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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: O Malley on April 05, 2013, 06:49:47 PM

Title: Now Is Not Your Time
Post by: O Malley on April 05, 2013, 06:49:47 PM
Sunday- Halifax, Nova Scotia

Defeated. Completely and utterly defeated.  That is how I feel right now.  ACW Live has just gone off the air, but not the way I had hoped or planned for the past two months.  All my hard work, determination and complete confidence in myself to walk away the winner of the J-Cup tournament a second year in a row had been for nothing.  Ben Jordan...The Cockney King had defeated me, The Queen of The Damned.  And the icing on the cake?  He just gave away the most important prize of all in the tournament!  He gave his shot at the NWA World Cruiserweight Title away to Simon Jones, another member of ACW!  To say I'm pissed is a complete understatement.

Immediately after Ben made his heartfelt announcement, I couldn't even stand the sight of him.  Not that I could before, but after he gave that title shot away, I felt like I was going to be sick, so I turned on my heels and headed backstage.  I need to get out of this building, and fast, otherwise I might just lose whatever sanity I have left and go find Ben Jordan and really end him.  After all, he's already injured as it is.  It shouldn't take too much for me to finish the job.  

I've just made it to the locker rooms backstage, immediately meeting up with my disciples.  I glance at each one of them a single time and for just a moment.  The disappointed looks on their faces says it all, and for the most part, they remain quiet.  At least the brothers do.  Ruby, as always, tries to cheer me up, though right now, I don't feel like talking at all.

"My Queen, do not be discouraged.  You are the true winner in our eyes, and you always will be." Ruby says as she takes a step towards me.

I glare at her from the corner of my eye, refusing to respond, and I start walking around the locker room gathering my things.  I'm so distracted by all the emotions that I don't even notice that Roxanne and James Huntington Hawkes....the third...are not here.  Erik Staggs had recommended they accompany me to Nova Scotia, to not only support me, but Team Erik as well, and I had not declined.  As I remain quiet, brooding over my loss, to my surprise Sebastian steps forward.

"Ruby is right, my Queen." He says, also trying to raise my spirits. "You can not allow this loss to dampen your spirits."

I'm so frustrated just listening to them, I throw my duffel bag on the floor and spin around.  I glare at each one of them feeling my face flush red in the process, and I can almost feel the steam pouring out of my ears. "SILENCE! ALL OF YOU! I don't want to speak about what happened tonight right now!  In fact, I'd prefer it if you all forget about everything that happened and NEVER speak about it ever again!  Am I understood?!"

They are so used to my random outbursts that they don't even flinch as I scream at them.  They all nod, relaying their understanding and agreeing to respect my wishes.  I bend down and grab my duffel bag and I quickly begin tossing the rest of my belongings inside.  I hear the clicking of Roxanne's familiar stiletto heels, and I turn to acknowledge her walking inside my locker room.  I can't help but grin a little as I see the quick unfriendly exchange between her and Ruby, but I say nothing.

"That was one hell of a match out there, and for what it is worth, you should have won that match.  Ben Jordan was a cake-walk compared to me, right?" Roxanne cracks an amused smile, trying to bring the tension in the room down a notch.

"Very funny, Roxanne." I reply, zipping my duffel bag closed and throwing the strap over my shoulder before turning to glare at her. "Where is James?"

Roxanne laughs with a shake of her head. "He kept acting as though he was going to vomit because of whatever it was that he was smelling, so I told him he could leave."

I roll my eyes, though I am not surprised that this happened.  I glance at Ruby, sensing that she is growing increasingly uncomfortable with Roxanne's presence, but I don't care.  I've gotten past any hard feelings for Roxanne, for the moment at least, and Ruby will learn to do the same.

"Figures." I say, folding my arms across my chest. "I respect that kid for all that he has managed to accomplish over the last year, but I can not deny how annoying he can be at times.  And if he were here right now, I'd probably slap him upside his head." To my surprise, Roxanne and all my disciples all share an amused laugh at my honesty.

"Clearly you are feeling a little better now, which means my mission is accomplished." Roxanne says, satisfied.

