Author Topic: Sin City Underground Ep. 7 12-19-2018 (RESULTS)  (Read 2518 times)

Offline Tad Ezra

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Sin City Underground Ep. 7 12-19-2018 (RESULTS)
« on: December 20, 2018, 03:35:15 AM »
 SCU Ep 7 Card

>No Disqualifications Match - Eric Weaver vs Gianni Di Luca

"Wrecked" by Killbot blasts over the speakers. The fans immediately turn their attention to the entryway. A few cameramen file through the curtains. Gianni comes down to the ring, he supplies his own blast of pyros that rain down on him as he pauses, looking from side to side as the jeers form. He looks from side to side once more with a smirk forming on his face, soaking it all in as a woman appears at his side, rubbing on his chest.

Liam:  On his way to the ring, weighing in at 285lb and standing at 6’6”, from Seaside Heights, NJ, he is “The Italian Stallion”... Gianni Di Luuuuuuuuuucaaaaaaaa!!!

He looks at what seems to be each and every fan before throwing his fist in the air, taunting the fans with a series of slow, sarcastic fists pumps. He waves off the fans as he walks down the ramp with Veronica, stopping at the bottom, spinning a complete 360 while leaping on one foot with his arms out at his sides. He comes to the head of the ring and jumps onto the ring apron, pausing with his arms held out at his side as Veronica stands behind him, peeling off his Bad Boys jacket. She rubs oil on his chest, only because she enjoys letting people know that he is hers. He nods his head once more before climbing under the top rope. He bounces from the ropes, then runs over to the far turnbuckle and raises his fist high in the air fto taunt the audience and pose for the camera crew. He jumps down and jogs in place.

Take Five starts to play as we here the jazz beat coming we see Eric Weaver coming from the curtains.
"Won't you stop and take
A little time out with me
Just take five"

Liam:  On his way to the ring, from Chicago, IL standing at 6’ and weighing in at 175lb, he is… Eric Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaverrrrrrr!!!

Eric waves at the fans as he walks down the ramp.

"Though I'm going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It's a pantomime and not a play

Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that's much too discreet
Sends me on my way"

Eric slides in the ring from underneath the bottom ropes.

"Wouldn't it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It's alright, just take five
Just take five"

As the music fades we see Eric holding his right hand in the air as he looks over to the crowd.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: There’s no love lost between these two as the bell rings.  They stare across the ring at one another for a second before they both slide outside, quickly lifting the apron on their sides of the ring.

Gena:  Oh yeah, they’re rooting through the shit under the ring to find something to really f**k the other one up with. Why the hell are there stop signs, two-by-fours, and chains underneath a wrestling ring?

Chad:  I don’t know, but Weaver is ready with his nightstick.  Gianni soon finds himself a sprig of barbed wire, tossing it inside of the ring.  He throws a few steel chairs inside of the ring, and then a trash can and lid.

Gena:  He’s just not happy with any of it, even as he slides a table inside of the ring.  He then smiles and laughs aloud as he pulls out a baseball bat.

Gianni: Now tha’s what I’m talkin’ about!!!

Chad:  Gianni is one hot, hot, man.  He meets Eric over at the far corner.  They walk toward one another slowly, taunting one another as they wield their weapons of choice.  Gianni points the bat at Eric.

Gianni:  Payback’s a bitch, dawg!

Gena:  Gianni goes to swing his bat, but Weaver ducks under it, causing Gianni to hit the barricade. He drops the bat and turns around as Weaver tries to swing the nightstick at him, but Gianni boots him in the gut and drops him to the ground with a DDT.

Chad:  I bet if he did that to me, I’d be on dream street, and I can tell you two things I’d be dreaming about.  Gianni stands up and struts around, throwing it in the fan’s faces, but they cheer for him?

Gena:  Weaver’s an asshole with much less charisma than “The Italian Stallion”, so of course they’re on his side.  As Weaver gets back up, Gianni begins clubbing him across the back with those big, meaty fists.

Chad:  Weaver looks good with Gianni behind him.  But not for long, as Eric elbows Gianni in the stomach.  As Gianni doubles over, Weaver picks up the baseball bat and points it at Gianni, talking trash to him as he nudges Gianni with it.

Gena:  Bad idea.  Gianni reaches up and grabs the bat, yanking it right out of Eric’s hand.  Gianni then rams the butt end of it into Weaver’s stomach.  Gianni gets to his feet as he rams the butt end into Weaver’s face!

Chad:  Gianni winds up the bat, taking a couple of practice swings, with such great form.  He reels back, and connects right with Eric’s ribs, and Eric falls against the apron, trying to catch his breath between the pulsing pains in his chest!

Gena:  Gianni reels back and hits another to the middle of Eric’s back!  He then throws the bat down to the ground and tosses Eric inside of the ring.  He climbs onto the apron and begins showing off for the fans.

Chad:  He should know better since he just capitalized on the same thing a minute ago.  Weaver gets to his feet and grabs a chair.  He wastes no time in smacking Gianni across the back.  Gianni holds onto his back as he stumbles.

