Roxi: Hey, I'm allowed my nerd moment

Keira: Yea. But watch that movie be bad. Anyway, get suited up.
*Keira goes and pulls out her costume and quickly changes*

Keira: Besides. How long has it been since Team Hero kicked ass together?

*Keira's comm now goes off*

Keira: I'll answer it

*Keira flips her comm on*

Keira: Long time, Vision. No, I haven't got fat.

*Keira finishes suiting up*

Roxi: Okay Vision, what have you got?

Vision: Th-this is a very stange one. Someone is going into Diners and Fast Food places and robbing them

Keira: So a Petty thief going for quick cash. Why need us?

Vision: ....Yea. That's the thing. He's not after money. He's....eating all the food.

*Roxi looks at Keira*

Roxi: So... looks like you have competition.

Vision: Unless Keira's started eating people too...

Roxi: Oh... well, that's different.

Keira: ....That almost sounds like....Damn it. Roxi, get your gear!

Roxi: Right

*Moments later, the two land beside a Subway as Keira looks around*

Keira: Anything, LB?

Roxi: Not that I see.

*All of a sudden, a man burses out and tries to attack Roxi*

Man: FEED ME!!!!!!!!!

Roxi: Whoa.... He's... he's a big one..

Keira: He is. He's almost giving out a familiar aura...
Roxi: What? What kind of aura?

Keira: ...Demonic.

Roxi: That's bad... isn't it?

*Keira quickly powers up to her Blue Form, giving Roxi the answer*

Roxi: Oh... right.

Keira: It's one of the 7 Deadly Sins. Gluttony. He'll eat anything...I do mean ANYTHING

Gluttony: Soooo...HUNGRY! FOOD! MUST...HAVE!!!!!!!!!!

Roxi: So... what's the plan?

Keira: I know you don't want to....but we either kill him or weaken him enough to use the knife.

Roxi: Well, he's a monster, not a person.

Keira: Your call. Kill or Save....

Roxi: Let's take out the monster.

As soon as Roxi says that, Gluttony charges and tries to hit Roxi a few times*

Roxi: Ooof! Aggressive I see.

*Roxi covered up to deflect the blows*
Gluttony: HUNGRY! YOU LOOK TASTY!!!!!!!!!

Roxi: You don't wanna eat me, I'm stringy, I'll get caught in your teeth.

*All of a sudden, Keira gives a sucker punch to the demon. She fires a few Ki Blasts*

Keira: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? GO SUPER!!!!!!! Don't hold back!

*Roxi does so, powering up to full strength.*

Roxi: Let's do this.

*The two begin to wail on the demon, firing off a few blasts. It helps, til Keira gets close to Gluttony, but gets surprised by Gluttony bitting Keira's arm*


Roxi: Let her go!

*Roxi fired some blows attempting to free Keira*

Keira: EAT THIS!!!!!!!!

*Keira blasts Gluttony's eyes and finally gets free. She holds her arm in pain*

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Yea. But we got to finish this, NOW!

Roxi: Right, let's do this!

*Keira raises her good arm and gets it ready for a final Ki Blast*

*Roxi follows suit her own blast ready to go.*'

Gluttony: FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keira: You got it! FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Roxi fires her blast. Keira does the same, the blast big enough to evaporate Gluttony. A huge explosion is seen and heard as the two are knocked back by the recoil*

Roxi: You... okay?

Keira: I..I'll live....

Roxi: Good. Well, that was certainly interesting. Did we kick enough ass for oyu?

Keira: Yea. Take me home. Feeling weak...

Roxi: Sure.

*Roxi helps Keira up and helps her fly back home*

*Days later, Keira was seen on the couch, relaxing as Roxi was in the kitchen, making dinner. There were 30 steaks already made as Roxi was finishing the last batch*

Roxi: Alright, come and get it.

*Keira goes to the table and sees Nate on his high chair. She smiles as she waits for Roxi to bring the food.

Roxi: Here you go.

*Roxi sets the plate in front of Keira*

Keira: Thank you

*Keira begins to eat, albiet a little slower than usual, which slowly gets Roxi's attention. After eating 15 of at least 40 steaks, Keira stops*

Keira: Done. I'm full...

Roxi: Really? Since when?

Keira: What do you mean?

Roxi: You're never full.

Keira: I'm full. What do you want me to say?

*Roxi quickly stands up and feels Keira's forehead*

Keira: R-Roxi? What are you...

Roxi: Checking to see if you're sick

Nate: Mama, Better

Roxi: I don't know sweetheart. Mama isn't acting like normal, but she's okay.

Nate: Okay.

Roxi: Yes, okay.

*Keira sigh as she sits her arm on the table. Roxi notices the bite Keira still had from the battle with Gluttony*

Roxi: We need to get you fixed.

Keira: Why? I'm just full!

Roxi: You are never full. That's a concern.

*Roxi turns and looks at the steaks left over.*

Roxi: Also, the fridge is getting full.

Keira: So? I'm just full. Food will be there for tomorro--

Roxi: What?

Keira: I said the food will be there for to--

*All of a sudden, Keira is pulled up by Roxi*

Keira: Jeez! Fine! I'm up! It's like me being full is a problem....

Roxi: Because it's not like you. And I have a sneaking suspicious that bite mark is the cause

Keira: T-The bite?

Roxi: You haven't been the same since.

Keira: And that is making you worried?

Roxi: You, and this little boy right here, are the most precious things in the world to me. I take no chances when it comes to you.

Keira: ....Roxi.....

Nate: Mama.

*Keira turns to Nate and looks at him

Nate: Better.

Keira: Nate...Mama will get better. For you.

*Keira turns back to Roxi*

Keira: Lead the way.

Roxi: We'll go later. Let's just... spend some family time together first.
Nate: Car!

Roxi: You're silly.

*Keira giggles as she kisses Roxi's cheek*

Roxi: Come on, let's go play with cars.

*A few hours later, Keira and Roxi are seen in the Guild Doctor's room, waiting for the results. It had improved since Demon powers and illness had become more common for the heroes*

Roxi: Hopefully my suspicions are correct.

*The doctor returns with the papers as he looks at the two*

Doctor: I got the results. From what we can tell thanks to the Bite Mark on Keira. Gluttony put in some sort of poison in Keira, pretty much slowing her metabolism down.

Roxi: Is... that all it's doing?

Doctor: Yea, but the thing is. If it slows down anymore, she won't eat anything and...she'll...

Roxi: Starve? No, no, there's gotta be something, right?

Doctor: Yes. We took some of the poison and we're developing a antidote

Keira: Weird...that's fast.

Doctor: Well, we did a lot to improve our medical facility over the last year, especially with Demons popping up

Keira: Yea. Thanks to Jenny's money...and the files on all known demons.

Roxi: How much longer are we gonna have to wait?

Doctor: A hour, tops. We must suggest you wait here

Roxi: Good. Good, that's good news.

*The doctor turns and walks out as Keira leans her head onto Roxi.*

Keira: Damn...I have gotten soft.

Roxi: Don't worry, this shot should fix you up in no time. You haven't gotten soft, you've relaxed. You haven't wrestled in a long time. But we're going to get you fixed, and then, we're going to train like never before. I promise.

*Roxi kisses Keira's head*

Roxi: I believe in you.

Keira: Thank you, Roxi. But to be honest. I thought you'd be happy with me eating less

Roxi: Well, yes, but I don't want you to starve to death. Nor do I want you to change like that.

Keira: Really?

*Keira grins a bit*

Keira: You got used to me eating like that....

Roxi: I just wish it wasn't so much, that's all.

*Roxi strokes Keira's hair*

Keira: I know.

Roxi: But, no matter what, I love you just the way you are.

*Keira smiles a bit*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

*About an hour later, the doctor returns and gives Keira the shot. Roxi of course stands a good distance away from the needle.*

Doctor: Roxi, it's a needle. It's not gonna hurt you.

Roxi: I don't like them. Just keep them away from me.

Keira: You're not even getting the shot....

Roxi: I don't care. Needles are not okay.

Doctor: It's done. Normally, it would take a bit for it to take effect. A few hours, but with your DNA and your past history with a demon inside you before. It might take a--
Keira: I'M HUNGRY!

Doctor: ....Or now.

Roxi: Let's get you home.

Doctor: Wait. She's got to wait at least 10 minutes

Keira: But! I'm starving! I could have had 50 Tacos by now!

Doctor: ....50 Tacos!?

Roxi: Let me handle this part doc. Thanks for everything.

Doctor: Anytime...

*Roxi and Keira soon depart heading back home. Once there. Keira eats like a horse. Roxi waits for Keira to finish before nodding*

Roxi: Well... it's time to get you back in the ring.

Keira: Mhmm. More please?

*Keira extends her plate*

Roxi: Trust me, when we're finished, you'll have earned the meal.

Nate: Mama better?

Keira: Ok. And yes, Nate. Mama's better....and still hungry!

Roxi: You go get ready, and you...little man, you get to go with Grandma and Grampa

Nate: No

Roxi; No, no, yes yes... You little monster.

Keira: Least he doesn't eat like one

*Keira giggles at that as she blows Nate a kiss*

Keira: Mommy loves you

Nate: Mama. Kiss.

*Keira goes to Nate and kisses his Cheek*

Roxi: Now come on you, let's go see Grandma and Grandpa.

*Keira smiles and waves the two bye as the scene fades*

Well. This is it. It's been over a year since I last stepped into a SCW ring. Sure, I'll have a lot of ring rust. But this is something that happens once in a life time. The 200th CC....Hell, the FINAL CC if we're being honest.

I'm honored to wrestle on this milestone. But to be honest as well. I don't know if I want to return to the ring on a full time basis. If I do, it'll shock myself. But for now. Let's see what I still got to be quite honest.

Odette Stevens, I've heard about you. I'm trying to remember if we ever wrestled one on one in the past. If we have, let me know. I heard you were good. But I wanna see it for myself. But don't expect me to hold back one bit.

Zuri, I have heard about you and I do like what I see. No, not like that. I mean as a wrestler. It's nice to see someone who's strong and ready to fight. I can't wait to wrestle you as well.

I know you're not the Alexis I know. But that doesn't mean I won't fight you like the Alexis I know. I heard you were good too. I can't wait to see it for myself.

Amanda, I love you. But no offense, I've owed you a ass whipping for a couple of years now. Sure, we're friends again. But you know what you did. Win or lose, I'll get that ass whipping. Trust me.

Ladies, Team Hero reunites for one night only. Don't think it's a full return. The beating we give you, will be another story. One more time, One More for the Road. It's time to B.A.B....




Supercard Archives / Crystal Millar Vs Keira Fisher
« on: September 23, 2016, 05:20:24 PM »
 *The scene opens with Keira landing, still shrouded in darkness as she slowly stands. She begins to cough as she holds her ribs*

Keira: Fuck, th...this hurts so much

Sin: It should.

*There is now a whole rooom opening to a church. The pews are empty, but Sin is indeed standing at the altar*

Keira: What's this...this looks like...

Sin: It is. The same church where you and I first met....

*Sin smirks as she shows the Preacher, the one who originally hosted Sin as she smiles*

Sin: That night....that faithful night.

Keira: Sin, I swear to God. I'll kill you, right where you stand

*Keira raises her hand and quickly fires a Ki Blast out of desperation. But it gets deflected. Keira's eyes widen as she sees a familiar person, wearing a black gown*

Sin: You deserve to suffer. Because you want so much. This day... it should be the happiest day of your live. This day, right here. The wedding with all your friends gathered around. You had one, and you... you wanted more. You wanted it all.

*An organ begins to play "here comes the bride" The black gowned woman walks down the aisle with roses in her hand, dead, dying roses.

Sin: You have a wife, but you wanted two. And you still do.

Keira: No. No I don't!

Sin: Oh... then you won't mind... will you?

Keira: Mind what?

*The bride turns around and reveals herself to be Jean*

Keira: No....

Sin: I do admit, Keira. You do have good taste.....

*Sin places an arm around Jean*

Sin: You won't mind if I marry Jean, right? You already have a wife. You already have everything you need. Unless this is a....

*Sin slyly smiles*

Sin: This is a secret, isn't it? It was supposed to be anyway. You... you almost left your wife.... for ms. Jean here... so... I guess... you mind a little?

Keira: Jean knows the story. She knows I love Roxi. Roxi knows about everything....

*Keira rushes, but is blocked off by another Glass Wall*


Sin: Roxi knows, and how do you think that makes her feel? Inferior, that you, would possibly leave her, for this beautiful flower? I mean, how could you betray your wife like that anyway. You've always wanted Jean. You had the opportunity to run away with her

*Sin smirks*

Sin: And you almost took it.

*Sin pulls out a knife*

Sin: Then again....even this one would have suffered the same

Keira: Sin, don't you do it! DON'T YOU DO IT!

*Keira keeps trying to punch through the glass, each hit, harder than the last til it begins to make Keira's knuckles bleed*

Sin: You know what you do when you play with people's emotions like you do Keira?

*Sin smirks, pulling in Jean for a lewd kiss, before pulling back*

Sin; You rip out their heart.


*Sin stabs Jean in the chest, stabbing and cutting repeatedly until there is a hole in Jean's chest. Jean cries in pain until Sin reaches in, and pulls out Jean's still beating heart.*

Keira: SIN! YOU BITCH!!!!!!!

*Keira powers up to her third Super Form*

Sin: How could you do this to her? How could you? But... I saved you some trouble. Now, her heart isn't beating.
*Sin drops Jean's lifeless body and walks down the altar steps, feigning tears.*

Keira: You bitch....

Sin: So sad. But now, you only have one girl left in your life don't you?

*Keira's eyes widen. She knows who she was talking about. She finally grabs Sin by the neck and throws punch after punch, each one more stronger than the last*


*Sin morphs in to Roxi, taking the blows fulls forces, beginning to bleed profusely from the nose.... and mouth. Keira quickly stops and lets go, backing away*

Roxi: Ow.... I... I'm sorry Keira... I didn't mean to..

Keira: Roxi...No....

Roxi: :Why are you hurting me?

*At that moment, tears begin to form and flow down Keira's face*

Keira: No...No...No....

Roxi: I never meant to hurt you....
*Roxi stands up, holding her bloody head and face*

Keira: Roxi....

Roxi: And just like I thought.... weak and pathetic!

*Keira falls to her knees, crying*

Roxi: How could you do this?! Why couldn't you listen?!

Keira: Roxi...please....

*Out of nowhere, Roxi backhands Keira full force!*
Roxi: SHUT UP!

*Keira holds her cheek*

Roxi: You ruined everything!

*Roxi morphs back into Sin*

Keira: No...I didn't...I..did..n't

*Keira continues to cry*

Sin: Such a cute couple. But you know, every marriage has it's problems. But you work it out. Because it looks like Roxi is so precious to you. Isn't she?

Keira: You know she has been...since you tried to make her into your new Lust!

Sin: Part of that, was your idea. What if she joined us? It was perfect. We could have ruled, and you two could have had what you wanted.

Keira: You don't get it, do you? I don't want you Sin. You've caused me nothing but pain and heartache when you were a part of me. I finally found happiness...

*Sin walks behind Keira, standing and smirking*

Sin: Are you happy now? You've lost everything but one thing.

Keira: Leave Roxi alone, Sin....

*The scene morphs back to the graveyard, now Christine and Jean's graves are filled*

Keira: This is wrong.


*Keira hears a voice and sees Maria coming towards her. Her sister slaps Keira in the face*

Keira: M-Maria?

Maria: YOU BLOODY KILLED HER! Jessica, Jenny, ALL OF THEM! For what?

Keira: Maria, I didn't--


*Maria points to them*

Maria: I'm going to make you join them. I HAVE NO S--

*All of a sudden, a sword was seen going through Maria's chest. It was the same one that Jenny used against Sin before Sin finished her off. Sin smirks, holding it, blood covering her face*

Sin: I guess there was another Fisher that had it worse....

*Sin pushes Maria's corpse off the sword and tosses the sword aside.*

Keira: Sin, you fucking bitch. How much more--

Sin: Well... Now there's very, very little you haven't completely pissed away, is there?

*Sin shakes her head*

Sin: You could simply admit that this is all you wanted and this could be over, or... we could go to the final suffering....

Keira: I've had enough....

*Keira gets into a fighting stance*

Sin: I guess you want to be completely broken....

*Sin snaps her fingers and the whole scene shifts to darkness. Sin continues to speak*

Sin: Since Roxi is so precious to you, let's put it to the test!

Keira: What....

*Keira slowly gets up, but notices it was harder to do this time. Her body aches in so much pain*

Sin: You know, Roxi is very.... very tough.

*The scene shifts to a giant glass case with Roxi trapped inside*

Roxi: Keira! Help me!

Keira: ROXI!

*Keira quickly rushes to Roxi to get her out*

Sin: Roxi has endured a lot. A lot at your hands Keira. All the abuse. All the jokes... It's amazing she's still in one piece.

Roxi: Keira please help me!

*Roxi bangs on the glass but it won't break*

Keira: Stay back!

*Keira produces and fires a few Ki Blasts*

Keira: This will get Roxi out

*Keira fires, but the glass is too thick and it the energy dissapates not making any progress.*

Keira: What the!?

Sin: I told you she was tough. You know, She can heal from just about anything.


*A Sin creation, a masked man stands behind Roxi with a gun.*

Sin: We can shoot her.

*The masked man shoots Roxi in the back*

Roxi: Ahhh!

Keira: NO!!!! STOP IT!

*Roxi pants and breathes, trying to wait for her healing to kick in*

Roxi: Keira....

Keira: Roxi, I'll get you--

*All of a sudden, Chains are seen wrapping around Keira's arms and legs. It pulls her away from Roxi and extends her arms and legs*

Sin: That's enough being close

*The masked man pulls out a hunting knife*

Sin; As I was saying, you can shoot Roxi, you can stab Roxi.*

*The masked man plunges the knife into Roxi's stomach and ribs several times. Roxi cries out in pain, bleeding from the mouth, but still alive.*

Keira: NOOOOOO! STOP!!!!!!!

Sin: And you know, like magic, in a few minutes, she'll heal.

*Keira begins to cry again, trying to break free*

Sin: It's almost like, you can do anything to her, and she'll just heal.

*The masked man drags Roxi's body along the ground as she groans in pain.*

Sin: She's very tough. But you know what every good superhero needs to do? You know what they just can't live without?

*Sin comes up and taps on the screen*
Sin: Air.

Keira: NO!

*The air is slowly sucked by the glass glass container. Roxi breathes and tries to stay calm*

Sin; Oh... it's probably not good the oxygen in the room is helping heal those wounds. I'd say... you'd got like 3 minutes.

Keira: Stop it Sin! STOP!!!!!!!!!

*Sin releases Keira from the chain, and Keira runs over to Roxi pounding on the glass as much as possible. Roxi tries to get to Keira and puts her hand up against the glass.*

Roxi: Help me....

Sin: Shhh... you might want to conserve your air.

Keira: Roxi, you're strong. You've always been strong. Stronger than me. I know you can escape this, baby. Please. I love you.

Sin: She's just suffocated by your love and all you do Keira. Look what you're doing to her... She can't breathe.
*Roxi's eyes flutter as she struggles to stay alive. She looks at Keira is desperation*

Roxi: Ke... Ke...

Keira: No...please...

Roxi: I... I love you...

*All of a sudden, Keira's eyes light up*


Sin: What!?

Keira: You know instant transmission! You can get out of there!

*Roxi struggles to get up barely able to move. She somehow gets up, and puts two fingers against her head*

Roxi: K.....

Keira: Keep calm.

*Keira begins to glow a bit, giving her the sense of energy to get Roxi out…But it's too late, the air is sucked out of the room, and Roxi collapses to ground*

Keira: NO!!!!!!!! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sin: You bring nothing but misery to everyone around you. Your past sins haunt you.

*Sin warps them back to the graveyard, where Roxi's grave is now filled*

Sin: They come back to haunt you in the end. It's over Keira. This world is now free of everything good you had. All of it, is gone, as you pay for your sins.

*Keira stays silent, going to her hands and knees*

Sin: It's all gone.

*There are championship titles shown all around Keira kneeling on the ground*

Sin: But you can have your glory.

*Keira keeps silent, not saying anything*

Sin: Nothing to say? I didn't think s-

*Suddenly there is baby crying in the background*

Sin: What...

*A spotlight shows on the crying baby*

Sin: I guess there is more... isn't there?

*Keira slowly stands and stares at the baby. She slowly walks to it*

Sin: This is it, the last bastion of hope. Your last hope Keira.

*Keira slowly goes to the baby and gently picks it up*

Sin: Now, to put an end to it. No hope Keira. It's over!

*Sin extends her finger nails, and looks to attack, when Keira turns away and defends Nate from the attack. Keira begins to glow, her anger, rage, sorrow, and primal motherly instinct everything build up, and it finally explodes in a brilliant white light*

Sin: What?!

Keira: You are my only make me happy....when skies are grey.....

Sin: No.... no!

*Sin fires everything she has at the white light, but nothing stops Keira's singing. the white light glows stronger, bigger, wider, before engulfing Sin entirely

Keira: You never know much I love you. Please don't sunshine away.....


*Sin shoots up, finding herself in the all-white room. She stumbles around, and then she and Keira are face to face*

Sin: What did you do?!

Keira: You can't break me Sin. You won't. I won't let you win. I am through with you. Done. Do you understand?! You ruined everything for me. You took lives, you took my friends. So now....

*Keira turns away from Sin*

Keira: I'm taking it all back.

Sin: What?

Keira: I never said I was perfect, but I know who I am, and what I'm going to do. And you... and your plague of doubt, anger, and fear, that hold you have over me? It's gone! I’m taking everything back. Every bit of energy I ever gave to you. I’m taking it back, and you will never haunt me again. You’re done Sin. The game is over. You have nothing over me anymore.

Sin: No!

*Keira simply looks over her shoulder at Sin*

Keira: Now. And Forever!

*Keira turns and throws one solid punch, and the every emotion Keira was feeling unleashes itself and into Sin, and Sin implodes from the inside*


*And in a black cloud engulffed quickly by the positive energy, Sin is gone. Keira turns back and sees Nate on a pedestal, and walks back over to him picking him up, and kissing him before sitting down and rocking the baby who is squealing with delight.*

Keira: You are my sunshine.... my only sunshine...

*The scene fade as Keira is brought out of the dream world by Roxi.*

Roxi: Keira!

Keira: R...R...Roxi...

Roxi: Sorry it took so long, This place was well hidden. But we got him. He's being taken to jail.

Keira: Where is he....

*Roxi finishes unhooking Keira and helps her up*

Roxi: Where's who? Dr. Dream? I told you, he's going to jail. Are you okay?

Keira: Let me see him....

*Keira's cheek told the story as tears were rolling down from it*

Roxi: Come on, let's get you home...

*Keira leans on Roxi, now crying*

Keira: Roxi...Christine....Sasha...Jenny...Maria...Jean...

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: He...he tried to....

Roxi: Keira... it was just a dream. Whatever it was. A nightmare. I'm here now, everyone is here.

Keira: It wasn't a nightmare. was real. Sin...she...

*Keira pulls away, holding out her hands*

Keira: little boy....

Roxi: He's on his way, we need to get ready.

*Keira wipes away the tears and nods. She turns to the bed where she was held as she says to herself*

Keira: Goodbye, Sin....Forever.

*A couple of days pass after Keira's changing dream. She trains with Roxi and hangs out with Christine and Sasha more to a point it annoys them...a bit. But right now, Keira is seen eating alot, after intense training for her match with Crystal*

Roxi: Are you sure you're alright?

Keira: Yea. Just...fine.

Roxi: No, clearly you're not. Something happened to you. You've never been like this. I... I don't mean to pry or make you relive whatever horrible things happened to you in, whatever world you were in but...

*Roxi sits down next to Keira at the table*

Roxi: I just want you to know that I'm here.

Keira: Dr Dream...he tried to bring Sin...

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Sin tried to break me. Making me watch everyone and everything die in front of me. She sliced Sasha's neck. I saw Jenny with a eyepatch, scars, Sin sliced her head off her neck. She made Christine into a doll...and broke her...reminding me of the time I stabbed her when I thought she had a demon in her.

*Keira begins to shed a tear*

Keira: Keri...jumped off a building after she said she had no sister when people called me a whore, etc. Sin tried to marry Jean...and ripped her heart out

*Keira grits her teeth*

Keira: She stabbed

*Keira tries to say the words, making it hard to remember the worst of the worst. She forces herself*

Keira: She had a glass case....she had a man shoot you, stab you multiple times. She took your air away. I couldn't rescue you. She...She broke me....

*Keira drops her fork and begins to cry*

Keira: She almost ended it...but...Nate...he saved me

*Keira extends her hands*

Keira: I held him in my arms. Sin tried to kill him, but...I stopped her. It was like, every emotion I had. I gave Sin what she had coming....I punched her...she imploded.

*Keira looks down*

Keira: Then...I held my arms. He was so happy. I sung to him....til you woke me up.

Roxi: Wow... um...

*Roxi shakes her head and wipes away a few tears*

Roxi: I am proud of you.

Keira: Huh?

Roxi: You didn't give up, you endured all that. You wouldn't let her win. I am proud of you for that. Even if it was all a dream. And now, sounds like you're more than ready for anything.

*Roxi throws an arm around Keira*

Roxi: But I will always be here for you. I will always be by your side. I will never leave you to face the world alone if I can help it. What you faced down... you're stronger than you ever thought.

*Roxi kisses Keira's cheek*

Roxi: But all of us, we're still here. Right by your side.

Keira: Thank you, Roxi. I'm just sick of letting all my emotions control me any longer

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Keira: I'm sorry I've been more clingy to Sasha and Christine the last few days after training

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Sin was almost right...especially about Jean and you. But I made my choice. Jean knows my choice and you do too. I chose you, Roxi....Sin...almost made me believe something else.

*Keira holds Roxi*

Roxi: Listen, whatever you and Jean have... or had.. it's the past. There's a ring on my finger. That's tell me all I need to know.

*Keira smiles*

Keira: Sin tried to take everything away from me. Just like Crystal is trying to take my chance of becoming champion away from me.

Roxi: I know, if you didn't let Sin take everything from you, there's no way Crystal will. I believe in you.

*Roxi rubs Keira's shoulder*

Roxi: And you know, I think Chris and Sasha like the new Keira being around.

Keira: Even if Sasha is ready to rip my head off? Hehe

Roxi: You're active, you're around. They miss you when you're not around. You mean a lot to a lot of people you know? I mean, Kat, Kate, Jami all throw us a #WCW every now and again. Pet... well... Pet is Pet, but you guys get along. You're part of the family.

Keira: Pet...don't get me started. She reminds me of Jazz from Fresh Prince.

Roxi: She's harmless. But you are just as much part of things as I am. They want to be with us on this journey. They want to be part of our lives. They don't just look up to me, they look up to you.

Keira: I know. Roxi, I'm not perfect. I'm never gonna be perfect.

*Keira gets close to Roxi*

Keira: I'm Keira. I'm everyone's crazy woman. I collect things. I play video games. I get angry. But, when my friends and family need me. I'm there.

Roxi: I know that, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Roxi: I know you will do great.

*Roxi's phone goes off and she looks down and checks the message, and her eyes widen*

Roxi: We have to go.

Keira: What's wrong?

*Keira gets a bit worried*

Keira: Roxi, what's wrong? Your eyes are about to come out

Roxi: That's was Sasha... Christine's at the hospital.

Keira: WHAT!?

*Keira stumbles over in insanity*


*Keira rushes around in a panic*


*Keira screams, but Roxi slaps her and shakes her*

Roxi: Stop it! We don't need a suitcase, we're going to a hospital. Just... breathe with me.

*Keira breathes heavily, more of a panic*

Keira: I can't do it, I can't do it. I'm not ready! I'm more ready for the World Bombshell Title match more than I am this!

Roxi: Re. LAX. We've got to go. Come on, get in the car.

*Roxi grabs Keira by the shoulders*

Roxi: You're going to do fine. Look at me, fine.

Keira: Right. Right.

*Keira breathes, almost like she's ready to give birth as she gets in the car*

Roxi: Take a breath. Please, don't have a panic attack on me. Sasha says it's going to be a few, but Chris said it was time and Sasha took her in. They've given Chris drugs so she's okay.

Keira: The baby was suppose to come days ago. I swear, he's already taking like me

*Roxi basically has to buckle Keira in herself before getting in*

Roxi: It's gonna be okay

Keira:'ll be ok....

*Roxi drives to the hospital with Keira. Once they get to the hospital, Keira and Roxi are greeted by Sasha*

Roxi: How is she?

Sasha: She's alright. They gave her some stuff, but she knew she had to come. Trust me, she'll be glad to see you guys too.

Keira: Y-Yea.

Sasha: Come on, I'll take you guys in.

Keira: L-Lead the way

*The three were going to Christine's room, but a doctor stops them*

Doctor: Sorry folks, She's on her way to the delivery room

Roxi: Can... can we go in?

Sasha: Just to say hi.

Doctor: *Sigh* Quickly...

*The three nod as they see Christine. Keira begins to get teary eyed*

Keira: Christine...

Christine: Keira. Roxi. You guys came.

Roxi: Of course love.

Keira: You know we would. We love you

*Keira begins to caress Christine, smiling*

Christine: I love you too.

*The nurses begin to wheel Christine away, and Roxi, Keira and Sasha have to go to the waiting room*

Keira: This is it....

Roxi: She's got this. I know she does

Keira: I know. I'm just so nervous. He's almost here...

*Sasha sits on Keira's lap and hugs her tightly.*

Sasha: You're gonna be a great mommy Ke.

Keira: I know. But it feels like I'm annoying you alot lately

Sasha: Nope. You are just fine.

*Sasha squeezes Keira tightly*

Sasha: Unless you're trying to trick me so you can avenge your butt kicking I gave you!

Keira: You know what?

*Sasha giggles and rubs Keira's back*

Sasha: What? Hmmm?

*Keira quickly rolls up Sasha for a pin*

Keira: 1...2...3!

*Keira lets go and sticks out her tongue*

Keira: NOW We're even!

Sasha: Hey! No fair! I wasn't ready!

Roxi: Calm down you two.

Keira: Sorry

Sasha: She's a meanie Roxi. She's just jealous. I'm still champion of the house!

*Sasha sticks her tongue out at Keira*

Roxi: Relax. Relax.

Keira: I not relaxed

*Keira begins to walk around*

Keira: Hell, I think I was more calm training

Roxi: It just takes time Keira.

*Keira sighs*

Sasha: And besides, you'll kick Crystal's butt and be Bombshell's champion!

Keira: Least Christine's in a room...not in a glass box like a Doll...

*Keira smiles*

Keira: Thanks, Sasha

Sasha: And Roxi will beat that Veronica Taylor, and there will be 3 champions at home!

*Sasha giggles*

Keira: Mhhmmm'

*Keira smirks*

Keira: Then again, ANYONE can beat Veronica

Roxi: Well, I'll certainly do my best.

Keira: I mean, like. She is the biggest basic like...around

Roxi: Not now Keira.

Keira: What's wrong, don't she talks and everything? I mean, she would be doing is sucking alot of co--

*All of a sudden, Sasha places her hand around Keira's mouth*

Sasha: Keira, I love you...but it's not funny. It's never gonna be funny!

Roxi: Thank you Sasha.

*The doctor finally walks through the double doors and look at the three*

Doctor: Ladies... I believe you have a visitor.

*Keira's eyes widen as the three head back to Christine's room*

Keira: Ch...Christine?

Christine: Hi.

Keira: How are you feeling?

Christine: I'll be okay.

*Christine is cuddling Nate in her arms, Nate wrapped in a blanket, clean and sleeping*

Christine: Mommy?

*Keira begins to cry*

Keira (Silently): Roxi...look at him...

*Keira gets close to them*

Keira: May I?

Christine: Sure

*Keira slowly gets ahold of Nate and cradles him in her arms*

Keira: Hey...welcome to the world, little man. I'm Mommy. Mommy Keira.

Sasha: How are you love?
Christine: I'm okay.

Roxi: Good. Thank you Chris... for everything.

Keira: Yes, Christine. You are the best person in the world

Christine: I try.

*A soft giggle escapes Christine as she smiles with Sasha holding her tightly. Roxi finally walks behind Keira, who has tuned out the world.*

Roxi: He's here.

Keira: He is...

*Keira smiles, slowly rocking him*

Roxi: I've seen that look before.

*Roxi kisses Keira's cheek*

Roxi: I'll leave you to it.

Keira: Nooo. Not til Nate meets you

*Keira says as she slowly hands the baby to Roxi*

Roxi: Thank you.

*Keira smiles as she looks at the two. Roxi slowly takes Nate and sits down rocking and holding him tightly. Roxi looks up at Keira, and begins to cry herself*

Roxi: It.... it's our baby... our baby, Keira...

Keira: I know...

*Keira begins to cry again as she gets close to them*

Keira: Our little boy....our special little boy...

Roxi: And now, we go through this, like we do everything else.

Keira: To-Together

Roxi: Together.

Sasha: Together! Yay!

Keira: Shhhhhhh

*All of a sudden, Nate begins to cry*

Roxi: Ohh... oh... shhh... It's okay. It's okay.

*Sasha reaches into the hospital bag and pulls out a bottle*

Sasha: I think he needs this.

*Roxi looks at Keira and smiles*

Roxi: You wanna give Nate his first bottle?

Keira: Mhmm

*Sasha hands Keira the bottle and Roxi slowly hands over Nate to Keira, who sits down and feeds Nate the bottle*

Keira: There we go. Don't go too fast.

*Keira tunes out the world once again as she feeds Nate*

Sasha: She's gonna be a great mommy.

Roxi: Oh I know.

*Roxi hugs Sasha and leans down to hug Christine*

Roxi: And he has two amazing aunts too

Keira: You are my only sunshine....

*Keira slowly rocks*

Keira: You make me happy....when skies are grey....

*Keira begins to cry again*

Keira: You never know much I love you...plea-please don't sun...shine away....

*Keira looks at the group and smiles as the scene fades*

My Keira Fisher. I go by Keira Fisher-Johnson. My life has always been a series of ups and downs. A Roller Coaster of emotions. I lost everything, yet I gained a new life. I had to fight to get to where I am today. Now, my life is complete. I have a loving wife. I have the best friends a woman could ever ask for and best of all...the best thing in my life...

I...I have a child. I have a Son.

That's the thing, Crystal. I had to fight for everything. I had to fight to earn what I got. You got everything HANDED to you! The life you lead, it was handed to you by your trophy husband. You're not the Silver Screeen Queen. You're just a Z-Lister who's not even good enough to be killed off by Jason Voorhees in a movie!

You wanna talk about how I never showed up each week? Yea. I regret that. But I STILL EARNED what I got! Everything I ever fought for, I earned. Even when life knocks me down, over and OVER AGAIN. I still manage to get back up and continue to fight! That's what I am, Crystal. I'm a fighter. I'm always going to fight. The World Bombshell Championship is one of those things I'm fighting for! YOU? After you retained at Chamber of Fate, you vanished. Sure, you gave a half assed apology. It didn't mean shit. Considering you put on that mask of yours, acting like someone you never want to be.

SPEAKING OF THAT! Crystal, you're just a gaping hole of fibs. You say you're my friend, but let's be honest. You never really acted like you were my friend. ESPECIALLY outside of the ring! I mean, where were you when Nate was born? Not even a "Congrats, Keira!" NOPE! All you ever cared about was yourself. If you were my friend. You would have taken time out to say "Hey, Congrats to you and Roxi for the birth of your son. Can I come see him? I got Presents for him!" Not a single thing from you! Oh, let's not forget this. You trying to hit me with the World Bombshell Title. Yes, you said in the ring, it's completely different. But you weren't so hesitant to try to hit me with the belt, were you? If I'If that's your version of being a friend, I hate to see how you treat your enemies!

You know what you are Crystal? Really? A wanna be. You wanna be cool, you wanna be friendly, you wanna be noticed, you wanna be important. But let's face it, you're only important now because Despyare put you on his back for the Blast From the Past tournament, and it enabled you to get two chances at winning the Bombshell's title. And on the second go around, you did. That title, not your record, not your actions, not your skill, makes your important. Without it, you'd be another face in the crowd of bombshells. Period.

Crystal, the only things you give a damn about is your looks and how in God's name you're going to keep the World Bombshell Championship around your waist. You're not the centerpiece of anything. You're just another cog in the wheel, Crystal. Your time as that cog is coming to a end.

Come Sunday at Violent Conduct III, it all comes to a end, Crystal. Everything you've said or going to say won't even matter. I'm going to walk in there and put a end to your reign as World Bombshell Champion. For Roxi, for Christine, for Sasha, for Despyare, FOR EVERYONE THAT YOU HURT! I'M COMING TO VIOLENT CONDUCT III AND I'M GOING TO DO WHAT I DO BEST, NOW MORE THAN EVER! I'M GOING TO....




See you Sunday, Crystal. When you're laying on the mat, looking at the NEW WORLD BOMBSHELL CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supercard Archives / Crystal Millar Vs Keira Fisher
« on: September 17, 2016, 08:30:15 PM »
 This is it. This is the moment I've waited for ever since I came to SCW. Sure, contender wise, I've been in this situation before. But now, it's a one on one situation. Nothing to get in my way of my goal. Taking Crystal Millar to her limits!

It's been a long time since we had a one on one encounter, hasn't it, Crystal? Look at where you are now? On top of the world. Now more deadly than you were before. Yet, I'm somehow the ghost you can't seem to get rid of. Come on, Crystal. We know you're thinking that. You say you've had other things to do in the last few weeks. The reality is, when you found out I'm going to be a Number One Contender again, you legit stayed away.

Am I right, Crystal? Are you afraid of losing your championship to me again? Are you afraid of history repeating twice on you? Sure, it's not the Bombshell Roulette Title you got to worry about this time. This time, it's the big prize. The prize every Bombshell dreams of when they come into SCW. That's why you tried to hit me with the belt during the contract signing, isn't it or is it the fact that you are my bitch?

Face it, Crystal. You're not going to be as memorable as you think you are. You call yourself the Silver Screen Queen, yet when it comes to me. You're a damn coward. A Coward who's not only afraid to face me, but is also afraid of the fact that YOU'RE the one that's living in the damn past! You're afraid that if you face me again, one on one, history will repeat itself! Add the fact that you're also rusty as Hell in the last few weeks, too.

Oh sure, you could be easy pickings for me now, but how do I know you won't have a trick or two up your sleeve? We know your Trophy Husband isn't going to be at ringside cause you think you're so damn confident in beating me all of a sudden.  You say you're my friend, yet you act like the world is suppose to give you everything on a silver platter. I had to earn my way back into this spot! First time was beating my wife! Second time cause of Jessie Salco, it was just for fun at this point.

You? NOPE! You stayed away. Like the coward you are. You disgust me, Friend. You are what I HATE in life! A woman who thinks she deserves everything, but gets taken away like the spoiled brat that you really are. Yea, I cried. I apologized for it. But you? You've done it cause of what? The "movies" you made? The fact you're married to someone you're using for a cheap thrill? What is it, Crystal!?

It doesn't matter. None of it matters now. Destiny calls for us once again, Crystal. With my friends and my family by my side and now my soon to be son coming into the world. I got confidence on my side. All you got is ego on your side, Crystal. A ego that will destroy you in the end if it's not kept in check.

That's what will decide everything, Crystal. By the end, it will also decide who is the better person. Who is the person that will lead SCW into a new era. A Era for the Bombshells that it deserves. Not the one you think it needs.

Crystal, come Violent Conduct III, I'm going to show you why I will not be denied the right to become SCW World Bombshell Champion! Understand, Crystal. Your time is officially up. The time for Keira Fisher is now. I just hope you'll accept it, Friend. Cause one way or another. I will become the new SCW World Bombshell Champion!

See you soon.

*The scene is following the contract signing of Keira vs Crystal which ended with Keira nailing Crystal with the Final Sin. Keira walks to the back, where Roxi is there to greet here, but Roxi isn't smiling. She and Keira walk to where no one is and Roxi folds her arms*

Roxi: What was that about Keira?

Keira: She tried to hit me with the belt! What was I suppose to do, take it?

Roxi: *Sigh* No... I just... I guess I missed that part. All I saw was you. But... I'm glad it's over, and now, it's official.

Keira: Mhmm. I'm going to get the World Bombshell Title. Plus, my chances are higher due to Crystal barring her Trophy Husband from Ringside

Roxi: Well, it's out of the way. But this is now priority number one for you Keira. You have to treat it as such.

Keira: I am, but it's already hard to do with Nate coming

Roxi: Nate's going to be taken care of. Chris, Sasha, Jenny, everybody will be there. To help us. You just focus on beating Crystal. Everything you did before, scrap it. Act like this is brand new. You were close last time. Now, one on one, I think you have a chance to seal the deal. But don't get overconfident because you've beaten Crystal before.

Keira: I won't. I'll be ready. Crystal's all mine, Roxi.

Roxi: I'm glad. I'll be pulling for you, and just like always, I'll get you as ready as I can.

Keira: I know you will. Now let's go, we got another place to be

Roxi: Right.

*The two go to get their bags as they teleport to their next site. After, Keira was seen, coming into the locker, panting, sweaty after an intense match. Keira seems a little dejected, but otherwise upbeat*

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: A bit worn out. Almost had it

Roxi: I know. Just hoping you didn't sustain any injuries from those shots into the stairs.

Keira: No, I thought I did, but when I was coming back, I healed.

Roxi: Good. I am proud of you for that effort tonight. Even if you didn't win.

Keira: Yea. Now I got two people to worry about.

Roxi: It'll be okay. Gabby's taking her rematch, but that's secondary right now. We'll factor that into your training, but Crystal is priority numbero ne.

Keira: Yea. I can't wait to get back home. Home...sweet...quiet home

Roxi: Yeah, but you need a shower first.

*Keira giggles as she goes to Roxi, arms wide open*


Roxi: Stop it, I need to check on everyone else. Make sure everyone is okay.

Keira: Fine, fine

*Keira kisses Roxi and goes to get a towel as she goes to shower*

Keira: Mmmm, maybe this shower will be good for me

*Keira goes and gets it ready, sighing a bit*

Keira: The World Title...the World Bombshell Title. I have to focus. I--

*All of a sudden, Keira hears a noise*

Keira: What the?

*Keira steps out, still in her clothes as she looks around. She powers up, just a bit, but not enough, just in case someone snooped

Keira: Hello?

