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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Sean Williams on July 24, 2012, 12:55:47 PM

Title: Wrong Time...Wrong Place
Post by: Sean Williams on July 24, 2012, 12:55:47 PM
The last couple days, I kept to myself, a couple nights out here and there, having a little fun but deep down inside I was hating my life, Fuck My Life. That's exactly how I felt at the moment, so many things weren't going right, but hey that's life right, or maybe just mines.

I guess I could catch you up on some things, of course Vincent was robbing me blind day by day, I wish I could go back in time and relive some of my moments because meeting him definitely wouldn't of happened, especially if I knew then what I know now.

I hadn't seen my son in weeks, I felt empty without him, knowing that I had a child in this world that I couldn't touch or see everyday broke my heart, but what else could I do? My bad ass reputation and past prevented me from getting what belongs to me, I don't mean to make him sound materialistic but damn, my son, without me he wouldn't be care, he belongs to me.

I hadn't really left LA, I didn't even make an appearance at this recent Climax Control, my plan was to show up but I just didn't have it in me.

But something told me I had to get my head back into the game, I couldn't constantly sit around and bitch and moan, my depression affected everything that was going on in my life at the moment, the lack of ability to compete in the ring, hell the lack of passion, it was affecting everything around me and I knew I had to get myself back in order.

Dr. Richardson: Explain your weekend.

Los Angeles, California
Dr. Richardson's Office.
Earlier Today....

The scene opens inside Dr. Richardson's brand new L.A. Office, Sean is shown sitting on the couch, staring out the window. Dr. Richardson raises her hand out towards Sean's direction trying to get his attention, Sean sighs turning his head looking in her direction.

Sean: Nothing happened.

Dr. Richardson: Any progress on the whole situation with your son?

Sean: I reached out and she never returned my calls, so I did what I usually do and that's go on a drinking binge and force the pain I was having and turned it into pleasure.

Dr. Richardson: Any drugs ?

Sean: I smoked.

Dr. Richardson: Our last discussion you told me you were going to quit.

Sean: I can barely remember things from our last discussion and during that time and place I wasn't thinking about quitting weed, I was thinking about how I was going to come up with 5 g's to pay Vincent at the end of the month.

Sean places his hand over his face, after a couple seconds he looks up at Dr. Richardson

Sean: Believe it or not I am a very smart individual, I may do things people don't approve of but that's life and I can only learn and move forward making better choices then before. I have real shit going on in my life right now and a occasional smoke or a drink won't hurt anything, I'm not out here robbing banks or killing people, I'm out here in the clubs doing appearances and trying to make money so I can  get my son into custody.

Dr. Richardson: Do you feel as though a judge or even the people will think your capable of doing that?

Sean: Do you think I really give a fuck, excuse my language but right now I could care less what or how people feel about me. Just over the weekend Rage, our World Champion had words for me, he feel as though I'm a waste of space and that I shouldn't even be competing.

Dr. Richardson: How did that make you feel?

Sean: Angry, but then I sat back and listened to what he was saying, and I understand now.

Dr. Richardson: Understand what?

Sean: That I do need to change some of my ways to be respected more in this business, so I will admit he had his points on some of the things he was saying but I will say this, I'm not scared of that bastard and I will make sure he gets an opportunity to face me in the ring.

Dr. Richardson: Do you want to be World Champion?

Sean: Who doesn't? I am in the business where holding a prestigious title like that makes you important, he showcases your skill and your passion for the business and I want that passion back.

Dr. Richardson: And you still have a opportunity to get that passion back.

Sean: I think if I get through all this bullshit then yeah, but right now my head isn't in the right place.

Dr. Richardson: What about your match next week?

What about my match? Lucian Frost, a man I knew nothing about, I studied some matches here and there and I can tell that his does well in the ring, but he wasn't who I wanted to face, he wasn't the man that I needed to take my anger out on, and why waste that energy on someone who I have not interest in facing.

I know in this business you have to go against whoever to get where you need to be, I wouldn't want anything to think I was above them but right now my main focus was on Goth, it was so much tension going into that tag match and the way it ended caused more tension and even anger between him and I.

I needed to prove a point and I'm tired of people thinking they can just walk all over me.

Sean: Lucian Frost, another superstar that stands in my way from doing what I need to do.

Dr. Richardson: And what is that?

