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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: Christian Underwood on August 31, 2014, 10:30:09 PM

Post by: Christian Underwood on August 31, 2014, 10:30:09 PM
 Post RPs here!

First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 09/06/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 09/10/2014
Post by: Delia Darling on September 06, 2014, 09:43:00 AM
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”There comes a time when one must try to forget about the past.  The past is what anchors us to this life, in a manner that defines us.  However, the past does not dictate who we become.” -Delia, darling if you must

The weather in Yuma, Arizona is sweltering today, with expected temperatures reaching nearly 110 degrees.  At roughly noon, the temperature is already sneaking away from 90 degrees, and it can easily be seen as we find Angelica sitting by the pool of a motel.  She is wearing shades over her eyes, and a salmon pink bikini.  There is a cool drink on a table to her left, but she is focused on the music playing in her ears as she relaxes, soaking up the sun.  Her skin is lightly bronzed already, but she is taking full advantage of this.  She is completely oblivious to the older gentleman who has opened the black wrought iron gate, stepping inside with a tight blue Speedo on that, unfortunately, leaves little to the imagination.  He walks to the edge of the pool, ready to dive in when he spots Angelica sitting there.  A smile crosses his face as he turns and walks over toward her.  He takes up a seat next to Angelica, and yet she still doesn’t know anyone else is around.  He drinks in her beauty with his eyes as he sits sideways in the lounger, laying on his French charm in hopes of gaining her attention.

Chris:  Amoreraux, it is incredibly hot out here, no?  I do hope you will not mind if I swim au naturale?  I would not mind if you did z’e same, I assure…

Angelica simple bobs her head up and down to the music, which brings a sly smile to Chris’s face.  He quickly stands up, and removes his Speedo, the camera blurring out part of the disgusting picture.  Before he can get any further we hear yet another loud grunt, followed by a rsounding “Ewwwwwuhhh!” that comes from off screen.  Chris turns around as we spot Delia standing at the gate herself, with a black bikini top and a purple wrap around her waist.  She stands there with a hand up in front of her eyes, close to her face as her natural chestnut hair falls down her back freely.

Chris:  Me cher, I didn’t expect you to be up yet after z’e celebration last night, and…

Delia:  Ugh, less explanation, more putting your fucking pants back on, please?

Chris:  I beg you to speak to your fas’er wi’s more respect.

Delia:  Perhaps you can give me a pass since I’ve seen you naked wi’s two of my friends in two weeks?  Please let me know when your suit is back on and you are in z’e pool. I don’t need to see your coat rack…

Delia speaks very candidly with her father as he obliges, sliding his Speedo back on.  He pauses there for a moment, taking in Angelica’s gorgeous body before turning toward the pool.  He is apparently taking too long as Delia grunts, turning it into a scream of frustration that speeds the process up.  Chris dives into the deep end of the pool.  Delia takes this as her hint that he’s complied and she walks over to Angelica, ripping the headphones out of her ear.  Angelica tilts her glasses up in a panic as she looks around.  Once she sees Delia, she rolls her eyes and lowers her shades again.

Angelica:  What the eff, bitch?  I was jamming to Katy Perry.

Delia:  Yeah, gross… Anyway, did you see z’at guy getting naked in front of you, or z’e fact he was about to straddle you?

Angelica laughs as if it were some odd attempt at a joke, but when Delia’s face conveys otherwise, Angelica’s eyebrows furl as she looks around.  Spotting only Chris in the pool, she looks back up to Delia, hooking the earbuds over her ears, she sighs.

Angelica:  Well, I’m sure your dad wouldn’t have let it happen.

Delia:  Oh, I beg to differ, hunty… He was z’e one who I’m talking about.

Angelica:  OH EM EFF GEE!  Ga-ross!  Chris!  This is like America and stuff, and we don’t do that!

Angelica sits up in her seat, shuddering at the thought.  She hugs herself as she looks back from Chris to Delia with a sour expression on her face.

Angelica:  Your dad is like some weird Martian or something, like I don’t get why he has to come along with us everywhere.  Can’t he stay back in Vegas?  He’s *kind of* cramping our style.

Delia:  I know, I know, he’s sooooo freaking weird, no?  But, he’s my fas’er and I’m hoping we can find a way to mend our relationship after all.

Angelica:  Yeah, but that’s what the week after the Super Card is for, like totally.  We’re on the road trying to get our party on, and he’s like getting naked and stuff.  Who wants to party with a dinosaur with a hard on?  I mean, besides Tessa of course.

Angelica laughs in a very bitchy tone as she looks back at Delia’s father.  Delia grits her teeth as Angelica simply waves it off.  She is clearly thinking mean thoughts as she stares at her father, and this infuriates Delia.

Angelica:  Get over it, Deelz, like seriously.  Like make a rope ladder and sneak out of your window one night after *air quotes* going to bed at 9 o’clock… It wouldn’t be that hard to ditch the crusty dusty.

Delia:  What if I ditched you?  Besides, how did you even know about Tessa and my dad?  Z’at was like classified information and stuff.

Angelica:  Seriously?  Renaldo the janitor told Veronica about it, and you know the only secret Veronica keeps is her perfume line el oh el.

Delia scoffs at this as she plops down in her seat next to Angelica.  She looks at her surroundings and it depresses her even more as she quickly folds her arms across her chest like a spoiled brat.  She kicks off her jeweled flip flops and crosses her legs.

Delia:  Fucking Veronica… For z’at matter, FUCKING Tessa!  Fucking fuck!

Angelica:  Seriously?  I thought with your precious Liz around, Mean Girls went PG-13 or something, but you’re dropping eff bombs like they’re going out of style.  That’s so 2010…

Delia:  Fuck 2010 and fuck you…

Angelica scoffs as she swings her arm over to smack Delia’s shoulder in a half serious, half joking manner.  Delia shrugs it off and puts a hand in Angelica’s face to silence her.  Angelica surprises even Delia by pushing it out of the way.

Angelica:  Look bitch… Do I need to give you your monthly attitude adjustment?  Because I’m honestly sick of your crap.  You’re busy running around with Liz Fricken Smalls, and chasing Gabriel Asar, or being in denial of chasing Gabriel Asar… it’s like you’ve totally ignored me until you needed someone to help babysit your senile dad in some shit hole Arizona Motel that looks so much like Bates Motel, I’m expecting Norma to come in and hack me up in the effing shower.

Delia:  Are you fucking finished?

Angelica:  No, I’m not “fucking” finished, Deelz.  Geez, did you borrow Rage’s personality or something?  I’ve only just begun.  You’ve been completely ignoring me for all of this frivolous bullshit, and suddenly I’m like your new bestie in the group?  What’s the matter, you couldn’t get Liz to agree to stay in the hotel your dad insisted on booking?

Delia sits there for a moment, her face reddening as she remains silent.  Angelica lifts her glasses up so that Delia can see the proud sparkle in her hazel eyes.  She gives Delia a cutesy/bitchy wink as she sighs, grabbing onto her headphones.

Angelica:  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get my Katy Perry back on.  You can keep guard for your perverted father trying to force himself on me, kay thanks.

Angelica is about to slide the headphones back into her ears before Delia yanks the pink iPod from Angelica’s stomach.  She chucks it into the pool, causing Angelica’s jaw to drop.  She shouldn’t be surprised by this, but usually Angelica listens to reason.  She is about to respond to this in protest, but Delia doesn’t allow this to happen.

Delia:  You seem to forget how I got a job wi’s Sin City Wrestling.  I can recall someone giving a certain crusty dusty Erik Staggs a BLOWJOB under his desk.  Did you get z’at camera man?  I want all of SCW to know z’is information…

Angelica:  Yeah, I’ll have Mark edit that bit out, and don’t you forget that I…

Delia:  You’re what?  A whore?  No shit, Angie… Z’ere is one s’ing z’at Misty has gotten right, and it isn’t her career.  It isn’t her self righteous plan to rid SCW of Mean Girls.  It is z’at you are a whore.  You and Amy Marshall nearly rival on anos’er.

Angelica’s eyes widen, and her valley girl façade quickly fades.  She laughs, but her expression shows her roots as she begins removing her earrings, one at a time.  She slams them down on top of the glass table nearby as she licks at her lips, ready to pounce Delia.

Angelica:  Don’t you EV-AR bring that shit up again!  Just because I used to idolize you, that doesn’t mean you can treat me like some whipping girl.  I’m from South Saint Louis, bitch, and I can still get ghetto on you in a motherfucking quick, kay?  I’ll pull out your fake ass hair, and then choke you with it.  We can proceed, or you can apologize to me.

Delia:  Yeah right.  Like Z’AT would ever happen, el oh ehhh…

Delia doesn’t have time to react when Angelica tackles her to the ground, pulling at her hair, causing Delia to scream as she tries to fight back.  Angelica seems to really be enjoying this as she pulls out bits of Delia’s hair.  Delia reaches up and does the same back to Angelica, who begins punching at Delia’s face.  She continues, laughing as she goes, until Chris comes flying in.  He pulls Angelica off of Delia and then throws Angelica into the pool.  He turns to check on Delia, but she doesn’t even let him get close before she gets up and runs at the pool, hitting a Flying Cross Body to her from the diving board.  However, it doesn’t do much good, and both girls continue to brawl it out, screaming as they get each other good.  Chris grabs at the sides of his head as he isn’t quite sure what to do here.

Angelica:  You jealous ho bag!  *ARGHHH!*

Delia:  Don’t you dare talk to *sputter* your LEADER z’at way!

Angelica:  Leader my ass!  You would be nothing without me, and you… know it!

Delia:  Z’en why don’t you get back in z’e ring and prove it?  No, you have to… live through *AGH!* my glory!  You’re probably z’e one who told Misty about z’e tar anyway, mole!

Angelica shrieks remembering it as she grabs onto Delia’s hair like handlebars, dunking her head under the water as large air bubbles come flying up.  Angelica smiles wickedly as she holds Delia there, until Chris comes jumping into the pool to try breaking it up.  He pulls Delia away from Angelica and holds her back as he kicks forward, keeping Angelica back.

Chris:  ENOUGH!  Z’is is not how grown women should act!  Z’at is exactly why I have decided to accompany my daughter wi’s her travels.  Z’e rest of you girls can act like teenage girls, but my daughter will be a true lady.

Angelica:  Well tell the “true lady” that she needs to watch her fricken mouth and how she talks to other people, because she comes across more like a horrible fucking bitch than a lady.  Sorry bout it, pops.

Delia:  At least I don’t have to apply foundation around my lips to hide herpes scars.  Not even Amy has to do z’at, ANGIE!

Chris:  STOP!  Bo’s of you!  Delia, out of z’e pool, right now.  Go to your room!

Angelica wipes a small trickle of blood from her lip as she laughs out loud at this.  Delia’s nostrils flare as she contemplates jumping over her father to attack Angelica again.  He senses this and gives her a look of authority that causes her to step outside of the pool.  She looks back at Angelica and flips her off.  Angelica sticks her tongue out, teasing her in a juvenile manner to mock her.  Chris glares between the two as Delia walks off.  She passes Alex on the way to the gate, but she doesn’t even acknowledge him.

Alex:  Damn girl, what the hell happened?

Delia chuckles and turns, wiping a bit of blood from her nose, spitting some out into the grass before looking back at Angelica.

Delia:  I just went for a little dip.  Nos’ing I couldn’t handle, of course…

Alex looks between the group, ready to throw accusations at Chris, but once he sees Angelica’s pleased expression and slightly bloodied lip, he adds two and two together, placing his hands on his hips as he shakes his head.  Delia turns and walks toward the creepy looking motel.  As she makes the long trek, a voice over is heard.

Delia:  *Voiceover*  Z’is was not how it was supposed to be.  Mean Girls won a major battle in z’e war against z’e Jealous Janis’.  We won z’e Main Event at Climax Control, taking out Amy Marshall, Roxi Johnson, and Misty.  I finally got z’e satisfaction of pinning Amy Marshall, so she can no longer pass z’e proverbial buck to Karina Koji.  We should be satisfied, but z’at is not z’e case.  Z’ere is trouble wi’sin z’e Mean Girls clique.  Z’ere is a mole.  Someone has betrayed me, and given information out to Misty.

Misty… Misty, Misty, Misty… Z’e Queen Bee of Jealous Janis’.  She has decided to start a war wi’s me, and now my friends are slowly turning on me.    I don’t know who it is, but z’e blood lost to Angelica is a good sign to me.  Misty needs to pay.  I will be taking on z’e closest s’ing to a best friend she’s got when I take z’e title from z’at ratchet bitch, Vixen.  My problems wi’s Vixen are nos’ing really, but I will gladly humiliate her to send a message to Misty.  But, somehow… it just doesn’t seem to be enough.  Vixen is just a consolation prize to me.  Z’e title is but a mere formality, as I am already z’e Queen Bee of Sin City Wrestling.  I want to hit Misty so deep, she will feel it.  I s’ink I know exactly what I need to do…

Delia reaches room 313 and she leans into the door, jiggling the handle as she turns the key in an awkward fashion.  The door sticks, but she finally gets it open, and she steps inside, a wicked grin of her own plastered on her face.  She lets her words linger in our ears for a moment longer before she slowly closes the door.

