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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: Angelica on October 27, 2011, 11:23:08 AM

Title: Don't Underestimate Me
Post by: Angelica on October 27, 2011, 11:23:08 AM
 The scene opens up inside of a quaint bar, just outside of Vegas.  The décor is very drab, lacking the glamour of the average bar in this general vicinity, but it has its own quaint charm.  A single box television hangs just above the bar, casting more light over it than the actual lights, half of which don’t work, the other half takes turns flickering on and off from time to time.

Standing at the edge of the bar is a sweet young piece dressed in cut off jean shorts and a black babydoll tee, tied just above the stomach, and black cowboy boots.  She leans against the bar with one foot is behind her on the foot rest of the bar, and the other planted firmly on the ground.  She stands with her cell phone pressed firmly against her ear.

”It is good to hear your voice, Mark… Nothing, I’m sitting in this shitty bar…  No, I am supposed to be meeting with a LeathalWOW writer looking to publish an interview with the brassiest, sassiest mouth in Sin City Wrestling…  Yeah, not Kittie, you jerk!  Me…”

Angelica leans off of the bar, brushing her long dark waves behind her ear.  She props the phone against her ear, making sure to grab her Budweiser longneck on her way from the bar.  She takes a long, deep sip from the bottle, gently wiping her lips as she moves closer to a pool table.

”Yeah, he was supposed to be here like an hour ago.  I’m getting tired of waiting around in this redneck bar.  I feel like I should be hanging from my cousins arm in this place…  No, I need this exposure…  Because getting caught under your desk doesn’t count as exposure, Mark!  As much as you would like to think it does, it just doesn’t.  Seriously…  I know it’s not the popular opinion, but these women think they are the tits, but they just aren’t…  Okay, they are T & A, but they aren’t even that good at that.  Come on!  Kittie and Misty together couldn’t fit my bras.  Rebecca Blades doesn’t even show up for scheduled promos, Fantasia needs to lift hers, and Raynin doesn’t hold a candle to these puppies!  The only one who is even kind of attractive is Allison Summers.”

Angelica rests against a pool table, gently picking up a pool stick.  She runs her hands up and down, getting a good feel for it before she leans over the table.  A man with a handlebar mustache and a cowboy hat comes up behind her, slowing down to take a look at what she has going on.  He licks his thumb, and brushes his mustache with it before backing up and walking to the other side of the table to stare down at Angelica.

”Hey there sweet thang.  You lookin’ to shoot stick?”

Angelica rolls her eyes, resting the stick gently against the table as she lifts up her designer shades to glare at the man with her emerald eyes.  She scoffs at his advances.

”LOOK redneck!  I told you an hour ago that I will break a bottle against your toothless face if you tried talking to me again.  If you think I’m playing, then you are in for the biggest surprise of your LIFE!”

In a look of confusion, the man backs away from the table.  He holds his hands up in surrender, shaking his head in disbelief.

”Little lady, I… I just got here ’bout ten minutes ago.  That wasn’t m…”

”Whatever, you all look the same to me with your unkept mustaches, cowboy hats and shitkicker jeans.  Just back off.  I’m not here to get knocked up…  No, just some redneck that keeps hitting on me…  Wait, what am I hearing in the background?  She wants you to WHAT?  Not cool, Mark!  Not even cool…  Yeah, I am a little upset that you have another girl over there doing GAWD knows what, and… and you didn’t invite me over.  I’m a little hurt, but that just means I’m going to have to pull out the bull whip…  I know, me too…”

Angelica bites her bottom lip as she flinches at the man still standing across the table from her.  He slowly backs off, fading into the background.  Angelica stomps her feet in frustration of her long wait.

”I will come over after this interview is over.  Why can’t they just do it through phone or e-mail like normal press?”

Another man walks up and puts his hand on Angelica’s shoulder, causing her to fume with anger.  She turns around, stomping the heel of her boot into his black, shiny loafers.  She grabs onto him by his shirt and tie and brings him up just a few inches to meet her face.

