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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Vixen on April 06, 2012, 10:25:04 PM

Title: Straight talk from the Fox
Post by: Vixen on April 06, 2012, 10:25:04 PM
 “A tag match is indicative of trusting someone to be there when you need them to be.  I don’t know about you but when it comes to tag matches, I haven’t really had an easy time with being able to trust my partners.  Maybe this week on Climax Control I might have a better time while I team with Cookie S’mores.”

The person behind the voice can’t be seen for the moment as the camera is focused on the images of four women on a poster announcing Climax Control in Paris France.  The sound of the voice is soft, melodic and tinged with a hint of an accent.

“Living the life I have makes me debate the pros and cons of trusting someone that much.  On one hand, my army training gave me the ability to reach out and ask for that helping hand.  On the other hand, my life growing up taught me that any hand reaching towards you only deserves to be slapped away.  Either way this week on Climax Control, I am going to be facing a challenge in the tag match involving all the bombshells that you see before you.”  

The camera suddenly swings away from the view of the four bombshells wavering sickenly until it focuses on the bruised and battered face of SCW darling and NYDW champion Vixen who grimaces a smile for the fans.

“Here I am getting ready for two big matches and today I am doing what I need to for preparing for the tag match that was booked for Sin City Wrestling.  Now I could tell you that I don’t like tagging with anyone because I don’t really have the ability to trust many people.  Considering historically in my wrestling career I haven’t really had any partners that I could actually trust because every tag partner I have ever had, every person that I have had to tag with...all of them have let me down in one way or another.”

The look Vixen gives the camera can only be described as one of determination as if forcing herself to continue.

“This week I have to trust that Cookie S’Mores won’t let me down in this tag match.  And just so she knows, I am not going to let her down when it comes to this tag team this week.  If she needs to tag me, then I will do everything in my power to make sure that this team comes out on top.”

Vixen clenches her fist for a moment, and then swallows slowly, a faint grimace of pain passing over her face then she chuckles.

“I know what you might be thinking.  Vixen, how do you think that you can face the SCW bombshell champ and her buddy in this match?  Well, Raynin and Gothika have something coming that just might be the closest thing to a one hundred percent butt whupping they won’t ever forget and for Raynin, a preview of what is going to be happening in London very very soon when I face her in the match for her pretty Bombshell title.”

From behind Vixen, we can hear footsteps and a rather young, artistic Frenchman comes into view with a small cup of steaming expresso coffee and a glass of red wine.  Setting it down, he smiles at Vixen before tsking sadly in sympathy.

“Pauvre mademoiselle, est ce qu’il y a quelque chose je peux vous faire?”

Vixen offers him a smile and a negative shake of her head.  Peeling off a couple of Euros, she turns back to the camera that is focused on her as she begins to speak again.

“Trust me, I am taking this match serious enough to focus more on the fact that I am facing a pair of women who know themselves quite well.  It isn’t that I don’t know Cookie but we haven’t teamed and I did beat her friend in a triple threat match.  So I am prepared for anything in this match.”

Sipping at the red wine, she finishes the drink with a chaser of dark coffee.

“And Raynin, I know you are going to be watching me carefully this week knowing that in a very short period of time I am going to be in London facing you for your title.  I am sure that you are a fighting champion but can you fight the odds this week as you have to face Cookie and I?  Do you think you and Gothika are ready for the challenge?”

“Somehow I don’t think you are Raynin.  I mean sure, you are the champion but are you really ready to face someone that is a champ in her own right.  Are you ready to face a woman that could snap you in half, because that is something that I am ready willing and able to do to win a match.”

Vixen has a serious look on her face before she lets a smile break over it.

"I only have one thing to say to you Raynin and Gothika.  At Climax Control, you had best hope that for the slimmest chance at winning, your stars have aligned.  With Cookie and I, we may never have tagged before but we will be the ones that will light up the city of Lights when I hit the Fall from Grace and leave one of you in a beaten heap in the middle of the ring after the one two three.”

Standing, Vixen stretches a little as if she has been sitting a while.  Finishing off the wine and chasing it with the bitter black brew in the small cup, she lets only the slightest clink sound as she replaces the cup into the saucer and reaches for the camera.  Picking it up, she holds it in front of her.

“These are the last words I am going to say about this week’s match and they are...”

Vixen looks around for a moment then leans in as if sharing a secret with her opponents.

“Bonne chance!”

After wishing her opponents luck, Vixen presses the stop button on the camera and then tucks it into the pocket of her jean jacket and then walks out of the patio area of the cafe.