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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Peter Vaughn on December 01, 2023, 08:26:42 PM

Title: The Future Vs. The Past - Which Is More Important?
Post by: Peter Vaughn on December 01, 2023, 08:26:42 PM
~As the picture comes into focus, we can see the side of a large van. The door slides shut, as the cameraman turns away from it, looking around the area as we see a grassy area in the distance. He doesn't head that way, though, turning towards the multi-story building to his north, judging by the sun.~

Cameraman: I don't get why we're meeting here... but at least it's not that rickety old building under construction. It's just a rickety old building NOT under construction. Sigh.

~The cameraman heads for the doorway, making his way inside. A quick elevator ride takes him to the correct floor, allowing him to avoid any unnecessary stairs this time around. He comes out, passing by a few plaques, one of which has a familiar silhouette designed into it. We don't stop to read the information, though, as the cameraman has a set destination in mind. He comes around a corner, to see Peter Vaughn standing there, staring out a window. He looks over as the cameraman approaches, nodding to him.~

Peter Vaughn: Hello, my man. Right on time as always. I've always admired that about you. Your... promptness.

Cameraman: My father always told me to never be late. Beat me silly one day when I came in 10 minutes after curfew. Guess his 'lessons' stuck with me.

Peter Vaughn: That... is a remarkably dark story, my friend.

Cameraman: Yeah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...

Peter Vaughn: No, probably not. But that's okay. It's always good to learn more information about someone... even something like that. It makes it easier to understand you.

~Vaughn turns back to the window, staring out once again. The cameraman, clearly embarrassed by his admission, moves a little to the right to get the best lighting. He seems to think it's best to get things moving, a decision I heartily concur with.~

Cameraman: So, not that I'm complaining, but why are we meeting here instead of your new building that's being worked on?

Peter Vaughn: Oh, uh... yeah, I was kind of told that I should stay away for a while until the construction is a little further along. Y'know, after the... incident...

~The camera nods slightly, as we all remember how Vaughn recently fell through the damaged roof of the building, though thankfully, he was spared from any serious injuries.~

Peter Vaughn: Seems that, even as the owner of the building, I'm not exactly covered under their insurance. So I'll leave the work up to them for the next month, see where it takes me. Until then, I figured given the circumstances of my next match, we could come here.

~Vaughn gestures towards the window, before leaning back against the nearby wall.~

Peter Vaughn: By the time Climax Control rolls around, I'll have spent over 210 days as the Roulette Champion. The record is locked down, and getting only more unbeatable with time. But that hasn't been my focus the last few weeks, has it? No, my focus got changed last Climate Control, when I faced off against the SCW Heavyweight Title #1 Contender, Alexander Raven. And what did I do? I defeated him, just as I expected to, thanks to him overlooking me in favor of the champ. The Keyholder is really racking up some victories lately, huh?

~Vaughn smirks to himself, knowing it's one of his older maneuvers, but also knowing how dangerous it can be on its own. He turns back towards the window.~

Peter Vaughn: Apparently my victory over the #1 contender caused some reverberations throughout Sin City, because all of the sudden, they announced that now I'd be facing the champion himself, J2H, in a Non-Title match. A Clash of the Champions, if you will. The best of the best, facing off, with nothing on the line but pride, grit, and glory. It's funny, really. J2H talks such a big game, but seeing me win over supposedly his toughest competition, and he makes it non-title. Why take the risk, I suppose.

~Vaughn waves the cameraman closer, and he reluctantly moves towards the window, obviously cautious when it comes to anything involving Peter Vaughn and heights. Vaughn points downwards, through the specially-constructed window, towards the street below.~

Peter Vaughn: You see down there, boyo? You're seeing the view that one man saw a little over 60 years ago, on November 22nd, 1963. This is where it's believed that Lee Harvey Oswald stood, his Carcano Model 38 infantry carbine in his hands as he watched President John F. Kennedy's limo parade make its way down the street. It was quite a sight, I have to assume, watching the people all along the parade route, celebrating one of the most popular presidents in history... and preparing to end that, from right here.