*Roxi peeks her head in*

Keira: Roxi, you heard that...right?

Roxi: Heard what? I'm just making sure you were in here. Everything's ready to go when you get done.

Keira: I heard some kind of noise. Like...not...normal

Roxi: I'll check around, but I didn't hear anything

*Keira nods as she heads to the shower. 20 minutes later, Keira steps out in new clothes, now clean*

Keira: I seriously needed that

*Roxi pokes her head back in as Keira is drying off*

Keira: Perv

Roxi: I can perv on my wife, can't I?

Keira: Never said you couldn't

Roxi: Good. Anyway, I didn't see anyone or anything out of the ordinary, so, I don't know what you heard, but there's nothing here.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I must be going crazy, then. I've been so stressed lately

Roxi: just relax. Things are quiet now. Get dressed and let's go home. We've still got some last minute things to do before Nate gets here.

*Keira nods. But as she gets ready, she pulls her pants down, flashing Roxi with her ass to tease her as she gets ready*

Roxi: Hey now.

Keira: Yes?

Roxi: Keep those pants on til later.

*Keira giggles as she gets ready. She now has on new clothes and the two are ready to go home*

Roxi : Ready?

Keira: Yep

*Roxi grabs her bag as Keira grabs hers as the two wait until the coast is clear to teleport home. Once there, They drop their bags as Roxi flops on the couch and sighs*

Roxi: It won't be too much longer.

*Keira lays ontop of Roxi*

Keira: I know

Roxi: Thank goodness we have so many good people in our lives. I don't know how we'd do this without them

Keira: I agree

*Keira smiles and begins to relax, but she then feels her neck being kissed. She opens it and sees Roxi kissing it*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

Roxi: Well... gonna do a nursery check. I don't know how much of everything we'll need but... We gotta be as ready as possible.

Keira: Booo. You got me wound up

Roxi: Relax, we'll get there when we have a little while to ourselves.

Keira: Ok, ok

*Roxi gets up and walks into the nursery room and double checks everything. Soon enough, she sits on the floor, marveling at everything there.*
Roxi: Soon. Soon it’ll be all worth it and everything will be… as perfect as can be.

*Keira sits up and stretches. She goes to get ready for bed until she hears the noise again*

Keira: What the!?

*Keira looks around*

Keira: Jean, if that's you, come out. It's not funny!

*Roxi gets up and walks out and looking at Keira*

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Tell me you heard the same noise I did!

Roxi: No. I'm worried about you now, are you sure you're okay?

Keira: Roxi...I'm fine. I'm not going crazy!

Roxi: Well, you are hearing things apparently.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: If it's Jean...I'm gonna hurt her

Roxi: Why would she mess with you like that?

Keira: I have no idea

Roxi: I don't know what you're hearing, you know there's no one here.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Maybe I need sleep

Roxi: You probably should. Get some rest, you've had quite a few eventful days.

*Keira nods as she heads upstairs*

Roxi: Hey...

Keira: Hmm?

Roxi: I love you. And I'm proud of you.

Keira: I love you too and thank you

Roxi: Good night, champ... I'll be in soon.

*Roxi blows Keira a kiss*

*Keira blows a kiss back and heads to bed. The next few days become chalenging for Keira. With her getting ready for Crystal, preparing for Nate's arrival as well as the noise that somehow keeps getting louder, it's making Keira uneasy. She is seen a few days later in the kitchen, looking around*

Roxi: Still hearing things? Maybe you should go to the doctor or something?

Keira: Roxi, I swear to you. I'm not going crazy!

*Keira opens the fridge to find food, but slams it quickly*

Roxi: Now you're not hungry?

Keira: No. I swear, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

*All a sudden, Keira hears that noise again, now sounding like a huge thud. She quickly turns to Roxi, knowing she was in the room*

Keira: Now I know you heard that!

Roxi: Yeah... I did

Keira: I told you that I wasn't going crazy!

Roxi: I don't know what it could be. Maybe Sasha or Chris dropped something.

Keira: I'll go.

Roxi: You sure?

Keira: Yes.

*Keira kisses Roxi. She checks, but nothing was there. She hears the noise coming from outside and a shadow Keira doesn't know. She quickly dresses into Lady Kat and goes downstairs*

Keira: Roxi, I'm heading out. Noise is outside

Roxi: Are you sure about this? I can be right there if you wait a second.

Keira: No. Stay here. Just in case Chris and Sasha come

Roxi: Please be careful.

Keira: I will

*Keira kisses Roxi and heads out. She keeps hearing the noise as she flies around. She notices a shadow and lands quickly as she looks around*

Keira: Where are you....

*A door swings open and shuts quickly. Too quickly to be opened by itself*

Keira: What!? SHOW YOURSELF!

*Keira quickly goes to her first Super Form*

*Keira chases and pulls the door open walking into complete darkness. She pulls out her flashlight and shines it around*

Keira: I know you're in here! Show yourself

*Then, a bright, shining spotlight turns on and blinds Keira who drops the flashlight and rubs at her eyes*

Keira: Ahh! I can't see!

*Keira stumbles around as a large cattle prod sparks behind her and is stuck in her back. The electric shock is too much and Keira collapses unconscious. The ghostly figure responsible steps out of the shadows, dressed all in black like ninja. He pulls out a hypodermic needle and injects Keira in the neck before he pulls Keira up and carries her out a back door to a van and places her in a van and drives away*

* After what seems like an eternity, Keira slowly wakes up, in her bed, not really knowing what happened*

Keira: What the? How did I?

*Keira stumbles up out of bed, in her regular clothes and walks through the bedroom door, looking for Roxi, hearing sounds coming from the kitchen*

Keira: Hello? Roxi?

*Keira ventures into the kitchen and it's not Roxi in the kitchen, but Keira's ex-girlfriend Misty sitting at the table, who looks up at Keira and smiles*

Misty: Hello Keira.

Keira: Misty? What are you doing here?

Misty: I'm eating breakfast. Well, I was waiting to eat breakfast because you weren't awake yet.

Keira: Wh...How did you get in?

Misty: I live here. I live here, with you? I've always been here. Right from the start.

*Keira's jaw drops*

Keira: No. Roxi lives here with me. My wife.

Misty: Oh... well then... Guess that will have to do.

*Without warning Misty morphs in Roxi*

Roxi: Better?

Keira: What the?

*Keira was now more confused than before*

Roxi: You know, I always wondered what it would be like to be like this. But, I don't think you want this old thing anymore.

*Roxi stands up and then morphs into Jean*

Jean: I think this, is better.

Keira: Jean...what the fuck....

*Keira slowly begins to back away*

Jean: I've always been a part of you Keira. You can't run from me. I told you, I lived here, I've been here from the start.

Keira: The start?

*Jean morphs into Keira, although with jet black hair, and blood red eyes*

Keira: .........S......S........

Sin: I took you in, and gave you everything you have. And you tried to get rid of me.

Keira: No. It's impossible! YOU'RE GONE! The knife ended you!!!!!!!!

*Keira screams, throwing a punch to Sin, but she's already gone*

Sin: I'm in your head, Keira. I put myself there the moment I took over. My hold only got stronger when you came to me. And then you rejected me. You tried to kill me. You tried to kill US. After all I did for you, I saved you. When no one else would touch you, I was here. And you tried to ruin everything!

*Sin appears behind Keira*

Sin: Now, I will do the same, to you.

Keira: I killed you! I killed your Bio-Organic Host!

*Keira turns and tries to punch Sin, but vanishes again*

Keira: I will stop you again!

Sin: You stopped my return. But I live, off your fear. The doubt in your head. The fear that you will fail. And you will fail.

*Keira quickly goes Super*

Keira: Damn you!

Sin: Just look at what you have now... look out the window.

*Keira turns and looks outside*

*Outside there are buildings in flames, and rioting and looting on the streets*

Sin: You failed to protect the city

Keira: WHAT!? NO!!!!!!!!!

Sin: You and I, we once wished this to happen. We were going to make everyone pay for what happened to us. That anger, that fear... it was perfect. But now... you don't want what you wished for?

Keira: My life changed, Sin. Cause of Roxi. Cause of people like her, Christine, Sasha. Many friends have changed my life.

Sin: And slowly, one by one, you will lose all of them. Until you see that we, truly belong together.

*Keira screams as she throws a few ki blasts at Sin*

*The blasts go through Sin, dissipating against the wall.*

Keira: Damn you....DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sin: You can't run from me Keira. You can't kill me, you will never be rid of me. The more you resist, the more you will suffer.

*All of a sudden, Darkness begins to engulf Keira. Keira screams a bit, trying to escape, but she gets sucked down into it*

Keira: Wha...NO! LET ME GOOOO

Sin: Let the suffering begin.

*Keira's eyes flutter open and she's laying her stomach on the ground. There's music playing like from a music box and a girl in a flowing white gown spinning around like she's the dancer. Keira stumbles to her feet and sees that it's Sasha who's dancing, paying no mind to anything else.*

Keira: S-Sasha?

*Sasha just keeps dancing to the music, ignoring Keira until she actually sees her. She stops, and begins to cry*

Sasha: Why did you leave me Ke?

Keira: Sasha, I'm right here. I didn't leave you

Sasha: You left me.... Chrissy left me... Roxi left me... I'm all alone...

Keira: Sasha, no one's left you. You're never alone

*Sin appears, still looking like Keira, in the middle of the room that Sasha was dancing around*

Keira: Sin....

Sin: Sasha dear, Keira never loved you. She just let you believe she did. Come here.

*Sasha slowly walks towards Sin, and they dance together to the music.*

Keira: Sasha! You know I love you. I always have!

Sin: Sasha, my dear, don't listen to those lies. If Keira loved you, she wouldn't have left you.

Sasha: She left me... they all did.

Sin: I know, but I never will.

Keira: Sin, you're a liar! You know I never left Sasha!

*The two stop dancing and look at Keira*

Keira: Sasha...I've always been there for you. So have Roxi and Christine....

*Keira hugs Sasha. Sasha hugs Keira for a moment, but is pulled away by Sin, who is hugging her tightly.*

Sin: Sasha, why not ask Keira why she didn't save you from this? You are all alone and she left you to me to take care of.

Sasha: Why did you do this Ke? I loved you.

Keira: Do what?

Sin: You didn't want to spend time with Sasha. You never cared about Sasha, did you? And now, she's doomed because of you. And now, you have to pay because of her.

Sasha: I know I have to pay.

Keira: Sasha, you know me and Roxi spent time with you and Christine. We love you!

*Sin nuzzles against Sasha, who turns around into Sin's grasp around her neck*

Keira: NO! LET HER GO, SIN!!!!!!!!!!

Sin: Sasha has to suffer now... because of you.

*A glass wall comes up preventing Keira from doing anything*

Keira: STOP IT! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Sin: Say goodbye to Keira, Sasha.

Sasha: Good-bye Keira.

*Keira screams as she tries to break the glass*

*Sin drags a razor sharp fingernail across Sasha's throat as the steady flow of blood drains from her neck, staining her white gown red. Sin steps back as Sasha reaches out for Keira, trying to stop the blood flow as she collapses to the ground. She makes it to the glass window, and a bloody handprint reaches for Keira until there is no movement. Sasha slowly chokes to death on her own blood.*

Sin: Such a shame.

Keira: SIN!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!

*Sin appears behind Keira*

Sin: No, you won't

*Sin pushes Keira through the glass, making her fall into the darkness below*

*The Scene shifts to a cemetery where there are 6 graves. One in marked with Keira's mother, another her father, another Sasha. The parents graves are covered with dirt, with flowers resting on the graves The other 3 are marked Jean, Christine, and Roxi. Keira walks and sees Sasha in her bloody gown in the open casket*

Keira: No, No, No, No....

*The casket slams shut as dirt fills up the grave and soon it is covered. There is movement in one of the other graves as Keira sees Sin continuing to dig in the gravesite marked "Christine"*

Keira: SIN!

*Keira quickly rushes to her, but Sin raises a hand to push Keira down*

Sin: Do you not see what all you've done has caused. Look at this death. Misery. Isn't it beautiful?

Keira: Leave her alone!

*Sin jumps out of the grave and turns back to it.*

Sin: She was sweet, and innocent, Keira. Poor Christine just wanted you to love her, just be good for her. And you failed her. You failed all these people.

Keira: I didn't fail her! I've always been there for her!

Sin: When we were together, you only thought about me, and US. We were so strong together. And you pushed me away. So... if I can't have you, neither can anyone else!

*All of a sudden, a sword is seen going through Sin's body from behind. Keira sees Jenny Tuck, but it wasn't the Jenny she knew. She was wearing an eye patch, a few scars on her face*

Jenny: It ends tonight, Sin! You won't take anyone else!

*Jenny takes the sword out and gets ready. As she readies another attack, she sees Keira*

Jenny: K..Keira? How? gave into--

*Sin quickly takes the sword away from Jenny and before Jenny could act, Sin slices Jenny's head clean off her body. Jenny's head rolls to Keira's face as Keira screams*

Sin: Someone had to finally shut that whore up....

Keira: J...Je...Jenny....

*Keira begins to cry as she stares at Sin with a death stare*

Sin: You can't say you didn't want that to happen Keira. Even without me in control, you broke her leg. You've wanted to for years.

Keira: It was a accident. I...I lost control. My anger...I had to control it. I didn't mean to hurt Jenny...

Sin: Don't deny who you really are Keira. They all know it to be true. You're out of control, wild, angry. You want to prove everyone wrong, and the wrong people suffer.

Keira: Enough! It's not true! I'm controlling it!

*Keira begins to clench her fists*'

Sin: Jenny was just the latest. What about Amy Marshall... Kenzi Grey... the list goes on and on. You want to just unleash that anger. But you're feelings hold you back. When we were together.... you didn't care, you would have done this long ago.

Keira: I hurt a lot of people. Those people help me become better.

*Keira rushes to Sin*

Keira: I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Keira throws a punch to Sin*

*As soon as Keira's fist makes contact, Sin turns to a cloud of smoke, Keira stumbles back, and falls into the darkness taking her elsewhere.*

Sin: All you had to do, was join me. Now, you get to suffer more.

*Keira finally lands on the ground, groaning in pain. There is a large stage and inside of a seemingly glass case is Christine. She's dressed like a porcelain doll with heavy makeup into a permanent smile. Keira rushes up to the case but is stopped when Sin appears in front of her.*

Keira: Don't you dare, let Christine go!

Sin: Now, now, you can't touch the displays Keira. You're like a bull in a china shop. You'll knock it over.

*Sin turns and looks at Christine in the display case*

Sin: She's so precious, isn't she?

Keira: I hate you, Sin...

Sin: You hate me because I am what you want! What you need! We were going to rule the world until you had Amy use that knife! You took that knife didn't you? You took that knife, and you stabbed this precious little lady, didn't you?

*Sin turns back to Keira*

Keira: What?

Sin: You hurt her, damaged her. You thought she was possessed! Do you know what happens when you damage precious material?

*Sin turns back to Christine in the case*

Sin: It cracks.

Keira: Please...please don't....

*Sin scrapes a finger across the glass and cracks and lines start showing across Christine's face and body. Her smile turns to to an expressionless look.*

Keira: Stop it! STOP IT, STOP, STOP!!!!!!!!

Sin: More and more you've hurt this beautiful doll. You've broken it Keira. All because of your selfishness. And now... this doll is just... ruined. Look at it... cracked, and broken. Worthless. Exactly how she felt.

*Sin turns back to Keira*

Sin: She's broken Keira.

*Keira screams in a mix of emotional pain and anger*

*Sin places a finger on the case, more cracks are showing up and Christine's expression changes to a crying face.*

Sin: Look what you've done. Well, no use in having it in this case anymore, it's worthless.

Keira: What are you trying to do to me?

Sin: You will regret ever trying to leave me. In the end, you will have NOTHING. NOTHING! You, will bring misery and death like we used to. And when you are broken, You and I... will be whole again.

*Sin pushes over the case, it shatters to pieces, cuts and blood escaping as Christine seemingly breaks like a doll too. But she screams in pain an agony, seemingly brought to life by the breaking*

Christine: Ahhhhhh!

Keira: NO!!!!!! CHRISTINE!!!!!!

*Keira rushes and tackles Sin, but as she does, she is sucked back into the darkness*

Sin: Two innocent lives down the drain Keira. How could you be so selfish. All for silly trinkets.

Keira: OOoooh no. You're not going that route!

*Keira lands quickly. She quickly searches for Sin*

Keira: SHOW YOURSELF! I'm done playing games with you, Sin!

*A spotlight shows Keira's career pictures, holding several championships including the SCW Roulette championship, the Tag championships with Roxi, the LAW Breakout championship and others*

Sin: This is more important to you than anything, isn't it?

Keira: No! My family and my friends are more important!

Sin: Why do you think you can lie to me Keira? All you've ever wanted is to be champion. And when you couldn't... when you failed, you cried about it. But you know what they really think of you... don't you?

Keira: Don't you dare. Even they know I've been trying to stop that.

*Distinct voices are heard almost like a radio broadcast*

Male: Keira's just a whore...

Female Voice: She'll never be as good a Roxi.

Male: She slept her to the top.

*Keira closes her eyes to ignore it*

Female: She's just a filthy lesbian.

Sin: They hate you.

Keri: I have no Sister...

*Keira's eyes open wide, seeing Keri on top of a building, repeating it over and over as she jumps off*

Keira: NOOOOOO, KERI!!!!!!!!!!

Sin: You embarrass them.

Keira: I've had enough of this. Sin, you won't break me! Do you hear me? You're NOTHING!!!!!!!

Sin: NOTHING!? I'm nothing? Looks like I get to turn up your suffering. Just remember, Keira. You asked for it....

*Keira is sucked back down into the darkness as the scene fades*

Climax Control Archives / Finally lost it.
« on: August 19, 2016, 12:18:23 AM »
 *Keira is seen at home in the collection room as she sets the Batman Beyond and Deadpool PoPs in there*

Roxi: You and those pops

Keira: Oh come on. You fell in LOVE with the Batman Beyond one

*Keira backs away with Roxi and smiles*

Keira: . more coming in the mail. Still waiting on my Proto Man preorder....

*Keira grumbles*

Roxi: Keira, relax. You'll get it soon

Keira: I know. I'm controlling it

Roxi: I know you are

*Keira kisses Roxi as the two exit. The safe begins to close as Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: While you were at the store, I studied up on Jessie. I thinks she actually has metal in her head.

*Keira giggles*

Roxi: Very funny

Keira: She rarely has any weaknesses. I can find them. She thinks my anger will overcome me. I can't lose it.

*Keira sighs as she looks at Roxi again*

Keira: I'm gonna spend some time in the gym and--

*All of a sudden, the two get tweets. The two look and see Jenny in a anger rant*

Keira: ....Do I even wanna know?

Roxi: I don't know what's happening, Jenny's mad at something with Kenzi

Keira: Looks like way it's reading, Kenzi might not have took Dog to the vet

*Keira sees Jenny finally lose it*

Keira: ....Shit. Jenny needs to calm down.

*Keira begins to tweet, but Roxi stops her quickly*

Roxi: She needs to stop. Don't you jump in either

Keira: Fine. You handle it

*Keira begins to put her phone away, but all of a sudden, she hears a bit of furious typing and a bit of screaming from Roxi*

Keira: What the...You ok, Rox?

Roxi: She won't listen!

*Keira tries to go to Roxi, but all of a sudden, in a rare moment, Roxi is seen throwing her phone against the wall, smashing the phone*

Keira: Roxi! What the Hell!

*Keira sees the phone. She goes to pick up the pieces, but drops it and turns to Roxi*

Keira: What happened!?

Roxi: She won't listen! She's making this worse!

Keira: What did she say?

Roxi: She's trying to make this some kind of thing on Kenzi and doesn't want to leave her alone, and then she told me to shut up when I told her to calm down

*Keira's eye begins to twitch*

Keira: She...She told you to what?

Roxi: Keira... don't.

*Keira checks her twitter. Her and Jenny were now in a war of tweets. Keira gets enraged.*

Keira: She wants me to punch her in the mouth!? SHE'S GOT IT!!!!

*Keira takes her two fingers and transmits out of the house before Roxi could catch her*

Roxi: Keira! Damn it!

*Keira transmits into Jenny's house. Jenny was seen tweeting and enraged*

Keira: JENNY!!!!!!!!!

*Jenny stops and turns to Keira*

Jenny: did come. Of course. Anyone that shits on your perfect little life, you'll fight. Let me guess, was it cause I'm right about you? That Jessie's going to beat the shit out of you?

Keira: Best you shut up, Tuck.....

*Roxi is seen transmitting in as the two argue*

Jenny: Everything revolves around you, Fisher! Perfect little Keira! You and your wife, ALWAYS BUTTING IN!

Keira: Shut up, Tuck!!!

Keira: What are you going to do? Hit me? COME ON! HIT ME! YOU DEMONIC, LOOSE BITCH!!!!!!!

*Keira gets enraged and tries to throw a punch, but her fist gets cht by Roxi*


*Keira turns and sees Roxi*

Keira: Rox...

Roxi: You're both acting like children!

Jenny: Says the red haired whore.

*Keira hears that and it just fuels her anger even further*

Roxi: Jenny, I'm warning you, right now... Drop. It. Before I drop you. I'm sick of this stupid bickering about any little thing Kenzi Grey does. LEAVE HER ALONE!

Jenny: Drop me? DROP ME!?

*Jenny goes over and punches Roxi in the face hard, forcing Roxi's nose to bleed*

Jenny: DROP THAT! I wish you had never met Keira, you fucking who--

*All of a sudden, Keira spears down Jenny and the two begin to brawl*

Keira: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!

*The two continue to brawl as they stand. They keep throwing fists to each other, breaking a few pieces of furniture*

Jenny: YOU BITCH!!!!!!!

*All of a sudden, Keira kicks Jenny in the stomach, forcing Jenny to fall and clutch her stomach. Keira takes her foot and slams it against Jenny's leg, hard, forcing it to break into a few pieces as Jenny screams in intense pain*

*Keira takes her hands and begins to choke Jenny as she gags*

Keira: DIE! DIE!!!!!

*Roxi forcefully grabs Keira by the hair and tosses her off of Jenny and pins her against the wall. Keira can see the rage building up in Roxi's face and eyes.*


Keira: LET ME GO!!!!!!! SHE'S GONNA DIE!

*Roxi glares at Keira*

*Roxi turns to Jenny who is clutching her leg*

Jenny: MY LEG!

*That makes Keira snap again as she grabs Roxi and throws her away, making her slam against the couch. Keira begins to choke Jenny again as Jenny gags*

Jenny: *ack*

Keira: No! You asked for it, Tuck!!!

*Jenny begins to gag more*

Jenny: hur-t-t...R-Roxi...

*Hearing Roxi's name, Keira lets go of Jenny's neck and turns. She sees Roxi holding her head as Keira begins to cry*

Keira: Ro-Roxi...Noooo....

*Keira rushes to Roxi and checks on her*

Keira: Roxi! Please tell me you're ok

*Keira continues to cry, knowing her anger has got the best of her again*

Jenny: My fucking leg...

Roxi: Let go of me. Now.

*Keira backs away, not wanting Roxi to be anymore mad than she is*

Roxi: Don't you move.

*Roxi points at Keira before checking on Jenny*

Roxi: She needs to go to the hospital. Don't you move a muscle til I get back.

*Keira nods and stays there. Roxi transmits with Jenny to outside the hospital and has her admitted. After a few minutes of filling out paperwork, Jenny is admitted and wheeled away as Roxi transmits back*

*Keira just sits there, staying silent*

Roxi: What the hell is the matter with you?! I told you not to move, didn't I? I told you to stay back, and let me take care of Jenny!

*Keira doesn't say a word, not wanting to make Roxi any more upset*

Roxi: Well!?

Roxi: What the hell are you even doing anger management for if this is how you act?! So, here's what you're going to do, you're going to do the hospital and apologize to Jenny. And then you, and her, are going to leave Kenzi alone, don't say another WORD to Kenzi Grey. Either one of you. If I see anything ever again from you, or her, I'm taking it out on both of you. Do you understand me?

Keira: But I haven't spoke to Kenzi in weeks!

Roxi: Keira... I didn't ask for your excuses, did I? I asked if you understood what I said, didn't I?

Keira: And I said I haven't spoke to her in weeks! I left her alone!

*Roxi glares at Keira*

Roxi: Are you hard of hearing now? I asked you, if you understood, what I said. You answer that question, yes, or no. End of story.

Keira: For God's sake! Why am I being roped into the Kenzi Grey mess!? I don't want anything else to do with her!

*Roxi pins Keira against the wall, the anger building up*

Roxi: I swear the next word out of your mouth, had better be yes or no. Did you understand, what I said to you?

Keira: You going to hit me?

*Keira glares at Roxi*

Keira: Just do it. Hit me...

Roxi: I should beat you into the ground for this nonsense! Now, one last time, and I swear this is not a joke Keira. You understood what I told you, right? Yes Or no. I don't want to hear anything else but yes or no. If you say anything else, I swear to god I will hit you!

Keira: Even though I haven't said anything to her in weeks. I left her alone. I ignored her! Now cause of Jenny's constant bickering about her, I'm lumped up in this again!?

*Roxi glares at Keira*

Roxi: You really don't get it, do you? You really are just trying to make yourself out to be innocent...


*Keira pushes Roxi off of her*

Keira: Maybe Jenny's right for once! YOU DO BUTT IN WHEN YOU'RE NOT WANTED

*Keira glares at Roxi*

Keira: I haven't spoken to Kenzi in weeks. I left her alone, LIKE YOU ASKED! I've went to Anger Management like everyone asked. But when JENNY does something to Kenzi, "OH, KEIRA'S LUMPED UP INTO THIS!" That's on your fucking mind!

*Keira begins to breathe*

Keira: I'll apologize to Jenny. But you listen here. Don't lump me into this mess with Jenny and Kenzi. I haven't got into it with Kenzi for weeks and you're instantly blaming me for something I didn't do to Kenzi!

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I hurt Jenny....I hurt you....

*Keira finally stops talking, tears running down again*

Roxi: .... You.. you really are unbelievable. So you know what? Fine. Do what you want. I'm done. Good luck against Jessie, I'm done. This is how you treat me when I tell you to do something, this is how much respect you show me, and now you turn the tears on and expect me to just let this slide? FORGET IT. I am just going to mind my own business. I'm done cleaning up after you, and defending you.

*Roxi turns away, and transmits away from Keira*

Keira: Roxi....

*Keira forcefully sits down on the floor and begins to cry. She knew what she had done, but now, it feels like her worst fear was realized*

Keira: What have I done.....WHAT HAVE I DONE!?

*Keira screams in anger and fear. A hour later in the Guild Doctor's office that Keira has been seeing for Anger Management, he's seen doing some paperwork. But all of a sudden, a sudden burst comes from the door as he turns in sudden shock*

Doctor: Keira? What in the world?

Keira: I...I hurt Jenny. I...I hurt Roxi....I...I LOST IT ALL!!!!!!
*Keira cries again, falling to her knees*


*Keira keeps crying, saying the words over and over again*


*As Keira cries, the doctor goes to her and grabs her, shaking her a bit to calm her down*

Doctor: Keira get a hold of yourself. I can't make heads or tails of what you're talking about

Keira: ROXI LEFT ME CAUSE OF MY ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Keira takes a deep breath*
Keira: Me and Roxi were in the house. We-We got Tweets from Jenny. She was arguing with Kenzi. Roxi told me to stay out of it. She tried to calm Jenny down, but Jenny snapped at Roxi, telling her to shut up.

*Keira looks at the doctor*

Keira: Me and Jenny got into it. I transmitted to her house. I wanted to punch her. But Roxi stopped me. Her and Jenny argued, til Jenny punched Roxi in the nose. I lost it. I speared down Jenny and just brawled. I got so mad, I broke Jenny's leg
*Keira takes another deep breath*

Keira: Roxi tried to stop me. She yelled at me, telling me to shut up. I snapped and pushed Roxi off of Jenny. I began to choke her. I didn't want to let go!!!!

*Keira begins to cry again*

Keira: She...she said I hurt Roxi...I stopped. Roxi took Jenny to the hospital. Roxi came back, she wanted me and Jenny to leave Kenzi alone. I haven't messed or spoke to Kenzi in weeks. She kept going on and on and I snapped. She finally said she was done cleaning up my messes.

*Keira looks at the doctor again*

Keira: ROXI LEFT ME!!!!!!!!!

*Keira screams*


Doctor: I'm sorry Keira.

Keira: I have nothing....I have nothing left. Doc. I heard of this thing that it would regulate someone's powers....that true?

Doctor: What? We don't have anything like that that I know of.

Keira: Doc, Roxi was the best thing about my life. My soulmate. My shining star. I lost her. I don't want to continue as Lady Kat. I don't even want to remember who I am.....

*Keira cries some more*

Keira: I hurt my wife cause of my anger. I was afraid I lost her cause of Kenzi. Now....I have.

*Keira covers her face*

Keira: If I could have her back. I'd just block Kenzi on Twitter so I'd make sure I never have to see her talk again. I can finally, fully ignore her.

Doctor: Keira, you can't run away from this problem, you have find a way to fix it.

Keira: There's no Fixing it! She left me!

*Keira stands up, getting a bit upset*

Keira: Out of fear, I almost killed Kenzi and I hurt my wife. Out of fear, I almost killed Jenny and I hurt my wife.
*Keira lowers her head*

Keira: I'm sorry. I'll leave Kenzi alone, even though I haven't messed with her in weeks. I'll leave her alone.

Doctor: You don't have to tell me that Keira. You continue to throw plead innocence in this, when all it took was the mere mention of Kenzi for you to do this, in defense of your wife, who was trying to fix a completely different issue. You can't react with pure emotion all the time Keira. This is something you have to understand and at least try to fix. Your wife loves you, I really don't think that this one incident will change that. Maybe start with what she actually asked you to do?

Keira: No. I fucked up more than once. I wouldn't blame her for leaving me. I'll leave Kenzi alone. I just want my wife back....

*All of a sudden, Keira feels a hand touch her shoulder from behind. Keira turns to see--*

Keira: Wha...

Jean: What's wrong?

Keira: Jean.....

Jean: Are you going to tell me?

Keira: Roxi left me....cause I can't stop being angry. I lost my wife cause of my anger. My fear. I wish she was here. So I can say I'll leave Kenzi alone...forever.

Jean: And you didn't listen when she asked you, did you?

Keira: No....

*Jean knocks on Keira's forehead*

Keira: OW!

Jean: Hard-headed aren't you?

Keira: Damn it, Jean!

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Yes

*Keira lowers her head*

Keira: I'd do anything to see Roxi again. Anything....

Jean: I can't fix what's already been done, Keira. Roxi did give you something to do, didn't she?

Keira: Yea.

*Keira goes to her phone and sees Kenzi's name on her Twitter. She finally goes to the Block button and hits it*

Keira: I hate doing that. But, it's the only way to make sure I never have to see her name again. Sure, LAW withstanding, but I can ignore her there.

Jean: That's not what I meant, Keira. I'm pretty sure you need to atone for what you did tonight

Keira: Yea. I'll go see Jenny now. Doc, I'll be back in a few days....

Doctor: Do what you need to do. But stay calm.

*Keira nods as her and Jean transmit to the hospital. She transmits into Jenny's room as Jenny was seen watching TV

Jenny: Bah! No wonder TV's dy--

*Jenny then notices Keira*

Keira: Hey...

Jenny: Come to finish the job?

Keira: I came to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for breaking your leg...

*Jenny sighs*

Jenny: I forgive you. I'm not mad at you, Keira. I should be. But I'm not

*Jenny looks at Keira*

Jenny: I just get so mad sometimes at everything. Kenzi being a dumb fuck.

Keira: Jenny, this whole Kenzi crap has to end and you know it. Cause of me...Roxi left me

*Jenny sits up quickly*

Jenny: SHE WHAT!?

Keira: Cause of me not listening....Roxi left me

*Jenny lays back down, inhaling a bit*

Jenny: Hahaha....Keira. You are one stupid fuck...Roxi didn't leave you. If she has been with you for this long, went through Hell and back for you. She isn't leaving you, dumb fuck

*Jenny looks at Keira*

Jenny: She'll be mad. But, she loves you. You and I...we need to fix this shit.

Keira: Yea. It starts with you leaving Kenzi alone...forever

Jenny: But she--

Keira: JENNIFER TUCK! My life has been Hell cause of all of this mess. Yes, it's my fault, but it's yours as well! Now I want a answer, yes or no! Will you leave Kenzi alone!?

Jenny: Will you?

*Keira stops for a moment, hearing the words echo from what Roxi asked. She then says*

Keira: Yes

Jenny: I'll leave her the fuck alone. After what happened. I doubt I'll be doing anything else.

*Keira sighs*

Jenny: me a favor, Keira

Keira: What?

Jenny: Calm down. Get your anger in control. If you lose it against Jessie, you'll never have the chance to become World Champion. I'm not saying it as a insult. I'm saying it as your lifelong friend. I want you to be happy. But you got to rid yourself of this anger

*Keira slowly nods*

Keira: I will. I'm going home.

Jenny: Yea, get some sleep Sl--Keira.

*Keira nods. She hugs Jenny as she walks out. She sees Jean in the hallway*

Keira: The last transmit wore me out. Can you take me home, Jean?

Jean: I would, but I have some things I need to take care of right away, I really only needed to make sure you were alright.

Keira: I guess.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Ill transmit home. I think I got enough energy left to do that.

Jean: Don't worry too much, things will get better. Sometimes it takes tough love.

Keira: Yea.

*Keira hugs Jean*

Keira: See you

*Keira sees Jean blush as she transmits home. Keira lands in the living room and sees the place empty. Normally, there would be noise from Roxi, but even that is empty*

Keira: Damn....she did leave me.'re a stupid fuck.

*Keira slowly climbs up the stairs and heads to the bedroom. She sits on the bed*

Keira: I did like you asked, Roxi. I'm gonna leave Kenzi alone. Me and Jenny are. I apologized to her. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore

*Keira sees around the room and sighs*

Keira: You're gone. I deserve that. I deserve to be alone....

*Keira lowers her head*

Keira: I'd do anything to see your beautiful face again. After all you told me to do. I'd do anything...anything....

Roxi: Sit down Keira.

Keira: I am sitting down Ro--

*Keira raises her head up and sees Roxi*

Keira: Roxi!?

Roxi: Don't say anything.

*Keira just looks at Roxi, still in shock*

Roxi: I had to sit and think about what this ring of my finger meant, and how much trouble it was worth. Tonight really made me think about how much you take me for granted sometimes. I don't ever want to think that ever again. You did a lot of damage tonight Keira. Because instead of listening to me, and just doing the simple things I asked you, you decided that you didn't need to listen to me, even when I was upset with you.

Keira: But Roxi, I--

Roxi: And you're doing it again.

Keira: Roxi, listen to me, please. I--

Roxi: Listen to you what? Plead innocence and ignorance? Completely dismiss everything I say? It's becoming more and more obvious that you don't have much respect for what I say to you.

Keira: Damn it, Roxi! Listen to me!!!

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I went to Jenny's room. Me and her, we had a talk, a long one.

*Keira takes a deep breath*

Keira: I apologized to her, she forgave me. But I told her that we need to end this with Kenzi. She agreed. We'll leave Kenzi alone.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I listened. I thought I lost you. I'm sorry I didn't listen before. I'm sorry for everything

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I cleaned up my mess! I apologized to Jenny. I'll leave Kenzi alone

Roxi: Like I said, You did a lot of damage Keira. It's going to take some time to repair it.

Keira: I know....

*Roxi sighs*

Keira: What I did after you left. It's the start. Jenny isn't mad at me. She should be, but she isn't. We'll leave Kenzi alone.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I'll do anything to repair it. Yes, it'll take a long time. But if it's what it takes. So be it.

*Keira stands up*

Keira: But I'm not going to hurt you ever again....

*Keira goes to her ring finger. She grabs the ring and begins to take it off, but Roxi stops her from doing it*

Roxi: I love you Keira, in spite of your hard-headedness, your hot headedness, and at times your blatant disrespect of me, and others. I will always love you, but let this day, this time, be a lesson to you about what you need to think about. I'm holding true to what I said before, I can't clean up your messes anymore. I need you, to learn respect for me again. When I say something, it's not meant to undermine you. It's meant to help you.

Keira: Roxi...I'm starting to believe what the doctor is saying. I don't know if you see it. But, have you noticed why I get angry?

Roxi: Because of me.

Keira: Part of it

*Keira holds her hand*

Keira: Will you sit down and listen, please?

Roxi: What is it?

Keira: My fear. It's not just you. I'm afraid that someone will hurt the ones I love. When it happened to you, I got angry. That anger comes from fear. That's what my doctor is telling me. I accidently let out to him about my parents. He wants to...dive deeper into that

Roxi: Perhaps it will work

Keira: When Jenny hit you earlier....that fear....turned to anger.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: Roxi, I'm scared. I'm scared of what I've done. I'm scared of what I might do....I'm scared of myself. Roxi...I love you. I love my sisters. I love Christine, Sasha and Jenny. I'm afraid someone will hurt not just you, but anyone I love...and if they do. I'll get angry and--

*Roxi places a finger across Keira's lips*

Roxi: Tonight showed what your anger can do. Focus on your task, and don't let outside distractions ruin everything you've worked for. Earn the respect. It won't be given.

Keira: I just want my wife back. I want you back, my smiling, beautiful wife. With all the love and care in the world.

Roxi: After tonight... that's going to take some time

Keira: I know.

Roxi: I'm not leaving you Keira... it's just that tonight... things changed.

Keira: I know. It's my fault. I'm sorry, for what I did and what I said

*Keira goes and grabs some cover and a pillow*

Roxi: What's all this?

Keira: I'm going to sleep on the couch

*Keira goes to the living room. Roxi sighs as she transmits to Jenny's room*

Roxi: You okay?

Jenny: Yea. I'll live.

*Jenny turns her head to Roxi*

Jenny: How's Keira?

Roxi: She'll be fine

Jenny: Yea. She will. Good thing she's seeing a doctor for Anger Managment. If she hadn't. She would have killed me.

Roxi: I wasn't going to let her kill you Jenny. I'm sorry about the leg. I should have stopped her.

Jenny: No. I deserved it. Don't say I didn't, I did. After everything that's happened. I learned alot today.

Roxi: I think we all did.

Jenny: I did, Keira did. You didn't....

Roxi: No, I learned a lot today.

Jenny: Really? What the fuck did you learn?

*Jenny sits up as she looks at Roxi*

Jenny: I wanna know what you learned today. Humor me....

Roxi: That both you are Keira are hard-headed and don't listen when someone tries to tell you something that could potentially advert a problem

Jenny: You're right....and you're wrong at the same time

*Jenny leans over and drinks some water*

Jenny: You say me and Keira are hard headed? You're right. But, you're not exactly level headed yourself.

*Jenny turns back to Roxi*

Jenny: When the nurses were putting the cast on me. Every fiber of my being was telling me to blame Keira for this. But then I thought, blame Kenzi. She started all of this. But, I got to thinking. All of this. Finding out Keira's anger. Kenzi, all of it....

*Jenny points to Roxi*

Jenny: Is your fault!

Roxi: My fault? How is it my fault that you keep going after Kenzi when you don't need to? Are you trying to tell me Keira was going to break your leg regardless?
Jenny: Wow! And you said me and Keira were hard headed

*Jenny sits up again*

Jenny: Let me paint you a fucking picture. When you save the world. You can take care of yourself. Sure, you got Keira, but you two work as a team. She knows you'll be ok. In SCW, same thing. You can take care of yourself, you got Keira, you two work as a team.

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: But in LAW, all Keira has is herself. Cause YOU took the job of LAW Security.

*Jenny takes another sip of water*

Jenny: I know, you have to enforce the rules. That's what Lucas hired you to do. But ever since you had the job, I noticed alot of things. The Cyrus incident for one, where you abandoned your position. What did you do? You took out Keira, when she was Sin. The Sidney Grey incident. Sure, you wanted to help her out. But what happened?

*Jenny leans a bit*

Jenny: YOU ALMOST GOT RAN OVER! If it hadn't been for Keira, you'd be laying in this bed, like I am! Sure, Keira got angry in SCW a year ago cause of Amy Marshall. But has she been angry anywhere else since then? Fuck no! It's been LAW that's the problem. Hell, it took her almost Years to get back to where she was!

*Jenny leans back*

Jenny: Keira thinks the world of you. She'd do anything to make sure you're safe and happy. In LAW, you defend other people...but yourself. Keira has to do that. That's what breeds her anger. That's what breeds her fear. Sure, the loss of her parents did that. But everything else builds up over time.

*Jenny sighs*

Jenny: I knew Keira was going to beat the shit out of me. Somehow, I knew. But I wanted her to see it for herself. But I failed to show her that you've been the cause of all of it. From the very beginning. You want Keira to finally stop being angry? The doctor will help. But you need to take responsibility for your actions as well! Yes, It's my fault for what I did. I take responsibility for it. I know Keira does to. But you need to as well!

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: Do you understand what I'm saying?

Roxi: Jenny, listen to me, that's asinine. They tried to run me down and failed. Since then, and before then, I haven't had a problem. What exactly do you want me to do? I can't assist Keira, I can't cater to Keira, I have a bigger responsibility than that. I can and do take care of myself.

Jenny: I want you to step down as LAW Security. Keira can't focus knowing someone might try and take advantage of you. Yes, you can take care of yourself, but it still hurts Keira. September's coming, Roxi....

*Jenny sits up*

Jenny: Someone will take advantage of you and use it to hurt Keira. Jessie Might. She seems like the sort of skank that would do that.

Roxi: I doubt it.

Jenny: You never know about people, Roxi.

*Jenny takes a sip of her water*
Roxi: I know that. When it comes, I will take a step away from everything. It's that easy. But don't patronize me and tell me that I'm the cause of Keira's problems when she's worrying needlessly. Don't try and put this on me Jenny. Keira is a grown up. I trust her to handle her problems. It's ridiculous to throw this on me. I am doing MY job. The one I was hired to do.

Jenny: Oh yea, you're doing it well. Tell me, How is Kenzi's pet doing?

Roxi: Are you blaming me for a Pet being hurt?!

Jenny: No. But I blame all of LAW for all the events that has led to this. Sure, I blame myself for the fights with Kenzi. I blame myself for putting you and Keira in harms way. But I blame you...for not doing your job. I blame you for not taking your own fists and beating the ever loving SHIT out of Kenzi yourself! Yea, I chose Keira to fight for me. But she was fighting for you!

