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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Sean Williams on August 22, 2012, 05:49:34 PM

Title: Starting to not give a ****
Post by: Sean Williams on August 22, 2012, 05:49:34 PM
The crowd erupts into cheers; a smirk grows across Sean’s face as he watches Gabriel look around, and trying to figure out what Sean was talking about.

Sean: Lucky for you Gabriel, you get to meet my first selection.

The arena grows dark, all you hear is a mic drop and Triple Beam Dreams blasting through the speakers, the lights flicker on and standing at the top of the ramp was James Huntington-Hawkes III, DJ Williams, & Brooklyn Carter, flashing behind them on the titan tron read the Dreamz Chasers, Sean walks up to Gabriel who is standing near the apron watching the other SCW Stars at the top, tapping him on his shoulder, Gabriel turns and connects with a right punch from Sean, the two go back and forth for a couple minutes, with Gabriel getting the best of Sean.

Gabriel kicks Sean in his midsection, trying for a DDT, but Sean reverses it grabbing Gabriel’s head and taking him down with his own DDT, motioning for the others to come down, both DJ and James run down the ramp sliding in the ring.

Both DJ and James kick away at Gabriel’s midsection while he lays on the ground, the two then lift Gabriel up to his feet, outside the ring Sean grabs a chair from underneath the apron and slides back into the ring, he grabs the mic and walks up to Gabriel who is being held by Williams and Hawkes.

Sean: You wanted that old Sean back huh? I told you fools at Summer Xtreme that Sean Williams was dead, soon enough you will learn to respect me and what I’ve brought to this company and to these people, soon enough you will face NIGHTMARE. Now run and tell Synn what his BOYFRIEND just did to his little friend, once I'm done with you, me and my team will move to the TOP, winning titles, and scaring the hell out this corporation.

Sean tosses the mic down throwing it to the mat, he slams the chair in Gabriel midsection, Gabriel bends down holding onto his chest, Sean slams the chair down, reaching up and forcing Gabriel’s head between his arm, he lifts him up and connects with the DESTRUCTION on the chair. Gabriel laid there motionless, as Sean, DJ, and Hawkes stood in the ring with their hands up.

Sean looks over at Brooklyn who is standing outside the ring, laughing and clapping, she climbs the apron joining everyone in the ring.

Simone: This is insane! Sean Williams has just brought together a new force in SCW!

Adams: Erm, where were the Sins when this was happening?

Climax Control last week was intense, it was shocking, and no one ever saw that coming. But that’s a good thing, unlike everyone else I enjoy surprises, I guess people didn’t expect poor queer Sean causing chaos like that, but I proved all you mothafuckas wrong. This whole agenda, my whole attitude has changed and I refuse to let anyone walk all over me again.

I promised you that at Into The Void I was going to take out Goth, I did what I said I was going to do, at Climax Control I could of ended Gabriel’s career, but out of respect for Synn I decided to lay off the prick, but I decided to deliver a message instead.

Bangkok, Thailand.
Grand Hyatt
Sean’s Hotel Room.

The scene opens up outside the beautiful Grand Hyatt, the scene spans from the pool area, to the front entrance and now the lobby, inside the hotel, Sean is shown leaning against the wall close to the elevator, he looks around like he is searching for someone, but looks back down at his phone.


Sean stands there for a couple more minutes, he looks up and there’s Nicki making her way towards Sean, she drops her duffle bag beside him and embraces him.

Sean: Took you long enough.

Nicki: I hadn’t planned on making a trip here to Bangkok, but since you said you had a couple opportunities thrown you’re way then you should of known I was going to make a trip.

Sean: I’m becoming a star baby.

[Chuckles] You we’re already one, that little thing you did at Climax Control was nothing compared to what you have in store for the remainder of this company.

Sean: I’m thrilled.

Nicki: But where does this leave your relationship with Synn? And how are DJ and James going to coexist with you? I mean you know not everyone is accepting of you’re lifestyle and I really wouldn’t want to run into any issues when it comes to that.

I never really thought about it, but then again who cares. I swear America can be so full of shit when it comes to religions, or sexualities just to name a couple things. As for DJ and James, I approached them about the idea and no one seems to have an issue with me or what I was bringing to the table.

As much as people hate me, a lot of people respect me to. I live, shit, eat, and breathe this sport. I’ve dedicated a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to this sport and I won’t let anyone take what I’ve accomplished away from me, I can guarantee that. I was tired of looking at NXT expand, and as for the Sins [Laughs] the only respectable man in that group is Synn.

Sigh, Synn.