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”People like to say that I am ‘this’ or I am ‘that’.  They are so wrong, but what if, just for one night, I showed them what it would be like to be right. Just for one night only.” -Delia, Darling if you must

*You’re an alcoholic*

We quickly find ourselves submerged in D’Vine Bistro and Wine Bar in Yuma, Arizona.  It is not as classy as Delia’s usual hang out, but in a town like Yuma, there weren’t many options that would allow her to avoid the other Mean Girls after her fight with Angelica.  She is sitting at a table, out in the open at a small table all by herself as she has just finished an entire entrée on her own.  The late is covered in a dark sauce as she dabs at her mouth with a napkin with less thread count than most people’s sheets.  She can’t help but feel such an action is far too quaint to completely ignore.  She places the napkin over the plate and then pushes it to the edge of the table.  Picking up a crystal glass of water, she gently sips on it as she looks around at the contemporary art that fills the establishment.  She chuckles to herself at how simple the flowers on the one wall truly were.  She looks over toward the wine rack, but her interest is drawn in by the silhouette pictures hanging above it, which has become second nature to her almost.  The waitress comes by the table and picks the plate up with a smile.

Waitress:  Is there anything else I can get for you tonight?  How about dessert?  Or maybe a glass of wine from our list?

Delia thinks about it for a second, looking at the empty plate in the waitresses hand and realizing exactly how full she feels from eating an entire meal, like a normal person would.  She rubs at her stomach and starts to decline when suddenly she turns her lips into a half smile.

Delia:  Yes… I will have z’e salted caramel chocolate cheesecake.  And please, do not go light on z’e sauce, darling…

The waitress nods her head as she walks off with the plate in her hand.  Delia continues to look around, finding herself lost in thought.  She is feeling out of place in this establishment because of her own desire to be in better company, with people who truly deserve her presence.  She can’t stand it, yet she feels that she needs her time to herself, despite the crowded restaurant, there is not one person who she would dare talk to.  She picks up her glass once more, taking a slow sip as she continues to glance around, mentally “reading” every bad hairdo and outfit of every patron inside of the establishment.  Some of them are obviously deep cuts as she finds herself stifling back an arrogant, nasally chuckle, covering her mouth.  Finally, the waitress comes back and places the dessert in front of Delia, and it looks like a piece of art.  She smiles and pulls her ticket pad out, jotting down the latest before returning a friendly gaze to Delia.

Waitress:  Are you sure that I can’t tempt you with some of our fabulous wines?  We’re known across the entire state for our selection, and…

Delia:  Yes, yes, I’m sure z’at is somes’ing to be proud of. Like, if I were only known in Arizona, I wouldn’t brag about it sweetheart…

The waitress turns away slightly, raising an eyebrow before mouthing what can only be assumed to be a profane comment about Delia.  She takes a deep breath and starts to close her pad when Delia looks up at her almost apologetically, placing her hand in between the booklet, stopping it from closing.

Delia:  What would you recommend for a red wine, nos’ing too dry of course.

Waitress:  Our red house wine is definitely as sweet as a red wine comes.  Would you care for a taste test, Ms. Darling?

Delia:  No, I trust you.  Bring me a glass…

Delia thinks about it for a second as the waitress pulls her pen back from her apron, clicking it to begin writing.  The same sinful smirk comes across Delia’s face as she looks back up to the waitress, showing off a rarely seen friendly side.

Delia: No, bottle… of your house red wine.  Please, and s’ank you.

Waitress:  Coming right up.

She gives Delia a sweet, genuine smile before disappearing toward the wine bar.  Delia takes a single bite of the cheesecake, savoring it as if it were a true taste of heaven.  She slowly chews, closing her eyes as she quivers.  She takes another bite soon after as the waitress brings the bottle back over to Delia’s table.  She uncorks it at the table, and then pours the deep red wine into a fresh glass.  As soon as Delia is finished scarfing her cheesecake down, which is before the waitress has time to walk away from the table, she washes it down with a few quick gulps of the wine, letting out a small belch before looking around laughing with embarrassment.  She quickly covers her mouth as the waitress picks up the plate.  Delia shakes her head as she runs her finger across the plate, taking the last bit of crumbs with some caramel sauce, and licking them off.  The waitress looks at her with a raised eyebrow, but keeps her opinions to herself as she turns to walk away.  A voice comes to Delia from behind.

Man:  Hey there, beautiful.  I will buy that bottle of wine if you wouldn’t mind sharing a glass with me?

Delia turns around to spot a man in a black turtle neck sweater, black horn rimmed glasses, and tight fitting blue jeans.  His hair is spiked up in dark black, neat spikes.  He looks like a coffee house reject, and Delia rolls her eyes, despite the fact that he barely looks old enough to drink.

Delia:  Eww, dismissed..

Delia places a had in his face, shooting him down instantly.  He looks dejected, but doesn’t put up any resistance as Delia pours another glass of wine, taking it down almost as quickly as the last one.  People who clearly recognize her begin whispering about her and pointing, but Delia only shrugs her shoulders, daring anyone else to say something to her.

*You’re an airhead*

We switch over to a few hours later, to find Delia inside of a night club where the music is booming.  Delia is seen in the center of a crowd, dancing to the music with a bunch of guys dancing around her.  She is clearly intoxicated as she holds her drink in the air to the electronic house music.  She sways her wide hips, causing different men to fight over who had the right to grind on her next.  She doesn’t care as she barely even notices it.  A man comes in front of her, shirtless, with a few generic tattoos covering his chest and arms.  His hair is done up in a brown Mohawk that makes him look like a UFC fighter.  He dances to the music with her before wrapping his arms around her.  He leans in, whispering something into her ears and she giggles, trying to push herself out of his grasp.  He has such a tight hold on her that she can’t get away.  He whispers something else to her before pulling her in close, grinding against her.  She doesn’t seem thrilled, but because of the situation, she doesn’t try to put up much of a fight.  Instead, she takes down half of her drink to get through this.  He lightly pulls her hair back and begins to kiss her neck, moving down to the V just above her chest.  She tries to pull away again, but he tightens his grip, practically forcing himself on her at this point.  He senses her struggle and finally eases up, holding his hands up in apology.  He says something to her, but she can’t hear him because of the music.  He shouts it out loud so that she might stand a chance of hearing it.


Delia thinks about it for a second.  Under normal circumstances, she would turn it down with an eye roll and a scoff.  Since she is doing thinks she wouldn’t normally do, she nods her head and walks off with him.  Something just doesn’t seem right as he leads her over to the bar.  He holds up two fingers as he whispers a drink order to the bartender who nods in response.  He brings over a bottle from the cabinet and places it on the bar, with the serving nozzle still on it.  The man hands his a decent sum on money as he goes to tend to the other patrons.  The man lifts Delia up onto the bar with ease and gives her a smirk.

Guy:  Body shots, and you’re the glass sweetheart!

Delia:  Wait, huh?

He laughs and guides her down to the bar as he lifts her shirt up, pouring liquor over her navel.  He leans down and quickly sops it up from her body, causing her to gasp in shock with how quickly it is happening.  He motions for a few of his friends to come over with a hand gesture before serving up shots for the three men, back to back to back.  Delia, uncharacteristically, just lies there and takes it, feeling dirty.  She doesn’t say a word as she repeats the mantra of the evening to herself inside of her head.  â€œTonight, you’re not the Delia you know.  You’re the Delia everyone else knows.”  She forces a smile onto her face as she acts like she enjoys it.  She forces a porn star groan as she shudders, making the guys high five one another.  She finally has had enough of this as she tries to get off of the bar.

Guy:  Where ya going, baby girl?  We’re ain’t finished the bottle yet, darlin’.

Delia:  I s’ink z’at you should be z’e shot glass for me now.  You did offer me a drink, no?

The guy’s friends hoot at Delia’s sassy response, causing the guy to nod his head.  He looks over to his friends who clap and hand him a shot glass.  He sits up on a bar stool, helping Delia down to her knees.  He pours the Jack Daniels into the glass, and then tucks it into his jeans   Delia lowers her head to the glass as the guy places his hand on the back of her head.  Before even giving her the opportunity to take the shot, he grinds his crotch in her face, which horrifies her.  As her mouth stays opened in shock, he leans up and dumps the shot into her mouth, even though most of it spills out and onto her shirt.  She is embarrassed as his friends come up and congratulate him.  She stands up and dumps a good amount of liquor into her mouth as a fifth man enters the picture.  He seems to be going off on the other men, shoving the main perpetrator away before dragging Delia with him.

Guy:  Hey, that dumb bitch has our bottle!

The man turns around and flips his off as he continues to drag Delia away.  Delia stumbles a bit in her heels as she tries to protest.  Her words come out very slurred as he helps her to a table.  He quickly takes the seat across from her before speaking.

Man:  Hey, my name’s Brad.  I apologize for the male gender and all…

Delia laughs, brushing the comment off as if it made him any more different than the others who had just given her the ultimate disrespect.  She barely even pays him any mind until she notices that he’s the man from the D’Vine Bistro that had asked her to share a drink with him.  She scoffs and then flips her hair over as if she still wasn’t ready to apologize.

Brad:  You don’t need to apologize to me or anything. I get it, I ain’t your type.  I just couldn’t stand seeing a beautiful woman like you being treated like that.

Delia:  How do you know z’at I’m not like z’at?  Maybe I am a big old stupid alcoholic whore.

Brad stares at her, seeming surprised to hear her say this.  She brings the nozzle back up to her lips, taking another drink before passing the bottle to Brad, who takes it only to slow Delia down some.

Brad:  I work for Sin City Wrestling.  I’m just a lighting guy, but I know you better than that.

Delia:  Darling… nobody knows me.  Not even a little.  I’m not z’e person everyone s’inks I am… Or, maybe I am?  I don’t even know anymore.  Like… I just want to have a good night and not have to s’ink.

Brad:  Yeah, well what’s it gotten you into so far tonight?  I mean, aside from having a big dick rub his dick in your face, of course.  I know you’re a Mean Girl for a reason, but you aren’t as bad as everyone says you are.  You just need to realize that they don’t have anything on you, so they make up things about you.  Don’t let them define you.

Delia grabs the bottle away from Brad and takes another gulp of the whiskey as she sighs, almost shuddering in the process.  She belches again, but this time it isn’t quite as abrupt to the situation around her, even though it does catch Brad off guard.

Delia:  You don’t like know me z’ough.  You don’t know what I’ve been s’rough.  You don’t know who I am, or what I do.  And you don’t know a s’ing about me.

Brad:  I know you’re in a big title match at Violent Conduct II.  I know that you’re nervous about it, or else you wouldn’t be doing this.  You feel like maybe you’re not ready to be at the top, or to be in the ring with someone as big as Vixen.

Delia: Ummm, I just defeated Amy Marshall, Roxi Johnson, AND Misty in like one match.  Misty is way more impressive than Vixen, so…

Delia laughs in a bitchy tone as she tries to hide her own insecurities.  Brad shakes his head, clearly not agreeing with Delia.  He can see that she isn’t even paying attention to this, and opts not to say any more on the topic.

Delia:  I am not nervous, because I already know I will not win.  I’m clearly not a good wrestler, because I have to cheat to win.  Z’at is a hash tag Delia Fact.  Vixen said it on z’e show, and it’s true.  I can’t get anys’ing right, so why not go out and enjoy myself instead of taking myself so seriously?  I’m not going to get my hopes up for nos’ing.  Now, if you will excuse me, I have a score to settle, as you say..

Delia stands up from the table, despite Brad trying to protest.  As she does, the music seems to get louder, and it drowns out any attempt at arguing with her.  She looks around and walks toward the exit where the UFC looking guy has just left.  She has an angry look on her face as she quickly follows.

*You’re a classless whore*

The sun hits Delia’s face roughly ten hours later.  She clinches her eyes closed with a groan as her chestnut hair falls around her face. She tosses it over her eyes as she turns over on her side, burying her face in the pillows of the king sized bed she’s accustomed to sleeping in.  She pulls the white comforter up to her chin.  She gets comfortable once more, until it registers with her that she is not in the bed she belongs in.  She lifts her head up weakly, feeling the hang over as she holds onto the side of her head.  She looks around the room and spots a few bottles of cologne, and a pair of mens shoes sitting in front of the hotel dresser.  She looks over and she sees a lump in the bed that moves ever so slightly.  She sits up and thinks over the events from last night, but all she can remember is being angry.  And then little bits and pieces of a casual encounter come to mind like an echo in her mind.

