Author Topic: Must I Synn again  (Read 628 times)

Offline cashus_clay

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    • Old Skool
Must I Synn again
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:01:51 PM »
 Scene: The North side of Las Vegas the cameras slowly focus in on a beige brownstone house with children from the neighborhood running about and playing in front of the home of the Sinsational One himself.

Old Skool sat in his living room watching one his opponents two matches so far from SCW so he could gain a better understanding of Damon Synn and the madness he obviously carried. Up until now he never really had to study about them except to know they would backstab him at the first opportunity if he proved to be more than they could handle, such as the Roulette match recently. When he was shown the proper fear and respect by Blaque Hart and Lucian Frost as they teamed up temporarily against him for a short time to ensure one of them won the new coveted title.

He gritted his teeth slightly as he was pretty upset about that match and even more so at who his first title shot defense went to. “How does a guy knock himself out… even accidentally and get a first shot match? I would have excepted Bruce Evans getting a shot before  me but Williams? That idiot slept most of the match away while wrestlers did the real foot work in the ring.” Wincing as he watch Damon put yet another wrestler down for the count a second time. This guy was indeed a monster!

Damon Synn…a psychopath with too much height and power on his hands along with an obsession fed through his sickness as well he suspected.

“This guy acts as if he feeds off pain…“ Shaking his head as he knew regardless of how a person acted they were always more hurt than they let on. He fast forward it on to his interviews and whatever promos he could find.

He couldn’t help but recall all the times he had to face monster growing up through out high school and life in general. The big guys  underestimating him and getting the surprise of their shocked lives when they realized they couldn’t win against him. How do you stop a man who only pushes forward the more you pushed back? “An irresistible force against an unmovable object... snap!” Clapping his has together.

He looked to his left on the little stand by his couch when a message from his instant messenger went off.

JC: Hey big brother how’s the study time treating you? That guys a freak like you didn’t I say?

OS: Yeah he’s worse than me in some ways at least I have more control than what he carries. I can honestly say there is only one weak spot to him.

JC: Oh!? Do tell I wouldn’t mind passing the word on the street. For future wrestlers who want to keep their inside where they belong.

OS: See? That’s why I rarely talk to you about this shit you blab! Fucking reporter for a brother how ironic I had to get this info from you. Look, remember than guy Sailor?

JC: Holy shit! Do I! You were the only kids back then to face him one on one and win!

OS: I didn’t win I just made sure he didn’t rip me apart. Anyways I have to treat this guy the same way but without the kid gloves. He fuckin brutal and I’ll have to go back to my bouncing days in order to take this guy. No wrestling science to it.

JC: Harsh dude if he’s as strong as everyone says then I guess the book really does go out the window. Just remember when you were a bouncer you showed no mercy to anyone bro you even brought that shit home with you and no one was the better for it.

OS: How else do you expect me to beat him? I have to stay in close quarters which is just as bad as outside his reach. He clumsy but he makes up for it with a calm demeanor I have never seen in a guy like him before. Remember I always said had Abdula the butcher been in better shape this guy would have been him back then.

JC: Well good luck with that me an the wife is heading out now ttyl.

OS: Peace out bro and thanks.

Looking back on the screen Old Skool thought over his strategy and came to a conclusion hoping it wouldn’t take him too far down the rabbit hole. “Damon Synn…holla at ya boi!” Holding up a fist at the paused screen with Damon’s close up on it.