Sean: I don’t think they’re concerned about who I’m sleeping with or what I’m doing in my personal life, I chose D Block because the man is good, the dude has talent and I know with him by my side, our force is untouchable.

Nicki: And James? [Smirks]

Sean: James what? I know, I know. But give the guy a chance, he has potential, I just think he was moving in the wrong direction and honestly he kind of reminds me of myself, it hurts when people outside don’t take you seriously, look how hard I had to work to get where I’m at today.

Nicki wasn’t too thrilled about the idea, she rather me focus on being alone then following in a group, but the way I see it is, form a group, take out the biggest competition, reign supreme. I honestly felt that it was the perfect idea.

Nicki: You already know that this match coming up is going to cause a lot of drama and turmoil between Synn and you.

Synn! Synn! Synn! That name has been stuck in my head since Into The Void, I didn’t know exactly what Synn had rushing through his mind, I’m pretty sure he was upset that I attacked his friend, but his friend had some not so nice words to say about me, what’s wrong with defending myself? And now I have the whole back locker room area upset because I attacked their beloved Sins, give me a fucking break.

The only important factor in that whole group is Synn, I mean look at this way, Gabriel is a looser, Angel is a fucking stuffed animal and Despy, and out of respect for Synn I won’t even address that child.

Synn always expects me to follow behind him, he wants me to be his little flunky, his lab rat but it doesn’t work like that, being around Synn I normally can’t be myself because he’s to busy judging my every move, but what I will say that during the cruise, I announced my true feelings for Synn, I gave him a ring and everything.

And now that fucking prick ran off and doesn’t want to speak to me because I attacked his friend, well fuck him.

Sean: Our relationship has never been the greatest, I played games and he was always so strict, it made us clash and not want to be around each other much, don’t get me wrong though, after I straightened my life out and got my shit together, I was opened to being with Synn, I wanted to.

Nicki: What happened?

Sean: I guess he was tired of my bullshit, he stopped trying. But what you don’t know is that man has skeletons in his closet, a lot of them. He had a son I knew nothing about, and from what I hear Synn isn’t the poster boy child that everyone makes him out to be.

Nicki: I’ve always told you that.

Sean: He’s upset because I attacked Gabriel, but if he wants this relationship then he needs to let what Gabriel and I have going on, not affect our relationship. I know it may be hard for Synn to sit back and watch one of his Sin members be destroyed, especially by someone he is deeply in love with, but that’s life and in life, shit is not always fair.

So True.

10 Minutes Later.

The scene opens up inside Sean’s hotel room, Sean is shown lying across the bed staring up at the ceiling, he looks down at his phone, frustrated and all, he tosses his phone across the room watching it land on the floor.

Nicki: [Walking into the bedroom.] I guess I will need to put another iPhone on order huh?

Sean: [Shakes his head] I don’t think I even want another phone.

Nicki: Well you need a phone if you want to continue growing you’re brand.

Sean: I’m just frustrated, I haven’t heard from Synn in days, he hasn’t called, text, or tweeted me and I can understand his frustration but damn, he could of at least talked with me.

Nicki: I don’t think he wants to.

Sean: He never asked why I did what I did, instead he blamed me for attacking his friend and left it at that, now I’m pretty sure he’ll be livid after this match just because Despy will be involved.

Nicki: You can’t let the fact that Synn’s son is wrestling keep you from winning this match, a match is a match and right now I honestly think this match will help boost you’re career even more. I know you have a heart Sean, but if you continue listening to your heart all the time, you won’t make it to where you need to be.

She was right, and even though I didn’t want to admit it, she was right.  I know that this match would only cause issues between Synn and I but he has to understand that this is only business, nothing personal against him. What if I was World Champion and what if Despy wanted a title shot? Am I supposed to turn it down because that is Synn’s child, FUCK NO.

I refuse to sit back and let Synn play these mind control games on me, I poured my heart out and I even gave that bastard a promise ring but now he doesn’t want anything to do with me because of the issues I have with Gabriel, well Gabriel may have been here before I was, but I was still Synn’s boy, I was supposedly the love of his life, but maybe that was all a lie.

Who knows what Synn’s intentions were? Did he really care for me or was he only doing the things to be charitable, to be noticed as a good man who is helping out someone beneath him, it’s sad that Synn and I can’t just have a normal relationship, maybe because he lets a lot of things bother him but what I don’t like is the fact that I made an effort to change, not only for myself but for him to.

But Synn and the rest of the Sins are up for a rude awakening because I won’t hold back, not on Gabriel and definitely not on Despy.

Sean: I guess I need to make some sacrifices huh?