I shake my head and say,
"Hardly, but I really don't want to talk about it right now, much less speak about it.  I've got a title defense to focus on next week, and that is what I plan to concern myself with."

I give my disciples a warning look that tells them to not go against my wishes on this.  They acknowledge me by bowing their heads, and I turn my head back to face Roxanne.  I am well aware of her friendship with Amy Marshall, the woman who will challenge for my title next week. "Roxanne, we may have put our differences aside for now, but I know you are friends with Amy.  Yes, we are all on the same side with Erik Staggs, but she wants MY title, and I'm not going to let her have it.  I'm warning you right now, don't even THINK about interfering on Amy's behalf with this one.  If you do anything to--"

Roxanne holds her hand up, interrupting me.  I go silent as she responds. "Relax, Misty.  I have no intentions of getting involved in this match.  The title is on the right side of this revolution, and that is where it will stay, regardless of who wins."

"You say that as if you believe Amy stands a chance against me?" I ask, putting her on the spot.

Roxanne takes in a deep breath and smiles.
"I will not choose a side in this battle, sweetie.  I am on neutral ground on this one, however I will say that Amy has earned this shot.  She deserves it."

I nod, unable to disagree with my former arch enemy. "I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree with you.  I will not stand here and deny she has earned this shot, but if she thinks for a moment that she will be taking my title away from me, she is sorely mistaken."

"Fair enough.  Are you heading to Santiago with James and I?"

I shake my head. "I believe so.  Our flight is scheduled for Tuesday, right?.  That gives us a whole day to relax?"

"I believe that was the plan.  James should be back at the hotel with Simpson as we speak." Roxanne replies.

I nod and shrug my shoulders.
"You ready to head back to the hotel with us then, or do you have some other plans?  Because I'm ready to get out of here." I step past her, joining my disciples and standing in between Damien and Zane.

"I'm ready whenever you are.  Oh, Misty.  One more thing before we leave." Roxanne says, walking up next to me.  I look at her with raised eyebrows. "Do give my offer from earlier some thought.  Your dear Ruby needs proper obedience training, and I'm more than qualified to get the job done."

Ruby does not hide her displeasure at Roxanne's offer.  She growls, but stands where she is, glaring at Roxanne with a fiery look in her eyes.  I place a hand on her shoulder, and her tension eases slightly, though she keeps her eyes on Roxanne.

"I'm sure you are, Roxanne, but Ruby's obedience lies with me, therefore I will be the one to get the job done.  You may have taken Electra from me, but Ruby is someone I will NOT let get away." I respectfully decline.  Roxanne smirks and nods her head without a word. "Brothers...Ruby...come along.  I'd like to get back to the hotel and get some rest now."

"As you wish, my Queen." Ruby says slowly, keeping her eyes locked on Roxanne as she spells out each word as if sending a message. "That wretched woman will NEVER receive our allegiance for her perverted ways!"

"Pity." Roxanne replies. "I would just love to chain you up and give you some proper punishment kitten."

Ruby growls and I grab her arm, pushing her in front of me.  I look at Roxanne with a roll of my eyes and then follow my disciples and Roxanne out the door, as Roxanne doesn't even bother to hide her laughter.  I can hear Ruby mumbling something under her breath, and Sebastian takes it upon himself to nudge her before I can intervene and take charge of the situation.  I see Ruby take a deep breath, calming herself, as we reach the exit door and head out to the parking lot to find out rental car and return to our hotel for the evening.  I don't know about the others, but I plan to get a full night's sleep.


Tuesday- Santiago, Chile

It's late afternoon and we've just arrived in Santiago.  In my opinion, there really is nothing special  about this city, but to each their own, right?  I'm sure some people love the sights that Santiago and this country has to offer, but personally, I am not much of a sight seer.  Unless, of course, it has anything to do with Ireland.  I've always loved that country!

But, I'm getting off topic, aren't I?  My disciples and I are just getting to our hotel.  Damien and Zane will be sharing one room, while Dante and Sebastian share another.  Normally, I would have my own room, but this week I have decided to share a room with Ruby.  I've been meaning to speak with privately for a few weeks now but haven' really gotten the chance.  Either that or I've been avoiding it in some way.  The ladder of the two is probably the more accurate statement, unfortunately.

