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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Steel1 on January 22, 2016, 11:35:35 PM

Title: The Return, Ch. 1
Post by: Steel1 on January 22, 2016, 11:35:35 PM
Scene 001: The Return

The scene opened up to the backstage area to the Climax Control area.  People were preparing backstage for something special it seemed.  Eric Steel was back there, apparently all miked up and ready to go as it relates to preparation.  Steel crossed his arms as he began to focus now more than ever.  He paced back and forth as he took as deep breath.  It was only himself and the cameras that surrounded him.  He opened his mouth as he prepared to speak.

Eric Steel
“I read the hype of the Climax Control card when I read the paper today…  And I’d just like to point out…  I am not a new wrestler in this company…  This is a return home for me.  This is my home, and whether you people love me or not…  All of you know you miss me.  You know you miss the talent and the entertainment that took place, even if it wasn’t much.  You people are pathetic though.  You never knew what side to properly choose.  I’ll tell you that you shouldn’t chose me.  But you people are so stupid that it isn’t even worth mentioning to the likes of all of you pathetic people.  I mean really how stupid are you people?  But you all are Americans.  We Canadians are clearly the better species.  You people are about to witness greatness at it’s finest.  Are you all prepared for the entertainment that I have in my entire body?   All of you should be happy that I’ve come back.  Now the real fun can begin….  And you people can continue to live your lives through me because that’s how pathetic you people are.  I have never liked any of you people.  I plan to make an impact, and depending on what I decide to do…  you people will bow down at my feet because you are all below me.”

Steel smirked as he nodded his head for a moment.  He took a deep breath as he crossed his arms momentarily.  He opened his mouth as he prepared himself to speak for the time being.

Eric Steel
“Last week, I made my return…  I assisted an associate of mine after a match….  I made an impact that everyone will remember.  I don’t regret what I’ve done.  I don’t regret helping him because of him we will co-exist in creating a tag team.  You see…  CJ Sharpe and I we believe in the same thing.  We want the same things and we feel the same things.  He and I are probably going to be partners for this and any other company that we join together.  He’s a good person from what I’ve seen so far.  You see…  we don’t need any of you people, or we dont need any validation.  Let’s just be honest…  the people that CJ faced needed an adjustment when I made it my business to stop them from kicking CJ’s ass.  I am prepared for everything.”

He tilted his head for a moment as he took a deep breath.  He opened his mouth as he began to speak.

Eric Steel
“Tonight I was told that I would be granted the pleasure of dismantling a fellow returnee by the name of Rage…  On Twitter he has been talking an awfully lot of shit.  But the difference between me and him is that when I talk, I can back it up.  You see, it’s people like him that has nickels for brains.  He brags and he reminds everyone of his strength and how he can crush people but…  You see, by him being strong that means I can go right past him with my speed.   As I told him before…  He has no idea what he’s dealing with.  He hasn’t faced me and I’ve never faced him.  He only knows a little bit about me and to be perfectly honest…  I just didn’t give a damn to even ask around about him.  The fact that he’s pretty much a steroid junkie who needs to be put in his place tells me everything.  And I know he thinks that I need CJ’s assistance…  But if I can be honest for a moment…  I don’t need anyone’s help to beat anyone.  I can beat a person without even thinking about it.  Tonight it’s about me and Rage.  And at the end of the day I am going to come out on top, no ifs, ands or buts about it.”

Steel smirked as he crossed his arms for a moment.  He opened his mouth as he prepared properly to speak of course.

Eric Steel
“Rage, I guess the nickname is fitting because I’m going to assume with your roids, and things you rage rapidly.  And I don’t want any excuses for when I kick your ass from the arena all the way to the ring.  I am not afraid of you Rage.  I know how to cut guys like you down.  There is not a damn thing that could even possibly make me afraid of you.  You’re just a little tool who’s in the way.  You need to re-evaluate your career.  Your career hasn’t been anything before, and it won’t mean anything now.  You can call me an asshole, douchebag, whatever you think is necessary but…  As I said, at the end….  you’ll look up at the lights.  But you know, whatever you tell yourself at night.  Don’t focus on the fact that CJ could help me at any given time.  Focus on the fact that your mouth has got you in trouble…  And I’m going to shut your ass down once and for all.  I will beat your ass…  and there isn’t a damn thing you could possibly do about it, you dumbass.”