”Look short shit!  I’ve had enough of being oogled, fondled, and hit on by guys who smell like Stetson and Natural Light all night, and… You’re the interviewer aren’t you?”

”Uhhh, yes.  Yes I am.  Phillip, we spoke on the phone earlier.  Traffic coming in from the city was a nightmare.”

Angelica gently releases the man, but her hand swings around to land on her hip in a bit of frustration still.  She waves her hair back behind one shoulder once more before even addressing the man.

”You mean, you were staying in the city, where I was, and had me travel out here to wait for an hour for you to get here?  Seems ridiculous to me.  But, whatever.  I have had people begging me for an interview since my introduction statement at Climax Control.  Everyone wants to know what I have to say.  I picked you to say it to.  So, lets sit down with a drink, and you can get your interview.”

Angelica smiles as she looks down at the man, patting his chest.  She turns and walks to a table, setting her beer down on a coaster.  The man adjusts his tie as he approaches to take the seat right across from Angelica.  He places a small device down on the table, and then pulls a notepad out from his briefcase.  Thumbing through a few pages, he quickly finds his mark, and nods his head before looking over to a smiling Angelica.

”Well, it seems you made quite the statement at Climax Control.  You basically called out the entire women’s locker room, demoralizing them to nearly nothing.  Would you say that you were just trying to make an impact?”

”No, I would say that I was simply saying what most of the world was thinking.  I was tired of being kept in the back while these chicks went on with Days of our Lives re enactments.  I felt that the bombshell division needed a reality check, and I couldn’t bite my tongue for another minute.  The fact that two of the participants of a Main Event in a male dominated company couldn’t even put out good publicity for this company just made me angry.  They got to be in the spotlight for no reason!  I don’t claim to be the best, but at least I would have shown my appreciation being put in a Main Event match.  So, no.  It wasn’t to make an impact, it was to express an honest opinion.”

”But, even the ones who did put in the promotional work, you belittled to the best of your abilities.  Fantasia, for instance.”

”Fantasia cut a promo where she had less lines than her manager.  I don’t have anyone talking for me.  If I say I’m going to go out there and kick some ass, I mean I am going out there to kick some ass.  I don’t need Mark to tell the world I’m going to kick ass, because I feel it’s weak.  And she went out there, and she just made a liar of her manager.  Why?  Because she is more concerned with a pair of balls hanging in her face than wrestling in a wrestling match.  I’m here on my own behalf, speaking about my actions, my words, and how they affect my upcoming match.  When I am not doing that, I am then concerned with the pair of balls dangling in my face.  Plain and simple, Phillip.”

Caught off guard, Phillip double checks his notes before going on.

”And how about Kittie and Raynin?”

”Honestly, these two put out some okay promos, and they fought it out pretty heavy until the end.  If I had to pick the ones who make me sweat the most, it would be these two.  But, they just can’t seem to pull their heads from their asses.  One wants to go on about her mental problems caused by abandonment, while the other one wants to go on about HER mental problems caused by abandonment.  I just don’t get why it matters in a wrestling ring if you are mentally unhinged.  I think that both of these ladies could snap at any moment.  Does that scare me?  In a general sense, yes.  But, if we are talking about two unbalanced women in an over-the-top elimination match, I just think it makes it easier to eliminate the two biggest threats.  If they snap, knock their asses out, and the rest is a cake walk.  Broadcasting that to the world is about the dumbest idea I have ever heard of, and I’ve eaten sushi in Tijuana.”

”Well, okay.  Now, I understand that you have a more in depth story with Misty.  The two of you go way back to your time in GXW where you were the manager and girlfriend of ‘Hot Stuff’ Mark Ward.  Please explain some of the details.”

Angelica chuckles to herself as she takes a long sip from her beer, emptying in.  She slides it to the side and motions to the bartender to get another.  She folds her hands in front of her on the table, and she slowly nods her head.