~Both the cameraman and Vaughn stare out the window, as if replaying that infamous scene that took place here in their minds. The screaming. The first lady, Jacqueline, reaching out to the agent across the trunk. The collapse of a dream.~

Peter Vaughn: Of course, this happened before we were born, didn't it?

Cameraman: Definitely, LONG before I was born.

Peter Vaughn: But we grew up with that image, nonetheless. The tragic assassination of a President. Did Oswald realize what he was setting in motion that day? With his position here?

~Vaughn raises up his hands, as if holding a rifle, as he points towards the streets below. He's not the first to do this, and will certainly not be the last, but there's still something uneasy about the view, as if Vaughn's putting himself in the mind of one of the best-known assassins of the 20th century.~

Peter Vaughn: Now, don't get me wrong. At his heart, Oswald was a nutcase who deserved to die the way he did, falling on live TV. He was a crazy fool without the brains to even plan a proper escape route. But I'd be remiss to not note that standing here in this place, I, too, have the opportunity to take a lethal shot at the head man in charge right now. On December 3rd, I have the chance to wound J2H in a way that he never expected, potentially ruining his main event match with Alexander Raven at December 2 Dismember. And I can do that... by beating him in the center of the ring, and proving that the Roulette Champion has been the greatest wrestler in Sin City all along.

~Vaughn cocks his imaginary gun, then pantomimes firing a shot or two off. Of course, nothing happens, because we can't control anything with our imaginations, now, can we? Vaughn smirks, lowering his arms.~

Peter Vaughn: And you know the best part of it, my friend? It'll all be because of his hubris. He's going to do exactly the same thing that Alexander did. He's going to overlook me, thinking that I'm not the threat, as I'm sure Alexander is going to show up at some point or another. And again, it's going to be a fatal mistake, as I'll be ready to use one of my "stupidly-named" maneuvers to plant him into the canvas. And then, when he wakes up, he'll have to realize that he was looking the wrong direction the whole time.

~With that, Vaughn points to one specific corner of the window, which appears to have been highlighted to allow viewers to more easily see through it. The cameraman zooms in on that spot, getting a clear view of the field below... which is basically a grassy knoll.~

Peter Vaughn: And then, well, I'll move on to taking out Eddie Lyons and continuing my unstoppable Roulette Title run, while Alex and James will continue on to their "main event" fight... knowing that the best competitor won't be in their match. He'll have already made fools of both of them, setting up a guarantee of greatness to come in 2024. And I'm very much looking forward to laughing at both of them when they walk down the aisle, their hidden shame showing through the cracks exposed in their armor.

~The Mechanic chuckles, finding it deeply amusing in his own, strange way. He then turns, as the cameraman zooms back out to get a full shot of him, catching it as his demeanor completely changes.~

Peter Vaughn: So the YO Ranch Steakhouse is not far from here. Want to go get a bite to eat? My treat.

Cameraman: ... Is this because I told you about my father earlier?

Peter Vaughn: Hey, we don't HAVE to go...

Cameraman: No, no, I'm not turning down an opportunity for some free steak. Let's go!

~Vaughn nods, stepping away, as the camera once again focuses on the nearby window, a scene of such violence 60 years ago. The picture then fades out.~

~The blackness of the screen slowly dissolves into a circle cutaway, an unusual sight for any promotional video. As it comes up, we see a brightly burning fire in the fireplace, sending warmth and light throughout the large room. A couple of kids can be seen, happily playing with their new toys, moving them across the floor as if driving the cars themselves. They're giggling, even as the woman steps into the picture in a long dress, stepping over both of them before turning back in their direction.~

Sadie Vaughn: James, Matthew, go and wash your hands, and then you can have some of these Christmas cookies I just finished baking.

