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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Shane Hawthorne on February 06, 2015, 11:44:47 PM

Title: The Phenomenon continues
Post by: Shane Hawthorne on February 06, 2015, 11:44:47 PM

Travis Nathaniel Andrews is walking around London, England after he and Melody walked out of their first round match with the win. Travis knows that he basically carried the team but he wanted to give Melody sometime to gloat. However when she isn't around he is telling everyone around him that he is the reason they won.

I told you. I told all of you morons out there in TV Land that me, The Phenomenon, would walk out of his debut match victorious. I will give Melody some credit, she managed to hold her own against Delia but let's face it. Melody was just the opening act. Like I said prior to the match, I don't share my spotlight. I haven't since I won my first singles title back in 2006.

It was the biggest night of my life. I was booked to face the Gambling State Wrestling World Champion in a normal match. On paper, I shouldn't have walked out the new champion. The champion at the time was Rick Bisbane. He was a veteran of the game and a former 6 time world champion. Throughout the match, he whipped my ass like I was some kind of government hostage. However he was getting a big head which opened the door for me to strike him with a single knee facebreaker. I followed that up with a quick bulldog before going for the pin.

When I won the championship, I had everyone cheering for me and my old tag partner was really proud of me. The next night out was when everything changed. I blindsided my partner, I outright denied the former champion a rematch and told the world that a new Attitude Era has just begun.

Travis stops just outside of Big Ben as he sits on a concrete bench in front of it.

Today, I use that time in my life as the motivation that I need to continue beating motherfuckers senseless. I mean Steve Ramone wasn't even a challenge for me. Yes, he was a little tough but just like those before him. He joined the long list of those who have been sent to Gambler's Paradise. Some might say that I took advantage of a man who was distracted. Some might say that he didn't see it coming. You want to know my response two those clear cut morons. First off, this is professional wrestling meaning you win at any cost. Second, so what Steve should have remained focused on the match at hand but he fucked himself up.

Now this week, I have to tangle with the current Roulette Champion. A guy who thinks being a "reject" is a something to be proud of these days. Tell me Alex, are you happy with your life? Do you think being a walking picture book is supposed to be cool? I don't care if you are a champion because right now it's about moving on in this tournament. Trust me when I say this, Melody and I will be advancing into the next round. How do I know that? It's simple. I am just better. I mean you just barely won your first round match. You and Jade don't even have chemistry. At least Melody and I are reading the same book. However she is on a different page than I am. Like I said earlier, Melody is just the opening act.

You see, I send her out there to face the other boring female in this match. I let Melody wow the crowd with her cheerfulness. The moment she is finished then she will bring in the real main event of the evening. I don't claim to be the must see superstar on Climax Control. I just know that everyone in the crowd will be on their seats once The Phenomenon enters the ring.

Travis lies down on the bench while rubbing the sides of his head.

Damn, I am getting a fucking headache just talking about these spotlight thieves. I think I figured out my opponents. Alex is supposed to be the sour patch kid while Jade is the comedian. I mean I almost forgot to laugh at you saying that Alex is going to kick my ass. I think you have hit the revolving door that leads into the mental hospital you frequently visit multiple times.

You say I am boring. That is another funny line from the one who is just as bland as corn flakes. You can call me whatever you like Jade but when you find yourself on the losing end this week. Then don't go crying spilled milk. Because this is a fair warning that I plan on winning at any cost.

If you have a problem with Melody and I moving on in this tournament then I have three words for you. DEAL WITH IT.

Travis does his signature smirk before sitting up off the bench. He gets up and walks toward Big Ben as the scene begins to fade.