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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: O Malley on October 27, 2011, 08:52:50 PM

Title: Diary of a Mad Woman
Post by: O Malley on October 27, 2011, 08:52:50 PM
 Misty’s writing
Misty’s thoughts

Misty is sitting in her bed, holding a leather-bound journal she just purchased.  She opens the cover, going to the front page and begins writing.

Entry #1

What have I become?

“It still amazes me how much I’ve changed over the past five years.  I am like a completely different person…No, I AM a different person.  At least I thought I was.  But have I really changed that much?  Eden has changed me in so many ways that I never thought possible, but something still seems…missing.  I don’t feel quite satisfied with everything just yet.”

Am I the same person I was before I had Eden?  Have I really changed?

“I could have easily turned down Mark’s offer when he contacted me about SCW.  I could have done what Spike did and thrown that contract right back in his face and stayed home in St. Louis.  I could have, but I didn’t.  I chose to wrestle again.  I chose to do the one thing that has always been my passion in life.  I sacrificed time with my family for this.”

Why?  Why did I do that?

“My life has been far from dull since I had Eden.  I was on diaper duty for the first two and a half years of her life.  Before she came along, I had never really changed a diaper in my life.  I never helped my parents with Desiree when she was a baby, and I didn’t even know Dixie existed until a few years ago.  And my other sister Jackie lives out of state with my nephew Luke so I was never able to help with him either.  My point here is that I adjusted to this life.  I dove right in to the life of motherhood, leaving my wrestling career behind for what I thought was permanently.”

I was already a three time Women’s Champion, so why would I need to go back to this life?

“On the outside, I hid my feelings quite well, honestly.  I was…I AM happy being a mother and having a family, but deep down, I’m not truly finished with my wrestling career.  I’m not ‘burnt out’ like Spike says he is.  Even I don’t believe him when he says that, but oh well.  I still want more.  Sure I’ve already been a women’s champion, but in my eyes, I haven’t beat the best there is to offer yet.  My main goal back then was beating a woman by the name of Chastity Pride.  Those who remember her remember just how hard she was to beat.  She was my toughest competition.”

Sadly, I never got my chance.

“But things happened beyond my control and I couldn’t find out if I was capable of beating her.  How could I call myself the best, when I hadn’t beaten her?  In order to be the best you have to beat the best, right?  I think that is why I accepted Mark’s offer.  That is why I am here in Sin City Wrestling today.  I’m not finished yet.  I’m going to beat all the best Bombshells SCW has to offer so that I KNOW that I am THE best Bombshell in this company.”

I can hear the record books calling my name.

“At High Stakes, I get my chance to prove to SCW that I’m not just some washed up has been from a now defunct company.  I get to prove to the rest of the Bombshells that I am the top bitch in this company and there isn’t a thing they can do about it!  I am going to show each and every one of them just what it means to be a champion.  Those six other women better not underestimate me just because I am a mother.  They better not make the mistake of thinking that I’m not one-hundred percent focused on being the first ever Bombshell Champion, because that title is all that is on my mind!”

I’m more focused now than I have been, actually.

“I think about facing those six women, and I can see MY hand being raised in victory.  I can see the ref handing me the Bombshell Championship and the ring announcer announcing me as the very FIRST Bombshell Champion.  Rebecca Blades, whoever she may be, can’t stop me.  Though at this point, I don’t think she even wants to.  No one knows who she is.  No one knows anything about her.  Why did she even sign a contract with SCW if she apparently doesn’t even want to be here?  I’m sure she saw what she’d be up against and went running like the little bitch that she is.  It’s cool, though.  Leave the Bombshell Championship to someone who really wants it…someone who DESERVES it.”

I want it more than any one of those women.  I deserve it.

“And what about Allison Summers?  Is she really in this game?  To be honest, I have no idea.  She only shows her face during her boy JT’s promos, so I can’t tell if she’s just simply an escort or a dedicated wrestler!  Why is she even here?  I don’t think she really wants to make a name for herself.  She seems to be too focused on helping her boy JT then showing SCW what she claimed she can do in the beginning.  Do us all a favor, Allison…leave the wrestling to those of us who prove everyday we WANT to be here.  Don’t put yourself through the embarrassment of a beat down if it’s not what you want.”

No one can say that I don’t want to be here.