After Sunday and that worthless interview by ACW's reporter, Miss Elise LeBlanc, I feel it is no longer an option to put this little talk on the back burner.  I am beginning to realize each day what so many others have seem to have noticed before me, and whether Ruby likes it or not, I need to make some things perfectly clear.  

We're just getting settled in our room and Ruby looks around with a satisfied smile on her face.  Erik Staggs had taken it upon himself to book this hotel for us, naturally choosing only the best for the Bombshell Champion...his Queen.  The room, of course, has two beds, as I'd hate for further rumors to be spread if there was only one bed, but had that happened, Ruby would be sleeping on the pull out sofa instead.  

Ruby takes a seat on her bed, the one closest to the wall, crossing her right leg over her left, and gives me a curious look.

"What are the plans for today, my Queen?" I can't help but notice how very relaxed she is.  Normally she is so tense, but she's not right now.  It is a side of her I rarely, if ever, see.

"Do you know why I wanted us to share a room this week, Ruby?" I ask her, taking her slightly by surprise.

She shakes her head, looking a bit puzzled.
"I assume it was to save money on booking a separate room for myself, my Queen.  Is that not the case?"

I take in a deep breath, allowing the thoughts to run through my mind.  I have so much to say, but most of it needs to be said in a sensitive manner, I'm sure.  Therefore, I need to think wisely before I speak.  I walk past Ruby, heading over to the window where I pull the curtains open and look out at the sights of the city.  Ruby turns around on the bed to face me, waiting for me to respond.  I chose my words carefully, processing everything in my mind.

"You know everyone seems quite interested in my personal life recently, right Ruby?" I ask, turning around to face her once again.  She doesn't seem sure of where this is all leading, but she nods anyway.

"Yes, my Queen.  I do know that." She replies, trying not to sound too confused.

"Not just any part of my personal life, though.  People are making assumptions left and right about my love life, and make it a point to expression their opinions and what they THINK is going on." I'm clearly confusing her further as I continue speaking, but she listens carefully, processing everything in her mind. "All this banter between myself and Ben Jordan on Twitter over recent months has some people believing we secretly carry a torch for one another, or that at least I carry a torch for him."

Ruby lets out a disgusted laugh. "Let them think whatever they wish, my Queen.  It does not make it the truth, and you know that."

"Let me finish, Ruby." I catch her off guard, but she bows her head, acknowledging she will let me speak. "Ben Jordan uses his, as he calls it, Cockney Charm, on every woman he encounters.  I could have simply ignored it, but I chose to respond to every single thing he said, and because I didn't fall prey to his games and respond the exact same way as every other woman he uses it against, and do you know what happened because of that?"

Ruby lowers her eyes and I know its because she has now figured out where this talk is leading, but I am sure I have left her speechless for the moment.

"I have no desire to get involved with anyone right now, Ruby, but people don't seem to care about that little bit of information.  They're so caught up with who is involved with who, that they are concerning themselves with trying to figure out who I am or am not with, and it is highly frustrating!" I look towards the floor for a moment before turning around and looking away from her.  Why am I the one who feels embarrassed in this situation? "Ruby, I know--"

Before I can speak another word, my cell phone begins ringing, interrupting that thought.  I don't know why, but I feel partially relieved as I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone.  I raise my eyes in surprise as I notice who is calling me.  I hold my index finger up, telling her I'll be just a moment as I take the call.  

"Hello?...Yes, I noticed.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?...Thank you, but I assure you I am past it.  At least for the moment...Yes, well at least you agree that against Miss Marshall, I won't need the luck.  I have this one in the bag already...You flatter me as always...I am sure I could spare a little while tomorrow afternoon.  I have no promotional work scheduled until later this week...Great.  I will see you then."

I end the call and place my phone back in my pocket, and look over to Ruby who has her prying eyes locked on me.

"Who was that, my Queen?" She asks, expecting an honest answer, but I can not give her one.

"No one you should concern yourself with, Ruby." I say, trying to stray her off topic.

