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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: Sean Williams on September 13, 2012, 10:43:09 PM

Title: Always Fall.
Post by: Sean Williams on September 13, 2012, 10:43:09 PM
Tokyo, Japan
The Ritz - Carlton: Tokyo
9:59 Am - Present

Nicki: Wake the hell up Sean.

The scene opens up inside Sean’s hotel room, Sean is shown lying across the bed. Nicki grabs one of the pillows and tosses it at Sean, he doesn’t budge.

Nicki: If you didn’t have a long night then I wouldn’t be going through this right now.

Nicki grabs another pillow from the top of the bed tossing it at Sean, finally he throws his hand in the air annoyed that Nicki is trying to force him to awake. He turns and rolls on his back, staring up at Nicki.

Sean: What, fuck? I am tired.

Nicki: What time did you go to bed?

Sean: I don’t know, maybe like an hour ago. What time is it?

Nicki: It’s 10:00 in the morning Sean, I was outside banging on the fucking door for like an hour and stupid ass housekeeping couldn’t understand the word key.

Sean chuckles.

Nicki: Oh? So you find that funny?

Sean: I mean we are in Japan, not everyone is going to understand English.

Nicki: You would think they would, but whatever. My question to you was, who was that gentleman from last night?

Hold up! What gentleman?

Sean: What you mean?

Nicki: After we got off the plane, I saw you downstairs talking to some guy in the lobby and you two were talking a awful long time.

Sean: I don’t remember.

Nicki: One of them nights huh? I didn’t know you had it in you Sean.

Sean: Had what?
[Sean jumps up from the bed and runs into the bathroom slamming the door] I don’t know what your talking about.

Nicki walks to the bathroom door leaning her face against the door.

Nicki: Don’t be foolish.

Sean: Huh? [Yelling through the door] I am not being foolish, I don’t know what the fuck your talking about.

Nicki: Whatever Sean, I need a latte.

Nicki heads toward the door, she opens it to find the mystery man from last night standing on the outside.

Scene fades

Tokyo, Japan
Last Night


The scene opens up inside the Ritz - Carlton Hotel, the scene spans the lobby, beautiful and delicate. Sean is shown sitting, waiting while Nicki prepared the rooms. He pulls his phone out, scrolling through his messages hoping to see one from his mom, interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, he turns and finds a man standing above him with a name tag that reads Daniel, eyebrow raised, Sean stands facing the man.

Sean: Yes?

Daniel: [Clears Throat] Sorry, [Laughs] I noticed you from across the room and I wanted to -

Sean interrupts.

Sean: Look I’m not signing any autographs right now and really don’t have the patient to take any pictures, I just got off a long flight and all I want to do is go to my room and sleep.

Daniel: Well lucky for you I was going to ask for neither.

Sean: [Surprised] Oh, so what is that you want?

Daniel: Conversation.


Sean: I don’t understand.

Daniel: Is it really this difficult for guys to hit on you or are you just a difficult person?

Sean: Both! But why would you want to have conversation with me? Clearly you don’t know me.

Daniel: [Chuckles] I know “Who you are” but you are right, I don’t know who you are. Which is why I approached you and believe me that was very hard.

Sean: I guess it was nice gesture.

Daniel: I would introduce myself, but I’m pretty sure you noticed the name on the nametag, and I already know your name is Sean so we can skip the introduction part, I to just landed here in Tokyo and honestly before I go to sleep I think it would be nice to you know [Pauses] get a little buzz on, make sure I have a restful night.

Sean: May I ask why you are here?

Daniel: Business, I am actually representing a client here in Japan and I decided to kind of mix business with pleasure, get a little work done while I spend some vacation time.

It was kind of weird I was having this conversation, any other time I would of dismissed the dude and kept it moving.

I guess I had to during those days since I felt I was attached to someone.

I’m disgusted at the outcome of what happened between Synn and I, I personally think we could of handled the situation better, but Synn is so fucking stubborn and hard headed that he had to handle it immaturely. I tried on numerous occasions to reach out to Synn and squash whatever issues he had with me and issues I had with him.