Sean: Beating the hell out of Goth, and then taking out Rage.

Dr. Richardson: But you do understand that you have other challenges to take care of before you get that opportunity at World Gold. I'm not into the sport, but the fact that you are one of my patients, I've gained interest and I do follow you at times to kind of see what's going on.

Sean: Follow as in?

Dr. Richardson: Attending shows, not physically following you.

Sean: Look, I know I have to compete against Lucian Frost, and I know that I shouldn't just brush him off, believe me the man is competition and I will say that I am a little worried about how my performance will be in this match. But after this past weekend, I just feel as though I really need to put my focus onto bigger and better things, I mean I've been in this company way before it was this company and I have the right to be at the Top.

Dr. Richardson: You know you will catch a lot of heat for saying that.

Sean: And that's fine, what the else bad can happen to me? Like honestly people expect for me to put on this good boy face and expect for me to sit around and let people walk all over me, but fuck that Doc.

I was getting angry, I felt as though I should be a bigger star then what I am now but I can't blame anyone but myself, I'm the reason why a lot of people don't believe in me because I don't believe in myself.

Sean: The only thing I can honestly say I will change about myself is how I live my lifestyle, the partying and the party favors need to stop, for me to be respected in that fucking locker room is going to take time but starting next week against Lucian Frost, I will prove to those looser backstage that I am a future World Fucking Champion walking around and before this year ends, I guarantee that belt is around my waist whether I take it from Rage, or someone else.

Dr. Richardson: I think your focus should be this match against Lucian Frost, take care of him and then see what happens next.

Sean: Believe me I'm ready, next week Lucian Frost will be my next victim and then I will go to Summer XXXTreme and take out Goth, once I take out Goth then Rage better watch his back because he will have a few surprises coming his way.

Dr. Richardson: You feel confident which is a good thing, I always like when you come into my office and even though you come in with a bad attitude, you always leave either feeling better about yourself, or at least having the opportunity to talk with someone who could possibly help you.

Sean: Honestly out of my therapist, you're the only one I really enjoy and appreciate talking to. Alot of the others judged and it always made me feel a certain way.

Dr. Richardson: I'm not here to judge, but here to help.

Sean smiles as he rose up from the couch, he made his way over to Dr. Richardson giving her a hug, he turns and notices the time on the wall and he makes his way towards the door.

Sean: I have to go, I promised Alicia I would meet her in Beverly Hills for the preview of her new fragrance, but I have some running around to do before I head there.

Dr. Richardson nods her head, Sean makes his way out the door and heads toward the elevator, looking down at his phone he receives a text.

Meet me in 20 minutes, I'll be at your house. - V

Sean shakes his head, he reaches in his pocket for the envelope with Vincent's name on it, he opens up staring at the money inside, the elevator door opens and a tall woman with long blonde hair walks in, Sean not noticing who she is, continues staring at the envelope.

Susan: You shouldn't have money out like that, no matter where you are, anyone could snatch that out of your hand and run with it.

The elevator door shuts.

That voice sounded so familiar, in my head I wanted to say it was my MOTH-

Sean looks up, shocked as hell, and dropping the envelope to the floor, he hesitates, Susan smiles as she embraces her son, pulling him closer to her.

Susan: I've missed you so much sweetie.

Susan releases Sean from the hug, he leans down grabbing the envelope from the ground, the elevator doors open and the two head out into the lobby, Susan escorts Sean towards the entrance where the two sit down on a bench nearby.

Susan: How have you been?

Sean: Where have you been? I don't know what to say, I am speechless because I thought I would never see you again.

Susan: I am your mother, I could never abandon you.

My relationship with my mother was only difficult because of my father, during the time of my fathers issues she never was around, its funny because my family had all the money, threw the most lavish parties but what people didn't know the drama and the pain we had to go through inside our home, but on the outside people would only see fake smiles.

My mother decided to move to Europe a couple years ago, she needed to get away from my father and the problems she suffered while here. My father told us she was dead, but I knew that wasn't the truth, finally when I found out where she was, I reached out numerous times so her being here is a shock to me.

Sean: You left.

Susan: I left because I needed to, your father was going through a very bad time and I couldn't handle everything I was finding out. It was a little to much for me to bear and I just needed to get away and kind of find myself and figure out what I needed and wanted to do.