"You have some sort of meeting tomorrow afternoon?  I don't mind accompanying you, my Queen." She replies as I was hoping she wouldn't, but fully expected her to.

I shake my head and take a couple steps over to the sofa, taking a seat.
"I won't need any of you to accompany me, Ruby.  I won't be long, and there is no reason to be concerned about my safety.  It is just a business meeting."

Ruby nods telling me she understands, but I can see in her eyes that no matter how much I reassure her, she will be concerned for my safety. "As you wish, my Queen.  Now what were you going to tell me before the phone call?"

I stare at her for a moment, pretending to be deep in thought, before I shake my head and lie to her. "That?  Oh, I was just going to say that I know the five of you are probably expecting me to find a suitable man to get involved with, and I am sure that in time I will.  However, right now I am more focused on my career than that, so I don't want you to concern yourselves with that, okay?  I will tell the same to the brothers later."

"Of...Of course, my Queen.  I understand." I can tell she is uncomfortable about something, but chooses not to speak up. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

I politely shake my head, and she responds with a nod.  The awkward silence that follows remains for quite a while until Ruby decides to make plans for dinner.  She leaves the room to go speak with the brothers, leaving me alone to my thoughts for a little while.  Somehow I think that this week is going to be long and uncomfortable.



I've been back from my lunch meeting for just a short while.  I won't say who I was meeting, or what we discussed, but all in all I would consider it a very productive day.  Damien wasn't particularly happy that I went alone, but I assured him that I would be perfectly safe, so he and the others made no further argument.  I could tell they were all curious as to where I was and who I was with, but when I feel that they need to know the circumstances of this meeting, they will be told all the details.  However, that time is not now.

I'm sitting in my hotel room, alone at the moment.  I am not sure where Ruby is, but my guess is she is speaking with the brothers about something and doesn't know I've returned.  I don't mind, as I sit and welcome the silence for the short amount of time I'm sure I have.  I'm laying on the bed with hands behind my head and my eyes closed, when I feel a weird breeze.  I don't open my eyes, however, thinking it is just a figment of my imagination.  Sadly, I am wrong, as an unwelcome guest startles me.

"Enjoying your free time I see."

That British accent is only familiar to me unfortunately.  I open my eyes, sighing deeply as I look at this man before me.  I quietly think to myself that he is wearing the same black suit and jacket as always, complete with a black tie.  He really needs to get some color in that wardrobe, but I personally don't care.

"I was...until just now." I reply as I sit up and lean against the bed's headboard.  My visitor stands there with his hands at his side, looking at me with a wicked smile, but it soon fades and turns into an annoyed glare.

"I'm starting to believe you're trying my patience, Misty.  That is NOT a wise decision." He says with authority.  

I respond with a shrug, and allow the smallest of grins to grow on my face, and this only frustrates him further.
"And what if I am?  What are you going to do about it?"

"I am sure you are well aware of the answer to that question.  Now that your business with Ben Jordan and the NWA is finished, you can focus on your original task." He says, but is disappointed when I begin shaking my head.  He turns his head to the left, still looking at me curiously.

"What makes you think my business with the NWA, or even Ben Jordan, is finished?  Need I remind you that I can do whatever the hell I want." I tell him without sounding the least bit intimidated by him.  It may be a mistake on my part, but I have much more to focus on then just the task he wants me to accomplish.

He takes a step forward, glaring down at me.
"He beat you, Misty.  You don't have a shot at your precious Cruiserweight Title now, or anywhere in the near future, but what you DO have is a Bombshell Title defense this week.  Now, once you get through with that, you can get back to what you are supposed to be doing!"

I finally grow tired of his increasing tone, and I get out of the bed sharply, standing just inches away from him.  He's much taller than me, so I am looking up at him, but the size difference does not effect me.

"Listen here, pal.  YOU approached me, which means that it is YOU who needs MY help." I remind him, and he doesn't look pleased. "I haven't forgotten what I am supposed to do, and trust me when I say I WILL get the job done, but you're going to let me do this my way, because any other way might bring cause for suspicion.  Got it?"

