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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Aiden Reynolds on January 19, 2024, 04:40:15 AM

Title: First Impressions
Post by: Aiden Reynolds on January 19, 2024, 04:40:15 AM
Everything has a beginning.

Even for the life of a wrestler. Birth is a traumatic experience both for the mother and the child. A moment of muffled innocence. Unable to hear the outside world too clearly or see any kind of light. All changed in an instant as we are all brought kicking and screaming in to the world

Aiden Reynolds was no different .

The sudden rush of noise filling his ears. Talking, yelling, beeping of machines. The harsh neon lights from above burning, his eyes. And then the sound of his own voice. Realised for the first time as he screams. The first moments of life, and where we begin our story.


Wait, that is probably too far back. The real beginning of this story takes place many years later. In the country of Japan. We could go all the way back to birth, but then by the time we get to anything relevant will be here all day. And believe me none of us really have that much fucking time on our hands to go through the entirety of his backstory. And to be honest with you? Life wasn’t really that interesting until he became a professional wrestler. Do you really want to hear about the first time he lost a tooth? The first time he had to shave? His first love? Or the first time he noticed he had a hair on his nuts? Nope, I didn’t think so.

In that case, what was the starting point? His first match? The first time a promoter in Japan decided to book the cocky Australian?

No, the rest start, ironically is many years later. After he had established himself. Along with his British tag team partner. A journeyman by the name of Steve Morrison from Yorkshire England. They had been paired together and after a few years Aiden felt the two were as close as brothers. They shared a lot of many things. Professional wrestling, alternative, rock, music, fish, and chips, beer, and Japanese women. Apparently.

And on this particular night, Aidan was preparing to go out on a date. Looking at himself in the mirror, he tilted his head to the right, and then, to the left, making sure his hair was perfect. Making sure he was cleanly, shaved and ready to go.

”Oi princess, ya done pamparin ya self like a show pony?” Steve’s heavy Yorkshire accent broke through everything. Aidan getting annoyed and tilting his head towards the door before shaking it and continuing. There was no point in rising to Steve after all. But just like most Englishman, Steve was not about to let things lay where they were. And instead, he was about to poke the bear. ”Most birds don’t like it when ya spend more time in your looks than she will on heres. It’s messing with gender stereotypes innit?”

Aidan let out an angry sigh, turning and moving towards the door before pulling it open, and shaking his head, yelling back at his friend and tag team partner ”What would you know? Ya lonely limey fuck? You haven’t had a date in over a year…”

Aiden knew how to get under his friends skin. Steve popped up and walked over to the open bathroom door narrowing his eyes. He pointed his finger and shook his head looking as angry as he could. But couldn’t keep a straight face, noticing that Aiden was standing in the doorway wearing leopard print underwear.

And only leopard print underwear.

”What the fuck is wrong with ya?” Aiden laughed to himself and turned around, knowing he won the fight and feeling vindicated. He grabbed a white button up shirt, throwing it on with a pair of black slacks and a jacket. He walked out and smirked as Steve raised an eyebrow. ”Well well sunshine, don’t you look pretty and all dolled up?” Aiden slowly flipped him off before walking over to a small bench, picking up a watch and strapping it on.

”Well mate, don’t wait up eh?....”

He went to walk out, Steve spun around clearing his throat. ”Wait….” Aiden stopped, raising an eyebrow. ”Are ya sure about this? I mean really sure?”

Aiden took a deep breath, the mood shifted. It went from the normal, jovial, sarcastic mood to something more serious and in an instant, darker. Aiden swallowed and turned, folding his arms over his chest and shook his head. ”Mate, what’s the big deal? She’s an adult, I’m an adult. We want to spend time together. How is this in any way a fuckin nagative?” There was an awkward silence. Both men staring each other down. Steve stepped toward him and Aiden, as always, had the sudden urge to break the tension with a joke. Usually a dick joke…

”Have you ever heard the saying, don’t shit where you eat? Bruv, you just shat where you dine everynight.” Aiden groaned and took in a sharp breathe, clearly trying to hold back telling his friend and tag partner to fuck off. Like he wouldn’t do it anyway. ”The bosses daughter? C’mon.” Aiden just shook his head with a sigh. Steve seemed to get even more annoyed, stepping closer. ”She’s a fuckin Yakuza princess Aiden..”

Aiden ground his teeth together before finally answering, spitting venom through his words and taking it up a notch. ”So what? Legit mate, so fuckin what? She’s the bosses daughter and that makes her untouchable? She should be fuckin packed away and lonely?” He tutted throwing his hands in the air and showing frustration.

Steve groaned back and shook his head before trying to calm himself down. ”Of all the birds ya could have picked, ya pick her. The bosses daughter…..Aiden, bruv, this won’t end well. I can see you headin right toward a bloody brick wall and I can’t fuckin stop ya….but fuck it….have fun…and I hope you’re right…”

Aidan couldn’t help but shoot his friend, knowing smile. He gave Steve a small pat on the shoulder and turned walking out of the apartment. He was sure of himself thinking that he knew exactly what was going to happen. The problem with Aiden, being sure of himself is that he really is a Happy idiot. Full of optimism and happiness. He can never see the danger that in front of him. But this was just the first part of the story. The first part of a long and arduous journey.