Sean: Its been hard here without you.

Susan: I've always kept up with you, I had my ears and eyes opened and I knew every detail of what was going on in your life, but once I saw a poor innocent child was involved in all this drama I knew I needed to fly out here and be here not only for my son but my grandson. I reached out to Mercedes who gave me her number a long time ago and she told me exactly where you were going to be and time, so I wanted to surprise you but my flight got in late so I was unable to make your session.

Sean: I love you mom.

Susan: You really need to get your life together honey, You are 25 years old, soon to be 26 and you shouldn't be going through these issues anymore. You now have a son that you have to focus on and raise to become a successful young man, and how you act can only rub off onto your son, and you wouldn't want him to follow in your footsteps especially if their negative.

She was right, and she knew she was. The one thing about my mom was she was blunt, she always knew how to deliver advice whether in a good way or a bad way, she kind of always knew what to say.

I wasn't mad at her though because she only wanted to see me succeed, be a better person then who I am now. I'll admit I still fuck up here and there, but I know my mind is in a better place and I know that going forward I can only make better decisions.

Susan: Why do you have so much money on you ?

Sean: I don't want to talk about it.

Susan: Well you're going to have to.

Sean: Vincent is basically making me pay him 5 grand every other week to prevent him from selling my photos and videos to the press.

Susan: What kind of photos and video?

Sean: Do you need to even ask? Back when I was with Vincent, just like any other relationship we exchanged pictures, well after the relationship ended, I deleted the pictures of him and I was under the impression that he got rid of the ones with me.

Susan: And he didn't?

Sean: No, so if I don't pay him then he told me he would sale the pictures to the press and then use them against me in the custody trial for Christian.

Susan: I know some of the best people, I don't want you to worry about paying him or this custody anymore, I am here and we are going to end this once and for all.

The good thing about my mother is she was a Lawyer, she had her own firm, and she was one of the tops in L.A. after her breakdown, she stepped down from her firm and took a immediate vacation, well the vacation turned into a permanent vacation and now she resides in Europe and has a Flower Boutique which seems to do pretty well for her.

But the thing about her is that she still knows people in higher places, of course I will keep Alicia's lawyers around because they've done a lot of great work in the case so far, but a little extra help wouldn't hurt.

Susan: I will take care of what I need to, I'll be in LA for a couple days so I will have a meeting with my people tomorrow and then set something up for you, but listen to me Sean, you really need to get your life together and I'm not joking.

Sean: I'm trying Mom.

Susan: I know.

Susan leans over and kisses Sean on his cheek, he embraces her back with a hug, a taxi pulls up and Susan rises up from the bench, she hugs Sean one more time and then makes her way over to the taxi.

Susan: I'll be in touch sweetie.

Susan hops in the taxi as Sean stands there watching his Mom leave, the taxi drives off as the scene fades to black.

2 Hours Later

As much as I hate to admit it, I never really was the type to enjoy the celebrity life, don't get me wrong I loved the money, the parties, the ability to get treated differently at times but in reality it was a hardship.

Paparazzi taking photos, good and bad, rumors running rapid through media on the television and through blogs and internet pages, it was the worst. But majority of the time I usually brought the press on myself.

Each and every time I'm booked for a show, it means a lot, its some sort of an importance to me and my fans because my fans miss me. I remember wrestling for GXW, they gave me my first opportunity to really showcase my talents.

I was fresh out of high school, taking college courses, wasn't really interested in competing even though I loved the sport. I remember wrestling in high school and watching WWE programming, everyone felt that would be my calling and I would just brush it off, but one night I remember wrestling with a couple friends at a indy fed we had set up in his backyard of his home, we use to have matches, even set up our own battles and heated feuds and I remember saying damn I could do this professionally, this is something I'm interested in doing.

Signing with GXW, gave me that opportunity to exactly show the world what I was capable of. I remember being nervous, not only because I was the new kid on the block, but because of my sexuality.

But then Christian Underwood sat me down backstage and said this. " Don't let them bastards put you down, they will talk and talk, but your skill will shut them up. " and I went and took that advice to every match, in GXW I was undefeated for some time, yes I lost some battles but in the beginning I was untouchable and no one could take me down.

I'm not perfect, but I am a damn good competitor. I'm excited for this match, and earlier I said I really didn't see the importance in it, but that's me being cocky, any opportunity I get is a chance for me to show these people I'm ready to be a champion.