Delia:  Hey z’ere.  I figured you could use some company…  You seem lonely.

Man:  I am clearly not as drunk as you are.  Maybe you should come inside and lie down to sober up.

Delia:  Whatever you say, handsome…

She then remembers glimpses of the passionate night that came not long after.  She sits up further before feeling sick to her stomach.  She wraps the sheet around her naked body as she rushes over toward the bathroom.  She flings the door closed behind her as she can be heard vomiting loudly.  We pan back over to see a man lying on his stomach, covered only with a bit of the comforter, and his short brown hair a mess.  His face isn’t seen, but if you look hard enough, you start to feel as if he is somehow familiar…

<img src=>
”Sometimes you have to face your fears head on.  Sometimes you have to fake confidence in order to rise above your own self doubt.  Sometimes, you need to force yourself to overcome the obstacles that you have already counted yourself out of.  It is the only way to become a winner.” –Delia, darling if you must

Without so much as a goodbye, Delia opens the hotel room door and slowly closes it, showing a good amount of shame on her face.  She sighs as she leans against the door, tangling her fingers up in her hair, that is done up much nicer than when we last saw her.  She slowly shakes her head from side to side as she stares at the wall across from the hotel suite.  She slowly lets her hair back down as she composes herself.  She brings her Gucci purse over her shoulder as she puts on her brave face, refusing to take the walk of shame.  She takes in a deep breath and begins walking with the usual confidence that we have become acquainted with.  Her heels click against the marble flooring as she comes to the elevator door.  She presses the down button, the only available option.  Her face is filled with her usual arrogance as she waits, rather impatiently.  She does a breath check and winces as she fumbles around in her purse for a piece of gum.  She quickly finds one and unwraps it, popping it in her mouth before the elevator door opens.  She steps inside of the vacant elevator as the door closes, a soft jazzy beat playing over a speaker above her.  The doors close behind her as she leans against the back wall.  She pulls her phone out and fumbles through texts and her Twitter as a little bit of time passes.  The elevator comes to a stop on the fourth floor, but she doesn’t pay any mind.  Chains rattle against one another, but her attention still isn’t brought up from her phone, and apparently the person who steps inside has the same idea initially.  Delia takes a sniff, and the smell of cigarettes immediately draws her attention as the doors close behind the person.  Her face twists into displeasure as she scoffs.

Delia:  Couldn’t you wait like two minutes for me to get down to z’e ground floor before pressing z’at button?

Delia measures up the tall, dark, and questionably handsome man standing in front of her.  She takes in his alternative appearance, from the black spiked hair, trimmed up side, nose ring, and a labret stud.  She looks down in further disgust at the NXT tank top with full sleeves of tattoos up each arm, and black, tattered jeans with three chains hanging from each side.  However, his own expression returned shows just as much displeasure for the world class model as he narrows his eyes, flaring his nostrils out.

Spike:  As much as you wish I would have waited, I wish I had twice as much…

Delia takes in a sharp breath as if she were trying to think of a retort, but it comes out much quicker than expected as she rolls her eyes.

Delia:  Yeah, I doubt z’at very much so…

Spike:  Oh trust me, I’m as serious as a fucking heart attack.  At least we have less than a minute of dealing with one another, right?

Spike forces a smile onto his face as he rolls his icy blue eyes.  He turns away from her, going back to checking his phone.  She mocks him with yet another eye roll before clicking her gum between her teeth in an attempt at annoying him.  She succeeds as he turns around, giving her a nasty look.  As they pass the third floor, Spike sniffs and waves his hand in front of his face.

Spike:  Damn, your breath smells like whiskey and cock in a field of peppermint. I thought you were promoting celibacy…

Delia:  Keep your disgusting, disturbing fantasies to yourself, Spike…

Delia stares at his from just under her lowered brows for a moment before looking back down.  Before they pass the second floor, the elevator starts making strange noises.  Despite their differences, Spike and Delia both look up from their phones for a second to stare at one another, worried.  Their disdain comes back as the elevator continues on.  On the way to the first floor, the elevator jerks and jars Delia, almost making her fall over as she grabs onto the metal railing.  It comes to a halt and both of them begin muttering curses under their breath.  Delia marches right over to the door and begins pounding on it as if there were something that could help her just outside of the doors.

Delia:  Hello?  HELLO?!  Somebody?!

Not waiting two seconds, she spins around and slides down the door and to the floor.  She places her head in her hands and begins kicking her feet in a tantrum, which causes Spike to raise an eyebrow before a sense of claustrophobia settles in with him.  His face goes slightly pale as he shakes his head from side to side.

Delia:  FUCK!  Ugh, I don’t want to be stuck in z’is elevator, wi’s you no less!

Spike:  Yeah?  And you think I want to be stuck in here with Delia FUCKING Darling?!

Delia:  Z’e honor is all yours, Spikey boy, I assure…

Delia looks up, spouting off the words with as much venom as she can muster before sticking her head back in her hands.  Spike takes in a partial breath, trying to relax before he begins pacing back and forth, shaking his head.  Delia slowly looks up, studying him in bewilderment as he begins talking to himself in a low, almost inaudible tone.  She watches closely for a moment before furling her brows.

Delia:  Seriously?  You’re going to turn into a mental freak show right before my eyes?  Calm down, man!

Spike:  Don’t tell me to calm down!  I hate being trapped.  I hate being confined to one space, especially small places, with someone I can’t fucking stand!  Someone I want to smack so badly, I can feel the proud sting in my hand!

Spike shakes his head, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he fumbles around in his pocket for a cigarette and a lighter.  He pulls it out, staring at it as his body begins to shake slightly.  He leans against the far wall as he presses the cigarette between his lips.  He pulls out a lighter as Delia looks up at him with even more disgust.

Delia:  Ugh, you can’t smoke in an elevator.  What do you s’ink it is, z’e nineteen seventies?  Did I miss z’e shag carpeting and olive green wallpaper somewhere?

Spike stares at her defiantly as he lights up his cigarette anyway, taking a long, deep drag from it.  He holds it in as he feels it calm him down slightly before exhaling.  Delia shakes her head from side to side before watching him continue to talk to himself.  She blinks before standing up.  She walks over to him and pulls the cigarette from between his lips in protest.

Delia:  Do you need a Q-Tip for your ears?

Spike:  No, I heard you just fine.  But, like everything else you say, I ignored it.  Just because you care what you say, it doesn’t mean…

Delia surprises everyone as she presses the cigarette between her lips, taking an equally long drag from the cigarette.  She taps the butt end of it to let the ashes drop down to the floor.  She blows the smoke back in his face before she hands it back to him.  She walks back over to the door as she looks around at the control panel.  Spike takes another drag, but his nerves are still going as he watches her.  Delia presses the emergency button on the panel as Spike speaks up again.

Spike:  I guess you do have some sort of a brain inside of that head after all.

Delia:  Yes, but I gave you z’e chance to be a man and take control, and you passed it up.  You turned into a vagina, and left me to do z’e obvious…

Spike:  Or I wanted to torture you by forcing you to stay in an elevator with an gothic emo masic.

Delia laughs sarcastically, as if to say “Yeah right…”  She taps her foot impatiently as she stares at the panel, waiting for some sort of response.  When she doesn’t get one, she begins smashing the red emergency button with her open hand, rapidly.

Delia:  Right, because you enjoy being stuck in tight spaces wi’s me, don’t you?  Ohhh, z’at is right, you don’t like being trapped, so…

Spike:  Okay, you caught me.  Say, how is pounding the emergency brake button turning out for you?  I think we’re already pretty well stopped.

Delia glares back at him as she squints, seeing that he’s right.  She looks around and presses a smaller red button beneath that button.  There is still nothing, so she begins rapidly pushing it, growling.

Spike:  Right, because that’s going to work…

Security Guard Voiceover:  Hello sir and ma’am, what seems to be the problem?  Also, sir, could you please put out the cigarette immediately?

Spike:  Could you ensure that your equipment works properly?  No?

Delia:  Excuse mister cranky pants here.  Z’e elevator seems to have stopped suddenly.  We would kindly s’ank you to help us.

Delia smiles sweetly as she looks at the camera lens.  She laughs as she gently waves Spike off.  There is a pause before the security guard returns.

Security Guard Voiceover:  I will send someone to check on this immediately.  I apologize for your inconvenience.

Delia:  I do expect you will comp my friend here for his troubles?  He’s got a fragile mental condition, and has talked about *whispers* suing…

Spike’s ears perk up as the cigarette hangs from his lips.  He is about to object when Delia turns around with a wink.  Spike narrows his eyes at her as she slowly walks away from the speaker.

Delia:  Say what you will about me, but I do like to help z’e less fortunate.  You’re welcome.

Spike:  I don’t need your help.  I’m a former World Champion, three times over, with an autobiography, and a wise investor.  Besides, if I didn’t have a dime to my name, you’re the last *air quotes* person I would ever accept help from.

Delia:  Ugh, pride is such an ugly liar, no?  I mean, especially one as wounded as yours.  Relax, I’ve left your son alone, I’ve stopped telling your sordid past to z’e world.  I’ve even taken it lightly on your new blushing bride.  I might even let her pin me so z’at she can claim to be z’e most dominant Bombshell Champion ever…

Spike laughs as he takes one last drag from his cigarette.  After exhaling, he sticks his tongue out and puts the cigarette out on it.  Delia winces as Spike drops the butt to the ground, swallowing as Delia makes a gagging sound.

Spike:  Vixen doesn’t need your charity either.  She could outwrestle you with both arms tied behind her back, and blindfolded.  As far as being the most dominant champion, she’s already on her way to that on her own, taking out Odette, and anyone else who has stepped in her way.

Delia:  Yes… yes she has, oh except for Roxi Johnson?  Someone I’ve defeated twice now.  Oh, and Misty who took z’e title off of her, who I also defeated last week.  Yes, I’m sure she will do just fine wis’out me making her look good, no?

Spike rolls his eyes as he folds his well toned arms over his chest, trying to stop himself from getting really nasty with Delia.  He takes a few deep breaths as Delia stares at him in her own sense of satisfaction.

Spike:  I heard this rumor about Mean Girls being unable to interfere in each other’s matches, or else the titles will not change hands.  There goes your winning strategy, right?

Delia:  Right, because I have to cheat to win…  When did you join z’e Jealous Janis clique?  Remind me to get you a tank top, darling.

Spike:  Well, I do look stunning in black and red.  But, if you would humor me by telling me of one time you’ve won cleanly, I will be nice to you for the remainder of the time we’re stuck in this elevator.

Spike gives her a cocky smirk as she returns the favor with a dirty look.  He unfolds his arms from across his chest as he moves them down to his hips in a mocking manner, and he leans forward.

Spike:  And I’ll even tell people about it, because I’m… so nice.

Spike runs his hand up to his chest as he feigns the sentiment behind his comment.  He looks off into the proverbial horizon for a second before cracking a smirk of his own.  Delia waves it off as she sticks her tongue out at him.

Delia:  You’re making me want to resend my offer to help make your wife look good.  I might have to take NXT’s only claim to fame, and keep it for my own.  I would say z’at I will bust her pretty face, but someone beat me to z’at a very, VERY long time ago.

Spike:  Keep picking at me.  I might not be able to lay a finger on you, but I’m sure Vixen would love to hear this little story for fuel during her training sessions.  Outside of your Mean Girls, no one else thinks Vixen is ugly in the slightest.  She’s the hottest Bombshell in SCW, present company included…

Delia scoffs at this as she rolls her eyes.  She shakes her head as she completely disagrees.  Spike only nods his head to drive his point home.  Delia shakes her head harder.

Delia:  We’ll see how hot she is wis’out z’e Bombshell Championship around her waist.  I already know you two have championship fetishes, so most of her appeal will disappear in just over one week, I assure.  What kind of example would I set if I didn’t bring home z’e top gold for my girls?  Besides, it is time z’at a proper, dominant champion who knows how to hold a spotlight takes hold of z’at belt.  Mark says z’at it deserves someone like me.

Spike:  Ah, you fell for the Cockney charm.  Too bad you’re too dumb to realize that he’s just looking for some strange.

Delia:  No!  He said z’at I would be z’e champion wis’in mon’s of signing my contract.  I should have won z’e Blast From z’e Past II tournament to get my shot at z’e championship, but he told me it was only a matter of time.  I was expecting someone like Roxi to hold z’e belt at z’e time.  Instead, Mark has graciously handed me z’e belt on a silver platter.  Do please pass my sentiments to Vixen, won’t you?  But make sure to tell her z’at I will give it z’e attention it truly deserves.  I will always carry it wi’s pride, and I will keep it in z’e spotlight always.  I am sorry z’at she could not do it herself.