*Jenny leans closer*

Jenny: Cause you're noting more than a damn cowar--

*All of a sudden, Roxi punches Jenny hard across the face. She places a hand against Jenny's throat*

Roxi: I do my job Jenny. I don't play favorites, because that's how I lose the job. I keep people safe as best I can. How many times have I saved YOUR life Jenny? Simply because I treat everyone fairly, I'm getting this from YOU? You don't get it, do you? I CAN'T go after people. I'm not a wrestler in LAW!

Jenny: *Ack* Yet you're the one, c-choking me. I sa-aw the anger in your eyes. How you wanted to do the same thing that Keira did. Admit it! If the roles were'd be beating the shit out of Kenzi! AD-ADMIT IT!!!!!!!!

Roxi: No, I'm not like you, or Keira.
*Roxi releases Jenny*

Jenny: *cough*'re a damned liar...

*Jenny rubs her throat*

Roxi: Go ahead and try and count the number of times I've taken revenge on anyone outside the ring Jenny. Or even threatened it. I handle my business inside the ring, not outside.

Jenny: You had...the same grip...Keira did. You're as she is....if something happened to'd fight.

Roxi: Given the parameters, Jenny. Yes, I will fight for Keira, but LAW isn't a parameter for me to do that. So I don't. And even in SCW, Keira’s got to EARN things. She cannot just say “give me this, and give me that” it’s stupid. Everyone was mocking her!

*Jenny breathes*

Jenny: If the roles were reversed. You as the competitor and Keira as Security....think about it, Roxi. She's you are.

*Jenny coughs*

Roxi: You're giving me hypotheticals Jenny. I told you that I'm not in position to fight for Keira in LAW. She's on her own, and doing just fine. And in SCW, I only back her, I give her moral support, because I know she can handle herself in the ring.

Jenny: Maybe you should be seeing that doctor too...think about it. Think about all of it. Keira will be focusing on the championship. You..need to focus on earning the trust of your wife back.

Roxi: Earning HER trust? I'm sorry, I don't know what else I'm supposed to do Jenny? I've helped her in every way I can, training, mentally, physically, emotionally... And yet, my wife ignores me routinely when I say to calm down. She embarrasses us both and I'm expected to just nod and smile. She broke a lot of our trust herself, tonight, because she didn't listen, you ended up here, because you didn't listen when all I did was ask for you both to calm down. But somehow, I'M wrong?

Jenny: Yes! Cause she hasn't been involved with Kenzi for weeks and yet, you STILL blamed her for it when you knew damn well it was my fault! Sure, what happened to me is her fault. She apologized for it. But as far as Kenzi is concerned, Keira is innocent!

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: I should have listened. But Keira kept her word. The only person she was angry at was me. Not Kenzi!

Roxi: I did that, as a precaution, because I know that Keira still hates Kenzi. I didn't want her involved in this, and making it worse. I was trying to protect Keira, and you from a needless argument. I wasn't blaming Keira for anything. You, just kept pushing it and then it all fell apart.

Jenny: Bullshit. Why did you keep going on and on about it when she tried to explain it to you? Keira told me everything

Roxi: Going on about it? You just brought it up! I told Keira, don't get involved. I told you, to leave Kenzi alone. And then, you end up in the hospital, and somehow, this is all my fault? Fine. You know what? Fine. If you're too thick headed to see what I tried to do, then so be it. Because you ended up with a broken leg because you didn't just listen when I said not to get involved and make a big scene, and now it's big scene isn't it? You happy now? You get what you wanted out it?

Jenny: No. You're not my wife.

*Jenny leans back and sighs*

Roxi: What?!

Jenny: You heard me....

Roxi: No, I'm not your wife Jenny. You have a wife. What in the world are you even on about at this point? You're mad I didn't marry you?

Jenny: No. But you're treating me like I am...

Roxi: I'm treated you pretty well for someone who has done virtually nothing but insult me this entire time. I

Jenny: No, you haven't. Keira got in our business cause of you. All of it...revolves around you. Til you figure it out. You're as hard headed as me and Keira

*Jenny lays back*

Jenny: You may go.

Roxi: Oh... oh thank you your majesty. I am so thrilled you allowed me to go. Enjoy your stay in the hospital.

Jenny: Yea, Fuck you too

*Jenny sees Roxi transmit out as she says to herself*

Jenny: She'll get it. Just needs that little nod....

*Meanwhile, Keira is seen on the couch, asleep*

Keira: please...don't hurt her....

*Roxi is seen transmitting into the living room. She sees Keira tossing and turning, building up sweat*

Keira: No...Don't! PLEASE!!!!

Roxi: Wake up.


*Keira looks around*

Keira: Wh-where...Roxi....

Roxi: You were having a nightmare. Go back to sleep

*Keira nods and does so*

Keira: I love you, Roxi....

*Keira says in her sleep*

*The next morning, Keira was seen coming down the stairs and heads to the kitchen. She kept wondering how she ended back onto the bed, not remembering much. As she sits, she doesn't notice Roxi cooking*

Keira: Ugh. What a--wait. Roxi?

*Keira looks and notices Roxi cooking*

Roxi: How many do you want?

Keira: I'm not hungry...

*Roxi drops her spatula and feigns shock*

Roxi: Are you trying to tell me that you're not hungry?

Keira: I'm not Hungry.

*Roxi picks up the spatula and then shrugs.*

Roxi: Very well.

Keira: How can I eat when I'm a fuck up? I hurt you. I hurt Jenny. I have to fix the messes I caused. I have to stay away from Kenzi when I have been for weeks--

*When Keira says that, Roxi softly kisses Keira's lips to stop her from talking*

Roxi: You're not going to fix anything by starving yourself.

Keira: What am I suppose to do? I'm a fuck up. Hell, going to the doctor now is a waste of time. Maybe Gabby's right. I am gonna lose it.

Roxi: Well, eating would be a good start

Keira; I don't deserve it. You said it last night. I hate Kenzi. Even though I stayed away. I still hate her and--

*All of a sudden, Roxi places a hand on Keira’s shoulder.*

Roxi: Look, last night, was rough, for everybody. A lot of scarring happened. But we don't need pick at the scab, you just let it heal. There's nothing that can be undone about last night, and nothing that will magically fix it. It's time to move forward.

Keira: But you thought I had something to do with Kenzi last night, when you knew I didn't

Roxi: Keira, I said it as a precaution. I know you didn't. But I was just---

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Roxi: It was to ensure the situation didn’t escalate further, even though it did.

*Roxi kisses Keira*

Roxi: You still need to earn the trust back. I said I'm done cleaning up your messes, but this is one...I needed to clean, since it was partially mine

Keira: Roxi...

Roxi: It's time to move forward.

*Keira finally smiles, a little, but not as much*

Roxi: You need to start focusing on Jessie Salco

Keira: Yea. I guess that's what's been stressing me out lately as well. Bitch said she beat me twice. It's starting to get under my skin.

Roxi: You've beaten her too.

Keira: I know. But still! The Chamber of Fate match, she's going to hang it over my head. She's had a few shots at the World Title. Me? ONE!

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Hell, I wasn't even going to go for another. Not for awhile, at least. Til everyone started saying I should.

Roxi: That was you too.

*Roxi looks at Keira*

Keira: Yea, a bit! But it was fueled!

*Keira sighs*

Roxi: You started demanding another shot. Obviously that whole thing was a mistake by Amy Jo because she got you thinking you just deserved another shot. Look, I appreciate what you did in the chamber. You did a great job. But that alone isn't going to get you a shot. Nor was it ever. I told you, title shots were earned, not given

Keira: I know I shouldn't be asking for shots. It was stupid of me. But it felt like I was denied a chance to fight!

*Keira turns to Roxi*

Keira: I hate being denied a chance to fight! You of all people should know that!

Roxi: Nothing was decided. If Mark had said "Keira gets no more title chances" then you may have had something. But you looked like a fool demanding things from the owners. All you had to do was say "I missed that one chance, and I will fight to get back into position for another one." That's all.

Keira: I'm sorry.
Roxi: You need to focus on this match, beat Jessie. Then, and only then, are you going to worry about title shots, and even then, don't provoke Crystal. Don't go around bragging. You are better than that. What you're doing with Gabby is proof. Don't sink to the level of ego-maniac.

Keira: I'm not--

Roxi: Don't sink to the level of Jenny Tuck!

*Keira's eyes flare up and gets close to Roxi's face*

Keira: I love you, but don't you me to Jenny Tuck!

Roxi: Then don't put yourself in the same position. Humble yourself Keira. That's what started this whole thing in the first place, isn't it?

*Keira backs away and sighs*

Keira: Ok. I won't. I'll be humble.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: But do me a favor

Roxi: What?

Keira: Never compare me to Jenny Tuck again!

Roxi: Don't act like her then.

*Roxi stands up and goes back to the food*

Roxi: Now, how many do you want?

Keira: start

Roxi: Then sit down

*Keira nods and sits down. As she waits, she notices a paper that had Keira's doctor's name on it, but on the session's patients, it notices that it had Roxi's name beside Keira's*
Keira: Rox?

Roxi: What?

Keira: Why is your name on the next session?

Roxi: Because after yesterday... I was ready to pull my hair out.

Keira: You're saying you got a anger problem too?

Roxi: Between you not listening to me and Jenny blaming me for every single thing wrong? It was a little tense yesterday. To see you stubbornly not answer a simple question, fight me every single step of the way? Yeah, it was pissing me off. It made me very angry. I was ready to strangle you for that.

Keira: Wait, Jenny did what?

Roxi: She blames me for you being angry.

Keira: I don't.

*Roxi angrily flattens the pancake*

Keira: Roxi--

Roxi: Yeah, well, she does. So, I guess I need to apologize for screwing up your career and your life I guess.

*As she says that, Roxi accidentally flips the pancake out of the pan as it lands on Keira's arm, still hot as she screams*

Roxi: Oh... dang it I'm sorry!

*Keira gets the pancake off. It shows the burn, but it heals quickly*

Keira: Roxi, I'm always going to worry about you..ow, fuck. But you need to get your anger in check. You're letting Jenny get to you! It's like she wanted us to see what happens when we get an--

*Keira stops for a minute, then slaps her own forehead*

Keira: ....I'll kill her.

Roxi: What?

Keira: Knowing her, she did pick a fight on purpose! To see how angry we get.

*Keira bawls her first a bit, but Roxi caresses her shoulder to calm Keira down*

Roxi: Keira, calm down. It doesn't matter. I'm going to a session with you. Maybe there, we can find the root of your anger and your fear if we dive deeper into your life, when you lost your parents.

Keira: Yea....thank you, Roxi.

*Keira holds Roxi*

Keira: Want me to cook? You're too dangerous, Pancake Killer

*Keira giggles*

Roxi: Sorry, but you'd eat everything before I got any

Keira: How? I'm on a diet!

Roxi: What kind!?

Keira: The emptying the fridge kind...

Roxi: ....Yeah…

Keira: I love you…

*Keira holds Roxi as the scene fades*

Life can give you so many curveballs. One day, one will hit you so hard in the fact, it'll come close to knocking you out. It almost did me. All cause of my hard head. I almost lost it all before I came to this match against Jessie.

Yes, I should have been trying to earn my shot instead of asking for it I'll take full responsibility for it. But it did feel like I was denied the right to fight. I love a good fight. It fuels me, knowing I can become stronger for it.

Jessie, I know you're already going to hover that thing with the Chamber of Fate over my head like you got a advantage over me. But in reality, you don't. This is one on one. No one else around. Just you and me. You've had only a few shots at the World Bombshell Championship. Me? I only had one.

I know, you'll hover that over my head too. I want you to try, so you know when you fail, you got no one to blame but yourself in this match. I need this shot, Jessie. I need it more than anything in the world. Only one person can take down Crystal Millar, that person is going to be me!

I know, we have a up and down relationship that centers on love and hate. That will never change. You want your redemption and all that crap. But what you fail to realize is this. This is my time. This is my chance to show the world that I'm not just Roxi's Tag Partner! That I'm not her shadow! I'm Keira Fisher-Johnson! I'm going to be the one that beats you within a inch of your life to finally get another shot at the World Bombshell Championship!

Jessie, Come Climax Control. I prove to the world why I belong in the World Bombshell Title picture. It's time to B.A.B


See you soon, Metal Head!

 *Roxi and Keira, fresh off of LAW, walk to a small jet with the Tuck logo on it. Roxi and Keira slowly board, headed for the crusie ship for Summer XXXtreme.*

Pilot: Strap in, Ladies. Miss Tuck wants you two safe and sound on the Ship

Roxi: You got it.

*Keira and Roxi strap in as soon enough they take off headed for the cruise ship*

*Roxi looks over at Keira, stroking her hair and smiling at her and kissing her cheek*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

*Keira looks outside, seeing everything lit up at night.*

Keira: I'm legit nervous about this Chamber of Fate match....

Roxi: I know you will do great.

Keira: I know. But...still. This will be the greatest challenge I have ever faced

Roxi: You're there, because you deserve to be

Keira: I earned my place Roxi. I wish they would underestimate me once. Cause like I said to them. It takes me One earn the prize.

Roxi: This is your shot. I have watched you grow, and evolve into what you are today. I could not be more proud of you, and no matter what, I will be proud of you. I know you can win. I see the desire in your eyes, and that's what I love.

Keira: I promise you this. When Summer XXXTreme is over and I stand over my fallen enemies. You will be kissing the new SCW World Bombshell Champion

*Keira leans in and kisses Roxi*

Roxi: You'll always be a champion to me. You are amazing Keira. I love you with all my heart.

Keira: I love you forever and a day

*The two hold each other and drift off to sleep. The flight from Oklahoma City to LA seems to take a while, but it isn’t long before they land in LA. Having offices in Los Angeles, Jenny arranges a private Helicopter to take Roxi and Keira to the cruise ship. That flight takes about 20 minutes. Keira and Roxi getting a good view of downtown Los Angeles.*

Pilot: We're about to land. The captain's waiting on deck.

Roxi: Very well

*The Helicopter lands on the zone of the ship. As the blades slow down, Keira and Roxi lower their heads as they exit and meet the captain on the deck*

Roxi: Roxi and Keira Johnson, Reporting in.

Keira: are so lame. Hehe

Captain: Ah yes. I remember you two from last year. Hard not to remember a face, especially now since one half of Team Hero is in the main event

Roxi: She's earned it.

Keira:'re embarrassing me...

*Keira blushes*

Roxi: It's the truth.

Keira: Still.

*Keira kisses Roxi, but a crewmate accidentally bumps into them, holding a phone in his hand*

Crewmate: Sorry, I saw a Voltorb on this ship!

Keira: .....Really?

Roxi: I have no idea what all that is.

Captain: Sorry, but since most SCW Stars and crew are playing Pokemon GO, we've encouraged people to play it during their time on board

Keira: Oh great. I'm gonna be hearing that all cruise...

*Keira rolls her eyes*

Roxi: What? What is even happening?

Keira: Pokemon GO. Everyone's playing it. Except me. I wanted to, but, now I don't.

Roxi: I don't know about Pokemon

Keira: I do. But...I'd rather play it with a story. dumb! Pokemon GO?

*Keira begins to get enraged*

Roxi: Keira, calm down. Captain, we only need one room so...

Captain: Yes. Your Honeymoon Suite is all ready. Jenny paid for it, for you guys.

Keira: Wow...Honeymoon suite?

Roxi: I didn't think there were honeymoon suites....

Captain: We double as a love boat

Roxi Was that a joke?

Captain: No, part of the ship is for Honeymooners.

Roxi: Oh... wow....

Keira: Looks like we're extending our Honeymoon

Roxi: I guess.

Keira: While we train…

Roxi: We'll certainly be training in the ring, but for the most part, we're here, and I think we should just relax.

Keira: Good idea. I know we just came off the honeymoon and all but I think you’re right.

Roxi: We’ll get into our match preparation each day, but for the most part, I want both of us to relax and have fun.

*As Keira goes to kiss Roxi, another crew mate bumps into them, searching with their cell phone

Roxi: What is this whole Pokemon thing?

Keira: Roxi, the only good Pokemon is on a Nintendo system. Let's go to our room

Roxi: Okay.

*Roxi grabs their bags as Keira is handed the keycard and they make their way to their room. Keira opens it as they see a pretty room as the two smile.*

Keira: This is so beautiful

Roxi: No expense spared I see.

*Keira kisses Roxi's neck to tease her*

Keira: Carry me?

Roxi: Of course

Keira: Yay!

*Roxi puts the bags down and picks up Keira and carries her over the threshhold

Keira: Why Mrs. Johnson, you're such a Lady

Roxi: I try.

*Keira leans in, kissing Roxi's neck*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

*Keira looks into Roxi's eyes, softly saying*

Keira: Take me, Roxi. Take me and don't stop...

Roxi: Keira, the cruise just started, we have plenty of time for that later.

*Keira leans in and passionately kisses Roxi, the two not stopping the kiss for a bit*

Roxi: Well... when you put it that way.

*The two begin to make out as the scene fades*

Just a little while longer. I got One Shot. One Shot and I got to make it count.

*Keira is seen in the ring, set up for Summer XXXtreme, practicing and getting some training done, getting ready for the Chamber of Fate match. She grabs the trainer and lifts him up, hitting the Final Sin on him. Roxi sees it, in shock as Keira just stares at him*

Roxi: Keira...

*Keira raises her head and turns to Roxi*

Keira: Yea?

Roxi: Where did that come from?

Keira: Something I've been working on. It's a Chamber of Fate. So, Fate always have some sort of Sin in the end.

Roxi: Just be careful.

Keira: I will. I wouldn't be working on this if I wasn't careful

*Keira stands up slowly, but walks towards Roxi*

Roxi: I know. I trust you. I just worry, you know me.

Keira: I know. I love you for it.

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Roxi: I love you too.

*Keira rolls out of the ring*

Keira: That wore me out

Roxi: Well, you wear yourself out now, you'll be wearing them out later.

Keira: Damn right, I will

*Keira holds Roxi*

Keira: Tell me. How would I look with World Bombshell Gold around my waist?

Roxi: Sexy as always.

Keira: Now you're just feeding my ego

Roxi : It’s easier than feeding your belly.

*Keira giggles*

Keira: But, you've been there for me, for good and bad. I know you'll be there for me when I become World Bombshell Champion.

Roxi: I always will be

*Keira smiles as she hugs Roxi, knowing she was sweaty*

Roxi: Oh! gross! Dang it!

Keira: What?

Roxi: You're all sweaty! That's gross!

*Keira giggles*

Keira: So I am. Gimme a kiss!

Roxi; No!

*Roxi recoils away, giggling at the same time*

Keira: Gimme a kiss!!!

*Keira keeps getting closer, making smooches*

Roxi: No! Stay away!

Keira: No! I'm attracted to you!

Roxi: Not til you shower!

*Keira grabs Roxi and kisses her, giggling*

Roxi: You really need a shower.

Keira: I know, but now, so do you

Roxi: Yeah, thanks to you! Still, you're all sweaty. We're not doing anything until you're clean, woman.

*As Keira goes to kiss Roxi again, the two see a passenger playing Pokemon GO*

Keira: ....Really?

Roxi: What is the obsession? I don't get it.

Keira: Well, that killed my mood. I'm gonna go shower

Roxi: Keira, are you going to explain Pokemon to me?

Keira: It's a game that you catch little monsters in Pokeballs. Thing is, it comes with a STORY! Pokemon GO is....AHHHH!

*Keira gets enraged and walks to the suite as the scene fades*

I know I said before I wanted to play Pokemon GO, but after hearing so much about it, people being stupid and getting hurt.

It's not worth it. Hell, it's pissing me off, now!

*Keira is seen in the suite. She is eating a banana. As she turns, she sees Roxi coming in, on her phone*

Keira: Hey, babe

Roxi: Hey... how you feeling?

Keira: I'm good. W-What are you doing?

*Keira tries to look, but Roxi jerks her phone away*

Roxi: I'm just talking to Christine. Checking on the baby.

Keira: Let me talk to her too

*Keira tries again, but Roxi jerks the phone away again*

Keira: You better not be playing Pokemon GO!

Roxi: I'm not.... see!

*Roxi shows Keira her phone*

Roxi: I don't know the first thing about Pokemon anyway!

Keira: Ok....

Roxi: I think you have Pokemon on the brain

Keira: I should be focusing on my match. But instead, I turn around and I see all of them playing Pokemon GO! IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!

Roxi: Relax. I've got just the thing.

Keira: Hmm?

*Roxi pulls a portable hard drive from her bag and plugs it into her laptop.*

Keira: Ok?

Roxi: I have some matches of all of your opponents. Give you one final cram session to make any adjustments you may feel like you need to make.

Keira: Good idea! This will help me

Roxi: I told you I would do everything I could to help you. I promised you. This is my last gift. Once this last little session is through, and maybe a couple of training in that ring, You will be as prepared as I can make you. The rest, will be up to you.

Keira: Thank you, baby

Roxi: This should take your mind off things, one last large focus session to get you mentally prepared. I told want you to over train, either body, or mind when it comes to this. I know you're going to go out there and kick butt.

Keira: I need this

Roxi: You can do this. Just take some notes, we'll go over them, see what you picked up on, and we'll refine anything we need to. I am going to go lay in the sun for a little bit, I'll be back soon.

*Keira nods and sits there, watching the matches and taking notes. Roxi returns a short time later from sunbathing. Seeing Keira still taking notes*

Roxi: How's it coming?

*Keira holds out what looked like a novel of notes*

Roxi: That's good.

*Roxi sits down with Keira on the bed*

Roxi: Okay, What have you learned about Sam?

Keira: That she's tougher than Mikah. Need to go for the legs pretty quick. Everyone else will go after Mikah already due to the fact that old wounds haven't healed yet. The weakest one will be Crystal, I don't even need notes for that and I know for sure. Sure, she got lucky and won the title. But she knows me. She knows I will beat her. Jessie will be the one I need to focus on, despite the rocky past.

*Keira clears her throat*

Keira: Now Mercedes will be a bit tough, around Number 3 compared to Sam and Mikah. Get her out of the way fast after we deal with Mikah. I will obviously watch more to pick up what I can, but I feel a lot more confident about this.

Roxi: I wouldn't take Crystal too lightly, but it sounds like you have a gameplan. That's good. Just remember to review those notes every now and again this week. That way you are 100% prepared. You may be the underdog, they may not have wanted you here, but you are, and you will show everyone that you deserve this. And with the talent you have, the preparation you've gone through, and a little luck, because that never hurts... you will be the bombshell's champion.

Keira: I'm not taking Crystal too lightly. She takes herself too lightly. That will be the deal breaker. She WILL be pinned. No matter the cost.

Roxi: Well, she has to for you to win. I just don't want you to get overconfident when it comes to her. You may have beaten her, but that doesn't mean you're automatically going to walk into this match and do it again.

Keira: Like I've told them, Roxi. When it comes to Championships in SCW...

*Keira raises up her index finger*

Keira: It takes me One Shot to do it. Bombshell Roulette, Bombshell World Tag Team. I'm the underdog, yes. But in a way, I'm the most feared. I am an unknown at this level. I plan on using this to my advantage.

Roxi: I like the way you think. I like the confidence. I beleve in you my love, no matter what happens. You're going to prove yourself one way or the other. Just keep those notes handy review them at least once every day this week, and you will be as prepared as you can be.

*Roxi kisses Keira's cheek*

Roxi: I love you, and I will always believe in you.

*Keira smiles as she kisses Roxi, but as they continue, a maid comes in, carrying the tray of clean sheets and towels, but it look like she was on her phone as she says in a distracting manner*

Maid: Room ser..vice...

Keira: Go ahead and change the sheets, they need them, fresh towels too.

Maid: Yea...sure...

Roxi: Um... did you hear her? It's kind of unprofessional to be on your phone at work all the time.

*The maid keeps on the phone, which begins to piss off Keira*


*Keira goes to her and snatches the phone away. Keira gets even more enraged as she sees that the maid was playing Pokemon GO*


Maid: Miss Fisher! That's my phone! I almost caught a Koffing!

Keira: You're supposed to be doing your job! Everyone playing Pokemon GO on this cruise! I lost my appetite cause of this game!

*Roxi hears that as her eyes widen*

Roxi: Wait, what? You aren’t hungry? That’s a first.

Keira: Yea! I was trying to eat, couldn't with everyone, passing me and trying to catch Pokemon. One asshole stood right in front of me and said, "There's a Ekans on your steak!"

Roxi: Keira, I think you just need to relax. Actually you may need to see the doctor if you, Keira Fisher, are not hungry.

Keira: Relax? I'll show you relax!!!!!!

*Keira walks out of the suite with the maid's phone*

Roxi: Whoa! Keira!

*Roxi gives chase along with the maid as Keira storms towards the edge of the ship*

Keira: Pokemon GO? Oh, you're going...

*Keira was now nearing the edge of the ship*

Roxi: Keira! Don't!

Maid: Please Miss!

*Keira goes to throw it, but she hears a noise from it. She slowly lowers it down and her eyes widen*

Keira: ....Squirtle?

Maid: YOU FOUND SQUIRTLE!? I've been trying for weeks!

*Keira begins to use the phone for a few minutes. She screams with joy as she catches Squirtle. She hands the phone back to the maid*

Maid: You caught it! Awesome!

Keira: Anytime.

Roxi: Wait... what just happened?

Keira: I don't know. I saw Squirtle and...I had to catch it.

Roxi: So... now you like that game?

Keira: Let me download it on my phone, then I'll give you my answer

Roxi:oh.... okay...

*Keira kisses a confused Roxi on the lips as the scene fades*

Huh. Didn't know Squirtle looked good in that game.

Ok! I'm playing it now. Sue me. But it isn't going to stop me from training. When it comes to the World Bombshell Championship and Pokemon GO. The title is more important than some silly game.

...Then again, I do need to relax....

*The next day, Keira was done with training and studying for the day as she was now on her phone, searching*

Roxi: What are you doing?

Keira: Relaxing...

*Keira quickly stands and gets close to Roxi with the phone*

Keira: Stay still!

Roxi: What?

Keira: There's a Krabby between your legs


*Keira turns and shows Krabby on her phone with a still image of Roxi's legs*


*Keira quickly uses a Pokeball and catches it*

Keira: There we go! No more Krabbys!

*Roxi begins to growl as she punches Keira, forcing her to flip over the bed*

Keira: OW! What was that for!?

Roxi: What the hell is wrong with you! That's not funny to even joke about!

Keira: Roxi, I wasn't joking!!! There was a Krabby between your legs!

Roxi: Stop saying Krabby!
*Keira begins to rub her face a bit*

Keira: You done punching me?

Roxi: I'm sorry. I just... I guess I overreacted a little. But still! Not funny!

Keira: Well, either way. I'm fully ready now for the Chamber of Fate match. Soon, you'll be looking at the next World Bombshell Champion

*Roxi smiles and sits down on the bed and looks up at Keira*

Roxi: I know you can do it.

Keira: I know. I love you

*Keira leans in and kisses Roxi, but Keira hears a noise on her phone*

Keira: Roxi...stay still

Roxi: I swear if it's another crab....

Keira: No, you got Arbok between your breas--

*Roxi punches Keira again, flipping her over the bed*

Keira: DAMN IT, ROXI! Arbok got away!

Roxi: I am not a poke... thing...Seriously!

Keira: Fine...I'll put it away....but you owe me.

Roxi: Look somewhere else for Pokemon!

Keira: Not my fault the Radar says which Pokemon are where!

*Keira frowns*

Keira: Can we go eat before you punch my jaw out of my socket?

Roxi: I'm sorry. Yes, yes we can

Keira: I wonder what else is on the ship there are Pokemon Maybe in the engine room.

Roxi: I swear if you walk overboard, I’m not diving in to save you.

*Keira holds Roxi as the two go eat as the scene fades*

Ok, maybe I'm too relaxed. But, least I'm getting my balance.

I did one more day of training. Now I'm ready. But first...I promised my wife some time alone with her.

*Keira and Roxi are seen holding each other's hands as they walk on the deck. They look to the sky as they look at the moon*

Roxi: It's wonderful

Keira: Mhmm, what a night. I'm surprised we survived all of this

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: Cause of Stephanie, Jean returning....

Roxi: We've been lucky. Really lucky.

Keira: I just have this small feeling my luck's about to run out. Mostly Wrestling wise. This is why I've been training more hard lately.

Roxi: What do you mean?

Keira: You noticed that I've been getting up more and more early before and after our renewal?

Roxi: Yeah... what's going on?

Keira: I wanna make sure that I don't have one fatal flaw going into this match. Plus, the Final Sin move I've been working on

Roxi: Okay, but why do you think time is running out? That's scaring me. I don't want to lose you...

Keira: Our Son. Once he's born, I might not be able to do the things I want to do. This could be my only chance to become the World Bombshell Champion. Sure, I've been saying it takes One Shot for me to become champion.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: But it's also my One...and only shot. If I fail, who knows when I'll get another one

Roxi: Keira, jus because we're taking a break, doesn't mean this is your only chase. You will make a statement in that match that you are as good as anyone. You don't even need to win to prove your point. This may be your first shot, but I know it won't be your last. I promise. You may have to start fresh after Nate is big enough to walk, or talk, but at the same time you will have this as your stamp.

*Roxi smles and hugs Keira*

Roxi: You've made it. You are in the main event. Don't let that worry you too much. You just focus on having fun, and enjoying the moment.

Keira: I will. But I'm not gonna hold back.

*Keira closes her eyes and feels the breeze of the wind*

Roxi: I'm not expecting you too. I expect you to give it all you have.

*Roxi looks around*

Roxi: Did you find any more pokemon things?

Keira: My own Squirtle, Charmander and a Pikachu.

Roxi: Cool. Where did you find them? Are they good?

Keira: Squirtle's a personal fav of mine. Charmander is good too. the Mickey Mouse of Pokemon

Roxi: Or Mario? So... he's like... the average one?

Keira: He evolves into Raichu, but people keep him as Pikachu. No idea why

Roxi: I don't know this game very well, so... I dunno, can you show me how it's done? Where you find these things?

Keira: Well, last time I did, you hit me, twice

Roxi: I meant when they're not on me.

Keira: Hard to tell. They're everywhere. Depends on the Radar

Roxi: Well, this is a big ship, there's got to be a lot of them, right?

Keira: No. The ocean is. hell, the path we're going has alot of Pokemon on the route

Roxi: Really?

Keira: I know. It's starting to be fun

Roxi: And here you were, angry at those people.

Keira: Excuse me. Didn't know it would be this good.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: It just annoyed me when it kept going, especially when you're trying to eat

*Keira leans her head on Roxi's shoulder*

Keira: I just wanna enjoy this night, Roxi.

Roxi: Well, then, let's enjoy the night.... champ.

*Keira smiles as the two watch the night sky as the scene fades*

One Shot.

I've been saying it as many times til I'm blue in the face. One Shot can mean alot of things in this world. One Shot to get this right. One Shot to not make a mistake. One Shot to save the world. But to me...

One Shot means two things.

One Shot means that when it comes to Championships in SCW, I've done it in just my first shot. The SCW Bombshell Roulette Title. I had One Shot. Sure it was in a briefcase. But all it took me was just One Shot to do it. Crystal, you should know all about that. But I'll get to you, soon enough. The SCW World Bombshell Tag Team Titles. Sure, it was with my sexy wife. But it took us One Shot to beat the Fallen and guess what? We held it for a BITCHING long time.

And now, here we are. Summer XXXTreme IV. The Chamber of Fate match. How fitting in a way.

Fate is like Sin in a way. You roll the dice to determine your fate, but you Sin at the same time by committing the deed. You put fate in your hands, yet you sin by making the wrong choice. The Chamber of Fate is just like that.

I'm sinning, so are my opponents by even taking fate into the hands of the Chamber. But that's the fun of it all, isn't it?

Mikah, I know you're first. But you're the biggest example of Fate and Sin. It was fate that got you the World Bombshell Championship in the first place. But you committing so much with your booze, caused you to Sin. It was fate that got you the record breaking reign in the first place. But it caused you to sin with your ego. It was fate that you held a briefcase to get another shot at it. But you had to beat Jenny Tuck for that. THAT is a sin of a different level. Yet, it's fate that you're in this match with us, cause of the sins of the past have caught up with you in the form of Mark Ward. I can promise you this, Mikah. Fate will not be with you on this night. But the sins of the past will stop you from making you champion once again.

Jessie, I shouldn't bring up the past, you're right. But the past is what makes us who we are. Fate and Sin. Your fate has helped your best friend, but you stabbing your other friends in the back, was sinful of itself.  You want redemption so much that will you take fate in your hands. Tell me something, Jessie. Do you want redemption so badly that you'll sin in order to become World Champion? That's alot on your plate. I do love you, Jessie. I do respect you, but if you allow yourself to take fate in your hands, then your sins will weigh you down and it will stop you from becoming champion.

Mercedes, you think I don't have a shot cause of everything I had to go through. Thing is, you're good too. But when you're bad, you mess up as well. No one is perfect. Fate brought you into the Mean Girls and it lasted quite a long time. But thing is, your sins didn't weigh you down, overtime, you saw the light. But now in Chamber of Fate, you might have to go back to the Mean Girl days in order to stand a chance against us. You're putting your fate in the hands of the past. That's when your sins will catch up and just like Mikah and Jessie, will stop you from becoming champion again.

Sam, my dear, dear friend. I do love you with all of my heart. You and I both are not safe from Fate and Sin. Trust me. Hell, you put fate in your hands when you became the one to finally dethrone Mikah from her throne to become World Bombshell Champion. But, the sins weighed in on you as you lost to Mercedes all cause of Crystal. That distraction cost you, but you rose from it and put fate in your hands once again to win it back, but that same sin caused you to lose it to the one that started all of this. I wanna say that you'll take fate once again in your hands and become World Champion. But, since I'm here. It won't be the case. If anything, your sins, just like the others, will stop you from becoming champion once again.

That just leaves me to the big one. The biggest example of Fate and Sin of them all, besides Mikah, of course. Crystal Millar herself. I love how you have to remind me of what you did in 2016. Yes, you did beat me, in a Triple Threat Match. Remember, TRIPLE...THREAT! It only kept your hunger to beat me at bay. While you were focused on stealing fate like how you stole the title. It's your sins that has kept you back. The biggest one is your husband himself! Sure, I'm not a saint. I don't claim to be. But you try to fix something that isn't broken, you want to steal fate and make it right, but your sins are closing in faster and faster. Wanna know when your sins will finally catch up? Chamber of Fate, when you're laying on the mat and I'm holding the World Bombshell Championship!

My fate is already written. My sins have been cleansed. I've waited for this shot for a very long time. LADIES, I can Break a Bitch so many times til I'm BLUE IN THE FACE!

But it only takes One become Champion.

My Name is Keira Fisher.

My Sins have been cleansed and my fate is hands.

See you Sunday.  

Well, I never thought the time would come. 24 hours before I renew my vows with the love of my life. I got a lot on my mind. Her, Stephanie and that mask. Plus the Six Pack Challenge. The World Bombshell Championship.

I must win it. I MUST! At any cost...

*Keira is seen at Jenny's place, sitting in a chair staring into the mirror as she gently brushes her hair. She hums a tune, but is still very distracted and nervous as Jenny walks into the room*

Jenny: Everything okay?

Keira: JENNY! Yea, I'm fine!

Jenny: That... was certainly normal... I meant is the room okay?

Keira: Yea, it's fine

Jenny: Good. Remember, if you need anything, just call for the butler. Bernard will get you anything you need

Keira: Surprised you got a male butler

Jenny: After the Steph incident. I think it would be best if I involved all genders

Keira: That reminds me. Did you find her yet?

Jenny: We're looking. Everyone is looking

*Keira leans closer to the mirror as she stares at it*

Keira: Once you do...her ass is mine

Jenny: Keira, don't get yourself killed. I know how you fucking get. But think of Roxi. Think of your friends...think of your son.

*Keira lowers her head and begins to shed a tear*

Jenny: Please don't worry about that too much. This is supposed to be a happy time. You're need to focus on that. This is a wedding.

*Jenny places a hand on Keira's shoulder*

Jenny: When the time comes, you'll be ready.

Keira: I'm sorry. I can't help it.

Jenny: I know

*The two stay silent for a moment. But Keira then says*

Keira: ...Did we just have a moment?

Jenny: ....Yea. We did

Keira: I feel weird

Jenny: Me too... slut.

Keira: Skank!

Jenny: Better?

Keira: Much

*Keira stands up and hugs Jenny*

Jenny: Good. Now, relax and take a load off. Again, anything you need, just call. Also, you should have visitors in a while.

Keira: Ok.

Jenny: And... thanks for making me part of the bridal party.

Keira: You paid for it. Wouldn't be right if I didn't

Jenny: Well, you know my rep Keira... It hasn't really improved over the years. I sometimes... I feel like I accidentally give it to you and Roxi.

Keira: No. We're lucky to have the friends we have. They don't care about who we hang out with. End of the day, you're still a whore with a massive target on your back...who I'm surprised hasn't shot you, yet.

Jenny: HA! Bitch, I'll never die

Keira: Keep telling yourself that

Jenny: It may not seem like it Ke, but you guys have changed my life too. Thank you.

Keira: You're welcome

*Jenny walks away leaving Keira there alone again. It's only a few moments before there are some giggles and a knock on the door*

Keira: Hmm?

*The door opens and Christine and Sasha, Also part of Keira's wedding party come in with smiles and hugs for Keira*

Sasha: Ke!

Keira: Hey! I thought you were with Roxi!

Sasha: We were, but, she said we should come see you too.

Christine: And you know we love to see you.

Keira: I know

*Sasha and Chris give Keira a kiss on either cheek*

Keira: Hehe, ok, ok!

Sasha: How are you Ke? You look nervous. Thanks for making us part of your bridal party.

Christine: You didn't have to choose us.

Keira: I love you guys

*Christine touches her stomach*

Christine: I am just going to be so big in my dress.

*Christine frowns*

Keira: You're going to look great

Sasha: Of course you are baby. Only the best for my girlfriend.

*Sasha holds Christine tightly from behind*

Sasha: Sorry Ke, you can't have her.

*Sasha sticks her tongue out at Keira and giggles along with Christine*

Keira: Oh darn...

*Keira slaps Sasha's ass*
Keira: Remember who helped you, Shorty

Sasha: Ow! Hey! You remember I kicked your butt one time!

Christine: You did?

Keira: You wanna go, Sasha?

Sasha: That's right! I beat Keira! Roxi saw it!

Christine: No fighting you two.

*Keira stands and tackles Sasha, pinning her down*

Sasha: Hey!

Christine: Ke...

Keira: What?

Christine: There's no need to do that. Please leave my girlfriend alone.

Sasha: Yeah! I was only teasing!

*Keira smirks and kisses Sasha*
Keira: I was too

*Keira stands and helps Sasha up*

Christine: Good. It's always good to see you like this Keira. We always had so much fun together.

Keira: Yes, we have

Sasha: Outside of Chris, you're the best cuddler I know. And, only because we're on your side of the wedding... you're going to the prettiest bride.

*Sasha giggles*

Keira: I just want you two to be safe when we're on our honeymoon

Christine: We will, we have friends coming to look out for us. And besides, I can't go too many places.

Sasha: Which is perfect, more cuddles in bed.

Christine: Yes.

*Christine giggles and kisses Sasha*

Sasha: I love you.

Christine: I love you too.

Sasha: Speaking of which, have you guys named him yet?

Keira: The baby?

Sasha: Yeah. You never told us.

Christine: My name for him is monster.

Keira: Nate

*Sasha smiles*

Sasha: That's a great name

Christine: Nate the monster.

*Christine giggles*

Christine: I'm just messing around. He's gonna be just like his mom

Keira: That's what I'm afraid of

*Keira goes to Christine and hugs her softly*

Christine: No need to be worried. He may be handful now, but he'll be the handsome devil we all love and spoil soon.

Sasha: As long as he's not hungry like you all the time

Jenny: Now THAT'S what I'm afraid of.

*Jenny says at the door*

Christine: Jenny?

Jenny: Sorry, thinking of the baby eating as much as Keira scares me

Sasha: That's not gonna happen. Besides, we all know how great a mom Ke's gonna be.

Christine: Yes, she will be great.

Keria: Thanks guys

Christine: Of course babe.

*Christine kisses Keira on the cheek*

Christine: We're always behind you %

*Keira smiles a bit more*
Jenny: Well, don't stay up too long. We want the bride all happy and not a bag of slut

Keira: Skank!

Jenny: Whore!

Keira: Cunt!

Christine: Ladies.

*Keira smiles*

Sasha: Yeah, and soon Ke will world champion!

Christine: That's right

Keira: sounds so exciting!

Christine: And we know you can win

Sasha: We will be rooting for you.

Keira: Thanks Guys. I--

*All of a sudden, the four hear a whooshing sound as it says*

???: Keira....

*it dies down quickly*

Jenny: The fuck...

Sasha: Ke... what was that? Get behind me Chris

*Chris stands behind Sasha who stands behind Keira*

Keira: I don't know. I don't sense anything

Jenny: Hmmm.

Keira: Jenny, when was the last time you checked on the condition of the void?

Jenny: A week... why?

Keira: Better check it make sure

Jenny: I will as soon as I'm able. What... what do you think that was?

Keira: No idea...

Christine: Ke... are you gonna be okay?

Keira: Yea. I'll be fine

Sasha: Are we gonna be okay?

Keira: Yea. Nothing I can't handle

Sasha: Okay.

*A less than comforting smile crosses Sasha face as Chris goes to the other side holding Keira's arm.*

Christine: Come on... let's... snuggle for a little bit, get our minds off this

Keira: Yes.

*Keira's phone goes off and she puts it on speaker*

Keira: Yello

Keri: Keira? It's Keri.

Keira: Hey, sis. What's up?

Keri: Just letting you know Angelica's here and I got my fitting done, so everything is set for tomorrow.
Keira: Good. Can't wait to see you two

Keri: Cool. Congrats again.

Keira: Thanks, Keri

Keri: Okay, see you tomorrow.

*Keira smirks as she hangs up the phone*

Sasha: Chris?

Christine: Yes?

Sasha: Isn't Keira's butt fantastic?

*Christine and Sasha are on the bed giggling looking at Keira*

Keira: Hehe

Christine: It sure is. Soon there will be a championship around that sexy waist though.

Sasha: mmhmm..