Lucian Frost, I feel bad for you, I feel bad for the next person I wrap my hands around because Climax Control I will show no mercy. I won't cause to much pain because you haven't done anything to me that would make me want to end your career or to really hurt you, but this is a opportunity for the both of us and I hate to say it but I will be the one capitalizing off this opportunity.

I'm ready for whatever this man has to throw at me, I expect bad talk, I expect him to feel as though I'm not good enough to compete against him but believe me I've heard all that in past, and I've upset a lot of people on my journey, so take this as an opportunity Frost, once I beat you, then you know you would definitely need to step your game up and when I go on to win the World Championship, I'll make sure I give you an opportunity the first chance I get, because I am that type of person.

My goal has been set, and I will dominate each person who stands in my way at getting a chance to become World Champion, I know I have some time ahead of me, but whoever turns out to be champion when it's my time, I want them to be ready and them to know that I'm lurking around that corner.


The scene opens up outside of Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, Sean is shown making his way out the back door, towards the parking lot, a couple paparazzi stand out on the side taking pictures, Sean throws his hands up still making his way towards his car.

Saks Fifth Avenue
Beverly, Hills
(Wilshire Blvd)
8:30 PM

Sean notices Mercedes standing by her car talking on her phone, he slowly makes his way over to her smiling, she looks up noticing Sean walking her way and hangs the phone up sliding it in her pocket, she turns and opens her arms trying to hug Sean but is interrupted by a hooded figure running up towards him.


Sean turns and feels the impact of a blunt object hitting him across the face, Sean falls to the ground looking up, all he can see is flashes from the cameras on the other end of the parking lot, Sean looks up and

POP ...

A loud noise blazes throughout the parking lot, screams filled the air as a women fell to the ground, Sean tries to open his eyes, but the pain in his face prevents him, he feels a nudge against his back pocket as the envelope with cash was snatched out, the man runs toward a black car with no license plate and drives off.

[Screaming] WHAT THE FUCK....SHIT ...

Sean slowly gets to his knees crawling over to where the women was lying, opening his eyes he notices Mercedes laying on the parking lot ground, blood splattered underneath, Sean reaches in his pocket dialing 911.

Sean: PLEASE...

The scene fades.

Camera Clicks...

Paparazzi: Sean, Sean, is Alicia is ok?

Camera Click...

Paparazzi: Do you know who the person was? Sean? Sean? What is the condition of Alicia?

Camera Clicks...


Los Angeles, California
Sean's Condo.

The scene opens up inside Sean's condo, Sean is shown pacing back in forth in his living room, staring at his phone he tries to call the hospital one more time, after a couple minutes of arguing with the receptionist, Sean hangs the phone up tossing it over on the couch.

Sean: I cannot believe this shit.

Sean bangs his hand against the coffee table, Brooklyn who was standing in the door way walks in and sits down on the couch, grabbing a hold of Sean's hand, she begins to rub it.

Brooklyn: I know you are upset Sean, but please calm down.

Sean: I can't, Alicia is in the hospital and I know it was because of me, she was only trying to help me and look what happened.

Brooklyn: Are you sure it was Vincent?

Sean: I know it was, I was suppose to meet him to drop off this money and then I ran into my mom and I lost track of time and I really wanted to be there to support Alicia and next thing you know, we are in the parking lot getting ready to leave and then he pops up.

Brooklyn: You need to call the police.

Sean: They're already investigating the whole issue, I was forced to leave the hospital and now they don't want me to leave my apartment, I can't do this shit right now.

Brooklyn: Is she going to be okay?

Sean: She is, the baby we don't know but I can't talk about this right now, this is to much and I need to figure out what I am going to do to fix this.

Only more drama could happen in my life, my friend was lying in a hospital bed because of something dealing with me, I had a fucking match against Lucian Frost next week but who knows if my mind will be mentally ready for this match.

I needed to be around Alicia, I needed to know that she was okay, I wanted to vent, I wanted to go out and find Vincent and kick his ass, but I was forced under watch and now I can't even leave my fucking apartment.

Brooklyn: It's not your fault Sean, you can't blame yourself. What happened really sucks but you cannot blame yourself, please don't.

If she only fucking knew, I know she was only trying to help me but deep down inside she knew this was my fault, she knew it.