Spike goes to talk, but he is cut off when the power in the elevator goes out for a split second.  Once it comes back on, the elevator begins moving again.  Delia still has a smirk on her face as she slowly turns toward the door.  Within a few seconds, the elevator comes to the ground floor.  The door opens and Delia steps out casually.  She chuckles as she walks into the lobby, her heels clicking loudly against the marble floor.  Spike just stares at her for a second before he exits the elevator also.  The door closes behind him as the screen starts to go black.
Post by: Vixen on September 06, 2014, 11:57:43 PM

The sound of the rain against the window of the hotel was relaxing for the most part as the couple on the bed collapsed together, their soft murmuring blending with the pattering of the drops.  Vixen and Spike Staggs cuddled together sleepily in the afterglow.  Vixen’s breathing deepens in sleep as she is held close by Spike who is woken up a short time later by the jerky movements of his wife who seemed to be caught up in some kind of dream…

”You so have to join Vix,” said a girl as Vixen stared at the poster for the opening on the cheer squad.  â€œNo one is a flexible as you.”

Vixen could only laugh as she nods slowly.  â€œYeah, flexible is all I need to be,” she teases back as she pushes her lank curls back over her shoulder.  Dressed in a pair of black torn jeans and a leather jacket over a ratty tanktop and school tee, Vixen looked nothing like the girls that would be wearing the school’s colours and cheering on the football players.

“Come on, I’ll go with you,” her friend called out as Vixen had begun to walk towards the gym where the tryouts were being held.  

Walking into the gym gave Vixen a feeling of intimidation as she looks across to see the cheerleaders surrounding a girl who matched the typical look of a cheerleader, all perky and confident a definite ‘mean girl’.  Vixen shakes her head and begins to back away from the door only to be stopped by her friend.

“Don’t let that girl scare you Vix, you are the best gymnast at the school and you know it,” she says.

“Come on, look at her,” says Vixen angrily.  â€œShe’s probably just going to have to say something like rah rah and they will be handing her the spot.  Like I have any chance against something like that!”

Her competition looks over, her lip curling in disgust as she takes in Vixen who is arguing with her friend.  â€œLike will you look at that?  Grease monkey thinks that she can be a cheerleader.  Listen hun , autoshop is down the hall,” offers the young woman.  The cheerleaders all laugh at the comment and surround the girl.

“Ha ha,” taunts Vixen as she puts her toes against the heel of her boot and yanks first one foot then the other out of the boots.  â€œAutoshop is like sooo yesterday.  I want to be a cheerleader!” she exclaims as  she opens her eyes wide and simpers like a copy of the others.  â€œGo team!” she adds with a little hop and skip.

The group of cheerleaders move to the stage and sitting on it they pick up their clipboards and motion for Vixen and the other girl to move to the middle of the floor.   Looking at Vixen, they rhyme off a tumbling routine for her to do.  Stepping back with a smirk, Vixen walks to the large black line on the floor then with a nod to the group of girls, she executes the moves in order with finesse, landing right in front of the other girl who glances at her fingernails in boredom and sweeps the legs out from under Vixen and then holds her hand in front of her mouth in surprise.

“Hey!” screams the friend of Vixen as she charges across the gym.  Getting to her feet, Vixen stops her friend, motioning for her to be quiet as the other girl is given her routine which is quite easier than what Vixen had to do.

After the girl walks though the cheer with little or no enthusiasm, she is treated to a standing ovation from the squad.  Realizing that the fix was in, Vixen reaches down to grab her jacket and is about to walk away when she is stopped by the newest cheerleader.

“The best won you know,” she says with a sneer.  â€œConsidering that you are so clumsy and nothing to look at, the team needs real inspiration, not a grubby ratfaced punk like you.”

Vixen smirks slowly.  â€œReally…care to back that talk up?” she suggests.

“Why should I?” asks the cheerleader.

Vixen gets right up and personal with the girl.  â€œBecause I don’t take too kindly to chiennes like you talking to me like that.”

Shoving at Vixen, the girl sends her backwards for only a moment before the group of cheerleaders surround Vixen and begin to taunt her as their newest member slaps and kicks at Vixen who starts to fight back only to be swarmed by the squad and beaten and kicked.

“Stop!” screams Vixen as she covers her head trying to prevent any more damage to her body.  Suddenly as the attack started, it stops as the cheerleaders stick their noses in the air and walk away from the bloody Vixen.

“New queen of the school just laid your ass out,” whispers the last cheerleader with a final kick to Vixen.  â€œYou are nothing, absolutely nothing!”

Feebly, Vixen looks up out of a rapidly closing black eye.

“I am somebody!” she mutters as she gets to her feet slowly before screaming it again…

“I’M SOMEBODY!” cries Vixen as she sits up in the bed, her eyes unfocused for a moment.  

Beside her Spike sits up and grabs Vixen as she falls sobbing into his arms.  â€œOf course you are my love,” he murmurs as he sweeps a hand down Vixen’s sweat soaked hair in an attempt to calm her.  Her tears tear at his heart as he wonders just what it was that made her think she wasn’t.  â€œWant to talk about it Vix?” he asks with concern only to have Vixen reach up and kiss him slowly.

“It was just a silly dream mon cher,” she whispers.  â€œI think it was a movie plot that I remember watching I think,” she adds with a slight chuckle that isn’t too convincing.  Honestly, it’s nothing.  Just hold me and I will be fine, I promise,” she says as she gently pushes Spike back and then rests her head against his chest.  â€œLike I said, it was just a dream.”

And one that she promised herself she won’t be reliving anytime soon.


Vixen walks into a room, a screen and a microphone stand are there waiting.  In front of her is a box that she opens to reveal a karaoke machine.  Pulling a cd out of a pocket, she slides it into the machine and then presses the door closed.

“As you can guess Delia,” she begins, addressing the camera as if her opponent stood right in front of her.  â€œI came down here to this karaoke bar before it opened with a rather strange request.  See, I could sing this song I found in my collection that perfectly matched you and what our match is all about at Violent Conduct.  I mean I would sing it but I am pretty sure that you would revile me for it because you would say I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket so I am going to let the singers of the song sing it but as they do, I am going to be screening something for you and your little group of ‘Mean Girls’.  So shall we begin then?  Oh and by the way, the name of the song…The Pretender by the Foo Fighters.”

With that comment, Vixen presses play on the stereo and then with the flick of her wrist, she presses play on the remote for the screen as a video starts to play.  Soft strains of sound begin to play as on the screen a tale of the tape is beginning to play listing out Vixen’s and Delia’s stats.

“This song Delia, it speaks to me about our match, “ says Vixen over the music as on the screen a Delia match is playing showing Delia cheating to win in a split screen with a Vixen match is finished with the Fall from Grace.

The chorus of the song plays…

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays?
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

“That right there is a good questions Delia,” states Vixen with a soft smile as behind her a montage of Vixen wrestling moves are executed on the screen.  â€œI am sure you will agree Delia, I am not like the others at all.  I am not just another one of your plays that you may well consider me.  See, there isn’t anyone on this bombshell roster that can claim to have done what I have.  Well, there is one that I do have to give props to…Misty of course was the first ever Bombshell champion and a three time one at that.  But even she doesn’t have the achievements that I have.”

Vixen pauses again as scenes from Delia matches are aired showing just how little Delia can claim of fame.  â€œThe song Delia talks about you being the pretender.  And you are a pretender because believe you me, the only thing you can do is talk about how you are the best and how you dominate.  Granted you are undefeated here in SCW but tell me pretender…did you do that on your own? Fraid not chienne,” says Vixen as she once again lets the music play.

“I wonder Delia what you might be thinking right about now?” offers Vixen as she looks up into the screen where the two of them are shown in match after match.  â€œI wonder if you are thinking of how you can get around the stipulation of the match and sneak out the win with a little help from your friends.  Or are you thinking of underestimating me because you know you are better than I am?  Are you doubting yourself about how you are going to be able to face one of the greatest bombshells in the history of SCW.  A bombshell that has won every bombshell title in the federation, the only wrestler in SCW that has worn two titles at the same time, does it get into your mind that I am who I say I am and at Violent Conduct you will be stepping into the ring with a woman that does not intend to surrender her title lightly.  So let me finish by saying…”

Vixen stops and with an intent look into the camera, she begins to sing along with the song.

I'm the voice inside your head
You refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face
Mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right
I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that will take you down
Bring you to your knees

With that Vixen smiles before waving at the camera then walking away.  On the screen is the image of Vixen holding the title as Delia seems to watch from her side of the screen.  Suddenly from behind the camera, Vixen’s voice can be heard

“You’re the pretender Delia…remember that!  Because I am the real Bombshell champion and you will never be.”
Post by: Christian Underwood on September 07, 2014, 09:42:48 AM
 Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 09/12/2014
England: 04:59am Saturday 09/13/2014  
Post by: Delia Darling on September 10, 2014, 01:52:52 AM
<img src=>
”Sometimes your worst enemy is yourself.  When you go to war with yourself, neither side ever truly wins.” –Delia, darling if you must

Turning, turning… swirling, swirling… spinning out of control.  The camera moves around in a circle with a birds eye view of Delia who is sprawled out across her bed.  She is floating in a sea of salmon pink sheets and comforters, with matching pillows strewn about.  Turn, turn, turn… She has a hand across her chest in her pink nighty.  Her chestnut hair is beautifully messy, spread out around her as her doe eyes are filled with tears.  She doesn’t move, though, shy of her slow breaths.  The tears gently roll down her cheeks as we pan out slowly with each loop we make.  Her lips quiver as she stares blankly ahead.  The tears begin to pool at her hand that is gently pressed against her face.  Once the camera catches the king sized bed that is otherwise vacant, we focus on her broken stance.  To her, the world has just ended.  Everything that she held dear to her has disappeared forever.  She finally gasps, giving in to the pain she feels on the inside as she rolls over onto her side.  She rests her head on her forearm as her phone rings.  She doesn’t even bother to look at it on her nightstand as “Dancin’ On My Own” by Robyn plays loudly, along with the vibration of the phone against the glass table top.  We notice there is a picture of Liz Smalls on the phone.  The song starts to loop before cutting off.  A few seconds go by before there is a loud beep from the phone.  Delia groans as she turns over and picks up the phone.  She presses a few buttons before setting it back on the table.

Voicemail:  You have… TWENTY TWO… new messages.  To play your messages, press… *BEEP*

Delia slaps her hand against the phone, pressing the button before it is even mentioned.  A few seconds later, there is some mumbling in French from her father.  She growls and slaps the phone again, without even looking at it.

Voicemail:  Message deleted.  Next message…

Angelica:  Look hosebeast… I know we had a fight and all, but you missed our team meeting tonight.  What the heck, girl?


Voicemail:  Message deleted… Next message…

Veronica:  What is going on, like you make us come to these meetings all the time, and then you don’t show up?  Your beef with Angelica is…

*Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap*

Delia continues to pound her phone until she’s pretty sure she’s near the end of the messages.  She rolls over onto her side dramatically as the voicemail message alerts her that yet another message was deleted.  The next one begins playing.

Liz:  Heyyyyy sister…  I missed that meeting a couple of days ago, but I heard from Veronica that you weren’t there either?  Is everything okay?  I haven’t heard from you in a week, and I really wanted to talk to you about something, buuuuut I want to make sure you’re okay.  Love ya big sis.  Call me back, kay?  Bye.

Liz’s unusually sweet voice echoes through Delia’s ears as she begins sobbing again.  She covers her face as she is rolled over once more, crying into her pillows.  There is a knock at her door, but she ignores it.  There is another knock before the door creaks open slowly.  Chris Darling pokes his head inside of the room and his eyes sadden as he looks at his daughter crying.  He thinks it over for a second, but decides to enter the room.  He closes the door softly behind him as he walks over toward her bed with concern written all over his face.

Chris:  Ma chou petite?  What is z’e matter, darling?

Delia:  Go away, papa…

Delia’s voice is muffled by tears as well as the pillows.  She refuses to even look up and show her face to him, but it is enough for him to sit down on the bed next to his daughter.  Without her noticing, he picks up her phone and slides it into his jeans pocket.

Chris:  Sorry, I cannot do.  I will not leave my daughter crying ever again…

Delia:  I don’t need your help.  Go back to France!

Still muffled, the anger in her voice shines through despite the pillows.  She sobs, but tries her best to choke it back.  Chris softly brushes her hair away in an attempt to ease her pain somewhat.  She brushes his hand away from her as another growl is heard.

Chris:  It has taken me a short time to get to know my new daughter.  Z’e girl who used to need her papa to ease her pain has not left.  Z’e only difference is z’at my new daughter tries to push me away.  I know z’at you don’t feel I am here for you, but I am.

Delia turns over, anger written over her dampened face.  She grits her teeth as she stares at him with fire in her eyes for a second before she shrieks in his face.  She begins trying to slap at him, but he simply deflects the strikes as if he were a professional fighter himself.

