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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Alexis Edwards on February 26, 2016, 10:18:20 PM

Title: Zero F@%! Given
Post by: Alexis Edwards on February 26, 2016, 10:18:20 PM
Monday February 15th
Long Beach Memorial Hospital
Adding Insult To Injury

So tonight didn’t go as planned and once again, I walked away from a match with Mercedes Vargas on the losing end the whole thing.  What the fuck is my problem?  It’s not that damn hard to beat Mercedes Vargas and now this time, she walked away with my fucking title!  Could tonight get any worse?

I don’t even know where I’m at right now.  After that botched suicide dive when my head connected with the damn steel barricade, I lost all sense of, well, everything.  People might have thought I was knocked out after that, but I wasn’t.  I never lost consciousness, but I was knocked silly for a while.  Shit, I’m still a little out of it.

After they helped me to the trainer’s locker room in the back and the medical staff checked me out, they decided to take me to the hospital.  In my mind, I wanted to argue with them because I fucking hate hospitals, but because I wasn’t even coherent enough to get a word out and I was still seeing double, I was taken against my will.  Fan-fucking-tastic.  I don’t know why, but the doctors admitted me over night.  Hopefully it’s not any longer than overnight because I’d really like to get back to Las Vegas and relax for a while.  I’d like to forget last night ever happened.  Which, considering that hit to the head, it shouldn’t be too difficult to claim.

I think it’s early in the morning right now, because after being bugged by one of the nurses for the billionth time, all is quiet, which can only mean that it’s shift change time.  Thank fuck for that, because the nurses I had last night were fucking bitches and they’re lucky I didn’t want to move much.  I probably would have beat the shit out of them if I could have.  

I’ve had enough of laying on my right side, so I decide to switch to my left side.  Big fucking mistake because when I roll over and look just a few feet away from my bed I see someone I don’t want to see sleeping in the chair.

Lex: What the fuck are you doing here?!

That’s the first full sentence I’ve spoken in over twelve hours and I’m shocked at how clear it came out.  My shouting has now woken up the woman sleeping in my room.  My mother!  Seriously...what the fuck is she doing here?!  She looks surprised to see me awake as she jumps out of the chair and dashes over to my bedside, completely ignoring the fact I don’t want her here.

Mother: Oh honey, it’s so good to see you awake.  I was so worried!  How are you feeling?

She tries to take my hand but I pull away and continue glaring at her.

Lex: Cut the crap, mom.  What the fuck are you doing here?

Mother: It’s not an act, sweetie.  I was at the show last night and saw your match.  When I saw you hit your head, I was worried sick.

Lex: Yeah, sure you were.  I don’t want you here and I know you sure as shit don’t want to be here so you can leave now.

I see the rejected look on her face and I can say with one hundred percent honesty that it brings joy to my heart to see that look.  Considering I had that same look on my face numerous times growing up, it’s about time the bitch got a taste of her own medicine.  Her eyes well up with tears and I’m smiling on the inside.  I really am.

Mother: Alexis, if I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t be here.  I know I made mistakes when you and Riley were growing up, but--

Lex: Not when me AND Riley were growing up, Mom!  Just when I was growing up!  For fuck’s sake, what is it with you people?!  Riley and I are identical twins and for some fucked up reason, you favored her over me!

As I start shouting louder, I’m more aware of the pounding in my head, and the fact that I am now seeing two of my mother.  Fuck, if one wasn’t bad enough, seeing two is really pissing me off.  I close my eyes and rub my temples, trying to make this migraine go away.

Mother: What’s wrong, sweetie?  I’m gonna go get a nurse…

Lex: My problem, mother…

I pause for a moment, open my eyes even though it hurts like a bitch, and glare at her once again.

Lex: My problem is that my head was finally starting to feel better until I realized that you were here.  This bullshit that you and Riley keep pulling is not helping your case any.  I just...want to be left…alone!

Before I know, I’m crying...again.  Fuck, I hadn’t cried in years, and now for the second time in as many weeks, it’s happening again.  And in front of my mother!  Damn, Alexis!  Get it together!  I bring my hands up to my eyes and lay back in the bed.  My mother approaches me again and I can feel her running her hand along my arm, trying to comfort me as a mother should.  Yeah, a mother should but she never fucking did!

Mother: Honey, if you really felt that way, you wouldn’t be crying right now. Look, I’m not asking you to just forget everything we put you through when you were growing up, because I know you can’t.  I’m just asking you to find it in your heart to forgive forgive us.  Come home to Phoenix while you’re recovering and let me help you.