But this is also beyond Synn, this is because he hated the fact I attacked the Sins, he hated the fact that the history between Gabriel and I was becoming so dangerous, so vengeful.

I never wanted to disrespect Synn or his son, but it got to the point where I felt the need to make that huge change, to step out and do something that would shock the hell out of people, that would have people asking why? Then that’s when DC became.

I wanted to kind of start a group, a rebellious group, a fucking group so unstoppable. I failed, and I admit that I failed. I handled it the wrong way and I should of paid more attention to what my team wanted instead my own selfish needs.

I was angry, this match had my angry and right now I didn’t even want to think about another man. I was still so confused about Synn, about the relationship I thought we could have. But Daniel was bold, he seem persistent and knew exactly what he wanted, I respected him because he had balls enough to approach me, and even make me smile in  such a short period of time.

I wasn’t use to that shit.

Daniel waves his hand in front of Sean’s face getting his attention back.

Daniel: I bore you already?

Sean: No it’s not that, I just don’t want you to expect anything from me tonight. I am here because I have an important next week and I wanted to be here to kind of experience Tokyo and spend time with some of my fans.

Daniel: Well if helps I am a fan.

Sean: Maybe.

Daniel: Just have one drink with me, and I promise I’ll leave you alone.

Sean hesitates at first, but then nods his head.

45 Minutes later.

I was tripping, I swear I was. I was on my fifth drink, and three shots later I know I was read to fuck. But I didn’t want to tell him, but damn he looked so good to me right now but all I could think about was Synn, all I wanted was Synn.

Or did I?

I didn’t want to fall for the same mistakes I had done in the past. I was drunk as fuck and at that moment all I could think about was what this dude would look like undressed, and how he would feel on top of me and my hands grazing his body.


Sean: Are you staying at the Ritz Carlton tonight?

Daniel: Yes.

Sean: Walk me to my room.

Sean finishes his drink off sliding it across the table, he grabs his room key and Daniel’s hand walking towards the elevator, he waves at Nicki who is also sitting at the bar and the two walk into the elevator.

Sean: I can’t believe you actually saw my match with Goth, damn I wish I would of known you then.

Daniel: I follow the shows when I can, or when my schedule allows me. It’s hot in here [Daniel unbuckles his shirt revealing his chest a little.] I can’t wait to get into my room and hit that AC, this liquor got me sweating.

Sean: That’s fine, I think my room has AC.

The elevator door opens and the two run out the elevator, running down the hall way Sean pulls his keys out of his pocket and places it in the door slot, the door flies open and the two basically fall into the room landing on the floor, Sean falls to the floor and on top of Daniel and the two come face to face.

Daniel: I was hoping I could meet you.

Sean: I’m a heartbreaker, and I’m only being honest with you right now. My heart belongs to -

Daniel rubs his finger across Sean’s lips, he grabs the back of Sean’s head pulling him down to his face, the two exchange a long passionate kiss.

Tokyo, Japan
The Ritz - Carlton Hotel
10:40 AM - Present.

Daniel: Good Morning.


Nicki: You are? [Pauses] Oh wait, the guy from last night.

Daniel: I guess you could say that, but my name is Daniel.

Nicki: Sean’s in the bathroom, what he’s doing? I don’t know, but if you can get him out then good for you. [Walks around Daniel] Do what you gay guys do, I need a latte now.

Nicki walks down the hall and towards the elevator, Daniel laughs closing the door behind him. Daniel walks through the living room area and into the bedroom where he can hear the water running from inside the bathroom, he walks over to the door turning the knob opening the bathroom door. Sean turns and notices that it’s Daniel in the door way and not Nicki, he grabs the towel off the rack and wraps it around his body.

Sean: We had sex last night, didn’t we?

Daniel: Damn, you just jumped right too it.

Sean: Because I don’t want to bullshit around, I was drunk as fuck last night and I shouldn’t of done that. I don’t even know your fucking last name.

Daniel: Carson.

Sean: What?

Daniel: Daniel Xavier Cason.

Sean: [Sighs] It doesn’t help me after the fact, look I don’t mean to sound like a ignorant asshole but I hope you don’t expect anything out of this, honestly I will probably never see you again.