Delia:  UGH!  You haven’t tried to fuck Liz or Veronica yet!  Why don’t you fly back to Arizona and give it a try?!

Chris:  I am a lonely man, but I know I have crossed boundaries.  I will no longer do z’is, I promise.  I am here for you.  You just need to talk to me.

Delia:  No, I don’t!  I don’t need to talk to anyone!  I NEED to be left alone, because I’m tired of people…

Delia turns back over, giving up on trying to strike at her father.  She rests her head on her arms as she tries to calm herself down.  She takes sharp, shallow breaths at first, but they gradually become deeper.  Her father goes back to gently brushing her long locks out of her face.  She flicks her wrist back, knocking his hand away, but it doesn’t deter him in the slightest, so she succumbs to the comfort.

Chris:  I won’t make you talk to me, but I know z’at z’ere is a reason you wanted to leave your friends in Arizona in such a hurry.

Delia:  Friends?  Is z’at what you call it when people assault you and try to drown you?  Isn’t z’at reason enough to leave?

Chris:  It would be if it didn’t take you an entire day to decide to leave.  A day where you disappeared, and didn’t come back until z’e next afternoon looking like a mess.  I will only ask once, and leave it to you to decide to tell me or not to tell me…  What happened?

Delia:  I was mugged and raped by midget clowns wi’s knives in a dark alley behind a Kentucky Fried Chicken…

Chris cracks a smile, even though he knows he shouldn’t.  He continues to stroke her hair gently, though Delia doesn’t miss his light chuckle as he shakes his head in disbelief.  Delia rolls her eyes as she sniffles and wipes a stray tear from her eyes.

Chris:  Did you alert z’e as’orities?

Delia:  It was no used.  Z’ey were on z’e take.  Apparently Arizona is Clown Country, so justice will not be served unfortunately.

Chris:  Perhaps I will have to enact vigilante justice on all clowns in z’e state of Arizona?  Should I wear a Batman costume, or should I go undercover as a clown myself?

Delia:  Z’at would be too risky.  I’ve already lost my virginity to z’e clowns. It would be a real fucker if I lost my fas’er to z’em too…

Chris laughs as he lightly taps his daughters arm for the use of profanity.  She even cracks a smile herself, but it doesn’t last long before sadness takes over once again.  She sighs as she turns slightly, grabbing onto her father’s hand.  At this point, he was the only man that she could trust, and she is done trying to push him away as well.

Chris:  If you don’t want to tell me, z’at is fine, but I do want to let you know z’at I am here for you, even if you wish to say nos’ing at all.  I will no longer stand idly by as my daughter is sad.

Delia:  Why should I be sad?  I’ve got z’e whole world at my fingertips.  I trend on Twitter daily.  I am on magazine covers across z’e world.  Do you know someone once told me z’at being on z’e cover of Italian Vogue was not an accomplishment because I wasn’t on z’e cover of Vogue in America?

Chris:  But you were, no?

Delia:  Ugh, right?  Typical American swine who s’inks z’at z’ey are kings, when z’ey are clearly court jesters.  If it didn’t happen in America, it doesn’t count, like America is z’e only place z’at matters… And z’en when I brought up z’e fact z’at I was on American Vogue, and posted z’e cover, he still insisted I was nos’ing… But it’s okay, because I was still trending while he was sitting at home, tweeting from his mos’er’s basement… Like go get laser eye surgery and a girlfriend and leave me alone.

Chris chuckles, but only being polite as he didn’t quite understand all of her adopted semi-valley girl speech.  He tightens his grip on her hand for a moment before rubbing the top with his large thumb.

Delia:  Not to mention z’at I have a huge match for z’e SCW Bombshell Championship z’at I’m obviously going to win. Like, obviously… Anyone who tries to deny it is just an idiot.  I have everys’ing.

Chris:  Z’en why are you so sad, darling?

Delia:  I s’ought z’at you were only going to ask me once…

Chris:  I said I would only ask you “What’s wrong?” once.  Z’is was a different question entirely, darling.

Delia still refuses to look up at her father, as it is clear that she is hiding behind anger as a wall to hide her own shame for her actions just a few days earlier.  She just sighs, still not wanting to admit to her father what she had done.  Of all people, he was the last person she wanted to admit this to.  She starts off as vague as she can.

Delia:  Friday night was a bad night for me, papa… I feel as z’ough I made some mistakes z’at night.  S’ings I cannot take back ever.

Chris:  Nos’ing could be z’at bad, my darling Cordelia.  Nos’ing worse z’an what you have already done, no?

Delia:  Ugh!  Is z’at supposed to make me feel better?  Telling me z’at I am a horrible person who does terrible s’ings all z’e time?  Why don’t you just put on a Vixen T-Shirt and cheer for her during my match on Sunday?

Chris closes his eyes, realizing the error of his ways.  Unfortunately, he cannot take it back.  He pinches the bridge of his nose as he tries to think of a recovery from the bad wording.  Finally, he just sighs as Delia brushes his hand off of her hand.

Chris:  You know z’at is not what I meant.

Delia:  How else is z’at supposed to come across?  Even my own papa s’inks I am a terrible person, so I must be!  Z’AT is why I left Arizona.  I didn’t want to force anyone else to be around me. I’m like poison to people…  S’ank you for z’e pep talk, but you can go now…  Like now…

Delia turns slightly, tears welling back up in her eyes as Chris lowers his gaze to the floor.  He runs his hand over his feathered hair as he stands up from the bed, still trying to think of a way to make up for his blunder.

Chris:  I am such a dreadful beast of a fas’er.  We should have dinner toges’er tonight, let s’ings calm down.  Dress up in your finest for papa, will you not?

Delia:  Ummm, why would I do z’at?  No, find someone else because I’m never coming out of z’is room except to destroy Vixen inside of z’e ring…

Chris:  It was not a request, darling.  It was a demand disguised as a request.  You will be ready by 8pm tonight…

Chris looks at Delia, trying to fake a stern expression, but it is very obvious he is still upset that his daughter is upset.  However, he straightens up his posture as Delia scoffs, rolling her eyes with her back turned to him.  He slowly walks to the door, disappearing behind it quietly as Delia just sits there, deep in thought…

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”Sometimes things come when you least expect them.  I find it is best when one expects nothing, so that every single thing that happens, winds up being a pleasant surprise.” –Delia, darling if you must…

We find ourselves focused in on a blank page for a few seconds.  After some time passes, we see a hand come into view; one that has recently been manicured with French tips, and polished off with the finest polish ever… Nails by Liz.  In the hand, there is a smaller piece of thicker paper.  The hand presses it against the paper, running an extended index finger around the edges of what is now seen clearly as a picture of Gabriel Asar.  There is a soft, feminine sigh as the hand draws a rough heart around his photo, making a couple of rounds with it.

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We take a moment to drink in his soft, feathered dark brown hair, and his equally dark, rich eyes.  A drop of moisture finds its way next to the photo, lightly stained with black to let us know it is a tear.  There is a soft sniffle, followed by a hard exhale.  The hand goes back in motion before drawing a sharp, jagged crack in the heart, all the way to the bottom, and right through Gabriel’s face.  There is another soft sniffle before the pen begins writing a few words next to it.

”Dating this man would be worse than dating a woman. At least their periods end after seven days.”

“Gabriel Asar has a different personality for every day of the month.  Don’t trust him.”

She feels like she could write a full page on the topic, but valor prevails as she simply slams the book shut.  We quickly pan out to see Delia Darling sitting on the edge of her bed, dressed in a simple black dress with the light catching a few sequins.  Her chestnut brown hair is pulled back tightly into an elegant bun, her bangs parted down the middle and tucked gently behind her ears, with curls at the end.  She runs her hands down her smooth legs, checking to see if they need lotion.  She holds her toes out, checking the Nails By Liz paint with a light hint of satisfaction under her tears.  She wipes them away gently before walking over to the mirror where she takes a tissue and wipes away at the imperfections in her make up.  She rests the tissue against her lips for a second, refusing to keep her father waiting for their dinner date any longer.  She balls up the tissue and sets it on the make up table before turning on her heels and walking toward the door.  She tries not to let her thoughts get the better of her any longer as she walks by several black and white art pieces of various models that Delia has looked up to during her career, none of which are recognizable.  She comes to the living area, done in a sleek modern silver décor.  She doesn’t give us enough time to fully take in the beauty before she walks over to the doors leading to her rooftop deck that overlooks the Las Vegas Strip.  As she walks outside, she sees her father putting the finishing touches on the decorated table just about twenty feet away from the pool.  Delia forces a smile of appreciation on her face as she watches him light a candle in the center.

Delia:  It looks beautiful, fas’er.  But, did you not ask me to dress in my finest clos’ing for dinner?

He smirks as he looks down to his “Welcome to Las Vegas” t-shirt, and sweat pants as if to ask her what she could ever be talking about.  She just rolls her eyes as she walks toward the table, looking at the professional place settings, two of them.  There is also a bottle of sparkling grape juice in a bucket of ice.  Delia shakes her head, but her smile becomes much warmer as she looks to the red roses, pedals strewn about the table strategically.  If she didn’t know any better, she would have assumed that her father was trying to romance her.  She raises an eyebrow toward him as he looks over toward the door.

Chris:  Darling, z’e meal needs to be tended to.  Will you excuse me?

Delia goes to question him regarding the time, but he quickly scampers off to the house.  Delia sighs as she walks over to the edge of the deck, looking over the side at the Las Vegas skyline, but even further past it, and to the moon.  She misses the view of the stars at night, but otherwise, she couldn’t imagine a more perfect setting to lift her spirits than the lights.  She is caught off guard as Calvin Harris begins playing over the outdoor speakers, even if it is softly.  She lets out a laugh as if to say “Isn’t this like soooo outdated?”  However, her smirk lets us know of her appreciation for the artist.  The wind blows one side of her bangs free, and she reaches her hand up to brush it from out of her eyes when a hand beats her to it.  She closes her eyes in appreciation, until the arm wraps around her waist gently, leaning up next to her.  She looks extremely uncomfortable as she furls her brow, looking over toward her dad, only to see… it is not her dad.  It is a friend of hers from Twitter, Eric Paisano.  Most know him as Liz Smalls’ personal assistant, but Delia knows him as the one who picks her up when she’s feeling blue.  However, right now, the look on her eyes becomes sinister as she pushes him away.

Delia:  Excuse you, Mr. Paisano, but I do not recall inviting you tonight…  I am to have dinner wi’s my fas’er, and no one else!

Eric looks confused for a second as he watches her turn her back to him, giving him her infamous cold shoulder.  He takes a step toward her, but she meets it with another two steps forward.

Eric:  Your father told me that he wanted to surprise you with a romantic dinner.  I… I thought you would be happy?

He asks gently, without an accusatory tone in his voice.  Delia snubs her nose into the air as the wind continues to blow her bangs across her face.  However, she doesn’t care as she holds a hand up in the air toward him.

Delia:  I’m sorry you did not get z’e hint when I told you z’at I am no good for you.  I s’ought I made myself clear as Tiffany’s crystal…

Eric:  Speaking of…

Eric walks over to the table where he picks up a bouquet of purple Irises and a small black box.  He walks around to face Delia, handing the flowers to Delia.  She looks at them and then throws them into the pool to rub salt into the wound.  He opens the box to reveal a white gold necklace with a light pink ruby pendant in the middle.  He laces it around her neck, though she deflects his hand once more. He sighs as Delia breaks away from him once more.

Delia:  Irises are soooo fugly, like why would you bring them?  And z’e necklace?  Really?  Like who are you trying to impress?

Eric:  You?  Besides, you told me that the purple Iris was the most beautiful flower, and it reminded you of the Goo Goo Dolls song from when you were a little girl.  It was the first song you ever heard in English, and it was your first favorite song.

Delia can’t argue at all to this.  She is honestly surprised that he remembered her saying this.  She scoffs at his words, as she brushes past him and walks over toward the door.  Her father walks out of the door quickly with a smile on her face.

Delia:  You…! You invited… him?  What gives you z’e right to do z’at?

Chris:  Darling, one mustn’t be rude to one’s guest, no?

Delia:  Z’is is true.  I’ll finish cooking while you tend to your guest.  I guess it makes sense since he is a friend of mine.  Will you fuck him too?

Chris looks angered by such an accusation as Delia tries to brush past him.  Eric rubs the back of his head uncomfortably as he debates whether to get involved in the argument or not, but he finds it best to keep quiet.  Chris spins Delia around and leans in, speaking in French to her as she laughs in his face.  He gets even more firm with whatever he is saying before pushing her toward the table with a bit of authority.  She rolls her eyes as he walks to the door, turning to say a few words as she waves him off.  Delia glares at Eric as she places her hands firmly on the back of her chair.  Eric walks over quickly, gently brushing her hands off of it as he pulls it out for her.  Delia plops down in the chair as he helps push her in closer to the table.  He takes a seat across from her and sighs, trying to bring some light to the suddenly tense night.