He looks at me for a long while, carefully processing every word I've just spoken.  He takes a step back after a few minutes, and seems to ease up just a bit. "For your sake, you better be right, but don't think I'm going to sit back forever and let you handle business your way.  You've got one month for me to start seeing some results.  That is all I am giving you.  Do not test me any further."

I am about to respond when the door to the room opens, and Ruby walks in.  The moment I glance in Ruby's direction, my visitor vanishes, and I look around, closing my eyes in frustration.  Ruby looks at me, then around the room, wondering what I am doing.

"Everything alright, my Queen?" She asks, placing her room key on the dresser next to the TV. "Were you speaking to someone just now?"

I take a deep breath and look at her, trying to calm my nerves. "Everything is fine, Ruby, and no I was not speaking to anyone.  That was the TV, but I turned it off just as you walked in.  Were you with the brothers?"

"I was." She replies with a nod. "While you were at your lunch meeting we went and got a bite to eat as well.  Oh and shortly after you left, Mr. Staggs called for you."

"Oh?" My eyes light up, surprised.

"Yes.  He was just calling to confirm that your meeting for tomorrow was still taking place as scheduled.  Forgive me, my Queen, but I assumed that it was Mr. Staggs who you were meeting with this afternoon?" Her curiosity is not unjustified, but I was hoping she didn't make that assumption.  

I shake my head uncomfortably and sit back down on the bed.
"What?  Oh, no.  I was meeting with someone else, but yes I do have a meeting with Erik tomorrow to discuss my match this Sunday.  I'll give him a call later to confirm that.  Thank you, Ruby."

The lies just keep pouring out of my mouth, but again, that is not important at this moment in time.  As long as Ruby doesn't question me right now, everything is good.

"You're welcome, my Queen." Thankfully she does not question me, and I can breath a sigh of relief for now.

I lay my head back on the pillow and close my eyes without saying anything further.  The events of today, and of the past few months entirely, swirl around in my mind.  I'm soon exhausted and I allow my body to relax before I drift of to sleep for an afternoon nap.  No doubt my stress and anxiety over everything will make for an interest dream filled hour or two.



Another day and another lunch meeting, but this time my meeting isn't so secret.  I am headed downstairs to the hotel restaurant where Erik Staggs should be waiting for me already.  Ruby and the brothers didn't ask to accompany me this time, as they knew I would be close and they were aware of who I was meeting with.  So they are waiting up in the rooms while I meet with Erik.  

I step out of the elevator and head over to the entrance to the restaurant, walking up to the man near the entrance.  He greets me with his heavy Spanish accent, and I respond as best I can with what little Spanish I know, informing him I have a meeting with Senor Staggs.  He nods his head, acknowledging he understands me and he leads me through the restaurant to where Erik is seated at a table waiting for me.  He is just lifting his glass of wine to take a drink when he sees me walking towards him, and he sets the glass back down and stands from his seat.

"My Queen," he says, pulling out my seat for me with a welcoming smile.  I nod and return the smile and take my seat as he does the same.

"Mr. Staggs." I reply, as the waiter walks up to the table asking if I would like something to drink.  I am sticking with water for today and the waiter walks away.

Erik takes a drink of his wine and looks at me. "Enjoying Santiago so far?  No doubt the weather is easier to deal with than Canada?"

"Absolutely.  It was much too cold in Canada, even though it is still early Spring." I nod as the waiter returns with my glass of water, setting it down in front of me.  I take a sip and place the glass back down on the table, as the waiter walks away again, giving us time to decide on our orders.

"I know you don't want to talk about what happened, but for what it is worth, you should have won that match.  It sickens me that an NXT member claimed the J-Cup, especially that Ben Jordan character." Erik says.  I try to hide my disappointment, but every time that night is even brought up, the events are replayed in my mind, and I narrow my eyes.

"I apparently can not avoid speaking about losing to Ben Jordan, but it is all water under the bridge at this point." I reply. "What's done is done and all I can do is move on from it, and do what I can to move up in the ranks and get that shot at the Cruiserweight title like I deserve.  They might believe otherwise, but that Cruiserweight Title will be mine soon enough, and I will be a double champion once again.  Now, whether I face Vixen or Simon Jones or someone completely different is another story.  It will be mine."