~The two kids jump up, cheering, before running out of the room, presumably washing their hands in the kitchen sink. Sadie smiles lovingly as she sets the tray of cookies down on the main coffee table nearby, before turning to the man rocking back and forth in the easy chair, a pipe in his mouth and their youngest child in his arms.~

Sadie Vaughn: How is Kim doing, my loving husband?

~The man looks up, and even through the thick beard he's now wearing, we can see the eyes of Peter Vaughn. He grins, continuing to rock the child.~

Peter Vaughn: She's sleeping like an angel. Isn't she beautiful?

Sadie Vaughn: Of course she is. All our children are. Our lives are so wonderful, aren't they, Mr. Vaughn?

Peter Vaughn: They sure are, Mrs. Vaughn.

~Vaughn snuggles the young child closer to him, smiling down at her. She seems to wake up at least partially, as a tiny hand reaches out, trying to grab hold of his beard. Grinning, Vaughn reaches out with his free hand, closing it on her delicate fingers...~

~And abruptly, Peter Vaughn sits up hard in bed, breathing heavily and sweating. He wipes a hand across his forehead, shaking, as he reaches over and hits the nightstand light. The room brightens up, showing that Vaughn is currently alone in his bedroom. He pulls his feet over the edge of the bed, leaning on his knees, as he tries to pull himself together. With one quick motion, he stands, going over to the side and putting on his shirt across his always-impressively-hidden abs, tugging it down. He then quickly slides into his shoes and heads out of his bedroom, heading downstairs and out of the main homestead of the PMV Ranch. He still looks shaky as he walks out, especially when he jumps when a voice rings out at him.~

Keith Cooper: Everything okay, boss?

~Vaughn turns and looks to the side, where one of his best hands, Keith, is sitting up in his rocking chair, staring at him. For a moment, Vaughn looks thrown off, but he finally remembers that they'd been having people stay on alert, due to some recent coyote attacks on animals in the area. He nods to Keith, trying to hide any anxiety he's got going on.~

Peter Vaughn: Just felt like taking a ride, Keith. Everything good so far tonight?

Keith Cooper: Yes, sir. No sign of anything, it's been peaceful as a night can be.

Peter Vaughn: Good, good. Well, I'm going to get out there. I shouldn't be too long.

Keith Cooper: That's fine, boss. Monty will be out soon to replace me anyway. You... sure you're alright? You look a little pale...

Peter Vaughn: Paler than usual?

~Both get a small laugh out of that, as no matter how much time Vaughn spends working outdoors on the ranch, his skin just doesn't seem to tan.~

Peter Vaughn: Appreciate the concern, Keith, but I'll be alright. Have a good night.

~Keith nods, as Vaughn heads off to the stables in order to wake up his horse. For a few moments, Keith is expressionless, as he thinks things over. He then makes up his mind, as he turns and steps into the homestead, disappearing from view.~

I've heard people say a good night's sleep is essential for being at your best.

It makes me wonder how much greater a competitor I could be if I could just get at least 6 hours a night without waking up. But I can't help it. My mind is always winding, thinking things through at all hours. For instance, I was just thinking a few nights ago about how J2H's ego has to be heavier than the Chrysler Building. I mean, just think of this guy, watching my match with Alexander Raven and continuously saying that it was boring, crapping on the very product he's supposed to be representing. And yet, as soon as I was victorious and he got through listening to Raven's complaints, J2H rushed to the back and basically demanded a non-title match against me.

If I was so boring to watch, boyo, why'd you want to fight me so bad?

I can think of two reasons right off the top of my head. One would be that your cockiness knows no bounds, and you believe that you can easily beat me and show up Raven once more, giving you that psychological edge going into your match. Now, the problem with that one is that you didn't put the title on the line, which means you might ACTUALLY think I can take you down, so you didn't want to risk it and create a Triple Threat situation at the PLE.