Eric:  Your father seems like a pretty caring man…

Delia:  He tries to sleep wi’s my friends.  He probably wanted me to romance you so he could have his way wi’s you also…

Eric laughs as if she were joking, but she does her best to assert that she is not, though it is completely untrue.  She folds her arms across her chest as she snubs her nose up at him once more.  He slowly shakes his head, running his hands over his face as he tries to find a new approach.

Eric:  You have a very nice place here.  I like the way you’ve decorated.  It’s very… you!

He chuckles, but she is clearly not interested in his pleasantries.  She flips her bangs behind her ears before crossing her arms once more.  She looks at the silver watch wrapped around her wrist before yawning.

Delia: Would you look at z’e time?  It’s almost 8:15.  You must be exhausted from your flight. You don’t have to go home, but you cannot stay here…

Delia flicks her tongue at him with her last word as if spewing venom in his direction.  She gives him a deadly glare as he reaches over to the grape juice.  Once he reads “Welch’s” on the label, he sighs but opens it anyway, pouring a glass for Delia first, and then himself.

Eric:  I had a nap on the plane.  I could stay up here all night with you.  Maybe you could even fall asleep in my arms again, under the star… er… beautiful night sky?

Delia:  Or, I could just jump off of z’e roof and let people have a real celebration z’at I am finally gone?  It would be for z’e best.

Eric:  You’re so cute when you’re being morbidly dramatic.  Drink up before it gets hot.

”Drink up… Drink up… Drink up…”

The words fade from Eric’s to her own.  Her eyes almost glaze over as she sees herself wrapped around Drake Green with a bottle of Johnny Walker in one hand, and a glass in the other.  She holds onto the cold glass with her teeth as she unhooks the back of her bra, pressing herself closely against Drake as he begins to rock her back and forth slowly.  She moans as he kisses at her neck, and the moans get louder and louder as she loses all inhibition.  Then, the blissful pain as she groans very, very loudly.  A groan which echoes in her own ears as her brain whirls around…

Delia suddenly feels sick to her stomach as she stares into Eric’s deep blue eyes.  She tries her best to hold it back, but it is no use as she leans down to the side, throwing up almost violently, which causes Eric to widen his eyes.  He quickly leans out of his chair as he walks over, placing a hand on her shoulder as he holds her bangs back for her.  She shrieks as she pushes his hands away once again.  She grips at the napkin and wipes her mouth before taking a swig of water.  She swishes it around before spitting it angrily onto the ground.  She stands up and grabs the bottle of grape juice.  She opens it up, tossing the cap behind her to where ever it may land.  She presses it to her lips as a seductive look comes over her eyes.  She walks toward Eric, who looks more confused than ever.

Delia:  You want one s’ing, and only one s’ing.  Who z’e fuck says I don’t want to… well, fuck?  Take you in, chew you up, z’en spit you back out?

Eric rubs the back of his head as he lets out an almost nervous laugh.  He slowly steps backward as Delia approaches like a cougar who is stalking her prey.  She reaches back and pulls the pin out of her hair, letting it fall down her back as she runs her hand through it, ruffling it out.  She continues to sashay closer to him with the bottle hanging from her fist.  He trips over a pool lounger chair, and Delia uses this to straddle him.  He looks amused, yet still confused. Delia leans down, lifting his chin up as she stares deep into his eyes.

Delia:  I could blame z’e alcohol, except z’ere is none here.  So why don’t we get down to z’e heart of z’e matter.  I’m a dirty whore who has no regard for anyone’s heart.  I didn’t care when I tempted Drake Green wi’s my feminine wiles just days ago.  But, you men don’t care.  You just want a place to stick your…

Chris:  DELIA!!!

Delia chuckles heartily as she takes another drink from the bottle.  She arches her back slightly, leaving Eric in a rather precarious position as he tries to focus on her father, so not to take full advantage of the situation.

Delia:  Yes papa?  Didn’t you wish to see your daughter showing her true colors?  I mean, you were z’e first person to ever call me a dirty whore, no?

Eric:  Um, maybe I should…

As Eric leans up, trying to politely get out of the chair, and even more, from this rather uncomfortable position, Delia firmly shoves him back as she hovers over him, planting her lips firmly against his.  In a wild, passionate display, she flicks her lips against his, sliding her tongue into his mouth very strategically.  However, Chris grabs Delia by the hair of the back of her head.  He uses his grip only to remove her from Eric.  Eric quickly gets up, nodding his head apologetically to Chris and then to Delia before scurrying off inside with tomato red cheeks.  Tears stream down Delia’s face as she shoves him, screaming so loud that it is impossible to understand a word she is saying.  He lets her shove him repeatedly before banging her fist into his chest.  She soon begins shoving her whole body into him, trying to budge him.  After about four attempts, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her in closely as he holds her against him, cradling her head as she sobs loudly into his chest.  She pounds at his chest still, but soon she melts into the embrace.

Chris:  You forget what z’at fucking fool said to you nine years ago, do you understand me?  He was a hypocrite who only wanted to spare you from his own mistakes.  He wanted to please your mos’er, and show her what a man he was, but he was an idiot!  He admits to his mistakes right now, and doesn’t expect you to forgive him, yet he is humbled by z’em now.  Do you understand?

Delia continues to cry as she shakes her head against his chest.  She looks up into his eyes as the tears roll down her cheeks.  She tries to speak, but only a few words come out, yet they are the key.

Delia:  But… you… right! I’m… whore!  â€¦ slept with… Drake Green… revenge on Misty… I’m so… sorry…

He brushes a few rogue strands of hair from her face as he places his index finger to her lips.  She looks down as he shushes her kindly.  He shakes his head as he wipes the tears from around her eyes.  He gently walks with her toward the table, noticing the vomit.  He raises an eyebrow before placing a raft over it to hide it.  He pulls out the chair as he looks back to see Eric still standing outside, but far enough away to give them their privacy.  He looks back to Delia as he sets her down.  He lifts her chin up slightly.

Chris: Chin up, darling.  You made it s’rough life wi’sout me to wipe your tears for eight years.  Let yourself be happy…

He flashes her the warmest smile imaginable as “Gypsy” by Lady Gaga plays over the speakers.  She nods her head as she caches the last few tears, taking deep breaths to compose herself.  Chris walks over to Eric and whispers.  He nods his head and walks over to the pool where he grabs the floating flowers.  He forces a sweet smile onto his face as he clears his throat.  Delia laughs with embarrassment as she finally lets herself look into his eyes, for real this time.  With the cool hues inside of them, they couldn’t be any warmer to her right now.  He gives the flowers a few hard shakes to get the water off of them.  They silently come to an understanding that they will “start over”.

Eric:  Well hello there, beautiful.

Delia:  *Gasp* Eric?  Oh my, what a wonderful surprise!

Eric smiles wider, cheesing it up a bit as he comes closer to Delia.  He hands her the flowers, with a bit of embarrassment on his face as she smells them.  She ignores the chlorine smell, pretending to smell only the sweet scent.

Eric:  I’m sorry, but they fell into a pool on my way here.  I got you something.

Delia gasps again as he picks up the black Tiffany’s box again, though the necklace is on top.  He opens it and closes it just as quickly as he wraps the necklace around her neck.  He hooks the clasp as Delia holds the pendant between her fingers.

Delia:  Oh, Eric… it is beautiful!  You really shouldn’t have…

Eric: I wanted to.  Besides, it was almost as beautiful as you, so I thought you should have it.

With those kind words, she plants a polite kiss on his cheek, playing it coyly for a moment.  He lifts her head up and gives a simple, yet lingering kiss to her lips before he wraps around to his chair.  He scoots in and picks up his glass, taking a small sip, nodding to Delia to do the same.  She obliges, savoring the taste for a second.

Eric:  Nice place you have here.  It’s very…

Delia:  Me?

The two share a chuckle before Chris comes out with two plates of salad.  He sets one down in front of Delia, and the other in front of Eric.  Delia goes to grab her napkin, but then she remembers what happened to it and she slowly retracts her hand.  Eric hands her his own, and she smiles as she places it on her lap.  The two begin eating, the night now officially renewed.

Delia:  I just want to say… s’ank you, Eric.  You are z’e sweetest, most caring person who has ever showed an interest in me.  I would love to call you mine, but… As I said on Twitter, I am no good for you.  Someone so kind… so gentle… deserves a woman who is less of a…

Eric:  I deserve the best, I know. That is why I want to be with you.  Anything that has happened before five minutes ago, I couldn’t care less about, except our time together.  I want to make you my girl… That is, if you will…

Delia:  Yes!  Yes, Eric… I would love to be your girl.

Eric:  And don’t you dare try to change, because I like you for who you are.

Eric laughs aloud, a bit of redness coming to his cheeks again.  He reaches across the table as he scoops her hand up into his own.  His much bigger hand wraps around hers as they savor the moment, just staring into each other’s eyes.  Delia nearly sheds another tear, but this time, it is out of joy, instead of pain.  With her free hand, she lifts a stray rose pedal to her nose, smelling it to only enhance the most imperfectly perfect night.  As she looks at him, she can see that he’s the one who deserves a heart drawn around him, and so it appears as she does a mental freeze frame.

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”It is time to make myself happy.  I won’t spend time dwelling on people who don’t matter in my life.  That doesn’t mean that I won’t settle a few scores before I’m finished…” –Delia, darling if you must…

”Fancy” by Iggy Azalea plays over the speakers of an urban hat shop inside of the local mall just outside of Las Vegas.  People pass by the shop, on their way to their favorite stores, or to the food court to replenish for a day of shopping.  However, we find ourselves focusing on a redheaded kid who looks like he is around 16 or 17.  He is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with about a hundred different chains hanging from the belt loops and pockets.  There are plaid patches in random places.  He is also wearing a vintage Marilyn Manson t-shirt, the image is faded.  He is next to a girl who is clearly a decade younger than him.  Her hair is jet black, and she is wearing Monster High apparel, a pink and white zebra print skirt with skull and crossbones, with pink bows atop the heads.  She is also wearing a pair of pink Chuck Taylor’s as she tries her best to act twice her age, standing next to… her big brother?  It is none other than Timmy and Eden Staggs we find ourselves watching.  They start to pass the store, when Timmy leans down slightly, sighing as he looks back behind him.  Eden keeps going, until Tim calls out to her.

Timmy:  Eden, wait a minute!

Eden:  What?  Are you gonna say I’m your daughter again to flirt with the girl at Cinnabon?

Timmy rolls his eyes as she turns around in the middle of the hallway.  He takes a deep breath before doing a little dance, known to man as the pee dance.  Eden places her hands on her hips, sighing at him.

Eden:  What?  You did!  It’s not my fault you look like you’re a little kid too…

Timmy:  Ugh wait a minute, okay?  I gotta go to the bathroom.  Stand right there because you can’t come into the Men’s room.

Eden scrunches up her face in disgust as she folds her arms across her chest and plops against the wall, giving Timmy a good amount of attitude, which only causes him to wave in her direction in desperation.  He disappears down a corridor as Eden scoots down closer to the hat store where the music is coming from.  She looks back to the corridor her brother had just disappeared down, before thinking it over for a second.  She walks ten feet to stand just outside of the door where she begins lightly swaying to the music, singing along out of tune.

Eden: ”I’m so fancy. You already know. I’m in the fast lane, from Ireland to Tokyo… I’m so fancy… Can’t you taste this code…”

That’s when she realizes she doesn’t know the song as good as she thinks she does, and she resorts to humming while she dances.  A couple in their early twenties walks by and smiles, pointing to Eden as she dances.  They clap to encourage her, which only makes her go harder with it… as hard as a 6 year old can, at least.  Suddenly, a hand reaches out of the door and lands on Eden’s shoulder.  She turns around, scared as she starts to back up.

Eden:  I’m NOT allowed to talk to you.  My mommy says you’re a nasty b-word…

We turn slightly to see Delia standing at the door with a friendly smile on her face.  However, as soon as this is said, her smile turns into a frown, acting as if the words Eden had just spoken had hurt her.  She runs her hands down her white and pink ruffled skirt, finding a bit of irony in how similarly her and Eden are dressed, minus the childish decals.  She brushes her straightened blonde hair behind her ear as she sighs.

Delia:  Your mos’er and I don’t exactly see eye to eye, but I am a good friend of Timmy’s.  He texted me and said z’at he wanted me to take you to get ice cream because he has…

Delia looks around, acting as if she had any concern for someone aside from herself.  She leans down, and cups her hand around her mouth as if to share a secret with Eden, just loud enough for us to hear.

Delia: … diarrhea…

Eden:  You sure do talk funny, lady.  There’s a kid in my class who talks funny, and he has to see a speech ther… theri… someone who teaches him how to talk right.  Did you think about trying it sometime?

