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Roleplay Boards => Character Building Roleplays => Topic started by: Mercedes Vargas on January 16, 2016, 03:05:57 PM

Title: Exclusive
Post by: Mercedes Vargas on January 16, 2016, 03:05:57 PM
 Ahead of tomorrow's Climax Control 137 broadcast, caught up with Mercedes Vargas, who will be in action against Crystal Hilton in the fourth installment of a longtime rivalry that has spanned five years in eight companies, including SCW.

To promote that match, her night as GM, and much, much more, the former three-time Bombshell Roulette and World Bombshell Tag Team Champion and inaugural Queen for a Day spoke with us in this exclusive.


SCWRESTLING.NET: Last week saw Despayre take over Climax Control for the night, and, all bets are off, fans and the superstars themselves were overly impressed. Was CC 136 better than the first show of 2016?

MERCEDES VARGAS: I thought both shows held equal weight and had both positive and negative things to look back on. A lot of fun was had, there were some awesome matches and a few surprise guests as well. Delia Darling appeared on my show. Natalie McKinley on Despys. The important thing here is everybody got a chance to be a part of the show at one point or another.

SCWRESTLING.NET: So your first night running the show had a lot of controversy behind it. Celeste and Alexis of The Nobodies were not shy at calling you out throughout the night about being left out on the first card of 2016. Now while you dealt with Celeste and Alexis directly at Climax Control 135, others like Steve Ramone and Crystal Millar voiced their concerns during the week of and on the night of the show. Do you have anything to say to them following the first show of the year?

MERCEDES: I hold no ill will towards Steven. I think he's a very funny guy and he has the right to his opinion just like everyone else. But at the end of the day, guess what, he got to compete in his first match of the new year, and he won, no less. So, all's well that ends well. Could I have done a better job booking matches? There's always room for improvement, but at the same time I haven't been doing this as long as Christian or “Hot Suff” has. It was my first night wearing the GM hat.

As far as Crystal goes, would I have loved to bring back Ebony & Spice 2.0 again and challenge Team Hero for the World Bombshell Tag Titles? In a heartbeat. I felt that it just wasn't the right time. Maybe some day that will come to pass.

SCWRESTLING.NET: Speaking of Crystal, your rivalry with her has lasted longer than SCW has been a company. You two will be facing each other again this weekend at Climax Control 137 in Laughlin, Nevada. You two first crossed paths last fall when Crystal scored the upset, no thanks to Mikah intervening in the match. The second of the three times you faced off was in a triple threat match for the World Bombshell Championship at High Stakes V last October. Mikah pinned you to retain. Three weeks later in the Going for the Gold Tournament, Crystal pinned you to advance  in another triple threat, also involving Lucy Seraphina. What are you and Crystal have in store this time around?  What can we expect to see this weekend in your fourth meeting in SCW?

MERCEDES: Well, listening to Crystal's promo this week, I think it's a case of two wrongs not making a right: she felt disrespected that I put her in the Absolution match with Keira and Jessie, and now she thinks having a match with me is a step down in competition.

I'm sure she will be spoiling for a fight Sunday, and with good reason because I'm going to give her one. That hasn't change, no matter what company or venue we're going to be in that night. Mikah got involved in a match she had no business being in.  Revenge is the act of passion, vengeance is an act of justice and nothing drives me more than redemption. Outside of the other two matches between Crystal and I, nothing stops me from righting a wrong from the first match.

SCWRESTLING.NET: We've seen a change of attitude in Crystal over the last couple of weeks. This past show, she was accompanied by her husband as well as her best friend, Zelda Knite. You've mentioned her by name in your promo airing this week. Do you know who this Zelda is?

MERCEDES: Zelda is another long-time rival during my career and someone I've had success against. Our rivalry isn't as long as the one between Crystal and I, but I was surprised seeing her with Crystal during her interview with PW. 2016 has been full of surprises.

SCWRESTLING.NET: Speaking of surprises, we didn't see you at all last week.

MERCEDES: I would have loved to visit Reno again, but that Prison Chamber match with Zuri Chastain took a lot out of me plus I had to get stitches following that match, which wasn't fun at all. I'm still day to day, but, then again, aren't we all?

SCWRESTLING.NET: It was a hard-fought match. What did you think about Candy Overton and her unprovoked attack following your win two weeks ago?

MERCEDES: Well, if you want to get noticed, if you want to get your name in the paper or spoken about, you have to do something crazy, you have to cross the line. I won my match against Z, but I didn't feel like a winner after her match, thanks to her Candy's friends  attacking both of us. She hinted on Twitter that she wasn't done with Melanie Gabrielle or me. Maybe that's where we're going to go soon...There's obviously unfinished business with Candy Overton after last week.

SCWRESTLING.NET: There were some interesting developments at Climax Control 136. For one, Sam Marlowe throwing her hat in the ring to contend for the soon to be vacant Bombshell Roulette Championship ahead of tomorrow's show. Your thoughts?

MERCEDES: You can't help but love Sami. She's been here, what, five months now? Yeah, I think she's proven herself to earn herself a title match, no question. As far as which title Mikah is likely to give up, here's a spoiler: There's a 99.9 percent chance she's not dropping the World Bombshell Championship. Sorry bout it.

SCWRESTLING.NET: Speaking of the World Bombshell Champion, Mikah was the life of the party last week. Do you think things got a little out of hand with her drinking?

MERCEDES: You know, with all the special matches going at the show, I'm surprised there wasn't a game of “Spin the Bottle” last weekend. I'm sure Mikah would have won that one too. Pretty sure she has to take a plane to get back to NYC. Wonder how the airport had to deal with it?

SCWRESTLING.NET: Describe Climax Control 136 in a sentence.

MERCEDES: And now for something completely different. [Laughs]  

SCWRESTLING.NET: Let's go back to the first show of 2016. You spoke of surprises a little earlier. What were your thoughts on Alexis Edwards showing up on the first show of the year, given that she made a public spectacle of quitting SCW eight days before?

MERCEDES: This is what I'm going to do so we can move on from this topic. It's necessary. Alexis Edwards, seeing as she isn't booked, is afforded the opportunity to rehash everything that happened on social media or what have you, despite the fact that she was seen on both shows. I don't have that luxury. I have a match – a very tough one – waiting for me in Laughlin Sunday. I said what I said to her at Climax Control 135 when she showed up. My feelings hasn't change one bit from that night.

When she doesn't get her way, she uses the same line, 'You don't know me, you don't know me.' Well, she doesn't know me either. Five months since she made her debut, I still don't know her. Or maybe I do. I know she's immature, selfish, hates triple threats, wants better competition, and live for attention, for better or for worse.

I gave her a chance to air her complaints and I responded accordingly on Twitter. She says I stacked the odds against her in her match with Sister. I feel differently about that. I'm sure a paintball match isn't the same as a Falls Count Anywhere match. I'll make a note of that. I'm moving on. I have to, because bringing this up isn't going to help me beat Crystal Millar and it's just opening a can of worms. So, I'm going to respectfully decline any further questions regarding Alexis Edwards unless it pertains to an official match.
Don't miss the third show of 2016 when Climax Control 137 airs live from Edgewater Hotel and Casino in Laughlin on Sunday, January 17. And for all things SCW, check out for the latest news and highlights on your favorite superstars.