Keira: Please. Like I said before. With Mikah, Jessie, Samantha and Mercedes in my way of getting my hands on Crystal. It won't be easy. But I love a challenge.

Sasha: We know how hard you've worked Keira.

Christine: And we saw how much it hurt you to face Roxi.

Keira: did.

Christine: We're proud of you, just like Roxi is.

Keira: Thank you.

Sasha: And tomorrow, you guys get married all over again. It's going to be amazing.

Christine: Mhmm!

Keira: Yep.

*Keira sees the time*

Keira: I need sleep. Otherwise, I'll look like Jenny Tuck

*Christine pats in between herself and Sasha*

Christine: Well then, bring yourself here, and we'll cuddle til you fall asleep

*Keira smiles and does so as the scene fades*

Married again. Made it sound like we got divorced before. No, this was a vow renewal. Something I wanted for a long time ever since I reunited Roxi with her dad.

That and finally play Pokemon GO. BUT...that is WAY on the backburner.

What isn't, is that shot at the World Bombshell Championship. But right now, I must get my mind on tomorrow

*Keira is shown in her wedding gown, Final preparations being made as she looks at Christine, Sasha, Jenny, and Keri all dressed in matching bridesmaid dresses, save for Christine, in the Maid of honor dress*

Keira: Stay calm, Ke. It's just a big day. You're renewing your vows with the love of your life....

Christine: You look great Ke.

Sasha: Total babe.

Keri: You look fine.

*Jenny shrugs*

Jenny: I've seen worse

Keira: want broken ribs today?

Jenny: Just being honest.

*Keri elbows Jenny*

Jenny: Okay! Okay! *Sigh* Keira.... you look amazing.

Keira: Thank you, Queen of the Sluts

Christine: Anyway...

Keri: What is it with you two?

Jenny: We're friends, believe it or not.

*Christine peeks through the curtain leading out to the beach*

Christine: I lot of people are here already

Keira: How many?

Christine: I don't know ... There's a ton? ?

Keira: Damn

Keri: How many did you invite?

Sasha: Lots.

Christine: Well, they are coming.

*Keira takes a deep breath*

*Sasha hugs Keira from behind*

Sasha: Love you Ke.

Keira: I love you too

Christine: Well, the preacher is talking. Oh.. Roxi's party is coming out first.

Keira: Let Roxi be walked down by her dad...

Sasha: She wants to see you want down the aisle Ke!

Keira: No, I want Roxi to be walked down the aisle by her dad

Keri: She is, but she's coming down first.

*Keira turns and watches*

Christine: Ke... are you sure you can stomach this?

Keira: Stomach what?

Jenny: She means you look pale, and you're sweating. Seriously you need to relax before you pass out or throw up

*Keira takes her fist and lightly punches Jenny's ribs*

Jenny: ACK! I think you broke a rib!

Keri: She was trying to help. Seriously you're sweating

Keira: I'm fine. I just want things to go smoothly

Jenny: At the cost of my rib!?

Christine: Keira! Why did you do that? Behave yourself!

Sasha: That wasn't nice Ke.

*Sasha spanks Keira*

Keira: Sasha...Behave

Sasha: Stop being a meanie pants to Jenny!

Jenny: Finally, some sense from the sister of my ho

*All of a sudden, Sasha punches Jenny's bruised rib*

Jenny: DAMNIT!

Christine: Will you guys stop! What is wrong with...

*Christine holds her stomach*

Christine: Ugh...

Keira: Christine!

*Keira quickly goes to Christine*

Keira: Here, sit down

Christine: I'm... I'm fine. Just riled up.

Keira: You get like that when someone's never do that before

*Keira slowly looks at her stomach and touches it*

Keira:'re not....

Christine: I'm fine. I'm fine.

*Christine pats Keira on the shoulder and nods.*

Keira: You worry me

Christine: I'm okay, we're up... there's Roxi...

*Keira looks out and sees Roxi walking with her dad as Keira smiles*

Sasha: She's so pretty Ke.

Keira: I know. I've never seen her so happy

Sasha: You know why?

Keira: Cause I reunited a family?

Sasha: Because of everything you do for her. It's why you make us happy too.

Christine: Okay... we're up... go ahead Jenny

???: Keira....

Keira: Wha...not again...

*Jenny takes a second to look back as she walks down the aisle.*

Keri: Keira...Who was that?

Christine: It's nothing. Your turn, Keri

*Keri always walks down the aisle*

Christine: And now... go ahead babe.

*Sasha releases her hug on Keira and kisses her on the cheek, before walking down the aisle as well. Chrisine finally turns to Keira.*

Christine: Are you ready?

Keira: Yea. Long as we don't hear voices again

Christine: I'm proud of you Ke.

*Christine kisses Keira*

Christine: Let's go show your wife all the love she deserves.*

*Christine gets behind Keira and carries her train as the scene fades*

"Wow, I never thought I'd be at this place again. But this feels so right. I love with woman with all of my heart. Roxi, you've given me hope for all these years.

After all that's happened. Demons, Magi Bloods, friends turning into enemies, Bio Weapons, loss of friends. You've always been by my side.

Now, more than ever when I have 5 people to contend with to get the World Bombshell Title. I know you'll still be by my side. I love you forever and a day."

*Keira and Roxi are shown after the ceremony in a hotel suite, enjoying their time together, as Keira lays on the bed watching TV, Roxi next to her feeding her grapes.*

Roxi: Today, was perfect.

Keira: It was. But you were more perfect, my love

Roxi: Oh stop. You... you were beautiful. The most beautiful bride I've ever seen.

*Roxi feeds Keira a grape*

Roxi: You have made me so happy

Keira: Roxi...

*Keira takes the grape and kisses Roxi*

Roxi: Now, we have everything out of the way, now there's just you, and gaining the SCW Bombshell's title.

Keira: I've been training, studying non stop to be ready

Roxi: I know you have. I know you will be ready. We have one last day tomorrow, to head to the gravity room, and train, and train out in the old gym one more time. Just to put the finishing touches on the whole deal.

*Roxi smiles running her fingers through Keira's hair*

Roxi: I want you to know, no matter what happens, I will always be proud of you.

Keira: Thank you, my love

*Keira leans in and begins to kiss Roxi's neck*

Keira: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Roxi: I'm thinking that no one wants you here in this Bombshell's title match. They don't think you deserve it. They want someone to have your spot. You're behind the -ball. You have a million to one shot at this.

Keira: I was thinking of romantic music and dimming the lights. But ok. Roxxxxiiiii, baby. I've been thinking about this all the time. I've trained NON stop! Can we please, have this night? It's our Vow Renewal night.

Roxi: I just ... You've earned this chance, I just want you to be ready. Sorry I've been so hard on you lately.

Keira: And I've been training as hard. They think I don't deserve to be there? I'll make them bleed. I will watch them beg for mercy! I WILL MASS--

*Roxi places a finger across Keira's lips*

Roxi: Keira... I'm sorry.

Keira: For what?

Roxi: For... not letting you enjoy this and worrying about your title shot. I know you're trained. I know you're ready. I know you have opponents ready to stop you, it just worries me because I want you to do well.

Keira: I will. They'll have to injure me to stop me.

Roxi: That's what I'm afraid of too. Because I know you.

Keira: Trust me. I'll do my best

*Keira giggles as she throws a small grape at Roxi to tease her*

Roxi: One last test of everything tomorrow and we're on vacation. It's... nice.

Keira: Very...

*Keira grabs Roxi and begins to kiss her deeply*

Roxi: Keira... relax. We'll get to that.

Keira: Awww, but you got me going...

*Roxi smiles and shakes her head*

Roxi: It doesn't take much, does it?

Keira: Baby, you just drive me wild

Roxi: Did... Jenny tell you what they were doing to the house?

Keira: They said they were putting in new Furniture, my PoPs in a new Collection Room with a Safe Door. But....privately...a room or a sector under the house that is Guild Approved that will help us keep a eye out of Florida

Roxi: Well, that makes sense, I guess. But... I'm gonna miss the old place, you know?

Keira: Jenny also said that ever since the Steph incident when she broke into our place. She thinks we aren't safe.

Roxi: I guess she's right.

Keira: I know Jenny's...well...Jenny. But, she does care

*Keira quickly takes a swig of her drink and gargles, pretending it's mouthwash*

Roxi: What... are you doing?

Keira: Pretending it's bleach since I complimented Jenny

Roxi: Come on, she paid for this whole thing you know?!

Keira: I know. I wish she hadn't. I mean, she does enough as is

Roxi: We weren't going to stop her, you know that.

Keira: Mhmm. Now, can we finally have some fun?

*Keira leans in and kisses Roxi's neck*

Keira: I love you so much

Roxi: Well... I guess.

*Keira smirks as she pinches Roxi's ass*

Roxi: Keira.... oh, what the heck...

*Roxi climbs into the bed with Keira*

Keira: Come to me, baby

Roxi: You know what I just remembered?

Keira: What's that?

Roxi: One of us didn't carry the bride over the threshold.
*Roxi giggles*

*Keira smirks as she leans and lifts Roxi. She quickly goes to the door, opens it and steps out*

Keira: Hehe, fixing it now

*Keira slowly walks back in, looking into Roxi's eyes*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too

*As Keira leans in to kiss Roxi, they feel a breeze pass through and a voice*

???: Keira....

Roxi: What the heck was that?!

Keira: Fuck...third time in 12 hours.

*Keira sits Roxi down on the bed and goes to the drawer and gets her communicator*

Roxi: What is going on?

Keira: Either I'm going crazy or we got a spook.

*Keira turns on the comm*

Keira: Jenny!
Jenny: WHAT! I'm trying to sleep, numbnuts!

Keira: I heard that voice again

Roxi: What is going on?

Jenny: Basically, we keep hearing some voice in the wind. It started last night. Then again earlier before Keira came out

Roxi: Who is it?

Keira: We don't know. sounds familiar.

Roxi: I don't like this...

Jenny: I'm looking into it now. Get some rest, you two. Enjoy your night

*Keira sits the communicator down and turns to Roxi*

Keira: I can't even enjoy my night with my wife

Roxi: Keira... it's okay.

*Roxi sit down next to Keira*

Keira: You sure?

Roxi: Whatever this is, we'll get through it. We'll face it head on

Keira: Together

Roxi: Together.

*Roxi smiles and kisses Keira*

Roxi: With my wife.

*Keira smiles back*

Keira: Now...where were we?

*Roxi giggles and gets back into the bed snuggling with Keira as the scene fades.*

One more day before me and Roxi go on vacation. To celebrate our Vow Renewal. Jenny's got us a new house to live in. Perfect chance to start a family.

Nate, this part's for you. You'll look back on this late. Mama loves you. We'll always protect you. I just hope when I become World Bombshell Champion, you'll be proud of your Mama.

*Keira is shown inside the gravity room with Roxi at the controls*

Roxi: Are you ready Keira?

Keira: Hit it!

Roxi: Be careful

Keira: I always am

*Roxi turns the gravity on*

Roxi: 150

*Keira quickly begins to train in it, showing that she was already surpassed

Keira: This a warm up? I don't feel anything! Turn it up!

Roxi: Turning it up to 200

*Roxi pushes a button and the gravity intensifies*

*Keira continues to train, not even phased by 200.*

Keira: Weird...I should feel weighed down...but it feels light.

*Keira stops and turns to Roxi*

Keira: Turn it up!

*Roxi sighs*

Roxi: 250

*Keira smiles*

Roxi: Please be safe.

*Roxi puts in the numbers and watches*

*Even though it gets a little heavy, Keira begins to overcome it. She finishes as she turns her head to the side*

Keira: ......300

Roxi: Get used to this first!

Keira: me.

*Keira turns to Roxi with a serious look on her face*

Keira: Please.

Roxi: Just show me first.

Keira: I did!

*Keira begins to get annoyed real quick, showing Roxi how freely she can move*

Roxi: Fine... .

Keira: Stop treating me like a child, Roxi! It's bad enough I got to face people to get the World Bombshell Title. But It feels like I'm facing a sixth per--

*all of a sudden, Keira and Roxi hears*

???: Keira…

Keira: .....what the.....

Roxi: Keira... Is that the same voice?

Keira: It was....

Roxi: Keira I don't like this, now the voice.... it's in trouble!

Keira: We need to be ready. Turn it to 300. Whoever it is...we must be ready.

*Roxi pushes the button and it turns the machine to 300 *

*Keira grunts a little. Unlike before where she would fall to the ground. She begins to fight slowly to get used to it. But after a hour, she finally gets use to it as she dodges her own blasts*

Roxi: You're progressing. Soon, I can begin to imagine how strong you've become

Keira: Maybe now I can finally control my Third Form

*There is a rumble in the distance that begins to shake the room around them.*

Roxi: What was....

Keira: Not me.

*All of a sudden, a explosion is heard, forcing the room to shut off and the door to open*

Keira: What the Hell!?

Roxi: Looks like we have to put that training to the test...

Keira: Let's go! Get your costume

*Keira lands and quickly runs out of the room, quickly grabbing her costume and putting it on*

Roxi: I've only felt power like this once before.... It's got to be Stephanie...

Keira: ....if it is. Time for some payback

*Roxi puts on her costume alongside Keira*

Roxi: I wish we had more time. You need rest

Keira: With our job? for Pussies.

Roxi: Come on... I've got a plan, but you need to work with me on this.

Keira: ...Fine.

*Roxi and Keira and soon flying out of the gravity room chamber and into the night sky. Roxi opens her communicator*

Roxi: Vision, we're hearing the rumblings

Vision: It's her.

Roxi: Any idea on an exact loca -

*Roxi looks up and sees smoke from the center of the city*

Keira: That answer your question?

Roxi: Never mind, we'll just follow the trail of devastation....

Vision: Just be careful

Roxi: We will be.

*Roxi exits the call and turns to Keira*

Roxi: Alright, let's go. I'll tell you the plan when we get there.

Keira: Right

*Roxi takes off ahead of Keira, but soon they are side by side. Roxi grips Keira's hand in hers as they fly, soon landing near some of the wreckage and fleeing civilians.*

Roxi: That power is unreal...

Keira: I know. Too bad it isn't used for good...or for sparring.

*Keira looks around*

Keira: Where is she?

*The two soon hear mechnical laughter come from a block away, they rush over to find Stephanie, having Lady Victory's mask adorned on her head blasting away tanks from the national guard area.*

Keira: That answered my question

Stephanie: Well, well, well... the heroes have come.

Roxi: You're going to give that mask back

Stephanie: I don't think so. I'll crush the both of you, and then I'll slaughter the entire guild!

Keira: All cause you're a damn homophobe...

Stephanie: All because all you are... is smut. But this...

*Stephanie touches the mask*

Stephanie: This gives me power that you can't dream of.

Roxi: You will be stopped.

Keira: You don't know power...

Stephanie: Look at what I've done. Power gave me this. And it will all belong to me soon!

*Roxi turns to Keira*

Roxi: I'm going to buy you some time

Keira: Yea, we're going to need my Third Super Form...

Roxi: You build up some energy and rest. I'll buy you as much time as I can.

Keira: I love you

Roxi: I love you too.

*Roxi turns back to Stephanie, who is waiting with arms folded. Roxi starts to walk forward towards her*

Stephanie: Just you? Pity.

Roxi: I am this city's hero after all. I need the exercise.

Stephanie: Joke while you can.

Roxi: I think I'll just shut that big mouth of yours.

*Roxi assumes a fighting stance, knowing full well her power was not going to be enough to even slow down Stephanie while she has the mask, but she had to buy Keira as much time as possible.*

Roxi: Let's do this.

*Keira begins to power up, slowly going to her first Super Form. She doesn't stop as she quickly goes to her second Super form*

Keira: Calm, can do this. You can control it...

Stephanie: I'll be sure to let her see as you die.

Roxi: I do love an audience.

*Stephanie rushes Roxi who braces for the smash attack, able to block it, but the force brings her to her knees. Roxi powers up and uses her energy to push Stephanie back a few steps. Stephanie charges again and Roxi dodges and lands a hard punch that drives Stephanie back. Roxi connects with another punch, but when she attempts a rd Stephanie catches it, pulls Roxi in and punches her in the face and sends her flying back, head over heels on to the ground*

Roxi: Ow....

Stephanie: Pathetic.

*Keira powers up more, feeling the surge of energy flow through her as her hair grows longer*

Keira: Come on...Come on...

*Roxi slowly gets up as Stephanie comes at her and the two meet in mid-air, but Stephanie overpowers Roxi and drives her into the ground. Stephanie lands blow after blow before launching Roxi into the air and sending her flying with a kick. Roxi flies into a nearby building, driving her through the wall and deep into it. Stephanie turns, satisfied with herself*

Stephanie: Is it your turn yet?

Roxi: Not... yet...

*Keira's hair gets longer as she feels herself being almost ready*

Keira: Yes! Finally! I can...I it!!!!!

*Roxi flies back with force, nailing Stephanie with a few more blows that send her back. She increases her energy put-out nailing Stephanie as hard as possible, the blows having somewhat of an effect, driving Stephanie back, off-balance. Roxi continues to punch, but Stephanie is able to shrug it off and knee Roxi in the jaw and then slam her up against some rubble and punch her, sending Roxi flying threw it and landing on her back and rolling onto her stomach, trying to push herself up*

Roxi: Almost.... there...

Stephanie: Why won't you stay down?!

Roxi: Never... knew... enough...

*Roxi slowly gets to her feet, breathing heavily and scarred up, looking over out of the corner of her eye for Keira. Roxi begins to raise her energy again*

Stephanie: You have to know by now that I've been toying with you. You have to know that this is suicide.

Roxi: Whatever... it... takes..

Stephanie: I will enjoy this.

*Roxi prepares to launch one more desperation attack, but get snared by the ankle. She looks down a rope and hook attaches itself, and Roxi is pulled away from the battle*

Roxi: Hey!

*Roxi gets reeled in, and low and behold, Claire is behind the whole thing*

Roxi: Claire...

Claire: You do know that crazy bitch was going to kill you?

Roxi: Why… the sudden change of heart?

Claire: Nobody kills you, but me.
Roxi: Heh...

*Claire grabs Roxi's costume and launches her onto the nearby rooftop, the beaten Roxi lays there in pain. Back on the battlefield, Stephanie turns, now annoyed to Keira*

Stephanie: I hope you, can put up a better fight than your worthless partner.

*Keira looks at Stephanie, now in her Third Super Form*

Keira: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Stephanie: Well, you finally unlocked your hidden potential....

Keira: Shut up. I've waited a long time for this. I'm going to cripple you....

Stephanie: I know she was buying you time.

*Keira gets into a fighting stance*

Stephanie: Too bad you guys have too many enemies that I couldn't kill her. But she knew she wasn't going to stop me, but she played hero long enough for you to have mop up duty I guess. Maybe, if she lives long enough, She can watch you die.

*All of a sudden, Keira throws a punch to Stephanie's stomach, forcing Steph to cough and groan in pain*

Stephanie: Ugh....

*Stephanie takes a step back, rubbing her stomach*

Keira: You talk too much, bitch

Stephanie: That's it... let it all run through you... I want all the anger and filthy lesbian rage!

*Keira rushes begins to throw blow after blow, knocking Steph back. The next punch makes Steph fly back into a brick wall*

Stephanie: Well...

*Stephanie slowly gets up, dusting herself off, walking back to the battle*

Keira: Ok, listen to me. I want you to hit you can.

*Keira shows her chin*

Keira: One free shot...if you ain't getting another

Stephanie: You think you've it all figured out? Well, then allow me to educate you.

Keira: I'm waiting....

Stephanie: Poor foolish bitch.

*Stephanie smirks as she throws a huge punch to Keira's chin, she begins to smirk, but Keira begins to laugh. She slowly lowers her head, looking back at Stephanie*

Keira: Was that it?

*Stephanie takes a step back, looking at Keira*
Stephanie: Well, you are strong.... Stronger than any lesbian bitch I know

Keira: I think it's time to rip that tongue out

*Keira rushes and begins to land blow after blow to Stephanie. Each blow stronger than the last. The last one catches Stephanie's stomach*

Keira: Last chance. Give up the mask or give up your ability to walk.

*Stephanie slowly gets up, almost laughing to herself*

Stephanie: Give up? Why? I have all this power! It's MINE!

*Keira rushes and kicks Stephanie, making her fly. Keira flies up and gives Stephanie a Double Axe Handle, forcing Stephanie to land hard on the ground, causing a crater to form*

Keira: Hmmm...

*Keira lands on her feet, next to the crater as she waits for Stephanie to come out*

Stephanie: Ugh... You really think you've won?

*Stephanie explodes out of the crater, back for more*

Stephanie: I will not be defeated by you, you filthy whore!

Keira: You don't have much left

*Keira rushes, throwing multiple punches and kicks, weakening Stephanie even more. She then throws Stephanie into a building*

Keira: It's over, Stephanie!

*Keira lands on the ground again. Stephanie comes out of the building again. Ready for more*

Stephanie: You... you won't beat me. This mask... I've only begun to dig into it's power.

*Stephanie eyes Keira starting to strain from the energy put out of her Third form*

Stephanie: I haven't used all the power just yet. I will use this mask at it's maximum level!

Keira: Come on, then! I got all night, bitch tits

*Stephanie taps the mask and her strength increases ten-fold She blasts Keira with a blow that would have killed anyone else. The force sends Keira flying through several walls, splatting against one final wall*

Keira: Ugh...T..That all you got?

*Keira gets off the wall and shakes it off, but doesn't notice that her energy was running out as her third form begins to power down*

Stephanie: I told you... you can't win! The POWER!

Keira: I can and I will!

*Keira holds out her hand to do a energy blast, but her energy runs out, finally. Keira feels her body in pain as she holds it*

Keira: Wha...NO! I...I thought...NOOOO!

Stephanie: Game. Over.

*Stephanie rushes Keira and unloads with hard blows that rock Keira, causing blood to spew from her mouth, before Stephanie lands one hard blow to the stomach, bringing Keira to her knees, coughing up blood*

Stephanie: I told you... I will win...

Keira: *Ack*

*Keira continues to cough*

Keira: I..I'm sorry...LB...I...I

Stephanie: All I had to do, was let your foolish cockiness get the better of you. Maybe you could have finished me, but you got overconfident. Now...

*Stephanie prepares to deal the killing blow*

Stephanie: Now, I kill you, you filthy lesbian.

*As Stephanie prepares to swing, Jenny comes over Keira's com*

Jenny: Keira! The Void!

Keira: Wh...

*The large, black void opens behind Stephanie, and from it emerges Jean, who pulls the mask off of Stephanie while she is distracted*

Jean: This doesn't belong to you.

Keira: J...Jean?

Stephanie: HEY! Who the hell are you?

Keira: PULSE! HELP ME!!!!!!!

Stephanie: Give that mask back you fool! I'm trying to rid the world of these stupid bitches!

Jean: You have no power to judge.

*Jean looks as Stephanie is reduced to a normal woman again.*

Jean: And now, your power, is gone. How does it feel, to be helpless?

Stephanie: You bitch!

*Stephanie takes a swipe at Jean, who simply dodges and shoves her down.*

Keira: J..Jea..

*Jean walks over to Keira, helping her to her feet*

Jean: Kat.

Keira: ....I though.t...I

Jean: Only for a short while. I will always be a part of you. In your heart. So long as you keep me there... I will never leave.

*Jean hands Keira Lady victory's mask*

Jean: Now... be the hero, I know you are.

*Keira looks at it, having no choice. She takes it and puts it on. She feels the power surging through her. Cause of it, she powers back to her Third Super Form. But she quickly takes it off and puts it to the side*

Keira: Thanks...

*Keira slowly begins to walk towards Stephanie and grabs her*

Keira: Game Over, Stephanie.

Stephanie: Get your hands off me! I will get you for this!

Keira: That reminds me. Jenny wanted me to give you this message.

*Keira cold cocks Stephanie hard, knocking out the woman*

Keira: You're Fired!

*Keira turns to Jean*

Keira: Jean...welcome home.

*Keira turns to find Roxi*
Keira: Where is she!?

Jean: Up there. She needs you.

*Jean points to the building highrise*

Keira: You coming?

Jean: There are still things I need to do in the void. But I promise, I will never leave you, even if you and I... can't be together.

Keira: Jean...

Jean: Go.

*Keira nods as she flies towards Roxi. Keira lands on the roof, as Roxi slowly starts to get up*

Roxi: Hey....

Keira: Sorry it took me so long. You ok?

Roxi: Peachy...

*Keira helps up Roxi*

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: Yea. I'm fine.

*Keira looks at Roxi as she hands her the mask*

Roxi: We need to get this back... and I'm gonna need the rejuvenation tank.

*Roxi leans on Keira*

Roxi: Where's Stephanie?

Keira: Wait.

*Keira takes the mask and puts it on Roxi's face to power her up*

Roxi: Whoa....

*Keira takes it off quickly*

Keira: There.

Roxi: Now... Where's Stephanie?

*Keira points down there*

Roxi: What.... what happened?

Keira: Jean...

*Keira points again, but Jean as well as Stephanie were gone*

Keira: Wha...NO! NOT AGAIN!

*Keira quickly flies down to look for her*


Roxi: Keira... Did... did she say anything? Are you sure she was even here?

Keira: I know she was! She helped me stop Stephanie! She ripped off the mask and gave it to me! I was able to heal! Roxi, she's back!

*As Keira continues looking, Roxi sees a note on the ground. She opens it*


I didn't get a chance to explain. But I'll keep it short. I can return from the void at any time, now. But for the time being. I must remain in it.

I took Stephanie with me. I know she doesn't seem like a threat now. But she might be in the future since she stole Lady Victory's mask.

It's not my place to say this, but I'd smash up Lady Victory's mask, just in case something like this happens again.

Don't search for me. I'll see you and Roxi again, when you need me the most.

Love you forever,
Jean Vale"

*Keira comes back to Roxi*

Keira: Damn it! She's gone again! Maybe Jenny knows where she is in the void! We can find a way to--

Roxi: Keira!

*Roxi grabs Keira by the shoulders*

Roxi: Stop. Calm down.

Keira: Roxi! Jean needs us! We have to save her!

Roxi: Relax Keira. Okay... I think... you should read this.

*Keira takes the letter and reads. After a minute, she lowers her hand, still holding the letter*

Keira: Jean...

Roxi: She's back. When we need her. And you... you did it. You saved all of us Keira.

Keira: I...I did.

Roxi: You did.

*Keira holds Roxi close*

Keira: I finally did. I'm the hero I needed to be.

Roxi: You are.
*Roxi looks around, all the devastation and damage*

Roxi: Well, I think we've earned a vacation. Wanna go to the Bahamas?

Keira: Hell Yeah!

Roxi: Good. Let's get ready.

*Roxi flies away towards the condo, leaivng Keira behind, Keira gets ready to take off, but a hand touches her shoulder*

Keira: Wha...

*Jean whispers in Keira's ear*

Jean: I will always love you.

*Keira quickly turns*

Jean: I am proud of you.... hero.

Keira: Jean...

Jean: Shhh... Go on.

Keira: ....Please come home soon.

*Keira turns and flies off to join Roxi*

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: Yea...I'm fine. Let's get this back to Lady Victory

Roxi: You got it.

*The two fly off as the scene finally fades with Jean fading back into the Void*

I joined SCW last at Blaze of Glory. I had 2 Goals, in that year. I completed those two goals. Cause of it, I made two new goals. One I completed. The other one, I need to at Summer XXXTreme IV.

I learned about the Chamber of Fate match during my vacation to the Bahamas. Lucky they had SCW where I was. But, I'm not complaining. I'll have to learn more later when I return to the states and have to go onto the boat.

Just hope there's not a Sharknado.

Anyway, I got 5 other people to compete with. A few I like, a few I can't stand. But it still fuels me even more to get the one prize I've wanted for so long. The SCW World Bombshell Championship! The Top Prize.

The first competitor is the champion herself, Crystal. Must suck to be separated from the "love of your life". I'm sorry, but I continue to question that every day. You call yourself the Silver Screen Queen. But in realty, you're my bitch! You've beat me one time, but it was a multi fall encounter with the other person in this match. But one on one, you have never got that victory over me. Sure, it's you, me and four other women in this. But it won't matter. Cause I know as well as you know. You! Can't! Beat! ME!

Speaking of the second person that was in there with me and Crystal. Jessie, dear sweet Jessie. You talk about how this match will be your redemption and all that. Sure, we've gotten better over time. But, I still owe you a few licks from last year. Yea, I never got a full victory over you. Just in the Blast from the Past Tournament. That's what sickens me even more. I need to beat you, Jessie. I REALLY need to beat you. If you bleed, then it's not my problem. I just want you to know, enjoy the jaws of defeat when I finally become Champion!

Speaking of someone I need to beat within a inch of her life. Mikah herself! Ok, granted, she's been showing SOME signs of improvement. That and our hate for Mark Ward at this point. Then again, most of the Bombshell Roster shares that trait. I digress. Mikah, I can't let you become World Bombshell Champion again. Even though you hold the record for the longest reign of the championship. You made a MOCKERY OUT OF IT! I remember the Non Title Match we had. I've waited for that moment to get my hands on you again. Bitch, I'm not just gonna break you. I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU OUT! Just you wait.

Mercedes, what a huge turn around you had from a year ago. In fact, I got to thank you. Cause we fought before and I was able to be your equal. I stood toe to toe with a former World Bombshell Champion like you and took you to your limit! Just like I did with Mikah!!! I know, you still think I'm the underdog in this match. Despite us teaming, you still think that. I was never the underdog. I was trying to become better. I'm the one woman that will shock the world. Mercedes, as much as I love and respect you now. To me, you're still part of The Mean Girls and in the Chamber of fate, that's what I'm going to treat you as, part of the Mean Girls.

Last, but not least, Samantha. I've wanted this to be a one on one encounter. But these series of events have pretty much put us where we are. I see you as the biggest threat in this match. If Mikah doesn't care. But still, I wanted a challenge from you, ever since the Blast from the Past Tournament. You were the one woman that gave me the excitement of a better wrestler. Now I can prove to you that I can beat you, one on one, two on two or Chamber of Fate! Samantha, no matter what happens in this match. I will always love and respect you. But just like the others, you're a threat and threats must be destroyed.

Mikah, Crystal, Jessie, Mercedes and Samantha. I normally save this for later. But this will be as good time as ever. Treat me as a underdog. Treat me as a weak link if you must. In fact, I DARE you to! Cause once you do. Once you five slip up. I'm going to do what I always. What has led me to two championship titles in SCW. to B.A.B




See you five Soon, cause I'm not done yet!

Climax Control Archives / Control
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:31:46 PM »
 *Keira is standing outside the new gravity room with Jenny Tuck, waiting to go in.*

Jenny: Everything should be in order

Keira: Good. I've been waiting for this moment

Jenny: Just be careful. I did not design this, and spend money on this for you to hurt yourself in it the first day

Keira: I won't. I promise.

Jenny: Plus, Roxi will kill me if anything happens to you.

Keira: I'll be fine

Jenny: Keira, you can tell me you're going to be fine, but that usually means you end up not being fine. Listen, I know you may hate me, call me a whore and stuff, but I do actually care about you. That's why there's a failsafe on this thing. 2 hours. Max time.

Keira: I don't hate you. I hate the things you've done. BUT, I don't hate you.

Jenny: And I don't hate you, for sometimes following in my footsteps. The point is, you can only train for two hours. Any more, and the machine shuts down for an hour recharge.

Keira: I have to reach it, Jenny. I have to reach and control my Third Super Form. I can't have another Sarah incident on my hands with Steph.

Jenny: Exactly why I installed the failsafe. You will go too far.

Keira: I won't. I just need to reach it

*Keira looks at the door*

Keira: We ready?

Jenny: Everything should be updated, and there shouldn't be any glitches. But, if something happens, anything out of the ordinary, Hit the big red power button on the center console.

Keira: Got it

*Jenny sighs a bit and opens the door. Keira slowly enters in it as Jenny looks from the upper floor window as she reaches it*

Jenny (To herself): Please don't get yourself killed, Keira...

*Jenny goes to the com*

Jenny: Ready!?

Keira: HIT IT!

*Jenny pushes the button, and the airlocked door opens. allowing Keira to enter it. Keira enters the second door into the massive room. Quickly, Keira goes into her Super Form as she waits*
Jenny: This whole thing is pressurized. It can withstand far more than the old room. Just check your settings, make sure they are where you want them to be, and you can begin. As soon as you hit start, it begins.*

Keira: Got it

*Keira checks the settings. She sees that it is set to 100 times Normal Earth's Gravity. She begins to raise it, going up to 150. Jenny sees this and goes to the comm*

Jenny: So you know, Keira. I can see the results from here. 150 is too much--

Keira: I'm going 150!

*Jenny growls a bit*

Jenny: Keira, I will pull the plug on this thing right now if you don't listen to me!
Keira: I need to push myself, Jenny. If I don't. I won't be able to stop Steph and get the mask back. Trust me...

Jenny: No Keira, you are going to listen for once! Do NOT go that high. Build. You build up! You cannot do that right now, you'll be crushed!

*Keira hits the button as the machine whirrs. Jenny was too late to stop Keira, knowing she can't stop it unless it becomes too much*


*Keira begins to grunt in pain, trying to get use to it. She falls to a knee, but she powers up to her Second Super Form quickly*

Keira: I...I got to...fight this...come on, Ke...

Jenny: Fuck me...Roxi's going to kill me

*Jenny pushes the failsafe on the outside, and shuts the room down.*

Keira: NO! I HAD IT!

Jenny: God dammit Keira! I told you!


Jenny: I will in a minute. You need to listen to me! You cannot go past 100 at your current state. I told you
that! Work your way up!

Keira: And I told you if I don't, I won't be strong enough to beat Steph! I have to try, Jenny! I failed too many times in my life to save people. You of all people should know that!

*Roxi is silently watching behind Jenny, she walks up and touches Jenny's shoulder, startling her. Roxi pushes the button on the intercom.*

Jenny: Wha...

Roxi: And I am not about to lose you because of your pride. Stop the nonsense right now, Keira. You are not alone in this fight. You don't need to prove anything to me. You're being pig-headed about this for no reason. Jenny is trying to keep you safe! I am trying to keep you safe! Stop this nonsense.

Keira: Roxi...

Jenny: You can't sneak up on me like that!

Roxi: Sorry.

Jenny: I'm going to turn this back on. Do NOT go over 100 until you are used to it and can move like normal

Keira: I'm used too 100 Times...even Roxi knows this.

Roxi: Do what she says Keira.

Jenny: How long has she done 100 times?

Roxi: Since before the final battle with the Collector. I remember.

*Jenny ponders for a moment*

Keira: Well!?

Jenny: 120. Max until I see otherwise.

Keira: Fine....

Jenny: Roxi, there's a secondary panel up here for the controls.

*Jenny points to it*

Jenny: I turned off the one in the room cause of Keira. Turn it to 120

Roxi: Alright.

*Roxi goes to the controls and nervously enters the setting at 120*

Roxi: Done

Jenny: Powering back up

*Keira grunts a little bit as it whirrs, but she still stands as she begins to throw punches and kicks. She
throws a few energy balls to dodge*

Roxi: What do you think?

Jenny: She'll overdo it. She always does

Roxi: Jenny!

Jenny: We have both known Keira long enough to know she's going to push herself. It's why I had all these
failsafe's installed

Roxi: *Sigh*

*Keira keeps dodging as she fires a few more energy balls to blow up the previous ones. After 20 minutes, Keira
lands and looks up*

Keira: 130!!!!!

Jenny: Ok. I think you've earned it

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Raise it

Roxi: No. I want her comfortable for a while. 20 minutes is not long enough. Fail-safes, remember?

*Roxi turns the intercom on*

Roxi: Another 40 minutes at 120, Keira. You are not about to do too much too soon.

Keira: Come on!

*Keira growls as she keeps training. Jenny goes over and raises it to at least 125*

Jenny: There

*Jenny turns to Roxi and quickly says*

Jenny: It's not 130, 125 isn't going to hurt her

*Keira all of a sudden, feels the extra weight of the gravity. She grunts a bit, but fights it as she throws some more punches and kicks to get used to it*

Roxi: Don't go against your word, Jenny. She had better be flying around with ease at 125 before you bump it anymore. Do not let her talk you into it.

Jenny: If I had, I would have raised it to 130.

Keira: Come on, Ke. Harder! Faster!

Roxi: Just, don't let her get hurt. That's all I ask. She'll break her own body to prove herself.

*After 40 minutes, Keira was now flying like normal in 125 Times Earth's Normal Gravity. She turns in mid air, looking at Roxi and Jenny*

Keira: Can you turn it up? I'm getting bored in here!

Jenny: What do you say Rox?

Roxi: *Sigh* Fine. 130, but no more for today. She's going to do this right, or not at all.

Keira: Finally!

*All of a sudden, the guard is heard calling from the comm*

Guard: Miss Tuck, Lady Bedlam, we got a storm heading our way.

Jenny: Keep a eye on it, just in case it gets worse

Roxi: Wait.... what kind of storm?

Jenny: Don't know, yet. Could be a Sandstorm or a Severe Thunderstorm.

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Til we find out, raise it to 130.

Roxi: I don't like this.


*Jenny slowly raises the gravity to 130. Keira begins to fall a bit, but is still in mid air. She lands slowly, just in case and resumes her training*

Jenny: So far, so good

*Jenny turns to Roxi*

Jenny: Once Keira's done. I want her to go into the pressure chamber that way she can get used to her new agility
Roxi: Very well

*All of a sudden, the Comm comes on again*

Guard: Miss Tuck, it's a Massive Severe Thunderstorm. We need to get K--

*The comm begins to go static*

Jenny: Guard? GUARD!?

Roxi: Oh no... shut the chamber down!

*Jenny tries, but the storm hits the building, causing the room to go haywire*

Jenny: DAMN IT!

*Jenny checks the failsafe and screams*

Jenny: The failsafe's offline!

*Keira sees the lights blinking and turns*

Keira: What the Hell's go--

*All of a sudden, Keira begins to groan and fall down quickly. She lands hard on the ground, grunting and
groaning as she couldn't get up due to the gravity*

Keira: W--Wha...

Jenny: FUCK! FUCK! I can't shut it off!!!!!!

Roxi: Where's the emergency shut off?

Jenny: Keira's button!

*Jenny turns and sees Keira laying there on the other side of the room*

Jenny: And the button's near the door...where Keira's not at....FUCK! Where's the damn Gravity at!?

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: Roxi, check the gravity!

*Roxi checks it, but her eyes widen like she saw a ghost*

Jenny: What! What is it!?

Roxi: It's at...3...3...

*Jenny quickly goes to it. Her eyes widen*

Jenny: Fuck! Roxi, get a team and get in there, STAT!

Roxi: Jenny, those guards will be crushed! I can handle a little, but we've got to find a way to stop this!
Jenny: I'll find a way. But go, now! I'll need 10 minutes. tops for the system to reboot. Til then, she's stuck in there!

*Keira begins to slowly turn and crawl to the door, grunting and groaning. Jenny goes to the comm*

Jenny: Keira! Can you hear me?

Keira: B-Barely...wh...what's--

Jenny: Keira, don't strain yourself. Don't get mad. We had a massive storm hit us. The machine's going on a
reboot. The Gravity's stuck at 300

Keira: 300!?

*Keira turns Super quickly, making her move a bit more, but still can barely get up*

Roxi: The door is pressure locked! I can't get in while the power is on!
Jenny: Shit.

*Keira slowly begins to stand, she goes to her Second Super Form as she barely walks towards to the button*

Keira: It's like I got Jessie on my back....

*Keira continues to slowly walk, but she falls to her hands and knees. She screams a bit*

Keira: I wish I could have my Third Super Form! I need to control it! I...I NEED HELP!!!!!!!

*She screams out and all of a sudden, the blinding light causes Jenny to shield her eyes*

Jenny: What the Hell!?

*As the light fades, the room is heard shutting off and the door opening*

Jenny: Huh....the door's open?

*Jenny leans in and sees. She turns to Roxi*

Jenny: ROXI! GO NOW!

*Roxi nods as she rushes downstairs. She gets to the door and sees it opening. Her eyes widen as she sees Keira,
glowing brightly in her Third Super Form, but it doesn't last long as she quickly goes to her normal form and passes out, Roxi grabbing her quickly*

Roxi: Keira? She's unconscious...

*Roxi carries Keira out of the gravity room*

Jenny: The gravity was too much. Get her to the medical bay. Soon as you do that, you're going to explain to me what I just saw!

Roxi: I can't explain it either

Jenny: Has she done this before?

Roxi: It's her 3rd form. Extremely short burst of energy is all I can gather. She can't control it.

*Jenny sighs a bit*

Jenny: That's why she's pushing herself....

Roxi: I'll take her to the medical bay. Shut this down until the storm passes

Jenny: On it

*Roxi transmits Keira to the medical bay She carries Keira to a rejuvination tank*

Roxi: She's gonna need time to rest

*The team hooks Keira up in the tank and fills it*

Medic: What happened?

Roxi: She overexerted herself. She's exhausted.

Medic: We'll monitor her, she should be fine in a few hours

*An hour later, Jenny is seen coming in the waiting room. She sees Roxi and sits besde her*

Roxi: Is everything alright with the gravity room?

Jenny: Yea. It's reset. So it should be fine within a day

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: Ok. When did Keira get this new form? This is the first time I've seen it

Roxi: She's had it for a while, but never been able to fully control it

Jenny: How long awhile? Like...when's the first time she used it?

Roxi: Geez, I don't know, maybe against Sara, but more likely against Amelia. We haven't faced a huge monster or powerful foe in some time. Recently it's been against normal humans.

Jenny: You told me that the fight with Sarah was the roughest you two ever had.

Roxi: Sara knew what she was doing... Tracking down 5 enemies wore us out. We were easy pickings after that.

Jenny: Didn't Jean heal Keira?

*Jenny places a hand on Roxi's hand*

Jenny: I'm sorry. I'm trying to figure all of this out

Roxi: If not for Jean, we may not be here. Jean saved us. Keira's felt guilty about it ever since. It's one of the things that drive her.

Jenny: I know I've been trying to get anything I can on the void. We're still looking, but the last reading was weak

*Jenny looks at the door of the medical bay*

Jenny: I wish I had powers...or some sort of device so I can be a hero too.

Roxi: You're already extremely valueable Jenny.

Jenny: Roxi...the entire year...I felt more useless than ever before.

Roxi: Trust me, without you, we wouldn't be where we are today.