Is she fucking serious?  I take in a few deep breaths and stare at her, a little confused.

Lex: Recovering?  From what?  So I hit my head.  Big fucking deal.  I hate to break it to ya, Mommy Dearest, but I’ve had much worse than this shit so I’ll be just fine.  And I’m not coming back to Phoenix.  Ever.  If I was welcome back in Phoenix at all, Dad would be here.  And he’s not.  So nice try.

Mother: Alexis, it was more than just a simple hit to the head.  It was a hard hit to the head, and you’re probably going to need some time off.  More than some time off, I’d say.  I know you enjoy wrestling and I’m so proud of you for accomplishing as much as you have in such a short amount of time, but honey you don’t need to prove anything else.  You could have been hurt so much worse.

I somehow find myself laughing now.  And not just slight laughing either.  I’m busting a gut, laughing so hard that it hurts, and my mother is staring at me completely baffled.

Lex: Like I give a shit?  I’m not going to just walk away because you think I should.  And you’re proud of me?  I fucking lost, mom!  Not that I ever wasn’t, but I’m officially a Nobody in status once again.  The difference this time is that I’m pretty sure I’m back to being a loner because I’ve succeeded in pushing away my friends.  But I’ll be fine.

She shakes her head.

Mother: No, you won’t, Alexis.  As soon as you’re released, you’re coming back to Phoenix with me.  You may accept pushing your friends away, which by the way they’re not true friends if they allow that to happen, but I won’t let you push me or your sister away.  Not to mention you have a baby brother you need to get to know.

Lex: I’m NOT going back to Phoenix with you!  Not now!  Not ever!  Just accept it, alright?!

Mother: Alexis--

Lex: Get out!

I’ve had enough and this bitch just won’t get it.  She tries to take my hand again, but I again pull it away and if looks could kill, I’d be watching my mother melt to the fucking floor right now.

Lex: Get out!  GET OUT!  GET OUT!  GET OUT!  NOW!

My head feels like it’s about to explode as I start shouting at her as loud as I can.  By this time, a nurse comes rushing into my room to see what is going on and upon seeing me so agitated she rushes to my side and just looks at my mother.  My mother is crying as she turns around, grabs her purse and rushes out of the room without anymore argument.  I can feel my blood pressure increasing and before I can say anything, the nurse injects a sedative into my IV.  I drift back into a drug induced slumber moments later, hoping I’ll wake up and that whole encounter having just been a dream.

Tuesday February 16th
Too late to say sorry?

A few hours after the argument with my dumbass mother and being sedated shortly after, I woke up and spoke to the doctors.  They wanted to keep me for observation at least another day, but I wouldn’t have any of it, so I left the hospital against medical advice.  Like I give a shit anyway. I’d rather rest and recover at home instead of in a damn hospital bed where I’m being poked and prodded every couple of hours.  Seriously, how the fuck is anyone supposed to get better in a hospital if they can’t even sleep long enough before the next nurse comes in for no fucking reason?!

Anyway, the flight back to Vegas wasn’t fun.  My saving grace was the painkillers I was given to help with my migraine.  I only took enough to just take the edge off during the flight but once I got home, I took more and knocked the fuck out.

That was twenty-four hours ago.  After I woke up in my apartment, I stumbled around my apartment, took a shower and then made myself something to eat.  I’ve had a lot going through my head since yesterday, even though I was pretty fucking out of it for most of that time, but some shit has come into perspective for me.  A lot of shit that I once again thought I moved past.  

Once I feel well enough to leave my apartment, I throw some of my things into a duffel bag and leave.  I’m on a mission and the first place I need to go is somewhere I know I’m probably not welcome.  But, I have to do this.  If my head were feeling better I would walk, but I take a cab instead.

A little while later the cab pulls up in front of the Staggs’ home.  I have to pay the driver a little extra to stick around, because I’m not expecting to be here very long.  I just have to see Tim.  I need to make sure he’s doing okay and I’ll be on my way.  Fuck this isn’t going to be easy.  I hand the driver the money and get ready to step out of the car.

Driver: That’ll buy you ten minutes…

I glare at him, shocked.  Is he fucking serious?!  I gave him more than enough cash!

Lex: You’ve gotta be fucking shitting me, dude.  That should get me at least twenty…

He shakes his head.

Driver: After ten minutes I’m out of here.