Gena:  Eric reels back and hits another across Gianni’s back.  He falls to the outside.  Weaver picks up the barbed wire and wraps it around the chair.  He then runs back into the ropes.  As Gianni gets up, Weaver Baseball Slides the chair into Gianni’s face, slicing him open.

Chad:  This seems to piss him off rather than doing more damage. Gianni rushes inside of the ring and begins clubbing wildly at Weaver, pounding him into the ground.  Tim and Dax slide inside of the ring and begin joining him in a ground and pound!

Crowd: *POP!*

Gena:  Gianni gets up and sets up a table.  He picks Eric up and hits the Jersey Turnpike (Pumphandle Slam) through the table!  He keeps the leg hooked as he pins Eric!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner… Gianni Di Lucaaaaaaaaa!!!

Gianni stands up, but the assault is not done yet as  Tim and Dax pick up chairs, wailing away at Weaver.  After a few swings, Tim and Dax toss their chairs down, holding their arms up alongside Gianni.  However, instead of their theme song playing, “Play Hard” plays over the speakers.  Security rushes down the ring, but the Bad Boys hold their hands up and step aside as Tad soon saunters onto the stage.

Tad:  Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY!  How f**king typical.  The Bad Boys make a promise that they’re not going to interfere in a match, but low and behold, here they are, triple teaming someone.

Crowd:  *POP!*

Tad:  I get that he’s been an ass, but that’s not even the point.  You gave me your word last week, Gianni.  You told me that your boys would fall in line, and that we would see a one on one contest.  Silly me, I trusted that.  Well, now I take it my disappointment isn’t enough for you.  I’m going to have to teach you both a lesson.  Next week, we will see Dax defending his Combat Championship, along with Shannon Middlebrooks.  However, my gift to her is to face Denise Andrews.  But, for you, Dax?  You’ll be facing off against Tim Staggs.  Let’s see the Bad Boys interfere in that one, eh?

Tim and Dax look to one another, shrugging their shoulders.  Tad starts to walk away, but then turns back around and looks at them both.

Tad:  And if you two refuse to fight, then I guess we will just have to strip Dax of the title.  And I sincerely doubt any of you want that to happen.  Merry Christmas…

With that, “Play Hard” plays once more as Tad walks to the back.

Offline Tad Ezra

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Sin City Underground Ep. 7 12-19-2018 (RESULTS)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 03:36:36 AM »

The backstage crawls with workers who are trying to keep the show going strong and steady.  However, there is a face that causes the audience to cheer.  Montgomery Creed begins walking through the hallway with a tall can of Busch in one hand, and a piece of paper in the other.  He looks around until he finds the room that he’s looking for.

Monty:  Bout damn time ah fount ya…

Monty steps inside of the room, finding it surprisingly empty for a locker room.  He shakes his head as he sighs loudly.

Monty:  And here I come tuh find the biggest, baddest motherf**ker in the company tuh try throwin’ cuffs with, an’ all I find is a empty ass locker room.  Powershock ain’t nowhere tuh be fount.  Go figure, right?

Monty shakes his head back and forth.

Monty:  Biggest ain’t necessarily gone work this time ‘round, I guess.  The American Rebelution has come, but what exactly is Monty Creed Rebelutionizin’?  Absent challengers?  People who show up when they want to?  You know, come tuh think of it… I got a lot to Rebelutionize.  Yer gon’tah hafta step up yer game unless you want tuh hafta watch me fly right on by.

Monty drowns himself in his can of Busch, emptying it before crushing it against the wall, dropping it to the ground as he walks out.

>Main Event:
Hardcore Tag Team Championship Match
Bad Boys vs Kawaii Dragons

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled as a Garland Match!  To win, one team member must touch all six corners consecutively.  The match is for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!!!

The lights in the arena flash around as the fans wave their signs of support for their favorite Honor wrestlers. They scream and cheer as the spotlight waves over them. After a moment of this, the lights die down and "Middle Fingers" by MISSIO begins playing over the loudspeakers. The crowd instantly turns to boos as the Bad Boys logo is projected onto the stage floor. Once the music picks up, three figures emerge from behind the curtains, wearing white hooded jackets with a red "Bad Boys" logo printed on the back. Tim Staggs looks around the crowd, spotting his family. He gives them an arrogant smirk, before turning sour as he looks to the rest of the fans. Dax Beckett flips his hood back and shouts out at the audience as he throws his hands up and down, getting them riled up. Gianni jumps around the stage, rubbing his presence in the faces of the fans before returning to the center.

Liam: Introducing first! They are accompanied by “The Italian Stallion” Gianni Di Luca… Making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 425 pound, Tim Staggs and Dax Beckett… Bad Boys™!!!

