Author Topic: SCU Info  (Read 9470 times)

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
SCU Info
« on: October 15, 2018, 06:25:45 AM »
 What is SCU?

Sin City Underground.

Sin City Underground is a brand under the SCW umbrella. SCU is not owned by SCW but share a partnership with the company. SCU will be different in many ways, but share the same goals. To be the top wrestling company, one must provide a bit of everything to its fans. Yet you can only fit so much in one show and with one roster. SCU will bring the things SCW may not be able to.

SCU is a wrestling company that also focuses on combat sports. What that means is that MMA, point Karate matches, Boxing matches, Kickboxing, Amateur Wrestling, Arm Wrestling, and even Sumo Wrestling can and will be booked in SCU.

SCU is a wrestling company first and foremost but will not shy away from booking said matches, and various others.  SCU fancies a variety of matches and combat styles.  Hardcore wrestling is a fixture in the company. More on that later.

SCU Titles

When the roster gets big enough, we will have a total of 12 physical belts. I know that sounds like a lot but 2 tag titles makes up for four of those belts.

All Singles titles will have two versions of them. One for the men and one for the women. In SCU, the titles are the same. We do not call the male champ, “Male Underground Champion” or do we call the women champ “Womens Underground Champion.” The reason for this is because most fans, wrestlers, anyone really. They tend to look at the term “Women's Champion” as a tier below the males counterpart.

SCU does not believe it should be that way. The only way for SCU to show that they are truly equals is to give them the same name. SCU has this thing where we say. “The championship belts are the same with just one thing different about them, the name on the nameplate. Nothing else is different.”

We will have a thread explaining all SCU titles

Singles Division

While the tag team division is intergender the singles division is not. We have a male division and a women's division. They will have two sets of titles but as of right now we only have one set of champions in each division. A new title will make its way to SCU when we get things going. All current SCU champions. (Currently called NLW) will be coming in as the champions. The reason for this is because we are not starting over, just changing the name of the fed and where we will have the shows.

Tag team concept

Something that is way different from SCW is the tag team division. We are running with a simple idea of providing you all something different but also grooming the SCU stars that want to go to SCW when they are ready.

What makes the tag team division in SCU different then SCW is the fact that is will be intergender. It can be two men fighting two women or a mixture of whatever. What makes this division different from any other fed is that we have tag titles called Hardcore Tag Team Championship.

This division makes SCU unique, with having their Hardcore Tag Team Division.  Most matches in the division will be Tornado Tag Team style. The match types are determined by a Twitter Poll weekly.  The poll will go up within 48 hours of the SCU Underground card being posted.  The matches range from mild to wild.  As a subsidiary of Sin City Wrestling, these matches will help to groom future competitors for SCW’s grueling signature Roulette Division.  Plus, who doesn’t like seeing hardcore matches?

Another division that makes SCU unique is that they will be providing something that the world of wrestling is lacking. Are you ready to get.. Small?  Little people wrestling!  What some refer to as midget wrestling, we will be calling it the “Small Stature”.

We will also have the standard tag team matches as the division has two sets of titles. The Underground Tag Team titles will also be intergender so any team can go for those titles.

Traveling and Time of show

SCU will travel once a year at the end of the year. The rest of the year SCU will host shows in Las Vegas. Nellis Air Force Base, Cox Pavilion, Mandalay Bay Events Center, Grand Garden Arena, Thomas & Mack Center, and Orleans Arena.

The time that the show airs live is on WGN at Midnight Pacific Time Zone. So the show will be posted at 3am if you live on the east coast, 8am if you live in London, or 6pm if you’re in Sydney, Australia.

The reason, in character? We are gritty AF. Hardcore matches, intergender tag matches, along with the MMA and boxing matches that will be taking place from time to time all contribute to the TV MA rating to match the underground vibe. Also, we say “fuck” a lot. Get over it.


SCU is ran by two people. All GFX, booking, storyline ideas, and match writing will be handled by the two staff members.

Match lengths

From bell to bell all matches will be an avg of 400 - 800 words. As stated, this is from bell to bell so entrance themes are not included in that word count.

For those wondering why the short matches?

We write the matches with the announcing team calling the match. Most feds say that but they really just write the match in a past tense, narrative way. However, SCU writes its matches in current time as if the match was taking place and not in a narrative form. SCU announcers really do call the match play by play.