I roll my eyes and let out a growl, but I just nod at him.  I don’t know if I can limit this to ten minutes, but I guess I’m gonna have to try.  What a fucking rip off.  As I walk through the front gate and up the sidewalk leading to the house, I’m running over in my head what I’m going to say. I even know what the fuck I’m going to say?  I’m forced to think quick, because the front door swings open and Tim walks out.  He looks better.  At least, I think he does.  I’m not entirely sure.

Tim: What are you doing here, Lex?

Okay, not exactly the greeting I was looking for but I’ll take it.  At least he didn’t tell me to leave.  Not yet anyway.

Lex: I thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing.  I didn’t get a chance to talk to you after the show on Sunday.

Tim: I’m fine.  I’m not the one that knocked herself silly on the steel barricade.

I try to let out a laugh, but it comes out a little awkwardly.  I take in a deep breath as I approach him.

Lex: I’ve been through worse.  You of all people know that.

He nods but stays quiet for the most part.  He sits down on the top step of their front porch and before I sit next to him, I spot his little sister, Eden, spying on us from the front window.  I stop myself from laughing and I take a seat next to him.

Lex: Your little sister is spying on us, you know?

He shrugs, but he doesn’t look back to Eden in the window.

Tim: That doesn’t surprise me.  She’s nosey, but it’s not like there’s anything to spy on.  I was coming outside for some fresh air before you showed up anyway.

Lex: Oh...okay then.

Both of us get awkwardly silent for a few moments until TIm turns his head and looks at me.

Tim: So...did you just come here to check up on me?  I mean...I’m fine.

Lex: You sure? Don’t get me wrong, you seem better, but...I just want to make sure.  Last time I talked to you, you looked like hell.

Tim: Yeah, well, Celeste and her mom seem to have everything under control for the moment so I feel a little better.

As soon as Tim mentions Celeste, I nod and look away.  I shouldn’t feel any jealousy because Celeste is...well...Celeste.

Lex: Cool.  As long as you’re good…

I really have no idea what the fuck I just said, or what I was trying to say.  I look up for a moment and see the cab driver pointing to his wrist in the car.  I nod, signalling it won’t be much longer, but I could be lying because it feels like I have a shit ton to say but not enough time to say it.

Lex: Look, Tim...I know I already apologized and all, but I feel like I have to do it again.

Tim: You really don’t--

Lex: No, I really don’t.  Just hear me out, okay?

I turn and look at him just in time for him to do the same and our eyes meet for a brief moment.  I look away first as I gather my thoughts and try and bring what is on my mind into the actual conversation.

Lex: I’ve screwed up recently.  A lot.  We had something strong going with The Nobodies and it all came crashing down because of me.  I can’t apologize enough, but I really am sorry.  I tried to do too much too fucking quick and in the process I managed to put some serious distance between me and you guys.  You specifically.

I know where this is headed, but do I really want to leave it there?  Do I really want to put everything out on the table and then just...leave?  I don’t look at Tim, but I can feel him staring at me the entire time.

Lex: You’ve been my best friend for the last two years, Tim.  You helped me out when no one else would, and you always listened to me, but I continually shit on that friendship.  It’s just what I manage to do all the time I guess.  But I want you to know I appreciate it all.  I appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me, even though it doesn’t seem like I do.

I notice the cab driver getting ready to step out of the car and leave my duffel bag on the curb, so I jump up quickly, signaling I’ll be right there.  He shakes his head impatiently and I turn back to Tim as he looks at me, confused.

Tim: In a hurry to be somewhere?

Lex: Me, no.  He’s just one of those impatient asshole cab drivers.  Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say all that.  I don’t expect you to believe any of it, and I don’t blame you if you don’t, but it’s the truth.

He nods slowly as he stands up and I make a quick decision before I turn and leave.  I step forward and wrap my arms around him, hugging him tight.  I think I caught him by surprise because he doesn’t hug me back, but that’s okay.  This is just my last ditch effort to prove to him how sorry I am.  Once I step back, I turn around quickly and head towards the cab, making it so Tim can’t see the few tears that have started rolling down my cheek.  From the corner of my eye I see Tim frozen where he stands and just staring at the cab.

Lex: You can take me to the airport now, thanks.

I don’t even look back to Tim as the cab driver speeds off down the street and takes me on my way to the airport.  I wipe my eyes and take my phone out of my pocket, quickly sending a text message to Celeste.  Fuck, I hope she answers.

“C, where are you?  I really need to talk to you.”