”Right, time to do this….” Aiden takes a deep breath, standing in his apartment, and by “his apartment” we mean the guest wing of Finn Whelans apartment. ”....Wait…something seems…off..”

Aiden looks around frantically, he moves from the main loungeroom to a bedroom, opening the door, and then closing it, repeating the process in the kitchen, the guestroom, the laundry, the bathroom. But…nothing? Aiden slowly comes back into frame. His feet shuffling as he turns and sits down on the couch.

”What’s wrong?”

Aiden sighed heavily and shook his head.

”Dickie ain’t here….without Dickie…without him I dunno if I can do this….I need him to…..translate my stupidity and keep me focused and bounce me ideas off…”

Kallie Reznik. Aidens wife and mother of his young son Dax sat across from him. Aiden sighed heavily and sadly.

”You could…like…bounce ideas off me…”

Aiden perked up and looked around.

”You…you’d be my Dickie?”

”I didn’t say tha-”

Before she could say anything else Aiden got up, grabbing a few things and then looking over and moving the camera to the side, a move Kallie noticed and her voice became a slight screech.

”You were recording the whole time?”


It was a very matter-of-fact type answer. One that was said with all of the dry wet that the Australian had become known for.

”Aye….its not perfect but it’ll do”

The camera got moved back around. And sitting there was Kallie. Now complete with a dark emo hairstyle wig and a white bring me the horizon tank top. Looking like Gerad way of my chemical romance circa the Helena film clip.

”was this really necessary?

”Its as close as I can get ya to lookin like Dickie….admittedly a way hotter Dickie…”


”But seriously, this is me first match in SCW and the first chance I have to make an impression…in the ring I mean, cause I think I already made an impression with Wally last week. My bad. But now it’s go time. It’s time for Aiden goddamn Reynolds to take the world by storm. And I’m gonna do it as a singles superstar. Not in a tag team like I have done for the majority of my career. See, I’m a former tag team champion in a few companies but a few years ago I stepped out of that shadow and captured me first singles world title. I’d had a few before but a world title? Nah that feelin can’t be beat.”

“So here I am, ready to mix it up with the best this company has to offer. Whether that be a bloke like Jack Washington, or Goth, or Alexander Pigeon, or even me old mate Miles “abs of steel and accent sex appeal” Kasey….I’ll face anyone…”

Kallie, aka “Dickie” gasped.

”Even Finn?”

”Yeah of course. You have to be willin to do whatever it takes. Go to war with whoever stands in ya way. And I don’t care who stands in my way. I want to make damn sure I am the first Australian champion in SCW….that matters…soz Krystal and Raven, but I’m going to be the first one of us to be in the hall of fame. And every single journey to the top starts somewhere and for me it begins with one match, one bloke, one name.”

“Justin Smith”

“Now I’m not the type of guy to come in and just talk a bunch of ahit. Well not mean shit anyway. See I have this great skill in life. I can say real douchey shit, yet still come off likeable.”

“But, I ain’t going to try and be a huge piece of shit Justin. Regardless of your abysmal record and the fact you seem to be lost in this business. I sure of who ya are or what Ilya doin. I mean shit son. Your promos are short, borin, devoid of character or any redeeming qualities. You have one win in SCW and that came off as a bloody fluke.”

Aiden pauses, looking over at Kallie. After a few moments where she doesn’t interject with anything Aiden swallows and continues.

”You are facin a guy who has everything to prove. See I went from a career highlight to a personal one. I stood back from this business. A business I love, so I could spend time raising my baby boy with the love of my life. And I wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world. But n-“

Aidan stopped talking as he looks to his right. Kallie smiles and tears up a little, giving Aiden the heart hands. Aiden raises an eyebrow and sighs heavily being taken out of the moment. A lovely gesture for sure but not one conducive to an attitude that needed to be shown in the world of wrestling.

”But now I want to step back in the ring and claim my spot as one of the best to do this. And as much as I can be a bit of a joker, a bit weird. But, I’m also athletic, strong and I don’t give up. Unlike you. See, watching you fail and fumblefuck your way through a “career” here. One that you have lost the golden briefcase match, a match to Matty Mallow, to Rodrigo Alfonso and most recently Bill Barnhart…”

“Are ya havin a laugh mate? Really? Are you trying to get some kind of record? Now what huh? You going to ignore your losses? Bring up your one win against the bloody troll? Mate, you look like a homeless chain smoker who was featured in a bumfights DVD. Yet ya can’t do a damn thing to win. So go, have ya little conversation with Casey, get talked up and all ready. Ignore your losses and learn nothin from them. Then walk ya happy ass down to the ring and get another lesson. Cause in this life ya have one show at makin a first impression. And oh boy am I about to let the SCW faithful get a real first impression…”