Delia offers a chuckle as she turns away from Eden just long enough to roll her eyes and lightly scoff.  She turns back, and as she does, that plastic smile comes back over her face.  She tilts her head to the side slightly.

Delia:  We mustn’t stand in everyone’s way.  Have you decided what kind of ice cream you would like?  I’m going to have praline’s and crème… Mmmm…

Eden:  We WERE going to go to Claire’s because I was going to get some earrings and maybe a bracelet and…

Delia:  Funny, he did not mention it.  Why don’t we go there now?

Eden widens her eyes as if to let us know that she didn’t expect Delia to fall for her trick.  However, she quickly straightens up as she begins walking toward Claire’s, just a few doors down.  Delia quickly follows as she looks back over her shoulder, seeing that the coast is still clear.  She rushes Eden along as they walk into the store.  Inside of the store, “Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne is playing and Eden begins banging her head to the edited version, which makes Delia bite her lip almost angrily.

Delia:  You are definitely your mos’er’s daughter…

Eden:  Duh!  How else was I even born, weird lady?

Delia’s scowl lightens up slightly as she thinks to herself that there is still hope for Eden.  She looks around, but her eyes stay almost completely locked on the door.  Eden begins picking up a few things, going to try them on as Delia crosses her arms over her chest.  Eden’s eyes widen as she rushes across the store and picks up a few more pieces of jewelry.

Eden:  Timmy also said I could get my ears pierced again like mommy’s.

Delia:  Do you really want to be like your mos’er?  Like ugh, seriously?

Eden:  No, I wanna be like Mommy Vixen.  I don’t think anyone could be like my mommy.  Plus, she cries at night in her sleep.  I don’t wanna do that every night.

Delia scoffs at the mentioning of Vixen.  However, before she can object, the rest of Eden’s rambling catches her attention.  She smiles as her ears perk up.  Eden turns around, holding up a few pairs of overly flashy earrings to her ears.

Eden:  So are we doing this piercing or not?  I’m a big girl who already has them in each ear, and I didn’t even cry.

Delia:  Your mommy has to sign papers for z’at.  I’m not your mommy, so I can’t.  But, why don’t we buy z’ose s’ings you have?  Except z’ose gaudy earrings, like ewww no freaking way.

Eden:  They’re pretty though!

Delia quickly pulls the earrings from Eden’s grasp and throws them in the general direction that they belong before pulling Eden along to the cash register.  She pulls the items from Eden’s hand and drops them on the counter, looking bored as the cashier comes up to them.

Cashier:  Hiya!  Did you guys find everything okay today?

Delia:  Yes… just fine…

Delia couldn’t sound more disinterested, and the cashier gets the point as she begins ringing things up.  She isn’t in a hurry as she checks tags and the price they ring up at.  Delia scoffs and picks at her nails as she taps her foot.

Delia:  Z’e faster, z’e better, darling… I have a little girl who wants some ice cream…

Delia looks over to Eden, feigning excitement as the cashier rolls her eyes at the back of Delia’s head.  Eden dances to the music again, as the words dance around in Delia’s head for a moment.  She smirks as the cashier clears her throat abruptly.

Cashier:  $57.22 ma’am…

Delia fumbles around in her purse, pulling out a card that she drops onto the counter.  The cashier glares at Delia, who doesn’t even seem to take notice.  She runs the card, and then seconds later, sends the credit slip over to Delia with a pen.  She scratches her signature and then snatches the card and the bag.  She hands the bag to Eden who begins pulling items out, sliding them on excitedly.  Delia looks around the door to see Timmy scanning the crowd.  She stops and pulls Eden back inside as the cashier shouts out at her.

Cashier:  Have a nice day ma’am…

She flips Delia off behind her back, doing a dance with it to emphasize her displeasure in a comical display.  Delia remains unaware of it until she sees Timmy walking in the opposite direction.  She breathes a sigh of relief before taking Eden by the hand and walking out.  Eden continues to layer on the jewelry as they walk toward the food court.  Delia looks down to see a good seven bracelets on each arm, and counting.

Delia:  Ugh, who do you s’ink you are?  Tessa Flannigan?  Like z’ere is such s’ing as over accessorizing, you know?

Eden:  Mommy Vixen says jewelry is appealing to the opposite… S-E-X… But she says it about daddy, so I hope that doesn’t have anything to do with the “S” word… I think she just means it makes you look pretty.

Delia:  Z’at is not somes’ing she would know much about.  Look, I am a model, and I know what is best.

Delia turns just in time to come to a stop at the Hagen Daas counter.  Eden stops putting jewelry on just in time to stare in awe at the ice cream selection.  She points to one, sure that it is what she wants, before the next one catches her eyes.  Almost every flavor has this effect on her.

Cashier:  What can I get for you?

Delia stares at the pimply faced young girl and she licks at her bottom lip, as she tries to choke back her next comment, but it is of no use.

Delia:  How about a sanitary napkin for your face?  Or perhaps some Proactiv?

Cashier:  That’s kind of rude, and…

Eden:  I wanna try Pralines and Crème too, Delia!

Delia smirks at the small nod of admiration of Delia, despite her upbringing.  She laughs and then turns with a snarky expression toward the cashier.

Delia:  Two triple scoops of Pralines and Crème, dipped cone w’is sprinkles, please and s’ank you basic…

The cashier rolls her eyes at Delia, this time catches the diva’s attention.  She is about to say something when the girl begins scooping.  Eden watches giddily as she claps her hands together.  Delia accepts the first cone and hands it to Eden who goes right to it.  She lets out a resounding “Mmmmmmmm!”  Delia takes the next one and then immediately slides her card across the counter.  She, too, takes a single lick, moaning at the delicious taste.  She scribbles her signature on the credit slip before picking her card up.  She leads Eden over toward a table in the center of everything, yet it is not crowded at all.  Eden dumps the loot from Claire’s out onto the table as she is focused on her ice cream.  Delia smirks, batting her eyelashes toward the camera.

Delia:  Eden, would you like to speak to z’e cameras?

Eden:  Hm?

She is clearly off in her own little world, not even noticing the cameras that rest in front of her.  A smile rests on her face as Delia’s turns even more sinister.  She reaches into her large purse and pulls out a pink bound book.  She turns it over to reveal the ransom style lettering that reads “Burn Book” on the cover.  She flips it open to a page where a picture of Vixen rests, already bound in the book.  She stares at the picture and pulls out her pink sharpie pen.

<img src=>

Delia begins scribbling words next to the picture.  â€œBusted”  â€œOverly inflated sense of self worth” are just a couple things we can quickly make out, before “Slept her way to a Triple Crown accomplishment.”  Delia smirks wickedly as she looks up to the camera, turning the book to better show it off.  She sets the marker pen down, uncapped as lets it all linger for a moment.

Delia:  Do you see z’at, darling?  No?  Take it in.  Take it all in, Ms. Lef… *ahem* Mrs. Staggs.  Z’at is not somes’ing you hear very often, no?  MRS. Staggs.  Even Misty had enough sense to avoid z’at.  No, take it one step furz’er, and realize even bat shit crazy Kittie dropped it quickly.  Z’is poor girl here was born into it.  She had no choice, but you?  You knowingly accepted z’e name…

Delia continues to glare, as if she can feel Vixen’s blood boiling all the way from Arizona, or where ever she might be.  She licks her bottom lip playfully as she runs her nails over the picture, though her eyes are still locked right onto the camera.

Delia:  But, it does make sense.  I mean, it was only a matter of time before people started to see you for who you really are.  Gabriel Stevens told everyone, but people like to s’ink he’s a simple sycophant.  He only said what no one else wanted to.  You’re a slut, Vixen.  No, you are a fils’y whore, who sold her body to win titles.  You are a viper, who strikes when people have z’eir defenses down.  You are what people say I am, yet somehow you have z’e fans who adore you.

Eden:  Why are you cursing and talking about Mommy Vixen?  It’s not very nice…

Delia:  Because, Eden, I want people to see Mommy Vixen for who she really is.  Gabriel might not have been able to correct z’e mistake, z’e true folly of seeing Mommy Vixen becoming z’e Bombshell Champion again.  Odette Stevens might not have been able to restore any integrity to z’at belt, but I will succeed where z’e os’er have failed.

Eden:  I can’t understand you, weird lady.  Be nice, because she’s my bestest friend, okay?

Delia smiles sweetly as she reaches over across the table, ruffling Eden’s hair, before fixing it.  After all, a lady, no matter what age, must always look her best when out in public.  Delia almost feels sorry for her attire as it is, that she wants to take her over to Macy’s immediately to correct this problem, but she must return her focus to more pressing matters.

Delia:  You see, Vixen… You can tell people z’at I cheat to win.  You can tell everyone z’at I am not a s’reat to your belt since Mean Girls cannot interfere in title matches.  You can fool yourself, but z’is is not some dream world where z’e good guy always wins.  Z’is is reality.  I proved z’is point to Roxi Johnson at Into Z’e Void III, and I will prove it again z’is Sunday.  I will prove z’at you are protected in SCW.  I will destroy you, and I will take your title.  It is about time z’e title became pretty again… er, was it ever?  Sorry bout it…

Delia chuckles as she looks over to Eden, who tries to tune it out since Delia had gifted her all of this wonderful jewelry that no one else would have ever thought about giving to her.  Delia winks at Eden for her silence before she continues.

Delia:  You see, Vixen… You slept your way to z’e Bombshell Championship. You relied on your NXT buddies when z’ey actually mattered.  You relied on your new husband to put in a good word for you, and who kept you relevant while he was still such.  Now, he is nos’ing.  Your only saving grace has been his uncle.  All bullshit politics aside, I’m going to take z’e only s’ing z’at makes you relevant right now.  Z’at ugly piece of gold and leas’er, and a saggy old man who no longer has as much pull as he would like to s’ink.  Z’en, your sham of a marriage will be all for naught.  Z’en, how will you explain to Eden and Timmy z’at anos’er woman has walked out on z’eir washed up fas’er?

Eden looks up, panic written on her face at Delia’s latest revelation.  She tries not to show tears to her new “friend” but the worry is very apparent, and soon, a few stray tears roll down her cheek as she whines.  Delia gently taps Eden’s hand to console her as she looks back to the camera with devious intent.

Delia:  Or, will you do what her own mos’er did, and leave him to explain z’at part?  It is z’e easy way, which you are known for, darling…  If he didn’t look like he was one step away from a rehab center, he might appeal to me like a mangled puppy dog.  I feel sorry for him, but not even at my worst, would I ever consider such a s’ing…  But, it does leave one to wonder if he might just have enough and jump off of a roof z’is time.  Timmy is old enough, but what about Eden?  She’s so young, and impressionable.  She is at z’e perfect age to mold into a future Mean Girl, no?  I mean, it would take some serious work, given her genetic ineptitude, and z’e influences presently in her life, but I’ve never strayed away from a good challenge…

Delia lends a snarky smirk to the camera while Eden stands up from the table. Although she is very serious, her words make Delia laugh out loud.

Eden:  Is Timmy done pooping yet?  I wanna go home…

She breathes in heavily as she turns toward the direction they came from.  Delia gives Eden a stern look and motions back to the seat.  Eden sits down quickly, but she is shaking and trying her best not to cry any harder as she continues to whine.

Delia:  I must admit, Vixen… I want to destroy you. I want to destroy your legacy.  But, truthfully, z’is…

Delia motions around in a circle with her hands, showing off the entire situation, including Eden’s involvement.

Delia:  All of z’is?  It isn’t truly personal.  At least, not on my part.  You and I, we are monsters of z’e same breed.  You just hide it oh so much better z’an I could ever dream of.  Z’en again, I don’t care what people s’ink of me, unlike you… However, as I was saying, it isn’t personal between us.  You are just part of z’e master plan.  I have to go s’rough you, and take what you have, to fully get at z’e one person who matters… and I use z’e term loosely.  Misty holds you in high regard for some reason.  Even z’ough you picked up her leftovers, romantic and family wise. Maybe it is because she feels bad for being such a shitty mos’er, and she is grateful z’at you get along nicely wi’s Eden.  I don’t know, z’at whole situation is like totally FUBAR’d… But, you are a warning to her to back z’e fuck off of Mean Girls business.  What I have done so far…

Delia nods over to Eden’s tear-soaked face as she clutches at her new jewelry, trying to distract herself from Delia’s harsh words.  Delia uses the gesture to help accentuate her point.

Delia:  â€¦ will be nos’ing by comparison.  No offense to Angelica, Tessa, and Holly, but z’ey don’t hold a candle to my relentless nature.  Right now, it is a game, but z’e game is about to reach a new level.  But, in case you don’t s’ink z’at I am being serious… watch what I do to Vixen on Sunday at Violent Conduct II.  Watch very, very closely.  But, please do us bo’s a favor, and don’t let Eden watch.  I would hate for her to learn z’at you were right about me all along…  Sorry bout it, ladies…

Delia closes the book and tucks it back into her purse.  She takes another lick of her melting ice cream before getting up.  She checks her phone, and with a very obviously exaggerated expression, she gasps.