After all, you're not an idiot. At least, I hope you're not. Because if you truly believe that you can take me without breaking a sweat, your sanity is truly in question, and I'm going to walk out of there victorious in no time flat.

So that brings me to the other reason you might have wanted this match so bad: you wanted to test yourself. You saw that I am the most dangerous threat to your championship coming up the road, and you thought, "let's start this off with a battle with no consequences, so that I can learn more about this dangerous opponent before my gold is on the line". Hey, it's a sound plan. After all, when I defeat you, you could always blame it on Raven, and how your attention was split rather than focused.

Always good to plan an exit strategy that can salvage your pride, right?

Now, I know what you're going to say. You're going to talk about that tag match we had, right? The one where you and Harris worked against Goth and I, and we fell short against you. And hey, you'd be right to bring it up. I have a terrible tag-team record, something I'm going to work hard to rectify in 2024. I have a lot of work ahead of me to be a more reliable, trustworthy partner in someone's corner, there's no doubt.

That said, this is a singles match, my friend, which means the tag fight we had is now completely irrelevant. I won't have to worry about my partner tapping out, and you won't get the advantage of having your partner win everything for you right before he had his epic meltdown and left Sin City behind.

In other words, you're not going to be able to reach out for help when I've got you in a compromising position.

But it's what you wanted, isn't it? You saw Raven and I have a big-time fight, and you decided you wanted me a week later, when you're well-rested. Maybe a little rusty. Maybe a little lazy. I guess we'll find out if you're happy with what you wished for once Climax Control is over. Because quite simply, J2H, you're facing the same exact issue that ol' Raven did: you're going to be worrying about what Alex is doing, at all times. Hell, I'm shocked it hasn't been announced yet that Raven's going to be on commentary at ringside, EXACTLY like you were.

If Raven doesn't do that, well, it's quite stupid of him, frankly. But even then, I suspect that you'll be watching the stage entrance, watching the crowd, watching behind you every chance you get, expecting the ambush. That's going to stick in your head like an itch you just can't scratch, in that very lower spot on your back. It's going to drive you looney tunes, feeling that anxiousness building and building inside you the longer the match goes on... and trust me, our match is going to go on for quite some time, unless you goof up right off the bat.

I don't see that happening, but I'll be prepared to capitalize nonetheless.

A focused J2H vs. a top-of-the-line Peter Vaughn is sure to be a match that blows away all records in the future. It's going to be a contest that the historians will write about, an epic story that all begins in their books this Sunday. It should easily eclipse the wars of J2H and Michael Harris, which ended with the story unfinished. But that incredible match is going to wait for the future, because there's no possibility that you're going to be locked in, James. You're going to be a loose cannon, and I'm going to take full advantage of it, adding your majestic name to my List of the Vanquished.

And when you're sitting up at night, sleepless, thinking about how your horrible decision has backfired on you so severely, I want you to remember this moment. Right now. When I told you so.

And then go get yourself a glass of warm milk and pull your blanket closer to you, and try to get a tiny bit of shut-eye, if you can... before you see me reappear in your nightmares once more.

~The night sky is relatively clear at the moment, so many stars and constellations can be seen. Vaughn has gotten off of his horse, ironically choosing Midnight to ride out with tonight, and is sitting on a rocky cliff, staring up at the stars. He seems to be really thinking some things over, as he starts talking out loud... but not quite to himself.~

Peter Vaughn: As strange as it sounds, I do miss you sometimes, Dad.

~Vaughn stares upwards, as if seeing the face of his now-deceased father looking down on him. But above, there is only the night sky.~

Peter Vaughn: We didn't have the greatest of relationships near the end, thanks to what I'd been through... but I still knew, even in my maddest days, that you were the person I could talk to when life took a turn. And I feel like I just spun through a roundabout, Dad, a little out of control.