*Roxi throws an arm around Jenny*

Roxi: You mean a lot to both of us, even if Keira doesn't always show it.

Jenny: Heh. Keira does show it. But remember. I'm the cancer of wrestling. To be honest. I'm glad I'm retired.
Considering what Keira has coming this week with Sam and Jessie.

Roxi: I know. She's gonna learn how difficult things are

Jenny: I think the elements gave her a lesson today.

Roxi: Yeah. But you know as well as I do, it won't stop her

Jenny: I know. She loves the challenge. She always has. Whatever goal Keira has had her mind on, she goes head first.

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: I swear. When you two were dating. She would never shut up about you. She always said that she would always find a way to make sure you were happy. Even if it killed her.

Roxi: She's made me happy, even if sometimes she needs to settle down and not be so impulsive.

Jenny: She will soon. Trust me, Roxi. When Nate comes into the world.

Roxi: I hope so.

Jenny: Keira will be more focused on taking care of you and Nate. Motherhood changes a person more than you think

Roxi: I just want people to see more than what they usually see with Keira. She's much more than a woman who likes women

Jenny: I think they do. But they respect Keira more now than they have in the past. You changed her Rox. For the better

Roxi: I'd like to think that. There's still much more work to be done

Jenny: Like I said. When Nate's born. Keira will change even more. Motherhood changes a woman.

Roxi: We will see I guess. I just this whole world title thing is going to be too much for her to be 100% for. I
know she'll push herself way too hard, and if she doesn't get it, she'll feel like a failure.

Jenny: I think she's more afraid of having you think that she'll be a failure to you. I mean, look at you. You're a future Hall of Famer. She pushes herself to make sure she can be as good as you

*Jenny looks at Roxi*

Jenny: You give Keira hope. You give her motivation. She has a tag match. She shouldn't push herself too hard...yet. But still

Roxi: Keira will always be my equal. Even if she doesn't think so.

Jenny: She knows she's your equal. She just wants to become better. Give her time, Roxi

Doctor: Lady Bedlam?

Roxi: Yes?

Doctor: Your wife's fully healed and laying in a room now. You can see her

Roxi: Thank you.

*Roxi gets up and slowly walks into the medical bay where Keira is laying on a bed*

Roxi: Hey, you.

Keira: Hey, Angel...

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: I feel like 4 buildings landed on me

Roxi: The thunderstorm messed with the gravity. It went haywire.

Keira: Damn. How did you get me...

Roxi: You somehow pushed the button for the failsafe inside. I take it that was level 3 for the time being

Keira: My...My third Super Form...

Roxi: Had to have been, I don't know what else it could have been. But we couldn't see anything, just a bright light

Keira: I...I still can't control it. Fuck...I hope...I can be ready for Sam...and Jessie....

Roxi: Relax. Just focus on healing for now, we'll get into the ring tomorrow and work there.

Keira: I love you...I love you so damn much...

*Keira begins to cry a bit*

Roxi: I love you too. What's wrong?

Keira: There are days I feel like I'm not enough for you

Roxi: Keira, when I say that no one come close to you, I mean it. There is no woman in the world, I'd rather be with than you. Sasha and Chris are fantastic. Having them is wonderful, but there is only one Keira Fisher, and she's mine.

*Keira begins to smile as she hugs Roxi as much as she could, despite being in pain*

Keira: Not even Amy Jo?

*Keira giggles*

Roxi: Not even Amy Jo. She's great too, but you're the only girl for me.

*Keira smiles*

Keira: They say how long I'm gonna lay in here?

Roxi: I guess til you feel better.

Keira: I would if I get you in a bikini

*Keira giggles a bit*

Roxi: Behave, Keira.

Keira: Or what are you going to do if I don't?

*Keira smirks*

Roxi: Leave you here, and run away with Amy Jo.

*Keira leans up and pulls Roxi close to her*

Keira: You better not, hehe

Roxi: I'm just joking.

Keira: I know. Now kiss me

*Roxi kisses Keira.*

Keira: Now, let's get something to eat. Garcon! 50 plates!

*Roxi facepalms, but giggles as the scene fades*

Wow, what a couple of weeks it has been. I still can't believe I beat my wife. Roxi gave me everything. I still managed to beat her. Now, I need to make her proud at Summer Xtreme and become the new SCW World Bombshell Champion!

BUT! That's Summer Xtreme. Right now, I got Climax Control to do and the Lethal Lottery to contend with. I mean. I know I'm facing Mercedes at Summer Xtreme, but I do love teaming with her. Like Roxi, she makes a great Tag Team Partner. Hell, if Roxi wasn't my Tag Team Partner, I'd had gone for the Tag Titles with Mercedes. But, I didn't. So this is me making it up to her for this tag match. I trust you, Mercedes. But after this match, Expect me!

Samantha, another friend of mine and the former SCW World Bombshell Champion. The last time we fought, you beat me. But that was a long time ago. NOW we're on the same boat and we get to give each other a taste of what's to come for the Six Pack Challenge. I'm not going to hold back by all means, Sam. But don't cry if I bust you open. I'm going to show you why I'm going to become the new SCW World Bombshell Champion.

SPEAKING OF someone I want to bust open. It was no surprise that Jessie got into the Six Pack Challenge. I mean, look at who she fought. Like, she was so basic, she missed her daily cock!

Sorry, bad joke

But yea, me and Jessie haven't been the best of friends. I hate her, she hates me. But we do have SOME mutual ground. Jessie, I still owe you a beating. Consider this tag match a TASTE of how much you're going to fail at the Six Pack Challenge! Cause I'm going to enjoy beating you!

Sam, Jessie. Get ready for a taste! Me and Mercedes are going to do what we always do. Well, what I always do and that's B.A.B


See you then!

Climax Control Archives / Facing Your Love
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:55:36 PM »
 Well, our reign as SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champions is finally over. Now I got one good, clear path in front of me now. The SCW World Bombshell Championship! I mean, there are two more contenders for it, of course. But all I need is One Shot at it. That's all.

Who thought getting One Shot would be this damn complicated....


*Keira is seen watching Climax Control. She was waiting for any word from Mark Ward as she feels Roxi hug Keira from behind*

Keira: Hey, you. Trixie and Buster in their carry on?

Roxi: Yeah

Keira: Waiting on word about the Title Shot. It's like...pins and needles

Roxi: Don't worry. No matter what, I'm proud of you.

*All of a sudden, the two see Mark Ward on TV. They listen to what he has to say. Once he gets to Keira, they listen, til Keira found out, the only way to get her shot was to wrestle one match. Once Mark announces Keira's opponent, Keira slowly stands and turns it off*

Roxi: Keira...

Keira: ...He thinks it's a joke? HE THINKS IT'S A STUPID FUCKING JOKE!?

Roxi: Keira, please calm down

Keira: HOW CAN I!? You saw the same thing!

*Keira continues to fume*

Keira: He's testing me...he wants me to punch him in the mouth

Roxi: Stop, calm down please. It's just a match. We did it before, we can do it again.

Keira: Roxi...this is different....
*Keira stops and thinks about it for a second*

Keira: No....wait.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: Our matches...have always involved some sort of championship or a chance at one...

Roxi: This match is no different. It'll be fine

Keira: Baby...I just...I hate doing this

Roxi: I know.

Keira: What was he thinking? All I asked was one shot. He acts like I took a shit in his yard.

Roxi: I don't know. It's best not to think about it like that. We just have to play this game.

Keira: Yea, you know what happens when someone messes with my friends and my well as fuck with me

Roxi: You can't. You're going to get yourself in trouble, and lose the opportunity period if you go too far

Keira: I know, but it feels like he wants me to just...AHHH!

Roxi: Please...

*Keira looks at Roxi. Roxi places an arm on Kera' shoulder, smiling slightly and caressing her face*

Roxi: We're only going to be stronger because of this.

Keira: I've wanted this title shot so badly. It drives me insane

Roxi: It'll be fine. It's not like this will be the only chance you get.

Keira: What do you mean by that? You say you can beat me!?

Roxi: Keira... no, that's not what I meant. I meant you're good enough to earn more opportunities in the future.

Keira: There! Right there! You said in the future! You don't think I can earn it now!

*Roxi smiles*

Roxi: As well as this one.

*Keira blinks*

Keira: Oh...I...didn't let you finish

Roxi: Keira... listen to me, it sucks we have to wrestle again. I know that, but it's what we're doing

Keira: Yea...

*Keira sighs, but her phone goes off. She sees her twitter, noticing that some were rooting for Roxi to win*

Keira: ....Great.

Roxi: Forget it. Just focus on what you need to do.

Keira: Ok. Then you'll have to forgive me for what I have to do

Roxi: You do what you need to do, and I will do what I need to do.

*Roxi hugs Keira and whispers in her ear*

Roxi: I will always love you.

Keira: I will always love you, baby

Roxi: And we'll get through this, like we get through everything...

Keira: Together...

Roxi: Together. Always and Forever.

*Keira blushes and kisses Roxi*

Roxi: Now come on, let's just relax, go home, and visit with the people waiting for us.

Keira: I'll try

*Keira looks at Roxi as she softly plays with her hair. She hates the fact she has to wrestle Roxi again, but she knows if she wins. Keira finally gets what she wants*

Roxi: Trust me, I don't like this any more than you do, so let's not focus on it until it's time. We'll go about this like it's any other match.

Keira: Ok...I'll try. Let's get our dogs and go home

Roxi: You got it.

Keira: Finally...I can let loose and not hold back here....

*Keira smiles as Roxi gets the dogs as Keira gets ready to transmit home*

I remember the last two times I had to fight Roxi. The first time, me and her were just dating and I had...a thing in me. That I completely SUCKED in the ring. I mean...FUCK, I SUCKED!

But...I learned from that experience. I learned it too well, to be honest with you. But, she didn't say it like she is now. Our first encounter made us stronger. Considering what me and her have been through since we first met. still hurts.


*Keira and Roxi are seen in the new Guild Training Center as Keira looks around at the place. She notices that the new Gravity Room was about as big as a Basketball Court*

Keira: big.

Roxi: Jenny spared no expense

Keira: She didn't, at all

Roxi: Just what we'll need then

Keira: Maybe I can finally perfect my Third Super Form and maintain it...without anger

Roxi: Maybe, but I don't want you constantly doing that and hurting yourself

Keira: I won't. I promise

Roxi: Good.

*Keira begins to fly around, being in mid-air as she looks around the place*

Keira: Finally...I can let loose and not hold back here....

Roxi: I just want you to take it easy and don't push yourself too much please.

Keira: When have I ever pushed myself too much?

Roxi: Keira... don't argue with me on this. I know you.

Keira: Roxi, I got to prepare for the fight of my life....Ok, two fights of my life. The one against Steph.

Roxi: Steph?

Keira: The bitch with the mask

Roxi: Oh, right...

Keira: This will be perfect. Like I said. I can finally perfect my third Super form...and I can be strong enough to beat her!

*Keira slowly lands as she looks at Roxi*

Roxi: I know you want to prove yourself to everyone, but you really don't have anything to prove to me.

Keira: Funny that you mention proving something to you.
*Keira gets closer to Roxi*

Keira: Cause I do. I have to prove not only to you...but to myself that I can and will become SCW World Bombshell Champion! In order to do that. I have to prove to you and to myself....that I can....and I will...

*Keira points to Roxi*

Keira: ....beat you.

Roxi: That's fine Keira. I fully expect you to try your best.

Keira: Try? Roxi, I have to go beyond. I have to beat you! You don't understand how bad I want this shot! Especially more than ever, now!

*Keira slowly lowers her head*

Keira: If I can't...then what good am I in SCW? I'll forever be known as your fucking ow. That's all I'll ever be!

Roxi: Keira, you're taking everything I say out of context. I know that you will come out swinging. I know you're going to try your best. That's what I meant. I want you to do your best. I expect your best.

*All of a sudden, Keira backs away and goes Super*

Keira: Then let's go...right now!

Roxi: Keira... calm down

Keira: No! I'm going to prove to you and to SCW that I can beat you! In fact...RIGHT NOW!
*Keira quickly rushes, wanting to throw a punch to Roxi, but all of a sudden, the gravity machine begins to whirr, forcing Keira to slam down to the floor hard. It quickly turns off as someone says*

Jenny: Well, 300 times Normal Earth's Gravity works.

Roxi: You could have warned us

Jenny: Sorry. I saw Keira lunging at you. I had to act fast

Keira: ...I hate you, Jenny....

Jenny: That'll teach you to calm down and wait. I know you want to face Roxi now, but remember what's at stake here

*Keira slowly gets up, shaking the cobwebs from her head*

Keira: Thanks. I needed that

*Jenny comes from the control room and enters the place. She walks up to Keira and Roxi*

Jenny: Any word on my Ex-Assisstant?

Roxi: Nothing so far.

Keira: If we did, I'd be fighting her by now

Jenny: That's the attitude that's going to get you killed, Keira

Keira: How? I'm still here

Jenny: Think about it. One day, your luck's gonna run out! It did with the Tag Titles

Roxi: Well after the fact we proved how good we were, but you do have a point Jenny

Jenny: Still. If Keira wants to finally become World Champion. She needs to learn to not go in head first. This will double as your training to face Steph

Keira: I just wanna be stronger so I can beat that bi--

*Jenny smacks Keira upside the head*


Keira: Damn it, Jenny! I'm about to kick your as--

*Jenny smacks Keira upside the head again*

Keira: DAMN IT!

Jenny: I can keep going, you know...

Roxi: That's what I've been trying to get into her

*Keira fumes a bit, but tries to calm down*

Roxi: Please calm down

Keira: I'm trying. God knows I'm trying

Jenny: Keira...we're only trying to help. You need to calm down. You need to finally find your center

Roxi: Don't tell me that anger management isn't workng

Keira: It has. But Rome isn't built in a day

Jenny: She's right, Rox. She would have already hit me after the second slap

Roxi: Good. That's what I like to hear.

*Keira begins to breathe*

Roxi: Now, please, relax.

Keira: I'm sorry. It's just...everything that's happened lately. I just want SOMETHING to be done right.

Jenny: It will. But not in here. It's not fully ready yet. Yes, looks wise, it is. But it's not READY ready

Roxi: How much longer?

Jenny: Two more days, tops. This gives Keira time to get ready. Plus, I wanna see if we can do a simulation in the Gravity Area

Roxi: Simulation?

Jenny: Mhmm. We thought it would add more element of surprise

Roxi: What are you talking about?

*All of a sudden, someone kicks Roxi in the back. Roxi and Keira turn and sees Sarah in her Collector outfit, forcing Keira to turn Super*

Roxi: What in the world? Jenny, run!

*Jenny gets close to Sarah and slaps it, Sarah then vanishes*

Keira: Wha...

Jenny: Hmmm, still needs some kinks worked out

Roxi: What was that?

Jenny: That was the simulation. It's captured yours and Keira's battles since you and Keira became a team. Sure, you have the other baddies. But, it's the major ones you've fought.

Roxi: That... will obviously come in handy

Keira: will.

Jenny: I thought so. Now if you excuse me. I need to check some data and talk with Angelica and Keri about a house.

*Jenny walks off as Keira turns to Roxi*

Keira: Wow...this...might help me.

*Keira sighs a bit*

Roxi: Just relax.

Keira: I'm trying. God knows I'm trying. With Steph out there, me facing you. I can't relax. Hell, I'm not even hungry

Roxi: I know you are. Maybe this is a good way to work off your angr

Keira: I hope so. But I wanna get through this week. I wanna become Number One Contender to the SCW Bombshell World Championship.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I have to beat you. No matter what.

Roxi: I get it Keira, and... if you beat me, you'll be one of the contenders. Looks like lots of girls are going to get some kind of shot

Keira: Yea, most of who I fought since I came to SCW will be in it. It's like Christmas and my Birthday rolled into one.

*Keira thinks for a minute*

Keira: Just need to know if Veronica or Jessie will take that spot, though.

*Keira turns to Roxi*

Keira: I think it's time to train. Let's get to work!

Roxi: You heard Jenny, this place isn't 100% yet

Keira: Not here.

Roxi: Well then.... where?

*Keira gives Roxi a spank, flying out of the building, knowing Roxi had to give chase.*

Roxi: *sigh* Where are you going?

*Moments later, Keira is seen at the bridge where her and Roxi first met. She stands on the edge*

Roxi: What... are we doing here?

Keira: I thought we could have some alone time here.

*Keira smiles a bit as looks at Roxi*

Keira: It's where we met, Roxi. Where our lives changed forever.

Roxi: I know... but... how do we train here?

Keira: Yea. I lied about training. I wanted a excuse to come here

Roxi: Keira, it's okay. If you wanted just some alone time, that's fine.

Keira: No. I wanted to come here with you. Our memories began here.

Roxi: I know...bad memories that... became good

Keira: Exactly. I always come back here when I have a really bad day. I always look at this pond and it makes me smile.

Roxi: It made us close.

Keira: Mhmm, Even though back then, I never knew you were Lady Bedlam

Roxi: Well, kind of like to keep it secret. hehe

*Keira giggles as she sits on the edge, seeing Roxi join her*

Roxi: It was my job to save you. And it turns out it was the best decision I've ever made

Keira: And that's why I come here. That huge reminder

Roxi: I see... Happy moments for us. Great memories. Proof that we can get through anything

Keira: Mhmm. I came here the other day. After we had found out about our match.

Roxi: Oh.

Keira: Roxi, it helped me. Sure, I'm still nervous. I don't want to hurt you. But, coming here, like you said, is proof that we can get through anything....

*Keira extends her hand to Roxi*

Keira: Together

Roxi: Together

The second time, it was more dynamic. Besides the few that have seen us wrestle one time before were now seeing what was a improved me. Me and Roxi for the second time. Only it was on a larger scale. We both knew each other in and out. All it took was one mistake. One Tiny Mistake for it to be over.

Sadly, I made that mistake.

If I hadn't been so stupid. I would have been in the finals. But we had the Tag Titles to worry about. But even in our second match against each other, we still became stronger cause of it. still hurts doing this.

*The scene reopens with Roxi and Keira in costume looking down over the city. Keira seems impatient as she paces back and forth looking for the action*

Roxi: What's the matter?

Keira: I'm bored! I haven't been this bored since I first went on patrol.

Roxi: Keira, relax. It's just a patrol, we don't even expect to have any issues. That's a good thing

Keira: The one time I want some action, I don't get any

Roxi: I'd rather not get into a fight tonight. That's the goal each and every night.

Keira: Ugh...

*In the distance, there are sirens. Like a bloodhound, Keira turns towards where it is.*

Roxi: Vision, anything going on?

Vision: A police chase, a car was stolen

Keira: On it!

*Keira quickly rushes to the scene*

Roxi: Ke....

*Roxi sees Keira flying away and sighs*
Vision: Did she just go?

Roxi: Yes.... she's antsy

Vision: Sounds like someone else I know

Roxi: ... *Sigh* I know...

*The robbers are seen trying to get away*

Robber 1: Great idea! I told you to get a fast car, you get a fucking Sports Wagon!

Robber 2: We were in a hurry! This is all I could find!

Robber 1: I should have left your ass on the cu--

*All of a sudden, Keira lands on the hood of the car, staring them in the face*

Robber 2: Holy hell!

*The car veers wildly on the road*

Robber 2: GET HER OFF!

Keira: Aww, you think you're going to get rid of me. How cute
4:45 PM


*Keira quickly pulls out the hood and pulls out the engine*

Robber 1: HOLY SHIT!

Robber 2: Do something!

Keira: I say you got about...1 minute before the car stops and I kick your ass

Robber 2: What do we do?!

Robber 1: Shut up!

*The car begins to slow down as Keira looks at them. She slowly kicks the glass from the window*

Keira: ...ok, Who pissed themselves?

Robber 2: Run!

*The car completely stops as the two robbers begin to run. Keira appears before them, grabbing one of them and slamming them down quickly. She cuffs the one as she looks at the other*

Robber 2: Please... we didn't do anything!

*Keira looks at the bag the second robber is holding*

Robber 2: What this.... this is... it's mine

Keira: Do I look like I'm stupid?

*Keira slowly goes towards the robber

Robber 2: Please!

*Keira picks up the rubber by the shirt*

Keira: Look at you. Thinking you could get away. I'm gonna give you a choice. Surrender now....or I break your fucking legs!

Robber 2: I give up!

Roxi: Kat!

Keira: What?

*Roxi floats down, looking at Keira disappointingly*

Robber: Jesus Christ, not another one...

Roxi: What are you doing? That’s enough! He's not a threat to you. Cuff him and let's go!

Keira: I need for you to remind me of what to do

*Keira slams the robber down and cuffs him. The two quickly fly off*

Roxi: What as that all about?

Keira: You wasted time. I wanted to finish the job, quickly

*Keira begins to land on the rooftop. As she begins to walk, she was stopped by Roxi right in front of her*

Roxi: Keira... that was a bit ridiculous. Those people are not a threat to you. You could have hurt them.

Keira: So?

Roxi: So!? You've never acted like this before!

Keira: I don't need to explain myself to you. Not right now!

Roxi: Yes you do!

Keira: No, I don't!

*Keira tries to walk, but Roxi stops her again*

Roxi: Keira Fisher Johnson... You are not about to give me the attitude! What are you even doing right now? This is absurd? You are my equal! You don't have to do this to prove anything to me!

Keira: OH YEA!? Am I really your equal? You sure I'm not just your sidekick!? HMM!? "Everyone loves Roxi! Oh, that's just Keira!" IT'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE LIKE THIS!

Roxi: It's not like that at all.

Keira: Wait til we wrestle. Everyone's chose you. HELL, YOU DON'T EVEN WANT THE SHOT!

*Keira begins to cry*

Keira: It's always going to be this matter what I do. I'm always going to be in your fucking ow...

Roxi: Keira... you stand on your own.

Keira: Sure! Sure I do! I did such a good job saving people! Here's Jean! Standing right beside us!

*Keira grits her teeth, trying not to explode in emotion*

Roxi: Keira, you do the best you can... It's really not as bad as you think it is. Think about your birthday...

Keira: What about it...

Roxi: Think about the card. And all those people who signed it for you. They were happy to do it. They really wanted to make you feel better. They love you for who you are.

*Keira was now crying a bit more, reminded of that card*

Roxi: You have nothing to prove. You're not my ow. I step out and try to be friendly to everyone. You don't have to. Look at all the friends we've made with you, being you.

*Keira blushes a bit*

Keira: But...the Title Conteder Match...

Roxi: It's a match, we'll get through it. I promise.

Keira: I know, but I need to prove to you and the world, wrestling wise, that I'm a top contender in SCW. I have to prove it to the world

Roxi: That's fine Keira. I understand how you feel, but we... we have a higher responisbility to everyone.

Keira: That's why...I...I'm like this right now

*Keira places her hand on Roxi's cheek*

Roxi: I understand. Just relax. Sunday will come and it will go. And then, we'll still be together. We're never going to break apart, no matter what.

Keira: I know, baby. I know. I'm sorry for what I did

Roxi: I don't like seeing you like this. This is just another test. I'm not saying it will be easy, or that I will make it easy. Just for you to understand, it's going to be okay. I promise

*Keira leans in and kisses Roxi's lips deeply*

Roxi: I love you Keira. That will never change.

Keira: I love you too, Roxi. That will never change either.

*Keira gets into Roxi's ear and Whispers*

Keira: But if you hold back against me. I'm going to kick your ass after the match!

Roxi: You'll get my best, I promise

Keira: Good. Now, let's go home. I think we've earned a night of cuddles

Roxi: Indeed. We have two cuddlebuddies waiting.

Keira: Yes, we do

*The two kiss as the scene fades*

And now we have this. Our third enounter. Roxi/Keira 3. Each time we're given impossible odds, me and Roxi always have become stronger. Roxi says it's no different. To me, it's way different than it was before.

This isn't part of a tournament. This is to finally get a shot at the SCW World Bombshell Championship. A Title you held twice! A title I never had a shot for!

Maybe this is why Mark put me in this match. Cause he thinks I can't beat you. He says that since our last encounter, I'm now more hungrier than I was before.

He's right.

I can feel the hunger inside of me Roxi. The hunger. THE TASTE for the top prize in SCW. You know how it feels to have that. But me? I never had that!

I'm Hungry, Roxi. I'm REALLY Hungry. But I'm not hungry for food I'm hungry for Gold. You know me in and out and you know how dangerous I can be when given the chance. I have to tap into it once again, Roxi.

You say I'm your equal. I believe you, but do they? The fans may love us. They love me, but deep in my heart, they think I'll always be the sidekick. I don't blame them for thinking that. This is why I NEED to beat you, Roxi!

This is why it hurts to even do this! But you know what's at stake and if I got to either hit you with the biggest Deadly Sin I can do or make you tap out. Then I got to do what I got to do.

But you're right about one thing. No matter what happens. Our bond, OUR LOVE will never break. We WILL grow stronger cause of this, Roxi. But for right now. This is my time to shine.

Like you say. I'm your life, your forever, nothing will ever come close. The same goes for me about you. I know you'll forgive me for what I have to do.

Come Climax Control, I won't see you as my partner. I won't see you as my wife. I'll see you as every opponent I ever faced and when it's all over. When it's all said and done, I WILL walk into the Six Pack Challenge, one step closer to realizing my dream. To become the SCW World Bombshell Champion.

So Roxi, baby. Come to me, bring me all you got. Cause now and I'm sorry for saying this. But I got to...B.A.B




I love you, Always and forever. Bring it, Roxi!

Supercard Archives / TEAM HERO (c) v ANGEL CLAN
« on: June 03, 2016, 08:40:00 PM »
 *Keira and Roxi are seen in bed, asleep as the two turn over. Keira gets close to Roxi as she wakes. She smiles and kisses Roxi's neck*

Roxi: Good morning.

Keira: Good morning, beautiful

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too. Come here

*Keira begins to kiss Roxi's lips deeply*

Roxi: Hehe.. Alright, relax

Keira: Can we stay in bed today?

Roxi: We have things to do.

Keira: We always do...

Roxi: It's a legend's luncheon next week! How often do we get a chance like that?!

*Keira perks up*

Keira: Did you say food!?

Roxi: Sigh... yes, there's food.

*Keira grins*

Roxi: Is that all you think about?

*Roxi thinks for a moment.*

Roxi: Actually...don't answer that.

Keira: I think about you

Roxi: You think about sex...

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Keira: Not all the time. Which reminds me

*Keira leans over and grabs her phone. She begins to make some changes on Twitter*

Keira: Annnnd Done!

Roxi: SuperheroKeira?

Keira: Yea...I hope it's ok. I mean, I just thought it would be a change. I didn't mean for it to sound like I'm obsess--

*Roxi kisses Keira and smiles at her*

Roxi: It's fine. You don't need to butter me up

Keira: It wasn't to butter you up. It was to make change, my love

Roxi: I meant the kiss. But it's fine. Though it's going to be so confusing now though...

Keira: How so?

Roxi: Think about it. just glancing I'm always going to think people are talking to me when they're talking to you, and vise-versa.

Keira: No, they won't.

Roxi: I'm going to get confused, I guess is a better explanation

Keira: Give it time

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: Everyone knows how we are. I took your last name, last year after everything passed with the government. I still got the scars from the protesters

Roxi: I know

Keira: It was time I finally changed my username on Twitter. I had KeiraFisher5 for so long. I didn't want to be known as that anymore. I'm your wife. I'm a hero...

Roxi: Yes... yes you are.

Keira: So it was time. Like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes. I rose from the final ashes and took SuperheroKeira

Roxi: I like it.

Keira: I knew you would

*Keira holds Roxi*

Keira: You've been the best thing to ever happen in my life. I know I'm way overprotective. I'm sorry. But I love you with all of my heart. More than anything in the world

Roxi: I love you too.

Keira: I can't wait for our renewal

Roxi: Me neither, bigger and better than before.

Keira: I still say we should do a bikini beach wedding

Roxi: We do a normal wedding, you know that.

Keira: True. I wish Jean was here. She would have loved it

Roxi: I wish she was here too, but... well, she's not right now.

*All of a sudden, Keira hears a noise coming from the Collection Room*

Keira: The...fuck?

*Keira goes to the collection room to see a woman wearing a red trenchcoat and a red hat, holding one of Keira's PoPs*

Keira: HEY!

Roxi: What is going on?

*Keira begins to battle with the woman as she drops the PoP and a calling card. The woman kicks Keira on the shin, hard enough for her to escape and in the view of Roxi*

Keira: ROX! WOMAN IN...RED...

Roxi: Whoa...

*Roxi gives chase, but the woman soon disappears from sight*

Keira: Why do people think it's a good idea to break into our house!?

Roxi: I don't know... are any of those things really that valuable?

Keira: Yea. Songbird, Grinning Ultron, the original Superman, Jason Voorhees, Glitter Black Panther, Nathan Drake with the Naughty Dog logo

*Keira checks her amiibos as well, seeing everything was ok*

Keira: If I catch that woman...

Roxi: These things are going to cause a lot of problems the long run

Keira: How?

Roxi: That woman just broke it and tried to steal them.

Keira: You're right. We might need to move them...or...maybe it's time we moved.

Roxi: You know we can't move. Not with all the things we have here. You made to put your things in a more secure places, especially the valuable ones

Keira: Where?

Roxi: I don't know, somewhere in storage

Keira: I can't put them in storage! They need to be placed in a room where they can be seen

Roxi: They need to be someplace safe! That woman broke it and was going to steal them!

Keira: Wait...a Safe....Why not Jenny's safe?

Roxi: Maybe, that might work, or some kind of vault, You spend all kinds of money on these things and I don't want to pay to replace them

Keira: I know. But now you see one of the reasons why I collect them. Might need to put your Freddy PoP with them for the time being

Roxi: Fine, that's fine, but the point is, we need to move these things before she comes back

*Keira nods and goes back to the collection room. She sees the card and picks it up*

Keira: Rox? Better come here!

Roxi: What is it?

Keira: She left another card

*Roxi walks in and sees the card*

Roxi: Exact same

Keira: Did you even get a look at her face?

Roxi: No... She was faster than I expected. I was more worried about you.

Keira: Aww. Thank you.

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Keira: But still. First the mask, now the attempt at my collection?

Roxi: She... is a thief, they steal.

Keira: But she's got to have a pattern

Roxi: I don't know... right now, all I see... is her stealing from superhero.... Keira! Check your gear!

*Keira quickly rushes and begins to look. She begins to panic*

Keira: MY SASH!!!!!!!

*Keira begins to dump the stuff out of her bag, panicking*
Keira: SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

Roxi: She knew...

Keira: Without that Sash, I can't keep control of my powers...

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: What do you mean, she knew?

Roxi: This woman, she targeted us. She knew our identities, I cannot believe this was random break in. She could not have just guessed.

Keira: Roxi...she holds the one thing that keeps my powers in fucking check. She has a mask with unlimited power as you told me.

*Keira's eyes widen*

Keira: She...she wants a fight.

Roxi: The mask has some crazy power, I don't know if it's unlimited.

*Roxi shakes her head*

Roxi: But your sash almost regulates power... she wants to be able to control ta power

Keira: Damn. I can't do nothing without my Sash

*Keira begins to cuss like mad*

Roxi: Relax, we can figure something out

Keira: I need a new Sash

Roxi: We'll figure it out

Keira: I hope so, Rox. Cause if we don't...we might have major problems

Roxi: We'll have to question the others, see if they saw her.

Keira: Best call Vision and see if they can get me a new Sash

Roxi: I will.

*Keira goes to look around and see if anything else was missing*

Roxi: Vision, We've got a problem

Vision: What is it?

Roxi: Someone stole Keira's sash that controls her power. Same person who stole Lady Victory's battle mask!
Vision: Oh no..

Keira: Nothing of yours is stolen. She only took the Sash

Roxi: We need something help Keira control her power, otherwise... if she fights, she could... lose control and end up causing more harm then good.

Keira: And I like the places I shop!

Vision: I'll forward this to the science people, see if they can develop something, in the meantime, Keira needs to control her anger. Any stress could be a huge problem

Roxi: I'll do what I can.

*Keira sighs a bit*

Roxi: I'll talk to in a little bit, keep me updated.

Vision: I will.

*Roxi ends the call*

Keira: screwed are we?

Roxi: I know how you feel. You know how much you mean to me. I don't want anything to happen to you.

Keira: I know. Without my Sash...I don't know what to do

Roxi: Just try and relax.

Keira: You're asking for something impossible

Roxi: I'm asking you to just relax. You know what happened last Sunday.

Keira: Yea. I don't need to be reminded of that. It was like I was a woman obsessed. I just...wanted to rip into her skin. Roxi, I barely remember how much damage I did.

*Keira looks at her hands*

Roxi: I know, but you should use that as an example here. You need to just calm down. I know this match upcoming against the Angel Clan is stress enough, but for me, you need to no get all riled up for a little bit. You can help with this search to find this woman, But I do NOT want you to try and fight her, for everyone's sake.

Keira: I'll try. But if she tries to hurt you or anyone else

Roxi: Hopefully it does not come to that.

*Keira slowly holds Roxi*

Roxi: I know, I know... I love you so much.

Keira: I love you too. What do we do about my training?

Roxi: We'll have to just train in the ring and in the gym.

Keira: Damn

Roxi: Its all that I can think of. To keep both you, and everyone else safe.

Keira: Damn...

Roxi: I'm sorry, but it's for your own good. But this gives us the chance to focus on The Angel Clan first and foremost.

Keira: I know. But this still sucks

Roxi: I know.

*Keira looks out the window*

Keira: What if I am right. What if the woman in red is doing this to fight me?

*Keira thinks for a second*

Keira: Better question. Why would she want to grab just a mask and my Sash? I know to control the power. feels like she doesn't want anything else

Roxi: I don't know, Everyone needs to be on alert now.

Keira: I know, especially now.

Roxi: We need to find Jenny's assistant too... if it's her... it makes sense. She knows us... she's close to Jenny... maybe she'd want to ruin Jenny.

Keira: I wouldn't be surprised anymore.

Roxi: Do you honestly think an employee would hate Jenny that bad?

Keira: This IS Jenny we're talking about

Roxi: But THAT badly?

Keira: Need I repeat myself? I mean, Kenzi Grey DID hire goons to take out Jenny....

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: And the time she kissed 4 women during a Straight Pride Rally....

Roxi: Okay.. okay.. .but for someone to want to really after her like that... and ruin her.... good name I guess.

Keira: People are insane

Roxi: Yeah, let's find her and question her. See if we can rule her out as the person we're looking for.

Keira: You sure it's a good idea for me to come with?

Roxi: It's part of this search. If there's a fight, you take Jenny and get her safe, that's all. I'll handle anything that might happen

Keira: I hate not being able to help you

Roxi: We can't risk it without the sash. Until we find it, or the Guild can come up with something else, it's too dangerous.

*Roxi puts her arm around Keira*

Roxi: And besides, I've handled a ton of issues without a partner. It'll be weird, but I've done it before

Keira: I know, babe.

Roxi: Alright, let's go.
Jenny should have her secretary at least at work by now.

*The two get into costume as they fly off to find Jenny's assistant*

*Landing and going into Jenny's home offices, Roxi and Keira find Jenny sitting down, cradling her baby and feeding her a bottle, her secretary seated next to her in a chair with a desk*

Secretary: Whoa, what is all this? Why are there people in costumes here right now?

Roxi: Jenny, would you and Kat please go in the other room for a little bit, I need to talk to....

*Roxi looks at the secretary*

Secretary: Stephanie.

Roxi: Stephanie.. Thank you

Keira: Yes. Let's go, Miss.

Jenny: Don't touch me, Super. I fucked up alot of your kind already...

*Keira looks at Jenny, who smirks a bit as the two go in the other room*

Jenny: Sorry, Ke. Had to ham it up a bit

Keira: Yea, fuck you too, Tuck

Roxi: Could we?

Steph: Could be what?

*Roxi turns to Stephanie*

Roxi; Oh, no, I was talking to them. Anyway...

*Roxi eases down into a chair*

Roxi: I need you to just answer some questions, truthfully, so that stuff like this, doesn't happen again to you. I know you're busy helping Mrs.Tuck, so, I won't try and hold you any longer than I need to.

Steph: Please do. I don't have all day to deal you

Roxi: Excuse me?

Steph: You supers are worthless. Either that or the lesbians...

Roxi: What did any superhero ever do to you?

Steph: I think you freaks are just a waste of everyone's time. Hell, your "powers" are as fake as your partner's tits!

*Steph sighs*

Steph: Ask your questions. So I can see what Boss Lady wants me to do

*Roxi sighs and shakes her head before pulling out the card left by the thief*

Roxi: Do you know what that is?

Steph: Yea...that's Jenny's symbol

Roxi: Do you make these?

Steph: Only if the boss tells me

Roxi: And did she tell you to make the lately?

Steph: Yes. Yes she did

*Steph looks around a bit*

Steph: Fucking bitch, can't turn on the AC...

Roxi: Relax. When you make them, what do you do with them?

Steph: That's none of your business. All property goes to Jenny Tuck

Roxi: Okay, let me rephrase, do you hand them out to anyone?

Steph: No. I don't. Do you like wearing green?

Roxi: See, we found this card, at the scene of a theft. At a place, very few people, even know about. A person with this card, stole something very important, and left if there, on purpose. So, tell me, aside from your personal feelings towards superheroes... have you ever been in contact with any? Besides us I mean?

Steph: No. Now fuck off!

*Roxi produces a second card, matching the first*

Steph: So you know how to copy. Good

Roxi: This card was in my home, where someone tried to rob me. So, I'm left with very few suspects. Mrs. Tuck, who knows where I live, but has no reason to steal anything given our affiliation...

Steph: Aff...wait...she lied to me!?

*Roxi leans in closer*

Roxi: Or, the secretary who hate superheroes, and can get information like that from her boss AND has access to business cards, AND Who seems to be sweating a bit based on basic questions.

*Roxi leans back in the chair*

Steph: I'm not sweating

Roxi: Ms. Tuck does many things for many people, superheroes included. So, you can make this easy, and tell me anything that may help our search. Or, you can continue to dance around this whole thing, and potentially be the cause of a lot of destruction if what was stolen is used against the city. Your choice Stephanie

Steph: I...don't...know.

*All of a sudden, Keira is seen coming out with Jenny. Keira quickly goes to the desk*


Roxi: What are you doing?

*Keira sees her Sash in there as she slowly looks at Steph*

Steph: JENNY! Why do you have that in my desk?

Jenny: Cut the crap, Steph...

*Jenny is now seen angry as she gets in Steph's face*

Stephanie: I... I can explain this... You... you told me to put it there... for safekeeping

Jenny: Considering the fact Lady Kat always has it on her....

Roxi: Somebody had better start explaining...

*Jenny hands Keira the Sash as she puts it on. Keira feels the sash working as she looks at Steph*

Keira: Yea...why you got my Sash?

Steph: The same reason that Lady Kat is going to fall. You've met your match!

*Steph pushes Keira down as she quickly goes to the other shelf. Jenny tries to stop her, but Steph pushes her away. Steph grabs the mask and smirks*

Roxi: Don't! That thing is too powerful! Stop it!

Steph: You supers took everything from me. I had no choice but to work for a LESBIAN! I had a high paying job! It was good...til that stupid Love Wins thing happened. I was part of a protester group til that day...the day LADY KAT RUINED MY LIFE

Keira: What?

Steph: We didn't want that law to pass. Lady Bedlam was going to stop it....instead...SHE MARRIED YOU!!!!!!!
*Steph holds the mask close*

Steph: Cause of boss found out. I lost my job. I lost my husband...I lost everything. Jenny Tuck took me in, but I found out months ago...SHE...WAS ONE OF YOU! A LESBIAN! It made me sick...

*Steph looks at Roxi*

Steph: So...I devised a plan. I studied all I could on how to take anything. I studied the Guild...the heroes...all of them. I wanted to find the one thing that would surpass Lady Kat's power....

*Steph smirks as she rubs the mask*

Roxi: You’re insane! That mask isn't a toy!

Steph: But...I wanted to take Lady Kat's see what kind of Powers she held.

*Steph looks at Jenny*

Steph: I thought I could kill two birds with one I used Jenny's try to frame YOU!

Jenny: You little bitch!

*Jenny tries to get close, but Steph has the mask close to her face*


Keira: Damn...

Steph: You took everything from me, Lady'll take something from you. Your pride....

*Steph slowly begins to put on the mask*

Roxi: Don't! You don't know what that mask does!

*Steph puts it on and feels the power surge through her*

Steph: It'll be enough....for Lady Kat

Jenny: I don't think so!

*Jenny tries to rush towards Steph, but she backhands Jenny lightly, but it felt like a punch to Jenny as it sends her flying against the wall*

Keira: JENNY!!!!!!!

Steph: Hahahahahaha!!!!! This power! It feels incredible! COME, LADY KAT! Face your maker...Fight me! Fight the one you RUINED!

Keira: FINE!

Roxi: Kat! No!

*Keira powers up to her second Super Form and looks at Steph*

Steph: Yes. Look at that. That power.'s suppressed. You...have another level. Unleash it, Lady Kat.

Keira: This is all I can do. It's enough for you

Steph: Then you will die, today.

*Keira quickly rushes, landing a few blows that does stun Steph. But Steph lands one punch to Keira's face, sending her flying hard against the wall with ease*

Keira: jaw...

Steph: What's wrong? Where's that anger of yours? That ego....

*Keira screams and rushes, but Steph quickly punches Keira's stomach, causing Keira to spit up blood*

Roxi: Kat!

Roxi: Jenny? Get out of here! Go to our house. Lock it down!

*Steph quickly grabs Keira by the head and rams her knee into Keira's face a few times. She then flings Keira into Jenny before Jenny could do anything*

Jenny: Ugh...wh...why couldn't I be friends with Bakers....

Steph: Hahaha...Lady Kat. So weak.

*Steph turns to Roxi*

Steph: You want to suffer the same fate? Renounce your marriage to Lady Kat! Admit that Lesbians are the scum of the Earth...

*Steph slowly goes to Roxi*

Roxi: What in the world? No! I will not give up on Kat, simply because you say so. You want to fight? FINE!

*As Steph slowly goes to Roxi, Keira comes from behind and does a back suplex, surpising Steph and making her land hard*


*Steph gets up, slowly. She goes to rush, but the surge of power becomes to much. She slowly begins to run. She grabs her Red hat and Trenchcoat and smirks*

Steph: We'll meet again, Heroes!

*Steph crashes through the window. Keira and Roxi rush, but see that Steph is gone*

Keira: DAMN IT!