I keep my phone in my hand, waiting for but not expecting her to text me back.  To my surprise she responds less than a minute later.

“I’’m in Boston visiting my dad.  Just call me.”

“No, I need to talk to you face to face.  I’ll be on the next flight to Boston and I’ll let you know when I get there.”

This actually worked out perfectly because I have to get as far away from Vegas, and even Arizona, as I possibly can.  I need to disappear, and soon.  Now that I’ve talked to Tim, I just need to clear things up with Celeste and then I’ll be on my own.  It won’t be easy, but I’ve done it before.  I can sure as shit do it again.

“WTF Lex?  This can’t wait until I get back to Vegas or the next show at least?”

“Nope.  I’ll see you soon, C.”

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket, ignoring any other texts I receive after that.  I stare out the window as we get closer to the airport.  All I’m feeling now is pure regret.  There was so much I left unsaid with Tim, but none of it matters now.

It doesn’t matter, because that was the last time I’d ever see or speak to him.  And I wasn’t ready for how much that would fucking hurt…


The Next Day
Boston Logan International Airport
Boston, Massachusetts
Sister, Sister

“I just got off the plane.  You here?”

I tried my hardest to get on an earlier flight to Boston, but there was nothing available until this morning.  I sent a message to Celeste last night to let her know, and she wasn’t too happy with me asking her to pick me up from the airport in the morning.  But she ultimately agreed and I told her the flight details.  I just sent her a text to make sure she had remembered the information, and I’m about to get my answer when she responds back.

“Yeah I’m here.  I’m waiting out front.  Hurry your ass up!”

I shake my head as I put my phone back in my pocket and adjust my duffel bag over my shoulder.  It takes me a few moments to find my way through the airport as this is a new one to me.  I’m sure Celeste is getting more and more annoyed, but oh well.  She’ll get over it.  When I walk out of the airport and look around for Celeste, an obnoxious honking from a car several feet away catches my attention.  I glance over to a car I don’t recognize and see Celeste behind the wheel, waving me over impatiently.  I quickly head over to the car and open up the passenger side door.

Celeste: About fucking time!  Did you purposely walk through every inch of the airport just to make me wait?  Geez.

Lex: Give me a break, C.  I’ve never been to this airport before.  Relax.

I throw my duffel bag into the backseat and put my seatbelt on just as Celeste speeds off away from the airport.  Now I know why she usually has a driver.  The bitch is one fucking crazy driver!

Lex: God damn, C!  Think you can slow down?  Or are you trying to kill us both?

Celeste: Relax, Lex.  I know what I’m doing.  Though killing you is tempting for making me pick you up.  What the fuck was so important that you had to fly all the way out here to talk to me?

I let out a sigh.  I didn’t particularly want to talk in the car, but I guess she’s giving me no choice.

Lex: Like I said, it couldn’t wait until the next show.  Because...I won’t be there.

She lets out a laugh but she keeps her eyes on the road.

Celeste: If they book you, you’ll have to be there.  Nice try, though.

I shake my head but she doesn’t see it.

Lex: No, I won’t, C.  I’m not going back.  And I’m not going back to Vegas either.  I didn’t tell Tim, but I need to disappear.  I need to--

Before I can finish that thought, Celeste slams on the breaks and I hear the cars behind her doing the same.  Angry honking follows and she turns and glares at me.

Celeste: Excuse me?!  You need to do what?!

Lex: you think you could move the car out of the middle of the road, C?

She scowls but does as I ask.  She pulls the car along the side of the road, putting it in park and turning on the emergency lights.  Once we are safely out of traffic, she turns and glares at me.

Celeste: Happy now?  Now what the fuck is this all about?

Lex: A lot of shit has just come into perspective to me over the last couple of days, C.  As long as I’m in SCW and Riley and my mother know where they can find me at any given time, they’ll just pop up any time they fucking want.  I can’t keep dealing with confronting me like that.  And then there is the situation with Tim...and you practically hating me...and--

Celeste: Hold up there, Lex.  First off, I don’t hate you.  You piss me off and drive me batshit crazy almost all the damn time, but I don’t hate you.  Second, fuck your sister and your mother.  I’m surprised you haven’t beat the shit out of either one of them, but I’ll gladly do it if you’re too afraid to do it yourself.

I allow myself to crack a smile, but I say nothing in response.  I know she wants to say more, so I let her continue.

Celeste: And third...what the fuck is going on with Tim now?  What did you do this time?

Okay, that stings, but I guess I deserve it.  I shake my head and avoid looking at her.