~With that, Vaughn reaches down, picking up a piece of rock off of the cliff he's sitting on, tossing it up and down a few times.~

Peter Vaughn: I honestly thought I'd only ever have to worry about who my next opponent is, be it a wrestling buffoon desperately clinging to his image of superiority or an old-school rancher protecting his brand by trying to shut me down. But frankly, I never considered another possibility..... a family.

~With that, Vaughn crumbles the rock in his hand, breaking it up into multiple pieces. He shifts and throws the pieces off the cliff, listening to them roll down the hill, creating their own mini avalanches on the way down.~

Peter Vaughn: But now I'm engaged, Dad. To a beautiful young woman, probably not someone I deserve. I think you'd approve of her, though. She's tough, she's strong, and she goes straight to the point. And she's told me, when we're married... she wants kids.

~For a moment, Vaughn looks at his hand, still covered in some dust from the rock he crushed. It doesn't look like any blood was shed, at least.~

Peter Vaughn: Why is that a concern to me, Dad? Why do I see that as a danger in the future, instead of something to shoot for? Why does the mere thought of having kids of my own wake me up at night? Is it because of what happened with our family? Is it because I don't trust myself to be a dad worthy of Sadie... worthy of kids... worthy of you?

~Vaughn dusts his hand off, before slowly pulling himself to his feet.~

Peter Vaughn: I don't know, Dad. I don't have you here to give me any answers, and I don't know if I would have gone to you if I could. But it's something I'm going to have to work on. It's something I'm going to have to resolve... one way or another.

~For a few more moments, Vaughn stares out into the abyss of space in front of him, as if looking for some response. There's none. With that, Vaughn sighs and turns back to his horse... only to hear the sounds of trotting coming from another direction. He turns, looking to the side... as Sadie Anderson rides up on her horse, Cinnamon. She stops, dismounting easily, as she turns towards her fiancé, studying him.~

Sadie Anderson: Hi, Peter. Pleasant night, isn't it?

~Vaughn, still confused, steps forward to meet her, as we cut away again.~

I want you to know, J2H, that through all of this, I still respect you as a champion.

Sure, I may hate your name. I mean, who calls themselves Jay-Double-Hech and thinks they'll be treated seriously anywhere other than the wrestling world? But that doesn't mean I take from that and see you as inferior in any way. You proved yourself against some of the best in the business, after all. You won a Six-Way match to get that championship back after Harris beat the pants off of you in that Barbed Wire Steel Cage match at Violent Conduct, and that shows true resiliency of character.

You came back from that bloody ass whooping and returned to the top, and that's all you can ask of a superstar in wrestling.

Now, do I think you've coasted since then? Absolutely. You basically took November off in Sin City. I mean, yeah, you made appearances on every show, coming out and bragging about your accomplishments and saying you're "a real champion" and all, but you deliberately made sure you didn't wrestle anyone throughout FOUR Climax Control cards. I can't remember the last time I've had a month off from wrestling in any promotion I'm in. I usually wrestle 2-3 times in 3-4 federations each month.

It keeps me feeling busy, y'know? And in control.

I don't think I could do it, Hawkes. I wouldn't be able to show up to so many shows, so many events, and not compete. It would drive me insane, seeing so many people get the thrill of smashing someone's teeth in, and not getting to enjoy it myself. Long breaks are not for me, because I want to stay fresh. I want to stay active. I want to dominate all competition I have a shot against, since time is always a factor. I don't want to reach an age where I can no longer compete, and think about all the potential matches I threw away.

I want to face everyone. EVERYONE.

But you, Juhh, you decided you didn't need to compete... until now. You didn't feel that thrill of competition. Maybe you just think of this as a business endeavor, rather than a sport of gladiators. Maybe you just care about the paycheck, although that doesn't seem to jive with what I've seen. Still, you took your sweet time asking for another match, didn't you?