*Keira kicks the wall*

Keira: She got away

Roxi: She'll be back... I'm sure.

*Keira nods, but as she begins to walk, she feels her body weaken. She falls to her knees, coughing*

Keira: Wh...what the...

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: I...I don't know. My body feels like I've been fighting for weeks

Roxi: Come on, we need to get you to the doctor.... We've got to get that mask back!

Jenny: I'll get the teleporter ready

Roxi: You need to go too.

Jenny: I will. Just go. Keira needs it first

Roxi: You're coming with me Jenny! Don't argue!

Jenny: I SAID GO!

*Jenny uses the teleporter to teleport Keira and Roxi to the Medical Wing*

Roxi: Jenny!

*Roxi says now that they are inside the medical bay.*

Roxi: Dammit. Keira... I need help, she's weak...

*Keira coughs a bit*

*The medical staff rush over and help Keira. Roxi sees the doctor*

Doctor: What happened?

Roxi: We ran into that woman who stole Lady Victory's mask. For now, we fought her off, but she got away. I think she's having to become accustomed to the mask...

Doctor: And Kat?

Roxi: She fought, but... she took some shots.

Doctor: We'll check her out.

Keira: much pain....

*The doctors move quickly and get Keira into a bed and give her I.V's and some pain meds*

Roxi: Is she going to be okay?

Doctor: We're doing everything we can, her body seems to be just shutting down, it needs a break. She needs to stay here for a while.

Roxi: But... she should heal... She has healing! We have to defend out tag team titles!

Doctor: Calm down... we're monitoring her progress.

*The doctor heads back into the medical bay as Roxi punches the wall.*
Roxi: I should have been there....Should have done something...

*Roxi walks back in to see Keira after a while as she lays in the bed*

Roxi: Hey...

Keira: Hey...

Roxi: Are you feeling... any better?

Keira: I healed a long time ago...emotionally though...

*Roxi breathes a sigh of relief*

Roxi: Oh thank goodness... I thought something was really wrong

Keira: That mask...that damned mask. I...I was treated like a fucking rag doll...

Roxi: I am just glad you're alive. I felt so... helpless trying to watch you fight.

Keira: Rox...

Roxi: You know how much you mean to me...

Keira: Steph...she made a fool out of me

Roxi: But she didn't win. We're going to stop her when the time comes. And hopefully, before she gets completely used to the mask.

*Roxi touches Keira's face*

Roxi: I am not going to lose you.

Keira: I...I need to be stronger. I need to be stronger than the mask itself

*Keira tries to get up but Roxi stops her*

Roxi: For now, let's focus on what's more important for us. We have to be in Japan in a few days, and we have to defed the tag titles. For now, you need to rest. I need your strength for that first.

Keira: I love you...

Roxi: I love you too

Keira: Once I get better. You and I are going to train. I know we need to for our match against the Clan. I mean...I want to train with Lady Victory

Roxi: I know, but get better first. Tag titles, right now, are the main issue, we don't know where Stephanie is, and we know, she'll be waiting to face you.

Keira: I'll be ready

*Keira holds Roxi as the scene fades*

Into the Void. How fitting that this is where the next chapter begins for me. It was at this same Supercard where I cashed in to finally win not only my first SCW Championship, but my very first one overall in my entire career. I was on cloud nine when I won it. Week after week, I defended it til my last breath.

Then a member of the Clan beat me for it weeks later. I never really got over that loss. But I took my lip and bit it. I knew one day I would face the Clan again. Me and Roxi did and there and then, months ago. I finally got my victory over the Clan, but I did it with my wife. Team Hero proved once again that we're the most dominant team in SCW today!

But, it's never enough. We're always being challenged. Always having to prove time and time again. I don't mind it, to be honest. But now with the new line up in the Clan. It's getting harder and harder to hold on.

Then again, I've always loved a challenge.

Lucy, you've wanted to get our belts for so long, you've become more desperate. Sure, you love and respect us. We know that. But you've fought us before for these belts. You failed to get them! What makes you think you won't again? Me and Roxi have held these belts for a long time. We're THE Longest Reigning Bombshell World Tag Team Champions for a REASON! It's not just a name, it's what we EARNED! Do you think since we got that record, we've softened up? No! Lucy, I promise you this. What happened the last time, will happen again. You will fall.

Uri, I know you're nervous. I understand that. This is your first SCW Title match. I was nervous too when I went for my first title match. Then again, I had a briefcase. But still. The first time is always nerve racking. But, that's where our similarities end. Thing is, I've been to the mountaintop more times than you can count! Me and Roxi have held these belts for so long, we have doubters. We'll continue to have doubters! Do you understand what I'm saying, Uri? What if you do beat us?

Then you'll have the same doubters we had. Only your doubters will be twice as hard on you as they were on us. I doubt you'll want that.

Angel Clan, this is it. Your last chance to grab these belts. We've beat the Fallen 3 times. We've beat you. We've beat the BEST OF THE BEST AND WE'RE STILL STANDING! You think you can take our belts? All I got to say is this.

Into the Void, we're going to B.A.B

BREAK A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

Then, once it's'll hear these words.


Undefeated...for a reason. See you out there!

Supercard Archives / TEAM HERO (c) v ANGEL CLAN
« on: May 28, 2016, 10:02:00 PM »
 *The scene opens at the cookout for Keria’s pre-birthday party. Lots of Keira’s friends and family have made the trip, and are all eating the barbeque as Keira watches with a happy smile on her face. Roxi walks up behind her and kisses her neck.*

Roxi: Don't worry, there's plenty of food, but they all came for you my love. This is your special day. For now.

*Keira smiles*

Roxi; I want you to enjoy this .

Keira: I am, babe. I love this already

Roxi: But be nice when playing smash

Keira: I make no promises when I crush my foes.

Roxi: This is just wonderful, I might have to stop these girls from giving you birthday spankings.

Keira: Oh?

Roxi: That's my job.

*Roxi giggles*

Keira: You just want my butt all to yourself, hehe

Roxi: Maybe. But I just want to see you happy and enjoy this time.

Keira; I am happy. I'm near 30, but I'm happy

Roxi: It's good to see you smiling again

Keira: I needed this, Roxi. More than you ever know

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Roxi: I'm glad you had a good time

Keira: I did

Roxi: Good.

*Roxi kisses Keira*

Roxi: Anything for my Angel

*Keira smiles as she holds Roxi close*

Roxi: See, these girls all wanna give you birthday spankings!

Keira: You got to protect me

Roxi: Kate already got you... AJS already got you... I think you need this anyway.

*Roxi giggles*

Keira: You villian!

Roxi: You love it. These girls are your friends

Keira: Yea, yea

Roxi: Finish those kabobs, Nicole put a lot of work into that for you.

*Keira smirks and eats

Keira: Mmm, this is good! You two are the best! I can't wait for my Birthday

Roxi: Oh, I know, I had one earlier. But we have a ton of leftovers. Lots of wings, a few pieces of chicken.

Keira: They won't be there long

Christine: And cookies and cake!

*Christine smirks as she stands in the doorway*

Keira: Hey! Where were you? Hehe

Christine: I've been around. But I know I get my time every other day with you guys.

Keira: Yes you do

Christine: So, I let the other girls have their fun. Since you know, I get to have fun with you all the time

Keira: Yes you do

Christine: I think I'm the only one who get to get Keira.

*Christine giggles*

Keira: If I let you, hehe

Christine: Hehe... I get you, but then you get me, but... that's how it goes. But still, you deserve this. It's your day today... and Monday for your other presents

*Christine winks*

Roxi: Chris is right. This is all for you.

Christine: We want you to relax and be focused for your title defense.

Keira: Least I don't have to wear them everywhere...

*Keira looks at Roxi sternly*

Roxi: What? People need to know!

Christine: We all know dear.

*Christine hugs Roxi*

Christine: And we're proud of both of you.

Keira: Thank you. But still. I'm nicknaming her "Paranoid Roxi"

Roxi: I'm not paranoid! I was trying to help our good name!

Keira: All cause of what Tommy Knocks said...

Roxi: Maybe I overreacted, a little.

Christine: Maybe a lot.

Roxi: Hey! You're supposed to be on my side!

Christine: Today, I'm with Keira.

*Christine hugs Keira tightly and keeps her arms wrapped around her*

Keira: Mhmm, all mine!

*Keira sticks her tongue out at Roxi*

Roxi: Yeah, yeah...

Christine: Today is Keira's day. She gets all the love.

Keira: We should make out

*Christine kisses Keira*

Christine: Hehehe

Roxi: Get a room.

Keira: Fine. We will!

*Keira smiles as she kisses and cuddles both Roxi and Christine

Christine: I am glad you enjoyed your day Keira. It's good to see you so happy. I know you guys will beat the Clan in two weeks, and then we can celebrate again. And... our little man here, he's rooting for you too.

Keira: We still haven't thought of a good name for him

Roxi: We've got time, right Chris?

Christie: Yes, a few months

*Christine rubs her chin*

Christine: What about Chris?

Roxi: After you?

Christine: Maybe... just throwing out a name

Keira: Would it be weird during cuddle time?

Christine: Maybe... I guess. I'm just trying to help.

Roxi: We know, no worries Christine.

Keira: And we love you for it

Christine: Mmm.

*Christine smiles as she hugs Keira*

Keira: Yeeesss. Steal me from Roxi

Roxi: ....

Christine: I can't do that. Even if I tried. hehehe

Keira: I'm kidding, Rox. Calm down

Christine: You two belong together.

Keira: Yes we do. Especially for our Renewal

Christine: And I am happy you made me your Maid of honor Ke... you've always been so good to me Both of you.

Roxi: And we always will.

Keira: Now, don't go drinking too much, Roxi

*Keira giggles over that*

Roxi: Drinking? You know I'm never doing that again.

Keira: Tell that to TDZ

*Sasha wanders in, licking her fingers from eating some frosting off Keira's birthday cake.*

Sasha: There you are babe. I was wondering where you went.

Roxi: Don't worry Sasha, Chris is never going to be too far away from the people who love her the most.

*Christine smiles*

Keira: She tried to steal me, though

Sasha: I'll just have to steal her back. My Chrissy is never gonna be alone again

Roxi: We know, that's one of the many reasons we love you Sasha.

Keira: Awwww

*Sasha then smacks Keira on the butt*

Sasha: Birthday spankings!

Keira: Hey!

Sasha: What? Everybody got one today!

*Christine, Sasha and Roxi giggle and high five*

Keira: My butt security has failed me!

Roxi: I don't work on your birthday.

Keira: Even though my Birthday is on Monday

Christine: But you enjoy it. hehe

Sasha: Chrissy's right Ke.

Keira: I do

Christine: So, did you eat any of the cake yet Ke?

Keira: No. I know someone did...

*Keira looks at Sasha*

Sasha: I just had a little frosting.

Christine: Well, why don't I get the cake and cut us some. It'll be just our cake

Keira: I love you guys

Sasha: We love you Ke! You know that.

Christine: mmmhmm!

Sasha: Let's get the cake Chrissy!

*Christine and Sasha go off to grab the cake, as Roxi hugs Keira tightly*

Roxi: You are so precious to them, and the most precious thing, to me.

*Keira smiles as she leans in and kisses Roxi's neck*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you more

*Roxi looks at Keira's neck and sees a black lipstick mark*

Roxi; Amanda must have kissed you.

Keira: Huh? Damn. Must not have noticed

Roxi: It's hard not to notice Amanda. But, it's your day. I'm sure you got lots of kisses from the ladies today.

*Sasha and Christine walk back in with the cake and a couple of lit candles.*

Sasha: We got it!

Christine: I made your favorite Ke. Red velvet

Keira: Red Velvet!!!!!!

Roxi: Well then, let's light the candles, and wish for a successful title match against the Clan!

Christine: Rox... it's Keira's wish...

*Roxi smacks her forehead and waves it off*

Roxi: I know. My angel can wish for whatever she wants.

Keira: I don't need to wish for that. We know we'll have a successful title match.

Roxi: Let's not underestimate them Keira, we've lost two matches to them so far.

Keira: Singles Matches...Tag is where we will dominate

Christine: And you guys will this time!

Roxi: Thanks Chris.

Sasha: They don't stand a chance!

*Keira smiles as she closes her eyes and blows out the candles*

Roxi; Okay, let's just relax, eat some cake, and enjoy tonight, we'll get back on the grind tomorrow.

Sasha: Yeah, we wanna spoil Ke!

Keira: Least til Monday

Christine: Even after Monday, we will always love you Ke.

Sasha: mmhmm!

Roxi: Always.

Keira: Yea. But...I thought my wish would come true...

Roxi: What wish?

Keira: Her....

Roxi: Keira...

Sasha: Who's she talking about?

Roxi: N... Never mind guys. It's okay. It's nothing.

Sasha: Rox, don't say that....

Keira: ...No more secrets, Rox. It's just the four of us now

Roxi: *Sigh* If you insist

Sasha: Don't tell me there's more...

Roxi: We do this, because we need to protect you guys. The more you know, the more danger you can get in. And we, most cerainly do not want that.

Keira: Only Christine knows this other woman

Christine: mean...

Sasha: Who? What?

Roxi: Our... friend. Jean.

Sasha: I kind of remember that name

Christine: She was nice...

Roxi: She was.

Sasha: Was? Did something happen?

Keira: She....sacrificed herself to save me and Roxi

Sasha: She's.... dead?

*Sasha frowns and starts to cry*

Roxi: We don't know that yet.

Christine: Where did she go?

Roxi: She... put herself, and a crazy woman into a void portal.

*Sasha looks confused*

Roxi: It's her power.

Keira: It's my fault...

Roxi: Keira don't say that
Sasha: What happened?

Keira: Sarah....

Roxi: Keira may have killed that crazy woman, but.... she knew who we were, she knew everything about us. She may have killed us, or worse, gone after you two to get to us.

*Roxi looks at Christie and Sasha*

Roxi: And we don't ever want anything to happen to you guys.

Keira: I didn't! I didn't kill Sarah! I should have

Roxi: No, you shouldn't have. You did the right thing. Jean knew it was best for all of us, if she did what she did.

Keira: That's my wish...

*Keira slowly stands*

Keira: It's not coming true

Roxi: Keira... please, don't do this to yourself. I told you, you did the right thing.

Keira: Why does it still hurt?

Roxi: Because she was close to us. I know that. I understand your pain, but you can't go around, continually believing you did anything wrong.

Sasha: Ke? You gonna be okay?

*Sasha, Christine and Roxi all hug Keira tightly*

Keira: You guys...

Christine: We love you Ke. We never ever want to see you down. We'll always be here for you. We love you.

Roxi: Couldn't have said it better myself.

Keira: I know. I'm just afraid it might happen again someday. I'm a curse. A curse since I was born.

Christine: That's not true

Keira: My parents...Jean...

Christine: You are not a curse. You are... one of the best friends I could ever have Ke. You've always been there for me, by my side, even by Angel's side, and all my other personalities. You've stood by when I'm down. I can never repay you for all you've done.

Sasha: Chrissy's right. You were good to us when a lot of other people weren't. In fact, I know that from Roxi's gift that.

*Roxi cuts Sasha off*

Roxi: Don't say anything about that!

Keira: ...Gift?

*Keira quickly turns to Roxi*
Keira: Give!

Roxi: No, you don't get that, until your actual birthday.

Keira: Booo!

Christine: It's a good gift, I've see it.

Roxi: And I want everyone to see the look on your face when you get it.

Keira: If it's you in Playboy...

Christine: But you see Rox naked all the all the time....

Keira: They don't do nudity anymore

Roxi: It's not me, in playboy.

Sasha: Oh yea...that's why Jenny quit

Roxi: The point is, you are loved Keira, by Sasha, by Chris, by me. Everyone who came to the cookout... everyone.

Sasha: Mmmhmm!

Keira: And I can't thank all of you guys enough for doing this

Christine: Anything for you Ke.

Sasha: Can we eat the cake now?

Roxi: You sound like Keira now...

*Sasha giggles*

Sasha: I tasted the frosting... I want some cake.

Keira: I want pie now...

*Keira looks at Sasha*

Sasha: Um.... I ate most of it...

Keira: Sasha Sky Minett...

Sasha: There's a slice or two left! At least there was.

Keira: Bend over.

Sasha: What?

Christine: Take it easy Ke.

*Keira smirks and softly spanks Sasha*

Sasha: Hey! It's not my birthday!

Keira: No, but I'm gonna spank all of you...hehe

Christine: You're so silly.

*Christine yawns*

Christine: But... I'm kind of tired. I'm gonna need to lay down

Sasha: Yay, cuddles!

Roxi: Take care of her Sasha.

Christine: Tell you what, Sasha and I will make you a pie tomorrow, what kind of pie do you want?

Keira: Hmmmmm, this pie involves a bed, hehe

Christine: You're silly. I'm being serious.

Keira: Surprise me

*Keira goes and deep kisses Christine*

Keira: Sorry...I...I'm just a bit emotional

Christine: I am too. I love you Ke.

Sasha: Yeah, Keep that smile Ke!

*Sasha does a run-by spanking of Keira as she takes Christine back to their place. Roxi keeps Keira from giving chase*

Keira: I'm gonna get that short little blonde...

Roxi: Well, it's gonna wait for a while.

*Roxi kisses Keira's neck*

Roxi: Let's eat some of this cake, and get some rest, because tomorrow, we've got some training to do, to be ready for the Clan

Keira: Yes...lets...

Roxi: And hey... even though it's early... happy birthday my love. I love you with all my heart.

Keira: I love you too, with all of my heart. Kiss me, Roxi...

*Roxi kisses Keira*

Keira: MMmm, don't stop

*The two continue to kiss as the scene fades*

*The scene opens with Roxi and Keira training for their tag match, wrestling and grappling on the ground. They both fight up, and lock fingers in a test of strength, before breaking away from each other in a stalemate*
Roxi: Looks like were about even.


Roxi: What?

*Keira takes advantage and scoop slams Roxi*

Roxi: Ow!

*Roxi rolls to the corner, clutching her back*

Roxi: That was dirty... Ow...

Keira: The clan will be even dirtier if we let them be.

*Roxi starts testing out her back, making weird grimaces*

Roxi: What the heck did you slam me on? I feel like I got jabbed with something...

*Keira goes to check*

Roxi: I feel this spot in my lower back... ugh...

Keira: Let me see

*When Keira gets close, Roxi tackles her to the ground and applies a headock*

Roxi: Gotcha!

Keira: You Red Haired Bitch!

*Keira battles up, and shoots Roxi off into the ropes, and the two go into a back and forth full scale punch and kick-fest. Each woman blocking and throwing strikes almost in the blink of an eye. But none of the strikes can get through as each woman blocks or dodges. Eventually, they separate again*

Keira: Damn...

Roxi: You're getting much better. Technique is getting there. I know we're just sparring, but you need to fight more with your head, not your heart.

*Roxi looks as a buzzer goes off.*

Roxi: Time for a break.

*The two cool off and grab a couple of towels to wipe down. They step outside the ring and Keira starts stretching.*

Keira: Mmmm, feels good to get some kinks out

Roxi: Yeah, working off that cake. We have to get them all out if we're gonna retain

Keira: I know. But I'm getting more cake on Monday

Roxi: I know, but still. We need more sessions like this to prepare for the Angel Clan. We've come so far with the tag team titles, we can't slip up now.

Keira: I know. But still

Roxi: Yesterday, was the relax day. Now we go into focus mode. Sure, the Clan can be friendly, but after seeing Lucy use the chair, all bets are off.

Keira: Bitch is desperate at this point.

Roxi: Maybe, but we cannot allow stuff like that to happen this time. We need to be ready. This was a good first step.

*Roxi puts the towel and starts stetching next to Keira*

Keira: God help us when they lose

*Keira smirks*

Keira: As long as you don't get paranoid again and walk around with the belts everywhere

Roxi: I only did it to make a point.

Keira: A point that didn't need to be proven!

Roxi: I think it did.

Keira: Yea, by embarrassing us!

Roxi: We have to prove to everyone, all over again, why we are the best tag team in SCW, and the best champions ever. People are starting to doubt us as great champions!

Keira: Roxi...your paranoia is getting out of hand

Roxi: I don't know what else to do.

*Roxi finishes stretching and stands up fully, sitting on the edge of the ring*

Keira: Ignore it! We do our job! We've done it for a long time. You tell me to calm down and ignore shit! Take your own advice for once!

*Keira exits the ring and begins to walk out*

Roxi: Whoa... hey!

*Roxi chases after Keira and stops her from leaving*

Roxi: You're right, I'm sorry. We wrestle, we win, I'm not sure how that makes us bad champions. I'm jus gonna focus on us, winning this match from now on.

Keira: Cause you had Tommy Knocks knocking into that brain of yours. I've never seen anyone do that to you

Roxi: I'm.... I'm sorry.

Keira: It's ok.

Roxi: It just bugs me is all.

Keira: Did it bug you when TDZ said you were drinking still?

Roxi: Well, no, because that's totally not true

Keira: Ok, then. Then it's the same thing here. He had a opinion. His opinion doesn't equal the entire fucking world

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Roxi: You're right. I'm sorry I got caught up.

Keira: Hell, anyone who's held ANY title this gonna get hate. It's the way of the Wrestling World. Welcome to the 2010s, Rox

Roxi: Okay, okay, I get it, I apologize for doing that. I'm focused on beating the Angel Clan.

Keira: Good!

*There is a message alert on the laptop nearby. Roxi goes and types in the code to answer it.*

Roxi; Vision?

Vision: Guys...we've have a break in.

Roxi: Break in? Where?

Keira: Be another bank or store...

Vision: It was a break in at the guild museum.

Roxi: Wait, what?

Vision: Someone stole Lady Victory's magic mask!

Roxi: How?

Vision: Broke in, looks like they had some kind of access code.

Roxi; Who could have something like that?

Keira: What was the access code?

Vision: Say it was.... 1-2-3-4-5

*Keira begins to have a stern look on her face*

Keira: Really? 1-2-3-4-5?

Vision: They must have a scrambler, only Lady Victory, Mr. Amazing, and Commander Lyon would know the true access code.

Roxi: So who would have a gizmo like that?

Vision: Let me pull up the CCTV footage

Keira: Someone really smart or really freaking lucky

*The CCTV is shown on screen*

Vision: Can you see it?

Roxi: Yeah...

Keira: Wow...clean sweep

*Vision runs the footage, and shows a woman in a red trenchcoat and hat using some kind of device to open the locked display and take the mask.*

Roxi: No.... way....

Keira: The...Fuck!?

Vision: What?

Roxi: Vision... we were robbed by Carmen Sandiego?

Vision: Uh... I don't think she's real.

Roxi: Well this cosplayer is!

Keira: Well...bitch stole my idea

Roxi: Any idea on who she is?

Vision: None.

Keira: I guess I'll dump my Halloween Costume!

Roxi: Keira...

Keira: What?

Vision: Anyway, the musuem is close by to you guys, see if you can find anything else. You guys seem to be able to figure out crime scenes.
Roxi: We'll take a look.

Keira: Got it!

Vision: See if you can find anything. If that person was able to get in and get the mask without one alarm, and knew the access code, they may in fact know how to use the mask

Roxi: That would be bad, wouldn't it?

Vision: Lady Victory's battle mask quintumpled her strength, speed, agility, everything. We would need everything in the guild to stop the user from destroying everything.

Roxi: We'll make sure that doesn't happen.

Keira: Sounds like a worthy opponent if said person puts it on

Roxi: I wouldn't be exactly looking forward to that fight. Let's go.

*Keira smirks as she goes to get ready*

Keira: Just think. Someone who could be as strong as me. That would be the PERFECT Birthday Present!

Roxi: Keira! That's not what this is about!

*Roxi ends the call and turns to Keira*

Roxi: We have enough trouble as it is with some of these guys. Claire has no powers. Amelia doesn't powers....

Keira: Yea, but they're both WEAK!

Roxi; Sometimes, all strength isn't physical. Plus... you know who... wasn't as strong as us, and look what almost happened.

*Roxi stops and sighs*

Roxi: I'm sorry to bring that up, but... we can't just win these fights on strength alone. Much like in SCW, we can't just destroy people. We need to plan, strategize. Things like that.

*Roxi turns and begins to put her costume on*

Roxi: We fight, for more than just us. But, right now, I'm thinking that whoever stole the mask, either doesn't know how to use it... or... they're waiting for something

Keira: True. I'm sorry. It's just, I know we need more than Strength. I guess I just want a new challenge in the Hero Business

Roxi: Well, let's not make this the challenge right away. Even with our strength, you heard Vision, it would take everyone to take down the person who wore that mask.

*Roxi finishes dressing and opens the window*

Roxi: Come on, let's go to the museum

Keira: Lead the way

*Roxi flies out the window with Keira behind her as they fly far off the coast of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico, there is a small island on the water, with a large building on it. They land and look around*

Roxi: Someone came.... way out of their way to find this place

Keira: Jeez! You guys know how to secure

Roxi: There's important things in here. Don't touch anything. Security would be tight.

*Keira looks around. As she does, she sees the tube where Bio-Sin was in*

Keira: What the!?

Roxi: They keep these things locked away so they can't get out and fall into the wrong hands. Lady Victory is a member of the counsel... she's not active anymore, so her stuff was stored here.

*Roxi walks up to a large vault door. She scans her wrist communicator, and access is allowed. The door opens and She and Keira and instantly greeted by armed guards*

Keira: I wonder if some of my old costumes are stored here?

*Keira notices the guards*

Keira: Oh! Um...Hi!

Roxi: Whoa, chill out guys, we're here to look at the scene.

Guard: Through there.

*Keira and Roxi walk past them as they keep looking around. Roxi walks up to where another locked door is, and scans in, the door opens, and Roxi and Keira are in alone with several artifacts of superheroes*

Keira: Wow...

Roxi: And here it is. No sign of a break-in, got through two locked coded doors, but the actual cases.... they are personally locked. Only the person who wore them can open them. Whatever gizmo that woman used must really be amazing

Keira: I kno--OOOO! There's my old Lady Kat Whip!

Roxi: Forget it, we have to -

Keira: Have to what?

*Roxi looks in the case where Lady Victory's mask would be, seeing a small piece of paper, almost like a business card leaned against the glass.*

Roxi: Look!

*Keira looks at the card*

Roxi: A calling card. She wants to be found.

Keira: Wait...I know that symbol.

*Keira takes a look at it closely*

Keira: This almost looks like....Jenny's Symbol!

Roxi: You don't think....

*Keira quickly rushes out of the building and flies back to Florida quickly. She lands at Jenny's new mansion as she quickly enters*

Keira: JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Jenny quickly walks out, holding Ashley in her arms*

Jenny: Will you be quiet!? I've been trying to get Ashley to sleep! She's a year old and she's still trouble to get to sleep

Roxi: Jenny, we need to talk.

Jenny: Now? Let me put Ashley to bed

Roxi: Kind of in a hurry here.

*Jenny hands Ashley over to the maid so she can put her to bed*

Jenny: What is it?

Roxi: Show her Keira?

*Keira shows a calling card, having Jenny's symbol on it. Jenny gets wide eyed and gets angry*


Keira: Care to explain, Thief!?

Jenny: Thief!? What the Hell? I wanna know how you got a card with my symbol on it! I haven't even printed those out on my exclusive letters yet!

Roxi: Keira! Jenny, we found this in a museum where some stole a very powerful item.

Jenny: And you think I'm a thief!? A whore, yes. A thief? No! Check my house!

Roxi: We're not accusing you. We just have some questions. Like, do you know if anyone would access to these kind of cards?

Jenny: I usually send those out to my secretary

Roxi: She just hands them out?

Keira: No. She's supposed get those printed and brought back to me for Final Approval

Roxi: Do you know where she is?

Jenny: I told her to go to get them printed out and to go get some milk for Ashley

Roxi: We need to find her, and to get a word with her.

*Roxi turns to pulls Keira away, but stops*

Roxi: Jenny, she doesn't dress like Carmen Sandiego does she?

Jenny: Who?

Keira: Carmen Sandiego! That chick with the ref trenchcoat and red hat?

Jenny: Keira, you know I hated that game show. It was so stupid. Then again, it made me feel like a dumb fuck

Roxi: But your secretary doesn't dress like her?

Jenny: No. She doesn't. She does dress fancy, but nothing like that.

Roxi: Alright.... we'll back as soon as we found out anything, and we can get you off the hook, because as of right now, you're a suspect.

Jenny: Of course....

*Roxi and Keira depart Jenny's place as Roxi looks at Keira*

Roxi: What do you think?

Keira: Jenny wouldn't do it. I could tell in her eyes and her voice. Considering all she's doing for us, helping with the Guild to try to get Jean back

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I think someone's trying to frame Jenny

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Plus, from the footage. The thief had nice legs. Jenny...ack!

Roxi: Enough. Let's see if there's anything else we can find.

Keira: Ok. But I'm getting hungry

Roxi: We'll get some food on the way.

Keira: YAY!

*Roxi and Keira fly off as the scene fades*

WOW! Not the first time someone has tried to take me out. I know it won't be the last either considering the fact I somehow always have a huge target over my ass! Big ass to boot, so it's a big enough target. I Digress, though. Uri got the win cause of Lucy deciding to interfere again. It's like someone's trying to take us out! Again, wouldn't be the first time.

Plus with Tommy Knocks getting into the ear of my wife, didn't help matters. We show up, we fight, we defend, we win. THE END! Not my fault we're just better than you. Not my fault that Lucy is in desperation mode cause she wants to become Bombshell World Tag Champions so bad. No, you want to be the ones to FINALLY beat Team Hero! Not counting that Six Person Tag Match. I'm talking, you and Uri want to be the ones to finally do it!

You and Uri want to be the ones to not only take our titles, but the Undefeated Reign of Team Hero. All you managed to do was Piss me off. Lucy, you wanna know what happens when you piss me off? Sooner or later, Karma comes back and BITES YOU IN THE ASS, HARD! Guess what's going to happen at Into the Void. KARMA, BITING OF THE ASS! GONNA HAPPEN! You failed once to get it with Mel. News Flash! Spoiler Alert! Whatever you wanna call it. Gonna happen again!

But, let's go on to Mel's Replacement. I know Roxi won't call her that. I will cause the little bitch tried to injure me. So fun, many people have tried. Yet all have failed. Do I gotta pull up what happened to Amy Marshall and what I did to her? Sure, I didn't finish the job. But a taste was good enough. Ok, granted, my actions was that of a insane person. I'm just saying, Uri. You don't know crazy. I DO!

Uri, I do like ya, it's less now. But I do like ya. Don't take it personally? Take your own damn advice come Into the Void when I ram your head with my boot so far into you face, you'll need to replace your teeth!

I'll see you girls soon. When we do, you'll see why we're undefeated and when you two'll hear the two words....


Climax Control Archives / Memories and Obsessions
« on: May 20, 2016, 09:29:37 PM »
 *Keira is seen in Japan, it was after the match Roxi had as she helped Roxi into the locker room*

Keira: Sit down, Roxi. I got you, baby.

Roxi: Thanks.

Keira: Just relax. Heal up and we'll get ready to go

*Keira says as she begins to get ready. She bends down, giving Roxi that familiar view she loves as Keira was seen packing the gear*

Roxi: I'll be fine in a minute. Must have just been rusty from lack of wrestling

Keira: I hope so. I feel like we're just lacking something lately

Roxi: don't know... It's been quiet lately. We're like a couple of out of work superheroes or something

Keira: Maybe we need a new thing

Roxi: What kind of thing?

Keira: We could sell cupcakes?

Roxi: Cupcakes.... I don't know about all that.

Keira: We can work for Amy Marshall

Roxi: Um... I don't think that's a good idea

Keira: Oh yea. We could make a Comic Book Store

Roxi: I don't want to sell all those comics I have

Keira: We could run a gym

Roxi: Yeah, I suppose

Keira: Or...this could be our big chance to finally settle down and relax. I mean, our son is going to be born soon

Roxi: I know, It's gonna be hard to be superheroes anymore once this is all said and done.

*Keira sits beside Roxi as she sits one of the bags down*

Keira: Maybe...maybe it's time for Lady Bedlam and Lady Kat to retire

*Keira holds Roxi's hand*

Keira: I don't want our son to be in danger

Roxi: Keira.... We'll always be in danger, it's kind of what we do.

Keira: I know. Especially since now I got someone on my ass

Roxi: But there's also... Claire... there's Amelia.... and....

Keira: And...

Roxi: I don't want to say her name, I know how it makes you feel

Keira: She's never coming back...

Roxi: I'm sorry.

Keira: She told me that if you stay in the void for too long, don't ever expect to return, cause the poisoning of the void...has....

Roxi: I wish there was something we could do something.

Keira: I know. We tried everything. Roxi...she's gone. She's never coming back. I got to learn to let it go

Roxi: But... never forget.

Keira: I won't. But she's in a better place...with Mama and Daddy now.

*Roxi looks Keira in the eyes*

Roxi: But without her.... we wouldn't be here now.

Keira: I know...

Roxi: She saved us, and she did it, because of her love for us... Specifically... you.

*Keira sighs*

Roxi: I'm sorry.

*Roxi hugs Keira tightly and kisses her*

Keira: I love you...

Roxi: We'll honor what she did for us.

Keira: Thank you

Roxi: I know that it hurts to think about. But... maybe she got out... maybe... Maybe we we'll see her again I owe her for eveything she's done. She was the person who made sure I still had you, when I couldn't.

*Keira begins to cry a bit, laying her head into Roxi's shoulder as the scene fades*

Damn, I forgot that this has been months since I lost her. I still blame myself for it. But Roxi's right. I need to focus again.

Looks like I got the new member of the Angel Clan to deal with, Uri. Be good to get a new challenger.

Hmm, reminds me of another person...

*Keira is seen placing her new PoPs in the Collection Room. She sits Jason Voorhees on what she called the "Rare" Shelf as she admires it*

*Roxi walks up behind Keira and places he chin on Keira's neck and hugs her around the waist*

Roxi: This is becoming and expensive habit you know

Keira: Not really. Since I try to find deals

*Keira smiles a bit as she place her hand on Roxi

Roxi: It all adds up

Keira: Didn't I hear that before when I started Amiibos?

Roxi: Yeah, you've spent probably a thousand dollars on those

Keira: That's because most I had to import due to scalpers

Roxi: Still, I worry about the spending, we're lucky Jenny's rich

Keira; Otherwise, I wouldn't be spending.

Roxi: That, and you're eating

*Keira looks at Roxi sternly*

Roxi: What? You eat like a horse!

Keira: Not my fault!

Roxi: Whatever Sin did to your metabolism... it's expensive.

Keira: I'm surprised Lust didn't do anything to yours...well, you're more confident in your sexuality

Roxi: Maybe it just wasn't... inside me long enough. Which... I'm more than happy about

*Keira smirks as she takes her free hand and squeezes Roxi's ass*

Roxi: Hey! watch it!

Keira: Make me

*Keira squeezes again to get Roxi riled up*

Roxi: Knock it off I said. Remember, it's time to start settling down.

Keira: Rox, it's just us

*Keira kisses Roxi's neck to settle her down*

Roxi: I just worry. I know the kind of person you really are, I just don't want sex to be the thing you're know for more than wrestling. You're so much more than that.

Keira: It won't be. It'll be more the Lame Mom who would embarrass her son

Roxi: Oh goodness... is that what we're going to be?

Keira: It's in some sort of Parent Rulebook

Roxi: Oh goodness.... that would just be the worst

Keira: Mhmm. Our son will have his version of cool...while we'll be the out of touch parents

Roxi: Oh no... But we've got time before that happens, right?

Keira: Yep

Roxi: Oh, whew, thank goodness. I don't want to be a lame mom... at least not yet

Keira: Considering you got lame jokes already, hehe

*Roxi looks at Keira with a glare*

Roxi: I am hilarious, and you know it.

Keira: Need I remind you of the Worst Nightmare joke you made?

Roxi: What are you talking about?

Keira: Alexis and Nat? You compared yourself to Freddy

Roxi: That was.... not my best. I'll admit

Keira: Besides. I'm funnier than you

Roxi: You are about as funny as a root canal.

Keira: Please. My jokes are funnier than your lame ass puns

Roxi: You wouldn't know funny if it bit you.

Keira: Please! Says the woman with the ugly ass shoes

Roxi: Says the woman who makes the Pac-man noise playing smash!

Keira: You wanna go!?

Roxi: Let's not get crazy Keira... you know what happens.

*Keira gets in Roxi's face, but kisses her instead*

Keira: Love you

Roxi: I love you too

*Keira lays her head on Roxi*

Roxi: I will always love you.

Keira: You're my world

*Keira begins to kiss Roxi's lips, but all of a sudden, Roxi's communicator goes off. Instead of getting mad, Keira quickly goes to get her gear on, not even going to argue*

Roxi: Go ahead Vision

Vision: This is a strange one. Remember months back when two robbers broke into a Best Buy?

*Keira's ears perk up*

Vision: Then more robbers broke into a Gamestop just to steal Amiibos?

Roxi: Yes...

Vision: Well, we got a third set of robbers. They're at a Walmart...stealing a thing called...what was it...PoPs

*Keira rushes to Roxi's side, in her Lady Kat outfit*


Vision: .....Keira's new obsession?


Roxi: Keira's new obsession

Vision: Well, get to Walmart. They're holding some employees at gunpoint

Roxi: We're on it

*The two get ready as they fly to the walmart that's being held hostage*

Roxi: Control yourself Keira.

Keira: Why is it that some robbers have to go after stuff you could buy cheap?

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I'm starting to miss the banks

Roxi: You had to say something about them

Keira: Sorry!

Roxi: One day we'll be back to banks... Once we scared off robbing Walmarts

Keira: Watch, they'll rob a Gas Station next

Roxi: We'll work on that next. For now, we've got to figure out what the plan is

*The two land near the Walmart as Keira lets Roxi scope out the place*

Roxi: Vision, do we have a count on hostages, or any alternate ways in?

Keira: Remind me as soon as we capture them, we come back and do some PoP Shopping

Roxi: Anyway....

Vision: Police scanners say 5 hostages, and 4 armed robbers, the main entrance, the nursery, the loading dock, and the roof are the entry points

Keira: Hmmmm

Roxi: Thanks.

*Roxi end the call, and turns to Keira*

Roxi: Alright, they must have the hostages in one central location

Keira: Main entrance would be too obvious. No on the Nursery.

*Keira turns to see the edge*

Keira: I don't feel like sneaking. I doubt the hostages will be in that much of a danger if we're careful. If I'm correct. If they're stealing PoPs. My best bet...would be smashing through the roof above the toy section. It'll be beside Electronics.

*Roxi's eyes widen over Keira's explanation*

Roxi: How on earth would you know all that?

Keira: This is my fav Walmart to visit. Once I get groceries, I visit Electronics to see if there are deals. Plus, the toys section is right beside it.

*Keira sits up*

Keira: Especially since they moved the Pops from the main entrance due to a movie promotion

Roxi: Well, we'll go with your plan then

Keira: You lead

Roxi: No, these are your pops..... And we're a team. This is your plan, I follow you this ime

*Keira nods. The two fly down. Keira sees a window as the two smash down, hitting one of the henchmen as they land*

Keira: Hello, we represent the people who kick the asses of stupid people!

Roxi: See... that wasn't funny.

Keira: I wasn't trying to be. They messed with hostages and PoPs

Roxi: Anyway...

Robber #1: Supers! Shoot 'em!

*Keira facepalms*
Keira: Why do they always shoot?

*Keira quickly punches the second robber in the face*

Roxi: Because they are afraid

Robber #1: Dammit!

Keira: We can give you one of two choices. You can surrender...or I can make you less of a man

Roxi: She'll do it.

Keira: Try me

Roxi: I wouldn't.

Robber #1: Okay! I give up

Keira: Now...put the PoPs....down

*The robber gently puts the toys down and surrenders.*

Keira: Well...that was easy.

Roxi: You're very intimidating

*Roxi finishes tying up the bad guys and calls it in*

Keira: Hehe. Thanks

Roxi: Vision: We're good here. Everything is safe.

*Keira smirks*

Roxi: Why are you smiling?

Keira; Normally, there's a baddie coming out of nowhere to either shoot, stab or punch us from behind

Roxi: Well, not this time.

*All of a sudden, the final baddie screams, coming from behind, but Keira hears it and backhands the final baddie without looking*

Keira: You were saying?

Roxi: Yeah yeah...

*Keira ties up the knocked up baddie*

Keira: Dude, I give you at least a 5 out of 10 for that.

Robber #5: Huh?

Keira: Never mind. Your ass is going to jail

Roxi: I think we've totally established I'm funnier at this point.

Keira: Yet you didn't make a joke this entire fight

Roxi: I didn't have to, you killed the room dead with your lack of humor.

*Roxi thinks for a minute.

Roxi: Wait... wait... I did make a joke! I said you were intimidating.

*Keira scowls*

Roxi: Just kidding.

Robber #1: Yea...the blonde's funnier.

*Roxi then punches the first Robber to knock him out*

Keira: Everyone's a critic

Roxi: Yeah...Anyway, let's go home, The police are on the way

Keira: Yes, lets

*The two leave the bad guys as they hear the sirens in the distance*

"Oh, look at me! I'm Roxi! I'm as funny as a cactus!" Wait til we get home. I'm gonna kick her ass in smash!

But yea. From what I hear, Uri's unpredictable. Would be about time I got someone that could become a threat for the Tag Team Championships down the road. We'll have to see.

*The next day Roxi and Keira sit playing Smash in their home Keira wins with Pac-man and celebrates*


Roxi: Yeah yeah...

*Keira giggles*

Roxi: Only because I'm never used Falco before

Keira: You should have done a Barrel Roll

*Roxi gently sets down the controller, frowning at Keira*

Keira: What?

Roxi: You know I'm more of a Kirby person. When I'm Kirby... you can't touch me

Keira: Wanna go again?

Roxi: With pleasure. I will -

*There is a knock at the door and Jenny opens it herself.*

Jenny: Roxi.... skank.

Keira: Whore

Jenny: Bitch

Keira: Cunt

Roxi: Alright, alright, enough

Jenny: What? It's how we greet each other?

Keira: She's right, Rox

Roxi: What brings you around Jenny?

Keira: I can guess

*Keira smirks a bit*

Keira: Kelly saw through you, divorced you and took the mansion

Jenny: Piss off, Keira

Roxi: Well then, what?

Jenny: Two things, one, I have scouted a few location for a new gravity room, one is underground so that you can train as hard as you want and you won't damage any property.