“And Angelica…*laughs*…I’m very familiar with that piece of trash.  I have to say, though, I’m glad she signed a contract in SCW.  I’m glad because it gives me the great pleasure of kicking her ass all the way into next year!  She wants to make promos and interviews slamming ME?!  Well, I’m going to show her just with this ‘housewife’ can do.  I’m going to beat her within an inch of her life for being the trashy, disgusting, low-life sl*t that she is!  She thinks she can fight?  HA!  She can talk all the smack she wants to, but she knows that the only reason she’s even here is to do personal ‘favors’ for Mark.  If I have anything to do with it, her jaw will have to be wired shut for MONTHS!  And she wants to sit there and insult my family?  Insult my KIDS?!  I’ll bet anyone out there that my three and a half year old can kick her ass any day of the week!  Angelica is the type of woman that gives the women’s divisions in wrestling a bad rap.  I’m going to enjoy every minute of beating the hell out of her.  Then, I’ll toss her skanky ass over the top rope.”

Angelica’s filthy hands won’t come anywhere near the Bombshell Championship.

“Even Fantasia is better than Angelica.  I at least have respect for her and what she’s accomplished in her career, but Fantasia is similar to Angelica in one way.  She’s more focused on pleasing her man than being a wrestler anymore.  Back in her day, Fantasia was a force to be reckoned with.  She was one of the best out there.  But now…she’s just Shane Boswell’s play thing, and vice versa.  She doesn’t have the passion anymore.  She doesn’t have the drive and dedication to be a champion anymore.  That is why, at High Stakes, she’ll have one more loss added to her record.  So sorry, Fantasia.”

Can they see how passionate I am now?  Can they see how DRIVEN I am?

“That leaves Kittie and Raynin.  Ahhh, Raynin.  What can I possibly say about her?  She’s one tough bitch, I’ll give her that.  She’s focused…determined.  But her downfall?  Her general cockiness.  She already has the mindset that SHE is the best.  What did I say earlier?  In order to be the best you have to beat the best.  That is the mindset I am focusing on going into this match, and I’m not going to let Raynin beat me.  After High Stakes, we’ll know who the best in the Bombshell Division is, and it’s not Raynin.”

I’m going to fight tooth and nail to prove that person is ME.

“I can’t forget Kittie, can I?  Next to Raynin, she’s my toughest competition in this match.  SHE is my number one obstacle, actually.  I’m going to be honest here.  I have to say that Kittie’s mental health concerns me just a bit.  She may be my friend…sort of…but as I’ve said before, she could easily turn on me in the blink of an eye.  She wants the Bombshell Championship just as much as I do and I know she’ll stop at nothing to get it.  We may have been allies last week, but once we’re in that ring together, all bets are off.  I’m bringing my A-game and my eyes are on the prize.  If I see an opportunity open to eliminate Kittie, she’s going over that top rope and out of contention for the championship.  And that’s a fact.”

It won’t be easy, but I KNOW I can do this.

“I hope these ladies realize what they are up against when the face me.  On November 6th, Allison, Rebecca, Angelica, Fantasia, Raynin and Kittie are going to experience a side of me I thought I buried years ago.  Seven women all fighting for one prize, but only one can walk away the winner.  Only ONE can be called the Bombshell Champion.  I plan on being that person.  After High Stakes, MY name will be remembered in SCW as the very first Bombshell Champion.  That is a promise.”

What have I become?  Nothing more than what I have always been.  A TRUE CHAMPION.

Misty closes her new leatherbound journal, and sets it on her nightstand, placing the pen next to it.  She feels good about everything she just wrote.  She got a lot off her chest, and although it wasn’t on camera, it has made her more focused…more determined.  Just then, her cell phone rings.  She looks at the caller i.d and look a bit surprised at who is calling her.

“Hey Mark, what’s up?...Yeah, he’s here, but he’s downstairs…He probably saw it was you calling and didn’t want to speak to you.  You know just as much as I do how he is…What do you need?...I honestly have no idea if he plans on being there…I can try and talk to him, but he’s stubborn as hell.  Besides, he’ll be watching Eden during my match…I can’t just find a babysitter, Mark…Look, I’ll do my best, but I’m not making any promises…Yeah, talk to you soon.”

Misty ends the call and sets her phone on the nightstand next to her journal, shaking her head.  Being the messenger girl is not what she signed up for.  Ah well…she has more important things to worry about anyway.  And she’s not about to go and make Spike angry.