Lex: It’s just everything that I have done already.  Not to mention the things I haven’t done...or said.  I went to talk to him before I went to the airport, but I left a lot of shit unsaid.  None of it matters anyway.  I just...I can’t keep doing this shit to you guys.  The truth is, my family fucked me up more than I thought they did, and now I’m turning around and doing the same to other people.  I can’t do it anymore.

Celeste sighs and shakes her head.

Celeste: Not that this needs to be asked, but what exactly did you leave unsaid, Lex?  You really need to make up your mind, because this back and forth game you keep playing is making me dizzy.  Not to mention pissing me off, but come on.

Lex: If you know you don’t need to ask what I didn’t tell him, why did you even bother asking?

Celeste: Because I want to hear you just admit already.  It’s so damn obvious, Lex, but you can’t even say it, can you?

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath as she continues to stare at me, waiting for me to speak up.  I take in another deep breath and decide to just get it over with.

Lex: I have feelings for Tim, alright?  Is that what you wanted to hear me say?

She throws her arms up in the air.

Celeste: Finally!  Seriously, Lex, everyone knows that you have the hots for Tim.  I don’t know why you couldn’t just fucking say it!

Lex: Why would I?  I didn’t want to make shit awkward between him and I, so I just kept my mouth shut.  Like I said, it doesn’t matter now because I’m not going back.

Celeste: Do you really think I’m going to sit here and let you tell me about your plans to just disappear and actually let it happen?!  You’re out of your fucking mind, Lex.  Disappearing will not do you or Tim any favors, and I’m not going to let you just fuck shit up even more.  Not gonna happen, so just put on your big girl panties and get over it already.

Lex: No offense, C, but you can’t stop me.  Aside from all this personal shit, I really have no desire to team with Steve Ramone in this stupid ass Blast From The Past tournament coming up.  I was actually looking forward to it, but when I found out he was my partner?  Nope...fuck that!

Celeste laughs and shakes her head.  I can tell by the look on her face that she wants to just knock me in the jaw, and I’m surprised she hasn’t.

Celeste: Look, you’re not disappearing, Lex.  You really think you could survive being on your own?  I don’t think so.  Not to mention, it’d be a big slap to the damn face if you just abandoned all of us like that.  I don’t blame you for not wanting to team with that douchebag, Steve, but I say you should just do what I would if stuck in that situation.

Lex: And what would that be?

Celeste: Kick him in the dick and walk out.

For the first time in a while we share a laugh, but my amusement soon fades and I lean my head back against the headrest.

Lex: I feel like I’m losing my mind, C.  I thought once I got away from Riley and my parents that I’d be fine, and for a while I was.  Tim was my best friend and you’ve been more of a sister to me than Riley ever has been…

She brings her hand up over her heart and I can’t help but laugh at the sarcastic touched look on her face.

Lex: Yeah, I finally admitted that, too.  But, it’s true.  I’ve seriously never been this fucking sappy in my life.  It’s almost sickening.

She nods.

Celeste: It really is, but that’s besides the point.  Do you really think I’m going to let you disappear after finally admitting all this shit, Lex?  Hate to break it to ya, but I’m not.  Once a Nobody, always a Nobody, Lex.  You couldn’t choose your blood, but you choose your family and this…

She points back and forth from me to her.

Celeste: This is a real family and it includes Tim, Connor and Tessa.

She thinks for a moment before putting the car in drive and looking around for her chance to get back on the road.  I look at her confused.

Lex: What are you doing?

Celeste: Driving back to my dad’s place.  Maybe getting away from Vegas will do you some damn good.  You’re farther away from the jackass, Johnny, too.  You’re stuck with me now, Lex.  You’re stuck with all of us whether you like it or not.

Lex: You’re seriously gonna hold me hostage?!  You can’t stop me from disappearing, C!

Celeste: You’ve obviously forgotten that I have ways of finding people, Lex.  And if I can’t, then my mom is more than capable.

I roll my eyes and sigh again.  Wait a minute...that gives me an idea…

Lex: I might consider sticking around if you or your mom could throw something together for me…

Celeste: Oh shit, this should be good…

Lex: Can you cast an anti-love spell or something?  Do whatever it is that you freaky witches do?

She lets out a laugh, but I’m dead serious.  I never thought I’d ask that,’s worth a fucking shot, right?

Celeste: No can do, Lex...And either way, you’re staying.  Get over it.

