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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Sean Williams on October 05, 2012, 11:51:10 PM

Title: Boom# Bye Bitch!
Post by: Sean Williams on October 05, 2012, 11:51:10 PM

   Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel. I’m pretty sure the rest of the world, including myself is so tired of how you constantly bring up my past accomplishments and abilities to what is going on now, the present. I’m pretty sure you have bored and put enough people to sleep with your constant talk, and let’s not even discuss the relationship between yourself and Odette.

Which till today, I still don’t understand that one.


I remember when I first met you, only a few times because of Synn. I never really had an interest in actually knowing you, it was always something about you that I felt wasn’t right. But the fact that you we’re Synn’s friend, I had to respect you, I had to acknowledge you’re presence out of respect for him.

But Synn is no longer around, at least in my life. I’m happy I let go of that hurt, that anger. I couldn’t deal with his mind games anymore, you and you’re little crew run around acting as if Synn is this Holy God, he’s this Savior. Well no I take that back, I won’t involve religion but more as I will say you and the rest of the Sin losers look up to Synn as he’s the best thing walking on the face of this earth.

But he isn’t, I AM!

I could sit back and bash you, I could sit back and bash the rest of the sin freaks but I choose not. Finally in Australia we will meet, face to face. No sins, no dream chaserz, no interruptions from anyone. I will finally get a chance to show you the best fucking high flying machine walking the face of this earth.

Let’s go back a couple months, you acknowledge how I ruined my relationship with Synn which was never the case, if you ever noticed Synn and I was never a real relationship, it was pure physical fun. Of course we cared for one another, but do you actually think I would commit to this man, after his extensive record of the trash before me.

And then to think I would even want this man as my boyfriend when he hangs around a bunch of losers.

(You being the biggest one.)

You say I messed up being apart of one of the biggest groups in SCW history, but who even said I wanted to be apart of that mess. I could never associate myself with the Sins, the things you all believe in and the way you live you’re lives, and you call me bad?

Of course I’ve made mistakes, drug problems, rehab stints, baby drama, man issues, financial problems but at the end of the day I always kept my head up and moved forward. And you and the rest of the fucking SCW locker room don’t want to respect or acknowledge that.

But let me get off topic and address another loser who has similarity to what I’m talking about now.

Fucking pussy ass Casey Williams, the same pussy who at first attacked me and ran with that attack as if he accomplished something great. The punk never faced me one on one and when I through that challenge his way, he dodged it. He makes his little threats, throws out the name calling game, but at the end of the I have no respect for dude.

Talk your Twitter talk, hopefully if James gets a hold of you, they’ll be some of you left for me to destroy.

But then again I hear Casey got some pussy shit up his sleeve, and even though Shark and had our share of words, and that little Twitter beef.

I’ll make sure I have the homie’s back if Casey tries something stupid.

(That’s a bet)

Every fucking person who mentions my name, I’ll come for.

Addressing the issues of my SCW Career and where I’m headed after Australia, yes rumors circulated that I was leaving this shit hole of a company, the company I dedicated time, blood, sweat and FUCKING tears for. And how do you think they treat me?

Some fucking family huh? Oh wait, was that personal. I’m pretty sure someone will think so, don’t like my attitude?

(who the fuck cares?)

I feel as though my attitude, my whole personality, my mental state of mind just needs to be on some “FUCK YOU” shit all the time.

Maybe I should snatch the Trash Talk away from James Fucking Shark, and throw it under my name, and I become TRASH TALK ROYALTY or maybe the most fucked hated like Tyron Miller.

(Shout out to my bitch Star, fucking love you hoe)

Do they want the disrespectful Sean? Or the Sean that cared what people though, that stressed every night before going to bed and wondering whether or not I was going to succeed the next day, or who I would have to impress?

Am I impressing the boss? Hell the fuck no, this dude don’t believe in any of my abilities.

Being real? (I believe so)

I’ve talked with my Lawyers on numerous occasions regarding how I can personally leave SCW without having the whole breach of contract issues, I’ve even discussed other options about my career, because I’m certainly not happy.

Of course I blame some of the issues on myself, while others blame everything. And I know my SCW fans will be disappointed, but at the end of the day I have to be comfortable and enjoying where I am, and what I’m doing.

I’m in discussions with another promotion and right now their main focus is getting me out of my contract here and placing me there, where I know I will be respected and taken in a more serious note.

But I love the hate, I love it. I love the fact that people can’t stand me, it makes me strive harder to prove whatever opinion they have about me, whether good or bad, I know my fucking worth and I know I can be bigger then what I am.

Gabriel will learn that also, he’s asked for so long for that Sean to come back, the Sean he supposedly looked up to. Not only will he get that Sean, but he’ll get a lot more. I had my sights on destroying Gabriel, making him unable to wrestle, unable to cuddle with his bitch, unable to walk, or even get out of bed for a couple days. I want him to feel the wrath of pain, the type of pain where he would be afraid to even step in the ring.