Roxi: Well, that's good.

Keira: And the second?

Jenny: Um.... Rox, can I talk to you alone... it's about... things.

Roxi: Well....

*Roxi looks at Keira, not wanting to keep it from her anymore*

Keira: ....Jenny, whatever you got to say, you say in front of me

Roxi: Jenny... I think it's time you told Keira.

Jenny: Are you sure?

Roxi: She needs to know.

*Jenny sits down in a love seat opposite Roxi and Keira*

Jenny: Keira, this may be hard for you to hear

Keira: ...What is it?

*Jenny composes herself and takes a deep breath*

Jenny: I asked Roxi to keep it a secret because if... if it worked out, it was going to be a surprise for you.

*Jenny looks at Roxi and nods*

Keira: What is it!?

Jenny: I've been working at the Guild with some scientists, and we try to... re-open the void.

Keira: YOU WHAT!?

*Keira goes over and grabs Jenny by her shirt in pure rage*


Jenny: I told you! *cough* We were trying to do it so we didn't get your hopes up if we couldn't!

Roxi: Keira, please! let Jenny go!

*Keira lets go of Jenny, but was now even madder than before

Keira: No more secrets, Roxi. Remember that!?

Roxi: I'm sorry we kept it from you. I didn't want Jenny to tell you she was working on this because I didn't want to give you any false hope and see you more upset than before.... I know how much she meant to you.

*Roxi places a hand on Keira's shoulder to comfort her*

Keira: was my greatest failure

Jenny: I think you ruined this top now...

Keira: I'll ruin more than your top! Anything else!?

Roxi: Jenny... get to the point

Jenny: We found the power signature matching the void. For as many times as Jean used it, we're quite sure it's the actual void.

Roxi: Meaning?

*Keira looks at Jenny, sweating a bit*

Jenny: If we're right, we can figure a way to re-open it, using similar power readings that Jean used. And if she was in there, we can maybe pull her out, bring her back here.

Roxi: Well, that's good, right?

Keira: Wait a minute.... what do you mean if she "was' in there?

Jenny: It could be possible that Jean could have been engulfed into the vo--

*Keira grabs Jenny again and pins her to the wall*


Roxi: Keira! Please!

Jenny: Rox- *cough* H-Help...

Roxi: Keira... let her explain! Please...

*Keira slowly lets go*

Jenny; Ugh... you've got a grip like boa constrictor!

*Jenny grabs her throat and slowly sits back down*

Keira: And you slept with more whores than Veronica Taylor has. Get to the point!

Jenny: We... we don't know if it's just that we can't see the energy in the void because it's not open, it that we can see, and there's nothing there. We just don't know yet. Finding it was hard enough. But... there is something that's... maybe promising

*Keira breathes*

Jenny: We can tell after just this little bit of studying, that the void was recently used. the power readings and signatures are pretty new.

Roxi: So... someone could have opened it again?

Jenny: Yes. For all we know, only Jean was in the void

Keira: No...Sarah.

Jenny: Well, it's possible. It's possible Jean herself could have opened it and got out, or... someone opened it and pulled either her, or Sarah, or... both of them out.

Keira: Fuck! If Sarah escaped...

Roxi: Let's not think about that, besides.... Sarah... didn't have those powers...

Jenny: We're still doing more tests, trying to narrow down a time frame, and where it possibly opened to. I swear to you guys, if we can find Jean and pull her out, we will.

Keira: No, but...but....cause of me...

*Keira begins to cry*

Keira: I should have killed Sarah....BUT I DIDN'T! Cause of me...Jean sealed herself...

*Keira screams*

Roxi: Keira, come here...

*Roxi holds Keira tightly*

Roxi: You did the right thing, that's not what Jean ever wanted you to do.

Jenny: Ke...

Roxi: You listen to me. You did what was right, Jean did was she did, because it was right. And because she loved us. Especially you. You are not a failure!

Keira: I don't want be another Claire.

Roxi: *Sigh* There's nothing we can do to save Claire... but if we can find Jean...

Jenny: We're working on it. If we can bring her back, we will, you have my word.

Keira: You do know your word holds as much weight as your marriages, right?

Jenny: I try to be nice and you make it a fucking joke!

Roxi: Relax, both of you. I mean it.

Keira: I'm sorry. It's just...

*Jenny pats Keira's back*

Jenny: I know. Roxi knows.

Roxi: We're here, and we're going to get through this.

Keira: T-Together?

Jenny: Absolutely.

Roxi: Together.

Keira: *sniff* Ok, do what you can. I got to get ready to go to Japan...again. I got Uri to face.

Jenny: If anything comes up, I will let you know. I love you Ke, you're family to me.

Roxi: Thanks Jenny.

Jenny: Now if you excuse me. I need to get a new top. Kelly's going to kill me for ruining it

Roxi: We'll see you later.

*Jenny walks off as Keira slowly stands. She heads to the gym to train*

Roxi: Are you going to be okay?

Keira: I don't know. All I know is that I got to be ready. I got to be ready for Uri. I got to be ready for Jean if she is alive ready...if Sarah escapes.

Roxi: Keira... I'm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this.

*Keira slowly turns her head to Roxi*

Keira: It's ok. But now we need to be ready. If Sarah escapes instead of freeing Jean. We need to be ready for it.

Roxi: Well, let's focus on Uri first.

Keira: That too.

Roxi: if it's not Melanie, it's still a member of the Clan. Our work doesn't change. We'll get our best look at Uri this week, and study what she did last week plus what you get from this week. Another title defense looms, and Uri is a wildcard

Keira: Just like Sarah is...

*Keira begins to throw some punches and kicks as she begins to focus*

Roxi; If Sarah... really is out there, we'll stop her.

Keira: I know we will. After everything she put us through....

Roxi: But... she may not be around. Maybe Jean is out of the void, or, maybe she... engulfed Sarah... there's a lot we dont know.

Keira: I'm not taking any chances!!!

*Keira powers up to her Super Form and begins to train even harder*

Roxi: Keira! Please! You can't go super here!

*Keira doesn't listen as she continues to train and push her body, getting images of the fight with Sarah, making her got into her Second Super Form*

Roxi: Keira! You're going to bring down the walls!

Keira: I will...not...let it happen again...Sarah...Uri...anyone!

*Keira begins to slowly glow*

Roxi: Keira!

*Roxi steps in front of the bag to look Keira in the eyes*

Roxi: Please... please stop!

Keira: Ro--

*Keira slowly powers down, seeing Roxi*

Roxi: Stop. Please... I know you're upset. I'm sorry. I love you.

*Keira looks at Roxi and just hugs her*

Keira: I love you too

Roxi: I think we just need to take our minds off of.... those two for right now. Let's... go get some ice cream?

Keira: I want Strawberry with a side of Roxi!

*Roxi just shakes her head*

Roxi: I love you. Come on, we'll do that, then we'll come back and talk about Uri and Japan...

Keira: Yea...

*Roxi throws her arm around Keira as they leave for ice cream and the scene fades*

Over 200 Days as the World Bombshell Tag Team Champions. We've beaten the best of the best. But now before we face the Angel Clan once again. We got to take on Melanie's replacement in Uri.

Yes, I said it. I'm sorry, Uri. That's what you pretty much are at this point. Sure, I don't know how you are in the ring and to be honest, that's what excites me. Knowing that I got a challenge in you. Someone who could be actually a threat to me. It gives me shivers, but in a good way!

I mean, I wanna get to know you even more, Uri. But, if we're being honest. I doubt you'll last this long against me. I've beat the best of the beat, whether it be tag or singles. The ones who have beat me, they've had interference and in Alexis' case, clock my ass with Brass Knucks.

I know you're not like that, Uri or I could be totally wrong and you might be like that. That's how unpredictable you are. Which makes me excited for this match. I can study you, I can defeat you and once I do, your chances at beating me and Roxi with your partner at Into the Void V goes from maybe're fucked!

Uri, good luck, cause at Climax Control, I'm going to B.A.B


See you then

Climax Control Archives / Special Issue #17
« on: April 29, 2016, 10:31:35 PM »
 Ugh. Head still hurts from those blows last Sunday. Kenzi Grey, Alexis Edwards. Those fucking skanks. Well, thanks to Amy Jo, my memory's back...ish. I still have some memory lapses, those will recover in time. Whatever that doc did. Wow.

Well, time to get back to work....after some food...and sleep.


*Roxi is shown entering the bedroom seeing Keira sleeping. She gently walks over and stroking Keira's hair and humming to her as she waits for Keira to wake, a bowl of fruit placed gently on the nightstand*

*Keira sniffs the fruit. As Roxi turns around, she sees the fruit gone and Keira still asleep*

Roxi: Come on... get up lazy bones

Keira: No!

Roxi: You need to get out of that bad, and move around a little. Amy Jo's doctor says it's good for you.

Keira: Nooo. I wanna rest

Roxi: Come on, get up and walk with me at least, just around the block, get some air. It's been such a long time since we just walked.

*Keira gets up and pulls Roxi into bed, tickling her*

Roxi: Ke! Hahahaha! Keira! HAHAHA stop! stop i!

Keira: No! Hehe

*Roxi struggles and eventually sits up with Keira gripping her waist in a hugs as they two laugh*

Roxi: You're so silly. Don't ever change

Keira: I love you, Roxi

*Keira begins to slowly cry*

Roxi: Whoa, what's the matter?

Keira: I'm afraid of what I might have done when I lost my memory

Roxi: I was with you. I was never going to let you go

*Roxi inches off the bed and turn to look Keira in the eyes*

Roxi: I will never, ever leave your side Keira. You are everything to me.

*Keira begins to smile*

Keira: And you are again?

*Keira laughs a bit as Roxi goes to get a pillow, hitting Keira with it*

Keira: Calm down. I love you too, Rox. You mean the world to me. I can't think of anyone in the world that would be any better

Roxi: I would hope not. I don't know anyone who could handle you

*Roxi thinks for a moment*

Roxi: Well, there are a couple....

Keira: Hmm?

Roxi: Nothing, nothing, forget it, besides, you're the only one for me.

Keira: Good girl, hehe

Roxi: Now come up, get up and walk with me

Keira: Ok, but I wanna at least go to some stores to look for the Big Daddy POP

*Keira smiles as she stands and helps Roxi up*

Roxi: Put some clothes on, and I'll see you in as sec

*Moments later, Keira had a sexy running suit on, since it was just a walk and a hot day*

Roxi: Wow... looking great

Keira: I see you thought of the same thing

Roxi: I did, but that's okay. I'm just glad to have you back

Keira: Thanks. These last few days. I...I just don't know what I said or done

Roxi: I know. I don't know what I'd do without you.

*Keira blushes a bit*

Roxi: You know I love you

Keira: I love you more

*Keira lays her head on Roxi as they walk*

Keira: I've been thinking...I'm gonna temp retire from In-Ring Competition...for a little while. Not right now, later

Roxi: Well, you deserve some time off.

Keira: Yea, but I'm gonna take it when our baby is born

Roxi: Me too.

Keira: So the next few months will be tough. Especially since we got the Angel Clan again

Roxi: I know. But we'll be ready. Now that you're back to normal.

Keira: Although, I forgot what a kiss feels like

Roxi: hehehe.

*Roxi kisses Keira*

Roxi: All you have to do is ask.

Keira: Mmmm, I think our walk's done, hehehe

Roxi: Maybe

*Roxi throws an arm around Keira*

Roxi: But it's nice to get out and walk. But... maybe we should have taken Chris.

Keira: We should have. I feel bad

Roxi: Well, I guess I just forgot, worrying about you.

Keira: Chris is thinking the same thing. She'll understand. She always does

Roxi: I am glad. We made the right choice with her.

Keira: Mhmm

Roxi: And next week, we'll find out what we're having... I am so excited to share this with you my love.

Keira: I can't wait, baby

Roxi: Almost as much as being a tag champion

*Roxi stops and thinks*

Roxi: No, wait... more.

Keira: Better be

Roxi: Of course it is.

*Roxi kisses Keira on the cheek.*
Roxi: I love being tag champions. I love the fact that it's with you, and I love the fact that we've broken records.

Keira: Yes, we have

Roxi: But being parents.... It's going to be the best adventure yet.

Keira: You think The Guild will let us take time off?

Roxi: They should

*Roxi nods at Keira*

Roxi: We've saved the world enough times.

Keira: I know...WAAAY Too many

Roxi: It's what we do.

Keira: Not after we have the baby...for a while. The our number one. Our child

Roxi: Absolutely.

*Roxi steps in front of Keira, walking backwards*

Roxi: Are you ready to.... meet with Misty?

Keira: Not really...but...we gotta cross that bridge

Roxi: Are you sure?

Keira: I'm sure

Roxi: Alright, let's go back home, get home and grab some food, and I'll call Jenny

Keira: about we go get some food...from say....Subway?

*Keira smiles*

Keira: I need to take about 10 Footlongs into my mouth

Roxi: ....

*Roxi arches a brow at Keira*

Roxi: Seriously?

Keira: Ok, that sounds bad. We can go for chicken

Roxi: Right

*Keira giggles and holds Roxi close as the scene fades

*Roxi and Keira return home and change into better clothes, as Roxi calls Jenny*

Roxi: Jenny? Keira has agreed to meet with Misty, where can we meet her?

Jenny: At your place. I've sent some caterers to your place as well to try out some food

Roxi: Alright, we're here, and waiting

Jenny: You've seen Misty...right? She is one hot fox!

Roxi: We'll be okay

Jenny: I mean, if she came over in a bikini, I'd slap that ass til the morn--

Roxi: Seriously... you're married Jenny. Keep your panties on.

Jenny: I'm just warning you, Rox. You and Keira might....need some extra panties. Just saying

Roxi: We'll be okay, I promise. Thanks

*Roxi hangs up on Jenny and turns to Keira*

Roxi: She's on her way

*Keira is seen eating on the chicken like a wolf, but she stops and looks at Roxi*

Keira: Ok

Roxi: You sure you're ready for this? We can always postpone if you're not.

Keira: I'm ready

Roxi: Alright. I don't know why Jenny kept warning me.

Keira: Knowing Jenny, she's thinking I'll leave you for Misty...which I'm not

Roxi: Probably, I don't know why she doesn't think we have self-control

Keira: Cause we have...with Multiple women

Roxi: Christine, Sasha, and Kyra McKnight. I hardly think that's a lot.

Keira: .....Jean

Roxi: I... I didn't... sleep with Jean...

Keira: I know....

*Keira begins to tear up*

Roxi: What's the matter?

Keira: Just...bad memories right now. I lost one cause of my stupidity. I really...lost two

Roxi: What are you talking about?

Keira: I...I pushed Misty away. Days after Sin came into my life. Before...I lost my sanity to her. I...I broke up with save her

Roxi: You did the right thing Keira.

Keira: I know...cause I was afraid

Roxi: That's okay. It wasn't your fault. It's just something that happened.

Keira: I know, plus, seeing her at my reunion...I'm afraid she might want me back

Roxi: Well, still, we're stronger than that.

Keira: Yes we are, even though you got a bigger butt than mine, hehe

Roxi: That's not really important is it?

Keira: No, our love is important

Roxi: Right so...

*The doorbell rings*

Roxi: Are you ready?

Keira: Yea. Answer it

*Roxi answers the door as Misty looks at her*

Roxi: Hello.

Misty: ROX!

*Misty kisses Roxi's cheek as she enters*

Keira: Misty...

Misty: KE!

*Misty begins to kiss Keira on the lips, but Keira pulls away*

Keira: Nice to see you too...

Misty: Jenny told me that you two needed a wedding planner for your Renewal. So...I accepted!

Roxi: Right, so, how have you been?

Misty: I've been good. Got my wedding planning business. Making good money. What about you two?

Keira: We're having a baby

*Misty looks at Keira in shock*

Misty: WOW! Oh my God...ok. Which one of you is carrying?

Roxi: Neither one of us.

*Roxi points to the door*

Roxi: Our friend Christine is carrying for us.

Misty: Ooooh. I saw her on the Twits

Keira: ....Twits?

Misty: Yea, Twitter. I call it the Twits. Your friend's a hottie

Roxi: That's.... new

Keira: Yea....

*Roxi sits down next to Keira, placing a hand on Keira's leg as Misty sits down*

Misty: Well, here are my papers. I've been doing this for five years. People have gave me good ratings. I've picked the BEST spots. So trust me, Miami, Tampa, wherever you two hold the wedding, it will be perfect!

Roxi: So, did you have any ideas for the wedding?

Misty: I was thinking....Traditional. I mean, most Straight, Bi, Gay and Lesbian Couples don't do that anymore. You two...are Traditionalists.

Keira: Well, would be good.

Misty: I was thinking of a Outdoor Venue WITH a backup inside a indoor venue, just in case of weather

Roxi: That'... sounds good.

Misty: We can come in the middle with anything you wish

*Misty hands Keira and Roxi some papers*

Misty: Look those over and if you want, sign them

*Keira looks at the papers as she looks at Roxi*
Keira: looks clean, legit

Roxi: Well, this was pretty easy, I guess we'll look at where you think is best and what you have ideas for.

Misty: Great! I'll be back in a week to get started.

*Misty smiles as she kisses both Roxi and Keira on the lips. She then waves and walks out the door*

Keira: ....Same ol' Misty....

Roxi: Are you alright?

Keira: Yea...weird thing...I was expecting that from her

Roxi: I think this will be okay though

Keira: Well, we better get ready for the Angel Clan

Roxi: You sure you're able?

Keira: Yes. I'm able, hun

Roxi: Alright, we'll still take it easy though.

Keira: I will, Rox.

*Roxi stands up and stands in front of Keira*

Keira: What?

Roxi: I don't want you to try and rush back after what people said about you. I know you're good. You are doing excellent job

Keira: What has people said about me?

Roxi: People keep thinking you're the weak link, but you, you have nothing to prove.

Keira: I'm not the weak link, babe. I try my best

Roxi: I know you do. If I had to carry the whole team, we wouldn't be sitting at 194 days as tag champions

Keira: Exactly. It's always been a team effort

*Keira stands up and looks at Roxi*

Keira: I'm going to be ok when it comes to the Angel Clan and Kate

Roxi: I know you will, but... after last week, I'm worried is all.

Keira: I know. I'll be fine, baby.

Roxi: We'll see how it goes.

Keira: If you have to. You and Mercedes can take over if I seem too out of it

Roxi: I will, but let's train first, and see how things go before we get rash
Keira: Got it

*Keira smiles as she gets ready, the scene fades*

Well, I feel like I'm in Bizzaro World. That or my head still feels like it went Ten Rounds in MMA. Either way, I got to make it through this match tonight. It's me and Roxi, teaming with...Mercedes Vargas. Huh, me teaming with a former Mean Girl. Never thought I'd had to cross that off my bucket list. Hell, ever since I came to SCW, I've see some weird stuff. Weirder than me. But, I digress.

I know we're facing Kate and The Angel Clan. But...I need to get at least one of the competitors off of my chest first.

Melanie, I heard from Twitter. I'm honored to be your God Aunt. But, for tonight, it doesn't mean I will take it easy on you. No way. This is your last match for I don't know how long. Like I said, I won't take it easy on you, but I won't hurt you, either. We're both about to become Mothers in the coming months. It won't be easy. But, I trust you. Give it your all!

Lucy, it's been awhile since we last fought. Sure, we walked away with Tag Gold and we're nearing 200 Days as Tag Team Champions, me and Roxi. But, we got to show potential Tag Teams now that if you want to face or even beat Team Hero, you got to learn this. Your best is not enough. Your best will NEVER be enough!

Lucy, I know you're going to push yourself. I know you're going to go beyond your limits to finally get a shot at Team Hero. Lucky for you, Our Undefeated Streak isn't on the line since it's a Six Woman Tag. Either way, I like you, Lucy. But in terms of trying to get another shot at Team Hero, it won't happen!

Kate, sweet Kate. You're a stupid little fuck, aren't you? LOOK AT ME! I'M KATE! I'M GOD'S GIFT TO WRESTLING! HA! We have been showing up. Not our fault they don't book us half the time. The only reason you're bitching is cause you can't find a partner to face us for these belts. "THE DIVISION IS DEAD" No it's not! Trust me, anyone can become a Tag Team. Hell, if the Mean Girls returned...we'd beat them too. Kate, if you fought us in a Handicap'd lose!

Yea, I'm gonna break a bitch, alright. Kate is it. I will give you this. No one, NO ONE should ever insult Despy. He's like a huggable bear. I'm not kidding. But that aside. Kate, Angel Clan, once again, it's time to show you...


Climax Control Archives / Renew Your Vows
« on: April 22, 2016, 07:48:57 PM »
 *Keira is seen coming out of the bathroom. She sneaks up behind Roxi and shields her eyes*

Keira: Hey, you. I got a surprise

Roxi: Uh oh...

*Keira removes her hands and lets Roxi turn around and look. Keira shows off her blonde hair, but even more of a surprise, she wasn't in her Super Form*

Keira: Ta-Da!

*Keira giggles*

Keira: How do I look?

Roxi: I love it.

Keira: Well, I got inspired by the fanart. It's not a ego thing, I wanted to do it cause of the fanart

Roxi: You know I love you no matter how you look.

Keira: I know. I'm not ashamed of my brunette hair, Rox. You know how you get inspired by something and you want to do it?

*Keira smiles as she grabs Roxi's hand and takes her to their office they had put in weeks ago. She shows the fanart that Keira hung on the wall*

Keira: That, a fan took their time to draw that, hair, face, abs and all. I love it. It's inspired me.

Roxi: I'm glad.

Keira: I may have my faults...but, in the last few years, you changed me, you saved me...and in return...I reunited your family and I've never been any happier

Roxi: I am glad.

Keira: Now...there's one thing I need to do

*Keira looks at Roxi as she goes to one knee and holds Roxi's hand*

Keira: Roxi Johnson, will you do me the honor and....Renew our Wedding Vows?

*Keira looks up*

Roxi: Of course I will!

Keira: I know it's early to do it, but with your family reunited, I thought they would love to see their little girl walk down the aisle

*Keira screams in excitement and hugs Roxi*

Keira: You've made me sooo happy! I told your daddy I was going to ask you. He blushed cause he said he wanted to walk you down the aisle. He didn't want to miss this

Keira: Roxi, you've made me the happiest woman on the face of the earth.

Roxi: I love you Keira.

Keira: I love you too, Roxi.

*Keira looks into Roxi's eyes*

Keira: There is one question...Your sister knows and I think your mom knows about....what we do. Should we...tell your dad?

Roxi: Nicole and Mom don't know. No one knows but us, and Christine.

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Keira: I'm gonna go see your dad, see if he's settling into the new apartment Jenny set him up with

Roxi: Okay.

*Keira smiles as she kisses Roxi and leaves. Moments later, She enters the new apartment with a key she got from Roxi's dad. She shuts the door and sees him getting some stuff out*

Keira: Settling in, Sir?

Mr. Johnson: I'll be okay.

Keira: Well. I hope this isn't too much. Jenny has helped us out alot. Hey, least your place is Utility and Rent Free.

*Keira smiles as she hands him a Duck Plushie*

Keira: It's not the real thing, but you can hug it and it'll protect you at night.

Mr. Johnson: Ha. Very funny. I'm sure I'll be okay.

Keira: Well, there's a reason I came here.
*Keira clears her throat*

Keira: I....I wanna ask you for your daughter's hand in a Wedding Renewal

*Keira looks at Roxi's dad's eyes*

Keira: I wanna renew mine and Roxi's wedding vows wouldn't be complete without you

Mr. Johnson: ... Roxi is... she can make that choice. But... I... I would be honored to be there

*Keira smiles*

Keira: You just made Roxi very happy. I know she'll want you to walk her down the aisle. You missed it the first time. I just want Roxi's fam--I guess it's my family now...OUR be there

*Keira begins to tear up a bit*

Keira: I just wish mama and daddy were here to see this....

*All of a sudden, Mr. Johnson begins to hug Keira tight*

Keira: I swear, Sir. You remind me so much of Roxi. Knowing when to cheer me up

Mr. Johnson: Lots of practce I guess.

Keira: I know, but you're treating me like I'm your daughter too.

Mr Johnson: You practically are.

Keira: But all you know about me is that I make your daughter happy

Mr. Johnson: Is there anything else I need to know?

Keira: Your daughter saved me...from committing suicide

Mr. Johnson: Why on earth would you ever want to do that?
Keira: It...I was in a bad place. I lost everything and I would have been better....if I had just ended it

Mr. Johnson: You should never think that way.
Keira: I didn't care...well...til your daughter saved me. She rushed to me and pulled me down before I attempted it

Mr. Johnson: She... she always did try to help people

Keira: She helped me...and in return...I helped her

Mr. Johnson: I can tell.

Keira: I can never repay her

Mr. Johnson: You've done enough, you've made her very happy. I could do just from the way that she looks at you, the way she hugs you...

*Mr Johnson smiles*

Mr. Johnson: Just like Elizabeth and I

Keira: Speaking of, how are you and her getting along?

Mr. Johnson: We'll be okay. I don't think we'll ever get back to the way things were.

Keira: You never know...

Mr. Johnson: We're peaceful now. That's a good start.

Keira: Good. Give it time. Til then...get a good suit

Mr. Johnson: I'll be sure to dress up.

*Keira smiles as the scene fades*

*Keira is seen getting on the couch, holding Roxi*

Roxi: Such a nice night

Keira: It is. It feels like Time's slowed down...just for us

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: I don't know why, wondering who SCW has in line for the next Tag Title Contenders?

Roxi: Not really. I have an idea, but who knows. I'm not worried about that right now.

Keira: Oh? What's on your mind?

Roxi: Nothing. Just you. Just laying here and being with you.

*Keira smiles as she leans in and kisses Roxi's neck*

Keira: Mmmm, sooo soft
Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too...I'm hot

*Keira says the last bit in a seductive tone, hinting to Roxi*

*A hour later, both are laying in bed, naked and covered up after a session of love making as Keira holds Roxi*

Roxi: Wonderful

Keira: It's so perfect, baby...

*Keira looks down and sees Roxi caressing Keira's abs*

Keira: mmmm, you're so obsessed with my abs...

Roxi: I love every bit of you.

Keira: I got a surprise for you...

*Keira kisses Roxi*

Keira: Do you remember where we spent our Honeymoon?

Roxi: The Bahamas

Keira: Well, since we're renewing our vows on the same day we got married on. I thought...we'd go to the a Second Honeymoon

*Keira smiles*

Keira: Or if you got a better idea, baby

Roxi: That sounds like a great idea!

*Roxi hugs Keira tightly*

Keira: I love you so much

Roxi: I love you more. You mean the world to me.

Keira: And soon, we'll have a bundle of joy to raise onto this world

Roxi: Yes, and I know you will be an awesome mother.

Keira: You'll be a perfect mom

Roxi: I'll just try my best. But, first things first, we need to get you, ready for your match.

Keira: I know. Alexis, her ass is mine

Roxi: Well, let's make sure of it.

*Keira kisses Roxi as the scene fades

*Keira is seen in the gravity room, not only getting ready for her match in Japan, but she has the Gravity to 150 times Normal as Keira was seen screaming. She had been trying to perfect her Third Super Form she had obtained months ago, but hasn't finally perfected it yet. As she powers up, her hair was slowly becoming long again cause of it, but the rise in power was making the condo shake, enough to have Roxi think the condo was under attack*

Roxi: What in the world?

*Keira continues to raise her energy, slowly tapping into that third form, trying to perfect it, the room rumbles as Roxi rushes to the gravity room*

Roxi: Keira!

*Keira hears Roxi's voice and turns. Her focus was gone as she reverts back to her normal form. The gravity room's controls were too much as the panel explodes. Causing Keira to fall down unexpectedness. She quickly gets up and holds her arm*

Keira: Ha-Hey...

*Keira shakes her arm*

Keira: What's wrong, babe?

Roxi: What are you doing?

Keira: I was training....

Roxi: You're shaking the whole complex!

Keira: I was?

Roxi: Yes! What the heck are you doing?

Keira: I was training!

Roxi: You need to take it easy! You're going to bring the building down

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I'm sorry. I'm trying to perfect my third form....

Roxi: Everyone was wondering what the deal was. You really need to calm down

Keira: I'm sorry...

*Keira clenches her fist*

Keira: I have to become better, Roxi

*Keira leans in and lays her head on Roxi*

Keira: Losing....her. Being stabbed...I feel weak. I don't want to be weak

Roxi: Keira... it's okay.

Keira: I have to be stronger....I got to be, Roxi

Roxi: You are strong.

Keira: You say that. But if I was...She would be here....and...

*Keira raises her shirt, showing the stab wound, healed, but she touches it*

Keira: I wouldn't have been stabbed

*Keira sighs*

Keira: That's why I've been in the gravity room. I know I've done my third Super Form before...but I haven't had the chance to harness it. If I can do that, no bad guy would stop us

*Keira turns to the destroyed controls*

Keira: And we'd be ready for another major what Sarah...or Bio-Sin was

Roxi: We haven't had a threat like that in a while. I know you want to keep this going, but you don't need to go so hard

Keira: I'll tell you what. I'll slow down a bit. But you need to help me train. Which means, you have to be ready.

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Keira: You need to get to your Second Super Form....and control it

Roxi: Keira...I've only been there twice. I've never needed it.

Keira: I know, but you never know, Rox.

*Keira exits out of the gravity room. As she goes to the kitchen to fix her something to eat, Jenny Tuck busts through the door like the place was on fire. Her arm was in a sling from a attack at another place*


Roxi: Keira.... was just training too hard

Jenny: Training!? You mean to tell me that Half of Miami shook....cause of KEIRA!?

Keira: Sorry, Jenny


Keira: Damn! I said I was sorry!

*Jenny sighs*

Jenny: I'm sorry. I'm still mad because my arm's in a sling cause of that cunt, Kenzi and it's hard to take care of Ashley. Kelly's doing well, but still

Keira: It's ok.

Roxi: I know. Just relax. Keira's going to take it easy

Jenny: Well, the city's not damaged. Surprising, way it shook. Any damage here?

*Keira begins to shift her eyes*

Jenny: ....Keira? What did you do?

Keira: Nooooothing.

Jenny: Keira Fisher, what did you do!?

*Keira begins to whistle as Jenny looks at Roxi*

Roxi: I haven't checked everything yet

Keira: The controls for the Gravity Room is damaged

Jenny: WHAT!?

*Jenny goes to the Gravity Room and sees the controls damaged*

Jenny: ....shit. I'm gonna have to get the mechanics and scientists to come in and upgrade the Gravity Room. Keira's Energy's too much now for 100 Times Normal Gravity

Roxi: I... actually... given all this, you might want to hold off on it.

Jenny: What do you mean?

Roxi; I'm thinking, Keira and I will need.... a new gravity place. One confined to keep the energy contained. Somewhere.... else that only we know about.

Jenny: Hmmm. Well, I have been working with the Guild on a new training facility. I could add a new Gravity Area to it for Supers like you and Keira and...others if they show down the road.

Roxi: That way, the energy would be contained, and wouldn't shake things around here. If you can do that, it'll make it a lot easier.

Jenny: It's no problem. We're thinking of a artic area or a desert area. More Desert, least we'd have Air Conditioning

Roxi: Perfect.

Jenny: Annnnnnd. We'll have a diner inside for hungry heroes

*Keira's eyes and ears perk up*

Keira: Diner!? FOOD!

Roxi: Relax

Jenny: Heh. Keira will. Soon as she gets her hands on Alexis

Keira: Yea....that's one of the reasons I was in the gravity room get ready

*Keira looks at the two*

Keira: No, that wasn't the reason I was trying to perfect my Third Super Form. Hell, I won't even need much for Grumpy Alexis

Roxi: Confidence, not cockiness Keira. You cannot get overconfident or take Alexis lightly.

Jenny: Considering Alexis blows up over every little thing?

Keira: She does, Rox

Roxi: That does not matter. You can't fuel her or give her any more motivation by taunting her.

Keira: Roxi, she ASKED for this match. I've wanted it for awhile now. We beat The Nobodies and she can't let it go

Roxi: All the more reason to focus, and not get overconfident, and careless.

*Roxi eyes Keira*

Roxi: I know you. You get angry, you get sloppy.

Keira: I'll keep my cool. I'll keep my cool more than Alexis will

Roxi: You get overconfident, you get sloppy. If you want to be serious about this, just be serious.

Keira: Roxi...I am.

Roxi: I know you are. Just take it easy

Jenny: Good thing I'm injured. If I was facing Alexis. I'd paralyze the bitch

Roxi: I know, and that's why you're going to stay away

Jenny: Yea, Yea.

Roxi: Christian banned everyone from ringside anyway, but still, let Keira handle this

Keira: I find it funny that Alexis thinks I need help. I've won matches on my own before. I just don't trust her OR her Nobody Tag Partner

*Keira sighs a bit*

Keira: I'm gonna run a few drills. Coming babe?

*Before Roxi says anything, Jenny stops her*

Jenny: Roxi will join you in a second

*Keira nods as she heads to the gym as Roxi turns to Jenny*

Jenny: This is something I don't want Keira to find out. Roxi...your healing powers...where did you get them?

Roxi: From a doctor.

Jenny: Where is that doctor now?

Roxi: In hiding for all I know. That was... the same night I thought I lost Claire.

Jenny: Funny....then how did Keira get her healing powers? I know it was never from Sin

Roxi: Because... the serum that doctor gave me, mixed with my blood. Since I had to give Keira some of my blood... now, she has it.

*Jenny could see the lie that formed into Roxi*

Jenny: I wasn't born yesterday, Roxi.

*Jenny clears her throat*

Jenny: I'm injured. The wacko doctor said I should retire from wrestling, Hell...he's saying I should retire from my lifestyle. I'm a Businesswoman. This, my wife and my child are all I have left

*Jenny looks into Roxi's eyes*

Jenny: ...I need to find the doctor, Roxi. I need to see if the serum will work on me.

Roxi: Jenny... if you think I'm lying, ask Keira.

Jenny: I know you're not lying, Roxi...but the thing is. I know you and Keira.

Roxi: Jenny... listen, that serum is dangerous, you may not live through it at all. I can't ... in good conscience.

*Jenny looks at her arm, then back at Roxi*

Jenny: I've fought....all my life, Roxi.

*Jenny looks at the door as she sees Keira training for her match*

Jenny: Years. It took me years to fight Keira. In a federation, out of one. Me and Keira fought...all of it, cause of Sin. I almost died multiple times cause of Sin, you know I got the scars to prove it.

*Jenny looks back at her arm*

Jenny: Back at the other place....was the first time I lost a fight....a fight I had no control over. I wasn't fighting for my life....but what those cunts did...they might have taken my livelihood

Roxi: Jenny, I understand wanting revenge, I get it, it's a powerful thing, but that serum may effect you differently than it did Keira. Or me.

*Roxi looks Jenny in the eyes*

Roxi: And the last thing I want, is for Kelly to lose a wife, or your baby a mother.

Jenny: What other choice do I have? I may never be able to hold Ashley in my arms again....

*Jenny begins to cry a bit*

Jenny: Please...I'll...I'll do anything, Roxi.

Roxi: I.... I

*Roxi sighs deeply*

Roxi: I'll see what I can do. I make no promises Jenny.

Jenny: If I have to. I can give some of my blood to the doctor and see if the serum will even work

Roxi: We can try that. But there's no guarantee that any of this will work

Jenny: It wouldn't hurt to try, Rox. I trust you, Keira and the Guild

Jenny: Oh...that reminds me. I got a phone call...from Keira's Ex. Her first lover, the one she was with before Keira's parent's died.

Roxi: Why did she call you?

Jenny: Cause she knows I'm paying for your wedding renewal and....She's a Wedding Planner.

Roxi: Please tell me you're not hiring her and making this needlessly hard....

Jenny: I could....but...I'm not. Instead, I'm gonna let you and Keira handle it. If she's good enough for you two, then She'll be hired

Roxi: I.... I guess we'll check it out.

*Jenny nods as she kisses Roxi on the cheek and walks off. Keira comes back into the room, sweaty and hugs Roxi*

Keira: Mmmmm, Sweat Woman needs Hug! Hehe

Roxi: Ugh... gross!

*Roxi wipes herself a second before looking at Keira*

Roxi: I told you about that.

Keira: Hehe, I know, but you did it to me last time

*Keira smiles as she begins to towel herself off*

Keira: Soooo, what do you feel like doing before I go kick Alexis' ass on Sunday?

Roxi: Jenny... asked me to tell you, that she's considering hiring a wedding planner and... we need to talk to her.

Keira: I thought we were planning the wedding and she was paying for it?

Roxi: We are, it's just... she wants us to interview this woman, and see if we like her. Plus, you know, we are quite busy being tag champions and taking care of Christine

Keira: True...I guess we can interview her.

*Keira leans in to kiss Roxi, but stops and pulls away*

Keira: Wait a minute! This is Jenny fucking Tuck we're talking about. We know her head games. Who is the Planner? a 5 cent whore?

Roxi: Uh... I...

Keira: Spit it out, Roxi.

*Keira begins to sternly look at Roxi*

Keira: What is she trying to do? What does she want for us to interview her? Hmm!?

*Keira looks at Roxi still*

Keira: Fine...I'll call her myself!

Roxi: It's Misty...

*Keira goes to the phone, but stops*

Keira: M...M...Misty? The same Misty that was my first lover? The same Misty that you met at the reunion!?

Roxi: Yes....

*Keira takes a deep breath*

Keira: .....I'll be right back. I'm going to kill Jenny!

*Keira places two fingers on her forehead, but Roxi stops her quickly*

Roxi: Stop.

*Roxi holds Keira's shoulders*

Roxi: Let's.... just get through this, it's one interview.

Keira: ....I don't want Misty doing this. It's bad enough I pushed her away years ago....but...

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Before we interview her....we need to sit down one day and talk about why I broke up with her

*Keira looks at Roxi*
Keira: You remember what happened with me, my parents, the robbers and Sin, right?

Roxi: Of course I do.

Keira: I also told you that Misty was my first girlfriend....well, thing is. Days after the incident.....I saw Misty again, she wanted to help me...but I broke up with her. I pushed her I wouldn't hurt her...or more so....Sin

Roxi: I'm sure... she would understand...

*Roxi thinks for a minute*

Roxi: Maybe not

Keira: She wouldn't. Now...let's go get this over with. No mention of the past

*Keira sighs as she grabs her purse and the two go to see her as the scene fades*

OOOOOOH BOY! I feel like I waited AGES for this moment! It's like it's Christmas time or whichever holiday you celebrate. You wait for the present and when you open it up, it's everything you ever dreamed of! THIS IS ESPECIALLY IT! No, I'm not talking about kicking Crystal Millar's ass for what she said about Despy. THAT...COMES LATER!

Nooooo. I finally get to get my hands, one on one against the biggest, egotistical, grumpiest woman known to mankind! Alexis Edwards, otherwise known as Grumpy Alexis!

I've wanted this match for ages. Ever since she started running her mouth and "How life sucks so much, I should be in a Linkin Park music video! CRAWWWLING IN MYYYY SKINNNNN!" OH GOD! She never stops bitching. When she loses, she bitches. When she wins, she bitches. When she's got everything, she bitches! WHEN SHE'S DOING NOTHING EXCEPT HAVING A DILDO, SHE...JUST...BITCHES!

Once Climax Control is off the air for the week, guess what happens. On Twitter, it's the Alexis Edwards Show! Watch her bitch and moan more than Youtube Celebrities on PROM NIGHT! Hell, Even Grumpy Cat is like, "Wow, crack a smile, dumb bitch!"

Hell! Not even dating Tim is helping all that much! She continues to bitch! You wanna guess what she'll do after our match? Hmm? Win or lose, trust me, she won't win. SHE WILL BITCH! Sure, you got the Bombshell Internet Championship, BUT YOU STILL BITCHED! You and your loser of a partner had a chance to beat Team Hero for the title, what did you do? You lost...AND THEN BITCHED ABOUT IT!

What's even funnier, is how you won't admit that we beat you. Sure, we didn't pin you, you're right. BUT YOU STILL LOST! YOU'RE A LOSER!

So, trust me, Alexis. I'm gonna enjoy taking your grumpy ass to Hell and give you the Seven Sins you deserve. You'll continue to bitch? Ok, Deadly Sin to your ass. Keep bitching and I'll knock your teeth down your throat! Trust me, it'll happen!

Alexis, I'm not just going to Break A Bitch...Ooooh no.


See you in Japan...Grumpy Alexis.

Supercard Archives / TEAM HERO (c) vs NOBODIES
« on: April 08, 2016, 10:34:13 PM »
 *Keira is seen getting her best dress on as she flips her back a bit, getting ready to see Roxi's dad*

Keira: Rox? You ready!?

Roxi: No...

*Roxi looks around nervously*

Keira: Come on, we're going to see your dad.

Roxi: I... I dont know if I can do this.

Keira: You can do this. You're Roxi!

Roxi: This is my dad.

Keira: Yea. Now come on. Get ready

Roxi: I'm scared I'll mess it up.

Keira: Were you scared when you thought you'd mess up with me?

Roxi: Yes.

Keira: And what happened?

Roxi: We're.... married now…But this is different

Keira: No it's not. It's family. We're family now, Roxi. I'm your wife. He's your father. I told you, you have a father, still alive. I don't

Roxi: I know, it's why I don't want to ruin it

Keira: You won't. It's time for the wall between you and your dad to come down

Roxi: What if I say the wrong thing? I might ruin all the work you did. You always call me stubborn. He might say something, then I'll say something, then there will be an argument and it's all for nothing...

Keira: I'll go super and kill you both. Problem solved

*Keira looks at Roxi*

Roxi: WHAT?!

Keira: I'm kidding. Roxi, calm down! You're going to give yourself a heart attack

Roxi: You can't mess around like that!

Keira: Sorry, you seriously need to calm down though

*Keira grabs her purse*

Keira: Now come on. It's time to face your fear

Roxi: Keira I'm really not comfortable with this.

Keira: Roxi, we've done everything for each other. I did that thing I hated so much for you, cause I love you. Baby, we do what we always do. Everything...Together

*Keira extends her hand*

Roxi: Keira...

*Roxi takes Keira's hand*

Roxi: Together.