But props to you on your selection coming back. You could have chosen the Troll. You could have picked up on Rodrigo or crushed the spirits of some newbie to the business. Instead, you chose to call me out, and I can respect that... even if it's vaguely insulting to want to face me in a non-title match right before December to Dismember. But we won't dwell on that.

But I do respect your abilities, J2H, even if you might underestimate mine. I'm coming into this contest knowing it's going to be a hard fight. I know that you're going to get your kicks in, and you're going to be hoping for some Solid Gold on that night. I've felt it before, so I know it isn't pleasant. That said, first-hand knowledge is really going to work in my favor. I know how to counter it now. I know how to beat you when you ignore my warnings and try to use it.

I've got a whole arsenal of tricks and maneuvers that I still haven't fully unveiled to the Sin City audience. I've got moves that have won me championships that I've been saving in my back pocket, waiting for the opportunity to unleash them on someone who's worthy. And you know what, James? You're worthy. You're deserving of me unleashing all of my talents to annihilate you inside that squared circle. You're worthy of me breaking out anything I've got, up to and including my favorite weapons.

Trust me, I know how to keep the referee from seeing them. They're mostly blind, anyhow, that's how they get these gigs.

So no, J-To-H, I won't be holding back in the slightest. For you, this is just a chance to puff yourself out a little more and try to shove it back in Alexander's face, but for me, this is a dream come true. This is a battle against one of the top wrestlers in SCW's history, another notch in my belt if I can just secure the victory. This is my chance to humble a legend. And damn, if I'm going to let it slip past me in any way, shape, or form.

I hope you're not too humiliated at the end of this, boyo. You'll need to take the bitterness afterwards and swallow it deep down your throat. Maybe take an antacid if you need to. But you'll have to put the embarrassment you feel at being squashed by The Mechanic behind you, if you want to stay the champion. Because, hey, if you let Raven take down you after all this, then I'm going to have to wait for the rematches and the eventual Best of 3 Series, and so on and so on... and THAT, my friend, is going to be boring.

So once you take The Plunge, pull yourself up and take care of business... and I'll be seeing you again, right down the road... champ.

And when we reach that point... I hope you have learned to respect me.

~After a few seconds slowly go by, Vaughn suddenly seems to realize that he needs to say something, as Sadie is patiently waiting.~

Peter Vaughn: So... you tracked me here?

Sadie Anderson: You say that like it was hard. You didn't exactly hide Midnight's trail, did you? Plus, we've been up here before, remember? I figured this was where you were headed.

Peter Vaughn: ... Yeah. It's a good place to come... and think.

~Silently, Sadie steps up to Vaughn, reaching out to hold his hand. She smiles at him, with a little of her concern showing through.~

Sadie Anderson: Is there anything I can do to help?

~Vaughn seems to think this over, looking down at the hand in his. For a moment, he sees the child's hand from his dream, crossing across his vision before disappearing once more. Instead of letting go, though, Vaughn tightens his grip, holding onto Sadie as he takes a deep breath and smiles at her.~

Peter Vaughn: Yeah... there's something you can do. Just sit with me? For a while?

~Without saying anything, Sadie nods, and the two move onto the spot on the rocky cliff and take a seat, staring up at the stars and enjoying the night. Suddenly, Sadie gasps and points upwards, at a streak suddenly cutting across the Texas night sky.~

Sadie Anderson: Oh, look! A shooting star! I haven't seen one of those in forever! I have to make a wish...

~Sadie closes her eyes, mentally sending a wish out into the universe. Vaughn, for his part, stares at the star, watching it seemingly descend before disappearing in the night sky. He lets out a breath, before speaking softly to himself.~

Peter Vaughn: Thanks, Dad.

~As Sadie opens her eyes, looking over her future husband, she sees him wipe at his eye, as if some dust got blown into it... or something else. She doesn't comment, keeping her grip on Vaughn as she leans onto his shoulder. The two stay there for quite a while, looking up into the night, as we take our leave of them.~