The scene opens up inside of Las Vegas’ Pure Nightclub.  The dance floor is packed with people enjoying the night and the DJ’s choice of music.  Women dance provocatively.  The men stare or join in on the action.  Overall, it’s the typical night life in Las Vegas, outside of gambling at one of the many casinos.

Misty and her sister, Dixie, are just two of the few women who are not on the dance floor.  They are sitting at a table not far away from the bar, enjoying a couple of drinks.  Misty is sipping on an ice cold Coors Light, while Dixie is enjoying a Cosmo(typical girlie drink).  Misty seems to be on another planet, not paying attention to Dixie, or anyone else in the nightclub.

“Earth to Misty!” Dixie shouts, snapping her fingers in front of Misty’s face.

Misty shakes her head and looks at Dixie, dazed and confused. “Huh? What did you say?” She takes another sip of her beer.

Dixie shakes her and growls. “What is with you tonight?  I asked you to come out to have some fun and get your mind off of things, but you’re, like, lost in translation!  What gives?”

“Oh, I’m sorry I have a really important match in a little over a week and can’t be bothered to focus on all these desperate single women throwing themselves all over the just as desperate losers  pretending to be men.” Misty snaps back.

“I’m not saying you should focus on them, but damn, pay attention to me, would ya?  Have you even heard a word I’ve said tonight?” Dixie says, taking a sip of her Cosmo while eyeing a hot guy at the bar.  She frowns when a woman walks up to him and practically throws herself at him.

“Honestly, no, Dixie.  I have six other women I need to focus on right now, and all this,” she points around the whole nightclub, “isn’t me.  I don’t do the nightclub scene.  You should know that.”

Dixie laughs. “Oh, please, Misty.  You have this match in the bag!  Don’t you know that by now?”

Misty chugs the remainder of her beer, and sets the empty bottle down, ready for another. “I DO know that, but that doesn’t mean I can allow myself to lose focus.  All it takes is one mistake…ONE…and that Bombshell Championship can slip from my grasp. I’m not going to let that happen.  So I apologize if I’m not having fun.”

Misty signals the bartender for another beer, and he acknowledges her.

“You’re still pissed about what Angelica said, aren’t you?” Dixie is almost knocked on her feet by the look Misty gives her.  

“Pissed doesn’t even BEGIN to describe how I feel right now, Dixie.  I hope she realizes that she lit a fire with those words, and I’m not holding back.  I’m going to HURT you.  I’m going to PARALYZE her and she’s not going to be able to stop me.  She awakened a side of me I didn’t even know existed anymore.”  One of the hostesses brings Misty her fresh beer.  Misty gives her the money and takes a swig, savoring the flavor.

“And what about the rest of them?  You have five other women besides Angelica to get through.” Dixie suddenly smiles as yet another hot guy stares at her from by the bar.  She plays it cool though, keeping most of her attention on Misty.

“Once I see all of their promos for the match, I’ll know what I have to do.  There may be five others besides Angelica, but it only took one to fuel my fire, and that’s what happened.  I have a lot of aggression begging to be released, and every single one of them is in that line of fire.”

Before Dixie can respond, a young brunette walks up to their table, looking at Misty with a smile on her face.  Misty looks at her, confused.

“Oh…my…GOD!  You’re Misty!  Three time former GXW Women’s Champion.  2004 GXW Woman of the Year and current SCW Bombshell!”  The girl says, sounding excited.

Misty and Dixie look at each other, trying not to laugh.  Misty takes another sip of her beer and looks back at the girl.

“Always a pleasure to meet a fan.  If you want an autograph, I don’t have a marker, sorry.” Misty replies.  The girl, however, just laughs.

“Who said I was a fan?” She responds, sounding snobby.  “I’m just surprised to see you here when you SHOULD be at home being a mother to your daughter.”

Dixie’s jaw drops open, and Misty glares at the girl, wondering if she heard her correctly.

“Excuse me?” Misty asks.  “Who the hell do you think you are?!”

The girl laughs again. “What?  Is your hearing going to hell just like your wrestling career?  I feel sorry for your daughter.  She must feel abandoned.  She’s going to have some serious mommy issues in a few years.”

“Girl, I suggest you leave us alone…”Dixie tries to interrupt, but the girl cuts her off.