Nicki: Not just sacrifices, but to focus on yourself and you’re career. The problem that you have is that your always so concerned about the people around you, whether its Alicia or even Synn, and I think that messes up your focus on what’s important, I mean look at Into The Void and what went down, no one expected for you to win that match and honestly I didn’t expect for you to win either, you’re always so hot and cold sometimes and my money was on Goth.

Sean: Well thanks.

Nicki: I’m just being honest with you honey.

Sean: Well I proved you wrong.

Nicki: And that’s a good thing, I’m happy you won, now I can see that you’re mind does have the right focus, you went in that match determined to win and that’s exactly what you did.

Sean jumps up from the bed, reaching for his phone on the floor, he clicks the messaging icon, typing Synn’s name in the sent box, he starts to type a message.

Nicki: Who are you texting?

Sean: Wait.

Synn, I don’t know you’re issue or why I haven’t heard from you but I suggest you get in touch with me immediately, I feel as though we need to talk about a couple things before heading into this match on Sunday, if not then I would hate to see what happens to us after the match.
Text Message Sent.

Sean: I just text Synn.

Nicki: [Shakes head] Pathetic!

Sean: It’s not pathetic Nick, I just need to know where we stand.

Nicki: You stand alone, that’s where you need to stand. That’s one thing I don’t respect about you Sean is the fact that you have a soft heart, last week you went down to that ring and basically destroyed Gabriel, but now you’re caught in you’re feelings because Synn hasn’t reached out to you and you’re scared of what he might do if you do something to Despy, that’s being weak Sean and I suggest you man up. How do you think you’re team mates will feel about you, you’re group members?

Sean: DJ knows my situation with Synn and I’m pretty sure James does to, this group is more to help each other then anything. I personally feel as though we all are underrated including James, as for DJ’s history I may not know enough or a lot about him, but I do know that dude is bad and I had to have him on my team.

Nicki: I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t like you chickening out, you cannot let Synn detour you away from this match Sean and I mean it.

Detour me away from this match? I’m pretty sure once I’m done with the Sins, Synn won’t only detour me away from the match, but he’ll detour me away from his life and if that’s how he wants it then I don’t know what else to do.

Knock… Knock

Sean makes his way from the bedroom and to the front door of his hotel room, he opens the door and there stood his mom and son, Sean reaches for Christian holding him in his arms while his mother makes her way into the hotel room, dropping her bags to the floor, she flops down in the chair.

Sean: Tired?

Susan: Sitting 18 hours on a plane with an crying infant will wear you out emotionally and physically.

Sean: My poor baby.

Sean kisses his son on the forehead; Christian lets out a small smile, before drooling out of his mouth. Sean wipes his face and lays him down on the couch handing him his pacifier.

Susan: He did fall asleep a couple times, but that turbulence and the people on the plane kept waking him up.

Sean: I appreciate you bringing him here Ma, I really missed him and I was excited to have you guys join me on the trip.

Susan: First the cruise and now we’re overseas, what’s next?

Sean: Just a small tour, but we should be back in the states soon enough. This is huge for me ma, I’m getting a lot better and I’m being recognized more.

Susan: I can see the glow in your eyes son, but be careful.

Sean: There’s nothing to worry about.

But in reality I had plenty to worry about, this match was one of the most important matches of my career. Dream Chaserz made a statement last week, and I have to continue making that statement each and every week. I built this group to really show SCW that there are better wrestlers out here instead of the Sins or NXT, hell even better then Rage.

I was so sick and tired of all the talk, the chatter about those two groups so I needed to do something. I just don’t want my mother to worry, ever since I was young, she never really approved the whole idea of me wrestling, she figured it was just a phase and that I would out grow it, but when I signed my name to that contract then she knew it was real.

Believe it or not, I didn’t form Dream Chaserz to be this HUGE FACTION that would eliminate all the competition. Well in reality I did, but my concern was opening doors for not only me, but for the other underrated competition here in this company.

I mean look at Rage, he happens to be one of the worst Champions this federation has ever seen, I rather see Nick hold the title again then to watch Rage parade around with it, but what can I do about it now? Nothing! But soon enough, I will have that chance, that opportunity to go against him or whoever the champion may be at that point, and gain what will soon belong to me.

Then you have other superstars like Casey, or Bo ..just to name a few, those men had their time, and right SCW needs something new.

Sean sits down by Christian, holding onto him, he smiles as he watches his son play with the toys that were in the duffle bag.


Sean: Who is that?

Susan leaps up, placing her body in front of Seans.

Susan: Wait before you answer the door, there is something I need to talk to you about.

Sean: What?