Gianni nods to Tim and then to Dax as they walk down the ramp, taunting the fans and welcoming their hatred. Once they make it to the head of the ring, they walk over to the right side of the ring. Gianni jumps onto the apron as Dax slides to his right, doing a Playgirl style pose laid out across the apron. Tim slides in under the bottom rope, and flips his hood back as he springs to his feet. He stands on the second rope, reaching over Gianni as he flips off the fans he is facing. Gianni flips his hood down and flexes his muscles, showing off to the fans. He turns around and enters the ring, as Dax springs back up to his feet. They enter the ring and they work the six corners, goading on the hatred. Once they have made it to all six sides, they settle against the far side, speaking to one another before Tim winds up his arms, getting himself pumped up. Gianni sheds his jacket and shows off his impressive physique, shouting out “You’re welcome!” to the fans. Gianni stands on the apron behind them, giving them a roaring round of applause. Tim rests his arms against the ropes as he drops his jacket to the ground, kicking it off into the corner. He paces back and forth, getting worked up as Dax walks over to him, bumping fists, and they talk over strategy as they watch the entrance ramp.

The crowd begins booing as soon as a picture of a dragon appears on the Honor Tron. “Gimme Chocolate” by Babymetal begins playing, Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda come out from behind the curtains. They laugh together as they hold onto each other’s hands, skipping down the aisle, pointing and laughing at fans as they pass.

Brittany: And there opponents... Winter Elemental, and Tatsu Ikeda, the Hardcore Tag Team Champions, the Kawaii Dragons!!!

The crowd continues to boo them more as Winter and Tatsu make it to the bottom of the ramp. Tatsu and Winter slide in the ring. They prance around with the belts, rubbing them, and their cuteness in the faces of the fans. They settle into their corner, laughing and joking together as they hand their belts over to the referee and wait for their opponents.

Referee Jade Pham carefully handles the barbed wire garland as she wraps the cuff around Tatsu’s arm, and then to Dax’s.  She then straps the cuffs of the second garland barbed wire to Winter, and then to Tim.  She then orders the competitors to their sides of the ring.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  This match is going to be intense.  You’ve got four people who have a history.  Tim doesn’t even waste time as he runs and starts tagging corners of the ring.


Gena:  Winter yanks at the strap as it starts to tear into her hands.  She then steps on the garland and holds Tim back.  She then rushes up and begins hammering away at him with clubs.

Chad:  Tatsu and Dax tie up in the center of the ring as the fans roar in excitement.  Tatsu tries to push against Dax, but to no avail.  He picks her up and rushes her toward the corner, but upon impact, he slows down, barely tapping it.

Crowd:  Awwwwwww! BOOOOOOOO!

Gena:  He chickened out.  That’s a close friend of him, and he just couldn’t do it.  However, Winter continues striking at Tim, who then lifts her up and then charges Winter right into Tatsu, leveling both ladies!


Chad:  Tim rushes over to the nearest corner and tags it, then to another.


Gena:  Tim is rounding to the fifth but Winter and Tatsu tug on the garland together, stopping him from reaching it, and his shoulder cracks loudly as he shouts out in pain! Dax goes to check on him as he cradles his shoulder.

Chad:  Winter and Tatsu slowly get up and Winter tags the first corner.  She stumbles over and hits the second corner.  Tatsu cheers her on, jumping up and down.  As Winter goes for the third corner, Dax stops her by yanking on the garland and tearing into his hand.

Gena:  Winter shouts out as she holds onto her shoulder.  Tatsu looks down at her and then she growls as she rushes over and jumps on Dax’s back, clubbing, clawing, scratching, screaming, and biting!  Dax tries to shake her off, but she’s on him like a leech!

Chad:  Tim holds onto his shoulder as he shouts out in pain, coming to his feet.  Winter does the same.  Tim glares halfway across the ring at Winter as she rubs it, almost whimpering from it.

Gena:  She takes a deep breath and then she bashes her shoulder into the turnbuckle, screaming out in agony. The crowd cheers as Tim watches this, and hears the reaction.  He then holds his shoulder carefully, and bashes his shoulder into the turnbuckle!


Chad:  Dax now has the garland wrapped around his neck as Tatsu begins choking him and screaming.  He then backs up into the corner and repetitively smashes into the turnbuckle.  He keeps going until Tatsu finally falls off of him.  He begins tagging the corners.


Gena:  Winter just straight up Superkicked Dax, sending him down to the mat.  She might have just saved the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!  Tim pulls on the garland, cutting up his hands as he drags Winter toward him.

Chad:  Tim then hits a Belly to Belly Suplex to Winter, tearing up their midsections in the process.  They are both feeling it as they hold onto their stomachs, leaning onto the mat.  Tatsu stands up and begins hitting corners.


Gena:  Tim doesn’t see it, but Winter does!  Dax is staring up at the ceiling as Tatsu keeps going.


Chad:  Tim rolls over and catches a glimpse of Tatsu, but as he tries to get up to his feet…


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners and STILL Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda… The KAWAII DRRRRRRRRRRRRAGONS!!!

Tatsu then rushes over and helps Winter to her feet as Jade Pham uncuffs the champions.  Winter and Tatsu hold their arms up in victory as Tim pounds the mat angrily.  Dax blinks his eyes as he hears “Gimme Chocolate” playing over the speakers and he just closes his eyes in frustration and disappointment.  The show goes off of the air as Chad and Gena