I didn’t mean that, in all honesty I wanted to see him again. I hate the fact I can’t remember the sex from last night, I’m pretty sure it was decent.

Or was it?

Damnit I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to ask him because I didn’t want to seem like a whore or something, but like what the fuck? A one night stand, come on Sean.

Daniel: If it makes you feel any better, we didn’t have sex last night. The most we did was some mouth action and you ended up passing out on the couch, I helped you into bed and then I left.

Sean: [Sighs of relief] That’s good. [Pauses] But damn now I wish we kind of had sex, because it’s a drought over this bitch.

Daniel: It doesn’t have to be, I’m down for some casual fun. But at the same time, I only really like to have sex while in a relationship.

Sean: Sounds like me now.

Daniel: Random sex is for the addicts, give me monogamy any day.

Sean: Why is it you have so much interest in me?

Daniel: You attract me so many different ways, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Like I said before, I’ve followed some of your matches and when I saw you standing in the lobby, I just knew this was my opportunity get a chance to meet you.

Sean: It’s been a while since I’ve heard something like that.

Daniel: You could always hear more.

Sean walks over to Daniel, he moves closer to his body pulling Daniel’s closer to his.

Sean: Why do I feel like I will be seeing more of you?

Daniel: That’s up to you.

Sean leans in and kisses Daniel once again, Daniel responds with a kiss back, but is interrupted by a friendly grunt. Sean turns and there Mercedes was, standing in the door way. Sean releases his hold on Daniel, adjusting his towel which now has moved several inches from his body.


Mercedes: Funny. And he is?

Sean: Leaving.

Daniel: Yes.

Daniel throws Mercedes a friendly smiles as he scoots through the door, Sean reaches for his robe, throwing it over his body.

This was so embarrassing, even though Alicia has caught me plenty of times in weird situations but she knew nothing about this man, I’m pretty sure she was going to ask questions but hell I wouldn’t be able to answer them honestly, I knew nothing.

Mercedes: Details please?

Sean: Honestly whatever you’re learning, I’m learning too.

Mercedes: A bit whorish aren’t we?

Sean: He is gorgeous Mercy, I mean did you see his face?

Mercedes: Reminds me of an Abercrombie and Fitch model, maybe a Calvin Klien Underwear Model.

Sean: [Gasps] What if that is his job? I technically don’t know what he does for a living.

Mercedes: Did you have sex with him?

Sean: No, but I want to. Like yesterday.

Mercedes: Wait, wait. I for one wouldn’t turn down a sexy ass man like that, but what is the deal with Synn?

Great! The question that I wanted to avoid, but knowing Alicia I knew she would ask that question. I didn’t have an answer at the moment, I guess we were over, I barely heard from him and he wasn’t returning any of my texts, so that would make us over right?

I always felt obligated to be at Synn’s side because he was always at mine. I never wanted to betrayed Synn and I know I did once I placed my hands on Gabriel, but til this day I still stand behind that it wasn’t all my fault. Gabriel had his choice of words that I was not proud of, I addressed the situation and even though I could of held back on attacking Gabriel, I felt Gabriel needed to be taught a lesson and he was taught one well.

I was a little worried about this match at Violent Conduct, my focus wasn’t on winning the titles, but settling the score I have with Gabriel.

Too bad Casey and the other NXT reject has to be apart of this match. I promise that by the end of the match, all parties involved would of regret signing on, Gabriel and I have a serious issue with each other and it can only be resolved in a match.

Honestly I wish I had Gabriel One on One, because it would make things so much easier. The fact that The Sins needed the extra back up, their co-signers, their followers, okay maybe I will just say their names NXT, that it will make it difficult to win this match.

Hopefully Casey will leave his vagina at home and man up for this match, because I haven’t forgot his little attack on Climax Control. Why he felt the need to get involved, I don’t understand. But let’s just say I have something special planned for Mr. Williams, I hate the fact I share the same last name as this man, I carry mines with respect, and honor. While sadly Casey carries his last name with shame.

I didn’t want to discuss the Synn issue because I was having so much fun, why ruin it to bring up the man who walked out on me? I guess he’ll find a way to blame me more, I hate to see what he’ll feel after he see’s me demolish his friend and his son.