Keira: Together...we can do anything

Roxi: I hope so

Keira: We will. Now get ready

Roxi: Alright

*Keira smiles*

Keira (To herself): I have confidence in both you and your dad. Time heals all wounds, Roxi. Even the emotional ones

*Roxi gets ready, and takes a deep breath before heading out to see Keira*

Roxi: I'm ready... as I'll every be

Keira: Ok. Let's go

*Keira takes Roxi's hand as the two transmit. Moments later, they were at the hospital as Keira and Roxi sign their names. They take the passes as they go to where Roxi's dad is*

Keira: Stay here and wait til I call you. Don't transmit out of here, I can sense you, remember that.

Roxi: ... *Sigh* okay...

*Keira goes outside and sees Roxi's dad in the usual place, sitting there as she goes to him*

Keira: You know, there's this new invention called the TV, it's great. You can be inside and watch it, you know

Mr. Johnson: Back again...

Keira: Do you hate me? I told you that I'd be coming back every week and you agreed to it

Mr. Johnson: And sometimes I think that maybe you'll just leave this old man and do better things.

Keira: You know I won't, cause like you said. We don't have much time on this Earth, we live life to the fullest. In's time.

*Keira stands up as she helps Mr. Johnson up*

Mr. Johnson: Time for what?

Keira: Come on out, honey!

Mr: Johnson: What are you –

*Roxi slowly rounds the corner looking down, and really scared*

Mr. Johnson: Rox....

Roxi: Hi Daddy...

*Keira slowly steps away and lets the two talk*

*Mr Johnson takes a moment to take it all in as Roxi looks up, tears in her eyes*

Roxi: I'm so sorry Daddy.

*Keira looks at the two, getting a bit nervous herself*

Roxi: Nicole and I... we... we couldn't...

*Mr Johnson wraps Roxi up in a hug. Roxi starts crying uncontrollably*

Mr. Johnson: Sit down...

Keira: I'll leave you two be to hash things out.

*Roxi sits down still in her dad's embrace as she can't stop crying.*

Mr. Johnson: Let me... let me look at you.

*Keira tries to walk away as Mr. Johnson raises Roxi's face up by her chin, tears flowing down her face as she starts blubbering and tries to cover her face*

Mr. Johnson: My baby girl... I'm sorry for what I did.

Roxi: I'm *sniffle* sorry too Daddy... I'm sorry I'm crying right now... *Sniffle* I told Keira I would.... but I can't.... *sniffle*

Mr. Johnson: Can't what? You're here... That's more than I could have ever hoped for.

*Keira smiles as she now goes to the side and watches*

Roxi: I miss you daddy...

*Keira begins to shed a tear*

Mr. Johnson: I missed you too. I'm sorry for distancing myself from you.

*Keira smiles*

Mr. Johnson: I didn't want you to follow your mother down that path.

Roxi: Mom... mom is okay now... it... it's not your fault.

*Roxi sobs more*

Roxi: It's my fault... we sent you away...

Mr. Johnson: Just... calm down sweetheart.

*Roxi's day wipes away some her tears as he strokes her face*

Mr. Johnson: You and your sister have always been so strong. You carried on without me all this time. Keira tells me you're going to be a mom soon....

Roxi: Uh-huh... *sniffle*

Mr. Johnson: I am very proud of you.

Roxi: You... are?

Mr. Johnson: She's told me how much you and you sister have done. And how much you've grown.

Roxi: Keira.... she's so good to me daddy... I owe her everything.

Mr. Johnson: I think we owe her a lot.

*Mr. Johnson eyes Keira*

Mr. Johnson: She's stubborn... lke you.

*Roxi lets a giggle escape as she looks over at Keira, continuing to cry*

Roxi: I didn't know what... *sniffle* would happen today...

Mr. Johnson: I am proud of you.

*Keira begins to cry herself*

Keira (To herself): Mama...Daddy...I hope I made you proud

Mr. Johnson: No matter what happened back there, no matter what happened prior til now. I love you. I will always love you, your sister, and your mother.

*Roxi continues to cry*

Roxi: I love you too daddy...

*Roxi buries her head in her dad's shoulder and keeps crying. Keira smiles as she comes back to them*

Keira: Sooooo. How's the bonding?

Mr. Johnson: We'll be okay....

*Roxi just cries into her dads shoulder*

Mr. Johnson: Come on, chin up... There's no need for tears. It's like your 4 again...

Roxi: I'm sorry daddy...

*Roxi looks up at Keira*

Roxi: I'm so embarrassed you're seeing me like this...

Keira: I've seen worse

*Roxi tries to laugh, but more goes back to crying.*

Mr. Johnson: It's okay. I know my little girl was always daddy's girl. And you still are. No matter how old you get, you're still my little girl.

*Roxi smiles and hugs her dad tightly*

Roxi: K... Keira...

Keira: Hmm?

Roxi: Thank you...

Keira: Anything for my Angel.

*Keira looks at Roxi's dad*

Keira: Now...I got a question for you

Mr. Johnson: What's that?

Keira: Is it true that you and Roxi's mom made a bet to see which of your twins was lesbian?

Mr. Johnson: Ha... yeah, jokingly. I am proud of my daughters no matter who they are. And I can tell by you... that my Roxi has got someone special in her life.

Keira: Like I told you before, sir. She saved me

Roxi: *Sniffle* I... I don't know what to say...

Mr. Johnson: You don't have to say anything Rox... it's alright

Keira: I just want you happy, Roxi

Roxi: I am... *sniffle* I am.

Keira: Good. Now dry those tears

Roxi: I'm ... *sniffle* I'm sorry.

*Keira smiles as she hugs Roxi*

Mr. Johnson: Now... you two go on, and Keira, take care of my little girl.

*Roxi giggles for a second as she turns to her dad*

Keira: Wait...aren't you coming with us?

Roxi: You... you need to come home daddy...

Mr. Johnson: No Rox.... I need to be here. Maybe one day... but I'll be fine right here. When things are better.

Keira: But...but things are better...I...I...

*Keira's heart sinks. She holds it as she turns and walks away, feeling like she was defeated*

*Roxi stands up, holding Keira and hugs her tightly*

Roxi: Keira.... I can never thank you enough for all this...

*Keira begins to smile*

Keira: least I did what I said I was going to do. I reunited a family

Roxi:You did.... you did..

*Roxi continues to wipe away tears*

Keira: I told you to trust me

Roxi: I know... *sniffle*

Keira: And now, our child will have a Grandmother and a Grandfather to see

*Keira holds Roxi close*

Roxi: Thank you for this.

Keira: Roxi, you've went above and beyond to make me happy. This...I wanted to do

Roxi: I... I can never repay you for letting me see my daddy again.

Keira: I love you, Roxi Johnson, Always and Forever

*Roxi hugs Keira as she turns to her dad.*

Roxi: Are you sure you won't come home with us?

Mr. Johnson: No, it's okay. I'm alright right here.

Roxi: So... can I... come visit, send you Christmas cards now?

Mr. Johnson: Of course. You, your sister, your mother, and your wife here... you can visit me any time.

*Roxi has a beaming smile on her face*

Roxi: Thank you daddy.... I love you.

*Roxi kisses her dad*

Mr. Johnson: I love you too, sweetheart.

*Keira hugs Roxi*

Keira: Go on out, I'll join you in a second

*As Roxi leaves, Keira leans in and gives Roxi's dad a hug*

Keira: Thank you...

Mr. Johnson: No.... thank you.

Keira: For?

Mr. Johnson: Helping both of us deal with this.

Keira: Like I told you before. You're her dad. You need to be in her life. I wish I had my dad...and my mom with me

Mr. Johnson: I realize that now... Maybe one day... I'll join you, but... for now, I have what I need here, and m little girls... are safe.

Keira: Yea. Whenever you're ready to leave here. Just tell me

Mr. Johnson: Right.

Keira: We'll see you next week.

*Keira hugs Roxi's dad again. She then lets go and rejoins Roxi*

Roxi: I... *sniffle* whew... I didn't know how... emotional that would be.

Keira: I told you that coming here would be a good idea

Roxi: You did... I just worried about you and about him and.... everything went... better than I expected.

Keira: Time heals all wounds, Roxi. No Serum is needed

Roxi: I.... I believe that now

*Keira smiles*

Roxi: Thank you my love. For helping me get through that.

*Roxi wipes away more tears*

Keira: Like I said. Anything for my angel

Roxi: I can never repay what you've done for me.

Keira: Roxi, you told me a long time ago that we do everything together. Ever since we got married, I promised you that I would make you happy if I have to gift wrap the world.

Roxi: I know... this was.... This was so hard...

Keira: You deserve to be happy

Roxi: So do you.

Keira: Today's your day. You did half the work on bringing your mom back. Me...I wanted to make sure the whole family's together again

*Keira smiles*

Keira: I now can say I am worthy of being by your side, forever

Roxi: Keira...

*Roxi hold Keira tightly, and kisses her head*

Roxi: You have always been worthy. You are my world.

Keira: I know, but after I did all this. What am I now?

*Keira smiles*

Roxi: You... are my everything.

*all of a sudden, Roxi pulls Keira in for a deep, passionate kiss. Keira keeps the kiss going as the scene fades*

Well, I thought he get to come home. But, at least I got him and Roxi back together as Dad and Daughter. So, I did my job.

Now, I need to make sure we take care of the other problem

*Roxi and Keira soon sit in costume, looking over a bad part of town. Roxi looks at Keira.*

Keira: Yes?

Roxi: Alright, white vans. According to the patterns, somewhere in this part of town looks to be the most possible dump site.

Keira: ....Behind a Big Lots?

Roxi: It could be anywhere. We're have to start doing some fly overs.Have to be on the look out for some kind of white SUV.

Keira: I know. It's not like this fuck will show up right as we're about to fl--

*All of a sudden, a white SUV pulls up in the alleyway. Keira's eyes go wide*

Keira: It's not like a billion dollars can fall from the sky anytime soon!

*Keira looks up for a few seconds, but sighs*

Keira: 1 out of 2 ain't bad

Roxi: Just be careful

*Keira nods as she flies down, having to be the bait for the murder*

Roxi: I'll be right behind you.

*Keira keeps a eye out as she looks at the SUV*

Keira: Where are you, you son of a bitch....

*Roxi watches Keira fly down as she slowly lands. Roxi floats down, still keeping a safe distance as the van pulls to a stop. Keira hides in the alley as the driver of the van looks around nervously, checking for anyone in sight. Not seeing anyone, The driver open the back door, of the SUV, and there is muffled screaming from the back.*

Murderer: Shut up! Fuck, your muffled screams are louder than before

*Roxi hears the voice and instantly calls it in*

Keira: Come on, LB, tell me when...

Roxi: Vision, we've got positive I.D. on the murder suspect. white bald male. We're off in an alley near Olympic and Summerset

Vision: Got it, sending a aynonymous tip.

Roxi: Got it. We'll handle this, also, this victim is alive... maybe it's the van -

*The muderer drags the taped of victim out of the car*

Roxi: Keira... now!

*Keira quickly gets behind the murderer and produces a energy ball to him*

Keira: One more step and your head will be missing from your body!

*The murderer had just produced a knife when Keira startled him. He spun around to see her.*

Murderer: A super.... fuck...

Keira: I'm not a Superfuck. I don't do porn. But I know what you're about to do. It involves your ass and my boot. Wanna guess the rest?

Murderer: What…? You going to kill me now? You put me away... I'll beat the rap...This one isn't dead. At most, kidnapping.

*Roxi flies down and lands on the roof of the car.*

Roxi: We have all the evidence we need to put you away for life.

Keira: You are fucked six ways til Sunday

Roxi: You will not be killing again.

Murderer: Who says I killed them?

Roxi: We've got the van, we've got the bald head.... That means... We got you. You were spotted dumping bodies.

*The murderers grimaces.*

Murderer: It won't hold up!

*Suddenly, Amy Jo Smyth walks around into the alley, gun drawn*

Amy Jo: I'll take that bet.

*Keira smirks.*

Amy Jo: On the ground.

*There are more cops and sirens in the nearby distance.*

Amy Jo: Ya’ll can go. I'll take it from here.

Roxi: You sure?

Amy Jo: Let me do my job, have some fun.

Keira: Boooo. I wanted to kick him in the balls

*All of a sudden, the murder quickly turns and stabs Keira in the stomach*

Roxi: No!

Murderer: Looks like I'll be adding a Super to the list!

*Amy Jo kicks the knife away as she puts the gun to the man's head, pressing the barrel hard against the side of his head.*

Amy Jo: You done fucked up.

*Keira falls to her knees, holding the wound*

Roxi: Kat! Come on!

Amy Jo: Go! I got this, backup is with me.

*Roxi nods, taking Keira in her arms and flying away as Amy Jo handcuffs the murderer.

Roxi: Hang on...

Keira: Sneaky little fuck

*Roxi lands a safe distance away, looking at Keira's wound*

Roxi: How deep?

*Roxi slowly feels around the wound, as it slowly starts the heal*

Roxi: Doesn't look like it's deep enough to hit any vitals.

Keira: Little fucker was in a coward state

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: I'll live.

Roxi: I'm sorry... he moved faster than I thought

Keira: It's fine. Like I said, he was in a desperate state and he had no choice

*Roxi helps Keira up as they look down, seeing Amy Jo and the cops taking the murderer away and freeing the woman*

Keira: Well, we stopped a crime.

Roxi: Saved the day...

Keira: And a moron in jail

Roxi: All in all, a good day.

*Keira lays her head on Roxi*

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

Roxi: Well... Let's go home. After all, Amy Jo is going to call us for coffee.

Keira: Yea, plus, we need to be ready for The Nobodies anyway

Roxi: Right.

Keira: I will say this. I'd rather take Grumpy Alexis bitching over the stabbing I got

Roxi: Ha...

*Roxi throws an arm around Keira.*

Roxi: We'll deal with that soon enough.

*Keira begins to move her face to do a impression of Alexis*

Roxi: Don't...

Keira: Look at me. I'm Alexis. I hate everything! I even hate my own face! I'm such a grouch! Look at me! My face scares children!

Roxi: Please stop, let's be serious here.

Keira: Shut up, Faker! I'm always serious! Cause I can never have any damn fun. I feel like I ate some glue!

Roxi: Seriously...

*Keira giggles*

Keira: Let's go home

Roxi: Right.

*Roxi and Keira fly back home as the scene fades*

Lucky fucking shot. Good thing it didn't go too deep. Well, least that's the other problem solved. Now, for the Nobodies....

*The scene opens the next day with Roxi and Keira slowly entering a coffee shop, with Amy Jo Smyth sitting with a cup in her hand as the two join her at the table.*

Amy Jo: Rough night?

Keira: Um....yea.

*Amy Jo takes a sip of her coffee holding the cup in front of her face*

Amy Jo: I know, I'm making small talk.

*Amy Jo puts the cup down*

Keira: You're not the one with a knife wound

Amy Jo: Girl, I know what it feels like to be stabbed. Are you okay?

Keira: I'll live. Hell, the wound ain't even there anymore

Roxi: Healing factors are nice.

Amy Jo: Another power...

Roxi: Yeah... so... you okay?

Keira: Me or Amy Jo?

Roxi: Her. I know you're okay.

*Roxi says, rubbing Keira's shoulders*

Keira: Be lucky I'm on the side of good. Otherwise, Amy Jo would be dead by now.

Roxi: What do you mean?

Amy Jo: Yeah, I didn't think I was that bad..

Keira: You know....Sin?

*Keira sighs*

Keira: I know Sin's gone, but I'm still making a point

Amy Jo: Sin?

Roxi: It's a long story

Keira: A very long story. Longer than Alexis' bitchy streak

*Keira rubs her chin*

Keira: Or Celeste's loyalty....

Amy Jo: What?

Keira: Sorry. I'm just thinking of how to rearrange The Nobodies' lower jaws

Roxi: Just the match we have. Don't worry.

Amy Jo: Right...

Keira: Yea, where we work. We're the Tag Team Champions

Amy Jo: I heard.

Keira: Longest Reigning....Undefeated....

Roxi: Anyway...

Amy Jo: I'm fine, Turtle.

Roxi: Anything on our murderer?

Amy Jo: Randy Powell, ex-Air Force. History of violence, bad past, you know. Birthday Killer and all. Shouldn't be too much of an issue to put him away for a long, long, time. That van was a moblie kill-house.

Keira: Wow...

Amy Jo: Yeah, you guys did a great thing putting him away.

Keira: That's our job

Roxi: Couldn't have done it without you.

Amy Jo: Oh, I know.

Roxi: You really came through for us.

Keira: Mhmm

*The server brings over coffee for Roxi and Keira*

Keira: OOOOO, French Vanilla Iced Coffee!

Amy Jo: I figured you'd like that.

Keira: I do.

Amy Jo: Yeah, I think we made a pretty good team.

Roxi: We did.

Keira: Amy Jo, if you ever wanna work over at SCW. We can pull a few strings

Amy Jo: Not really my scene, but maybe in the future, we'll end up the same place. You never know.

Keira: Well, you can watch us put boots into The Nobodies' asses

Amy Jo: We'll see.

*Keira smiles*

Keira: Once we get rid of them, there will be no denying that we're the best tag team in not only SCW, but the world.

Amy Jo: Ya'll are pretty confident.

Roxi: We're just trying to have confidence. We know this match will be difficult

Keira: It always is. But for me, I'm going to enjoy breaking every bone in Alexis' body

Roxi: Keira... confidence, not arrogance.

Keira: I'll do the Alexis impression again

Roxi: Please don't.

*Keira begins to make her face all grumpy like*

Roxi: Stop it.

Amy Jo: Ew...

Keira: That's what Alexis looks like

Roxi: Please stop making that face

Keira: Not til you admit that this is what Alexis looks like

Roxi: Okay, jeez.

*Keira smirks and stops making the face*

Keira: Amy Jo, wanna hear my Veronica Taylor impression?

Amy Jo: I'd rather not. I need to get back to work - depending on what you consider work.

*Amy Jo stands up*

Amy Jo: And find the bar. One in the same really. Nothing else to do now that I’m utterly unemployed for the first time in years.

*All of a sudden, Keira gets a text. She goes to her phone and looks at it*

Keira: Damn...I need to get going

Roxi: Going?

Keira: You'll see.

*Keira kisses Roxi as she rushes out the door*

Roxi: What the...

Amy Jo: Your wife is strange. But she's got a great ass so I won't complain.

Roxi: You never do.

Amy Jo: You don’t either. Though I really wanna know why Kiera wants to hurt me…

Roxi: Like I said, long story. She means well. Oh she might be insanely jealous we made out. I’m not sure.

*Roxi giggles as Amy Jo places a hand on Roxi's shoulder*

Amy Jo: See you around, Turtle. Don’t be a stranger.

Roxi: Oh, I'm sure we'll see each other again.

*Moments later, Keira arrives at the hospital. She goes to sign in, but the nurse holds up her hand*

Nurse: There's no need

Keira: Why? What's going on?

Nurse: Mr. Johnson is...

Mr. Johnson: Going home.

*Keira quickly turns to see Roxi's dad in a business suit, all drssed*

Keira: You sure know how to scare someone

*Keira smiles still and hugs Roxi's dad*

Keira: What changed your mind?

Mr. Johnson: Like you said... I don't have much time
Keira: I'll tell Roxi--

Mr. Johnson: No, just text bring Nicole wife

*Mr Johnson smiles a bit before turns to slowly walk towards the exit*

Mr. Johnson: That is, if it's okay with you?

Keira: Yea. It's ok with me
*Keira smiles as she does just that. Moments later, She enters the condo as she sees Roxi and Nicole standing there*

Roxi: Keira? What is this about?

Nicole: Yeah, kind of weird to drag us all over here.

Keira: It's a surprise

*Keira looks around*

Keira: Is your mother here?

Elizabeth: Yes... Keira this is... highly irregular

Keira: Oooooh, you haven't seen nothing yet.

*Keira turns to the door*

Keira: Come on in!

*Mr. Johnson walks through the door. He clears his throat.

Mr. Johnson: Roxi, Nicole.... Elizabeth

Roxi - Daddy?

Nicole: Dad?

Elizabeth: Paul?

Keira: Paul!?

*Keira clears her throat*

Keira: I'll...step aside. My...Amiibos need cleaning. Yes, that's it

*Keira slowly goes to the side, but is stopped by Roxi*

Roxi: You... you did this...

Keira: His decision. All I did was tell him the truth. How short life is

Roxi: I can't believe you did this.

Nicole: Dad...

*Nicole hugs her dad tightly.*
Keira: Well, he was ready. Look at him. He's happy

Roxi: I... I know.

*Roxi starts to tear up again*

Keira: Don't cry, Roxi...

*Keira holds Roxi*

Keira: I hate to see my angel cry

Roxi: I'm crying... because I'm happy.

*Roxi looks over and sees Nicole crying as Mr. Johnson hugs Mrs. Johnson in the family reunion

Keira: Cause I reunited the family?

Roxi: You did...

Keira: Go. Go spend time. This is your family. You deserve it

Roxi: Thank you my love.

*Keira smiles and kisses Roxi*

Keira: Now go

Roxi: Thank you....

*Roxi goes and sits with her family finally reunited.*

Keira (To herself): I did it. I finally did it. Mama, Daddy...I made you proud....

*Keira begins to shed a tear as she watches the family hug as the scene fades*

One Year.

One Year Ago, I signed a contract to SCW. Originally, I wanted to make it for one night only, to shut up Veronica Taylor. But, once the rush of beating the piss out of her went away. I realized, that this could be my only chance. My only chance to finally capture Tag Team Gold with my wife, Roxi. So I stayed. I'm glad I did!

Cause in just one whole year, I've done more than what any bombshell in SCW has done in a few years. I captured the Bombshell Roulette Championship and a few months later, me and Roxi realized a dream. We finally became Tag Team Champions. Me and Roxi were on Cloud Nine when we won them.

Ever since then, we've taken down challenger after challenger. Hell, before, during and after we won these championships, we've taken down threat after threat. There has been no one in SCW that has been able to beat Team Hero in Tag Team action. That's why I always say that Team Hero is still UNDEFEATED!

Cause let's be honest. When we defend our Tag Team Titles, we defend out undefeated streak as Team Hero. No one has been able to beat us and if we're still being honest, The Nobodies won't be the first to do it!

Celeste, like my wife said. She's the quiet one. Yet, she's had a few words to say. Sadly, they mirror Alexis' words. But words none of the less. Celeste, let's be honest here. I don't give two craps what you say. I back up my words in the ring. You might be one of the best in SCW, but you never faced me and Roxi together. You never faced a Undefeated Team before and let's face it Celeste, you won't be the first to beat us. Just ask Alexis!

Ah yes, Alexis. You remember when you fought Team Hero before? You and Mikah, otherwise known as Team USELESS? Yea! You remember, you and Mikah became victims to what's now known as the Undefeated Streak of Team Hero. So if you got any guts, you'll get your tongue out of Tim's mouth and tell Celeste how bad you failed and how you'll fail again. Last time, was a love tap. This time, I'm gonna end you, Alexis. I'm going to put a permanent smile on your face!

Celeste, Alexis, Come Blaze of Glory. Team Hero will etch another win and continue on with our Tag Title reign as well as our Undefeated Streak. Why? Cause we're going to B.A.B


Welcome to the continuation of the UNDEFEATED REIGN OF...TEAM...HERO!!!!!!!!!!

Supercard Archives / TEAM HERO (c) vs NOBODIES
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:01:25 PM »
 *Keira is seen getting in and sitting the bags down. She was seen opening a package she got from the mail and saw that it was the final Amiibo she needed til June came. She goes to the Amiibo Room, but when she opens it, her eyes widen and shouts*
Keira: WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!!!!!!

Roxi: What? What happened?


*Keira sits her new one down and panics*

Roxi: Oh no... who... who would steal your Amiibos?


*Keira begins to look around, seeing if there were any clues*

Keira: Mario! Luigi! Sonic! Pac-Man! Fox! RYU! MEGA MAN! GOLD MEGA MAN! GOLD MARIO! AHHHHHH!

*Keira continues to look around*

Keira: 95 Amiibos, the new one I got would have made it 96! AHHHH! If I find out who did it.....

*Roxi comforts Keira, but she can't hide her smile too much*

Keira: Why? They're just figures....

Roxi: I don't know... I don't know who would want to take them... the whole room too...

*Keira begins to cry*

Roxi: Keira...

Keira: What....

*Roxi stands up, opening a closet door to reveal all the amiibos, safe and sound*

Roxi: April Fools!

*Keira looks at Roxi. She goes to her and punches her arm*

Roxi: I'm sorry. I was just playing a joke

*Keira looks at Roxi sternly*

Keira: I want a divorce

*Keira turns and begins to get her stuff, secretly smiling*

Roxi: Keira... calm down. I wouldn't never hurt you like that.

Keira: You did. I wouldn't take your stuff like that! I wan-w...crap. I can't joke like that

Roxi: It was just a joke. I promise.

Keira: Yea and if I tried to "Divorce" you. I'll be looking for my tombstone, especially from Kah

Roxi: She'd probably kill us both. I know when she makes a threat... she means it. She smashed my gargoyle friend once...

Keira: I remember last year when we pulled that joke

Roxi: Yeah.... She was not happy with us.

Keira: No one was

*Keira smiles as she kisses Roxi*

Keira: So no more April Fools jokes, ok?

Roxi: You're right.

Keira: Good girl

*Keira smirks as she grabs Roxi's ass and spanks it a few times*

Roxi: You settle down too.

Keira: That wasn't a playful spank! I'm punishing you!

*Keira goes into the closet*

Roxi: Still... tone it down

Keira: I was toned down. I'm still mad at you! Help me get these Amiibos back into the Amiibo Room, where I had them.

*Roxi nods and helps Keira to put the Amiibos back*

*As they do, Keira puts the last Amiibo beside Dark Hammer Slam Bowser*

Keira: There, no more Amiibo collecting til June.

Roxi: I'm glad.... this is an expensive collection And now... you're starting pops too...

Keira: Hey! I won't be collecting them all. That Sonic one's like almost 200 Dollars. Fuck that shit.

*Keira smiles*

Keira: But I won't start intensely on Pops til after April. I got Star Fox Zero to get

Roxi: You say tha now... but someday down the road, I feel like you'll be buying more.

Keira: Maybe if they're cheap. Like the Peanuts Pops, like for 5 dollars.

*Keira heads out of the room*

Keira: Besides, I know we're getting alot of money from Wrestling, but I wanna save some for Star Fox Zero and finishing up on the baby's room

Roxi: Yeah... We're getting closer.

*Keira sighs a bit, placing her hand to her chest*

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: Yea. I'm just happy. You and me, about to have our own child coming into this world.

*Keira begins to shed a tear*

Keira: But it hurts, knowing our child will never know my mom and dad....

Roxi: I know... Bu they'll get to know your sisters. So there's that.

Keira: Yea, but it's not enough....

*Keira kisses Roxi as she goes and grabs a small bag*

Keira: I'm going down to see your dad today

Roxi: You... sure you want to keep doing that?

Keira: I got to try, Roxi. He's been nice to me. Me and him are talking more and more.

*Keira sighs*

Keira: Roxi....I want to rebuild this family. I want our child to see it's grandfather. You and Nicole were able to bring your mother back. I want to do this. You two have a mom and a dad. I don't! I'll never be able to see their faces again or see how happy they are when our child comes into this world!

*Keira lowers her head*

Keira: Your dad knows this. He...he's willing to try, but I need to earn his trust and vice versa. It's something I have to do, Roxi.

Roxi: I just... I worry about what could happen

Keira: I got to try, you trust me?

Roxi: I do... but I get uneasy because I don't want this to end in disappointment. Especially when we're so close to our next title defense. I think we need to go in to this with a clear focus, you know?

Keira: Roxi, My mind is clear. I won't be disappointment, especially now that we'll have the longest reign in SCW history as Bombshell Tag Champions

Roxi: Still, we need to be ready.

Keira: I know. I've wanted to get my hands on Alexis for months....

Roxi: I know we have a lot going on, but this an important defense.

Keira: Yea, it'll be the first one after we break the record. The Fallen failed, The Angel Clan failed. Any team, before and after we won the Tag Titles....they've failed to beat us. We're undefeated for a reason.

*Keira smirks*

Keira: We beat the Nobodies, then there will be no team left standing

Roxi: Indeed, but let's not take them lightly.

Keira: I know. I'm me. Especially when it comes to Alexis. Fuck that bitch

*Keira smirks, but she kisses Roxi*

Keira: Now, I gotta go see your dad. Don't steal my Amiibos again while I'm gone

Roxi: I won't. I didn't mean to make you cry...

Keira: Ooooh, you'll get yours, Roxi....soon

*Keira smirks evily as she walks out the door*

*Keira is seen at the hospital as per usual as she signs her name to get the pass*

Receptionist: He's... wear he usually is.

Keira: Thank you. Nice shirt. Love it

*Keira smiles as she grabs her pass and walks to the usual spot where Roxi's dad is*

Mr. Johnson: Back again?

Keira: Yep. Every week, like I promised. You said I could

Mr. Johnson: I never expected you actually come back.

Keira: I told you that I would

*Keira sits beside Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson: I don't know why you would... come see an old man like me when Roxi probably needs you more than me

Keira: Gonna try to kick me out again?

Keira: You need me more, right now. No one deserves to be alone. You be alone for so drives you to do insane try to commit suicide

Mr. Johnson: Bah... I don't have much time left anyway...

*Keira quickly turns to him*

Keira: Wh...what do you mean?

*Mr. Johnson scoffs*

Keira: Please, tell me

Mr. Johnson: We're all on borrowed time young lady. I don't imagine I will be alive too much longer. No sense in speeding up what's coming eventually anyway.

*Keira sighs a bit*

Keira: You scared me. I thought you were thinking of trying to commit suicide

*Keira looks at him*

Mr. Johnson: heh... I'm 61 years. I don't have the energy anymore, even if I wanted to. I'm ... about as happy as I can be anymore, I get to live here, and be with the ducks. They don't abandon me.

Keira:'d be even more happy if you were out of here and home with me, Roxi and soon to be your Grandchild

Mr. Johnson: I was a bother to them before, it's why they put me here. I'd just be a bother now. I have nothing they want, I have nothing to offer. Here, I'm out of their way.

Keira: They want you. You pushed them away, cause of what? A drunk of a mother? It was cause of her that you've drove yourself to this mess. I know you don't like hearing it, but it's the truth.

Mr. Johnson: I.... I tried...

Keira: Roxi and Nicole fixed it. Your wife...sorry....ex sober. She has a job now.

Mr. Johnson: She... Elizabeth... I can't go back... I can't..

Keira: Yes you can. Your life would be so much easier. Your wife back in your loving embrace, your daughters cooking you, your fav meal and...your grandchild, in your arms as you rock your grandchild to sleep...

Mr. Johnson: I failed them. I couldn't be who they wanted me to be... I need to be here.

Keira: No you didn't. If anything, they feel like they failed you. You're a great father to them

*Keira places a hand on Mr. Johnson's back*

Mr. Johnson: Elizabeth left because of me. I let Roxi and Nicole down because of it.

Keira: What do I gotta do to finally convince you that you didn't fail? Bring Roxi to you?

Keira: No, she left cause of the booze, the drinking. The demons had her. It wasn't your fault, sir.

*Keira looks at him*
Keira: It finally took angels to get her to where she is now. Just like it took a angel to save me from myself. Sir...let me be that angel. Let me save you....

Mr. Johnson: No, I'd just... I wouldn't know what to say.

Keira: The words will come when you see her. Trust me. Let me bring Roxi next week.

Mr. Johnson: I don't... I don't know...

Keira: All I ask is one chance. One chance to reunite you and Roxi....please. The family needs to be whole again

Mr. Johnson: I... I'm not sure. I don't know if I can face either one of them again... or Elizabeth

Keira: You got to try. They want you home...I want you home. Say the word and it's a done deal.

Mr. Johnson: I... I need to be here. I'm out of the way.

Keira: No, you don't need to be here. I've told you thousands of times. If anything, you're hurting the family even more by pushing them away and staying in here, you're failing them more by being in here.

Mr. Johnson: Maybe... maybe you're right... but I... I need more time.

*Keira's phone goes off*

Keira: Shit....hold on, hun

*Keira goes to the side and answers it*

Keira: Hello?

Roxi: Keira... I need you to come back... we have... uh... are you alone?

Keira: About as alone as I'll be, right now. What's up?

Roxi: They... they found another body...

Keira: Shit. Fine. The costume's in my pack. I'll get it when I turn in my pass

*Roxi clears her throat and her voice cracks a little, clearly nervous*

Roxi: Is... is he okay?

Keira: He's fine. He's just scared. Maybe it's time for you two to see each other again

Roxi: I don't know... It may upset him

Keira: Roxi, if you don't see him, he may never leave. I need you and him to trust me....

Roxi: We... we'll talk about it later, We need to handle this first.

*Roxi again clears her throat*

Roxi: Can... can her hear me?

Keira: No

*Roxi relaxes*

Roxi: Okay...

Keira: I just told him about our secret lives. No big deal

Roxi: YOU WHAT?!

*Keira giggles*

Keira: April Fools

Roxi: I will strangle you Keira. I swear.

Keira: I'm on my way, Rox.

Roxi: Thanks.

*Keira hangs up the phone and goes back to Mr. Johnson*

Keira: I'll be back next week. Roxi had a emergency and I have to see her

Mr. Johnson: I see... please... tell her I said hello then...I mean... never mind.

Keira: I'll tell her you love her

Mr. Johnson: I... I... yeah, sure...

*Keira gives Mr. Johnson a hug, feeling like it was one of the hugs Roxi used to give him

Mr. Johnson: T.... thank you.

Keira: I'll see you next week

*Keira smiles as she exits the area*

*Roxi is waiting for Keira in costume on a roof. She paces around nerviously as Keira has put on her costume and joins her soon enough*
Roxi: Hey.

Keira: Hey, sorry it took me so long

Roxi: Is... is everything okay?

Keira: Worry about that later. What do we got?

Roxi: Found another body. Police have already moved in. Have to wait until they leave, so we can get down there.

*Roxi tries to keep her eyes on the dump site*

Roxi: Found her here, but no blood splatter or anything. So, this was a dump site. Same M.O. and everything.

Keira: I'll be glad when we get this fuck

Roxi: He's operating right under our noses. That's the second body this week. 8th in total. Whoever this person is... they are becoming even bolder.

*Roxi sighs and looks around*

Roxi: We've got to do something, and fast.

Keira: But what?

Keira: The shadows?

Roxi: What?

Keira: How do we know he isn't hiding in the shadows!?

Roxi: I don't think he'd be that dumb... but, once the cops are gone, we'll take a closer look.

*Keira nods as she watches down at the crime scene*

Roxi; Is... is he okay?

Keira: He's fine. We get to see him next week

Roxi: We?

Keira: Yea. It's time for the barrier to finally be broken.

*Roxi shakes her head, unsure of how to take the news*

Roxi: I don't know if I'm ready for that. What if I screw it up?!

Keira: You won't. Trust me

Roxi: You say that now, but it's been years since I saw him...

Keira: Roxi, if you don't do this now. You'll never have another chance.

Roxi: Wait... what? Is he okay?!

Keira: He's fine....but I'm just saying

Roxi: Don't scare me like that. You make it sound like he's dying...

Keira: We're all on borrowed time, Roxi. Take every moment in your hands like it's your last

Roxi: I... I used to think that way.

Keira: Maybe you need to again

Roxi: I can't... there's too much to worry about. Christine, Sasha...

*Roxi turns to Keira, concerned.*

Roxi: You...

Keira: You need to.'ll lose more than us

Roxi: You are way too valuable to me to lose.

Keira: You won't lose me. I promise.

Roxi: I will do anything to ensure that.

*Keira sees the Police leave as she taps Roxi's arm*

Roxi: Let's move

*The two fly down and looks around*

Roxi: Yeah... judging by the look of this area, dump site.

Keira: Like I said, I wish I could find this fuck. I'd knock his teeth down his throat

Roxi: There's got to be something somewhere that can...

*Roxi turns looking at a figure in the next alley*

Roxi: THERE!

Keira: What?

*Keira turns, but the guy grabs Keira and has a knife by Keira's throat*

Roxi: No...Let her go!

Keira: Better listen to the woman....

Roxi: Don't make me tell you again...

*The guy looks around nervously, unsure of what to do*

Keira: Again, better listen, before I take your arm and make it move into a new home

Thug: I'll kill her, back off!

*Keira looks at Roxi and nods for the go ahead*

Roxi: Don't say I didn't warn you...

*Roxi nods and Keira goes super, shocking the thug as she flips him over the shoulder and breaks his arm*

Keira: Oops!

Roxi: Get him up.

*Keira smirks as she pulls up the thug*

Roxi: Who are you?! Did you do this?!

Keira: Better answer, or you'll lose the other arm, asshole!

Thug: I.. I didn't do anything!

Keira: Other arm?

Roxi: Why are you around here? Surveying the dump scene? Looking at your own handiwork?!

Thug: It's not me!

Keira: 3....2.....

Thug: It's not! I swear!

Roxi: Don't lie to me!

Keira: 1!

Thug: It's not! I swear to you it's not!

Roxi: But you know who it is...

*Keira grabs the other arm and breaks it*

Thug: Ahhhh!

Keira: Was that your arm? I think it was

Roxi: Now! Give me a name. Or we go to the legs!

Keira: I might start with the middle....


*Keira grabs the right leg*

Roxi: You'd better give me something!

Thug: I don't know his name! I swear! I seen him dump the bodies.

Keira: Cause if I break it, you ain't walking, fucker!

Thug: I don't know his name! I saw him dump the body here. He's... he's bald.... That's all I know

Keira: 3....


Keira: 2....

Thug: I SWEAR!

Keira: 1!!!!!!!

Roxi: Kat...

Keira: What?

Roxi: No.

Keira: Fine....

Roxi: At the next point he'll admit to anything

*Keira throws the guy down*

Roxi: You're going to tell us exactly what you saw...

Thug: Okay! Okay, I'll tell!
Roxi: Otherwise... Kat is going to break every bone in your body

Keira: Especially the middle part....

Thug: He's bald... drives an SUV. White.

Roxi: Is he? Or the car?!

Thug: Both!

Keira: You're starting to piss me off!

Roxi: You don't want that either...

Thugs: The guy is white. The van is white!

Keira: I need a name

*Keira places her boot in between the thug's thighs*

Thug: I don't know. I was just watching!

Roxi: So what did you see?!

*Keira begins to growl in anger*

Thug: He pulled the girl's body out of the van. Dumped her here. Then het got back in and drove off!

Roxi: Which way?!
Thug: South!

Keira: That's all?

*Keira presses down slowly.*

Thug: Ahhhh! Yes! Yes I swear!

Roxi: What were you doing here?

Thug: I... I hang out around here!

Keira: Screw this!

*Keira raises her hand and produces a ball of energy, aimed at the thug*

Keira: Now you've made me REALLY mad

Thug: Don't kill me! PLEASE!

Roxi: Kat... no.

Keira: TALK! What were you doing out here!?

Thug: I was just ....

Roxi: WHAT?!

Thug: I wanted... you know... why she was still Wa -

*Keira punches him with her free arm*

Roxi: You sick pervert!

Keira: Screw this!

*Keira dissapates the energy and instead, crushes his manhood*


Roxi: You're lucky…Kat is in a good mood.

Thug: Aggggh!

Keira: Next time you have a thought, pervert. DON'T! Let's go! I'm tired of this shit

Roxi: You're going to jail. And you're going to tell the cops what yo know. Because if either one of us, catch you again... this will seem like a trip to a pleasure spa.

Keira: Call it in

*Roxi pulls up her wrist communicator*

Keira: What a night

Roxi: Vision, let the police know a suspicious person is around and has information that could lead to the capture of the serial killer.

Vision: You go it.

*Keira and Roxi handcuff the man’s wrist to a nearby pole, as they fly off as Keira yarns*

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: Tired.

Roxi: You did well out there. You've earned a rest.

Keira: Thanks. Least we'll be ready for the well as your reuniting.

Roxi: I know. I know how bad you wanna kick Alexis's butt.

Keira: I do, baby

Roxi: Just settle down and don't do to her, what you did that punk back there.

Keira: I won't

Roxi: I know, but I know how you get when you want to just... destroy somebody.

Keira: I know. Trust me

Roxi: It's just... I know you're trying to do, to help me, and help everyone in the city. I don't want you to do being do much and not focus properly.

Keira: I know, hun

Roxi: Just remember that it's not just Alexis. Celeste is there too.

Keira: I know. Trust me, Celeste will get hers too. I don't care who it is. Alexis, Celeste, doesn't matter

Roxi: Good. Now... let's go home. We'll get some training done tomorrow for this match, but right now... we need to rest.

Keira: Yes, yes we do

*The two fly off as the scene fades*

Well. I never thought it would happen to me, if I'm going to be honest. Me and Roxi, Team Hero are officially the LONGEST reigning SCW World Bombshell Tag Team Champions! No one will EVER take it away from us. You know why? Cause we're going to extend that son of a bitch to MAKE SURE no one can knock us off of that mountain, even after our reign ends!

I wanted to make sure I'm remembered for not the bad, but for the good. The good I've done for this business. Now, I got a chance to do so as me and Roxi puts not only our Tag Team Titles on the line ONCE AGAIN, but our Undefeated Streak as well against The Nobodies.

I'm not going to lie. I hate them. I legit hate them both. As much as I respect The Fallen for our 3 wildest outings. As much as I respect The Angel Clan. I will NEVER, EVER respect The Nobodies. Why? Cause they don't deserve any damn respect. They deserve the swiftest kick in the teeth I can deliver.

So, when it comes to Blaze of Glory V, Me and Roxi will deliver once again!

How lucky. Blaze of Glory V will mark One Year since I've been in SCW. Would I trade it for anything in the world? No, but I would love to trade the careers of The Nobodies for a fifth of Gin.

Celeste, I have never done anything to you. But you love to spew out the crap Alexis does every chance you get. I legit mean it. I know I said I hate the Nobodies and I still do. Celeste, we know deep in your heart that you don't trust anyone in The Nobodies. Not even Alexis herself. How long before she tries to stab you in the back? We'll see soon.

Alexis, ooooh. I'm going to ENJOY beating the living piss out of you. Every time you talk, you try to say I contradict myself. I've said over and over that I wanted to face your sorry ass in the ring. I'm going to get my damn chance at Blaze of Glory. You're nothing more than a useless, worthless piece of crap. When I get done with you. I'm gonna carry your sorry carcass to a nearby dumpster and toss your ass in it!

Celeste, Alexis, when me and Roxi get done. You will see why Team Hero IS the team to beat and IS the team.... fear. See you soon.

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