So yes, they are doing their jobs and not just having a job title for the sake of it. In order for this to work based on my match writing style. We will have a two person announce team. Unlike all feds which have a play by play and a color commentator. We at SCU only have two play by play commentators. We have no need for a color commentator. Though the play by play team may joke around every now and then, 90% of the time they are just calling the match down the middle.

Since this is an angle fed, storylines are the biggest focus. Expect matches to end in a  segment form, or just some form of fuckery from time to time. Most PPV matches will have a finish but not always. Big matches that help end a current feud will have a proper ending that makes the most sense.

PPV? Yes, we will have one PPV per year. It is SCU's version of WM. Details on that when we get to that time of year.

A little history lesson.

Most of the stars from SCU come to you from the former Honor Wrestling brand, Northern Lights Wrestling. This company thrived within Honor Wrestling for the better part of 2018, sharing shows with Honor, and even took over a show. Stars such as Stewart Mason, Angel Kash, Melissa Ruin, and “Shorty” Devin Tyler have brought this brand to new heights by carrying the titles and jarring the fans, while others such as Valentina, Dorian B, Celeste North, and Eric Weaver brought an undeniable amount of charisma that sold out venues. And the few that got called up to Honor in the form of Kader Hasheem, Rory Rockefeller, and Queen of Apathy.

On screen personalities such as Tad Ezra GM, Donna Beauchamp Spokeswoman, Liam Gagnon Ring Announcer, Gemma Frost Backstage Interviewer, and Ryan Richards Head Referee, the show had left regional success levels, and outgrew their snowy boundaries. Now it is time for this company to pound the underground in Sin City.

Time for the good stuff.
Pushes and Storylines.

Everyone says that it is not about winning. It's about telling a story. So prove it by sending in segments, posting CD threads, selling what is going on with your wrestler(s) and other wrestlers. Post a review of the show, tweet about the matches, the feuds, what you like or don’t like.

Pushes. For those title hungry fucks, SCU might not be the place for you. We implore you to find a fed that caters to your style of play, as you will not find that in SCU. AKA fuck off. Pushes are earned through hard work. Working together is key. Interact. Do all of the above mentioned tips to get pushed. And realize that pushes do not revolve around titles. Pushes equate to getting over, which is not the same as being a champion.

Everyone will get a push, everyone will get their time to shine in some shape or form. If you think that being a champion is the only way you can be over and shine, then please re-evaluate your decision to join SCU.

The truth is, we can’t make everyone a champion. If everyone puts in the same effort, we can’t make you all champs at the same time. But we can still find ways to put you over. Always remember, the top spot is not just the champion, but also the one who challenges the champion, the ones that are in the biggest feuds, the ones that get to main event shows. The match openers, the one who has a winning streak, losing streak. The ones who feel they get shafted every week. It is all about selling what is thrown to you.

Everyone wants to be Hulk Hogan,Sting, the Rock but without guys like Piper, Million Dollar man, Lance Storm, Chavo, Billy Gunn, Steve Blackman. Being Hulk, Sting or the Rock means nothing.

What do we look for in SCU?

Segments will play the biggest role in SCU. Some Feds will say Twitter is just as important, We at SCU however, understand that not everyone is on Twitter. It is not fair for those not on Twitter. So while Twitter does help you get over with the masses, we can’t put that against those not on Twitter. That said, we want to see segments and reviews from everyone.

Those two things will allow us to provide you all with great shows. Your segments help push your current angle while the review threads allows us to see what works, what sucks, what we need to push harder, what angles or storylines we need to start flushing out or drop.

Now if you’re on Twitter then yes, use Twitter to help push things along but you need to tag who you are talking about and the fed as well. Subtweeting is not pushing anything, no one gets over so subtweeting will, quite honestly, equals jack shit in our eyes. That said, subtweet all you want, but it won’t help you in SCU. Grow a pair of balls or tits and tag who you are talking about and the fed. (SCU Twitter coming soon.)

All of that helps with putting on the best show we can. You all make the show, you all make it great, you all make it worth reading. We just write the matches and put it all together so that it flows perfectly. This is where interaction is KEY! KEY! Work together and give us amazing stories to work with, and you will get far.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 06:36:33 AM by Donna Beauchamp »