Susan: I kind of invited you’re father along.



Susan: Language Sean, I am still you’re mother.

Sean brushes pass Susan and heads for the door, he opens the door to find his father standing on the other end.

Michael: Hello Son.

Sean stands there, but doesn’t say a word.

Michael: Are you going to invite me in?

Susan walks up behind Sean, she taps him on his shoulder, Sean turns around leaving the door opened, he makes his way into his bedroom slamming the door behind him, startling Nicki who just got out of the shower.

Nicki: Is everything okay?

Sean: My mother just brought my pedophile father in this hotel room, and I want nothing to do with that chicken choker.

Nicki: Chicken choker Sean?

Sean: I was going to say something else but I decided to keep it PG, I’m uncomfortable and I can’t believe my mother would set me up like this.

Nicki: I don’t think you should look at it as her setting you up, I really think she wants to help mend the relationship between you’re father and you.

Sean: We did mend our relationship; a couple years ago after we discussed the evil he did to me and then decided to move on without any communication.

Nicki: You’re to old to hold grudges and you have a son now.

Sean: Which makes me worry even more about that bastard, listen Nicki until you realize what that man put me through, don’t offer me any advice when it comes to my father.

Nicki shrugs her shoulders, she makes her way back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her as the scene fades to black.

30 Minutes Later

Grand Hyatt, Bangkok
Outside by the Pool.


The scene opens up outside, Sean is shown sitting on the edge of the pool chair, staring out into the open, watching people jump in the pool, dive into the pool, with so much on his mind, not noticing that his father was standing right behind him.

Michael: Sean?

Sean looks up and notices his father finally, before he could get up to leave, Michael places his hand on Sean’s shoulder forcing him back down to the chair.

Michael: Where you going? You don’t have to be in a rush son, my plane leaves tonight.


Michael: You’re mother told me you were out here, so I just wanted to come and talk with you before I left.

Sean: What? You need more money?

Michael: So it was you giving me the money?

Sean: Where do you think Mom was getting all that money from?

Michael: You’re mom wasn’t giving me money, I hadn’t been in contact with you’re mother until recently.

Sean: So where then?

Michael: Brandon has been funding my accounts these last couple of months, only because he was trying to help me get past my medical condition.

Something told me that Brandon was giving away the money I was giving to him; I’m not mad but disappointed. I didn’t have a good relationship with my father, I never wanted one. My father made me do things that I was never proud of which is why I’m so fucked up in the head now.

Sean: Brandon shouldn’t of been giving you shit, the money I give to him is to take care of his own personal needs, his school stuff and to pay the bills at the Philly condo, its sad to see you using you’re son to help your own addictions.

Michael: You don’t know the half.

Sean: What I do know is I wish you weren’t here, standing here in front of my face wasting my fucking time. I don’t want anything to do with you or you’re lying ways, if I could go back in time and choose fathers then I would.

Michael: You’re mouth can be so harsh at times.

Michael releases his hand from Sean’s shoulder, not saying another word; he turns and walks towards the hotel. Sean leans back in the chair, closing his eyes, after a couple minutes, he hears his mothers voice.

Susan: You don’t have to be so cruel to that man; he is here to help you.

Sean: [Sits up] it’s funny that you sit back and acknowledge the man that basically molested your own son, whether he was involved or not, he sold me to the highest bidder in exchange for sexual favors and you expect for me to sit back and give a damn about that bastard, fuck you.

Susan: You shouldn’t be so mean Sean, I am your mother.

Sean: And I am you’re son, once you realize that, then we can have a decent fucking conversation.

Sean reaches for his phone and towel, walking pass his mother, he heads into the hotel.


Sean turns and notices Brooklyn, running towards him.

Brooklyn: I swear I’ve been trying to find you all day.

Sean: What’s wrong?

Brooklyn: Nothing, I wasn’t scheduled for Climax Control, but I feel as though I should be in the place of Carly, so either way I’m making my appearance known.

Sean: I noticed that we are teaming with Carly, I wonder why you weren’t chosen but I guess Carly and Odette have more drama between the two, than you do.

Brooklyn: I’m not even worried about it honestly, I had my run and I’m content about it. The way I lost, yes it wasn’t the best way but I won’t complain.

Sean: And honestly Odette as Champion is a joke.

Brooklyn: I didn’t want to say anything, but you said it first.

Sean: Do what you need to do, and when it’s time I’m pretty sure that title will be around you’re waist again. It takes time, and with the growing of DC, who knows what opportunities will come our way.

Brooklyn: Is there anything planned for CC?