”Well, she was a member of the stable, Generation XTreme, GXT.  We were the dominant stable in GXW at the time I entered.  Spike gifted me to Mark on their Christmas special, Season’s Beatings.  Misty and I never really spoke much, but I was a dear friend to Spike, her boyfriend and now fiancée.  That was, until he got a big head on him.  He thought he ruled the world with that title around his neck.  Misty only kept it going by feeding his ego.  Ego is fine, but Mark was supposed to be the one with an ego.  It didn’t fit Spike, because he was new blood.  I thought it would be for the best if Mark gave him a little tough love, because true friends do that.”

”True friends break each others knees instead of hinting that they are being unreasonable?”

”That’s what it took in this situation.  Spike had to go and piss and moan about it, claiming it was unfair, hobbling around backstage, talking about how he was going to get revenge.  He never did.  He went back to being a nobody, but Misty kept treating him like a king, giving him a baby, and domesticating the beast.  The one thing I admired about Misty was her drive, and her determination.  But she just lost it when Spike fell.  I felt bad for her, until I heard she was talking mad shit about me backstage.  And Spike too.  He doesn’t know how to let go of a grudge, and I feel bad for the poor guy.”

”You made comments about Misty’s ‘little brats’ at Climax Control.  Would you care to elaborate?”

”Misty domesticated the wild beast that WAS Spike Staggs.  In the process, she became tamed as well.  She became a mommy, baking cookies with her hubby and kids, doing dishes, making homemade meals from scratch like Betty Crocker.  Then, one day, she decides she misses wrestling, the way Amy Lee decided that she wanted to sing again, because others had taken their spotlight, and they got a bit jealous.  And in the same light, when both returned to their professions, they just sucked.  I mean, they did.  The Open Door was bad enough, but this…?  Just the way Misty picked that terrible song to personify herself, she is also using it as a motto for her career.  House wife, mommy, chef, wrestler on the side.  Your glory passed because you let the fire die.  You should have just left well enough alone.  Instead, you have to drag your family under scrutiny every single week.  It’s not fair to humiliate them through association, Misty.”

”Are you sure you aren’t just jealous of Misty, since she has accomplished so much in a game you are just getting started in?”

”Like bloody hell… Sorry, boyfriend rubbing off on me.  I am not jealous of Misty.  That’s laughable.  Misty just doesn’t have it anymore, the same way Fantasia doesn’t.  They are flavors of the past.  I just want my time to shine, and in ten years, I will have passed along too.  It’s a fact of nature.  Things get old.  They pass their prime.  Some people just don’t realize it.  Misty had just be careful that she doesn’t rub me the wrong way, because I will do to her what my boyfriend did to her boyfriend.  I will end her career, for her children’s sake.  Let her go back home and bake the cookies, and bring that domesticated animal back.  Unleash him to his natural habitat, Misty.  You shouldn’t have been so selfish to sign that contract before him, because if you would have let it go, he would have signed his contract instead.  You can see it in his eyes, but you just can’t admit it.”

”I believe you meant to talk to me, instead of making random comments as if Misty were here…”

”No, moron.  I’m cutting a promo right now.”

”During an interview?”

”Uhhh, yeah.  I’m multitasking.  I can do that, I have a brain, unlike most of the broads I’m fighting at Climax Control: High Stakes.”

”I don’t doubt that, it’s just kind of rude is…”

”Whatever…  Look, my opponents can suck it, coz there is a new bitch in town, and her name is Angelica.  Heaven sent, Hell bent.  I’m going to win that Bombshell Championship at High Stakes, and I’m not going to let Rebecca Blades, Allison Summers, Fantasia, Raynin, Kittie, or Misty stop me.  Put that in your e-zine and smoke it, nerd.  I’m out of here.  I like to keep it sleazy, but this bar even makes my skin crawl.  Peace…”

Angelica quickly shoves the camera out of her way.  It follows her trek to the front door of the bar, and watches as she exits the bar, hooking her leg around the door , before turning around to blow the camera a sensual kiss.