New Champs being crowd, he can believe that.

Sean: Synn’s a lost cause, I gave up.

Mercedes: Sad.

Sean: There’s no reason to be. I ruined our chances when I attacked Gabriel, he stood behind his family and friends and I can’t be mad at him, but he blamed only me for why I attacked Gabriel, he didn’t acknowledge his friend for what he did wrong to me.

Mercedes: But Sean?

Sean interrupts.

Sean: I’m just being honest, look at this way. I gave Synn many years of my life, he has helped me on many occasions and I’ve always been grateful for him. But the issues Gabriel and I could of stayed between Gabriel and I, but Synn chose to get involved and for that I have to get rid of him.

Mercedes: And does he know?
Sean: No and honestly it’s fine the way that is, no communication is great for us. The last time I spoke to Synn was regarding my Playgirl shoot which he made some negative comments about.

Mercedes: I won’t get between you two because you both are good friends, so if its done then it’s done.

Sean: I’ve already had my lawyer send him a check for fifty grand, it may not be all the money he has given to me but it’s a start. I don’t want Synn to be able to hold over my head that he has basically taken care of me these last couple of years, so with me giving him this money, I can finally free myself of him.

Mercedes: What about Violent Conduct? You know he’ll be there.

Sean: And that’s fine, I won’t loose focus with Synn being out there. Honestly, I’m happy he’ll be out there, he’ll have an up, close, and personal experience of me kicking the dog shit out of his lady friend and son.

Mercedes laughs a little, but then covers her mouth.

Mercedes: Synn won’t take this to kindly.

Sean: I’m pretty sure he some other men he can control, he made this bed so now his ass has to fucking lay in it.

Mercedes: What about this guy ?

Sean: Who? Daniel? Right now he’s a friend, but he could possibly be more.

Mercedes: Rushing already?

Sean: No, but I really do like him.

Mercedes: Just don’t move from one bad situation to another, you don’t even know this man.

Sean: I know him well enough that I would like to know him more.


Violent Conduct was serious, a serious match that put me in a situation. On one corner, I have a man who took it upon himself to slander my name, bad mouth my character, my personality and bring up past moments of my life and try and hurt me, and then his partner is the son of the man I once loved.

Then on the other side you had two fools, the rejects of NXT taking the stab at championship gold. The one thing about me is I always come with surprises, Goth swore up and down that he was going to end my career, he swore that he was going to beat me.

But he was disappointed, and I plan on giving Gabriel, Despayre, and NXT that same disappointed, they will feel the same reaction Goth felt when I pinned his ass 1..2..3... In the ring. I want to make sure I get my hands on Gabriel, if I have to take out Casey and Aleksei first then that’s fine, I won’t let them get in my away or even prevent me from getting my hands on fucking Gabriel.

As for Despayre, I feel bad for him. He won’t even know what hit him, and sadly he’ll run back crying to Synn that his so called “ Step mom “ just kicked his fucking ass all around Japan. I never had a soft spot for that child, I only played it off to make Synn happy.

I really want Gabriel to myself, I wish it was Gabriel and I inside that cage match. It would give me plenty of opportunity to wipe that ring with his face, slam it a coupe good times in the cage to make him feel the wrath of Nightmare. I promised everyone Nightmare at Into The Void and that’s exactly who they got, so again at Violent Conduct I will be victorious and Sean “Nightmare” Williams will walk in aggressively and own that match, and walk out aggressively winning the match.

I hope Gabriel his enjoying his time with Ms. Ryder, and I will say the same to NXT because I’m pretty sure they’re running through her too. I hope they enjoy the landmarks, the people, the culture, the stupid small cars, and constant blubberish these people spit out their mouths, because after Violent Conduct, neither of these fools will be able to get up out of their hospital beds because body aches and pains.

I hope they bring whoever the need to bring to this match, because even without DJ Williams, James and Carly. I still have my main crew, I still got the people that’s been riding with me since day one, and I’m sure Anthony is pumped.

With Gold on the line, the motivation and the determination is there. Violent Conduct will witness new Tag Team Champions, better then the trash that’s holding them now.

Scene fades.