“Oh can it, BLONDIE!” She yells in Dixie’s face.  Misty stands up from her chair, standing inches away from the brunette.

“Have you ever had your ass beat, little girl?” Misty asks with a devious smile.

“No, but I know YOU have.  Angelica was right about everything she said about you.  I hope she beats you, you worthless piece of CRAP!”

Misty looks over at Dixie, who is sitting in her seat, at a loss for words.  She shakes her head and motions for Misty to just leave, but Misty stands her ground, and begins slowly nodding her head.

“I hope she embarrasses you.  You deserve it!  You’re selfish!  You’re…” Before she can finish, Misty grabs a hold of her hair, and pulls her face up to hers.  Misty is fuming and on the verge of losing it.

“You have NO idea who you’re messing with you little WH*RE!” Misty screams.  Just then the girl headbutts Misty, causing her to release her hold, but not without a nice handful of hair.

“Get your disgusting hands off me!” The girl screams, attempting to back away.  Unfortunately for her, Misty is quick to jump back and she tackles her to the ground, nearly knocking the table over!

“CHICK FIGHT!!” Several guys yell from the bar, and suddenly they surround the fight.  Dixie looks on, wondering if she should try and break it up, but she decides against it, and just smiles as she watches Misty get the best of the brunette.

“You STUPID…UGLY…TRASHY…NO GOOD SL*T!” Misty is screamin, while choking and shaking the girls head. “You think Angelica can beat me?!  You think ANYONE OF THOSE BITCHES CAN BEAT ME?!”

Security suddenly pushes their way through the people surrounding the fight.  They grab a hold of Misty, attempting to pull her off the girl, but she doesn’t give up.  She kicks wildly, getting a few good kicks in to the girls midsection, all the while screaming wildly.  And the icing on the cake?  She spits , making sure her aim is good enough to hit the girl.  The security guards drag her away, with Dixie following.  The brunette just lays on the ground, coughing and gasping for air.  Her nose is bleeding and her hair is a mess.

The security guards throw Misty out the front door, nearly knocking her to the ground, but she keeps her balance.  Dixie is not far behind, and is soon at Misty’s side, as she brushes herself off, trying to calm down.

“Don’t come back here!” One of the security guards yells at her, as he turns around and heads back inside.

“Don’t worry!” Misty shouts back. “I WON’T!”

Misty takes a few breaths, looking around at all the people who are outside and are now staring at her.  She ignores them, then looks at Dixie.  Dixie has a serious look on her face, but it soon disappears as she starts laughing hysterically.  Misty looks a bit confused, but she soon starts laughing as well.

“” Dixie stutters. “You kicked her ass!  That just made my night, Misty!”

Misty smiles, then winces.  She touches her lip, then looks at her finger.  Her lip is bleeding, but she doesn’t care.  It was all worth it.

“Sh*t…how am I going to explain this to Spike?” She says, still laughing.

Dixie shrugs her shoulders, and takes her car keys out of her purse. “I guess we’re going to find out in about five minutes, aren’t we?”

Misty and Dixie walk off in search of Dixie’s car, laughing the whole way there.  About five minutes later, Dixie pulls into Misty and Spike’s driveway.  As they walk up to the door, Misty tries to wipe the blood from her mouth, but even that won’t hide the evidence.  As they walk in the door, talking amongst themselves, Eden, who SHOULD be in bed, is wide awake and staring at them.  She sees Misty’s bloody lip and immediately looks concerned.  Spike appears behind her, also noticing Misty’s lip.

“Mommy’s bleeding!” Eden says worried.

Misty tries to hide it, but it’s too late.  She walks past Eden without explaining her injury, and heads upstairs to her bathroom.  Spike looks at her, then to Dixie, waiting for answers.

“Some chick headbutted her,” is all Dixie can come up with.  Spike folds his arms, as Eden runs off, probably to help Misty.

“So I’m guessing the cops will be here in a few minutes, then?  Because I KNOW Misty didn’t just let the girl get away with it.” Spike says, almost laughing himself.

Dixie bursts out laughing again, and Misty’s laughter can be heard from upstairs as well.  The whole bunch seem to be amused at what is a sign of things to come.  All it will take is one wrong move…one wrong word..And the rest of the Bombshell’s will fall.  Or in this case, FLY over the top rope!