Delia:  Would you look at z’at, Eden?  Timmy didn’t know you were gone after all!  I must have read his text wrong.  We’d better hurry up and find him!

Delia scoots Eden along as she whimpers. Delia spots Timmy talking to someone at the Hagen Daas kiosk.  She places a hand on her chest as she turns away from him.  Doing her best damsel in distress impression, she raises her voice, allowing her accent to linger thick in the air.

Delia:  Excuse me!  Everyone?  Z’is little girl cannot find her older bros’er!  Somebody, please help us?  Please be so kind!

Timmy comes rushing up, his face red, however he sighs in relief as he scoops Eden up.  He looks to Delia with a thankful expression.  She looks at her phone and nods before jogging off.  She smirks as she disappears from the scene, leaving Timmy to wonder about her tear soaked face, and the bag from Claire’s…
Post by: Vixen on September 12, 2014, 11:55:28 PM

The sounds of chuckling mixes with grunts and moans as a pair of women lock up in the middle of the ring in the Staggs gym.  Twisting Vixen into a headlock, Misty then sends her off the ropes and to the mat.  Vixen lays there for a moment just breathing as Spike leans forward and slaps the mat.

“My love, you can’t lay there for this long,” he jokes before leaning forward, giving Vixen a kiss as she smiles.  

“Let me catch my breath love, you and Misty are killing me,” answers Vixen as she rolls to her side then leans on her hand to slowly rise.  Misty holds out her hand and helps Vixen the rest of the way to her feet.  As the pair of them move to the side of the ring where Spike is standing and reach for a bottle each,  the gym door slams open to reveal a sobbing Eden who rushes towards the ring.

“DADDY!” she wails as she wipes at her eyes.  Both Misty and Spike rush out of the ring followed closely by Vixen who sees Timmy slowly following, his hands shoved into his pockets and a beaten down look on his face.  

Eden throws her arms around the neck of Spike and buries her head between his chin and shoulder to mumble and cry.  Unable to understand her, Spike sets her on the apron and pries her arms open.  â€œWhat’s wrong punkin?” he asks as Misty leans close on Eden’s other side.  Timmy hangs back as Vixen moves behind Spike to offer Eden her own support.

“The weird lady was sooo mean to me,” began Eden.  â€œShe said  Timmy phoned her because he was poopy and asked her to take me to Claire’s…I mean for ice cream.”

“Weird lady?  Who was it Eden?” demands Spike, a slight tic starting at the edge of his eye as he turns to Timmy who moves backward slightly.

“Aw Dad, it was Delia,” he begins only to earn glares from Misty and Spike and Vixen.  â€œIt was all right I thought since I had to leave Eden by the washroom…”  Even to his own ears what he just said sounded awful.  â€œI hurried, I really did!”

Eden grabs her daddy’s hand and looks at Vixen.  â€œYou aren’t going to leave Daddy like Mommy did are you Mommie Vixen?” she asks tearily.  â€œThat lady said you would.  I don’t want you to leave Daddy or ME Mommie Vixen!”

Vixen smiles at Eden and shakes her head negatively.  â€œI am going nowhere Petite, I promise,” vows Vixen as Spike smolders beside her, glaring at his son who is avoiding his gaze.  So what else did Delia have to say?”

Eden stops cryong for the moment as she ponders, trying to remember everything that was said.  â€œShe said that you sleeped to be champion and that you would walk out on Timmy and me and Daddy and that Daddy looked like a man puppy and...”

Timmy moves forward a bit.  â€œIt isn’t as bad as it sounds Dad…she’s just trash talking like you did.  And Eden and I are home safe and sound.”

His nonchalance makes Spike lunge at him as Eden screams.  Vixen catches Spike before he can get to his son who recoils in surprise.  To the side, Misty is comforting Eden.  Vixen calls over her shoulder at Timmy, “Timmy, why don’t you go to the house, NOW!” she urges as she tries to catch Spike’s eyes.  

Not waiting for another minute, Timmy makes good his escape as Vixen reaches to caress Spike’s cheek.  â€œSpike…love, look at me,” she says in a low voice.  â€œYou are scaring Eden and you need to stop now.”  She continues to caress his cheek as she gently forces him to look at her.

Wildeyed, Spike turns to look into Vixen’s eyes.  Calming a little at her comment about scaring Eden, he turns to the little girl and moves towards her.  â€œPunkin, are you all right?” he asks as he kneels in front of her.

“Are you going to beat Timmy?” asks the little girl in a small voice.  â€œI think that the weird lady is the one you should spank.  She was nasty and mean and even though she bought me all this jewelry, I don’t like her Daddy.  But you can’t be mad at Timmy…you can’t hit him Daddy!” exclaims Eden as if believing that Spike would punish Timmy corporally.

Spike fights at his anger as he pushes a hand through his spiked hair.  â€œDaddy isn’t going to hit Timmy Punkin, he just got angry a little bit.  Timmy and Daddy will talk later about leaving you alone.  Maybe next time Daddy and Mommie Vixen will come with you guys for ice cream ok?”

“Oooo yeah, pralines and cream is the besterest,” replies Eden.  Pulling herself up on the apron, she moves to the ring steps and climbs down.  Rushing to her father she wraps her arms around his waist.  â€œI love you Daddy,” she says before catching Vixen into her embrace too.  â€œAnd I love yous too Mommy and Mommie Vixen!”  

The small family group share a hug as Jamie Staggs steps out of the office with a look on his face that is a cross between a shit eating grin and a grimace with an IPad in his hand.  â€œYou gotta see this Delia post with…” he begins only to be waved off by Misty with a motion across her neck.  â€œWhy don’t I leave this with you and Eden and I can go in the office and she can help me with the baby?”

Reaching out the tablet, he takes Eden’s hand and the pair of them head back into the office where the faint crying of the baby can be heard.  The trio crowd around the apron as Vixen presses the play button on a video.  Silent but simmering with anger at each comment, each of the trio can be heard to mutter.

“I am going to kill her,” spits Misty as she crosses her arms over her chest.  â€œNo one messes with my daughter or my family and gets away with it.  That girl has pushed all the right buttons…”

“I’ll help you,” vows Vixen angrily.  

“What the fuck is wrong with Timmy that he would let her take Eden?” snarls Spike.  The two women share a look then shake their heads.

“Spike, I don’t think that Timmy let Eden go with Delia,” says Misty.  â€œBut I am not happy with him either.  She’s his friend and for her to do that to my babygirl, she is a dead woman walking.”

Vixen continues to look down at the image of Delia that remains frozen on the screen, her words playing over and over in her mind.  Finally she looks up at her companions as a determined look crosses her face.  â€œYou are right about one thing Misty, she is a dead woman walking but it isn’t going to be only you doing the killing.  At Violent Conduct, I am going to get my revenge for this little rant of hers.  How dare she!”  Vixen’s voice begins to rise as the anger of her maternal instinct rises.  â€œHow dare she use Eden to get to me about our match.  She is a monster that I am going to end in that ring.”

It is Spike’s turn to try and calm Vixen when he notices how her control is beginning to slip.  â€œWhy don’t you two get back into the ring and train for the supercard.  Misty, I need Vixen in fighting form for Sunday, think you can do it?”

Misty smirks as she nods, one fist slamming into the palm of her other hand.  The women get into the ring and lock up once more.  The intensity level is raised as the two try holds, each working out their anger.  Finally Misty sends Vixen into the ropes and both women take each other down with vicious clotheslines.  Rolling to their sides, they get to their feet and move to sit in the corner on the apron.

“Vixen, you have got to beat Delia,” snarls Misty.  â€œI will be right there though to get my piece of that bitch!”

Spike shakes his head as he crouches near the pair.  â€œnuh uh Misty,” he says as he hands the two bottles of water.  â€œYou do anything to Delia or get involved in that match and Vix will lose the title.”

“Maybe it will be worth it,” replies Misty with a gleam of anger in her eyes.  Vixen is silent but the look on her face makes Misty pause.  â€œI wouldn’t want to but she is pushing me to my limits!  There is nothing I would like better than kicking that skank’s ass from here back to Paris and out of our lives for good.”

“I know she is and that is what she is trying to do,” says Vixen in a soft and deadly voice.  â€œBut we aren’t going to let her win that way.  She is just like Parand Ara and Necra and Odette…that annoying little buzz of a wrestler who thinks they can get under my skin and thus beat me.  And we both saw what I did to them in the ring.  And not one of them used MY family to do that.  But Delia stepped over the line and now I am going to erase it and HER!” vows Vixen.  â€œMY belt is going NOWHERE!”

With that, Vixen gets to her feet and walks towards the office and locker rooms.  Misty and Spike watch her go before Spike leans towards Misty.  â€œI don’t think you are going to have to worry about Delia,” he says.  â€œLast time Vixen talked like this, Odette was put through the barbed wire wringer.”

“I meant what I said Spike,” replies Misty as she gets to her feet as well.  â€œDelia is a dead woman regardless of which of us end her career in Sin City Wrestling.”

Misty begins to follow after Vixen as the scene fades.


“So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.”   Sun Tzu’s The Art of War

A flag can be seen, one that has the NXT logo on it.  Fluttering lightly in the puffs of air from a fan, it resembles a famous movie scene as suddenly from one side walks in a soldier in battle fatigues.  With the cap pulled down, the gender of the soldier is hidden until they step in front of the flag.  As the soldier looks into the camera, one hand moves up to remove the cap.  Two toned hair is shook out as Vixen turns to look into the camera and smiles intently.

“Delia, I have to commend you on doing what you set out to do.  You got to me and you used a child to do it!  Doing what you did to Eden was bad enough but selling out someone that defended you and considered you a friend, that is low,” says Vixen as she stands at ease in front of the flag.  â€œYou threw Timmy under a bus just to get to Misty and myself.  Bravo, I hope you are proud of yourself.  You whine and moan about how you have no friends other than the Mean Girls and really how friendly are they hmmm?  You burn bridges then expect people to see you as a victim.”

Vixen shakes her head as if the concept is unbelievable.  â€œYou realize that I know you and you may think I don’t.  But I have seen clones of you everywhere.  I have faced a lot of them in the recent past.  Think about it Delia…you are just another Odette Stevens.  Mouthing the lies Gabriel Stevens utters.  Does that mean your lips are all over his ass just like his wife’s are?”  

Vixen begins to pace in front of the flag, marching like she is on guard duty.  â€œAnd the whole victim thing, do you really expect me to have any kind of sympathy for you?  Especially after the heinous acts you have committed?  You are nothing but a jealous Janis yourself.  You crave the spotlight that I am in because I am who I am.  You try to pull me down by claiming that I slept my way to the top rather than earned it.  See while you were under a desk earning your shot, I was in the ring beating Bombshells to earn mine.  And when I did earn it by beating the best in the federation, along come you with your nose in the air saying that you ‘were ze best’ and I was nothing.”

Vixen chuckles softly and self-consciously as she pauses and holds up a finger.  â€œYou almost had me doubting myself a little Delia.  You did get under my skin a little with your tactics but then I realized that you needed to use them because there was no other way you could win when push came to shove.  You know that your buddies can’t help you.  And cheating won’t win the title either. “

Vixen’s hands move to the fatigue shirt and begin to unbutton it.  â€œDelia, there is something I want to show you in that ring at Violent conduct.”  Once the final button is undone, Vixen pulls apart the two sides to reveal the bombshell title.  â€œThis title proves to anyone that I am the best in the division.  Now you might think that you will be able to take it from me and maybe you may be right.”

Again Vixen chuckles before continuing.  â€œYes, you heard me right, you might just have a shot at taking it from me and if you do, bravo.  But let me warn you right now.  To even have that shot, you better hope you can put me down and out so I don’t get back up.  Because if I do Delia, if I get back to my feet like I always do, there will be nothing to stop me from tearing your dreams of Bombshell gold apart and leaving them in a pile of dust and broken hope in the middle of the ring.”

Suddenly, Vixen’s theme begins to play like a national anthem over the PA system.  As it does, Vixen straightens up and saluting, she smirks.  â€œDelia, when you got to Eden… that was just like Pearl Harbour to me…so this is my declaration of war.  At Violent Conduct, I am going to do to you what any soldier would do.  I will never retreat, I will NEVER surrender and I will NEVER let you take my title from me.”

Snapping off the salute, Vixen glares at the camera.

“This isn’t going to be just any battle Delia, this is going to be a war!”

Vixen’s theme reaches a crescendo as Vixen turns and marches out of the frame leaving the NXT flag to flutter once again before the image fades.