Sean: I have to fix this, and I have to fix this now.

Sean reaches for his phone, he grabs his ID and his two credit cards out of his wallet and heads for the door.

Brooklyn: Where are you going?

Sean: I need some air, I need some time to think.

Brooklyn: Please don't do anything crazy because I am worried about you Sean, I don't know Alicia personally but from the times I've been around her, I've always enjoyed her company and I really hope everything turns out okay.

Sean nodded his head in agreement, he reached for the door knob but before he could turn it, a pound came from the other side.


Sean steps back from the door until he hears the voices from the other side.

Detective Bailey: Mr. Williams, I know you are home, can you please open the door, I am Detective Robert Bailey and my partner Lisa Frankson is here, and we just need to discuss a couple things with you.

Sean opened the door, both Detective Bailey and Frankson made their way into the front room where Brooklyn was sitting, she jumps up from the couch and heads into the bedroom closing the door behind her.

Sean: How can I help you?

Detective Bailey: I know you're aware that Alicia Matthews is currently in the hospital right now, she is doing fine but as for her baby, we don't know as of yet.

Sean: [Puts his head down] This is all my fault.

Detective Bailey: Witnesses at the scene stated that you weren't involved in the beating, but you were there, if you have any knowledge on who the suspect is, then I suggest you give us all the information you can.

Sean: It was dark, I was meeting Alicia in the parking lot because we were going to have dinner after her signing, all I know is this guy in a long black shirt and a mask runs up to me and knocks me the fuck out,  I don't know with what.

Detective Frankson: Did you get a chance to see his face?

Sean: No.

Detective Bailey: I would hope you would tell us the truth.

Detective Frankson: Can you answer why this individual would snatch something out of your pocket, not harm you but harm your friend.

Sean: Because if I know Alicia, she probably try to fight which lead to what happened to her, honestly Detective Bailey and Frankson, if I did know anything then I would definitely tell you, right now I am trying to find answers myself, so am I being detained or what's the deal here?

Detective Bailey: I need you to come down to the office, but tomorrow morning and we will discuss a little more about this case.

Detective Bailey reaches in his pocket and pulls out a card, he hands it to Sean and motions for Detective Frankson to follow behind him, the two head for the door and make their way out, Sean stands there, knowing he shouldn't of lied, but he knew saying Vincent's name would only cause more drama.

Sean: Damnit.

Brooklyn makes her way out of the bedroom and walks over to Sean, placing her hand on his shoulder she pulls him closer.

Brooklyn: Why didn't you tell them Sean?

Sean: Because I need to take care of this myself,  I know exactly where Vincent is and I'm going to see his ass right now.

Brooklyn: What is that going to solve?

Sean: I don't know, but I do have an idea to kind of scare him up a little.

Brooklyn: The police Sean, you need to go to the police and tell them the truth, Alicia is going to be pissed knowing you know who did it but didn't tell the police.

Sean: I am, but let me take care of this problem first, I am going to see Vincent and then I am going to go back to the hospital, just trust me Brooklyn.

I can understand her frustration, she was upset, she felt that I held back with the police but I had to, because of the situation I'm in, I needed to see Vincent first, I needed to face him and get this shit taken care of and then I would turn his ass in.

I swear I can never have a day where something doesn't go wrong, I felt that things were going my way a little, I'm wrestling at the next card, I felt that people were finally going to start believing in me again and I could make moves to try and be the next best World Champion.

But I can't, Vincent prevents me to from living my fucking life, he has to much control on me, but that shit stops now.

Sean: Vincent has really did it this time and I refuse to live my life under his fucking control, 3 years he has ran my life from prison, his own home, and even in front of my face and I just can't do it anymore.

Brooklyn: Its wild that this man has that much control over you.

Sean: If you only knew, but that shit changes now, I mean it.

Brooklyn backs away from Sean as he head towards the door, he opens it making his way out to the hall way, only to run into the Detective's again.

Detective Bailey: The good thing about certain walls is that they never sleep, you can always hear through then and my oh my, your walls were surely talking.

Detective Frankson: Come with us Mr. Williams, and let's talk down at our office now, since it seems like you have some information that you were reluctant to share with us.

Sean pauses, he started to speak but then closed his mouth and remain silence, he followed behind the two detectives as the scene fades to black.