Sean: I have a couple things planned; I always have tricks up my sleeves sweetie. [Laughs] I was going to call you later to fill you in; I didn’t know you were staying here at the Hyatt.

Brooklyn: I’m not; I’m a couple blocks down at the Hilton. Dana has Hotel Points from the Hilton, so our first two nights were free.

Sean smiles as the two head towards the elevator.

3 Minutes Later

Sean with Brooklyn behind him makes their way into the hotel room. Inside Nicki is shown lying on the bed half sleep; while baby Christian on the other hand is in his portable crib sleep, with the blanket covering him. Sean walks over to the crib, placing a kiss on Christian’s forehead, the two make their way to the balcony portion, having a seat out there.

Sean: This match is important, I don’t know what the outcome will be but I’m pretty sure the end result won’t work well with Synn and I.

Brooklyn: Why is that?

Sean: Synn is in his feelings; he didn’t like the fact that I attacked Gabriel, and now that I am facing his son, will only make things worst.

Brooklyn: When you approached me about the whole Gabriel thing, I was a little reluctant because I knew the effect it would have on you’re relationship with Synn, but honestly Sean you can’t let that bother you, this is business and it’s nothing personal against them, I know you have you’re issues with Gabriel but that’s the point, their only with Gabriel, so Synn shouldn’t even be involved.

Sean: He has a right to be involved off the strength of his son, but I just don’t want it to affect what we have.

Brooklyn: He always seems to have some sort of hold over you, not a controlling type hold, but a hold that kind of makes you think twice about the stuff you want to do, my advice is to go into this match with you’re head held high and no regrets, if Synn has an issue with you after the match then you can address it then, but now you have a team that you are responsible for and you don’t want to let them or me down.

Brooklyn was right, I had a team of good wrestlers behind me that would be upset if I was to let this little issue with Synn bring us down, my focus shouldn’t be Synn, but facing Gabriel and now Depsy makes it harder. I don’t know what Synn’s intentions are, whether or not he’ll be ringside or if he’ll stay backstage.

My issue with that is if Synn tries to get involved then the relationship, the friendship is done. I suggest he leaves this match alone, maybe he should stay backstage so he won’t be tempted to get involved. I would never hurt Synn’s son, wrestling him is something different, but I know my own strength and my intentions are not to hurt Depsy, but to just get him out of my way.

My main focus is on Gabriel, and come Climax Control he’ll learn to watch what he says out of his mouth. I never joined this corporation to make Gabriel feel good, or to impress Gabriel. I joined this corporation because I knew I had talent, I knew I could easily make a name for myself and take out all the week competition here, I kind of let my demons get the best of me and it made it harder for me advance.

But my minds in the right place, and I don’t regret the damage I caused Gabriel. He can talk all the trash talk he wants, call me all the names in the book, I’ve heard them all. His words and his small tales about Synn or the friendship he has about Synn won’t change anything, it won’t stop anything.

DC is here to cause chaos through Sin City, DC is here to cause a ruckus, take some names, and win some titles and with someone like me standing behind this force, I know we can take it all the way to the top.

Brooklyn: Have you spoken with DJ? Or even James?

Sean: I have, we shared some words, some ideas, everything will all come together at Climax Control, I just hope the people and everyone backstage is ready to see the damage we are ready to cause.

Brooklyn: I’m so excited, we are about to be unstoppable Sean.

Sean: We already are. [Laughs]

The two continue to sit out on the balcony, sipping on a little champagne, the scene fades to black.
3 Hours Later

The scene opens up inside Sean’s hotel room, Sean is shown lying on the couch, Christian on his stomach still sleep, and Brooklyn standing in the kitchenette, making some hot pockets, or something that resembles hot pockets. Sean reaches in his pocket pulling out his cell phone, he scrolls through his text messages to see no response from Synn.

This fucking data roaming is going to kill my bill, but what the fuck? What the fuck is Synn’s problem?

Sean clicks on Synn’s text message box, and starts to write a message.

It’s been days since we’ve talked, and I’m under the impression that you don’t want anything else to do with me which is fine, I’m sorry if you felt disrespected that I even attacked Gabriel but I did what I had to do, he should of kept his fucking mouth shut. But for you to sit back and ignore me, tells me that you have chosen them over me, you’re son is an excuse but Gabriel is a worthless piece of shit, he bad mouths me and talks nothing but trash. So, I have reached out numerous of times and still have not received any message back, so I will apologize to you now for the damage I will cause the Sins at Climax Control, the warning has been put out there.
Text Message Sent.

Sean places his phone down on the couch beside him, he wraps his arms around his son embracing him, Sean closes his eyes as the scene fades to black.