I have to reach for the “Oh Shit” handle just above the window as Celeste speeds down the highway.  A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders after finally getting everything out in the open.  Whether or not Tim will ever know the truth is still up in the air, but just admitting everything to someone allows me to breathe a huge sigh of relief.  I’m not exactly sure what hanging around Celeste’s dad will be like, but I’m about to find out soon.  And after that...there is only one thing left to focus on.

Round one of the Blast From The Past Tournament.  But at this point, I’d rather makeout with Roxi Johnson than be forced to team with Steve Ramone!

When I first saw the pairings for the Blast From The Past tournament, I thought someone was placing some sick joke on me.  I mean...they had to be, right?  I couldn’t have been so unlucky as to be paired with Steve Ramone of all people!  Imagine my horror when I found out that I was, in fact, teamed with Steve.!

Let me make something very clear right now.  The ONLY reason I signed up for this stupid ass tournament in the first place is because I knew that Tim and Connor were throwing their names into the mix and I had hoped to get lucky enough to team with one of them!  Not only that, but the odds of being teamed with someone who I hate with a passion was slim to fucking none, but I guess fate just fucking hates me!  Seriously...STEVE RAMONE?!

Steve, I don’t know where you got that sense of entitlement you seem to walk around with, because up until that miracle of you actually winning the Roulette Title at My Bloody Valentine, you hadn’t prove a single fucking thing other than the fact that you’re WORTHLESS.  Your nickname should be the Worthless One instead of The Fearless One!  Get the fuck over yourself, dude.  And do me, and everyone else a favor, and quit thinking that you’ll be the one carrying me in this match, or even in this tournament, because I proved I’m better than you already.  I won a fucking singles title just three months after signing with SCW and it took you, what, three YEARS to win your first singles title here?  Fucking pathetic.  Not to mention...the Roulette title isn’t something to brag about winning, dude.  Next to the tag team titles, it’s the most worthless belt there is!

I don’t think you’ve noticed, but we’re facing Ben Jordan and Raynin this week, Steve.  Ben Jordan! I can handle myself just fine against Raynin, but where the fuck do you get off thinking you can even stand up to a guy like Ben?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly friends with Ben Jordan, but he’s at least better than you!

Ben, I’m speaking directly to you now.  Please...Please…PLEASE do me a favor and shut Steve Ramone up one and for all.  Beat his ass as bad as you fucking can, because the guy has it coming!  I don’t give a shit about this tournament.  I really don’t.  I just want to see Steve Ramone knocked down a few notches and if you do me this favor, I will owe you one.  I seriously will.  I wanted to win this tournament in the beginning, but things change and now...well…


Seriously, what the fuck does that show when I couldn’t give a shit about winning a match all because of my tag team partner?  If Steve and I were to win this tournament, which I doubt that would happen anyway because Steve would do something to fuck that up...But, IF we were to win, we’d both get guaranteed title shots at the next supercard.  Sorry, but I’d rather earn that fucking shot by myself than have to worry about carrying Steve’s ass through the tournament and getting HIM a shot at a title he doesn’t deserve.  

Look at me...I’m sitting here just bashing and complaining about my partner and not my opponent!  Who is my opponent again?  Oh...right...Raynin.

Raynin?  What the fuck kind of name is that?!  Fuck, I don’t even care.  It doesn’t matter.  Why the fuck should I care about facing Raynin, when no one even pays attention to her anyway.  Last I heard, she went loopy as shit.

Look, Raynin...If you’re watching this, and I sort of doubt you are, or that you even understand a word I’m saying in that fucked up brain of yours...Do everyone a favor and just...go back to the loony bin or some shit.  How the fuck you were ever the Bombshell Champ is beyond me, because you’re not that impressive.  You’re not that talked about and no one even gives a shit about you.  I doubt you even realize that, but oh well.  Even though I could care less about winning this match, or even this tournament, doesn’t erase the fact that I’m going to kick your ass all over that ring.  You lucked out drawing Ben as a partner because I’m sure he’ll manage to win the match for you guys, but I still plan on getting a few good shots in first.

Just do me a favor, Raynin.  Keep that freaky blood sucking whore friend of yours away from the ring, because if she tries to sink her teeth into my neck...Well, there’s gonna be a huge fucking problem.  Are we clear?

Raynin, Ben...You two can advance to the next round for all I care.  The second Steve was drawn as my partner my chances went out the fucking window.  I just want to kick ass and let what happens..happen.

I’m not looking forward to it, but, see ya Sunday, bitches!