"Very great attitude to have, Misty." Erik says. "As far as the Bombshells go, you are the only one on our team that is getting actively involved with the NWA, and I am quite pleased.  I have full faith in you to get the job done.  Forgive me for changing the subject now, but I think it is time we discuss the reason of this meeting, shall we?  Your match against Amy Marshall on Sunday."

I am about to respond, but the waiter returns, interrupting me to take our orders.  We give him our orders and he walks away once again.  I turn my attention back to Erik, and get back to the topic at hand.

"Of course." I say, leaning back in my seat. "I am sure you are quite pleased that a member of our team is challenging for the title, but I will tell you what I told Roxanne--"

He holds a hand up, silencing me much like Roxanne did. "I am aware of what you told Roxanne, and I assure you, there is no conflict of interest here.  I will not choose one of you over the other, so do not worry about that, and I am sure Amy is aware of the same.  I expect you will do everything in your power to keep that title around your waist and I expect nothing less."

I nod with a satisfied smile. "You're damn straight that is what I intend to do, Mr. Staggs."

"However, do not think that Amy will hold herself to ensure the same.  She wants to be the champion as much as anyone else, and I expect her to fight like hell and prove just why she deserves  to be in this match, and any future title match." He says.

"I completely understand, trust me.  Her words on Twitter this week are proof enough of that." I respond with a laugh as I recall in my mind some of the things Amy has said on Twitter.

"The important thing to remember here is that the title stays with Team Erik, and in this case, it will." Erik takes another sip of wine, leaning back in his seat with a proud smile. "I am extremely proud of you both, and I am sure you will handle this match with respect for one another."

"Of course.  As long as Amy does the same, I will have no problem handling her and this match with the respect it deserves." It may come as a surprise but I try to refrain from sounding too arrogant with my response.  A short while later, the waiter arrives with our food, placing each of our plates in front of us.  He asks us if we need anything else, and walks away as we shake out heads and politely respond with a no.

"Okay then, let's eat.  There are a few more things I would like to discuss with you, however, if you don't mind.  That lunch meeting you had yesterday, for one." He looks at me suspiciously, but it comes as no surprise to me that he is aware of who I met with.  I shake my head with a laugh as we start eating our food, beginning our quiet discussion as we eat.


From The Mind of Your Queen
Journal Entry#7

Forgive me in advance, as this entry is going to be short, sweet and to the point.  I have one person, and one person only who I am speaking directly to with everything I am about to say, and that is my opponent for this Sunday's edition of Climax Control.  

Yes, I am speaking to you, Amy Marshall.

Miss Marshall, allow be first to say how pleased I was that you were the one to walk away as the number one contender to my title.  I've watched you since you first stepped on to the scene here in Sin City Wrestling, and I knew sooner or later, you would challenge for the title.  You have the passion and the determination, and when you want something, you go after it.  I applaud you for that, and I thank you for defeating the three other women in that match...Roxi Johnson in particular.  And while some may say it is because I am scared of Roxi, I beg to differ.

There was only one person I was looking forward to facing out of the four of you.  Only one person I felt deserved this shot more than any of the others, and that is you, Miss Marshall.  I've seen how much you've been fighting for this opportunity.  I know how much you want to hold this title in your hands and finally know what it feels like to be the Bombshell champion.  Yes, I know what that feels like, because I felt the exact same way before.  And that is why I now have to apologize to you.

I am sorry that I can not allow you to achieve this dream, Miss Marshall.  I won't take it any easier on you just because we are members of the same team.  I hope you understand, and I hope you feel the same way.

The fact is, Miss Marshall, I am the Bombshell Champion for a reason, and it is because I am the only person capable of leading this division to where it needs to be.  It is nothing against you, but the Bombshell Division needs me.  It is floundering, and saving it is not a task that I believe you are capable of handling just yet.  In time I am sure you will be more than capable, but now is not that time.

Show me what you got, Miss Marshall.  Prove to me, and everyone else why one day, you'll hold the Bombshell Championship.  Do that, and I promise to personally shake your hand after the referee raises my hand in victory.  Let's put on a true main event, Team Erik style.

I'll see you Sunday, Miss Marshall.