I want his career, I want his fucking career so bad.

But let me switch it up a bit, I feel as though out of all the bad I’ve said about Gabriel tonight, maybe I should …

(say something nice)

I won’t take the fact that he has shown impressive work, a lot of what I say about Gabriel is stemming from the anger I have inside. He may have a possibility in winning this Sunday, and if he does, I’ll personally congratulate him.

Not only will I congratulate him, but I will personally give him my CAREER.

(Shocked huh?)

I already have my lawyers discussing with Mr. (I’m So Hot Even Though I’m Not)] Ward to place it in the stipulation. Don’t think I won’t fight hard for my career, but if Gabriel defeats me, then I will personally;

(Walk away from this company)]

But head held high.

Synn, Synn.

The man I once cared for, you have you’re life now. You’re life is with you’re son, the same son I called a fool, but of course I put it better words. I have nothing against you’re son, but that little situation that he has going on and then the fact that you continue to baby him and not really open his eyes to what’s really going on in the world.

(By letting him being involved with the fucking stupid bear)

I don’t want to be associated with that, I’m over it and I’m over you. I saw what you did with the money I sent you, I guess you’re ego was too fucking high to accept the fact that I wanted to give back, even if we weren’t speaking.

That money was given to you so I wouldn’t have it on my concisence on how you helped me through out the years. And Gabriel, hmmmm ?? He would constantly throw in my face the things you’ve done for me and how I so called mistreated you when Gabriel doesn’t know shit.

I gave back what I needed to and you decided to donate it to charity, but I owe you nothing. My ties with you are complete severed and I honestly don’t want any interaction with you. Throughout all this drama with fucking Gabriel, you consoled in him, you comforted him.

(Yeah yeah you’ve known him longer)

But not once did you ask how I felt, or even checked up on me.

But you we’re so concerned about what the fuck was going on with Gabriel, or taking fucking Joshua to amusement parks, what you should of done was reached out to me, maybe forced Gabriel to sit down with me, or maybe all three of us?

But did it matter?

Then? Now?

Of course it didn’t, but at the end of the day you expect me to chase you? You want me to chase after you? You enjoy and love it when I come to you for help, it boosts you’re ego that you could have such a tight hold over you?

(But then everyone else thought I did you wrong?)

BUT let’s get one MOTHERFUCKING thing straight that I never asked Synn for a damn dime, anything he did for me was done out of his own generosity and never asked for by me.

Let me school these people on something.

It’s real where the fuck I came from, I lived on the streets for a couple months of my life and I never always had money. My parent’s didn’t like the fact they had a faggot living in they household.

And of course my dad used it to his advantage when it came to my sexual orientation, dudes coming in and out of the house just so they can see this fucking teenage body.

I come from the streets where it’s real, I fought what I got and have in my life and people want to know why I’m so angry, and why I went through that time of hard ship.

I didn’t live the lifestyle of lollipops and roses and Gabriel and the rest of the fucking locker room rejects need to release that. I had to fight to keep food in my mouth and clothes on my back, so who cares I snorted a line, or I decided to drown my pain and sorrow in alcohol and destruction to my body.

(Everyone handles shit in they’re own way.)

So don’t judge me pussy, because Only God can do that. Think what you want, but I rather die then change anything about my life. I wasn’t put on this earth to impress Gabriel, I was put on this earth to live life, and make both bad and good decisions.

I wasn’t put on this earth to be Synn’s little boy toy, his play thing. I was put to be a strong individual and a DAMN GOOD COMPETITOR.

(and a good ass father)

I have a son and I know that my actions as a person, and a father will reflect on him and when it comes to raising my son. I’ve calmed down a lot, not to satisfy others but to satisfy myself and put me in a better place.

(But I just want to  get this shit over with)

Finally at Climax Control, this drama that I have with Gabriel and the rest of the Sin losers can finally come to an end, and whether I continue with SCW or not, I know that I will have the satisfaction of destroying what’s left of Gabriel’s career.

I hope he’s ready.

Because he got exactly what he deserve at Violent Conduct, and the match was definitely Violent. And only more will come this Sunday, I’m pumped, I’m trained, I’m focused and I’m determined.

The blogs, news outlets, SCW news, and even GOOD O’ FUCKING TWITTER will be trending my name.


Thank God for Odette though, because he’ll need all the TLC he can get after I’m done with him.


Gabriel won’t walk out that fucking ARENA.

(And you can #BelieveThat)

One last thing before I wrap this shit out, I feel as though I’ve said enough and wasted even more time addressing these fools.

I apologize to Synn, for not being man enough to not let something like this ruin what we had, a friendship that he will NEVER get back. Fuck your lies, fuck your apologies, fuck your friends, fuck your life.

The only love you will ever feel, is the love from your son.

Australia will have bad weather this Sunday, because a motherfucking TSUNAMI just popped up on the weather radar.

And they named that fucker NIGHTMARE, and the priority is FUCKING HIGH.
